Most Significant Change Story
Most Significant Change Story
Most Significant Change Story
1. Narrate the Most Significant Change/Impact in 2020 for each Project. Include the
following details:
a. Project Name
Enhancing Citizen Participation
b. Name of Funding Partner
Diakonia Zimbabwe
c. Intervention/Project Activity
Installation of a water tape to residents of Ward 9
d. What was the Situation before the intervention/Activity? Where possible
support the story with pictures.
Ward 9 residents had no access to water supply for more than five years in their
respective community. Residents were at risk of water borne diseases such as
typhoid and cholera. Women being the most affected cluster, were forced to
fetch water at Mkoba 1 police station, leading the police to arrest five women for
not seeking permission to fetch water at the station. All the women had to
succumb to emotional and verbal abuse by the police.
e. What was the Change? Support the story with pictures if possible.
Gweru Residents and Ratepayers Association (GRRA) committee members were
able to mobilise other women in the community to raise funds to install a water
tape. When they had raised enough funds, they engaged with the mayor of
Gweru, Councillor Josiah Makombe to provide a convenient area as well as
enhance speedy process of the paperwork in order for them to access water. The
water tape was installed within one week in a process that could have taken
months to accomplish.
GRRA Ward 9 committee that mobilised funds for the installation of the tape
The tape at Ward 9 that was recently installed
f. Include quotations from project participants, community members & community
Leaders to further validate the most significant change/impact story.