Details of Assessment
Details of Assessment
Details of Assessment
Details of Assessment
Term and Year 4, 2020 Time allowed
Assessment No 1 Assessment Weighting 100%
Assessment Type Employee Relations Strategy Report
Due Date Room Online
Details of Subject
Qualification SIT60316 Advanced Diploma of Hospitality Management
Subject Name Human Resources
Details of Unit(s) of competency
Unit Code (s) and
BSBHRM604 Manage Employee Relations
Details of Student
Student Name
College Student ID
Details of Assessor
Assessor’s Name Labib Sharfudddin
Assessment Outcome
Competent Not Yet Competent Marks / 50
Feedback to Student
Progressive feedback to students, identifying gaps in competency and comments on positive
The purpose of this assessment is to assess the student in the following Competent Not Yet
learning outcomes: (C) Competent
1.1 Ensure employee relations strategy is consistent with organisational strategic
1.2 Develop strategies and policies through the application of a risk
management approach and extensive consultation and participation by relevant
groups and individuals
1.3 Ensure strategy and policies take account of equal opportunity, family/work
relationships and promote the absence of discrimination and/or harassment
1.4 Develop risk management strategies which take account of the withdrawal of
labour and other potential outcomes of disputes
1.5 Identify any potential areas of conflict and ensure strategies and policies take
account of the objectives of relevant groups and individuals
2.1 Negotiate awards, agreements, and contracts which balance organisational
objectives and employee rights and obligations
2.2 Identify and meet all legal and organisational requirements within the
conditions of employment
2.3 Undertake regular and timely consultation and communication with
individuals and relevant groups
2.4 Develop policies and practices to facilitate employee recruitment & retention
2.5 Provide induction programs and training to develop competence and
confidence and to ensure work is performed safely and effectively
2.6 Provide opportunities for employees to understand their role and how it
contributes to the achievement of organisational objectives
2.7 Develop, regularly review and update individual and team development plans
3.1 Establish processes for early intervention to identify and minimise problems
or grievances
3.2 Communicate problem solving processes to, and obtain support from, all
relevant groups and individuals
3.3 Provide training to develop competence in conflict management, negotiation
and dispute resolution
3.4 Obtain specialist advice where appropriate or where formal hearings are
3.5 Ensure processes are fair, equitable and consistent with all relevant awards
agreements and legislation
3.6 Ensure problem solving processes provide for external mediation and
conciliation, and arbitration where appropriate
4.1 Develop plans for the promotion of diversity within the organisation
4.2 Openly promote diversity and its benefits within the organisation
4.3 Develop education & communication plans to promote & encourage diversity
4.4 Develop and implement processes to deal with events which inhibit the
organisation from meeting its diversity objectives
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Competent (C) or Not Yet Competent (NYC). A student
can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under “Purpose of the assessment”
section are recorded as competent. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each
assessment. A student who is assessed as NYC (Not Yet Competent) is eligible for re-assessment.
The Employee Relations (ER) unit of competency has focussed on key issues in employee relations.
In this assessment you are required to review, develop and recommend some components of
employee relations strategy and report it to your manager (who in this case is your trainer). You can
either choose to use your own organisation for this assessment if you are currently working but will
need to ensure that you cover all aspects of the structure and the marking table. If you are not
currently working, use the case organisation to complete this employee relations report.
The organisation in this context is an Australian electricity company named ENERGEX. The company
website is at
During this time ENERGEX have transformed from operating under the Brisbane City Council, the
South East Queensland Electricity Board (SEQEB) and in 1995 as a Government Owned Corporation.
When the company changed its name to ENERGEX in 1997 it signified the entry into the emerging
competitive national energy market. In 2007, the Queensland Government sold the ENERGEX Retail
business to allow for full retail competition. In July 2016, ENERGEX merged with Ergon Energy under
a new parent company Energy Queensland Ltd.
Today, the organisation provides distribution services to almost 1.4 million domestic and business
connections, delivering electricity to a population base of around 3.4 million people. This large
responsibility brings with it the challenge of maintaining sufficient capacity to supply every home and
business on the days when electricity demand is at its maximum, no matter where they are connected
in the network. To meet these expectations, Energex has built a high-performing network that consists
of property, plant and equipment assets worth about $12 billion.
All of this is underpinned by technological innovation and advanced management systems which drive
efficiency, quality and safety. Many of these are nationally or internationally certified or benchmarked
to international standards. A strong commitment to future network management and enhancement
has ultimately contributed to Energex’s 40 per cent improvement in network reliability. Becoming more
resilient and better performing, its network is continuing to provide customers with a safe, efficient,
affordable, sustainable and reliable energy supply.
ENERGEX also places sustainability and corporate responsibility high on its corporate agenda
through contemporary environmental and social practices and community support. ENERGEX has
developed a strong reputation for our network asset management capabilities including specialised
engineering services, metering applications and energy solutions.
To create a positive employee relations climate that supports workforce safety, workforce capability,
staff engagement and a high performance customer service culture.
The purpose of the “Employee Relations Strategy” is to support the ENERGEX Vision and Values by
providing the underlying principles to employee relations within ENERGEX. The Employee Relations
function is an integral component of business operations and must be managed having regard to
corporate priorities and potential risks, costs and impact on customer service.
The ENERGEX Employee Relations Strategy must adopt an integrated management approach to
addressing employee relations issues. This approach should support employee relations options that
encourage supervisors to lead and employees to actively participate and engage in positive,
productive and safe work practices.
The principles of positive leadership, constructive relationships and meaningful consultation are
fundamental to the Employee Relations Strategy. All people management activities within ENERGEX
should align to the four key elements of the Employee Relations Strategy.
They are
The four key elements are explained in more details in ENERGEX website.
The Employment Relations Strategy Report the must follow the structure below that contains 18
tasks. Each task carries 5 marks that equals to 90 marks. Report formatting and referencing
carries the remaining 10 marks.
E M P L O Y M E N T R E L AT I O N S ( E R ) S T R AT E G Y R E P O R T
Existing “Employee relations strategy Statements” and develop TWO new strategy
Existing “Recruitment and Selection strategy” and develop TWO new strategies
Existing “Employee Benefits of the organisation” and develop TWO new strategies
Existing “Employee Safety and well being” and develop TWO new practices
Existing “Performance development and training Strategy” and develop TWO new
development and training strategies
Identify TWO “existing conflict and negotiation situation” and solutions to both situations
Existing of diversity policy and develop TWO new policy points of diversity
Existing “work-life balance practices” and develop TWO new practices for the company
Develop an “Induction Program” for new employee on-boarding for the company
Existing “external party mediations and arbitrations” and develop TWO new ideas for
arbitrations for the company using the existing legislation
Existing “Termination and disciplinary process” and develop two new ideas for fair
disciplinary and dismissal decision making
You are required to update and adjust the page numbers and topics based on the amount of their content and
the responses made to each task. Actual tasks follow after this page. Use a heading/title for each of the elements
of table in your report.
This section should provide information on company background, description, stakeholders and
current vision and mission statements.
Description: Apart from its background, the company has a lot of expertise in terms of electricity
market. The electricity distribution of the company runs from the northern border of New South Wales
to Gympie and west to the base of the Great Dividing Range. The world class energy expertise along
with products and services, make the company one of the best in the segment. Discussing about the
current scenario of the company, the organization has a vast network of distribution to around 1.4
million business and domestic houses. However, with this amount of network, comes both risks and
opportunities. To withstand this amount of distribution, the company has invested heavily in high
performing network with property, plant and equipment. The company has said to have spent around
$12 billion.
Stakeholder: The stakeholder of the company consist of a lot of different entities. The stakeholders of
the company are all the distribution networks, home, and businesses. Similarly, the government, state
government and shareholders are also the stakeholders of the company. Finally, the employees are
also one of the most important stakeholders of the ENERGEX.
Current vision and mission statements: The current vision and the mission statement of the
company is to set an excellent customer service in terms of delivering the energy needs. Similarly, the
organization also wants to focus on the technological aspect and innovation of the company. The
improvement in the innovation and management system will help the organization to grow even more.
The company is also setting up its goal in terms of sustainability. The organization has already been
part of a lot of international and national standards but is striving to be more sustainable. The
company is 40% reliable according to the recent data but improving on it is a challenge which the
company is facing. They want to improve on this number. Becoming a better performing and resilient
network is what the company is looking for apart from introducing a newly prepared employment
relation strategy.
This section should objectives for employee relations. In other words, the section should explain why
the organisation needs to have a detailed employee relations strategy.
The organizational objectives set by the company for employee relations are as follows:
The organization needs to have a detailed employee relations strategy because the main purpose
of it is to support the vision and the values of the organization. Supporting the vision and values of
the organization helps the firm in number of ways. First and foremost, it aligns the company with
the strategic direction. This increases productivity and efficiency within the organization because it
sets a clear path for everyone. Secondly, the employee relations strategy will help the company in
terms of compliance with the government or state laws. Similarly, the alignment with strategic
direction also helps the company to focus on business outcomes. Finally, the workplace
relationships will improve in the organization which will aid the company in terms of increasing its
reliability and enhancing the environment of the work. Similarly, it will also assist the company in
regards to its productivity.
This section should brief on the existing “employee relations strategy statements” that the ENRGEX
currently have in place and you are also required to develop two new strategies for the company.
Existing: The existing employee relations strategy consists of various statements. The company
has provided the purpose of the strategy and has determined several fundamental principles
regarding the employee relations strategy. Having said that, The four key elements set by the
company are related to alignment with strategic direction, governance and compliance, increased
focus on business outcomes and Constructive workplace relationships. All of these are the
statements provided by the ENERGEX.
New Strategy 1: The first strategy developed by me in terms of the employee relations strategy is
under the constructive workplace relationship. Since, the workers are under the stress of work
throughout the year, it is important for an organization to have a mental wellness program. With the
inclusion of this section in the organization, the workers will have access to mental health
professional. This can improve the employee’s mental health and also enhance the productivity of
the workers.
New Strategy 2: The second strategy developed by me in terms of the employee relations strategy
is under the focused business outcomes. The strategy developed by the organization covers
majority of the point but lacks in several areas. The organization should enhance its reliability of
distribution networks. The company only has around 40% reliability in terms of its distribution
network. This may pose a huge problem for the company as the competitors become better. So,
the enhancement in the quality of distribution and reliability should be thought well by the
This section should brief on the existing “recruitment and selection strategy” that the ENRGEX
currently have in place and you are also required to develop two new strategies for the company.
Existing: The company has a competitive recruitment and selection strategy and process in place.
The candidates are selected or recruited based on written application, reference checks and
interviews. The written application contains all the necessary information about the potential
employee along with his/her aspirations for the future and so on. Secondly, the reference checks
are done to check the authenticity of the candidate’s previous work experience. Thirdly, interviews
are taken with the potential employee. After getting selected through these process, the employee
is then selected by the organization.
New Strategy 1: The first thing that I would propose the organization is to introduce another
process to the recruitment process. First and foremost, I think we should introduce a practical
session for the potential employees. This is only for those who will be in a practical or technical
areas. Instead of teaching everything and letting the employees figure out in some time, I think this
will be better for the company. If the potential employees already know it or have the slightest of
ideas about how it functions, this will be good for the organization and it can save a lot of time for
the supervisors.
New Strategy 2: The second thing that I would recommend or develop is to introduce an online test
which will comprise of various type of aptitude questions along with the questions relevant to the
organizational process. This will be a new way of recruitment and selection process but it will be
better in terms of time management and evaluation. The machine evaluation can show us various
different parameters which cannot be shown by a human. Different underlying variables and stats
can be measured using machines.
This section should brief on the existing “employee benefits” that the ENRGEX currently have in place
and you are also required to develop two new strategies for the company.
Existing: There are various employee benefits while working in the company. Some of the
employee benefits are diversity, positive work environment, safety first environment, healthy work
life balance, professional development and positive employee relation.
New Strategy 1: The first strategy I have developed is around mental health assistance. The work
life balance of the organization is good but the pressure is inevitable while working for an
organization like ENERGEX. Since, the workers are under the stress of work throughout the year, it
is important for an organization to have a mental wellness program. With the inclusion of this
section in the organization, the workers will have access to mental health professional. This can
improve the employee’s mental health and also enhance the productivity of the workers.
New Strategy 2: The second strategy that I have developed is to introduce a health insurance
benefits. The inclusion of health insurance benefits can help the employees to work without an
ounce of responsibility over their shoulder in terms of both their and the family’s health. All the big
name American companies have this policy. This can provide an incentive boost for the workers.
This section should brief on the existing “Employee safety and wellbeing” practices that the ENRGEX
currently have in place and you are also required to develop two new practices for the company.
Existing: The organization has put in place a lot of strategy to ensure safety and well-being of the
employee. The company has a catchphrase “Take care, stay line aware”. It is important to be
mindful of the safety when you are working around the presence of an electricity. The organization
has published a set of guidelines for the workers to follow during the process of work in difference
conditions. The company has installed various shock-proof machines in the organization in order to
keep everyone safe from the bas side of the electricity. Finally, the protective gears are provided by
the organization and the workers should strictly use it during the working hours.
New Practice 1: The first practice that I have develop is to organize a monthly session on safety
instructions. The organization briefs and trains all the employees about the protective measures
and safety instructions. However, the provision of monthly session on safety will help the
employees to refresh their knowledge of safety and well-being in the organization. Similarly,
showing them footage of how people survived due to protective measures will also promote good
measures within the organization.
New Practice 2: The second practice that I have developed in relation to the employee safety and
wellbeing is the introduction of a technician every week to ensure that the system is functioning
correctly. The company has made a lot of efforts in ensuring safety in the workplace. The company
is compliant with the OSHA’S five workplace hazard principle and how to minimize it. However, the
regular supervision of the plants and machineries in the organization will help in terms of safety and
well-being of all the people associated with the company.
This section should brief on the existing “performance development and training strategy” that the
ENRGEX currently have in place and you are also required to develop two new strategies for the
Existing: The performance development and training strategy of ENERGEX is one of the best in the
sector. The performance development sessions of the company ticks majority of the boxes. The
company’s ability to design a professional development plan for every individual working in the
company is great. However, just like everything, there are certain areas where the company lacks. I
have designed two set of strategies that can fill the gap left by the current performance
development and training strategy.
New Strategy 1: The first and foremost strategy developed by me under performance development
and training strategy is the introduction of application which trains your mind. These applications
are prevalent nowadays and it possesses a lot of benefits for an individual. The working process of
these application is by using games and other interactive activities to sharpen or tune your brain.
This has a lot of benefits and can improve the functioning of the brain. This can enhance the
productivity of the employee. Similarly, this can also serve as an escape for the employees in their
monotonous work life.
New Strategy 2: The second strategy developed by me under the performance development and
training strategy is the introduction of hard skills. We all know that the organizations nowadays are
run everything through software and the use of soft skills are necessary. However, at an
organization like ENERGEX, it is important for them to use hard skills too. The incorporation of hard
skills along with soft skills will help the employees to be even better at what they do and will save
their time in a lot of ways.
In this section you are required to identify two existing risks of employee relations (ER) that
ENERGEX have, analyse them and develop two new employment related “risk management
strategies” using the risk analysis matrix template below using the two guides provided after the
The two ER risks of employee relations that the company have are as follows:
1) Workers making a union and starting protest for various demands and as a result closing all the
factory and business operations.
2) Serious accident due to the poor handling of plants in the factory settings, resulting in factory
damage or injuries to workers.
Catastrophic (5) 1 2
Major (4)
Moderate (3)
Minor (2)
Insignificant (1)
1. The first risk management strategy for the aforementioned risk is to have a direct line of
communication between the organization and the union. Meeting between the organizations’ Human
resource manager and the president of the union can sort out the differences and should be done in
regular interval. The face to face meeting will help both the parties to put forward their thoughts and
resolve the situation as soon as possible. Therefore, it is important to have a clear line of
communication between the union and the company.
2. The second risk management strategy for the risk faced by the company can be solved using the
strategy developed by me. Since, ENERGEX is a big company with a lot of workers, there is always a
chance of going something wrong during the work. In order to minimize it, supervisors should be kept
at sight for viewing the work of the employees. A simple mistake in handling some highly equipped
plants may result in serious issue. So, the power plants and their handling should be supervised
seriously during and outside the working hour.
Then an appropriate
If the consequences would
consequence rating is
Threaten the survival of not only the program but also the agency,
possibly causing major problems for Clients and for a large part of Catastrophic
the Australian Public Service
Threaten the survival or continued effective function of the
program or project and require top level management or Major
ministerial intervention
Not threaten the program but would mean that the program could
be subject to significant review or changed ways of operating
Threaten the efficiency or effectiveness of some aspect of the
program but would be dealt with internally
Negligible impact on the program or the reputation of the agency Insignificant
Collective Current: The current scenario of the collective employment agreement is not
Employment that used in the organization. The organization prefers to deal among
Agreements individuals in a fair way. However, the collective employment agreements have
not been used very much in the ENERGEX.
Proposed: The collective employment agreement can help the company in
some ways however, the lack in use of it has made it a difficult subject to
reintroduce. So, I would like to not propose anything for this subject matter.
Individual Current: The individual arrangements can referred to as the way of changing
Agreements certain clauses in the contract to make it in the favour of an employee. This is a
great way for an employee to manage their work balance.
Proposed: In terms of the individual agreements, the company has been good
and flexible to the employees. However, there have been instances where the
employees have used the benefits in rather unethical way. So, moving forward
I would like to introduce a 1 way policy. In this policy, an employee can only
make one change to the contract throughout the year. This will enable the
organization to deal with the changes along with making the agreement rigid.
Modern Awards Current: Modern awards are known as a legal documents which outline the
minimum pay rates and conditions of employment. The base pay of the
company ranges more than the average salaries. The salaries can differ from
position. The working hours of the company are 8 hours and has a great work
life balance.
Proposed: I would like to propose a 30 mins additional break for the
employees. The workers are only provided 30 minutes for eating and that is
about it. So, providing them additional 30 minutes break whenever they want
between the shifts will help them reenergize and function in a significantly
better way.
In this section you are required to research and highlight on two “existing conflict and negotiation
situations” (such as employee grievances, collective bargaining, pay issues, etc) that ENERGEX may
have. You may need to do research on Internet, newspapers, and industry magazines for this task.
Provide solutions and intervention methods to both situations using a communications process that
you will prepare. You must also consider employee concerns in the communication process. The last
part in this task includes a formal email to employees and union groups to obtain their support in this
communication process.
ER Problem 1:
ER Problem 2:
Formal Email to obtain support from employees, union groups and specialists:
<Organisation name>
Subject: Requesting feedback and support for Employee Relations Strategy
To: All Union Members, Individually contracted employees and ER Specialists
Dear Employees, Teams and ER Specialists,
Based on the conflict and negotiation situations identified and the communication process that you
created earlier, create an internal advertisement poster for all employees and management
This section should list some of the existing “diversity practices” that the ENRGEX currently have in
place and you are also required to develop two new “diversity practices” for the company. Also create
an internal poster advertisement for employee awareness.
Based on the diversity practices suggested earlier you are required to communicate those practices to
ENERGEX employees. In this task you are required to create an internal advertisement poster for
“creating awareness for promoting diversity” to all employees and management
This section should list some of the existing “work-life balance practices” that the ENRGEX currently
have in place and you are also required to develop two new practices for the company.
In this section you are required to develop an induction program for new employee on-boarding within
the organisation. Your induction program should list the employee induction activities in a sequence.
Add more rows to include more points.
In this section you are required to develop an “individual development plan” and a “team development
plan” for employees of the company. You are not supposed to copy paste a template here but to
prepare a process for individual and team development plan. You will need to sequence the points for
both the development plans.
This section should list some of the existing “external party mediations and arbitrations” that the
ENRGEX currently may have in place and you are also required to propose two new “ideas for
arbitrations” for the company.
This section should list some of the existing “termination and disciplinary process” that the ENRGEX
currently may have in place and you are also required to propose two new ideas (one for each) on
“termination and disciplinary process” for the company. Your proposed ideas must align with the
relevant Award, Agreements and the “FAIRWORK Act 2009”.