(Colin A. Ross (Auth.), Larry K. Michelson, Willia
(Colin A. Ross (Auth.), Larry K. Michelson, Willia
(Colin A. Ross (Auth.), Larry K. Michelson, Willia
Theoretical, Empirical, and
Clinical Perspectives
Handbook of
Theoretical, Empirical, and
Clinical Perspectives
Edited by
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To my wife Sandra, for her love, light, and laughter
Within the last decade there has been a tremendous explosion in the clinical,
theoretical, and empirical literature related to the study of dissociation. Not since
the work done at the tum of the century by Pierre Janet, Morton Prince, William
James, and others have the psychological and medical communities shown this
great an interest in describing and understanding dissociative phenomena. This
volume is the result of this significant expansion. Presently, interest in the scientific
and clinical progress in the field of dissociation is indicated by the following:
1. The explosion of conferences, workshops, and seminars devoted to disso-
ciative disorders treatment and research.
2. The emergence of NIMH-supported investigations that focus on dissociation.
3. The burgeoning literature on dissociation. According to a 1992 biblio-
graphic analysis of the field by Goettman et al. (1992), 72% of all writings
on the topic have appeared in the past decade, with about 1000 published
papers scattered across diverse disciplines and journals.
4. Current interest in dissociation as reflected in the appearance of major
articles and special issues in respected psychology and psychiatry journals.
5. The initiation of a journal entitled Dissociation (Richard Kluft, MD, Editor)
devoted to the area.
6. The development of scientific organizations such as the International
Society for the Study of Dissociation, as well as dissociation presentations
within such organizations as the Society for Experimental and Clinical
Hypnosis, the American Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis,
and special interest groups within both the American Psychological Asso-
ciation and the American Psychiatric Association.
7. The growing awareness of the prevalence of childhood sexual abuse and
its sequelae in relation to dissociative phenomena.
8. The rapidly expanding database from psychology, psychiatry, medicine,
and epidemiology on the comorbidity of dissociation and affective, anxi-
ety, and posttraumatic stress disorders, in addition to eating, somatoform,
and personality disorders.
9. Growing international interest in dissociation as manifested by significant xi
xii increases in research, papers, and conferences from outside of North
Preface America.
10. Recent studies revealing the relatively high prevalence of dissociative
phenomena and disorders among inpatient, outpatient, and "normal"
populations, indicating it will likely remain a permanent and significant
area for conceptual, scientific, and clinical inquiry.
11. An increasing number of individuals presenting for treatment with disso-
ciative disorder.
12. The publication of three volumes, two on dissociative identity disorder
(multiple personality disorder) by Frank Putnam and Colin Ross and an
edited volume on theoretical and clinical perspectives of dissociation by
Steven Lynn and Judith Rhue.
However, from the outset it should be noted that with this renewed interest
also has come great controversy. Articles and letters have been written to scientific
journals suggesting that not only are dissociative disorders overestimated but that
certain disorders such as dissociative identity disorder may not exist at all. Since
early trauma and sexual abuse have been associated with the presence of dissocia-
tive disorders, there has been a growing concern as to valid methods for establish-
ing past trauma or sexual abuse. As part of this approach, authors have debated the
ability of a given individual to recover lost memories of trauma or sexual abuse.
Those of us who have tried to follow these debates quickly learn that the search for
objectivity and truth remains a complex process in the midst of highly rhetorical
presentations. Oearly, untrained therapists, in spite of their best motivations, seek
signs of abuse or dissociative disorders where they may not exist, and thus do not
act in the best interests of either their patients or the field of dissociation. However,
there are also individuals who move through the mental health system with unre-
cognized dissociative processes and remain untreated.
Presently there are few published volumes that provide a comprehensive,
state-of-the-art text that simultaneously addresses theoretical, conceptual, diagnos-
tic, assessment, treatment, ethical, and legal dimensions of the field of dissociation.
The luminary status of the volume's contributors, whose expertise spans the entire
spectrum of dissociative phenomena, has resulted in a stimulating, comprehensive,
and in-depth volume. The text's potential significance includes, but is certainly not
limited to, the following: (1) Highly respected theorists, scientists, clinical-
researchers, and psychotherapists share their expertise, resulting in an integrated
volume that reflects the cutting edge of the field; (2) the presence of a "critical
mass" of theory, research, and practice in the field of dissociation, which was
awaiting compilation into a substantive, cohesive, multidisciplinary volume; and
(3) likely audiences for the text include psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers,
and other mental health professionals, graduate students, interns, residents, univer-
sity libraries, and institutions of higher learning.
We believe the volume has much potential for stimulating dialogue in the
dissociation field, which is rapidly expanding and making fertile interconnections
with other disciplines and sciences. Further, we hope the text will serve as a
primary source for elucidation of both current and emerging theory, research, and
treatment of dissociative phenomena.
The volume is divided into seven parts. Part I, Foundations, entails historical,
epidemiological, phenomenological, etiological, normative, and cross-<:Ultural di- xill
mensions of dissociative phenomena, providing an empirical foundation for the Preface
remaining chapters. Part II, Developmental Perspectives, represents a newly emerg-
ing area that focuses on developmental aspects of dissociative processes, including
the potential role of incest and attachment in the development of dissociative
processes, as well as a description of dissociative disorders in childhood and
adolescence. Part m, Theoretical Models, encompasses contemporary conceptual
and research dimensions from a variety of perspectives. These contributions in-
clude psychobiological, information-processing models of dissociation, and the
relation of dissociation to hypnotic phenomena, moving beyond earlier theoretical
frameworks for elucidating the etiopathogenesis of dissociation. Part IY, entitled
Assessment, comprises three interrelated chapters devoted to the diagnosis, psy-
chological, and psychophysiological assessment of clients with dissociative dis-
Part V, Diagnostic Classifications, offers clinicians and researchers an overview
of current nosology, differential diagnoses, as well as conceptual and clinical impli-
cations of the varied dissociative disorders. In Part VI, Therapeutic Interventions,
eight chapters are presented that provide a wealth of information for clinicians
treating clients with dissociative disorders, posttraumatic stress disorders, and
survivors of sexual abuse and/or assault. These chapters reflect leading clinical
perspectives in the amelioration of dissociative disorders and related sequelae of
abuse. In Part VII, the final section, Special Topics, two chapters address ritual
abuse and ethical-legal issues in dissociative disorders that should be considered as
important readings for clinicians working with dissociative disorder clients.
In our clinical and research endeavors with clients with myriad dissociative
disorders, we have been sensitized to both the advances in theory, research, and
treatment, as well as, unfortunately, the many "black holes" of knowledge that await
further scientific study. We were struck by the need for a comprehensive volume on
dissociation that would be useful to the professional as well as for graduate-level
courses and seminars, providing a timely, balanced, and cogent review of the
controversial tributaries in the field. Hence, we endeavored to have the contribu-
tors address both fundamental domains as well as issues that have generated much
debate in scientific and clinical spheres.
We hope the reader finds the volume as intellectually and clinically rewarding
as we have in helping it come to fruition. We would like to extend our sincere
appreciation to the outstanding contributors who so generously offered their
cumulative wisdom and expertise. To the clients who so courageously shared their
experiences and whose quest for healing has enlightened us all, we want to express
our deepest gratitude and respect.
Gotteman, C., Greaves, G., & Coons, P. (1992). Multtple personality and dtssoctatton, 1791-1990: A
complete bibliography. Atlanta: Greaves.
xvi 7. Dissociative Disorders in Chlldren and Adolescents........... 139
Contents Nancy L. Hornstein
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 617
This section begins with the unique history of dissociation and the dissociative
disorders within the fields of psychology and psychiatry. In Chapter 1, Ross suggests
that dissociative processes have been recorded since the earliest times and treated
throughout history by shamans and priests in a tradition that continues throughout
the world up to the present time. Scientifically, dissociation represents an impor-
tant topic area that had its initial flowering in the 1800s and brought forth explana-
tions and descriptions by some of the great creative thinkers of the time, including
William James, Pierre Janet, Carl Jung, and Morton Price. During the twentieth
century, this tradition was largely ignored and forgotten until about 10 years ago. A
number of factors are described in the chapters of this section related to the
disappearance of scientific and clinical discussions of dissociative processes. These
include the rise of behaviorism in academic circles, the strength of psychoanalysis
with its emphasis on repression rather than dissociation, as well as the term
"schizophrenia" initially being used to describe dissociative symptoms.
An important theme found in the three chapters of this section is consistency
of the phenomenology of dissociative processes across a variety of cultures and
levels of pathology. The overall picture is that samples from the United States,
Canada, the Netherlands, Central Europe, and Japan show similarities even in the
more psychopathological forms of dissociation (e.g., dissociative identity disorder).
In fact, it is pointed out in this section that no clinical report from anywhere in
the world shows marked deviancy in its description of dissociative identity disor-
Another important theme addressed in this section is the epidemiology of
dissociative processes. This is a new area but results are appearing that help to
detertnine the relative occurrence of each dissociative disorder, which Ross dis-
cusses in Chapter 1. Throughout the three chapters of this section, dissociative
experiences in the general population are discussed. Interestingly enough, both
Ross, using an adult nonclinical population in Wtnnipeg, Canada, and Ray (Chapter
3), using a college student population at a Big Ten university, found similar factor
structures using the best-studied dissociation scale. Ray further detertnined the
relationships between scores on this dissociation scale and other measures such as
absorption, absentmindedness, and hypnotic susceptibility, as well as health, stress,
and abuse. One intriguing finding from these data is that an orthogonal relationship 1
2 exists between dissociative tendencies and hypnotic susceptibility. This lack of
Foundations relationship has been seen consistently in a number of samples collected involving
over 2000 college students.
In Chapter 2, Johan Vanderlinden and his colleagues describe the progress in
studying dissociative processes in Western and Central Europe. They first describe
the modification and development of dissociation questionnaires targeted at the
European population. These researchers further compare the report of dissociative
experiences in the Netherlands and Belgium with those reported in Hungary as it
moved from a communist to a more democratic form of government.
History, Phenomenology, and
Epidemiology of Dissociation
Colin A. Ross
The dissociative disorders have a unique history within psychology and psychiatry.
Our understanding of this history, particularly the contributions of Pierre Janet in
the nineteenth century (Ellenberger, 1970; Nemiah, 1989; Putnam, 1989; Ross,
1989; van der Hart & Friedman, 1989), has shifted radically since 1980. Intertwined
with this development, a detailed, replicated description of the phenomenology of
dissociation has been built up, based primarily on research in North America
(North, Ryall, Ricci, & Wetzel, 1993), with significant contributions from the
Netherlands and Belgium (Boon & Draijer, 1993; Vanderlinden, 1993). A consider-
able amount of work has been done on the epidemiology of dissociation within
clinical populations and a lesser amount among college students (Frischholtz. et al.,
1990; Ross, Ryan, Anderson, Ross, & Hardy, 1989e; Ross, Ryan, Voigt, & Eide, 1990c;
Sanders, McRoberts, & Tollefson, 1989). One general population survey of dissocia-
tion has been completed in North America (Ross, 1991; Ross, Joshi, & Currie, 1990a,
In this chapter, I will review the history, phenomenology, and epidemiology of
dissociation and the dissociative disorders, using the Diagnostic and Statistical
Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) nomenclature (American Psy-
chiatric Association, 1994). The five DSM-IV dissociative disorders are dissociative
amnesia disorder, dissociative fugue disorder, depersonalization disorder, dissocia-
tive identity disorder (multiple personality disorder), and dissociative disorder not
otherwise specified. For an exhaustive list of references on dissociation, the reader
Colin A. Ross • Dissociative Disorders Unit, Charter Behavioral Health System of Dallas, Plano,
Texas 75024.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbearettca~ Empirlca~ and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 3
4 is referred to the bibliography by Goettman, Greaves, and Coons (1994), entitled
ColinA. Ross Multiple Personality and Dissociation, 1791-1990: A Complete Bibliography
(available from Dr. George Greaves at 529 Pharr Road, Smyrna, Georgia 30305).
Because the study of dissociative identity disorder (DID)/multiple personality
disorder (MPD) has been the major focus of the dissociative disorders field, it is not
possible to discuss dissociation without giving significant attention to DID. There-
fore, I will discuss the extreme form of dissociation, DID, and its complexity,
chronicity, and morbidity, to illustrate principles that apply to dissociation in
general and to the close relationship between trauma and dissociation.
'Reprinted by pennission from Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders, Fourth Edition.
Copyright 1994 American Psychiatric Association.
Association, 1993). One now has to meet five of nine rather than five of eight 13
criteria, as was the case in DSM-III and DSM-III-R, in order to receive a borderline ltistory,
diagnosis. Phenomenology,
There are no exclusion criteria in the borderline diagnostic set, so there are no and Epidemiology
specific rules for determining when severe dissociative symptoms should result in
an Axis I dissociative diagnosis and when there should be no Axis I diagnosis but a
positive dissociative criterion on Axis II. Nor is it specified whether one can have a
positive dissociative borderline criterion on Axis II and a concurrent Axis I dissocia-
tive disorder.
While there is no systematic data set concerning dissociative symptoms and
disorders in a sample of borderlines, the inverse is not true. Beginning with a study
of Horevitz and Braun (1984), there have been several replications of the finding
that 38 to 700.4 of patients with DID meet criteria for borderline personality disorder
(Boon & Draijer, 1993; Fink & Golinkoff, 1990; Ross, Ellason, & Fuchs, 1992c; Ross,
Heber, Norton, &Anderson, 1989a; Ross et al., 1990b).ln a sample of102 clinically
diagnosed DID subjects, the average subject was positive for 5.2 (SD 2.3) borderline
criteria on the DDIS. The number of positive borderline criteria differentiates DID
from panic disorder, eating disorders, and schizophrenia (Ross et al., 1989a), and
from temporal lobe epilepsy (Ross et al., 1989b).
It is well-established that borderline personality disorder patients have high
rates of childhood trauma (Gunderson & Sabo, 1993), although Axis I dissociative
comorbidity was not examined in any of the supporting studies. To my way of
thinking, borderline personality disorder is a simple form of DID in which the
personality states are less crystallized, less personified, fewer in number, and not
separated by the same degree of amnesia. Inversely, DID is a complex variant of
borderline personality disorder.
Data to support this conceptualization come from Boon and Draijer (1993),
who showed that borderline personality disorder exists on a continuum of in-
creasing severity, with DDNOS having a greater degree of complexity than pure
borderline personality and DID the greatest degree of elaboration and crystalliza-
tion. They demonstrated this with SCID-D data and compelling clinical observation.
The relationship between trauma, dissociation, and DSM-IV borderline criteria
is a rich topic for future research. Large numbers of subjects should be compared on
the DES, SCID-D, and DDIS, as well as other measures, in future studies, and the
subject groups should include pure borderline personality disorder without an Axis
I dissociative disorder and DDNOS and DID groups with and without concurrent
borderline personality. Correlational analyses will likely demonstrate powerful rela-
tionships between the degree of childhood trauma, the complexity of dissociation,
and the number of positive borderline criteria.
At the present time, the existing data unequivocally refute the commonly
advanced proposition that DID patients are "really just borderlines." Fink (1991) has
provided the most comprehensive clinical discussion of the interaction between
DID and Axis II psychopathology.
At the time of publication of the texts by Putnam (1989) and Ross (1989), there
was no information on the epidemiology of dissociation in the general population
and very little in clinical populations. Since then, an increasing body of research
has begun to fill this gap in the literature. However, we still lack an adequate data
base of multicenter replicated findings. Therefore, everything said about epidemiol-
ogy is necessarily tentative.
0 179 912 55 26 0
5 95 81 6o 15 2
10 119 27 65 18 2
15 102 9 70 19 0
20 99 3 75 18 1
25 90 6 80 9 2
30 65 2 85 9
35 54 2 90 6 0
40 42 0 95 4 2
45 42 3 100 0
50 43 1
•N= 1055.
Epidemiology of Dissociative Disorders 19
in the General Population History,
Only one study of the prevalence of dissociative disorders in the general and Epldemiology
population has been conducted (Ross, 1991). This survey, a stratified cluster sample
(N = 454), was conducted in Wmnipeg, Canada: the 454 subjects completing the
DDIS were a subset of 1055 subjects who completed the DES in the same project
(Ross et al., 1990a).
The study has a number of limitations. A much larger, multicenter sample is
required, the validity of the DDIS in the general population has not been estab-
lished, and validating interviews by "blind" clinicians were not undertaken. The
results of this survey must be considered a first approximation only. Until further
research is conducted, however, the results are consistent with DES data from the
larger sample and with the large number of undiagnosed cases detected in screen-
ing studies in clinical populations.
Subsequent to publication of the sample of 454 subjects, further interviews
were completed for a final sample of 502 subjects completing the DDIS. The
lifetime prevalence of the dissociative disorders in Wmnipeg, Canada from this
expanded sample of 502 subjects is shown in Table 2. According to the DSM-III-R
diagnostic criteria for multiple personality disorder embedded in the DDIS, 3.00Ai of
subjects were positive for the disorder. However, inspection of the DDIS profiles
revealed that only six of these subjects reported trauma histories and endorsed the
symptom profile for multiple personality disorder; therefore, the corrected esti-
mate for the prevalence of DID in the general population is 1%. Whether the other
nine subjects had another dissociative disorder or not is unknown; therefore, the
corrected estimate for the lifetime prevalence of dissociative disorders is in the
range of 10 to 12%. 1f this is accurate, dissociation is a major form of psychopathol-
ogy comparable in prevalence to anxiety, depression, and substance abuse.
The history of the dissociative disorders, with a peak of interest in the late
nineteenth century, then almost complete suppression of serious study for most of
the twentieth century prior to an exponential upsurge in interest in the 1980s, is
unique in the mental health field. The field shifted from a prescientific to a scientific
state in the second half of the 1980s, and it should be a mainstream component of 21
psychiatry and psychology by the end of the century. The resurgence in interest History,
occurred against political and ideological resistance. Phenomenology,
Studies in North America, Japan, and Europe with a variety of standardized and Epidemiology
measures and structured interviews have confirmed a stable, core set of symptoms
for the most complex dissociative disorder: DID. The ability of structured inter-
views to differentiate DID from DDNOS and borderline personality disorder has
been demonstrated, and preliminary evidence of the prevalence of dissociative
symptoms and disorders in clinical populations and the general population is
The dissociative disorders as a group appear to have a lifetime prevalence of
about 10% in the general population in North America, including a prevalence of
about 1% for DID. These figures are expected to vary from country to country based
on differential rates of chronic childhood trauma and cultural factors. Dissociative
comorbidity may prove to be a powerful predictor of differential treatment re-
sponse in a variety of clinical populations.
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European Studies of
Johan Vanderlinden, Onno Van der Hart,
and Katalin Varga
Apart from the Netherlands and Belgium, clinical interest and research in Europe in
the field of dissociation and the dissociative disorders are lagging far behind North
American developments. In most European countries, strong professional igno-
rance and skepticism still exist. After a brief description of the clinical field in
Europe, in particular in the Netherlands and Belgium, the main focus of this chap-
ter is on European studies on dissociation and dissociative disorders. Special atten-
tion is given to studies on the development of a scale for the assessment of dis-
sociative experiences and symptoms and on the prevalence of these phenomena in
both general populations and psychiatric patient samples.
While rapid developments are taking place in the field of the dissociative
disorders in the Netherlands and Belgium, most other European countries are
Johan Vanderlinden • Department of Behavior Therapy, University Center St. }ozef, B-3070 Korten·
berg, Belgium. Onno Van der Hart • Department of Clinical and Health Psychology, Utrecht
University, and the Regional institute for Ambulatory Mental Care, Amsterdam South/New West, The
Netherlands. Katalln Varga • Department of Experimental Psychology, Eiitvos I.orand University,
Budapest, Hungary.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Emplrlca~ and Clinical Perspectives, edited by lMry K.
Michelson and Wtlliarn J. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 25
26 lagging far behind (cf. Vander Hart, 1993). Most clinicians are still ignorant of the
Johan Vanderlinden phenomenology and treatment of dissociative disorders, and research is nonexis-
et a1. tent. While in Britain official psychiatry exhibits a negative attitude, as is shown in
some publications in the British journal of Psychiatry (e.g., Fahy, 1988), there is
nevertheless a growing number of therapists who are treating adult or child patients
with dissociative identity disorder (DID) (e.g., Karle, 1992; Macilwain, 1992) and
who are organizing themselves into an informal network. At the University of
Warwick, Coventry, Dr. John S. Davis is carrying out a prevalence study using the
Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) and the Dissociative Disorders Interview
Schedule (DDIS) on reported dissociative disorders. At the University College in
London, Waller and colleagues are studying the prevalence of dissociative symp-
toms in eating disordered patients compared to non-eating disordered women (see
Everill, Waller, & Macdonald, 1995). In Germany, until recently, DID was an almost
completely unknown diagnostic category, although the general public was in-
formed by the publication of a few translated biographies of DID patients. Since
then, a few workshops on diagnosis and treatment of DID, given by Dutch clini-
cians, have had a snowball effect. A number of serious publications in women's
magazines have attracted the attention of both the general public and psychothera-
pists. In 1995, Huber published the first German handbook on the treatment of DID
(Huber, 1995). In Scandinavian countries, there are a few clinicians treating disso-
ciative disorder patients, but professional ignorance is still strong. An important
exception is the Rogaland Psychiatric Hospital in Stavanger, Norway, which is very
active in the diagnosis and treatment of dissociative disorders. Currently, a preva-
lence study using the DES and the SCID-D is being carried out in this hospital.
In Switzerland, a study has been carried out about how frequently DID is
diagnosed. Modestin (1992) sent all qualified Swiss psychiatrists a questionnaire on
DID along with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 3rd
edition (DSM-lll) description of MPD and three classical nineteenth-century case
examples. Thirty-nine percent of the 770 respondents reported they had not
known the concept of DID before the present study. Three percent reported that
they were treating or examining one or more patients meeting DSM-111 criteria for
DID. Ten percent indicated that they had seen DID at least once during their
professional career. Modestin concluded that MPD is relatively rare. However, with
more refined and updated information on DID phenomenology, he would probably
have found a higher prevalence. His study falls very short of the serious prevalence
studies in North America, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Norway; where validated
diagnostic instruments such as the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-111-R
Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D) and the DDIS are used.
In Italy, Daile Grave and colleagues are doing promising work studying the
prevalence of dissociative symptoms using the Dissociation Questionnaire (DIS-Q)
in a large sample of eating-disordered people and college students (Daile Grave,
Rigamonti, & Todisco, in press) at the hospital Casajdi Cura in Garda. Meanwhile, at
the University of Padua Institute of Clinical Psychiatry, Favaro and Santonastaso are
studying the prevalence of dissociative symptoms in a student population sample
(Favaro & Santonastaso, 1995). At the University of Madrid in Spain, Iconan and
Orengo-Garcia are planning a validation study of the DES.
In most other European countries, much less can be reported. However, there
is an increase of information exchange between clinicians and researchers in
different countries, resulting, at least in Hungary, in a prevalence study on dissocia- 27
tive experiences having been carried out. European Studies of
CUnical Studies
Empirical Studies
In a survey of sexual abuse of girls by relatives, Draijer (1988, 1990) found in a
representative sample of 1054 women that 15.6% reported childhood sexual abuse
by relatives. She concluded that such abuse is much more common than is usually
believed. Draijer found indications that those women who were probably most
severely abused were the least able to provide information about it. These women
presented symptoms indicating the existence of a dissociative disorder.
Ensink and Van Otterloo (1989) validated a Dutch version of the DES (Bernstein
& Putnam, 1986). In a study of 100 women having been sexually abused in child-
hood, Ensink (1992), using among other scales the DES (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986),
found that more than one third (36%) gained scores as high as patients with DID. A
cutoff score on the DES of 30 was used (F. W. Putnam, personal communication,
1990). Ensink found that a high level of dissociation (> 30 on the DES) tended to be
reported by: (1) women having a childhood history of sexual abuse during which
they feared they would be killed; (2) women who as children were subjected to
group rapes in which unknown perpetrators were involved; (3) women who were
sexually abused as children at the hands of multiple perpetrators; ( 4) women who
were physically assaulted as children by the perpetrator before the sexual abuse
started; (5) women who as children experienced physical aggression associated
with sexual abuse for a considerable amount of time; and (6) women whose
mothers were involved in the sexual abuse. A multiple regression analysis showed
four characteristics significantly contributing to the level of dissociation: (1) cumu-
lation of childhood trauma; (2) age at onset of sexual abuse; (3) physical aggression
preceding sexual abuse; and (4) being forced to have sexual contact with unknown
In a prevalence study on 160 psychiatric inpatients, Draijer and Langeland
(1993) found that at least 5% of this group suffered from DID, a finding that is
remarkably similar to North American findings (Ross, Anderson, Fleisher, & Norton,
1991b; Saxe et al., 1993). These and other findings indicate that, contrary to some
opinions voiced in Europe (e.g., Aldridge-Morris, 1989), DID is not a North Ameri-
can culture-bound phenomenon, but probably occurs as often in Europe as in
North America. Findings of Boon and Draijer (1993b) on the characteristics of DID
patients in the Netherlands indicate also that the phenomenology of European and
North American DID patients is similar. In harmony with North American findings
on DID patients (Ross, 1989), Cohen, Wallage, and Vander Hart (1992) found in 80
successive referrals to a Regional Institute for Ambulatory Mental Health Care that
their DES scores correlated highly with reports on somatic complaints for which no.
physical cause could be found, which the authors regarded as mainly dissociative in
nature. This result seems to support the fact that in the IC~JO Classification of
Mental and Behavioural Disorders (World Health Organization, 1992) conversion
disorders are classified as dissociative disorders of movement and sensation.
In 1993, Boon and Draijer published their findings on a large study of the
reliability and validity of the SCID-D (Steinberg, Rounsaville, & Cichetti, 1990), a 29
diagnostic instrument for the assessment of dissociative disorders (Boon & Draijer, European Studies of
1993a,b). Several parts of this study were published before (Boon & Draijer, 1991). Dissociation
Besides the SCID-D, two other instruments were employed: the DES (Bernstein &
Putnam, 1986) and the Structured Trauma Interview (STI) (Draijer, 1990). First, a
pilot study carried out in 44 patients showed an interrater reliability of 97.7% for
the SCID-D. Ninety patients ( 45 with a dissociative disorder and 45 with another
psychiatric diagnosis) participated in the main study designed to validate the
SCID-D. All diagnoses of dissociative disorders by clinicians were confirmed by the
SCID-D. In the control condition, the diagnosis of a dissociative disorder was
excluded in 43 cases. In two cases (both diagnosed as borderline personality
disorder only), the diagnosis of a dissociative disorder was detected with the
SCID-D. The validity of the SCID-D was assessed for total score and severity of
specific dissociative symptoms. Overall ANOVA results showed a significant differ-
ence among the two groups (p < .0001) at all levels of assessment. Patients with a
dissociative disorder reported a cluster of severe and chronic dissociative symp-
toms, while patients without a dissociative disorder reported only minor dissocia-
tive symptoms, mainly associated with episodes of stress or depression, psychosis
or mania. These findings caused Boon and Draijer (1993b) to remark that it is no
longer acceptable to conceptualize dissociation on a continuum: dissociative symp-
toms in patients with dissociative disorders are qualitatively different and much
more severe compared to dissociative symptoms in patients without a dissociative
Besides the SCID-D scores, Boon and Draijer (1993b) also compared the DES
scores between the two groups. Patients with a dissociative disorder gained a
significantly higher score on the DES: their mean DES score was 47.6 (SD = 16.3;
range, 11.6-81.3). Patients without a dissociative disorder had a mean DES score
of 12.0 (SD = 11.4; range, 0.0-38.6). A high Pearson correlation of .78 was found
between the DES and total SCID-D score, a finding further supporting the congru-
ent validity of the SCID-D. Boon and Draijer (1993b) also studied the utility of the
Dutch version of the DES as a screening instrument to discriminate between
patients with and without dissociative disorder. They found that a cutoff score of
25 yielded a good-to-excellent sensitivity and specificity. In spite of these optimistic
results, Boon and Draijer (1993b) remarked that a clinical assessment or the use of a
standardized interview such as the SCID-D is required in order to diagnose the
presence or absence of a dissociative disorder.
Their study of the clinical phenomenomogy of the DID patients showed that
94.4% of these patients reported a history of childhood physical and/or sexual
abuse, and 80% met criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder. Investigating the
relationship between traumatic experiences and dissociative symptoms and dis-
orders, Boon and Draijer (1993b) found that the childhood traumatic experiences
were significantly more prevalent and severe in dissociative disorder patients than
in patients without a dissociative disorder. These findings confirmed research data
from other researchers in the Netherlands (Ensink, 1992): The severity of the
dissociative symptoms was closely related to the severity of childhood trauma,
especially sexual abuse, together with the age at which the trauma started. The
younger the age of the patient at which the abuse started, the more severe the
dissociative symptoms.
30 Boon and Draijer (1993b) concluded that the SCID-D is a reliable and valid
Johan Vanderlinden diagnostic instrument to make an assessment of dissociative symptoms and disso-
et aL ciative disorders. They remarked:
Although the clinical awareness of MPD is growing rapidly in the Netherlands,
this diagnostic category deserves more systematic attention to prevent MPD
patients from spending years in the mental health system, without appropriate
treatment. Screening for dissociative pathology should become an integral part
of routine diagnostic assessment. (Boon & Draijer, 1993b, pp. 269-270)
Recently; Nijenhuis, Spinhoven, Van Dyck, Van der Hart and Vanderlinden
(1995), starting from clinically observed (dissociative) state-dependent somatoform
phenomena, have developed the 20-item Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire
(SDQ-20). Statistical analyses revealed that the items were strongly scalable on a
unidimensional scale and that the reliability was high. Further analyses derived five
items (SDQ-5) that yielded optimal sensitivity (94%; capacity of a test to select true
positive~; here dissociative disorder cases) and specificity (96%; capacity to select
true negatives; here cases with other DSM-IV diagnoses). Trying to explain some of
these somatoform dissociative phenomena and the widely divergent psycho-
physiological reactions that are displayed in various dissociative states, Nijenhuis
and Vanderlinden (1996) drew an analogy between animal defensive states and
human dissociative states. Animal defense is of radical different topography, de-
pending on the stage of imminence. For example, while in the postencounter (with
a predator) stage tone, freezing behavior is functional; in the circa-strike stage
development of analgesia and the recuperative post-strike stage return of pain
perception are adaptive responses. Interestingly, the SDQ-items for a substantial
part relate to inability to move, analgesia, anesthesia, and pain. According to
Nijenhuis (1994, 1995), exposure to severe threat constitutes a classical condition-
ing procedure, in which various stages of imminence (unconditioned stimuli)
automatically evoke particular evolutionary prepared defensive states (uncondi-
tioned responses), which will be associated with salient stimuli that signal or refer
to threat. These conditioned stimuli ("triggers") will posttraumatically re-elicit
representations of the traumatic event and, by consequence, the defensive states of
relevance. Nijenhuis (1994, 1995) further argues that posttraumatic confrontations
between states that are "loaded" with trauma and states that are not, also constitute
classical conditioning procedures. These internal exposures to threat are aversive,
and may cause a phobia for traumatic memories, and a phobia for dissociative
states that encompass these representations and associated defensive reactions.
Both phobias maintain dissociative responding; functional defenses thus may turn
into pathology.
The item pool has been based (1) on statements by patients with dissociative
disorders and (2) on a selection of items of the three existing dissociation question-
naires [DES, Perceptual Alteration Scale (PAS), and Questionnaire of Experiences of
Dissociation (QED)]. After translation into Dutch, the latter items were reformu-
lated and modified to make them more suitable to the sociocultural situation in
Belgium and the Netherlands. In this way a pool of 95 items was composed. These
items were submitted to five clinicians (both psychologists and psychiatrists) who
had experience in dealing with dissociative disorder, with the request to evaluate to
which extent each item reflected something about a dissociative experience. Based
on their responses, 26 items were eliminated and 69 items were retained.
Five different answer categories were chosen: the subjects had to circle one of
the five numbers, indicating to what extent that item or statement is applicable to
that particular subject (1 =not at all; 2 =a little bit; 3 =moderately; 4 =quite a bit;
5 = extremely). While using the DES questionnaire, it was learned that some
patients found it difficult to answer the items of the DES by making a slash on a
10Q-mm line to indicate the percentage of time they experienced this particular
experience. Therefore, it was decided to use another way of answering the items in
the DIS-Q. All DIS-Q scores are average scores and can vary between 1 and 5. The
DIS-Q also gathers data on the age, sex, educational level, and demographic status of
the subject involved and contains a small trauma list. Subjects are asked "if they
remember having experienced severely damaging or life-threatening experiences."
When this question is positively answered, subjects are asked to describe the kind
of trauma of which several possibilities are given: severe bodily injury, state of war,
sexual abuse by family and nonfamily members, serious emotional maltreatment by
parents, and so forth.
Table 1. Mean and SD of DIS-Q Scores among Normal Subjects and Several
Patient Groups
015-Q total 015-Q1• 015-Q2 015-Q3 OIS-Q4
N Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Normals 378 1.5 0.4 1.4 0.4 1.7 0.5 1.4 0.4 1.9 0.6
Obsessive- 29 2.0 0.5 2.0 0.8 2.1 0.5 1.5 0.4 2.4 0.7
Schizophrenics 31 2.0 0.6 2.0 0.7 2.1 0.6 1.9 0.6 2.5 0.8
Eating disorders 98 2.2 0.5 2.4 0.6 2.4 0.6 1.6 0.5 2.7 0.7
PfSJ)b 13 2.7 0.6 2.8 0.9 3.0 0.7 2.3 0.4 2.4 0.4
BPD 32 2.8 0.6 2.8 0.8 3.1 0.6 2.3 0.7 2.8 0.6
DDNOS 23 2.9 0.6 3.0 0.8 3.1 0.7 2.5 0.8 2.7 0.9
DID 30 3.5 0.4 3.8 0.5 3.2 0.5 3.3 0.6 3.1 0.5
•DJS.Ql, identity confusion; DJS.Q2, loss of control; DJS.Q3, amnesia; Dls.Q4, absorption.
"PTSD, posttraumatic stress disorder; DDNOS, dissociative disorder not otherwise specified; BPD, borderline person-
ality disorder; DID, Dissociative Identity Disorder.
struct validity of both the DES and DIS-Q (r =.85 between the total DES and DIS-Q 33
scores). European Studies of
Recently the reliability and validity of the DIS-Q have also been studied in a Dlssoclation
North American setting (Sainton, Eliason, Mayran, and Ross, 1993). The DIS-Q and
DES were administered to subjects with a clinical diagnosis of DID (n = 87),
inpatients with a primary chemical dependency diagnosis (n = 26), and under-
graduate students (n = 83). Cronbach's alpha of the DIS-Q was above .90 in all three
subject groups. The Pearson correlation between DES and DIS-Q was .87 (p <
.0001). Even more important was the fact that the average DIS-Q scores of American
undergraduate students and DID patients closely resembled the average scores of
European students and DID patients: respectively, 1.79 (SD =0.58) versus 1.70 (SD =
0.50) for the students and 3.63 (SD =0.58) versus 3.5 (SD =0.4) for the DID patients
(see also Table 1). Sainton et al. (1993) concluded that no other area of psychiatry
has produced self-report measures with greater reliability and validity than the DES
and the DIS-Q.
The present findings show that the DIS-Q has (1) a clear factorial structure; (2)
a good-to-excellent internal consistency and test-retest reliablity; (3) differentiates
clearly between patients with dissociative disorder and other subjects; and ( 4) has
good construct validity. Moreover, recent data (Sainton et al., 1993) show that the
DIS-Q can be assumed to be a valid measure of dissociation also in North America.
Nontrauma 71 2.2 0.5 2.3 0.7 2.3 0.6 1.5 0.4 2.6 0.7
Total trauma 27 2.4* 0.6 2.5 0.7 2.6 0.6 1.9** 0.6 2.8 0.8
Incest 8 2.5* 0.6 2.6 0.8 2.7 0.5 2.t••• 0.9 2.9 0.9
Sexual abuse• 12 2.5* 0.6 2.7 0.8 2.7* 0.6 1.9** 0.5 2.8 0.8
Physical abuse 3 2.1 0.3 2.0 0.4 2.5 0.4 1.7 0.3 2.2 0.5
Neglect 8 2.1 0.5 2.2 0.7 2.3 0.6 1.8 0.5 2.4 0.6
Loss of family 5 2.3 0.4 2.3 0.6 2.5 0.2 1.9* 0.6 2.4 0.6
•DJS.Ql, identity confusion; Dls-Q2, loss of control; DJS.Q3, amnesia; Dls-Q4, absorption. • p < .05; "p < .005;
••• p < .002.
bJiy other than family members.
European Studies of
Recently, the DIS-Q has been translated into the Hungarian language by Katalin Dissociation
Varga and Eva Banyai, two psychologists and researchers at the Eotvos Lorand
University in Budapest. (This research was made possible due to the financial
support of the grant OTKA [no. 284 0313, Eva Banyai and Katalin Varga]). The goal
was to replicate the DIS-Q studies carried out in the general population of Belgium
and the Netherlands in a Hungarian population sample. The results could give more
insight into possible sociocultural factors that might influence the DIS-Q scores.
Hungary is a former Communist country, currently struggling with a major eco-
nomic crisis and searching for a new identity. The end of the Communist regime
first resulted in a euphoric atmosphere ("finally we are free"), but very soon
changed to general frustration, confusion, and an important identity crisis for the
population. Taking into account these considerations, it was assumed that higher
DIS-Q scores would be obtained in the Hungarian population, compared to Belgium
and the Netherlands.
Subjects. In all, 456 DIS-Q questionnaires were collected. Since the distribu-
tion of age of this sample was not fully representative for the Hungarian population,
a representative sample was chosen. This way, 311 subjects were selected: The
sample was representative for the Hungarian population for the variables of age, sex
(166 females and 145 males), and education.
Netherlands 378 1.5' 0.5 1.5" 0.5 1.7' 0.5 1.4' 0.4 1.9' 0.6
Hungary 311 1.7 0.5 1.6 0.5 1.9 0.7 1.6 0.5 2.3 0.8
"Dls.Ql, identity confusion; DIS-Q2, loss of control; Dls.Q3, amnesia; Dls.Q, absorption. • p < .0001; • p < .004.
the frequency distribution shows that 10.6% of this sample scores above the cutoff
score and reports severe dissociative symptoms; 2.6% scored as high as DID pa-
tients. This result is much higher compared to the previous studies, where 1% and
0.5%, respectively, gained scores as high as DID patients. These data support the
assumption of higher levels of dissociative symptoms in the Hungarian population.
The state of the art in Europe with regard to diagnosis, treatment, and study
of the dissociative disorders still leaves much to be desired. Important develop-
ments are nevertheless taking place, in particular, in the Netherlands and Belgium.
There also are signs that in countries such as Germany, the United Kingdom,
Norway, Italy, Hungary, and Spain, promising developments in the clinical field are
underway. There is an increasing number of studies on the prevalence of dissocia-
tive experiences being done, both in the general population and in psychiatric
patient samples using the DES or the DIS-Q. Apart from the Dutch validation study
of the SCID-D, there are currently studies being carried out on the prevalence of
dissociative disorders in different populations using the SCID-D and the DDIS. A
number of related studies are planned, such as the research being done by Nijenhuis
and collegues in the Netherlands and Belgium on the development of a new self-
reporting questionnaire to assess somatic and somatoform aspects of dissociation:
the Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire. As exemplified by the DIS-Q study in 41
Hungary, there is a growing tendency for researchers from different European European Studies of
countries to collaborate on common projects. Perhaps the time has come for North Dissociation
American and European researchers to join ranks in conducting intercontinental
studies on dissociation and the dissociative disorders.
This questionnaire consists of two parts. The first part contains a few general
questions about your background. In the second part you are asked to indicate to
what extent the following experiences apply to you. The experiences mentioned in
the questionnaire may occur when people are under the influence of alcohol, drugs
or medicines. It is intended to answer this questionnaire regarding your condition
without the use of any such means. You are asked to react to the statements by
circling the figure that applies to you. Any answer is good, so long as it reflects your
own view. Please react to all (of the) statements.
By circling one of the figures, you can indicate whether that statement is more or
less applicable to you. If the statement "Moderately;' as in the above-mentioned
example, is applicable to you, you will circle number 3. Against each statement, you
will put a figure that is most applicable to you.
Date: -----------------------
Please cross the training that corresponds most to your own training.
1 =Not at all 2 = A little bit 3 = Moderately 4 = Quite a bit 5 = Extremely
Born: ____________________________________________________
46 Appendix ll: DIS-Q Scoring Form (Continued)
Johan Vanderlinden
et al. DIS-Ql DIS-Q2 DIS-Q3 DIS-Q4
Identity- confusion
fragmentation Loss of control Amnesia Absorption
Nr Score Nr Score Nr Score Nr Score
Sum= Sum= Sum= Sum=
Sum: 25 = Sum: 18 = Sum: 14 = Sum: 6 =
TOTAL DIS-Q score =
William]. Ray • Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsyl-
vania 16802.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and WiUiam]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 51
52 likewise, the scientific study of dissociation is also regaining a place of impor-
Willlam J. Ray tance, both for the role played by dissociation processes in psychopathology, as
well as its potential value in understanding normal states of cognitive-emotional-
motoric processing and the relationship with underlying brain states. In terms of
recent conceptualizations of the construct itself, dissociation has been seen clini-
cally and theoretically to involve alternations in consciousness that appear to
involve a variety of individual memory processes (cf. Kihlstrom et al., 1994). These
processes or the lack thereof in tum manifest themselves in a variety of ways. Some
of these include: (1) depersonalization and derealization in the sense of not experi-
encing aspects of one's self or environment as real; (2) amnesia of either a short- or
long-term nature; (3) absorption such as the ability to be lost in the task at hand
whether watching a movie, reading a book, or driving down the highway; ( 4) the
existence of subpersonalities that may be experienced as separate; and (5) various
forms of both trance experiences and nonnormal processing and experience
within everyday life. Many of these states can occur in everyone's daily life as
manifested by forgetfulness, absentmindedness, or absorption into books or films.
Other dissociative processes may be more rare and found only in psychopathologi-
cal states. Such extreme dissociative processes as seen in fugue states, extreme
depersonalization, or dissociative identity disorders clearly represent an important
area of study as illustrated by the majority of chapters within this volume. However,
a number of theoretical questions remain to be answered in terms of the relation-
ship between normal and pathological states of dissociation as well as the manner in
which each is developed (see Chapter 4 for a discussion of dissociation considered
within normal developmental processes and Chapter 6 for a discussion of children
who develop disorganized modes of relating).
One of the first studies of dissociative experiences within the general popula-
tion was conducted by Ross, Joshi, and Currie (1990) in the city of Winnipeg,
Canada. From an initial population of 650,000 people, these authors used a three-
part stratified random sampling technique to select 1055 individuals over the age of
18. The final sample included 41.7% males and 58.3% females with a mean age of
early 40s for both males and females. During the interview demographic informa-
tion was collected and the DES was administered. The DES requests the person to
rate on a 0% ("this never happens to me") to 100% ("this always happens to me")
scale the amount of time that a particular experience has occurred. Traditional
scoring requires that the items be summed and divided by 28. Thus, a score of 30
would suggest that a particular person acknowledges that the average of these 28
experiences happens to them 30% of the time. Previous research has suggested
54 scores in the 20 to 30 range as a cutoff for psychopathological responding (Ross
William]. Ray et al., 1989, 1990; Carlson & Putnam, 1993). Using the DES, Ross and co-workers
found a mean score of 10.8 (±10.2) for the Wrnnipeg sample. Further analysis
showed 5% of the Winnipeg sample scored above 30, 8.4% above 25, and 12.8%
above 20 on the DES, suggesting that dissociative experiences are very common
with at least 25% of this population. Overall, Ross and co-workers concluded that
dissociative experiences are: (1) common in the general population; (2) do not
differ in terms of gender of respondent; and (3) are reported less by older respon-
Whether the dissociative experiences reported by the Winnipeg sample are
indicative of psychopathology is of course a very different question; but these
results do suggest future directions for research. For example, in the Winnipeg
study a negative correlation ( -0.23) was found between DES score and age. Other
research by Ryan and Ross reported that responding to dissociation items declines
between early adolescence and college (Ryan, 1988; Ryan & Ross, 1988; described
in Ross, 1989), which brings forth the possibility that dissociative experiences are in
some manner a life span developmental process in that their occurrence in normal
populations decreases with age. However, there exists little research examining the
aging process in more psychopathological populations. A related area of future
research involves the potential differential pattern of responding between normal
and psychopathological groups. That is to say, even with similar scores, psycho-
pathological groups may respond to very different items on the DES than the
normal population. For example, 29% of the Winnipeg subjects reported that they
"... find that sometimes they are listening to someone talk and they suddenly realize
that they did not hear part or all of what was said," whereas less than 2% of the
subjects reported that they " ... have the experience of looking in a mirror and not
recognizing themselves." We begin such exploration in Table 1, which we will
discuss in more detail later in the chapter. One approach is to examine the factor
structure of the DES which we now turn to for the Winnipeg population.
Ross, Joshi, and Currie (1991a), using principal components analysis, identified
three dimensions based on the data from the Winnipeg study. The first factor was an
absorption-imaginative involvement factor that accounted for 47.1% of the vari-
ance. This factor included such items as "missing part of a conservation" and
"absorption in television." The second factor reflected activities of dissociated states
such as "finding oneself in a place but unaware how one got there" or "finding
oneself dressed in clothes one can't remember putting on." The third factor was a
depersonalization-derealization factor that included items such as "other people
and objects do not seem real" and "feeling as though one's body is not one's own."
In two studies limited to college-age populations Ray and his colleagues (Ray,
June, Turaj, & Lundy, 1992; Ray & Faith, 1995) examined the frequency of dissocia-
tive experiences using both the DES and QED. In the initial study with 264 subjects,
a seven-factor solution was produced for the DES and a six-factor solution for the
QED. The follow-up study with 1090 subjects produced a four-factor solution for the
DES that basically matched the first original four factors in the earlier study. The first
five factors on the QED were the same in both samples with slight variations
involving individual items. Overall, the DES produced four factors that, in order of
variance explained, were: (1) absorption-derealization; (2) depersonalization;
(3) segment amnesia; and ( 4) in situ amnesia. The QED produced five factors that 55
were: (1) depersonalization; (2) process amnesia; (3) fantasy-daydream; (4) dissoci- Dissociation in
ated body behavior; and (5) trance. The factor structure of the two scales are shown Normal Populations
in Tables 1 and 2.
Sanders and Green (1994) gave the DES to 566 female and 294 male college
students. These authors found three basic factors that they referred to as: (1) imagin-
ative involvement; (2) depersonalization-derealization; and (3) amnesia. These
factors are similar to both those found on the DES by both Ross's and Ray's
laboratories and not unlike those found in psychiatric populations (cited in Sanders
& Green, 1994; compare Carlson & Putnam, 1993).
With factor analytic techniques it is possible to specify the number of factors.
Since Ross and co-workers had reported a three-factor solution, the Ray and Faith
data were reanalyzed to fit such a solution. Table 3 shows the factor solutions for
the DES found in this reanalysis and compares them with those of Ross et al.
Factor 1 Depersonalization
2 Feel like someone else
4 Wonder who I really am
1 Things are not real
5 Stranger in mirror
6 Removed from thoughts and actions
7 Confused and in a daze
Factor 2 Process amnesia
18 Mind goes blank
8 Couldn't remember where I had been
3 Mind blocks and goes empty
9 Words don't come out right
17 Forget where I put things
Factor 3 Fantasy- daydream
21 I daydream
15 Daydreamed in school as child
19 Rich fantasy life
11 Off in world of my own
20 Stare off into space
Factor 4 Dissociated body behavior
13 Someone inside directing actions
12 Body undergoing transformation
14 Umbs move on their own
10 Come to without knowing how I got there
16 Problems understanding speech
Factor 5 Trance
25 Gone into trance
23 Able to hypnotize myself
22 Soul leaves my body
24 Had imaginary companions
26 Periods of deja vu
II'J'hree factors DES solution based on Ray data. Note similarity with Ross factor analytic solution. Ross factors shown as
superscripts. See text for more detail.
One important question asks if dissociative tendencies share a common root
with other types of lapses of awareness such as absentmindedness or other types of
simple forgetfulness. Absentmindedness and other types of lapses of awareness
have been topics of great interest in the human factors literature (cf. Reason, 1984).
In this literature, distinctions have been make between "slips" and "mistakes:' Slips
would be considered actions not in accord with the overall goal in the case where
one had a good plan but it was poorly execution. Mistakes, on the other hand,
would be considered planning failures and the resultant of errors of judgement,
inference, and so forth. With a mistake one accurately follows the plan, but the plan
60 is faulty. Thus, in this section, to use the terminology of human factors, we are
William J. Ray interested in slips, lapses, and accidents but not mistakes.
We all know that accidents happen to people and that they are unpredictable
and random, as opposed to something someone plans to do. However, we can ask if
people who make one type of slip or error (e.g., attention) also make other types of
errors (e.g., memory). To help answer this question, at least two questionnaires
have been developed to assess error proneness. The first was developed by Broad-
bent and referred to as the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire (Broadbent, Cooper,
FitzGerald, & Parks, 1982). The second was developed by Reason and Mycielska
(1982) and referred to as the absentmindedness questionnaire. In our own work we
have found that these two questionnaires correlate highly with each other (r =.68).
Other research in the human factors area has reported that: (1) there exists a general
factor found in all questionnaires of absentmindedness or cognitive failures; (2) it is
difficult in general to find cognitive laboratory measures that discriminate between
high and low scorers on these questionnaires; (3) distributed attention tasks appear
to differentiate high and low scores especially when more than one task is at-
tempted simultaneously; and (4) subjects scoring high in absentminded or cogni-
tive failure cope by using more mental effort to deal with or suppress emotions,
whereas low subjects use more action-oriented techniques such as seeking support
from others. Such data have led Reason to suggest that high-scoring subjects have a
less adaptive coping style. Other research suggests that although stress may increase
the likelihood of cognitive failure, it is not a necessary condition for its occurrence.
However, Broadbent et al. (1982) suggest high cognitive failures scores are related
to increased vulnerability to externally imposed stress. In terms of data collected
with our college student population, we found that Broadbent's Cognitive Failures
Questionnaire correlates .47 (n = 541) with the DES and Reason's Absent-
Mindedness Questionnaire correlates .56 (n = 249). Given these correlations, it is
possible to speculate that there may exist similar processes that underlie both
normal absent-mindedness and more severe dissociative tendencies.
Tellegen and Atkinson (1974) developed the Tellegen Absorption Scale (fAS),
which is a scale of openness to absorption. In a number of studies the TAS has been
shown to have low positive correlation with hypnotic susceptibility (.21 and .11 in
our samples of 243 and 278 subjects, respectively). Tellegen (1992) has described
absorption as a "marked restructuring of the phenomenal self and world." In terms
of dissociative tendencies, Tellegen suggests that "these more or less transient states
may have a dissociated or an integrative and peak-experience-like quality." The
finding in our samples of a moderately high correlation (.55 and .59 in samples of
243 and 278 subjects, respectively) supports this speculation.
Hypnotic Susceptibility
The phenomena of dissociation and hypnosis have been closely associated in
both the scientific and popular literature since at least the 1880s. The investigation
of clinical dissociative phenomena and the use of hypnosis in their study and
treatment was practiced by Janet and many of his contemporaries, including Char- 61
cot and Freud (Ellenberger, 1970). Since many of these dissociative phenomena Dissociation in
could be produced under hypnosis and were studied and treated within the context Normal Populations
of hypnosis, there was a natural association of the two phenomena. Historically, the
association between hypnosis and dissociation is based on empirical, theoretical,
and clinical grounds such as the similarity of hypnotic and dissociative states
(Hilgard, 1965; Spiegel & Cardeii.a, 1991) and the reported high hypnotizability of
dissociative clinical groups (Bliss, 1986; Frischholz, Upman, Braun, & Sachs, 1992;
Putnam, 1989). In terms of the dimensions of hypnotizability and dissociative
experiences in normal populations, little research exists that is available to answer
the question of whether the same individuals who are hypnotically susceptible are
also individuals who report experiencing dissociative processes. This was the
question we sought to answer (Faith and Ray, 1994). To study the relationship
between hypnotizability and dissociation in a nonclinical population, we report the
results of a large-scale correlational study, conducted over 3 years, using two
separate measures of dissociation (the DES and QED) and a highly regarded scale of
hypnotizability, that of the Harvard Grove Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility
Across four administrations (866 subjects), correlation coefficients were com-
puted between the two dissociation scales and the hypnotizability scale. Correla-
tions between the DES and the QED for the entire sample was .81, which is
consistent with the findings of other studies (Angiulo & Kihlstrom, 1991; Ray et al.,
1992; Ray & Faith, 1995; Riley, 1988). For all subjects combined, correlations
between the dissociation scales (DES and QED) and the hypnotic susceptibility
scale (HGSHS:A) were .09 and .10, respectively. Therefore, for the sample as a
whole, the variance in hypnotizability scores explained by dissociation scales is
approximately 1%. It can also be noted that similar correlations between the
dissociation scales and the hypnotic susceptibility scales were found with each
Although there was little correlation between dissociation and hypnotizability,
there still existed a possibility of a nonlinear relationship. That is, the relationship
could exist only for selected aspects of the distribution such as high hypnotizability
subjects. This possibility was investigated using scatterplots of the data. QED and
DES scores were plotted independently against the HGSHS:A scores. Figure 1 shows
these results for the DES. The QED showed similar results, which are not repro-
duced in this chapter. Inspection of the plot does not support a nonlinear relation-
ship. Dissociation scores were scattered uniformly across the range of hypno-
tizability scores.
Another possibility is that separate factors on the HGSHS:A would correlate
differentially with dissociative experiences. Several distinct content dimensions
have repeatedly emerged in factor analytic studies of hypnotic susceptibility (Hil-
gard, 1965). In summary of Hilgard's presentation, these factors are: (1) a general
hypnotizability or direct suggestion factor; (2) a motor inhibition factor; (3) a
cognitive and sensory inhibition factor; and ( 4) a positive hallucination factor. The
cognitive-sensory inhibition factor includes amnesia and negative hallucinations.
However, some of the factors represent more difficult items than others.
To investigate whether difficulty level of hypnotic challenges, as reflected in
62 IIY1'1108I8 VD8U8 DB8
William J. Ray
1 1
180 + +
1 1
1 1
1 1 1-
150 + 1 +
1 1
1 z
1 1 1 2
1 2 1
1 1 1
120 + 1 1 1 +
8 3 1 1 1
u 1 1 1
II 1 1 1 2 1 1
-2 1 1 1 2 2
ii 2 2 1
8 10. +
1 1 1 2 1
II 1 2 1 1 1 y
1 1 1 2
Y1 1 1 1 2 1
II 3 1 2 1
1 2 1 2 1
60. + 1 1 2 2 1 2 +
II 2 3 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 2 2 1
1 1 1
111 1 3 2 1 1
1 2 3 2 2 4 1 1
1 1 1 1
30. + 4 1 1 +
1 1 1
1 1 1
-1 1 1 1
2 1
a. '· 10 12
Given that the research reported in this chapter with normal subjects reported
few subjects that did not endorse some type of dissociative experience, it is difficult
to view dissociation as other than a normal cognitive process. Our current way of
viewing dissociation is to suggest that all individuals come into this world in a
dissociative state. Tilis may result from either an immature nervous system that is
yet to form or even from a break of a physiological entrainment process between
the mother and her infant in the womb. That is to suggest that previous to birth the
physiological organizing principle of the developing nervous system is that of the
mother. With birth, this entrainment process is broken and the various aspects of
the child's nervous systems function in a less than totally integrative manner. If
indeed the development of physiological, emotional, cognitive, and motoric inte-
gration continues throughout a child's development until a unifying principle,
generally referred to as "self," develops, then dissociation can be seen as the
resultant of an interruption of that normal process. As has been pointed out by
others, such disorders as multiple personality disorder are not actually a number of
personalities but the lack of any strong personality or coherent system. At this point
trauma of various forms appears to be the more likely candidate for producing an
interruption in normal development that would lead to such psychopathological
dissociative states. However, Janet's original suggestion of constitutional weakness
must also be considered.
Although few physiological data exist at this point, it is important to consider
recent work in relation to the functioning of perceptual binding mechanisms,
although this mechanism takes place on a more micro level. Recent research
suggests that an approximately 40. to 70-Hz EEG signal appears in a variety of areas
across the brain when responding to a similar stimulus and that this serves to
combine our awareness into a coherent whole (cf. Gray & Singer, 1989). Crick and
Koch (1990) go further to suggest that such synchronous firing is not only a means
of combining perceptions but also of establishing consciousness. Although a con-
ceptual leap, it could be possible that with certain dissociative disorders (e.g.,
dissociative identity disorder), different binding mechanisms could be connected
with different "personalities." Of more interest to cognitive scientists is the further
suggestion that this binding process is the mechanism for placing cognitions into
working memory. If this same or a similar mechanism is not only involved in
bringing the various aspects of stimulus perception into a coherent whole exter-
nally but is also involved with internal experiences, then it would lie at the heart of
such dissociative experiences as amnesia and depersonalization-derealization.
Dissoclation in
Normal Populations
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This section begins with the important relationship between dissociative disorders
and childhood trauma. Although there is ample evidence to suggest an association
between dissociative disorders and previous trauma, there has been little theory
and research to understand these processes within a developmental perspective.
Part II begins to approach this important theme and to place dissociative processes
within a developmental perspective. In Chapter 4, Pamela Cole and her colleagues
ask how dissociation can be understood from the standpoint of normative develop-
ment and emotional regulation. These researchers begin with the assumption that
early childhood trauma affects developing patterns of emotional regulation and
they examine the conditions under which trauma might promote dissociative
disorders. For example, they suggest that ages 3 to 5 represent a critical period in
which sexual abuse can lead to more severe dissociative disorders such as dissocia-
tive identity disorder. However, the story may not be quite so simple as these
authors demonstrate. They point out the importance of not only understanding a
trauma situation but also examining the developmental characteristics of the victim
prior to the trauma, during the trauma, and after the trauma is over. To help clarify
this relationship, the focus of Chapter 4 is on father-daughter incest. The important
question to ask is what are the co-occurring developmental processes that are
present with the onset of incest in particular and any trauma in general.
In Chapter 5, Goodwin and Sachs begin by describing stories of abuse from the
popular press and continue with survey data from professionals treating dissocia-
tive disorders. From their review, they suggest a strong relationship between
dissociative disorders and previous trauma. Throughout their discussion they raise
a number of intriguing questions as to the etiology of dissociative processes. First,
these authors note the similarity between patients with severe dissociative dis-
orders and shell-shocked combat veterans. Second, they ask if there exists a sim-
ilarity in mechanism between those processes, found in both animals and humans,
that place the organism in a deep trance during conditions of stress and those
underlying dissociative processing. Third, the question is raised as to why not all
individuals who experience severe child abuse develop dissociative disorders. And 67
68 fourth, the question of abuse and dissociation running in families is raised. Overall,
Developmental this chapter helps us to understand some of the questions that need to be asked in
Perspectives future research as well as the difficulty of finding simple answers.
All children proceed through certain developmental stages that include shifts
in perceptual, motor, and emotional development. Bowlby emphasized the emo-
tional attachment seen in infants with their caregivers, generally their mothers.
Developmental researchers have been interested in early attachment relationships
and later social competence. As will be described in great detail in the chapters, the
nature of these attachments can be classified into distinct patterns. In Chapter
6, Main and Morgan ask if one of the these distinct patterns-the disorganized-
disoriented pattern-has a phenotypic resemblance to dissociative states. Not
unlike the trance states of animals described by Goodwin and Sachs, Main and
Morgan describe certain infants as "freezing all movement." Interestingly enough,
there also appears to be a characteristic response of the parents of such infants,
again raising the question of intergenerational transition of traumatic behaviors
and responses. Main and Morgan describe one possible mechanism for such trans-
mission in a case report in which an infant learns to respond in a psychopathologi-
cal manner to the parents' responses to their own traumatic memories. The chap-
ters in this section also raise the important question as to why some individuals who
experience severe trauma never manifest dissociative experiences. Perhaps a better
understanding of attachment events and development sequences will hold the key
to this important question.
The final chapter in the section, by Hornstein, focuses on formal descriptions
of dissociative disorders in children and adolescents. As can be seen from the
chapter, dissociative experiences of children do not exist in isolation, but co-occur
with a variety of affective, attentional, and behavioral problems, making exact
differentiation difficult. As with adults, children who are diagnosed with dissocia-
tive disorders also have received a variety of previous psychiatric diagnoses, the
most common of which are depression, depressive psychosis, posttraumatic stress
disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder.
Dissociation in Typical
and Atypical Development
Examples from Father-Daughter Incest Survivors
Pamela M. Cole • Department of Psychology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsyl-
vania 16802. Pamela C. Alexander • Department of Psychology, University of Maryland, College
Park, Maryland 20742. Catherine L. Anderson • Northwest Center for Community Mental
Health, Reston, Virginia 22091.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William). Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 69
70 whether dissociative disorders represent a discrete and distinct set of processes.
Pamela M. Cole One possibility is that a normative regulatory process, under conditions of severe
etal. and/or sustained stress, may develop a dysfunctional quality. For example, if an
individual experiences intense emotional distress in childhood, she may become
primarily reliant on dissociative coping throughout development. Such an outcome
would interfere with her ability to function in an attuned and flexible manner in
adult relationships and to conduct the responsibilities of adult life. The prevailing
wisdom is that severe dissociation, including conditions like multiple personality
disorder (MPD), is particularly likely to occur in conjunction with early childhood
trauma. Retrospective research indicates that the development of a condition like
MPD is associated with sexual abuse that begins between the ages of 3 to 5 when
dissociation may be a primary normative emotion regulatory strategy (see Cole &
Putnam, 1992, for a developmental discussion).
Emotion regulation, a term that conveys that emotions are subject to regulation
and that they are regulatory of other functions (e.g., attention), can be used to
provide an integrative perspective on typical and atypical development related to
dissociation. Although emotion regulation is a moment-to-moment process, several
theorists contend that stable patterns of emotion regulation form a core of person-
ality (e.g., Izard, 1979; Malatesta, 1990; Rothbart & Ahadi, 1994; Watson & Clark,
1984). From this perspective, a habitual reliance on a particular method of regulat-
ing emotion can come to characterize an individual's style of coping. If that style is
dissociative, the likelihood is that there will be serious impairment in the individ-
ual's ability to act responsively and responsibly in life. Potential for serious impair-
ment exists as experiences, particularly emotion-laden experiences, become tem-
porally disconnected and episodes of time are thus lost from consciousness and
memory. In the most extreme forms of dissociative disorder, this style of emotional
functioning interferes with the integration of personality and promotes the devel-
opment of the experience of multiplicity of separate selves.
This chapter on developmental perspectives on dissociation is organized
around the assumption that early childhood trauma affects developing patterns of
emotion regulation and that under certain conditions that trauma can promote
dissociative disorders. The basis of our clinical perspective is our experience with
clients and research participants with a history of childhood sexual abuse. Dissocia-
tive disorder has been noted to occur among many, but by no means all, survivors of
childhood sexual abuse (Gelinas, 1983). Dissociation serves as both an initial protec-
tive response to emotional trauma and, for some, as a subsequent style of function-
ing and a form of psychopathology (Sexton, Harralson, Hulsey, & Nash, 1988). As a
result of exposure to repeated, severe, inescapable, and unpredictable sexual vic-
timization by a previously trusted individual, a child's ability to regulate distress is
quickly overtaxed (Braun, 1989; Putnam, 1989; Sanders, McRoberts, & Tollefson,
1989; Spiegel, 1986). In the case of incest, abuse may occur without adequately
soothing, restorative relationships that help the victim regulate emotional distress
(Kluft, 1984). As a result, many abused children appear to spontaneously enter
trance states in their self-regulatory attempts to find relief and to maintain emo-
tional equilibrium in the presence of continuing, inescapable, and unpredictable
trauma (Bliss, 1988).
In this chapter, we offer a developmental perspective on dissociation in both
its typical and atypical presentations. Unfortunately, the empirical evidence is
sparse and more questions are raised than answered. By using a developmental 71
psychopathology perspective, we hope to suggest that dissociation can be ex- Dissociation in
plored as a normative phenomenon and that particular conditions may promote the Typical and Atypical
development of atypical dissociative patterns. Such a perspective requires a de- Development
scription of dissociation in relation to normal child, adult, and family development
(Rutter & Garmezy, 1983; Sroufe & Rutter, 1984). To focus our discussion, we rely on
our clinical and research experiences with girls and women who have been victims
of father-daughter incest. Psychological vulnerabilities in reaction to a disturbed
parent-child relationship are conceptualized in terms of developmental factors
that influence the child's capacity to regulate the emotional trauma, specific devel-
opmental tasks that are compromised by the trauma, and familial conditions that
promote and sustain dissociative functioning as a primary means of regulating
emotion. We depict how incest can arise in families that cope through denial and
dissociation, how dissociation helps the child victim survive the incest, and how
the incest experience in its familial context can promote the consolidation of a
dissociative disorder.
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Child Abuse in the Etiology
of Dissociative Disorders
Jean M. Goodwin and Roberta G. Sachs
A growing body of literature, both case reports and surveys, links dissociative
symptoms and disorders to childhood experiences of severe abuse. Several surveys
(Bliss, 1980, 1984; Braun & Sachs, 1985; Kluft, 1984a; Putnam, Gurof, Silberman,
Barbar, & Post, 1986) report that 97% of patients with multiple personality disorder
(MPD; also known as dissociative identity disorder, or DID, since the publication of
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders, Fourth Edition [DSM-
IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994]) report some history of abuse during
childhood. Since the early 1980s, the hypothesis that this high frequency of prior
abuse is somehow intrinsically related to the development of dissociative symp-
toms has become central to theory and research in the field. The present chapter
analyzes in detail this proposed etiologic association between childhood abuse and
MPD. We review case histories and case surveys in which adults and children
describe sadistically assaultive and soul-murdering childhood environments and the
depersonalization phenomena and fantasy absorption that took place during mo-
ments when this environment became overwhelming. We examine the problem of
corroborating histories of child abuse, which remains a major objection to the
hypothesis. We also review similarities between dissociative disorder patients and
other child abuse survivors. Similarities in family characteristics, victim symptoms,
and community response indicate that dissociative disorder patients may represent
some of the more severely abused and severely symptomatic of a continuum of
survivors of child abuse (Braun, 1990). Both abuse and dissociation were denied by
Jean M. Goodwin • Department of Psychiatry, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas
77555-M28. Roberta G. Sachs • Highland Park Psychological Resources, 660 LaSalle Place, High-
land Park, lllinois 60035.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretica~ Empiri~ and Clinical Perspectives, edited by lMry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 91
92 professionals in the first half of the twentieth century, probably as part of the same
Jean M. Goodwin historical process (Goodwin, 1985b). Comprehensive biopsychosocial understand-
and Roberta G. ing of these disorders requires integration of the child abuse hypothesis with data
Sachs about genetics, physiology, psychology, comorbidity, and natural history, including
treatment responses in patients who dissociate.
Books detailing the case histories of patients with MPD have a predictable
rhythm leading to the recovery of the memory of childhood trauma. In Sybil
(Schrieber, 1983) we read about how the patient's mother hanged her upside down
by the feet and then inserted an enema tube into the child's urethra. The Minds of
Billy Milligan (Keyes, 1981) describes a similarly chilling scene: Billy is sodomized
by his stepfather and later buried in the barn for telling his mother; a breathing tube
is left in his mouth, but his father urinates into it. The details are excruciating and
seemingly endless.
Rosenbaum and Weaver (1980) reviewed all cases of multiple personality
published between 1934 and 1978 and found that the majority report incest or other
brutal sexual abuse in childhood, often by a psychotic adult. Saltman and Solomon
(1982) added six more such cases and suggested that much of the symptomatology
of multiplicity can be understood as a particular defensive reaction to sadistic
sexual trauma in childhood.
Bliss (1980), too, saw MPD as a sequel to childhood abuse in individuals
capable of responding to trauma with deep levels of self-hypnosis that can lead to
dreamlike confusion about reality and about the self. Nine of his 14 patients
reported childhood rapes; three others responded to the item with question mark.
Putnam and co-workers (1986) surveyed therapists treating 100 patients diag-
nosed as having MPD. He found that 97% of these patients described traumatic
childhoods; 83% described childhood sexual abuse; 75% reported physical abuse;
61% reported extreme neglect or abandonment; and 41% had witnessed extreme
violence. The number of types of childhood trauma undergone was significantly
correlated with the number of alternate personalities. Coons and Milstein (1984)
found a prior history of sexual or physical abuse in 85% of patients with MPD. Four
other large surveys find prior child abuse in 95 to 98% of such patients (Braun,
1990). These 80 to 100% frequencies of self-report of prior child abuse by MPDs
seem significantly different from the percentage of 42% found in unselected psychi-
atric inpatients (Carmen, Rieker, & Mills, 1984).
In addition, there seemed to be qualitative differences in the nature of the prior
abuse described by MPDs. Cornelia Wilbur (1984a) has detailed the planned,
bizarre, sadistic, multifaceted assaults on the child's self-esteem, of which physical
damage may be the least destructive element. These are not families who abuse out
of lack of impulse control in moments of crisis. In these families the child may be
partially buried in a backyard grave as the standard mode of discipline. Family rituals
may include several adults genitally instrumentating a preschool child, using bottles
or icepicks, the locking of children in closets for days (then punishing them for
having inevitably soiled themselves), and family participation in ritual tortures, 93
which may involve actual or threatened mutilations of animal or human victims Etiology of
(Putnam, 1989). Children are physiologically assaulted with forced fasts, forced Dissociative
feeding, forced enemas and cathartics, and forced alcohol intoxication. They are Disorders
denied medical attention. Within any category of abuse, the abuse experienced by
the future dissociative disorder patient is extreme. For example, in the sexual abuse
cases, these patients seem more likely to have experienced incest pregnancies,
instrumentation with physical damage to genitalia, involvement of multiple sexual
abusers, involvement of siblings and other children as covictims, threats of death or
threats with weapons, and beating or bondage associated with the sexual contact
(Goodwin, 1993a).
In the realm of emotional abuse, the dissociative patients are likely to have
been openly ridiculed and humiliated by multiple family members and insulted
when most hurt and vulnerable, such as being called a whore while the father is
attempting anal intercourse. Humiliating emotional abuse often takes place around
presents and holidays. In one family, the father always bought and wrapped pres-
ents for all the children and left them under the tree, but on Christmas morning he
burned all the presents. Another dissociative patient, as a young boy of 8, had a
group of boys arrive for his birthday party. His alcoholic mother opened the door to
greet them stark naked. Subsequently, he was ostracized by neighbors in his upper-
class suburb. Braun (1984a,b) has discussed the mixed messages that are given to
the child. For example, the child may be burned and then hugged. The child can be
told, "I love you," and a few seconds later is psychologically devalued, being told by
the same parent, "You're no good" or "I hate you." When the abuser is sadistic, there
is emphasis on acquiring total control over the child through terrorized obedience
and the induction of the child into violence as a coperpetrator (Goodwin, 1993a).
Again and again one hears these patients describe a chronic family pattern of
emotional neglect and abuse with chronic unresolved conflict, resentment, and
blaming of the children, confusion with miscommunication and misinformation,
and an inability to mobilize care or protection in crisis. This chronic state is then
punctuated by traumatic episodes-severe emotional abuse, a traumatic abandon-
ment such as being locked in a closet, a physical beating, or, most often, a rape
(Braun, 1984b).
How valid is the patient's self-report? Since many consider patients with
dissociative disorders to be overly histrionic, they also question whether some of
their reported incidents of child abuse are elaborated by the patient in order to self-
dramatize. Freud came to view his patients' accounts of prior seductions as ver-
balized fantasies; events that the patient wished or imagined had happened but
never did (Goodwin, 1985b, 1993b). Some therapists are extremely cautious about
accepting the bizarre and grotesque accounts of family life recounted by patients
with multiple personality disorder with the same degree of certitude with which
they accept a patient's accounts of allergies or prior hospitalization.
Some of this caution is based on resistance to confronting a world in which
such horrors are commonplace. Some caution, however, is justified. The basic
therapeutic stance in reconstructing childhood memories requires an openness to
possible additions, to shifts of emphasis, to new emotional coloring, to restructur-
ing. In reconstructing an episode from a dissociative patient's past, therapist and
patient must face: (1) sometimes total forgetting and amnesia; (2) splitting of the
event into multiple memories or memory fragments held by different parts of the
self that were present or nearby at times of overwhelming stress; (3) distorted or
partial memories deliberately introduced by an alter who is trying to conceal
something worse than this "cover memory"; (4) memory that exists only as over-
whelming emotion, reenactment, somatic sensations, or dream material; and
(5) memories of dreams or fantasies derived from traumatic nightmares in child-
hood, or from daydreams during trance states self-induced to protect the patient
from his/her overwhelming fear during abusive episodes. However, when corrobo-
rative data have been available, time and again the therapeutic conclusion has been
that the end result of these distortions had led to minimization, rather than exag-
geration, of the extent of the childhood abuse (Putnam, 1989).
The search for corroborative and documentary evidence about the patient's
often totally forgotten childhood is an important part of treatment. School and
pediatric records can be helpful, and the patient may be ready for this kind of
documentation before family contact. Protective service or psychiatric records may
be available for the patient, for a sibling, or for a parent. Death or suicide of a sibling
96 is not infrequent in these disturbed families, and death certificates and autopsy
Jean M. Goodwin records are helpful here. Criminal and civil court records may also contain perti-
and Roberta G. nent data.
Sachs Parents, parent figures, and siblings can sometimes be interviewed or reached
by telephone or letter. In interviewing family members it helps to know that most
abusive parents deny abuse and that most require intensive individual and group
therapy before they can profit from family therapy. Siblings are often more open.
like the parents, they may deny abuse; but if asked specifically about violent
behaviors, they may describe witnessing violence or experiencing or perpetrating
The task in interviews is the simple, almost journalistic one of rediscovering
details about life history that have been lost in the patient's dissociative amnesia and
confusion. Where did the family live and when? What were the major family events?
Illnesses? Deaths? Job changes? Did the patient have extrafamilial caretakers? Re-
viewing a parent's childhood history may be useful for both the parent and the
patient, in illuminating the nature of the parent's own emotional impoverishment.
Collateral interviews with family members should be done gently and with in-
formed consent, as paranoid or depressive breaks or suicidal attempts are possible.
With the dissociative patient, as with the abused child in foster or group home care,
it may be helpful to make a "life book" where documents, photographs, memories,
and information from collateral sources (including dissociated self-states) can be
A current physical examination of the dissociative patient can also provide data
about fragmentary childhood memories. There may be radiological evidence of
fractures or genital mutilation or other scarring. It should be noted that the absence
of physical evidence does not disprove childhood abuse (Goodwin, 1982). In some
cases the patient will decide to involve a trained investigator, by informing protec-
tive service or law enforcement authorities about memories of crimes a parent may
have committed, or by hiring counsel to bring suit for damages against a parent or
parent figure.
Experienced therapists report that when corroboration was attempted, this
could be achieved in more than two thirds of patients (Braun, 1984b; Kluft, 1984b;
Kluft, Braun, & Sachs, 1984). For example, in one case the patient claimed that
when she was a little girl she had suffered a ruptured appendix and had been forced
by her mother to walk to the hospital. Hospital records confirmed her account. In
another case, a male dissociative patient claimed that his mother had inserted pearls
into his penis and pushed them up the urethra with a thermometer. When kidney
stones later prompted urologic consultation, considerable scar tissue was noted in
the patient's urethra and the passage was so dilated that a large stone passed with
little difficulty. Other kinds of convincing corroborative data include eyewitnessing
of abusive events by siblings, parents, adult or child acquaintances, or the identifica-
tion of other victims of physical or sexual violence either among family members or
neighbors or acquaintances who name the same abuser.
Neurophysiological evidence for prior child abuse can be clinically observed
during the course of therapy in some patients as they describe child abuse. For
example, one patient reported being repeatedly burned with a cigarette by her
mother. When she described this, the therapist noted red spots like burn marks
appearing on the patient's skin. In another case, as the patient was describing how 97
she had been choked by her mother, her voice changed abruptly to become hoarse EdoJogyof
and raspy. When a patient shows extreme physical pain or panic during a recon- Dissoclat1ve
struction, it may be helpful to obtain a pulse rate. When physiological changes are Disorders
present, the patient's narrative may have to be interrupted to avoid retraumati-
Other types of neurophysiological evidence can be seen in the patient's cur-
rent response to touch or other contact. One patient reported that whenever
anyone started to hug her she would hold her breath. When asked why, the patient
said, "Because that's the way I begin to go away." She described rapes by her father
when she was a child. She habitually dissociated from these attacks by holding her
breath and trying to disappear into the wall.
Such phenomena are instances of the "truth of abreaction" experienced by
many therapists. When a 3-year-old ego state describes a sexual assault by her father
in the language of a chronological3-year-old and using similar kinds of drawing, one
is hard put to disbelieve her account in the midst of an abreactive storm that may
include the destruction of the father doll and long episodes of sobbing. The
reenactments of traumata that occur in these patient's lives can also be emotionally
convincing: for example, the mother who does not recall her own rape at age 4 until
her daughter is raped at that exact age or the patient raped in adulthood by a
policeman as a prelude to recalling an identical childhood rape by a similar author-
ity figure.
More research is needed about the collection and assessment of accounts of
childhood trauma. Available data indicate that automatic dismissal of such accounts
as fantasy is not warranted, even (or perhaps especially) when the account includes
amnestic gaps. Herman and Schatzow (1987) found in a sample of 53 female
patients who gave sexual abuse histories that two thirds experienced dissociative or
amnestic gaps in their narratives, and three quarters were able to obtain corrobora-
tive data about their sexual abuse. Williams (1993) interviewed 100 adult women
whose child sexual abuse had been substantiated by medical records 17 years
before. Thirty eight percent denied any memory of sexual abuse.
These phenomena are consistent with laboratory research. Memory for events
ebbs and flows with time. Memory for traumatic events and memories from child-
hood are particularly fragile (Loftus, 1993). Procedural memory can persist, produc-
ing physiological and emotional effects when narrative memory has faded (Erdelyi,
1989). Because highly hypnotizable subjects are capable of experiencing both
negative and positive hallucinations and can misfile these as memory, either with or
without specific external suggestions, these phenomena, too, must be factored into
the reconstructive process.
Since children and adolescents with dissociative disorders are closer in time to
childhood trauma, reconstruction with eyewitness or other evidentiary corrobora-
tion is sometimes easier. Kluft (1984a) found that four of five children with MPD
had been physically abused and that abusive incidents had precipitated new person-
98 ality splits. He also reported the case of a mother-child pair, both of whom had
Jean M. Goodwin dissociative disorders with the elaboration of alter personalities. Both host person-
and Roberta G. alities denied that physical abuse was a problem, even when this occurred in the
Sachs psychiatrist's office. It became apparent that both mother and child switched to
other personalities during abusive incidents. Fagan and McMahon (1984) also
reported four cases of childhood MPD, all of which involved severe child abuse.
Braun (1985) has reported that dissociative disorders may be transgenerational.
In a study of 17 MPD cases where family history data were available, several patients
with MPD were found to have mothers who suffered from this disorder. The
dissociative mothers were also abusive to their children. Braun estimates that 10%
of the children of patients with MPD are abused, often by violent alters. Such
children may carry a genetic vulnerability to high hypnotizability as well as being
exposed to a parent who displays sudden and extreme shifts in behavior and
emotion, as well as coping with incidents of traumatic abuse. These factors may
contribute to the transgenerational transmission of dissociative disorders in some
families (Kluft et al., 1984).
When dissociation develops in childhood, the defensive function against the
situational stress may be quite clear (Goodwin, 1985a), as illustrated by the follow-
ing case:
A 13-year-old girl complained to her mother of sexual abuse by her brother.
When mother ignored these complaints, the girl began to hear a named voice
inside her head telling her to criticize and rebel against her mother.
The case is reminiscent of Despine's 1836 description of 11-year-old Estelle, whose
alter personality could not tolerate her mother, although the host personality was a
devoted daughter (Ellenberger, 1980). Despine was unable to identify the reality
factors associated with his child patient's hatred of the mother.
like MPD (DID) child abuse tends to run in families with as many as 80% of
abusers having been emotionally, physically, or sexually abused in childhood (Good-
win, 1982; Helfer, McKinney, & Kempe, 1976; Oliver, 1993). As noted in the pre-
vious section, some child victims of abuse present with dissociative symptoms.
Some abusive parents also are observed to dissociate (Brown, 1983). When a child
abuse victim describes the abusive parent as "two different" people, this may
represent accurate reality testing rather than the emergence of primitive splitting
(Lesnik-Oberstein, 1983). The following case illustrates the kind of problems pro-
tective service workers face in treating perpetrators who dissociate:
Six-year-old Jennifer was referred to protective services because of severe tan-
trums at school during which she threw off her clothes and shouted obscenities.
Physical examination showed a slack vagina, a broken hymen, and many bruises.
She said "Daddy squashes me when he lies on top of me and hurts my wee-wee."
She played repetitive games in therapy in which she was pursued and tortured
by a monster. Her father, Victor, met confrontation with a blank denial, although 99
he said he had had a precognition that his child might be sexually abused. He
Etiology of
suggested a seance to identify the abuser. He had two prior convictions for Dissociative
pedophilia. He was usually soft-spoken and articulate, but exhibited sudden Disorders
violent behavior changes: on one occasion he strangled the family dog, on
another, he attempted to run over the social worker. He described his mother as
evil and his father as a tyrant. His twin brother had been psychiatrically hospi-
talized after trying to knife the mother. The only treatment Victor would accept
was sex change surgery so that he could become the named female alter who
had cross-dressed since childhood.
In MPD, the child personalities who still carry the affectively charged memo-
ries of abuse display many symptoms that are similar to those seen in abused
children and particularly similar to those seen in victims of intrafamilial sex abuse or
incest (Gelinas, 1983; Goodwin, 1982). In latency-age incest victims, one sees
headaches, stomachaches, and, more rarely, elective mutism, or globus hystericus
(difficulty swallowing) or hysterical blindness. School failure or erratic school
performance may become a problem and the school may complain that the child is
lying, sexually acting out, or fighting. In adolescence, the most symptomatic victims
present with runaways, promiscuity, suicide attempts, and pseudoseizures. Partial
amnesia for the sexual abuse may be reinforced by drug use or other compulsive
behavior such as eating disorders or sexual addictions. There may be deep confu-
sion about sexual identity, sexual orientation, and pleasure.
The dissociative identity disorder patient seems to represent a layered compo-
site of all these symptom complexes. Indeed, in treating some of the most severely
affected multiple personalities, one seems to be dealing with a human encyclopedia
of all possible sequelae of sexual abuse in childhood. One can see in the various
alters (1) the adaptation of denying the abuse and maintaining a childlike asexual
innocence, (2) the adaptation of rebelling against an authority perceived as corrupt
by rule-breaking and open, sometimes violent, defiance, (3) the adaptation of
becoming a sexual expert and using one's sexual experience to advantage in
promiscuity or prostitution, ( 4) the adaptation of exonerating the perpetrator by
taking all guilt upon oneself and abandoning oneself to suicidal regret and self-
blame, and (5) the adaptation of feeling chosen and special and above society's
rules. Each of these positions can be seen in members of an incest victim' group as
well as in the internal group of some dissociative patients (Goodwin, 1989).
Both child abuse and MPD (DID) (the most complex dissociative syndrome)
are ancient syndromes well-described in folklore and mythology. For example, an
ancient Egyptian legend describes Helen of Troy as having two selves, one of which
stayed in Egypt throughout the years of the Trojan War (Green, 1967). According to
this tale, it was her "Ka," or double, that went with Paris to Troy to be raped and to
endure the siege. The myth alleges that it was the true, unwearied, unsullied Helen
that Menelalus reclaimed in Egypt after the years of war. Our patients, too, tell us
about the longing to send someone else to endure the pain and the desire to
preserve the potential of the self as it was before it was traumatized. One patient
described the death of her only supportive family member at age 4; she recalls
thinking, "I'll stop right here and I'll wait ... and part of me stopped ... part of me 101
decided to wait for him" (Confer & Ables, 1983, p.66). Etiology of
However, neither child abuse nor MPD achieved a place in the scientific Dissociative
literature until the late nineteenth century when Janet and Freud, respectively, laid Disorders
the framework for the modem understanding of multiple personality and of the
traumatic effects of child abuse. The use of dissociation as a heuristic mechanism
for understanding clinical symptomatology is usually credited to Janet (1889), who
believed that consciousness consisted of several streams that did not necessarily
flow together. His theory explained why material that entered consciousness via
one stream might not necessarily be accessible to another stream. This is exem-
plified in MPD (DID) in situations where one or more ancillary personalities carry
affectively charged memories of child abuse about which the host personality may
be totally amnestic.
Although Freud is not remembered primarily as an investigator of child abuse
and its effects, in the 1880s he was developing his seduction theory, which postu-
lated that all neurotic symptoms represented either unconscious repetition of
childhood sexual abuse, as in conversion seizures (Goodwin, Bergman, & Simms,
1979), or remnants of tactics used by the child to protect against the traumatic
impact of abuse, such as obsessional thought (Masson, 1984). Had Freud's and
Janet's observations been brought together at that time, the present chapter might
have been written in 1890. However, both multiple personality and child abuse
were destined virtually to vanish from the psychiatric literature from the turn of the
century to 1970.
Rosenbaum (1980) has noted that the diagnosis of MPD fell into disrepute
around 1910. He hypothesized that one reason for this decline was the introduction
of the term schizophrenia by Bleuler. Rosenbaum goes on to argue that many true
MPD patients were instead given a diagnosis of schizophrenia. This explanation
may account for the sharp decline in reports of MPD listed in the Index Medicus
from 1903 to 1978. Freud's disenchantment with hypnosis as a technique and his
quarrels with Janet may have reinforced the decline into obscurity of Janet's (1889)
Another aspect of the rapid decline of interest in MPD is that many psychia-
trists started to believe that it was an artifact of hypnotic suggestion and hence not a
real diagnostic entity (Braun, 1984c; Kluft, 1982). These practitioners incorrectly
asserted that investigators from Despine to Prince had been unknowingly shaping
the very behavior they were observing (Laramore, Ludwig, & Cain, 1977). Research
that has focused on using hypnosis to "create" multiple personalities (Kampman,
1976) is a fallacious extension of this kind of logic. The current diagnostic criteria
for DID stress the importance of differential diagnosis, including schizophrenia and
other possibilities and balancing concerns about underdiagnosis due to lack of
professional awareness with concerns about overdiagnosis due to the suggestibility
of highly hypnotizable dissociative patients.
During this same era, Freud's rejection of the seduction theory on grounds that
patients were recounting sexual fantasies rather than real events created a scientific
mythology that for generations resisted all assaults by the realities brought to
therapists by the numerous victims of incest and their families. Not until 20 years
after the pediatrician, Henry Kempe, advocated the concept that babies with
102 broken bones might have been battered by their parents (Goodwin, 1985b) were
Jean M. Goodwin psychiatrists able to entertain the idea that children who recounted sexual contacts
and Roberta G. with parents might have been sexually abused.
Sacbs Many professionals and the public at large continue to resist both the idea that
dissociation exists and that abused children develop symptoms, perhaps because
both multiple personality patients and incest victims require us to believe things
about parents that we would prefer not to know (Miller, 1984). Humanistic, post-
Christian Western society finds bizarre and sadistic torture incomprehensible. We
have difficulty assimilating data that tell us that among certain schoolmasters,
certain elite secret police, certain religious cults, or sex rings, physical abuse and
torture are encouraged and condoned (Benthall, 1991; Goodwin, 1993a). It often
has been easier to blame or diagnose the victim rather than to try to confront or
empathize with the adult who has abused. Also, therapists are often all too willing
to focus on present-day somatic complaints or impending psychosis rather than
working to fill in the traumatic realities behind a patient's childhood amnesia.
Fortunately, since 1975, understanding, case identification, and treatment efficacy
have progressed in both the field of child abuse and dissociation.
This chapter has reviewed evidence that MPD (DID) is etiologically related to
dissociative responses to severe childhood abuse. Therapeutic reconstruction of
the life histories of patients like "Sybil" and Billy Milligan has revealed multimodal
childhood torture as a central reality of the patient's life. When larger series of cases
have been studied, childhood abuse has been found to be a factor in 80 to 100% of
cases. The abusive environment usually includes several types of abuse: physical,
sexual, emotional, abandonment, witnessed violence, and severe neglect, often
related to parental alcoholism or other illness. There is also often a special quality of
deliberate, cruel persecution of the child, with parental attempts to maximize the
child's physical and mental pain alternating with periods of normal parenting.
Contrary to some clinician's expectations, when corroborative evidence for prior
abuse is diligently sought, it can almost alwayS be obtained. The physiological and
emotional changes exhibited by the client during trauma narration are convincing
to clinicians but require further study. The many distortions of memory and com-
munication in DID appear designed to minimize and conceal prior abuse, not to
exaggerate it. When children with DID are evaluated, they are. almost always
undergoing abuse, and the splitting off of alters can readily be traced to recent
abusive incidents. The study of children with the syndrome has also provided
evidence that some of the parents sadistically abusing these children also have DID.
A review of the child abuse literature indicates that protective service workers are
also seeing bizarre and sadistic child abuse, which is a demographic fact of our
society, not an invention of patients with DID. The transgenerational transmission
of child abuse parallels patterns of transgenerational transmission seen in dissocia-
tive disorders. Patients with DID seem to demonstrate a composite of the symptoms
seen in incest and child abuse victims generally.
The centrality of child abuse in the etiology of dissociative disorders does not
imply unimodal causation, but rather opens the field to genetic studies of hypno- 103
tizability, antisocial behavior, mood disorders, and addictions and to biological data Etiology of
about the developmental physiology of trauma, learned helplessness, traumatic Dissociative
memory, traumatic anxiety, state change, and "kindling" effects (Erdelyi, 1989; van Disorders
der Kolk, 1987; Post, Weiss, & Post, 1988).
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Stern, C. R. (1984). The etiology of multiple personalities. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 7,
van der Kolk, B. A. (1984). Post-traumatic stress disorders: psychological and biological sequelae.
Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
van der Kolk, B. A. (1987). Psychological trauma. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Volgyesi, E A. (1963). Hypnosis of man and animals. Baltimore': Williams and Wilkins.
Weinrott, M., & Saylor, M. (1991). Self-report of crimes committed by sex offenders. journal of1nterpe"
sonal Violence, 6, 286-300.
Wilbur, C. (1984a). Multiple personality and child abuse. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 7, 3-8.
Wilbur, C. B. (1984b). Treatment of multiple personality. Psycbtatric Annals, 14, 27-31.
Williams, L. M. (1992). Adult memories of childhood sexual abuse: Preliminary findings from a longitudi-
nal study. The Advisor, 5, 19-21.
Disorganization and
Disorientation in Infant
Strange Situation Behavior
Phenotypic Resemblance to Dissociative States
'Ainsworth's Baltimore study involved infant-mother dyads only. While many investigators have now
observed father-infant dyads within the Strange Situation, mothers and infants remain the principle
focus in attachment research. While we refer to observations of infant -mother interaction and use the
feniinine form in references to the attachment figure, the reader sbould be aware that infants are usually
attached to the father as well as to the mother, and that investigations of the influence of the early
attachment to the father have been undertaken by several laboratories (as see Suess, Grossmann, &
Sroufe, 1992).
"The most recent version of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM·IV)
identifies "dissociative trance" as a •narrowing of awareness of Immediate surroundings or stereotyped
behaviors or movements that are experienced as being beyond one's control" (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994, p. 490).
at the wall with face expressionless and eyes half-closed, she slaps her hand on 109
the floor three times. These gestures appear aggressive, yet they have a ritualis-
Disorganization and
tic quality. The baby then looks forward again, smiles, and resumes her ap- Disorientation
proach to father, seeking to be picked up.
3Several hypotheses regarding the function of avoidance have been advanced, including the possibility
tbat avoidance not only assists in the maintenance of behavioral organization, but also facilitates tbe
infant in refraining from the display of attachment behavior toward a caregiver who has persistently
rebuffed both approach and expressions of distress (Main, 1981; Main & Weston, 1982).
114 (Ainsworth et al., 1978; Cassidy & Berlin, 1994). In succeeding studies of low-risk
Mary Main and samples, this "C" pattern of infant behavior has been displayed by about 5% to
Hillary Morgan 15% of infants.
Elsewhere, Main has suggested that infants of parents who are unpredictable,
and therefore potentially undependable in an emergency, may need to exaggerate
displays of attachment behavior in circumstances indicating even minimal cues to
danger (Main, 1990). In light of a history of unpredictability on the part of the
caregiver, then, resistant infants may respond to the stress of the Strange Situation
by maximizing the display of attachment behavior relative to the likely state of the
behavioral system and the environment. This latter pattern is displayed by about
5% to 15% of infants.
Issues of the stability of attachment organization, contributions from the
constitutional characteristics of the child, and cultural relativism have been pursued
at length elsewhere (see Main, 1995, for a recent overview), but may be summarized
as follows. First, in low-risk samples, reunion behavior following a one-hour separa-
tion from mother at age six has been found predictable from ABC attachment status
at one year of age (Main & Cassidy, 1988; Wartner, Grossmann, Fremmer-Bombik &
Suess, 1994). Overall distributions of ABC attachment patterning show some varia-
tion between countries, but the secure response pattern is shown by the majority of
infants worldwide, and there are greater differences in ABC distributions within
than between countries (Van IJzendoorn & Kroonenberg, 1988). Maternal charac-
teristics appear to influence Strange Situation behavior to a greater extent than do
child characteristics (Van I]zendoorn, Goldberg, Kroonenberg & Frenkel, 1992),
but the role of child characteristics remains intriguing. To date there are no pub-
lished studies of behavior genetics as related to infant Strange Situation behavior,
although several such studies are currently under way.
'The only way of determining the role of heritable genetic lilctors in vulnerability to developing
disorganized-disoriented behavior patterns is through the methodologies established by behavior
genetics. Newborn behavior patterns are occasionally used as estimates of temperament, however, and
by combining two independent, low-risk samples of infants and mother in Germany, Spangler and his
colleagues (Spangler, Fremmer-Bombik, & Grossmann, 1995) have uncovered a modest but significant
(p < .05) association between disorganized attacbrnent status at one year and behavioral dysregulation
during the newborn period as assessed by the Brazelton examination. AB Spangler and his colleagues
point out, this finding could implicate intrauterine experiences, interactions in the earliest days of life,
heritable characteristics, or some combination of these factors. A recent study of a large (> 130)
poverty sample conducted in Minnesota found no relation between disorganized attachment and
newborn responses to the Brazelton, maternal medical problems, maternal history of drug or alcohol
use, medical complications during pregnancy or delivery, infant anomalies at birth, or Carey tempera·
ment ratings at 3 months (Carlson, submitted manuscript). It is not clear, however, whether these
investigators undertook an analysis of the Brazelton specific to indications of "dysregu!ation" as
identified in the German samples.
5'fhis reasoning holds unless the pattern is heritable through mother only, a possibility which cannot be
completely ruled out given recent findings in genetics.
of 90 families conducted in London, no infant was judged disorganized with both 117
mother and father (Steele, Steele, & Fonagy, in press). Disorganization and
Finally, infant disorganized attachment status does not appear sui generis, but Disorientation
rather is well predicted from (1) parental maltreatment and (2) lapses in reasoning
and discourse observed when the parent attempts to discuss traumatic experiences
during the Adult Attachment Interview. Moreover, where infants are observed
independently in separate Strange Situation procedures with each parent, disorga-
nization appears specifically and exclusively with the parent who has exhibited
these reasoning-discourse lapses. None of these results exclude the possibility of a
modest role played by heritable genetic factors, of course, and a study of pre-adopt
parents in which the parent is administered the Adult Attachment Interview prior
to the birth of the first child would be of considerable interest.
6Main and Goldywn (1985 -1995) also required judges to place an Adult Attaclnnent Interview transcript
in the unresolved attachment category on the basis of reports of extreme behavioral reactions in
response to the trauma. These include reports of displacement of grief reactions, such as extreme
reactions to the death of public figures following absence of reaction to the death of a parent, and
reports of suicide attempts. If the speaker convincingly intlicates that her mental organization is now
entirely different than at the time of the reaction, such reports would not be included as indicative of
unresolved-disorganized status. Both our own experience and those of other investigators informally
queried have intlicated that assignment to the unresolved- tlisorganized adult attaclnnent category on
the basis of reports of extreme behavioral reactions is very rare, perhaps comprising under 5% of cases
of unresolved- tlisorganized category assigmnent.
120 Steele, Steele & Fonagy, in press; Ward & Carlson, 1995).7 In a recent meta-analysis
Mary Main and the effect size representing the overall relation between the unresolved-disor-
Hillary Morgan ganized adult attachment category and the disorganized infant attachment category
was found to be d = .65 (Van IJzendoom, 1995).
The reader should note that certain indications of affective states which might
appear clinically suggestive of incomplete resolution of a traumatic experience are
not considered unresolved in this context. These include reports of lingering grief,
crying during the discussion of the experience, expressions of continuing regret for
experiences missed with the lost person or (in the case of abuse) expressions of
continuing hatred for the perpetrators. Instead, assignment to the unresolved-
disorganized category is based solely on the above-described lapses in discourse
and reasoning.
7As of the present writing,we are aware of only two failures of replication. Steele et al. (in press) did not
find an association between unresolvm/disoriented adult attachment status and disorganized in1imt
attachment status in a London prebirth sample of 90 fathers and in1imts. In contrast to Radojevic's
0992) recent study, in which a high proportion of in1imts were judged disorganized with father and a
marked relation to the unresolved category was found, in the London sample only four in1imts had been
judged disorganized with father. Kolar and her colleagues (Kolar, Vondra, Friday, & Valley, 1993) found
no association between unresolved adult attachment status and in1imt disorganized attachment status in
a very low socioeconomic status sample of mothers and in1imts. Their suggested explanation of the
overall failure of match between Adult Attachment Interview classification and in1imt Strange Situation
classification in this sample was a lack of comprehension of the interview questions in some of the
Elsewhere, Main and Hesse have made the preliminary interpretation that 121
discourse/reasoning lapses occurring during the Adult Attachment Interview may Disorganization and
result from the intrusion of frightening ideation which is normally at least partially Disorientation
dissociated (Main & Hesse, 1992). From this point of view, parents suffering from
unresolved experiences of trauma may be expected on occasion to exhibit fright
(alarm) in the presence of the infant, in response to traumatic memories, or to
aspects of the environment somehow associated with those memories (when, for
example, the memories themselves are not fully accessible to consciousness).
Under these conditions, the parent's frightened-alarmed behavior will not have an
external referent (as when the infant reaches for a dangerous object or when a
potentially dangerous object is observed), but rather will be untraceable as to
experimental source (Hesse & Main, submitted). Because of its potentially alarming
nature, parental behavior of this kind may place the infant in a conflict situation not
unlike the one created by a parent whose behavior is directly frightening.
In keeping with a more general hypothesis examined earlier, then, Main and
Hesse have proposed that frightened (alarmed) as well as frightening (maltreating)
behavior may be a mechanism linking the parent's traumatized state of mind to the
infant's disorganized/disoriented behavior in stressful situations. Children as young
as 2!-2 months can in fact discriminate and respond to adult emotional expressions
(fronick, 1989), and by 9 months of age infants are able to identify objects that elicit
adults' emotional responses (see Bretherton, 1992, for review). We may therefore
speculate that by nine months infants could well become confused and frightened if
unable to identify the source of the parents' distress.
Ilotti has suggested that some disorganized infants may enter hypnotic states as
a defense against the kinds of frightened-frightening behavior described by Main
and Hesse, and that repeated experiences of this kind may make a child vulnerable
to developing dissociative disorders in response to succeeding trauma (Ilotti, 1992,
in press). This line of reasoning is based on the link between dissociation and
hypnotic (trancelike) states, and on the fact that paradoxical behavioral injunctions
are known to constitute one technique for inducing hypnotic states. Paradoxical
injunctions are seen in the "confusion techniques" of hypnotic induction, in which
the hypnotist may, for example, rapidly urge the subject to engage in contradictory
movements which cannot be carried out at the same time (Erickson, 1964). Ilotti
links these paradoxical confusion techniques to the experience of the infant who,
interacting with a frightening and/or frightened attachment figure, is repeatedly
exposed to the simultaneous and contradictory impulses of approach and flight.
While there is as yet only limited evidence that individuals suffering from
dissociative disorder were disorganized as infants (see Carlson, submitted manu-
script, discussed below), there is some preliminary support for a link between this
specific disorder and mothers' experience ofloss around the time of the offspring's
birth. Among 46 patients seen in a Rome clinic, 62% reported that their mothers
122 had experienced the loss of a significant relative within two years before to two
Mary Main and
years after their birth. In contrast, only 13% of the 119 patients with other psychi-
Hillary Morgan atric disorders reported that their mothers had experienced a loss during this
period of time (Liotti, 1992). Although these data are anamnestic, the potentially
traumatic impact of major loss occurring at this time could imply an increased
likelihood that the mothers of many of the dissociative patients were frightened/
frightening in the patient's earliest years, and hence that these patients may have
been disorganized in infancy.
Our sixth-year follow-up studies of a Bay Area sample of infants seen in the
Strange Situation with both parents (Main et al., 1985), as well as succeeding studies
by other investigators (e.g., Solomon & George, 1995) provide some support for
liotti's contention (see also Main, 1991). First, children judged disorganized with a
particular parent in infancy often show controlling (role-reversing) responses to
reunion with that parent at age six, being either punitive toward the parent or
inappropriately solicitous and caregiving (Main & Cassidy, 1988; replicated in a
South German sample by Wartner et al., 1994; see also Jacobsen et al., 1992). While
this suggests that the previously disorganized infant tends in part to "solve" the
paradox presented by the frightened-frightening attachment figure by stepping
into the role of the parent, and out of the role of attached child (Main & Cassidy,
1988), a 6-year-old cannot in fact avoid also remaining in the "role" of the child. We
must therefore presume that at least two, or possibly even three contradictory roles
(child, punitive parent, solicitous-caregiving parent) may be developing with re-
spect to this primary relationship.
Representational as well as behavioral processes were investigated in the
6-year-olds involved in the Bay Area study, and disorganized attachment status with
mother in infancy predicted drawings, responses to a family photograph, and
Separation Anxiety Test responses suggestive of fear, disorientation, contradiction,
and absorption. The family drawings made by previously disorganized children
frequently had bizarre, distressing elements, and have been discussed at length
elsewhere (see Main, 1995, for overview). Responses to presentation of a family
photograph were also anomalous, suggesting that visual presentation of the family
had an overwhelming and/or absorbing quality, which drew attention away from
the immediate situation (Main et al., 1985). One child, for example, stared into the
photograph for several seconds, then murmured "where are you, mama?", while
another handled the photograph tenderly, then set it on the table and patted it.
Several appeared depressed when presented with the photograph, and some
seemed "lost" when gazing at it.
Kaplan (1987) administered Hansburg's Separation Anxiety Test (Hansburg,
1972; adapted for younger children by Klagsbrun & Bowlby, 1976) to the children in
the Bay Area follow-up study. In this procedure, each six-year-old was presented
with a series of six photographs of parent-child separations, and then asked what
the pictured child might feel, and what the pictured child might do. Kaplan
described the responses of previously disorganized-disoriented infants as fearful-
disorganized/disoriented, since the children appeared inexplicably afraid and yet
128 unable to do anything about it. Some children remained silent throughout the task,
Mary Main and whispering their answers, shrugging excessively, or falling silent for long periods.
Hillary Morgan Kaplan compared these responses to the stilling and freezing responses observed in
disorganized infants in the Strange Situation.
Other children seen in Kaplan's study engaged in catastrophic fantasies, sug-
gesting that the attachment figure would be seriously hurt or killed. One described
the pictured girl as feeling afraid, because "her dad might die and then she would be
all by herself," since her mother had died. Another suggested that the child would
lock himself up in a closet, and kill himself. Additionally, some previously disorga-
nized children implied that actions occurred without an agent, that is, that things
occurred or were done to them without knowing who the actor was. For example,
asked what would happen after the parents left the child alone in the house the
child might answer, "the light might go out." Such statements had an eerie quality,
suggesting the presence of unknown, invisible actors (Kaplan, 1987).
Note that statements of the latter kind are consonant with a history of inter-
actions with a traumatized parent repeatedly experiencing fright untraceable as to
source. Moreover, in many of these narratives the child imagines a situation which
Main and her colleagues had described as the essential experience of the disorga-
nized infant-an experience of fright, without solution (Main & Hesse, 1990; Main
& Solomon, 1990). Kaplan's findings were replicated in a Berlin study conducted by
Teresa Jacobsen (Jacobsen, Ziegenhain, Muller, Rottmann, Hofmann, & Edelstein,
1992). Later, Jacobsen discovered that Icelandic children exhibiting Kaplan's
fearful/disorganized response to separation stories at seven experienced marked
difficulties with verbally presented tests of formal reasoning in adolescence (Jac-
obsen, Edelstein & Hofmann, 1994). 8
Solomon and her colleagues used controlling reunion behavior toward the
mother to identify 6-year-olds likely to have been disorganized with mother in
infancy (Main & Cassidy, 1988), studying the responses of these children to parent-
child separations as presented in doll play (Solomon, George & DeJong, 1995). In
this study, a judge blind to the 6-year-old's reunion behavior found that the majority
of the controlling children depicted the self and caregivers as both frightening and
unpredictable, or frightened and helpless, a result consistent with a previous study
in which the mothers of controlling children had described themselves as helpless
or unable adequately to protect the child (George & Solomon, in press). All eight of
the controlling children (and only 1 of the remaining 36 children) were judged
frightened, either entering into fearfuVviolent and catastrophic "nightmare" fanta-
sies, 9 or else, like Kaplan's "silent" children, being constricted, inhibited, and silent.
In a catastrophic fantasy, for example, the house might catch fire while the parents
are gone. The child runs to a hill for safety, only to see the parents die below him on
the road in a car accident. Finally, the child himself might die, thrown from the hill
in an earthquake (cf. Solomon & George, 1991). Following repeated prompts from
"The fearful-disorganized children in Jacobsen's study were also described as exceptionally low in
observed self-confidence, a finding which accords well with Cassidy's report of an association between
tbe controlling category and negative self-concept (Cassidy, 1988).
9Jn a London study of first-born children in 100 middle-class families, themes of hurt and violence also
appeared in the doll-play of five-year-olds disorganized with mother in infancy (Steele et al., 1995). In
this sample, the Adult Attachment Interview had been administered prior to birth, and mother's
unresolved/disorganized attachment status predicted these themes as well.
the examiner, some of the silent (constricted-inhibited) controlling children also 129
offered catastrophic fantasies. Disorganization and
Among the controlling children, fantastic disasters frequently arose without Disorientation
warning, and some of the children quickly gave post-hoc explanations as though
they themselves were surprised or disturbed by the direction the story had taken.
Solomon and her colleagues suggest that disorganization at the representational
level is consistent with models of segregated or unintegrated systems of representa-
tion (Bowlby, 1980; Spiegel, 1990), and that the abrupt shift from constricted to
chaotic doll-play shown by some of the children in the study implied that a "system
which is parallel and segregated from consciousness" (Bowlby, 1980, p. 59) had
suddenly become disinhibited (Solomon et al., 1995).
We began this chapter with a description of the close tie between fear and
attachment, emphasizing the way in which the attachment figure normally provides
an infant with the solution to situations which are frightening. We suggested that
the "organized" (avoidant and resistant) patterns of insecure attachment represent
strategies for responding to frightening situations available to infants whose parents
are insensitive but not directly frightening, and that the behavioral manifestations of
these strategies may follow on alterations in the patterning of attention (Main, 1990).
Infant behavioral organization should, however, be expected to break down if
something about the attachment figure becomes directly frightening. This is a
condition that is too alarming and confusing for behavioral. organization to be
maintained through an "organized shift in attention" away from the caregiver (the
avoidant response pattern). At the same time, since the attachment figure is in this
case the source of the alarm, organization cannot be maintained by increasing
proximity to the caregiver (the secure and resistant response patterns), nor indeed
can the attached infant safely take flight. Under these conditions the collapse of
attentional and behavioral strategies observed in disorganized/disoriented behavior
will be expectable. 1bis outcome can be expected in response either to direct
maltreatment or to frightened parental behavior related to the parent's own history
of trauma (Main & Hesse, 1990, 1992).
liotti pointed to the phenotypic resemblance between hypnotic states and
some kinds of disorganized/disoriented behavior observed in infancy, and sug-
gested that frightened/frightening behavior on the part of an attachment figure may
constitute a paradoxical behavioral injunction of the kind yielding hypnotic states
(liotti, 1992). On this basis, he argued that individuals disorganized/disoriented
with mother in infancy may be more vulnerable than others to dissociative dis-
orders (liotti, 1992). liotti's hypothesis was supported by a case study, and by an
anamnestic study of dissociative versus other clinic patients. We provided further
partial support for this proposal with a description of trancelike expressions and
dissociated actions considered indicative of disorganized attachment. An analysis of
some lapses observed in the narratives of the parents of disorganized infants during
discussions of traumatic events also appeared to fit to a dissociative model.
In keeping with the developmental pathways analysis proposed by Bowlby
(Bowlby, 1988), and recently elaborated by Carlson and Sroufe (Carlson & Sroufe,
130 1995), liotti has suggested that dissociative disorder would be most likely to
Mary Main and
develop in disorganized infants later exposed to intervening trauma (Liotti, 1992,
Hillary Morgan 1993). We would point to the possibility that this intervening trauma could be quite
specific, as the case of lisa illustrates. lisa's first year with her infant had been
uneventful, and she described herself as having enjoyed caring for the baby. Her
trancelike states and her fears for her infant did not appear until her infant had
developed severe pneumonia. At that time, observation of the infant's breathing
difficulties led to the onset of panic. This "stressor" is specific to lisa's history
(i.e., to lisa's mother's story), and other more general intervening life-stressors (as,
loss of a significant person) might not have led to the onset of this disorder.
As this chapter goes to press, the first prospective longitudinal study focusing
on disorganized attachment status as related to dissociative behavior and overall
psychopathology in adolescence has been completed by Elizabeth Carlson (submitted
manuscript), utilizing Sroufe and Egeland's large Minnesota poverty sample. Disorga-
nized attachment in infancy significantly predicted dissociative behavior in both the
elementary and highschool setting, as indicated by a dissociative sub-scale for the
Achenbach devised by Carlson (Achenbach & Edelbrock, 1986). Additionally, the
K-SADS (Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia) was adminis-
tered to more than 130 of these subjects at 17~ years, and the adolescent's overall
history of psychopathology was rated on a 7-point likert-type scale. Disorganized
attachment status with mother in infancy was significantly related to overall psycho-
pathology as determined from this interview schedule. Additionally, the only adoles-
cents diagnosed as having experienced dissociative episodes according to K-SADS
criteria (n = 3) had been classified as disorganized with mother during infancy.
Increased vulnerability to the dissociative disorders is not the only unfavorable
sequelae which has been considered in relation to early disorganized attachment
status. Hesse and Main have proposed that children disorganized as infants may
develop anxiety, and may be more vulnerable than other individuals to phobias
(Hesse & Main, submitted manuscript). This suggestion is compatible with a recent
report in which a strong majority of mothers with anxiety disorders were found
unresolved-disorganized within the Adult Attachment Interview (Manassis et al.,
1994). Additionally, Lyons-Ruth (in press) has suggested that elevated levels of
aggressive/disruptive behavior such as are observed in antisocial conduct disorder
may be expected in some formerly disorganized/disoriented infants. Lyons-Ruth's
hypothesis is supported by the finding that 83% of seven-year-olds in a high-risk,
poverty sample exhibiting levels of hostility outside of normal range had been
judged disorganized in infancy. Elevated levels of aggressive behavior in the school
setting were also found significantly and specifically associated with the controlling
sixth-year attachment category in a recent study of 44 middle-class mother-child
dyadsto (Solomon et al., in press).
llJt should be noted that the coding system for identifying disorganized/disoriented behavior in tbe
Strange Situation is complex, and that in a meta-analysis of the overaU relation between parental
unresolved/disorganized and infant disorganized attachment status, Van I]zendoom found a strong
relation between tbe extent of training coders had had in the infant system and the strength of relation
between unresolved/disorganized parental and disorganized infant attachment status reported for a
given sample (Van I]zendoorn, 1995). A list of individuals trained in tbe infant coding system should be
available by winter 1996. Similarly, training is necessary to identifying controUing behavior at age six,
and to identifying unresolved-disorganized adult attachment status.
132 an attentional/behavioral paradox. In order to determine the overall similarity
Mary Main and between the behaviors described by Putnam and those observed in infancy, an
Blllary Morgan examination of adults undergoing changes in identity states could be undertaken by
investigators skilled in application of the system for identifying disorganized behav-
ior during infancy. In addition, a modification of the infant system could be applied
to videotapes of the Adult Attachment Interview as individuals respond to queries
regarding loss or abuse experiences. If lapses in the monitoring of reasoning or
discourse are indicative of partially dissociative experiences and/or of state shifts,
then behavioral indices of disorganization and disorientation during the discussion
of traumatic events may occur primarily in these individuals.
If disorganized infant attachment is in fact associated with dissociative states, it
may correlate with other variables known to be related to dissociative capacity.
Cooper and London found that children's hypnotic ability increased with longer
resting EEG alpha durations (Cooper & London 1976), and a study of attachment in
relation to brain-wave activity is presently in progress. Dissociative capacity has
been found associated with family enmeshment (Mann, 1992), and there is prelimi-
nary evidence that adults whose overall description and evaluation of family history
is placed in the preoccupied-enmeshed adult attachment category are more likely
than others to be judged unresolved/disorganized on the basis of their discussions
of trauma (Adam, Sheldon-Kellar & West, in press). Finally, dissociative capacity
has been found associated with being fantasy-prone (Lynn & Rhue, 1988), and
with belief in the paranormal (Nadon & Kihlstrom, 1987). Similarly, unresolved-
disorganized attachment status during adolescence has been found associated with
paranormal beliefs, including spiritualism, astrology, and ideas of possession (Main,
1993), and a modest relation to absorption has recently been uncovered (Hesse &
VaniJzendoom, unpublished data).
Hypothalamic-pituatary-adrenal axis dysregulation has recently been found
in sexually abused girls (see DeBellis et al., 1994), who as a population are not
infrequently reported to suffer from dissociative episodes. In this context, it is
especially intriguing to note a report regarding significantly elevated adrenocortisol
activity following the Strange Situation in disorganized (as opposed to secure and
avoidant) infants observed in a low-risk sample in Germany (Spangler and Gross-
mann, 1993). In this study, ABCD infants did not differ significantly in cortisol
output prior to the onset of the Strange Situation, but cortisol output was found to
be increasing 15 minutes and even 30 minutes following the procedure specifically
in disorganized infants 12 (cortisol output for secure infants was falling). These
results were recently replicated by Gunnar and her colleagues in a high-risk sample
studied at Minnesota, where cortisol was again significantly and specifically found
elevated in disorganized infants following the Strange Situation (Hertsgaard et al.,
1995). A similar rise in cortisol specific to disorganized infants has been observ~d
12Tite results of this German study are especially striking given that the great majority of the disorganized
inlimts were alternatively assigned to the secure attachment category. This means that only a few
seconds of (disorganized-disoriented) behavior dlstingulshed inlimts showing the greatest rise in post-
Strange Situation cortisol activity from those whose cortisol (foUowing expectable diurnal rhythms)
was falling.
in a third sample (Spangler & Schieche, 1994). In this sample, immunogobulin was 133
observed to decrease as well. Dlsorganlzation and
Perhaps the broadest-ranging outcome expectable for children and adults Disorientation
disorganized with the primary caregiver in infancy is elevated hypnotic ability and
overall dissociative capacity, including increased vulnerability to suggestion. Both
controlling children, and adults or adolescents disorganized with one or both
parents in infancy could be directly tested for hypnotizability, and these variables
could also be explored in unresolved adolescents and adults. Conceivably, the
catastrophic fantasies observed in many disorganized children may be reflective (if
not directly representative) of the parent's traumatic experiences, and disorganized
children may not only be more suggestible than other children, but may also
experience a heightened vulnerability to false memory (Main, 1993, in press).
AcKNOWLEDGMENTS. This chapter was completed while Dr. Main was sponsored as
a Visiting Professor by the Center for Child and Family Studies and by the Institute
for the Study of Education and Human Development at Leiden University, the
Netherlands. Dr. Morgan's preparation of this chapter was supported in part by a
grant from the National Institute of Mental Health, T32MH18931, to the Postdoc-
toral Training Program in Emotion Research (Paul Ekman, Director). The authors
are grateful to Erik Hesse for his assistance in the final preparation of this manu-
Mary Main and
Hlllary Morgan Adam, Kenneth, S., Sheldon-Kellar, Adrienne E., & West, M. (in press). Attachment organization and
history of suicidal behavior in adolescents. journal of Clinical and Consulting Psychology.
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Dissociative Disorders in
Children and Adolescents
Nancy L. Hornstein
Nancy L Hornstein • Department of Psychiatry, Child Division, University of Illinois at Chicago and
Institute for Juvenile Research, Chicago, Illinois 61612.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretica~ Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 139
140 control), and self-injury and suicidality (Albini & Pease, 1989; Barach, 1991; Bliss,
Nancy L Hornstein 1984; Bowman, 1990; Bowman, Blix, & Coons, 1985; Braun & Sachs, 1985; Braun,
1985; Brierre & Runtz, 1988; Chu & Dill, 1990; Conte & Schuerman, 1988; Coons,
Bowman, & Milstein, 1988; Coons, Cole, Pellow, & Milstein, 1990; Dell &
Eisenhower, 1990; Ensink, 1992; Fagan & McMahon, 1984; Famularo, Kinscherff, &
Fenton, 1992; Fink & Golinkoff, 1990; Fink, 1988; Fraiberg, 1982; Goodwin, 1990;
Greaves, 1980; Horevitz & Braun, 1984; Hornstein & Tyson, 1991; Hornstein &
Putnam, 1992, 1994; Kluft, 1984, 1985a,b, 1986, 1987a,b, 1991; Kramer, 1990;
Loewenstein, 1990; Ludwig, 1983; Malenbaum & Russel, 1987, McLeer, Deblinger,
Henry, & Orvaschel, 1992; Peterson, 1990; Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban, &
Post, 1986; Putnam, 1985, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1993; Ross, Miller, Bjornson, Reagor,
Fraser, & Anderson, 1991; Ross, Miller, Bjorson, Reagor, Fraser, & Anderson, 1990;
Ross, Norton, & Wozney, 1989; Russel, Bott, & Sammons, 1989; Schetky, 1990;
Schulz, Braun, & Kluft, 1989; Shengold, 1989; Sherkow, 1990; Stein, Goldring,
Siegel, Burman, & Sorenson, 1988; Steinberg, Rounsaville, & Cicchetti, 1990; van
der Kolk & Kadish, 1987; Venn, 1984; Vincent & Pickering, 1988; Weiss, Sutton, &
Utecht, 1985).
The theoretical model behind the diagnosis of dissociative identity disturbance
has contributed further to our clinical understanding of the patient's symptomatic
presentation and his/her subjective experience. It is also helpful for developing
effective therapeutic approaches toward both adults (Barach, 1991; Braun & Sachs,
1985; Chu & Dill, 1990; Coons et al., 1988, 1990; Ensink, 1992; Fink & Golinkoff,
1990; Greaves, 1980; Horevitz & Braun, 1984; Kluft, 1987a,b, 1991; Loewenstein,
1990; Lovinger, 1983; Putnam, 1985, 1989, 1990; Putnam et al., 1986; Ross et al.,
1989, 1990; Schulz et al., 1989; Shengold, 1989; Sherkow, 1990; Spiegel, 1990, 1991;
van der Kolk & Kadish, 1987) and children (Bowman 1990; Bowman et al., 1985;
Brierre & Runtz, 1988; Dell & Eisenhower, 1990; Donovan & Mcintyre, 1990; Fagan
& McMahon, 1984; Famularo eta!., 1992; Fine, 1988; Fink, 1988; Fraiberg, 1982;
Goodwin, 1990; Hornstein & Tyson, 1991; Hornstein & Putnam, 1992; Kluft 1984,
1985a,b, 1986, 1987a,b, 1991; Malenbaum & Russel, 1987; Peterson, 1990; Putnam,
1990, 1991, 1993; Sherkow, 1990; Terr, 1990; Vmcent & Pickering, 1988; Weiss eta!.,
Although child and adolescent dissociative disorders were described in nine-
teenth- and early twentieth-century clinical reports (Bowman, 1990; Fine, 1988),
they later disappeared from clinical focus (along with their adult counterparts) for
much of the twentieth century. The sudden increase in reports of patients with
dissociative disorders caused initial controversy in modern psychiatry, with ques-
tions about the validity of the observers' perceptions in light of a century passing
with few reports of these phenomenon. Reasons for this historical dearth of clinical
interest and reports on these disorders have been postulated (Putnam, 1985, 1989).
Among the limiting factors described were theoretical adherence to a model em-
phasizing repression rather than dissociation as a means of excluding information
from conscious awareness.
Today, social scientists and historians have eloquently ruptured the myth of
"pure scientific truth," showing how we are vulnerable to fashions and trends and
how "what we see" is profoundly influenced by our theoretical constructs. My own
impression is that the advent of powerful antipsychotic medications led researchers
to focus eagerly on the biogenetics of psychiatric illness, temporarily stalling investi- 141
gations into the role environmental influences play in the development of psychi- Dlssoclative
atric disorders (not to mention their impact on "bioendocrinologic" and immune Disorders In
functioning), of which trauma and child abuse are but examples. Interest in psychi- ChiJdren and
atric sequelae related to stress and trauma is enjoying a resurgence as other areas of
psychiatric investigation reach limitations in their explanatory power.
Efforts to understand dissociative disorders are best served by a recognition
that we do not need to choose between our "theoretical truths," which seem to
compete with and contradict each other; rather, we can recognize that each of
them attempts to capture and cognitively organize some element of observable
reality, facilitating our understanding, investigation, and clinical work. The chal-
lenge then becomes searching for ways to integrate conflictual observations and
theoretical understandings that threaten our current understanding and signal us to
defensively reject, repress, or even dissociate them.
This chapter will present current research on dissociative disorders in children
and adolescents, highlighting the relationship between dissociative disorders and
childhood experiences of trauma/abuse, and will include clinical illustrations of the
role dissociation plays in the complex symptomatic presentation of these young
patients and the consequent differential diagnostic dilemma presented to the clini-
cian. An important but too often underemphasized point that will enhance under-
standing of the material to follow is that dissociation is a defense that is integral (by
definition) to the symptomatic presentations in the dissociative disorders, yet it is
only one aspect of these patients' complex developmental adjustment to their
experiences. The real utility of identifying dissociative symptoms lies in the recogni-
tion that the variety of disturbances in identity, affect modulation, behavioral
control, and attention that are present in these children are integrally related to
their past traumatic experiences. Thus, correct identification of dissociative symp-
toms has a tremendous impact on later diagnostic and treatment formulations in
these cases and has implications for psychosocial intervention to prevent further
trauma as well.
There are several diagnostic screening tools available for use with children that
aim to detect the presence of dissociative symptoms. The most well-developed and
tested is the Childhood Dissociation Checklist (CDC) (Putnam, 1993), which can be
used in school-age children. For adolescents, the Adolescent Dissociative Experi-
ences Scale (Annstrong et al., 1994) and, for older adolescents, the Structured
Clinical Interview for the DSM-III-R Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D) Steinberg,
Rounsaville, & Cicchetti, 1990) can be used.
Ultimately, there is no available diagnostic substitute for the clinical interview
and evaluation. In order to better illustrate the clinical manifestations of dissociative
disorders in childhood, I'll turn to examples from some contemporary research. (A
portion of the following is a reworking of information from earlier publications
[Hornstein & Putnam, 1992, 1994].) The children who will be described were part
of a previously published study delineating the clinical profile of dissociative disor-
ders in childhood and adolescence (Hornstein & Tyson, 1991). In that study, behav-
ioral and symptomatic presentations of two independently collected case series of
children with dissociative disorders (64 cases), 44 with multiple personality disor-
der (MPD; now dissociative identity disturbance) in DSM-IY, and 20 with DDNOS
were compared with each other to test the construct validity of these diagnoses in
children and adolescents.
The first series, collected by Nancy Hornstein (NH), was largely composed of
children seen for evaluation and treatment in an inpatient unit at the University of
144 California at Los Angeles. The second series, collected by Frank Putnam was largely
Nancy L Hornstein composed of outpatients seen either as part of a longitudinal research project on
the psychobiological effects of sexual abuse conducted by the Laboratory of Devel-
opmental Psychology, National Institute of Mental Health, or in consultation either
with other NIH research projects or at Children's Hospital National Medical Center,
Washington, DC. The diagnoses of MPD or DDNOS were made using DSM-lli-R
(American Psychiatric Association, 1987) criteria augmented by NIMH criteria
based on clinical interviews of the children and their guardians, protective service
caseworkers, teachers, and therapists, and in the case of inpatients included ex-
tended observation on the ward. Standard psychological testing was obtained on
the majority of children. Parents or guardians also completed the CDC (Putnam,
1993). The mean ages in these two series (NH) followed by (FP) were 9.55 ± 3.36
years and 10.84 ± 3.63 years, respectively; there were 14 females and 16 males (NH)
and 28 females and 6 males (FP). The number diagnosed as having MPD versus
DDNOS were 22 versus 8 (NH) and 22 versus 12 (FP).
These children reported and/or were observed to have a variety of dissociative
symptoms, such as trance or daze states, depersonalization, involuntary move-
ments, passive influence experiences, and so forth and identity problems such as
alter personalities, spontaneous age regression, rapid changes in personality, and so
forth. Additionally, all children with MPD had demonstrable time gaps that would
have met the operational criteria described previously, as did many of the children
who received diagnoses of DDNOS.
As previously alluded to, gathering interview data on amnestic experiences or
time gaps in children is more difficult than gathering similar data from adult
patients. The reasons for this include that children's development of adult time
perception does not occur until late childhood, and a child's report of "not remem-
bering" behavior often represents "motivated forgetting" of their behavior to es-
cape consequences or uncomfortable feelings. Identifying time gaps often requires
interviewing strategies that take into account the child's developmental level sup-
plemented with observational data obtained in a variety of settings that suggest
discontinuities in the child's conscious experience.
Anchoring inquiry in the events of the child's daily life is the best approach for
obtaining information about dissociative experiences in preadolescent youngsters.
The interviewer may ask about gaps in the child's memory for common everyday
experiences, such as times he's been told that he already ate lunch when he thought
it was still morning, or times she is confused in class because she last remembered
the teacher going over math problems on the board and now the other kids are all
working on social studies. The child is asked to recount in his or her own words
experiences they have had that are similar to this. The interviewer may also ask
about experiences when the child requests to do an activity only to be told, "but,
you already did that."
To differentiate between dissociative experiences and lying, or motivated
forgetting, it is useful to inquire whether the child ever got thanked for doing a
chore he or she doesn't recall doing. An 11-year-old girl brightened when asked this
question, replying, "Oh yes, all the time. Just last night my Mom said 'thanks for
doing the dishes.' I thought she was teasing me because I didn't do them, but when I
looked in the kitchen they were all done and my Mom was happy. I know she didn't
do them either, so I can't guess who did because we were the only people at home:' 145
This child was previously assumed to be a chronic liar because of her disavowals Dissociative
of negative behaviors that had been observed by others. Disorders in
Observing the child for incongruous or unusual behaviors during the inter- Children and
view and inquiring about these, as well as inquiring "what just happened?" when a
child stares blankly, seems to change the subject, or seems suddenly confused about
a question the interviewer asked can reveal dissociative time gaps that occur during
the interview itself. The child is asked to describe his observed behaviors to
ascertain possible gaps in recall.
Emotionally laden experiences are often occasions in which time gaps occur
for dissociative children. Inquiry into experiences such as explosive outbursts,
schoolyard fights, or intense family sessions can lead to discovery of dissociative
processes. When a child seems to remember superficially, pressing him for whether
he actually remembers the occurrence or remembers only what he was later told
happened and has "blank periods" during the experience can help him describe his
subjective experience. Children who do not dissociate revel in this chance to give
detailed descriptions of what they feel and experience. Children who dissociate
may describe control-influence phenomenon or other aspects of their subjective
awareness of dissociative experiences. An 8-year-old boy responded to requests for
the details of his actual experiences during the frequent fights he was having by
saying, "You know, the bad me just takes over. (How?) It kind of comes out my nose,
and mouth and ears. (And then what happens?) Well, that bad me, it's got a hold on
my arm, and it's running my legs too. I'm saying inside 'no! stop!' but my legs just
keep going, and then my arm is striking the other boy and I can't stop it. I also get a
voice in my mind telling me to 'mind my own business'."
In adopting an approach that asks for details of a p~tient's subjective experi-
ences, numerous misleading assumptions are avoided, as well as the danger of
supplying information about symptoms which the child assents to for the sake of
simplicity, giving the interviewer a false sense of knowing what is going on with the
patient. Initially, there is no shortcut for experience in gaining access to this
information from children, along with a sense of developmentally typical versus
unusual responses deserving of more detailed follow-up. With children who have
been abused, gaining this access can be difficult and time consuming, since often a
level of trust must be built with them before they will talk openly. In some ways,
dogged attempts to understand their unique experiences, rather than to impose
preconceived notions on them, enhances the trust-building process.
Observational or historical data that lead the experienced clinician to consider
a dissociative disorder in a child's differential diagnosis include behavioral mani-
festations of dissociative time gaps. These include disavowal of witnessed behavior,
amnesia, fluctuations in apparent attentional ability, concentration, knowledge, or
performance, entrance into spontaneous "trancelike" states in which the child is
oblivious to external stimuli (often leading to evaluation for seizure activity), and
learning or reading difficulties.
In children with DID, there are "switches" between different states of con-
sciousness or subjective senses of self that are not integrated into conscious aware-
ness; these can be referred to as alternate personalities (alters). As in their adult
counterparts, these alters in children with DID manifest relatively stable patterns of
146 behavior, affect, gestures, speech patterns (tone, pitch, complexity of language
Nancy L Hornstein etc.), manner of relating, and aspects of identity (gender and role identifications,
name, age, etc.) that differ from each other.
The first clue that a child inpatient had DID came when an ordinarily ultra-
feminine girl, calling herselfJoanne, suddenly became rough and tomboyish, exhib-
iting differences in mannerism and voice tone during a baseball game. She insisted
upon being called "Jo" in this setting. By the time she returned to the unit, she again
was feminine, calling herself Joanne. When asked about the boyish "uniform" she
still wore and why she asked to be called ''Jo" earlier, she initially stared blankly,
then she said, "Oh, I'm never really there when I have to do that boy stuff." When
asked what she meant, she shrugged, later elaborating "Oh, I think that some boy Jo
that talks to me takes my place." She was asked how this works. Her reply, "I don't
know really, I don't remember it wen;• preceded her entry into a state in which she
appeared dazed, then had an abrupt change in manner, saying "I don't want to talk
about this s ... t, Doc. Joanne don't bother anybody. This ain't really none of your
concern." Needless to say, this was the first dissociative "change in personality" that
was witnessed in her.
In children, these "switches" between alternate personality states are fre-
quently observable as rapid age regression, sudden shifts in demeanor or person-
ality characteristics, or marked variations in ability and skill level. The younger the
child, the less elaborated these alters are relative to the often extensive elaboration
of separate "personality characteristics" seen in the alters of adult MPD patients.
Kluft (1984, 1985a,b, 1986) has pointed out that children have relatively fewer
resources through which alters can express separateness. In fact, children may be
very subtle and resourceful in the ways their "alters" attempt to assert their separate
identities, requiring close attention to detail on the part of the clinician.
A 9-year-old boy reported having three separate selves: a good, a bad, and a
regular Larry. In the process of trying to understand whether or not these "selves"
represented dissociative phenomenon, he was asked if it would be possible for
others to identify which self he was at a given moment. He smiled slyly and said,
"Yes, but they'd have to know how to:' (What would they have to know?) "Well, the
good Larry is all in white and is a good Larry fairy, and the bad Larry is in red like a
devil. The regular Larry is just plain skin." (Well, which Larry is speaking now?) A
broad smile: "Well, I'm the bad Larry, since you're asking about all the problems. I'm
wearing a red shirt and you're wearing red too." Further interviewing made clear
that this boy had MPD.
Children's alters similarly have less investment in the "separateness" of their
identities, and there tend to be less rigid amnestic barriers between the different
personality states. Despite these differences, all of the children who received a
diagnosis of multiple personality disorder did meet full DSM-III-R criteria for the
None of the children in the inpatient series came with open revelations about
"having different personalities." At most they complained of "hearing voices" or
behaving in ways they "couldn't explain" or "couldn't remember." They were
unanimous in their secretiveness and fear that talking about their subjective experi-
ences of dissociative phenomenon made them "weirdos." They were fearful of what
other children and adults would think of them if they knew about this, and in all
cases one basis of the treatment alliance was their expectation that their therapist 147
would help them have more control so that these phenomenon could be even more Dissociative
"private" than they were initially. There was relatively no observable secondary gain Disorders in
through "dramatics" or attention seeking for the disorder. In several of the children, Children and
observations of dissociative symptomatology were present for some time before a
diagnosis of DID could be made. For two of the children, the diagnosis became
apparent only on subsequent hospitalizations. This is in contrast to some cases seen
in consultation in the private sector where aspects of the treatment the children
were receiving seemed to "reinforce" dramatic displays of symptomatology. In
these cases, diagnosis was complicated by a style of "treatment" that included an
inordinate amount of suggestion and gratification for displays of "dissociative alter's
behavior." In those cases it was only after a washout period of appropriate treatment
that the child could be adequately evaluated.
There are ongoing questions about the role of development in the elaboration
and organization of dissociative experience into alternate personalities during
childhood. In the cases above where there was a time gap antedating the emer-
gence of the DID diagnosis, retrospective accounts of the children argued in favor
of the increasing trust in the therapeutic relationship, rather than developmental
variables, playing a role in their eventual diagnosis. It is important to maintain a high
index of suspicion in children with extensive abuse histories and the presence of
some dissociative symptoms before DID is ruled out, especially when symptoms
suggestive of other disorders do not respond to the usual treatment approaches.
Some instances of DDNOS seem clinically to represent a traumatic dissociative
disorganization that is so severe that no real sense of self has been able to emerge.
These cases may initially present as reactive attachment disorders, atypical psy-
chosis, or even autism. In several of these, the provision of a stable nurturing
environment and treatment led the children to gradually organize a poorly inte-
grated identity diagnosable then as DID prior to forming an integrated sense of self.
Further research is needed on this group of children and on identifying subtypes of
All of the children with dissociative disorders in our sample, whether MPD or
DDNOS, had a plethora of affective, anxiety, attention-concentration problems,
and behavioral and learning difficulties that were suggestive of other diagnoses and
frequently played a role in their presentation for psychiatric treatment (Hornstein &
Putnam, 1992). Suicidal ideation was also frequently present in both groups, as were
auditory hallucinations. The average child had received close to three psychiatric
diagnoses prior to the diagnosis of a dissociative disorder. The most common prior
diagnoses were major depression or depressive psychosis (45.3%), posttraumatic
stress disorder (29.6%), oppositional defiant disorder (17%), conduct disorder
(14%), and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (12.5%).
The presenting symptoms of depression, suicidality, auditory hallucinations,
148 and behavioral problems parallel symptom presentations reported for adult disso-
Nan.cy L Hornstein ciative disorder patients (Bliss, 1984; Chu & Dill, 1990; Coons et al., 1988; Fink &
Golinkoff, 1990; Greaves, 1980; Horevitz & Braun, 1984; Kluft, 1987a,b, 1991;
Loewenstein, 1990; Putnam et al., 1986; Putnam, 1989; Ross et al., 1989, 1990, 1991;
Schulz et al., 1989; Steinberg, 1991; Steinberg et al., 1990) and for previously
reported individual child cases and small clinical series (Bowman et al., 1985; Dell &
Eisenhower, 1990; Fagan & McMahon, 1984; Hornstein & Tyson, 1991; Hornstein &
Putnam, 1992; Kluft, 1984, 1985a,b, 1986; Malenbaum & Russel, 1987; Peterson,
1990; Putnam, 1993; Riley & Mead, 1988; Vmcent & Pickering, 1988; Weiss et al.,
1985), supporting a common syndromal pattern of symptoms present in child,
adolescent, and adult MPD cases. The children's dissociative symptoms were re-
viewed earlier in this chapter, so the manifestations of the most frequent symptoms
other than dissociation will be discussed.
A majority of the children had symptoms such as irritability, affect lability,
depression, hopeless feelings, low self-esteem, self-blame, and so on. Many had
suicidal ideation and some had attempted suicide. The children with MPD differed
in having made more serious suicide attempts. In observing these children over
time, some had chronic dysphoria, which was typically unresponsive to antidepres-
sant medication, but most had a very reactive mood. They were up when things
were going well, but had an exquisite sensitivity to slights, frustrations, alterations
in the mood-attentiveness of caregivers, and extreme rejection sensitivity. Follow-
ing a perceived injury to their self-esteem, their mood would plummet, suicidal
ideation tnight emerge, and they tnight remain dysphoric for days.
In some of the children, there were identifiable alternate personalities who
were sad, hopeless, and full of self-blame for the abuse they had experienced.
Environmental "triggers" that in some way reminded the children of their abuse
frequently precipitated a "switch" into one of these alternate personalities. It was
typical of these children that they held themselves responsible for abusive, neglect-
ful behavior of others toward them and for other difficulties they experienced in
relationships. Their feelings of hopelessness and worthlessness, while transitory,
could nevertheless lead to quite serious suicide attempts such as running out in
front of cars, or in the case of one young girl an attempt at self-electrocution via a
knife in a light socket.
Anxiety-Posttraumatic Symptoms
All of these children could be described as "sick with worry"; often this related
to realistic or at worst understandable concerns about the stability of their relation-
ships, the endurance of the regard in which others held them, the well-being of
their caregivers, and their own adequacy. Most had all the classic posttraumatic
stress disorder symptoms of hypervigilance, hyperstartle, fears, flashbacks, avoid-
ant behaviors, intrusive thoughts related to traumatic experiences, and traumatic
The hours before bedtime were associated for many of the children with the
emergence of intrusive thoughts about abuse that frequently occurred at home 149
during these hours and were often a period in which dissociative symptoms such as Dissodative
spontaneous age regressions, amnesias, "switches" in personality, and so forth Disorders In
occurred. For other children, use of the bathroom facilities brought on sudden Children and
reactions of terror, flashbacks, or dissociative phenomenon as well. An 11-year-old
boy with MPD first showed signs of dissociation when he was discovered huddled
in a comer of the bathroom, disoriented to location and the identity of a familiar
caregiver. Later, it was discovered that this child had been repeatedly and violently
sodomized, continued to experience pain with bowel movements related to his
injuries, and had severe flashbacks whenever he attempted to use the toilet.
Conduct-Behavioral Problems
Many of these children had explosive temper outbursts, oppositional or disrup-
tive behavior, and problems with aggression and fighting. Although often accused
of lying, they frequently had at least partial amnesia for their explosive, aggressive,
and disruptive behaviors. These behaviors were often sudden, unpredicted, and out
of keeping with the child's usual demeanor. Absent from these cases was the triad of
enuresis, cruelty to animals, and fire-setting.
The child's frequent misperceptions of interactions, perceived threats, as well
as rejection hypersensitivity played a role in producing these problems. Often these
abrupt behavior changes were preceded by a switch in personality in those children
with MPD. The children with DDNOS had similar alterations in perception and
cognition during their explosions, although they retained conscious recall and
some ability to integrate these behaviors.
These kinds of behavior problems were frequently the reason for referral to
inpatient treatment. Usually, when the dissociative aspect of the child's explosions
was recognized, the child could be assisted to gain better control of these behav-
iors. Caregivers who were made aware of the kinds of perceptual and cognitive
distortions that occurred when these children entered a state of defensive upset
were also more effective at providing appropriate reassurance to these children,
preventing the familiar eruption into aggressive behavior.
The conflicts around autonomy, identity, separation, and individuation that are
focal during adolescence make work with adolescent patients with dissociative
disorders particularly challenging in terms of managing acting-out behavior, even
though their presentation was otherwise similar to that of adult patients.
Other chapters in this volume will no doubt adumbrate the relationship be-
tween childhood trauma and dissociative disorders in the adult dissociative disorder
and trauma literatures. In our series (Hornstein & Putnam, 1992), an overwhelming
majority of the children had experienced some identifiable trauma. In those with
MPD, over 80% had documented histories of sexual abuse and in 60% of the cases
this was combined with physical abuse as well. Documentation of neglect was
152 Table L Dissociative Symptoms Mistakenly Attributed to Other Diagnoses
Nancy L Hornstein Dissociative symptom Behavioral appearance Misdiagnosis
Brief amnestic periods "Trancelike," odd behavior, explosive Absence/psychomotor
outbursts seizures
Poor attention, concentration, hyper- Attention deficit with
arousal hyperactivity
Disavowal of witnessed behavior Conduct disorder
Switching between alter- Aggressive alters, running away, Conduct disorder
nate personalities truancy
Alters differ in task performance, aca- Developmental learning
demic achievement, other skills disorder
Affect disturbances Different alters may have different Affective disorder
moods, depressed- suicidal and ex-
cited alters not uncommon. Symp-
toms of posttraumatic stress dis-
order, including problems sleeping
related to hyperarousal/nlghttnares
Thought process distur- Alters experienced as hallucinated Psychotic illness
bances voices; visual hallucinations of past
trauma; alters, partial control by
alter similar to passive influence.
Rapid switching causes discon-
tinuity in stream of thought.
Somatoform symptoms Headaches commonly accompany Somatoform disorders
switching. Tic disorders
Parasthesias, somatic hallucinations,
conversion symptoms, odd move-
ments, etc.
Anxiety A high level of anxiety or accompany- Primary anxiety disorder
Posttraumatic stress ing posttraumatic stress disorder is
disorder common in dissociating children.
available in 80% of the cases. The percentages were only slightly lower in those
cases with DDNOS. Additionally, over 70% of the children witnessed family vio-
The high percentage of documented abuse, neglect, witnessed violence, and
other trauma in this large clinical series of children with dissociative disorders
provides validation for the already-existing literature linking traumatic, and partic-
ularly abusive, experiences in early childhood with the development of dissociative
disorders (Bowman et al., 1985; Braun & Sachs, 1985; Braun, 1990; Chu & Dill, 1990;
Coons et al., 1988; Ensink, 1992; Fraiberg, 1982; Greaves, 1980; Hornstein & Tyson,
1991; Hornstein & Putnam, 1992, 1994; Kluft, 1984, 1985a,b, 1986, 1987a,b, 1991;
Kramer, 1990; Loewenstein, 1990; Lovinger, 1983; Ludwig, 1983; Putnam et al.,
1986; Putnam, 1985, 1989, 1990; Rao, DiClemente, & Ponton, 1992; Rao, Hornstein,
& Stuber, 1994; Ross et al., 1991; Schetky, 1990; Shengold, 1989; Sherkow, 1990;
Spiegel, 1990, 1991; Stein et al., 1988; Stem, 1984; van der K.olk & Kadish, 1987;
Venn, 1984). It also weighs the "fact versus fantasy" debate regarding the validity of
adult recollections of childhood abusive experiences in patients with dissociative
disorders toward acceptance of there being some basis in reality for their reports, 153
however the passage of time may have altered, coalesced, or elaborated on the Dissociative
representation of "vertical truth" in contemporary memory of past subjective Disorders in
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American Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry, 24, 495-501.
Although there exist a plethora of models and metaphors that have been applied to
dissociative phenomena, our understanding of the theoretical processes involved is
still at an initial stage. In this section, three important perspectives are presented to
help clarify the construct of dissociation. First, dissociation is examined from a
neurobiological perspective; second, dissociation is discussed in terms of hypnosis;
and third, dissociation is discussed in terms of an information-processing per-
In examining dissociation from a neurobiological perspective, Krystal and his
colleagues make an important contribution, since this area has not received exten-
sive development. The researchers initially review pharmacological methods of
inducing dissociative-like conditions in both patients and healthy individuals and
then move on to cortical areas such as the frontal cortex and limbic structures
involved in various aspects of dissociative processes. Chapter 8 concludes with an
examination of therapeutic implications. Although not directly, this chapters offers
some insights as to the classification of PTSD, which is currently described by DSM-
IV as an anxiety disorder, and its relationship to dissociative disorders.
Given that historically dissociation and hypnosis have been described in simi-
lar ways, the chapter by Whalen and Nash helps to delineate the relationship
between the two constructs. First, it is clear that under hypnosis, individuals can
display dissociative-like processes such as alternations in perception, sensation,
emotion, and cognition. Second, hypnosis has been used successfully to treat
dissociative disorders. Third, subjective experiences described within the hypnotic
state such as "feeling unreal" or "things happening automatically" appear similar to
descriptions of dissociative experiences. And fourth, in the clinical literature there
has been an implicit connection between sexual trauma, dissociation, and hypnosis
since the nineteenth century. In fact, Janet saw dissociation as underlying both
psychopathology and real hypnotic processes. However, the research reviewed in
this chapter leads one to the conclusion that as an individual trait, there is little if
any overlap between hypnotic susceptibility and dissociative experiences. Further,
although there is evidence to suggest that early trauma leads to dissociative experi-
ences, the empirical evidence does not lead one to the same conclusion with
trauma and hypnotic susceptibility. An open research question remains as to 161
162 whether hypnosis, as useful as it is, carries a special relationship for the treatment of
Theoretical Models dissociative disorders over and above other forms of therapy.
Based on their work with trauma victims, Foa and Hearst-Ikeda examine the
construct of dissociation from an information processing perspective. Chapter 10
begins by differentiating the construct of dissociation into various aspects and
examines its relationship to stress and trauma. For example, based on the animal
literature, it is suggested that avoidance and numbing involve different mechanisms.
These differentiations are then considered in terms of abuse, assault, and trauma
victims and implications for treatment. If dissociation prevents the activation of a
traumatic memory, then successful treatment would require techniques such as
exposure therapy, which would repeatedly access the traumatic memory.
Recent Developments in the
Neurobiology of Dissociation
Implications for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
John H. Krystal, Alexandre Bennett, J. Douglas Bremner, Steven M. Southwick, and Dennis S.
Charney • Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, and National Center for
PTSD, Department of Veterans Mfairs Medical Center, West Haven, Connecticut 06516.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 163
164 hypnotizability also develop as ongoing sequelae of traumatization (Spiegel, Hunt,
John H. Krystal & Dondershine, 1988; Bernstein & Putnam, 1986; Loewenstein & Putnam, 1988;
etal. Bremner et al., 1992, 1993). While dissociated, acutely traumatized individuals may
appear confused, emotionally dulled, or even catatonic, giving rise to descriptive
phrases such as "shell shock" (Kardiner, 1941; Grinker & Spiegel, 1945; Krystal,
1968). Decades following traumatization, while recalling their traumatic experi-
ences, individuals may experience time as being slowed, have altered sensory
perceptions, and have feelings of unreality (Bremner et al., in review). Less fre-
quently, adult traumatization may produce fugue states, conversion reactions, or
multple personality as ongoing symptoms of PTSD (Grinker & Spiegel, 1945;
McDougle & Southwick, 1990).
Childhood psychological traumatization is also associated with dissociative
symptoms. In one study, approximately 60% of 450 adults traumatized as children
had periods in their lives when they had no memory of their abuse (Briere & Conte,
1993). Dissociative symptoms arising from childhood traumatization continue in
adulthood (Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban, & Post, 1986; Hermann, Perry, &
van der Kolk, 1989). For example, psychiatric inpatients with histories of childhood
trauma have higher levels of dissociative symptoms than nontraumatized inpatients
(Chu & Dill, 1992).
Flashbacks, perhaps the most distinctive PTSD symptom, appear to represent
the convergence of dissociative states, intrusive traumatic memories, and hyper-
arousal. During flashbacks, patients vividly reexperience aspects of the traumatic
response while feeling detached from their surrounding environment. Ongoing
sensory processing may be altered or disrupted and patients may report that they
are in a fog or that they blacked out (Bremner eta!., 1993). Flashbacks involving the
recollection of traumatic experiences are frequently associated with intense emo-
tional responses and paniclike states (Mellman & Davis, 1985). Most flashbacks are
brief, lasting only a few minutes. However, some flashbacks may last several hours
or several days. Some flashbacks are accurate depictions of a traumatic situation and
others have unreal or distorted qualities, similar to dreams.
Despite progress in identifying, characterizing, and quantitatively assessing
dissociative states, there has been surprisingly little study of their neurobiology in
adults and no published studies, to our knowledge, of the developmental neurobiol-
ogy of dissociation. Associated with the failure to elucidate a unique neurobiology
for dissociative states, there have been few placebo-controlled pharmacotherapy
trials for dissociative disorders and no specific antidissociative drugs developed.
The absence of antidissociative pharmacotherapies contrasts with the development
of anxiolytics, antiobsessionals, antipsychotics, mood-stabilizing agents, and anti-
depressants. In light of the paucity of research in this area, the commonly held view-
that the core features of dissociative disorders are unresponsive to
pharmacotherapy-is not surprising (Kluft, 1987).
This chapter will review recent progress made in studying the neurobiology of
dissociative states in PTSD patients. In particular, it will focus on studies that have
produced dissociative states in healthy individuals and patients with PTSD or other
neurological disorders. In doing so, this chapter will attempt to highlight bridges
between the neurobiology and treatment of PTSD.
''NARCOSYNTHESIS'' Neurobiology of
The medical facilitation of traumatic memory recall and flashbacks in trau-
matized individuals began in World War II as part of a therapeutic approach called
narcosynthesis or, more recently, the amytal interview. 1bis approach combined
barbiturates and guided recollection of traumatic memories (Sargent & Slater, 1940;
Bartemeier, Kubie, Menninger, Romano, & Whitehorn, 1946; Grinker & Spiegel,
1945). The use of barbiturates to facilitate traumatic memory recall was illustrated
by a case reported by Grinker (1944, pp. 142-143):
That afternoon I gave him 0.25 gm of pentothal sodium intravenously. He was
then told that he was up in the air on a strafing mission and that the man on his
wing was aflame .... Immediately he [shouted] to his friend ... pull up and bail
out. Why doesn't he pull up and bail out? ... he went over and over the traumatic
situation, crying and sobbing. As this reaction subsided he was allowed to close
his eyes and sleep ... [upon awakening] He stated I must have been asleep. I had
a dream about [my friend] ...
Flashbacks are common to PTSD and conditions associated with local activa-
tion of cortical and limbic structures. Hughlings Jackson first described the com-
plex polysensory reexperiencing of events that occurred in association with tempo- 171
ral lobe epilepsy as memory flashbacks (faylor, 1931). Patients wtih clinical and Neurobiology of
encephalographic evidence of temporal lobe epilepsy exhibited a range of dissocia- Dissociation
tive symptoms including depersonalization, derealization, auditory and visual hallu-
cinations, and multiple personalities (Mesulam, 1981). Sacks (1985) also described a
patient with seizure foci in her medial temporal structures that produced repetitive
reexperiencing of Irish folk melodies. Anticonvulsant treatment eliminated the
intrusive musical reexperiencing, but also eliminated her ability to recall the
Penfield and his colleagues elicited dreamlike states, memories, and complex
experiential phenomena through direct electrical stimulation of structures in the
temporal lobe, temporoparietal association areas, hippocampus, and amygdala
(Penfield & Perot, 1963). Temporal lobe stimulation resulted in some individuals
reexperiencing frightening events in a polysensory fashion, such as a possible
thwarted kidnapping. However, neutral or pleasant experiences were also pro-
duced, such as hearing a choir sing White Christmas. The amygdala and hippo-
campus appear to be implicated in the experiential phenomena associated with
temporal lobe activation. Gloor, Olivier, Quesney, Andermann, and Horowitz (1982)
found that experiential phenomena were associated with direct stimulation of the
amygdala and the hippocampus. Moreover, memories, dreamlike states, or other
complex experiential phenomena were only produced when temporal cortical
stimulation was followed by after-discharges in the amygdala or hippocampus.
Results of this study were consistent with an earlier one that produced complex
experiential phenomena through electrical stimulation of the hippocampus and
amygdala (Halgren Walter, Cherlow, & Crandall, 1978).
The brain stimulation studies suggest that the hippocampus and amygdala
control the retrieval of memory in a highly specific manner, much as a program
might control access to information stored on a computer. However, this interpreta-
tion appears overly simple. Complex experiential phenomena are usually associ-
ated with high-intensity stimuli or after-discharges, suggesting that fairly large
cortical areas must be activated (Halgren et al., 1978). Also, stimulation of the same
location over several trials does not reliably reproduce experiential phenomena,
while stimulation of disparate cortical regions may produce identical experiences
(Halgren et al., 1978; Horowitz, Adams, & Rutkin, 1968). In addition, surgical
excision of an area that produces a memory when directly stimulated does not
eliminate the memory (Baldwin, 1960). A more circumspect interpretation of these
data is that memory is stored within distributed networks and that the amygdala and
hippocampus stimulations bias the retrieval of memories in a more general fashion,
such as facilitating access to an associative network.
One of the striking similarities of flashback associated with PTSD and the brain
stimulation studies are the inflexible nature of memory retrieval under these condi-
tions. Dreams and memories often replay traumatic scenes in their entirety rather
than being retrieved with the cognitive flexibility characteristic of declarative
memory. The neurobiology underlying the loss of retrieval flexibility and efficiency
associated with traumatic memory retrieval, limbic stimulation studies, and the
developmental disorders are currently unclear. However, reduced mnemonic flex-
ibility has been reported to characterize memory retrieval under conditions where
172 the hippocampus is activated independently of the frontal cortex (Moscovitch,
John H. Krystal 1992). Memory encoding by the hippocampus is modular and organizing links
etal between memories arise largely through cue association, as occurs during condi-
tioning (Moscovitch, 1992). Retrieval strategies involving the hippocampus are cue-
dependent and not strategic. In other words, the hippocampus cannot efficiently
scan stored memories to retrieve a particular memory, even though it is involved in
memory encoding. The organizing and strategizing component of memory retrieval
appears to be dependent on the frontal cortex (Moscovitch, 1989, 1992). Thus,
flashbacks may share the qualities of memory retrieval exhibited by individuals
during hippocampal stimulation because these conditions involve retrieval strate-
gies that bypass the frontal component of memory retrieval in the face of relative
preservation of the hippocampal component of memory retrieval.
Recollective processes that bypass frontal executive mechanisms controlling
the strategic recollection of information may also share the quality of being reex-
perienced rather than recalled. Flashbacks produced in seizure patients by electri-
cal stimulation (Penfield & Perot, 1963) and those occurring in PTSD (Bremner
et al., 1992; Southwick et al., 1991) were both described in this manner. Frontal
cortical networks have been implicated in executive functions related to the con-
trol of memory retrieval (Baddeley, 1986). Frontal lobe lesions, unlike hippocampal
lesions, impair retrieval of autobiographical information (Baddeley & Wilson, 1988).
The frontal cortex has also been implicated in the prioritization of responses, the
generation of mental representations within working memory, self-monitoring, and
editing of thought (Stuss, 1992; Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Baddeley, 1986). The frontal
cortex is nested within networks involving the amygdala, mediodorsal thalamic
nucleus, the hippocampus, and other regions that provide access to input regarding
the nature and meaning of memories that are formed (Goldman-Rakic, 1987).
Sedative-hypnotic agents produce impairments on tests sensitive to frontal cortical
impairment, as does ketamine (Krystal et al., 1994b, in review).
Modulates the fidelity o f - - - - - - - - - Parahippocampal
sensory processing cortex
Sensory 1nput Direct and indirect Input from systems
feedback from modulating arousal:
cortical and limbic Locus coeruleus
structures (norepinephrine);
raphe nucleus
(serontln); reticular
nuclei (acetylcholine)
Figure 1. This schematic illustrates the position of the thalamus within networks that may he involved
in the generation of dissociative states. Sensory information reaches the thalamus and is transmitted to
limbic and cortical regions responsible for modulating thought, attention, learning and memory, and
emotion. The thalamus receives input from limbic regions, such as the amygdala, and brainstem regions
involved in stress-related arousal. It also receives direct and indirect feedback from cortical regions
involved in prioritizing attention. When functioning in relay mode, the thalamus facilitates the accurate
transmittal of sensory information. However, when slow oscillatory firing patterns predominate, the
thalamus impedes the flow of sensory information to cortical and limbic regions associated with the
predominate focus on internally generated thought processes and sensory experiences associated with
dreaming, night terrors, and perhaps dissociation (from Krystal, Bennett, Bremner, Southwick, &
Charney, in press).
174 ment (REM) sleep, associated with dreaming, is characterized by phasic enhance-
John H. Krystal ment of the activity of glutamatergic thalamocortical cells (Steriade, Datta, Pare,
etal Oakson, & Curr6 Dossi, 1990; Steriade & McCarley, 1990). In this model, dreams and
other sleep-related internally generated experiences may arise as thalamocortical or
other direct cortical projections from the amygdala and hippocampus bypass the
oscillatory thalamic processes that disrupt the flow of sensory information to the
cortex (Swanson, 1981; Uinas & Pare, 1991). Thus, like dissociative states, sleep
states may neurobiologically preserve associative and mnemonic functions while
interrupting sensory processing. Sensory processing alterations associated with
dissociative states could indicate the intrusion of sleep-related disturbances in
sensory processing into the waking state. If so, then alterations in thalamic activity
tnight link a spectrum of altered states of consciousness such as hypnosis, dream-
ing, and other conditions in which there is a combination of the features of sleep
and waking states (Mahowald & Schenck, 1991; Uinas & Pare, 1991). Dissociative
states tnight also be related to night terrors in which features of waking behavior
intrude upon sleep (Fischer, Kahn, Edwards, & Davis, 1973; Kales et al., 1980;
Oswald & Evans, 1985). Evidence for a thalatnic role in maintaining the boundary of
sleeplike behavior and wakefulness is provided by patients with paramedian
thalamic infarctions. These patients exhibit a profound sense of detachment, re-
duced responsivity to sensory stimuli, and sleeplike posturing throughout the
circadian cycle without the electrophysiological correlates of non-REM sleep
(Guilleminault, Quera-Salva, & Goldberg, 1993).
A thalamic role in dissociation is suggested by its distinctive role in modulating
the onset of night terrors as opposed to nightmares. Posttraumatic nightmares
occur within REM sleep and are not generally associated with motor behaviors,
although they may repetitively review aspects of the trauma (Fisher, Byrne, Ed-
wards, & Kahn, 1970; Fisher et al., 1973; Greenberg, Pearlman, & Bampel, 1972). In
contrast, posttraumatic night terrors bear a closer resemblance to flashbacks occur-
ring in the waking state. Night terrors are associated with confusion upon awaken-
ing, reduced responsivity to environmental stimuli, displays of intense emotion,
significant autonotnic activation, increased sleep motility, complex motor activity,
and somnambulism (Lavie & Hertz, 1979; Hafez, Metz, & Lavie, 1987; van der Kolk,
Blitz, Burr, Sherry, & Hartmann, 1984; Fisher et al., 1970, 1973). Despite behavioral
evidence that traumatic incidents are being reexperienced during night terrors,
such as calls for help and appearing to act out physical struggles, individuals are
generally amnestic for the content of their experiences. As with flashbacks and
nightmares, night terrors may be precipitated in PTSD patients by reminders of the
trauma or environmental stress (Krystal, 1968; Fisher et al., 1970). Unlike night-
mares, night terrors occur during deep sleep, particularly stage 4, and generally
within the first hour after falling asleep (Fisher et al., 1973; Kales et al., 1980).
Nightmares and night terrors may be further distinguished by the effects of parame-
dian thalamic lesions. These lesions eliminate the stages of sleep that contain night
terrors, but do not alter REM sleep and dreaming (Guilleminault et al., 1993).
Sensory distortions associated with stress may develop, in part, as a conse-
quence of the thalamic role in modulating sensory processing. Thalamic nuclei
appear to work both in series and in parallel with brain regions involved in
traumatic stress response. One region that may be critical for fear learning and
traumatic stress response is the central nucleus of the amygdala (LeDoux, 1987; 175
Davis, 1992; Charney, Deutch, Krystal, Southwick, & Davis, 1993). Once activated Neurobiology of
by uncontrollable stressors, the central nucleus of the amygdala facilitates the Dissociation
thalamic relay of sensory information to cortical and limbic structures (Clugnet &
LeDoux, 1990; McDonald, 1982; Steriade et al., 1990).
Central noradrenergic systems are also activated by signfiicant uncontrollable
stressors and have been linked to traumatic stress response (van der Kolk, Green-
berg, Boyd, & Krystal, 1985; Krystal et al., 1989). Stress-induced noradrenergic
activation would be expected to facilitate thalamic transduction of sensory informa-
tion by stimulating thalamic a-1 adrenoceptors that increase thalamic activity asso-
ciated with wakefulness and to inhibit slow thalamic oscillations (Buzsili, Kennedy,
Solt, & Ziegler, 1990; McCormick & Wang, 1991). Postsynaptic a-2 receptors pro-
mote thalamic slow oscillations. Thus yohimbine, an a-2 antagonist, could incease
thalamic bursting by increasing norepinephrine release and blocking the stimula-
tion slow oscillations produced by postsynaptic a-2 receptors (Buzsili et al., 1990).
Serotonergic systems, linked to PTSD symptoms by the MCPP study described
above (Southwick et al., 1993), also heighten sensory processing via the 5-HT2
receptor (McCormick & Wang, 1991). Both MCPP and the serotonergic hallu-
cinogens stimulate subtypes of this receptor (Sheldon & Aghajanian, 1991). Percep-
tual alterations associated with extreme or uncontrollable stress suggest that the
massive activation of monoamine systems under these conditions may modulate
thalamic function in a fashion that results in interference rather than enhancement
of the fidelity of sensory transmission.
Alterations in thalamic glutamatergic function also could contribute to sensory
gating disturbances. Glutamate is the primary excitatory neurotransmitter within
the thalamus (McCormick, 1992) and the neurotransmitter involved with thalamic
afferents from the amygdala, cerebral cortex, and hippocampus (Aggleton & Mish-
kin, 1984; Aggleton, Desimone, & Mishkin, 1986; Giguere & Goldman-Rakic, 1988;
LeDoux & Farb, 1991; McCormick, 1992). Indirect cortical thalamic modulation also
occurs via a circuit involving the striatum, globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus,
and thalamus (Carlsson & Carlsson, 1990). Both NMDA and non-NMDA glutamate
receptors are localized to the thalamus, where they have complementary functions
(McCormick, 1992). Previous reviews have suggested that alterations of the sensory
filter function of the thalamus via blockade of NMDA receptors could contribute to
the psychotomimetic effects of the NMDA antagonists (Carlsson & Carlsson, 1990).
Given the prominent role of non-NMDA glutamate receptors in corticostriato-
thalamic circuitry, subanesthetic doses of selective NMDA antagonists might be
predicted to produce distortions rather than complete blockade of thalamic sen-
sory gating functions. This prediction is consistent with clinical observations,
suggesting that ketamine produces a state of detachment or withdrawal rather than
sleep. Also, ketamine produces sensory distortions and illusions rather than block-
ade of sensory perceptions or pure hallucinatory experiences (Krystal et al., 1994a).
The capacity of sensory deprivation to reduce rather than augment the behavioral
effects of phencyclidine further suggests that NMDA antagonists alter, rather than
block, sensory processing (Cohen, Luby, Rosenbaum, & Gottlieb, 1960). Future
research is needed to clarify the extent of thalamic contributions to dissociative
176 The thalamus is a heterogenous structure and component thalamic nuclei have
John H. Krystal distinctive cortical afferents and efferents and different patterns of synaptic organi·
etal zation (M. L. Schwartz, Dekker, & Goldman-Rakic, 1991). For example, the reticular
nuclei of the thalamus fucntion in some ways as an extension of brainstem and
midbrain reticular activating systems (Steriade & Lliruis, 1988). However, other
thalamic nuclei, such as the anteroventral and mediodorsal nuclei, appear to be
involved in associative processes, such as learning (Orona & Gabriel, 1983; Gabriel,
Sparenborg, & Stolar, 1987; Gabriel, Vogt, Kubota, Poremba, & Kang, 1991).
Sensory processing alterations and changes in attention may be linked in
dissociative states. Clinically, the bridge between sensory gating and attention
modulation is evident in the reduced responsivity to environmental stimuli exhib-
ited by dissociated individuals and their reported focus on peripheral sensory
stimuli or internal mental processes (Carlson & Putnam, 1989). This connection also
is suggested by the convergence of corticolimbic networks upon the anterior
cingulate gyrus, a brain region implicated in the capacity to shift and focus attention
(Pardo, Pardo, Janer, & Raichle, 1990; Bench et al., 1993). Anterior cingulate lesions
may produce symptoms reminiscent of thalamic, limbic, and cortical lesions includ-
ing confusion, vivid daydreaming, apathy, impairments in sustained attention, and
learning impairments (Whitty & Lewin, 1957; Laplane, Degos, Baulac, & Gray, 1981).
Direct projections to the anterior cingulate gyrus from midline and intralaminar
thalamic nuclei suggest that the cingulate gyrus is responsive to shifts in thalamic
sensory processing functions (Vogt, Rosene, & Pandya, 1979). As suggested by the
clinical case reports of patients wtih cingulate lesions, the cingulate gyrus may also
be involved in the attribution of salience and the acquisition and retrieval of learned
information (Gabriel et al., 1991; Gaffan, Murray, & Fabre-Thorpe, 1993). The
contributions of the cingulate gyrus to sensory processing, emotional regulation,
and learning are facilitated by its connectivity to other brain regions. For example,
hippocampal and anteroventral thalamic inputs converge upon the anterior cingu-
late gyrus via the posterior cingulate gyrus (Gabriel et al., 1987; Gabriel & Sparen-
borg, 1987). Similarly, the anterior cingulate gyrus is an important point of conver-
gence for a network involving the amygdala, prefrontal cortex, and mediodorsal
thalamic nucleus (Aggleton & Mishkin, 1984; Goldman-Rakic & Porrino, 1985;
Gaffan & Murry, 1990; Gaffan et al., 1993; Orona & Gabriel, 1983).
Geschwind (1980, p. 191) wrote, "there is no evidence for the existence of any
all-purpose computer in the brain." Consistent with this view, cortical functions are
highly distributed across several cortical regions that require integration in order to
generate coherent conscious experience. For example, frontoparietal interactions
help to locate memories or mental representations in space, while frontohippocam-
pal interactions appear to contribute contextual information regarding these mem-
ories (Goldman-Rakic, 1987). Also, the frontal cortex itself contains many func-
tionally heterogeneous regions. Distinct frontal cortex loci mediate the generation
of iconic or working memories for the location and features of environmental
stimuli. Brain lesions of one region of the frontal cortex results in memory gaps for
spatial features, while lesions of the other region produce an inability to recall faces 177
(Goldman-Rakic, 1987; Wilson, Scalaidhe, & Goldman-Rakic, 1993). If corticocorti- Neurobiology of
cal interactions were disturbed or disrupted, experiences and cognitive functions Dissociation
dependent on integrated cortical activity might be distorted. For example, if frontal
cortical regions processing features of objects and their spatial attributes were
interacting dysfunctionally, one might generate mental representations for stimuli
in which features were not correctly matched to their spatial locations, i.e., objects
could be experienced out of context or in bizarre or incoherent ways. Disturbances
in function arising from abnormal integration of cortical function may be similar, by
analogy, to conduction aphasias. In conduction aphasias, both comprehension and
fluency are preserved, but speech is paraphasic because information cannot be
effectively transmitted from association to motor cortices (Geschwind, 1970).
Drugs that produce dissociative states disturb cortical integration at several
levels. The key output neurons of the cortex are pyramidal neurons that utilize
glutamate as their primary neurotransmitter. These neurons are regulated locally by
modulatory GABAergic neurons. Pyramidal neurons also receive distant input from
subcortical monoaminergic, glutamatergic, and peptidergic systems and glutama-
tergic input from pyramidal neurons in other cortical areas (Goldman-Rakic, 1987;
Lewis, Hayes, Lund, & Oeth, 1992). In the piriform cortex, serotonergic hallu-
cinogens inhibit pyramidal neuronal activity by stimulating GABAergic inter-
neurons via the 5-HT2AI2B receptors. However, these drugs also activate pyramidal
neurons through stimulating 5-HT2c receptors (Sheldon & Aghajanian, 1991). Elec-
trophysiological data suggest that ketamine distorts the functional connectivity
within the cortex by blocking the NMDA receptor-mediated component of glutama-
tergic corticocortical connectivity. One study, for example, suggested that blockade
of NMDA receptors allowed sensory information to reach the cortex, but interfered
with the coherent transmission of this information from receptive areas to associa-
tion cortices (Corssen & Domino, 1966). Barbiturates, which preferentially block
non-NMDA glutamate receptors (Collins & Anson, 1987; Morgan et al., 1991), might
also interfere with cortical integration, although the human psychopharmacology
of non-NMDA glutamate receptors has received little direct study.
Yohimbine +
lActate +
Sedative-hypnotics +•
Benzodiazepine antagonists
NMDA antagonists +
Cannabinoids +
Serotonergic hallucinogens +
11 +, Associated with dissociative state; -,not associated with dissociative state;
?, unclear association with dissociative state; not formally evaluated in patients
with PTSD.
•Facilitation of dissociation during goided recollection.
higher cognitive functions rest. Thus, it may not be surprising that a drug, such as
ketamine, that alters glutamatergic neurotransmission produces dissociative states
in healthy individuals. The possibility that glutamate systems might be fundamen-
tally involved in generating dissociative states is consistent with the observation
that dissociative states produced by ketamine in healthy people arise as a direct
consequence of drug administration and are not dependent on generating intense
emotional responses or memories. The direct evocation of dissociative states by an
NMDA antagonist raises the possibility that reductions in NMDA receptor function
contribute to dissociative states in humans. If so, then pharmacological agents that
enhance NMDA receptor function might have antidissociative properties (Jones,
Wesnes, & Kirby, 1991; Saletu, Griinberger, & linzmayer, 1986; Schwartz et al., 1991;
Nicholls, 1993).
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Hypnosis and Dissociation
Theoretica~ Empirica~ and Clinical Perspectives
The term association is used to describe the binding or linking together of ideas.
For over a century now, it has been invoked to explain various aspects of learning,
attitude change, and motivation (Skinner, 1953; Watson, 1930). In the later part of
the nineteenth century; Janet described an opposing phenomenon of the separa-
tion of certain mental operations from the main body of consciousness with various
degrees of auton~my (West, 1967). He termed this symptomatology desagregatton
(translated from the French as disaggregation), later referred to as dissociation.
Since the inception of dynamic psychiatry and experimental psychopathology in
the late nineteenth century, spontaneously occurring dissociative symptomatology
has been linked to hypnosis, with theorists positing the two phenomena to have
similar (and sometimes even identical) psychic mechanisms.
Before we can meaningfully explore how clinical theorists have struggled with
the relationship between hypnosis and dissociation, we must understand what
moved them to do so. The answer is straightforward. Four fundamental observa-
tions concerning hypnosis and dissociation have been noted by researchers and
clinicians from Puysegur, Braid, Charcot, and Bernheim to Freud, Pavlov, E. R.
Hilgard, and Fromm. Together, these four observations pose an intriguing possi-
bility, one that was not lost on the earliest investigators of abnormal psychology
Hypnosis and Trauma. There was some early support for the contention
that hypnotizability may be very modestly related to extent of physical punishment
during childhood. The research of Hilgard and others (Hilgard, 1974; London, 1962;
Nowlis, 1969) suggests that childhood experiences of severe punishment and
discipline are positively correlated with hypnotizability (correlations of around
.30). Nash and his colleagues (Nash & Lynn, 1985; Nash, Lynn, & Givens, 1984)
found that subjects who reported physical and sexual abuse in childhood were
more hypnotizable than subjects not reporting such a history (the effect size was in
the range of .30). The authors of the latter two studies came to understand these
findings as artifactual, attributable to contextual features of the testing situation
198 (testing for hypnotizability immediately following the questioning about early
Jonathan E. Whalen trauma) (see Council, Kirsch, & Hafner, 1986). 1n fact, six subsequent studies
and Mk:bael R. Nash examining the relationship between sexual abuse and hypnotizability found no
significant relationship (see Table 2).
Two of these studies were large-scale and particularly instructive; one exam-
ined children, the other adults. Putnam et al. (submitted) compared abused and
nonabused girls (6-15 years of age) on the Stanford Hypnotic Scale for Children
and the Child Dissociative Checklist. Abused and nonabused children did not differ
significantly on measures of hypnotizability. Nash et al. (1993) compared clinical
abused and nonclinical abused adult women on measures of dissociation Ondiana
Dissociative Symptom Scale, Dissociation Content Scale) and hypnotizability (Stan-
ford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale: A [SHSS:A]). No significant relationship between
hypnotic susceptibility and abuse was detected, nor was the severity of abuse or age
of onset of abuse significantly correlated with hypnotizability.
There is, however, a second body of research that seems to suggest a trauma-
genic path to high hypnotizability. First, 85-97% of clinical MPD patients report
early life trauma (Coons, Bowman, & Milstein, 1988; Kluft, 1984; Putnam, Guroff,
Silberman, Barban, & Post, 1986; Ross, Heber, Norton, & Anderson, 1989). Second,
MPD patients are reported to be highly hypnotizable as a group (Bliss, 1984; Frisch-
holz, 1985b; Frischholz, Spiegel, Spiegel, llpman, & Bark, 1988; Frischholz et al.,
1992). Taken together, these two sets of findings would seem to confirm some
etiologic link between hypnosis and dissociation.
However, there is now some reason to question the generalizability of these
findings. Ross et al. (1991) have studied dissociative phenomena, MPD, and self-
report histories of childhood trauma in clinical as well as nonclinical populations
using the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES). They estimated that between 5 and
10% of the general population is affected by a dissociated disorder. Ross et al. (1991)
also found incidents of MPD in the general population at a rate of 3.1% based on
a 450-person sample administered the Dissociative Disorder Interview Schedule
(DDIS) (Ross, Heber, Norton & Anderson, 1989). Ross et al. (1991) state that the data
of individuals with MPD in the general population were radically different from the
clinical MPD patient data. 1n the clinical MPD population, 85-97% of patients
report a history of severe sexual and physical abuse (Coons & Milstein, 1986; Kluft,
1987; Putnam et al., 1986). 1n the Ross et al. (1991) study, MPD subjects in the
Nonclinical samples
DiTomasso & Routh (1993) HGSHS 312 .005 Nonabused undergraduates
Putnam et al. (unpublished) SHSS:C 116 .23 Matched, nonabused girls
Johnson & Kirsch (1992) SHSS:A 148 .025 Nonabused undergraduates
Rhue et al. (1990) HGSHS 100 .610 Nonabused undergraduates
Clinical samples
Johnson & Kirsch (1992) SHSS:A 40 .025 Nonabused outpatients
Clinical and noncllnical samples
Nash et al. (1993) SHSS:A 105 .12 Nonabused adults
general population rarely reported histories of abuse and reported experiencing 199
little distress. This is an interesting report of a supposedly extremely pathological Hypnosis and
condition heretofore always associated with severe childhood abuse, but now Dissociation
found in the general population relatively unassociated with a history of abuse and
profound distress. Earlier studies claiming to find evidence of a trauma-hypno-
tizability link (Bliss, 1984; Coons & Milstein, 1986; Kluft, 1987; Putnam et al., 1986)
may need to be reexamined in light of the Ross et al. (1991) findings.
Finally, there is one study that unambiguously demonstrates a relationship
between trauma and hypnotizability among Vietnam combat veterans. Veterans
suffering posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are found to be more hypnotizable
than are non-PTSD veterans (Spiegel et al., 1988). Spiegel (1986) contends that
measures of hypnotizability may be a useful diagnostic tool in suspected cases of
MPD/PTSD among this population. However, it must be noted that the concept of
the developmental genesis of hypnotizability is strained in this study in large part
because these traumas were not in childhood.
In sum, there is little evidence for a broadband relationship between early
trauma and hypnotizability. Researchers do not find differences in hypnotizability
between individuals who have been traumatized and those who have not. Among
individuals with MPD, there is reason to suspect that trauma may not be the certain
comorbid sign that it was once assumed to be. Thus, reports of high hypnotizability
among MPD patients may not be so easily linked with early trauma in these cases.
The Spiegel study does suggest that among certain narrowly selected clinical
populations systematic covariance between hypnotizability and trauma may obtain.
But this is far from establishing a broad association between trauma and hypno-
Trauma and Dissociation. One can make a stronger case for a relationship
between dissociativity and trauma, though there are methodological and defini-
tional problems that plague the literature. First, of the 14 studies examining trauma
and dissociativity, all have found higher levels of dissociativity among individuals
who have been traumatized. Five of these studies were with nonclinical samples
(Briere & Runtz, 1988; DiTomasso & Routh, 1993; Johnson & Kirsch, 1990; Putnam
et al., submitted; Sanberg & Lynn, 1992), eight were with clinical samples (Bremner
et al., 1992; Briere & Runtz, 1989; Chu & Dill, 1990; Goff et al., 1991; Pribor &
Dinwiddie, 1992; Sanders & Giolas, 1991; Strick & Wilcoxon, 1991; Warshaw et al.,
1993); and one was with both clinical and nonclinical samples (Nash et al., 1993).
The magnitude of the relationship between trauma and dissociation appears to be
in the r = .20 to .45 range. Second, the severity of trauma was positively correlated
with dissociation scores in four studies (Branscomb, 1991; Cardeiia & Spiegel, 1993;
Carlson & Rosser-Hogan, 1991; Kirby, Chu, & Dill, 1992), but not in a fifth (Nash et
al., 1993). In sum, there does seem to be some empirical support for the contention
that trauma and dissociation are associated.
It is important to consider some methodological difficulties with this literature
in general. First, the problem of defining trauma plagues the literature. For instance,
many theorists have assumed that childhood sexual abuse is by definition traumatic.
Yet, a more recent review questions whether all cases of sexual abuse necessarily
involve overwhelming affect, fear for safety, and helplessness (Kendall-Tackett,
200 Williams, & Finkelhor, 1993). Second, there are also some problems in defining and
Jonathan E. Whalen operationalizing dissociation. The DES (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986) is widely em-
and Michael B.. Nash ployed in this area, and it does demonstrate satisfactory split-half and test-retest
reliability. But there is some evidence that a large component of an individual's DES
score may be attributable not to dissociative pathology specifically, but to gross
psychopathology in general. Nash et al. (1993), Norton, Ross, and Novotny (1990),
and Sanberg and Lynn (in press) detected a confound between general psychologi-
cal impairment and DES scores, with high DES scores being associated with greater
general psychopathology. In the Nash et al. (1993) study, the DES correlated .70
with the F-scale of the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory. Similar findings
were obtained for two other scales: the Dissociation Content Scale (Boswell,
Sanders, & Hernandez, 1985) and the Indiana Dissociative Symptom Scale (Levitt,
1989). Thus, when the DES scores of traumatized patients exceed those of non-
traumatized patients, it is possible that the difference has less to do with dissocia-
tion per se and more to do with gross pathology.
Third, and perhaps most importantly, all but one of the above cited studies
linking trauma and dissociation neglected to consider other pathogenic factors in
the child's environment that might explain subsequent pathology. Families in which
abuse occurs are more pathological than nonabusing families, with higher levels of
role or boundary confusion, more rigid behavioral control, and less cohesiveness
and adaptability (Alexander & Lupfer, 1987; Harter, Alexander, & Neimeyer, 1988;
Hoagwood & Stewart, 1988). Thus, differences between abused and nonabused
samples on measures of psychopathology in general (and dissociation in particular)
may be due, not to the effects of trauma necessarily, but to the nonspecific effect of
a pathogenic home environment. Indeed, recent empirical work seems to suggest
that some adult pathology associated with childhood sexual trauma may reflect the
effects of a broadly pathogenic family environment rather than the effects of sexual
abuse per se (Harter et al., 1988; Fromuth, 1986; Wyatt & Newcomb, 1990). In the
only dissociation study controlling for pathogenic factors other than trauma, Nash
et al. (1993) found that subjects who were sexually traumatized in childhood were
significantly more dissociative than nonabused subjects. However, when family
environment was used as a covariate, the effect for early trauma receded into
Evidence for the common etiology hypothesis-that early trauma exaggerates
an individual's hypnotizability and dissociativity-is scant. First, trauma does not
appear to be an important feature in the development of high hypnotizability. The
overwhelming preponderance of high hypnotizables have not been traumatized;
and those subjects who have been traumatized are no more hypnotizable than
nontraumatized controls. Though there may be some possibility for an association
between trauma and hypnotizability within narrow diagnostic categories, there is
no convincing evidence that a history of early trauma is associated with high
hypnotizability. Second, there is a fairly extensive research literature that finds an
association between trauma and dissociation. Though serious methodological and
definitional issues compromise our certainty, at this time it appears that trauma and
dissociation may be linked. At the same time, however, it seems probable that this
link is not a linear cause-effect relationship. Indeed, given the confounding of
dissociation measures with measures of gross pathology and the neglect of other
pathogenic factors, what dissociation researchers may be finding is simply that 201
people who have had horribly troubling and chaotic home environments are more Hypnosis and
grossly pathological than those who had reasonably stable childhood home environ- Dissociation
ments. But even if we accept the premise that dissociativity is directly associated
with trauma, hypnosis is not. Therefore, experiences of early trauma do not exagge-
rate both an individual's dissociativity and hypnotizability. In this sense, then,
hypnotizability and dissociativity are not "fellow travelers;' following parallel trajec-
tories in response to early trauma. Here again we find reason to reject the conclu-
sion that these phenomena involve shared psychic mechanisms.
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Emotional Dissociation in
Response to Trauma
An Information-Processing Approach
Pathological reactions to trauma and extreme stress have been noted in the psycho-
logical literature for over a century. These reactions were codified in the psychiatric
literature as posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) (American Psychiatric Associa·
tion, 1980). The diagnosis of PTSD is made when posttrauma symptoms occur in
three domains: emotional, cognitive, and visual reexperiencing of the trauma;
avoidance of trauma-relevant stimuli; and general arousal. Since the inception of
PTSD as a diagnostic entity, experts have focused on the fear and anxiety compo-
nents of the disorder (Foa, Steketee, & Rothbaum, 1989; Keane, Zimering, &
Caddell, 1985). More recently, trauma researchers have become interested in the
phenomenon of affective and cognitive avoidance that is commonly observed
following a trauma and has been referred to as dissociation (e.g., Spiegel, Hunt, &
Dondershine, 1988), denial (Horowitz, 1986; van der Kolk, 1987), or numbing (e.g.,
Foa, Riggs, & Gershuny, 1995; Horowitz, Wilner, Kaltreider, & Alvarez, 1980; Litz,
1993; van der Kolk & Ducey, 1989). Common to these constructs is a diminished
awareness of one's emotions or thoughts, which is hypothesized to be motivated by
In this chapter we will discuss the construct of emotional dissociation, de-
Edna B. Foa • Center for the Treaunent and Study of Anxiety, Medical College of Pennsylvania, Eastern
Pennsylvania Psychiatric Institute, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19129. Diana Hearst-Ikeda • National
Center for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Women's Health and Sciences Division, Boston Deparunent of
Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Boston, Massachusetts 02130.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirlca~ and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 207
208 scribe the measures that have been used to evaluate it, and review the relevant
Edna B. Foa and literature. Finally we will discuss mechanisms that are hypothesized to underlie
Diana Hearst-Ikeda dissociation and will propose that the presence of dissociation is an indicator of
incomplete emotional processing of the trauma.
War Exposure
Using the DES with Vietnam War veterans, several studies have demonstrated
that PTSD is associated with increased use of dissociative strategies (Bernstein &
Putnam, 1986; Branscombe, 1991; Bremner et al., 1992; Coons, Bowman, Pellow &
Schneider, 1989; Huska & Weathers, 1991; Orr et al., 1990). The degree of dissocia-
tion, as measured by the DES, was higher in male veterans with PTSD than in
alcoholics, agoraphobics, and normals (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986). DES scores
were also positively related to the severity of PTSD in combat veterans (Bremner
et al., 1992; Waid & Urbanczyk, 1989). However, DES scores were also highly
correlated with depression and anxiety, suggesting that the relationship of dissocia-
tion to PTSD is not specific but rather reflects the relationship between dissociation
and psychopathology.
Several factor analytical studies of posttrauma symptoms in war veterans have
identified dissociation as a core feature of PTSD. Silver and Iacono (1984) have
conducted a factor analysis on psychiatric symptoms reported by Vietnam combat
veterans and have identified four factors: depression, grief-guilt, reexperiencing,
and detachment-anger. The latter factor was characterized by emotional detach-
ment and difficulty experiencing emotions. Since PTSD diagnosis was not deter-
mined, the relationship of these symptoms to traumatic experiences was not
determined. Davidson, Smith, and Kudler (1989) also factor analyzed the DSM-III-R
symptoms of PTSD reported by 116 veterans of World War II, Korea, and Vietnam.
Three factors were identified: reexperiencing and arousal, avoidance and detach-
ment, and constricted affect and memory impairment. In a third study, Solomon,
Mikulincer, and Benbenishty (1989) interviewed soldiers 1 year after the combat
and submitted their reported symptoms to a factor analysis. A psychic numbing
factor emerged that accounted for 20% of the variance (Solomon et al., 1989). The
symptoms that loaded on this factor were: detachment from others and from one's
surroundings, numbing of responses, mental escape, and distraction. The second
212 factor, anxiety reactions, accounted for 11% of the variance. These results point to
Edna B. Foa and the prominent position of dissociation in posttrauma sequela.
Diana Hearst-Ikeda Several studies have demonstrated that the use of dissociative strategies during
combat were associated with chronic posttrauma reactions. Using the IES, Solomon
and Mikulincer (1992) evaluated symptoms of intrusion and avoidance in two
groups of soldiers: those who suffered combat stress response (CSR), or "battle
shock," and those who did not. Soldiers with CSR reported more intrusion and
avoidance symptoms 3 years after combat than those without CSR. However, in
both groups, intrusion and avoidance symptoms decreased as a function of the time
that had elapsed since combat exposure.
In a retrospective study, Bremner et al. (1992) compared the reported dissocia-
tion at the time of specific traumatic events in Vietnam veterans with and without
ro'SD. Dissociation during combat was evaluated using a modified version of the
DES. PfSD patients reported more dissociative symptoms during combat traumas
than did those without PTSD. A similar study was conducted by Marmar and co-
workers (1992). These researchers also examined retrospectively the emotional
experiences during combat of female and male Vietnam theatre veterans using the
DES and the PDEQ-interviewer version. Consistent with the findings of Solomon
et al. (1989) and Bremner et al. (1992), dissociative experiences reported during
combat were highly associated with chronic posttrauma reactions.
Taken together, the above studies seem to indicate a common tendency to
dissociate during a combat experience, and that such dissociation results in pro-
longed pathological reactions. However, it is important to note that all three studies
used retrospective methodology, and therefore the results should be interpreted
with caution. It is possible that individuals with more severe posttrauma pathology
are more likely to report the dissociative experiences during the traumatic event
than do individuals who have successfully recovered, irrespective of the degree of
dissociation they had actually experienced during the traumatic event itself. If the
reported dissociation during trauma accurately reflects the degree of dissociation
during the trauma, then the argument can be made that although dissociation may
provide short-term relief during a stressful event, the use of this coping style
hinders recovery later on.
Several laboratory studies have explored dissociative phenomena in combat
veterans. Spiegel et al. (1988) found that combat veterans with PTSD were more
hypnotizable than their non-PTSD cohorts. Conceptualizing hypnotizability as a
measure of dissociation, they concluded that individuals with PTSD dissociate more
than those without PTSD. To study emotional numbing, veterans with and without
PTSD were given an affective recognition task. As expected, veterans with PTSD
had more difficulty evaluating and identifying emotions than those without PTSD
(Zimering, Caddell, Fairbank, & Keane, 1993). A different method to examine
numbing was employed by Orr (1991). Veterans with and without PTSD were asked
to imagine a pleasant scene. No differences emerged between the PTSD and non-
PTSD subjects on psychophysiology, self-report of emotional reactions, and facial
expression of emotions. Influenced by results from animal experiments demon-
strating opiate-mediated analgesia following uncontrollable electrical shocks, Pit-
man, van der Kolk, Orr, and Greenberg (1990) hypothesized that numbing symp-
toms in PTSD sufferers is mediated by endogenous opiates. To test this hypothesis,
veterans with and without PTSD were exposed to combat movies. Pain tolerance 213
was used as a measure of numbing. Veterans with PTSD showed decreased pain Emotional
sensitivity in response to an ice-cold water test after watching the movies. No such Dissoclatlon in
decrease occurred when naloxone, an opiate antagonist, was administered, sug- Response to Trauma
gesting an opiate-mediated stress-induced analgesia in PTSD. The non-PTSD vet-
erans showed no decrease in pain following the movies.
Abuse in Childhood
Several studies have investigated the relationship between dissociation and
PTSD in individuals who were sexually abused in childhood. Using the DES, Coons
et al. (1989) evaluated dissociation in psychiatric patients with a variety of diag-
noses, including PTSD. A significantly higher incidence of childhood abuse was
found among female patients who were referred to a counseling center than among
female bulimics attending an eating disorders clinic. Further, the incidence of
dissociation and PTSD was significantly higher in the former group.
Using the DES, Sanders and Giolas (1991) examined dissociation and childhood
abuse in a group of emotionally disturbed adolescents. Modest correlations be-
tween history of childhood abuse and DES score were obtained in this sample,
replicating the findings that have been obtained in college students (Sanders,
McRoberts, & Tollefson, 1989). Chu and Dill (1990) also found that female psychi-
atric inpatients with childhood physical or sexual abuse scored significantly higher
on the DES than did women without such a history. However, unlike the results of
Coons et al. (1989), the severity of the DES scores was not related to diagnoses of
PTSD or to dissociative disorders.
Several authors have postulated a relationship between symptoms of bor-
derline personality and childhood abuse (Gelinas, 1983; Herman, Perry, & van der
K.olk, 1989). In a retrospective study, Herman et al. (1989) examined the relation-
ship between childhood trauma histories of patients with borderline personality
disorder, PTSD symptoms (measured by lES), and the DES. They found a significant
relationship between severity of trauma history, severity of PTSD symptoms, and
the presence of borderline personality disorder. Also, patients with this disorder
generally reported higher DES scores than those without this diagnosis, suggesting
a link between sexual abuse, borderline personality, dissociation, and PTSD.
Similar results were reported in a study evaluating the sexual and physical
abuse experiences in female and male adults diagnosed with borderline personality
disorder using the Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients (Dill) (Gunderson,
Kolb, & Austin, 1982). Although the Dill is not specifically designed to evaluate a
wide range of dissociative experiences, a few items about derealization and deper-
sonalization are included. The results of the study confirmed the hypothesized
relationship among childhood sexual abuse, borderline personality, and dissociative
symptoms (Ogata, Silk, Goodrich, Lohr, Westen, & Hill, 1990). Finally, Boon and
Draijer (1991) reported a high prevalence of child abuse among patients who met
criteria for dissociative and personality disorders using the Structured Clinical
Interview for DSM-ill-R Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D).
The studies described above converge to suggest a relationship among child-
hood abuse, psychopathology (including PTSD, dissociative disorders, and person-
214 ality disorders), and tendency to employ dissociative strategies. However, this
Edna B. Foa and tendency is associated with general psychopathology and is not specific to PTSD.
Diana Hearst-Ikeda
Adult Victims of Assault
Symptoms of anxiety and dissociation have also been observed in adult victims
of assault (Burgess & Holmstrom, 1976). Moderate dissociation (measured by the
DES) in female victims of sexual and nonsexual assault was observed immediately
after the assault, which declined over time, reaching a normal range 3 months later
(Dancu, Riggs, Hearst-Ikeda, Shoyer, & Foa, in press). As with victims of childhood
abuse, dissociation was related to posttrauma psychopathology (e.g., RIES, Beck
Depression Inventory, State Trait Anxiety Inventory) in both rape and nonsexual
assault victims. Dissociation was also related to PTSD diagnosis in nonsexual victims
but not in rape victims. Thus, these results support the view that dissociation is
related to general psychopathology rather than PTSD. Riggs, Dancu, Gershuny,
Greenberg, and Foa (1992) also found that victims with a history of childhood
sexual abuse reported more dissociation than victims without such a history. These
findings are consistent with those of Chu and Dill (1990), and together they suggest
that trauma in childhood may predispose victims to dissociate after a subsequent
trauma in adulthood.
In the factor analytical study mentioned earlier that used the DSM-111-R symp-
toms of PTSD in recent female assault victims, Foa et al. (1993a) identified three
factors: arousal-avoidance, numbing, and intrusion. The items that loaded on the
numbing factor were: numbing of feelings, detachment from others, loss of interest,
and a sense of foreshortened future. The numbing symptoms best distinguished
assault victims with PTSD from those without PTSD 3 months after the assault.
These findings concur with those of Solomon and colleagues using the DES with
Israeli war veterans (Solomon eta!., 1989; Solomon & Mikulincer, 1992). Although
the symptoms that comprised the numbing factor differ from those of the DES, both
studies reveal association between dissociation and the experience of trauma.
Natural Disasters
Dissociation and avoidance symptoms have also been reported in victims of
natural disasters and appear to be associated with persistent posttrauma psycho-
pathology. Using an expanded version of the Hopkins Symptom Checklist to in-
clude PTSD items, Madakasira and O'Brien (1987) evaluated the posttrauma reac-
tions of disaster victims after a tornado in North Carolina. Five months after the
trauma, 82% of the victims were bothered by intrusive thoughts, 61% suffered
memory loss of the trauma, 57% experienced feelings of estrangement, and 31%
avoided trauma reminders.
Two studies used the SASRQ to examine dissociation after a natural disaster. In
the first study, two groups of earthquake survivors were compared. One group was
evaluated 1 week after the earthquake and the other 4 months later. As expected,
more symptoms of dissociation and anxiety were reported by the former than the
latter group (Cardena & Spiegel, 1993). In the second study, firestorm survivors
were evaluated on two occasions: within the first month after the fire and 7 to 9
months later. Dissociation and anxiety were highly correlated within the first
month posttrauma and both symptom clusters followed similar recovery courses.
Interestingly, dissociative symptoms were stronger predictors of chronic post-
trauma reactions than symptoms of anxiety (Koopman, Cardefia, Classen, &
Spiegel, Ch. 17, this volume). Similarly, McFarlane (1986) reported that DSM-Ill-R
216 symptoms of avoidance predicted persistent PTSD in survivors of the Ash Wednes-
Edna B. Foa and day brush fires. These findings, like those ofFoa et al. (1995a), point to the cardinal
Diana Hearst-Ikeda role of dissociation in PTSD.
Witnessing Trauma
Using a short version of the SASRQ, Freinkel, Koopman, and Spiegel (1994)
studied anxiety and dissociation symptoms of journalists during and immediately
after witnessing· an execution. Symptoms of emotional numbing, cognitive avoid-
ance, and derealization were more prevalent than anxiety symptoms. The fre-
quency of the dissociation symptoms reported by this sample was as high as that of
survivors of natural disasters (Koopman, Classen, & Spiegel, 1994) but did not
persist as long.
In summary, the studies reviewed above indicate that dissociative experiences
during and immediately after a trauma are frequent and are strongly associated with
persistent posttrauma reactions. Moreover, dissociative symptoms during or shortly
after a trauma may be a stronger predictor of PTSD than anxiety symptoms. It is
unclear, however, whether the tendency to dissociate has a causal relationship to
the development of chronic PTSD. It is possible that both the tendency to dissociate
and the vulnerability to develop chronic PTSD are mediated by other factors such as
childhood experiences. The strong relationship between childhood abuse and
dissociation strongly supports this proposition. Most studies also indicate that
dissociative symptoms are not unique to trauma victims; rather, they seem to reflect
general psychopathology. How can we explain the relationship between traumatic
experiences, dissociation, and psychopathology?
Many authors have noted that emotional experiences are often relived long
after the original emotional events have occurred (e.g., Freud, 1920; Lindemann,
1944; Rachman, 1980; Foa & Kozak, 1991). As is apparent from the studies reviewed
above, this phenomenon is clearly exemplified in individuals who have experi-
enced traumatic events. Usually, the frequency and intensity of this emotional re-
experiencing of the trauma gradually diminishes over time. Thus, shortly after the
attack, a rape victim may experience intense fear when reminded of the assault, and
with time this fear lessens, although perhaps it never completely disappears.
Rachman (1980) discussed the significance of the processes that underlie the
decline of emotional reexperiencing and suggested that when these processes are
impaired, psychopathology surfaces. He further proposed that the persistence of
neurotic symptoms such as intrusive thoughts, nightmares, excessive feats, and
sleep disturbances are signs of unsatisfactory "absorption" of the emotional experi-
ence. The overlap between these signs and the symptom criteria for PTSD is
striking, and it has lead Foa (1993) to propose that the presence of PTSD reflects
impairment in emotional processing of a traumatic experience. If this is true, Foa
(1993) suggested, the identification of factors that differentiate trauma victims with
chronic PTSD from victims without PTSD would shed light on the mechanisms that 217
facilitate or hinder emotional processing. Moreover, successful treatment of PTSD Emotional
can be viewed as assisting in emotional processing, and thus, factors that distin- Dissociation In
guish individuals who improved with treatment from those who failed to show Response to Trauma
improvement may further our knowledge of the pathology underlying PTSD.
To explain the mechanism by which cognitive-behavioral therapy reduced
pathological anxiety (i.e., signs of impaired processing), Foa and Kozak (1986)
extended Lang's (1977, 1979) bioinformation model of pathological fear. Using this
framework, we will provide an information-processing analysis of how dissociation
impairs the normal processing of a traumatic event, thereby contributing to the
development and maintenance of chronic PTSD. We will also provide an explana-
tion of how exposure treatment prevents or negates the deleterious effects of
In this chapter we have adopted the view that dissociation or numbing may
represent a strategy for reducing or avoiding trauma-related emotional distress. We
have proposed that excessive use of dissociation prevents the activation of the
traumatic memory, and that repeated activation is a necessary condition for emo-
tional processing to occur. It follows that dissociation is one factor underlying the
persistence of posttrauma disturbances, and thus, it is implicated in the develop-
ment of chronic PTSD and related psychopathology.
The conceptualization of dissociation that we have offered here carries impli-
cations for the treatment of trauma-related psychopathology. If recovery from a
trauma requires emotional engagement with the traumatic memory, then treatment
of chronic PTSD should involve the promotion of such engagement. Indeed, suc-
cessful treatments for PTSD consist of the reliving of the trauma in imagination
(Boudewyns & Wilson, 1972; Boudewyns, 1975; Foa, Rothbaum, Riggs, & Murdock,
1991; Keane, Fairbank, Caddell, & Zimering, 1989; Keane & Kaloupek, 1985).
The use of exposure therapy to promote emotional processing assumes that
the tendency to dissociate will be conquered by therapeutic instructions to engage
in the emotional reliving of the trauma. The results of treatment studies that
employed exposure support this presumption.
For the most part, successful reduction of trauma-related distress via treatment
should eliminate the function of dissociation, and thus reduce dissociative re-
sponses. However, clinical observations reveal that some traumatized individuals
continue to dissociate during the reliving of the trauma, rendering exposure ther-
apy ineffective. For such individuals, therapeutic techniques directly aimed at
reducing dissociation must be implemented. Such interventions are reported in the
literature (for a summary of treatment for multiple personality disorder, see Put- 221
nam, 1989), but studies of their efficacy are awaiting controlled investigation. Emotional
Dissociation in
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Janet suggested that dissociation lies at the basis of almost all psychopathology. This
idea has been supported in previous chapters with the many comments describing
the manner in which dissociative experiences co-occur with a variety of affect
psychopathologies. However, if dissociation is related to everything, then it be-
comes problematic to differentiate dissociative processes from other forms of
psychopathology. This section approaches this important question and begins to
ask how to assess dissociative processes. In Chapter 11, Cardefi.a and Spiegel begin
to address the broad questions related to diagnostic issues including comorbidity of
dissociative disorders. In Chapter 12, the focus becomes more specific in terms of
DSM-IV criteria and the development of the SCID-D by Steinberg. Finally, Chapter
13, by Zahn, Moraga, and Ray, focuses on concomitant psychophysiological pro-
cesses and hints at some physiological mechanisms involved in dissociative dis-
Historically, some authors have identified dissociative disorders with hysteria.
By doing so, they have included conversion reactions as well as somatizations along
with severe shifts in identity, memory, and consciousness within the rubric of
dissociation. To aid in our clarification of the boundaries of the term dissociation,
Cardeiia and Spiegel consider the speculations and formulations that informed
DSM-IV by examining the five DSM-IV dissociative disorders: dissociative amnesia,
dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder, depersonalization disorders, and
dissociative disorders not otherwise specified. The chapter also raises the question
of whether acute stress disorder, which is seen as an anxiety disorder in DSM-IY,
should be considered to be a dissociative disorder. This, of course, raises a larger
question as to the relationship of dissociation to other types of affective disorders
such as anxiety and depression. In Chapter 12, Steinberg describes a variety of
measures for diagnosing dissociative experiences and disorders. She also describes
the development of the SCID-D with its structured and semistructured formats and
its ability to assess the presence and severity of dissociative symptoms. In the final
chapter of this section, Zahn, Moraga, and Ray examine psychophysiological indi-
cants of dissociative processing. One intriguing finding within the folklore of
dissociative identity disorder is the possibility that each identity can be organized
differently in terms of physiology. This would mean that one identity, for example,
could be allergic to one substance and another not show any signs of allergy. The 225
226 initial part of this chapter examines the question as to whether different identities
Assessment show differential physiological patterns, especially in terms of autonomic nervous
system measures, and begins with the earliest psychophysiological study of DID,
which was published by Morton Prince in 1908. The second part of the chapter
focuses on central nervous system measures of dissociative processes. Since tempo-
ral lobe epilepsy patients may display dissociative symptoms, an important question
asks if epilepsy lies at the heart of dissociative disorders. This chapter suggests that
although epilepsy may produce dissociative symptoms, it is not logical to conclude
that dissociation implies epilepsy.
Diagnostic Issues, Criteria,
and Comorbidity of
Dissociative Disorders
Etzel Cardeiia and David Spiegel
The fear of being nothing but an empty body that
anybody-I or anyone else-could occupy, and the
wretchedness of watching yourself, alive, and the doubt
that it is-it is not-real.
XAVIER VIU.AURRUTIA, Nocturno Mledo (translated by
Eliot Weinberger)
While the interest in and concern with the dissociative disorders have grown
exponentially in the last decade, with annual conventions, a journal exclusively
devoted to dissociation, monographs, and so forth, this state of affairs represents
more a rediscovery of concepts and phenomena than a brand new area of inquiry
(cf. Spiegel & Cardefia, 1991; van der Kolk & van der Hart, 1989). Hysteria, a concept
closely connected with the dissociative disorders, can be traced back at least to
Pharaonic Egypt (cf. Kihlstrom, 1994). Closer to our times, just about every one of
the forebears of modern psychopathology studied disorders involving a "disruption
in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, identity, or percep-
tion of the environment" (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, p. 477). For
Etzel Cardeiia • Department of Psychiatry, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences,
Bethesda, Maryland 20814. David Spiegel • Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences,
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 227
228 example, Breuer and Freud, Pierre Janet, WtlliamJames, and Morton Prince, among
E1Zel Cardeila and a longer list of distinguished psychologists at the turn of the century, all described
David Spiegel fascinating cases of pronounced shifts in identity, memory, somatic reactivity, and
Still more recently, the drive to create a reliable psychiatric nosology gave rise
to the first edition of a project that is now in its fourth decade and edition, namely
the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental Disorders (DSM) of the American
Psychiatric Association. The first edition of the DSM (American Psychiatric Associa-
tion, 1952), under the subheading of psychoneurotic disorders, included "dissocia-
tive reaction" and "conversion reaction." The second edition of the DSM (DSM-ll,
American Psychiatric Association, 1968)) was a more elaborate taxonomy that, for
the purposes of this chapter, classified what are currently regarded as dissociative
disorders in the categories of "depersonalization neurosis" and "hysterical neu-
rosis;" the latter either of a "conversion type" or a "dissociative type" (the latter
including amnesia, fugue, and multiple personality). A shift toward a more descrip-
tive and less theoretically laden taxonomy (e.g., note the deletion of the term
"neurosis") is evident in the third edition of the DSM (DSM-Ill, American Psychiatric
Association, 1980), which included a specific category for the dissociative disorders
(i.e., psychogenic amnesia, psychogenic fugue, depersonalization disorder, mul-
tiple personality disorder, and atypical dissociative disorder) as a major diagnosis. A
new term, "somatoform disorders," was devised for what used to be called "conver-
sion type neurosis." Although there were some important changes in the criteria for
the various diagnoses, the revised 3rd edition of the DSM (DSM-Ill-R, American
Psychiatnc Association, 1987) maintained the same general categories for the disso-
ciative disorders. (For a more thorough review of the conceptual transformation of
the concept of "dissociative disorders," consult Kihlstrom, 1994).
A great wealth of information and theory has accumulated since the DSM-Ill-R,
particularly with respect to the most severe form of the dissociative disorders,
"dissociative identity disorder [or DID, previously known as multiple personality
disorder (MPD)]. Nonetheless, some basic conceptual issues are controversial and
far from solved, among them the uncertainty of whether dissociation is a descrip-
tive or a theoretical term and what its boundaries are (cf. Cardeiia, 1994). Another
important issue is whether what are now called the somatization disorders (previ-
ously known as conversion) should be included under the rubric of the dissociative
disorders. There are at least four arguments that can be adduced for subsuming
somatization under the dissociative disorder: (1) historically, what used to be called
hysteria typically included somatization phenomena such as hysterical paralysis and
blindness, along with other dissociative phenomena; (2) even within the province
of the current ·Categorization of the dissociative disorder, somatization symptoms
are frequently found among individuals with dissociative disorders (see comorbid-
ity section); (3) most, if not all, of the somatization disorders can be conceptualized
as a dissociation between the patient's anatomical or functional status and his/her
conscious awareness of that status; and ( 4) The International Classification of
Diseases, lOth edition (ICD-10) includes a dissociative (conversion) disorder; a 229
parallel development in the DSM would thus increase the compatibility between Diagnostic Issues of
the two systems (cf. Garcia, 1990). While this is not the place to fully develop this Dissociative
argument, the interested reader can consult Nemiah (1991) and Kihlstrom (1994) Disorders
for cogent discussions of this issue.
The bulk of this chapter provides the data and rationale for the changes made
to the dissociative disorders in the DSM-IY. The appendix shows a comparison
between the diagnostic criteria of the DSM-IV and those of its predecessor, the
DSM-III-R along with the proposed criteria for a diagnosis that, by virtue of being
placed in the appendix of the DSM-IV is under consideration for the 5th edition of
the DSM, namely dissociative trance disorder. The criteria and rationale for a
diagnosis that was not accepted, secondary dissociative disorder due to a non-
psychiatric medical condition, will also be briefly reviewed.
The appendix also contains the criteria for a new diagnosis, acute stress
disorder, that includes dissociative symptoms. This diagnosis, while added to the
DSM-IV under the anxiety stress disorders, was initially proposed by the Working
Group on Dissociative Disorders of the Task Force on DSM-IV under the term "brief
reactive dissociative disorder" (Spiegel & Cardeiia, 1991).
Dissociative Amnesia
Amnesia can be considered to be a disorder in its own right, and a building
block for other disorders such as fugue and DID. Indeed, personal identity requires
the sense of temporal continuity that personal, or episodic memory, provides. In
contrast with many forms of organic amnesia in which typically there is anterograde
loss (i.e., impairment with learning new material), dissociative amnesia is typically
retrograde (i.e., loss of memory for events preceding the episode) and is organized
according to affective rather than temporal dimensions (e.g., Schacter, Wang,
Thlving, & Freedman, 1982). A patient with dissociative amnesia may not be able to
remember a specific episode or personal information dealing with a stressful event
(e.g., forgetting a marriage and a family in the midst of a divorce) while preserving
"islets" of other information. In a recent study of dissociative amnesia, Coons and
Milstein (1992) found that out of 25 patients (23 women), 76% had amnesia for
selective information, 8% had a more generalized amnesia, while the remaining
16% had both types of amnesia; most patients had chronic cases of amnesia not of
sudden onset.
Dissociative amnesia is typically associated with stressful situations such as
early abuse, war or financial disaster, depression, and suicide attempts (Kopelman,
1987; Loewenstein, 1991). Coons and Milstein (1992) found the following precipi-
tants for amnesic episodes: child abuse (60%), severe marital troubles (24%), dis-
avowed sexual or illegal behavior (16%), and suicide attempts (16%).
Differential diagnoses for amnesia include malingering (particularly for pa-
tients with legal problems) and various organic disorders. Among the latter are
transient global amnesia, which is a transient, single amnestic episode involving
confusion and probably caused by transient vascular insufficiency (Rollinson,
1978), drug toxicity, Korsakoff's psychosis, head injury, epilepsy, dementia, amne-
sic stroke, posttraumatic amnesia, postoperative amnesia, postinfectious amnesia,
230 alcoholic "blackout," and anoxic amnesia (Benson, 1978; Keller & Shaywitz, 1986;
Etzel Cardefta and Kopelman, 1987). Generally, dissociative amnesia seems to differ from organic
David Spiegel amnesia in the lack of temporal arrangement, the fast resolution, the prepon-
derance of personal memory loss, a stressful precipitant, and a discernible motiva-
tion. Specific cases, however, might differ from this profile.
The changes in the diagnostic criteria for DSM-IV are:
1. The name of the condition itself became dissociative amnesia, instead of
psychogenic amnesia, to achieve compatibility with the nomenclature of the Inter-
national Classification of Diseases and to further link other dissociative disorders
that have amnesia as a constituent component (dissociative fugue, dissociative
identity disorder).
2. Criterion A was modified in the following ways: The term "sudden" to
qualify the onset of the condition was removed because it is unduly restrictive. The
course of dissociative amnesia may be gradual and insidious rather than abrupt;
amnesia may present as a discrete episode or as a chronic series of episodes of
varying intensity and duration. Based on the literature reviewed above, phrasing
was added in the DSM-IV to indicate that trauma and stress are the typical precipi-
tants of amnesia, and that dissociative amnesia should be distinguished from the
common amnesia for early years.
3. The list for differential diagnoses is more specific than that for the DSM-ffi-R.
Dissociative Fugue
Fugue states have been documented at least since the late 1800s. The most
famous case may be that of the Reverend Ansel Bourne, who reported leaving his
home and adopting a new identity after he had become amnestic for his previous
life (James, 1890/1923). Since World War 11, when fugue states were frequently
observed, there have been very few systematic studies of pure dissociative fugue
other than DID-involving episodes of fugue. This may be because of the lack of the
widespread stressful effect of war in the United States, but also because of a
"nonclassic" presentation of fugue in which patients may not present with amnesia
and dissociative symptoms unless queried about it. This group includes individuals
who are unlikely to come under the care of clinicians, including adolescent runa-
ways from abusive homes, homeless individuals, and so forth (cf. Loewenstein,
A recent review of the literature concluded that the definition of dissociative
fugue as a condition in which there is an adoption of a new identity is unduly
restrictive. Cases of fugue may involve only the loss of a personal identity or other
alterations in consciousness of personal identity without the assumption of a new
identity (Riether & Stoudemire, 1988). A case study by Keller and Shaywitz (1986) of
a 16-year-old male found entangled in a shrubbery along a state highway, who had
amnesia for personal identity, is a good example of fugue without the adoption of a
new identity. As with amnesia, fugue is typically associated with traumatic or very
stressful circumstances.
Differential diagnosis for fugue includes complex partial seizure episodes
involving postictal episodes of aimless wandering, followed by retrograde amnesia
and disorientation, or "poriomania" (Gross, 1979; Mayeux, Alexander, Benson, 231
Brandt, & Rosen, 1979). The clinician should also take into consideration other Diagnostic Issues of
organic conditions that could give rise to "fuguelike" states, including organic, Dissociative
nonepileptic factors (e.g., migraine, brain tumors), schizophrenia, alcohol- and Disorders
drug-related fugues, and so on (Akhtar & Brenner, 1979).
Changes in criteria for the DSM-N include:
1. The change of name from "psychogenic" to "dissociative" fugue, for the
reasons explained above.
2. A change in criterion B from the requirement of the assumption of a new
identity to the more general "confusion about personal identity or assump-
tion of a new identity."
3. A more specific list of exclusion diagnoses.
Depersonalization Disorder
Depersonalization disorder has been mentioned in the literature for more than
a century, although there has been little systematic research on it. It is defined as an
alteration in the perception or experience of the self in which the usual sense of
one's own reality is temporarily lost or altered. The self may be experienced as
being unreal, "dead," not having any emotions, or the person may observe him- or
herself from an external perspective. Our review (Kubin, Pakianathan, Cardeiia &
Spiegel, 1989) of the symptomatology of depersonalization in 17 case reports on 41
patients indicated that the four most common features were: (1) an altered sense of
self (e.g., "no sense of self," "my body doesn't belong to me"); (2) a precipitating
event (e.g., an accident, marijuana use); (3) a sense of unreality or a dreamlike state
(e.g., "nothing seems real," "I'm not real"); and (4) sensory clterations (e.g., "colors
are less vibrant," "voices sound strange").
A distinction must be made between depersonalization symptoms and deper-
sonalization syndrome. The former are very prevalent among psychiatric condi-
tions, but also are not uncommon as transient and not necessarily distressing
234 symptoms among young adults, or in the context of traumatic events and risk of
Etzel Cardeiia and death, or even during some forms of meditation and hypnosis. In contrast, deper-
David Spiegel sonalization syndrome is chronic, severe, distressing, and impairing and not associ-
ated with diminished reality testing. Steinberg (1991) has also made a distinction
between depersonalization as a predominant disturbance (but which may co-occur
with other dissociative symptoms or other disorders such as depression, panic, or
anxiety) or as a transient or secondary event.
The differential diagnosis of depersonalization should include other dissocia-
tive disorders, anxiety disorders (frequently co-occurring with depersonalization),
depression, obsessions and hypochondriacal symptoms, schizophrenia, borderline
personality disorder, substance abuse disorders, seizure disorders, organic illness,
and medication side effects (Steinberg, 1991).
Changes in the criteria of depersonalization for the DSM-IV consisted of minor
wording changes:
1. Criterion A was rephrased for greater clarity.
2. On criterion C, phrasing was added to indicate that the diagnosis would
require distress or impairment in social or occupational functioning, to
further distinguish transient and benign depersonalization from deperson-
alization syndrome.
3. The differential diagnosis criterion was further clarified.
As a separate major category, the dissociative disorders can be traced back only
to the third edition of the DSM (American Psychiatric Association, 1980); reliable
and valid diagnostic instruments are even younger still. This may help explain why
few studies have evaluated the comorbidity of the dissociative disorders, partic-
ularly in conditions other than DID. Dissociative disorders are typically poly-
symptomatic, and major surveys of DID (e.g., Putnam et al., 1986; Ross et al., 1990)
have found that these patients usually receive a number of psychiatric and/or
neurological diagnoses before being classified as DID. Previous diagnoses fre-
quently included affective disorder, personality disorder, anxiety disorder, schizo- 237
phrenia, substance abuse, and others. We will concentrate on the conditions most Diagnostic Issues of
commonly associated with the dissociative disorders in general, namely depression, Dissociative
anxiety, somatization, and first-rank symptoms, with the assumption that superordi- Disorders
nate diagnoses such as DID include other dissociative symptoms (amnesia and not
uncommonly fugue, depersonalization, "going into trances," etc.). In the DID sec-
tion, we have already alluded to the conceptual and empirical overlap between
borderline personality disorder and DID, so we will not revisit the topic.
Even though they are indexed as different categories, it is clear that some
anxiety disorders, particularly PTSD, include both anxiety and dissociative symp-
tomatology (cf. Hyer, Albrecht, Poudewyns, Woods, & Brandsma, 1993; Spiegel &
Cardeiia, 1990). We have briefly alluded to this conceptual and empirical relation-
ship when discussing the new diagnosis, acute stress disorder, whose criteria
include dissociative and anxiety reactions to traumatic events. A recent study with a
nonclinical population exposed to the 1989 San Francisco earthquake found that
somewhere between 36 and 57% of the sample shortly after the event experienced
some types of anxiety, whereas about 40% experienced some forms of derealization
or depersonalization (Cardefta & Spiegel, 1993). Another study with survivors of the
Oakland/Berkeley firestorm of 1991 shows that dissociative symptoms related to the
disaster were significantly correlated with measures related to PTSD symptomatol-
ogy, namely the Civilian Mississippi Scale and the Impact of Event Scale (r = .59
and .53, respectively) and significantly predicted PTSD at a 7-month follow-up
(Koopman, Classen, & Spiegel, 1994).
With respect to DID, Bliss (1980) found that 100"...6 of his sample had reported
anxiety symptoms, including acute anxiety attacks and palpitations. Forty-four
percent of the 236 DID patients in the study by Ross et al. (1989c) had a previous
diagnosis of anxiety disorder, whereas 81% of Boon and Draijer's (1991) sample
presented with PTSD symptomatology and 30% with anxiety disorder. Panic attacks
were present in about 55% of Putnam and colleagues' (1986) sample. These consis-
tent results show that anxiety is prevalent among the dissociative disorders, al-
though unfortunately few studies have provided specific data for the various forms
of anxiety symptomatology. Despite the current separation of the anxiety and
dissociative disorders, the fact is that traumatic and severely stressful events typ- 239
ically produce both short- and long-term anxiety and dissociative symptoms. The Diagnostic Issues of
phenomenology of the symptoms and the relationship between anxiety and disso- Dissociative
ciation require a more thorough investigation than has been the case so far. This Disorders
relationship is probably not a simple casual one. For instance, dissociation in the
sense of detaching from an event could be a way to reduce the distress produced
by a dangerous situation, as in the so-called near-death experiences. Alternately,
dissociation in the sense of the emergence of isolated distressing memory units
could be the trigger for distress and anxiety (cf. Cardefia, 1994).
The relatively recent separation of conversion from the dissociative disorders
represents more a classification fashion than an absolute distinction between the
disorders. Both have similar underlying dissociative mechanisms and they fre-
quently co-occur. Patients with dissociative disorders frequently complain of head-
aches, unexplained pain, various forms of paresthesias and analgesias, sexual dys-
functions, and so forth (cf. Ross, Heber, Norton, & Anderson, 1989b). In fact, the
association between somatization disorder, dissociative symptoms, and history of
abuse which Janet, among others, had postulated, has been confirmed recently in a
study with 79 female psychiatric patients (Priber, Yutzi, Dean, & Wetzel, 1993).
The authors reviewed below do not always make a distinction between conver-
sion and somatization, making further clarification of this overlapping symp-
tomatology difficult. In a well-controlled study by Saxe and collaborators (1994),
64% of dissociative disorder patients also met criteria for somatization disorder as
compared with none from a matched group of psychiatric patients with few
reported dissociative symptoms.
Ross et al. (1990) found that 92% of their 102 DID patients had reported five or
more somatic symptoms. In a smaller sample of 20 DID patients compared with the
same number of eating disorder, panic disorder, and schizophrenia patients, Ross
et al. (1989b) found that the DID patients reported more somatic symptoms (some-
times significantly so) than the other patients. Somatization in DID ranged between
73 and 36% across other studies (Coons et al., 1988, 1991; Martinez-Taboas, 1991;
Putnam et al., 1986). Rates of diagnoses for somatization disorder, rather than
symptomatology, were 16, 21, and 61% in the studies of Boon and Draijer (1991),
Coons et al. (1991), and Ross et al. (1990), respectively. Coons et al. (1988) also
reported a 40% incidence of conversion in their sample. Headache is the most
common somatic symptom among DID, ranging from 55 to 100% across various
studies (Bliss, 1980; Coons et al., 1988, 1991; by Martinez-Taboas, 1991; Putnam et al,
1986; Ross et al., 1989c).
In the case of dissociative amnesia, conversion disorder was a secondary
diagnosis among 24% of patients (Coons & Milstein, 1992). Among DDNOS pa-
tients, Ross et al. (1992) reported 25% of somatization disorder, whereas Coons
(1992) found 26% of somatization, 14% of conversion symptoms, and 32% incidence
of headaches.
Sexual dysfunction is also common among dissociative patients, ranging from
50 to 84% across various samples (Coons et al., 1988; Martinez-Taboas, 1991; Putnam
240 et al., 1986; Ross et al., 1989). Coons et al. (1991) reported a secondary diagnosis of
Et:zel Cardeiia and sexual dysfunction in 50% and of symptomatology in 73% of their patients. For
David Spiegel DDNOS patients, Coons (1992) reported 48% of sexual dysfunction.
Bliss (1984) has suggested that the preponderance of somatic symptoms found
among dissociative patients may be the result of an abuse of self-hypnotic tech-
niques, since hypnotic techniques can produce a number of physiological changes
among highly hypnotizable individuals (Spiegel & Vermutten, 1994). In this context
it is of interest that DID patients, who as a group, are very hypnotizable, almost
universally complain of headaches and that the outcome of a few hypnosis induc-
tions is a headache (e.g., Hilgard, 1974). Indeed, the intensity of migraine symptoms
is positively correlated with measured hypnotizability (Andreychuk & Skriver,
1975). Clearly there is a strong link between dissociation and somatization that
requires far more attention than it has received so far.
First-Rank Symptoms
Even though Schneiderian first-rank symptoms are sometimes assumed to be
pathognomic of schizophrenia, that is clearly not the case since they are also found
in a number of other conditions (Kluft, 1987). The phenomenology of DID, involv-
ing the influence and presence of different identities, is similar to some first-rank
symptoms, and, of course, dissociative symptoms may underlie some acute psy-
chosis (Spiegel & Fink, 1979; Steingard & Frankel, 1985). However, unlike schizo-
phrenics, individuals with dissociative disorders are typically found to have an
adequate sense of reality outside of specific events such as a fugue, they typically
lack the "negative" symptoms of chronic schizophrenics, and do not respond to
neuroleptics but do respond to psychotherapy employing hypnosis (Hollender &
Hirsch, 1964; Mallet & Gold, 1964; Spiegel & Fink, 1979).
In the first systematic study of this topic, Kluft (1987) found that all 30 DID
patients presented at least one first-rank symptom (mean of 3.6 symptoms, but
excluding audible thoughts, thought diffusion or broadcasting, and delusional
perception), Boon and Draijer (1991) observed in their study that "most of the
subjects" had these symptoms, and Ross et al. (1990) reported that 90% of their
sample presented with Schneiderian symptoms. Some specific examples of first-
rank symptoms include the experience of "someone trying to influence the pa-
tient;' present in 73% of Bliss's sample (1980), and reports of "voices" ranging
from 30 to 72% across various studies (Coons et al., 1988; Martinez-Taboas, 1991;
Putnam et al., 1986; Ross et al., 1989c).
The lack of Jhis information for dissociative disorders other than DID may be
the result of a lack of inquiry into this area, or of the absence of these symptoms
among patients who have a more integrated identity than do DID patients. Nonethe-
less, more research is needed on failures of reality testing in the various dissociative
syndromes and on, conversely, the presence of dissociative symptomatology in
psychotic populations.
The various changes in criteria for previous dissociative disorders and the
proposal for new diagnostic entities represent a developing view of dissociative
psychopathology. The rather recent history of these disorders as an independent
category and the various changes and reconceptualizations made so far show an
242 evolving and far from complete perspective on dissociation. Many basic questions
Etzel Cardeiia and remain, among them: What differentiates normal from dysfunctional dissociation?
David Spiegel Why do some traumatized individuals develop dissociative pathology while others
develop different or no pathology? Why do some pathologies co-occur with the
dissociative disorders while others are rarely encountered?
Some major tasks to be accomplished in the following years include develop-
ing a more precise phenomenology and neurophysiology of these disorders, elu-
cidating the cultural variants of normal and pathological dissociation, and establish-
ing a clear theoretical and empirical basis to study the relationship between
dissociative phenomena and other related disorders such as depression, anxiety,
conversion, substance abuse, and eating disorders.
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The Psychological Assessment
of Dissociation
Marlene Steinberg
The five dissociative disorders included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
ofMental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV) [dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue,
depersonalization disorder, dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality dis-
order), and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS)] are charac-
terized by disturbances in the integrative functions of memory, consciousness, and/
or identity (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). In recent years, mental health
professionals and researchers have found that dissociative disorders occur fre-
quently in psychiatric patients, and comprise as much as 10% of inpatient psychi-
atric populations (Bliss & Jeppsen, 1985). Moderate-to-severe dissociative symp-
toms are also common in patients with other psychiatric disorders, particularly the
anxiety disorders (including posttraumatic stress disorder), mood disorders, eating
disorders, and borderline personality disorder (Coons, 1984; Fink, 1991; Horevitz &
Braun, 1984; Kluft, 1987c; Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban, & Post, 1986;
Schultz, Braun, & Kluft, 1989; Torem, 1986; Steinberg, 1995).
Despite growing recognition of the prevalence of dissociative symptoms, they
are often overlooked because of their intrinsic complexity and multiform presenta-
tion. Severe dissociation is recognized as being a posttraumatic defense mechanism
(Chu & Dill, 1990; Coons, Cole, Pellow, & Milstein, 1990; Kluft, 1987a; Wtlbur,
1984); a patient may be unaware of his or her dissociative symptoms as well as of the
Marlene Steinberg • Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven,
Connecticut 06510.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretlcal, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 251
252 memories of the traumatic event(s) (Coons, 1984; Edwards & Angus, 1972; Kluft,
Marlene Steinberg 1984a, 1991; Steinberg, 1991, 1995). In addition, the occurrence of hallucinations
and affective lability in patients with undetected dissociative disorders has led to
misdiagnoses of schizophrenia, affective disorder, and borderline personality disor-
der (Bliss, 1986; Clary, Burstin, & Carpenter, 1984; Coons, 1984; Horevitz & Braun,
1984; Kluft, 1984a, 1987c; Marcum, Wright, & Bissell, 1985; Putnam et al., 1984;
Putnam et al., 1986; Rosenbaum, 1980). Patients with undetected dissociative symp-
toms often remain misdiagnosed and improperly treated (Coons, Bowman, &
Milstein, 1988; Kluft, 1984b, 1991). Conversely, such patients who are properly
diagnosed usually respond well to appropriate treatment (Coons, 1986; Kluft,
1984b, 1991). In fact, the dissociative disorders are one of the few categories
of psychiatric illness for which a record of success with appropriate therapy is
developing (Spiegel, 1993). The recent development of reliable diagnostic instru-
ments, such as the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders
(SCID-D) (Steinberg, 1993b), allows for effective early identification and proper
treatment of patients with dissociative disorders.
This chapter offers an overview of testing methods available for the assessment
and diagnosis of dissociative symptoms and disorders. It will summarize the results
of both screening and diagnostic measures of dissociation and discuss the charac-
teristic profiles of patients with dissociative disorders on standard psychological
measurements such as the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI).
The use of standard measurement techniques allows for reliable diagnoses of
dissociative symptoms and disorders. Moreover, specialized interviews such as the
SCID-D (Steinberg, 1993b) can facilitate the training of clinicians in the accurate
assessment of dissociative symptomatology.
Mild (2)
Dlpe...olllllzatlan dl.....
------~~~~~--------------- D~
Figure 1 SCID-D symptom profiles of the dissociative disorders. Interviewer's Guide to the Struetured
Cltntcal Interview for DSM-IV Dtssoctattve Disorders. Reprinted with permission from M. Steinberg
(SCII)-D, Revised). Copyright 1994 American Psychiatric Press.
Marlene Steinberg
Moreover, semistructured interviews such as the SCID and SCID-D allow the
clinician to skip questions that are not pertinent to the subject. This pattern of
questioning resembles a seasoned clinician's diagnostic decision tree and focuses
the interview on diagnostically discrinlinating issues (Spit2er, 1983).
In addition, the open-ended responses elicited by a semistructured format
contribute to the interviewer's access to nonverbal, behavioral cues that would not
be available in a self-administered or highly structured format. Kluft (1987b) notes
the importance of intrainterview amnesia, as well as fluctuations in voice, speech,
and movement characteristics, which can be essential clues to the presence of a
dissociative disorder. He adds that extended interviews (lasting over 4 hours) may
elicit observable symptoms in a patient with a dissociative disturbance; however,
the clinician must be informed and attuned to the possibility of their manifestation.
The SCID-D interview booklet includes a section for the clinician's notation and
description of intrainterview cues.
Structured Features. The incorporation of structure in a clinical interview
offers several advantages. The primary advantage is the exclusion of uncontrolled
variables. Systematic interviews reduce variability in the symptom areas assessed,
interpretations made from test results, and the types of questions asked of each
patient (Spitzer, 1983). This uniformity allows for the comparison of clinical data
from different sources, particularly in research settings (Saghir, 1971). The unreli-
ability, skepticism, and omissions of dissociative disorder diagnoses were major
factors motivating the development of the SCID-D.
For example, structured rating scales developed for the SCID-D allow the
interviewer to quantify the severity of individual dissociative symptoms, rather than
merely record their presence or absence. The SCID-D operationalized definitions of 261
severity according to multiple factors, which include: frequency, duration, and Psychological
onset of symptoms; degree of distress; and dysfunction. These detailed and stan- Assessment of
dardized criteria allow researchers to compare SCID-D results reliably across differ- Dissodatlon
ent patient populations.
Finally, because dissociative symptoms are posttraumatic, they are often diffi-
cult to detect. In order to obtain indications of these more elusive symptoms,
clinicians must routinely ask questions that can directly or indirectly retrieve
information essential to a correct diagnosis. The SCID-D was designed to assess
signs of dissociation whose significance may not be apparent to the subjects
themselves. For example, blank spells or time loss are indications of amnesia, and
being told by others that the subject acted in an uncharacteristic way is a sign of
identity alteration. As Kluft writes, "The Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-
III-R Dissociative Disorders (Steinberg et al., 1990) is extremely comprehensive and
sensitive and has shown the capacity to pick up previously unsuspected cases of
dissociative disorders" (Kluft, 1991, p. 173). Thus, use of the SCID-D should become
an integral part of the diagnostic evolution process.
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Assessment of
Dissociative Disorders
Theodore P. Zahn, Richard Moraga, and William J. Ray
DID Studies
Electroencephalography (EEG) and evoked potentials (ERP) have been the
most widely used CNS measures in the study of dissociation. To date, much of this
research has consisted of single-case studies with only a few controlled group
studies. Among the first studies to examine EEG differences in different identity
states were reports of differences between identities (Thigpen & Cleckley, 1954;
Ludwig et al., 1972; Larmore et al., 1977). Larmore et al. (1977) describe a DID
patient who presented with suicidal ideation, memory gaps, medical problems, and
conversion symptoms. The neurological examination and the EEG were normal. In
terms of history, there was possible sexual abuse. Vtsual evoked response recorded
from the vertex (C, to A,_) revealed significantly larger differences in latency and
amplitude of three components (PI' Nl' and P2) across identities. The average
evoked response types were so distinct for each identity that the authors likened
them to having been elicited from four different individuals. The possibility of
faking the alternate identities was deemed unlikely based on clinical interviews and
psychological testing.
However, Coons, Milstein, and Marley (1982) investigated EEG differences
among the alters of two DID patients and a control with less clear-cut findings. The
control was a subject's therapist who simulated the client's alters. Significant right
central-temporal (C4-T4) amplitude differences were found among the identities
of one subject in delta, theta, and beta frequencies. Significant right temporal (T4-
T6) differences were found in the second patient in theta and beta bands. The
control, however, exhibited the greatest differences, predominantly in the right
hemisphere. Although the assessment procedure differed for the subjects, the
authors concluded that subject and control EEG differences merely reflected emo-
tional changes not related to dissociation.
Despite these contradictory findings, recent researchers report that there are
indeed significant EEG differences among alter identities. Ongoing work reported
by Putnam (1991b) obtained significant spontaneous and evoked EEG differences
among identities of DID subjects not duplicated by the controls. Braun (1983)
hypothesizes that conflicting findings may be accounted for by some "common 281
denominator" responsible for the suppression or expression of the physiological Psychophysiological
response. He suggests that emotionally cued autohypnotic or state-dependent learn- Assessment
ing mechanisms may determine the physiological expression of dissociative states.
Of course there exists a number of possible factors that may influence EEG
studies. For example, in the study by Coons et al. (1982) the greatest differential
EEG responding among alters was by a patient familiar with the clinical laboratory
from prior studies. likewise, differential responding may also be due to relationship
variables between the patients and therapists who elicited the alters. Another
possibility is the type of EEG measure used, since it has been observed that visual
evoked potentials appear to best elicit differences (Putnam, 1991). Lowenstein
(1993) also reports that visual evoked potentials "show more significant differences
between bona fide DID alters than between simulator controls switching between
sham alters" (pp. 598-599). Given the current state of EEG research with dissocia-
tive disorders, it is not surprising that this work has been critically described as both
"varied and conflicting" (Putnam, 1991a, p. 155) and with "little systematic effort to
study the neurophysiologic basis of dissociation" (Spiegel, 1991, p. 442). Further,
few of the researchers explain what type of EEG differences should be found. For
example, it is unclear if one would expect to find continuous EEG differences
during baseline conditions, whereas differences might be possible in response to
specific stimuli, e.g., emotional situations, by the different identities of a DID
In conclusion, this review of the DID literature and related literature in the field
of psychophysiology suggests that the phenomena reported in DID patients can, in
principle, be accounted for by what is known about the relationships between
psychophysiological variables and psychopathology and emotion and awareness of
eliciting conditions. However, techniques used for studying this unique disorder
have not generallybeen appropriate and the research has generally not progressed
beyond the laboratory curiosity stage. Some variant of the case study method to
investigate the relationships between different personalities and psychophysiologi-
cal patterns would still seem valuable because of the clinical complexity of individ-
ual cases, but this should involve repeated testing on individual cases in order to
assess the reliability of the differences obtained. Similarly, studies of more than
single cases will be necessary in order to determine if any consistencies exist
between frequently occurring types of alter personalities and psychophysiological
Since there is still skepticism about the "reality" of this disorder, it is partic-
ularly critical to develop valid techniques to test the limits of communication across
identities in relation to their purported degree of awareness of one another. Like-
wise, the issue of what sorts of information are communicated across amnestic
states in DID is an important one, and psychophysiological methods may be very
useful tools in addressing the problem. It may be observed that the conditions for
the use of the emotional word paradigm-namely, that different personalities have
uniquely emotional words-might not be able to be met in every case. However,
this paradigm can be seen as a variant of what is known as the Guilty Knowledge
Test (Lykken, 1981) used in the detection of deception in criminal cases. In this
method, a suspect, while hooked up to a polygraph, is queried about details of the
crime that only the criminal could know (i.e., was the victim wearing a red dress?),
so that larger reactions to questions about these details compared to equally
plausible but untrue alternatives (was the victim wearing slacks?) indicate famil-
iarity and thus guilt. This technique, of course, does not detect lying per se, but
simply reflects the obvious and well-established finding that psychophysiological
reactions to more significant stimuli are larger than those to less significant ones.
This technique might be used to test the psychophysiological "recognition" ofthe
life experiences of one personality by an amnestic alternate personality. Laboratory
tests using this approach have been well developed (see Ben-Shakhar & Furedy,
1990) and could be adapted for use with DID patients. In both of these approaches, 285
and also if transfer of conditioning is the method of choice, it would seem important Psychophysiological
to study the level of complexity of the information whose transmission is to be Assessment
tested for. In this way one might learn something useful about a given patient, about
DID patients in general, and even be informed about unconscious cognition in
normal subjects. Much more work along these lines needs to be done before a
definitive two-way test of the validity of the existence of mutually amnestic identi-
ties on a case-by-<:ase basis can be devised. Similarly, there is much current interest
and development in the general problem of unconscious information processing,
and as this field develops, a deeper understanding of the processes involved in
dissociative disorders will be possible.
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lbis section is the most formal part of the handbook. The first three chapters
describe the specified dissociative disorders of DSM-IY. These include depersonal-
ization and derealization, amnesia, fugue, and dissociative identity disorders.
DSM-III included depersonalization and derealization without depersonalization
as a separate disorder, whereas in DSM-IY, only depersonalization is listed as a
dissociative disorder.
In Chapter 14, Coons point out that although the term was coined in the 1890s,
little is known about the epidemiology of depersonalization. What we do know
suggests that depersonalization is experienced by 80 percent of the general popula-
tion at some time and in some form and is the third most common psychiatric
symptom after depression and anxiety.
In Chapter 15, a discussion of amnesia and fugue is presented by Loewenstein.
1bis chapter updates earlier reviews by Loewenstein, demonstrating the strong
connection between trauma and amnesia. In terms of this discussion, three other
issues are raised: (1) the historical relationship and differentiation between the
construct of repression and that of dissociation; (2) the nature of amnesia described
by each; and (3) the influence the legal system has had on the question of trauma,
amnesia, and one's ability to remember past events. Finally, the question of treat-
ment is considered.
Dissociative identity disorder is the focus of Chapter 16. In this chapter, Kluft
traces the history of the disorder, including the first modem description of it in
1787. Although until recently considered a North American disorder, Kluft reports
its existence throughout the world. As can be seen from this chapter, great debate
has been associated with the disorder even within the DSM-N committee itself. The
question of what exactly is an "identity" is one of the core issues of this chapter.
Phenotl)enologically, DID patients display approximately two to four identities at
the time of diagnosis, although more identities may become apparent within
treatment. An important discussion in this chapter describes the course of the
disorder as well as the models that have been presented to understand DID.
During the past few years there has been a proposal to consider a new DSM 289
290 diagnosis, that of acute stress disorder. Chapter 17, by Koopman and her colleagues,
Diagnostic raises this possibility and begins to forge the links between dissociative disorders
Classifications and stress and trauma situations such as PTSD. Using the 1991 Oakland/Berkeley
fire, these researchers present empirical support to suggest that a combination of
dissociative and anxiety symptoms is able to define a diagnosis of acute stress
The final chapter of the section continues the discussion of posttraumatic
response and describes the final dissociative disorder-dissociative disorder, not
otherwise specified. How to treat dissociation and abuse is a question that has been
discussed throughout the book and will continue in great detail in the next section.
In this chapter, Chu revisits the complex question of how to treat abuse and
describes the early, middle, and later stages of treatment.
Depersonalization and
Philip M. Coons
How did I know that someday-at college, in Europe, some-
where, anywhere-the bell jar, with its stifling distortions,
wouldn't descend again?
Sylvia Plath,
The Bell jar (1971)
The DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994, p. 488) defines the
symptom of depersonalization as "a feeling of detachment or estrangement from
one's self." Depersonalization can take many forms, but only two are listed in the
DSM-IV: "a feeling of detachment from one's self" combined with "a sensation of
being an outside observer of one's body" (i.e., an out-of-body experience) and
"feeling like an automaton or as if he or she is living in a dream" (p. 488). Other 293
examples of depersonalization include emotional numbing, feeling as if one were in Depersonalization
a fog or a trance, not recognizing one's self in the mirror, feeling that behavior or and Derealization
emotions are not under the individual's control, or feeling like body parts are
detached, absent, unreal, foreign, or changed in size (Simeon & Hollander, 1993;
Steinberg, 1993a).
Jacobs and Bovasso (1992) described five subtypes of depersonalization. The
first is inauthenticity, or the loss of genuineness in the experience of the self. The
second, derealization will be described below. The third is self-objectification,
wherein "the world is experienced as rapidly changing and basic distinctions
between the self and objects are blurred" (p. 353). The fourth, or self-negation,
"involves denial that one is performing certain actions or that one is witnessing
certain events occurring in the environment" (pp. 353-354). In the fifth type of
depersonalization, body detachment, there is the perception that the body is
distorted or detached.
The DSM-III-R (American Psychiatric Association, 1987, p. 269) defines dereal-
ization as "an alteration in the perception of one's surroundings so that a sense of
the reality of the external world is lost." Examples of derealization include feeling
that people or surroundings are fading away or disappearing or are unreal or foreign
and the inability to recognize friends, relatives, or familiar surroundings (Steinberg,
Derealization is distinct from depersonalization. It is not a subset of deperson-
alization as some investigators have asserted (American Psychiatric Association,
1984; Jacobs & Bovasso, 1992; Sedman, 1966). An easy way to make the distinction
between depersonalization and derealization is to remember that depersonalization
is a feeling of estrangement from or unreality about the self while derealization is a
feeling of estrangement from or unreality about the environment (i.e., anything
outside the self).
Diagnostic Criteria
The diagnostic criteria of depersonalization disorder from DSM-IV include the
A. Persistent or recurrent experiences of feeling detached from, and as if one is
an outside observer of, one's mental processes or body (i.e., feeling like one
is in a dream).
B. During the depersonalization experience reality testing remains intact.
C. The depersonalization causes clinically significant distress or impairment in
social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
D. The depersonalization experience does not occur exclusively during the
course of another mental disorder, such as Schizophrenia, Panic Disorder,
Acute Stress Disorder, or another Dissociative Disorder, and is not due to the
physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a 295
general medical condition (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy) (American Psychi-
atric Association, 1994, p. 490). and Derealization
Depersonalization disorder has been reported in adolescents (Meares & Grose,
1978; McKellar, 1978; Meyer, 1961; Munich, 1977; Shimizu & Sakamoto, 1986). Only
two cases have been reported in children, one, a 10-year-old boy who felt "as if
I were always dreaming, and I didn't realize whether I was there or not" (Shimizu &
Sakamoto, 1986, p. 605), and the other, an 8-year-old boy, who felt "... a ghost
feeling ... like a machine ... " (Fast & Chethik, 1976, p. 484). Interestingly, a number
of patients with depersonalization disorder retrospectively report the onset of their
symptoms in childhood anywhere from age 5 to 10 years (Fast & Chethik, 1976).
Transient depersonalization has been reported in both children (Elliott, Rosenberg,
& Wagner, 1984) and adolescents (Dixon, 1963). The rarity of depersonalization and
derealization in children may reflect the child's inability to abstract and adequately
describe these phenomena.
In Mayer-Gross's (1936) pioneering study of 26 patients, there were six patients
between the ages of 30-39 years, two under 20, and the rest in their 20s. Their
mean age was 26.6 years. Not all of his patients may have had genuine depersonal-
ization disorder since there were 12 with depression and 6 with schizophrenia. In
Shorvon's (1946) series, the ages of onset ranged from 10 to 38 years with a mean
age of onset of about 24 years. Chee and Wong (1990) found an age range of 25 to 47
years with a mean age of onset of 25 years.
Although depersonalization is an apparently uncommon psychiatric disorder
whose precise incidence in the general population is unknown, the symptom of
depersonalization is the third most common psychiatric symptom after depression
and anxiety (Cattel, 1966). Depersonalization is experienced by 80% of the general
population (Probst & Jansen, 1991), 12-56% of normal college students (Dixon,
1963; Myers & Grant, 1970; Trueman, 1984), and 40-80% of psychiatric inpatients
(Brauer, Harrow, & Tucker, 1970; Noyes et al., 1977). Differences in reporting
statistics on depersonalization probably are caused by the use of different phraseol-
ogy in asking about depersonalization.
The sex ratio of those experiencing depersonalization and depersonalization
disorder is unclear. Of supposedly genuine cases of depersonalization, Mayer-Gross
(1935) reported a 4:1 female:male ratio, and Shorvon (1946) reported a 2:1 ratio. Of
normal college students experiencing the symptom of depersonalization, Roberts
(1960) reported a 3:1 ratio in favor of females, Myers and Grant (1970) reported a
2:1 preponderance of men over women, and Dixon (1963), Sedman (1966), and
Chee and Wong (1990) found no sex differences. Of the available reports of de-
personalization in adolescents, there is an approximately equal sex incidence.
Unfortunately, no large studies of patients with depersonalization disorder have
occurred since the introduction of the DSM-m, so the precise sex ratio of patients
with genuine depersonalization disorder is unknown.
There is no known familial pattern of inheritance for those with depersonal-
ization disorder.
296 Qinical Features
Philip M. Coons
Depersonalization disorder is characterized by persistent or recurrent symp-
toms of depersonalization severe enough to cause marked distress. It may not be
diagnosed in the presence of schizophrenia, panic disorder, multiple personality
disorder, or temporal lobe epilepsy. Symptoms of depersonalization are ego-
dystonic and reality testing remains intact. Although the onset of depersonalization
disorder is described as usually rapid, Shorvon (1946) and Chee and Wong (1990)
found that onset was gradual in 3 and 33% of cases, respectively.
Derealization symptoms are frequently present with depersonalization dis-
order. Depression and obsessionality also frequently accompany depersonalization
disorder (Grinberg, 1966; Lower, 1972; Sedman & Reed, 1963; Torch, 1978). Suicide
attempts are frequent with depersonalization, and occasionally the feelings of
depersonalization may be so distressing that successful suicide results (Chee &
Wong, 1990). Somatization, dizziness, time distortion, and a fear of becoming insane
may also be present (American Psychiatric Association, 1987). The course of deper-
sonalization disorder is chronic. Remissions and exacerbations are common.
Individual case reports reveal that predisposing factors may include military
combat, severe auto accidents, or some other type oftrauma. However, most of the
older case reports do not list trauma as a precipitating factor.
Diagnostic Aids
Two recent diagnostic instruments, the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)
(Bernstein & Putnam, 1986) and the Structured Clinical Interview for Dissociative
Disorders (SCID-D) (Steinberg, 1993a,b), have been introduced for use in diagnos--
ing dissociative disorders.
The DES is a self-administered screening instrument for dissociative symptoms.
It consists of 28 questions about depersonalization, derealization, amnesia, fugue,
absorption phenomena, identity confusion, and identity alteration. It requires
about 10-15 minutes to complete. Scores range from 1-100. Scores above 20 are
thought to be significant. Normals score in the 0-10 range, with adolescents
somewhat higher. Scores are elevated for those with schizophrenia, borderline
personality disorder, dissociative disorders, and posttraumatic stress disorder.
The SCID-D is a structured clinical interview used for assessing dissociative
symptoms. There are sections on amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, iden-
tity confusion, and identity alteration as well as a number of follow-up sections if the
examiner desires more information. The interview takes anywhere from 30-90
minutes to administer depending on the degree of dissociative psychopathology
present. After the interview is complete, the examiner rates each of the five
dissociative areas on a 1- to 4-point scale. A decision is then made on a dissociative
disorder diagnosis based on DSM-IV criteria.
Differential Diagnosis
The differential diagnosis of depersonalization is vast. All of the transient
causes of depersonalization must be considered. A thorough review of psychiatric,
medical, family, and social histories is indicated in addition to a physical and 297
neurological examination and mental status examination. Screening blood chemis- Depersonalization
tries such as a complete blood count, thyroid function tests, chemical profiles, and and Derealization
drug screens may be indicated. Electroencephalogram (EEG), computerized tomog-
raphy, or magnetic resonance imaging of the head may be indicated as well.
The diagnosis of depersonalization disorder may not be made if the deperson-
alization is not persistent and does not cause marked distress. Since depersonaliza-
tion disorder is quite uncommon, perhaps even rare, the clinician will usually find
that depersonalization symptoms are due to some other more common disorder
such as schizophrenia, panic disorder, multiple personality disorder, dissociative
disorder not otherwise specified, borderline personality disorder, temporal lobe
epilepsy, or medication use.
The etiology for depersonalization symptoms is as diverse as the differential
diagnosis. It is likely that depersonalization symptoms are produced by a bewilder-
ing variety of biological and psychological agents acting through one final common
pathway: the temporal lobe and its various cerebral connections. More specifically,
serotonergic dysfunction has recently been suggested as the mechanism whereby
depersonalization symptoms are produced (Hollander et al., 1989, 1990).
The psychological triggering of depersonalization is well known. Emotional
stress caused by a variety of situations, including natural or human-made traumas,
overwhelming anxiety, conflict over anger or sexuality, or painful depressive affect,
causes patients with severe dissociative disorders such as multiple personality
disorder and dissociative disorder not otherwise specified to depersonalize and
even to dissociate into another ego state. Such a switch has been postulated to serve
as a defensive function to protect the individual against overwhelming anxiety
regarding conflicted impulses or painful affects (Feigenbaum, 1937; Kluft, 1987).
Based on improvement of depersonalization in patients treated with clozapine and
benzodiazepines, Nuller (1982) has postulated that depersonalization occurs as a
result of anxiety.
The treatment for dissociative symptoms caused by the various psychiatric and
medical conditions listed previously should follow the treatment of the underlying
psychiatric or medical condition. Fortunately, depersonalization symptoms due to
these other conditions are usually transient, so no specific treatment is necessary
other than education, support, and reassurance that the depersonalization will
The treatment of depersonalization disorder is more problematic. A wide
variety of treatments have been attempted, including electroconvulsive ther-
apy, anxiolytics, antipsychotics, stimulants, antidepressants, behavior therapy, and
psychotherapy. Because depersonalization disorder is so rare and may sponta-
neously remit, no large controlled studies of therapeutic efficacy have been under-
298 Behavior Therapy. Blue (1979) described a 50-year-old woman with deper-
PbiUp M. Coons sonalization who successfully responded to a six-session behavioral approach con-
sisting of establishing a baseline on dissociative symptoms through record keeping,
then recording feelings and activities associated with the depersonalization, and
finally involving behavioral prescriptions including paradoxical intention. Previous
treatment with 16 different psychopharmacological agents had been unsuccessful.
Sookman and Solyom (1978) reported two cases. A 48-year-old woman experi-
enced marked reduction of depersonalization through 20 1-hour flooding treat-
ments using fantasy over a 10-week period. A 40-year-old man was treated with a
combination of flooding through fantasy and paradoxical intention. His depersonal-
iZation symptoms diminished enough for him to return to work, but did not entirely
Case Example
Mrs. Brown (not her real name) was a 32-year-old married woman with a lOth
grade education. She was born in the South of Catholic parentage. In her early 20s
she had a 3- or 4-month period of depersonalization that was not severe enough to
require treatment. She had been steadily employed as a factory worker since age
19. She married at age 20 a truck driver who was employed intermittently and
abused alcohol. They had two children. The marital relationship was distant, partly
due to Mrs. Brown's aloof, almost schizoid personality traits.
Her current psychiatric illness had no obvious precipitant and was charac-
terized by a 6-month period of pervasive and unremitting depersonalization. Associ-
ated symptoms included headaches and dizziness. She described her symptoms as
I don't feel anything. It's like I'm on a bad, bad trip and everything feels like a
shell with nothing inside. Only my mind is working. My face and arms feel
numb. It's like being in a fog. I feel empty.
Although she denied feeling depressed, she experienced fatigue, guilt, low self-
esteem, and had tried to kill herself in order to escape the extremely dysphoric
feelings of depersonalization. Family history revealed that both her father and
brother had suffered from depression and that her brother and both grandfathers
were alcoholic.
300 Prior to her referral to a tertiary-care, psychiatric research hospital, her psychi-
Philip M. Coons atrists had tried a wide array of therapeutic doses of antipsychotics, anxiolytics, and
antidepressants including haloperidol, thioridazine, nortriptyline, amitriptyline,
doxepin, maprotiline, trazodone, lithium carbonate, carbamazepine, bupropion,
diazepam, and lorazepam. A course of ten bilateral electroconvulsive treatments
had also been unsuccessful.
Her referring psychiatrists were not really sure of her diagnosis; by the time she
reached our hospital, she had been labeled with major depression, agoraphobia,
bipolar disorder, dysthymic disorder, schizotypal personality, borderline person-
ality, passive aggressive personality, and dependent personality. She had never
shown any psychotic symptoms nor symptoms of panic disorder.
Further history revealed that she had been sexually abused by an uncle for
about a year when she was 7 or 8. From age 16 to 18 she had abused alcohol and
marijuana. During a move 5 years previously she had experienced a 2-day period of
amnesia. However, she had never experienced fugues or symptoms characteristic
of multiple personality.
Her physical and neurological examinations were normal, as were an EEG and
computed tomography scan. Laboratory tests including a urinalysis, complete
blood count, a chemistry-24 panel, thyroid function tests, and VDRL were all
negative. Psychological testing revealed an IQ of 110, absence of a thought disorder
and signs of organicity, but evidence of a mixed personality disorder.
She was placed on desipramine, involved in ward activities and occupational
therapy, and treated with supportive psychotherapy. A brief try of marital therapy
was ineffective due to her husband's refusal to return after three sessions. Her
symptoms gradually remitted and she was discharged to return to her factory job.
No follow-up information is available.
In the seven available case reports or studies on derealization (Fast & Chethik,
1976; Fleiss, Gurland, & Goldberg, 1975; Krizek, 1989; Rosen, 1955; Sarlin, 1962;
Selinsky, 1968; Trueman, 1984), six patients, three adults and three children, are
mentioned. Analysis of these case reports reveals that five experienced both dereal-
ization and depersonalization and one experienced depersonalization only.
Trueman's study (1984) was a nonclinical sample of 221 undergraduate stu-
dents: 30.1% reported depersonalization experiences, 28.3% reported derealization
experiences, and 25.7% reported both types of experiences. Trueman reported that
some students experienced derealization without depersonalization, but failed to 301
indicate the exact number or percentage. Depersonalization
Shorvon (1946) and Chee and Wong (1990) reported on 61 and 9 cases of and Derealization
depersonalization disorder, respectively. Although both found that derealization
could accompany depersonalization, neither found any cases of derealization unac-
companied by depersonalization. 1n the extensive review of the literature con-
tained in this chapter, no cases of the disorder of derealization unaccompanied by
depersonalization were found.
Neither the DSM-111-R nor the DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1987,
1994) contain a clinical description of derealization unaccompanied by depersonal-
ization, although both list this disorder under dissociative disorder not otherwise
specified. Because of the lack of a single case of derealization unaccompanied by
depersonalization, it would be best to list this as a possible syndrome in an appen-
dix (Coons, 1992).
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302 American Psychiatric Association (1984). Tbe American Psychiatric Association's psychiatric glossary
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Philip M. Coons
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Reports, 49, 904-906.
Brauer, R., Harrow, M., & Tucker, G. ]. (1970). Depersonalization phenomena in psychiatric patients.
British journal of Psychiatry, 117, 509-515.
Cassano, G. B., Petracca, A., Perugi, G., Toni, C., Tundo, A., & Roth, M. (1989). Derealization and panic
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journal, 31, 331-334.
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with suggestions for typology and treatment. Dissociation, 4, 187-195.
Coons, P. M., & Milstein, V. (1992). Psychogenic amnesia: A clinical investigation of 25 cases. Dissocia-
tion, 4, 73-79.
Coons, P.M., Bowman, E. S., & Milstein, V. (1988). Multiple personality disorder: A clinical investigation
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Dissociative Amnesia and
Dissociative Fugue
Richard ]. Loewenstein
The diagnostic criteria for DA and DF are found in Table I (American Psychi-
atric Association, 1994). The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis-
Richard). Loewenstein • Dissociative Disorders Service Line, Sheppard Pratt Health Systems, Bal-
timore, Maryland 21285; and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Universiry of Maryland
School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland 21201.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 307
308 Table 1. DSM-IV Diagnostic Criteria for Dissociative Amnesia and Dissociative
Richardj. Fugue"
Diagnostic criteria for dissociative amnesia
1. The predominant disturbance Is one or more episodes of inability to recall important personal
information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, tbat Is too extensive to be explained by
ordinary forgetfulness.
2. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during tbe course of dissociative identity disorder,
dissociative fugue, posttraumatic stress disorder, acute stress disorder, or somatization disorder and is
not due to tbe direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a
neurological or otber general medical condition (e.g., amnestic disorder due to head trauma).
3. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment In social, occupational, or otber
important areas of functioning.
orders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) criteria for DA differ from DSM-m-R version in that the
relationship to traumatic events and the chronic, recurrent nature of this condition
are emphasized. The DSM-IV criteria for DF have changed in that they no longer
require the development of an alternate identity at the termination of a fugue. Both
of these changes were supported by recent systematic data or by expert consensus
(Coons & Millstein, 1992).
Using the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986)
and the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) (Ross, Heber, Norton, &
Anderson, 1989), Ross (Ross, 1991; Ross, Joshi, & Currie, 1990) examined 1005
randomly selected people from the general population of Wmnipeg, Canada. In
this study, the lifetime prevalence of a dissociative disorder was 11.2%. When over
half the respondents were followed up with the DDIS, about 7.0% of the sample met
criteria for DA. Less than 1% met criteria for DE DA was the most prevalent
dissociative disorder in this sample. DF may be more common in settings where
war or other forms of extreme social dislocation and violence are common (Put-
nam, 1985).
These data need replication in studies using more rigorous methodology (e.g.,
clinical examination of respondents given the DDIS, etc.). However, the prevalence
figure for all dissociative disorders is comparable to those reported in population
studies of individuals with posttraumatic stress disorder (Breslau, Davis, Andreski,
& Peterson, 1991; Davidson & Fairbank, 1993). Similarly, these prevalence figures
are consistent with the known high rates of childhood abuse and trauma as well as
adult traumatic experiences found in the general population (Breslau et al., 1991;
Davidson & Fairbank, 1993; Russell, 1983; van der Kolk, 1993).
Amnesia is a specific disorder and also a diagnostic criterion for other dis-
orders. In DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 1994), amnesia is one of the
diagnostic criteria for DID (previously known as multiple personality disorder, or
MPD). It is also among the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for somatization disorder
(SD), acute stress disorder (ASD), and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). This
reflects the repeatedly described correlation of dissociative symptoms with trau-
matic or overwhelmingly stressful life events. Also, somatization and somatoform
disorders are common in individuals with a history of trauma and vice versa
(Bowman, 1993; Loewenstein, 1990; Saxe et al., 1994; Walker, Katon, Harrop-
Griffiths, Holm, & Russo, 1988; Walker, Katon, Neraas, }emelka, & Massoth, 1992;
310 Table 3. The Experience of I>Jssociative Amnesia"
Richard}. Blackouts or "time loss"
Loewenstein Reports of disremembered behavior
Appearance of unexplained possessions
Perplexing changes in relationships
Fragmentary recall of the life history
Evidence of unusual fluctuations in skills, habits, tastes, knowledge
Fuguelike episodes
Recurrent, unexplained mistaken identity experiences
Brief, trancelike amnesia episodes ("microamnesias")
"From Loewenstein (199la,b), Steinberg (1993, 1994).
Walker, Katon, Roy-Byrne, Jemelka, & Russo, 1993). In fact, the DSM-IV work group
for PTSD proposed a superordinate category of the Trauma Disorders to encompass
dissociative disorders, PTSD, ASD, and possibly conversion disorder and somatiza-
tion disorder, among others (Davidson & Foa, 1993). This recommendation was not
followed in DSM-Iv, however.
Finally, amnesia can be viewed not only from a descriptive and psycho-
pathological perspective, but from an adaptational, process-oriented, psycho-
dynamic one as well. Here amnesia can be understood as a concomittant of cogni-
tive and/or intrapsychic defensive processes (Schacter & Kihlstrom, 1989; Spiegel,
1986). Discussions of amnesia and fugue in the literature often blur the distinction
between these ways of understanding dissociative phenomena, leading to impreci-
sion in conceptualization.
As discussed in my earlier writing (Loewenstein, 199lb, p. 47),
[Dissociative] amnesia can be more.broadly defined as a reversible memory
impairment in which groups of memories for personal experience that would
ordinarily be available for recall to the conscious mind cannot be retrieved or
retained in a verbal form (or, if temporarily retrieved, cannot be wholly retained
in consciousness). In addition, this disturbance is not primarily due to destruc-
tion or dysfunction of neurobiological systems and structures that subserve
memory or language but rather to a potentially reversible form of psychological
The diagnosis of dissociative amnesia generally connotes four factors. First,
relatively large groups of memories and associated affects have become unavail·
able, not just single memories, feelings, or thoughts (Rapaport, 1942). Second,
the unavailable memories usually relate to day-to-day information that would
ordinarily be a more-Qr-less routine part of conscious awareness: who I am, what
I did, where I went, whom I spoke to, what was said, what I thought and felt at
the time, etc. (Hilgard, 1986). Third, the ability to remember new factual
information, general cognitive functioning, and language capacity are usually
intact (lishman, 1987). Finally, the dissociated memories frequently indirectly
reveal their presence in more-Qr-less disguised form such as intrusive visual
images, somatoform symptoms, nightmares, conversion symptoms, and behav-
ioral reenactments.
Dissociation and Repression 311
There are different schools of thought within academic psychology that debate Amnesia and
the existence of "repression" (Singer, 1990). In general, representatives of these DJssodative Fugue
schools do not differentiate dissociation from repression in a systematic fashion
(e.g., Loftus, 1993). This leads to additional conceptual confusion in evaluating and
comparing various theoretical and experimental works in the debate about the
existence of amnesia for traumatic circumstances.
Several of the recent popular and academic critics of the notion of posttrau-
matic dissociative amnesia for traumatic experiences neglect almost entirely the
extensive literature on dissociation and trauma, particularly that on combat vet-
erans, and rely instead on their own caricature of the psychoanalytic notion of
repression to support their views (see, for example, Ofshe & Watters, 1994). This is
an odd circumstance indeed, since many trauma researchers, theorists, and clini-
cians have found most psychoanalytic writings problematic, if not frankly inhospita-
ble, to trauma-based notions of human psychopathology (van der Kolk & Herman,
1986). Also, as is well known, since Freud's famed renunciation of the "seduction
theory," with few exceptions (e.g., Niederland, 1968, and other writers on the Nazi
Holocaust), until very recently psychoanalytic thinkers have mostly neglected and/
or discounted the importance of extreme psychological trauma in the genesis of
human psychopathology, particularly urging doubt on the veracity of claims of
paternal incest during childhood (Freud, 1933; Herman, 1981).
Conversely, psychoanalytic writers have found it difficult to fit dissociative
disorders into their theoretical system (Kluft, 1992). For example, Fisher (1945),
writing about patients with dissociative fugues associated with wartime and civilian
violence, stated that: "It does not seem ... that fugues are explicable in terms of the
usual concepts of ego and superego; that ultimately other operational principles
will have to be utilized when we know more about fugues" (p. 466).
The distinction between repression and dissociation made in this chapter
follows Rapaport (1942). In repression, single or a few memories, perceptions,
affects, thoughts, and/or images are thought to become relatively unavailable to full
conscious awareness. These are usually thought to have important but conftictual
meaning for the person. Repression can relate to many aspects of human experi-
ence and does not require extreme psychological trauma for its occurrence. Also, in
repression, large blocks of ordinary experience do not become unavailable to
consciousness along with the psychologically conftictual information. Repressed
information does not manifest itself indirectly in nightmares, flashbacks, intrusive
images, somatoform symptoms, and so forth, although psychoanalytic formulations
note the importance of slips of the tongue, dreams, and somatoform symptoms in
understanding material that has been subject to repression (Freud, 1910).
Individuals with DA are often subjectively aware of distinct gaps or deletions in
their sense of continuous memory for life history and/or experience (Steinberg,
1994). This is unusual in individuals conceptualized as manifesting repression, since
the material that is unavailable is so limited in scope.
Finally, animal research on stress and studies of combat veterans and former
prisoners of war and childhood abuse survivors. suggest that DA due to trauma may
312 have a distinct psychobiology involving alterations in the neuronal structure of the
Richard]. hippocampus, possibly due to excess glucocorticoid production (Bremner, Davis,
Loewenstein Southwick, Krystal, & Charney, 1993a; Bremner et al., 1995; Stein et al., 1995).
Recent studies using the MRI have found decreased size of hippocampus in brains
of combat veterans with PTSD and survivors of childhood sexual abuse (Bremner
et al., 1995; Stein et al., 1995). In the Stein et al. study, these alterations were
significantly correlated with measures of dissociation and the numbing/avoidance
symptom cluster of the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for PTSD. The latter include
dissociative amnesia as a criterion symptom (American Psychiatric Association,
1994). Since the hippocampus is a structure vital to encoding of memory, it has
been suggested that these findings support a biological basis for memory difficulties
in individuals who have experienced extreme psychological trauma (see, for exam-
ple, Bremner et al., 1993c). Alterations in the amygdala and other neuronal systems
such as the benzodiazepine-GABA system, the opiate system, the norepinephrine
system, and the corticotropin-releasing factor-hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal
axis system due to extreme stress may all contribute to the manifold memory
disturbances caused by trauma (Bremner et al., 1993a). In addition to DA, these
include depersonalization and the various forms of posttraumatic hyperamnesia
including reexperiencing (flashback) episodes, intrusive posttraumatic imagery,
and eidetic engraving of the traumatic experience in memory (ferr, 1988, 1991; van
der Kolk, 1986).
In this chapter, dissociation is conceptualized as a basic part of the psychobiol-
ogy of the human trauma response: a protective activation of altered states of
consciousness in reaction to overwhelming psychological trauma (putnam, 1991).
Memories and affects relating to the trauma are encoded during these altered states.
When the person returns to the baseline state, there is relatively less access to the
dissociated information, leading, in many cases, to DA for at least some part of the
traumatic events. However, the dissociated memories and affects can manifest
themselves in nonverbal forms: posttraumatic nightmares, reenactments, intrusive
imagery, and somatoform symptoms. Not only is there amnesia for the trauma, but
the person frequently has dissociated that certain basic assumptions about the self,
relationships, other people, and the nature of the world have been altered by the
trauma (Classen, Koopman, & Spiegel, 1993; Spiegel, 1988a, 1991a; Terr, 1991).
This view of dissociation is supported by virtually every systematic study and
comprehensive review of dissociation and dissociative disorders in the literature:
overtly traumatic circumstances such as wartime trauma, concentration camp
experiences, subjection to torture or atrocities, natural disasters, family violence,
child abuse, and other forms of civilian violence are extraordinarily prevalent in the
histories of dissociating patients or in the immediate circumstances in which
dissociative symptoms are manifested (Cardena & Spiegel, 1993; Jaffe, 1968;
Loewenstein, 1991b; Niederland, 1968; Putnam, 1985; Spiegel, 1991a). The converse
is true as well. Studies of traumatized populations consistently document the
presence of amnesia and other dissociative symptoms in the clinical phenomenol-
ogy of these individuals (Cardena & Spiegel, 1993; Carlson & Rosser-Hogan, 1991;
Davidson & Fairbank, 1993; Grinker & Spiegel, 1945;Jaffe, 1968; Kardiner & Spiegel,
1947; Kuch & Cox, 1993; Niederland, 1968; Sargent & Slater, 1941; Spiegel, 1991). In
addition, cross-cultural studies of European and Asian samples support the univer-
sality of dissociative symptoms in response to psychological trauma (Boon & Drai- 313
jer, 1993b; Carlson & Rosser-Hogan, 1991; Ensink, 1992). Dissociative
Amnesia and
Dissociative Fugue
Dissociative Amnesia, Normal Memory,
and Ordinary Forgetfulness
The DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for DA specify that the amnesic disturbance
must be "too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness" (American
Psychiatric Association, 1994, p. 481). This definition raises the question of what is
meant by "ordinary forgetfulness" and how DA differs from it. In addition, non-
pathological forms of amnesia have been described such as infantile and childhood
amnesia, amnesia for sleep and dreaming, and posthypnotic amnesia (Schacter &
Kihlstrom, 1989). Little systematic research has been performed differentiating and
characterizing different forms of DA and their relation to "repression," non-
pathological forms of amnesia, ordinary forgetfulness, or to cognitive disturbances
found in dementia, delirium, and other "organic" amnestic and cognitive disorders.
Most forms of DA are thought to primarily involve difficulties with the func-
tioning of episodic-autobiographical memory not implicit-semantic memory
(Schacter & Kihlstrom, 1989). However, several studies have confirmed the clinical
observation that subjects with dissociative amnesia for their life history can demon-
strate "implicit" autobiographical memory while amnesic (Schacter & Kihlstrom,
1989). Similar phenomena have been described in posthypnotic amnesia with
implicit demonstration that the memories for which amnesia has been suggested
have been encoded and stored, but without their being accessible directly for
retrieval (Orne, 1966; Schacter & Kihlstrom, 1989).
Amnesic patients may also have intense reactions to stimuli that are emo-
tionally significant without knowing consciously the reason for the reaction or the
significance of the stimuli (Kaszniak et al., 1988; Pitman, 1993; Schacter & Kihl-
strom, 1989). Clinically, this is most vividly demonstrated when a patient with PTSD
has a behavioral reexperiencing episode triggered by an apparently benign every-
day stimulus that the patient does not consciously connect with a traumatic experi-
ence. There is experimental evidence that the cues for flashbacks and reexperienc-
ing episodes in patients with PTSD are very specific to the traumatic experiences
that generated the PTSD-amnesia syndrome and not to more generic stressful life
events (Pitman, 1993).
Infantile and childhood amnesia can be experimentally documented in experi-
mental paradigms for autobiographic memory (Rubin, 1986). Clinically and experi-
mentally, patients with DA have been found to have exaggerated or extended forms
of childhood amnesia (Schacter, Kihlstrom, & Kihlstrom, 1989; Schacter, Wang, &
1\Jlving, 1982). Recall of autobiographical information while amnesic seemed to be
related to life events with positive affects that were unconnected with the traumatic
events precipitating the amnesia. Implicit autobiographical memory phenomena
was documented as well in these studies (Schacter et al., 1982, 1989). Similar
findings have been reported for Vietnam combat veterans with PTSD who show
deficits in retrieval of specific autobiographical memories, particularly after view-
ing videotapes of combat (McNally, Litz, Prassas, Shin, & Weathers, 1994).
Loewenstcln Dissociative amnesia has been described in the world literature at least since
classical European accounts of demonic possession and exorcism where the pos-
sessed person is frequently described as showing amnesia for the period of posses-
sion and the exorcism (Ellenberger, 1970; laurence & Perry, 1988). In Europe in the
late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, amnesia was recognized as a con-
comitant of "artificial somnambulism," considered to be the prototype of modern
hypnosis, developed by devotees of Mesmer's animal magnetism theories (Ellen-
berger, 1970; laurence & Perry, 1988). In various countries during the nineteenth
century, there were periods of great interest in artificial somnambulism and in
"magnetic diseases," i.e., spontaneously occurring disorders with symptoms similar
to those that appeared in artificial somnambulism.
By the late nineteenth century, there was an interweaving of the notions of the
somnambulistic magnetic disorders with the concept of hysteria. In their classic
descriptions of hysteria, both Briquet (1859) and Charcot (quoted in Janet, 1901)
underscored the frequent occurrence of amnesia, memory problems, and fugue in
hysterical patients. Outside of Europe during this time, there was interest in similar
phenomena as well. For example, in the United States, William James described one
of the paradigmatic cases of fugue with change of personal identity, that of Ansel
Bourne (see Hilgard, 1986).
The work of Janet has vast importance for the modem study of dissocia-
tion. His giant contributions to psychology and psychiatry have been largely
ignored until the rediscovery of the importance of the dissociation concept in
recent decades (Ellenberger, 1970; van der Kolk & van der Hart, 1989). Janet was
influenced by the work of the early "magnetizers," as well by Charcot (Ellenberger,
1970; van der Hart & Friedman, 1989). His discussion of the etiology and phe-
nomenology of amnesia, fugue, and other dissociative conditions remains one of
the most comprehensive in the literature and is quite similar to more modem
conceptualizations (van der Hart & Friedman, 1989; van der Kolk & van der Hart,
Janet viewed amnesia as a basic part of the dissociative process in which
complex subsystems of memories, feelings, thoughts, and ideas became autono-
mous through disconnection from the overall executive control of the total person-
ality with f.illure to recognize these as part of the patient's own consciousness
(Janet, 1901, 1907). He hypothesized that fugue was based on dissociation of more
complex groups of mental functions than occurred in amnesia and was usually
organized around a powerful emotion or feeling state that linked many trains of
associations accompanied by a wish to run away.
The description of complex dissociative amnesia symptoms also can be found
in the original case descriptions of hysterical patients by Breuer and Freud (Freud,
1893-1895). For example, patients such as Anna 0. and Emmy von N. were de-
scribed as having blackouts, episodes of disremembered behavior, extensive amne-
sic gaps for the life history, fluctuations in handwriting, handedness, and language,
and spontaneous age regression with amnesia (Loewenstein, 1993).
Since the beginning of the twentieth century, there have been a number of
systematic studies and case reports about patients with amnesia and fugue. They
make up the bulk of the literature on amnesia and fugue cited in psychiatric 315
textbooks and they form the underpinnings of most of the received notions about Dissociative
these conditions in the literature (Abeles & Schilder, 1935; Akhtar & Brenner, 1979; Amnesia and
Berrington, Iiddell, & Foulds, 1956; Croft, Healthfield, & Swash, 1973; Fisher, 1943, Dissociative Fugue
1945; Fisher &Joseph, 1949; Geleerd, Hacker, & Rapaport, 1945; Gill & Rapaport,
1942; Kiersch, 1962; Kirshner, 1973; Leavitt, 1935; Luparello, 1970; Menninger, 1919;
Parfitt & Carlyle-Gall, 1944; Stengel, 1939, 1941, 1943; Wilson, Rupp, & Wilson,
These studies have a multitude of methodological weaknesses. For example,
some patients diagnosed with DA in these studies actually had clear-cut fuguelike
episodes and vice versa. Also, some of these cases more closely approximate
modern diagnostic criteria for DID or DONOS rather than amnesia or fugue. Other
cases seem to have had other disorders such as epilepsy, a primary mood disorder,
or a psychotic disorder that could account for the memory disturbances and/or
pathological wandering (Stengel, 1939, 1941, 1943).
Despite the heterogeneity of these studies, most supported the view of Abeles
and Schilder (1935) that the psychosocial environment out of which DA and OF
develop are massively stressful, with the patient experiencing intolerable emotions
of shame, guilt, despair, rage, desperation, frustration, and conflict experienced as
unresolvable without suicide or flight.
A group of psychoanalytic clinicians and rese:Kchers became interested in
dissociation in the early 1940s. For example, Fisher (1943, 1945), Fisher and Joseph
(1949), Geleerd et al. (1945), Gill and Brenman (1959), Gill and Rapaport (1942), and
Rapaport (1942) described a number of cases of patients with amnesia, fugue, and
other dissociative disturbances. Bornstein (1946) reported a case of recurrent
amnesia and fuguelike symptoms in an 8-year-old girl. Fisher (1943, 1945; Fisher &
Joseph, 1949) and other psychodynamically oriented clinicians also produced an
extensive literature on amnesia and related disturbances resulting from combat
during World War II (see, for example, Grinker & Spiegel, 1945; Kardiner & Spiegel,
Traumatic circumstances surrounded the amnesia-fugue episodes in most of
the civilian cases reported by these authors. These included past wartime combat,
incest, other forms of childhood sexual assault, adult rape, threats of death or
physical violence, and other similarly overwhelming events. In addition to external
dangers or traumas, the patients were often struggling with extreme emotions or
impulses such as overwhelming fear and/or intense incestuous, sexual, suicidal, or
violent urges. Thus, the patients were also described as suffering from massive
psychological conflict from which fight or flight was impossible or psychologically
unacceptable without dissociation.
A few other psychoanalytic case reports have stressed that amnesia, altered
states of consciousness, "hypnoid states," and other forms of dissociation can be
conceptualized as defensive reactions to childhood trauma including childhood
sexual abuse, physical abuse, witness to violence, and so forth (Bychowski, 1962;
Dickes, 1965; Fleiss, 1953; Paley, 1988; Silber, 1979). More recent psychoanalytic
writing has begun to address the issues of trauma and dissociation in a more
systematic fashion (Armstrong, 1995; Marmer, 1980, 1991; Ross & Loewenstein,
1992; Schwartz, 1994).
Loewenstein Greenberg and van der Kolk (1986) state that: "Pathologies of memory are
characteristic features of posttraumatic stress disorder" (p. 191). A variety of mem-
ory disturbances for trauma are codified in the DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for PTSD.
These include intrusive recollections and reexperiencing symptoms, depersonaliza-
tion and detachment, and amnesia.
Dissociative Fugue
This aspect of treatment is the most important and frequently most neglected
in the treatment of trauma disorders. Patients' and clinicians' impulse to "get the
memories" by intrusive means are probably shaped by the treatment literatures on
the acute wartime amnesias and by the literature on "classical" acute DA-DF presen-
tations. Generally speaking, the more acute the amnesia and the closer the patient is
to the situation that generated it, the shorter the treatment time to resolution of the
symptoms. However, even here, it is important to carefully stabilize acutely amnes-
tic patients and to titrate the intensity of bringing the dissociated information into
more ordinary conscious awareness (Brown, 1919; Fisher, 1943; Kardiner & Spiegel,
1947; Myers, 1916). In particular, a number of authors warn that acute amnesia and
fugue states are frequently psychological alternatives to suicide (Gudjonsson &
Haward, 1982). Clinical case reports have described successful suicide in amnestic
patients who have not achieved adequate therapeutic stabilization before attempt-
ing to overcome amnesia or before returning to their usual life situation (Takahashi,
In cases of more long-standing or childhood-onset amnesias, attempts to rap-
idly uncover dissociated trauma material is usually particularly ill-advised. Attempts
to uncover memories of single traumatic episodes through intrusive means, with-
out careful prior stabilization and preparation, usually result in "retraumatization,"
with the patient frequently suffering from more intense intrusive PTSD symptoms
accompanied by flashbacks to multiple traumatic events in addition to those of the
index event (Steele & Colrain, 1990). Destabilization of the patient with acute
dissociative and PTSD symptoms are common results of too rapid attempts to
overcome amnesia in these cases.
In the case of the patient with acute stress disorders (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994) primarily characterized by or accompanied by dissociative am-
nesia, the establishment of the person's physical safety is the first concern. This
involves removal from the traumatizing environment such as acute combat, evalua-
tion and treatment of medical problems including possible head injury, and provi-
sion of shelter, food, and sleep. Sedative medications such as the benzodiazepines
may be indicated in some cases to assist with the latter.
The neuropsychiatric literature from World Wars I and II describe that, in many
cases of acute wartime amnesias, removal of the soldier from combat and provision
of food and sleep were sufficient to resolve amnesia symptoms completely. How-
ever, if these measures were insufficient to resolve symptoms, more definitive
treatment was undertaken, generally after transporting the soldier away from the
front (Brown, 1918; Kardiner & Spiegel, 1947; Kubie, 1943). Similar issues are
important in cases of acute DA or DF presenting to civilian emergency or acute care
facilities. 1n the series of Abeles and Schilder (1935), about 75% of their 63 cases
of amnesia for personal identity were said to have had rapid spontaneous remission
of amnesia once they were brought to the safety of clinical attention.
324 If immediate spontaneous remission does not occur in cases of acute amnesia,
Richard]. symptoms may abate later simply in the course of the clinician taking a psychiatric
Loewenstein history or merely by assuring the patient that he or she can remember when he or
she is ready and that the patient can remember at his or her own pace without the
need to remember all the details or information at one time. The entire literature on
DA underscores the importance of permissive suggestions for recall. Helping the
patient experience a sense of control over the pace of recollection for dissociated
information is very important during the treatment process.
Patients with long-standing, chrofli.c amnesia presentations generally should be
managed in the framework of a psychotherapy directed at resolution of the com-
plex psychological sequelae of the events producing the amnesia, usually severe
traumatization due to childhood abuse, combat, and/or other forms of adult victim-
ization (Brende, 1985; Briere, 1993; Spiegel, 1988b; van der Kolk, 1986). Here, too,
the first tasks of treatment are restoration of the patient's physical well-being and
safety and establishment of a working alliance. The clinician must be prepared to
intervene actively if the patient's difficulties involve suicide attempts, self-
mutilation, eating disorders, alcohol or substance abuse, involvement in abusive or
destructive relationships, episodes of rage or violence, abuse of the individual's
own children or family members, and lack of adequate food, clothing, or shelter
(furkus, 1991). Hospitalization may be necessary to stabilize such patients, as well
as referral to specialty resources such as treatment for substance abuse or eating
1n individuals with severe intrusive PTSD symptoms alternating with amnesia,
containment and management of intrusive recollection rather than attempts at
detailed processing of trauma material is usually the goal in the stabilization phases
of treatment. This may be accomplished by using supportive hypnotic techniques,
pharmacotherapy, and/or cognitive therapy techniques (Colrain & Steele, 1991;
Fine, 1990; Friedman, 1990; Saporta & Case, 1993; Spiegel, 1989; Steele & Colrain,
1990). There is no pharmacological agent that specifically targets DA or DE How-
ever, treatment of the patient's PTSD, affective, dyscontrol, psychotic, obsessive-
compulsive, and/or anxiety symptoms with medications may permit more focused
therapeutic attention to the amnesia (Friedman, 1987, 1990; Loewenstein, 1991c;
Saporta & Case, 1993).
Contraindications to a primary focus on uncovering dissociated memory mate-
rial incJude:
(1) Early stages of therapy; (2) an unstable therapeutic alliance; (3) current or
ongoing abuse; (4) current acute external life crisis; (5) extreme age, severe
physical infirmity, and/or terminal illness (abreaction may be carefully titrated in
certain cases); (6) lack of ego strength, including severe borderline and psychotic
states or pathological regression; (7) [in DID] uncontrolled rapid switching;
(8) uncontrolled flashbacks; (9) [in DID] severe conftict and lack of cooperation
in the [alter identity] system; (10) severe primary alexithymia; (11) temporary
contraindications include the anticipated absence of the therapist and transi-
tional times during the [patient's] life (Colrain & Steele, 1991, pp. 6-7)
Some severely impaired patients with PTSD and amnesia will never achieve
sufficient stability to be candidates for more intensive attempts at processing
dissociated memory material. Their entire treatment will consist of attempts to 325
better assure their safety and stability. Containment and distancing of intrusive Dissociative
memory material and more general attempts to modulate these patients' chronic Amnesia and
posttraumatic life maladaptations will be the goal of treatment. Dissociative Fugue
Hypnosis has frequently played an important adjunctive role in the treatment
of individuals with DA and DE Hypnosis is not a treatment in itself; it is a set of
adjunctive techniques that facilitate certain psychotherapeutic goals. All post-
traumatic and dissociative disorders can and have been successfully treated without
use of formal heterohypnosis (see, for example, Futterman & Pumpian-Mindlin,
Hypnosis can be used in a number of different ways in the treatment of DA-DE
In particular, hypnotic interventions are used to contain, modulate, and titrate the
intensity of symptoms; hypnosis can be used to facilitate controlled recall of
dissociated memories; hypnosis can be used supportively to provide "ego-
strengthening" for the patient; and, finally, hypnosis can promote working through
and integration of dissociated material (Brown & Fromm, 1986).
326 The clinician should be aware that use of hypnosis or drug-facilitated inter-
Richard). views in no way assures the veracity or lack of veracity of the information produced
Loewenstein (Kolb, 1985; American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, 1994). In some clinical and
research studies, the use of hypnosis has been associated with the production of
inaccurate "memories" in whose accuracy the subject strongly believes, particularly
in highly hypnotizable subjects (Laurence & Perry, 1988; McConkey, 1992). How-
ever, critical reviews have noted the complexity of this research problem, the
variability in findings among studies, and the many variables related both to hyp-
nosis and nonhypnotic factors that appear to influence this and related phenomena
(McConkey, 1992). On the other hand, many studies have confirmed the essential
accuracy of reports of traumatic experiences that were subject to DA, primarily
involving wartime trauma, but other sorts of trauma such as childhood abuse as well
(Brown, 1918; Coons & Millstein, 1986; Grinker & Spiegel, 1945; Herman & Schat-
zow, 1987; Kardiner & Spiegel, 1947; Terr, 1988; Williams, 1994).
Some have argued implicitly or explicitly that intensive emotional release
("abreaction") is the key therapeutic agent in the treatment of amnesia (Brown,
1920-1921; Kolb, 1985). Others have maintained that it is the integration of dissoci-
ated affects, cognitions, and self-perceptions that is essential to the resolution of
symptoms in amnestic patients (van der Hart & Brown, 1992; van der Hart et al.,
1993). They note that a primary treatment focus on intensive attempts to bring into
awareness extreme dissociated affects frequently results in a chronic decompensa-
tion rather than in a resolution of the patient's amnesia and PTSD symptoms. It is
now generally accepted that intense emotional release per se is rarely associated
with positive therapeutic outcome in dissociative patients. Full therapeutic resolu-
tion of dissociated imagery, memories, affects, cognitions, and self-perceptions is a
complex process that usually occurs over a number of treatment sessions.
Clinicians since World War I have recognized the importance of the patient
repeatedly processing dissociated material in a number of different sessions, often
at different levels of affective intensity, in order to complete the process of integra-
tion of the material (van der Hart & Brown, 1992). It is usually wise to begin working
with dissociated material in a more cognitive, distanced fashion to gain an outline of
the patient's history for which amnesia is present. Subsequently, the dissociated
memories can be increasingly worked with and their full affective and cognitive
meanings for the patient explored.
In cases of acute generalized, selective, or localized dissociative amnesia, after
establishing the patient's safety and the therapeutic relationship, the next task of
therapy is to help the patient regain awareness of his or her identity and general
personal circumstances. Subsequent sessions then focus on the events that led to
the development of the acute amnesia. The material is then reworked in greater
detail in subsequent sessions. In most cases, there will be resolution of amnesia
within days to a few months. However, there are cases of persistent generalized or
severe localized amnesia that have required years of intensive psychotherapy to
overcome (Eisen, 1989).
In the author's experience it is useful to try to account systematically for
different dimensions of the dissociated, usually traumatic, experiences: sensory,
affective, cognitive, and behavioral in order to assure that all key components have
been identified and reconstructed (Braun, 1988; van der Hart et al., 1993). Also, it is
useful to attempt to account systematically for a variety of dysphoric affects that are 327
commonly experienced during traumatic experiences: despair, sorrow, grief, hor- Dissociative
ror, shame, helplessness, rage, guilt, confusion, anguish, and so forth. Inquiry about Amnesia and
these other affects may be quite helpful in resolving the amnesia. In particular, Dissociative Fugue
shame, horror, helplessness, and overwhelming confusion are emotions that pa-
tients may have the most trouble identifying without assistance from the therapist.
There is often a "core" aspect of the experience, either a specific part of the
event or its meaning to the person that is central to resolving a persistent amnesia.
This aspect of the recollection frequently remains dissociated despite the patient's
discussing other parts of the experience. Identification of this aspect of the material
and making it a focus of continued clinical attention is usually crucial to full
resolution of amnesia.
In the final phases of treatment for DA, the patient is able to experience the
previously dissociated material as normal autobiographical material. There should
no longer be involuntary intrusions of imagery, affect, and sensation. The patient
should no longer experience a conscious sense of distinct gaps in memory for life
experience. Memories of the past should be experienced as parts of prior historical
time, not as current "living" events. Memory experience should have a quality of
voluntariness: For the most part, the patient can recollect the material or put it
aside. Memories of traumatic experiences should not have a "special" quality
distinct from other memory material. The patient may have the uncanny experi-
ence of actually beginning to "forget" the experiences; they are rarely called to
mind as the person turns his or her attention to everyday life (Herman, 1992; van
der Hart et al., 1993).
At this point, patients often experience a sense of perspective and calm about
issues that seemed previously overwhelming and disruptive. The patient frequently
reports greater energy for other life tasks such as relationships with others, work, or
leisure activities. Some chronically traumatized individuals may experience never
having lived in a calm, quiet, nontraumatized way. They may express amazement at
this new "boring" way of life.
Somatic Therapies
There is no known pharmacotherapy for DA and DF other than drug-facilitated
interviews (Perry & Jacobs, 1982; Ruedrich, Chu, & Wadle, 1985). A variety of
agents have been used for this purpose including sodium amytal, pentothal, oral
benzodiazepines, and amphetamines (Ruedrich et al., 1985). At the present time,
there have been no adequately controlled studies to assess the efficacy of any of
these agents in comparison with one another, with other treatment methods, or
with placebo (Ruedrich et al., 1985).
Narcosynthesis is a term devised by Grinker and Spiegel (1945) to underscore
the need for material uncovered in a drug-facilitated interview to be processed by
the patient in his or her usual conscious state. Narcosynthesis continues to be used
primarily to work with acute amnesias and conversion reactions, among other
indications, in general hospital psychiatric services (Perry & Jacobs, 1982). There
also is occasional utility for this procedure in refractory cases of chronic DA (Kolb,
1985). Some patients will only be able to overcome persistent amnesia with a drug-
facilitated interview and not with other interventions.
On the other hand, these procedures must be performed where resuscitation
equipment is available in case of respiratory arrest, albeit a rare complication. The
interview usually must be audiotaped or videotaped to replay for the patient since
amnesia generally persists for the interview. In narcosynthesis, the clinician usually
can not titrate the intensity of the patient's response as in hypnotherapeutic
interventions. Finally, repeated procedures are generally impractical and even may
lead to a dependence on drug-facilitated interviews in the patient.
A recent case report describes amelioration of some symptoms of apparent DA
with successful electroconvulsive treatment in a patient with a severe, refractory
major depression (Daniel & Crovitz, 1986). Convulsive treatments with electric
shock, insulin, and metrazol were occasionally prescribed for refractory combat-
related disorders during World War II (Kubie, 1943), although modem military 329
psychiatrists see no indication for sucb procedures Qones & Hales, 1987). At the Dissociative
present time, there appears to be no indication for treatment of DA or acute or Amnesia and
cbronic posttraumatic disorders with electroconvulsive therapy. Dissociative Fugue
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Dissociative Identity Disorder
Richard P. Kluft
The majority of studied societies and cultures have conditions in which an-
other entity is understood to have taken over the body of an afflicted individual, i.e.,
possession states. Their common core is that
Richard P. Kluft • Dissociative Disorders Program, The Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital, Phila·
delphia, Pennsylvania 19139.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Cltntcal Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and Wtlliam]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 337
338 An individual suddenly seems to lose his identity to become anothet person. His
Richard P. Kluft
physiognomy changes and shows a striking resemblance to the individual of
whom he is, supposedly, the incarnation. With an alteted voice, he pronounces
words corresponding to the personality of the new individual. (Ellenberget,
1970, p. 13)
Until the end of the eighteenth century, many individuals in Western society
demonstrated such phenomena. They were understood, within the explanatory
paradigms of their eras, to be afflicted with the various Judeo-Christian forms of
possession and were treated with culturally endorsed forms of exorcism. When
theological explanations of mental disease gave way to the first dynamic psychiatry,
a process chronicled by Ellenberger (1970), the psychological constructs that
underlay the possession states and the mental conflicts they expressed did not
abruptly cease to exist. Instead, what is now called DID (and allied conditions)
began to enter the literature. DID provides a secular expression of many of the same
mental structures found in possession syndromes. 1n those societies in which
indigenous possession states remain powerful and sanctioned idioms for expressing
subjective experiences and conflicts, the psychopathological "niche" that DID
occupies elsewhere is already filled, and DID will be quite uncommon (e.g., Adit-
yanhjee, Raju, & Khandelwal, 1989).
Although DID was declared extinct in 1943 by Stengel, it appears to be present
in most societies in which indigenous possession states have lost or are losing their
cultural currency. Combining the published literature and the author's correspon-
dence with clinical colleagues over the last quarter century, DID has been identified
and treated in native-born citizens of the United States, Canada, Mexico, many
Caribbean and Central American nations, over half-a-dozen South American coun-
tries, all major western European and most eastern European states, Israel, Thrkey,
many African countries, Australia, Japan, Korea, and several Asian nations as well
(see Coons, Kluft, Bowman, & Milstein, 1991; van der Hart, 1993). Although it is still
is common to hear DID referred to as a North American culture-bound syndrome
(e.g., Fahy, 1988), this is not accurate. It appears to be found relatively readily
whenever psychiatric patient populations are systematically studied with objective
screening and diagnostic instruments. Recently Goff and Simms (1993) have re-
peated Fine's (1988a) demonstration that the symptomatology of DID has remained
relatively constant over the centuries, notwithstanding fluctuations of the quantita-
tive aspects of certain features, such as the number of alters.
Diagnostic Criteria
As psychiatry moves to achieve accurate and reliable diagnostic criteria, DID
has been redefined three times within a quarter century. In 1980, DSM-m proposed
three criteria: (1) the existence within the individual of two or more personalities,
each of which is dominant at a particular time; (2) the personality that is dominant
at any particular time determines the individual's behavior; and (3) each individual
personality is complex and integrated with its own unique behavior patterns and
social relationships. These criteria were written as a number of new and important
findings were emerging. In retrospect, they reflect the phenomenology of several
classic cases that were intelligent, creative, and female, had relatively few person-
alities, and were not typical in all respects. They implicitly endorse a classic but
superseded model of dissociation (Frischholz, 1985); that is, they rely on an ali-or-
none model in which what is dissociated is, for the moment, no longer a factor. In
fact, the essence of dissociation is that that which is dissociated often continues to
influence matters from "behind the scenes" (American Psychiatric Association,
1994; Kluft, 1987a, 1991a; Franklin, 1988; Spiegel, 1991).
With regard to criterion 1, the term dominance is misleading, because it
implies that the relationship among the personalities is an incessant power struggle
that is won completely for the moment. In fact, personalities may determine
behavior from behind the scenes without emerging and may share or contend for
control. Emitted behavior often is the combined vector of numerous influences,
functioning as a system (Kluft, 1991a,b). Personalities commonly try to pass for one
another. The same concerns apply to criterion 2. Also, recent findings indicate that
contemporary cases average 13 to 15 alters (Kluft, 1984b; Putnam et al., 1986; Ross,
Norton, and Wozney, 1989b; Schultz, Braun, & Kluft, 1989). Kluft (1985b) found that
only about half a dozen or less of these personalities spend significant periods of
time in executive control; that alters demonstrate a wide range of distinctness and
complexity; and that their importance, dominance, and elaborateness may vary
over time. Therefore, criterion 3 required revision.
DSM-m-R criteria were more flexible, less reified, and reflected clinical findings
in the broader range of DID patients: (1) The existence within the person of two or
more distinct personalities or personality states (each with its own relatively endur-
ing pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self);
and (2) at least two of these personalities or personality states recurrently take full
control of the person's behavior. DSM-m-R attempted to offer a pragmatic clinical
definition of the term "personality," which was a step forward. DSM·ID-R depicts
DID not in reifying terms that suggest that there are many people in a single body, 341
but indicates instead that in DID the mind is structured as a system of organizations Dissociative
of the self. Unfortunately, it retained the false and misleading statement that alters in Idendty Disorder
control exercise complete power. Just as DSM-m drew criticism as skewed toward
false-negative diagnoses, DSM-m-R, despite its consistency with the natural history
of DID (Kluft, 1985b), was seen by some critics as making the diagnosis too easy to
achieve and encouraging false positives. This fear has been disproven (Ross, 1989).
A greater awareness of DID, rising rapidly at the time DSM-ID-R was published,
accounts for most of the accelerated reporting of such cases. Nonetheless, although
these criteria accurately reflect a condition that can have a wide spectrum of of
manifestations, they have distressed some who prefer a crisper delineation of the
margins of clinical disorders.
Unlike the prior DSM committees that studied the dissociative disorders in an
atmosphere of scholarly deliberation, the DSM-IV committee was polarized and
contentious; consequently, the DSM-IV criteria were drafted in an adversarial atmo-
sphere. Both the criteria and the text are a major departure from DSM-ID-R and
reflect a compromise between the pressures of increasing knowledge on the one
hand and the power of skeptical authorities insistent on promoting their opinions
in the face of that knowledge on the other. The name of the condition was changed
to dissociative identity disorder, ostensibly to put to rest the controversy that
surrounds MPD and to initiate a new, scientific and objective era in its study.
Another rationale for the change was for uniformity in nomenclature (e.g., dissocia-
tive amnesia, dissociative fugue, dissociative identity disorder). However, deperson-
alization disorder was not changed, suggesting that once the name of DID had been
changed, uniformity was no longer such a pressing imperative!
The DSM-IV criteria are perceived as reasonable for clinical and research usage
even by those who argued bitterly over the name change (American Psychiatric
Association, 1994, p. 487):
1. The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each
with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and
thinking about the environment and seiO.
2. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control
of the person's behavior.
3. Inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be
explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
4. Not due to the direct effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or chaotic
behavior during Alcohol Intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g.,
complex partial seizures). Note: 1n children, the symptoms are not attribu-
table to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.
The decision to replace "personality" with "identity" while retaining the ambiguous
and intermediate term "personality state" acknowledges the difficulties surround-
ing the revision of the DID section. "Personality" is admittedly a problematic term,
long associated with controversy and reification, both of which the committee
attempted to avoid. "Personality state" is a term introduced into DSM-ID-R with the
goal of discouraging reification. It is questionable whether "identity" will be confus-
ing or clarifying. The author's reading of the literature on identity suggests that it
342 will not be a useful heuristic, and that "self" may have been a more useful construct
llichard P. Kluft to explore.
There has always been considerable pressure toward including an amnesia
criterion (Coons, 1984; Braun, 1986; Putnam, 1984b). However, occasional patients
are encountered who have classic personalities but are without classic amnesia;
DID patients frequently have periods during which their amnestic barrier becomes
more permeable than usual; and many dissociative distortions of memory do not
involve formal amnesia (Kluft, Steinberg, & Spitzer, 1988). Excluding patients
without amnesia from the DID diagnosis will eliminate only about 5% of previously
diagnosed DID patients, many of whom have progressed well enough in treatment
to have achieved co-consciousness. However, it may delay the making of the
diagnosis in as many as one third of them, because amnesia is not acknowledged at
first interview by this percentage of patients ultimately diagnosed with DID (Put-
nam et al., 1986; Ross, 1989; Ross et al., 1989b). The pragmatic impact of the
addition of this criterion remains to be assessed. DSM-IV wisely eliminated the word
"full" in criterion 2, more accurately reflecting the function of a system of alters
over time (Kluft, 1985b; Putnam, 1989).
In applying diagnostic criteria, there is some difference of opinion among
experts as to whether to make the diagnosis on the basis of history, without having
encountered alter personalities on one or more occasions (Coons, 1984). One does
not wish to be duped by a factitious disorder patient or some other form of
"wannabe." However, the overtness of DID fluctuates over time in 80% or more of
DID patients (Kluft, 1985b, 1991b), and it is rather precious to withhold the
diagnosis in an otherwise well-documented case with currently covert manifesta-
tions. There is much to be said for being flexible and using criteria more stringent
than DSM-IV only for specialized research purposes. Often one can gain an excel-
lent picture of the alters' presence and impact without encountering them [e.g., in
the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dissociative Disorders (SCID-D) (Stein-
berg, 1993)], and in some' circumstances (e.g., forensic situations) making an effort
to elicit an alter may diminish the credibility of the patient's condition [e.g., The
"Hillside Strangler" case (Orne, Dinges, & Orne, 1984; Watkins & Watkins, 1984)].
Most DID patients do not fulfill DSM-IV criteria at all times during their illness,
and there are a great many patients who suffer dissociative disorders with the
structure of DID but never appear to fulfill diagnostic criteria (Kluft, 1985b; Ross
et al., 1992a; Coons, 1992; Boon & Draijer, 1993a). For such patients, the diagnosis of
dissociative disorder not otherwise specified (DDNOS) is technically more accu-
rate, although for all practical therapeutic purposes they are virtually identical with
DID. Two series of DDNOS patients with DID structures followed over time proved
to have periods of overt DID in almost every case (Boon & Draijer, 1993b; Kluft,
Both are describing reconfigurations rather than reified divisions, emphasizing that
the personalities should be understood as ways the mind may be organized rather
than "pieces of a pie." From this flows an appreciation that the number of person-
alities can be quite large, because they constitute configurations, rather than por-
tions of a unity.
Many skeptical of the reality of DID have argued that "we are all multiple
personalities"; i.e., an individual manifests many states of mind and/or facets. Since
the unity of the self is more a subjective illusion than an actuality (Hilgard, 1986),
this stance has a kernel of truth. Nonetheless, clinical DID differs from such "normal
multiplicity" in a number of dimensions. First, the normal individual in a wide range
of situations and roles experiences no change of identity and retains a sense of
continuity as to who and what he or she is. Second, one's different moods and
circumstances involve no major change in self-representation. An angry normal
woman does not experience herself as a large and menacing male. Third, notwith-
standing the phenomena of state and mood-dependent memory (Bower, 1981),
there are few major barriers in self-referential autobiographic memory across differ-
ent moods, roles, and situations for the normal individual who experiences him or
herself somewhat differently in various moods, roles, or situations. Fourth, there is
no loss of the sense of ownership of what goes on or is done in different states of
mind for the non-DID individual. For better or for worse, one's behavior (experien-
tially) remains one's own. Therefore, the statement "we are all multiple person-
alities" is misleadingly reductionistic.
Although the often dramatic differences across personalities tend to arrest the
344 attention of the observer, it is important to appreciate that their purpose is to create
Richard P. Kluft alternative self-structures and psychological realities within which or by virtue of
which emotional survival is facilitated. A "multiple reality disorder" (Kluft, 199la,b,
1993) is created to allow one to cope with the intolerable and is embodied within
the alters to allow the enactment of alternative approaches to trying circumstances:
For example, a young girl experiencing incest may generate an alter to hold the
incest experience so that she can remain in her family without conscious aware-
ness of what has befallen her and without being consciously burdened by the
fact of her betrayal by someone on whom she remains emotionally dependent.
She might create a male alter along the fantasy/wish that such a plight could not
befall a boy, or that a boy could better take the pain of such encounters.
The emitted observable phenomena of multiple personality disorder are
epiphenomena and tools of the defensive purpose. In terms of the patient's
needs, the personalities need only be as distinct, public, and elaborate as
becomes necessary in the handling of stressful situations ... Anything further
results from hypertrophy or secondary autonomy of these processes, and from
whatever narcissistic investments and secondary gains become associated with
them. (Kluft, 1991b, p. 610)
The purest form of DID is virtually isomorphic, occurring when a traumatized child
creates another version of him or herself either to hold an intolerable experience or
to stand for the wish to be unaffected by it. When alters can subserve their
defensive purpose without emerging completely and demonstrating their separate-
ness, they often do so, and the condition remains very covert (Kluft, 1985b, 199lb).
In sum, the most important aspects of the alters are not related to their dramatic
differences, which are no more than fascinating epiphenomena, but to their facili-
tating adaptation by segregating certain aspects of experience, self, and knowledge
from one another in a relatively consistent rule-bound fashion (Kluft, 199lb; see also
Spiegel, 1986).
Aspects of Overtness
Several factors determine the likelihood that the inner structure of DID will
become behaviorally manifest to the extent that it is easily detected. Resilience in
the host alter makes overt switching less likely to occur, while the presence of
contemporary stress and trauma makes it more likely. Greater frequency and length
of alters' emergences make the DID more easily observed, while few and/or brief
emergences keep it more covert. If the alters are cooperating, they may share
contemporary memory, pass for one another, and switch smoothly and seamlessly
in order to achieve shared goals. If they are in conflict without clear resolution, the
picture may be dominated with the imposition of passive influence experiences and
the patient may appear borderline or psychotic. Should the contention lead to more
extreme swings of control, more overt switches may be observed.
Likewise, the manner in which alters influence one another also contributes to
the likeliness of overtness. As noted above, inner dialogue, passive influence, and
command hallucination will not lead to overt DID phenomena. Amnestic barriers,
when strong, auger for the recognition of overtness, because if alters share memo-
ries, it is easy for their overt differences to be discounted because the patient will
appear to have a continuous and ongoing life. If a patient has many similar alters, it
is less likely that the switches and amnestic episodes will trigger a suspicion of DID.
348 Many alter systems are organized in such a way as to keep themselves secret and
Richard P. Kluft may become very skilled in covering over their DID phenomena. When alters
assume control for very long periods of time, there may be no switches to observe
for years on end.
A final series of determinants regards the alters' investment in their separate-
ness and the narcissism across the alter system. The more pronounced the patient's
creativity, the more likely the alters' differences will be pronounced and evident.
Secondary gain and characterological features may have pronounced influences as
well. (I'he above discussion is drawn largely from Kluft, 1991b.)
Kluft's (1985b) longitudinal study of 210 DID patients has established much of
the natural history of DID and has shown that DID does not undergo spontaneous
remission and rarely resolves in a treatment that fails to address it directly (Kluft,
1985b, 1993). DID has been demonstrated in children as young as 3 (Riley & Meade,
1988), but many children demonstrate rather vague dissociative features that gradu-
ally coalesce into precursors of DID (Fagan & McMahon, 1984; Braun & Sachs, 1985;
Peterson, 1990, 1991) and progress into a fully structured DID condition (Kluft,
1984a, 1985a) that may become overt or remain clandestine. Although often there
appears to be a clear relationship between the form taken by the DID and the
developmental phases in which traumata occur (Putnam, 1991c), in others the
dissociative response to trauma seems to stand aside from such considerations
(Kluft, 1985a). Most children with DID or its precursors show many trancelike
behaviors; fluctuations in abilities, age appropriateness, and moods; intermittent
depression; amnesia; hallucinated voices; passive influence experiences; dis-
avowed polarized behaviors; disavowed witnessed behaviors; may appear to be
liars; show muted and attenuated signs of DID; have inconsistencies in school
behavior; and appear to have other possible diagnoses (Kluft, 1984a). In addition,
they may show suicidal or self-injurious behaviors, have imaginary companion 349
phenomena when over 5 years of age, and show fluctuating physical symptoms Dissociative
(Putnam, cited in Kluft, 1984a). Children with DID or its precursors infrequently are Identity Disorder
invested in remaining divided; many can be treated rather rapidly (Kluft, 1986).
Recently many investigators have expanded our appreciation of DID in childhood
(Putnam, 1991c; Hornstein & Putnam, 1992; Peterson, 1990, 1991; Tyson, 1992).
In adolescence, the structure of DID usually becomes more complex and
diverse and the personalities more invested in retaining their autonomy (Kluft,
1985b; Kluft & Schultz, 1993). Often the process of personality formation becomes
a general way of coping with nontraumatic material as well, and specialized alters
are formed in connection with new academic, social, and psychosexual challenges.
Several patterns were noted in Kluft's series (1985b). One group of adolescent fe-
males appeared quite chaotic. Promiscuity, drug use, somatoform complaints, and
self-injury were not uncommon. Three quarters of them switched alters quite
floridly, but denied this. They usually were diagnosed as impulsive, histrionic, ictal,
schizophrenic, borderline, or a combination. More recently, rapid-cycling bipolar
disorder has been included in this differential. Many of these adolescents owed their
confusing manifest appearance to the rapid switching of alters and to the constant
inner bombardment (passive influence) of the personality ostensibly in control by
the other alters. Another group of the female adolescents had a more withdrawn
presentation. They had either a residual childlike form of DID or were evolving
toward the classic adult presentation of a depressed and neurasthenic host with
amnesias, headaches, and disremembered out-<Jf-cllaracter behaviors. They usually
were diagnosed with affective disorders, somatoform complaints, and anxiety dis-
Adolescent males included subgroups whose confrontation with the law or
school authorities were due to the actions of aggressive alters, a depressed sub-
group not unlike the second subgroup of females, and a small number of individuals
whose homosexual concerns dominated their presentations. The aggressive sub-
group often received psychotic diagnoses on the basis of their disorganized behav-
iors and hallucinations, which often had a command quality.
Older adults with DID sometimes retain a rather classic presentation and
simply had never been diagnosed earlier in life. Others, however, demonstrate the
increased dominance of one alter over time, the others making their presence
known by passive influence intrusions. Also, in many patients, the amnestic barriers
begin to fray. Many have been thought to have involutional disorders, because as the
barriers across the alters became more porous with age, unpleasant memories,
dysphoric affects, and the overheard voices of other alters flooded the presenting
personality (Kluft, 1985b).
Although approximately 20% of DID patients manifest classic phenomena over
a sustained period of time, and 20% are so expert at dissimulation, so infrequent in
their switching, or so covert that they rarely show diagnosable signs of DID, the
remaining 60% have periods in which their psychopathology is intrusive or symp-
tomatic and periods (sometimes a year or more) in which it is quiescent, sup-
pressed, or readily disavowed. Hence, 80% of a series of patients known to have
DSM-III DID had only certain "windows of diagnosability" during which their
circumstances could be recognized with ease by an alert clinician (Kluft, 1985b,
350 1987c). At other times, it would have been necessary to suspect or infer their
Richard P. Kluft diagnosis from history or to pursue their diagnosis with systematic inquiries.
Only approximately 10% of DID patients (6% of adults and a small minority
of adolescents) are exhibitionistic about their condition; in the main DID is, in
Gutheil's words, "a pathology of hiddenness" (Kluft, 1985b). DID patients may
show a degree of impairment that ranges from minimal to profound. Their degree of
impairment may appear to fluctuate widely.
In the mid-1980s, Coons (1984) and Worrall (unpublished data) both estimated
the prevalence of DID at 1:10,000 population by comparing known cases to the
population base from which they were drawn. Bliss and Jeppson (1985) screened
their practices (a skewed sample) and calculated that 10% or more of their patients
might suffer DID. From new cases discovered in sequential admissions to a general
hospital psychiatric unit, Kluft (unpublished data) estimated 0.5-2% suffered DID.
These crude efforts indicated that although its incidence and prevalence were
uncertain, DID was far from rare.
More recently, three systematic studies undertaken to assess the prevalence of
DID in clinical populations have demonstrated that previously undiagnosed DID
patients can be identified in large number and with relative ease among hospitalized
psychiatric inpatients. Ross, Anderson, Fleischer, and Norton (1991b) screened a
year's sequential admissions to a university hospital in Canada, using the Dissocia-
tive Experiences Scale (DES) (Bernstein & Putnam, 1986). They excluded known
DID cases and patients with organicity and followed up patients with suggestive
scores with the Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule (DDIS) (Ross, 1989), a
structured diagnostic interview: 3.3% of the patients had previously unsuspected
DID. Saxe et al. (1993) used a similar methodology to screen all patients in a Harvard
teaching psychiatric hospital and found 4% of the patients suffered undiagnosed
DID. Boon and Draijer (1993a) describe the screening of psychiatric inpatients in a
Dutch teaching hospital using Dutch versions of the DES and the SCID-D (Steinberg,
1993) and found 5% of the patients suffered previously undiagnosed DID. Unpub-
lished research reports have found similar percentages in Norwegian, German, and
Turkish cohorts. Ross has done a number of studies in other clinical populations.
For example, Ross et al. (1992b) found 14% of 100 adults with chemical dependency
suffered DID. Studies of this nature suggest that large numbers of DID patients
remain undiagnosed within psychiatric patient populations.
1n nonclinical settings, Ross, Joshi, and Currie (1991c) found that 5 -lO"AI of the
general population of a Canadian city had screening scores suggestive of a dissocia-
tive disorder, and in follow-up interviews (Ross, 1991) discovered 11.2% had a
diagnosable dissociative disorder and 3.1% had DID. However, on follow-up Ross
found that only 1.3% had clinical DID; the remainder (1.8%) were false positives.
Using the Dissociative Questionnaire (DIS-Q), Vanderlinden, Van Dyck, Vander-
eycken, and Vertommen (1991) found that 3% of their Belgian and Dutch sample
scored in the range of dissociative disorder patients and 1% scored as high as DID
patients. However, no follow-up interviews were undertaken and the meaning of
these findings is uncertain.
In studies completed to date, the majority of the identified patients are females: 351
Bliss (1980), 100%; Putnam et al. (1986), 92%; Coons et al. (1988), 92%; Schultz et al. Dissociative
(1989), 90%; and Ross et al. (1989b), 87. 7%. Their average age at diagnosis is over 30. Identity Disorder
There is widespread belief that many males with DID enter the legal rather than the
psychiatric system and go unrecognized. Kluft (1985b) found that the majority of
male adolescents with DID encounter difficulties with the authorities. Bliss (1986)
found a high incidence of dissociative disorders among convicted sex offenders.
Also, the majority of childhood DID cases reported to date are male. Taken as a
whole, these findings suggest that as males with DID mature, certain aspects of
their behavior may lead to their evading clinical detection, or that they may enter
health care delivery systems in which the diagnosis of DID is less likely to be
entertained. The nearly 9:1 female to male ratio noted above probably misrepre-
sents the true gender distribution of DID. Recent efforts to study males with DID are
demonstrating that their presentations are not that dissimilar to those of female
patients (Loewenstein & Putnam, 1990; Ross & Norton, 1989) and may raise the
index of suspicion for DID in those working with male populations.
Taken as a whole and placed in the context of many recent reports of the
discovery of DID in more and more nations, it is clear that these studies and reports
demonstrate that DID is a widespread and not uncommon condition. It appears to
be a common adaptation to overwhelming childhood events and circumstances.
The occurrence of DID in several generations of the same family and in sibships
has been reported (e.g., Braun, 1985; Coons, 1985; Kluft, 1984a, 1985a). In some
cases it has been possible to ascertain and document an abuse history across several
generations in these families. It appears that when a child has a parent modeling
DID behavior, it may require less than the usual amount of abuse in order for the
child to make a DID adaptation.
Related Findings
Ross (1989) has explored findings in DID patients and reported that as a group
they are likely to believe in psychic experiences and phenomena such as extrasen-
sory perception. These types of experiences have not received serious study in the
mainstream of the mental health sciences. Kluft (1995b) has studied the suicidality
of DID patients, and concluded that as a group they are among the most suicidal of
all patient populations.
The study of DID has accelerated over the last 15 years. Many major discoveries
have been made. Numerous advances have been achieved in understanding its
phenomenology and etiology and in improving its diagnosis and treatment. At
present, DID is very much in the mainstream of the American mental health
professions and sciences, notwithstanding the ambivalence of its reception. De-
spite this progress, our present state of knowledge is only the prelude to further
exciting advances.
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Dissociative Symptoms
in the Diagnosis of Acute
Stress Disorder
David Spiegel, Cheryl Koopman, Etzel Cardeiia,
and Catherine Classen
The proposal for a new diagnostic entity requires very careful consideration of
the benefits and risks that such a decision entails. On the one hand, if a condition
that is prevalent in a substantial percentage of the population goes undiagnosed or
misdiagnosed, the affected individuals will lack proper diagnosis and treatment of
their condition. In turn, the lack of recognition of the diagnostic entity might
prevent the proper research designed to understand the condition, its treatment,
and its clinical and social ramifications. On the other hand, carelessly introducing
new diagnostic entities brings the risk of pathologizing what may be innocuous or
even appropriate reactions to the misfortunes of life. Further, even if the symp-
tomatology of the diagnosis can be considered "pathological;' it is still incumbent
upon the advocates of the diagnosis to show that their proposal will not simply add
to the profusion of diagnoses, but rather that the disorder cannot be reasonably
accommodated by the existing nosology.
David Spiegel, Cheryl Koopman, and Catherine Classen • Department of Psychiatry and Behav-
ioral Sciences, Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, California 94305. Etzel Car-
deiia • Department of Psychiatry, Unifonned Services University of the Health Sciences, Bethesda,
Maryland 20814.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretica~ Emptrlca~ and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William J. Ray. Plenum Ptess, New York, 1996. 367
368 Elsewhere (Koopman, Classen, Cardeiia, & Spiegel, 1995; Spiegel, Koopman, &
David Spiegel et al. Classen, 1994), we have provided arguments for including the diagnosis of acute
stress disorder (ASD) in the fourth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual
of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) (American Psychiatric Association, 1994). We will
refer to these arguments here as they pertain to the role of dissociative responses to
acute trauma. It is noteworthy that dissociative responses to trauma are required in
the diagnosis of ASD even though they have not been directly mentioned in the
diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the next pages we make the
case that the emphasis on requiring three dissociative symptoms in the new
diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder in the DSM-IV is justified on empirical and
theoretical grounds and fills a current vacuum that inhibits appropriate treatment
and research. In particular, we examine evidence that the dissociative symptoms
that comprise the disorder are directly related to the intensity of exposure to trauma
and are strongly predictive of the development of later PTSD. Accurate diagnosis of
this peritraumatic disorder will enhance our ability to predict and intervene with
those likely to develop PTSD. Last, the adoption of this diagnosis would bring about
concordance between the DSM-IV and the diagnosis of "acute stress reaction" in the
International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, lOth edition
(ICD-10) (World Health Organization, 1990).
After giving a brief description of ASD, where the essential component is the
presence of dissociative symptomatology during or shortly after traumatic events,
we will briefly review the following converging lines of evidence: (1) the concep-
tual and empirical association between PTSD and dissociation, (2) the evidence for
the presence of dissociative responses during or shortly after trauma in a substantial
percentage of the population, (3) the association between level of exposure to
trauma and dissociative response, and (4) the association between peritraumatic
dissociative responses and later full-fledged PTSD. Thus, we will make the case that
dissociative symptomatology is a frequent accompaniment of trauma that, if un-
treated, may lead to short- and long-term distress and malfunction.
This study analyzed the symptoms reported by persons who were recruited in
the immediate aftermath of the 1991 Oakland/Berkeley firestorm, which lasted
two days (October 20-21) and resulted in at least 24 deaths and the destruction of
3135 homes and apartments (faylor & Wildermuth, 1991), and was estimated to cost
as much as $5 billion in damage (Marshall, 1991). After obtaining expedited ap-
proval of this study by our institutional human subjects review board, we distrib-
uted the survey October 24-31 to respondents in the Oakland/Berkeley area.
Nearly all of the surveys (94%) were completed within 3 weeks after the firestorm
began. Seven months after the firestorm, we mailed follow-up assessments to those
181 respondents who had provided us with contact information. Follow-up assess-
ments were completed by 154 respondents for a follow-up rate of 82% of the
original sample, 97% of whom completed these assessments by the ninth month
after the firestorm.
We obtained informed consent from 187 individuals exposed to the firestorm.
These were 21% of the larger number of potential respondents to whom we
distributed questionnaires. Respondents received no compensation for completing
the baseline assessment. Participants were recruited from sources expected to
provide variation in exposure to the firestorm. These participants included: (1) 94
persons recruited in front of the Federal Emergency Management Agency providing
assistance to firestorm survivors and through personal contacts with people living
in neighborhoods next to the firestorm; (2) 44 University of California at Berkeley
students recruited from four fraternities and sororities that were evacuated during
the firestorm; and (3) 49 graduate students recruited from a professional school of
psychology in Berkeley that was near the fire but was not evacuated (see Koopman
et al., 1994). All participants spoke English and were at least 18 years old. This study
is based on the responses of these 187 participants completing the initial assess-
ments and also on the subset of 154 participants who completed and returned the
follow-up survey sent 7 months after the firestorm, allowing a longitudinal analysis
for these participants.
372 Measurements
David Spiegel et al.
Immediate Aftermath of the Firestorm
Contact with the Fire. Twelve items were used to assess respondents' con·
tact with the fire. Each item asked respondents to indicate whether or not they had
experienced various effects of the fire (e.g., saw smoke, evacuated residence, lost
home). A hierarchical index of contact with the fire was based on these responses,
in which high contact was defined as losing one's residence or being injured in the
fire, medium contact was defined as being evacuated, having trouble breathing,
worrying about residence, feeling heat, or having a loss other than residence, and
low contact was defined as seeing flames, seeing smoke, inhaling smoke, knowing
someone who was a victim of the fire, assisting others, and/or fighting the fire.
Stariford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire (SASRQ) (Cardefla,
Classen, & Spiege4 1991). This self-report instrument provides a comprehen·
sive assessment of dissociative and anxiety symptoms experienced during and in
the weeks immediately following a traumatic event. An earlier version was devel·
oped for a study of the psychological aftermath of the 1989 Lorna Prieta earthquake
(Cardefta & Spiegel, 1993). The assessment that was administered immediately
following the firestorm included 33 items assessing five types of dissociative symp-
toms: psychic numbing (4 items), depersonalization (9 items), derealization (9
items), amnesia (6 items), and stupor (5 items). It also included 34 items assessing
five kinds of anxiety symptoms: intrusive thinking (11 items), somatic anxiety
symptoms (17 items), hyperarousal (2 items), attention disturbance (3 items), and
sleep disturbance (1 item). Each item asks about the frequency with which the
respondent has experienced a particular manifestation of one of the symptoms, if at
all, and provides a six-point Ukert scale on which to respond as follows: "not
experienced" (0); "very rarely experienced" (1); "rarely experienced" (2); "some·
times experienced" (3); "often experienced" (4); or "very often experienced" (5).
This measure has been found to have high internal consistency (total dissociative
symptoms, Cronbach's alpha= .90; anxiety symptoms, Cronbach's alpha= .91) and
concurrent validity (r = .52-.69, p < .001) of both scales with scores on the
avoidance and intrusion subscales of the Impact of Event Scale (Horowitz et al.,
1979; Koopman et al., 1994; Spiegel, Koopman, Cardefta, & Classen, 1993).
Background Characteristics. Demographic and other background char·
acteristics were assessed with self-report items. These items included sex, age,
education, and place of residence.
FoHow-up Assessments.
Civilian Version of the Mississippi Scale for Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder. This scale measures posttraumatic stress symptoms among persons
who have undergone a particular trauma and was origil)ally validated and found to
have high reliability with combat-related trauma (Keane, Wolfe, & Taylor, 1987;
Keane et al., 1988). The instrument includes 39 Ukert-style statements, to which
respondents indicate their extent of agreement-disagreement with each on a 1-5
point scale. In this civilian version, for every specific reference to the trauma that
respondents had undergone, we inserted the words "the firestorm." This measure is
scored by first reversing the values for ten reverse-scored items and then summing
the point value of all of the items. Norms have not yet been established to determine 373
the cut-off score for diagnosing PI'SD using the civilian version. Acute Stress
Impact of Event Scale (IES) (Horowitz et aL, 1979). This instrument Disorder
assesses the degree of subjective distress experienced over the past week in relation
to a particular traumatic event, and contains two subscales-intrusive and avoidant
experiences-two core dimensions of PI'SD (Horowitz, Field, & Classen, 1993).
Items assessing intrusive experience focus on having unbidden thoughts, feelings,
and images of the traumatic event. Those assessing avoidant experiences focus on
the extent to which respondents have tried to prevent themselves from having.
thoughts or reminders of the event and tried to dull their emotional response to
memories of the event. Previous research has supported this measure's validity
(Schwarzwald, Solomon, Weisenberg, & Mikulincer, 1987; Zilberg, Weiss, & Horo-
witz, 1982). Responses are scaled as follows: (0, not at all; 1, rarely; 3, sometimes; 5,
often), so possible scores range from 0 to 75.
Data Analysis
To assess whether respondents experienced a particular symptom according
to their responses on the SASRQ, their responses to items were recoded dichot-
omously as occurrence versus nonoccurrence by defining the presence of a symp-
tom for responses of "3" or greater (meaning the symptoms occurred at least
"sometimes" and not merely "rarely" indicted by a "2," or "very rarely" indicated by
a "1," or even "not at all" indicated by a "0"). This was done for conceptual clarity
and was found to produce similar results to that of using the continuous scale for
each item.
We conducted two kinds of data analysis for this evaluation of dissociative and
anxiety symptoms. First, we examined and compared the percentages of respon-
dents who experienced each of the three levels of contact with the fire who
reported each particular symptom. The purpose of these analyses was to determine
whether all the symptoms varied appropriately in response to the level of trauma,
with respondents in the high trauma group most frequently reporting each symp-
tom and those in the low trauma group least frequently reporting each symptom.
We conducted one-way analysis of variance to statistically test the significance of
the differences between the groups.
Second, we evaluated all possible combinations of the five dissociative and five
anxiety symptoms by their overall frequency in the sample (which was better if
lower) and by their sensitivity and specificity in predicting the criterion group high
in posttraumatic stress at the 7-month follow-up. This criterion group is comprised
of 18 persons who scored within the highest 5% on any of three PI'SD measures
(Mississippi Civilian Version, Avoidance Subscale of the IES, Intrusion Subscale of the
IES) and/or on the anxiety measure (Anxiety subscale of the SASRQ at follow-up).
Respondents' demographic characteristics have already been described else-
where and were found to have little or no relationship to follow-up assessment
374 scores on the Civilian Version of the Mississippi Scale and the IES; in contrast, their
David Spiegel et al. overall numbers of dissociative and anxiety symptoms appeared to be important
predictors (Koopman et al., 1994). Our first step in considering these symptoms for
inclusion in the diagnosis of ASD was therefore to analyze the relationship between
each dissociative and anxiety symptom to the degree of trauma (contact with the
fire). The results of this analysis are presented in Table 1, showing the percentages
of the respondents experiencing each of the three levels of contact with the fire
who reported each of the dissociative and anxiety symptoms.
The symptoms were found to vary according to degree of contact with the fire,
with the respondents in the high contact group generally showing the highest
percentage reporting each symptom, the respondents in the low contact group
showing the lowest percentage reporting each symptom, and the respondents in
the medium contact group reporting a level of symptoms inbetween the other two
groups. F-test values are presented to show the results of using one-way analysis of
variance to test the statistical significance of group differences. These differences
are significant for four of the five dissociative symptoms (depersonalization, amne-
sia, stupor, and psychic numbing) and for three of the five anxiety symptoms (sleep
disturbances, intrusive thinking, and somatic symptoms). The differences for de-
realization and attention problem symptoms show statistical trends (p < .06) in the
same directions as the other symptoms. The results for hypervigilant fear did not
approach significance; however, the overall pattern is similar to the results for the
other symptoms.
Our second step in defining the diagnosis was then to evaluate alternative
combinations of these symptoms with reference to predicting later PTSD and
anxiety symptoms. This allowed us to examine the results of applying each algo-
rithm for defining the category on frequency, sensitivity, and specificity (Kraemer,
1992). The results are shown in Table 2. 1n the first column are the percentages of
Depersonalization 19% 33% 52% 5.24"
Amnesia 22% 23% 58% 11.29'..
Numbing 34% 44% 69% 5.93"
Stupor 41% 43% 75% 8.13'"
Derealization 53% 72% 77% 2.89
Sleep disturbances 16% 35% 63% 10.68"'
Hypervigilant fear 56% 71% 70% 0.78
Intrusive thoughts 56% 74% 83% 3.68'
Somatic symptoms 59% 78% 90% 5.23"
Attention problems 69% 76% 90% 2.86
•p < .05; ••p < .01; -p < .001.
Table 2. Comparing Combinations of Dissociative and Anxiety 375
Symptoms of oakland/Berkeley Respondentsa Acute Stress
Overall% Sensitivity Specificity
"These results are based on scoring a symptom as "posltivie" if the respondent reported on any
item measuring it that they experienced it at least "somedmes" (three or more on the 0-5
point scale).
376 the total sample of 147 persons who in the immediate aftermath of the Oakland/
David Spiegel et aL Berkeley firestorm met the criteria defined by the particular combination of disso-
ciative and/or anxiety symptoms. In the second column of Table 2 are the sensitivity
results of each combination. These are the percentages of the persons in the
criterion group of 18 distressed persons in the follow-up that our algorithm with the
baseline data (immediately following the firestorm) would have correctly predicted
as reporting high posttraumatic stress and/or anxiety at follow-up. In the third
column are the specificity results, the percentages of persons who are true nega-
tives divided by [the number of true negatives plus the number of false positives
(Kraemer, 1992). This value shows how many of those people who are not highly
distressed at follow-up were accurately predicted by the algorithm to be not at risk
for later distress.
These data suggest that if the algorithm for determining the disorder for DSM-
IV should include at least three of the five possible dissociative symptoms plus at
least one anxiety symptom. 1f the algorithm required the inclusion of fewer than
three dissociative symptoms, it showed little impact on the criterion value of
sensitivity. Alternative algorithms requiring no, one, or two dissociative symptoms
accurately include everyone or nearly everyone who was in the criterion group of
those reporting the greatest distress in the 7-month follow-up assessment of PTSD
and anxiety symptoms, depending on the number of anxiety symptoms required.
However, specificity greatly declined when fewer than three dissociative symptoms
were required in the algorithm. For example, for an algorithm that included three
anxiety symptoms, in combination with three dissociative symptoms the algorithm
resulted in a specificity of 69%; in combination with two dissociative symptoms the
algorithm declined to a specificity of 57%; in combination with one dissociative
symptom the algorithm further declined to a specificity of 46%; and if no dissocia-
tive symptom was required in addition to three anxiety symptoms, the algorithm
declined even further, to 39%. Alternatively, if the algorithm requires the inclusion
of five dissociative symptoms, specificity went up, to 91%, but this coincided with a
decline in sensitivity when compared to an algorithm requiring three dissociative
symptoms in addition to three anxiety symptoms, to 61% from 89%.
So far we have discussed the results that demonstrate that requiring three
dissociative symptoms in the algorithm resulted in better sensitivity and specificity.
Using the data from the Oakland/Berkeley firestorm study respondents, we find that
an algorithm requiring four dissociative symptoms produced better specificity
without hurting sensitivity. In other words, for these data, requiring four symptoms
in the algorithm identified fewer persons incorrectly as being in the criterion group
at follow-up than did algorithms that required three symptoms, yet it was just as
accurate in identifying those who did appear in the criterion group at follow-up.
However, in recognition of the limitation of this data set being drawn from a study
of one particular traumatic event, it is better to require three rather than four
dissociative symptoms in the algorithm for making the diagnosis of ASD. Our
reasoning can be illustrated with the results in Table 2; in comparison to requiring
three or fewer dissociative symptoms, requiring five dissociative symptoms resulted
in a substantial loss in sensitivity. It is likely that in response to other traumatic
events, requiring a minimum of four dissociative symptoms in the diagnosis would
also result in losing sensitivity in predicting who is at risk for later distress. Also, the
presence of three of the dissociative symptoms in combination with anxiety and 377
reexperiencing and avoiding the trauma lasting at least 2 days in the aftermath of a Acute Stress
traumatic event seems adequately distressing and disruptive to justify this diagnosis, Disorder
even if sometimes these acute symptoms decrease over time and do not result in
PfSD symptoms.
The results of this analysis support the inclusion of both dissociative and
anxiety symptoms in defining acute stress disorder as a new diagnostic category in
the DSM-IY. We observed a systematic relationship between the percentages of
persons reporting such symptoms and the level of their contact with the Oakland/
Berkeley firestorm. This suggests that these symptoms are common responses to
trauma and vary according to the intensity of the trauma. Furthermore, the relation-
ships between all possible combinations of these symptoms with posttraumatic
stress symptoms 7 months or more later suggest that dissociative symptoms may be
especially sensitive predictors of PfSD, although including anxiety symptoms in
addition to dissociative symptoms in the diagnosis improves the specificity of the
diagnosis somewhat. It is indeed interesting that dissociative symptoms imme-
diately after the trauma are such powerful predictors of later symptoms of a
different but clearly related type. According to the results of this analysis, the best
algorithm for defining ASD is to require a minimum of three dissociative symptoms
and three anxiety symptoms, resulting in 89% sensitivity and 69"..-6 specificity in
predicting later PfSD symptoms. This high number of required symptoms restricts
the diagnosis to individuals who are substantially symptomatic (38% of this sample),
thereby eliminating from identification as mentally ill the majority of the population
who responded to the trauma with fewer symptoms and who are less at risk for later
This study is limited in part by its focus on a particular traumatic event, the
1991 Oakland/Berkeley firestorm. However, its results are consistent with a number
of studies that similarly suggest that there are high levels of dissociative, anxiety, and
other symptoms in the immediate aftermath of a variety of traumatic events, and
that these symptoms are predictive of later PfSD symptoms. In particular, future
research is needed to replicate the superiority of the algorithm of requiring three
dissociative symptoms found in this study to predict later posttraumatic stress after
a different kind of traumatic event. Although the 21% questionnaire return rate for
the baseline assessments was low, more careful recruitment methodology would
have delayed field recruitment and therefore the proximity of the trauma. We were
careful to recruit a sample that represented substantial variation in exposure to the
trauma, allowing us to examine the trauma-related sensitivity of our measures. Also,
the low return rate most likely reflected the failure of the most distressed persons to
complete and return questionnaires, suggesting that the symptomatology may have
been even higher among the overall pool of potential respondents. Furthermore,
the results of this study in conjunction with the growing body of other studies of
immediate psychological reactions to trauma lend strong support to the inclusion of
this diagnosis in the DSM-IY. Traumatic events continue to happen in the world,
378 with recent years being some of the worst years for disasters in US history (e.g.,
David Spiegel et aL Staff, 1993), and with observers remarking that traumatic events seem to be on the
increase in this complex and problem-filled world (Wtlkinson, 1983).
In addition to replicating the results of this research with samples of persons
who have recently undergone other kinds of traumatic events, further research is
needed to evaluate alternative interventions targeting persons diagnosed with ASD.
The core role of dissociative symptoms in ASD suggests that interventions that will
be most helpful in the immediate aftermath of trauma will draw upon approaches
such as guided imagery and hypnosis exercises that draw upon the dissociative
states that many trauma survivors will experience in the days following the trau-
matic event. Being able to diagnose this disorder is only an important first step in
being able to effectively treat it.
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Posttraumatic Responses
to Childhood Abuse and
Implications for Treatment
James A. Chu
James A. Chu • Dissociative Disorders Program, Mclean Hospital, Belmont, Massachusetts 02178; and
Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts 02115.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretica~ Empirtca~ and Clinical Perspectives, edited by I.Mry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996.
Portions of this chapter are reprinted from Cbu (1992a) and Gunderson and Chu (1993). 381
382 Trocki, 1986; Pribor & Dinwiddie, 1992; Russell, 1986; Shapiro, 1987; Swanson &
JamesA.Chu Biaggio, 1985). New research and clinical studies have suggested that severe child-
hood trauma is a primary etiologic factor with at least three major areas of psycho-
logical disturbance: dissociative symptoms (including dissociative identity disorder
as the most severe form) (Braun, 1990; Chu & Dill, 1990; Saxe et al., 1993; Putnam,
1985), posttraumatic stress symptoms (Donaldson & Gardner, 1985; Kirby, Chu, &
Dill, 1993; Pribor & Dinwiddie, 1992; Saxe et al., 1993; illman & Brothers, 1988; van
der Kolk, 1987a), and disruption of personality development and maturation such as
is seen in borderline personality disorder (Goldman, D'Angelo, DeMaso, & Mez-
zacappa, 1992; Herman, Perry & van der Kolk, 1989; Herman & van der Kolk, 1987;
Ludolph et al., 1990; Ogata et al., 1990; Saxe et al., 1993).
The contention that this triad of areas of psychological disturbance should
result from severe childhood trauma has considerable face validity. Dissociation
appears to be an available psychological defense for children whose limited coping
capacities are overwhelmed by extremely traumatic events (Putnam, 1985). Disso-
ciation enables such events to be "forgotten," or at least emotionally distanced.
Posttraumatic symptoms also appear to be logical consequences of childhood
abuse. Freud's (1920) repetition compulsion appears to be highly applicable to
repressed childhood trauma, and adults with such backgrounds evidence many
different kinds of reexperiencing phenomena (Chu, 1991a; van der Kolk & Kadish,
1987) as well as avoidant symptoms and autonomic arousal (illman & Brothers,
1988; van der Kolk, 1987a). Finally, symptoms of borderline personality disorder-
including ongoing relational disturbances, difficulty tolerating intense affects, be-
havioral dyscontrol, and identity diffusion -seem to be logical consequences of the
failures of attachment and the inadequate care and protection that are common in
dysfunctional and abusive families.
This discussion briefly examines each of the above areas of symptomatology
related to early childhood abuse with a focus on dissociative syndromes that do not
fall into well-defined categories and outlines a treatment model that addresses the
need to prioritize and sequence treatment interventions in patients with complex
posttraumatic symptomatology.
Patients with DDNOS who have major shifts in affect, identity, and behavior
often have associated symptomatology including chronic depersonalization and
derealization and sometimes auditory hallucinations. It should be noted that these
auditory hallucinations, which are heard inside the head, are actually a kind of
dissociative hallucinosis representing the thoughts of split-off pans of the self and
not evidence of true psychosis (Kluft, 1987; Putman et al., 1986).
An additional problem in making accurate diagnostic assessments with pa-
tients with dissociative disorders is that the level of dissociative symptomatology is
somewhat variable for many patients. For example, some patients with severe
dissociative symptoms may manifest more florid symptoms under conditions of
stress, sometimes to the extent of demonstrating transient but clear multiple per-
sonalities. Braun (1986, p. 20) labels such patients as having atypical MPD, and
notes: "In atypical MPD, the patient initially does not appear to have multiple
personalities at all. . .. Under sufficient stress, the atypical MPS patient will decom-
pensate and present as a typical MPD patient." Such patients do not consistently
meet the criteria for MPD or DID, and probably should be considered as having
DDNOS as in the following example from Chu (1991b, p. 201):
A 25-year-old woman with a known history of childhood physical and sexual
abuse, as well as symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder, was admitted to the
hospital after being mugged on the street in her neighborhood. While in the
hospital, she showed evidence of three separate personalities, including a
depleted host personality, a child personality, and an angry persecutor person-
ality. She worked actively on issues related to the mugging and on how to
maintain personal safety, and was discharged in about two weeks. On follow-up
one month later, she was asked about the various personalities. She answered,
"Well, they're all a pat't of me now," and her outpatient therapist confirmed that 385
there was no continuing evidence of separateness.
Responses to
Childhood Abuse
Certainly not all adults with histories of significant childhood abuse experi-
ence dissociative, posttraumatic, and severe personality disorder symptoms. How-
ever, close clinical observation suggests that many individuals with psychiatric
difficulties, particularly those who are the most disabled and those who are fre-
quently hospitalized, show evidence of this triad of symptoms. These patients
commonly present with a bewildering range of psychiatric symptomatology and
represent diagnostic and treatment challenges. It is understandably difficult to
know how to approach patients who manifest such a complex array of symptoms.
Perhaps it is because of this complexity of symptoms that these patients are seen as
difficult to treat, and much time and effort on the part of both the patient and
therapist are often wasted in misdirected therapeutic efforts. It is a common
experience for therapists to feel as though they are riding some kind of therapeutic
roller coaster, with little sense of control or direction, and to have a constant feeling
of impending crisis and potential danger. This discussion will examine the concepts
388 behind the management of complex childhood abuse survivors and set out a
James A. Chu rational paradigm for treatment (Chu, 1992a).
Clear recognition of the profound effects of early abusive experiences and the
complexity of adult syndromes related to such experiences underscores the need
for a sophisticated understanding of the treatment process for childhood abuse
survivors. Because of the many and varied psychiatric symptoms that such individ-
uals commonly present, clinicians need to conceptualize a hierarchy of treatment
approaches designed to address specific symptomatology. Many survivors of severe
childhood abuse require a lengthy period of building a psychotherapeutic founda-
tion, so that later, more definitive abreactive work will be successful.
The therapeutic value of abreaction in adult war veterans has been described
in studies using techniques that precipitate the reexperiencing of the traumatic
event in a context of high social support so that the experience is tolerated,
attitudinally reframed, and integrated into conscious experience (Foa, Steketee, &
Rothbaum, 1989; Keane, Fairbank, Caddell, & Zimering, 1989). There are no similar
studies of the use of abreactive techniques in survivors of childhood trauma.
However, based on clinical experience, it is widely believed that the eventual
reexperiencing and working through of childhood trauma has a beneficial thera-
peutic effect. Persons who have been able to successfully abreact abusive child-
hood experiences often report dramatic changes in their lives. They report changes
such as a reduction in acute symptomatology, fewer and less troubling intrusions of
the abusive experiences, a new sense of identity as being psychologically healthy
and functionally competent, and a much improved ability to relate to others.
The clear value of abreaction of childhood trauma in some patients has led to
an erroneous belief system that seems remarkably ubiquitous among many patients
and their therapists. 1n this belief system, it is felt that in any clinical situation where
childhood abuse is discovered in the history, all efforts should be made to imme-
diately explore and abreact those abusive experiences. Moreover, many clinicians
appear to feel that if current difficulties seem related to past abuse, then the
treatment of choice is to abreact the etiologic abuse. Unfortunately, in the treatment
of many patients, such a belief system is conceptually flawed and inappropriate and
can have untoward effects such as increasing acute symptomatology and functional
difficulties. Patients who have not done the necessary preliminary work are once
again overwhelmed by these experiences, and the patient is actually retraumatized
and there is little or no working through or resolution.
1n order to be able to tolerate abreactive work, the patient must be able to
utilize a high level of social and interpersonal support. Unfortunately, the ability to
relate to and feel supported by others is a primary area of disability in many patients
with a history of severe childhood abuse. These individuals often have acute
relational difficulties that derive from their early abusive experiences. Instead of
being able to trust in others to support them, they fully expect abandonment and
betrayal. Characteristically, when faced with any major stressor (internal or exter-
nal), severely abused patients flee into isolation as the perceived safest alternative
and/or resort to ingrained solutions that are dysfunctional in their current life.
Because therapy may explore past traumatic experiences, the therapist and the
therapeutic process may be experienced as major stressors and may precipitate
negative therapeutic reactions.
The following model divides the treatment course into early, middle, and late 389
stages. The early stage is comprised primarily of building basic relational and coping Posttraumatic
skills. The middle stage involves exploration and abreaction of traumatic experi- Responses to
ences. Finally, the late stage consists of stabilization of gains and increased personal Chlldhood Abuse
growth particularly in relation to the external world. This division of the course of
treatment is somewhat arbitrary, since patients generally move back and forth
between stages, rather than progressing in a neat linear fashion. However, this
delineation is useful in specifying the components and hierarchy of treatment.
Middle-Stage Treatment
When abuse survivors have mastered the tasks of early therapy, they may then
proceed to the exploration and abreactive work of the middle stage of treatment.
Patients vary considerably in their ability to move beyond early-stage treatment.
Some abuse survivors enter therapy with excellent coping skills and may quickly
move. toward middle-stage treatment. However, many others require months or
even years of preliminary work. Several caveats in terms of abreaction of traumatic
experiences should be noted. It is premature, at this point in time, to estimate what
proportion of abuse survivors will be able to abreact and successfully work through
early traumatic experiences. Clinical evidence suggests that although many are able
to do so, others may be able to achieve resolution and integration of traumatic
backgrounds only to a minimal or partial extent. For such patients, stabilization and
symptom management remain the long-term goals of treatment.
Significant regression is commonly observed in the face of abreaction of
traumatic experiences. That is, under the stress of reexperiencing early abuse,
patients may return to former patterns of isolation and dysfunctional or self-
392 destructive behavior. If and when these patterns reemerge, clinical attention should
James A. Chu return to early-stage issues until these issues are once again mastered. Patients need
to establish powerful relational bonds and be prepared to withstand extremely
dysphoric affects without resorting to dysfunctional behavior in order to tolerate
abreactive work. Thus, abreactive should be undertaken from a position of strength
rather than vulnerability. Without adequate preparation and support, patients are
prone to reexperience traumatic events once again in isolation and once again to be
overwhelmed by them. Although abuse survivors may be able to vent affect and
release internal tension through uncontrolled abreactions, these experiences have
very little lasting therapeutic value.
For patients with complex syndromes of posttraumatic symptomatology and
severe characterological difficulties, abreactive work is likely to be a series of
processes rather than a single cathartic event. It is the frequent expectation of
patients that traumatic events can be abreacted and worked through in a brief and
dramatic fashion. However, clinical experience suggests that working through each
major issue or important event may entail a prolonged process lasting days, weeks,
or months. Although patterns of abreaction differ according to the individual
characteristics of patients, several phases are commonly seen. These are: (1) in-
creased symptomatology, particularly more intrusive reexperiencing, (2) intense
internal conflict, (3) acceptance and mourning, and ( 4) mobilization and em-
An increase in the reexperiencing of traumatic events-with symptoms such
as nightmares and disturbed sleep, increased anxiety, dissociative experiences, and
generalized hyperactivity and autonomic hyperarousal-is a common early feature
of the abreactive process. These symptoms are often accompanied by the patient's
efforts to deny any link to traumatic events, but denial of this type begins to break
down as patients are flooded by reexperiencing.
As the abreactive process continues, patients begin to tolerate and accept the
reality of past events and begin to attempt to reframe these events. With the
assistance of the perspective of the therapist, the events that were originally
experienced (and are being reexperienced in the present) from the perspective of a
helpless abused child begin to be seen from a more adult viewpoint. This process
produces intense internal conflict. As an example, patients are often unable to let go
of long-held feelings of self-blame at the same time that they begin to understand
that they were not responsible for their abuse. Patients may retain a sense of
identification with the perpetrators of abuse even though they know that they were
victimized. Abuse survivors may also experience intense shame about having
"given in" to the abuse even though they understand that they had no choice.
The resolution of such conflicts involves the patient's "new," stronger, and
healthier aspects understanding and having compassion for the "old" and dysfunc-
tional aspects. That is, patients must understand and accept that they did what they
had to do in response to extreme events. Acceptance of past feelings and behaviors
as opposed to rejection and disavowal leads to the resolution of these internal
Persons with unresolved abusive experiences frequently underestimate and
minimize the extent of their own victimization as a way of protecting themselves
from the full impact of the abuse. Despite the intense dysphoria that often accom-
panies fragmentary memories of the abuse, survivors are often stunned by the full 393
realization of the extent of past abuse. As patients begin to accept their past Posttraumatic
realities, they are often overcome by the extent of their former helplessness and by Responses to
the abandonment and betrayal of important people in their lives. This part of the Childhood Abuse
abreactive process often leaves patients emotionally drained, analogous to survivors
of a natural disaster who are just beginning to take in the extent of the devastation
that surrounds them.
Full realization of the extent of their abuse and the subsequent toll it has taken
on their lives allows patients to begin to mourn the losses that have resulted from
the abuse. This slow and painful process may involve patients examining each
significant aspect of their pasts and reframing their understanding of the events and
their meaning. Patients begin to accept that they were truly not to blame for their
victimization and to understand how the early abusive experiences may have made
them vulnerable to later revictimization.
Supported by these insights, patients begin the process of surrendering the
role of "victim" and replacing it with a sense of self as a "survivor" of abuse. Over
time, the abreactive process enables abuse survivors to mobilize their strengths and
to gain a sense of control. Diffuse feelings become more focused. For example,
rather than feeling frightened of all men, sexual abuse survivors may be able to
recognize that there were specific men responsible for the abuse. They may then be
able to focus their fear, anger, and outrage on the perpetrators as opposed to
displacing these feelings in a generalized fashion.
Abreaction of past trauma frees abuse survivors from fear of their own re-
pressed memories. Their nightmarish childhood realities have lost the power to
overwhelm and control them. Moreover, their sense of identity is positively en-
hanced by an understanding that they have been able to tolerate and overcome the
reexperiencing of past abuse. An adult perspective on the childhood trauma allows
abuse survivors freedom from unreasonable fear, as well as enabling them to protect
themselves from future victimization.
Late-Stage Treatment
Abreaction and resolution of past abusive experiences enables trauma sur-
vivors to proceed with their lives relatively unencumbered by their pasts. Late-stage
treatment is familiar to experienced therapists as the processes of healthy introspec-
tion and engagement of the external world, which is usual in the psychotherapy of
nontraumatized patients. Resolution of the all-encompassing and overwhelming
past events reduces survivors' narcissistic preoccupation with their symptoms and
difficulties. Moreover, an empowered sense of self leads patients to have increased
confidence in their abilities to participate successfully in interpersonal relation-
ships and other interactions in ways that previously eluded them. In persons who
previously have had a fragmented sense of identity, a profound sense of a new,
integrated self arising from new psychic structures often emerges, which facilitates
persons' ability to engage with the external world.
It should be noted that it is common for patients in the late stage of therapy to
find areas of yet unresolved trauma or trauma-related issues as they proceed with
their lives and encounter new situations. This process should be construed only as a
394 need to complete further abreactive work and not as a failure of therapy. In fact,
James A. Chu previous successful experiences with abreactive therapy facilitate and often
shorten any additional similar treatment.
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lbis section provides an overview of the important and emerging question of the
treatment of dissociative disorders. Using a variety of perspectives, the authors
examine the difficulty and complexity of treatment. One common theme found in
all of the therapies is the initial establishment of safety in the therapeutic relation-
ship. A second theme is the allowing of experiences and memories to come forth
on the part of the patient rather than a search for "forgotten" events. In Chapter 19,
Fine discusses a cognitive behavioral treatment for DID. The basic premise is that
how one thinks will affect how one feels. As with other types of cognitive therapy,
the utilization of the Socratic method lies at the basis of the work, with each identity
in search of relevant cognitive schema. However, questions of control and trust are
also emphasized along with the cognitive work. In Chapter 20, Barach and Com-
stock examine DID from a psychoanalytic perspective. One of the main foci is on
reducing the need for dissociative defenses. The overall goal is to help the patient
reestablish emotional connection between events in his or her life. As described in
the chapter, this may also require developmental reeducation to approach develop-
ment aspects of the patient's life that were not accomplished because of the
psychopathology. Overall, this requires a more active therapist who is sensitive to
both the type of interpretations required as well as the variety of transference
relationships seen in these situations.
The next two chapters describe techniques that utilize hypnosis as a means to
facilitate therapy. In Chapter 21, Watkins and Watkins develop their model of ego
state therapy based on traditional psychodynamic theory. In Chapter 22, Peterson
emphasizes the nature of hypnosis itself in the treatment of dissociative disorders.
She begins by dispelling the popular press notion that the fundamental role of
hypnosis is memory retrieval. Throughout the chapter, specific techniques are
described that illustrate the treatment.
Throughout this volume, the role of trauma as precursor to dissociation has
been discussed. However, in the therapy situation, the question arises as to how to
work with trauma memories as they come forth. In Chapter 23, Sachs and Peterson
offer insights and techniques for processing these memories. The first rule sug- 399
400 gested is to honor the patients' defenses and allow them to process traumatic
Therapeutic memories at their own pace. This information then needs to be worked through
Interventions with the goal of achieving resolution and integration of the memories. An important
point raised by Sachs and Peterson is the fact that working with these difficult cases
may take its toll on the therapists themselves and they in turn often can suffer a
PTSD-type reaction.
In the final three chapters of this section, the authors approach specific types
of treatments for dissociative disorders: inpatient treatments, art, and psychophar-
macology. Whereas all of the therapies discussed previously emphasize the need for
a safe psychological environment, there are situations in which treatment must
begin with a safe physical environment, in particular, an inpatient situation. In
Chapter 24, Young and Young describe some of the precursors that establish the
need for hospitalization for the treatment of dissociative disorders, especially DID,
and the types of inpatient treatments available. They further discuss the important
question of inpatient staffing and the use of adjunctive therapies. One of the
adjunctive therapies is the use of art, which is described by Cohen in Chapter 25.
Art has the advantage of being able to move beyond the verbal to allow for
expression in a different form. Cohen suggests that art offers a fundamental way of
representing one's inner world, especially important when this world contains
traumatic experiences. The chapter ends by asking the provocative question of why
people with severe dissociative disorders produce so much art. In the final chapter
of the section, Torem overviews the uses and benefits of various psychotropic
medications directed at dissociative disorders. Although there is no pharmacologi-
cal cure for a dissociative disorder, Torem suggests their importance in three areas:
(1) reducing debilitating symptoms; (2) improving the patient's mental state in
order to benefit from psychotherapy; and (3) treating a comorbid disorder. The
chapter not only overviews specific medications, but also offers some general
guidelines when considering their use.
A Cognitively Based
Treatment Model for DSM-IV
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Catherine G. Fine
Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is the most recent renaming by the American
Psychiatric Association (1994) of a psychiatric syndrome that has been recorded
from the time ofParacelsus (sixteenth century) (Bliss, 1986; Kluft, 1991). Its recogni-
tion has waxed and waned more as a function of the socioreligious Zeitgeist and the
psychological theory(ies) dominating the era than from actual variations or fluctua-
tions of the disorder itself. The curious archivist and medical historian (Ellenberger,
1970) could readily track the various literature pools and obscure sources to shed
some light on the epidemiology of dissociative disorders. More recently, clinicians
with an interest in history and psychoarcheology have collected, reexamined,
reviewed, and sometimes reinterpreted past misdiagnosed conditions to be disso-
ciative ones (Goodwin, 1993). Skeptics of the existence of dissociative disorders
remain: some on politicophilosophical grounds (Orne, 1984a; Orne, Dinges, &
Orne, 1984), others because they have never seen them in their practice (Chodoff,
1987), and many because they are repulsed by the possibility that child abuse,
which is part of the etiology of DID in 97% of the cases (Putnam, Guroff, Silberman,
Barban, & Post, 1986), could be so prevalent. However, an increasing number of
men and women are currently being appropriately diagnosed with DID.
DID is considered to be a chronic, complex dissociative psychopathology
accompanied by disturbances of identity and memory (Kluft, 1991; Nemiah, 1991).
The tactical integration model proposed by Fine (1991, 1992, 1993) takes into
account the affective, cognitive, and perceptual struggles of the DID patient. DID
patients traditionally struggle with feeling out of control and vulnerable. The
tactical integration perspective focuses on establishing an increasingly stable cogni-
tive foundation prior to the patient feeling feelings with any degree of complete-
ness. In short, the tactical integration model helps the DID patient build up affect
tolerance prior to doing abreactive work related to their experiences.
The Treatment Model. Fine's (1991, 1992, 1993) model proposes an initial
suppression of affect phase in the treatment of DID. The patient learns to notice
what thoughts, sensations, and incomplete affects arise in everyday life as well as in
the therapy sessions. Once therapist and patient have a beginning overview of the
dissociative landscape, once ego strengths are assessed and the therapeutic alliance
is in process, and once a number of the personalities are actively involved in the
therapy, the cognitive stabilization phase will be followed by the dilution of affect
stage. This phase focuses on bringing into the cognitive narrative (i.e., the patient's
reported experiences) other BASK dimensions; these dimensions will be driven
particularly by the affective and sensation realms. Only then can DID patients begin
to truly piece their experiences together and inquire as to how these experiences
can be understood.
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (4th
ed.). Washington, DC: Author.
Beck, A. T. (1976). Cognitive therapy and the emotional disorders. New York: International Universities
Blank, A. S. (1985). The unconscious flashback to the war in VietNam veterans: Clinical mystery, legal 411
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Model for DID
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Braun, B. G. (1988). The BASK model of dissociation. Dissociation, 1, 4-23.
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personality disorder patient. Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 14, 661-675.
Fine, C. G. (1992). Multiple personality disorder. In A. Freeman & F. M. Dattilio (Eds.), Comprehensive
casebook of cognitive therapy (pp. 347- 36o). New York: Plenum Press.
Fine, C. G. (1993). A tactical integrationist perspective on the treatment of multiple personality disorder.
In R. P. Kluft & C. G. Fine (Eds.), Clinical perspectives on multiple personality disorder {pp. 135-
153). Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Fish-Murray, C., Koby, E., Van der Kolk, B. (1987). Evolving ideas: The affect of abuse on children's
thought. In B. VanderKolk (Ed.), Psychological trauma {pp. 89-110). Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Press.
Goodwin,]. M. (Ed.). (1993). Rediscovering childhood trauma: Historical casebook and clinical
applications. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Press.
Janoff-Bulman, R. (1985). The aftermath of victimization: Rebuilding shattered assumptions. In C. Figley
(Ed.), Trauma and its wake (pp. 15-35). New York: Brumner-Mazel.
Kluft, R. P. (1984). Multiple personality in childhood. Psychiatric Clinics ofNorth America, 7, 121-134.
Kluft, R. P. (Ed.). (1985). Childhood antecedents of multiple personality. Washington, DC: American
Psychiatric Press.
Kluft, R. P. (1991). Multiple personality disorder. In A. Tasman & S. Goldfinger (Eds.), American
Psychiatric Press review ofpsychiatry (Vol. 10, pp. 161-188). Washington, DC: American Psychi-
atric Press.
Kluft, R. P. (1993). The treatment of dissociative disorder patients: An overview of discoveries. Dissocia-
tion, 6, 87-107.
Kluft, R. P. (in press). An overview of the treatment of patients alleging that they have suffered ritualized
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Nemiah,]. C. (1991). Dissociation, conversion and somatization. In A. Tasman & S. M. Goldfinger (Eds.),
American psychiatric press review ofpsychiatry (Vol. 10, pp. 248-26o). Washington, DC: Ameri-
can Psychiatric Press.
Orne, M. T. (1984) Forensic hypnosis. Part I. The use and misuse of hypnosis in court. In W. C. Wester &
A. H. Smith (Eds.), Clinical hypnosis: A multidisciplinary approach. New York: Lippincott.
Orne, M. T., Dinges, D. F., & Orne, E. C. (1984) On the differential diagoosis of multiple personality disorder
in a furensic context. International journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 32, 118-167.
Piaget,]. (1971). Biology and knowledge: An essay on the relations between organic regulations and
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Putnam, F. W, Guroff, ]. ]., Silberman, E. K., Barban, !.., & Post, R. M. (1986). The clinical phenomenology of
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America, 7, 000-000.
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FL: Practioner's Resource Series, Professional Resource Exchange.
Psychotherapy of
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Peter M. Barach and Christine M. Comstock
Peter M. Barach and Christine M. Comstock • Horizons Counseling Services, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretlca~ Empirical, and Cltntcal Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William J. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 413
414 functioning of the patient as a whole. The therapist inadvertently adopts the
Peter M. Barach dissociative patient's worldview, perceiving related events as separate. In contrast,
and Christine M. an integrative psychodynamic treatment approach is more consistent with the goal
Comstock of producing an integrated patient.
An integrative psychodynamic approach focuses on helping the patient alter a
continued reliance on dissociative defenses. The dissociative patient maintains
emotional stability by ignoring connections between events (Braun, 1988). It is as if
she has been examining a halftone newspaper reproduction of a disturbing photo
by holding it so close to her face that she sees only the individual dots. Psycho-
dynamic psychotherapy enables the patient to reassociate aspects of psychological
functioning that are actively being held apart. By directing the patient's attention to
possible connections between emotional and behavioral events, the therapist helps
the patient to associate things that have previously seemed unrelated. In effect, the
therapist encourages the patient to move the photo away so that she can allow
herself to see the whole picture. He does this by using familiar psychodynamic
tools, such as interpretations, questions, empathic reflection, and confrontation.
Adding to the therapeutic value of specific psychodynamic interventions, the
treatment setting itself provides a predictability and stability that allows the patient
to encounter and eventually to integrate disavowed parts of the mind. The therapist
does this without exploiting, manipulating, or attempting to control verbal expres-
sion. The therapist may be the only person in the patient's life who has tried to
relate to all aspects of her personhood, allowing her the freedom to verbalize all
aspects of her mental life.
Psychodynamic interventions are well suited for treating DID, in which the
"lost provinces" of the psyche are like walled city-states that are unaware of each
other. However, DID should not be seen as a disorder of multiple selves. Many
descriptions of DID seem to describe multiple selves operating as separate people.
A multiple-self model is probably being used when one uses implicit spatial meta-
phors to describe alters, such as characterizing them as "inside; "in front of; and
"layered." Multiple-self models reify the alters by depicting them as talking to,
comforting, or fighting with each other.
Although the transferences, resistances, and defensive styles of DID patients
have often been described as multiple (e.g., Wilbur, 1984), they can be more
parsimoniously understood as aspects or facets of a single self. We understand DID
as taking place within a single-self system that has access to several stable configura-
tions of memories, cognitive styles, and emotions (Barach, 1992; Watkins & Wat-
kins, 1993). The emotional demands of the patient's immediate situation govern
which configuration is active. The patient may know each configuration as an
alternate personality, experiencing mental conflicts as verbal or physical inter-
actions between alters. These experiences may be understood as autohypnotic
phenomena (Bliss, 1986) that have become elaborated over many years (Putnam,
1989). DID patients are highly hypnotizable (Frischholz, lipman, Braun, & Sachs,
1992), and they have concretized conflicting aspects of the psyche at the hallucina-
tory intensity accessible to hypnotizable people in trance states. However, from the
framework of a single-self model of DID, when alters are not influencing behavior, 415
they do not exist independently, except as potential ego states. As symptoms, alters Psychodynamic
are compromise formations (Fenichel, 1945) between complete repression of trau- Psychotherapy
matic material and emergence of that material into awareness. A single-self perspec- of DID
tive simplifies the therapeutic task of understanding and interpreting the inter-
actions of alters as reifications of psychic conflict.
Once the goals of DID are considered in psychodynamic terms, the preferred
treatment framework becomes clear. Psychodynamic treatment involves a relatively
nondirective therapist who creates a setting in which the patient is encouraged to
put all of her needs and wishes into words. The structure of the treatment invites all
aspects of the psyche to be verbalized, which eventually helps the patient to
experience all aspects of the psyche in an increasingly integrated way.
Early in treatment, the therapist should establish clearly defined boundaries
that she expects she can maintain. For DID patients, clear boundaries bring predict-
ability, a quality that was rarely in evidence in their childhood experiences. The
therapist should spell out the length and starting time of sessions, fees and how they
will be paid, emergency availability, and guidelines about when it is appropriate for
the patient to call. We believe that it is generally not helpful for therapists to touch
DID patients, because the meaning of touch may be confusing to patients who have
experienced abuse. Because previous treatment settings and approaches have
sometimes included touch, and because some patients have been sexually exploited
by previous therapists (Kluft, 1990), it may be necessary to state specifically that the
therapist will not be touching the patient.
Although the structure of a therapy should fit the needs of the specific pa-
tient, psychodynamic therapists treating DID generally see DID patients face-to-face
between one and three times a week, with sessions lasting between 45 and 90
minutes. If the patient needs an extra session during a crisis, we clearly label it as
an exception to the regular schedule. When there are problems (as there usually
are) in the patient's significant relationships, we prefer to have someone other
than the patient's therapist meet with or treat the couple, the family, or the
children. The patient is asked to authorize the various therapists to stay in commu-
Therapeutic Neutrality
A relatively neutral therapeutic stance may permit the patient to move beyond
the production of material that complies with what she thinks the therapist wants
to hear. Although complete neutrality is impossible, a silent, critical, or detached
therapist may inadvertently replicate crucial traumatic aspects of the patient's
childhood environment (Giovacchini, 1989), resulting in a therapeutic impasse.
422 Furthermore, a high level of therapist activity is necessary during crises, particularly
Peter M. Barach early in treatment.
and Christine M.
Management oftbe Transference
The presence of dissociative defenses results in some modifications in the
therapist's way of working with transference. Generally, psychodynamic psycho-
therapists identify and interpret transference by deducing its presence from the
patient's free associations, dreams, and resistances. Although these sources of
information are certainly available to the therapist treating DID, transference makes
itself known in some additional ways. By adopting a single-self model of DID, the
therapist can identify transferential implications in the presentation, tinting, and
sequencing of dissociative phenomena in the therapy session. For example, a
sudden switch from calm personality John to belligerent alter Rocky can signify the
activation of a transference reaction. Transference reactions occur not only to the
therapist's behavior, but also to the patient's feelings about the therapist's behavior.
Thus, Rocky might emerge not as a defense to a perceived attack by the therapist,
but to the patient's discomfort with his own loving feelings for the therapist.
The usual method of interpreting transference should be slightly modified for
DID patients to allow for the presence of dissociative amnesia. Interpretation
becomes difficult when the patient has amnesia for the associations the therapist is
trying to interpret. However, amnestic barriers are rarely as absolute as they appear.
In the preceding example, the therapist might suggest that Rocky has perhaps taken
control to protect the system of personalities from frightening feelings that arose
when John was "out." Once the dissociative defense has been interpreted in this
way, the therapist can evoke John when Rocky is in control of behavior, asking
Rocky to check "inside" and see what John might have been feeling. If Rocky
cooperates, he may then experience the anxiety that occurred when loving feelings
toward the therapist arose in John. The experience of sharing feelings across alters
is integrative in nature and effect, and also brings memories or associations that
underlie the transference to the conscious mind.
The transferences that come forward in DID patients are usually quite intense
and often unmodulated in their expression. Most patients develop an aggressive
transference, a caretaking transference, some form of erotized transference, and a
"victim" transference (in which the therapist is consciously or unconsciously per-
ceived as a perpetrator in the patient's abuse memories) (Loewenstein, 1993). Any
of these transferences may become so strongly expressed in action as to interfere
with treatment progress. For example, patients may act out sexually toward the
therapist, may threaten the therapist or break things in the office, or may cower in
the comer because they believe the therapist is about to hurt them. Within the
limits of the therapist's tolerance, the therapist can attempt to interpret such
behaviors; these responses occur in venues other than the therapist's office and
may in fact have brought the patient into treatment.
Acting out in the transference can be a resistance, enabling the patient to avoid
upsetting feelings and memories (Greenson, 1967), and it is profitable to explore
what the acting out means. However, if it is reasonably clear that the patient is
making no progress in exploring these issues or if the expression of transference is
beyond the limits of the therapist's tolerance, the patient may need to be referred to 423
another therapist or to a more structured treatment setting. Psychodynamic
of DID
Although DID patients may elicit stronger countertransference than many
other patients (Comstock, 1991; Wilbur, 1984), the management of counter-
transference feelings is no different from its management with other patients: The
therapist's feelings are to be handled by the therapist. The patient may be con-
fronted about behavior that results in negative responses from the therapist, but the
patient is not "blamed" for the therapist's feelings.
When the therapist is tempted to make a treatment deviation, the temptation
often arises from unresolved countertransference. As with all other feelings in a
psychodynamic treatment, countertransference feelings should be examined be-
fore being acted upon.
Abreactions occurring within a therapy context are multidetermined. Their
content may reflect past experiences of trauma. They are also stimulated by situa-
424 tions and feelings about the present that are represented metaphorically in the
Peter M. Barach content, affective tone, and timing of the abreaction. Because the therapist cannot
and Christine M. ascertain literal accuracy of the retrieved material, she must adopt a neutral thera-
Comstock peutic stance so that the patient can have the freedom to explore his own fears and
certainties as he works to create a cohesive sense of his own history.
Besides conveying information about dissociated trauma, abreactions can com-
bine elements of reenactment, resistance, and communication to the therapist
about the therapeutic relationship. Abreacted material does not emerge as a chro-
nological reconstruction of the patient's childhood, but piece by piece as it is
elicited by the patient's present-day situation. As the therapist interprets the paral-
lels between the abreacted material and the patient's present life situation, dissoci-
ated feelings concerning the present situation will come forward in tandem with
their metaphorical appearance in the content of the abreaction. As the patient
develops the ability to modulate affect and put her feelings into words, she begins
to have associations instead of abreactions. By then, she has less need to experience
feelings metaphorically by reliving them.
In contrast to some other approaches to treating DID, psychodynamic psych~
therapy is not organized around the goal of "getting out the memories." Abreactive
work occurs in DID patients because it is dissociative in nature. It emerges from
the dissociative strategies that DID patients adopted to survive their childhoods.
As the patient comes to rely less on dissociative defenses, abreactive work will
become less frequent, and the patient will recall historical material by means of free
We present two vignettes from the treatment of a DID patient that illustrate
discrete psychodynamic interventions. For reasons of confidentiality and brevity,
the vignettes combine elements of many patients' therapies, selected to illustrate
the process of treatment.
Diane, a 30-year-old white female, sought therapy for panic attacks and night
terrors that began soon after her daughter revealed abuse by a neighbor. When Dr.
Jones tried to take a history, he found that Diane had few memories before age 16.
She often experienced periods of missing time, found things in her possession she
did not remember buying, and sometimes found herself on the floor playing with
her daughter's toys. Diane scored 35 on the Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES)
(Bernstein & Putnam, 1986).
During a diagnostic interview, Diane displayed dissociative behaviors, includ-
ing spontaneous trance states, brief periods of confusion, and apparent difficulty
remembering what she had said earlier in the interview. When he asked her if she
had experienced physical or sexual abuse in childhood, she started to hyperventi·
late. She stared out of the window, talked in a calm child's voice, and said, "Diane is
in the comer over there in that white house. It's safe over there." "Safe from what?"
"Safe from the man." Diane closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them,
she appeared dazed, and asked what had happened. Dr. Jones said, "You got
panicked when I asked if you had been abused." Diane recalled the panic, but did
not recall the emergence of a child ego state.
Diane began to hear the voices of children within her mind, which frightened 425
her. She started to make frequent calls to Dr. }ones after office hours, and requested Psychodynamic
extra sessions. In session, Dr. Jones told her that he was available after hours only in Psychotherapy
the event of an emergency, which he defined as imminent suicidal or homicidal of DID
behavior. She then switched to an angry alter who said, "You don't give a damn
about her. She thought you were going to help her, but it was just a trick so you
could get her hooked and then dump her. Well, she won't be coming back again."
Dr. }ones asked her whether there was any way he could have been more direct
about his limits, and pointed out that even clear boundaries felt like a trick to her.
He gradually interpreted her belligerent posture as a defense against the feelings of
vulnerability displayed by the child alters that had been calling him. He pointed out
that she must have had some experiences that taught her to expect that she would
be let down if she needed someone. Eventually, the belligerent alter began to allow
herself to feel some of the vulnerability, and the vulnerable alter began to express
some of her anger about being let down.
Because Dr. }ones remained relatively steady and consistent in his response to
the patient, the patient found she could hold herself together in between sessions.
She began to experience periods of sadness. The sadness gradually coalesced into
childhood memories of having been hit by her mother when she asked for help and
then having been left alone in a closet for hours. The patient began to understand
why she abruptly shifted from clinging, regressive dependency to biting sarcasm in
dealing with her husband. She also began to express a sense of trust in Dr. }ones'
steady availability.
This highly condensed vignette shows a patient working on several of the goals
described earlier. First, Diane is working on establishing a secure base for attach-
ment. As Diane began to feel a sense of internal danger (i.e., signal anxiety) when
treatment began, she displayed separation anxiety by making frequent calls to Dr.
}ones. When Dr. Jones was unwilling to be available to her whenever she wanted
him, the transference probably reflected experiences of parental abandonment. Dr.
}ones interpreted her defense (the appearance of a belligerent alter who represents
a form of passive-into-active defense: "I'll be the one who leaves, not you"). Second,
Diane is developing a more coherent object representation of Dr. Jones: He gradu-
ally becomes someone who she sees as consistently caring, even though she is
disappointed that she cannot call him whenever she wants. Third, Diane began to
make more gradual transitions between ego states; the belligerent and vulnerable
experiences shifted from being experienced as separate people to being experi-
enced as mixed feelings.
Interpretation was the major therapeutic intervention. The dissociated memo-
ries of abuse and neglect arose spontaneously rather than through hypnotic inter-
vention, as the result of interpretation of the transference. As Diane became aware
of how she responded to her unconscious expectations of abandonment, she
engaged in the process of working through and applied her insight to her marriage.
Interpretation of the connections between alters gradually led to a blurring of their
differences and then to some preliminary integration.
Early in treatment, a seductive alter named Regina began to appear in sessions.
Her seductiveness was at first nonverbal, but later she began to talk about how
much she wanted to have sex with Dr. Jones. He told her that he would not have sex
with a patient at any time during or after treatment, that a sexual relationship with a
426 patient would be harmful as well as unethical. Regina protested that a sexual
Peter M. Barach relationship with a loving man like Dr. Jones would only be good for her. Going
and Christine M. beyond merely setting a limit, Dr. Jones also asked Regina how Little Diane (a
Comstock trusting and naive child alter) would feel if she found herself having sex with Dr.
Jones. Regina said, "She doesn't deal with any of that stuff." Regina went on to
describe sadistic sexual abuse by a trusted uncle. The host personality had not
recalled this material before this point. Regina noted how much she had enjoyed it
and how Little Diane had stayed "inside," crying and screaming during the abuse.
Dr. Jones then interpreted the behavior of the two alters in relationship to each
other. He said that perhaps abusive experiences like the memories concerning the
uncle were what Diane (the patient as a whole) expected from men; that Little
Diane had wished to trust Dr. Jones; and that perhaps Regina had come forward to
cope with what Diane expected would come next: sexual abuse from Dr. Jones.
Regina admitted that this was indeed what she had expected, but said that it
wouldn't have been abuse because she would have enjoyed it. Dr. Jones asked her to
think back to what she felt when her uncle had sex with her, and Regina noted that
actually she had felt quite numb. He then asked if she would be willing to check on
what Little Diane might have felt during the abuse. Regina reported that Little Diane
had felt frightened and hurt.
Regina then began to abreact the abuse spontaneously, partly blending with
Little Diane during the process. That is, Regina recalled numbing herself but also
felt some of the fear and pain that had been relegated to Little Diane. During the
abreaction, Dr. Jones let the patient know that this was not happening in the
present, that she was in his office, that she could open her eyes and look around to
orient herself. After the abreaction, Diane, Regina, and Little Diane all shared a
common understanding of the mixture of feelings concerning the memory of abuse
by her uncle.
In this session, Dr. Jones interpreted the patient's acting out in terms of the
interactions among alters in response to transference. The patient then recalled
dissociated material that she had unknowingly been acting out. This treatment
sequence helped the patient to integrate object and self representations that had
been split among several alters. As a result of many such sequences, Diane began to
see herself as having complex and contradictory feelings about significant people in
her lives. She began to use her associations to present-day events to understand her
own reactions, and was less prone to switching.
The DID patient benefits from a therapeutic outlook in which all behavior and
feelings are presumed to reflect a single self. Psychodynamic psychotherapy, in
contrast to approaches that emphasize directive and specialized techniques, en-
gages the patient and therapist in the shared goal of understanding all of the
patient's actions and behavior. It communicates respect for the patient's autonomy,
but does not sanction the patient's unconscious attempts to get reparation for past
abuse by means of acting out. Dissociative symptoms may have helped the person
to survive years of neglect and abuse, but they cannot compensate for the inability
of the patient to complete important aspects of psychological development. If 427
treatment focuses on completion of important developmental tasks and avoids Psychodynamic
limiting itself to eliminating dissociative phenomena, many patients can develop a Psychotherapy
resilient integration. If treatment is integrative, the patient can integrate. of DID
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Overt-Covert Dissociation
and Hypnotic Ego State
John G. Watkins and Helen H. Watkins
During the past decade, the psychological process of dissociation has received an
increasing amount of attention as witnessed by the contributions in this volume.
However, the focus has been largely on its severe ramifications evidenced in
amnesia and multiple personality disorder (MPD). Such a focus has resulted in an
emphasis on its pathological effects as found in severe mental illness to the neglect
of its more normal manifestations as an adaptive defense. This more normal aspect
of dissociation is demonstrated in many behavioral, adjustment problems and in
various neurotic and psychosomatic reactions.
The continuous nature of dissociation as a separating process has been noted
by various contributors, i.e., by Braun (1988) in his BASK model (see also Chapter
5). Still, the greatest interest to date has been in the understanding and treatment of
this condition as manifested in true MPD.
Ego state theory (see Spring 1993 issue of American journal of Clinical
Hypnosis) is an extension of the principles and findings that have been noted in
the sevue maladjustments of MPD-now renamed dissociative identity disorder
(DID), in the current revision of the American Psychiatric Association's (1994)
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.
Ego states apparently develop by one or more of the following three processes:
normal differentiation, introjection of significant others, and reactions to trauma.
First, through normal differentiation the child learns to discriminate foods that taste
good and those that do not. He or she not only makes such simple discriminations,
but also develops entire patterns of behavior that are appropriate for dealing with
parents, teachers, or playmates. They are adaptive for adjusting to school, the
playground, and so forth. These changes are considered quite normal, yet they do
represent patterns of behavior and experience that are clustered and organized
under some common principle. As such, they can be considered ego states.
434 The boundaries between these entities are very flexible and permeable. The
John G. Watkins child in school is quite aware (or easily capable of becoming aware) of himself in a
and Helen H. playground situation. Playground behaviors, however, are not as easily activated
Watkins when at the school desk. He or she is now in a different ego state, and there is
resistance at the boundaries. These less-clearly differentiated ego states are usually
adaptive and are economic in providing appropriate behavior patterns when
Second, through the introjection of significant others the child erects patterns
of behavior which if ego-cathected become roles that he himself experiences and if
object-cathected represent inner objects with whom he must relate and interact.
For example, if a boy introjects a punishing parent, hence developing an ego state
pattern around his perceptions of that parent, he may be constantly depressed as he
tries to cope inwardly and covertly with a continuation of the accusations and abuse
originally heaped on him by the real parent. However, if he ego-cathects this state
(e.g., infuses it with self-energy), he will not suffer, but he will abuse his own child.
We say he has identified with his bad parent. He not only introjects the abusing
parent, but he also introjects the drama of the original parent-child conflict;
whether he suffers from this ego state or identifies with it and inflicts suffering on
others will depend on whether it is primarily object or self. In a multiple personality
he may alternate between these two patterns of response. Finally, if he introjects
both his mother and father and if these two parents were constantly quarreling with
each other, then he will have internalized their war. This may be manifested by
constant headaches of whose origin he is unaware as the two parental ego states
battle with each other.
Third, when confronted with overwhelming trauma, rejection, or abuse, the
child may dissociate. A lonesome youngster often removes the ego cathexis (self
energy) from part of himself, reenergizes it with object cathexis (non-self energy),
and creates an imaginary playmate with whom he or she can interact. Most children
with imaginary playmates discard or repress these entities upon going to school.
But if such an ego state is merely repressed, later conflict and environmental
pressure may cause it to be reinvested with energy and to reemerge, perhaps in
malevolent form as it did in the case of Rhonda Johnson, who coauthored with me
Q.G.W) her life story and treatment in We, the Divided Self (Watkins & Johnson,
1982), or the murdering Steve personality of Ken Bianchi, the "Hillside Strangler"
(see Watkins, 1984).
Evidence has been accumulating from hypnotherapy cases involving hyper-
mnesia and regression that differentiation, and perhaps even severe dissociation,
may begin at a very early age, at least within the first few months of life and possibly
even before birth. This whole issue of the veridicality of early memories is contro-
versial today, with experimental research often in opposition to clinical findings
(see Loftus, 1993; Watkins, 1989, 1993). The child knows the meaning of pain before
it has developed a word for this. Later, when it has learned to attach a word to this
feeling, it is in a position to report on earlier pain experiences.
A paper by Helen Watkins (1986) on "Treating the Trauma of Abortion" pre-
sented specific cases where this splitting had apparently occurred. In that paper,
she also described how hypnoanalytic ego state therapy was employed in treating
these dissociations.
As defense mechanisms are increasingly utilized to avoid guilt and anxiety, the 435
individual develops more unwillingness or inability to face reality and accept the Dissociation and
consequences of his own behavior. True dissociation involves strong avoidance of Hypnotic Ego State
responsibility for one's own behavior and unwillingness to face the consequences Therapy
of one's actions. Ego states become more sharply differentiated from one another as
the separating boundaries become increasingly less permeable.
The extreme of this continuum is reached when the boundaries are so rigid
and impermeable that there is little or no interaction between states. If the dissocia-
tion is quite complete, the individual, when ego state A is executive, is not con-
scious of the behaviors and experiences that occurred when B is "out." There is
then a broad amnesia for these events (especially if they are recent), and a true
multiple personality is manifested. The only way these other events can be accessed
is through a complete change of ego states, or as we term it, a switching of "alters."
We use the term "ego state" to cover all of those discrete patterns of behavior
and experience, which range from the simple organizational patterns in "normal"
adjustment, through the intermediate ones represented by neurotic defense and
true neuroses, to the severe dissociations of MPD. We reserve the term "alters," as
in current usage, for those ego states involved in true MPD.
In the differentiation-dissociation continuum, normal and neurotic ego states
lie between simple adaptive differentiation at the one extreme and the severe
dissociation of true multiple personality at the other (see Figure 1). The variable
here is the rigidity or permeability of the separating boundaries. Normal separa-
tions in everyday life are exemplified by the organization of patterns of behavior
and experience dividing the average person's function while at work as contrasted
with the activities and mental processes needed during periods of recreation,
relationships with family; and so forth.
As adaptation to everyday problems of life become more complex and stress-
ful, the separating boundaries between the various ego states become less perme-
able in order to minimize conflicts between incompatible states, which would
cause increased anxiety. In the lower intermediate area, characterized in Fig. I as
"defensive", one finds processes like rationalization, compensation, reaction forma-
tion, and other neurotic defense mechanisms. These involve a partial shielding of
~ \:lY \:lY \:t) \:t)
Normal Borderline Multiple
Well-adjusted multiple personality
Hypnosis is a process that involves the alteration and moving of energies, both
object cathexes and ego cathexes. We can hypnotically anesthetize and paralyze a
part of the body by removing its ego cathexis. It is then no longer experienced as
part of the self. By investing a hysterically paralyzed arm with ego cathexis, we
remove the paralysis and bring it once more within the body ego. In hypnotherapy
we utilize this ability to activate and deactivate various symptoms, experiences, and
behaviors. In normal differentiation and in pathological dissociation the individual
initiates these same energy dispositions by himself.
Since hypnosis is a modality that can change subject into object experiences,
and vice versa, then hypnosis becomes a modality for the manipulation of ego and
object cathexes. With this technique a therapist can (at least temporarily and in
some cases) remove hysterical paralyses, change hallucinatory experiences back
into self-thoughts, activate dissociated ego states, switch MPD alters, and so forth.
This appears to give the therapist great powers of manipulation. However, it is not
quite that simple. Established patterns of energy interchange are not that easily
altered. The many ways in which hypnosis can be employed to move cathexes have
been described in detail in our two-volume work (Watkins, 1987, 1992).
It should be noted here that ego and object cathexes are theoretical concepts.
They may or may not exist in reality. No experimental data are currently available to
prove or disprove their existence. However, a two-energy theory does offer a
rationale for many psychological phenomena such as dissociation, repression,
displacement, reaction formation, and so on, which cannot be nearly as well
understood through traditional "libido" theory. It also offers something tangible to
the psychotherapist on which to base strategic and tactical considerations.
One other aspect of ego state theory is its suggestion for the understanding of
"consciousness." An item becomes "conscious" depending on the magnitude ofthe
impact of an object on "self," on an ego-cathected element or ego state. It is a
question of economics. An analogy to hearing might be appropriate. lf a loud noise
strikes my eardrum, I will hear it, assuming that my eardrum and related sensory
endings have normal sensitivity. If the noise is quite soft, I may not have the
sensitivity to record it. Recording is possible if the volume of the noise is increased
or if the sensitivity of the eardrum and related nerve endings are increased.
likewise, we become conscious of an external object if the stimuli from it
(auditory, visual, tactual, etc.) are strong enough to be recorded on impact with an
ego, hence, self-cathected ego state. Very sensitive (highly cathected) therapists,
who possess what Theodore Reik (1948) called "the third ear," can pick up nuances 439
of communication that would not register or would do so only unconsciously to less Dissociation and
highly energized practitioners. Since the boundary between the sleeping individual Hypnotic Ego State
and the external world is less energized than when that person is awake, sounds Therapy
and sight may impact without being felt, recorded, and perceived consciously.
Repeated light stimulation, such as a prolonged tickle, may become conscious as
the "self" awakens from sleep and is recathected. The treatment approach of ego
state therapy is based on the foregoing theory.
Ego states that are cognitively dissonant from one another or have contradic-
tory goals often develop conflicts with each other. If they are highly energized and
have rigid, impermeable boundaries, multiple personalities develop. However,
such conflicts appear between ego states that are only covert. These may be
manifested by anxiety, depression, or any number of neurotic symptoms and
maladaptive behaviors. For example, we have often found obesity to result from
pressures on the executive personality by a disgruntled, covert ego state. Such
conflicts require a kind of internal diplomacy not unlike what we do in treating true
multiple personalities. However, since the contending ego states do not sponta-
neously appear overtly, they must generally be activated through hypnosis. We call
this ego state therapy (H. Watkins, 1993).
Ego state therapy is the utilization of individual, family, and group therapy
techniques for the resolution of conflicts between the different ego states that
constitute a "family of self" within a single individual. It is a kind of internal
diplomacy that may employ any of the directive, behavioral, cognitive, analytic, or
humanistic techniques of treatment, usually under hypnosis.
Building Trust
The first and most important task for the therapist, and a "must" before
undertaking serious therapeutic work, is the establishing of trust. Every behavior,
whether verbal or nonverbal, is scanned by the patient, especially by those who
experienced abuse as children. The basic question for them: "Are you to be
It is understandable that ego states might be angry at the therapist for disrupt-
ing a system that has been in operation for many years. Furthermore, they have
much at stake to maintain the status quo, even if the system is damaging to psyche
or soma.
When activating an ego state, it needs to be treated with courtesy, even if the
IThe techniques presented here represent a briefer outline of procedures that are described in Watkins
and Watkins (in press).
440 thinking seems naive or preposterous to the therapist. An ego state is not a thing or
John G. Watkins a process. It is a part-person, and as such it wants to be accorded the dignity of being
and Helen H. heard with respect.
Watkins In establishing good relationships with each state, be sure to include the
seemingly malevolent ones. Malevolent ones are often protective in origin. In their
origin they were adaptive, at least temporarily. In working with such a state, it
becomes essential to underscore its protective function. Perhaps then a change to
more benevolent behavior is possible (Watkins and Watkins, 1988).
There are many ways to contact ego states. The most direct way is to hypnotize
the patient and ask if there is a part that feels different from the main personality, or
that feels an emotion the therapist knows is counter to what the patient feels in the
waking state. In other words, the purpose is to find out if there is a part of the
personality that is in conflict with other parts, and which is available under hyp-
nosis. The therapist can add: "If there is such a separate part, then just say, 'I'm
here: " However, the first time this is done, it is important to add a disclaimer, as
follows: "But if there is no such separate part, that's just fine," or words to that
effect. The purpose is to avoid producing an artifact. It is possible for a very good
hypnotic subject to produce whatever he or she thinks the therapist may want.
However, an artifact will not usually last or produce meaningful results.
Another method of contacting an ego state, after the initial hypnotic induction,
is to suggest descending plush-covered stairs together with the therapist. At the
bottom of the stairs, it is worthwhile to suggest a room with a couch and a chair and
"other furniture." To continue the fantasy, say, "As we walk into this room, you sit on
the couch while I sit on the chair." In the concrete thinking of hypnosis such a
statement makes clear that there is no intention of bodily harm. The therapist
anticipates that several ego states might enter the scene. That anticipation will
depend on knowledge obtained from previous sessions. With the setting in the
hallucinated room established, it is time to evoke an ego state if one or more are
available at this point in therapy. Speaking to the patient, one can say as follows:
"Please watch the door and let me know what you see. Is there someone who
might come in who knows about - -?"
"Who wants to be heard?"
"Who is willing to --?"
"Who feels different from (name of patient)?"
"But if there is no such separate part, that's just fine." The purpose of the last
sentence is to obviate the possibility of artificial cooperation. If the patient reports
seeing nothing, a separate ego state may still exist. It may mean one is not suffi-
ciently formed to be a separate vocal or visual entity, because the segments of the
personality are very permeable. Or it could be that no one is willing to make an
appearance at this time. Separate out only those ego states pertinent to a· given
problem the patient wants to resolve.
Diagnostic Exploration
After the patient has indicated the presence of someone in the hallucinated
room, it is time to get acquainted. Ask for:
1. Its age and origin: "How old was (name of patient) when you came to 441
be?" If a specific age is given then, "What was happening at that time?" The specific Dissociation and
age gives a clue to a possible trauma that might be abreacted at a future session. Hypnotic Ego State
2. Its name: "What name would you like me to call you?" If it resists a name, Therapy
then "Is it all right if I call you by the age you· gave me?" Since the ego state has
appeared, it stands to reason that it wants to be heard. If the therapist expresses
interest in the opinions of the ego state, then that state is most likely to agree to a
word that will bring it forth under hypnosis. Persons want to be heard, even part-
3. Its needs: "What needs do you have?" or more indirectly, "What do you
want (name of patient) to do?" The satisfaction of needs are vital in ego state
therapy. By satisfying needs, cooperation can be established. Needs are normal, but
the internal behavior to achieve those needs can be destructive. Ego states, like
whole persons, have achievement needs, play needs, dependency needs, protective
needs, destructive needs, safety needs, and so forth.
4. Its function or internal behavior: The problem arises internally when
an ego state has, for example, a strong achievement need and then nags and
criticizes other states to achieve a goal that is never good enough. The surface
symptom may then be in the form of depression or anxiety. An ego state is usually
willing to change its internal behavior if its underlying need is being met.
5. Its degree ofpermeability: Is the ego state aware of "anyone else" within
that inner world? That is to say, who knows whom, and what are the attitudes
toward each other.
6. Its gender: Ego states are not always the same gender as the patient. If a
female patient was abused by a male as a child, then at least one ego state is likely to
be male. The reason is not related to sexuality per se but to the concept of strength.
As one ego state said very clearly: "I have to be male; only males have strength."
7. Nonemotional part: Sometimes a nonemotional part of the personality
is available. It has wisdom; it is nonjudgmental; it has information as to the internal
landscape; and it can be a great resource for the therapist. Its inner function is to
The above categories may provide understanding for the therapist on how to
proceed toward the therapeutic goal. However, such information is best obtained
gradually and not by a shopping list of questions at the first meeting.
Upon first meeting with an ego state the therapist's attitude sets the tone for
future interaction. Since most ego states were created when the patient was a child,
the best way to communicate is to think like a child.
Assume that "everyone" is listening. The therapist is less likely to make an error
that will infuriate an ego state other than the one being addressed. It is a gross error
to express to the one being addressed that it is more cooperative, nicer, or better in
some way than other ego states. And it can be fatal to therapy to suggest that some
ego state should be eliminated entirely.
Ego states and the total personality must understand that the resolution of
emotional conflict lies within not outside the individual. For example, if an internal
child state feels lonely and rejected because of abandonment experiences in child-
442 hood, the solution lies in someone nurturing within the system, not by a nurturing
John G. Watkins adult in the outside world. H the therapist accedes to demands for nurturance
and Helen H. (whether explicitly or implicitly made), there is a liklihood of overdependency in
Watkins the patient. Effective therapy through constructive inner change stops.
A certain degree of dependency is desirable in a good therapeutic relationship.
The therapist must be willing to make a commitment to the patient and be willing
to accept and tolerate a degree of dependency. Hone insists on being too objective,
a resentful patient may reject the therapist and terminate treatment. There is a
possible dilemma here for the therapist. Both no dependency or overdependency in
the therapeutic relationship may well sabotage the process.]. Watkins (1978a) in his
treatise on The Therapeutic Self describes this conflict in considerable detail as a
balance between "objectivity" and "resonance." When we are objective, we view
the patient's problems like an outsider, unaffected by them emotionally. We do not
contaminate our perception and understanding of the patient by our own feelings,
experiences, or perhaps "transferences:· When we resonate, we use our whole self
through temporarily introjecting the patient and his situation, so that we can
coexperience what he or she is going through. When we resonate too deeply
without appropriate, objective safeguards, we encourage overdependency. The
secret is to balance the two.
Internal dialoguing is the best way to understand the relationship between
states. For example, if an ego state ap{iears to a patient in the hallucinated room,
then the therapist can suggest they speak to each other, silently or out loud. If the
conversation is silent, the therapist can always inquire what happened. In family
therapy, the therapist intervenes with one member only as long as necessary to
achieve a certain change. That principle is also true for ego states. Ego states, like
the less permeable alters in MPD, often contain information or feelings about past
experiences that are amnestic to the main personality (the person in the waking
state). In treatment we seek to make the primary person co-conscious of painful
experiences currently dissociated within underlying ego states. Co-consciousness
between states promotes the erosion of amnestic barriers. Such erosion opens the
door to differing states understanding each other.
For example, if a "table technique" is used, the therapist can ask for everyone
to enter the hypnotic room and sit at the table so that everyone can meet. Not
everyone involved in the problem may come, but the scene is an opportunity for
internal dialoguing, relating, and understanding. It may give evidence as to who did
not come-also informational. As each ego state enters, ask each where it would
like to sit and beside whom. Such a seemingly polite and social question also gives
information about relationships and possible future integration or resolution. (See
Fraser, 1991, for a variation of the table technique.)
Remember that states introjected in childhood and those resulting from child-
hood trauma think concretely like children. To think like a child becomes an asset
for the therapist.
For example, one patient told me that there were some states behind the door
of the hallucinated room who were afraid of me. I suggested that they could peek in
from the doorway, watch and hear me while I spoke to the hypnotized patient, and
then decide if I was to be feared. In that way they could gradually get used to me.
Isn't that what young children do naturally with strangers?
At another time a regressed patient was afraid of monsters coming into her
room. I told her I had a secret, that I knew how to get rid of monsters, and "Would
you like to know my secret?" That is an irresistable question to a small child. Of
course, she agreed. I continued, sitting close beside her: "Now you watch the door,
and as soon as you see a monster come in, say 'Go 'way!' real loud, and the monster
will go away." And, not surprisingly, she reported the monster was gone. If I had
spoken to her adult self, nothing would have happened, and it would not have been
helpful in allaying her fear.
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Hypnotherapeutic Techniques
to Facilitate Psychotherapy
with PTSD and Dissociative
Judith A. Peterson
The inclusion of a chapter on hypnosis stems from the fact that this therapeutic
phenomena falls within the body of knowledge needed to treat trauma or dissocia-
tive clients. However, the discussion about the relationship between hypnosis and
dissociation is an ongoing one effectively treated in this and other books. The entire
history of hypnosis is a convoluted one, and in the end relies on its advocacy by
contemporary reputable therapists based on a wide variety of work that discusses
its clinical applications. For those seriously interested in learning about the use of
hypnosis within the therapeutic world, refer to the reference section.
Despite the fact that many therapists treating patients with dissociative disor-
ders use hypnotherapy in their practice (and some do not), the use is still con-
troversial, particularly because of its peculiar history. When Franz Mesmer, in the
eighteenth century, "invented" hypnosis, but called it "animal magnetism," its
effectiveness was discredited by the king of France (Hammond, 1992). When an
English physician carried the term hypnosis from the Greek words for sleep, he
Judith A. Peterson • Phoenix Counseling, Consulting, and Forensic Services, 3303 Chintoey Brook
Lane, Houston, Texas 77068.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretica~ Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 449
450 made a subtle error. The phenomena is not actually sleep (even though the phrase
Judith A. Peterson "deep sleep" remains in hypnotic induction vocabulary and amnesia can occur at
the very deepest levels of trance), but rather it is what Hammond (1992) refers to as
the ability of the individual to concentrate and focus his or her attention to self-
focus inward the power of the mind (self-hypnosis).
There are a variety of ways hypnosis is used in contemporary society and it has
been referred to as a "cultural creation" (Lynn and Rhue, 1991). It is some of these
uses that cloud its legitimate, therapeutic use within the confines of the psycho-
therapeutic alliance of the patient and therapist. In fact, Spanos and Chaves (1989)
claim that there is no empitical evidence to show that what occurs to hypnotic
subjects is any different than what can be accomplished with nonhypnotic control
With acknowledgment of the controversy, here the subject of hypnotherapy is
discussed from the perspective of personal and shared clinical practice based on
years of training and use. The suggestions and conclusions found in this chapter
focus more on the "how-to" than the empirical-theoretical and are based on
personal practice and familiarity with the practice of many colleagues who use
similar techniques.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe some of the more helpful hypno-
therapeutic techniques to incorporate into psychotherapy as the clinician works
with dissociative clients. The degree of dissociation, the therapeutic task at hand,
and the comfort level between the therapist and the client will help determine the
hypnotic techniques most useful throughout therapy. Beyond describing tech-
niques, examples of how to use these skills with particular clients will be illustrated.
Specific words for hypnotic treatment are included.
This chapter does not attempt to discuss the relationship between memory,
suggestibility, and hypnosis. Instead, it is assumed that clinicians are familiar with
and follow the ethical guidelines and standards of care in our field, and have
received training in hypnosis followed by continual supervision and further con-
tinuing education in the areas of both hypnosis and psychotherapy with dissocia-
tive or trauma survivors. Furthermore, it is assumed that there are types, levels, and
continuums of awareness, consciousness, and memory that are determined by the
citcumstances the client has experienced. It is also assumed that therapists know
that the citcumstances experienced effect memory and that all memory is inaccu-
rate to one degree or another. These topics are covered both in other chapters in
this volume and in books by Hammond (1992) and Brown, Sheflin, and Hammond
(1996). Some memories are difficult to retrieve and there are those that are even
itretrievable (Farthing, 1992). To put it simply, we remember and we forget. We
recall some events, other events are more difficult to retrieve, and some never
return to consciousness. The inaccuracy of all memory has never been questioned.
Five people that witness an accident will all immediately have different perceptions
of what just occurred. What is essential is that cognitive restructuring is based on
the core existential crisis that the client feels. To the therapist, whether the details
are accurate is itrelevant compared to the daunting task of helping a client recover
from profoundly deep feelings of shame and low self-worth.
It is assumed that the clinician understands the difference between appropri-
ate suggestion for symptom reduction, such as shame reduction or self-esteem
enhancement, and inappropriate suggestions leading to conclusions that have no 451
basis in reality or reflect the biases of the therapist more than the client. Suggestions Hypnotherapeutic
that are made during altered states of consciousness are a fine art, used in mutual Techniques
agreement between therapist and client. As a general rule, examples of appropriate
suggestion during hypnosis might include some of the following: make suggestions
to help build self-esteem; restructure false and negative self-perceptions or negative
belief systems; suggest pain reduction images; suggest the lessening of anxiety or
panic; and develop useful images such as safe places, containment of feelings,
distance from frightening images, and other helpful images or metaphors.
Suggestions recommended during the processing of most memories should be
restricted to helping reduce discomfort, the shortening of time (time distortion)
through a difficult memory, and the suggestion of affect release if needed for
symptom reduction and resolution. It is strongly suggested that any questioning
during memory processing about content be restricted to simply asking "and what
happened next." After the entire memory is processed, suggestions about a new
way to feel about oneself and strong statements of positive affirmation would be
Dissociative patients usually enter therapy because they have become "uncom-
fortable" with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms such as anxiety
attacks, intrusive dreams, flashbacks, severe depression, sleep disorder, night ter-
rors, and somatization or body memories. Often clients report spontaneous abreac-
tions, flashbacks, or some form of acting out, but the symptoms usually reflect the
intrusive memories emerging through dissociative barriers. The therapist has sev-
eral responsibilities. Immediate relief can begin by teaching regrounding tech-
niques to control the flashbacks and the flood of affect. The client can be trained to
use self-hypnosis to temper and control the spontaneous material. Then, later, the
memories can be processed in an organized fashion. The therapist can suggest the
client see a physician for medication review to assist in control of the physiological
discomforts both during spontaneous flashbacks and the feelings later in therapy.
The therapist trained in clinical hypnotic techniques will find many hypnotic
tools available to resolve trauma in clients who fall within any part of the continuum
of posttraumatic stress disorder or dissociative disorders. A dissociative experience,
of at least one aspect of the behavior, affect, sensation, knowledge (BASK) model
(Braun, 1988) occurs with almost every trauma for at least a short period of time. It
is hoped that the hypnotic techniques described in this chapter can help facilitate
both reassociation of the dissociated material caused by severe trauma and protec-
tion of clients during memory processing in a parallel way that dissociation or
altered states of consciousness were protective during the original trauma. With
process~g and reassociation of the memory, resolution may develop and healing
may occur. The traumatic memory moves from a trauma to a normal part of
narrative memory (van der Kolk, 1987).
Due to the severity of the experiences that trauma victims have frequently had,
not only beginning, but much more advanced hypnotic techniques are needed to
help facilitate psychotherapy. All hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis. Self-hypnosis is
a survival skill that most of these clients have used to dissociate and escape into an
altered state of consciousness during the original trauma (Ludwig, 1983). Conse-
quently, appreciating and relearning (if needed) the hypnotic skills that the clients
452 already used (often without an awareness of their original skills) can help reassocia-
Judith A. Peterson tion, can protect the clients during each phase of therapy, and can help with
movement toward positive self-esteem, shame reduction, and healing.
There is a common misperception that hypnosis should or is only used for the
purposes of "memory retrieval" or to "age regress" the client. In reality, hypno-
therapy has many purposes in therapy. In addition, memory retrieval is normally a
client-originated phenomenon that may involve spontaneously emerging fragments
of memory of abuse over a lifetime, not just early childhood experiences of abuse.
Often trauma victims describe an entire life history of abuse, including current
abuse patterns that cause continual retraumatization. Fragments of memories are
usually accompanied by intolerable, intrusive symptoms. The clients bring these
fragments together to form a cohesive collection of fragments that become the
"memory" of the client. The core body feelings, profound terror, and the core
existential crisis need to be honored and processed. Clients need to be encouraged
to balance the understanding that they have formulated as their own histories of
the abuse and also encourage careful examination of the true-not true, tricks,
deception, use of drugs, and suggestions from other people. The client, over time,
becomes skilled at looking for the cause of current symptoms, retrieving and
processing the memory, and experiencing symptom reduction.
Memories are usually chosen by clients because the client feels intolerable,
intrusive symptoms. The client brings the memory to the therapist for assistance
with the resolution of the memory in psychotherapy. Therefore, it is the position of
this author that hypnotic techniques should not be used for simply exploring or for
finding "proof" that a client has been sexually abused. "Digging" often causes
symptom escalation. There are rare exceptions to this approach and the therapist is
urged to use caution and seek consultation about hypnotic exploration. Successful
work revolves around symptom alleviation. Clients need to be well grounded in
hypnotic techniques and learn how to pace themselves to better explore their
symptoms. Most clients in this population are far more involved in presenting too
much intrusive material that they journal or produce in art and need to be taught
how to pace their therapy. Therefore, hypnotic exploration is not often needed
except in the rare case where the client has presented with symptoms over time.
With no symptom alleviation, hypnotic exploration appears to be the most viable
solution and is often agreed to by both client and therapist.
The reader is referred to Brown et al. (1996), Hammond (1991), Kluft (1989),
and Sachs (1990), for both a history of the use of hypnosis with dissociative
populations and a list of specific techniques used with this population. Hypno-
therapy is helpful throughout the entire course of treattnent of traumatized or
dissociative clients from initial work to postintegrative session. The purpose of this
chapter is to describe specific techniques that have been helpful during the various
stages of therapy with dissociative clients.
Many therapists prefer to use the words "deep relaxation" or "guided imagery"
rather than hypnosis. Actually, many words or phrases describe various levels or
experiences of trance or hypnosis. While it is advisable to use a vocabulary that
both client and therapist find comfortable, the client should be aware that each
level of trance is a part of an experiential continuum from the absence of trance to
deep trance states. Since abused clients have already used altered states of con-
sciousness to help them tolerate the intolerable, these clients are often found to
have an exceptional ability to participate in deep relaxation or guided imagery.
Hypnosis can increase the capacity for building trust, building self-esteem, correct-
ing cognitive distortions, and changing deeply embedded negative messages.
If asked, clients often describe their mental "escape route" from previous
unmanageable trauma. Descriptions vary from simple to elaborate "paths" to safe
places (Hilgard, 1970). The clients' gift for self-hypnosis has helped their survival
in the past and can now be used to facilitate their therapeutic process in the
present. Asking detailed questions about how the client experienced the dissoci-
ated state can reveal how the altered state of awareness previously occurred.
Exploring further, clients can often describe how "going away" occurs and where
to retreat to within a dissociative state or within the organization or system inherent
in many multiples. While therapists attempt trance depth for their client's internal
safety, the client is often already adept at deep trance. When the client realizes he or
she possesses a beneficial tool, the client often feels empowered within the thera-
peutic setting. The client is able to use and reframe what was once a defense
mechanism caused by abuse as the gift it is when used to manage and maintain
mastery over various aspects of therapy.
Resistance to the use of hypnosis in therapy occurs when misunderstanding
and misinformation leads clients to believe that hypnosis is controlling and manipu-
lative. Clients need to understand how they have already mastered the use of
hypnosis in a positive way earlier in life. Hypnosis is a fully focused attention to a
selected part of the internal or external environment. Learning new hypnotic
techniques in therapy actually gives them more control of their feelings and behav-
ior. If hypnosis was used in a negative way by a perpetrator, the transference issues
454 need to be worked through as they arise. Therapists are often perceived as having
Judith A. Peterson characteristics of the perpetrator and are misinterpreted in regard to the motives
surrounding therapy. Hypnosis is not recommended with these clients while the
transference issues are negative. Interestingly, some complex dissociatives or Dills
appear nonhypnotizable to the therapist.
Some clients have strong religious beliefs that prevent the use of hypnosis;
thus, it is necessary to process that issue as a part of therapy and respect the wishes
and beliefs of the client. Hypnosis is usually a point of controversy in cases that end
up in court. Familiarity with the laws and court rulings of your state are recom-
mended (Kanovitz, 1992; Sheflin, 1991).
Phase 1
• Build trust and establish a therapeutic relationship.
• Establish safety in present time (may start with safety in the psychotherapy
• Establish hypotheses about the differential diagnoses, share with the client,
and take actions through appropriate interventions such as medication,
working through addictions, dealing with characterological issues.
• Establish and maintain appropriate boundaries.
• Suppress spontaneous abreactions or flashbacks.
• Establish psychoeducational approach to treatment.
• Teach about the phases of treatment.
• Establish and educate the client about the combination of developmental,
psychoeducational, psychodynamic and cognitive-behavioral approach to
• Promote reading of instructional, educational (not anecdotal) material.
• Teach pacing of therapy.
• Educate about medication management.
• Manage transference and countertransference issues.
• Encourage journaling.
• Encourage art therapy and self-expressive modalities.
• Master beginning hypnotic skills: safe place, containment, affect modula-
tion, affect toleration, rapid induction, distancing, time distortion, establish-
ing ideomotor signals, positive age progression and regression, permissive
amnesia, deepening techniques, and ideomotor signals.
• Build self-esteem and overall functionality.
• Process and cognitively restructure.
• Contain memories retrieved by client outside of therapy to be processed
later in therapy.
• Teach how to plan and process retrieved memories later in therapy.
• Teach internal communication if client has parts.
• Use spiritual and healing approaches to your client.
Phase2 455
• Learn to plan and pace the memory processing of memories retrieved by Techniques
Teach and help client practice advanced hypnotic techniques: advanced
ideomotor signals, advanced deepening techniques, mobilization of affect
and cognition, penetrating or creating barriers for safety and titration, more
advanced contracting for safety, combining memories, reversing the mem-
ory, dividing a memory across therapy sessions, and self-hypnosis and use of
hypnotic tapes with self-esteem-building messages.
Teach titration or fractionation of feelings or memories.
Use cognitive restructuring to help manage shame, guilt, self-image, etc.
Review and focus on all aspects of Phase 1 of treatment.
Blend and integrate parts when processing memories (if client has parts).
Use group therapy (if necessary and appropriate).
Group psychotherapy needs to focus on present day relationships and tasks.
• Continue all aspects of Phases 1 and 2 as necessary.
• Begin developmental reconstructive psychotherapy.
• Use spiritual and creative therapy.
• Move into more complex memory processing if necessary.
• Continue blending and integration.
• Continue cognitive restructuring.
• Begin psychodynamic psychotherapy as a "single" personality.
Many of the hypotherapeutic techniques are described here, but this chapter
is not intended to be a complete list or description of all uses of hypnosis with
trauma survivors. Also, examples of PTSD and various degrees of dissociation are
mixed together to help demonstate the use of all these techniques, regardless of the
client's level of PTSD or dissociation.
Ideomotor Signals
The use of ideomotor signals (Cheek, 1994) provides a hypnotherapeutic
method for the exploration of the parts of the ego structure that are not readily
accessible at the conscious level. These signals are often finger levitations or the
lifting of a finger, but also include head nods and other body movements that
become nonverbal signals. Use of this as a device for communicating through
hypnosis is a means to "establish a set of prearranged signals" (putnam, 1989, p.
224) that allow a client to "tell" without speaking. Braun (1984) has described a
prevalent method to teach specific signaling. Kluft (1992) has described a method
for nurses and other staff in a hospital to establish and use ideomotor signals with
dissociatives. The most important issue is that communication can take place with
sub voce alters or parts that do not have to emerge in order to make their ideas
456 Ideomotor signals may be reliable with some clients, but not with others. With
Judith A. Peterson those who can use them reliably, there is a standard hypnotic induction before their
use, although that is not found to be necessary with particularly highly dissociative
clients. Also, after using ideomotor signals in therapy for a period of time, they are
often used by the therapist and client in sessions for many reasons and no formal
induction is needed.
The following instructions might be used with clients to establish ideomotor
1. Tell the client that you do not expect or want a conscious, deliberate or
voluntary movement of the fingers, but instead ask the client to let the
unconscious mind establish a method of communication. In addition, let
the client know that lifting the finger may feel like it is being tugged by a
string attached to a helium balloon.
2. Ask the client if all parts of the ego structure are listening and signal when
they are all listening by lifting a finger.
3. Then, ask everyone inside, or all parts of the conscious and unconscious, to
let the therapist see which fingers signal "yes," "no," and "stop." Wait each
time to see that a different finger makes a movement, even if subtle.
4. Then, ask questions that have a "yes" or "no" answer in order to talk to all
parts of the ego structure, alters or parts about a therapeutic issue or until
you have worked out safety.
As the client learns each hypnotic technique, ideomotor signals are one of the ways
that the client and therapist can communicate about the progress they are together
making forward jointly established goals of therapy.
Safe Place
The therapist might ask the client if there was a safe place that was used to
escape from trauma (Hammond, 1990). Clients often describe safe places that they
have used for years. They can continue to use these safe places in therapy. With
highly dissociative clients, several safe places might have been used or will be
developed during therapy. Different parts may need different types of safety. Ac-
complishing safety on the inside, never before achieved, can provide the potential
for a positive healing place for specific parts of the ego structure. Spirituality is
often incorporated into these places by these clients as new ways of comfort and
healing are explored and experienced internally. This helps to establish a core sense
of healing that is needed when these clients have been so profoundly assaulted.
Containment Techniques
Clients find it helpful to develop containers and barriers needed to hold the
different types of feelings (affective, physical, motor) that can become overwhelm-
ing before, during, or after a therapy session. One suggestion for a nonthreatening
approach to the containment process is to suggest to the client that a good feeling
(such as joy) can be contained in a gift box. Holding on to that positive feeling and
using the pleasant and rewarding metaphor of a gift allows the client the oppor-
tunity to understand the concept of sheltering positive feelings. An added benefit to
this process is that these positive feelings may be opened as a gift and experienced
during difficult periods of time. Later, the client might want to use a steel vault to
contain shame, guilt, or rage. Transferring the skill that the client first used for a
positive feeling to the containment of a negative feeling is a practical aid in process-
ing difficult experiences and remaining fully functional between therapy sessions.
Examples of patients' creations of containment can include internal quiet rooms
where alters can scream, yell, and kick. Other internal structures can provide
peaceful areas to rest or sleep for alters who cannot remain in control. Even a place
for "internal restraints" is effective for alters who need containing between sessions
or who need to contain or restrain the body during memory processing (Young,
1986, 1991). Containers, domes, and expandable compartments are all examples of
ways to place feelings within surroundings to not allow them to slip out at the
wrong time. Sometimes feelings or parts of the ego structure need to be completely
closed off until the next therapy session. At other times, a small, slow leak of affect
is desirable to gradually allow the feeling to dissipate. Some patients build elaborate
mechanisms with controls, dials, and other sophisticated metaphors to control
their feelings or parts (Hammond, 1992).
Almost any aspect of any experience that the client is processing in therapy
can be fractionated or divided up into tolerable pieces of information or feelings. A
client may be prepared to process 5% of the affect or 50% of the affect or 2% of the
cognition, and so on. Every aspect of the preparation for and the processing of the
BASK model can be divided or titrated. The memory itself can be divided into
manageable parts and worked on over several therapy sessions.
Teresa had remembered being raped by her brother, then he and his friends, and
then her father came home drunk and brutally raped her. Teresa chose to
manage the rape by her brother in one session. She completed a healing piece
about that part of the memory that included identification of the existential
crisis and working through the cognitive restructuring related to the crisis. The
next session was spent handling the gang rape of her brother's friends and the
existential crises about her brother letting his friends do that to her. More
healing images were used at the end of that session. The third session about this
memory included the memory of what her father did when he came home. All 461
three parts of the memory were brought together with healing images. Blending
and integration of those parts occurred. Techniques
Another advanced fractionation technique is to combine intense feelings or
memories about an event, but only from the count from 0 to 10 and back to 0. Then,
send the client to a calm, peaceful, safe place for the same amount of time with the
hypnotic suggestion that those moments of reset feel like hours of rest. That two-
part juxtaposition of intense difficult affect combined with peace and calm rest
can be completed in a cycle as often as needed to dissipate the affect.
Deepening of Trance
Readers are referred to various publications including (Hammond, 1992) for
various examples of both standard and rapid hypnotic inductions. Later, as work
progresses, trance depth becomes more important and acts as more of a cushion. It
allows an opportunity for the therapist to work with the imbedded experiences and
messages caused by abusers during the existential crisis. The client has an oppor-
tunity to hear new statements that can build positive self-esteem and negate the old
messages that have been so self-destructive. These new statements may positively
affect core belief systems. Examples of words that might help clients move through
various levels of trance depth:
.... as you begin to float down, as you now go deeper and deeper into trance ....
beginning to float like feathers that float out of a pillow .... like clouds that float
down and cover quietly like a fog .... like sand that filters through water, you
begin to find the natural place that allows for the protection and internal caring,
that allows you to very carefully explore the memory today .... and as you float
down now deeper and deeper.
(Ideomotor signals may be used to check what is happening internally.)
In regard to using memory processing with dissociatives, PTSD, and DID, the
depth of trance is extremely important and helpful. The following are suggestions
that would help depending upon the patient.
• For traumatized patient with and without definitive ego states:
Moving farther and farther down with more and more relaxation as you move
deeper and deeper, moving to the depth of trance that you need today. Feeling
the water as you slip over the side of the boat and begin to let yourself float
down into the depths ....
Another metaphor:
.... feeling yourself floating out into space as the earth gets smaller and smaller ....
Another metaphor:
.... feeling that parachute billow out and begin to float you down ever so slowly
.... moving even deeper to the level where all can hear and all parts can feel and
see and know at whatever level you are ready to know .... in whatever way you
are able to understand ....
Further suggestions:
.... moving even deeper through the layers of the unconscious ....
462 • For more defined dissociation- DID who are processing a very difficult
Judith A. Peterson memory:
Referring to their mapping in DIDs or layers of the unconscious:
.... moving down through the layers ....
or using whatever image that they have:
.... moving beyond the layer with the triangles and shapes (previously referred
to or mapped) .... moving beyond the alters that are so frightened of their
memories .... moving even further down .... seeing yourself floating down ....
counting down now . . . . down through all the layers whether I know about
them or not .... whether they have engaged in therapy or not .... just moving
past them without any memory of passing them ....
permissive amnesia again:
.... moving deeper and deeper, and then counting 1 through 10 .... with less and
less memory of what you are moving deeply through ....
using ideomotor signaling to say:
.... and when you have reached all the way to the depths .... then let a "yes"
finger float up ....
wait now while you watch for your patient's signal:
.... now move even deeper and deeper beyond that last layer, to a point where
you can look up at the entire system .... how helpful that might be .... so unique
to see yourself from an entirely different place .... like looking up from the
bottom of the ocean as you float further and further down .... and can barely see
the boat floating up on top of the water ....
Some abused victims need to be this deep in trance in order to do their work. This is
a very somnambulistic depth from patient reports. Typically, this is more likely to
occur when sufficient time has gone by and trust has developed between the
therapist and the patient.
Complex, polyfragmented, multilayered DIDs often seem to have had so much
experience with trance that they have their own "pathways" into trance. Explora-
tion of former trance experience can be actively explored. Then, as the client can
be encouraged to reexperience those experiences, this process can facilitate rapid
movement to a very familiar deep trance level. From that deeper level of trance,
even deeper levels can be achieved every time trance is facilitated through "piggy-
backing" on the previous experience and adding deepening images. Sometimes
trance deepening occurs by moving the patient to alters formed at deeper levels of
trance or by asking for certain parts to facilitate helping the system as a whole to
move to a deeper level of trance.
Ask the client if there are new awarenesses or ideas that the rest of the system
needs to know. Sending cognitive reality throughout a system prepares the way so
the therapist does not need to start over with basic concepts at every level. Often
the deeper alters do not realize that the abusers have threatened and lied to the
entire system.
Patient, Carol's, alters had been told they would be arrested for pornographic
experiences despite the fact that they were forced to participate. Cognitive
restructuring involved processing the knowledge that the perpetrators would
be implicated as criminals and their acts constituted the actual crime. This new
understanding was then sent through the entire system and was powerful in
freeing up the system to new truth.
Age Regression
Sometimes age regression is needed for specific reasons. The following are
found to be helpful words to use in regard to age regression and moving the client
directly to the beginning of the event that the client has chosen to process.
With patients that are not DID, there is more work to do with age regression.
With patients who are DID, you can usually just simply ask for that alter and ask
for that experience and ask for all those to be there that need to be there who
remember the memory. Often that alter needs to be age-regressed to the origin of
the trauma:
• Dissociatives and PTSD:
.... counting down using the elevator .... moving through the family scrapbook
and feeling younger and younger .... imaging different birthday parties .... going
464 down through the ages in regard to life experiences, such as high school and
junior high and elementary school, getting younger and younger .... and letting
Judith A. Peterson
your finger come up at the point where you are as young as you need to be ....
• In all patients: as you see that emerging, then enhance through the fol-
.... I atn wondering if you can remember now and be there and feel what is
under your feet .... and feel what is around your body .... and smell the smells
.... and hear the sounds .... as you feel yourself as much there as you need to be
in order to work through this memory ....
The patient typically escalates when the reference to the different senses occurs:
. . . . can you begin to tell me now what happened at the beginning of your
memory .... and let me know through your fingers when another part needs to
be here, or there is a feeling that we need to manage the memory in a different
way .... so tell me where you are now?
Using ideomotor signals helps the patient remain at a deeper level of trance, since
verbalizations tend to interrupt deeper trance. ~plaining what is happening might
better happen later (unless necessary). Then you begin to ask:
.... and then what happened, etc? ....
. . . . and what happened next? ....
Do not lead the patient, but repeat the words and ask what happened next,
and move the patient through the memory, using time distortion as needed. Clients
are encouraged to state a cognitive pan first, but some patients first express
affective parts as they move through the memory. Going back to the BASK model, it
is important that the therapist understand that the ultimate goal is to combine all
dissociated parts. The more that can be pulled together, the more complete the
experience. Sometimes you might need images such as the following:
.... it may be that you need to view it on a movie screen .... the event that you all
shared in order to get through .... because of the difficulty of the memory ....
and I atn wondering if you would like to all see it .... and see the parts that are
difficult at a very rapid rate .... and be as close or as far away from the screen as
you need to be in order to view what happened ....
Ifyou get a "yes" signal from the ideomotor signals, then the therapist might want to
use the metaphor of a movie screen as a preliminary to working through the
memory (Hammond, 1991). Also, when going through the memory, it might be
helpful to ask:
.... are you able to handle the memory today? Does any part of you need special
precautions in handling the memory? Will any part of the memory lead to
feelings you will need special help with?
Often the client knows at some level how the memory is going to be managed 465
and the therapist can use titration, containment, collapsing, or fractionation. As the Hypnotherapeutic
client moves through the memory, as the therapist asks what is happening, and it is Techniques
heard, for example, "they're on top of me, they're heavy, it's one after another."
The patient may report a rape scene of one perpetrator after another. It might be
helpful to again ask the fingers,
.... can we do all of this at once ....
and most often the answer is "yes."
. . .. I am going to count to 10 and I would like you to remember all the
perpetration that you need to remember that occurred, all the physical and
emotional feelings that you all need to feel by the time I count to 10 .... and I will
make sure I count back to 1 to make sure that the feelings are back at a place
where you can contain them and they have gone away ....
At that time, the therapist can count from 1 to 10. The patient will usually let
out a lot of affect at 10. Pause there in terms of the curve of memory processing to
allow for sufficient feeling to be expressed. It is important to pause, and then count
back down to 1. As the client moves through processing the memory, the therapist
can then continue to count from 1 to 10 whenever there is a spot where the
therapist finds affect present and needing to be expressed. Then, at the end of the
memory, the therapist might find it helpful to ask the patient if there is any more
feeling that is needed to be expressed. If the answer is "yes":
.... I am wondering if the body can express all the fear and all the terror that it
needs to feel in order not to feel those feelings anymore in any intrusive manner
.... and so I'm going to count from 1 to 10 and back down to 1 again.
. .. . I am wondering if part of you is feeling angry or rageful ....
the answer is almost always "yes." Then ask the same questions about other feelings:
.... Express as much feeling as you need to feel, and can contain safely with me
. . . . To dissipate the feelings
........ I'm going to begin to count down again now from 10 to 1 as every feeling
that is left over that you need to be rid of melts way .... 10 .... 5 .... 1.
Respond to all "yes" by modifying and containing affect until safety is established. It
is important to monitor for safety before a problem develops, not after. Once safety
is established and the associated part is willing to join with the dissociated part and
take on this memory, then the following might be said:
.... and now I would like all of you that are going to gather around the memory,
who have remembered this today, to now begin at the beginning again and send
all of the perceptions of the memory (or to those parts that did not remember
before) .... and allow as I count from 1 to 10 .... for that part to remember all of
what happened as it moves fast forward through her mind .... all of the feelings
(or as much as was agreed was safe) .... and as I count from 1 to 10 .... pause at
10 ....
Reviewing or penetrating the amnestic barrier can be extremely intense
.... and count back down to 0 ....
At this point, the patient often experiences the existential crisis of knowing or
feeling something that was unknowable or unacceptable before. It is extremely
important to allow that part to understand the crisis and also experiencing healing.
More ego strengthening surrounding the perception of the experience occurs after
you have joined together the parts that need to remember. Monitor for safety again!
Understanding the process of therapeutic healing can be enhanced with words
such as:
.... the new understanding about this memory and the feelings about it are
filtered throughout the mind . . . . some of these insights will begin to filter
through whatever layers there are all the way down to wherever they need to be
.... so that the new insights and understanding are available .... so you can begin
to learn about what it is like to work through memories and work through
feelings in an accepted and safe environment .... and achieve new understand-
Notice the absence of leading and the pertnission to use the statements as they
want. Sometimes to keep the client well paced (functional), there are only certain
aspects of the memory that the client, host, or primary part is ready to process.
Here is an example of a client who's memory tnight need protective barriers:
A part of the patient, Phyllis, remembered that not only was she abused by her
father, but had the perception that her mother allegedly stood by watching. The
intense anger from that new insight helped in therapy. But she indicated that she
could not handle any negative information about mother at that time. New
insights can be used as a motivator to facilitate change and speed up treatment.
Combining Memories
Combinations of similar memories that are held can be combined into one
memory-processing session. It is suggested that the therapist attend to the BASK
model as an oQtline for all types of combinations of experiences that can be
juxtapositioned. For example, all of the affect that is similar from some memories
can be combined. All of the physical sensation that is similar can be combined.
Kristin, a survivor with a young child, asked her system to have the alters that
specifically had any information about the abuse of her son to share that
knowledge. Then, that knowledge was processed and the cognitive distortions,
lies, were processed and the cognitive restructuring completed. Following the
knowledge of this, then the affect soon began to emerge and was managed
within several sessions as it was too overwhelming to handle within one
memory-processing session.
Another way to combine memories is through using the image of the reverse of
the "big bang" theory. This is based on the concept that fragmentation feels like it
happens at many levels of PTSD or dissociation through very profound, ego-
shattering experiences such as electroshock or being forced to do something
profoundly ego dystonic. Using the image of the big bang, the patient can process
the feeling that the experience sent parts or fragments flying in all directions. Then,
the hypnotic suggestion can be made that by starting at the point where those
fragments are furthest from their point of origin and moving back to T - 1, which is
the time just prior to the split, all of those fragments can come back together. An
image that helps with this concept is one of the stars in the universe and how they
might have resulted from an explosion and are still being propelled out into the
universe. Reversing that concept and allowing for them to see themselves like the
stars moving back into the original mass and then seeing the fragments moving back
into the whole alter or ego state or client is a powerful image. Much healing that
involves ego strengthening and cognitive reframing can then be used to facilitate
the strength of that whole part.
470 Working with "Decision Makers"
Judith A. Peterson
Another more advanced technique with DIDs is to achieve a working relation-
ship with the system leaders that are often deeply placed within the system.
Consequently, the more superficial alters that might have originally presented in
therapy are either near the bottom or are protected somewhere else in the system,
such as in a safe place. This allows for the deepest alters to map the entire system
from their knowledge and point of view, to plan therapeutic strategy with the
therapist, and to complete other important therapeutic tasks at a faster pace.
In addition, the entire system was able to benefit from the ego strength that the
leaders had been using in a negative way (particularly blocking therapy). Dramatic
changes appear to take place in these patients. Often this is a process that is
completed time after time as each system with complex patients is ready to allow
their strongest parts to be out and direct the therapist to the important issues.
• Cognitive reframing:
.... I am wondering if you can begin to hear the things that you thought about
yourself because of this memory ....
This is where you may hear, "I am bad," "I am worthless," "if I remember this I have
to die," "I should have died," etc., and this is where the patient often has an
existential crisis. It is important at this point to reframe that:
.... as you hear the words now I am wondering if the adult inside can begin to
say other things to the child, and if someone can begin to say the new under-
standing outloud ....
and hope to get a "yes" signal. What you will hear are statements like, "I am not
bad," "bad things happened to me." If you don't begin to hear those you can begin to
include them:
. . . . I am wondering if you can hear my statements about my view of your
experience in the past ....
• For additional control of intense feelings. Add the following into your nor-
mal induction:
.... the bigger your feelings, the more angry you feel (or whatever other feeling
you are concerned about) .... the heavier your limbs are going to be, and the
more that they are going to feel that they cannot leave the couch, the bed, the
chair (or wherever else the patient is located).
American Psychiatric Association. (1994). Diagnostic and statistical manual of wumial disorders (4th
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Braun, B. G. (1984). Hypnosis creates multiple personality: Myth or reality? International journal of
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tion, 1(1), 4-23.
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Kanovitz, J. (1992). Hypnotic memories and civil sexual abuse trials. Vanderbilt Law Review, 45(5),
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Judith A. Peterson Kluft, R. P. (Ed.) 0985). Childhood antecedents of multiple personality. Washington, DC: American
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Dissociation, 4(2), 74-76.
Memory Processing and
the Healing Experience
Roberta G. Sachs and Judith A. Peterson
The mental health field is in the midst of a paradigm shift. The position that Freud in
1898 was unable to sustain when he thought that the roots of mental illness were
related to sexual abuse is currently being advanced by a number of researchers (van
der Kolk, 1987; van der Kolk & van der Hart, 1991; van der Kolk-Perry, & Herman,
1991; Jacobsen, Koehler, & Jones-Brown, 1987; Herman, 1992; Boon & Draijer,
1993). They and others in our field are finding that this paradigm shift is occurring
as research appears to link many of the symptoms of mental illness with past or
present traumatic symptoms and with dysfunctional events in the lives of clients.
Originally Freud was not believed. Yet, when van der Kolk (1991) asked Kernberg
about the incidence of sexual abuse in the original population of clients labeled as
borderline, the percentage was very high. VanderKolk (1993) estimated that 15% of
the population of the United States suffers from symptoms of posttraumatic stress
disorder. Today, therapists are faced with many clients who present symptomotol-
ogy resulting from trauma in childhood or adulthood.
Moreover, the psychiatric field has just recently discovered that there is a
significant difference between the impact of everyday stressors and the impact of
profound present or past trauma. In studying the continuum of trauma, clinicians
have found that the effect of trauma is both a physiological and a psychological
Roberta G. Sachs • Highland Park Psychological Resources, 66o Walle Place, Highland Park, Illinois
60035. Judith A. Peterson • Phoenix Counseling, Consulting, and Forensic Services, Houston,
Texas 77090.
Handbook of Dissociation: Theoretical, Emptrlca~ and Cltntcal Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 475
476 phenomenon (van der Kolk, 1987b). To reduce symptoms permanently related to
Roberta G. Sachs profound trauma, origins of the trauma need to be processed and resolved. "Trau-
and Judith A. matology" is a newly coined term describing "the study of natural and man-made
Peterson trauma (from the "natural" trauma of the accidental and the geophysical, to the
horrors of human inadvertent or volitional cruelty ... )" (Donovan, 1991, p. 433).
The purpose of this chapter is to offer therapists insight and specific therapeu-
tic tools for managing the complexity of processing experiences of past trauma. As
memory traces of trauma begin to emerge, both client and therapist may have
concerns about how to begin this process. Therapists who have used more tradi-
tional psychotherapy may find that additional skills are necessary to manage the
processing of traumatic experiences (Sachs & Peterson, 1992; Steele, 1989; Steele &
Colrain, 1991).
The reason that memory processing is a key to the treatment of trauma victims
is that reassociating the events that were originally dissociated during the trauma is
essential for the recovery of the client. Organizing memories as they emerge and
helping clients to plan memory processing sessions allows for a client's sense of
mastery and permits the therapist to maintain cohesive therapeutic goals.
This chapter describes methods to facilitate planned memory processing ses-
sions. It does not focus on methods to facilitate retrieving repressed memories of
past abuse. Rather, the authors take the position of honoring the layers of defenses
that the client has established to protect the ego structure, with a number of
exceptions such as when clients exhibit symptoms of severe somatization, sui-
cidality, homicidality, and protracted anxiety or depression.
Understanding the process for resolving traumatic experiences is sometimes
difficult for the client. Many clients experience spontaneous abreactions and flash-
backs that are painful and frightening but are common symptoms in posttraumatic
stress disorder. Spontaneous abreactions may cause retraumatization, whereas
planned memory processing sessions that facilitate cognitive restructuring can
have a healing effect.
Memory takes many forms. Some clients enter therapy reporting abuse memo-
ries they have never forgotten dating from early childhood. Others report different
forms of memories including flashbacks, recurrent dreams, somatic complaints
with no medical basis, and repetition-compulsions, to name a few.
Memory Retrieval
For the purposes of this chapter, the term memory retrieval will refer to the
process the client uses to become aware of information about past events that they
have not instinctively brought to therapy. These past events have been blocked by a
defense called dissociation because part or all of the event overwhelmed the
individual's adaptive capacity to process it. The authors do not recommend that
therapists intentionally uncover traumas except under unusual circumstances. The
following is a short list of times in treatment when it is appropriate to intentionally
uncover memories.
1. In the case of a medical emergency
2. In the event of extreme, self-destructive behavior such as self-mutilation
3. In the event of potentially life-threatening symptoms such as uncontrollable
4. In a psychological emergency, such as the patient feeling obsessed with
suicidal and/or homicidal thoughts
These examples are not frequent occurrences in the therapy of trauma survivors.
Therapists are encouraged to uncover underlying psychodynamic issues, as these
will frequently precede or coincide with the natural emergence of memories. lf the
client has retrieved a memory that is impacting his or her here-and-now function-
ing, then careful attention should be given to the preparation and pacing of working
through this material. Rather, therapists are encouraged to pace the timing of the
"working through" of traumatic material revealed by clients. Generally the authors
allow the client's process to unfold gradually by honoring the dissociative defense.
Therapists are encouraged to caution their clients about the unreliability of memory
and to urge them to search for all possible interpretations of what they believe they
have uncovered.
The term abreaction (coined by Viennese physician Josef Breuer who worked
with clients diagnosed as suffering from "hysteria") refers to experiencing intense
feelings at moments when recalling a past disturbing event that is connected to a 479
present day neurotic symptom. During this recall, a client often momentarily Memory Processing
reaches what Breuer referred to as "catharsis" during which original feelings of and the Healing
intense emotion, previously barred from current memory, reoccur. Experience
There is a misunderstanding, however, concerning the term abreaction. Many
think that abreaction causes the patient to become regressed. Therapists deserve to
be criticized if therapy leads to ongoing regression. However, during memory
processing the client might experience an "abreactive spike" or an emotionally
"cathartic moment."
Momentary releases of affect from any trauma at any age is not regression. In
addition, misunderstanding occurs when professionals assume that processing of a
past experience is always a childhood memory. In many cases, the experience
processed involves a trauma from teenage years or adulthood. In the past the term
"abreaction" has been used within the field to describe all aspects of memory
processing. Further refinement of terminology clarifies that abreaction is just one
aspect of memory processing (Peterson, 1993; van der Hart et al., 1993).
Memory Processing
Memory processing is defined as working through a past trauma from the
beginning to the end of the perceived trauma with the cognitive processing and
480 restructuring that facilitates symptom reduction and expression of whatever affect
Roberta G. Sachs is necessary to resolve the trauma. Thorough processing of the trauma enables the
and Judith A. client to move the experience from a traumatic remembrance to a place in narrative
Peterson memory wherein the client knows it occurred in the past and has good cognitive
understanding of the event. Even if the past event was unbearable, there is a
recognition that it will always be a part of that individual's past. In theory, there will
be a healing experience with a new understanding of that experience. When this
occurs, the client has the potential to know both an inner peace and external
positive change in current symptoms.
Resolution refers to the abatement of symptoms after completion of memory
processing and cognitive restructuring. Resolution is that state of co-consciousness
where internal conflict and disagreement among internal parts cease. All known
parts are able to function together as a team and have a different perspective about
their previous roles and their relationships.
Blending is the process during which discrete internal parts or alters change
their barriers, become closer in awareness, and even begin to overlap or merge.
Kluft (1993) defines integration as "an ongoing process of undoing all aspects
of dissociative dividedness . . . from long before reduction of numbers through
fusion to a deeper level." Further, integration is "an ongoing process that follows the
same processes as the tradition of psychoanalytic perspectives on structural
The study of memory is complex, but Braun (1988) has created a pragmatic
model to facilitate the organization or memory within a clinical setting. He identi-
fied four components necessary to completely process memory of past trauma:
behavior, affect, sensation, and knowledge (BASK). His BASK model of dissociation
helps therapists to understand the necessity of integrating these components com-
pletely. It is only when the four components are congruent and confluent over time
that a person can be said to possibly experience a complete memory.
The question of what is true about any memory perplexes those in this difficult
field. It is assumed that the therapist will explain how confusing and unreliable
memory can be and that it may be several years before any clarity of memory takes
place, if at all. Therefore, focus is placed on starting with the client's belief of what
is true and asking the client to take the responsibility for his or her recollections.
The therapist is not an investigator but a facilitator of healing.
The Continuum of Complexity in Memory Processing 481
Memory Processing
Even though there are no well-defined stages in memory processing, the and the Healing
authors have found that there is a continuum in the complexity of memory process- Experience
ing experiences. At one end of the continuum are clients who have retrieved a
memory about one trauma and are able to master processing the memory in a single
therapy session. At the other end of the continuum are clients who have very
complex memories involving mastery of a profound existential crisis (such as a
near-death experience) and will require many sessions of therapy to complete their
memory processing.
The ease with which memories are managed depends on the most basic of
psychotherapeutic tasks. First, the client must attain a comfortable and assumed
level of trust in the therapist; second, the client must have achieved internal trust
among dissociated ego states, alters, or parts; third, the therapist should be aware
that memory processing is affected by the complexity and severity of the client's
previously processed trauma; fourth, therapist and client must learn and master
identified therapeutic tasks; finally, the therapist should consider teaching the client
hypnotic techniques that will facilitate memory processing.
Mapping is often a part of therapy for clients who have dissociative identity
disorder. It is a special procedure that allows clients an external way to concretize
their internal structural description (Braun & Sachs, 1986). This may be accom-
plished through art media, the sand tray (Sachs, 1992), occupational therapy, or
joumaling. Mapping involves a continuum of complexity: (1) a simple sociogram,
(2) a more complex, multilayered sociogram, (3) a map depicting systems rather
than distinct personalities, (4) a map depicting a combination of both individual
parts and systems, or (5) a systemically layered structure.
Mapping may be used by the client to uncover data, to describe origins and
alliances of parts, and to help focus and organize memory processing for therapy.
The very process of mapping seems to help organize and focus chaotic and frag-
mented clients. In complex dissociative identity disorder clients, it may be helpful
for clients to redo individual sections of their mapping in detail or expand on
sections as they prepare for more advanced memory work. With complex clients,
the more thorough the preparation, the greater the possibility of combining and
collapsing memories in one or two memory processing sessions. Combining similar
memories may also lead to a better cognitive understanding of the gestalt of the
client's experience, a greater understanding of the existential crises, resolution, and
eventual blending of internal parts.
Cognitive Narrative
The client relates the memory cognitively, that is, without sensory, somatic, or
affective components. Only the knowledge component of the BASK model is
utilized so that the client can practice relating the memory from beginning to end.
After the cognitive summary, the therapist ascertains that all parts involved in the
trauma are present and that other parts are observing at a comfortable distance. In
addition, those parts unable to tolerate reassociating this memory need to be
hypnotically helped to a safe place where they do not have to experience the
memory-processing session.
It is important that the therapist actively listen to the cognitive narrative
without adding or changing any part or detail of it. While listening to the story, the
therapist looks and listens for manifestations of the other BASK components-
affect, sensation and behavior. The client proceeds from T - 1 to T + 1 (Peterson,
1991), describing the beginning, middle, and end of the total memory. What the
therapist hears may differ from what the client has journaled or expressed in art or
the sand tray. Clients and their therapy are dynamic, not static. The therapist must
be certain that the memory being processed in the cognitive narrative is the
memory that the therapist and client planned to process. After the cognitive
narrative has been completed, the therapist validates, reinforces mastery, and
checks the safety and well-being of the client.
The painful process of exposing and processing the cause of the overwhelming
feelings of hopelessness, panic, anxiety, and low self-esteem lead to feelings of
power, mastery, and hope as healing occurs. Simply exposing the feelings or
hearing existential crisis statements does not help. Cognitive restructuring is neces-
sary for the healing process to occur.
Cognitive Restructuring
Cognitive restructuring is defined as the process by which the deeply embed-
ded negative experiences are reframed in a positive way. New positive statements
about the client are then introduced to help build self-esteem, to foster a new
understanding of the context of the past trauma, and to help the development of
new ways of relating to others in the present.
Unless the existential crisis statements are identified and cognitive restructur-
ing begun as memories are processed, significant change over time does not appear
to occur. Mfect, pain, or momentary abreaction are only by-products of the trauma.
The expression of intense feelings may provide temporary relief to the client, but it
does not ensure that changes will occur. Acceptance and resolution of existential
crises provide the foundation for permanently changed self-perception.
HeaUng Images
One final step in memory processing should be to suggest positive metaphoric
images of increased self-esteem. A healing light is an example of a hypnotic image
that can be effectively used at the end of a session. The repetition of one familiar
image appears to facilitate the building of a positive sense of self from one session to
486 the next. Once a healing image has been established, the mere mention of it may
Roberta G. Sachs help the client return to an internal feeling of safety, peace, and a familiar place.
and Judith A. Finally, blending and integrating metaphors may be used to promote new ego
Peterson strength. Spontaneous integration is often the result of a successful memory proc-
essing session.
Safety Contracting
Safety contracting is the. last task in a memory processing session and is
essential for all clients regardless of their level of dissociation. When clients have
parts, the parts as well as the presenting personality need to guarantee safety. Even
when safety is continually reassessed throughout the session, some dissociated
parts who remained in their "safe places" may not have responded to your previous
inquiries about present and future safety. If ideomotor signals are used, verbal and
ideomotor contracts must be congruent to ensure the greatest possibility for ongo-
ing safety. If there is any discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal signals concern-
ing self-harm or harm to others, the session cannot be considered complete. More
processing and negotiating with parts who are reluctant to agree to a safety contract
must take place. If after a reasonable time of negotiation (a maximum of 20 minutes)
there still remain actively suicidal or homicidal parts unwilling to contract for safety,
hospitalization is an appropriate option and should be discussed. Therapists need
to be familiar with state laws about commitment procedures for clients who are
homicidal or suicidal.
The following criteria help detertnine if successful memory processing has
been completed:
1. Has the client experienced the reduction of dysfunctional symptoms, such
as those accompanying posttraumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety,
and other psychiatric disorders?
2. Has the client become aware of the existential crises and cognitively re-
structured the experience to allow for new insights and a different inter-
pretation of the experience?
3. Does the client have mastery over the memory as a narrative part of his or
her personal history?
4. Is the client in the process of choosing to lead a life that demonstrates
reduction of retraumatizing experiences?
5. Does the client feel an increase in self-esteem and ego-strength?
6. Does the client realize the reality of positive "choices"?
Combining Memories
After the client has learned how to process several individual memories, it is
possible to teach him or her how to process similar abuses in one memory-
processing session. Preparation involves the client retrieving one memory as a base.
Ideomotor signals for dissociated parts may indicate if the patient has experienced
similar abuse at other times; journaling, art, or sand tray work are also helpful
indicators. The memories surrounding traumatic experiences may be assimilated 487
by combining them so that they are processed in one session. This approach allows Memory Processing
the opportunity for the client to learn new insights at multiple levels of conscious- and the HeaUng
ness. Experience
When working with dissociative disorders the expressive therapies (i.e., art,
movement, occupational, and sand tray) offer numerous applications to facilitate
diagnosis and treattnent. Basically, the expressive therapies allow access through an
indirect means to dissociated memories that are adversely affecting a client's ongo-
ing behavior. These techniques help the client to circumvent conscious knowledge
when the content is too threatening while allowing for other means of accessing
488 memory traces of traumatic material. Moreover, the expressive therapies provide an
Roberta G. Sachs opportunity for participating in multiple levels of communication.
and Judith A. One difference the authors note between dissociative disorder clients and
Peterson other psychiatric populations is the concreteness with which dissociative clients
use these modalities to represent their perception of the experienced trauma. The
expressive therapies have been acknowledged for their contribution in the diag·
nosis and treatment of complex dissociative disorders (Cohen & Cox, 1989; Sachs,
1992; Fuhrman et al., 1990). Therefore, the routine use of these therapies can yield
important diagnostic information; help the client become more consciously aware
of memories; process the intense feelings attached to the traumatic events; facilitate
the development of mastery and a unified sense of self; and provide the therapist
with a unique way to monitor the progress and process of treatment.
The goal of any kind of therapy is to provide continued mastery over memory
experiences. Yet clients who have had profowi.d abuse very often want to work
through material as quickly as possible to rid themselves of the pain. When this
occurs, clients often are bombarded with knowledge and affect they are unable to
process, thus becoming overwhelmed and emotionally paralyzed. It is up to the
therapist to educate the client about pacing therapy so as to maintain a delicate
balance between client memory retrieval and processing the memories in therapy.
When the processing of a memory is blocked for any reason, the client may be
indicating the need for solving therapeutic problems, whether internal or external.
Often the part of the system that emerges will directly explain what has been
forgotten or what will happen if therapy proceeds. Blocking memories or engaging
in resistance remains the ultimate defense mechanism for these clients. Finding the
cause of this resistance, interpreting the defenses, and processing the impasse
opens the door to subsequent memory retrieval. Blocking by the system is diagnos-
tic and should be carefully explored. It may take any of the following forms: (1) an
alter emerging to express hostility, (2) silence, (3) distracting statements, ( 4) emer-
gence of child parts, or (5) spontaneous abreactions.
Confabulation is defined in Webster's dictionary as "filling in gaps in the
memory with detailed, but more or less unconscious accounts of fictitious events."
In dissociative patients confabulation serves a variety of purposes: (1) it helps
clients hide the fact that time for them is discontinuous; (2) it helps to normalize
both past and present experiences; (3) within the memory of an experience,
confabulation of a less intense event can be a defense against an intolerable aspect
of the event; ( 4) it may be used for secondary gain whether intentional or un-
intentional; (5) it may be used to idealize the image of a significant other; and (6) it
serves to maintain the client's secrecy.
Disclosure-Recanting Cycle
Clients move through stages of belief and disbelief as a normal part of therapy.
Most clients have an existential crisis surrounding the issue of never knowing with
certainty about the accuracy of the details of their past. They must process the
feeling of being robbed of a part of their lives through not having clear memory.
Eventually the client comes to his or her own reality about what has happened. At
all times therapists need to be cautious about not leading.
Often denial can tum into recanting. This is very common in many other
populations of clients including criminals, child molesters, abusers, and so forth.
Recanting appears to be related to several variables. Profound shame and guilt can
be so overwhelming that recanting is easier than working through the feelings.
Historically, sadomasochistic abusers have made victims feel that they voluntarily
492 enjoyed perpetration. It becomes far easier to recant and/or blame the therapist for
Roberta G. Sachs memories that are intolerable (when the system's dissociative barriers begin to
and Judith A. break down) than to take responsibility for one's past behavior.
Peterson Terror of the consequences of "having told" in therapy is another factor in
recanting. Clients fear retaliation both internally from parts that threaten to harm
the body and externally through fear of harm from those who told them never to
reveal the secrets. Additionally, the fear that they might be criminally charged is also
significant. Returning to the belief system that accompanied the dissociation is far
more psychologically comfortable than processing the tremendous pain that results
from the experience of being abused or having abused others. Recanting helps
clients feel more secure about their safety and quells their fears about being placed
in jail or prison. While that is unlikely, reassurances about confidentiality are truly
limited because knowledge of child abuse requires mandatory reporting by therapists.
Finally, the effects of the Stockholm syndrome (Ochberg, 1978) with these
clients must not be overlooked. Through terror and torture these victims initially
have much more alliance with their abusers (even if the abuser is dead) than with
their therapist.
Some clients are not suited for any memory processing work. This can often
be ascertained through a full battery of psychological testing. The level of ego
strength, characterological considerations, and any indications of psychotic symp-
toms need to be carefully assessed and fully understood before attempting memory
processing even if the client is already experiencing spontaneous memory traces.
Traumatic-Psychotic Transference
Difficult negative transference issues have been described by Kluft (1984) and
Spiegel (1984) as "traumatic transference" (Kluft, 1984, Loewenstein, 1993; and
Spiegel, 1991). Very traumatized clients frequently view everything their therapist
does, no matter how helpful it appears to be, as abusive, narcissistic, and self-
fulfilling on the part of the therapist. Clients often have a very difficult time viewing
any relationship as nonabusive. Parts not engaged in therapy frequently are continu-
ing to "internally dialogue" about the supposed ulterior motives of the therapist. In
addition, Spiegel has also described "flashback transference" wherein the client
very literally (or with trance logic) views the therapist as a perpetrator. Further-
more, as the level of sadomasochism increases, there is a likelihood that either
sadistic or masochistic transference issues will increase. While the major therapy
issues are resolved by working through the negative transference, in some cases
clients are simply unwilling or unable to engage in processing the shame and guilt
surrounding their victim or perpetrator issues. When this occurs, therapy is stuck
in a traumatic transference where personal ownership of malevolence is bestowed
on the therapist. Unless a solid therapeutic alliance is available as a safety net while
difficult issues are processed, it is likely that many clients will leave therapy with the
perception that they were abused.
MaUgnant Narcissism 493
Memory Processing
Malignant narcissism refers to clients who are so invested in their dissociative and the Healing
disorder that they may obtain secondary gain from the diagnosis or have some other Experience
reason for a lack of commitment to the therapeutic process. Achieving notoriety
through media appearances, gaining special attention in the family system, being
relieved of adult responsibilities, or gaining wealth from publishing a life story are
examples of by-products of malignant narcissism.
Clients may be addicted to abuse or may be unwilling to break the pleasure-
pain bond that has been conditioned in their everyday life. When parents and
children are sadomasochistically addicted, children have no escape route. Conse-
quently, whether adults are caught in a current sadomasochistic relationship or a
child or adolescent is still living with sadomasochistic caregivers, once the therapist
becomes aware of this problem, memory work is not indicated until family circum-
stances change.
MaUgnant Suicide
Clients who are malignantly suicidal truly wish to kill themselves. These clients
actively manifest their death wish through severe self-mutilation, life-threatening
anorexia, and other various suicidal behavior. The authors have seen both ends of a
bimodal expression of this suicide phenomena. Clients who have difficulty disso-
ciating severe trauma appear often to choose suicide as their escape. On the other
end of the continuum, clients who believe they have no free will choose suicide as
Further contraindications for memory processing not related to psychological
testing include; the client is in the early stages of the::apy; the client is physically
impaired, acutely ill, or terminally ill; the client is elderly and chooses not to resolve
past issues; the client is currently being abused or is dangerously self-abusive; the
client has no therapeutic alliance or is not capable of forming a therapeutic alliance;
the client has a psychotic overlay that cannot be managed with appropriate medica-
tions; the client does not have the financial resources for continued therapy; the
client's ego structure is too fragile to prevent decompensation; the client is continu-
ally being flooded with flashbacks or intense affect despite adequate attempts to
teach containment techniques; or the client has a serious present-day crisis to
manage (i.e., divorce, job loss). Given these difficulties, it is hoped that therapists
approach clients with the concept of memory processing very carefully. In the
above instances maintenance and supportive therapy is the only responsible and
appropriate choice.
Phase I
• Build trust and establish a therapeutic relationship.
• Establish safety in present time (may scirt with safety in the psychotherapy
• Establish hypotheses about the differential diagnoses.
• Establish and maintain appropriate boundaries.
• Suppress spontaneous abreactions or flashbacks.
• Establish psychoeducational approach to treatment.
• Teach about the phases of treatment.
• Promote reading of instructional, educational (not anecdotal) material.
• Teach pacing of therapy.
• Educate about medication management.
• Manage transference and countertransference issues.
• Teach journaling.
• Teach art therapy and other modalities.
• Mastery of beginning hypnotic skills: safe place, containment, affect modula-
tion, affect toleration, rapid induction, distancing, time distortion, establish
ideomotor signals, positive age progression and regression, permissive am-
nesia, and deepening techniques.
• Build self-esteem and overall functionality.
• Process and cognitively restructure.
• Contain memories retrieved by client outside of therapy to be processed
later in therapy.
• Teach the planning and processing of retrieved memories.
• Teach internal communication if client has parts.
• Learn to plan and pace the memory processing of retrieved memories.
• Teach and help client practice advanced hypnotic techniques.
• Teach titration or fractionation of feelings or memories.
• Use cognitive restructuring.
• Review and focus on all aspects of Phase 1 of treatment.
• Blend and integrate parts when processing memories (if client has parts).
• Use group therapy (if necessary and appropriate).
• Group psychotherapy needs to focus on present day relationshps and tasks.
496 Phase3
Roberta G. Sachs
and Judith A. • Continue all aspects of Phases 1 and 2 as necessary.
Peterson • Begin developmental reconstructive psychotherapy.
• Use spiritual and creative therapy.
• Move into more complex memory processing if necessary.
• Continue blending and integration.
• Continue cognitive restructuring.
• Begin psychodynamic psychotherapy as a "single" personality.
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Inpatient Treatment of
Dissociative Disorders
Walter C. Young and Linda]. Young
The past two decades have seen an explosion in the diagnosis of severe dissociative
disorders, including dissociative identity disorder (DID), formerly multiple person-
ality disorder (MPD), and a variety of other related syndromes lacking the clinical
specificity of dissociative identity disorder (Barkin, Braun, & Kluft, 1986; Bliss, 1986;
Bliss & Jeppsen, 1985; Braun, 1986; Coons, Bowman, & Milstein, 1988; Kluft,
1984a,b, 1991a,b; Quimby, Andrei, & Putnam, 1993; Greaves, 1980, 1993; Putnam,
1986; Putnam, Guroff, Silberman, Barban, & Post, 1986; Ross, 1989, 1991; Ross,
Norton, & Wozney, 1989). Fortunately, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for
Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV) (American Psychiatric Association, 1994)
has renamed multiple personality disorder to dissociative identity disorder (DID),
which will more accurately represent dissociative conditions as belonging to a
continuum of trauma-related syndromes that disrupt normal identity formation
using prominent dissociative defenses. This renaming will go a long way to end
confusion that MPD is a bizarre condition in which many persons exist in a single
mind and will shift clinical focus to a more traditional psychological framework
where the disorder of identity reflects a dissociative elaboration that owes its
complexity to early and prolonged child abuse (Coons et al., 1988; Putnam, 1985,
1989; Putnam et al., 1986; Kluft, 1984a, 1990, 1991a,b; Ross, 1989; Ross et al., 1989;
Spiegel, 1984).
Walter C. Young and UndaJ. Young • National Treatment Center for Traumatic and Dissociative
Disorders, Del Amo Hospital, Torrance, California 90505.
Handbook of DissoctaUon: TbeoreUca~ Empiric~ and Clinical PerspecUves, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William J. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 499
500 DID is an inherently unstable condition, often leading to crises requiring
Walter C. Young hospitalization (Braun, 1986, 1993; Kluft, 1991b; Putnam, 1989; Ross, 1989). The
and UndaJ. Young most accepted theory, though controversial, is that chronic abuse in some individ-
uals fosters the gradual evolution of dissociative states that remain separated by
amnesic barriers, resulting in the failure to assimilate information and a sense of self
into a unified, cohesive identity (Kluft, 1991a; Putnam, 1989; Young, 1988b). Infor-
mation storage occurs within a variety of dissociative states that alternate as the
individual reacts to various internal or external stimuli. Dissociated identity forma-
tion is one form of traumatic residue that leads to a diffused identity, with patients
experiencing impoverished memory about significant events in their lives.
Trauma itself is highly disorganizing, leading to _a variety of traumatic syn-
dromes (Herman, 1992; Horowitz, 1986; Kluft, 1990; Kroll, 1993; Terr, 1990; van der
Kolk, 1987). Important for the development and subsequent treatment of dissocia-
tive conditions is the propensity for traumatic memory to be processed patholog-
ically, so that information and meaning of the events related to the alleged trauma
remain largely unknown and thereby unmodified by new experience. Memory may
be represented in a chaotic form, with severe cognitive distortions and a lack of
coherent integration, which leads to a failure of the normal developmental pro-
cesses that provide emotional regulation that prepares one for later life (Fine, 1988,
1990; Kluft, 1990, 1991b). Rigid, pathological defenses predominate, binding mental
energy to inhibitory modes of functioning. Since the dissociative system of defenses
grows out of a matrix of extensive child abuse, there are a variety of identifications
reflecting persecutory, victim, counterphobic, fantasy material, and a variety of
other states that intrude or disrupt smooth mental functioning (Kluft, 1991a,b;
Putnam, 1989; van der Kolk, 1987; Young, 1988a). Dissociated material lacks a
means of verbal expression and therefore surfaces through reenactment behaviors,
flashbacks, and abreactions all accompanied by vivid emotions. Further, patients
are vulnerable to crises and emotional triggering when inner or outer stimuli
threaten the barriers to excessively painful material (Horowitz, 1986; Kluft, 1991b;
Kroll, 1993; van der Kolk, 1987). These factors all interact to provide a psychological
matrix that is unstable and disorganizing, making these patients especially vulner-
able and prone to the need for hospitalization (Braun, 1986; Kluft, 1991b; Putnam,
1985; Ross, 1989).
This chapter outlines basic issues in the hospital treatment of adults with
severe dissociative disorders.
In general, the needs for hospitalization are similar to those for nondissociative
conditions. Suicidality, serious danger to others, inability to use partial hospital or
outpatient treatment, and grave disability are all indications for hospitalization.
Further, when local communities lack the expertise to diagnose or treat dissociative
conditions, referral to a center specializing in these conditions is warranted. A
number of authors have discussed the indications for hospitalization and inpatient
care (Braun, 1986, 1993; Kluft, 1991b; Putnam, 1986, 1989; Ross, 1989; Sakheim,
Hess & Chivas, 1986). Table 1 provides a list of indications for hospitalization.
Table 1. Indications for Hospitalization 501
1. The applicant is actively suicidal or homicidal. Inpatient Treatment
2. The applicant is too disorganized to manage outside of the hospital. of Dissociative
3. The material emerging requires the safety or structure of a hospital to process. Disorders
4. Outpatient treatment has been ineffective or blocked and less restricted settings have failed.
5. Medical complications require inpatient assessment.
6. There is a need for inpatient medication adjustment.
7. Diagnostic issues require inpatient observation or a specialty center.
8. There is severe, uncontrollable, destructive acting out.
9. Fugue behaviors interrupt outpatient treatment and functioning.
10. The patient risks losing a family or job during an acute crisis.
11. There is a psychotic or acute decompensation.
12. Inpatient treatment is needed to help evaluate a treatment impasse.
13. The patient is unreliable with medication.
14. Substance abuse prevents stable outpatient treatment.
Much of the initial focus of treatment, especially with patients needing hospi-
talization, has to be directed toward learning to contain suicidal and destructive
impulses and managing the high levels of emotional arousal that are typically
released when dissociated material emerges. The destructive identifications with
abusers, the masochistic behaviors arising from chronic victimization, the low self-
esteem, the poorly defined internal structures that manage the pressures from
internal destructive dissociative states, and the lack of impulse control during
dysphoric periods all combine to make self-destructive acting out a persistent
problem as psychotherapy proceeds. The learning of self-control techniques and
the careful pacing of treatment then become important considerations (Fine, 1991;
Kluft, 1982, 1983, 1989, 1991b; Putnam, 1989).
Hospital staff can help develop emotional containment strategies. The pa-
tient's external support systems and resources should be assessed. Family, friends,
using music, art work, exercise, and other supports can all be developed. Social
service, family, and staff members working with the patient can all help identify
concrete external stabilizing activities.
It is equally important to develop inner coping skills to use in times of crisis.
Patients need to learn that all crises are not equally threatening. Patients often react
to any trigger with an ali-or-none response and need to start thinking of crises as
occurring along a scale of intensity that allows modified responses. Learning that
states of crisis are not interminable but exist for a finite period is extremely valuable.
Using hypnotic techniques enhances the patient's capacity to channel dissocia-
tion in a healthy way (Braun, 1984; Kluft, 1982, 1983, 1991b; Putnam, 1989). Guided
imagery and trance inductions with suggestions of a safe place to retreat internally
can be invaluable. Alter personalities may be taught to help when the patient is
overwhelmed. Establishing "inner councils" of alters or developing inner dialogue
fosters greater control (Caul, 1984; Putnam, 1989). Further, hypnotic states of
relaxation may be utilized to control the pace of processing dissociated information
or to allow access to other internal states. Self-hypnosis can provide patients the
means of using dissociation themselves and demonstrates that dissociation can be
brought under their own control.
Ideomotor signals allow questioning of an entire internal dissociated system
with "yes" or "no" questions. They can also be used to assess self-destructive or
suicidal risks by inner states having destructive impulses of which the patient is
unaware. Milieu staff can learn to "ask inside" about the safety of a patient by
inquiring if there is any immediate danger or if an agreement to ask for help can be
made so the patient will come to staff ahead of time to get help if he or she feels out
of control. As soon as internal dialogue is established, it should replace ideomotor
signals to increase the expectation of patient accountability for his or her system
and to promote movement toward further integration and inner cooperation.
It should be noted that some patients cannot be trusted with ideomotor signals
and they should not be relied on in these instances. Ideomotor signals should 503
include signs for "stop" and "I don't know" to allow patients to stop proceeding if Inpatient Treatment
answering is not safe. "I don't know" helps preclude a demand response that may be of Dissociative
inaccurate or misleading. Disorders
When using hypnotic techniques, staff needs to be aware of the ease with
which erroneous material may be accepted by patients and elaborated on when
patients are in trance states (American Medical Association, 1985; Orne, 1979;
Pettinati, 1988). Direct and leading suggestions, especially when ideomotor signals
are utilized or "memory" work is being done, are likely to produce artifacts. Open-
ended questions are always preferable.
Within the hospital, however, developing inner containment strategies may
allow staff to approach patients in crisis and reduce tension rapidly before there is
a loss of control. For example, talking briefly with a patient in crisis, then having
them "close down;' go to a "safe place inside," or some other equivalent, lets
patients know that staff is aware of the crisis and can address it later when there is
time or refer it to a more appropriate person, such as a case manager or therapist.
Making a list of resources such as friends, trusted family members, support
groups, and relaxing activities such as music, art work, writing, exercise, hobbies,
and so on is very helpful during crises. Joumaling and drawing are valuable tools to
learn so that material may be disclosed in ways that are less threatening than telling
a therapist "forbidden" information. In addition, patients may switch into altered
states while using these media and thereby depict important information. }ournal-
ing is an important tool to use for developing internal communication between
states. Patient's alters can learn to write to each other and sign their entries. There
are a variety of expressive but also "closing down" and other supportive uses of a
journal that exceed merely detailing traumatic events (Adams, 1990, 1993).
These internal strategies and external resources can be assessed and developed
by a trained inpatient staff so that patients have specific skills that complement the
primary therapist's treatment focus and prepare the patient for reprocessing disso-
ciated traumatic material. It is helpful for patients to list their resources so they will
know what they can do when they encounter a crisis. A written list helps when
patients cannot think clearly and are disorganized so they can then refer to a
prepared list to move through the crisis. The development of these patient coping
skills becomes a key focus for a hospital team that in effect also reflects the
beginning of discharge planning. Maintaining emotional equilibrium after hospital-
ization also requires resources outside of the hospital. Assessing these resources is a
key ingredient in the hospitalized patient's treatment. Patients will be returned to
an environment that may already be insufficient to meet their needs, and for the
working person maintaining stability is crucial to job stability.
The Milieu
The ultimate function of a hospital milieu is to assess and address the dysfunc-
tional problems that bring the patient into the hospital. It uses the unit structure to
diagnose and confront behavior problems. The hospital structure provides a protec-
tive and stable environment where the patient's needs are more clearly defined and
where critical problem areas requiring inpatient care are resolved. The patient's
outpatient treatment is evaluated and revised so that patients can return to out-
patient treatment as quicldy as possible with as little regression and interference
with the patient's healthier functioning as possible (Kluft, 1991b; Kroll, 1993;
Putnam, 1989; Ross, 1989; Sakheim et al., 1986).
A milieu must also recognize the acuity presented by dissociative patients in a
special unit. Because of their inherent instability, these patients should be consid-
ered high risks; but the least restrictive interventions should be instituted, depend-
ing on clinical situations and knowledge of the patients. If instability is ongoing,
patients may require restricted privileges and have full unit privileges returned
slowly, even if they appear in control by switching back to normal from a risky 505
personality state. Despite the outward appearance of calm, patients can switch lnpadenttreaunent
rapidly or be triggered inadvertently in therapy or group sessions into states that are of Dlssodative
highly suicidal, self-destructive, self-mutilating, assaultive, belligerent, or elopement- Disorders
prone. There may be instances when a period of quiet, out-of-program time, unit or
room restriction, or, in severe situations, the use of a seclusion area is needed.
Unlike many hospital patients in intensive care settings, the acute states may
not be ongoing and obvious, as they are in patients with schizophrenia, impulse
disorders, or bipolar conditions. Interventions may be relatively brief if the patient
can switch out of these states and reestablish control. Staff needs to recognize that
patients still need to be closely monitored, especially if safety agreements to come
to staff are ineffective.
Nursing staffs will require special training when working with dissociative
patients (Kluft, 1991b). First, staff will need to understand the dynamics and func-
tion of dissociation and the variety of clinical pictures presented by these patients.
Second, they will need to be taught proper boundaries and limit-setting to avoid
overindulgence or excessive rigidity in their therapeutic interventions. Third, they
will need to implement a variety of treatment interventions that protect milieu
structure and maintain milieu stability. Last, they will need an awareness of the
potential for information distortion that occurs in a milieu of highly suggestible
patients who may be exposed to leading questions as well as the productions of
other patients. Staff needs a sound framework in which to consider the information
they hear.
Beginning with patient dynamics, staff must be selected that are willing to
work with victims of abuse. Staff must be taught that dissociative defenses serve
both a defensive and a protective function. Furthermore, staff need to learn that
patients do not necessarily announce their dissociative states, so that provocative
behaviors may not be recognized as coming from alter personality states. Patients
that switch are in distress and interventions should be geared to understanding
and supporting agitated patients rather than viewing them as borderline or unmoti-
vated. At times behavior is the only means patients have of communicating con-
flicts. Empathy should guide staff in knowing that patients communicate in the
best way they are able. Alternative behaviors may need to be taught. Staff will also
need to be supported if they are depreciated by patients as being uncaring or un-
As victims of abuse, patients may present attitudes of entitlement and revictim-
ization. They may reenact trauma or display symptoms of profound withdrawal,
regression, hyperactivity, sleep disorder, helplessness, dependency, or counter-
phobic behaviors that characterize variations of trauma residue (Herman, 1992;
Kluft, 1990, 1991b; Kroll, 1993; van der Kolk, 1987).
506 Boundaries and Limits
Walter C. Young
and UndaJ. Young Patients with severe behavioral disturbances and abusive histories place inordi-
nate or inappropriate demands on staff. Staff can become confused when disruptive
behaviors in some altered states are denied when the patient returns to their normal
state. Often reenactment behaviors and expectations of entitlement present un-
recognized invitations for inconsistent staff reactions. Staff may become over-
involved or, on the other hand, react punitively. It is imperative that clear bound-
aries and limits be established that guide both patient and staff expectations.
Communication and training should define clear staff roles and responsibilities.
It is common for patients and staff to have differing agendas when treatment
commences. On the one hand, patients may be expecting gratification of their
needs or be accustomed to inappropriate indulgences by well-meaning therapists
who are trying to provide caring attitudes through inappropriate nurturing experi-
ences in a misguided effort to provide a corrective emotional environment instead
of promoting a change in lifestyle and realistic expectations of others (Kroll, 1993).
These agendas manifest themselves through unrecognized impulses to reenact
preexisting pathological behaviors in the program milieu (Kroll, 1993; van der Kolk,
The unit, on the other hand, expects to provide support, confrontation, and
interpretations to promote growth and change. While this is appropriate, it may not
yet be the agreed upon understanding of patients looking for need gratification but
also expecting to be reabused or to reenact abuse scenarios.
Policies that result in excessive regression and disruption of the milieu should
be avoided. In the authors' experience, such practices as allowing baby bottles,
holding or embracing patients, and physical soothing often feel gratifying to pa-
tients, but predictably become expectations for staff by increasing numbers of
patients. This may appear to be valued by patients but serves more often to avoid
confronting realistic discussion of patient needs or other difficult feelings. There are
many reasons that these techniques pose problems, but they preempt the verbal
expression of a patient's needs or feelings of worthlessness. Providing for physical
nurturing interventions can be misunderstood by patients and lead to potential
abuse by staff. They may also be requested at times when patient behaviors are
inappropriate or staff is struggling with negative countertransference feelings.
Maintaining good therapeutic boundaries regardless of diagnosis always remains
the best rule. When staff members spend long periods of one-to-one time with
patients or, on the other hand, remain aloof and distanced, an uneven distribution
of staff time among patients may occur. Clear expectations should be set that allow
patients to know the time available to them by staff. It is important for staff to avoid
premature processing of new material when patients are not ready. This often
produces emotional escalation or functional decompensation.
Milieu Structure
Thrning to milieu structure, it is important that a set of unit guidelines govern-
ing expectations and behaviors on the unit be available both to staff and patients.
It is advisable that these guidelines be explained simply, their rationale be clear, and
whenever possible given to patients prior to their admission. When expectations 507
are clear, the maintenance of milieu structure, safety, and consistency are enhanced. Inpatient Treatment
Standardized guidelines allow staff, especially pool staff, to orient to appropriate of Dissociative
interventions and set consistent limits. They provide a predictable program that is Disorders
reassuring to patients who often are still accustomed to external authority to gauge
what is appropriate and who depend on staff to react with a minimum of counter-
transference interference.
Patients may act out in a variety of ways and verbally challenge both staff
competence and empathy. They will also engage in control struggles of various
kinds to deviate from unit policy. This acting out should be viewed as reenactment
and behavioral communications reflecting a residual trauma effect. These behaviors
are a window to important information of how patients think, process, or avoid
painful material. Untrained staff may become easily engaged in power struggles and
feel that patients are merely "manipulative" or "borderline;' resulting in anger and
potentially punitive responses. Table 2 suggests a few guidelines, but every unit
will need to develop guidelines that work within their own system.
Last, staff needs to be aware of the potential for inpatient units to generate
contagion effects. The exposure of material to suggestible patients often leads to
imitative behaviors or to the inadvertent absorbing of material heard on the unit,
resulting in patients repressing its source and then retrieving the absorbed informa-
tion and perceiving it as memories of their own. Patients may also respond when
suggestions or expectations are given and produce material to please staff. This is
especially true when hypnosis is used (Orne, 1979; Pettinati, 1988).
Informed Consent
Because of the nature of dissociative conditions, one cannot predict the con-
tent or course of treatment. One often finds a degree of regression and disorganiza-
tion inevitable when dissociated material is surfacing. Further, it is wise to inform
patients about the uncertain nature of memory itself, especially in patients with a
variety of internal states containing differing and incomplete information that lacks
integration and cohesion. Clinicians often have a relatively narrow understanding of
the complexity of retrieved memories and the many differing ways reality may be
perceived by patients. Patients may be more adequately informed as therapists learn
the literature on memory, trauma, and how to consider the bizarre reports, for
example, of sadistic ritual abuse (Sakheim & Devine, 1992; Young, 1992; Young,
Sachs, Braun, & Watkins, 1991a). There is much to be learned from the literature of
related fields, including anthropology, sociology, learning theory, hypnosis, and
memory research, that will help therapists and patients alike become better in-
formed about our evolving interpretation of dissociative disorders and dissociated
material (Colligan, Pennebaker, & Murphy, 1982; Ganaway, 1989; Markush, 1973;
Mulhern, 1991; Pettinati, 1988; Putnam, 1991; Sakheim & Devine, 1992; Watzlawick,
1984; Victor, 1993; Richardson, Best, & Bromley, 1991; Young et al., 1991a; Young,
Therefore, patients should be made aware of the potential sources for the
contamination of memory and therapists should not attempt to establish the histori-
cal accuracy of memories as a primary therapeutic goal. Patients often seek valida-
tion from staff, which can misdirect their work into a fact-finding investigation
instead of a treatment effort. Validation should be provided only when reliable
corroborating data are available. When litigation is possible, hypnosis should be
discussed carefully before being introduced in treatment, since in many states the
use of this procedure may interfere or limit subsequent court testimony (Orne, 509
1979). Inpatient Treatment
It is imperative that therapists working with dissociative disorders be aware of of Dissociative
the present debate surrounding the existence of dissociative disorders and recov- Disorders
ered memories of abuse. Much of this literature has polarized the field and taken
extreme viewpoints or generalized a single representation of theory within the field
as representative of what is actually a very rapidly evolving field with changing
viewpoints which cannot be held accountable as a static model agreed by all within
the field. Nonetheless there are important contributions from various disciplines
that need to be incorporated into dissociation models as our experience develops.
This chapter cannot deal with all of these areas in depth but the reader is
referred to a number of references for a more articulated discussion. Issues of
validation have been approached by Coons (1994a,b), Briere & Conte (1993),
Simpson (1995), Gelinas (1995), Kluft (1995), Terr (1994), and Williams (in press).
Problems surrounding the use of hypnosis have wide discussions by Pettinati
(1988), Mersky (1995), Lynn & Nash (1995), Yapko (1994) and American Psychiatric
Association's statement on memories of sexual abuse (1993).
Numerous articles have addressed the validity of recovered memories includ-
ing Loftus (1995), Koss et al. (1995), Brown (1995), Greaves (1992), Coons (1994),
Spence (1994), Kihlstrom (1994), Spanos et a!. (1994), and van der Kolk (1994).
A number of significant discussions are reported in related topics such as
rumor panic Mulhern (1991, 1994), Victor (1993), Richardson et al. (1991), epidemic
hysteria and fantasy by Wilson and Barber (1983), Collian et a!. (1982), Young
(1988), and Powers (1991). Several informative volumes are devoted to these discus-
sions including Frankel & Perry (1994, 1995), American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis
36 (1994) and Cohen et a!. (1995).
Appendixes 1 and 2 provide examples of informed consents used by the
authors that may be adapted for individual use when treating dissociative patients
or using hypnosis.
Staffing patterns should be governed by acuity. A consistent staff should be
available for adequate continuity of care and for the development of specialized
skills. Four patients per staff member is a recommended when possible: preferred
by the authors. Evenings may need to be staffed more intensely since evenings are
likely to pose problems for individuals who were abused at night or who have sleep
disturbances, and patients are more likely to be in program activity or seeing
individual therapists during the day.
Social Services should be available, and a full-time person for every 10 to 12
patients is optimal. Social Services are essential to explore needed resources for
patients, to communicate with referring therapists, and to assess and work with
families. It is important that children be assessed or referred for evaluation when
indicated, since dissociative disorders occur more frequently in family members
when one member has a dissociative disorder (Braun, 1985). Further, children of
abused parents are generally at higher risk of being abused. Last, the family as a
whole may need support in dealing with the stress of living with a family member
510 having a dissociative disorder (Benjamin & Benjamin, 1992; Sachs, 1986; Sachs,
Walter C. Young Frischohz, & Wood, 1988).
andUndaJ. Young
Discharge Planning
This should be initiated even as hospitalization begins, with the goals for
hospitalization clearly in focus. Regular treatment planning and contacts with
community supports and the referring therapist are essential. A summary of treat-
ment recommendations given to the referring therapist provides needed continuity
in the transition to outpatient care.
Expressive Therapies
The use of art therapy (Cohen & Cox, 1989; Mills & Cohen, 1993), sand tray
work (Sachs, 1990), movement therapy, and occupational therapy add essential
dimensions to verbal work, and is discussed in more detail elsewhere in this volume
(see Chapter 25). Specialized treatments should be provided by trained or certified
therapists familiar with dissociation and trauma. Expressive modalities allow a
broader dimension for patient work. These modalities foster a reconnection for
patients with their self-expression, with their bodies, and the learning of healthy
body attitudes that were distorted when their bodies were sources of pain and the
objects of intrusive violations. Journaling, as previously mentioned, can be cre-
atively used to establish inner dialogue, problem-solving skills, or exploring private
information in new ways, in addition to merely maintaining a trauma diary or poems
of suffering. Adams (1990, 1993) has written extensively in this area. These modal-
ities allow a freer access to dissociated information held in other states or the
representing information that is too painful or feels too forbidden to express
There are numerous clinical issues applicable to dissociative patients, and a
well-rounded program establishes groups or treatment plans that address a variety
of these. Table 3 gives a partial list of some problem areas that are frequently
encountered in these patients.
Groups should be run by skilled therapists, and it is advisable when possible to
have a cotherapist who can help maintain group focus and lend continuity if the
therapist is away. Patients who are disruptive or cannot work effectively may be
asked to stay out of groups until they can work effectively and stay in control.
Patients should be allowed to leave groups if they are overwhelmed. If this is a
regular occurrence, a reevaluation of their suitability for the troublesome groups is
in order. Groups should be selectively assigned at treatment planning conferences.
When group size exceeds 10 to 12 patients, it is advisable to duplicate groups.
The authors do not object if patients switch in groups as long as the patient is not a
disruption and is able to make use of the group activity.
Treatment Planning
Treatment planning should include the treating therapists as well as the various
clinical disciplines on the team. Weekly staffings keep everyone updated on the
Table 3. Some Suggested Topics for 511
Program Content Inpatient Treatment
of Dissociative
1. Grief and loss
2. Coping with dissociation
3. Sexuality, gender
4. Relationships, attachment, trust, and intimacy
5. Becoming empowered, taking initiatives
6. Daily living, social and work skills
7. Women's and men's issues
8. Correcting cognitive distortions and improving reality testing
9. Eating disorders
10. living with pain
11. Surviving incest and perpetration
12. Spirituality and existential crises
13. Crisis management
14. Marital and parenting skills
15. Substance abuse
16. Group processes and interactional skills
17. Suicidal, self-mutilating, and aggressive behaviors
18. Emotional control, impulse control, maintaining safety
19. Creativity, leisure, and fun
20. Self-esteem
21. Recognizing pathological or reenactment behaviors
patient's progress and allow a coordinated plan. Patients may attend if they assist
in the planning and are not disruptive. At a minimum, they should provide input to
the team and have their care plans explained to them.
When self-destructive, acting out, or abusive behaviors occur, staff needs to
respond definitively. Staff may decide to alter the treatment plan, remove the
patient from the general milieu, or keep them out of the regular program and
provide substitute tasks that focus on understanding and controlling the aberrant
behaviors. When this work is completed, the patient can reenter the program.
Affective Disorders
Many patients can be expected to have a significant depressive overlay during
th~ course of treatment. It is important to assess the patient's system as a whole. If
most states show depressive features, antidepressant treatment is warranted. Ade-
quate trials should be undertaken, and when ineffective, medications should be
Both tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors have been effective, but one
can expect that significant affective disturbance may remain while painful material
continues to emerge and be processed. If they are carefully monitored, adjunctive
medications such as lithium, thyroid, or psychostimulants can augment antidepres-
sant medication. Van der Kolk (1987) has found tluoxetine useful for posttraumatic
stress disorders. If agitation is severe, using more sedative drugs such as amitrip-
tyline or trazodone may be useful and given at bedtime to enhance sleep. Newer
antidepressants such as paroxetine, bupropion, and sertraline may also find their
Bipolar disorders should be screened as they can easily be overlooked due to 513
the shifting clinical picture in MPD. Family history and careful monitoring may assist Inpatient Treatment
in diagnosis. of Dissociative
Dissociative patients need especially close monitoring and some personality Disorders
states may harbor suicidal impulses not acknowledged in general questioning.
Checking the whole "system" or some personality that knows the internal state may
permit a more accurate assessment of suicidal risk and the potential for overdosing.
Panic and anxiety are especially common symptoms and it is often necessary to
use anxiolytic medications. Patients should expect that their symptoms will not be
entirely alleviated. Use of medications is directed to reducing anxiety so that
patients can usefully process material as functionally as possible without overseda-
tion. Judicious use of benzodiazepines can be used. Longer-acting preparations
result in smoother blood levels. Several reports have shown that clonazepam is
effective (Loewenstein, 1991; Loewenstein, Hornstein, & Farber, 1988). Because it is
generally used in seizure disorders, informed consent should be given that it is
being used for symptoms for which it was not developed.
Antipsychotic medications have not usually been effective and often produce a
feeling of further depersonalization. It adds the additional risk of tardive dyskinesia.
In occasional instances, especially if there are psychotic features, neuroleptic medi-
cations have helped. Caution should be taken to discontinue them if there is no
clinical improvement.
Braun (1990) and Barkin et al. (1986) have described the use of propranolol in
large doses with careful monitoring of pulse and blood pressure. Improvement is
seen in patients that experience rapid switching. Informed consent is required for
non-FDA usage and one needs to watch for depressive side effects and medical
contraindications when using beta blockers.
Sleep Disturbances
Many patients report insomnia and nightmares. If this is a major problem that is
not controlled by other medications or hypnotic techniques, sedative medication
can be helpful. When possible, antianxiety or sedating antidepressant medications
can be used at bedtime to avoid adding additional medications. Otherwise, the use
of sedative hypnotics may be intermittently necessary and discontinued if their
effectiveness stops.
Pain Medication
Pain symptoms are a frequent and ticklish problem. Most patients suffer so-
matic pains related to the emergence of dissociated material. Dissociative patients
also have a high incidence of headaches. For this reason it is common for patients to
request pain medications. The decision to use pain medications must be carefully
measured against the potential for addiction. One general guideline used by the
514 authors is to resist addictive pain medication in cases of somatic symptoms without
Walter C. Young demonstrable physical cause. One needs to be aware, however, that patients may
and UndaJ. Young actually have physical ailments, including migraine headaches, where the judicious
use of pain medications is appropriate.
Excellent summaries of medications for posttraumatic stress disorder and
dissociative disorders have been published by Barkin et al. (1986), Braun (1990), van
der Kolk (1987), Loewenstein (1991), Loewenstein et al. (1988), Putnam (1989), and
Ross (1989) and elsewhere in this volume (see Chapter 26). The clinician is encour-
aged to consult these.
Witness Date
Signed Date
Witness Date
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Art and the
Dissociative Paracosm
Uncommon Realities
Barry M. Cohen
Art must venture into areas of experience that are not yet clearly understood and
perhaps never will be.
During the last decade, increasing attention has been given to the long-term se-
quelae of incestuous and sadistic early childhood abuse and, more specifically, the
dissociative symptomatology that results (e.g., Courtois, 1988; Herman, 1992; Kluft,
1985, 1990; Loewenstein, 1991; McCann & Pearlman, 1990; Putnam, 1989; Ross,
1989). A body of research has grown to complement the observations of practi-
tioners and their eminent predecessors, such as Janet and Prince, regarding the
variform trauma in young children and the development of chronic posttraumatic
dissociation (Boon & Draijer, 1993; Herman, Perry, & van der Kolk, 1989; Loewen-
stein, 1993; Putnam, 1991).
Those who have chosen to study and treat this complex and demanding
population are aware that voluminous creative productions can be generated by
many of these clients (Coons, 1988). When such productions are brought into the
treatment context, their mere presence has galvanized some psychotherapists into
incorporating art into therapy without training themselves in the therapeutic use of
art. This is certainly tempting, and at first seems expeditious; the art is visually and
In vain do we ever say what we see; what we see never resides in what we say.
Each of us has unique perceptions of the world, based largely on our personal,
psychological, sociocultural, and physiological experiences. For instance, two
adults from similar backgrounds, of the same gender, with identical demographics
can look at the same stimulus and each see different things, as any visit to an art
gallery will confirm. Nearly all psychology students have seen the simple black and
white design that shifts between the image of a chalice (in the center) and two
profiles facing each other (at the sides); M. C. Escher's graphic oeuvre, with its bird
and fish motifs, so familiar to millions, is rooted in this perceptual challenge.
Individuality dictates reality at even the most basic levels (I'yler, 1978). The German
expressionist artist, Max Beckmann, said, "It may sound paradoxical, but it is, in
fact, reality which forms the mystery of our existence" (cited in Rose, 1987, p. vi).
Traditionally, psychotherapy requires patients to rely on verbal language to
both express their feelings and communicate their thoughts and experiences-
their inner realities. In order to be able to participate effectively in psychotherapy,
clinicians must learn to apprehend the complexities of interpersonal expression by 527
attending to both verbal and nonverbal cues. It is not sufficient, for instance, to Art and the
merely comprehend the words that a client uses to recount her story. The way in Dissociative
which the words are spoken-volume, tone, enunciation, and emphasis, as well as Paracosm
facial expression, posture, and gesticulations of the speaker-must be noted.
Supportive-expressive treatment, for instance, a method of psychoanalytic
psychotherapy, has four phases: listening, understanding, responding, and return to
listening (Luborsky, 1984). The therapist is challenged to comprehend what the
patient says and actively comment on it in order to provide clarification. In the best
of circumstances, the individuality of both clinician and patient, as well as the
limitations of verbal communication, can hamper effective listening, accurate un-
derstanding, and skillful responding within the dyad. Furthermore, the name
"supportive-expressive" promises two experiences. It is certainly possible to pro-
vide verbal support in this format, but can psychotherapy be truly expressive when
language is its primary vehicle?
To take this questioning a bit further, is it possible to make sense of an
unfamiliar spoken language? Is it possible to communicate linguistically without the
benefit of a shared vocabulary and syntax? In such a circumstance, it seems doubtful
that one could deduce or assume meaning and expect it to be accurate. This
impasse in communication has profound implications for the treatment of survivors
of abuse. The severely traumatized client frequently communicates in a personal
language that often seems foreign, even to the seasoned mental health professional.
In order to engage a dissociative survivor of childhood abuse in psychotherapy,
one must use a language that the client finds effective; the interaction between
language and individuality already poses an obstacle to effective communication.
Because visual and sensorimotor functions are critical in the storage, coding, and
recall of traumatic events, one must be willing to learn about the impact of trauma
on imagery and how they manifest through art-making. Art therapy naturally facili-
tates the extemalization of most of the aspects and outcomes of traumatic experi-
ence and clinicians can benefit from familiarity with the theories of this discipline
(Cohen, 1993).
The relationship between art activity and the transformation of trauma can be
simply illustrated through the theoretical model that uses schemas as a metaphor
for the organization of various internalized constructs. Schemas are patterns of
experience that help us comprehend and organize our existence; they frame issues
such as safety; trust, independence, and power. Schemas are developed in response
to the process of living. McCann and Pearlman (1990), in their constructivist self-
development theory, describe schemas as "assumptions, beliefs, and expectations
about self and world" (p. 57).
As new experiences are tested against one's existing expectations, they may be
528 found to be congruent with each other, or not. It is theorized that those experi-
Barry M. Cohen ences that are found to be congruent with existing schemas can be internalized in
such a way that the related images can be easily translated into word representa-
tions and later coded to facilitate storage in memory (Horowitz, 1970). These coded
perceptions of experience are the basis of narrative memory. Narrative memory
allows us to tell our experiences to others -communicate socially with them -and
helps us to make sense of, accommodate, and work through experiences by
recounting them (van der Kolk & van der Hart, 1991).
When experiences are found to be overwhelming, unexpected, or undesir-
able, they cannot be adequately processed. Because they are incongruent with our
existing patterns and cannot be translated into language (Horowitz, 1970), these
disrupted schemas are stored in short-term memory, primarily on an iconic (visual)
and sensorimotor (body) level, and form the basis of traumatic memory. Wordless-
and sometimes meaningless-this type of memory cannot be easily communicated.
Its contents remain rigid and immutable despite the passage of time (van der Kolk &
van der Hart, 1991).
Although some experiences succeed in entering cognition through image
formation, others directly enter the lexical system. The presence of conflict, as in
traumatic situations, may serve to inhibit integration of these two components,
therefore preventing the development of a sense of meaning related to the experi-
ence. In the absence of meaningful connections, available images of these events
might be regarded by the traumatized individual as puzzling. Maintaining traumatic
images out of awareness, however, guards against the rekindling of intense emo-
tions through connection with other unpleasant or unresolved schemas (Horowitz,
Even when they cannot be adequately processed, traumatic memories con-
tinue to manifest themselves in several ways: somatic sensations (body memories),
which recur spontaneously or as a result of an environmental cue and typically
revive unpleasant physiological phenomena; behavioral reenactments (repetition
compulsion) in which the person participates unknowingly either as victim or
perpetrator in situations reminiscent of the original trauma; and nightmares and
flashbacks (intrusive revisualization) in which visual fragments or "trauma replays"
arise unbidden (Brett & Ostroff, 1985).
Repetition of traumatic material "is generally understood as an attempt to
come to terms with, or to integrate, the strong affects and somatic sensations
invoked by the trauma into the fabric of one's life experience" (Greenberg & van
der Kolk, 1987, p. 191). For the incestuously victimized child, however, demands for
secrecy, coupled with potent threats, increase the likelihood of amnesia regarding
these psychologically undigestible episodes.
Stored images that continue to press toward revisualization until translation is
complete are often reflected in artwork as themes (repeated over a lifetime) or as
perseveration in a single work of art. Magritte, the Belgian surrealist, created a series
of paintings in which the broken shards of a window pane lie on the floor (Cal-
vocoressi, 1979). Each piece of glass retains a part of the image of the scene which
can also be viewed through the window. Although the image through the window
is not traumatic per se, the window pane nonetheless continues to reflect the
moment of the trauma. These paintings illustrate the lasting effects of unprocessed
traumatic memory, which, carried in visual and somatic fragments, is more difficult 529
to resurrect than the more complete gestalts of verbally processed narrative Art and the
memory. Dissoclative
Spiegel (1991) defines trauma as a "sudden discontinuity in physical and psy- Parac:osm
chological experience" in which the discontinuity is both a defense by the victim
against the traumatic input (flight from harm), as well as a reflection of it (schema
shifts and dissociation). Thus, abusive behavior induces various types of discon-
tinuous experiences in its targets. The victim shifts states of consciousness in order
to avoid pain, separates any previous positive connection with the perpetrator from
awareness, and becomes a thing instead of a person -a creation of the abuser in the
form of the abuse. This moment of disparity and despair facilitates a hypnoid or
trance state in the victim that fosters the creation of arational, atemporal, and
nonlinear constructs (Horowitz, 1970). The response to this state of overwhelming
experience has been described as "speechless terror," since information can neither
be fully assimilated nor accommodated (van der Kolk & van der Hart, 1991).
1n this state of consciousness, incoming bits of information may be associated
into discrete ego centers or, in the case of DID, alter personalities. Trauma often
causes the inadvertent association of disparate stimuli; some forms of sexual abuse,
for example, pair pleasure with pain. 1n childhood incest, maintaining secrecy
obliges the victim to pair the actuality of the assault with the enforced facade of the
happy family; thus, she is required to maintain long-term cognitive dissonance.
Since the ability to retrieve information in a manner in which it can be translated
into words depends on compatibility with or similarity to current cues, modalities
that access material associated visually, kinesthetically, or through the senses offer
great rewards in the healing process (Crabtree, 1992; Simonds, 1994).
Van der Kolk and van der Hart (1991) suggest that the traumatized individual
lives in two different worlds: the realm of the trauma (past) and the realm of
"ordinary" life (present). The realm of the trauma is internal reality-a world that is
repetitive, solitary, and, very importantly, timeless. One needs to be more adaptable
to "ordinary" life, on the other hand, because it is more unpredictable and contex-
tual. Further, these are two "utterly incompatible worlds" (1991, p. 448). Disparity,
like disruption and discontinuity, becomes all too familiar in the lives of those who
have experienced chronic trauma. This explains in part why traumatized individ-
uals crave metaphor and imagery in treatment to make sense of their worlds (Rose,
1987). The art reality offers a relatively safe parallel realm in which these disrupted
schemas can be recalled, explored, and transformed.
When the narrative content is taken out of written communication, as in the Stein
poem, words are distilled into sounds and rhythm, and meaningful references are
lost. In visual art, however, form, color, movement, and composition remain to
express the artist's intent, even if the narrative has been obscured or removed. Take,
for example, Picasso's portraits in the analytical cubist style which shatter the
subject's image into many small planes of color and light. At first one might see only
the paint, or the complex design, but soon the image coalesces in the viewer's
mind's eye and the figure can be discerned.
"Language is simply unable to capture the quality of visual truth; it muddies as
much as it mediates" (Rose, 1987, p. 176). This is because words, the primary means
of conveying images in spoken and written communication, have been arbitrarily
assigned meaning for the things to which they refer; what does "chair" have to do
with the actual object on which one sits, for instance? How many referents are
ascribed to the sound "bow"? Where, exactly, is "over there"? When you hear or see
the word "pipe," do you think of smoking or plumbing? Why?
The Belgian surrealist Magritte created sophisticated paradoxes that force us to
confront the uneasy relationship between words, images, and consensual reality
(Handler-Spitz, 1987). "This is not a pipe," inscribed in French on a painting that
clearly depicts a pipe used for smoking, is a well-known example of his work.
Magritte uses the combination of writing and painting in this piece to create an
532 especially complex disparity. Of course this is not a pipe-it is a painting of a pipe
Barry M. Cohen (Foucault, 1982). 1 The semiotic dilemma here is not very different from the un-
trained nonspecialist introducing art into the trauma therapy context. "Seeing an
artwork without knowing it is an artwork, is like experiencing print before being
able to read" (Dissanayake, 1991, p. 183).
The capacity of visual language to convey feeling, meaning, psychological time
and space and to invoke sensation, movement, and cognitive connections com-
mends art reality as an important correlate in communicating with traumatized
When you own the shop and there are no customers, you can do anyihing you
The dissociative reality, which thrives on the disrupted schemas of the trau-
matic realm, extends the challenges regarding individuality and interpersonal com-
munication in psychotherapy to even more complex levels. People with DID
usually manifest the most complicated psychopathology that characterizes this
uncommon reality. A chronic complex form of posttraumatic stress, DID features
frequent periods of dissociative amnesia during which alternate personalities take
executive control of behavior.
For those who do not live it, it is nearly impossible to truly understand
dissociative reality or effectively describe it. What words can one use to adequately
communicate phenomena like switching, co-consciousness, a system of highly
particularized alters, or internal safe places? Both patients and therapists frequently
develop exquisitely refined (although somewhat rigid and unidimensional) verbal
metaphors to describe these aspects of the dissociative reality. The visual image is,
however, more immediate and more directly attuned to individual needs than is any
verbal metaphor because art allows us "to visualize, not merely to conceptualize"
(Cassirer, 1944, p. 216).
The discontinuity and disparity that are engendered by childhood abuse foster
the development of pathological levels of dissociation in the young victim striving
for survival. As a result, the severely abused child begins the self-hypnotic process of
establishing an internal reality that differs radically from consensual reality. Silvey
and MacKeith (1988) referred to elaborate invented realities of childhood as para-
1Itis interesting to note how thoroughly many of Magritte's images have been adopted into popular
culture. I believe the proliferation of surrealist imagery, which flourished after World War l-and
Magritte's imagery in particular-on album covers, window dressing, greeting cards, T-shirts, and the
like is a reflection of society's craving for disparity and discontinuity. The public needs these elements
concretized and externalized for them and the surrealists provided just such a service. The daily news
confirms that there is rampant trauma in all our lives. However, many people participate in a consensual
trance in which certain kinds of trauma do not really exist-witness surveys regarding doubt that the
Holocaust actually happened.
cosms. Paracosms are spontaneously created, systemized private worlds. Sustained 533
over an appreciable length of time, they are internally consistent and deeply Art and the
significant to the individual. The dissociative reality is essentially a posttraumatic Dlssoclative
paracosm in which discretely organized constructs and affects are elaborated into Paracosm
adaptive metaphorical and/or pathological realms. These internal worlds usually
reflect the magical thinking of early childhood and, unlike the delusional reality of
psychotics, are self-referential.
It has been suggested that alter personalities are constructs developed in an
attempt to master a variety of very intense affects (Nathanson, 1993). Ross (1989)
compared them to theatrical devices. The alter personalities that reside in dissocia-
tive paracosms may also be likened to styles in art, in that they represent distinct
patterns of behavior that are visually distinguishable by their characteristic commu-
nication techniques; some alters may also be identified by their function within the
personality system. Typically, this environment is inhabited by perpetrator intro-
jects with cognitively distorted agendas (Ross & Gahan, 1988). In addition, un-
processed remnants of the trauma itself tend to resurface spontaneously-pressing
for revisualization. For these reasons, not all posttraumatic paracosms are safe
places to be.
Paracosms should not be confused with system pictures, which depict the
organization of the alter personalities (Cohen & Cox, 1989), nor should they be
confused with system maps (Putnam, 1989), which are typically transitory rela-
tional diagrams of the internal cast of characters. Paracosms, on the other hand,
include the internal reality's environment, architecture, rules, culture, and constitu-
ents. It is in this realm, deep beneath the chaos shown outwardly to the world, that
the unity beneath the patient's multiplicity might be examined (Braude, 1992).
Because paracosms are so elaborate, one is more likely to glimpse different aspects
of a single example across a number of art productions by a given client than to see
one represented in a single art production.
In addition to these idiosyncratic imaginal realities, people with DID seem to
have their own linguistic system (Greaves, 1992). It includes the use of such phrases
as "the body," "the mother," and the omission of pronouns in order to avoid
committing to "I" or "we" statements or indicating ownership statements with the
words "my" or "mine." Kluft has informally referred to this idiosyncratic style of
thinking and communicating as "multiplese." listening to multiplese can be disori-
enting, but not nearly as difficult as having to make sense of the dissociative reality
(with its cubist-futurist-surrealist and time-space distortions) without the help of
art reality.
The dissociative reality derives from several negative constructs that are the
direct result of trauma. These constructs reflect discontinuity and disparity in
schemas related to identity, awareness, responsibility, and time. A patient's dissocia-
tive reality may be summed up by the following:
As strong kinship exists between the art reality and the dissociative reality;
inherent qualities of both realms parallel one another. The therapist's ability to
capitalize on this affinity makes communication and therefore treatment easier and
more effective than the use of language alone.
·Bisociation refers to the pairing of habitually incompatible elements during the
creative process (Koestler, 1964). As mentioned earlier, this occurs naturally in
the context of trauma, when incongruent ideas or experiences are powerfully
associated during an altered state. Dali's work perhaps best illustrates this quality
in art. His famous portrait of Mae West (1934), in which the subject is depicted as a
brothel parlor with her cascading hair as the drapery and her ruby lips as a sofa,
provides an elegant example of bisociation. Dali created a trancelike reality in his
painting through the trancelike process of art-making and invites the viewer to join
him in it.
Plasticity is the inherent quality of art that facilitates the malleability of form,
time, and space; it maximizes the effects of visual communication. 1n the dissocia-
tive patient's experience, the plasticity of trance logic allows for the simultaneous
or consecutive experiencing of past and present time within a spatially variable
posttraumatic paracosm. Plasticity is the phenomenon that enables the patient to
continually reperceive herself in her various dissociated identities. Dali unwittingly
illustrated plasticity as a function of both art reality and dissociative reality in a
single work of art; his emblematic surrealist painting of melting watches in a
timeless landscape is, ironically, titled "The Persistence of Memory" (1931).
Absorption is another key factor in the kinship between art reality and dissocia-
tive reality. It is the intensely focused state of consciousness accessible to both the
artist and the highly hypnotizable person. As Storr (1993), states, "creative people
are often astonished by what they have produced, and treat it ... as if someone else
has produced it" (p. 219). An example of absorption during the creative process,
this description is remarkably similar to the dissociative amnesia of DID patients
who create art in their various alter personality states. Properly structured, art-
making can engage dissociative clients in a pleasurable activity that channels their
propensity for absorption.
Multileveledness suggests that several distinct levels of meaning can be com-
prehended in a single work of art and further that there is no hierarchy of impor-
tance among these various levels (Kreitler & Kreitler, 1972). Cohen and Cox (1989)
have pointed out art's efficiency in allowing for the simultaneous revealing and
concealing of information regarding abuse, dissociation, or multiplicity, which is
derived from this phenomenon. Art's multileveled quality promotes repeated exam-
inations by the viewer of a single work. Similarly, the variety and stratification of
alters in a DID system invites ongoing reexamination by the therapist. This intrigu-
ing quality can sometimes offset the difficulties of working with such complex
persons and case material.
Art and the
' ...
Figure 1. In this drawing by a woman with DID, the childhood experience associated with the
showerhead becomes graphically signified by the crying sunflower.
For the child fellating the adult in the shower on the left side of the drawing in
Figure 1, drawn by a woman with DID, the pouring shower head is equated with the
bright yellow image of a sunflower on the right. The child could only allow herself
to cry in the shower where her tears would be washed away undetected, hence the
crying sunflower. Once this association is concretized, future drawings that may
refer to knowledge of this incident or the dissociated affective and sensory re-
sponses related to it may be simply signified by the sunflower. The sunflower is a
schema-in this case, an art term meaning a basic pattern or configuration that is
used repeatedly to denote something (Lowenfeld & Brittain, 1975).
A flower schema is employed again in Figure 2, also drawn by a DID patient. In
this image, it suggests a system and an internal threat. If trauma creates disrupted
mental schemas that need to be externalized in order to effect healing, and art
activity is the most effective way to accomplish this externalization, then graphic
schemas are the royal road to enhancing the therapeutic outcome in the treatment
of severely traumatized clients.
According to Csikszentmihalyi (1978), "Art is an adaptive tool by which we
master forces in the environment in order to survive in it" (p. 125). Picture-making,
like hypnosis, provides a directable shift in consciousness to an image-based con-
struct (Kingsbury, 1988). In this way, art can offer an escape from the chaos of life to
another, more cotnfortable, realm. Martindale (1990) has pointed out that if you do
something useful, you yourself can become a tool. The all-too-usable victimized
Barry M. Cohen
Figure 2. A flower schema is used to represent the internal personality system, which is under attack.
child adopts art as an activity of survival because it is not at all useful to the abuser
and is, therefore, use-less. A child can express her internal or external reality
through art in ways "that could not be expressed, and therefore controUed, by other
means" (Csikszentmihalyi, 1978, p. 120).
like any aspect of human behavior, art can be analyzed or interpreted accord-
ing to any number of constructs. likewise, art therapy approaches correspond to
various schools of psychological theory. Differing outlooks on art therapy practice
can be sought elsewhere in the professional literature (e.g., Landgarten, 1987;
Lusebrink, 1990; McNiff, 1981; Moon, 1990; Naumburg, 1966; Rhyne 1973; Robbins
& Sibley, 1976; Rubin, 1984; Schaverien, 1992; Wadeson, Durkin, & Perach, 1989).
Art and the
I hey and I forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand. Dissociative
Figure 4 . Color and form effectively externalize affect and convey it to the viewer.
this image, distortion and exaggeration give the grimacing face its visual impact.
• Collage requires the maker to engage in a kind of spatial organization that
serves to structure cognition; this process helps clients work with the knowledge
component of experience. Since the images used in collage have been appropriated
from an external source (such as a magazine), adequate emotional distance can be
maintained; thus, this technique fosters containment and control within the client.
The collage shown in Figure 6 is titled, "Tools of the Trade." The making of this piece
helped the client to organize the chaos of a physically abusive childhood into a
manageable space; once accomplished, she could begin to redefine her relationship
with the everyday items represented in the collage which were previously known
to her as weapons for punishment. (cognitive, symbolic)
Barry M. Cohen
Figure S. The impact of intense sensation is conveyed by distortion and exaggeration in this image.
Figure 6. CoUage, a populat art-making technique, can enhance knowledge by encouraging the maker
to organize and define pictorial elements.
Art therapy's function in the treatment of dissociative disorders can be 541
summed up by the following effects, each of which is associated with one or more Art and the
of the BASK levels essential for the transformation of nonverbally encoded or Dissociative
dissociated material: Paracosm
• The restorative effect of art therapy refers to the attainment of mastery over
the past. It recovers visually stored, unprocessed representations and restores them
to consciousness. Anxiety-provoking material is externalized and concretized in a
tolerable or pleasurable way. (affect and sensation)
• The orientative effect of art therapy communicates new information about
the person and her world and suggests ways for the integration of disparity within
each. It deals with revealing a previously discontinuous narrative in the present.
Once an issue is externalized and concretized, an appropriate resolution may be
attempted. (knowledge)
• The preparative effect of art therapy provides for rehearsal of upcoming
events and reinforcement of control in the present. It is about practicing for the
future and facing challenges in a planned, methodical way. (behavior)
This chapter provides a review of the various psychotropic medications and bene-
fits of their use in the treatment of patients with dissociative identity disorder
(DID). Psychopharmacology in the broad perspective includes the study of the
effects of psychoactive drugs on the human mind, including the patient's thoughts,
feelings, physical sensations, fantasies, activities and behavior applied in day-to-day
living. In general, it is important to state that currently there is no one specific
medication or combination of medications that cure patients with a dissociative
disorder. However, the use of psychotropic medications can be quite helpful by
providing the following benefits:
1. Reduce the intensity of debilitating symptoms such as anxiety, depression,
poor concentration, insomnia, restlessness, nightmares, panic states, exag-
gerated startle response, and phobias.
2. Improve the patient's mental state and attention focus to be more amenable
and ready to benefit from psychotherapeutic interventions.
3. Provide the benefit of psychopharmalogical interventions in patients who
have the comorbidity of a dissociative disorder with another psychiatric dis-
order such as major depression, bipolar disorder, panic disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder, and so forth.
The primary treatment for patients with dissociative disorders is psycho-
therapy using a psychodynamic approach with adjunctive use of hypnosis when
Moshe S. Torero • Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Akron General Medical Center,
Akron, Ohio 44307; and Department of Psychiatry, Northeastetn Ohio Universities College of Medicine,
Akron, Ohio 44272.
Handbook of Dissociation: Tbeoretica~ Empirical, and Cltntcal Perspectives, edited by larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 545
546 indicated (Kluft, 1984, 1985, 1989; Braun, 1986; Coons, 1986; Putnam, 1986, 1989;
Moshe S. Torem Ross, 1989). However, I believe that a comprehensive integrative approach is more
effective and commonly used by many practicing psychotherapists. Such a psycho-
therapeutic approach integrates psychodynamic, behavioral, existential, and cogni-
tive modalities. The relationship between the patient and the therapist is of para-
mount importance in creating a partnership whereby the patient is empowered to
make choices, report on the use or misuse of medications, and participate in the
evaluation of a desired outcome, whether it is the alleviation of symptoms, the
improvement in functioning with the activities of daily living, or both.
Physicians are traditionally exposed in their training to the idea that medica-
tions are an important part of any general clinical practice. Nonmedical therapists
need to educate themselves on the special meaning and use of psychotropic
medications and their place in the psychotherapy of patients with dissociative
The outcome effects in using psychotropic medications are highly influenced
by the nature of the relationship between the patient and the treating clinician,
especially the one who prescribes the medications. This has been scientifically
recognized and has been termed the placebo effect to include expectations of
outcome as perceived by the patient as well as the therapist and not just the direct
influence of the active chemical ingredient in the prescribed drug. This is so
important that it has become a standard in the efficacy evaluation of new medica-
tions to include double-blind studies so that neither the patient nor the prescribing
physician know which drug is the placebo and which is the one with the tested
active chemical ingredient. The placebo effect is a phenomenon that occurs regu-
larly when the patient uses medications. The placebo effect may enhance the direct
therapeutic effect of the chemical ingredient in the medication, which is termed
the positive placebo effect. On the other hand, the negative placebo effect refers to
a phenomenon that diminishes the therapeutic efficacy of the chemical ingredient
in the prescribed medication. At times, the negative placebo effect can be so
powerful that it not only eliminates any potential therapeutic effect of the chemical
ingredient, but may also produce undesirable and noxious side effects (Plotkin,
1985; Evans, 1985; Shapiro, 1960, 1968; Shapiro & Morris, 1978).
The purpose of the prescribing clinician is to do everything possible to en-
hance the possible placebo effect to maximize the therapeutic efficacy of the
prescribed medication. Enhancing the positive placebo effect involves the utiliza-
tion of the patient's positive transference relationship to the doctor and the pa-
tient's belief that the prescribed medication is going to have the desired therapeutic
effect, as well as believing in the curative powers of the physician. On the physi-
cian's side, it involves the belief in his or her skills and knowledge in treating the
patient's condition, the belief that the prescribed medication is in fact going to
work in a positive therapeutic manner, and the belief that the patient receiving the
prescribed medication is in fact someone who can be trusted to benefit from the 547
medication and has hope for healing and recovery. Psychopharma-
It's important to remember that any time the patient swallows the prescribed cology
medication, he or she will symbolically incorporate and internalize their image of
the doctor, including what took place in the previous session. This internalization
when the medication is swallowed is extremely important to remember since the
very relationship with the prescribing doctor is an essential part of practicing
rational psychopharmacotherapy. Well-trained and skillful doctors know this, and
therefore spend at least 20 to 30 minutes and at times up to an hour with a patient
even though the primary therapist of the patient is at times another clinician who
sees the patient weekly and whose focus is on psychotherapy. It is also important to
emphasize that the nonmedical therapist can enhance the efficacy of the prescribed
medications by positively endorsing the prescribing physician and his or her
therapeutic knowledge, experience, and skill in the field of dissociative disorders
and previous successes with other patients.
In hospitalized patients, additional members of the team that influence this
process should not be ignored. They are the nurse and the nursing assistant, as well
as occupational therapist, art therapist, social workers, and pharmacist who may
endorse the efficacy and positive therapeutic expectations of the prescribed medi-
cation and the positive reputation of the prescribing physician or they may criticize
and question the wisdom of using the prescribed medication, and thus diminish its
therapeutic efficacy.
All of the above-mentioned factors may explain the high degree of variability of
results in using psychotropic or other medications in patients with dissociative
Loewenstein (1991) provides good basic guidelines for the use of rational
psychopharmacology in the treatment of patients with DID. He mentioned several
ground rules. The first is that the use of medications for multiple personality
disorder (MPD) patients must be understood in the context of the total treatment of
MPD, pointing out that it is important to establish clear reasoning for the expected
benefits of the medications and to have clinical criteria for assessment as to whether 549
the medication is beneficial. The second rule states that most problems in the Psychopharma-
treatment of MPD patients are not solvable with medications and have to be cology
addressed in a broader context of psychotherapy done in a trustful therapist-
patient relationship. Loewenstein's third guideline has two parts to it: (1) The
doctor must attempt to treat symptoms in MPD that are valid psychopharmacologi-
cal targets; and (2) The doctor must target symptoms that are present across the
whole person and not those localized in separate alter personalities, i.e., are the
result of dissociative switching.
Kluft (1985) pointed out that the presence of valid medication-responsive
symptoms are very important before the decision to use medication is enacted.
Nonpharmacological interventions have to be utilized for the same symptoms in
order to enhance the potential positive response from the psychotropic medica-
tions. The physician prescribing the medications should have a trustful relationship
with the patient and understand the patient as a whole, including the history of
previous experiences with psychotropic medications. Some clinical trials reported
partial success in individual cases with dissociative disorders using a variety of
medications such as antidepressants, benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, clonidine, or
low-dose neuroleptics (Barkin, Brown, Kluft, 1986; Braun, 1990; Fichtner, Kuhlman,
& Gruenfeld, 1990; Loewenstein, Hornstein, & Farber, 1988; Ross, 1989).
Loewenstein et al. (1988) reported on a systematic study of pharmacotherapy
for patients with MPD. Loewenstein and his colleagues reported moderate improve-
ment with the use of clonazepam in some posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
symptoms and in five MPD patients in an open-label, nonblind clinical trial. The
patients showed sustained improvement over 6 to 12 months in the continuity of
sleep and lessening severity of nightmares and flashbacks. The patients maintained
a stable clonazepam dose.
Braun (1990) reported on the use of clonidine and high doses of propranolol
for the treatment of hyperarousal, anxiety, poor impulse control, disorganized
thinking, and rapid switching in patients with dissociative disorders.
Many patients with DID suffer from the typical posttraumatic stress symptoms
such as heightened sympathetic arousal, exaggerated startle response, disrupted
sleep, and disrupted dreaming. These symptoms have been studied extensively in
the Veterans Administration with posttraumatic stress disorder. Friedman (1988,
1991, 1993, 1994) noted that there is a serious shortage of double blind drug trials in
the pharmacotherapy of patients with posttraumatic stress disorder, as is true for
patients with dissociative identity disorder. However, from the available research it
is clear so far that neuroleptics are not a first-line choice for PfSD symptoms.
Neuroleptic drugs should be used only briefly to control severe agitation. If other
drugs, such as anxiolytics and antidepressants have not worked, neuroleptic may be
added for a more extended use.
Anttkindling Agents
Kindling is a neurobiological phenomenon that occurs following exposure to
traumatic stress. Kindling involves a hypersensitivity of certain parts in the limbic
system of the brain. Chronic high intensity of sympathetic arousal is mediated by
550 the locus coeruleus frequently releasing norepinephrine thus kindling the limbic
Moshe S. Torem system nuclei. This produces a stable persistence neurobiological abnormality. Van
der Kolk (1987) and Friedman (1988) have independently suggested that the
chronic central nervous system sympathetic arousal associated with PTSD pro-
duced an endogenous state that optimized conditions for limbic system kindling.
The increased arousal is characterized by symptoms of insomnia, nightmares,
flashbacks, impulsivity, affective storms, aggressivity, and acting out a compulsion
to repeat the trauma. For these symptoms, antikindling drugs have been found
somewhat effective. The antikindling agents most studied are: carbamazepine (feg-
retol) and valproate (Depakote). Carbamazepine has been studied by Lipper et al
(1986), who observed a reduction in the intensity and frequency of nightmares,
flashbacks, and intrusive recollections. Valproate was studied by Fesler (1991) who
showed that this drug can produce an alleviation of hyperarousal, as well as an
alleviation in the avoidant numbing symptoms in patients with PTSD.
Anxiety is a very common symptom in patients with dissociative disorders. It
may be expressed with a sense of subjectiveness, restlessness, the feeling that some
·disastrous event may take place, loss of control, agitation, and a variety symptoms
such as shortness of breath, blurred vision, urinary frequency; urinary urgency,
diarrhea, tension headaches, poor concentration, dispepsia, and parastesias (pe-
ripheral numbness). The following groups of medications can be used for the
control of anxiety: benzodiazepines, sedative antihistamines, buspirones, beta-
blockers, as well as small doses of certain neuroleptics.
Table 2. Benzodiazepines:
Comparative Equivalent Doses
Alprazolam (Xanax) 0.5 mg
Chlordiazepoxide (Librlum) 25.0mg
aonazepam (Klonopin) 0.25 mg
Diazepam (Valium) 5.0mg
Lorazepam (Ativan) 1.0 mg
552 • Carbamazapine in therapeutic doses may aid in the withdrawal process.
Moshe S. Torem • An alternative to the above method is to substitute alprazolam with an
equal dose of clonazepam in divided doses and then decrease the
clonazepam by 1 mg/day.
Special Precautions for AU Benzodiazepines
• Do not use on patients with sleep apnea disorders.
• Administer with extreme caution to patients who perform hazardous
tasks that require mental alertness and physical coordination.
• Benzodiazepines lower tolerance to alcohol and high doses may produce
mental confusion similar to alcohol intoxication.
• Physical and psychological dependence, tolerance, and withdrawal
symptoms may be produced by all benzodiazepines. These are correlated
with the dose and the duration of use.
• Abrupt withdrawal following prolonged use may produce seizures.
Toxicity. Overdose with these medications is rarely fatal if taken alone.
However, it may be lethal when the overdose is taken in combination with other
drugs, such as alcohol and barbiturates. Symptoms of overdose may include hypo-
tension, depressed breathing, and coma. Pregnant women must be cautioned that
benzodiazepines freely cross the placenta and may accumulate in the fetus. Data
regarding the issue of teratogenicity are inconclusive.
Special Instructions to Patients
• -consumption of caffeinated beverages may counteract the therapeutic
effects of the prescribed medication.
• The dose should be maintained as prescribed. Do not increase the dose
without consulting your physician.
• Driving a car or operating other machinery should be avoided until a
response to the drug is determined.
• Avoid the use of alcohol since it may enhance the effects of these
medications, as well as alcohol side effects.
• Avoid abrupt stopping of these medications.
Drug Interactions
• Caffeine may counteract sedation and increase insomnia.
• Cimetidine may decrease the metabolism of benzodiazepines.
• Antihistamines may increase central nervous system depression, as well
as coma and respiratory depression in high doses.
• Barbiturates may cause the same drug interactions as antihistamines.
• Alcohol may cause the same drug interactions as antihistamines.
• Estrogens (including oral contraceptives) may decrease the metabolism
of benzodiazepines, and thus increase its plasma levels as well as its
duration in the body.
• Propoxyphene (Darvon) may decrease the metabolism of benzodiazepines.
Comparing Various Benzodiazepines (See Table 3)
1. Alprazolam (Xanax)
• Reaches a peak plasma level within 1-2 hours of administration.
• Half-life elimination is reached between 9 and 20 hours.
Table 3. Benzodiazepine Trade Names and Dosage Ranges 553
Usual adult dosage range Adult single dose range Psychopharma-
Generic name Trade name (mg/day) (mg) cology
Alprazolam and clonazepam are relatively more potent for panic and some-
what less potent with generalized anxiety.
Depression associated with feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, futureless-
ness, and anhedonia is a common symptom in patients with dissociative disorder.
Some patients may have the comorbidity of a major depression, a dysthymic dis-
order, or bipolar disorder. These should be treated accordingly as indicated in the
standards of practice for mood disorders.
Antidepressant medications are currently available in the following groups:
tricyclic antidepressants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, selective serotonin reup- 557
take inhibitors, and miscellaneous antidepressants. In selecting the use of an anti- Psychopharma-
depressant medication, I use the following guidelines: cology
Rapid Switching
This symptom is not easy to control. Braun (1990) reported on the use of
propranolol and clonazepam with limited success in reducing rapid switching. My
experience involved the use of Inderal in doses of 60-240 mg a day, as well as
donazepam in doses of 6-16 mg a day. The success rate improves with the utiliza-
tion of hypnotherapeutic centering techniques (forem & Gainer, 1993, 1995).
In two patients, there was a moderate response to the use of the antiepileptic
and mood stabilizer carbamazepine in doses of 100 mg, three times a day, up to 200
mg, four times a day. Therapeutic serum levels for carbamazepine should be in the
range of 4-12 f!.g/ml.
The following medications have recently been released by the Food and Drug
Administration for the use with a variety of psychiatric conditions and may also be
helpful in patients with DID: fluvoxomine, naltrexone, nefazodone, risperidone,
and venlafaxine.
Table 6 provides basic information regarding the drugs' primary indications,
postulated mechanisms of action, and the various appropriate doses.
Naltrexone. This medication has been found helpful in DID patients who
suffer from a concurrent diagnosis of alcohol dependence and opiate addiction.
Table 6. Newly Released Drug Names and Dosage Ranges 561
Average adult Adult single Psychopharma-
dose range dose range cology
Generic name Brand name Indication (mg/day) (mg/day)
Naltrexone is an opiate antagonist, and animal studies have shown that opiate
antagonists will decrease the animal's drinking of alcohol and craving for opiate-
type drugs. In 1990, Braun reported some success in the use of naltrexone in the
treatment of DID patients. Dr. Braun believes that some of the DID patient's
symptoms can be understood in terms of the brain's addiction to its own internal
opiates, i.e., the beta endorphins. Beta endorphins may be stimulated for increase in
higher amounts at the time of repeated abreactions and repeated self-injurious
behavior, which, according to Braun, are analogous to a drug addict's dependence
on opiates. Dr. Braun reported on a trial of naltrexone for the control of such self-
injurious behaviors as self-mutilation, hinging and purging, compulsive sexuality,
and compulsive exercising. However, this was a non-blind trial. So far, I have not had
any experience in my practice with the use of this medication. Its place and efficacy
in the treatment of DID patients remains to be seen in further research.
In the past two years, I have had the experience of treating more than a dozen
cases of patients with DID who have been in long-term psychotherapy and have
worked through many of their unresolved issues. However, in the face of various 563
medications, these patients have continued to suffer from insomnia, as well as Psychopharma-
daytime symptoms of dissociation, amnesia, confusion, flashbacks, repetitive head- cology
aches, and depression. A thorough history included information from the patients'
spouses and other relatives, revealing nighttime snoring as well as leg-jerking. This
resulted in a special referral to the sleep lab for a nighttime polysomnogram, which
revealed the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea, at times in combination with
nocturnal myoclonus. The obstructive sleep apnea is apparently not uncommon in
DID and PfSD patients. It interferes with the completion of healthy sleep cycles,
including REM sleep, and it reduces oxygen saturation, causing the brain to suffer
from brief periods of hypoxia. This results in chronic sleep deprivation, as well as
daytime symptoms such as sleepiness and poor concentration. Effective therapy for
these cases involved treatment with a continuous pressurized air perfusion ma-
chine or bilevel pressurized air perfusion machine. In addition, the patients who
were diagnosed with nocturnal myoclonus were successfully treated with small
amounts of clonazepam (up to 3 mg at bedtime) or small amounts of sinemet in
doses ranging from one tablet of 25/100 mg to 50/200 mg at bedtime. The improve-
ment in the patient's quality of sleep at night resulted in a dramatic improvement in
the patient's daytime symptoms, including many of the dissociative symptoms
mentioned above, as well as in the patient's level of daytime functioning. Dr.
Michael Gainer and myself reported on these findings in the November meeting of
the International Society for the Study of Dissociation in Chicago, Illinois, as well as
in a recent report in the ISSD Newsletter (Gainer & Torem, 1994). Dr. Richard Kluft,
who was at our presentation in Chicago, reported that he too has had several cases
of DID patients who concommentantly suffered from sleep apnea and whose
daytime symptoms were significantly improved following appropriate treatment
with the continuous pressurized air perfusion machine. This information suggests
that dissociative symptoms in patients with DID, as well as other aggravating
symptoms, may be of multiple origins and may require a multimodel approach for
successful treatment. It also points out that many DID patients may have comorbid-
ity with other psychiatric disorders, as well as medical disorders.
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In this final section of the volume, two areas that have generated heated debate are
considered-ritual abuse and forensic interpretation of dissociative disorders. Rit-
ual abuse is discussed by Sakheim in Chapter 27. In this chapter, he begins by
defining ritual abuse and discussing modifiers such as "satanism" that have been
applied to its description. Calling for more research, he begins by describing
reports from a variety of sources related to ritual abuse. He then moves to a
metacognition level and examines four of the ways in which people have related to
these reports. By utilizing four approaches previously suggested by Greaves, gen-
eral reactions can be characterized as coming from (l) Nihilists, (2) Apologists,
(3) Heuristics, and ( 4) Methodologists. Unfortunately, Sakheim points out, there are
no Methodologists since there are so few hard data at this time. However, the mere
description of ritual abuse brings forth many complex and difficult questions for
treating such abuse victims. Tilis chapter emphasizes that these occur on both the
level of the patient, whose information one must process in therapy, and on the
level of the therapist, who must consider his or her own personal reactions to
hearing stories of ritual abuse.
Dissociative identity disorder has placed the courts in the strange position of
having to consider in what ways a dominant identity is responsible for crimes
committed by one of the alters. In Chapter 28, Greaves and Faust give their personal
reactions to legal, ethical, and historical development in the field of dissociative
disorders. Using a narrative style, they consider, from the perspective of their own
experience, the relationship between psychology and the law. Tilis discussion is
amplified by presentation of one of the most famous "multiple personality cases"-
that of "Billy Milligan." The famous Billy Milligan case is one in which the courts
found Mr. Milligan not guilty by reason of insanity after he had committed rapes
under the control of one of the alters. For many people, these types of outcomes
bring forth the consideration of malingering and further questioning related to the
diagnosis of dissociative disorder as well as therapeutic techniques such as hyp-
nosis. In contrast to the current legal interest in dissociative disorders, these
authors actually suggest that dissociative disorders will play less of a role in future
court cases.
Clinical Aspects of
Sadistic Ritual Abuse
David K. Sakheim
In recent years, therapists have been confronted with thousands of cases in which
both children and adults are alleging horrendous abuse at the hands of satanic cults.
These patients have been labeled as "ritually abused" and/or "satanic cult sur-
vivors:' 1 How to make sense of the memories of atrocities described by such
individuals has resulted in tremendous controversy within the field. Unfortunately,
both clinicians and researchers tend to take strong emotionally based positions,
despite the absence of sufficient empirical data to do so in an educated fashion. This
chapter is an attempt to discuss and clarify some of the issues that arise in this area
and to give an overview of what is currently known in the field.
"Ritual abuse" is a new term, yet it has already gone through a number of
permutations in meaning. It was originally proposed by Lawrence Pazder and
Michelle Smith to describe her cult abuse experiences (Smith & Pazder, 1980). The
term was designed to reflect a type of abuse that occurred because of the religious
beliefs of the perpetrators. As others began disclosing similar stories, most of
1This term will be used to refer to individuals who present for psychotherapy and describe atrocities that
were inflicted upon them by secret organized groups of people as part of religious rituals. Female
pronouns will be used throughout this chapter when referring to ritual abuse survivors since, at
present, the vast majority of survivors in therapy are women.
Despite the broadened definition, most ritual abuse survivors who seek psy-
chotherapy describe an involvement with satanism among their tormentors. This
has made for some confusion about just who are these groups of perpetrators. As
one attends to the details of abuses and the specifics of described practices, it
becomes clear that these groups are not the same as any of the currently known
satanic worshipers. A definition of "satanism" is not simple because the individuals
and groups that get so labeled are actually very heterogeneous. "Satanism" as a
religion does not necessitate any illegal or abusive activities. Thus, it is very impor-
tant to be cautious and specific with how one uses the term (see Table 1).
As can be seen in Table 1, satanism can be a label applied by one group to
another or a self-applied designation. It can refer to both known and controversial
groups and can imply both legal and illegal practices. Throughout history, when
one group was called satanic by another, the label usually was being given to justify
Table 1. Satanism 571
I. Groups known to exist Sadistic
A. Labeled by others Ritual Abuse
l. Individuals persecuted due to their beliefs or practices
2. Groups labeled satanic to justify oppression (typically due to different religious beliefs)
3. Whole nations labeled satanic to justify their "enemy" status
B. Self-labeled
1. Organized legal and open satanic churches
2. Individual dabblers (often with preexisting psychological problems)
3. Small, disconnected groups/gangs that dabble in satanic practices
4. Organized crime groups who practice satanic rituals, often with the belief that this will
add to their power
warfare or oppression. It has usually been a way of saying that the individual or
group in question is immoral and evil. For example, Ayatollah Khoemeni recently
labeled the United States as "The Great Satan" and informed his followers that their
moral duty was to fight this evil enemy.
On the other hand, satanism has been used as a self-definition (see Table 1).
There are legal, constitutionally protected religions that practice satanism (e.g., the
Church of Satan· and the Temple of Set) which do not espouse any illegal activities. It
is important to note that these legal and open religious groups are almost never
named by ritual abuse survivors as being involved in their abuse.
Individuals and groups that break the law in their practice of "satanism" are
heterogeneous as well. There are individuals who become fascinated with satanism
or the occult and who may dabble in some homespun version (such as an alienated
high school student who dabbles in black magic and drugs). There are groups (such
as youth gangs) who get involved in satanism, often as part of their rebellion against
authority. There are even organized crime groups that get involved in such practices
(such as Adolfo Constanzo's murderous drug ring in Matamoros, Mexico).
It is very important to note that none of the above individuals or groups are the
people that satanic cult survivors typically describe in their therapies. What is
described is actually quite different from any of the known or documented individ-
uals or groups listed above. Public discussions of satanism typically confuse these
various groups. What is controversial is the description provided by ritual abuse
survivors in therapy of highly organized intergenerational satanic cults and the
extreme atrocities that these groups are alleged to commit. However, the media, for
example, in presenting coverage about this controversy, frequently uses examples
ofthe above groups (e.g., the groups in Section I.B of Table 1) to support survivors'
reports in therapy or to provide evidence that well-organized intergenerational
satanic cults exist. Unfortunately, this only serves to further confuse the issue. There
572 is no question that satanism exists. The only controversial groups in Table 1 are
David K. Sakheim those listed in Section II.
There are primarily two ways in which these extreme types of reports come to
light. The first are reports coming from adult women in psychotherapy to deal with
child abuse, and the second come from daycare abuse investigations with children.
It is important to be clear that survivors are discussing an entirely different type
oftotalist group experience than any of the known forms of satanism in our culture.
It is these descriptions of secret, violent, yet well-organized intergenerational sa-
tanic cults that many people find hard to accept and about which there is very little
information or evidence.
What is typically described by these groups has nothing to do with those in
Section I of Table 1. Instead, there is usually a description of a family or group of
families that secretly have been practicing satanism for generations. The reports
consistently describe extremely violent paramilitary organizations that indoctrinate
their children from birth onward to become part of their belief system. The
allegations almost always include the torture and murder of children and adults;
sexual, physical, and emotional abuse of children; creation of child and adult
pornography; forced impregnations and subsequent abortions of teenagers and
adults; drug use and sales; forced participation in deviant sexual activities; forced
consumption of bodily wastes; cannibalism; and other extreme forms of deviance
and violence. These cults are alleged to be very well organized, to commit extreme 573
abuse and violence, and to go to great lengths to cover up their activities. Sadistic
The primary factor that has led some clinicians to believe the stories of their Ritual Abuse
patients is that the allegations made by these survivors are quite detailed and
consistent and often match those of other survivors who have never met, even in
differing parts of the world (Braun, 1989a). The similarities in reports from sur-
vivors around the world can be uncanny, even down to the wording of specific
prayers, the details and sequences of practices for specific holidays, or the secret
coding systems and symbols alleged to be used by these groups. Until recently, such
information was not widely available, convincing many clinicians that these itldivid-
uals had been exposed to the kinds of experiences they claimed.
In general, the rituals described by survivors appear to have one of three
primary purposes. These are indoctrinating someone into the group, helping some-
574 one in the group to attain increased power through possession or other magic, or
David K. Sakheim intimidating a member never to disclose cult-related activities (Hudson, 1990;
Katchen & Sakheim, 1992; Young, Sachs, Braun, & Watkins, 1991).
In other words, the younger or more "innocent" and "pure" the victim, the
more power is believed to reside there. It is also believed that the more physiologi-
cal arousal present, the more energy there is to obtain. Thus, survivor descriptions
often include not only killing, but the deliberate induction of maximal fear and/or
sexual arousal in the victim just prior to its death. Some of the cult practices
described in therapy suggest that some groups are far more involved with the
elaborate details of these practices, believing that numbers, colors, shapes, sym-
bols, and specific practices all contain important magical significance. Other groups
appear far less engrossed in such detail and seem much more involved in the sadism,
power, and/or monetary aspects of the various activities.
Whatever the rationales, it is clear that vittually all of the allegations from
survivors are of terrible abuses and tortures by the very people who were supposed
to protect them. In fact, vittually every survivor also describes sadistic abuses at
home in addition to the traumas that occurred at rituals and cult ceremonies.
Whether or not the specific descriptions have all occurred, a picture almost always
emerges of a family that is almost exclusively focused on power and control in every
sphere of life. The experience that survivors present dramatically portrays having
felt completely helpless and alone in a sadistic, controlled, and power-oriented
envitonment. For most clinicians, it is difficult to believe that that experience was
not in some way real, even if aspects of the survivor's presentation turn out to be
something else.
The most common area for discussion about satanic cults in current papers,
conferences, and the media is to debate the reality of theit existence. The opinions
expressed vary from the extreme position assuming 100% accuracy of survivors'
recall to the equally extreme alternative position that none of the descriptions of
atrocities are real. Clearly, until more investigative work is completed, there can be
no definitive answers to this debate. However, it seems likely that there will never
be one single answer. Patients will probably range from those who are malingering
for secondary gain to those who are delusional or who were tricked and confused.
There are likely to be others for whom descriptions of satanism are screen memo-
ries, incorporated ideas from readings or support groups, metaphoric communica-
tions, or even exaggerated memories. There are likely to be some distortions due to
trance phenomena for patients who are highly dissociative, and finally, there are
likely to be some individuals who have truly experienced extreme and ritualized
forms of abuse.
The situation becomes even more complex when one sees that not only is it
probable that patients will differ in these ways, but that even for one individual,
different memories may have different meanings. A patient who was actually
abused in a cult may have some memories that are distorted due to tricks, confu-
sion, or drug use at the time and other memories that are more clear and unmistak-
able. Some memories may be more elaborated due to secondary gain, while others
may even be able to be corroborated. In other words, each individual will likely
experience a variety of influences to memory so that each description has its own
complex meanings.
At present, the field is not yet acknowledging this complexity, but is more
involved in a debate about whether or not the phenomena are real. Unfortunately
our field has a tendency to become polarized in such situations, with some clini-
578 cians claiming that every patient's story is true and that the rest of the field is
David K. Sakheim heartless (e.g., "believe the children"), while others claim that every patient's story
is delusional, that there is no such thing as dissociation or repression, and that the
rest of the field is merely too gullible (e.g., the proponents of a ""false memory
syndrome"). This argument primarily comes down to how to make sense of two
conflicting aspects of these claims. The first is that survivors from all over the world
are coming forward with very similar descriptions and reports of abusive practices
by satanic cults (Edwards, 1990). The second is that there has not been sufficient
forensic evidence found to date that would validate these allegations, especially the
more extreme charges of infanticide and adult murders (Hicks, 1991). In an excel-
lent discussion of this dilemma, George Greaves (1992) points out that in the
presence of conflicting information and the absence of clear data, therapists,
sociologists, historians, anthropologists, police, and other researchers in this area
tend to take one of four positions. He calls these the Nihilists, the Apologists, the
Heuristics, and the Methodologists.
Complexity of Memory
It is very important to appreciate the complexity of this area and it seems likely
that even for any particular patient, different memories that surface may fit into
different categories in Table 3. 1n fact, it is probably fair to say that most patients will
present with a combination of these factors. The field is only just beginning to
acknowledge the complexity of memory (e.g., the American Psychological Associa-
tion just commissioned a task force to investigate and summarize the data about
repressed-recovered memory). Thus, it is very important to recognize that mem-
ory has many functions and many forms. 1f clinicians can keep an open mind about a
patient's descriptions, the patient will be far better served than if the clinician
comes to his or her work with a preconceived notion about the veracity of recov- 585
ered information. Sadistic
A recent example from my practice may help to exemplify this complexity. A Ritual Abuse
woman in her late 20s, who had been in therapy for a few years, had made major
positive changes in her life, primarily by working through numerous childhood
abuse memories. She and I had been able to validate the accuracy of many of these
in discussions with siblings, grandparents, and parents, through medical examina-
tions that documented her internal and external injuries, as well as through obtain-
ing a variety of documents (e.g., school and medical records) and even recovering
some of the objects used in the abuse. After a few years in therapy she began to have
a memory of being present at the murder of a little boy. This memory was very
confusing for her as her perspective was not at all clear. In order to help to clarify
her confusion about it, she drew the scene that was in her mind (see Figure 1).
Unlike other memories, instead of becoming more and more clear as she worked
on it, this one became more and more confused. At times it seemed as though she
had been the woman in the drawing, at other times she thought that she had been
the little boy, and sometimes she even thought that she had been the priest doing
the killing.
The mystery was finally solved when she discovered an almost identical pic-
ture in her mother's attic. Upon finding this picture, she remembered that on one of
the many times that she was being abused, she had dissociated, left her body, and
gone into the nearest picture on the wall (a defense she had used many times
One of the symptoms that almost always emerges for such severe abuse
survivors is that of self-abuse. This is an area that has been widely misunderstood,
but recently has been best discussed by John Briere (1993), who explains such
behaviors as "tension reduction" strategies. Briere points out the defensive value of
self-abuse in its management of otherwise intolerable affects.
In trying to help someone stop hurting themselves, it is essential to explore
what purpose such behavior is serving. Only through an understanding of the costs
and benefits of that particular kind of self-abuse, at that particular time, is it possible
to really begin to explore realistic alternatives. There are countless reasons why
people injure themselves, and Table 4 shows some of the more common patient
descriptions of how it can be helpful as a defense.
Table 4. Reasons for Self-Abuse 589
1. Distraction from painful affect Sadistic
Ritual Abuse
2. To show others the pain inside, "to make the outside look like the inside feels"
3. To go into a trance
a. To push away a painful memory/feeling
b. To bring forward a personality who handled pain by being anesthetized, thereby eliminating
current pain
c. To use a trance state to come back from a flashback
d. To switch alters to achieve a more tolerable feeling state
e. To speed up a flashback by jumping to the end via replicating the physically painful part
f. To self-sooth by leaving the body or otherwise going to an internal safe place
5. Internal communication
a. For one alter to punish another
b. For one alter to try to communicate about a memory (such as by carving a symbol on the body),
especially if they are not being heard any other way
6. To express anger
a. A generalized expression of anger by an alter that doesn't feel pain
b. If one alter blames another or themselves
c. To pretend the self-abuse is being done to a perpetrator
7. Physiological
a. To trick the body into releasing endorphins
b. To create a feeling tbat is incompatible with a frightening one (such as creating pain so as not to
feel sexual feelings)
Many patients who describe ritual abuse histories include detailed descrip-
tions of perpetrators using deliberate hypnotic suggestions designed to control
their later behaviors. Programming, as described earlier, is an area about which
many clinicians disagree. At present, for those clinicians who believe that it does
occur, there are primarily three approaches that get suggested to deal with it in
treatment. These are attempting to dismantle the program, countering the original
programmers with alternative suggestions, and last, treating the program like any
other abuse symptom.
The first approach assumes that people are like machines that can be pro-
grammed. It is believed that the therapist must understand sophisticated mind
control techniques in order to safely deprogram the patient. This approach is
similar to defusing a time bomb. It is believed that a wrong move can result in dire
consequences. This approach primarily comes from the work of Corrydon Ham- 591
mond (1993), who describes some patients as having been programmed by the Sadistic
intelligence community, utilizing incredibly sophisticated layers of programs, spe- Ritual Abuse
cialized codes, and protective systems. The second approach views programming
as merely hypnotic suggestions that were given to the patient as part of their abuse.
Thus, the solution is simply to give countersuggestions. The last approach views
programming as hypnotic suggestion, but also sees it as part of an abuse incident
that must be abreacted and reframed in order to truly undo its effects. It is viewed
here as just another type of abuse.
In the absence of any clinical trials of these approaches, they can only be
addressed in terms of personal clinical experiences. Some would argue that the first
approach is unnecessary since many clinicians are successfully dealing with this
area without being experts on mind control. However, others argue that these
clinicians are missing important programs and controls that will cause later symp-
toms for their patients. The second approach, of trying to outsmart the original
programmers, appears to work in many instances, but many clinicians report that
this is usually only a short-term solution, and that the patient's belief in the original
program will eventually resurface again. In general, most clinicians seem to agree
that a long-term solution requires that the patient remember the abuse incident in
which such a suggestion was made in order to experience how it was really a trick,
and to fully understand how the suggestion affected them. At that point, counter-
suggestions may not even be needed.
The issue frequently arises of how much danger exists for both patients and
therapists involved in this work. Many clinicians in the field believe that there is
great danger from currently active cults. Interestingly, a recent study suggests that
there is little direct evidence of harm coming to either patients or therapists who
are working on ritual abuse issues (Stanek, 1993). Despite these data, there is often a
tremendous degree of fear that is generated in such work, with many patients
becoming convinced that they will be killed for disclosing information and many
therapists becoming convinced that their own or their family's lives are in danger. It
is certainly conceivable that working with this population could pose risks; how-
ever, the data noted above would suggest that this has not occurred with any
frequency to date. It may well be that both patients and therapists are primarily
responding to the intensely projected affects from childhood memories of extreme
powerlessness, danger, and fear. This is clearly an important area to investigate
further because if the danger is no longer in the present, it would clearly be a
disservice to the patient for clinicians to validate such feelings, instead of helping
the patient understand them as part of their past experiences.
Psychotherapy with ritual abuse survivors is very complex and very difficult
work. The extremes of human cruelty that are described are bound to affect the
592 therapist in profound ways. Although the work can reaffirm the therapist's faith in
David K. Sakheim human beings and in the ability of love to survive even the most unimaginable
horrors (Sakheim, 1993), it can also bring into question many of the therapist's
previous beliefs about people and about life in general (McCann & Pearlman, 1990).
It is an easy area in which to lose objectivity and to develop countertransference
difficulties. The therapist must not be seduced by his or her own needs or by the com-
pelling material and the intensely projected affects to give up a therapeutic role.
The degree to which intergenerational satanic cults exist, conspire, and are
organized is not yet clear. However, there is not disagreement about the fact that
many of the patients in question have experienced severe forms of abuse and that as
therapists we will need to find ways to help them to heal. Clearly, there is a need to
investigate the claims of these patients further in order to help ascertain the reality
behind the allegations. However, even if we discover that there is no global satanic
conspiracy, or that some of the descriptions are metaphors for other types of abuse,
we will still need to develop ways to provide treatment for these clients and to
investigate and prosecute the criminal acts that have occurred. Too strong a focus
on Satan or on any of the other more mystical and sensational aspects of this area
can take us away from the sad reality of the extreme sadism and violence that are
truly behind the problems that these and many other patients experience.
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Legal and Ethical Issues
in the Treatment of
Dissociative Disorders
George B. Greaves and George H. Faust
The whole of the legal matter as regards the status of dissociation and pathological
dissociation is that it is more than nine parts lore and less than one part law.
There is abundantly more collective (and contradictory) lore than statutory or
judicial law in regard to all aspects of the alleged "special status" that dissociative
phenomena-ordinary or pathological in character-purportedly deserve.
As one famous psychiatrist in the field of multiple personality disorder (MPD,
now called dissociative identity order, or DID) put it: "We all feel that we need to
treat MPD patients in a "special" way, but no one can say exactly why."
Beginning with the publication of Sybil (Schreiber, 1973) and continuing with
The Minds ofBilly Milligan (Keyes, 1981), a mystique seemed to grow among many
psychiatrists, psychologists, a few judges, some prosecuting attorneys, and a
plethora of defense attorneys that individuals undisputedly suffering from dissocia-
tive identity and other dissociative disorders deserved special consideration under
both the canons of psychiatric standards of care and the civil and criminal and
administrative law.
"Special;' under this way of looking at things, variously meant differential,
preferential, exceptional, and even deferential consideration as to criminal sentenc-
ing, or exemplary-punitive rewards as plaintiffs in civil tort actions, or as complai-
nants against therapists in administrative actions against therapists' licenses. It
George B. Greaves • 1175 LaVIsta Road, Apartment #205, Atlanta, Georgia 30324. George H.
Faust • 2515 Kemper Place, Shaker Heights, Ohio 44120.
Handbook of Dissodation: Theoretical, Empirical, and Clinical Perspectives, edited by Larry K.
Michelson and William]. Ray. Plenum Press, New York, 1996. 595
596 became the "uniquely crippled" defense cry in criminal cases and the "uniquely
George B. Gf'eaves crippled" plaintiff's cry in civil cases.
and George H. Faust By about 1985, virtually anybody who proclaimed himself or herself to be an
"expert" in dissociative identity disorder could do so, even those who had never
published on the subject in a major professional journal, and those who boasted
that they had never read the collective scientific literature on the matter, "because it
was too dreadfully awful to digest." Whether the "dreadfully awful part" was
because of the lurid content of DID patients and their clinical reporters, or because
the whole field was regarded as simply bad or trilling science, differed from
instance to instance, and continues so to this day. Whatever the case, a pros-
ecutorial mind grew up against the whole notion of dissociative identity as a clinical
entity beginning in the mid-seventies and is now, however, grudgingly, relenting to
the main clinical facts of MPD/DID (Goettman, Greaves, & Coons, 1994; Greaves,
The bottom line during the 1970s and 1980s concerning the more severe disso-
ciative disorders was child abuse-not ordinary spanking, but severe child abuse
and neglect. We in the forensic area knew the truth. Children locked in closets or
bedrooms or chained inside houses for days or years at a time; skeletons of children
concealed within walls. There is no reason to be lurid about it. We've been in many
trials attempting to defend the child abuser, with no success. The evidence has been
overwhelming against our clients. It is recently that criminal physical and negli-
gence charges against children has been strenuously pressed in the courts, and the
whole evidentiary matter is usually quick, straightforward, unambiguous, unargu-
able, and final.
The matter of alleged child sexual abuse is a significantly different matter. We
absolutely know, from a forensic standpoint, that actual child sexual abuse of most
heinous and unbelievable varieties-even to very young children -actually occurs,
though it is beyond the ken of any normal man or woman either to even conceive of
it and least of all to carry it out. We know it from the physical evidence, the directly
correlated evidence of those confessing to particular details, and from direct and
corroborated eyewitness reports other than the child victims themselves.
We also know that children lie outright about many things, distort actual
events, confuse dreams and memories and wishes and fantasies, can be rather easily
coerced to believe and elaborate on events which never happened, can act as
stooges, and can confabulate quite freely about partial events. We utterly refute the
ersatz notion that no child, willingly or by default of memory, would lie on the
witness stand. We also know that some young children behave in highly sexually
explicit ways. To complete the circle, we also know that children of no apparent
sexual interests are sexually abused by other children and adults, that even young
children may have quite explicit sexual fantasies and desires, and arising out of
sexual guilt, may project that guilt onto adults. Tbe Children's Hour and Tbe Sailor
who Fellfrom Grace with the Sea are exemplary portrayals of the latter phenome-
non. Every hypothesis and observation about child sexual abuse is partially true:
1. It actually happens.
2. It is overreported.
3. It is underreported.
4. It is exaggerated in importance.
5. It is diminished in importance. 597
6. It is lied about. Legal and
7. It is covered up. Ethical Issues
8. It is denied altogether as ever happening.
What is lacking in the process of the law is the someones who can system-
atically contrast (1) from G), and who can convincingly compare and contrast the
gradients within the list in matrix fashion.
We get a little closer to the legal tests of truth with child physical abuse because
there are forensic indicators in physical as well as psychiatric forms. For all that, the
medical and psychiatric politics from about 1960 to 1980, many physicians seemed
to eschew the notion of "actual" child abuse. Neglect, maybe, yes, even probably, in
some cases. The consensus seemed to be that such reports were vastly overinter-
preted and overemphasized by other specialists, including pediatricians, psychia-
trists, emergency room physicians, psychologists, clinical social workers, coroners,
and others to the extent that it has become an "obsession" -meaning a neurosis-a
shared "hysteria" among them. That was to miss the point entirely. It wasn't the
reports of abuse that so startled the latter community, it was the direct medical and
scientific evidence they were quite involuntarily collecting, publishing about and
testifying to (Goodwin, 1985; Greaves, 1989).
Part of the denial of the actually existing, forensically documented cases of
child abuse seems to be that psychiatrists and psychologists seem either not to like
or not to appreciate scientific, legal, and psychiatric forensics; don't know about it;
don't care to know about it; don't want to know anything about it; or don't want
to be bothered by knowing anything about it.
But you can bet your last piece of toast on a miserably cold, child-starved day
in medieval England, they're all crack experts on the subject once on the witness
Against this backdrop came the American Psychiatric Association's long (both
as to time and to size) struggles with producing the third edition of the Diagnostic
and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-III; American Psychiatric Asso-
ciation, 1980), followed very quickly by a revised edition (DSM-III-R; APA, 1987).
While many psychiatrists and clinical psychologists welcomed the new diagnostic
work, a large number of well-established practitioners and psychiatry professors
loathed it. They felt it was far too radical a departure from the second edition
(DSM-II; APA, 1972), which had been the mainstay of psychiatric diagnosis for many
years and whose nosology and nomenclature were the natural outcome of psychi-
atric evolution since the 19th century. They found DSM-III nosologically fraction-
ated and some of its nomenclature and concepts if not actually spurious, certainly
debatable. For purposes of this chapter, the grouping of the dissociative disorders
was especially ill-received-and the notion of multiple personality disorder being
singled out as ein Ding an sich as a diagnostic entity rankled many. Many simply
dismissed it as an error of the APA nomenclature committees. When subordinate
clinicians began to use the diagnosis, their diagnoses were changed. In some
instances, the patients were removed from the care of the subordinates and the
subordinates were chastised.
The American Psychological Association had, in turn, ventured out on its own
grand vision which consumed some ten years of committee work. The purpose was
598 to write the sine qua non of psychological ethics as concerned the practice of
George B. Greaves psychotherapy and related procedures. The new ethical principles and guidelines
and George H. Faust first appeared in December, 1991, and, like the reception of DSM-m, was anything
but universally endorsed by the APA membership. Some vexing ambiguities in past
codifications had been gratefully clarified. On the other hand, certain issues which
formerly had been relatively clear now became frankly perplexing, especially in the
area of dual relationships.
The boy who mows the neighbors' lawns, including the psychologist's, con-
fides in the psychologist that his father is quite depressed after losing his job. If
the father were willing, would the psychologist see him? The father follows through
and the psychologist accepts him into treatment. Does the psychologist now have
to terminate the boy's services in order to avoid a dual relationship with the father?
A majority of psychologists in an advanced ethics training seminar soberly an-
swered yes.
Dr. Thatcher is a lifelong Lutheran and attends St. Timothy's in Wmslow. She
belongs to the pastor's Sunday School class. A new patient moves to Winslow, who
is also a Lutheran and also winds up at St. Timothy's and in the pastor's Sunday
School class. What are Dr. Thatcher's ethical obligations regarding dual relation-
ships in this situation? More than half the participants stated that Thatcher and her
patient should not be in the same Sunday School class, as Dr. Thatcher's expressed
religious view in the course of the dialectic of the class may well contaminate
therapy. They also felt that they should sit at opposite ends of the church so that
Dr. Thatcher's emotional responses to sermons and the liturgy would not show.
The "dual role" matters above are the analogue of an old psychoanalytic
problem-quite honestly and seriously debated for years. An analyst sees his last
patient of the day and leaves his office. There is a downpour outside as the analyst
enters the parking lot. He sees his patient shuddering in the wind. The analyst has a
hefty umbrella; the patient has none. Would it be too intimate a thing for the analyst
to escort his or her patient to his or her (the patient's) car under the protection of
his or her umbrella? Might this be misread as a sexual gesture? Or a gesture to the
patient to be overdependent on the analyst? Shouldn't a good analyst just let the
patient soak in the downpour, letting him or her know that he or she should take
responsibility for him- or herself in the most rudimentary of situations, and to
emphasize that the analyst has no real power over anything?
These examples are like straining at a gnat and swallowing the camel to a
lawyer's mind. The Council of Nicea actually did a better job of canonizing the
many ancient texts known to them which now comprise the Bible.
We have taken on the task and risk of writing this chapter as lawyers, histo-
rians, and serious scientific psychologists would look at it: very, very skeptically.
The laws of Caesar change slowly.
Everything did, indeed, change-in Sybil's life, in Schreiber's life, and in Wil-
bur's life.
Schreiber was enchanted with Sybil, who came to live with her over quite
some course of time. Sybil eventually became well under Wtlbur's care, after
suffering many years of severe mental illness, and eventually relocated to New
England to become art instructor in a small college. Wilbur and Schreiber became
enormously famous. Sybil preferred to remain anonymous.
Largely as a result of her work with Sybil, Wtlbur was promoted from her
advanced New York training and psychoanalytic practice to become Chair of the
Department of Psychiatry at the University of Kentucky Medical School in Lex-
ington. She ultimately retired and died there, faithfully admired by a nationwide
host of colleagues, most of whom eventually became members of the International
Society for the Study of Multiple Personality and Dissociation, an organization
founded by Greaves, one of her many followers (Greaves, 1993).
This would seem to add up to a happy ending. Such was not to be the case
at all.
The treatment of Sybil occurred over a span of sixteen years. Wtlbur went to
heroic efforts to treat her. In believing the essential theme of the origins of Sybil's
baffling illness-extremely cruel childhood sexual abuse-and her objective
checking out of Sybil's accounts, Wilbur gained not only the reputation as a pioneer
600 in the treatment of multiple personality disorder, but a pioneer in the discovery and
George B. Greaves confirmation of severe child sexual abuse as well.
and George H. Faust But Wilbur could not obtain publication of her work with Sybil in mainstream
psychiatric journals. Her offerings were repeatedly turned down by editors and
reviewers. It was during this period of frustration that she turned to Flora Schreiber
for help.
Thus began a series of ironies that persists to this day and continues well into
the foreseeable future.
In the book Sybil, one reads the most important book about a psychiatrist and
patient ever written, a book instructive to tens of thousands of multiple personality
patients, their psychotherapists, and the public.
Schreiber's book hit the ground running, selling by now into the millions of
copies range, considering its various paperback releases, and was turned into the
award-winning four-hour television movie of the same name, starring Sally Field as
Sybil and Joanne Woodward as Dr. Wilbur.
Such a book could only have been written by a third party to the proceedings,
observing many of the proceedings, and from the unique vantage point of a
Certain members of the American Psychiatric Association viewed the publica-
tion of Sybil not with a joyful welcoming of a new day in psychiatry in which a
rare and pernicious mental illness known for 150 years had finally been treated
successfully by one of their own, but with outrage.
Whether or not Sybil had been cured or not was thrown to the winds. The
main issues raised at the time were that:
1. Wilbur should never have allowed to be exposed in the popular press what
had not previously been approved and published in scientific journals.
2. Wilbur was seriously "overly involved" with Sybil.
A huge outcry arose within the American Psychiatric Association for the
expulsion of Dr. Wilbur from its ranks. Fortunately for science, Dr. Wilbur, and
the crucial rediscovery of multiple personality, with all its attending implications in
the 1970s and 1980s, the attempted expulsion of Dr. Wilbur was a fiasco.
When put to the vote, the psychiatrists involved in the matter could not agree
among themselves what, exactly, "overinvolvement" with a patient would be, or
where, exactly, the ethical rule was that one had to publish in a scientific journal
before one could release results into the "public" press.
For all the folderol, hype, gossip, rumors, novels, movies, and judicious and
injudicious decisions-at all levels of fantasy and the law and professional ethics
and personal and journalistic speculation about dissociative disorders-they all
owe their contemporary history to the two cases mentioned above: Sybil and
Milligan. All else is footnotes to these guiding cases.
We exclude from our discussion The Three Faces of Eve case (Thigpen &
Cleckley, 1957), because litigation issues surrounding it arose only much later and
were primarily focused on copyright issues (Sizemore & Pittillo, 1977).
Judging Wilbur for ethics violations under present-day APA guidelines:
Connie Wilbur ethically malpracticed in her treatment of Sybil? The lore and
law of the time said no.
602 Billy Milligan was a criminal serial rapist? The lore of the time said no. Serial
George B. Greaves rapist? Undoubtedly yes. Criminal rapist? No.
and George H. Faust The Milligan case is the most important and least studied of multiple person-
ality cases in the modem lexicon of law. The so-called "Milligan defense" has, in our
experience, been tried-both in concept and in court-more often than virtually
all other versions of the "amnesia for criminal actions" defense.
First of all, the Milligan felony kidnapping-rape-armed robbery case never went
to trial; therefore, it never generated either a jury-verdict opinion or appellate
Second, virtually all courts, appellate courts, and juries trying similar cases
have subsequently rejected Milligan-type defenses outright.
For all the d:rarilatic reality of the Billy Milligan case, a popular myth persists in
many attorneys' and mental health professionals' minds that Billy Milligan was
acquitted for his three major multifelony crimes by a jury of his peers based on "not
guilty by reason of insanity;' commonly know as the NGBRI (NEEG-bree) plea, in the
None of these believers in the Milligan form of the NGBRI defense (meaning
basically that one person cannot be held criminally liable for the independent and
unsanctioned criminal actions of others-in the absence of a criminal collusion
between the defendant and others-even when the «others" happen to inhabit
one's own body), can precis the case correctly.
The history and background of the Milligan case is essentially thus:
During the early autumn of 1977, three young women were abducted from the
Ohio State University campus at gunpoint, driven to nearby Delaware County in
their own cars, raped, and subsequently robbed. One was an optometry student,
the second was a nurse in the huge medical school complex, the third was a twenty-
year-old student who has never been identified in the quasi-official public literature
on the case beyond the pseudonym of Polly Newton.
Milligan's crime spree, ultimately resulting in numerous felony assaults, lasted
perhaps thirteen days, ending with his arrest on or about October, 27, after mid-
To understand what happened next, one has to understand the culture of
Columbus, Ohio. Ohio is a very conservative state and one thing which Columbus,
its capital, will not put up with is violence.
It not only had to put up with the Kent state rioting in which four completely
unarmed students were needlessly and pathetically killed in May of 1970 by the
Ohio National Guard (which was an army, after all, not a police force), but the pride
of its enormous public university system-Ohio State-was forced to close during
the student rioting following the Kent State tragedy.
It was the apex of civil protest against the Vietnam war, in the capital of the
very state which, with Virginia, had produced significantly more than half the
elected Presidents of the United States during more than half the nation's formative
history. Ohio's version of the tally was: Ohio-8, Virginia-7.
To put the context of the matter somewhat more remotely, historians of the
American Civil War would be hard put to find two nobler and greater adversaries
than the State of Ohio and the Commonwealth of Virginia. General Lee of Vrrginia
surrendered to General Grant of Ohio after General Sherman of Ohio "broke the
back of the Confederacy" in his largely unopposed "march to the sea" from Atlanta
to Savannah. Legal and
Ohioans never believed that they won the Civil War by themselves or that the Ethical Issues
Virginians lost it by themselves. But Ohioans believed that they were the phalanx of
Union bravery just as Virginia lay at the heart of Confederate bravery.
This would be a gratuitous regression into history except for two things. Ohio
came out of the Civil War rich, but sober, and contributed an amazing number of
generals, statesmen, presidents, and the first human being to set foot on the moon.
Ohio was high-tech to the Nth degree in agriculture, engineering, education and
manufacturing before the Civil War and continued to grow in civil law, social
services development and administration, highway development, police science,
aviation, communications science, medicine, research, publishing, high tech-
nology-you name it-well into the late twentieth century.
But the Kent State massacre virtually undid the state-a festered black eye for
all the world to see-chilling Ohio's pride to its core. It had to make up for it in
fairness. And Billy Milligan was one of the benefactors of its new moral awareness
and campus safety.
By 1977, no one sidled onto the campus of Ohio State University -in whatever
imaginable disguise and with whatever alibi-kidnapped young women from the
campus between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m., and got very far for very long. The Ohio State
University Police force is many times larger than most small town jurisdictions
across the country, owing to the population density in the three or four square miles
the campus itself encompasses, as well as the adjacent areas. For all that, there were
no checkpoints, passports, or passes needed to obtain entry to any part of the cam-
pus, except, of course, course registration cards to enter certain training class-
rooms. It was all high-surveillance.
Given its virtually instant high technology, it took barely two weeks to catch
Billy Milligan. Within the first week of his crimes he was labeled as "the campus
rapist" around the world. Police artists drew ambiguous sketches of Milligan which
appeared on the front pages and magazines everywhere. The closest we can come
to in the present time is the vast lore and mystery of the "Unabomber," who has
apparently committed his crimes over a period of 17 years.
Once Milligan was firmly established worldwide as the notorious "campus
rapist" at Ohio State, all eyes were focused on Columbus to see what would happen
next. What did happen was as far from the Kent State debacle as could be imagined,
and was born of the strangest conceivable set of ironies.
George Greaves had arrived at the Ohio State campus in the summer of 1970,
while the whole of the east side of North High Street across from the main campus
was still a shambles-glass and the detritus of mob destruction everywhere, former
businesses boarded up. After doing a year of post-doctoral training at the College of
Medicine's department of psychiatry, he headed on to gather still more advanced
training at the Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital in Ontario, Canada, where he accepted
the directorship of the 24-hour psychiatric crisis clinic.
It was there, in January of 1972, that Greaves and his staff encountered their
first unmistakable case of multiple personality, an individual they studied and cared
for most attentively for a number of months.
In the meantime, Greaves's services were needed back in Columbus. At the
604 invitation of Jim Gibson, executive director of the new Southwest Mental Health
George B. Greaves Center, Greaves agreed to assume the role of developer and director of the center's
and George H. Faust several outpatient programs. Included among these was the Southwest Forensic
Center, which was contracted with Franklin County in Columbus to provide foren·
sic evaluations for indigent prisoners suspected of suffering from mental disorders.
With Greaves's concurrence, Gibson hired Dorothy Thmer and Stella Karolin as the
first two clinicians in the new program in early 1973.
Once the outpatient programs were up and operational, Greaves received an
invitation from the University of California Medical Center in San Francisco as a
research psychologist. UCSF was the virtual world's research headquarters for
studies in the neurotransmitters, which Greaves saw as the psychiatric wave of the
future. Here was yet another opportunity to sharply upgrade his psychiatric knowl-
Yet half a year later, Ohio called him back: this time to develop and head his
own tri-county mental health center, replete with hundreds of thousands of dollars
of new facilities construction.
Greaves, who headed the new Gallia-Jackson-Meigs Mental Health Center,
quickly made the acquaintance of David Caul, who headed the adjacent Athens-
Vinton- Hocking Mental Health Center. They quickly discovered their mutual inter-
est in MPD which, along with a sense of great mutual respect, formed the basis of an
abiding friendship which lasted until Caul died in March, 1988, and led them
through many adventures and heartaches. Caul was also a protege of Connie Wilbur,
who had recently moved into the area, and began drawing Greaves into Wilbur's
training seminars in 1975.
To begin to pull some of these peripatetics together as regards the Milligan
case, we may begin with the irony that it was the Southwest Forensic Program that
first recognized Billy Milligan as having multiple personality disorder, possibly the
result of Greaves' sojourn in Canada and subsequent oral accounts of the condition.
The next remarkable event that happened in the Milligan case was that Judge
Jay C. Flowers, the Common Pleas Court assigned to the case, sought his own
special expert for advice on the case, once it appeared that Billy Milligan was likely a
multiple. It was both the most conservative and wisest decision possible for a judge
in terms of what was quickly shaping up as a unique legal case.
His selection for an advisor was neither a crony, nor pro forma. Instead he
enlisted the consultation of a physician who was undisputedly the most respected
psychiatrist in the state: George Harding, Jr. Harding came from a transgenerational
family of psychiatrists, much like the Menningers in Kansas, and, as director of the
Harding Hospital on Columbus' north side, he was in a position to be philanthropic
in the service of justice. He undertook the diagnosis and treatment of Milligan,
creating a special treatment team, and sought consultation with Drs. Caul and
Dr. Harding wrote an eloquent report detailing the reality of Milligan's clinical
condition. This was backed up by depositional testimony by Drs. Wilbur, Caul, and
Kaolin and by Ms. Thmer. Mr. Yavitz, the Franklin County prosecutor, declined any
attempt at prosecution in the face of such evidence. Judge Flowers ruled Mr.
Milligan not guilty by reason of insanity (under M'Naghten) and the inability to
refrain from his acts (under Durham).
The only thing now that remained was the disposition of the detainee.
David Caul was willing to treat Billy Milligan as an inpatient at the Athens 605
Mental Health Center, with the concurrence of his state superiors.
Legal and
Milligan prospered under the care of Drs. Harding and Caul and soon became Ethical Issues
so well that he was moved into what was called "transitional care." He was moved
out of the hospital to live on his own recognizance nearby, with daily check-ins at
the hospital. He rented a nearby farm with the extraordinary money he had been
making from his extraordinary oil paintings. He contacted Daniel Keyes to write his
side of the story of what had gone wrong, but Keyes would have nothing to do with
anything of the sort. He was not a "ghost writer" or a "subwriter." Keyes was an
honest-to-goodness "real writer:' As such, he called the shots. And Milligan, who
would otherwise have composed a completely self-serving work, was all the better
for Keyes' objectively written work.
Then, suddenly, the bottom fell out.
David Caul was removed from the Milligan case abruptly, almost as soon as he
had brought about an amelioration of Milligan's MPD disorder, though he was
following Ohio State and Joint Commission for Accreditation of Hospitals treatment
policy. The crucial policy was that as patients improved in their conditions, they
should be transferred to the least restrictive environment consistent with their care.
Milligan is not what one would call your average good mental patient. He went
AWOL on occasions. It is claimed that he was found drunk in a neighboring town
and was in a fight past curfew hours and had no reason to be there anyway.
Months later, as Caul put the whole incident and many others to Greaves,
described his whole treatment of Milligan, and pointed out on the Athens Mectal
Health Center campus exactly when and whe ·e Milligan got drunk on a pass or tled
up this hill or that as a prank, he became gravely despondent. His eyes were red and
he sniffed in the cold hilly air. He never quite bounced back from the Milligan case.
His heart was not so much sorrowed by Billy Milligan's ongoing teenage,
sociopathic betrayals-Caul knew very well Milligan was a sociopath and was far
too wise to commingle his heartstrings with those of his capricious patient-- but by
what he felt were the betrayals by his own kind. Psychiatrists and psycholc:r.ists up
to this time had been standing shoulder to shoulder with Caul, along with many
defense attorneys and state attorneys and judges.
Now, given Milligan's deliberately annoying escapades, Caul began to be
second-guessed. He was treating Billy too "special." He was overindulging him. He
was "allowing him" to act out. Caul was perfectly willing and able to pull the reins in
on Billy (and Milligan freely agrees with this), but he was never given the chance.
Milligan was a political hot potato. He came to be regarded as a treatment failure
under Caul and was removed from the Athens Mental Health Center altogether to
the Dayton Forensic Center. From there he was transferred to the Lima State
Hospital for the Criminally Insane. Finally, he was transferred to the new Timothy B.
Moritz Correctional Center, a barbed wire compound on the grounds of Central
State Hospital in Columbus.
While Milligan was being shifted from pillar to post, appellate decisions of the
Milligan-type began to appear.
606 In State v. Darnell (1980, Oregon), in a flagrant case of male multiple person-
George B. Greaves ality, the jury found Darnell "responsible and guilty" of the murder of his father.
and George H. Faust Kirkland v. State (1983, Georgia) became the classic case which still prevails.
It was uncontested that the bank robber was psychiatrically ill from MPD. But under
M'Naghten, whatever part of the consciousness of the person who committed the
crime knew that he or she was committing a crime by way of objective evidence
(e.g., elaborate plans for escape and evasion of capture).
In State v. Rodrigues (1984, Hawaii), the lower court judge ruled for acquittal
in an MPD case. The state appealed and the higher court reversed the judge, stating
"a defense of multiple personality syndrome (MPS) does not per se require a finding
of acquittal."
In State v. Brooks (1986, Ohio), Ohio itself had a second look at the Milligan-
type defense. The defendant was convicted on three counts of aggravated murder,
but defense appealed on the basis that he suffered from amnesia. Despite that, and
given that the defendant was mentally ill at the time, descriptions of his behavior at
the times of the crimes made it perfectly clear to everyone that the murders were
conscionably premeditated. State v. Dillard concurred (1986, Idaho) with Rod-
rigues the same year.
During 1988, United States v. Davis, 11 Cir., a federal appellate court cited
Greaves in its findings that he would never attribute second-hand facts to his
decisions about whether or not an individual person might or might not be suffer-
ing from multiple personality; and if that was even his clinical diagnosis, upon
direct examination-that a certain person suffered from MPD-that did not, in
itself, preclude a person from knowing what he or she was doing was criminally
wrong (under M'Naghten).
Numerous other appellate cases have evolved regarding MPD/DID and the
other dissociative disorders. The best annotated list is found in Multiple Personality
and Dissociation, 1791-1992: A Complete Bibliography (Goettman, Greaves,
Coons, 1994). Virtually all the criminal topics can be subsumed under two rubrics:
1) whatever personality or personalities commit a crime shall be subject to examina-
tion and adjudication, in full, on the M'Naghten rule; and 2) the existence of mul-
tiple personality disorder in an individual may be used as a mitigating diminished-
capacity defense to avoid a sentence of death.
In December of 1977, the director of the Franklin County Mental Health and
Mental Retardation Board in Columbus called George Greaves at his office in
"We have certain problems with the Billy Milligan case;' the director began
forthright. "You come widely recommended as a person to serve as a consultant on
this case and to conduct an evaluation of Mr. Milligan."
He went on to explain that they had had Milligan in the system for a decade
now, but were not sure he belonged there or how to get him out. Ironically, Billy had
served more time in mental health incarceration than he likely would have served
doing straight time (a Ia One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest) and, well, there was
another problem. Billy had become the prison "attorney." Making use of the prison
library, he was filing lawsuits, motions, and briefs which were resulting in increas-
ing mayhem in the Franklin County State and Common Pleas Courts. Legal and
After negotiating fees, parameters, expectations, and the like, Greaves agreed Ethical Issues
to evaluate Milligan during the first part of February, 1988, and to furnish a report.
In addition to his familiarity with Milligan through press reports, Keyes' book,
and David Caul, Greaves spent four hours at the Moritz center poring through a
large stack of hospital reports, the so-called official records. For the next four hours,
he took Milligan through a far-ranging interview, specially designed to uncover
remnants of dissociated personality elements. There were none. Milligan himself
was a bright, engaging, likeable sort, with a keen sense of humor. Obviously, he was
on his best behavior-but even good-natured people can grow testy after four
hours of questions, some quite personal, out of the blue. But Milligan didn't flinch.
The only time he became bitter was when he related how the state had seized the
$350,000, which was his half of the profits from The Minds of Bflly Milligan, to
apply to his "treatment costs." It had taken a special act of the Ohio Legislature to do
this. "One should not be able to capitalize from a crime" was the principle. Greaves
knew that what he was telling him was true, because he had followed the whole
matter through the national news. As he sat with Milligan, he couldn't help but
wonder about the Watergate bunch.
Greaves phoned the director once he had returned to Atlanta and told him
what he had found.
"Mr. Milligan does not have MPD which is the disorder which sparked his legal
troubles, and I take it that he has not had it for some time. The records and my
interview do not reflect that he has any present mental disorder, nor is he being
treated for any; yet you have him incarcerated in a high-security mental facility.
In my opinion he is being held unlawfully."
"You'll send me that in writing with a discharge plan, a transitional care plan,
and a treatment/follow up plan?"
"Before the week is out."
"It's done then. Thank you. Send me your bill."
Within the month Milligan was a free man, with a new identity and a new job.
When Faust and Greaves began their collaboration in 1984, both were fully
aware that multiple personality was a faux appellation.
What concerned them from a forensic standpoint was they were by no means
sure that psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and attorneys generally under-
stood this. In fact, they heard dozens of persons speaking both in the parlors and
from the podium as if different persons actually shared the same body. "Bad facts
make bad law," we both said over and over, and for years we lived in rue of the day
that some civil court would accept this impossible premise as a given and some
appellate court would uphold it. Fortunately this never happened and now likely
never will, thanks to DSM-IV nomenclature. But there was a run of some twenty
years when some metaphysically handicapped practitioners were willing to put
God's forswearance to the point.
608 Greaves was thoroughly trained in British analytic philosophy, as well as
George B. Greaves . personality theory, and was fully aware of the absurdity of the notion of multiple
and George H. Faust personality. It was one of those unfortunately inherited psychiatric terms from the
past, as misleading as hysterical conditions said to arise out of the involuntary
wanderings of the uterus within a woman's pelvis, giving her the most frightening
jitters and phantasms. No one really believed this nowadays-quite-though the
fact remained that hysteria was still overwhelmingly a female family of psychiatric
Of the score or so of civil and criminal MPD cases Greaves took on in the 1980s
and early 1990s, as expert consultant, he was cautious with attorneys in helping
them to understand that they were not dealing with different people in these
clients, but with different aspects of a single person. For all that, he found attorneys
separately deposing different "personalities," becoming frustrated when one or
another personality refused to cooperate, or feeling at their wit's end when a
particular personality refused to sign a release for legal documents.
Given the needless perplexities the terms "multiple personality" and "multiple
personality disorder" were generating in all sorts of arenas, Greaves set out in 1990
to reconceive of and attempt to rename the related clinical disorders. He completed
this project by 1993 and published his revisions in an American Psychiatric Press
text, edited by Richard Kluft and Catherine Fine.
Greaves proffered two novel modifications to the clinical concept of MPD.
First, instead of conceiving of MPD as a neurosis, as was the historical lore, Greaves
conceived of MPD as an organized series of "recurrent episode psychoses." Sec-
ondly, he held that the hallmark of MPD was not that of multiple personality, but
that of multiple identity process. He suggested the disorder be renamed multiple
identity disorder.
A year later, when DSM-IV appeared, MPD had been changed to dissociative
identity disorder. Whether this happenstance was a matter of parallel evolution,
synchronicity, or the fact that Greaves's editor was a member of the Dissociative
Disorders Committee for DSM-IV is of minor importance. The major importance is
that for the first time in nearly 200 years a major, elusive mental illness was finely
given a name descriptive of it.
It was actually Richard Kluft who said it best, quoting an unnamed colleague at
The problem with MPD is not that the person has too many personalities, but
that they don't even have one functional one.
Numerous clinical authors have written about and catalogued the hazards of
working with certain DID patients. On the one hand, the issue of physical violence
has been stressed (e.g., Watkins & Watkins, 1984, 1988; Young, 1986). On the other
hand the emotional viciousness of the DID patient toward the therapist has been
stressed. The classical paper in this genre is that of Chris Comstock and Diane
Vickery (1992), entitled "Therapist as Victim."
The active hatred of some patients toward their putatively neutral or nurturing 609
therapist is by no means a new topic in psychotherapy. Freud was familiar with the Legal and
transference phenomenon in which the therapist was projected to be the bad object. Ethicallllsues
But in the early days of treating multiple personality, as far back as Eve (Thig-
pen & Cleckley, 1967) and through most of the early 1980s, little was reported
about the physically and emotionally violent proclivities of MPD patients. If any-
thing, they were regarded as rather exemplary patients to work with from a rela-
tional standpoint.
Then Richard Horevitz and Bennett Braun (1984) began taking notice of the
borderline personality features of many MPD patients, followed by George Gana-
way (1989). Even Frank Putnam, in his 1989 classic, talks about frank sexual attacks
by MPD patients (p. 192) and the proclivities for some patients to "bad mouth" their
present and former therapists (p. 194). Putnam's counsel is to take all such reports
with a grain of salt.
But by 1994, based both on survey and personal experience, the cat was out of
the bag. We let them speak for themselves:
Direct attacks, apart from verbal and physical assaultiveness to the therapist,
have included unusual behavior such as leaving dead animals on the therapist's
porch, poisoning and/or releasing of therapist's dogs, attacks on the therapist's
possessions and/or person, and shooting guns in the therapist's office or home.
More usual types of attacks have taken the form of filing frivolous or malicious
lawsuits and reports to supervisors or Ethics Boards, harassing telephone calls,
violating the therapist's space by refusing to leave, refusing to pay, and bringing
guns or knives to the therapist's office.
We could supplement with our own direct knowledge a list of aggressions and
transgressions: death threats to the therapist and family; threatened kidnapping of
children; broken windows; slashed tires; egging and scratching of cars' surfaces;
breaking, entering, and theft; telling other patients wildly-fabricated stories about
therapy sessions; phoning therapists' parents with sordid details of sexual abomi-
nations in the therapist's office; actual stabbings and other unanticipated sudden
injuries of therapists; numerous false and concocted late night crises (e.g., massive
drug overdoses which never occurred); wholesale blackmail (e.g., "If you ever let
on to a soul what I did last night, I'll march right down to the police station and
holler rape at the top of my voice.").
How each and every of these types of crises is worked through therapeutically
is of the gravest importance, and there is not the slightest doubt that to fail to
recognize these gambits for what they are and to fully resolve each example can
lead not only to an escalation of such crises, but to the most painful misadventures
possible on everyone's part (Chu, 1988; Greaves, 1988).
But there is a glitch in all this, a glitch we will elaborate on at length below.
When a DID patient makes a de nouveau attack upon a therapist, there arises a
general suspicion among fellow practitioners that the therapist has somehow made
a therapeutic mistake or invited or provoked the attack. And the worse the attack,
of course, the more grievous must have been the therapeutic error that caused it.
Now, while it is all quite true that the failure to come to a complete understanding
and resolution of the attack is a therapeutic error, it does not follow that the attack
610 itself was provoked by therapeutic error. When a therapist is seeing a number of
George B. Greaves DID patients, a number of de nouveau attacks are possible, inflamed by contagion
and George 1L Faust effects. Where there is smoke there must be fire. Now there is a therapist out of
The answer to this small riddle is quite simple. Therapists schooled in the
nature and psychotherapeutic treatment of the neuroses simply do not believe in
vicious, de nouveau, aggression. Neurotics simply do not behave that way unless
some gross therapeutic error or series of errors has occurred, in which case such
outbursts would be reactive in nature and not de nouveau at all.
Almost no one but psychoanalysts and a few psychiatrists are thoroughly
schooled in the psychodynamics of pre-oedipal psychopathology, including its
object inconstancy, splitting phenomena, narcissistic omnipotence, and ego-
syntonic rage. Greaves had drawn these conclusions about MPD character structure
as early as his 1980 "Mary Reynolds" paper, but it had either not been understood
for what it implied or had not been taken seriously.
The point to be made is that in dealing with pre-oedipal character pathology,
unprovoked rage is the norm in the therapy situation, not the exception. Un-
suspecting therapists working with DID patients were completely taken aback by
this- and sometimes emotionally quite injured-while their equally unsuspecting
colleagues began to suspect they were working with Job.
It is considered to be the therapist's responsibility to set and maintain the
therapeutic boundaries in therapy. Yet as has correctly been observed, the internal
boundary chaos of DID patients, due to their nearly boundaryless upbringing, have
poor external boundary control because of their impoverished internal boundaries.
Boundary establishment on the part of the therapist is thus felt to be an important
corrective element of the treatment in and of itself.
But some DID patients, i.e., those with severe underlying pre-oedipal character
disorders, will agree to any boundary, and adhere to none. When such acting out
against boundaries is limited to noncompliance with therapy, termination of ther-
apy may well be warranted, though some therapists, wisely or unwisely, are willing
to tolerate quite wide degrees, or "exceptions," to noncompliance. But when the
acting out takes the form of criminal behavior, there may be no remedy short of
arrest and criminal action. One therapist we have followed was so severely put
upon by his patient in such an obsessive and aggressive way, that he was able to
obtain a permanent Superior Court injunction barring the patient from any further
contact by any means whatever, direct or indirect.
Except for examples as extreme as the last, it is not commonly said that the
patient trashed boundaries, or refused to honor boundaries, or violated boundaries,
or repeatedly crossed boundaries, or the many other permutations of the concept.
What is most commonly said is that the therapist did not hold or enforce bound-
aries. By way of example, one of Greaves' patients eloped from her day care pro-
gram by driving her car to another state and by remaining secluded in the moun-
tains at a motel for several days.
The question put to Greaves was not why this errant event had taken place, but
why he had let her do it.
A therapist's purely conceptional and fictional omnipotence in maintaining the
therapeutic framework is no :match whatever for a patient's real rageful, infantile
omnipotence. People tend to forget that outpatients, in particular, are free to 611
exercise the full range of their civil rights. Legal and
Ethical Issues
The Worst Nightmare of AU
In this last section on the law and ethics as pertaining to the dissociative
disorders, we are going to take the reader through some totally unfamiliar
territory-through a chamber of horrors as it were. Yet it exists. We've followed
these cases firsthand from our vantage point as members of the Legal and Ethics
Committee for the International Society for the Study of Dissociation for several
years (Faust was cochair), until the Committee was disbanded. In the meantime we
verified Comstock and Vickery's suspicions quite thoroughly. During one sixteen-
month period we became aware of 86 lawsuits, licensing board actions, and other
administrative actions lodged against those treating DID patients.
Paul Dell was not the first to notice, but was the first to systematically study the
other side of the equation: not the patients' hostilities toward their therapists, but
colleagues' hostilities toward MPD therapists (Dell, 1988, 1988a). The papers were
both riveting and sad commentaries on the sociological aspects of scientific discov-
ery toward the end of the century.
As in the cases of Sybil and Milligan, however, a couple of paradigm cases and
a couple of spinoff cases are wholly adequate to make our point.
Over the years, quite out of idle curiosity, we have asked a wide variety of
people upon what, historically, the American legal system is based. Nearly always
we receive the answer: the English Common Law.
This is quite a remarkable notion given that until very recently virtually every
county and state court house, and every state capitol, and most all civic buildings
and post offices were built in Romanesque architecture. Virtually all technical legal
terms are in Latin. The American legal heritage, like the English legal heritage is
Roman thtough and through. It is based on statutory and judicial law, much of it
unchanged for more than 2,000 years.
Physicians, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and others seem to
quake at the day they may be called to court to answer a lawsuit.
In point of fact, to be sued in Caesar's court is the finest place on earth to be
sued. The reason is quite simple. First of all, if one is a practitioner, one has insur-
ance to cover lawyers' fees for the litigation. Secondly, there are strict rules of
procedure which assure that the adversarial game is played fairly, with all the cards
on the table. The orderly process of the discovery of relevant evidence, and its
sharing with both sides, mitigates against ambush. Rules of evidence mitigate
against gossip, hearsay, innuendo, and past reputation being considered in the
present dispute. Since the entire case is laid out in advance of the trial, there
normally is no trial. The judge and attorneys can read the matrix which is often
quite clear on one side or the other. Agreements are made, and assuming the judge
concurs, the matter is settled and put permanently to rest.
Try this matter by contrast:
Dr. Jones is visited, by appointment, by the State Board of licensing Examiners
whereupon it is revealed that a complaint against him has been lodged on behalf of
Ms. J. Smith. He is informed that the identity of the complainant or group of
612 complainants is confidential. He is also told that he will not be permitted to read any
George B. Greaves portion of the complaint, nor any paraphrasing of the complaint, nor will he be
and George H. Faust furnished with any bill of particulars until the time of any hearing which may come
about. He is asked a few perfunctory questions and told that he may proffer an
affidavit in the matter. This he does, on advice of counsel, though the affidavit is, by
necessity, general in nature.
Six months later, the same thing happens. This time it is in regard to a Ms.
Thomas. Another six months goes by with no word or action. Friends call the board
to see if Jones is under investigation. One friend calls the President of the Board,
and is told that Jones has not been and is not being investigated.
Nearly a year later, Jones is summoned to meet with the Board to answer
charges of sexual misconduct and "such other concerns as the Board may wish to
Attorneys are employed. They are told that they have 10 days in which to
conduct discovery, though the board has been conducting discovery in secret for
two years. A prosecution list of 21 witnesses is presented, about a third without
any identifying information, addresses, or phone numbers. Only one witness has
waived her confidentiality privilege, but she refuses to testify at the hearing ifJones
is present. The hearing officer allows full television presence throughout the
hearings, subject to several provisions: (1) the witnesses would have their faces
blocked out; (2) their hands would not be photographed; (3) they would all be
given aliases; (4) Jones could be photographed in full at any time; and (5) the
television station would be given full editorial discretion over whatever it chose to
broadcast. The defense team puts forth 21 motions pertaining to due process in the
hearings, and all were denied. The prosecution's chief expert witness states that the
keystone case should not be included in the hearings for ex postfacto reasons. The
witness who has declined to face Jones on the witness stand has her current
therapist testify in her behalf-a complete hearsay testimony over the strenuous
objections of the defense. A second expert witness for the state admits that while
Jones has done nothing technically wrong regarding the main charge, that he
nevertheless feels that Jones has behaved unethically, because the Ethical Code
is too liberal in that regard. When confronted by the defense that his views are in a
small minority and do not reflect the will or tenor of the American Psychological
Association, he freely recognizes that fact, but still feels he is right and the majority
is wrong.
Jones was being vilified by both these "make up the rules as you go" proce-
dures and by the local 1V channel in "investigative" news the week before the
hearings. Jones and his attorneys had no choice but to pull the plug, as the stress
was beginning to take a toll on Jones' physical health as well. Jones' professional
liability insurance had no provision for attorneys' fees in administrative actions, and
with procedures varying so extremely from normal civil procedures, his legal fees
were mounting rapidly. False, collusory charges; no viable defense.
Jones and his attorneys entered into a consent agreement to revoke his license
with no finding of guilt or innocence. Jones lost his means of livelihood, his home,
his solvency, and his retirement, and was forced into bankruptcy.
There is a interesting aftermath to the story, however. Every subsequent law-
suit arising from this fiasco fizzled in Caesar's court. And it did not cost Dr. Jones a
dime to be tried in a civil court. One very short story more and we will have proved 613
our point. Legal and
Dr. Jane did not trust Ms. Betsy's father because of his reputation as a tyrant. Ethical Issues
She decided that it would be safest if she tape-recorded every therapy session
between them to which Ms. Betsy agreed. About a year later, Ms. Betsy's father got
it in his head that Dr. Jane and his daughter were conspiring against him and that he
was going to teach Dr. Jane a lesson. Given the vagaries of the situation, he knew
that the law could not help him, but he was advised that the State Board of
Psychology could get to the bottom of things and it wouldn't cost him a dime.
Dr. Jane hired Greaves as a consultant. The Board had ordered her to turn over
all her therapy records in written form. Her taping had thus backfired, as it cost her
nearly $5,000 to have the transcripts made within the time frame allowed her by the
Greaves was able to obtain, in this case, a copy of the letter of complaint, as in
that state jurisdiction, complainees were furnished with those details.
Quite innocently, believing the Board to be the psychologist's friend, Dr. Jane
had been corresponding freely with the Board with no idea of the implications of
doing so. It cost another $5,000 in attorney's fees just to get negotiations on track.
She had no clue that Ms. Betsy's father was out to k.ill her license and career.
Then came the matter of Greaves's piecing together a multi-page rambling
complaint against several hundred pages of transcript. As it turned out, Greaves was
able find copious examples within the transcripts which were diametrically oppo-
site to the father's contentions, but it required dozens of tedious hours and thou-
sands of more dollars by the time Greaves finished his lengthy report to the State
Board. The point is not in the least subtle, though it is grim. Hundreds of people
with both honorable and evil intentions are learning to use the free services of the
State Boards of Licensure for both corrective and nefarious purposes.
We have come full circle in this chapter, from how law and ethics affect DD
patients to how they affect DD practitioners.
The past ten years make no bones of the fact that concentrating in the
treatment of DID patients is a high-risk enterprise, no matter how earnest, able,
trained, or honest a practitioner may be.
It is in the nature of kangaroo courts that by their very nature they are meant
to be expeditious, not fair. They are meant to make a quick end to some real or
perceived trouble forthwith and are based on power plays, not equanimity. Yet this
is precisely where practitioners are at highest risk. Lose a lawsuit, you lose money,
perhaps some degree of reputation. Lose your license and it is catastrophic to all of a
purely material nature one has built, as well as having to shelve years of finely honed
1. The first change we would make in the status quo is to include in profes-
sional liability policies provisions for legal coverage for administrative hearings, at
minimum State Licensing Board proceedings. Given the antipsychotherapy and
614 hate groups we have seen organized within the past decade, it is no longer possible
George B. Greaves to believe that licensed professionals and professional boards are not being system·
and George H. Faust atically abused.
2. Secondly, we would add an entire new section to the APA Code of Ethics
having to do with psychologists serving in adjudicative roles. Among issues ad-
dressed should be the following:
a. No psychologist will serve in an adjudicative capacity in any forum in which
a colleague is denied right of counsel.
b. No psychologist will serve in an adjudicative capacity in which there is
unequal due process in terms of evidentiary discovery and sharing.
c. No psychologist will serve in an adjudicative capacity in which a full bill of
particulars is not amply served upon a colleague.
d. No psychologist will serve in an adjudicative capacity in areas esoteric to his
or her field of training in the absence of an acknowledged expert defense witness.
e. No psychologist will serve in an adjudicative capacity who holds "nullifica-
tion views" towards relevant portions of the Code of Ethics under which his col·
league is being tried.
f. Every psychologist serving in an adjudicatory role will remain cognizant at
all times of time frames of alleged unethical behavior, and will in no case apply
superseding standards in an ex post facto manner.
3. Thirdly, we maintain that all actions against professional licenses be man-
dated to conform to the rules of the uniform civil code for the state; preferably that
actions against professional licenses be handled as matters of personal chattel and
assigned to the jurisdiction of Superior or Common Pleas Courts.
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Ganaway, G. K. (1989). Establishing safety and stability within an inpatient milieu. Trauma and
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Legal and
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618 Affect (cont.) Amnesia, nonpathological, 229-230, 309,
Index modulation of, with hypnotherapy, 456 313
toleration of, 416-417, 419 transient global, 229
with hypnotherapy, 456 Amnesia, dissociative, 52,141,208,307-336,
Affective disorders 370,433.435,478,532
derealization and depersonalization associ· childhood trauma-related, 16, 229, 385
ated with, 294 in children, 75, 149, 150, 313
dissociative disorder misdiagnosed as, 252 retraumatization in, 323
pharmacotherapy for, 512-513 combat experience-related, 316-317
Affective splitting, 74 comorbidity
Affect lability, comorbidity with dissociative conversion disorder, 239
identity disorder, 23 7 substance abuse, 241
Affect model, of dissociative identity disorder, conceptual issues regarding, 309-313
356 as criminal defense, 602, 606
Age progression, 457-458 derealization and depersonalization associ-
Age regression, 463-465 ated with, 293
in children, 146, 149 diagnostic criteria, 307-308
spontaneous, 314 DSM-III·R, 242
Aggression DSM-IV, 3-4, 10, 230, 242
attachment as risk factor for, 131 differential diagnosis of, 229-230
by patients towards therapists, 608-611 as dissociative disorder not otherwise speci-
Aggressive personality states, 511-512 fied,383
Agitation, pharmacotherapy for, 561 dissociative identity disorder-related, 14,
Agoraphobia, 218 142,232,337,358
depersonalization and derealization associ· epidemiology, 309
ated with, 294 factitious, 409
Ainsworth Strange Situation; see Infant forensic issues regarding, 320-322
Strange Situation behavior in general populations, 19, 55, 56, 57, 58
Alcohol abuse/alcoholism historical review of, 314-316
comorbidity with dissociative identity disor- illegal behavior-related, 229
der, 241 implications for psychopharmacotherapy,
naltrexone therapy for, 560, 561 547
parental, 99 incest and, 38
Alcohol withdrawal, effect on posttraumatic marital discord-related, 229
stress disorder symptoms, 168 ordinary forgetfulness and, 313
Alienation, in therapists, 494 pharmacotherapy for, 181, 182
Allergies, of alter identities, 270 phobias and, 94
Alprazolam, 550 posttraumatic, 311-312
dosage ranges, 552 repression and, 311-313
interaction with benzodiazepines, 553 severity rating of, 259
withdrawal protocol for, 551, 553 in sexual abuse survivors, 36-37, 38
Alter identities/personalities: see Dissociative sexual behavior-related, 229
identity disorder, alter identities/per- suicidal behavior-related, 229
sonalities in trauma and, 316-320
Alzheimer's disease, depersonalization and treatment, 179,322-329
derealization associated with, 294 resolution stage of, 322, 327-329
American Psychiatric Association (APA), ethi- types, 308-309
cal principles and guidelines of, 600- Amnestic barriers, 500
601, 614 in dissociative identity disorder, in older
American Psychological Association, ethical adults, 349
principles and guidelines of, 597-598 hypnotherapy-assisted penetration of, 423,
y-Aminobutyric acid, barbiturates-related en- 453,465-466
hancement of, 165 memory processing and, 453
Amitriptyline, 512 in transference management, 422
adverse effects, 557-558 Amnestic relations, among alter identities,
as sleep disturbance therapy, 386 275-278,284-285
Amok, 12 Anxiety/anxiety disorders (cont.) 619
Amphetamines, as depersonalization therapy, as depersonalization cause, 297 Index
298 dissociative identity disorder-related, 358
Amtriptyline, as depression therapy, 557 in natural disaster survivors, 215
Amygdala pathological fear structure in, 217-218
central nucleus, in traumatic stress re- pharmacotherapy, 513, 550-556
sponse, 174-175 Anxiety-depersonalization syndrome, phobic,
glutaminergic neuronal activity modulation 292
activity of, 177 Anxiolytic agents, 164, 513, 555-556
memory retrieval function of, 171 as depersonalization therapy, 298
Amytal interview, 165, 179, 182 as dissociative disorder therapy, 178-179
Anger, childhood abuse-related, 385 See also Antidepressants
Animal defensive states, analogy to dissocia- Aphasia, conduction, 177
tion, 30 Arginine vasopressin, as posttraumatic stress
Animal magnetism, 314, 449 disorder therapy, 181-182
Animals Arousal
mutilation of, 92-93 in alter identities, 272-273
sacrifice of, by satanic cults, 575 dissociative symptoms and, 172-173
Anna 0., 122, 314, 339 hypnosis-related, 273, 274, 278-279
Anorexia, depression-related, 557 in obsessive-compulsive disorder, 271
Anorexia nervosa, 38 pharmacotherapy for, 178
body image distortions associated with, 17 Arrhythmias, antidepressants-related, 557
comorbidity with dissociative identity disor- Art, definition of, 529
der, 241 Art styles, 530-531
Antidepressants, 512-513, 556-558 Art therapy, 525-544
adverse effects. 557-558 art reality and, 529-532
daily dosages, 558, 559 BASK model in, 537-541
as depersonalization therapy, 298, 299 expressive therapies continuum of, 537-
as dissociative disorder therapy, 549 541
as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, 181 for dis5ociative identity disorder patients,
as sleep disturbance therapy, 386 532-542
Antihistamines, sedative, 554-555 in inpatient treattnent, 502, 503, 510
Antikindling agents, 549-550 isomorphism of, 529-530, 538
Antipsychotic drugs, 164 in memory processing, 486-487
as depersonalization and derealization paracosms and, 532-533
cause, 294 schema model of, 527-529, 535, 536
as depersonalization therapy, 298 Ash Wednesday bush fire survivors, 215-216,
implications for psychiatric illness research, 370-371
140-141 Assault victims
See also Psychopharmacotherapy dissociation in, 214
Antisocial conduct disorder, 131 facial fear expression by, 219
Antisocial personality, parental, 99 posttraumatic stress disorder in, 220
Anxiety/anxiety disorders Association, def"mition of, 191
abreaction-related, 392 Ataque de nervtos, 12
acute stress disorder-related, 373-374, 377 Athens-Vinton-Hocking Mental Healh Center,
in assault victims, 214 604,605
attachment-related, 131 Attachment, 73
in childhood abuse survivors, 386 Bowlby'stheoryof, 111-112
in children with dissociative disorder, 148- disorganized/disoriented, 68, 73-74, 114-
149, 150 133
cognitive-behavioral therapy for, 217 as aggression risk factor, 131
in combat veterans, 211 as anxiety risk factor, 131
comorbidity as borderline personality disorder risk fac-
with dissociative disorders, 251 tor, 386-387
with dissociative identity disorder, 238- case history, 122-123, 130
239 conflict behavior in, 115
620 Attachment (cont.) BASK (behavior, affect, sensation, and knowl-
Index disorganized/disoriented (cont.) edge) model, of dissociation, 53, 431
criteria, 115-116 in art therapy, 537-541
as dissociation risk factor, I2I- I3 3 in cognitive-behavioral therapy, 403, 404,
genetic factors in, 116 407
hypnotic ability and, 13 3 in hypnosis, 451, 454, 460, 464, 467, 469,
parental attachment status and, II7 -I20, 470
I22 in memory processing, 480, 483, 484
parental characteristics and, II 7 Battle shock, 212
parental dissociation states and, I25- Bebainan, 12
I27 Beckmann, Max, 526
parental frightened-alarmed behavior and, Behaviorism, 6, 51
I20-I2I, I22, I27-I28, I30 Behavior problems, of pediatric dissociative
as phobia risk factor, I3I disorder patients, 147-148,149, I55
separation-anxiety and, I28-I29 Behavior therapy, for depersonalization, 298
trance behavior and, I24, 125, 127, 130, Belgium
I3I-I32 dissociation prevalence in, 17, 18
insecure-avoidant, 108 dissociation research in, 30-34
insecure-disorganized/disoriented, I08; see BeUe indifference, Ia, 272, 409
also Attachment, disorganized/disori· Benadryl: see Diphenhydramine
ented Benzodiazepines
insecure-resistant/ambivalent, I 08 adverse effects, 551-553
secure, 77, I07-I08 as anxiety therapy, 386, 550-554
unresolved-fearful, 77-78 as depersonalization therapy, 297
Attachment behavior as dissociative disorder therapy, 165, 178,
of dissociative identity disorder patients, 549
4I5-4I6 dosage range, 552
fear-related, 111-112 equivalent doses, 550, 553, 554
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, I47 as panic attack therapy, 386
Auschwitz concentration camp survivors, post· as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, 180
traumatic stress disorder in, 317 withdrawal from, 551
Autohypnosis phenomenon, dissociative disor· Benztropine, as dissociative episode trigger,
der-related, 139; see also See also 548
Numbing, emotional; Time distortion; Beta blockers
Trance states adverse effects, 513
Automatism, pure psychic, 530 anxiolytic activity, 555-556
Automobile accidents, as depersonalization dis· as dissociative disorder therapy, clinical tri·
order risk factor, 296 als of, 549
Avoidance behavior, 162 Bianchi, Ken ("Hillside Strangler"), 342, 434
by accident survivors, 2I5 Big bang image technique, for combining
affective, 409 memories, 469
of children, 148 Binet, A., 5
cognitive, 409 Bipolar disorder, 294, 349, 513
emotional numbing and, 209 Bissociation, 534
mechanisms, 209 Blackmail, of therapists, 609
of natural disaster survivors, 215-216 Black Mass, 576-577
of witnesses to trauma, 216 Blackouts, alcoholic, 229-230
Avoidance-numbing cluster, 209 Blending, definition of, 480
Bleuer, Eugen, 5-6, 101, 292
Baptism, of satanic cult members, 575 Body dysmorphic disorder, 17
Barbiturates Body language, 530
as dissociation treattnent, 178, 179 Borderline personality disorder
interaction with benzodiazepines, 552 childhood abuse-related, 213-214, 382, 386-
use in narcosynthesis, 165 387
non-N-methyl·D·asparate receptor blocking depersonalization and derealization associ-
activity of, 177 ated with, 294, 297
Borderline personality disorder (cont.) Caul, David, 604, 605, 607 621
developmental factors in, 386 Central Intelligence Agency, mind control ex- Index
DSM·IV diagnostic criteria for, 12-13 periments by, 576
dissociative disorder misdiagnosed as, 252 Central nervous system measures, of dissocia-
dissociative disorders relationship of, 12-13, tion,279-284
251,354,358,359-360,417 Cerebral blood flow studies, of alter identities,
unresolved attachment in, 78 275
Boundary setting Cerebrovascular disease, depersonalization
as characterological issue, 488-489 and derealization associated with, 294
dissociative identity disorder patients' viola- Characterological management, of personality
tions of, 610 disorders, 488-492
in inpatient treatment settings, 506 Charcot, Jean M.
in psychodynamic psychotherapy, 421 dissociative identity disorder therapy by, 339
Bourne, Ansel, 230 hypnosis use by, 60-61, 191-192
Brain stimulation studies, of posttraumatic hysteria research by, 193
stress disorder, 170-171 as influence onJanet, 314
Brainwashing, 93, 294 Charter Behavioral Health System, Dallas,
Braun, Bennett G., 27 Texas, 14
Breton, Andre, 530 Child abuse
Breuer, Josef, research and theories of criminal cases regarding, 596-597
abreaction, 479 denial of, 597
amnesia, 314 children's development and, 75-76
depersonalization, 292 in general populations, 63-64, 99
dissociation, 5 incestuous: see Incest
dissociative disorders, 227-228 incidence, 381
hypnoid states, 193 intergenerational transmission, 77
hysteria, 193, 479 by satanic cults: see Ritual abuse
Brief psychotherapy, ego state therapy as, 432 schema development and, 406-408
Brtttsh journal of Psychiatry, 26 See also Childhood abuse survivors; Incest;
Brothers, sexual abuse by, 99 Incest victims; Physical abuse, child-
Brush fire survivors, 215-216 hood; Sexual abuse, childhood
Buffalo Creek disaster survivors, 3 70 Child abusers, 28
Bulimia, 37, 38, 241 as childhood abuse victims, 98
Bupropion, 512 dissociation in, 98-99
overdose risk, 556-557 psychological motivations of, 78
Bum victims, 215 Child custody cases, false sexual abuse allega-
Bush, Benjamin, 338 tions in, 582
Buspirone, 555 Child Dissociative Checklist, 198
Child development, in incestuous families, 78-
Cambodian refugees, 317, 370 85
Canada during incest period, 79-81
dissociation prevalence in, 17, 53-54 during pre-incest period, 72-76
dissociative identity disorder in Childhood abuse survivors
phenomenology of, 14 abreaction in
prevalence of, 350 in early-stage treatment, 390-391
Canadian journal of Psychiatry, 7 in late-stage treattnent, 393-394
Cannabinoids, dissociative state·inducing ef- in middle-stage treatment, 391-393
fect of, 168, 169-170, 178 as retraumatization cause, 388
Cannibalism, by satanic cult members, 572, borderline personality disorder in, 386-387
576-577 dissociation in, 164
Carbamazepine as defense mechanism, 382
as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, relationship to hypnotizability, 197-201
181 dissociative disorders in, 63-64
as rapid switching therapy, 559 dissociative identity disorder in, 356, 401
Catharsis, 479 dissociative reality development by, 532-
Cathexis, 437-438 533
622 Childhood abuse survivors (cont.) Children (cont.)
multiple personality disorder in, 9I-I05 multiple personality disorder in, 97-98
case histories, 92-93 satanic cult abuse of: see Ritual abuse
corroboration, 9I as witnesses to violence, 92, 152, 155, 156,
historical background, I 00- I 02 386
prevalence, 9I Children's Hour, The, 596
non-dissociative psychological sequelae in, Chlordiazepoxide, 550
38I-382 dosage ranges, 552
posttraumatic stress disorder in, 385-386 equivalent doses, 550
psychiatric patients as, 38I interaction with benzodiazepines, 553
traumatic memories of m-Chlorophenylpiperazine
nonverbal encoding of, 385 dissociation-inducing effect of, 177, 178
as verbal memories, 38I flashback-inducing effect of, 166, 167
traumatic memory recovery by, 385 effect on serotonergic receptors, 178
corroboration and validity of, 95-97, I 52- use in traumatic memory retrieval, 182
I 53 Chlorprothixene, 556
legal implications of, 32I-322 as flashbacks and impulsivity therapy, 558-
treatment model for, 387-395 559
early-stage, 389-39I Christian rituals, use by satanic cults, 575
late-stage, 393-394 Cingulate gyrus, 176
middle-stage, 391-393 Civil War, 602-603
Childhood Dissociation Checklist, 143 Clinician-Administered Dissociative States
Child neglect, 597 Scale, 168
as borderline personality disorder risk fac- Clonazepam
tor, 386-387 as anxiety therapy, 513
as dissociative disorder risk factor, 151-152, as dissociative identity disorder therapy, 549
153,352,353 dosage ranges, 552
Children informed consent for use of, 513
of abused parents, 509 interaction with benzodiazepines, 553
denial as defense mechanism of, 69, 75, 79, as nocturnal myoclonus therapy, 563
80 as panic attack therapy, 386
depersonalization disorder in, 295 as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy,
developmental stages of, 406-407 549
dissociation in as rapid switching therapy, 559
misdiagnosis of, 152 withdrawal protocol for, 551
normal versus pathological, 76 Clonazepine, as depersonalization therapy,
obstacles to evaluation of, 142-143 297,298
dissociative capacity of, 74-75 Clonidine, as dissociative disorder therapy,
dissociative disorder not otherwise speci· clinical trials, 549
fiedin, 139-150 Clorazepate, as anxiety therapy, 550, 552
dissociative disorders in, 139-159 Clozapine, as depersonalization therapy, 298
clinical presentation, 147-151 Cognition, mobilization of, with hypnother-
differential diagnosis, 151 apy,462-463
dissociative symptom identification in, Cognitive avoidance, 409
143-147 Cognitive-behavioral therapy
hallucinations associated with, 75, 147- for dissociative identity disorder, 402-410
148, 150 BASK model and, 403, 404, 407
historical background of, 140 schema-focused, 405-410
treatment, 153-157 Socratic method use in, 403
dissociative identity disorder in, 14 5- 147, tactical integration model of, 404
348-349,351 therapeutic alliance in, 402-403
alter identities/personalities in, 145-147, for pathological anxiety, 217
148, 149, 153, 154, 155-156 Cognitive deficits, ketamine·related, 168-169
ego state development in, 433-434 Cognitive Failures Questionnaire, 60
as legal witnesses, in child abuse cases, 596- Cognitive narratives, 484
597 Cognitive reframing, 471
Cognitive restructuring, 405
with hypnotherapy, 470-471
Coping skills training, in inpatient treattnent, 623
502,503 Index
with memory processing, 485 Corpses, children's exposure to, 356-357
with reverse memory processing, 469 Cortisol levels, relationship to infants' attach·
Collage, as art therapy, 539, 540 ment statns, 133
College students, dissociation in, 3, 54-59 Countertransference
Columbus, Ohio, as site of Milligan case, 602- in ego state therapy, 446
603 negative, by nursing staff, 504
Combat stress response, 212 in psychodynamic psychotherapy, 423
Combat veterans Criminal defense
amnesia in, 316-317 amnesia as, 602
anxiety in, 211 dissociative identity disorder as, 595-596
emotional numbing in, 211-213 case example, 601-607
posttraumatic stress disorder in, 368 Cubism, 530, 531
dissociation associated with, 211-213 Cycloserine, as posttraumatic stress disorder
group therapy for, 327-328 therap~ 180-181, 182
hippocampal size and, 312
measurement scale for, 368-369 Dadaism, 530, 531
trauma experienced by, 93-94 Dali, Salvador, 530, 534
prevalence in Netherlands, 36 Danger to others, as hospitalization indication,
See also Israeli soldiers; Korean War veter· 500
ans; Vietnam War veterans; World Dante Alighieri, 530
War I soldiers; World War I veterans; Davis, JohnS., 26
World War II soldiers; World War II Daycare, satanic cult ritual abuse in, 574
veterans Daydreaming, 56
Communication, patient-therapist, 526-527 Dead bodies, children's exposure to, 356-357
Completion principle, of information process- Death
ing, 219 of significant others, 356-357
Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry violent
(Kaplan, Freedman, and Sadock), 6- children as witnesess to, 356-357
7 dissociative identity disorder patients as
Computerized tomography, use in depersonal· witnesses to, 352
ization disorder diagnosis, 297 Defense mechanisms, in dissociation, 435-436
Concentration camp survivors, posttraumatic denial as, 69, 75, 79, 80
stress disorder in, 214-215, 317 projective identification as, 418
Concentration deficits, in children with disso- splitting as, 417, 418
ciative disorders, 150 DeKooning, Willem, 530
Conditioning Delirium, depersonalization and derealization
in phobias, 278 associated with, 294
in threat exposure response, 30 Delusions, ketamine-related, 169
Conduct disorder, 147 Dementia praecox, 6
Confabulation, 491 Denial
Consciousness, ego state theory of, 438-439 as children's defense mechanism, 69, 75,
Conspiracy theories, about satanic cults, 576 79,80
Constanzo,Ado~o,571 dissociation-related, 208-209
Containment strategies posttraumatic, 207
in hypnotherapy, 456-457 as recanting, 491-492
in inpatient treattnent, 502-503 Dependence
Conversion disorder/reaction, 5, 164 of dissociative identity disorder patients,
arousal in, 271-272 416
comorbidity with dissociative identity disor- in therapeutic relationship, 442
der, 239-240, 358 Depersonalization, 141, 294-300, 370
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual diagnos- in accident victims, 215
tic criteria for, 228 in adolescents, 80
International Classification of Disease classi- assessment questionnaires for, 253
fication of, 28 autonomic nervous system activity in, 272
624 Depersonalization (cont.) Derealization (cont.)
dissociative identity disorder-related, 416
cannabinoids-related, 180
in children, 144 distinguished from depersonalization, 293
clinical features, 233, 296 in general populations, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58
definition, 292-293 in natural disaster survivors, 369
diagnostic aids for, 296 pharmacotherapy for, 178
diagnostic criteria of, 294-295 sensory po)yneuropathy-related, 172
DSM-III-R, 243-244 as stress response, 94
DSM-IV, 3-4, 11, 234, 243-244 unaccompanied by depersonalization, 300-
differential diagnosis of, 296-297 301
as dissociation component, 10, 52, 208 in witnesses to trauma, 216
dissociative identity disorder-related, 358, Desagregation, 191
416 Desipramine, adverse effects, 557
distinguished from derealization, 293 Despine family, 98, 338-339
epidemiology, 295 Development, dissociation and
etiology, 297 in incestuous families, 75-84
in general populations, 19, 54, 55, 56, 57, during incest period, 79-81
58,289,295 during pre-incest period, 72-76
in natural disaster survivors, 369 in typical development, 72-75
pharmacotherapy for, 178 Developmental factors, in borderline personal-
sensory polyneuropathy-related, 172 ity disorder, 386
as stress response, 94 Developmental issues, in dissociative identity
symptoms of, depersonalization syndrome disorder psychotherapy, 415-419
versus, 233-234 Developmental stages, Piagetian, 406-407
transient, 293-294 Dexamethasone, as dissociative episode trig-
treatment, 292, 297-299 ger, 548
case example, 299-300 Dextroamphetamine, adverse effects, 299
Depersonalization syndrome, 233-234 Dextrose, flashback-inducing effect, 166
Depression Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
antidepressant therapy for, 512-513, 556- Disorders, First Edition (DSM-1), 228
558, 559 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
childhood abuse-related, 385 Disorders, Third Edition (DSM-111), 597
in combat veterans, 211 depersonalization diagnostic criteria, 292
dissociative identity disorder misdiagnosed dissociative disorder not otherwise speci-
as, 233 fied diagnostic criteria, 339
dissociative disorders associated with, 23 7- dissociative disorders diagnostic criteria,
238 228
in children, 147-148 dissociative identity disorder diagnostic crite-
depersonalization and derealization, 294, ria, 232, 340
296,299 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
dissociative identity disorder, 14-15, 358- Disorders, Third Edition, Revised
359 (DSM-III-R), 597
insomnia associated with, 557, 561 assessment instrument criteria, 252
pharmacotherapy for, 562 avoidance-numbing cluster, 209
in inpatient settings, 512-513 derealization definition, 293
in therapists, 494 derealization unaccompanied by depersonal-
Deprogamming, of ritual abuse survivors, 590- ization diagnostic criteria, 301
591 dissociative amnesia diagnostic criteria, 307-
Derealization, 291-292, 370 308
in adolescents, 80 dissociative identity diagnostic criteria, 340-
autonomic nervous system activity in, 272 342
cannabinoids-related, 170 posttraumatic stress disorder diagnostic cri-
definition, 293 teria, 477
as dissociation component, 10, 52 Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
as dissociative disorder not otherwise speci- Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
fied,235,383 avoidance-numbing cluster, 209
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual ofMental
Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV)
Discharge planning, 501, 510 625
Dissociation, 3-24 Index
(cont.) age factors in, 54
borderline personality disorder diagnostic as childhood trauma defense mechanism,
criteria, 12-13 69,93-95,382
depersonalization definition, 292-293 components of, 10, 52, 53
depersonalization disorder diagnostic crite- consciousness disturbances in, 142
ria, 11, 234, 289, 294-295 continuum of, 12, 383
derealization diagnostic criteria, 291 cultural factors in, 4
derealization unaccompanied by depersonal- definition,69, 163,433
ization diagnostic criteria, 301 epidemiology, 17-20
dissociative amnesia diagnostic criteria, 10, in folklore, 94
230,307-308,309,313 in general populations, 3, 17-18, 19-20
dissociative disorder not otherwise speci- undiagnosed, 58-59
fied diagnostic criteria, 11-12, 235 history of, 1, 4-10
dissociative disorders definition, 141 in early twentieth century, 5-6
dissociative disorders diagnostic criteria, 3- in 1970s-1980s, 6-8
4,10-12,208,251,309 in nineteenth century, 4-5
dissociative fugue diagnostic criteria, 10-11, hypnotizability associated with, 195-197
231,308 increased interest in, 52
dissociative identity disorder diagnostic crite- measurement instruments for, 8, 209-211;
ria, 11, 16, 231-233, 342-343, 608 see also names of specific measure-
relationship to multiple personality disor- ment instruments
der, 499, 607, 608 in normal populations, 51-66, 69, 208
dissociative trance definition, 108n. in broad-based samples, 53-59
posttraumatic stress disorder diagnostic cri- in children, 72-73
teria, 316, 477 development of, 64
proposed diagnostic classifications individual differences in, 52-53
acute stress disorder, 234-235, 246-247, pharmacological induction of, 168-170
367-368 relationship to other individual difference
dissociative disorder of childhood, 143 factors, 59-64
dissociative trance disorder, 235-236, thalamic networks and, 172
245-246 origin of term, 191, 208
secondary dissociative disorder due to a pharmacologically-induced, 168-170, 177-
nonpsychiatric medical condition, 178
236,246 phenomenology of, 3. 10-17
DSM-IV work group, Trauma Disorders su- international, 1
perordinate category proposal, 310 in nineteenth century, 51
Dtagnostic and Treatment ofMultiple Person- potential for, 356
ality Dtsorder (Boon and Draijer), psychological, 51
339-340 self-report measures of, 8
Diagnostic Interview of Borderline Personality, signs and symptoms of, 208-209, 370, 382,
213 548
Diagnostic Interview Schedule, 252-253 in Belgian populations, 34
Diazepam,553-554 in Dutch populations, 34-36
dosage ranges, 552 misdiagnosis of, 152
equivalent doses, 550 undiagnosed, 58-59
withdrawal protocol, 551 Dissociation: Progress In the Dtssoclative Dis-
Differentiation orders, 339-340
in ego state development, 433-434 Dissociation Questionnaire, 30-38, 41-46, 52,
as personality developmental process, 433 53
Differentiation-dissociation continuum, 435- use with eating disorder patients, 26, 3 7-
436 38
Dimethyltryptamine, 170 use with general populations, 33-37, 39-
Diphenhydramine, sedative effects, 554-555 40
Disability, as hospitalization indication, 500 reliability and validity of, 32-33
626 Dissociative Content Scale, correlation with Dissociative disorders (cont.)
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality In- prevalence, 198
ventory, 200 in clinical populations, 20, 251, 383
Dissociative Disorder Interview Scale, 198 in general population, 19, 21
Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified, symptoms, 139-140
12,141,477 types of, 141
amnesia and fugue associated with, 308 undiagnosed, 251-252
childhood abuse and, 352 See also specific dissociative disorders
in children, 142, 147, 151 Dissociative Disorders Interview Schedule
comorbidity (DDIS), 210-211, 255
depersonalization, 297 anmesia criteria, 232, 233, 309
depression, 237 for dissociative identity disorder/dissociative
sexual dysfunction, 240 disorder not otherwise specified dif-
substance abuse, 241 ferentiation, 12
DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria, 235, 244-245 use with general populations, 19, 58
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, 3-4, 11-12, 235, interrater reliability in, 14
244-245,383 use with psychiatric inpatients, 383
differentiated from dissociative identity dis- sensitivity, 8-9
order, 14 Dissociative Events Scale, 21 0
Dissociation Questionnaire scores in, 32 use with childhood sexual abuse victims,
dissociative identity disorder associated 213-214
with, 12, 17, 342 use with combat veterans, 211, 212, 214
dissociative identity disorder classified as, Dissociative Experiences Scale, 8, 52, 53, 198,
16 200,253-254,296,301
prevalence amnesia criteria, 232
in clinical populations, 235 use with clinical populations, 20
in general populations, 19 for dissociative amnesia evaluation, 309
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV for dissociative disoders/dissociative identity
Dissociative Disorders use in, 256, 257 disorder not otherwise specified dif-
Dissociative disorder of childhood, 143 ferentiation, 12
Dissociative disorders Dissociation Questionnaire correlation, 32-
borderline personality disorder relationship, 33
12-13,231 use with European populations
in children and adolescents, 139-159 in Netherlands, 28
childhood trauma and, 151-153 in Norway, 26
clinical presentation, 147-151 in United Kingdom, 26
comorbidity, 147 use with female psychiatric patients, 383
development of, 94 use with general populations, 10, 17-18
differential diagnosis, 151 in Canada, 53-54
dissociative symptom identification in, college students, 55-58
143-147 correlation with health symptoms, 63
historical background, 140 hypnotizability scales correlation, 61, 62
treatment, 153-157 interrater reliability, 14
comorbidity, 236-241, 251 limitations, 254
in children and adolescents, 147 posttraumatic stress disorder measures corre-
complex lation, 369
mapping in, 482 use with seizure disorder patients, 282, 283,
nonhypnotizability in, 454 284
continuum of, 12 use with sexual abuse victims, 28
definition, 141, 232 Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV
DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, 228-247 Dissociative Disorders correlation,
differential diagnosis, 232-233 29
historical background of, 227-228 Dissociative identity disorder, 337-366, 477
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory in adolescents, 349, 351
scores in, 231 alter personalities/identities in, 141, 232,
misdiagnosis, 252 342-348
Dissociative identity disorder (cont.)
alter personalities/identities in (cont.)
Dissociative identity disorder (cont.) 627
comorbidiry, 14-15, 236-241, 358-360 Inde¥
amnestic relationships among, 275-278, implications for pharmacotherapy, 548,
284, 285 563-564
arousal levels in, 272-273 sleep apnea, 562-563, 564
as autohypnotic phenomena, 414 consciousness alteration in, 141-142
autonomic nervous system studies of, cross-cultural perspective, 337-338
270-279 definition, 232, 337
based on television characters, 357 diagnosis, 15-16
central nervous system measures in, 280- difficulry of, 349-350
281 reliabiliry of, 9, 14
characteriological factors, 346, 348 DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria, 340-341
child personalities, I 00 DSM-IV diagnostic criteria, 3-4, 11, 231-
in children, 144, 145-147, 148, 149, 153, 232,233,243,341-342
154, 155-156 differential diagnosis, 232-233
common types, 345-346 differentiated from dissociative disorder not
conditioning and, 277, 278-279 otherwise specified, 14
dissociative paracosms and, 533 epidemiology, 350-351
dominance of, 340, 341 international, 289, 338
emotional expression and, 272-273 etiology, 351-358
formation of, 500 factitious, 354-355
host personality, 272, 345-346 first modem description of, 289
as "inner persecutors," 347 historical perspective on, 100, 289, 337-
inner world of, 346-347 338,401
number of, 289, 340 hypnotizability associated with, 355,356,414
overtness of, 340, 341, 347-348 intergenerational, 351
as potential ego states, 414-415 linguistic system in, 53 3
psychopharmacology and, 548 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
psychophysiology of, 150, 270-279, 280- scores in, 231
281,345,348,354-355,533 misdiagnosis, 15, 233
relationships among, 346-347 models, 353-358
sexual abuse-induced adaptations in, affect, 356
100 behavioral states of consciousness, 355
switching between, 132, 347-348, 559, illegitimate, 354-355
561 neodissociation/ego state, 355-356
system maps of, 533 neural network/information processing, 355
system pictures of, 53 3 pragmantic clinical, 356-358
See also Ego states psychological, 353-354
amnesia and fugue associated with, 232, sociological, 354
233,308 split brain/hemispheric lateraliry, 355
art therapy for, 532-542 supernatural/transpersonal, 353
as borderline personality disorder variant, temporal lobe/partial complex seizure/kin-
321 dling,355
childhood sexual abuse-related, 29 trance state/autohypnotic, 355
in children, 9, 151, 341, 348-349, 351, 356, natural history, 348-3 50
357-358 negative symptoms, 420-421
alter identities/personalities, 145-147, parental factors in, 357
148, 149, 153, 154, 155-156 phenomenology, 14-16, 340-348
treatment, 153-157 polyfragmented, 477
cognitive-behavioral therapy, 402-410 positive symptoms, 420
BASKmodeland,403,404,407 prevalence
schema-focused, 405-410 in clinical populations, 350
Socratic method use in, 403 gender differences in, 350-351
tactical integration model, 404 in general populations, 350
therapeutic alliance in, 402-403 in Netherlands, 28
treatment goal in, 403 in Switzerland, 26
628 Dissociative identity disorder (cont.) Doxepin
Index psychodynamic psychotherapy for, 413- as depression therapy, 55 7
428 as sleep disturbance therapy, 386
abreactionin,420,423-424 Dreams
as acting out therapy, 415, 419-420 intepretation of, for traumatic memory recall,
boundary setting in, 421 179
case study, 424-426 thalamic activity in, 174
countertransference management in, 423 Droperidol, as flashbacks and impulsivity ther-
developmental issues in, 415-419 apy, 558-559
goals, 415-421 Drug abuse
hypnosis use in, 423 in adolescent sexual abuse victims, 100
negative symptoms reduction in, 420- comorbidity with dissociative identity disor-
421 der, 241
purpose, 413 Dual relationships, 598, 601
single-self model, 414-415 Duchamp, Marcel, 531
technical aspects, 421-424 Durham case, 604
therapeutic neutrality in, 421-422
transference management in, 422-423 Earthquake survivors, dissociation in, 215,
psychopharmacotherapy for, 545-566 369
for anxiety, 550-5 56 Eating disorders
for depression, 556-558 in adolescent sexual abuse victims, 100
for flashbacks, 558-559 in childhood abuse survivors, 389
general considerations in, 546-547 comorbidity with dissociative disorders, 14-
guidelines, 548-549, 563-564 15,26,240-241,251,358
literature review, 548-550 Dissociation Questionnaire scores in, 26,
newly released medications, 559-562 32
for nocturnal myoclonus, 562-653 Ego cathexis, 43 7, 438
overdose risk in, 564 Ego state disorders, 235
for poor impulse control, 558-559 Ego states
for rapid switching, 559, 561 adaptive, 436
for sleep apnea, 562-563 conflict resolution among, 12
specific considerations in, 547-548 defensive, 436
for specific symptoms, 550-562 definition, 433
research in, 9 development of, 431-436
trauma and, 351-353 dissociative, 436
treatment dissociative disorder not otherwise specified-
in Germany, 26 related, 383-384
hazards experienced by therapist in, 608- integration of, 12
613 normal, 436
outcome, 9 potential, 414-415
undiagnosed, 8 subject-object experiences in, 436-437
See also Multiple personality disorder during trance, 4 53
Dissociative identity disorder patients two-energy theory of, 437-438
hostility and aggression towards therapists Ego state theory, 431-432
by, 608-611 of consciousness, 438-439
psychic beliefs of, 360 two-energy theory, 43 7-438
Dissociative Indiana Dissociative Symptom Ego state therapy, 432
Scale, 200 techniques, 434, 439-446
Dissociative processes, epidemiology, 1-2 Ego strength deficits, as dissociation cause, 4
Distancing techniques, hypnotic, 458 Ego strengthening techniques, with reverse
Dizziness, antidepressants-related, 557 memory processing, 469
Domestic violence Elderly patients, antidepressant use by, 558
children as witnesses to, 152 Electroconvulsive therapy
See also Child abuse; Childhood abuse survi- as depersonalization therapy, 298
vors; Physical abuse, childhood; Vio- as dissociative amnesia and fugue therapy,
lence 328-329
Electroencephalographic (EEG) activity
in depersonalization disorder, 297
Existential crises, 484-485 629
amnestic barriers in, 465-466
in dissociative identity disorder, 280-284 hypnotherapy-assisted processing of, 470-
in hypnotically-susceptible subjects, 63 471
Emmyvon N., 314 of therapists, 494
Emotional abuse, of children, 93 Exorcism
Emotional detachment, dissociation-related, dissociative amnesia and, 314, 318
208 as multiple personality disorder therapy, 4
Emotional dissociation, 207-224 Expert witnesses, on child abuse, 597
in accident survivors, 215 Expressionism, 530
information-processing in, 216-220 Expressive therapies
Emotional processing use with childhood abuse survivors, 390-
effect of dissociation on, 219-221 391
pathological fear structure processing in, continuum of, 537-541
218-219 use in inpatient treatment settings, 510
Emotion regulation, 67, 70, 71-72 use in memory processing, 487-488
by infants, 72
Encephalitis, depersonalization and derealiza- Family
tion associated with, 294 of dissociative disorder patients, 509-510
Encounter groups, 601 of incest victims, dysfunctionality of, 76-
Endorphins. 561, 590 79,81-82
Enmeshed families, 133 Family environment, relationship to childhood
Environmental stimuli abuse-related dissociation, 200
in stress, 172 Fantasy
thalamus-modulated responsivity to, 173 dissociative identity disorder patients' per-
as traumatic memory "triggers," 477 ception of, 418-419
Epidemic hysteria, 509 epidemic, 509
Escher, M.C., 526 Fantasy-proneness, 133, 197
Estelle, 98 Fear
Estrangement, dissociation-related, 208 attachment behavior and, 111-112
Estrogen, interaction with benzodiazepines, cognitive structure of, 217-218
553 normal, 217
Ethanol, use in traumatic memory recall, 165 posttraumatic stress disorder-related, 218-
Ether, use in traumatic memory recall, 165 220
Ethical issues, in dissociative disorders treat- trauma-related, 216
ment, 7-8,92,339,494,598-601 Federn, Paul, 437
Milligan case, 92, 595, 601-607 Feminism, 339
patients' aggression towards therapist, 608- Ferenczi, Sandor, 601
611 Fetus, dissociation in, 64, 434
Sybil case, 598-601 Fever, depersonalization and derealization asso-
European studies, of dissociation, 25-49 ciated with, 294
in Belgium, 25-26 FG-7142, 168
Dissociation Questionnaire studies, 30-34 Field, Sally, 600
in Germany, 26 Fine, Catherine, 608
in Hungary, 39-40 First-rank symptoms, 240-241
in Italy, 26 Flashbacks, 208
in Netherlands, 25-26 in children, 148, 149
clinical studies, 27-28 content of, 164
Dissociation Questionnaire studies, 33-37 definition, 479
eating disorder studies, 37-38 dissociative identity disorder-related, 420
empirical studies, 28-30 duration, 164
in Scandinavia, 26 LSD-related, 170
in Spain, 26 memory retrieval strategies for, 172
in Switzerland, 26 pharmacologically-induced, 166, 170
in United Kingdom, 26 pharmacotherapy for, 181, 558-559, 561
Evoked potentials, in dissociation, 280, 281 placebo-induced, 170
630 Flashbacks (cont.)
posttraumatic stress disorder-related, 164,
Fugue, dissociative, 17, 141, 164
definition, 230
476 diagnostic criteria, 308
neurobiology of, 165, 166-168, 171-172 DSM·III·R, 242-243
pharmacotherapy for, 181 DSM·IV, 10-11, 3-4, 141, 231, 242-243
types, 479 differential diagnosis, 230-231
withdrawal-related, 168 as dissociative disorder not otherwise speci-
Flooding therapy, 180 fied,383
Flowers, Jay C., 604 dissociative identity disorder-related, 17,
Flumazenil, panic attack-inducing effect, 167- 358
168 early research in, 314-315
Fluoxetine epidemiology, 309
adverse effects, 557 in general populations, 19
buspirone-induced potentiation of, 555 hysteria-related, 314
as depersonalization and derealization legal issues, 320
cause, 294 severity rating, 259
as depression therapy, 557 as stress response, 94
as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, 512 treatment, 322-329
as yohimbine-induced panic attack blocker, Fugue, nondissociative, 230-231
181 Fusion, in ego state therapy, 442-443
Fluphenazine, as depersonalization and dereali· Futurism, 530-531
zation cause, 294
Flurazepam, dosage ranges, 552 Gallia-Jackson-Meig Health Center, 604
Fluvoxomine, 559, 560 Gamma-aminobutyric acid, barbiturates-re·
Folklore, dissociative disorders in, 94, 100 lated enhancement of, 165
Forgetfulness, 52 Ganser's syndrome, 235, 244, 245, 383
Fractionation Gaze aversion, 72
in children, 75 Germany, dissociation research in, 26
definition, 487 Gibson, Jim, 603-604
use in hypnotherapy, 460 Glaucoma, narrow-angle, anticholinergic anti·
in memory processing, 483, 487 depressant use in, 557-558
Fragmentation Glove anesthesia technique, 459
dissociative disorder not otherwise specified· Glutamate, as thalamic neurotransmitter, 175
related, 383 Glutaminergic neurons, in dissociation, 177-
hypnotherapy for, 452 178
management of, 487 Gmelin, Eberhardt, 338
Free association, use in traumatic memory re· Grant, Ulyses S., 602-603
call, 179 Greaves,George,603-604,605,606-608,610
Freud, Anna, 75 Group therapy, 510
Freud, Sigmund, research and theories of, 601 for amnesia, 327-328
amnesia, 314 Guided imagery, 453
brain models, 280 Guilty Knowledge Test, 284
depersonalization, 292
dissociative disorders, 4, 5, 227-228 Halazepam, dosage ranges, 552
hypnosis, 60-61, 191-192, 193-194 Hallucinations
seduction theory, 101 auditory
origin of, 99-100 in children, 147-148, 150
repudiation of, 5, 95, 101, 339,475 dissociative disorder not otherwise speci·
Friendships, children's development of, 79- fled-related, 384
80 benzodiazepines-related, 551
Fromm, Erich, 191 dissociative identity disorder-related, 14,
Frontal cortex 347,349
disconnectivity in, 176-177 flashbacks-related, 479
glutaminergic neuronal activity modulation as memories, 97
activity in, 177 serotonergic, 178
in memory retrieval, 172 visual, in children, 75, 150
Hallucinogen abuse, depersonalization and Hyperphagia, depression-related, 557 631
derealization associated with, 294 Hypersomnia, depression-related, 557 Index
Hallucinogens, serotonergic, 168, 170, 175, Hyperventilation, depersonalization and dere·
180 alization associated with, 294
Haloperidol Hypnoid states, as defensive reactions, 315
as flashbacks and impulsivity therapy, 558- Hypnosis, 161-162, 179, 191-206, 449, 463,
559 474,483-484
interaction with buspirone, 555 appropriate suggestions in, 450-451
as ketamine antidote, 169 arousal and, 273, 274, 278-279
Handbook for the Assessment of Dissocia- clients' resistance to, 453-454
tion: A Clinical Guide (Steinberg), as combat-related trauma disorder therapy,
261 316
Handedness, of alter identities, 270 definition, 449-450
Harding, George Jr., 604, 605 as depersonalization and derealization
Harvard Grove Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibil- cause, 294
ity, 61, 62 dissociation relationship of, 60-63, 94-95,
Headaches, 513 161, 195-197
in alter identities/personalities, 270 in combat veterans, 212-213
comorbidity with dissociative identity disor· common traumagenic etiology, 193
der, 239, 240, 420 contemporary theories of, 194
relationship to hypnotizability, 240 early theories of, 193-194
Health, relationship to dissociative experi- hypnotizabilityjdissociativity overlap, 195-
ences, 63-64 197
Helen of Troy, 100 phenotypic similarities, 192
Helplessness, childhood abuse-related, 385 research findings, 195-201, 202
"Hidden observer" phenomenon, 94 subjective similarities, 192-193
Hilgard, Ernest R., 191, 194, 195 as dissociative amnesia and fugue therapy,
Hillside Strangler, 342, 434 325-327
Hippocampus in ego state therapy, 432, 438
electrical stimulation of, 171-172 Freud's use of, 191-192, 193-194
glutaminergic neuronal activity modulation headaches and, 240
activity in, 177 highway, 12
memory encoding function of, 171-172 inappropriate suggestions in, 450-451
memory retrieval function of, 171 increased interest in, 339
size, in combat veterans, 312 informed consent for, 508-509, 518-520
Hippocratic Oath, 601 in inpatient treatment, 502-503, 507
Histrionic personality disorder, 15 legal aspects, 454
Holocaust survivors, amnesia in, 317 multiple personality disorder as artifact of,
Homicidal ideation, memory retrieval and, 479 101
Homicide cases, dissociative amnesia defense as psychodynamic psychotherapy adjunct,
in, 320-321 423, 545-546
Hopkins Symptom Checklist, 215 of ritual abuse survivors, 575-576, 583-584
Hospitalization: see Inpatient treatment as self-abuse therapy, 590
Hostages, stupor in, 370 as sleep disturbance therapy, 513
Human sacrifice, by satanic cults, 575 techniques, 454-472
Hungary, dissociation research in, 39-40 advanced, 459-468
Huntington's chorea, depersonalization and advanced ideomotor signaling, 459-460,
derealization associated with, 294 464,466-467
Hyatt Regency Hotel skywalk collapse survi- affect modulation and tolerance, 456
vors, 215 age progression, 457-458
Hydroxyzine, sedative effects, 554 age regression, 463-465
Hyperarousal BASK model, 451, 454, 460, 464, 467,
abreaction-related, 392 469,470
posttraumatic stress disorder-related for cognitive restructuring, 470-471
in childhood abuse survivors, 386 combining memories, 469
limbic system kindling in, 550 complex, 468-472
632 Hypnosis (cont.) Incest, 71-72,357, 525
Index techniques (cont.) adult development after, 82-84
containment, 456-457 brother·sister, 99
contracting for safety, 466-468 child development effects of
distancing, 458 during incest, 79-81
for existential crises processing, 470-471 during pre·incest period, 72-76
fractionation, 460 family dysfunctionality context of, 72
hypnotic frame, 454-455 during incest, 81-82
ideomotor signals, 454, 455, 458, 502- during pre·incest period, 72-76
503 father·daughter, child development effects
memory division, 470 of, 72-81
mobilization of affect and cognition, 462- as multiple personality disorder cause, 63
463 number of perpetrators in, 99
penetrating or creating barriers, 465-466 onset age, 80
reverse memory processing, 468-469 as "polyincest," 99
safe place, 455-456, 502, 503 prevalence, 6-7, 28
time distortion, 457-458 Incest victims
trance deepening, 460-462 adult development of, 82-84
working with "decision makers," 469-470 attachment patterns of, 77
transference issues associated with, 453- dissociative disorders in, 28
454 dissociative identity disorders in, 352, 353
Hypopituitarism, depersonalization and dereali· eating disorders of, 38
zation associated with, 294 latency·age, 100
Hypotension, orthostatic, antidepressants·re· physical symptoms of, 100
lated, 557 trance states in, 70
Hypothalamic·pituitary·adrenal axis dysregula· Index Medicus, 6
tion, in sexually·abused girls, 133 India, dissociative disorder not otherwise
Hypothyroidism, depersonalization and dereali· specified prevalence in, 235
zation associated with, 294 Indoctrination rituals, of satanic cults, 574
Hysteria, 5, 193, 479 Indomethacin, as depersonalization and dere·
amnesia and fugue asociated with, 314 alization cause, 294
definition, 27 Infanticide, by satanic cult members, 576-
epidemic, 509 577,578
Freud's theory of, 193-194 Infants
historical background, 227 attachment behavior of, 73, 111-112
somatization phenomenon associated with, battered, morbidity and mortality rates in, 99
228 gaze aversion by, 72
object permanence in, 73
Ibuprofen, as dissociative episode trigger, self·sucking behavior of, 72
548 Infant Strange Situation behavior, 107-138
Identity disorganized/disoriented attachment behav·
definition, 343 ior, 68,73-74, 114-133
fugue·related changes in, 325 as aggression risk factor, 131
See also Dissociative identity disorder, alter as anxiety risk factor, 131
identities/personalities in case history, 122-123. 130
Ideomotor signals, in hypnotherapy, 454, 455, conflict behavior in, 115
458,459-460,464,466-467 criteria, 115- 116
"Illumined Pleasures" (Dali), 530 as dissociation risk factor, 121-123
Images, traumatic, 528 genetic factors in, 116
Imaginary companions, 75, 348-349, 434 hypnotic ability and, 133
Impact of Events Scale, 210, 373-374 parental attachment status and, 117-120,
use with combat veterans, 212 122
Impulsivity, pharmacotherapy for, 558-559 parental characteristics and, 114, 11 7
Inauthenticity, depersonalization·related, 293 parental dissociation states and, 125-127
Incarceration victims, posttraumatic stress dis· parental frightened·alarmed behavior and,
order in, 214-215 120-121, 122, 127-128, 130
Infant Strange Simation behavior (cont.) International Conference of Multiple Personal- 633
disorganized/disoriented attachment behav- ity Disorder and Dissociative States, Index
ior (cont.) 27
as phobia risk factor, 131 International Society for the Study of Disso-
separation-anxiety and, 128-129 ciation, Legal and Ethics Committee,
trance behavior and, 124, 125, 127, 130, 611
131-132 International Society for the Smdy of Multiple
insecure-avoidant behavior, 113 Personality and Dissociation, 599
insecure-resistant behavior, 113-114 Intimacy, in therapist-patient relationship, 601
secure attachment, 112- 113, 114 Intrusive thoughts/memories, 216
Information processing, in emotional dissocia- of childhood abuse survivors, 385-386
tion, 216-220 in children, 148-149
Informed consent psychopharmacotherapy for, 181
for antianxiety medication use, 513 therapeutic reduction of, 179-180, 181
for clonazepam use, 513 Iomazenil, 168
for hypnosis use, 508-509, 518-520 Isolation
for inpatient treatment, 508-509, 514-520 childhood abuse-related, 385
for propranolol use, 513 of incestuous families, 81
for traumatic and dissociative disorders treat- Isomorphism
ment, 514-518 in art therapy, 529-530, 538
Inpatient treatment, of dissociative disorders of dissociative identity disorder personality
patients, 499-524 states, 344
discharge planning in, 501, 510 Isoproterenol, flashback-inducing effect, 166
dissociative amnesia and fugue therapy in, Israeli soldiers, posttraumatic stress disorder
324 in, 214, 370
emotional containment strategies in, 502- Italy, dissociation disorder research in, 26
expressive therapies in, 510 James, William, 227-228
indications for, 500-501 ]anet, Pierre, research and theories of
informed consent for, 508-509, 514-520 amnesia, 314
milieu structure of, 504-505, 506-507 consciousness, 101
program components of, 508-512 depersonalization, 208, 292
psychopharmacotherapy in, 512-514, 547 dissociation, 101
in specialty units, 503-505 dissociative disorders, 3, 4, 51, 227-228
staff development for, 505-508 dissociative identity disorder, 339
staffing requirements for, 509-510 hypnosis, 60-61, 191-192
Insomnia hysteria, 27
antidepressant therapy for, 557, 558 traumatic memory work, 27-28
depression-related, 557 Japan, dissociative identity disorder in, 9, 14
nefazodone therapy for, 561 Johnson,Rhonda,434
Integration Journaling,486-487
definition, 480 use in inpatient treatment settings, 503, 510
as development technique, 79, 81 ]ung, Carl, 4, 280
as dissociative identity disorder treatment
goal, 415 Karolin, Stella, 604
of ego states, 12, 442-443, 445 Kempe, Henry, 101-102
as personality developmental process, 433 Kent State University riots, 602, 603
Intelligence agencies, mind control experi- Ketamine
ments by, 576, 591 cortical connectivity effect of, 177
Intelligence testing, 256, 263 dissociative and cognitive effects of, 168-
Intense dysregulated effect, 81 169, 178
International Classification of Diseases (lCD), frontal cortex function effects, 172
252 sensory distortion effects of, 175
amnesia classification, 230 Keyes, Daniel, 605, 607
conversion disorder classification, 28 Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and
dissociative disorders classification, 228-229 Schizophrenia, 130-131
634 Kindling, 549-550 Magritte,Rene,528-529, 531-532
Index carbamazepine-related suppression of, 181
Kindling model, of dissociation, 282-283, dissociative amnesia differentiated from,
355 320-321
Kirkland v. State, 606 dissociative identity disorder as, 354
Kitchener-Waterloo Hospital, Ontario, 603 factitious amnesia in, 229
Kluft, Richard P., 27, 608 implications for psychological testing, 254
Korean War veterans, amnesia in, 316 Manson, Charles, 576
Koresh, David, 570 Mapping, 482
Maprotiline, 557
Marijuana use
La belle indifference, 272, 409 depersonalization and derealization associ-
ated with, 294
dissociation-inducing activity of, 178
flashbacks associated with, 170
use in traumatic memory retrieval, 182
Marital relationship, effect of parental attach·
Language, visual truth and, 531
ment patterns on, 77-78
Language development, 74
Masturbation, compulsive, by children, 149
Latah, 12
McMartin case, 580
Learning deficits, in children with dissociative
Meditation, as depersonalization and derealiza-
disorder, 150
tion cause, 294
Lee, Robert E., 602-603
Memories, traumatic, 208, 528
Legal issues
artistic expression of, 528-529
in child abuse, 596-597
behavioral reenactment of, 5 28
in dissociative amnesia and fugue, 320-
combinations of, 469
"contamination" of, in inpatient settings,
in dissociative disorders therapy, 595-615
507-508, 517
in hypnosis, 454, 508-509
corroboration of, 95-97, 515
lawsuits against therapists, 611
effect of dissociation on, 218, 220
licensing board actions, 611-613
environmental stimul-related triggering of,
Milligan case, 92, 595, 601-607
Librium: see Chlordiazepoxide
as false memory, 95
Life Experiences Questionnaire, 284
informed consent and, 516-518
Limbic System Checklist-33, 284
in satanic cult victims, 578-579
Limbic system dysfunction, in dissociation, as fear structure, 218
inaccuracy of, 450
Limit settings
irretrievable, 450
as characterological issue, 488-489
intrusive, 216
in inpatient settings, 506
in children, 148-149
Lithium, 512
pharmacotherapy for, 181
Logic, trance, 548
therapeutic reduction of, 179-180, 181
Lorna Prieta earthquake survivors, dissociation
nonverbal encoding of, 385
in, 369
pathological processing of, 500
Lorazepam, 554
as somatic sensation, 528
dosage ranges, 552
unprocessed, 528-529
equivalent doses, 550
as verbal memory, 381
as ketamine antidote, 169
visual form of, 528
as panic attack therapy, 386
Lying, differentiated from dissociative experi-
components, 480-482
ences, 144-14 5
narrative, 528
Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), 170
Memory impairment, as dissociative disorder
symptom, 208
"Magical surgery," 575 See also Amnesia; Depersonalization; Intru-
Magnetic diseases, 314 sive thoughts/memories
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), use in Memory processing, 475-498
depersonalization disorder diagno- advanced concepts of, 486-487
sis, 297 with art therapy: see Art therapy
Memory processing (cont.) N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists 635
BASK model of, 480, 483, 484 dissociation-inducing effects, 168-169, 170 Index
blocking in, 490 as psychotherapy adjuvant, 180
characteriological management in, 488- thalamic blockade effects, 175
492 N-Methyl-D-aspartate receptors, blockade of,
clients' sabotaging of, 489-490 165, 177
cognitive narrative in, 484 M'Naghten, 604, 606
cognitive restructuring in, 485 Migraine headaches, depersonalization and
continuum of complexity in, 481-482 derealization associated with, 294
contraindications to, 324-325, 492-493 Milacemide, as posttraumatic stress disorder
definition, 480 therapy, 180-181
disclosure-recanting cycle in, 491-492 Military combat
in dissociative amnesia and fugue patients, as depersonalization disorder risk factor, 296
326,327-328 See also Combat veterans
contraindications to, 324-325 Milligan, Billy, 92, 595, 601-607
existential crises statements identification Million Multiaxial Clinical Inventory, 58
in, 484-485 Mind-brain relationship, 279-280
fractionation in, 483, 487 Mind control experiments, by intelligence
fragmentation management, 487 agencies, 576, 591
healing images in, 485-486 Minds of Btlly Milltgan, 92, 595, 607
hypnotherapyin,483-484 Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
hypnotic suggestions during, 451 (MMPI), 252, 263
trance depth, 461-462 correlation with Dissociation Content Scale,
informed consent for, 514-518 200
in initial treatment phase, 482 correlation with Dissociative Experiences
irretrievable memories in, 450 Scale, 200
pacing of, 490 correlation with Indiana Dissociative Symp·
pathological, 500 tom Scale, 200
planned sessions in, 482-486 dissociative identity disorder misdiagnosis
progressive relaxation in, 483 and, 255
reverse, 468-469 use in forensic settings, 261
safety contracting in, 486 Mississippi Scale for Combat-Related Posttrau-
terminology of, 478-482 matic Stress Disorder, 368-369
therapeutic relationship in, 481 Civilian Version, 372-3 73
time distortion and, 457 Mistakes, 59-60
with violent clients, 490-491 Moclobemide, 562
Memory retrieval, 179, 385, 452 Monoamine oxidase inhibitors, 512
amygdala control of, 171 overdose risk, 556-557
effect of brain electrical stimulation on, 171- as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, 181
172 Mood disorders
corroboration and validity of, 95-97, 152- comorbidity with dissociative disorders, 251
153, 509 parental, 99
definition, 478 Mother-child relationship, attachment disrup-
with ethanol, 165 tion in
with ether, 165 as borderline personality disorder cause,
hippocampal control of, 171 386-387
indicators for, 478 See also Infant Strange Situation behavior
informed consent for, 514-518 Mothers, sexual abuse by, 28
legal implications of, 321-322 Movement, involuntary, in children, 144, 151
with narcosynthesis, 165, 179, 328 Movement therapy, in inpatient treatment set-
with nitrous oxide, 165 tings, 510
in posttraumatic stress disorder, 180 Multiple personalities
Meniere's disease, depersonalization and dere- definition, 433
alization associated with, 294 development, 435
Mescaline, 170 See also Dissociative identity disorder, alter
Mesmer, Franz, 314, 449 identities/personalities in
636 Multiple Personoltty and Dissociation,
1791-1992: A Complete Bibliog-
Narcosynthesis, 165, 179, 328
Narrative memory, 528
raphy (Goettman, Greaves, Coons), National Institutes of Mental Health Diagnostic
3-4,606 Interview Schedule, 252-253
Multiple personality disorder, 164 Native Americans, dissociative identity disor-
amnestic barriers associated with, 453 ders in, 9
as artifact of hypnosis, 101 Natural disaster survivors, dissociation in, 369
atypical, 384-385 associated with· posttraumatic stress disor-
childhood abuse-related, 70, 91-105, 198- der, 215-216
199 Near-death visions, 584
case histories, 92-93 Nefazodone. as dissociative identity disorder
corroboration of, 91 therapy, 559, 560, 561
historical background, 101-102 Neodissociationjego state model, of dissocia-
prevalence, 91 tive identity disorder, 355-356
in children, 76, 97-98 Neodissociation theory, 125, 194, 355-356
depersonalization and derealization associ- Netherlands
ated with, 293, 296, 297 dissociative identity disorder in
DSM-III-R diagnostic criteria, 243 clinical profile, 9
DSM-IV reclassification of, 499,607,608 phenomenology, 14
ego states in, 435 prevalence,350
exorcism as treatment for, 4 dissociation prevalence in, 17, 18
forensic implications of, 607-608 dissociation research in, 25-26
history of, 338-340 clinical studies, 27-28
hypnotherapy for, 463 Dissociation Questionnaire studies, 33-38
legal issues in, 595-608 eating disorder studies, 3 7-38
Milligan case, 92, 595, 601-607 empirical studies, 28-30
Sybil case, 598-601 Neural network/information processing
memory processing therapy, 482 model, of dissociative identity disor-
prevalence, 198 der, 355
in clinical populations, 383 Neurobiology, of dissociation, 163-190
in general populations, 19 brain stimulation studies, 170-172
propranolol therapy, 556 cortical disconnectivity, 176-177
reclassification as dissociative identity disor- glutaminergic function alteration, 177-178
der, 499, 607, 6os limbic system kindling, 549-550
sense of identity alteration in, 208 pharmacological challenge studies, 166-168
transgenerational, 98, 99 of pharmacologically-facilitated dissociative
Multiple personality disorder patients states, 178
children of, 98 treatment implications, 178-182
nonhypnotizability of, 454 Neuroleptics
satanic ritual abuse allegations by, 572 as anxiety therapy, 386, 513, 556
Multiple reality disorder, 344 daily dosages, 560
Multiplese, 533 as dissociative disorders therapy
Murder clinical trials, 549
by satanic cult members, 572, 576-577, inefficacy, 169
578 as dissociative identity disorder therapy, 15
See also Homicidal ideation; Homidicide Neurophysiological evidence, of child abuse,
cases 96-97
Mutilation Neurosis
during ritual abuse, 92-93 cerebro-cardiac, 292
See also Self-mutilation traumatic war, 316
Myers, F.W.H., 4, 5 Neurotic disorders, dissociative identity disor-
Myoclonus, nocturnal, 562-563 der misdiagnosed as, 233
New Zealand, dissociative identity disorder
Naltrexone, as dissociative identity disorder clinical profile in, 9
therapy, 559, 560, 561 Nifedipine, as dissociative episode trigger,
Narcissism, malignant, 493 548
Nightmares, 216 Occupational therapy, in inpatient treatment 637
abreaction-related, 392 settings, 510 Index
benzodiazepines-related, 551 Ofloxacin, as dissociative episode trigger,
in children, 148 548
as flashbacks, 479 Ohio State University, 602, 603
posttraumatic stress disorder-related, 181 Opiate addiction, naltrexone therapy for, 560-
psychopharmacotherapy for, 181, 561 561
during REM sleep, 174 Opiate withdrawal, effect on posttraumatic
as traumatic memory manifestation, 528 stress disorder symptoms, 168
Night terrors, thalamic modulation of, 174 Oppenheim, Meret, 530
Nitrous oxide, use in traumatic memory recall, Oppositional deficit disorder, 147, 149
165 Organic brain model, of dissociative identity
Nocturnal myoclonus, 562-563 disorder, 6
Noradrenergic system Out-of-body experiences
in posttraumatic stress disorder, 166, 167, 168 depersonalization-related, 292-293
in traumatic stress response, 175 dissociation-related, 208
Norfloxacin, as dissociative episode trigger, 548 Overdose, by dissociative identity disorder
Nortripyline, adverse effects, 557 patients, 556-557, 564
Norway, dissociative disorder diagnosis and risk assessment, 513
treatment in, 26 Oxazepam, dosage ranges, 552
Not guilty by reason of insanity (NGBRI) plea,
602 Pacing, in therapy, 452
case examples, 605-606 Pain medication, 513-514
Milligan case, 601-607 Panic attacks
"Nude Descending a Staircase" (Duchamp), 531 in childhood abuse survivors, 386
Numbing dissociative identity disorder-related, 358
emotional, 207, 208, 370 pharmacologically-induced, 166. 167-168
in assault victims, 214 Panic disorder
in childhood abuse survivors, 385, 386 depersonalization and derealization associ-
in combat veterans, 211-213 ated with, 294, 296, 297
in concentration camp victims, 214-215 dissociative identity disorder-related, 14-
definition, 209 15
depersonalization-related, 293 Paracelsus, 338, 401
in dissociative identity disorder patients, 416 Paracosms, 533
mechanisms, 209 Paranoia, in therapists, 494
in witnesses to trauma, 216 Paranormal, belief in, as dissociation risk fac-
peripheral, anxiety-related, 550 tor, 133
Nurses, interactions with dissociative disorder Paraphilia, 99
patients, 504, 505 Paroxetine, 512
adverse effects, 557
Oakland/Berkeley firestorm survivors, dissocia- buspirone-induced potentiation of, 555
tive and anxiety symptoms in, 369, as depression therapy, 557
371-377 Passive influence experiences, in children,
"Object (Breakfast in Fur)" (Oppenheim), 530 144, 151
Object cathexis, 43 7-438 Past lives descriptions, 583
Object experiences, 436-437 Pavlov, Ivan, 191
Object permanence, 73 Perceptual alterations
Object representations, 417-418 in accident survivors, 215
Obsession, in therapists, 494 as dissociative disorders symptom, 208
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 358 Perceptual Alterations Scale, 52, 210, 369
arousal and reactivity levels in, 271 Perceptual Attention Scale, 254
depersonalization and derealization associ- Perceptual binding mechanisms, 64
ated with, 294 Peritraumatic Dissociation Experiences Ques-
Dissociation Questionnaire scores in, 32 tionnaire, 210, 212
as dissociative disorder, 5 Perphenazine, 556, 558-559
obsessional fear treatment in, 220 "Persistence of Memory, The" (Dali), 534
638 Personal identity, fugue-related changes in, 325
Postraumatic stress disorder
acute stress disorder as predictor of, 370-
definition, 342-343 371,374,376-377
development, 433 amnesia associated with, 309
childhood trauma-related disruption of, antikindling agent therapy, 549-550
382 childhood abuse-related, 382, 385-385
Personality disorders in children, 147, 148, 150
characterological management in, 488-492 clonazepam therapy, 549
dissociative identity disorder misdiagnosed in combat veterans
as, 233 dissociation associated with, 211-213
Personality states, in dissociative identity disor- hippocampal size in, 312
der, 343 hypnotizability and, 199
Personality traits, definition, 488 measurement scale for, 3683-69
Pharmacological challenge tests, 166-168 in concentration camp survivors, 214-215,
Phenazepam, as depersonalization therapy, 317
298 depersonalization and derealization associ-
Phencyclidine, 175 ated with, 294
Phil bob, 12 diagnosis, 207
Phobias, 218 differentiated from acute stress disorder,
amnesia as defense against, 94 234
attachment as risk factor for, 131 dissociation as predictor of, 216, 339, 370-
conditioning in, 278 371
dissociative identity disorder-related, 358 dissociation associated with, 163
for dissociative states, 30 relationship to childhood sexual abuse,
heart rate in, 219-220 213-214
for traumatic memories, 30 relationship to hypnotizability, 199, 202,
Physical abuse, childhood 212-213
corroboration of, 95-97 Dissociation Questionnaire scores in, 32
of dissociative disorder not otherwise speci- dissociative identity disorder-related, 14-15,
fied patients, 152 358, 359
of dissociative identity disorder patients, dissociative identity disorder similarity,
352 339
of multiple personality disorder patients, 92, dissociative symptomatology of, 368-369
151 emotional processing impairment associated
of psychiatric patients, 381 with, 216-217
relationship to hypnotizability, 197-198 hyperarousal associated with, 386
Physical examination, of dissociative patients, hypnotherapy, 461, 463
96 incidence, 475
Pibloktoq, 12 in natural disaster survivors, 215-216
Picasso, Pablo, 531 neurobiology of, 163-190
Placebo effect, 546 brain stimulation studies, 170-172
Plasticity, 534 cortical disconnectivity, 176-177
Play, sexualized, 149-150 glutaminergic function alterations, 177-
Pleasure-pain, 529 178
Pollock, Jackson, 530 limbic system kindling, 549-550
Pol Pot concentration camp survivors, 214- pharmacological challenge studies, 166-
215 168
Polysomnography, 562 of pharmacologically-facilitated dissocia-
Poriomania, 230-231 tive states, 178
Possession treatment implications, 178-182
demonic, 4, 314, 573 neuroleptic therapy, 549
dissociative identity disorder as, 337-338, pathological fear structure of, 218-220
353 prevalence
lucid, 4 in clinical populations, 383
somnambulistic, 4 in general population, 309
Possession trance, 11-12, 244-246 psychopharmacotherapy for, 180-182
Postraumatic stress disorder (cont.) Psychological testing 639
reexperiencing episodes in, 313 of dissociative disorders patients, 251-267 Index
serontonergic systems in, 175 general psychiatric assessment tests, 252-
in therapists, 494 253
treatment instruments not specific to dissociative dis·
retraumatization associated with, 323 orders, 255-256
traumatic memories in, 220 instruments specific to dissociative disor·
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Scale, ders, 256-263
210 screening tests, 252
Prazepam, dosage ranges, 552 screening tests, self·administered, 253-255
Present State Examination, 252-253 structured, 252
Prince, Morton, 5, 191-192, 227-228, 339 of trauma survivors, 587-588
Process Church, 576 Psychology, paradigm shifts in, 9-10
Programming, of satanic cult members, 575- Psychopharmacotherapy, 545-566
576 for anxiety, 550-556
deprogramming following, 590-591 benefits of, 545
Progressive relaxation, 483 definition, 545
Projective identification, 418 for depersonalization, 297, 298
unresolved attachment·related, 78 for depression, 512-513, 556-562, 559
Promiscuity for dissociative amnesia and fugue, 328
in adolescent sexual·abuse victims, 100 for dissociative identity disorders, 545-566
in children, 149 guidelines, 563-564
Propranolol general considerations in, 546-547
as anxiety therapy, 513, 555, 556 inefficacy of, 164
as dissociative disorder therapy, 549 inpatient, 512-514
as rapid switching therapy, 559 placebo effect, 546
withdrawal protocol for, 551 See also names of specific drugs
Prostate gland, benign hypertrophy of, an· Psychophysiology, of dissociative identity disor·
ticholinergic antidepressant use in, de~ 150, 269-290, 345, 348, 354-
558 355, 533
Protriptyline, as depression therapy, 557 autonomic nervous system measures, 270-
Prozac: see Fluoxetine 279
Psychiatry, paradigm shifts in, 9-10 central nervous system measures, 279-284
Psychic energy, 437-438 Psychoses
Psychoanalysis conscious thoughts in, 436
health insurance reimbursement for, 432 psychophysioogical reactions in, 271
influence on dissociation research, 51 Psychostimulants, 512
Psychodynamic psychotherapy, for dissocia· Psychotherapy
tive disorders, 545-546 for depersonalization, 298-299
for dissociative identity disorder, 413-428 with ritual abuse survivors, 588, 591-592
abreaction in, 420, 423-424 therapeutic relationship in, 588
as acting·out therapy, 415, 419-420 verbal and nonverbal cues in, 526-527
boundary setting in, 421 See also Psychodynamic psychotherapy;
case study, 424-426 Therapists
countertransference management in, Puerto Rico, dissociative identity disorder clini·
423 cal profile in, 9
developmental issues in, 415-419 Pyramidal neurons, 177
goals, 415-421
hypnosis use in, 423 QED: see Questionnaire of Experiences of Dis·
negative symptoms reduction with, 420- sociation
421 Quazepam, dosage ranges, 552
purpose, 413 Questionnaire of Experiences of Dissociation,
single·self model of, 414-415 52, 254-255
technical aspects of, 421-424 correlation with hypnotizability scores, 61, 62
therapeutic neutrality in, 421-422 use with general populations, 54-55, 56
transference management in, 422-423 malingering and, 254
640 Rapid switching, pharmacotherapy for, 559, Ritual abuse, sadistic (cont.)
credibility issues regarding, 577-582
Index 561
Rape as dissociative amnesia cause, 318
gang,28 as false memory, 578-579
by satanic cults, 574, 576-577 hypnosisin,575-576,583-584
Rape victims incidence and prevalence of, 572
dissociation in, 214 as multiple personality cause, 92-93
posttraumatic stress disorder in, 218 survivors as heterogenous population, 582-
Reality 587
dissociative identity disorder patients' per- terminology of, 569-570
ception of, 418-419 treatment issues regarding, 587-592
internal, 529 Ritual abuse survivors, hypnotic images experi-
Recanting, denial as, 491-492 enced by, 467-468
Regression, as abreaction response, 391-392, Rorschach test, 255, 263
394,479 Rumor panic, 509
Regrounding techniques, 451
Relaxation training Sachs, Roberta, 27
deep,453 Sadomasochism
as depersonalization and derealization as memory processing contraindication,
cause,294 492,493
use in memory processing, 483 See also Ritual abuse, sadistic
of pediatric dissociative disorder patients, 155 SAFER model, of abreaction, 389-391
prior to guided reexperience therapy, 180 Safe room technique, 443-444, 455-456
progressive, 483 Safety procedures, for client violence manage-
for traumatic memory recall, 179 ment, 494
REM sleep Satlor Who FeU From Grace with the Sea,
posttraumatic nightmares in, 174 The,596
thalamic activity in, 173-174 Salpetriere, La, 193, 339
Repetition compulsion, 528 Sand tray work
Repression use in inpatient treatment settings, 510
of childhood sexual abuse memories, 318 use in memory processing therapy, 486-
relationship to dissociation, 311-313 487
Research Diagnostic Criteria, 252 Satanic cults, ritual abuse by: see Ritual abuse,
Resolution, definition, 48o sadistic
Response to Childhood Incest Questionnaire, Satanism, 570-572
369 legality of, 571
Restraint Scale of Hypnotic Depth, 192
of pediatric dissociative disorder patients, Scandinavian countries, dissociation disorder
155, 155 research in, 26
of violent patients, 491 Schema,defiitition,406
Retraumatlzation Schema-focused cognitive therapy, 405-410
of childhood amnesia patients, 323 Schema model, of art therapy, 527-529
physiological predictors of, 97 Schizophrenia
spontaneous abreaction-related, 476 alter identities/personalities and, 346-347
Revictimization, of childhood abuse survivors, Bleuler's contribution to, 5-6. 339
389,393 depersonalization and derealization associ-
Review of Psychiatry, 16 ated with, 294, 296, 297
Risk-taking behavior, by childhood abuse sur- Dissociation Questionnaire scores in, 32
vivors, 389 dissociative disorders misdiagnosed as, 15,
Risperidone, as dissociative identity disorder 101,233,252,255.339
therapy, 559, 560, 561 symptoms
Ritual, Christian, use by satanic cult members, dissociative identity disorder-related, 358,
575 359
Ritual abuse, sadistic, 569-594 first-rank, 240-241
allegations of survivors, 572-577 Schizophrenic symptoms, dissociative identity
beliefs and practices in, 573-577 disorder-related, 358, 359
Schizotypal personality disorder, depersonal- Sensory deprivation, as depersonalization and 641
ization and derealization associated derealization cause, 294 Index
with, 294 Sensory perceptual distortion, trauma-related,
Schneiderian symptoms, 240-241 164, 174-175
School failure, by adolescent sexual abuse vic- Sensory stimuli, as traumatic memory "trig-
tims, 100 gers," 477
Schreiber, Flora Rheta, 7-8, 92, 339, 595, 599, Separation anxiety, in dissociative identity dis-
600 order patients, 416
Scopolamine-morphine, use in traumatic mem- Separation Anxiety Test, 128
ory recall, 165 Separation-individuation
Scotland, dissociative identity disorder clinical by adolescents with dissociative disorder,
profile in, 9 149
"Scream, The" (Munch), 530 rapprochment subphase of, 386
Secrecy, in incestuous families, 81 Serotonergic systems, in posttraumatic stress
Sedative antihistamines, 554-555 disorder, 175
Sedative-hypnotics, 512, 513 Serotonin-2 receptors, serotonergic hallucino-
dissociation-inducing effect of, 178 gen-related stimulation, 170
frontal cortex function effect of, 172 Serotonin reuptake inhibitors
traumatic memory retrieval effect of, 182 as depersonalization therapy, 298
Seizures overdose risk, 556-557
antidepressants-related, 557 as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, 181
relationship to dissociative experiences, Sertraline, 512
281-284 adverse effects, 557
Self-abuse: see Self-mutilation buspirone-induced potentiation of, 555
Self-care, by childhood abuse survivors, 389- Sex offenders, dissociative disorders in, 351
390 Sexual abuse, prevalence of, 99
Self-destructive behavior: see Self-injurious be- in women, 356
havior Sexual abuse, childhood
Self-esteem, low, in children, 148 by children, 596
Self-hypnosis criminal cases regarding, 596
by abuse survivors, 587 as dissociative amnesia cause, 318-319
definition, 450 as dissociative disorder not otherwise speci-
by dissociative disorders patients. 194 fled cause, 152
as somatic symptoms cause, 240 as dissociative disorders cause, 6-7, 67, 368-
by dissociative identity disorder patients, 92 369
effect on reality perception, 418-419 in Netherlands, 34, 36-37
as positive symptom, 420 as dissociative identity disorder cause, 339,
hypnosis as, 451-452 352-353
Self-injurious behavior duration, 80
by childhood abuse survivors, 389, 391-392 experienced by psychiatric patients, 381
dissociative identity disorder-related, 23 7- false allegations of, in custody cases, 582
238,348-349,420 Freud's observations of, 99-100
by incest victims, 81 mothers' involvement in, 28
in inpatient settings, 511 as multiple personality cause, 151
Self-mutilation case histories, 92-93
by childhood abuse survivors, 389 patients' self-reports of
chronic versus cyclical, 489 corroboration of, 97
dissociative identity disorder-related, 358 credibility of, 353, 357
memory retrieval and, 478 as recovered memories, 509
motivations for, 489, 589 as sexual fantasies, 101-102
treatment, 588-590 prevalence of, 7
Self-negation, depersonalization-related, 293 relationship to hypnotizability, 197- 198
Self-objectification, depersonalization-related, relationship to later-life sexual trauma re-
293 sponses, 214
Self-sucking behavior, 72 relationship to posttraumatic stress disorder,
Sense of self, cohesiveness of, 417 213-214
642 Sexual abuse, childhood (cont.) Split brain/hemispheric laterality model, of dis-
Index by satanic cults, 572, 576-577 sociative identity disorder, 355
twelve-step programs and, 328 Split mind disorder, 6
types of abuse, 93 Splitting,95,417,418
See also Childhood abuse survivors affective, 74
Sexual abuse survivors unresolved attachment-related, 78
abandonment of "victim" role by, 393 Stanford Acute Stress Reaction Questionnaire,
lack ofattachment to others, 415-416 210,372,373
See also Childhood abuse survivors Stanford Hypnotic Scale for Children, 198
Sexual assaults, by children on children, 149- Stanford Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale, 195-
150 196
Sexual dysfunction, dissociative identity disor- Startle response, in childhood abuse survi-
der-related, 239-240, 358 vors, 386
Shamans,4 State Ucenslng Boards, administrative actions
Shame, of childhood abuse survivors, 392 of, 611-614
Shell shock, 164, 316 State v. Brookes, 606
Sizemore, Chris, 7 State v. Darnell, 606
Sleep Stein, Gertrude, 531
REM Stimulants, as depersonalization therapy, 298,
posttrauamtic nightmares in, 174 299
thalamic activity in, 173-174 Stockholm syndrome, 492
sensory processing alterations in, 173-174 Stress
Sleep apnea, 562-563, 564 as depersonalization cause, 297
Sleep deprivation, as depersonalization and as dissociation cause, 51, 94
derealization cause, 294 correlation with health status, 63-64
Sleep disturbances as dissociative amnesia and· fugue cause,
abreaction-related, 392 315
in childhood abuse survivors, 386 effect on dissociative disorder symptomatol-
dissociative identity disorder-related, 358 ogy,384
psychopharmacotherapy for, 386, 512, 513 Janet's theory of, 51
trauma-related, 216 as sensory distortion cause, 174-175
Slips, 59,60 Structured Clinical Interview for DMS-III-R Dis-
Snapshots technique, 471 sociative Disorders, 12
Social services, for dissociative disorder pa- Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Dis-
tients and their families, 509-501 sociative Disorders, 8, 252, 253, 256-
Socratic method, use in cognitive-behavioral 263,296,301,342
therapy, 403 use with adolescents, 143
Sodium lactate, flashback-inducing effect, 166 amnesia criterion, 14, 232, 319-320
Somatic symptoms, 5, 228-229 clinical applications, 261
amnesia associated with, 390 use with college srudents, 58
correlation with Dissociative Experiences use with combat veterans, 317
Scale scores, 28 correlation with Dissociative Experiences
dissociative identity disorder associated Scale,29,254
with,239,240,358 use for dissociative amnesia evaluation, 319-
traumatic memory manifestation as, 528 320
Somatic therapies, for dissociative amnesia field tests of, 256-257
and fugue, 328-329 format, 257-261
Somatoform Dissociation Questionnaire, 30, use in Netherlands, 29, 30
40-41 use in Norway, 26
Somnambulism, 5 reliability and validity of, 14, 29, 30, 256-
artificial, 314 257
Son of Sam, 576 sample evaluation report for, 261-263
Southwest Mental Health Center, Columbus, Studtes on Hysteria (Breuer and Freud), 5
Ohio, 603-604 Srupor, 12, 370
Spain, dissociation disorder research in, 26 Subject experiences, 436-437
"Speechless terror," 529 Subject representations, 417
Substance abuse Temporal lobe/partial complex seizure/kin- 643
by childhood abuse survivors, 389 dling model, of dissociative identity Index
depersonalization and derealization associ- disorder, 3 55
ated with, 294 Temporal lobe tumors, depersonalization and
dissociative identity disorder-related, 14-15, derealization associated with, 294
240-241,358 Testimony, hypnotically refreshed, 587
Sudafed, as dissociative episode trigger, 548 Tetrahydrocannabinol, dissociative state-induc-
Suicidality ing effect, 169
of adolescent sexual abuse victims, 100 Thalamic networks, in dissociative states, 172-
assessment, 513 176
of children, 147-148 Thalamus, glutaminergic neuronal activity
depersonalization as risk factor for, 296, 299 modulation activity of, 177
of dissociative amnesia and fugue patients, Therapeutic alliance
324 with childhood abuse survivors, 391, 394-
of dissociative identity disorder patients, 395
237-238,348-349,358,360,420 in cognitive-behavioral therapy, 402-403
emotional containment strategies for, 502 See also Therapeutic relationship
as hospitalization indication, 500 Therapeutic neutrality, 421-422
ideomotor signals and, 502 Therapeutic relationship
as memory retrieval indication, 478 communication in, 526-527
as overdose risk, 564 dependencyin,442
Suicide intimacy in, 601
by dissociative amnesia and fugue patients, oftrauma survivors, 588
323 Therapeutic Self, The (Watkins), 442
malignant, as memory processing containdi- Therapists
cation, 493 alienation in, 494
Supernatural/transpersonal model, of dissocia- depression in, 494
tive identity disorder, 3 53 dissociative identity disorder patients' aggres-
Supportive-expressive treatment, 527 sion towards, 608-611
Surrealism, 530 dual relationships of, 598, 601
Switzerland existential crises of, 494
dissociative disorders research in, 26 health insurance reimbursement of, 432
dissociative identity disorder clinical profile obsession in, 494
in, 9 paranoia in, 494
Sybil,598-601 posttraumatic stress disorder in, 494
Sybil (Schreiber), 7-8, 92, 339, 595, 599, 600 "third-ear" ability of, 438-439
Synesthesia, 170 Thioridazine, 556
System maps, 533 Thought insertion, 150-151
System pictures, 533 Thoughts, psychotic, 436
Threat exposure, conditioned response, 30
Tacrine, 181, 182 Three Faces of Eve, The (Thigpen and Cleck-
Tactical integration model, of cognitive-behav- ley), 7-8, 600
ioral therapy, 404 Thyroid medication, 512
Tardive dyskinesia, 513 Time distortion
Television characters, alter identities/ person- in accident victims, 215
alities based on, 357 in dissociative identity disorder patients, 416
Tellegen Absorption Scale, 60 hypnotic management of, 451, 457-458
Temazepam, dosage ranges, 552 Time gaps, 142, 144, 145
Temporal lobe, electrical stimulation of, 171 Time out, for destructive behavior control,
Temporal lobe epilepsy 155, 156
depersonalization and derealization associ- Time regression, in children, 144
ated with, 294, 296, 297 Tornado survivors, dissociation in, 215
as dissociative identity disorder cause, 355 Torture, ritual, 92-93, 572, 574, 577
memory flashbacks and, 170-171 Trance logic, 548
relationship to dissociative experiences, Trance state/autohypnosis model, of dissocia-
171, 281-284 tive identity disorder, 355
644 Trance/trance states, 4, 11-12, 235-236, 245- Trimipramine, 557
"Truth sera," 165
in children and adolescents, 72, 75, 144, Turner, Dorothy, 604
145,150,348 Twelve-step groups, childhood sexual abuse
as defense mechanism, 67, 94 survivors' participation in, 328
definition, 108n. Two-energy theory, 437-438
depth, 460-462
as dissociation component, 52 UFO abductions, 579, 583
as dissociative disorder not otherwise speci- Ultimate Evi~ The (ferry), 576
fied,235,383 Umgetauschte Personlichkeit, 338
disorganized/disoriented attachment and, Unabomber, 603
124, 125, 127, 130, 131-132 Understanding Childhood Abuse and Neglect
ego states during, 453 (National Research Council), 381
in general populations, 56 United Kingdom, dissociation research in, 26
of incest victims, 70 United States v. Davis, 606
in infants, 108-109 Urban legends, satanic ritual abuse as. 579
possession, 11-12, 244-246
in self-abuse. 590 Valium: see Diazepam
Transference Van Gogh, Vincent, 530
with dissociative identity disorder patients, Vasopressin, effect on traumatic memory re-
416,422-423 trieval, 182
in ego state therapy, 442, 446 Venlafaxine, as dissociative identity disorder
flashback, 492 therapy, 559, 560, 561-562
in hypnosis, 453-454 Vietnam War veterans
as memory processing contraindication, amnesia in, 316-317
492-493 posttraumatic stress disorder in
in psychodynamic psychotherapy, 422-423 autobiographical memory retrieval defi-
traumatic, 547 cits, 313
Trauma dissociation associated with, 211-212
amnesia and, 315, 316-320 hypnotizability associated with, 199,
biphasic response to, 385-386 369
definition, 415, 529 pharmacologically-induced flashbacks in,
as depersonalization disorder cause, 296 166
as dissociation cause, 163-164, 370-371 societal acceptance of, 7
as dissociative identity disorder cause, 351- Vimbuza, 12
353 Violence
in general populations, 35-36 as hospitalization indication, 500
as hypnotizability cause, 163-164 by pediatric dissociative disorder patients,
See also Childhood abuse survivors; Physi- 155, 156
cal abuse, childhood; Sexual abuse, towards therapists, 494
childhood by dissociative identity disorder patients,
Trauma survivors, complexity of, 476-478 608-611
Trauma Symptom Checklist-40, 369 during memory processing, 490-491
Traumatization, in childhood, 351-352; see witnessed by children, 92, 152, 155, 156,
also Childhood abuse survivors; Physi- 386
cal abuse, childhood: Sexual abuse, Visual acuity, of alter identities, 275
childhood Visual form, of traumatic memories, 528
Traumatology, 476
Trazodone,512 Waco, Texas, 570
adverse effects, 557 We, the Dtvtded Self (Watkins and Johnson),
overdose risk, 556-557 434
as sleep disturbance therapy, 386 Wechsler Memory Scale, use with combat vet-
Triazolam, dosage ranges, 552 erans, 317
Tricyclic antidepressants, 512 Weight gain, antidepressants-related, 557
overdose risk, 556-557 West, Mae, 534
as posttraumatic stress disorder therapy, 181 Wilbur, Cornelia B., 339, 598-601,604
Withdrawal, as flashback cause, 168
World War II soldiers, amnesia in 323
World War II veterans, amnesia in, 315, 328-
to trauma. dissociation in, 216 328
to violence, children as, 92. 152, 155, 156
Women's movement, 6 Xanax: see Alprazolam
Woodward, joanne, 600
Words, arbitrary meanings of, 531 Yohimbine
World War I soldiers, amnesia in, 323 dissociation-inducing effect, 177, 178
World War I veterans, amnesia in, 316 flashback-inducing effect, 166-167
World War II, amnestic fugue occurrence dur- thalamic bursting effect, 175
ing, 230 use in traumatic memory retrieval, 182