Stress Management in Research Projects
Stress Management in Research Projects
Stress Management in Research Projects
Abstract: - The paper analysis how stress occurs in research projects proposing a set of recommendations on
methods and techniques that can be used to prevent and/or eliminate negative stress.
Words and References corresponding author: Prof.dr.eng. Stefan Velicu - University Politehnica of Bucharest:
[email protected]
positive or negative valences are the effects of these that arise can generate a state of acute stress which
stressors on the individual. There is internal, may manifest itself through lower productivity at
external, situational and development stress. work, loss of attention etc.
To cope with is the process of solving
problems that an individual uses when faced with a
stressful event or situation. Stress
Cause Symptoms Effects
Adaptation is also a complex process by
which the body changes some parameters depending Indivi- Impersonal Insomnia, Mental or
on the environment in which it is located. These dual and changes in physical illness,
adjustments appear as results of stress. intraperso- diet and irritability,
According to a study by NASA stressors can nal behavior, aggressiveness,
be integrated in sets of categories. pressures, irascibility over-
poor excitability, lack
1. Significant changes in their lives. This
communi- of motivation,
group of stress refers to any critical changes, cation loss of self-
pleasant or unpleasant. esteem
2. Routine. Whether fighting with traffic or
a deadline approaching, the body consumes energy Organiza Increasing Increase of Sales drop,
to exhaustion. While these activities are common -tional the number illnesses or resignations,
causes of stress the cumulative effect is often of tasks absenteeis loss of
and m, work customers and
responsibi- related investors,
3. Unrealistic expectations of themselves. lity, poor accidents, domestic
While the reasons for positive expectations and relation- decreased discontent
directs energy to achieve goals, unrealistic ships producti-
expectations can lead to failure and impairment of vity and
self-esteem and confidence. decreased
4. Interpersonal relationships. Maintain quality
personal and professional relationship requires Societal Economic Overall Increased
effort. Communication deficiency can lead to status, high tension pressure on state
frustration, hostility and open conflict. rate of status, public services,
Besides these categories, the study also proposed to crime, financial lack of social
NASA and other common types of stressors, such as unemploy instability, programs, lack
family problems, illness, financial problems, ment, corruption, of jobs, social
communication problems, loss, addictions, time immigra- distrust of conflicts
tion state
management and change management.
Whether it is chronic stress, fear, irritation skepticism,
or even abuse of various kinds on the body, ignoring
everything is the result of stress. Recent studies clearance
show that stress affects three broad categories of
life: individual, organization and society. Therefore,
stress is individual, organizational and societal. 3 STRESS MANAGEMENT IN
There is a two way process of influence PROJECTS
between stress and conflict. In the same way that Stress management includes methods and techniques
conflict generates related stress effects, stress from designed to induce, at individual level, reactions and
a particular direction may cause conflicts elsewhere. mechanisms in order to cope with stress emerged as
For example, the accumulated stress at work can psychological response of the individual to internal
cause irritability and aggression increase or and / or external agents that can cause stress.
decrease the degree of empathy and sympathy to One may speak of a fair and effective
family relationships, which creates a state of tension management of stress when the stress situation is
and can lead to conflict. Similarly, family conflicts improved or even eliminated. However, stress
management kicks into action when the person calls
a set of strategies to cope with stress, to avoid or
reduce the effects of stress, to eliminate the
emotional tension, to improve behavioral reactions
and induce the state of physical and psychological management consists of systematical interventions that
comfort. are designed to minimize the impact of stressors on the
In organizational understanding, stress project team. They can focus on the individual, with
ISSN: 1792-426X 2 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8
the aim of helping it to form a set of methods and etc. At the organizational level, the main methods
techniques to cope with stress factors, or an used are related to working conditions, workload,
organizational focus, in order to reduce the number counseling, training, work pace, deadlines, job
and impacts of environmental stressors at requirements and choosing the right person for the
organizational level. right job.
Stress management has started and In principle, stress assessment and choice of
developed on the idea* that stress is not a direct intervention method should be made according to
response to stressors, but rather the ability to manage the specificities of the institution or the individual
resources and ability to mediate individual responses requesting them.
to stressors. Since the parameters of these resources Other methodologies for evaluating the
can be modified, it creates the possibility to control effects of stress and intervention strategies may
stress [4]. include pre and post stress emergence, comparisons
To develop an effective program for stress between individuals or groups in similar situations,
management, it is necessary first to identify the tests indicating the extent to which subjects accept
central factors that help a person or group to monitor and follow the strategies, selection of appropriate
their stress levels, and to know the most effective measurement instruments for each case [5].
methods which can operate in such factors. Stress in The reality of globalization and competitive
Lazarus and Folkman's interpretation focuses on the organizational life, international and
transactional process between people and the multidisciplinary projects suggests the changing of
external environment (Transaction Model). The the parameters for training and manager assessment.
model perceives stress as a result of the relationship To succeed is not enough just to prove intelligent.
between how stress is measured or estimated and You must be emotionally intelligent.
how the person assesses or estimates the resources The two promoters of the concept of
assumed to be covered. Transactional model breaks emotional intelligence were american psychologists
the relationship stressor - stress and suggests that: Peter Salovey and John Mayer [7]. In their
1) if stressors would be perceived as positive perception, emotional intelligence refers to a set of
challenges rather than threats; learned skills to perceive, understand and express
2) and the stressed person is confident that it feelings in a clear way and to control these emotions
has adequate resources then the stress would not so they work for us, not against us.
necessarily occur as a result of the presence of a Relevant terms:
stress factor. • Emotional Intelligence (EI) - describes the
Transactional stress model states that stress ability or capacity to own perceived self-control and
can be reduced if people are helped to change their can manage one’s emotions, others or the group’s.
perceptions of stressors, whether their strategies are • Emotional Intelligence Quotient (EQ) - the
offered to help them cope with stress and stressed measurement of emotional intelligence.
people are helped to improve self-esteem and rely on Emotional intelligence (EI or EQ) refers to:
their own forces. There are a variety of stress • know the answer to the question "why"
management techniques. Some of the most effective and "how" I and others feel and what measures have
methods of stress reduction are closely linked to the to be taken;
concept of time management. Other techniques • learn to discern between what is good and
involve assuming limits. evil and how to get from bad to good;
For stress reduction practices to be more • emotional awareness of their own learning,
efficient and have visible results is necessary that sensitivity and a set of management capabilities that
measures are to be taken simultaneously at will help minimize the occurrence of stress.
individual and organizational level. One of the main reasons why the concept of
At the individual level, methods and them was taken into account in management, was
techniques of cognitive therapy can be apply the relationship with stress and recognition of the
(especially to those who show anxiety and potential for neutralization of its effects through the
depression), conflict resolution, exercise, relaxation effective management of EQ [11]. Research has
shown that improving of EQ skills reduces tension
in staff communication and networking within
organizations, thereby maximizing the results of
work efforts.
From the social point of view, numerous
investigations have revealed a strong link between
emotional intelligence and stress levels [9]. The the increasing level of EI can be explained by the fact
proportionality between stress levels decrease with that EI is responsible for evaluating and controlling
ISSN: 1792-426X 3 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8
emotions over others. Research has shown that two people affected. But researchers found that the best
thirds of the problems related to stress arise from way to prevent stress on the individual is learning a
abusive, poor or limited relationships with others model of proactive attitudes and behavior,
[6]. EI is a component of the personality that prevention of stress or cope with stress during
regulates and manages stress by neutralizing its childhood.
effects. Emotional intelligence is responsible for Regarding stress in projects, most do not list
developing the potential of happiness, empathy, trust specific differences between key processes of
etc. And can combat the demoralizing effects of project management and stress management.
stress, such as isolation, loss of motivation, Because stress has a major impact on the successful
depression. delivery of project results to the beneficiary, the
Regarding the project team research has stress analysis in projects should be considered
shown that the link between members EQ and paramount, as it is manifested in the project team.
positive results in their work is more powerful [10]. As a result, due to the stress appearance at physical
Improper management of stress mainly by the or psychological level among project team members,
project director, but also by all team members will there may appear unexpected side effects that may
lead to disease and illness, lower efficiency and not be anticipated, but may affect activities.
quality and will be the main reason for absenteeism It is vital that the project manager focuses
at work or refusal to work on the same team [8]. By on direct contact and manage tensions, conflicts and
contrast, employees who show a high EQ are more stress by various methods, including but not limited
likely to get the top hierarchy of organizations and to: improving emotional intelligence competencies,
have better results in terms of performance and time management and promotion of change,
quality of work. stimulating the respect for self and others,
maintaining positive interpersonal relationships
4 CONCLUSIONS AND between team members through open and effective
RECOMMENDATIONS ON STRESS communication and maintaining motivation through
appropriate rewards.
MANAGEMENT Systematic and controlled stress
Stress can’t be completely avoided. It is part of life
management minimizes negative effects on
and is even beneficial in small doses to keep the
individual level, which will automatically lead to
body ready to respond to environmental demands.
growth and positive value results, labor efficiency,
To avoid or diminish the effects of stress, however,
increase productivity and quality in projects.
several ways to combat it need to be known.
Methods and techniques to combat stress,
include but are not limited to: stress awareness, References
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ISSN: 1792-426X 4 ISBN: 978-960-474-202-8