Technical Advice Centre: Project Information
Technical Advice Centre: Project Information
Technical Advice Centre: Project Information
Project Information
Date 11 August 2020
Project ..
Construction Type
Element : Wall - Wall - External Wall - Steel Frame
Internal surface emissivity : High External surface emissivity : High
Light steel-frame construction - Cold frame or Hybrid type:-
Stud depth, d : 100.0 mm Stud spacing, s (mm) : 400.0 mm
Flange width : not exceeding 80mm p : 0.168
Thickness Thermal Thermal Pitch Bridge details
Conductivity Resistance (º) Air gaps
(mm) (W/mK) (m²K/W) (Level, Delta U")
Outside surface resistance - - 0.040
External Brick 103.0 0.770 0.134 17.185% Mortar
Standard breather membrane facing a clear cavity >= - - 0.180
25mm, wall
OSB or similar 10.0 0.130 0.077
Residual 25mm cavity between studs @ 400mm ctrs - - 0.180 0.500% Steel
Isover Steel Frame Infill Batt 75mm between studs 75.0 0.036 2.050 0.500% Steel
L:0 0.000W/m²K
Gyproc plasterboard 12.5 0.250 0.050
Inside surface resistance - - 0.130
U-value = 0.80W/m²K
U-value, Combined Method : 0.805W/m²K (upper/lower limit 2.785 / 0.932m²K/W, dUf 0.0010, dUg 0.0000, dUp0.0000, dUr0.0000,
dUrc1 0.0000, dUrc2 0.0000)
Correction factors
Mechanical fasteners :-
Alpha : 1.60 per m lambda f : 50.0000W/mK nf : 9.000 per m² Af : 10.460mm²
Delta Uf for Gyproc plasterboard : 0.0010
nf = fasteners per m² Af = fasteners cross-sectional area
Air gaps, Delta Ug = 0.000W/m²K
(Based on the combined method for determining U-values of structures containing repeating thermal bridges)
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JPA Designer Version 6.04a1 024 © JPA Technical Literature Aug 2020
Licensed to British Gypsum
This U-value calculation is provided to customers free of charge and is based on information you have entered. The construction must be approved by the Project Design Team or controlling
authority before installation. This calculation must be read in conjunction with current literature at or British Gypsum/Isover products must be
installed in accordance with current literature and relevant standards. The environmental conditions used are for the nearest location available to the project. Properties and suitability of non
British Gypsum/Isover products must be verified with the manufacturer prior to installation. Bonded wall lining system identified assumes background suitability - where uncertainty exists an
alternative mechanically fixed lining system should be considered. All solutions assume the background is dry and completely weather tight. Reference must be made to NHBC requirements,
e.g. Section 6.1, Appendices 6.1-A and 6.2-B, to ascertain suitability of construction relative to exposure zone.