Social Media Marketing Proposal: Hospitality, Entertainment, & Leisure Consultants

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Some of the key takeaways are that social media can help businesses stand out from competition, build relationships with consumers, covert leads into customers, and is one of the best opportunities for companies to market directly to existing customers. Social media also builds brand awareness and drives social consumer relationship marketing.

Some of the social media applications mentioned include blogs and forums, consumer review sites like Trip Advisor, social networks like Facebook, social bookmarking sites like Digg, social news sites, social music sites, video and photo sharing sites, and wikis.

The three types of social media marketing campaigns discussed are social marketing campaigns, social marketing inclusion in larger marketing campaigns, and social media platform extensions.

Hospitality, Social Media Marketing Proposal

Entertainment, &
Leisure Consultants May 20, 2010
May 20, 2010

1.0 Why Social Media?

3.0 Action Plan
Social media is where your customers are spending most of their time
There are three campaign forms typically
online. used to
Customer initiate
can’t talkor
toreposition social
you if you’re media
not marketing:
there. And if they can’t
 Social Marketing Campaign – creation of marketing material to go after a
find you, they’ll just find someone else, like your competitor,specific market
to talksegment
to. via non-traditional
marketing techniques (i.e. guerilla marketing) and specific social media distribution channels.
 Socialmedia can help
Marketing your business:
Inclusion in larger marketing campaign – This type of campaign is used to amplify your current
Stand out from yourstrategy.
online/offline competition!
 Social
Mediayour company
Platform to be– creating
Extension better found on Google
a channel to reachand socialcustomers
potential media applications!
outside of your existing site.
 Build relationships with consumers with collaborative content!
 Make your website and internet presence a magnet for new prospects and leads!
To leverage social those
 Covert media leads
applications to increase
into loyal brand awareness, web traffic, and conversions to generate more leads and
engage in positive online public relations.
Social media applications include websites that enable you to develop and participate in discussions,
sharing, and user-generated content, such as:
Develop and execute social media marketing action plan that engages target audience through a customized campaign, one-
 Blogs and Forums / Discussion Boards
on-one advising, quality content creation, and syndication of ongoing communication monitoring.
 Consumer Review Sites (i.e. Trip Advisor)
 Social Networks / Online Communities
After learning about
 Social your business,
Bookmarking analyzing
Sites your competitors, researching your keywords, and understanding how customers
(i.e. Digg)
your products and services do we develop your 90-day action plan. It is not our intention to leave you with a list of
News Sites
things “to do” rather our goal is to see you apply the plan and reap the benefits that social media marketing has to offer. We
 Social Music Sites
break down every step in as much detail as possible so that you can literally take the ideas and either execute them yourself or
 Video and Photo Sharing Sites
give to one or more people on your team to execute.
 Wikis
 Virtual
3.1 Keyword Worlds
Keywords are essential for the success of an online marketing campaign. You will need to provide us with a list of the at least
TopSocial media to
10 keywords builds
basedawareness and drives
on expert keyword social consumer relationship marketing and conversations with
customers. Social media marketing is one of the best opportunities for companies to market directly to existing
3.2customers, members, etc.
Training Videos
You will receive marketing strategy and training as part of either package which will enable you to target longer keywords and
be 2.0 Our
able to carryServices
on the online marketing smoothly after the transfer.

 Community
3.3 Conversion AnalysisBuilding  Word of Mouth Marketing
o Interact
Our goal is to not only build credibly
brand with your target
awareness and market Monitor
visibility for your business, butoto turn that the “chatter”
visibility into customers and/or
 Branding/
leads. Driving Brand
traffic to Development
a business that isn’t converting is not a good use ofyour Strategic
time andConsulting
does not achieve the ultimate goal –
o Product
to gain sales, leads, Formulation
customers, and profitability. o Establish a game plan
o Brand Architecture o Measure brand value, long-term sales
o Go toTemplate
3.4 Content Marketing Market Planning
Package growth, and customer loyalty
o Identity
Many of the actions & Package
you’ll be given in Design
your action plan will involve developing content. Development
 Creative We understand that staring at a blank
o Through blogs,
page can be overwhelming. We willTwitter
you tags,
with aFacebook
package of templates that oyouGraphic
can builddesign
upon to develop a variety of
content pieces. fan pages, LinkedIn discussion groups, etc. o New Media
o Build brand awareness o Broadcast
3.5 Facebook
 Reputation
Page Optimization
Management  Research & Planning
Your FacebookoPage Keep an of
is one eyetheon what
most your consumers
important Social Media areMarketing tools toooptimize in terms
Measuring of SEO and conversion.
From the title tag, tosaying
the menu, to the content, to where things are positioned on theo page, everyout
Finding detail
what canyour
affect rankings
target andis
sales. o Be ready to monitor your reputation looking for
 Product/Service Development  Experiential Marketing
o Drive expertise into your company o Event design
o Change the way your marketing works by o Production & Promotion
integrating collaborative and social media o Sponsorship Evaluation
tools and expertise. o Negotiation & Activation
4.0 Packages

Hospitality, Entertainment, & Leisure Consultants offers a variety of packages to suit your social media
marketing needs. Additional requests and/or requirements will be considered on an individual case basis.

We look forward to working with you!

– Standard
- Premium
This service
This planplan
service includes:
 Social media marketing
Social media marketing actionaction
plan plan
 Specially-tailored social media e-book
 Specially-Tailored social media e-book
 2 consulting hours are included***
 4 consulting hours are included***
 Facebook – setup/enhance & promotion
 Weekly
Facebook– setup/develop & promotion
 Weekly Facebook updates/engagement*
 Twitter – setup/enhance & promotion
 Weekly
TwitterFan Page – setup/develop & promotion
 LinkedIn
– setup/enhance & promotion
& promotion
 LinkedIn
Weekly Twitter updates/engagement*
 Flickr – setup/enhance
Generation & promotion
of Twitter Followers
 YouTube
LinkedIn– setup/enhance
setup/enhance & promotion
& promotion
 Social
LinkedIn updates/engagement* sites*
profile creation on 15 secondary
 Squidoo Lens
 LinkedIn Group setup/enhance & promotion
 Google friend connect
 Flickr – setup/enhance & promotion
 Bi-monthly reporting
 Weekly Flickr updates/engagement*
 YouTube
Payment Schedule: – setup/enhance & promotion
US$ 2,000
Weekly YouTube updates/engagement*
US$ 1,500 per month Videos
3 Syndicated
 16 Commitment:
Blog Posts 6 Months
 Social profile creation on 20 secondary sites**
*Daily update/engagement option available at additional cost
 Squidoo Lens
**See attached list of social networks
 Social
***See GoogleMediafriend connect
Marketing Consulting for additional information
 Bi-monthly reporting
Social Media Marketing Plan – Basic
Payment Schedule:
US$ service
2,500 plan
 2,250
US$ Socialpermedia
monthmarketing action plan
 1 consulting
Minimum commitment:hour 6 is Months
 Facebook – setup/develop & promotion
 update/engagement
*Daily Twitter – setup/develop & promotion
option available at additional cost
 attached
**See LinkedIn listsetup/develop
of social networks& promotion
 Weekly
***See 4.1 Socialupdates on Facebook,
Media Marketing ConsultingTwitter, & LinkedIn*
for additional information
 Bi-monthly reporting

* All packages
Payment Schedule: include monitoring communication, posting
US$new 1,500 upfrontsyndication of content and video (provided by
US$ 1,000 per &
client), month
running weekly / monthly reports. Custom
Minimum Commitment:
campaigns are more6comprehensive
Months & include promotional
campaigns (such as contests and widgets) & viral video
*Daily update/engagement option available additional
* cost
**See attached list of social networks
***See Social Media Marketing Consulting for additional information
Compare Our Social Media Packages Basic Standard Premium
Social media marketing action plan YES YES YES
Consulting hours included 1 2 4
Specially-tailored social media e-book YES YES YES
Facebook setup/develop & promote YES YES YES
Weekly Facebook updates/engagement* YES YES YES
Facebook Fan Page – setup/develop & promote YES
Twitter setup/develop & promote YES YES YES
Weekly Twitter updates/engagements YES YES YES
Generation of Twitter Followers YES
LinkedIn setup/develop & promote YES YES YES
LinkedIn updates/engagement* YES YES YES
LinkedIn Group setup/develop & promote YES
Flickr – setup/develop & promote YES YES
Weekly Flickr update/engagement* YES
YouTube setup/develop & promote YES YES
Weekly YouTube updates/engagement YES
Social profile creation on secondary sites included 15 20
Squidoo Lens YES YES
Google friend connect YES YES
Bi-monthly reporting YES YES YES
Payment Schedule:
Upfront $ 1,500 $ 2,000 $2,500
Per Month $ 250 $1,500 $2,250
Minimum 6 Month Commitment YES YES YES
4.1 Social Media Marketing Consulting Prices

 4 consulting hours over 4-8 consulting sessions. US$ 500

 8 consulting hours over 8-16 consulting sessions. US$ 1,000
 12 consulting hours over 12-24 consulting sessions. US$ 1,500
 20 consulting hours over 40 consulting sessions US$2,500

Prepaid consulting hours can be used in blocks of 30 minutes or 60 minutes each and must be scheduled at least a week in
advance. Purchased hours are valid for 90 days.

Consulting hours that are included in Social Media Marketing Packages are only valid for that appropriate month and may not
be cumulated. They must be used within the month in which they were accrued.

Payment Schedule:
Upfront / Prepaid
None per month payment
Minimum Commitment: none
5.0 Social Media Marketing Action Plan – Client Worksheet

5.1 Objective

a. What do you want to accomplish with social media?

 Research and Learning
 Increase brand or issue awareness
 Reputation Management
 Get your fans to talk about you (WOM)
 Content Generation and issues awareness
 Increased relevant visitor traffic and page rankings
 Take action (sign petition, send email, leave comment, etc)
 Fundraising
 Other:

b. Now, restate your objective so it is SMART” – specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-based.

5.2 Target Audience

a. Who must you reach with your social media efforts to meet your objective? Why this target group?

b. What key points do you want to make with you audience?

5.3 Integration

a. Facebook advertising – reach your exact audience and connect real customers to your business
Connect with REAL PEOPLE
 Reach over 400,000,000 active Facebook users
 Attach social actions to your ads to increase relevance
 Create demand for your product with relevant ads

Facebook Page
All information of the product and business to be provided i.e. the dates, details, contact information of course and profile of
business. Alongside all art work and 10 different tag statements to be provided.

5.3.1 Facebook Ad Design

 Title – 35 words, images, and 130 characters body text based on ads to be provided – 10 different pitches
 Advertise your own web page or something on Facebook like a Page or an Event
 Ad message- write clear, targeted ads with concise text that speaks directly to the audience you will reach. The title can
have up to 25 characters, and the body can have up to 135 characters.
 Photo – put an attractive and relevant image in your ad that is appropriate for the product or service being advertised.
Image will be resized to fit in a 110px wide by 80px high box.
 We will follow to pay per click (CPC) with a minimum bid of $0.9.

Ads optimization – tracking progress with real-time reporting with insight about who’s clicking on your ad, making modifications to
maximize your results.
company 2008
S M T W T F juneS
Place logo
name or logotype here,
Delete text and place photo here. Delete text and place photo here.
delete this. 2 3 4 5 6 7
5.3.3 Campaigns and Pricing

7.0 campaign would Applications
Media be named as perand
the course
Use by keep in mind ads in the same campaign share a daily budget and schedule.
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Now that you’ve set up your campaign, set your daily budget and your schedule. How much do you want to spend per day? The
minimum budget is USAudio
$5.00 aBlogging File-Upload
day. Now schedule Photo
your ad. Do you wantMicroblog Bookmarking
your campaign Video
to run continuously Documents
starting once the ad
12 seconds
is approved or at a specific start and end date? 
72 photos 15 16  17 18 19 20 21    
Atom Enabled     
b. Is there an “offline” component that you need to support/connect?
Bebo 
Blip 22 23  24  25 26 27 28 
Blogger     
6.0 Conclusion
Box  29 30  
Human beings are far more likely to communicate ideas and information
Brightkite  with others when they are emotionally
 engaged. Find the
Chirpissues that concern your
 audience and then acknowledge them within your marketing plan to get an emotional response.
Dailybooth 
Dailymotion 
Delicious 
 Social media is not about selling your product. It is about helping consumers to buy your product.
Digg Make it easy for people to talk about you and talk with you. 
 Social media is like traditional marketing; it is not something you jump into when you need a quick boost in sales.A long- term commitment  and multiple
  relationshipsare the key 
intersecting to lasting value. 
Dropshots  
Drupal     
Email      
Evernote     
Expono 
Facebook   
Facebook pages   
Flickr  
fotki 
Foto time  
Friendfeed     
kewego 
Kodak gallery  
Koornk     
Kyte  
Linkedin     
Livejournal     
Metacafe 
Meta weblog     
Mobile me  
Moblog   
mobypicture  
Movable type     
Ovi nokia     
company 2008
Place logo logo M T W T january
name or logotype here,
or logotype here,
delete this. text and place photo here. Delete text and place photo here.

Service Audio Blogging File-Upload
delete this. Photo

2 3

photobucket  
Photo  6 7  8 9 10 11 12
picasa  
Picture trail 
Pikchur 13 14  15 16 17 18 19
Pikeo      
plaxo     
Plerb  20  21  22  23 24 25  26
Plurk     
posterous      
Radar 27 28  29 30 31 
Screentweet 
Scribd 
sendspace    
Shutterfly 
skyrock   
Slideshare 
smugmug  
Snapfish 
Snapmylife 
StumbleUpon 
tinypic  
tumblr      
tweetphoto 
twicli   
twitgoo 
Twitlens 
Twitpic 
Twitr pix 
Twit snaps 
Twitter      
Type Pad     
utterli     
viddler 
viewbook 
vimeo 
vox   
webshots 
Windows live 
wordpress     
Xanga     
Yahoo 
meme  
yfrog  
You    
YouTube 
Zoomr 

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