Secretary's Certificate MARINA
Secretary's Certificate MARINA
Secretary's Certificate MARINA
I, GUALBERTO D. DELA CRUZ, Filipino, of legal age, and with office address at No. 250
Yayamanin Lascano St., Brgy. Matandang, Balara, Quezon City, after having been duly sworn to in
accordance with law, hereby certify under oath:
2. As Corporate Secretary, I have custody and access to the corporate records of the
3. In a special meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 14, 2016 at its principal
office of the corporation, where all the members of the Board were duly notified and
where a quorum was present, the following resolution was unanimously adopted and
"RESOLVED, for the Corporation to process and file all MARINA documents
in relation to its vessel operation to MARINA office Region VII;
THIS IS TO FURTHER CERTIFY that the above-quoted resolution has not been amended or
modified and is still valid and subsisting and shall remain valid until and unless expressly revoked.
Doc. No.______:
Page No.______:
Book No._____ :
Series of 2016.