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Y. Chandra sekhar
A. Prasad Babu
R. Nagaraju


Research Associate (Plant Pathology)
Horticultural Research Station, Anantharajupeta
Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University
Andhra Pradesh


R&D Head, Chief Ageonomist
Lao Agro Green Organic Co. Ltd, Laos

Senior Scientist (Hort) & Head
Horticultural Research Station, Anantharajupeta
Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University
Andhra Pradesh

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First Edition – May, 2017

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Plant Pathology, one of the prominent branches of
Agricultural as wll as Horticultural has expanded by during the
last three decades and assumed new dimension the subject. It
gives us pleasure and satisfaction to fullfill the long felt need of
the pathologists and students for a comphernsive book on basics
of plant pathogoly. In this book fundamentals of fungi, bacertia,
viruses, classifications and principles of plant pathology have
been presented in a short form so that if would be easily for
undrgradure students, this book will definitely useful for the
young asporing, budding pathology minds to take up the subject
with confidence.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to those
who helped me directly or indirectly during the preparation of the
manuscript of this text. The cooperation extended by my family
members, teachers and friends during the preparation of this
manuscript is highly appreciable. Criticism and suggestions for
the improvement of the present book from worthy teachers and
students will be gratefully acknowledged.




S.No Lecture Pg. No

History of Plant Pathology - Mycology, Plant

1 Bacteriology, Plant Virology, Phytoplasma, 1-6

General account of Plant Pathology -
2 Definition, Importance of plant pathogens, 7-9

Important Phytopathogenic organisms

Detailed account of Fungi - Contributions of
scientists , fungi, Definition, Types of fungal
thalli, Septation in Fungi, General types of
septa, Fungal tissues, Modification of
3 mycelium, Fungal cell, Fungal nutrition, Types 10-36

of reproduction, Methods of asexual

reproduction, Types of asexual fruiting bodies
Sexual reproduction, Methods of sexual
Taxonomy and Nomenclature of Fungi -
4 Importance of taxonomy and nomenclature, 37-38

Important rules of nomenclature

Classification of Fungi - Important
Characteristics of Divisions Myxomycota,
Eumycota, Sub-division Mastigomycotina,
Study of different genera of downy mildew
fungi, Difference between powdery and downy
5 mildew diseases, Important Characteristics of 39-60
Sub-division Zygomycotina, Ascomycotina,
Types of Sexual fruiting bodies, Important
characteristics of Order Erysiphales,
Important plant pathogenic genera of powdery
mildew, Types of cleistothecial appendages,
key for the identification of powdery mildew
genera, Important Characteristics of Sub-
division Basidiomycotina, Deuteromycotina
Detailed account of Plant Bacteriology -
Contribution of scientist, Definition, Important
characteristics of phytopathogenic bacteria,
classification of bacteria, key for identification
6 of bacteria, Important phytopathogenic 61-69

bacterial diseases, Important characteristics of

Fastidious vascular bacteria, Important
characteristics of phytoplasmas and
Detailed account of Plant Bacteriology -
Contribution of scientist, Important
characteristics of plant viruses, classification
7 of plant viruses, symptoms of viral diseases, 70-81

methods of transmission of plant viruses,

transmission by insects, Important
characteristics of viroids,
Terms and concepts used in Plant Pathology
– Disease, Disorder, Pathogen, Parasite,
Pathogenicity, Pathogenesis, Symptom,
Syndrome, Biotroph, Hemibiotroph,
8 Perthotrophs, Inoculum, Inoculum potential, 82-85

Incubation period, Predisposition,

Hypersensitivity, Systemic infection, Epidemic
disease, Endemic disease, Sporadic disease,
Pandemic, classification of plant diseases
9 Survival of Plant Pathogens - Sources of 86-90
survival of pathogens
Dissemination of the pathogen - Autonomous 91-104
10 or direct or active dispersal, Indirect or passive
Phenomenon of Infection/ Infectio process - 105-109
Process of infection, Pre-penetration,

penetration, Post penetration
Role of Enzymes in pathogenesis - 110-113
12 Composition of the cell wall, Cellulose,
Hemicellulose, Lignin, Lipids, Starch
Role of toxins in plant pathogenesis - 114-116
13 Classification of toxins, Pathotoxins,
Phytotoxins, Vivotoxins
Role of Growth regulators in plant
pathogenesis - Growth promoting 117-120
14 substances(Auxins, Gibberellins, Cytokinins)
Growth inhibiting substances (Ethylene,
Abscissic acid, Dormin)
Plant disease Epidemiology - Importance of
epidemiology, Difference between Compound
interest disease & Simple interest disease, 121-124
Disease Triangle, Disease Pyramid or
tetrahedron, Essential components/conditions
for an Epiphytotic
Remote sensing - Remote sensing techniques
of importance to Plant Pathology, 125-127
Environmental factors or non – parasitic
diseases, Iatrogenic disease
Principles of Plant Disease Management – 128-142
17 Avoidance, Exclusion of inoculum,
Eradication, Protection, Immunization
Integrated Plant Disease Management - 143-143
18 Main components of IPDM, Main strategies of


A) Mycology
1) Dutch worker Anton von Leeuwenhoek developed the
first microscope.
2) Italian botanist P. A. Micheli proposed fungi comes from
spores, considered he was a father of Mycology.
3) French botanist Tillet published a paper on bunt or
stinking smut of wheat, discovered bunt is a disease of
4) French scientist I. B. Prevost showed bunt of wheat is a
fungus and showed evidence that a disease is caused by a
5) E. M. Fries published Systema Mycologicum for naming
of fungi, he was named as Linnaeus of Mycology.
6) Robertson of England stated that sulphur is effective
against peach mildew.
7) J. G. Kuhn published first textbook in Plant Pathology -
The Diseases of Cultivated Crops, their Causes and their
8) Anton de Bary (Germany) worked out the life cycle of
potato late blight and first to prove experimentally
Phytophthora infestans is the cause of potato late blight.
He proved that fungi are causes but not the results of
diseases. He is the Father of Modern Plant Pathology.
9) Anton de Bary reported heteroecious nature of wheat stem
10) England loses coffee production to coffee rust, forced to
grow tea.
11) Robert Hartig published a book entitled, “Important
Diseases of Forest Trees”.
12) Brefeld discovered the methods of artificial culture of
microorganisms; he also illustrated the complete life
cycles of cereal smut fungi and diseases caused by them.

13) M. S. Woronin discovered and named the Club root of
Cabbage pathogen as Plasmodiophora brassicae.
14) M. S. Woronin found out the life cycle of potato wart
15) Downy mildew of grapevine was introduced into Europe
from America. The disease almost ruined the wine
16) H.M. Ward worked out the life cycle of coffee leaf rust.
He is called as Father of Tropical Plant Pathology.
17) Robert Hartig published a textbook -Diseases of Trees. He
is called as "Father of Forest Pathology".
18) Pierre Marie Alexis Millardet accidentally discovered the
Bordeaux mixture for the control of downy mildew of
19) A. B. Frank defined and named mycorrhizal associations
in plant roots.
20) Burgundy mixture was introduced by Mason of France.
21) Swedish scientist Eriksson described the phenomenon of
physiologic races in cereal rust fungus, Puccinia
22) W. A. Orton selected and bred water-melon, cowpea and
cotton for resistance to Fusarium wilt diseases. He is
considered as a pioneer worker in the development of
disease resistant varieties.
23) A. F. Blakeslee, American Geneticist founded
heterothallism in Rhizopus
24) R. H. Biffen pioneer in genetics of plant disease
25) H. Burgeff reported that within a cell of a fungus, fusion
between dissimilar nuclei can occur. He called this
phenomenon as heterokaryosis.
26) E. C. Stakman demonstrated physiologic forms in stem
rust of wheat.
27) E.J. Butler published book on Fungi and Disease in Plants

28) Sir Alexander Fleming isolated the antibiotic, Penicillin
from the fungus, Penicillium notatum.
29) H. N. Hansen and R. E. Smith were the first to
demonstrate the origin of physiologic races through
30) W. H. Tisdale and I. Williams studied the organic
fungicides by discovering alkyl dithiocarbamates.
31) H. N. Hansen found out dual phenomenon in Fungi
32) H. H. Flor developed gene-for-gene hypothesis in flax
33) Great Bengal Famine due to Helminthosporium oryzae
caused death of 2 million people in India.
34) Dimond, Heuberger and Horsfall discovered the ethylene
bis dithiocarbamates.
35) J. G. Horsfall explored the mechanism of fungicidal
36) B. B. Mundkur started Indian Phytopathological Society
with its journal Indian Phytopathology. He has written a
book ‘Fungi and Plant Diseases’ in 1949, which is the
second, book in plant pathology in India.
37) E. A. Gaümann was one of the first to investigate the
physiology of the wilts caused by Fusarium spp. He put
forth the involvement of toxin (toxin theory) in wilt
38) N.F. Jensen suggested blending of different resistant
genotypes of similar agronomic characters in fields of oats
to reduce the spread of rust and losses from rust. 1953 -N.
E. Borlaug and associates developed multiline cultivars
for wheat.
39) Pontecorvo and his associates demonstrated
parasexualism in fungi.
40) J. G. Horsfall published a book entitled "Principles of
Fungicidal action"

41) E. C. Stakman with J. G. Harrar wrote a book Principles
of Plant Pathology.
42) J. E. Van der Plank found out vertical and horizontal types
of resistance in crop plants.
43) Van Schmeling and Marshall Kulka were the first to find
out systemic fungicides (oxathiin compounds – carboxin
and oxycarboxin).
44) S. D. Garrett investigated the management of root
diseases and he is the pioneer worker in the field of
biological control.
45) G. Rangaswami wrote a book on Diseases of Crop Plants
in India.
B) Plant Bacteriology
1) Anton von Leeuwenhoek first observed bacteria.
2) Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch -They proved that anthrax
disease of cattle was caused by specific bacterium.
3) Robert Koch of Germany described the theory called
"Koch's postulates." He established the principles of pure
culture technique.
4) Robert Koch and Pasteur disproved the theory of
spontaneous generation of diseases and propose germ
theory in relation to the diseases of man and animal.
5) American Plant Pathologist -T. J. Burrill first time proved
that fire blight of apple and pear was caused by a
bacterium (now known as Erwinia amylovora).
6) E.F.Smith (U.S.A) He was worked on the bacterial wilt of
cucurbits and crown gall disease. He is also called as
"Father of Phytobacteriology”
7) C. O. Jensen related crown gall of plants to cancer of
8) J. Lederberg coined the term plasmid
9) S. A. Waksman won Nobel prize for the discovery of

10) Zinder and J. Lederberg discovered transduction in
11) H. Stolp discovered bdellovibrios.
12) P. B. New and A. Kerr success in biological control of A.
radiobacter strain K.
13) I. M. Windsor and L. M. Black observed a new kind of
phloem inhabiting bacterium causing clover club leaf
14) I. Zanen et al. demonstrated Ti plasmid in Agrobacterium
15) D. W. Dye et al. introduced the pathovar in the taxonomy
of plant pathogenic bacteria.
C) Plant Virology
1) Adolf Mayer described a disease of tobacco called
mosaikkranheit (tobacco mosaic). Adolf Mayer
demonstrated the sap transmission of Tobacco Mosaic
Virus disease.
2) Dimitri Ivanowski demonstrated that the causal agent of
tobacco mosaic could pass through bacterial filter.
3) E.F. Smith of U.S.A. showed the peach yellows was a
contagious disease.
4) M.W. Beijerinck - He believed it to be contagium vivum
fluidum (infectious living fluid). He was the first to use
the term virus, which is the Latin word for poison.
5) W. M. Stanley proved that viruses can be made as
crystals. He got Nobel Prize in 1946.
6) F. C. Bawden and, N.W. Pirie (Britain) found that the
crystalline nature of the virus contains nucleic acid and
7) Kausche and colleagues first time saw the TMV virus
particles with the help of Electron microscope.
8) Gierer and Schramm proved that the nucleic acid fraction
of the virus is actually the infectious agent.
9) Munday succeeded in inducing TMV mutations.

10) Kassanis discovered the satellite viruses.
11) T. O. Diener discovered viroids, which only consist of
nucleic acids. Smaller than viruses, caused potato spindle
tuber disease
D) Phytoplasma
1) Doi et al and Ishiie et al, the Japanese scientists found that
mycoplasma like organisms (MLO) could be responsible
for the disease of the yellows type.
2) Ishiie observed MLO's temporarily disappeared when the
plants are treated with tetracycline antibodies.
E) Spiroplasma
1) Davies et al., observed that a motile, helical wall-less
microorganism associated with corn stunt diseases,
which could be cultured and characterized and they
named it as spiroplasma.


A) Plant Pathology/Phytopathology
(i.e., the study of nature, development and management of plant
A branch of Agricultural or horticultural science which deals with
cause, etiology, resulting losses and management of plant diseases
Pathogen is an entity usually a micro organism that can incite
disease in susceptible plants.
It is also referred to as incitant, causal agent or causal organism
Plant Disease:
It is the malfunctioning of host cells and tissue results from
continuous irritation by a pathogenic agent and leads to
development of symptoms
External or internal reactions or alterations of a plant as a result of
B) Importance of plant pathogens:
1. Plant diseases caused by micro organisms because
they damage plants and plant products on which
human depend for food, clothing, furniture and
2. Millions of people all over the world still depend on
their own plant produce for their survival.
3. Reduce quality and quantity of plant produce.
Eg.Wheat bunt caused by Tilletia sp.
4. Results in increased prices of products to consumer
5. Results in severe pathological effects on humans and
animals that eat plant products
6. Destroy beauty of environment by damaging plants
around home, park, streets and forests.
7. The pesticides used to control disease, pollute the
water and environment.

8. Reduce crop yields.
9. Cause financial loss i.e., the money spent for plant
protection chemicals.
10. Changes agricultural pattern.
11. Influences the industries i.e., lack of raw material .
12. Some plant diseases even change food habits of human
Important Phytopathogenic organisms
Fungi, Bacteria, Fastidious vascular bacteria (RLO’s),
Mollicutes(phytoplasma & spiroplasma), viruses, viroids, Algae
and Flagellated protozoans
Eukaryotic, spore bearing, achlorophyllous organisms that
generally reproduce sexually and asexually and whose
filamentous, branched somatic structures are typically surrounded
by cell walls consisting chitin or cellulose or both with many
organic molecules

Fungal cell structure Hyphae

Extremely minute, rigid, essentially unicellular organisms free of
true chlorophyll, most commonly multiplying asexually by simple
transverse fission, the resulting cell, being of equal or nearly
equal in size
Fastidious vascular bacteria (RLO‘s)
These are similar to bacteria in most respects but are obligate
parasites or can not be grown on routene bacteriological media

Mollicutes (phytoplasma and spiroplasma):
Phytoplasma: Pleomorphic, wall less prokaryotic micro
organisms that can infect plants and can not yet to be grown in
1) These are helical, wall less prokaryotic micro
organisms present in phloem of diseased plants
2) these are often helical in culture
3) It can be cultured on artificial medium
4) Carrot purple leaf disease- Spiroplasma citri
Sub-microscopic, obligate parasite consisting of nucleic acid and
protein that multiplies only intracellularly and is potentially
Small, low molecular weight ribonucleic acids(RNA) that can
infect plant cells, replicate themselves and cause disease in plants
Algae are eukaryotic, photosynthetic, uni or multicellular
organisms, containing chlorophyll and a few algae mainly green
algae cause plant diseases


Contributions of scientists in the field of mycology

Pier Antonio micheli:
➢ He is an italy botanist
➢ He considered as ‘Founder and father of mycology’.
➢ He was published a book in 1729 ‘ nova plantarum
genera’ in latin- (mucor, aspergillus niger, botrytis,
tuber, polyporus)
➢ First scientist observed fungal spores for the first time
➢ Conducted spore germination tests
➢ Described asci and ascospores
Mathieu Tillet:
➢ He is an french botanist
➢ He has published a paper on bunt or stinking smut of
➢ He has established role of fungi in plant disease
➢ Proved wheat seeds contained black powder on their
surface Produced more diseased plants than clean
➢ He emphasized contagious nature of wheat bunt
➢ He believed that the disease was caused by some toxin
produced by the black powder
➢ He reported chemical treatment of seeds with common
salt and lime inhibited the contagious activity
Benedict Prevost:
➢ He is an french scientist
➢ He proved diseases are caused by micro-organisms
➢ Proved tilletia caries as causal organism of wheat bunt
➢ Observed germination of bunt spores
➢ Discovered life cycle of bunt fungus
➢ Suggested control of bunt disease by seed treatment
with cuso4

➢ Published classic paper ‘memoir on the immediate
cause of bunt or smut of wheat
➢ Studied fungicidal and fungistatic properties of
Christian Hendrik Persoon:
➢ He is belongs to South african
➢ He has published observations mycologicae in first
➢ In 1801 published ‘synopsis methodica fungorum’
➢ For nomenclature of uredinales, ustilaginales and
➢ In 1822 published ‘mycologia europica’.
➢ He gave the name ‘puccinia graminis’to wheat rust
fungus in 1794
Elias Magnus Fries:
➢ He published three volumes of ‘systema
➢ For the nomenclature of Hymenomycetes and
➢ Introduced binomial system of nomenclature to
Classify the fungal organisms
Pier Andrea Saccardo:
➢ Professor at padua university in italy
➢ Developed spore group system for ascomycotina and
deuteromycotina fungi in 1899
➢ Wrote a book in 1882 sylloge fungorum omnium
hucusque cognitorum in 25 volumes
➢ Initiated systematic grouping of fungi
E.F.Smith (U.S.A):
➢ He gave proof bacteria could be causal organisms of
plant diseases
➢ In 1920 wrote a book ‘Bacterial diseases of plants’
➢ He also worked on bacterial wilt of cucurbits and
crown gall disease
➢ He is also called as “Father of Phytobacteriology”.

➢ In 1981, he demonstrated for the first time
transmission of plant viruses by budding or grafting
➢ He showed the contagious nature of peach yellows
T.J.Burrill (U.S.A):
➢ First scientist to relate bacterium as cause of plant
➢ He proved fire blight of apple and pear was caused by
a bacterium, Erwinia amylovora
M.K Patel:
➢ Started plant bacterial research at pune – 1948
➢ Reported about 40 bacterial plant diseases
➢ Introduced post of “ plant bacteriologist “ at IARI, in
M.W.Beijerinck (Dutch):
➢ Father of virology.
➢ More extensively studied tobacco mosaic disease
➢ He proved virus causing tobacco mosaic is not a living
➢ He named infectious agent as ‘contagium vivum
➢ Subsequently called the agent as “virus”
W.M.Stanley (U.S.A):
➢ Initiated ‘biochemical nature of virus’
➢ In 1935, viruses can be crystallized & got a nobel prize
➢ viruses was crystallized by using ammonium sulphate
➢ He was isolate proteinaceous sap (globular protein)
➢ He finally proved viruses are not living
F.C.Bawden (plant virologist) and N.W.Pirie (biochemist):
➢ Established complete chemical nature of purified
➢ Characterised TMV chemically as nucleic acid 5 %,
proteins 95%

➢ Also worked on turnip mosaic virus & tobacco bushy
stunt virus
➢ In 1967,Doi and his colleagues in Japan observed
➢ First identified phytoplasmas as causal agent of Aster
yellows and Mulberry dwarf in phloem sieves
➢ They showed the MLOs
➢ Symptoms disappeared when the plants were treated
with tetracycline antibiotics
➢ Discovered the potato spindle tuber
➢ It was caused by small naked SSRNA
➢ which he called as viroid
➢ In 1968 first identified spiroplasmas as causal agent of
corn stunt
Howard Taylor Ricketts:
➢ 1916- first discovered rickettsia
➢ In 1972 first observation in phloem of clover and
periwinkle causing clover club leaf disease
➢ In 1973 observed in xylem causing pierce’s disease of
Definition: Fungi are eukaryotic, spore bearing, achlorophyllous,
heterotrophic organisms that generally reproduce sexually and
asexually and whose filamentous, branched somatic structures are
typically surrounded by cell walls containing chitin or cellulose or
both with many organic molecules
Somatic structures:
➢ Thallus/ Soma Commonly called as vegetative body or
fungal body

➢ A thallus( pl.thalli) is a simple, entire body of the
fungus devoid of chlorophyll with no differentiation
into stem, roots and leaves lacking vascular system

Rhizopus stolenfer

Hypha (hypha=web) (pl. hyphae):

➢ Hypha is a thin, transparent, tubular filament filled
with protoplasm

Structure of hypha
Mycelium (pl. mycelia):
1) A net work of hyphae (aggregation of hyphae)
2) constituting the filamentous thallus of a fungus
3) It may be colourless i.e., hyaline or coloured due to
presence of pigments in cell wall
4) The mycelium may be ectophytic or endophytic


Types of fungal thalli:
1. Plasmodium 2.Unicellular thallus 3.Multi cellular
1. Plasmodium (plasma = moulded body):
It is a naked, multinucleate mass of protoplasm
moving and feeding in amoeboid fashion
Eg. Plasmodiophora brassicae

2. Unicellular thallus: Consisting of a single cell
Eg. Chytrids, Synchytrium

Cells of synchytrium
3. Multi cellular or filamentous thallus:
➢ Majority of fungi are filamentous
➢ Consisting of a number of branched
➢ Thread like filaments called hyphae
Eg. Many fungi, Alternaria


Fungi based on reproductive structures:
1. Holocarpic 2. Eucarpic
1) Holocarpic:
➢ Thallus is entirely converted into one or more
reproductive structures, such thallus is called
holocarpic thallus.
Eg. Synchytrium

Holocarpic fungi
➢ If the thallus is differentiated into a two parts i. e,
➢ Vegetative part which absorbs nutrients
➢ Reproductive part which forms reproductive
structures, such thallus is called eucarpic thallus, eg.
Ectophytic fungus:
➢ If the fungal thallus is present on the surface of the
host plant, it is called ectophytic
Eg. Oidium

Oidium conidia
Endophytic fungus:
➢ If the fungus penetrates into the host cell / present
inside the host, it is called endophytic.

Eg. Puccinia
➢ It may be intercellular (hypha grows in between the
cells), or intra cellular ( hypha penetrates into host
Eg. Ustilago, or vascular (xylem vessels)
Eg. Fusarium oxysporum
➢ Inter cellular hyphae produce special organs called
haustoria in epidermal cells
➢ which penetrate the host cell and absorb food
➢ These are absent in intracellular hyphae

A) Elongated, B) Branched haustorum

Septation in Fungi:
➢ Some fungal hyphae are provided with partitions or
cross walls which divide the fungus into a number of
compartments /cells called as septa

Septate hyphae
➢ Hypha with out septa is called aseptate /non-septate/
coenocytic hypha, wherein the nuclei are embedded in
Eg. Lower fungi like Oomycetes and Zygomycetes.

Aseptate hypha
General types of septa:
1. Based on formation 2. Based on construction 3.Based on
1. Based on formation
A) Primary septa:
➢ Formed in direct association with nuclear
division(mitotic or meiotic)
➢ Laid down between daughter nuclei separating the
nuclei /cells.
Eg. Higher fungi like Ascomycotina and

Primary septa
B) Adventitious septa:
➢ These are formed independent of nuclear division and
➢ These are produced to delimit the reproductive
Eg. Lower fungi like Oomycetes and Zygomycetes
2. Based on construction:
A) Simple septa:
➢ It is most common which a plate like, with or without

Simple septa
B) Complex septa:
➢ Septum with a central pore surrounded by a barrel
shaped swelling of the septal wall and covered on both
sides by a perforated membrane termed the septal pore
cap or parenthosome
Eg. Dolipore septum in Basidiomycotina.

Dolipore septum
3. Based on perforation:
A) Complete septa:
➢ Septum is a solid plate without any pore or
Eg. Adventitious septa in lower fungi
B) Incomplete septa:
➢ A septum with a central pore

Complete septa Incomplete septa

Fungal tissues
➢ Fungal tissues are called plectenchyma
➢ i.e., mycelium becomes organized into loosely or
compactly woven tissue.
➢ This tissue compose various types of vegetative and
reproductive structures
Types of plectenchyma:
1. Prosenchyma 2. Pseudoparenchyma
1. Prosenchyma:
➢ It is a loosely woven tissue
➢ Component hyphae retain their individuality which
can be easily distinguishable as hyphae
➢ Lie parallel to one another
Eg. Trauma in Agaricus

Tissue of Prosenchyma
2. Pseudoparenchyma:
➢ It is compactly woven tissue
➢ It consists of closely packed cells which are
isodiametric or oval in shape resembling
parenchymatous cells of plants and hence the name
➢ The component hyphae loose their individuality and
are not distinguishable as hyphae
Eg. Sclerotial bodies of Sclerotium and rhizomorph of

Tissue of Pseudoparenchyma
Modification of mycelium/ specialised somatic structures
➢ To obtain nourishment i. e., for nutrition
➢ To resist or tolerate unfavourable conditions
➢ For reproduction
1) Rhizomorphs
2) Sclerotium
3) Stroma
4) Haustorium
5) Rhizoids
6) Appresorium
1. Rhizomorphs: (rhiza=root, morph=shape)
➢ Thick strands of somatic hyphae
➢ which the hyphae loose their individuality
➢ Resistant to adverse conditions
➢ Remain dormant until favourable conditions return
➢ Structure of growing tip of rhizomorphs resemble that
of a root tip, hence the name rhizomorph
Eg. Armillariella mellea

Armillariella mellea

2. Sclerotium: (skleron=hard) pl.sclerotia:
It is a hard, round ( looks like mustard seed)/ cylindrical or
elongated (Claviceps ) dark coloured ( black or brown)resting
➢ Formed due to aggregation of mycelium
➢ The component hyphae loose their individuality
➢ Resistant to unfavourable conditions
➢ Remain dormant for a longer period of time
➢ Germinate on the return of favourable conditions
Eg. Sclerotium, Rhizoctonia

3. Stroma: (stroma=mattress) pl.stromata.
➢ It is a compact somatic structure looks like a mattress
or a cushion
➢ On which or in which fructifications ( spores or
fruiting bodies ) are formed
A) Sub stomatal stroma:
➢ Cushion like structure formed below epidermis in sub
stomatal region from which sporophores are produced
Eg. Cercospora personata
B) Perithecial stroma:
➢ When reproductive bodies like perithecia of some
➢ Embedded periphery of stroma, called as perithecial
stroma. Eg. Claviceps, Xylaria

Sub stomatal stroma Perithecial stroma
4. Haustorium: ( hauster=drinker) pl.haustoria
➢ It is a outgrowth of somatic hyphae
➢ special absorbing organ produced on certain hyphae by
parasitic fungi
➢ For obtaining nourishment by piercing into living cells
of host
➢ They may be knob like( Albugo)
➢ Elongated ( Erysiphe, Uncinula)
➢ Finger like ( Peronospora)

Structure of haustorium
5. Rhizoids: (rhiza=root, oeides=like)
➢ These are slender root like branched structures
➢ Found in the substratum produced by some fungi
➢ It is useful for anchoring the thallus to substratum
➢ For obtaining nourishment from the substrate
Eg. Rhizopus stolonifer

Rhizopus stolonifer
6. Appresorium: (apprimere=to press against pl.appressoria)
➢ Flattened tip of hyphae or germ tube acting as pressing
organ by attaching to the host surface
➢ It gives rise to a minute infection peg
➢ Which usually grows and penetrates the epidermal
cells of the host
Eg. Puccinia, Colletotrichum, Erysiphe

Fungal cell
General characteristics of fungal cell
1) Cells are typically eukaryotic and lack chloroplasts
2) Cell is bounded by cell wall
3) Cell is made up of chitin or cellulose or both
4) Surrounding by cytoplasm is called cytoplasmic
membrane or plasmalemma
5) Protoplasm contains a true nucleus
6) Surrounded by two layered membrane with nucleolus,
7) Endoplasmic reticulum is not well developed
8) It contain may be rough ribosomes or smooth
9) Fungal cell contain vacuoles and are bounded by a
membrane called tonoplast
10) Ribosomes are protenaceous bodies scattered all over
cytoplasm, play a role in protein synthesis
11) Mitochondria are the sites of respiratory activities
12) Lomasomes are the swollen membranous structures of
13) Cytoplasm also contains fat particles, calcium oxalate
crystals, resins, glycogen

Structure of fungal cell

Fungal nutrition:
1) It is a heterotrophic with holophytic nutrition
(absorptive type)
2) Elements for fungi are, C, H, O, N, P, K, S, Zn, Fe,
Mg, Mn, Mo, Cu and Ca
3) Reserve food material in the cell either fat or
4) Fats is present in the form of oil drops
5) Carbohydrates in the form of glycogen or sugars
6) Starch is never present in the fungal cell

Groups of fungi based on mode of nutrition

1) Organisms which obtain nutrition on from dead
organic matter either completely or part of their life
2) large number of fungi fall under this category
3) Eg. Saprolegnia, Rhizopus,Alternaria
A) Obligate saprophytes:
1) Organisms which can never grow on living organisms
or can never obtain their food from living source
2) They get food only from dead organic matter
Eg. Mucor, Agaricus
B) Facultative parasite:
Organisms which are usually saprophytic but have
ability to become as parasites
Eg. Pythium aphanidermatum, Fusarium solani,
Rhizoctonia solani
2. Parasites:
Organisms which live within or out side other
organisms for their nutrition either completely or part
of life
1) If a parasite damages the host then they are called as
2) All pathogens are not parasites and all parasites need
not be pathogens

A) Obligate parasites:
Organisms which obtain food only from living
organisms (living protoplasm) and can never derive
their food from dead organic matter or artificial
Eg. Puccinia graminis, Plasmopara viticola
B) Facultative saprophytes:
Organisms which are usually parasites but have ability
to become saprophytes
Eg. Ustilago maydis
There are 2 main types of spores
1. Sporangiospores 2. Conidia
1. Sporangiospores:
➢ When the asexual spores are produced internally,
within the sporangia, such spores are called
➢ The sac like structure which produces sporangiospores
is called sporangium
➢ The special hypha bearing sporangium is called
➢ A small sporangium with or without columella
➢ Containing a few or single spore is called as
Eg. Rhizopus stolonifer

Rhizopus stolonifer

2. Conidia / Conidiospores:
➢ Conidia are non- motile
➢ Asexual spores which may arise directly from somatic
hyphae or from specialized structures
➢ Conidia are produced freely on conidiophore ie., At
the tips or sides of conidiophore or
➢ May be produced in specialized asexual fruiting bodies

Conidia and Conidiophore

Types of reproduction:
I. Asexual /non-sexual / vegetative / somatic reproduction
II. Sexual reproduction
I. Asexual reproduction:
➢ It is also known as imperfect stage and technically
called as anamorphic stage
➢ There is no union of nuclei /sex cells/ sex organs
➢ It is repeated several times during life span of fungus
producing numerous asexual spores
➢ Hence, it is more important for fungi than sexual
➢ Asexual spores are formed after mitosis, hence also
called mitospores
Methods of asexual reproduction:
1. Fragmentation
2. Fission.
3. Budding

4. Sporulation (production of spores)
1. Fragmentation:
➢ It is the most common method
➢ Hypha of fungus breaks into small pieces, each broken
piece is called a fragment,
➢ Which function as a propagating unit and grows into a
new mycelium.
➢ The spores produced by fragmentation are called
Eg. Oidium, Geotrichum.

➢ Sometimes, the contents of intercalary cells
➢ terminal cells of hypha rounded off and surrounded by
thick wall and formed as chlamydospores
➢ which are thick walled resistant spores produced either
singly or in chains
Eg. Fusarium oxysporum, Ustilago tritici

Chlamydospores of Fusarium
2. Fission / Transverse fission:
➢ Parent cell elongates, nucleus under go mitotic
division and forms two nuclei,
➢ then the contents divide into equal halves by the
formation of a transverse septum
➢ Separates into two daughter cells
Eg. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Fission of cells
3. Budding:
➢ Spores formed through budding are called blastospores
➢ Parent cell puts out initially a small out growth called
bud / blastos ie.,sprout or
➢ Later, bud increases in size and a constriction is
formed at the base of bud, cutting off completely from
parent cell
➢ when separated from parent cell, can function as an
independent propagating unit
➢ Sometimes multiple buds are also seen i.e., bud over
Eg. Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Process of budding of cells

4. Sporulation (spores):
Process of production of spores is called sporulation

➢ It is a minute, simple propagating unit of the fungi,
functioning as a seed
➢ But differs from it in lacking a embryo that serves in
the reproduction of same species
➢ Spores vary in colour, size, number of cells and the
way in which they are borne
Types of Asexual fruiting bodies
A). Pycnidium:
1. It is a globose or flask shaped fruiting body
2. lined inside with conidiophores which produce conidia
3. It may be completely closed or may have an opening
called ostiole
4. Pycnidium may be provided with small papillum or
long neck
Eg. Phomopsis.

B). Acervulus:
1. A flat or saucer shaped fruiting body
2. with a stromatic mat of hyphae producing conidia on
short conidiophores
3. An acervulus lacks a definite wall structure and not
having an ostiole
Eg. Colletotrichum, Pestalotiopsis.

C). Sporodochium:
1. A cushion shaped asexual fruiting body
2. Conidiophores arise from a central stroma and they are
woven together on a mass of hyphae and produce
Eg. Fusarium

D). Synnemata:
1. A group of conidiophores often united at the base and
free at the top
2. Conidia may be formed at its tip or along the length of
3. Resembling a long handled feather duster
Eg. Graphium

Sexual reproduction
➢ Sexual reproduction involves union of two compatible
nuclei or sex cells or sex organs or somatic cells or
somatic hyphae for the formation of new individuals.
➢ Sexual stage is perfect stage and technically called as
teleomorphic stage
Sex organs of fungi:
Sex organs of fungi are called gametangia containing
Gametes: Sex cells are called as gametes
Antheridium: (pl.antheridia) Male gametangium is called as
➢ It is small and club shaped
Oogonium / Ascogonium: (pl.oogonia/ascogonia):
➢ Female gametangium is called Oogonium (oomycetes)
or ascogonium (ascomycotina)
➢ It is large and globose shaped
➢ Male gametes are called antherozoids or sperm or
➢ Female gametes are called egg or oosphere

Antheridium and Oogonium

Methods of sexual reproduction
1. Planogametic copulation.
2. Gametangial contact
3. Gametangial copulation
4. Spermatisation
5. Somatogamy
1. Planogametic copulation (gametogamy):
This involves the union of 2 naked gametes one or
both of which are motile
a. Isogamy (Isogamous planogametic copulation):
If both gametes are motile and similar
Eg. Plasmodiophora brassicae.
b. Anisogamy (Anisogamous planogametic copulation):
If both gametes are motile but dissimilar.
E g. Allomyces, macrogynus
c. Heterogamy:
If gametes are dissimilar, one motile, another is non
Eg. Monoblepharis, polymorpha

2. Gametangial contact (Gametangy / Oogamy):

➢ Male and female gametangia come in contact At the
place of contact,
➢ Dissolution of wall occurs and a fertilization tube is
➢ Contents of male gametangium migrate into female
gametangium through a pore or fertilization tube
developed at the point of contact
➢ Gametangia do not loose their identity
Eg. Pythium aphanidermatum

3. Gametangial copulation (Gametangiogamy):
➢ Isogametangia come in contact, their intervening wall
dissolves leading to fusion of entire contents of two
contacting gametangia to form a single unit
➢ Gametangia loose their identity
➢ The protoplasts fuse and the unit increases in size
Eg. Rhizopus stolonifer

4. Spermatization:
➢ Minute, uninucleate male cells called as spermatia
➢ which are produced on spermatiophores in a fruiting
body (pycnium) are carried to female reproductive
structures called receptive hyphae
➢ Spermatia and receptive hyphae come in contact
➢ Contents of male spermatium migrate into female
receptive hypha, making the cell binucleate This
process is called dikaryotization
Eg. Puccinia graminis tritici

5. Somatogamy:
➢ Many higher fungi do not produce sex organs
➢ In such cases somatogamy takes place
➢ It is the union of 2 somatic hyphae or somatic cells
➢ representing opposite sexes to form sexual spores
Eg. Agaricus campestris


➢ The science of classification
➢ It is concerned with principles of classification
➢ Grouping of organisms into classes, orders, families,
genera, species
➢ Art of naming living organisms
Importance of taxonomy and nomenclature
For study of fungi
For scientific communication between mycologists and plant
pathologists throughout the world
1. Binomial system of nomenclature was originally
introduced by Carl Linnaeus for higher plants
2. Later, this classification was adopted to fungi by his
students C.H. Persoon and E.M. Fries
Important rules of nomenclature:
According to International code of Botanical Nomenclature, the
names of organisms should be binomial i.e., 2 parts,
1. First part is noun designating genus and first letter is in
2. Second name is an adjective, describing the species,
and first letter should be in small letter
Eg. Puccinia graminis
3. Binomials are usually derived from Greek or Latin
4. Binomials when hand written should be underlined
and when printed italicised
Eg. Puccinia graminis ( hand written)
Puccinia graminis ( printed)
5. Taxa ( groups) used in classification are Kingdom,
Division, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species
6. Each category may be sub divided into sub groups

7. Like Sub- Division, Sub- Class, Sub- Order
8. Species is the unit of classification or
9. Basic taxonomic category ( taxon)
10. Species some times broken into variety / formae
speciales ( f.sp.)
11. Varieties into races and races into biotypes
12. Standard endings of TAXA
➢ Division ends with mycota
➢ Sub- Division ends with mycotina
➢ Class with mycetes
➢ Sub- class with mycetidae
➢ Order with ales
➢ Family with aceae
➢ No special ending for genus and species
Eg. Puccinia graminis tritici race 1
1. Kingdom :Fungi
2. Division : Eumycota
3. Sub-division : Basidiomycotina
4. Class : Teliomycetes
5. Order : Uredinales
6. Family : Pucciniaceae
7. Genus : Puccinia
8. Species : graminis
9. Variety : tritici
10. Race : 1

(classification by Ainsworth, 1973)

Important Characteristics of Divisions Myxomycota:

1. Plasmodial forms with out cell wall
2. Plasmodium is a naked multinucleate mass of
protoplasm which moves and feeds in an amoeboid
3. Also called as slime molds
Eg. Plasmodiophora
Important Characteristics of Divisions Eumycota:
1. These are true fungi
2. Thallus is typically filamentous with cell wall
3. Plasmodium is absent
Important Characteristics of Sub-division Mastigomycotina
1. Thallus is unicellular or aseptate mycelium
2. Asexual spores are zoospores (motile spores)
3. Sexual spores are oospores
4. Sexual reproduction by gametangial contact
Eg: Pythium, P hytophthora

Classification of sub division Mastigomycotina

Detailed account of Pythium aphanidermatum

It causes damping of diseases in vegetables
Damping off diseases Symptoms: Symptoms are two phases
I) Pre-emergence damping-off and
ii) Post-emergence damping-off.
I) Pre-emergence damping-off:
➢ Failure of seedling emergence due to seed rots
➢ killing of young seedlings
➢ Patchy appearance of seedlings stands
ii) Post emergence damping-off:
➢ Toppling over of infected seedlings
➢ Infected tissue initially appears to be water- soaked
and soft
➢ Mass death of seedlings

Death of seedlings

➢ Mycelium is intracellular, slender, coenocytic and
branched hyphae
➢ Asexual reproduction - Zoospores
➢ kidney shaped and biflagellate- Zoospores
➢ In sexual reproduction - Oospore
Disease cycle and epidemiology:
➢ It is a both seed and soil borne disease
➢ Survives in plant debris or oospores in the soil
➢ It require high soil moisture, pH 6.0
➢ Heavy soils favour disease development
➢ Pre-emergence damping-off is maximum at 20-25o C
➢ while post emergence at 30-40oC
➢ Sever in ill-aerated soils with poor drainage having
thick stand of the seedlings

Life cycle of Pythium aphanidermatum

➢ Change the nursery site every year
➢ Solarize soil bed with polyethylene (25 µm) sheet for
40-45 days during summer months
➢ Treat the soil with Formalin (5%) at least 20 days
before sowing
➢ Apply bioagents like Trichoderma harzianum or T.
viride (40 g/m2).
➢ Treat the seed with Captan (0.3%)
➢ Soil, drench the bed with mixture of Mancozeb
(0.25%) and Carbendazim (0.1%) and repeat at 7-10
days interval
➢ Give light but frequent irrigations
Detailed account of Late blight
It causes late blight disease in potato
➢ The disease infection starts in 6 weeks old plants
➢ First reported from Andes mountains of South
➢ In India, the disease was first reported in Darjeeling
district in India (1880)
Symptoms of late blight disease
➢ Initially starts from leaf tips or margins and spread
➢ Water soaked stripes on stem which becomes necrotic
➢ Purplish brown spots appear on skin of tubers
➢ On cutting, the affected tubers show rusty brown
➢ Decay of infected plant parts which comes emits foul

Brown necrotic spots on leaves Decay of infected tuber
Disease cycle
P.I: IPD or oospores
Collateral host: Tomato, Pepper and egg plant
S.I: Conidia dispersed by wind or water

Life cycle of Phytophthora infestans

Favourable conditions for pathogen:
➢ Cool moist conditions
➢ RH: >90% and temperatur (12-240 C)
➢ Night temperature not below 10°C
➢ Cloudiness on the next day
➢ Rainfall at least 0.1mm on the following day

➢ Select healthy tubers for planting
➢ Delayed harvesting
➢ Grow resistant varieties such as Kufri Jyothi,
Kufri Badshah, Kufri Jeevan, Kufri Sherpa
Prophylactic measures:
➢ Spray chemicals like Metalaxyl (0.1%) or
Mancozeb (0.25%)
➢ Dip sprouted tubers in 0.2% metalaxyl for 30
White rust or blister - Albugo candida
➢ White, shiny raised blisters (pustules) on lower
surfaces of leaves, stems & flowers
➢ Pustules coalesce to form irregular patches
➢ Epidermis ruptures exposing white spore mass which
gives the pustule a powdery appearance
➢ Distortion of the floral parts including petals, pistils
and anthers due to hypertrophy and hyperplasia
➢ Infected plants are malformed

Blisters on under surface leaf

➢ Albugo candida is an obligate parasite
➢ Mycelium is intercellular and non-septate
➢ Short conidiophores arise from the mycelium, which
are arranged in rows

➢ Sporangia are produced in chains arising from the
➢ Sporangia germinate either by germtube or by
producing zoospores
➢ Oospore is spherical with thick irregular wall, deep
yellow to dark brown in colour
Disease cycle and epidemiology:
➢ Survives as oospores in IPD or contaminated seeds or
mycelium in weed hosts
➢ Primary inoculum - oospores
➢ Secondary spread - sporangia (zoospores)

Life cycle of Albugo candida

➢ Collection and burning of infected IPD
➢ Avoids the humid conditions around the plants by
maintaining proper spacing
➢ Crucifer weed free cultivation
➢ Application of fertilizers like phosphorus, potassium
➢ Avoidance of excess application of nitrogen
➢ Spray the crop with metalaxyl + mancozeb (0.25%)
followed by sprays of Bordeaux mixture (4:4:50) or

Mancozeb (0.25%) or Copper oxychloride (0.30%)
repeat at 10 to 14 days interval
Study of different genera of downy mildew fungi
1. Sclerospora
2. Peronospora
3. Peronosclerospora
4. Pseudoperonospora
5. Plasmopara
6. Bremia
1. Sclerospora:
➢ Sporangiophores are stout , having upright branches,
bearing sporangia on sterigmata.
➢ Sporangia are hyaline, ovoid, Smooth walled, papillate
and germinate by zoospores
➢ Oospore is plerotic.
Eg. Sclerospora graminicola – Downy mildew of bajra

2. Peronospora:
➢ Sporangiophores are dichotomously branched 2-7
times at acute angles and tips of branches are curved
and pointed bearing sporangia on sterigmata.
➢ Sporangia are hyaline ,ovoid ,non-papillate and always
germinate by germ tube. i.e. sporangia behave like
Eg: Peronospora destructor- Downy mildew of onion

3. Peronosclerospora:
➢ Possess characteristics of both Peronospora and
➢ Sporangiophores are erect, short, stout, dichotomously
branched 2 -5 times at apex bearing sporangia on
➢ Sporangia are hyaline, ovoid, thin walled, non-
papillate and germinate by germ tube like
➢ Oospore is plerotic type like Sclerospora.
Eg.Peronosclerospora sorghi-downy mildew of jowar
P.philippinensis-downy mildew of maize


4. Pseudoperonospora:
➢ Sporangiophores are branched at acute angles with
curved, blunt tips, bearing sporangia on sterigmata
➢ Sterigmata are unequal (1 big and 1 small)
➢ Sporangia are greyish, ovoid, papillate and germinate
by zoospores.
Eg. Pseudoperonospora cubensis - Downy mildew of

6. Plasmopara:
➢ Sporangiophores are branched at right angles to main
axis at regular intervals.
➢ Monopodial branching is observed.
➢ Subsequent branches are 3-6 which end in blunt
sterigmata of 3 in number.
➢ Sporangia are ovoid and germinate by zoospores.
Eg. Plasmopara viticola- Downy mildew of grapes


6. Bremia:
➢ Sporangiophores are dichotomously branched, tips of
branches are expanded to cup shaped apophysis with
four sterigmata bearing sporangia.
➢ Sporangia are ovoid, papillate germinate by zoospores.
Eg: Bremia lactucae-downy mildew of lettuce


Difference between powdery and downy mildew diseases

Powdery mildew Downy mildew
1 These are true fungi These are false fungi
2 Symptoms seen on upper Symptoms seen on under
surface of leaf surface of leaf
3 Consists of conidiophores Consists of sporangiophore
& conidia & sporangia
4 Mycelium septate Mycelium is non-septate
5 Asexual spores are conidia Asexual spores are
6 Asexual spores are non- Asexual spores are motile
7 Sexual spores are Sexual spores are oospores
ascospores enclosed in
8 Occurs during dry weather Occurs during humid
10 Ex : Leveillula Ex : Sclerospora

Important Characteristics of Sub-division Zygomycotina
1. Thallus is aseptate mycelium
2. Motile spores are absent
3. Asexual spores are sporangiospores (aplanospores)
4. Sexual spores are zygospores
5. Sexual reproduction through gametangial copulation

Important Characteristics of Sub-division Ascomycotina

1. Thallus is septate mycelium
2. Rarely unicellular
3. Motile spores are absent
4. Asexual spores are conidia
5. Sexual spores are ascospores produced endogenously
in an ascus
6. Sexual reproduction mainly by gametangial contact

Classification of sub division Ascomycotina

Types of Sexual fruiting bodies or Ascocarps

There are four types of ascocarps
1. Cleistothecium:
2. Perithecium
3. Apothecium
4. Ascostromata
1. Cleistothecium:
❖ Completely closed ball like ascocarp
❖ Made up of a wall pseudoparenchymatous tissue called
as peridium.
❖ Asci are distributed at different levels in ascocarp.
❖ Asci are matured, ascospores are released by
disintegration of peridium.
Eg. Eurotium, Erysiphe


2. Perithecium:
❖ Flask shaped fruiting body
❖ with a pore or opening at the tip called true ostiole
❖ Ostiole is lined inside with sterile structures called as
❖ Asci are arranged in definite layer called hymenium
❖ In between asci, sterile thread like structures called
paraphyses which help in liberation of ascospores.
Eg. Claviceps, Xylaria

3. Apothecium:
❖ Open cup shaped ascocarp
❖ Asci are exposed from beginning or later exposed
❖ Sterile structures called paraphyses (intermingled with
Eg. Peziza, Tuber
4. Ascostromata:
❖ Asci are formed directly in cavities called locules
❖ Sterile structures called pseudoparaphyses
Eg. Elsinoe
❖ If the ascostromata is with a single locule ie.,
unilocular ascostroma resembles perithecium with
pseudoparaphyses is called as pseudothecium.
Eg. Venturia


Important characteristics of Order: Erysiphales

Family: Erysiphaceae
➢ Having a Cleistothecium
➢ They cause powdery mildew diseases
➢ Mycelium is hyaline and mostly ectophytic
➢ Members are obligate parasites and nourishment
through haustoria

➢ Asci are globose and explodes at the time of release of
Important plant pathogenic genera of powdery mildew
1. Erysiphe
2. Leveillula
3. Phyllactinia
4. Uncinula
5. Sphaerotheca
6. Podosphaera
7. Microsphaera
Asexual reproduction:
❖ Through conidia produced on conidiophores.
❖ Conidiophores are long, erect and hyaline.
Three types of conidial stages are recognised in powdery
1. Oidium
2. Oidiopsis
3. Ovulariopsis
1. Oidium (Acrosporium):
➢ Mycelium is ectophytic, hyaline.
➢ Conidia are developed from a flask shaped mother cell
( spore mother cell) formed on a short conidiophore
➢ Conidia are barrel shaped and are produced in chains
➢ Conidia are formed by fragmentation of hyphae called
as arthrospores,
Eg. Erysiphe, Podosphaera, Uncinula, Sphaerotheca
and Microsphaera

2. Oidiopsis:
➢ Mycelium is endophytic.
➢ Conidiophores may be branched or unbranched, erect,
septate, hyaline and emerge through stomata
➢ Conidia are produced singly and cylindrical in shape.
➢ Conidia are of two types. A. blunt tip B. pointed tip.
Eg. Leveillula

3. Ovulariopsis:
➢ Mycelium is partly ectophytic and partly endophytic.
➢ Conidiophores are hyaline, septate, unbranched, and
bear a single conidium
➢ Conidia are rhomboid in shape
➢ In some species, conidiiphores are spiral in shape.
Eg. Phyllactinia subspiralis

Powdery mildews are produce ascospores in cleistothecia through
Sexual reproduction

Types of cleistothecial appendages
1. Mycelioid appendages:
➢ Flexible, flaccid and resemble somatic hyphae
Eg. Erysiphe, Sphaerotheca, Leveillula.

Mycelioid appendages
2. Circinoid / hooked / coiled appendages:
➢ These are rigid with curled or coiled tips.
Eg. Uncinula

Coiled appendages
3. Dichotomously branched tips:
❖ These are rigid, flattened with dichotomously
branched tips
Eg. Podosphaera, Microsphaera

Dichotomously branched tips

4. Bulbous base with pointed tip:
➢ These are rigid, spear like with bulbous base and
pointed tip.
Eg. Phyllactinia

Bulbous base with pointed tip

Important Characteristics of Sub-division Basidiomycotina
1. Thallus is septate mycelium
2. Motile spores are absent.
3. Clamp connections and dolipore septum are present
4. Sexual spores are basidiospores produced exogenously
on basidium
5. Sexual reproduction is by spermatization and

Classification of sub division Basidiomycotina

Important Characteristics of Sub-division Deuteromycotina:

1. Thallus is septate mycelium

2. Motile spores are absent
3. Sexual spores are absent
4. Asexual spores called conidia are present

Classification of sub division Deuteromycotina


Contribution of scientist in the field of plant bacteriology

1. E.F.Smith (U.S.A):
➢ He gave proof bacteria could be causal organisms of
plant diseases
➢ In 1920 wrote a book ‘Bacterial diseases of plants’
➢ He also worked on bacterial wilt of cucurbits and
crown gall disease
➢ He is also called as “Father of Phytobacteriology”
➢ In 1981, he demonstrated for the first time
transmission of plant viruses by budding or grafting
➢ He showed the contagious nature of peach yellows
2. T.J.Burrill (U.S.A):
➢ First scientist to relate bacterium as cause of plant
➢ He proved fire blight of apple and pear was caused by
a bacterium, Erwinia amylovora
3. M.K Patel (India)
➢ He is started plant bacterial research at pune – 1948
➢ He is reported about 40 bacterial plant diseases
➢ He is introduced post of “ plant bacteriologist “ at
IARI, in 1955
Bacteria are extremely minute, rigid, essentially unicellular
organisms, lack of chlorophyll, most commonly reproduce by
transverse binary fission resulting cells are identical in size and
Important characteristics of phytopathogenic bacteria
1. Straight to curved rods with rigid cell walls
2. Some bacteria assume irregular shapes like v, y, L
Ex: v form of corynebacterium (clavibacter)
L-forms of agrobacterium and erwinia

3. Mostly gram negative, rarely gram positive (gr +ve
genera: streptomyces, corynebacterium, clavibacter,
curtobacterium )
4. Can be cultured on artificial media
5. Majority are flagellate
6. Can be identified based on flagellation, pigment
7. These are passive invaders, i.e., enter plants through
wounds or natural openings
8. Survive, in/on the seed and in plant debris and spread
by means of water, rain, insects, and agricultural
9. All are susceptible to phages
10. All are non-spore formers except Bacillus
11. Cell wall rigid
12. Aerobes/ facultative anaerobes
13. Slow growth compared to other saprophytic bacteria
14. Incubation period: 36- 48 hrs. At 25o c
15. Majority are flagellate and hence motile

Structure of bactera

Identification of gram – Ve (negative) bacteria
Identified based on
➢ Morphological differences-flagellation
➢ Cultural characteristics
➢ Physiological characteristics
➢ Biochemical characteristics
➢ Pathogenicity –Host range

Pseudomonas ( Ralstonia ):
➢ Cells single, gram – ve , aerobic , straight to curved
➢ Flagella- polar ( mono / lophotrichous)
➢ Chemoorganotrophs
➢ Fluorescent pseudomonas with water soluble pigments
(yellow - green )

➢ Cells single, gram – ve, aerobic, straight rods
➢ Having a single polar flagella
➢ Yellowish, non water soluble pigments
➢ All species are plant pathogens
➢ Gram – ve, aerobic, rods
➢ Flagella- 1 , peritrichous
➢ Colonies white ( non pigmented), smooth
➢ Habitat: rhizosphere and soil
➢ All produce galls , except A. radiobacter
➢ Produce abundant polysaccharide slime
➢ Cells single, gram – ve, straight rods
➢ Flagella ( peritrichous- many )
➢ Non capsulated
➢ Facultative anaerobes
➢ Cause necrosis or wilt diseases
Clavibacter (corynebacterium):
➢ Gram + ve, aerobic
➢ Straight or curved rods or
➢ Pleomorphic (club shaped , v / y )
➢ Non flagellate/ few 1 - 3 polar flagella
➢ Mycelium is filamentous
➢ Gram + ve bacteria
➢ Cells are spherical in shape
➢ Survives as aerobic
➢ Conidia forms in chains

Important phytopathogenic bacterial diseases

Disease Bacteria
1.Wilt of solanaceous Raltsonia solanacearum
Cropsc (tomato) (non fluorescent psudomonads)
2.Wild fire of tobacco P.syringae pv. Tabaci
(fluorescent psudomonads)
3.Bacterial blight of paddy Xanthomonas campestris pv.
4.Citrus canker X. axonopodis pv. Citri

5.Black arm/Angular leaf spot X. campestris pv. malvacerum
of cotton
6.Black rot of crucifers X. campestris pv. Campestris
7.Crown gall of apple Agrobacterium tumefaciens
8.Soft rot of vegetables Erwinia carotovora
9.Fire blight of apple E. amylovora
10.Tundu diseases of wheat Corynebacterium tritici
11.Comman scab of potato Streptomyces scabies

Fastidious vascular bacteria (rickettsia like organisms)

Similar to bacteria in all respects but can not be grown on
conventional bacteriological media but requiring complex /
special nutrient medium for its multiplication
❖ Howard Taylor Ricketts ( 1916 ) – first discovered
❖ 1972- first observation in phloem of clover and
periwinkle causing clover club leaf disease
❖ 1973- observed in xylem causing pierce’ s disease of
Important characteristics of Fastidious vascular bacteria
1. Cell wall is thin ( 20-30 nm thickness )and undulating
2. Rods / pleomorphic in shape
3. Size vary from 1-4 mm, 0.2- 0.5 mm dia.
4. No flagella hence, non motile
5. All Are gram negative except sugarcane ratoon stunt
6. These are non spore former
7. Found in xylem and phloem vessels of plants
8. These are living in intra cellular parasites
9. Transmission by leaf hoppers, bugs, psyllids and
10. Sensitive to tetracycline, penicillin high temperatures

11. Can be eliminated by immersing propagative material
in hot water at 45-50 o c for 2 -3 hrs. Or keep in hot air
at 50- 58 o c for 4 -8 hrs.
Ex: Sugarcane ratoon stunt and pierce’s disease of

Fastidious vascular bacteria

Leifsonia xyli - Sugarcane ratoon stunt
❖ Xylem inhabitant, gram + ve
❖ Transmission no vector, mechanical ( sap ) or through
❖ It can growth on special / complex nutrient medium
Candidatus liberobacter -Citrus greening
❖ Phloem inhabitant, gram - ve , rigid rods
❖ Transmission by Diaphorina citri (psyllid) or
vegetative propagation
Xylella fastidiosa - Pierce’s disease of grapes
❖ Xylem inhabitant, gram - ve
❖ Transmission by leaf hopper and grafting

Phytoplasmas and spiroplasmas

MLO’s / phytoplasmas
Definition: Prokaryotic, pleomorphic, resemble mycoplasma ,
wall less, self replicating, pass through filters, sensitive to
tetracyclines, transmission by leaf hoppers ,found in sieve

Important characteristics of phytoplasmas:
1. Size vary from 100 nanometers to 1 micrometer dia
2. Wall less, covered by trilamellar unit membrane with
3. Cells are pleomorphic
4. Aerobic to facultative anaerobes
5. Found in intracellularly in phloem vessels of plants
6. Genome is made up of ds circular DNA
7. Self replicable by transverse binary fission
8. These are obligate parasites
9. Non Flagellate, non spore former and gram – ve.
10. Resistant to penicillin but sensitive to tetracycline &
11. Transmission by leaf hoppers and grafting
12. Can be controlled by cross protection
13. Require sterols for growth
14. Can be controlled by thermotherapy by growing plants
at 37- 40o c.
Ex. Mulberry dwarf

Phytoplasma in plant cell

Symptoms of phytoplasmal diseases
➢ Yellows of leaves ( yellowing and stunting )
➢ Little leaf, ( greening of flowers )
➢ Phyllody ( flowers turn into green leafy structures )
➢ witches broom ( broom like growth or massed
proliferation caused by the mass clustering of
➢ Bronzing of leaves
Diseases caused by phytoplasmas and vectors
Disease Vector
1.Asters yellows Macrosteles fascifrons (leaf hopper)
2.Sesamum phyllody Orosius albicinctus (leaf hopper)
3.Mulberry dwarf Hishimonas sellatus (leaf hopper)
4.Sandal spike Jassus indicus (leaf hopper)
5.Littel leaf brinjal Hishimonas phycitis (leaf hopper)
6.Grassy shoot sugarcane Aphis maydis (aphid)
7.Potato witches broom Orosius albicinctus (leaf hopper)

Spiroplasmas (helical mollicutes) (spiroplasmatology)

Important characteristics:
➢ These are helical in liquid media
➢ Size vary from 100- 240 nm diameter
➢ These are grown on culture medium in laboratory
➢ These are gram positive (+ ve) bacteria
➢ Colonies appear like fried egg in culture medium
➢ Multiplication by transverse binary fission
➢ Having a no flagella
➢ These are resistant to penicillin but sensitive to

Important diseases and transmission

Disease Vector (leaf hopper)
1.Cirn stunt Dalbulus elimatus
2.Citrus stuboorn Circulifer tenellus


Contributation of scientists in the field of plant bacteriology

M.W.Beijerinck (Dutch):
❖ He considered as a father of virology
❖ He was more extensively studied tobacco mosaic
❖ He proved virus causing tobacco mosaic is not a living
❖ He named infectious agent as ‘contagium vivum
❖ Subsequently called the agent as ‘virus’
W.M.Stanley (U.S.A):
❖ He was Initiated ‘biochemical nature of virus’
❖ He got a nobel prize In 1935 for crystallization of
❖ He was used ammonium sulphate for crystallization
❖ He finally proved viruses are not living
F.C.Bawden (plant virologist) and N.W.Pirie (biochemist)
❖ Both are established complete chemical nature of
purified TMV
❖ Pirie was proved characterised TMV chemically as
nucleic acid 5 %, proteins 95%
❖ Both are also worked on turnip mosaic virus &
tobacco bushy stunt virus
Adolf Mayer (German):
❖ He Worked on TMV
❖ He demonstrated sap transmission of the diseases
Iwanowski (Russia)
❖ He demonstrated TMV could pass through bacterial
proof filters

Definition of viruses:
➢ Virus particles are sub microscopic, infectious entities,
multiply intracellular, potentially pathogenic
Important characteristics of plant viruses:
➢ These are ultra microscopic
➢ Can pass through bacterial proof filters hence called
filterable agents
➢ These are obligate Parasites, highly infectious
➢ Do not have enzyme system for energy generation
➢ Multiplication in terms of genetic material (DNA/
➢ No binary fission
➢ Virus particle called as virions
➢ Virion consist of protein coat (capsid)
➢ Genome: majority RNA viruses
Eg. Tobamovirus (Tobacco mosaic virus)
➢ Few are DNA viruses
Eg.1. Caulimovirus (cauliflower mosaic

Influenza virus Bacteriophage

Maintain definite shape
1. Rod (end open) A. Rigid rod, Eg. Tmv
B. Flexible rod , Eg. Pv-x

Rigid rod

2. Polyhedral virus (spherical / icosahedran )
Eg Tobacco necrosis & cucumber mosaic virus


3. Polyhedral virus (end covered by protein sub units)

Eg Alfalfa mosaic virus

Polyhedral virus

A. External symptoms
1. Mosaic: Alternate green and yellow patches

Tomato mosaic
2. Vein clearing: Tissue close to vein yellow, remaining area
Eg: Vein clearing of bhendi

Vein clering in bhendi

3. Vein banding: Tissue along vein green, tissue between vein

4. Ring spot: Circular chlorosis with green centre

Eg: Papaya ring spot

Papaya ring spot
5. Necrosis: Death of cells in infected area
Eg. Top rot of potato

Rotting in potato
6. Distortion / malformation:
➢ Leaves and flowers twisted, become narrow
➢ End of the leaf is appear as rat tail
Eg. Leaf curl of papaya

Leaf curl in papaya

7. Enation: Masses of hypertrophoid tissue on leaf surface
Eg. Leaf curl of tobacco

Leaf curl in tobacco
8. Masked symptoms:
➢ Plants contain virus , but symptomless under
unfavourable conditions
➢ Symptoms are appear under favourable conditions
Masked virus:
➢ Virus showing phenomenon of masking
Eg. Cauliflower mosaic virus at > 24 0 c
9. Symptomless carrier:
➢ Infected plant showing no obvious symptoms
Latent virus:
➢ Virus not inducing development of symptoms in its
Eg. Tristeza virus on sweet orange

Linear stem pitting on sweet orange

B. Internal symptoms:
1. Cell inclusion bodies
a) X- bodies- amorphous like
b) Flat crystalline plates
2. Destruction of normal tissue
a) Stem pittings
Eg. Tristeza virus

Difference between persistent and non persistent virus
Persistent virus Non persistent virus
1 Vectors retain the virus in Retained only for a short
their body throughout the period in the body of vector
2 Virus are retained even Lost when the insect is moults
after moulting
3 Acquisition feeding period Acquisition feeding period is
is long (2 hrs) short (15 sec)
4 Latent period in vector is No latent period in the vector
5 Long incubation period in Only short incubation period
the vector
6 Virus is circulative & Do not multiply inside the
propagative vector

Transmission by Insects
1) Aphids:
Virus Vector
1 Bean common mosaic Aphis craccivora
2 Citrus tristeza virus Toxoptera citricida
3 Potato virus Y Myzus persicae
4 Barley yellow dwarf virus Aphis dirhodum
5 Banana bunchy top virus Pentalonia nigronervosa
6 Beet yellow virus Myzus persicae
7 Cardomum dwarf virus Micromyzus kalimponegenes
8 Cardomum mosaic virus Pentalonia nigronervosa
9 Cauliflower mosaic virus Brevicoryne brassicae

2) Leaf hoppers:
Virus Vector
1 Rice tungro virus Nephotettix virescens
2 Maize streak virus Cicadulinia cinai
3 Rice grassy stunt virus Nilaparvatha lugens
4 Beet culrly top virus Circuilfer tenellus
5 Potato yellow dwarf virus Agallia constricta
6 Maize chlorotic dwarf virus Graminella nigrifrons
7 Rice stripe virus Laodelphax striatellus
8 Rice dwarf virus Nephotettix cincticeps
9 Rice hoja blanca virus Sogatodes oryzicola

3) Whiteflies:
Virus Vector
1 Cassava mosaic virus
2 Bhendi vein clearing virus
3 Cotton/Mungbeen leaf curl virus Bemisia tabaci
4 Mungbeen yellow mosaic virus
5 Tobacco leaf curl virus

4) Thrips:
Virus Vector
1 Tomato spotted wilt Thrips tabaci,
2 Tobacco ring spot virus Frankliniella schultzei,
3 Tobacco streak virus Scirtothrips dorsalis

5) Beetles:
Virus Vector
1 Cowpea mosaic virus Ceratoma trifurcate
2 Squash mosaic virus Diabrotica longicornis
3 Turnip yellow mosaic virus Psylloides
4 Radish mosaic virus Epitrix hirtipennis
5 Bhendi mosaic Podagria sp
6 Broad bean stain virus Sitona lindata
7 Bean pod mottle virus Eipcauta vittata

6) Mealy bugs:
Virus Vector
1 Cocoa swollen shoot virus Planococcoides njalensis

Transmission by Nematode
1. NEPO: Nematode transmitting polyhedral viruses
Virus Nematode
1 Grape vine fan leaf virus Xiphinema index

2 Tomato/tobacco ring spot virus Xiphinema americanum
3 Tomato black ring spot virus Longidorus macrosoma
4 Raspberry ring spot virus Longidorus macrosoma
5 Cherry leaf role virus Paralongidorus maximus

2. NETU: Nematode transmitting tubular virus

Virus Nematode
1 Tobacco rattle virus Paratrichodorus allius
2 TRV & Pepper ring spot virus Paratrichodorus minor
3 Pea early browning virus Paratrichodorus teres
4 Tobacco rattle virus Trichodorus cylindricus
5 Tobacco rattle virus Trichodorus similis
6 Pea early browning virus Trichodorus viruliferus
Transmission by Fungi
Virus Fungi
1 Tobacco necrosis virus
Tobacco stunt virus Olpidium brassicae
Lettuce big vine virus
2 Cucumber necrosis virus Olpidium cucurbitacearum
3 Barly yellow mosaic virus
Oat mosaic virus
Wheat soil born mosaic virus Polymyxa graminis
Wheat spindle streak virus
4 Potato mop top virus Spongospora subterranean

Viroids (mini naked virus)

➢ These are obligate , parasites, low molecular weight
nucleic acids (ss RNA) with out protein coat, replicate
themselves and cause diseases only in plants
➢ Diener (1971) – first time discovered viroid causing
potato spindle tuber about 20 plant diseases are known
to be caused by viroids
Important characteristics of viroids
➢ These are obligate parasites
➢ Lacks protein coat

➢ Having a genome – circular ss RNA
➢ Transmission through sap and by vegetative
➢ Replication mechanism is not known
➢ Can survive out side the host or dead plant debris for
few min. to few hrs.
➢ Resistant to high temperatures

Viroid diseases:
Potato spindle tuber
Citrus exocortis
Coconut cadang cadang


Disease: Disease is a malfunctioning process that is caused by

continuous irritation which results in some suffering producing
symptoms (American Phytopathological society & British
Mycological society).
Disorder: Non-infectious plant diseases due to abiotic causes
such as adverse soil and environmental conditions are termed
Pathogen: An entity, usually a micro-organism that can incite
Parasite: Organisms which derive the materials they need for
growth from living plants (host or suscept) are called parasites.
Pathogenicity: is the ability of the pathogen to cause disease
Pathogenesis: is the chain of events that lead to development of
disease in the host Sign: The pathogen or its parts or products
seen on a host plant.
Symptom: The external or internal reactions or alterations of a
plant as a result of a disease.
Syndrome: The set of varying symptoms characterizing a disease
are collectively called a syndrome.
Biotroph: An organism that can live and multiply only on
another living organism. They always obtain their food from
living tissues on which they complete their life cycle. Ex: Rust,
smut and powdery mildew fungi.
Hemibiotroph (Facultative Saprophyte): The parasites which
attack living tissues in the same way as biotrophs but will
continue to grow and reproduce after the tissue is dead called as
facultative saprophytes.
Perthotrophs or perthophytes (Necrotroph): A parasite is a
necrotroph when it kills the host tissues in advance of penetration
and then lives saprophytically
Ex: Sclerotium rolfsii.

Inoculum: It is the part of the pathogen (or) infective propagules
which on coming in contact with the host plant causes an
infection are known as inoculum
Inoculum potential: The resultant of the action of environment,
the vigour of the pathogen to establish an infection, the
susceptibility of the host and the amount of inoculum present
Incubation period: The period of time (or time lapse) between
penetration of a host by a pathogen and the first appearance of
symptoms on the host.
Predisposition: It is the action of set of environments, prior to
penetration and infection, which makes the plant vulnerable to
attack by the pathogen.
Hypersensitivity: Excessive sensitivity of plant tissues to certain
pathogens. Affected cells are killed quickly, blocking the advance
of obligate parasites.
Systemic infection: The growth of pathogen from the point of
entry to varying extents without showing adverse effect on tissues
through which it passes.
Epidemic or Epiphytotic disease: A disease usually occurs
widely but periodically in a destructive form is referred as
epidemic or epiphytotic disease. Ex: Late blight of potato – Irish
famine (1845)
Endemic: Constantly present in a moderate to severe form and is
confined to a particular country or district. Ex: Club root of
cabbage in Nilgiris
Sporadic disease: Occur at very irregular intervals and locations
and in relatively fewer instances. Ex: Udbatta disease of rice
Pandemic: A disease is said to be pandemic when it is prevalent
throughout the country, continent or world involving mass
mortality. E.g. Late blight of potato and wheat stem rust.

The basically symptoms are caused 4 main categories viz.,
1. Colour change
2. Necrosis
3. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia
4. Hypoplasia
1. Colour change:
➢ Green pigment may disappear entirely and its place
may be taken by a yellow pigment called yellowing or
➢ Sometimes the diseased portion become colourless this
condition is called as albinism
➢ If the green pigment is replaced by red or orange or
purple pigment this condition is called as chromosis
2. Necrosis:
➢ It means death of tissue
➢ Necrotic tissue are often gray, brown, black colour
Ex: leaf spot, blights, damping off, rots, scald, die-
back, scab, smut, rust.
3. Hypertrophy and hyperplasia:
➢ It involves various overgrowth
➢ Increase in size of the individual cells called as
➢ Increase in number of the individual cells called as
Ex: warts and galls
4. Hypoplasia:
➢ Reduced development of whole plant or parts of the
plant or certain tissues or flowers or fruits
➢ In extreme cases in which the organ or tissue does not
develop is called atrophy
Ex: Dwafing, stunting, shoe-string, fern leaf, little

Classification of the Plant Diseases
I Basis of the effect
II Basis of the their cause


Primary infection:
➢ The initial infection that occurs from the sources of
pathogen survival in the crop is primary infection
Primary inoculum:
➢ The propagules that cause this infection are called
primary inoculum.
Secondary inoculum:
➢ After initiation of the disease in the crop, spores or
other structures of the pathogen are sources of
secondary inoculum and cause secondary infection
➢ Primary infection initiates the disease and secondary
infection spreads the disease.
Sources of survival of pathogens
1) Infected host as reservoir of inoculum
2) Survival as saprophytes outside the host
3) Survival by means of specialized resting structures in or on the
host or outside the host.
4) Survival in association with insects, nematodes and fungi

1) Infected host as reservoir of inoculum
a) Seed:
❖ Seed may be externally or internally infected by plant
Ex 1: loose smut of wheat, Ustilago nuda tritici,
Ex 2: Pseudomonas syringae pv. Has been shown to
survive in dried tomato seed for 20 years
b) Collateral hosts (wild hosts of same families):
❖ Provide adequate facilities for growth and
reproduction of the pathogens during offseason
❖ weed hosts help to bridge the gap between two crop
Ex: blast disease of rice, Pyricularia grisea infect the
grass weeds like Brachiaria mutica, Leersia hexandra,
Panicum repens
c) Alternate hosts (Wild hosts of other families):
❖ Alternate hosts are very important for the completion
of the life cycle of heteroecious rust pathogens
Ex: Temperate regions the alternate host of Puccinia
graminis tritici (black or stem rust pathogen of wheat),
❖ The barberry is a alternate host for the wheat stem rust
Pathogen has very wide host range
(Sclerotium rolfsii, Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium
d) Self sown crops:
✓ Self sown crops, voluntary crops and early sown crops
are reservoirs of many plant pathogens
Ex: Self sown rice plants harbour the pathogen
(Rice tungro virus) as well as vector (Nephottetix
e) Ratoon crops:
❖ Sometimes ratoon crops also harbour the plant
Ex: Sugarcane mosaic

f) Survival by latent infection
❖ Plant pathogens may survive for a long time in plant
tissue without development of visual symptoms
Ex: Xylella fastidiosa
2) Saprophytic survival outside the host
❖ Saprophytic survival usually occurs in or on the soil
Waksman (1971) distinguished between soil inhabitants and soil
Soil inhabitants Soil invaders
1. These are unspelized 1. These are specialized
parasites parasites
2. These are having wide host 2. These are close host range
3. These are obligate parasites 3. These are facultative
and facultative parasites parasites
4. These are exp-pathogens 4. These are endo-pathogens
5. They have high competitive 5. They have how competitive
saprophytics saprophytics
Ex: Pythium, rhizoctonia, Ex: Fusarium, Verticillium
Sclerotia .
Rhizosphere colonizers:
❖ which colonize the dead substrates in the root region
and continue to live like that for a longer period
❖ which are more tolerant to soil antagonism
Ex: Leaf mold in tomato: Cladosporium fulvum
3) Survival as dormant spores or specialized resting
Plant viruses: have no resting stage and are transmitted through a
continuous infection chain
Phytopathogenic bacteria: continuously live in their active
parasitic stage in the living host or as active saprophytes on dead
plant debris also do not produce resting spores

Nematodes: survive in the form of active parasitic phase also
survive through dormant structures, i.e., eggs, cysts, galls, formed
in host tissues
Phanerogamic parasites: survive in dormant state for many
years through seeds, Ex: Seeds of Orobanchae survive in soil for
more than 7 years
1) Soil borne fungi:
a) Dormant spores
➢ Conidia - Taphrina deformans
➢ Oospores - Downy mildew fungi
➢ Chlamydospores - Fusarium
➢ Perithecia -Venturia inaequalis

Oospore Chlamydospores Perithecia

b) Other dormant structures
➢ Thickened hypha
➢ Sclerotia - Sclerotinia sclerotiorum
➢ Microsclerotia - Verticillium
➢ Rhizomorphs - Armillaria mellea

Thickened hypha Sclerotia Microsclerotia

2) Seed borne fungi:
a) Externally seed borne
Dormant spores on seed coat
Ex: Covered smut of barley, grain smut of jowar, bunt
of wheat
b) Internally seed borne
Dormant mycelium under the seed coat or in the embryo
Ex: Loose smut of wheat - Ustilago nuda tritici

Grain smut of jowar & Loose smut of wheat

4) Survival in association with insects, nematodes and fungi
➢ Important plant pathogens may survive within the
insect body and over winter
Ex: Corn flea beetle, Cheatocnema pulicaria carries
inside its body
Corn wilt pathogen, Xanthomonas stewartii


Transport of spores or infectious bodies, acting as inoculum, from

one host to another host at various distances resulting in the
spread of the disease, is called dispersal or dissemination or
transmission of plant pathogens. Second link in infection chain is
dissemination of plant pathogens
Infection chain

➢ Fungal diseases: through asexual and sexual spores

dispersed by mechanically by various means
➢ Bacterial diseases : through bacterial cells as ooze or
tissues dispersed by various physical and biological
➢ Viral diseases: through virus particles and transmitted
by insects, mites, phanerogamic parasites, nematodes
and human beings.

Basically the dissimission of the pathogens is two types they are,

1. Autonomous or direct or active dispersal
2. Indirect or passive dispersal

I) Autonomous or direct or active dispersal
1. Seed as the source of autonomous dispersal
2. Soil as a means of autonomous dispersal
3. The plant and the plant organs as a means of
autonomous dispersal
1) Seed as the source of autonomous dispersal
➢ Cultivated crops are raised from seed and transmission
of diseases and transport of pathogens has much
➢ Dormant structures
Ex: Sclerotia of ergot fungus, smut sori
➢ Bacterial cells or spores of fungi present on the seed
➢ There are three types of dispersal by seed
1. Contamination of the seed
2. Externally seed borne
3. Internally seed borne
1. Contamination of the seed:
➢ Seeds of pathogen or parasite and the host are mixed
during harvest and threshing of the crop
➢ In many cases, identity of the seeds of the two entities
(host and the pathogens) is difficult to separate
Ex: Smut of pearlmillet and ergot of rye

Smut of Pearlmillet & Ergot of rye

2. Externally seed borne:
➢ Close contact between structure of the pathogen and
➢ Established dormant spores or bacteria on seed coat
during growth of the crop or at the time of harvest and
Ex: Short smut of sorghum, bacterial blight of cotton,
loose smut of barley

Loose smut of barley

3. Internally seed borne:
➢ Pathogen may penetrate into the ovary and cause
infection of the embryo while it is developing
Ex: Loose smut of wheat

Loose smut of wheat

3) Soil as a means of autonomous dispersal:
➢ Soil borne facultative saprophytes or facultative
parasites may survive through soil
➢ Dispersal by movement of pathogen in soil or by its
growth in soil or by movement of the soil containing
the pathogen

It is divided into 2 categories
a) Dispersal in soil
b) Dispersal by the soil
a) Dispersal in soil
Three stages of dispersal in soil
i) Contamination of soil:
➢ By gradual spread of the pathogen from infested area
to new area
ii) Growth and spread of a pathogen in soil:
➢ Based on its ability to multiply and spread Pathogen
must be saprophytic survival ability are most
➢ Can pass their entire life in the soil
Ex: Pythium sp., and Phytophthora sp
iii) Persistence of the pathogen in soil:
➢ Pathogens persist in soil as dormant structures like
Oospores (Pythium, Phytophthora, Sclerospora )
b) Dispersal by the soil:
➢ During cultural operations like agricultural
implements, irrigation water, workers feet etc.
➢ Propagules of fungi and plant debris spread through
out the field
➢ Transfer of soil from one place to another along with
propagating materials
Ex: Transfer of papaya seedlings from a nursery
infested with Pythium aphanidermatum (stem or foot
rot of papaya)
➢ Similarly grafts of fruit trees transported with soil
around their roots
3) The plant and the plant organs as a means of autonomous
➢ Other than seed that are used for vegetative
propagation, main field produce and plant debris
➢ Accumulates during course of cropping period

Ex: Late blight of potato
➢ Introduced in North America and Europe through seed
tubers brought from native source of the in South
➢ Citrus canker was introduced into California from
➢ The climatic conditions favoured its epidemic in
II) Passive or Indirect dispersal
It is through animate and inanimate agents
1) Animate agents
a) Insects:
➢ Insects carry plant pathogens either externally
(epizoic) or internally (endozoic)
➢ They can disseminate bacteria, fungi, viruses,
mycoplasmas, spiroplasmas, rickettsia,
Fungal diseases:
➢ Sum fungi produce conidia, oidia and spermatia in
honey secretions having attractive odours
Ex: Sugary disease of sorghum.
➢ Ascomycetes attract insects, flies, pollinating bees and
wasps which play a dual role, viz., pollination and
transmission of plant pathogens
Ex: Dutch elm disease - Ceratostomella ulmi is
transmitted internally by elm bark beetles

Elm bark beetles

Bacterial diseases:
➢ Ex :Fire blight organism - Erwinia amylovora
➢ Citrus canker bacterium - Xanthomonas axonopodis
pv. citri are transmitted by flies (bees) , ants and later
by leaf miner
➢ Cucumber wilt bacterium - Erwinia tracheiphila is
spread by
Ex: Stripped cucumber beetles - Acalymma vittata
Ex: Spotted cucumber beetle - Diabroticundecimi
Viral diseases:
➢ More than 80 per cent of the viral and phytoplasmal
diseases are spread by insects
➢ Insect which acts as specific carriers in disseminating
the diseases are called insect vectors
➢ Order Homoptera contain largest number and most
important insect vectors of plant viruses
✓ Aphids (Aphididae) and leaf hoppers (Cicadellidae )
Mycoplasma diseases:
➢ Plant MLO’s are phloem inhabitants and those insects
which are feeding on phloem of plants transfer the
➢ Mycoplasmal diseases are mostly transmitted by leaf
Ex: Sesamum phyllody - Orosious albicinctus
Little leaf of brinjal - Hishimonas phycitis

Little leaf of brinjal

Mites: Aceria cajani transmits Pigeonpea sterility mosaic virus
➢ Some soil borne fungal pathogens carry plant viruses
in or on their resting spores and zoospores
➢ Tobacco necrosis virus and Cucumber mosaic virus
are carried outside the fungi
➢ while lettuce big vein virus is carried inside the
➢ Nematodes act as vectors for transmission of fungi,
bacteria and viruses
Bacterial diseases:
➢ Bacterium which causes yellow ear rot of wheat
(Corynebacterium tritici or Clavibacter tritici) is
disseminated by ear cockle nematode, Anguina tritici.
➢ If these two diseases appear together, a complex
disease called tundu of wheat occurs.
➢ Corynebacterium tritici is not capable of dispersal and
infection unless it is carried by Anguina tritici.

Anguina tritici
Fungal diseases:
➢ Root rot and wilt pathogens such as Phytophthora,
Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium
Viral diseases:
➢ Plant nematodes play a vital role in transmitting
certain virus diseases

Grapevine fan leaf
Human beings:
a). While Transportation of seeds:
Ex: Late blight of potato, Downy mildew of grapevine,
Citrus canker, Fusarium wilt of banana

Fusarium wilt of banana Downy mildew of grapevine

b). Planting diseased seed materials:
Ex: Vegetatively propagated plants
Such as potato, sweet potato, cassava, sugarcane,
banana, many ornamentals and fruit trees

Infected banana corm

c). During adoption of normal farming practices:
➢ EX: Preparatory cultivation, planting, irrigation,
weeding, pruning

Transport of infective propagules during cultivation
d). By use of contaminated implements:
Ex: Bunchy top of banana
e). By use of diseased grafting and budding material:

Infected grafts
f) Dispersal by phanerogamic parasites:
➢ Transmit the viruses by acting as bridge between the
diseased and healthy plants
Cuscuta subinclusa - Cucumber mosaic virus
Cuscuta california - Tomato spotted wilt virus
Cuscuta campestris - Tomato bushy stunt virus

Cuscuta infected cucumber Tomato bushy stunt

Dispersal by birds:
➢ Crows feeding on fleshy, sticky and gelatinous berries
of gaint mistletoe (Dendrophthoe sp.) deposit the
seeds on the other trees with excreta
➢ Seeds of Loranthus are disseminated by birds by
sticking on their beaks and also through excreta and
stem segments of dodder
➢ Spores of chestnut blight fungus, Endothea parasitica
are disseminated by more than 18 species of birds

Loranthus seeds Birds carry the seeds

h) Farm and wild animals:
➢ Animals while feeding on diseased fodder
➢ Dung when used manure spread in the field

Animals while feeding on diseased fodder

2) Inanimate agents
a) Wind:
➢ Dispersal of pathogens by wind is known as
➢ It involves upward air currents, velocity and
downward movements of the wind
➢ Wind acts as a potent carrier of propagules of fungi,
bacteria and viruses

Spores carry through wind
➢ Adaptations for wind dispersal is
➢ Production of numerous spores and conidia
➢ Discharge of spores with sufficient force
➢ Production of very small and light spores
Ex: Powdery mildew, downy mildew, rusts, smuts
➢ Spores adopted for short distance
Ex: Uredospores of rust fungi

➢ Spores adapted to long distance
Ex: Uredospores of Puccinia graminis var. tritici at
14000 feet
Alternaria spores at 8000 feet
Puccinia recondita and Cronartium ribicola
spores at 12500 feet were reported
➢ Ex: Cysts nematode Heterodera major, which causes
molya disease of wheat and barley Carried by dust
storms from Rajasthan to Haryana

Root galls Cyst Heterodera major
➢ Ex: Erwinia amylovora - Fire blight of apple and Pear
➢ Produces fine strands of dried bacterial exudates which
broken off and are transmitted by wind
Viruses and phytoplasmas:
➢ These are not directly transmitted by wind, But
through insect and mite vectors carry viruses move to
different directions and distances based on the
direction and speed of the air
b) Water:
➢ Transmission of plant pathogens by water is called as
hydrochory. Water dissemination occurs mainly
through Surface running water Rain splash
➢ Heavy rains or during irrigation from canals and wells
carries the pathogens
Ex: Mycelial fragments, spores or sclerotia of fungi,
Colletotrichum falcatum, Fusarium, Ganoderma,
Macrophomina, Pythium, Phytophthora, Sclerotium,

During irrigation carries the pathogens

Rain splash dispersal:
➢ It is one of the efficient methods of dispersal of
bacterial plant pathogens

Ex: Bacterial leaf spot of rice (Xanthomonas
campestris pv. oryzae), Bacterial leaf streak of rice
(Xanthomonas campestris pv. oryzicola)

Spores dispersal through Rain splash wind water


It is the third link in the infection chain

It is achieved by three ways
➢ Entry and colonization of pathogen in the host tissues
is known as establishment
➢ The infective propagules coming in contact with the
host are known as inoculum
Inoculum potential:
➢ It is a function of inoculum density and their capacity
Definition: It is defined as the resultant of the action of
environment, the vigour of pathogen to establish an infection,
susceptibility of the host and amount of inoculum present
Success of process of infection depends on
1. Host factors
2. Pathogen factors
3. Environmental factors
1. Host factors
Susceptibility of host:
➢ It is genetically controlled by DNA
➢ It is an inheritable character transmitted from parents
to off springs
Disease proneness of the host:
➢ It is by the external factors such as host nutrition, i.e.
more nitrogen application makes the host more
susceptible and more potash application leads to less
2. Pathogen factors
Virulence / aggressiveness of the pathogen:
➢ It is determined by genetic material which is

High multiplication rate of the pathogen:
➢ Chances of infection increases with high rate of
➢ High birth rate and low death rate
Proper inoculum potential:
➢ Specialized pathogens very few or even one spore is
capable of causing infection successfully
➢ Non-specialized pathogens require high density of
3. Environmental factors:
➢ Such as Temperature, relative humidity, moisture,
➢ Process of infection can be grouped into three stages,
i.e. pre-penetration, penetration and post-penetration
1. Pre-penetration:
➢ Depending upon the plant pathogen activity, are
classified in to 2 categories

Active Invaders Passive Invaders

1. Aggressive effort to gain 1. No aggressive effort
entry into host cells 2. Require help of external
2. Do not require help of any agencies like insect vectors
external agency to entry into or wounds caused by
host cells. agricultural operations
Ex. Fungi, Phanerogamic Ex. Viruses and bacteria

By direct penetration or indirectly through wounds or natural
➢ Bacteria enter plants mostly through wounds and less
frequently through natural openings.
➢ Viruses, viroids, mollicutes, fastidious bacteria enter
through wounds made by vectors
➢ Fungi, nematodes and parasitic higher plants enter
through direct penetration and less frequently through
natural openings and wounds
1. Wounds
➢ Wounds caused by farm operations, hail storms, or
insect punctures
Ex. Rhizopus, Gloeosporium, Aspergillus, Penicilium,
Colletotrichum, Diplodia
2. Natural openings
a) Stomata: Germ tube at the time of penetration through
the stomata
Ex. Puccinia graminis tritici, Peronospora destructor,
Pseudoperonospora cubensis, Xanthomonas
campestris, Albugo candida and Phytophthora
b) Lenticels :
Ex. Sclerotinia fructicola - Brown rot of fruits
Streptomyces scabies- Scab of potato
Phytophthora arecae - Mahali disease of arecanut
c) Hydathodes :
Ex. Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris - Black
rot of crucifers
B) Direct penetration
Fungi and nematodes are direct penetration of the host
by fine hypha and stretching of the epidermis
a) Breakdown of physical barriers:
➢ Fungi penetrate host plants directly through a fine
hypha produced directly by the spore or mycelium or
through a penetration peg produced by an
appressorium by stretching of the epidermis

Infection peg
b) Breakdown of chemical barriers:
➢ Presence of cuticular layer on the epidermis
➢ Lack of suitable nutrients for the pathogen in the host
➢ Presence of inhibitory in the host cells

Through non-cutinized surfaces:

a) Seedlings:
Grain smut of jowar - Sphacelotheca sorghi
Loose smut of jowar - Sphacelotheca cruenta

Downy mildew of jowar and bajra - Sclerospora
Wheat bunt disease -Tilletia caries, Tilletia foetida
b) Root hairs:
Wilt causing fungi - Fusarium sp
Club root of cabbage - Plasmodiophora brassicae
Root rot of cotton - Phymatotrichum omnivorum
c) Buds:
Pea rust fungi - Uromyces pisi
Witches broom of cherries - Taphrina cerasi
d) Flowers:
Loose smut of wheat - Ustilago nuda tritici
Long smut of jowar - Tolyposporium ehrenbergi
Ergot of rye - Claviceps purpurea
e) Leaves:
Basidiospores of white pine blister rust - Cronartium
f) Nectaries:
Fire blight of apple - Erwinia amylovora
g) Stalk ends: Penicillium italicum,
Through cutinized surfaces:
Leaf spot of spinach - Cercospora beticola
Early blight of solanaceous plants - Alternaria solani
Tikka disease of groundnut - Cercospora personata
3. Post penetration
➢ In Invasion of plant tissues by the pathogen, and
growth and reproduction of the pathogen
(colonization) are two concurrent stages of disease


Enzymes are large protein molecules which catalyze all inter-

related reactions in the living cell
Composition of the cell wall:
Functionally cell wall is divided into 3 regions, viz.
1. Middle lamella - made of pectins
2. Primary wall - cellulose, pectic substances
3. Secondary cell wall - entirely cellulose

Composition of cell wall

The epidermis of plants is covered by cuticle, whose major

chemical substance is cutin in addition to cuticular wax
Cuticular wax:
➢ Made up of long chain molecules of paraffin,
hydrocarbons, alcohols, ketones and acids.
➢ Most of the fungi and parasitic higher plants penetrate
wax layers by means of mechanical force alone
➢ It is an insoluble polyester of unbranched derivatives
of C16 and C18 hydroxy fatty acids
➢ Cutin is admixed with waxes on upper side and with
pectin and cellulose on the lower side
➢ Cutinases break cutin molecules and release
monomers as well as oligomers from insoluble cutin

➢ Cutinases reaches its highest concentration at
penetrating point of the germ tube and at infection peg
of appressorium forming fungi
Ex: Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, Sphaerotheca
pannosa, Venturia inaequalis, Helminthosporium
Pectic substances:
➢ Made up of large portion of an amorphous gel filling
the spaces between cellulose microfibrils
➢ It consisting mostly of ‘D’ galactouronic acid units
with α-1,4-glycosidic bonds.
➢ These chains are esterified with methyl groups
➢ linked with other carboxyl groups in calcium and
magnesium salt bridges.
➢ Pectic substances are of three types, namely
a) Pectic acid (non methylated units)
b) Pectinic acid (<75% methylated
galacturonan units) and
c) Pectin (>75% methylated units)
➢ The enzymes that degrade pectic substances are known
as pectinases or pectolytic enzymes.
➢ These are types, namely
1. Pectin methyl esterases (PME’s)
2. Polygalactouronases (PG’s)
3. Pectin lyases (PL’s)
1. Pectin methyl esterases:
Breaks ester bonds and removes methyl groups from pectin
leading to the formation of pectic acid and methanol
2. Polygalacturonases: Split pectin chain by adding a
molecule of water and breaks the linkage between two
galacturonan units. These enzymes catalyze reactions that
break α1,4-glycosidic bonds.

3. Pectin lyases: Split pectin chain by removing a molecule of
water from the linkage, thereby breaking it and releasing
products with unsaturated double bonds.
Ex: Erwinia caratovora subsp. caratovora
Botrytis cinerea,
Sclerotium rolfsii
➢ It is a made up of chains of β-D-glucopyranose units
➢ It is insoluble in crystalline form and soluble in
amorphous form
➢ Enzymatic breakdown of cellulose results in final
production of glucose molecules.
➢ Cellulose is degraded by cellulases
➢ Cellulase degrading enzymes play a role in softening
and degradation of cell wall material and facilitate
easy penetration and spread of pathogen in the host
Ex: Basidiomycetes fungi
➢ It is a major constituents of primary cell wall,
secondary cell wall and middle lamella
➢ Hemicellulases degrade hemicelluloses and depending
on the monomer released from polymer on which they
act, they are termed as xylanase, galactanase,
glucanase, arabinase, mannose, and so on.
Ex: Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Sclerotinia fructigena
➢ Lignin is found in the middle lamella
➢ It is made up of phenylpropanoid
Ex: Xylaria, Chaetomium, Alternaria,
Cephalosporium, Basidiomecetes
➢ It contains phospholipids and glycolipids
➢ Lipolytic enzymes called lipases (phospholipases,

➢ Starch is the main reserve polysaccharide found in
plant cells.
➢ It is a two forms amylase and amylopectin


Definition: it is a microbial metabolite excreted (exotoxin) or

released by lysed cells (endotoxin) which in very low
concentration is directly toxic to the cells of the suscept (host).
Classification of toxins (Wheeler and Luke, 1963) According to
➢ The source of origin, toxins are divided into 3 broad
classes namely, pathotoxins, vivotoxins and
1. Pathotoxins:
➢ Most of these toxins are produced by pathogens during
➢ Victorin: Cochliobolus victoriae (Helminthosporium
victoriae) - Victoria blight of oats
➢ This is a host specific toxin

A) Selective:
➢ T- toxin: Helminthosporium maydis race T
➢ HC-toxin: Helminthosporium carbonum
➢ HS- toxin: Helminthosporium sacchari
➢ Phyto-alternarin: Alternaria kikuchiana
➢ PC- toxin: Periconia circinata
B) Non-selective:
➢ Tentoxin: Alternaria tenuis
➢ Tabtoxin or wild fire toxin: Pseudomonas tabaci
➢ Phaseolotoxin: Pseudomonas syringae pv.

C) Plant X Pathogen interaction
Amylovorin: Erwinia amylovora (Fire blight of apple and pears)
2) Phytotoxins:
➢ These are non-specific toxin
➢ There is no relationship between toxin production and
pathogenicity of disease causing agent
Ex: Alternaric acid – Alternaria solani

Alternaric acid
3) Vivotoxins:
➢ These are produced in the infected host by the
➢ It is not itself the initial inciting agent of the disease
Ex: Fusaric acid - Wilt causing Fusarium sp.
Lycomarasmin - Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lycopersici
Piricularin - Pyricularia oryzae

Fusaric acid

Classification based on specificity of toxins
Host specific toxin Non-host specific toxin
1.Only to susceptible host of 1. It also affect the physiology of
the pathogen the host
2.Primary determinants of 2.Secondary determinants of
disease disease
3.Produce all the essential 3. Produce few or none of the
symptoms of the disease symptoms of the disease
Ex: Victorin, T- toxin Ex: Tentoxin, Tabtoxin


Growth regulators are of two types

1. Growth promoting substances
2. Growth inhibiting substances
The imbalance in growth promoting and growth inhibiting
substances causes
➢ Hypertrophy (excessive increase in cell size)
➢ Atrophy (decrease in cell size)

1. Growth promoting substances
A) Auxins: Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA)
➢ It is continuously produced in young meristematic
tissue and moves rapidly to older tissues

Indole-3-acetic acid
➢ Regulates cell elongation and differentiation
➢ Increases permeability of the membrane
➢ Increases respiration
➢ Promotes synthesis of mRNA
How disease is induced:
Increased IAA results in hypertrophy
Ex: Phytophthora infestans (Late blight of potato)
Ustilago maydis (Maize smut)
Plasmodiophora brassicae (Club root of crucifers)
Sclerospora graminicola (Downy mildew of sorghum)
Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Crown gall of apple)
Meloidogyne (Root knot nematode)
Decreased IAA results in atrophy.
Ex: Ralstonia solanacearum (wilt of Solanaceous
B) Gibberellins:
➢ First isolated from Gibberella fujikuroi bakanae or
foolish seedling disease of rice
➢ Infected seedlings show abnormal elongation due to
excessive elongation of internodes
➢ Best known gibberellin is Gibberellic acid

Gibberellic acid
➢ Cell, stem and root elongation,
➢ Promote flowering and growth of fruits.
➢ It also induces IAA synthesis
➢ Ex: Sclerospora sacchari, (downy mildew of
C) Cytokinins:
➢ Isolated from herring sperm DNA
➢ Cytokinins, such as zeatin and isopentenyl adenosine
(IPA) have been isolated from plants

Zeatin Isopentenyl adenosine

➢ cell growth and differentiation.
➢ It inhibits breakdown of proteins and aminoacids
➢ Cytokinin activity increases in club root, in crown
galls and in rust infected bean leaves.
Ex: Green islands in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris)
2. Growth inhibiting substances
A) Ethylene:
It effects on plants, viz., chlorosis, leaf abscission, epinasty,
stimulation of adventitious roots, fruit ripening

Effect of ethylene Pathogen Disease
1).Premature Pseudomonas Moko wilt in banana
ripening in banana solanacearum
2) leaf epinasty in Fusarium Wilt in tomato
tomato oxysporum f.sp.
B) Abscissic acid:
➢ It exerts dormancy in seeds
➢ Closure of stomata,
➢ Inhibition of seed germination and growth
➢ Stimulated germination of fungal spores
➢ It is one of the factors involved in stunting of plants

Abscissic acid

C) Dormin / Abscissin II:
➢ Induces dormancy
➢ It acts as an antagonist of gibberellins
➢ Masks the effect of IAA


➢ Epidemiology of plant diseases is essentially a study
of the rate of multiplication of a pathogen and spread
of the disease caused by it in a plant population
➢ It deals with outbreaks and spread of diseases in a
Importance of epidemiology:
➢ It is useful in forecasting of a disease and
management of a disease
➢ Terms compound interest and simple interest diseases
were given by Vanderplank (1963) in his book “Plant
Disease Epidemics and control”
Difference between Compound interest disease & Simple interest
Compound interest disease Simple interest disease
1.Also called as polycyclic 1.Also called as monocyclic
2.Disease increase as 2.Disease increase as analogous to
analogous to compound simple interest in money
interest in money (interest (interest is added only at the end)
gets interest) 3.Spores produce at very slow rate
3.Spores produce at rapped 4.Dissemination by soil and seed
rate 5.Incubation & sporulation period
4.Disseminate by air is long
5.Incubation & sporulation 6.Only one generations of the
period is short pathogen in the life of a crop
6.Several generations of the Ex: Smut of wheat barley &
pathogen in the life of a crop Sorghum
Ex: Rust of cereals

Disease Triangle:
Interactions of three components of disease, i.e., host, pathogen
and environment, can be visualized as a disease triangle

Disease Pyramid or tetrahedron
Disease triangle can be expanded to include two more
components, time and humans

Disease Triangle Disease Pyramid

Essential components/conditions for an Epiphytotic

1. Host factors
2. Pathogen factors
3. Environmental factors

1. Host factors
a) Distance of susceptible plants from the source of primary
❖ Longer the distance from the source of survival of the
pathogen, longer will be the time will be required
more for the buildup of an Epiphytotic in a susceptible
b) Abundance and distribution of susceptible hosts:
❖ Continuous cultivation of a susceptible variety over a
large contiguous area helps in the buildup of the
inoculum and improves the chances of epiphytotics
c) Disease proneness in the host due to environment:
❖ Susceptibility is genetically controlled but it can be
induced by environment and other
d) Presence of suitable alternate or collateral hosts:
❖ Host plants help in the survival of inoculum of
different pathogens in off season
Barbery -Puccinia graminis tritici
Grass host-Pyricularia oryzae
2. Pathogen factors:
a) Presence of virulent/aggressive isolate of a pathogen:
❖ Rapid cycle of infection is essential, and successful
infection can be caused only by virulent isolates of the
b) High birth rate:
❖ The capacity to produce enormous quantity of spores
that are adapted to long distance dissemination in a
short time
c) Low death rate of the pathogen:
❖ Low death rate of the pathogens in those in which the
causal agent is systemic and protected by the plant
d) Easy and rapid dispersal of the pathogen:
❖ Ability of a pathogen to cause dependent on its
dispersal rate
Ex: Fungal spores -wind, water
Viruses -insect vectors
Bacteria -rain splashes and water
e) Adaptability of the pathogen:
❖ Most of the pathogens causing epiphytotics adapt
themselves to various adverse conditions

3. Weather factors
❖ Weather conditions such as, optimum temperature,
moisture, light, are very essential for the development
of an epidemics
❖ Science which deals with the relationship between
weather and epiphytotics is called metereopathology


Definition: Remote sensing is estimating an object /phenomenon

without being in physical contact with it
Objectives of remote sensing in plant Pathology
1. Assessment of disease over a vast area
2. To know the relationship of diseases and environment
3. To know the origin and development of epidemics
4. Quantitative assessment of the disease
Remote sensing techniques of importance to Plant Pathology
1. Aerial photography
2. Satellite remote sensing
1. Aerial photography
❖ Aerial photography can detect objects on land over a
larger area
❖ Colwell (1956) first used remote sensing technique for
monitoring stem rust of wheat and diseases of citrus
through infrared films
2. Satellite Imaging
Weather satellites
❖ Often cyclones create heavy clouds with rains and an
anti-cyclone creates a cloudless sky
❖ All these can be effectively monitored by weather
❖ Sequential pictures show the movement of these
systems before they arrive in an area
Environmental factors or non – parasitic diseases
❖ Diseases in which no animate agents or parasite is
❖ They cannot be transmitted from one diseased plant to
healthy plant called as non-parasitic diseases or
physiological disorders
❖ These disease are disturbance in the plant system by
improper environmental conditions in air or soil.

Freezing injury:
Ex: Tissue decay in potatoes & sweet potatoes
High temperature:
Ex: Heat canker of flax
Tip burn in betel vine
High soil moisture:
Ex: Edema or swelling in cabbage
Reduced supply of oxygen to the roots:
Ex: Dry leaf disease or Tip burn in rice
Black heart of potato
Injurious atmosphere
Ex: Apple scald
Black tip of mango

Tissue decay in potatoes Heat canker of flax

Edema in cabbage Black heart of potato

Black tip of mango Apple scald

Mineral deficiency:
➢ Red leaf of cotton (Mg)
➢ Khaira disease of rice (Zn)
➢ White bud in maze (Zn)
➢ Whip tail of cauliflower (Mb)
➢ Coconut pencil point (Micronutrient)
➢ Blossom end rot (Ca)
Iatrogenic disease
Effect of plant protection chemical resulted in the appearance of
new disease or increase in the disease already present
Ex: Zineb controlling downy mildew in grapes but
increases the incidence of powdery mildew and
Distortion in papaya and cotton due to 2, 4 D
(herbicide) injury


It conveys a concept of continuous process which is based not
only on the principle of eradication of the pathogen but mainly on
the principle of minimizing the damage or loss below economic
injury level
➢ Plant diseases are important because of the losses
(qualitative and quantitative) they cause
➢ At sowing of the crop and consumption of the produce
➢ Measures taken to prevent and reduce the amount of
inoculum the disease and finally minimize the loss
caused by the disease are called as management
Essential considerations in plant disease Management:
➢ Benefit-cost ratio
➢ Procedures for disease control should fit into general
schedule of operations of crop production
➢ Control measures should be adopted on a co-operative
basis over large adjoining areas
➢ Knowledge aspects of disease development is essential
for effective economical control
Information is needed on the following aspects
a) Cause of a disease
b) Mode of survival and dissemination of the pathogen
c) Host parasite relationship
d) Effect of environment on pathogenesis in the plant or
spread in plant population
➢ Prevention of disease depends on management of
primary inoculum
➢ Integration of different approaches of disease
management is always recommended

General principles of plant disease management
1. Avoidance:
❖ Avoiding disease by planting at times when, or in
areas where, inoculum is ineffective due to
environmental conditions, or is rare or absent
2. Exclusion of inoculum:
❖ Preventing the inoculum from entering or establishing
in the field or area where it does not exist
3. Eradication:
❖ Reducing, inactivating, eliminating or destroying
inoculum at the source
4. Protection:
❖ Preventing infection by chemical toxic barrier between
the plant surface and pathogen
5. Disease resistance (Immunization):
❖ Preventing infection or reducing effect of infection by
improvement of resistance in it by genetic
manipulation or by chemical therapy

I. Avoidance of the pathogen:
a) Proper selection of geographical area:
➢ Many fungal and bacterial diseases are more severe in
wet areas than in dry areas.
➢ Cultivation of bajra in wet areas is not profitable due
to the diseases, smut (Tolyposporium penicillariae)
and ergot (Claviceps microcephala)
b) Proper selection of the field:
➢ Raising of a particular crop year after year in the same
field makes the soil sick, where disease incidence and
severity may be more.
Ex: Wilt of redgram,
Late blight of potato - Phytophthora infestans
Green ear of bajra - Sclerospora graminicola

c) Time of sowing:
➢ Alteration of date of sowing can help in avoidance of
favourable conditions for pathogen
Ex: Rhizoctonia root rot of redgram is more severe in
the crop sown immediately after the rains
d) Disease escaping varieties:
➢ Certain varieties of crops escape the disease damage
because of their growth characteristics
Ex: Early maturing varieties of wheat or pea escape
the damage due to Puccinia graminis tritici and
Erysiphe polygoni
e) Proper selection of seed and planting material:
➢ Material from healthy sources will effectively manage
the diseases
➢ Potato seed certification or tuber indexing is followed
for obtaining virus free seed tubers
➢ Citrus bud wood certification programme will help in
obtaining virus free planting material
II. Exclusion of the pathogen:
These measures aim at preventing the inoculum from entering or
establishing in the field or area where it does not exist.
a) Seed inspection and certification:
➢ Crops grown for seed purpose are inspected
periodically for the presence of diseases that are
disseminated by seed
➢ Necessary precautions are to be taken to remove the
diseased plants in early stages, and then the crop is
certified as disease free
b) Plant quarantine regulation:
➢ It is “ a legal restriction on the movement of
agricultural commodities for the purpose of exclusion,
prevention or delaying the spread of the plant pests
and diseases in uninfected areas

➢ Plant quarantine laws were first enacted in France
(1660), followed by Denmark (1903) and USA (1912)
➢ In India, plant quarantine rules and regulations were
issued under Destructive Insects and Pests Act (DIPA)
in 1914. In India
➢ 16 plant quarantine stations are in operation by
➢ The “Directorate of plant protection and quarantine”
under the ministry of food and agriculture, government
of India
Plant quarantine measures are of 3 types.
Domestic quarantine:
➢ Rules and regulations issued prohibiting the movement
of insects and diseases and their hosts from one state
to another state in India is called domestic quarantine
➢ Domestic quarantine in India exists for Two pests
(Rooted scale and Sanjose scale) and Three diseases
(Bunchy top of banana, banana mosaic and wart of
Bunchy top of banana: It is present in Kerala, Assam, Bihar, West
Begal and Orissa
Banana mosaic: It is present in Maharashtra and Gujarat.
Wart of potato: It is endemic in Darjeeling area of West Bengal,
therefore seed tubers are not to be imported from West Bengal to
other states
2. Foreign quarantine:
➢ Rules and regulations issued prohibiting the import of
plants, plant materials, insects and fungi into India
from foreign countries by air, sea and land.
1. Airports:
➢ Bombay (Santacruz), Calcutta (Dum Dum), Madras
(Meenambakam), New delhi (Palam, Safdarjung) and

2. Sea ports:
➢ Bombay, Calcutta, Vishakapatnam, Trivandrum,
Madras, Tuticorin, Cochin and Dhanushkoti.
3. Land frontiers:
➢ Hussainiwala (Ferozpur district of Punjab), Kharla
(Amritsar district of Punjab) and Sukhiapokri
(Darjeeling district of West Bengal)
3. Total embargoes:
➢ Total restriction on import and export of agricultural
Phytosanitary certificate:
It is an official certificate from the country of origin, which
should accompany the consignment without which the material
may be refused from entry
III. Eradication:
These methods aim at breaking the infection chain by removing
the foci of infection and starvation of the pathogen (destruction of
sources of primary and secondary inoculum)
It is achieved by
a) Rouging:
➢ Removal of diseased plants or their affected organs
from field
Ex: yellow vein mosaic of bhendi, khatte disease of
b) Eradication of alternate and collateral hosts:
➢ Eradication of alternate hosts will help in management
of many plant diseases
Ex: Barbery eradication programme in France and
USA reduced the severity of black stem rust of wheat
Ex: Eradication of Thalictrum species in USA to
manage leaf rust of wheat caused by Puccinia

c) Crop rotation:
➢ Continuous cultivation of the same crop in the same
field helps in the perpetuation of the pathogen in the
➢ Soils which are saturated by the pathogen are often
referred as sick soils
➢ To reduce the incidence and severity of many soil
borne diseases, crop rotation is adopted
Ex: Panama wilt of banana (long crop rotation)
Wheat soil borne mosaic (6 yrs) and
Club root of cabbage (6-10 yrs)
d) Crop sanitation:
➢ Collection and destruction of plant debris from soil
will help in the management of soil borne facultative
saprophytes as most of these survive in plant debris
➢ Collection and destruction of plant debris is an
important method to reduce the primary inoculum
e) Manures and fertilizers:
➢ The deficiency or excess of a nutrient may predispose
a plant to some diseases
➢ Excessive nitrogen application aggravates diseases like
stem rot, bacterial leaf blight and blast of rice
➢ Phosphorous and potash application increases the
resistance of the host Addition of farm yard manure or
organic manures such as green manure, 60-100 t/ha,
helps to manage the diseases like cotton wilt,
Ganoderma root rot of citrus, coconut
f) Mixed cropping:
➢ Root rot of cotton (Phymatotrichum omnivorum) is
reduced when Cotton is grown along with sorghum
➢ Intercropping sorghum in cluster bean reduces the
incidence of root rot and wilt (Rhizoctonia solani)

g) Summer ploughing:
➢ Ploughing the soil during summer months expose soil
to hot weather which will eradicate heat sensitive soil
borne pathogens
h) Soil amendments:
➢ Application of organic amendments like saw dust,
straw, oil cake,will effectively manage the diseases
caused by Pythium, Phytophthora, Verticillium,
Ex: Application of lime (2500 Kg/ha) reduces the club
root of cabbage by increasing soil pH to 8.5
Ex: Application of Sulphur (900 Kg/ha) to soil brings
the soil pH to 5.2 and reduces the incidence of
common scab of potato (Streptomyces scabies).
i) Changing time of sowing:
➢ Pathogens are able to infect susceptible plants under
certain environmental conditions
➢ Alternation in date of sowing can help avoidance of
favourable conditions for the pathogens.
Ex: Rice blast can be managed by changing planting
season from June to September/October
j) Seed rate and plant density:
➢ Close spacing raises atmospheric humidity and favours
sporulation by many pathogenic fungi.
➢ A spacing of 8’X8’ instead of 7’X7’ reduces sigatoka
disease of banana due to better ventilation and reduced
k) Irrigation and drainage:
➢ The amount, frequency and method of irrigation
➢ High soil moisture favours root knot and other
nematodes and the root rots
Ex: Sclerotium,
Rhizoctonia, Pythium,
Phytophthora, Phymatotrichum,

Physical methods
a) Soil solarization:
➢ Soil solarization or slow soil pasteurization is the
hydro/thermal soil heating accomplished by covering
moist soil with polyethylene sheets as soil mulch
during summer months for 4-6 weeks.
➢ Soil solarization was developed for the first time in
Israel (Egley and Katan) for the management of plant
pathogenic pests, diseases and weeds.
b) Soil sterilization:
➢ Soil can be sterilized in green houses and sometimes in
seed beds by aerated steam or hot water
➢ At about 50 C, Nematodes, Oomycetous
➢ At about 60 and 72 C, fungi and bacteria are killed
➢ At about 82 C, weeds, bacteria and insects are killed
➢ Heat tolerant weed seeds and TMV are killed at
boiling point (95-100 C)
iii. Hot water or Hot air treatment:
➢ Hot water treatment or hat air treatment will prevent
the seed borne and sett borne infectious diseases
➢ Hot water treatment of seeds, bulbs and nursery stock
➢ Hot water treatment is used for controlling sett borne
diseases of sugarcane [whip smut, grassy shoot and red
rot of sugarcane (52 C for 30 min)] loose smut of
wheat (52 C for 10 min)
Biological methods
Biological control is the reduction of inoculum density or disease
producing activity of a pathogen or a parasite in its active or
dormant state by one or more organisms accomplishe naturally or
through manipulation of the environment of host or antagonist by
mass introduction of one or more antagonists

➢ Direct parasitism or lysis and death of the pathogen by
another micro-organism when the pathogen is in
parasitic phase is known as hyperparasitism.
Ex: T. harzianum parasitize and lyse the mycelia of
Rhizoctonia and Sclerotium

Important fungal biocontrol agents:
Species of Trichoderma, viz., T. harzianum, T. viride, T. virens
(Gliocladium virens) are used as biocontrol agents against soil
borne diseases, such as, root rots, seedling rots, collar rots,
damping off and wilts caused by the species of Pythium,
Fusarium, Rhizoctonia, Macrophomina, Sclerotium, Verticillium,
Formulations of biocontrol agents available:
➢ T. viride (Ecofit, Bioderma in India)
➢ G. virens (GlioGard in USA)
➢ T. harzianum (F-Stop in USA)
➢ T. polysporum (BINABT)
Important bacterial biocontrol agents:
➢ Pseudomonas fluorescens (Dagger-G against damping
off of cotton seedlings in USA)
➢ Bacillus subtilis (Kodiak against damping off and soft
rot in USA)
➢ Agrobacterium radiobacter K-84 (Gallex or Galltrol
against crown gall of stone fruits caused by
Agrobacterium tumefaciens)

The prevention of the pathogen from entering the host or
checking further development in already infected plants by the
application of chemicals is called protection and the chemicals
used are called protectants
Means cure of a disease, in which fungicide is applied after the
pathogen is in contact with the host. Chemicals used are called
Any agent (chemical) that kills the fungus
Some chemicals which do not kill fungi, but simply inhibit the
fungus growth Temporarily
The chemical which inhibits spore production without affecting
vegetative growth of the fungus
Fungicides are classified into three categories
1. Protectants:
❖ Effective only when used before infection of pathogen
Ex: Zineb,sulphur, captan, Thiram (Contact
2. Eradicants:
❖ Eradicate the dormant or active pathogen from the host
Ex: Lime sulphur, Dodine
3. Therapeutants:
❖ Inhibit the development of a disease syndrome in a
plant when applied after infection by a pathogen
Ex:Systemic fungicides

Classification of fungicides based on method of application
1. Seed protectants:
Ex. Captan, thiram, carbendazim, carboxin
2. Soil fungicides (preplant):
Ex. Bordeaux mixture, copper oxy chloride,
Chloropicrin, Formaldehyde, Vapam,
3. Soil fungicides:
Ex. Bordeaux mixture, copper oxy chloride, Captan,
PCNB, thiram
4. Foliage and blossom:
Ex. Capton, ferbam, zineb, mancozeb, chlorothalonil
5. Fruit protectants:
Ex. Captan, maneb, carbendazim, mancozeb
6. Eradicants:
Ex. Lime sulphur
7. Tree wound dressers:
Ex. Boreaux paste, chaubattia paste

Host Plant Resistance (Immunization)
Disease resistance:
It is the ability of a plant to overcome completely or in some
degree the effect of a pathogen or damaging factor
The inability of a plant to resist the effect of a pathogen
Advantages of resistant varieties:
➢ Most simple, practical, effective and economical
method of plant disease management.
➢ Save time, energy and money spent on other measures
of control
➢ Non-toxic to human beings, animals and wild life
➢ Do not pollute the environment
➢ Effective only against the target organisms
➢ It is inherited and therefore permanent at no extra cost
➢ Breeding of resistant varieties is a slow and expensive
➢ Resistance of the cultivar may be broken down with
the evolution of the pathogen
Types of resistance:
1. Vertical resistance:
❖ When a variety is more resistant to some races of the
pathogen than others, is called vertical resistance
(race-specific resistance)
❖ Vertical resistance is usually governed by single gene
❖ It is unstable
2. Horizontal resistance:
❖ When the resistance is uniformly spread against all the
races of a pathogen, is called horizontal /generalized
/non specific /field /qualitative resistance.
❖ Horizontal resistance is usually governed by several
❖ It is more stable

3. Monogenic resistance:
❖ When the defense mechanism is controlled by a single
gene pair, is called monogenic resistance
4. Oligogenic resistance:
❖ When the defense mechanism is controlled by a few
gene pairs, is called oligogenic resistance
5. Polygenic resistance:
❖ When the defense mechanism is controlled by many
genes is called polygenic resistance


IPDM involve management systems which utilize compatible

combinations of all the available techniques to keep the pathogen
population below the economic threshold level (ETL)
Main components of IPDM:
1. Cultural practices
2. Regulatory measures (quarantine)
3. Chemical methods
4. Biological methods
5. Physical methods
6. Genetic engineering
Main strategies of IPDM
1. Need based application of pesticides
2. Encouragement and enhancement of biocontrol agents
3. Use of resistant or tolerant cultivars of plants
4. Modification of cultural practices
5. Use of any other strategies that interrupts host-pathogen
Advantages of IPDM
1. Avoids chemical pollution of soil, water, air and food products
2. Avoids development of resistance in the plant pathogens
against fungicides
3. It is an eco-friendly strategy for management of plant diseases
4. It is an economically feasible approach
5. It is a multipronged strategy for efficient management of plant

1. Introductory Mycology- 1996 C. J. Alexopoulos C. W.
Mims and M. Blackwell, John Wileyand Sons Ltd. N.
2. Introduction to Mycology –1990 R. S. Mehrotra and
K. R. Aneja, Wiley E. Ltd. New Delhi
3. Plant Pathogens- The Fungi – 1982 R. S. Singh,
Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
4. Introduction to Plant Viruses – 1987 C. L. Mandahar,
Chand and Co., Pvt Ltd., New Delhi.
5. Fungicides in Plant disease control – Nene Y L and
Thapliyal P N 1993 Oxford & IBM Publishing Co.,
New Delhi.
6. Introduction to Principles of Plant Pathology – Singh
R. S. 1984. Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi.
7. Principles of Plant Pathology – Das Gupta M. K. 1999.
Allied Publishers, Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
8. Plant Pathology. Concepts and Laboratory Exercise.
Trigiano, R.N., Windham, M.T. and Windham. A.S.
(eds), 2004. CRC Press, New York.

Y. Chandra sekhar did his B.Sc (Agri) from Acharya N.G. Ranga
Agricultural University, Agricultural College, Mahanandi and M.Sc (Agri)
specialization in Plant Pathology from Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural
University, Agricultural College, Tirupathi. He has worked as Teaching
Associate in Dept of Plant Pathology at Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural
University, Venkataramannagudem (1 year) and he also worked as
Research Associate at Mango Research Station, Nuzvid, Presently he is
working as a Research Associate at Horticultural Research Station,
Anantharajupeta undern Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University Andhra

Dr. A. Prasad Babu did his M.Sc Biochemistry from Periyar University and
doctorate in Biotechnology from JNTU Hydrabad, He has worked as a
various positions and instituastions like Senior Research Fellow (5 years),
Research Associate (3 years) at Directorate of Rice Research, Hyderabad,
Jr Research Scientist at E.I.DUPONT India Pvt. Ltd, Hyderabad (3 years),
Visiting Research Fellow at IRRI, Manila, Philippines (1 Year), Presently
he is working as as a Chief Agronomist and Head of R&D at Lao Agro
Green Organic Co Ltd, Laos.

Dr. R. Nagaraju did his doctorate in Horticulture from University of

Agricultural Sciences, GKVK, Bangalore. He has 11 years of experience in
research and 6 years in teaching both undergraduate and post graduate
courses in the Dept of floriculture at College of Horticultural,
Anantharajupet under Dr. Y.S.R. Horticulturla Univrsity. He has guided
five M.Sc students under his supervision, six students as a member and he
has received distinguished faculty member award. Presently he is working
as a Senior Scientist (Hort) & Head at Horticultural Reseaech Station,

Published by:
Mr.Gajendra Parmar for Parmar Publishers and Distributors
854, KG Ashram, Bhuinphod, Govindpur Road,
Dhanbad-828109, Jharkhand, Email:
[email protected],
[email protected]
Ph: 9700860832, 9308398856

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