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B2PLUS UNIT 2 Test Higher

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1 Complete the text with these words. Each word 3 Choose the best answer (A, B, C or D) to
can only be used once. There are three extra complete the article.
words. You may have received a toy drone or UAV (unmanned
aerial vehicle) as a present but are you clear of the rules
allowed • can • could • had guiding their use? At the moment, if a drone weighs less
have • supposed • used • will than 20 kg, you (1) ………… to take it outside and fly it,
However, you (2) ………… avoid flying it within 50 metres of
When I got my first mobile, my parents told me that I
built-up areas and you (3) ………… fly a drone within 50
(1) …………………………..…... to carry it with me at all times for
metres of a person who is not the pilot.
emergencies. But at school my teacher said I was not
‘This means you (4) ………… worry if you are flying it in your
(2) …………………………..…... to have it in class. It was not
back garden, that’s fine,’ drone expert Alex Ridgeon
permitted. What was I (3) …………………………..…... to do? At
explained. ‘You (5) ………… be careful if you are in a public
least I didn’t (4) …………………………..…... to leave it at home as
place such as a park.’
my teacher said I (5) …………………………..…... keep it in my
Another rule is that you (6) ………… fly your drone within
backpack and use it at break.
sight. Last week a teenager (7) ………… his drone over a
/5 wall into a neighbour’s garden, hitting and injuring the

neighbour who (8) ………… innocently reading the
2 Choose the correct alternatives to complete the newspaper. The neighbour is taking legal action.
text. ‘This (9) ………… a quiet neighbourhood but ever since the
Last weekend my brother and I went on a bike trip to the drone craze started we (10) ………… suffer incidents like
mountains. Before we started we (1) had to/should/needed this,’ the neighbour complained.
check the bikes carefully and we decided that we 1 A mustn’t B can’t

(2) would/should/had better leave early in the morning to C are allowed D should

avoid the traffic. I made sandwiches for the trip and took 2 A must B might

my camera. Unfortunately, half-way there it started raining C can’t D are allowed to

heavily and we (3) must/needed/would to stop. My brother 3 A needn’t B can’t have

said I (4) should/must/would have checked the weather C mustn’t D must

before we set off. We took shelter in a nice restaurant and 4 A ought B don’t need to

he treated me to lunch, so I (5) didn’t need to make/ C needn’t have D should

wouldn’t have made/needn’t have made any sandwiches. 5 A mustn’t B ought

After lunch we cycled home in the rain. It was fun but very C have to D must

wet! 6 A must B might

C can’t D are allowed to
7 A has flown B has been flying

C flew D used to fly
8 A must have been B has been
C should have been D had been
9 A was going to be B was about to be
C use to be D used to be
10 A had to B can have to
C have been D have had to

/ 10

Total / 20

1 of 7
4 Complete the text with five compound nouns 6 Complete the text with these words. There are
made with these words. There are four extra three extra words.
chores • decision • favour • interest • options
about • belt • block • driving • jam • motor project • research • risks
road • round • seat • signs • steering
traffic • way • wheel When I was younger I didn’t mind taking
(1) …………………………..….... I was young and energetic. For
I always remember the day I passed my driving test. It was some reason I took a great (2) …………………………..…... in
one of the most nervous but happy days of my life. When I trying extreme sports. Something about the adrenaline
got into the car I said hello to my examiner and put on my rush made me keep going back for more!
(1) …………………………..…... . He looked very serious. It was Now things are different. I have a job and a family. During
very early in the morning and for most of the test we were the day, I work as a university professor and part of my job
stuck in a (2) …………………………..…... because everybody was entails doing lots of (3) …………………………..…... and writing up
taking their children to school. I was worried because we reports for magazines and journals. In the evenings, I enjoy
weren’t doing much driving and my hands felt like they spending time with my family before reading the children a
were sticking to the (3) …………………………..…... . The most story and putting them to bed. Once they’re in bed, I often
difficult moment was when we went round a help my wife to do the household (4) …………………………..…....
(4) …………………………..…... at the same time as a giant truck. I My life now is definitely different. It may be less extreme,
was so nervous. At the end the examiner asked some but one thing is for sure, I have made the right
questions about (5) …………………………..…... and then he told (5)…………………………..….....
me I had passed. I jumped into the air with happiness!
7 Complete the text with the correct answer, A, B
or C.
5 Complete the text with one word in each gap to
make compound nouns. I remember when my teenage son was taking his driving

My grandfather is 78. He still has a driving (1) …………. I said to him, ‘Don’t worry, son, just (2) …………

(1) …………………………..…... and still drives his car! But I’m not your best!’

so sure he should be on the road. Sometimes he drives so Three hours later he came dancing down the street and I

slowly. My mother says it’s just as dangerous to drive knew he had passed. As (3) ………… as a flash, he was

below the speed (2) …………………………..…... as it is to go asking his mother to buy him a new car. He thought he had

over it! Last week he ran out of petrol on the motor his mother under his (4) ………… but when she suggested he

(3) …………………………..…... and some other drivers had to got a part time job and contribute towards buying the car,

push his car to the nearest petrol (4) …………………………..….... he went as quiet as a (5) …………. In the end, he got a job as

However, he has never had an accident and he is always a pizza delivery boy and he liked the motorbike so much

very patient when he is waiting for the traffic that he ended up buying a bike, which was much cheaper.

(5) …………………………..…... to change. 1 A proof B test C licence

2 A do B make C attempt
3 A fast B rapid C quick
4 A finger B thumb C hand
5 A dream B library C mouse


Total / 20

2 of 7
8 Read an article about driving in Beijing. Five sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from
the sentences A–G the one which fits each gap. There are two extra sentences.

Driving in the capital of China

Beijing, the capital of China, is one of the most polluted cities in the world, with the main contaminant believed to be
gases emitted from transportation. (1) ………………………….. With a rapidly increasing population that led to more and more
drivers taking to the road, in 2006, the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau began to think of the future and the different
ways it could deal with this grave environmental problem.

Before 2006, the city was constantly covered by a thick brown cloud. The cause was pollution emitted from public
transport, private vehicles and also by the city’s numerous factories and power plants. Nitrogen dioxide, the main
pollutant from these sources, was not only above the ground covering the heads of inhabitants but also on the ground in
the form of dense smog. (2) ………………………….. The effects of traffic pollution were everywhere. Those particularly affected
were babies and young children, the elderly, and asthmatics who often suffered respiratory problems as a direct

A solution needed to be implemented. With the justification of the Beijing Olympic Games looming in the future and the
desperate need to act, the government set up some controls to reduce the quantity of pollution and to improve the
quality of air in the city. In November 2006, an experiment was carried out in which the use of government and
commercial vehicles was prohibited in the city and, in addition, the use of private vehicles was limited. The experiment
th th
took place between 4 and 5 of November. (3) ………………………….. In view of the need to further increase the air quality in
the city, for its inhabitants and for the Olympic Games, the model was enforced permanently, but with some changes.

During the Olympics even tighter measures were adopted. The government brought in an even-odd licence plate system
where only cars with a specific number plate were allowed to use the streets in the city on any specific day. (4)
………………………….. The Beijing Traffic Management Bureau again reported, during this period, a substantial drop in traffic
congestion, and the levels of pollution within the city diminished.

Many wonder how such a large and complex ban can be enforced, and the answer is simple. The city now has thousands
of number plate recognition cameras set up around the city. If cars that should not be on the streets are filmed, the
driver receives a 100 Yuan (£7.30) fine. This is a deterrent which to date has worked effectively.

Today, the prohibition of vehicles in the city still exists, with, on average, a fifth of 3.6 million private vehicles being
banned from the roads each week day. (5) ………………………….. Beijing is by no means free of its pollution problem, but it can be
said that the city is now becoming cleaner. The cloud that used to loom above the city has now been lifted, and its
inhabitants can see the real colour of their sky.

A The high quantity of nitrogen dioxide emitted by public E On average, 3.6 million private vehicles are driven
and private vehicles meant there was a high number of through the capital every day.
patients being admitted to hospitals throughout the city F Inevitably this enraged many of the city’s inhabitants
every week. who felt their civil rights were being violated as they
B The results of the ban are positive and a daily reduction were forced to use buses or trains to get to their
of approximately 275 tonnes of emissions has been destinations.
recorded. G When the Beijing Traffic Management Bureau saw it
C When rain descended upon the city, dirty smog turned working they decided to increase the level of the fines.
to acid rain, which inevitably caused serious damage to
cars, buildings and the city’s water supply.
D It recorded a 30% decrease in the number of vehicles
in the city and, most importantly, a substantial reduction
in nitrogen dioxide levels.

3 of 7
9 Read the article again. Are these statements True 10 Read the article again and find a word or phrase
(T), False (F) or is the information Not Mentioned in the text that means the following:
1 serious (paragraph 1) …………………………..…...
1 The Beijing Traffic Management believed that 2 many (paragraph 2) …………………………..…...
traffic pollution was only going to get worse 3 something unpleasant about to happen (paragraph 3)
in the future. T/F/NM …………………………..…...
2 Those who suffered most were babies 4 stricter controls (paragraph 4) …………………………..…...
and young children. T/F/NM 5 prohibited (paragraph 6) …………………………..…...
3 It is dirty smog turning into acid rain that
caused damage to the city. T/F/NM
4 The experiment in November 2006 was Total / 16
carried out after the Olympic Games. T/F/NM
5 In the even-odd licence plate system, only
cars with the last number
being 7 can drive on Monday. T/F/NM
6 The system can only be really successful when
combined with the use of speed cameras. T/F/NM


Use of English
11 Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first, using the word given. Use between
two and six words.
1 It’s more than likely that he didn’t see the exit sign. 6 I think you should wear your seatbelt in the back seat.
He …………………………………………………….. the exit sign. You …………………………………………………….. be in the back
2 It isn’t necessary to buy tickets for the match in seat without wearing a seatbelt.
advance. 7 It is possible that she will have to complain to the
NEED school.
You …………………………………………………….. buy tickets for MIGHT
the match in advance. She …………………………………………………….. a complaint to
3 It is probable that Tom was using his mobile phone the school.
when he had the accident. 8 It’s highly likely that Peter was having a joke.
Tom may …………………………………………………….. his mobile Peter …………………………………………………….. my leg.
phone when he had the accident. 9 You stole that magazine from the shop! That was
4 It is believed that the man was speeding when the wrong.
police caught him. SHOULD
MUST You …………………………………………………….. that magazine
The man …………………………………………………….. doing over from the shop.
the speed limit when the police caught him. 10 You had the chance to help that old woman but you
5 Perhaps they didn’t buy the electric car in the end. didn’t.
They …………………………………………………….. the electric car You …………………………………………………….. that old woman.
in the end.
/ 10

4 of 7
12 Listen to three people talking about their 13 Listen again and complete the notes with two
driving test experiences. Choose the best or three words in each gap.
answers, A, B, C or D.
Speaker 1
1 Why didn’t the first speaker pass his first test? His first examiner was (1) ………………………………………………
A The test examiner didn’t like him. ………………………………. In his second test he failed because of
B He didn’t look in his mirror when setting off. numerous (2) ……………………………………………………………………….
C He should have checked his mirror more often. He passed on his third attempt.
D He was in a bad mood.
2 How did he react to passing his test? Speaker 2
A He was calm and relaxed. She had just become 17 and being the youngest of her
B He didn’t believe the examiner. friends she had to watch them (3) ………………………………………
C He was grateful to the examiner. ……………………………………… their new cars.
D He told him a joke. She panicked during the test when the examiner stopped
3 How did the second speaker feel before her test? the car to prevent them from crashing into the
A under pressure to be like her friends (4) ………………………………………………………………………………. She
B excited about being more independent failed the test.
C jealous of her best friend’s car
D happy to be 17 Speaker 3
4 Why did she fail her test? She was given an early test due to (5) …………………………
A She crashed into the cars ahead of her. ……………………………………………………. She doesn’t remember
B She misunderstood a traffic signal. much but was so happy to pass that she cried.
C She stopped the car at the wrong place.
D She braked too hard.
5 How was the third speaker affected by taking her test
Total / 10
the day after she applied?
A She didn’t have time to feel nervous.
B She lost her memory during the test.
C She got anxious and told her instructor to stop
the test.
D She lost three points for bad parking.


5 of 7
14 You have been discussing in class the advantages and disadvantages of different types of transport. Look
at this question and write an essay for your teacher giving your opinion.

Which mode of transport do you consider the most reliable and

efficient? Compare your mode of transport with at least one other.

Write 250–275 words.


























6 of 7





/ 12

15 Compare and contrast the photographs and say how the people might be feeling.


/ 12

Total / 100

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