OBTL Syllabus Child Adolescent Revised2021
OBTL Syllabus Child Adolescent Revised2021
OBTL Syllabus Child Adolescent Revised2021
VISION Tarlac State University is envisioned to be a premier university in Asia and the Pacific Region.
Tarlac State University commits to promote and sustain the offering of quality and programs in higher and advanced education ensuring equitable
access to education for people empowerment, professional development, and global competitiveness.
E - xcellence
Q - uality
U - nity
CORE VALUES I - ntegrity
T - rust in God, Transparency & True Commitment
Y - earning for Global Competitiveness
Course Name The Child and Adolescent Learner and Learning Principles
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Note: Aligned with PPST, CMOs-PSGs and Competency Framework for Southeast Asian Teachers of the 21 st Century, SEAMEO-INNOTECH.
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Desired Learning Outcomes urce Time
Course Content/Subject Matter Textbook/ References Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs) Assessment of Tasks (ATs)
(DLOs) Materi Table
At the end of the unit, Acero, Victorina Conversation Journey on the words, Quiz; Reflection paper; research abstract
the pre-service O.,Javier Evelyn ‘’Learner-Centered,’’ and the word Summative quizzes1.1.1 [1] 1.2.1 [2]] 6 hrs
teacher (PST) can: S.,Castro ‘’Principles:’’ Class discussion; 1.1.1 [1] 1.2.1 [2] 24
a. explain the basic , Herminia O.( 2000) research; reflection Unit learning log or reflective journal.
Unit 1 – Basic Concepts
concepts related Principles and 1.1.1 [1] 1.2.1 [2]
to child and adolescent Strategies of Facilitated discussion using comparative Infographic. The PST, individually or in
A. Definitions of Child and
development; and Teaching.Manila: Rex study. A comparative discussion of the small groups, will explain the basic
Adolescent Learners
1.1.1 [1] Bookstore, Inc. definition and characteristics of child and concepts related to child and adolescent
1. Definitions from UNESCO,
b. explain how current Corpuz., Brenda B., adolescent learners coming from various learners’ development and growth using
research and Salandan, GloriaG., sources or authorities. text and graphic presentation or
B. Growth and Development:
theories on child and (2013) Principles of Advanced reading/research. infographic. The output will be presented
Nature or Nurture?
adolescent Teaching 1. Quezon Topics on growth and development may be in class or exhibited in a gallery. 1.1.1 [1
C. Periods of Development
development City:Lorimar given in advance to PSTs in small groups to Debate. Debate may also be used to
D. Developmental Tasks and
contribute to Publishing ,Inc. 2013 prepare them for debate and further assess PSTs’ understanding of the
Education (Havighurst)
teaching and learning discussions. “nature or nurture” issue based on their
E. Domains of Development
within and Explicit Instruction. This shall involve research. Groupings will be pre-
1. Biological
across different areas. modelling, guided learner practice and determined to guide PSTs in their
2. Cognitive
1.2.1 [2 Swindoll,Charles R. independent learner practice. Current research research. Premium will be given on the
3. Socio-emotional
(1993). You and Your shall be used to highlight key concepts, with justifications and clarity of points.
F. Context and Development
Child. Anaheim, emphasis on the integration of theory into Library/Online research. This involves
G. Development and
California. Insight for practice. Online journal search strategies will the systematic gathering of information in
Pedagogy: Theory and
Living also be introduced to promote PSTs’ academic order to write a paper, create a
Meece, J.L. (1997). literacy. presentation, or complete a project. As
1. Theories and hypotheses
Child and adolescent used in this context, pre-service teachers
2. Methodology
development for shall gather research information on
3. Integrating theory and
educators. New York: identified topics from journals. The
McGraw-Hill. preservice teachers shall focus on the
4.Spiritual Issues on Human
research Problem, Theories,
Methodology, Findings and Discussion of
Results. Insights, reflections and
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
At the end of the unit, the Unit 2 – Biological Development Interactive instruction and facilitated Concept Maps. PSTs, in small groups, 9 hrs.
pre-service teacher (PST) A. Biological Beginnings Owens, K. (2002). discussion. illustrate the mental connections they PPT
can: B. Physical and Motor Child and A historical overview on biological make between major concepts or other Comp
a. discuss the concepts Development adolescent development of children and adolescents may concepts they have learned about a uter/
and theories related to the C. Neuroscience and Brain development: An introduced. Timelines focusing on major topic. Other organizers may be used Lapto
biological/physical development integrated contributors/contributions to the field of whenever appropriate. Output: The p
development of children D. Factors Affecting approach. biological psychology will be useful in the concept map will be presented and used Relat
and adolescents; and 1.1.1 Biological/ Physical Belmont, CA: discussion of the concepts and theories. Video to discuss the research-based concepts ed
[1] Development Wadsworth/Thoms clips and multimedia presentations may be and theories related to the Literat
b. make connections, using E. Theories on Learning. used to supplement the discussion of concepts biological/physical development of ure
knowledge on current 1. Developmental Milestones on biological development. Library/Online children and adolescents. Assessment
research literature, (Gesell) Sroufe, L.., Cooper, research. This involves the systematic shall be based on detail of content,
between biological 2. Ecological Systems Theory R.., & DeHart, .B. gathering of information in order to write a relationship of concepts, discussion and
development theories and (Bronfenbrenner) (2000). Child paper, create a presentation, or complete a presentation.
developmentally F. Current Research and development: Its project. As used in this context, preservice Simulations.
appropriate teaching Pedagogical Applications nature and course. teachers shall gather research information on This presents cases, problems,
approaches suited to New York: McGraw- identified topics from journals. The preservice scenarios, etc. in which the students
learners’ gender, needs, Hill. teachers shall focus on the research Problem, must role play. A critical situation is
strengths, interests and Theories, Methodology, Findings and discussed and analyzed, and decisions
experiences. 1.2.1 [2] Discussion of Results, as well as, applications are made about how to resolve the
3.1.1 [3] and implications of biological development situation using knowledge derived from
theories to teaching child and adolescent library or online research. A problem
learners solving organizer (refer to Annex B) may
be used to aid in the decision making
Poster presentations. Poster
presentations may be an alternative to
simulations. Knowledge and information
derived from library/online research may
be presented explaining the connections
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Textbook/ Time
Desired Learning Outcomes (DLOs) Course Content/Subject Matter Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs) Assessment of Tasks (ATs) e
References Table
At the end of the unit, the pre- Unit 3 – Cognitive Development Meece, J.L. (1997). Interactive instruction and facilitated Concept Maps. PSTs, in small PPT 9 hrs
service teacher (PST) can: A. Cognitive Development Child and adolescent discussion. groups, illustrate the mental Compute
a. discuss the concepts and Theories development for A historical overview on cognitive connections they make between r/ Laptop
theories related to the cognitive 1. Piaget educators. New York: development of children and major concepts or other Related
development of children and 2. Vygotsky McGraw-Hill. adolescents may introduced. Timelines concepts they have learned or Literature
adolescents; and1.1.1 [1] B. Intelligence and Individual focusing on major researched on about a topic. Films
b. make connections, using Differences contributors/contributions to the field of Other organizers may be used
knowledge on current research 1. Concept of Intelligence (Binet) cognitive psychology will be useful in whenever appropriate. Output:
literature, between cognitive 2. General Intelligence (Spearman) the discussion of the concepts and The concept map will be
development theories and 3. Primary Mental Abilities (Thurstone theories. Video clips and multimedia presented and used to discuss
developmentally appropriate 4. Multiple Intelligences (Gardner) presentations may be used to the concepts and theories
teaching approaches suited to 5. Triarchic Theory of Intelligence supplement the discussion of concepts related to the cognitive
learners' gender, needs, strengths, (Sternberg) on cognitive development. development of children and
interests and experiences. 1.2.1 6. Cognitive Information Processing Library/Online research. This involves adolescents. Assessment shall
[2] 3.1.1 [3] Theory (Atkinson and Shiffrin) the systematic gathering of information be based on detail of content,
C. Factors Affecting Cognitive in order to write a paper, create a relationship of concepts,
Development presentation, or complete a project. As discussion and presentation.
D. Language Development used in this context, preservice Simulations. This presents
E. Factors Affecting Cognitive and teachers shall gather research cases, problems, scenarios, etc.
Language Development information on identified topics from in which the students must role
F. Current Research and journals. The preservice teachers shall play. A critical situation is
Pedagogical Applications focus on the research Problem, discussed and analyzed, and
Theories, Methodology, Findings and decisions are made about how to
Discussion of Results, as well as, resolve the situation using
applications and implications of knowledge derived from library
cognitive development theories to or online research. A problem
teaching child and adolescent learners. solving organizer (refer to Annex
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
–Goal Setting Theory (Locke) focus on the research Problem, play. A critical situation is
–Self-determination Theory (Deci & Theories, Methodology, Findings and discussed and analyzed, and
Ryan) Discussion of Results, as well as, decisions are made about how to
applications and implications of socio- resolve the situation using
D. Moral Development Theories emotional development theories to knowledge derived library or
1. Piaget teaching child and adolescent learners. online research. A problem
2. Kohlberg solving organizer (refer to Annex
3. Turiel B) may be used to aid in the
4. Gilligan decision making.
how they are manifested in the B. Approaches to Learning development: Looking they Know, what they Want to know, using a Comparative Matrix. In
classroom; 1.1.1 [1] 1. Behavioral at learners at different How will they know and what they addition, PSTs will describe actual
b. apply behavior analysis in teaching 2. Social cognitive life stages. Quezon Learned. Interactive instruction and classroom situations (based on
child and adolescent learners across 3. Information processing City: Lorimar facilitated discussion. Timelines experience or observation)
curriculum areas; 1.1.1 [1] 4. Cognitive constructivist Publishing, Inc. focusing on major contributors and manifesting the corresponding
c. make connections, using 5. Social constructivist their contributions to the field of approach to learning. Outputs
knowledge on current research Owens, K. (2002). behavioral psychology will be useful in shall be presented in class and
literature, between behavioral C.Connectionism Child and adolescent the discussion of the concepts and will be rated using a rubric.
learning theories and development: An theories. Video clips and multimedia
developmentally appropriate1.2.1 [2] D. Conditioning integrated approach. presentations will greatly supplement Interview on Field Experience
3.1.1 [3] 1. Classical Belmont, CA: the discussion of concepts on of Teachers
2. Contiguous Wadsworth/Thomson behaviorism and other learning PSTs (individually or in small
3. Operant Learning. theories. Library/Online research. groups) will interview at least 2
This involves the systematic gathering teachers of different grade levels.
E. Behavior Analysis in Gastardo-Conaco, M. of information in order to write a paper, PSTs will ask: (1) what are the
Education C., Jimenez, M., & create a presentation, or complete a challenges, especially behavioral,
Billedo, C. J. (2003). project. As used in this context, the teachers usually encountered
F. Gestalt-Insight Learning Filipino adolescents in preservice teachers shall gather in teaching, and (2) what course
G. Experiential Learning Theory changing times. QC: research information on identified of action did the teachers take to
H. Current Research and UP Center for topics from journals. The preservice overcome these challenges? The
Pedagogical Applications Women’s Studies and teachers shall focus on the research PSTs will then summarize the
the Philippine Center the Problem, Theories, Methodology, results in a matrix, apply behavior
for Population and Findings and Discussion of Results, as analysis and determine the
Development. well as, applications and implications effectiveness of the course of
of behavioral learning theories to action of the teacher using the
Ogena, N. B. (1999). teaching child and adolescent learning principles and related
How are the Filipino learners. research literature, and
youth changing? The recommend a better course of
shifting lifestyles of our action, if any.
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
At the end of the unit, the pre-service Unit 6 – Safety and Security in the Liwag, M. C. D. & Advanced reading/research. Panel discussion. 9 hrs
teacher (PST) can: Learning Environment Macapagal, M.E. J. Topics on laws, policies, and PSTs, in small groups, will
a. discuss the laws, policies, (1999). How we raise our procedures that protect children’s present a panel discussion to the
guidelines and procedures that A. UN Convention on the Rights daughters and sons: rights and assure their safety and class. Panel discussions will
protect children’s rights and assure of the Child and PD 603 Child rearing and gender security in school may be given ahead address laws, policies and issues
their safety and security in school; socialization in the to PSTs in small groups to prepare on the rights of child and
and 2.1.1 [4] 6.3.1 [4] B. Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 Philippines. United them for panel discussion. adolescent learners as well as on
b. explain and draw implications of (Republic Act 10627) Nations Children’s Fund their safety and security in school.
policies and procedures on child and the Ateneo Wellness Seminar/Colloquium with a
protection, and positive/non-violent C. Child Protection Policy Center. resource person from the field. Written narrative.
discipline in the management of D. Positive Discipline A basic education master teacher, a PSTs will be asked to write a
behavior. 2.6.1 [5] Corpuz, Brenda B., school head or a colleague may be narrative on their insights from the
Lucas, Ma. Rita D., invited to discuss on laws, policies, panel discussions and the
Borabo, Heidi Grace L. and procedures that protect children’s colloquium capped with insights
rights and assure their safety and on the different purposes of
security in school, as well as, policies professional reflection. Output: A
and procedures on child protection, written narrative with discussions
and positive/nonviolent discipline in on the implications of policies and
the management of behavior procedures on child protection,
and positive/non-violent discipline
in the management of behavior.
Suggested Readings and Iral, Florante S., et al. Teaching Profession. Plaridel Bulacan : St. Andrew Publishing House, 2012.
References Bilbao, Purita P., et al. Teaching Profession. Quezon City : Lorimar Publishing Co., Inc, 2006.
Other References:
Tejero, Erlinda G., et al. Multidisciplinary Teaching Strategies. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore, 2012.
Zulueta, Francisco M. and Zenaida V. Sevilla. Principles of Teaching and Teaching Strategies. Navotas City : National Bookstore, 2012.
NCBTS-Based Table of Specification for LET
Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. (2018) The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles. Lorimar Publishing, Inc, Quezon City,
Philippines. Corpuz, B.B., Lucas, M.R.D., Borabo, H.G.L., & Lucido, P.I. (2015) Child and Adolescent Development. Lorimar Publishing, Inc, Quezon City, Philippines. Lucas,
Ma. Rita D. & Corpuz, Brenda B. (2014) Facilitating Learning: A metacognitive process. Lorimar Publishing, Inc, Quezon City, Philippines. Cohen, L., Manion, L., Morrison, K. &
Wyse, D. (2010) A Guide to Teaching Practice, 5e. Routeledge, 270 Madison Ave., New York, NY. Santrock, J.W. (2011) Educational Psychology, 5e. McGraw-Hill
Companies, Inc. New York, NY. Schunk, Dale H. (2012) Learning Theories: An educational perspective, 6e. Pearson Education, Inc. Boston, MA Higher Education
Commission (2012) Child Development: Faculty Resource. Higher Education Commission, Pakistan. UN-OHCHR (n.d.) 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. UN Office
of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. Retrieved from https://www.ohchr.org/Documents/ProfessionalInterest/crc.pdf Presidential Decree No. 603 (1974) The Child and
Youth Welfare Code of the Philippines. Retrieved from https://www.pcw.gov.ph/law/presidential-decree-no-603
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Republic Act No. 7610 (1992) Special Protection of Children Against Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act. Available online:
https://www.pcw.gov.ph/sites/default/files/documents/laws/republic_act_7610.pdf Department Order No. 40, series of 2012 – Child Protection Policy. Available online:
http://www.deped.gov.ph/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/ DO_s2012_40.pdf Department of Education (2015) – Positive discipline in everyday teaching: A primer for Filipino
teachers. Available online: https://bulacandeped.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/POSITIVEDISCIPLINE-IN-EVERYDAY-TEACHING-A-Primer-for-Filipino-Teachers.pdf
UNHCR (2001) Child and Adolescent Development. UNHCR – Action for the Rights of Children Programme. Retrieved from
https://www.unhcr.org/protection/children/3bb81bad4/actionrights-children-arc-foundations-child-adolescent-development.html David L (2019),
"Summaries of Learning Theories and Models," in Learning Theories. Retrieved from, https://www.learning-theories.com/ Verywell Mind (2019) Theories of
Psychology. Retrieved from https://www.verywellmind.com/theories-of-psychology-4157184
Course Requirements
• Major Exams • Summative quizzes • Per unit outputs as specified in the assessment • End of course learning log (reflective journal) and portfolio (compilation of outputs) on
the different learning theories and research with reflections on their applications and implications to teaching child and adolescent learners.
Grading System
Midterm Finals
40% -Written long exam (Midterm) 30% -Summative Exam (Finals)
30% - ePortfolio 20% - ePortfolio
30% -Class Participation 25% -Class Participation
25% -Lesson Plan Exemplar
Classroom Policies
1. Active participation in class discussion thru MS Team is graded.
2. Cheating, during examination, will be given a score of 5.0.
3. Attendance will be checked a very meeting.
4. Assignments are to be submitted on time. Failure to submit assignments is equivalent to a grade of 5.0.
Learning Log A learning log requires a student to keep track of their learning process by providing log entries for each learning activity or session. They could document how a student solved
problems, any mistakes or false starts they encountered, highlights of their learning, how they closed gaps in their knowledge, and strategies or approaches that were useful.
Students could be asked to submit the original version of a log or a refined version of a log for summative assessment.
The Child and Adolescents Learners and AY: _2020-2021 DR. MELLANY G. MASANGKAY
Learning Principles DR. NORBINA GENEVER M. CASTRO BEED-Department Chair
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OBTL Plan EDUC 1A/EDUC 101 – The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
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