7 12 C
7 12 C
7 12 C
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16. The following rate data were obtained at 300K for the reaction 2A + B == C = D
Expt. No [A] mol L-1 [B] mol L-1 Rate of formation of D
mol L-1min-1
1 0.1 0.1 7.5 X 10-3
2 0.3 0.2 9.0 X 10-2
3 0.3 0.4 3.6 X 10-1
4 0.4 0.1 3.0X10-2
-1 -1
Calculate the rate of formation of D when [A] is 0.8 mol L and [B] is 0.5 mol L .
17. Calculate the equilibrium constant for the following reaction at 298 K and1 atm. Pressure:
NO(g) + ½ O2(g) ↔ NO2(g)
Given ∆fHo at 298 K for: NO(g) = 90.4 KJ mol-1
NO2(g) = 33.8 KJ mol-1
∆S at 298 K for the reaction = -70.8 JK-1mol-1
19. a) Explain why phenol is more acidic than ethanol and also explain whether
p-nitro phenol is should be more or less acidic than phenol.
b) Distinguish using a chemical test.
i) phenol and benzoic acid ii) ethanal and propanal 3
20. a) Draw the structure of ferrocene
b) Using Valence Bond theory explain the geometry and magnetic behaviour of pentacarbonyliron(0)
21. a) State the principle of neutron activation analysis.
b) Give two examples of isotopes which are useful in the field of medicines.
c) How many α and β particles will be emitted when 92Th232 decays into
82Pb ? 3
22. a Explain the following observations:
i) N2 has higher bond order than NO
ii) All P-Cl bonds in PCl5 are not equivalent.
iii) Silicon is partly conducting where as Carbon is non-conducting. 3
23. Assign reason for the each of the following:
i) Ce3+ can easily be oxidized to Ce4+
ii) Eo value of Mn3+/Mn2+ couple is more positive than for Fe3+/Fe2+
iii) The transition metals for interstitial compounds. 3
24. Describe the following and give an example for each one of them:
i) Hybrid propellants ii) Preservatives iii) Vat dyes.
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Name the principal ores of lead and tin and describe in brief how these metals are extracted from their
respective ores.
27.a) For the electrode Pt,H2( 1 atm)/H+(aq)(xM), the reduction potential is -0.34V. Write the electrode
reaction and calculate the value of x. How will you deduce the pH of the solution from the result?
b) How many coloums are required for the following?
i) 1 mole of Al3+ + 3e ======= Al
ii) 1 mole of Zn2+ + 2e ====== Zn
iii) 1 mole of MnO4- ==========: Mn
a) The half reactions are
i) Fe3+ + 3e === Fe2+ Eo = 0.76V
ii) Ag+ + e == Ag Eo = 0.80V
Calculate Eo cell and ∆Go for the reaction.
Ag+ + Fe2+ ===== Fe3+ + Ag ( F = 96500 C mol-1)
b) A copper rod is dipped in 0.01M solution of Copper sulphate. The salt is 90% is dissociated at this
dilution at 298K. Calculate the electrode potential.
Given that Eo Zn2+/ Zn = -0.76
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