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Artificial Intelligence HCIAv2.0 Question Bank

Update date: 2020-6-23 Update content: Correct some wrong questions, the question bank score range
is 800-900

The question bank is expected to expire on October 1, 2020, please note

Q1. Which school does neural network research belong to?

A. Symbolism

B. Connectionism

C. Behaviorism

D. None of the above

Answer: B

Q2. Smart speakers are one of the typical application scenarios for voice processing.



Answer: A

Q3. What are the main technical applications of artificial intelligence?

A. Control system

B. Speech recognition

C. Computer Vision

D. Natural language processing

Answer: BCD

Q4. Which of the following is not a ModelArts development type?

A. Zero-based modeling

B. Agile development

C. Quick modeling

D. Standard model development

Answer: B

Q5. Which of the following are ModelArts development models?

A. Custom development

B. Iterative learning

C. Data annotation

D. Automatic learning

Answer: ACD

Q6. Which of the following engines cannot be provided by HUAWEI HiAI Engine?

A. NLU engine

B. CV engine

C. ASR engine

D. DSP engine
Answer: D

Q7. When HiAI Foundation offline model calculation, the offline model is loaded from the file, and the
user’s input

Data (such as pictures) is copied and calculated on HiAI's NPU. When calculating, each inference only

Need to import and export user data from DDR to NPU once.



Answer: A

Q8. HiAI Foundation does not support sparse model acceleration.



Answer: B

Q9. Which of the following features does Python have?

A. Object-oriented

B. Open source

C. Simple

D. Explanatory




c = a if a>b else 0

What is the value of c?





Answer: B

Q11. Which of the following can generate a dictionary?



C.{[1, 2,3]:"a"}


Answer: D

Q12. Which of the following output results are wrong?

A.sorted([(‘b’ ,2),(‘a’ ,1),(‘c’,3),(‘d’,4)], key=lambda x:x[1])

Output result: [( a’,1), (3),(‘d’,4)]

B.print (*filter (lambda x: x%2==1, [1, 2, 3]))

Output result: 1 3
C.print (map(lambda x:xx, [1,2,3]))

Output result: 1 4 9

D.print (*zip([1,2,3],["b"], ["A", "B","C"]))‘C’)

Output result: (1,’a’,""A";,"(2,b,‘B’)

Answer: AD

Q13. What is the result of 5/2 in Python3?





Answer: C

The data in Q14.json format is a dictionary in Python.



Answer: B

Q15. Which of the following fields can Python be used in?

A. Website development

B. Artificial Intelligence

D. Data Science


Q16. Which of the following identifiers are named incorrectly?





Answer: AD

Q17. Concurrency refers to the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks, and concurrent operations can
be completed by using multiple processes in Python.



Answer: A

Q18. What are the following steps for Python3 operation MySQL database?

A. Establish a database connection

B. Execute SQL statement

C. Install PyMysq1

D. Close the database connection

Answer: CABD

Q19. Which of the following options describes the relationship between the Poisson distribution and the
binomial distribution correctly?

A. Poisson distribution can replace binomial distribution

B. Poisson distribution is an approximate calculation of binomial distribution when n is large and p is


C. The mathematical models of Poisson distribution and binomial distribution are both Lagrangian

D. Poisson distribution has no relationship with binomial distribution

Answer: B

Q20. Which of the following options describes the numerical characteristics of random variables

A. The greater the expectation, the smaller the variance.

B. Variance reflects the degree of deviation between random variables and their mathematical

C. Expectation reflects the average level of random variables.

D. The correlation coefficient is used to measure the linear relationship between two variables.

Answer: BCD

Q21. The first-order tensor is a scalar.


Answer: A

Q22. Which of the following descriptions of the distribution function, distribution law, and density
function of random variables are incorrect?

A. Discrete random variables have no distribution function

B. The density function can only describe the value law of continuous random variables

C. The distribution function describes the value law of random variables

D. Distribution law can only describe the value law of discrete random variables

Answer: A

Q23. Regarding matrix decomposition, which of the following descriptions is correct?

A. Only square matrices can perform singular value decomposition.

B. Carry out singular value decomposition on matrix A, the left singular matrix and right singular matrix
are both orthogonal matrices.

C. After a matrix is multiplied by its eigenvector, the vector only undergoes scaling transformation.

D. The larger the singular value, the greater the amount of information contained in the corresponding
singular vector.

Answer: BD

Q24. Perform singular value decomposition on a matrix. The singular value matrix must be a square
matrix and the singular values are larger

Arrange in order of smallest.


Answer: B

Q25. After multiplying a vector by an orthogonal matrix. The matrix only produces expansion and
contraction effects on the vector, without rotation and

Space mapping function.



Answer: B

Q26. The direction of the gradient is the direction of the maximum directional derivative.



Answer: A

Q27. Which of the following statements about tensors are correct?

A. Tensors of order 4 and above, like vectors of 4 dimensions and above, have no direct geometric

B. Array is a tensor

C. The operation and model optimization process in TensorF1ow are all based on tensors

D. A matrix is a second-order tensor

Answer: DABC

Q28. What services does TensorFlow 2.0 support?


B. TensorFlow2.0 core library

C. JavaScript



Q29. What kind of network layer is the pooling layer generally connected to?

A. Input layer

B. Output layer

C. Convolutional layer

D. Fully connected layer

Answer: C

Q30.TensorF1ow is one of the most popular deep learning frameworks.



Answer: A

Q31. In TensorFlow 2.0, gather is used to increase the dimension.


Answer: B

What are the built-in loss functions under Q32.tf.keras.losses?

A. Absolute percentage error

B. Similarity

C. Binary cross entropy loss

D. Error squared loss

Answer: ACD

Q33.TensorFlow is an end-to-end open source platform for machine learning and deep learning.



Answer: A

Q34. In Keras, model.summary() is a method used to print the network overview.



Answer: A

Q35. What is the role of tf.keras.preprocessing?

A.keras model deployment tool

B.keras data processing tool

C. Keras generative model tool

D.keras built-in optimizer

Answer: B

Q36. The fully connected layer is generally located in the middle of the entire network to reduce the
amount of parameters.



Answer: B

Q37.tf.keras.datasets can view the built-in data sets in keras.



Answer: B

Q38. Unbiased estimation in point estimation means that the mathematical expectation of the sampling
distribution of the estimator is equal to the true value of the overall parameter.



Answer: A
Q39. Which of the following options are the basis for the decision tree to divide nodes?


B. Gini coefficient

C. Information Entropy


Answer: ABCD

Q40. The naive Bayes algorithm does not require independent and identical distribution among sample



Answer: B

Q41. The higher the validity of the point estimate, the higher the degree of dispersion of the estimator.



Answer: B

Q42. What are the common clustering algorithms?


B. Spectral clustering

C. Density clustering

D. Hierarchical clustering
Answer: A

Q43. Which of the following activation functions are prone to vanishing gradient problems?


B. Tanh


D. Sigmoid

Answer: BCD

Q44. Which of the following descriptions about the convolutional neural network pooling layer is

A. The pooled feature image becomes smaller

B. Pooling operation is realized by scanning window

C. The pooling layer can play a role in dimensionality reduction

D. Commonly used pooling methods include maximum pooling and average pooling

Answer: ABCD

Q45. What are the strategies to avoid overfitting in model training?

A. Stop training early


C. Delay to stop training

D. L2, L1 regular
Answer: ABCD

Q46. Can the perceptron be displayed in space?

A. Point

B. Line

C. Plane

D. Hyperplane

Answer: A

Q47. What is the mini-batch in mini-batch gradient descent?

A. Part of the error is extracted from the error for each parameter iteration

B. Extract a part of the hyperparameters for training at each parameter iteration

C. Extract a part of the feature for training at each parameter iteration

D. At each parameter iteration, a part of the data set is extracted for training

Answer: D

Q48. Which of the following structures belong to LSTM?

A. Input gate

B. Forgotten Door

C. Memory gate

D. Output gate
Answer: ABD

Q49. In the process of deep learning model training, what are the common optimizers?

A. Momenturm

B. Adagrad


D. Adam

Answer: ABCD

Q50. Which of the following statements about L1 regularization and L2 regularization are correct?

A. L2 regularization produces a sparser model than L1 regularization

B. L1 regular term is conducive to enhancing the generalization ability of the model

C. After adding the L2 regular term, the gradient descent algorithm cannot be used to iterate the
parameter values

D. L1, L2 regular terms cannot be applied to the loss function.

Answer: B

Q51. The Softmax function is often used as the output layer of multi-classification tasks.



Answer: A
Q52. The training method used by the recurrent neural network is called back-propagation, or BPTT for



Answer: A

Q53. Regarding backpropagation, is the following statement wrong?

A. Backpropagation will go through the activation function

B. Backpropagation can only be used in feedforward neural networks

C. Backpropagation can be combined with gradient descent algorithm to update network weights

D. Back propagation refers to the back propagation of errors through the network

Answer: B

Q54. What is wrong about the following statement about convolutional neural networks?

A. Common pooling layers include maximum pooling and average pooling.

B. The convolution kernel cannot be used to extract global features of the picture.

C. When processing the image, the image is convolved by scanning the window.

D. Convolutional neural networks can include convolutional layers, pooling layers and fully connected

Answer: B

Q55. All convolution kernels of the same convolution layer in the convolutional neural network are


Answer: A

Q56. Which of the following applications are not part of the adversarial generation network?

A. Text generation

B. Data enhancement

C. Image generation

D. Image recognition

Answer: D

Q57. Recurrent neural network can capture dynamic information in serialized data.



Answer: A

Q58. What are the elements of artificial intelligence?

A. Algorithm

B. Data

C. Scene

D. Computing power
Answer: ABCD

Q59. The current stage of artificial intelligence is still in the stage of weak artificial intelligence.



Answer: A

Q60. Jobs that are highly repetitive and require weak social skills are the jobs most easily replaced by AI.



Answer: A

Q61. Which of the following platforms does HiAI Service include?

A. Quick service smart platform

B. Xiaoyi Dialogue Development Platform

C. IOS application development platform

D. Android application development

Answer: ABD

Q63. Which of the following statements about iterators and generators are correct?

A. Only the _iter_ method is implemented in the iterator object

B. yield is the same as return

C. List is an iterator
D. The generator will save the current state

Answer: CD

Q64. Which of the following fields can Python be used in?

A. Artificial Intelligence


C. Website development

D. Data Science

Answer: ABCD

Q65.Python supports coexistence of multiple versions.



Answer: A

Q66. Which is correct about Python?

A. Exceptions in Python can only be thrown by the system

B. Use the try statement to catch exceptions

C. Users can customize exceptions

D. Abnormal will not terminate the execution of the program

Q67. Which of the following expressions can match 110 in "My phone number is 110, please find me"?

A.re.match("\d+", str1)

B.re.search("\d+", strl)

C.re.split("\d+", str1)

D.re.match("[0-9]+", str1)

Answer: B

Q68. Is the statement about *args in function parameters correct?

A. *args receives parameters in the form of a dictionary

B.*args can be defined before other parameters of the function

C.*args must appear at the end of all parameters

D.*args can receive multiple parameters

Answer: CD

Q69. Methods that start with a double underscore in Python classes may be private methods.



Answer: A

Q70. Which statement is correct?

A. If the function has a prescription guide number at a certain point, its directional derivative is unique.
B. The extreme point of the function must be a stationary point

C. The stagnation point of the function must be the extreme point

D. If the function has a gradient at a certain point, its gradient is unique.

Answer: AD

Q71. The covariance matrix is a symmetric matrix, and the elements on the diagonal are the covariances
that change randomly.



Answer: A

Q72. What is wrong about the description of the normal distribution?

A. The larger the standard deviation, the steeper the normal distribution curve.

B. A random variable t that obeys the standard normal distribution, its mean and variance are both 0.

C. The normal distribution takes the maximum value at the mean.

D. The larger the standard deviation, the slower the normal distribution curve.

Answer: A

Q73. Optimization problems can be divided into the following categories according to the constraints?

A. Unconstrained problem

B. Equality constraint problem

C. Inequality constraint problem

D. Semi-constrained problem

Q74. A matrix corresponds to a linear transformation, which is realized by matrix multiplication.



Answer: A

Q75. The probability of occurrence of a solution with a known cause is usually called conditional
probability or prior probability.



Answer: A

Q76. What is the built-in optimizer in keras?


B. Adaboost

C. Adadelta

D. Adam

Answer: ACD

Q77. The following are activation functions

A. Adam

C. Relu


Answer: BCD

Q78. model. sumnary in Keras (the method used to print the network overview)



Answer: A

Q79. Which of the following options are not supported by TensorFlow 2.0?





Answer: C

Q80. When creating a network layer, what is the main purpose of adding a dropout layer?

A. Prevent overfitting

B. Extract image features

C. Act as a classifier

D. Increase nonlinearity
Answer: A

Q81. TensorFlow has released versions






Q82. For the products of an automobile company, factory A accounts for 40%, factory B accounts for
60%, the defective product rate of A is 1%, and the defective product of B

The rate is 2%. Now a car is a defective product. What is the probability that A will be produced?





Answer: A

Q83. The Naive Bayes algorithm does not require independent and identical distribution among sample


Answer: B

Q84. Which of the following options is not an evaluation indicator for parameter estimation?

A. Consistency

B. Unbiased

C. Adaptive

D. Effectiveness

Answer: C

Q85. Which of the following are machine learning algorithms?

A. Supervised learning

B. Unsupervised learning

C. Reinforcement learning

D. Semi-supervised learning

Answer: ABCD

Q86. The higher the validity of the point estimation, the higher the degree of dispersion of the
estimated t.



Answer: B
Q87. What is wrong about the following statement about recurrent neural network?

A. Recurrent neural network can be abbreviated as RNN

B. LSTM cannot solve the problem of vanishing gradient

C.LSTM is also a recurrent neural network

D. Recurrent neural network can be expanded according to the time axis

Answer: B

Q88. Which of the following are the activation functions of deep learning algorithms?



C. Tanh

D. Sigmoid

Answer: ACD

Q89. Which of the following steps in deep learning are automatically completed by the model?

A. Model training

B. Feature selection

C. Analysis and positioning tasks

D. Feature extraction

Answer: AD
Q90. Which statement is wrong about the adversarial generative network?

A. The discriminant model needs to input labeled real samples

B. Adversarial generative network includes generative model and discriminant model

C. The adversarial generation network cannot be used to generate new pictures

D. The input to the generated model can be random numbers

Answer: C

Q91. Which of the following activation functions can solve the vanishing gradient problem well?

A. Relu

B. Tanh

C. Softsign

D. Sigmoid

Answer: A

Q92. In which of the following fields is deep learning widely used?

A. Decision-making assistance

B. Voice processing

C. Natural language processing

D. Image processing

Answer: ABCD

Q93. Which statement about the optimizer is correct?

A. Adagrad optimizer learning rate is not updated automatically.

B. The common feature of SGD, MBGD and momentum optimizer is that each iteration is updated with
the same learning rate

C. There is no connection between the Adam optimizer and the Adagrad optimizer.

D. The learning rate of the momentum optimizer does not need to be manually set

Answer: B

Q94. In the adversarial generative network, where should the labeled data be placed?

A. As the input value of the generative model

B. As the input value of the discriminant model

C. As the output value of the discriminant model

D. As the output value of the generative model

Answer: C

Q95. In what year was "artificial intelligence" first proposed?





Answer: A

Q96. In a neural network based on connectionism, each node can express a specific meaning.


Answer: A

Q97. Which school does neural network research belong to?

A. Symbolism

B. Connectionism

C. Behaviorism

D. None of the above

Answer: B

Q98. Which of the following is not an application of image recognition service?

A. Smart photo album

B. Scene analysis

C. Target detection

D. Speech synthesis

Answer: D

Q99. Which of the following is not the core of odelArt s?

A. Cloud

B. End


D. Side
Answer: C

Q100. Which of the following functions does the data management module of modelArts include?

A. Data version management

B. Upload data

C. Create a data set

D. Annotate data

Answer: ABCD

Q101. The sys module is responsible for the interaction between the program and the operating system,
and provides an interface for accessing the bottom layer of the operating system.



Answer: B

Q102. How to get the help information of the function?





Answer: B
Q103. Methods that start with double underscores in Python classes may be private methods.



Answer: A

Q104. What variables can only act on the current function?

A. Local variables

B. Anything

C. Global variables

D. Module variables

Answer: A

Q105. Which statement about the data structure in Python is correct?

A. float is an immutable data type.

B. Any tuple can be defined using ().

C. Neither sets nor dictionaries can use subscripts to get elements.

D. The strings defined using single, double and triple quotation marks are exactly the same.

Answer: BD

Q106. The role of the decorator is to add new functions to the function without changing any of the
function's properties.


Answer: A

Q107. Which of the following statements about tensors is correct?

A. A matrix is a second-order tensor

B. Array is a tensor

C. Tensors of order 4 and above, like vectors of 4 dimensions and above, have no direct geometric

D. The operations and model optimization processes in TensorFlow are all based on tensors

Answer: ABD

Q108. The determinant of square matrix A is a scalar.



Answer: A

Q109. When a function is at a certain point in the variable space, which direction has the greatest rate of

A. Minimum directional derivative

B. Derivative

C. Gradient

D. Directional derivative
Answer: C

Q110. What is the way to view tensor dimensions in TensorFlow 2.0?





Answer: B

Q111. The mechanism of graphs and sessions is eliminated in TensorFlow 2.0



Answer: A

Q112. Which of the following attributes does TensorFlow 2.0 do not support creating tensors?





Answer: B

Q113. Why is TensorFlow becoming the mainstream framework for deep learning?
A. Automatic derivative

B. Back-end development

C. Deep Learning API

D. GPU parallel acceleration

Answer: ABCD

Q114. In what year was TensorFlow2.0 released?



C. 2019


Answer: C

Q115. TensorFlow2.0 version is the second version of TensorFlow iteration.



Answer: B

Q116. TensorFlow2.0 supports GPU acceleration mainly in the parallel operation of matrix addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Calculated acceleration.


Answer: A

Q117. The three main advantages of Keras interface are user-friendly, modular and combinable, and
easy to expand.



Answer: A

Q118. If the accuracy of the model on the training set is very high, but the accuracy on the validation set
is very low. can

What methods are taken to improve the model?

A. Add a regularization term after the loss function

B. Dropout method

C. Increase the amount of training set data

D. Early stopping

Answer: ABCD

Q119. Which of the following models can be used for classification?

A. Decision tree

B. Linear regression

C. Logistic regression

D. Support Vector Machine

Answer: ACD

Q120. Which of the following statements about supervised learning is correct?

A. Supervised learning is a rule-based algorithm

B. Decision tree is a supervised learning

C. Supervised learning can be trained without labels

D. Supervised learning cannot use cross-validation for training

Answer: A

Q121. What is wrong about the SVM algorithm

A. SVM can be used to solve classification problems

B. Support vector is the vector point closest to the hyperplane

C. SVM algorithm can use multiple kernel functions

D. The SVM algorithm cannot be used to process nonlinear data sets

Answer: D

Q122. In the classic convolutional neural network model, what hidden layer does the softmax function

A. Convolutional layer

B. Pooling layer

C. Fully connected layer

D. All of the above

Answer: C
Q123. Which of the following is the offline mode in HiAI?

A. HiAI Service

B.HiAI Foundation

C.HiAI Engine


Answer: B

Q124. Which service is based on the one-stop deep learning platform service provided by Huawei
Cloud’s powerful high-performance computing?

A large number of optimized neural network algorithm models are built-in to allow users to easily use
deep learning technology.

Live scheduling provides model training, evaluation and prediction in an on-demand service-oriented

A. ModelArts




Answer: A

Q125. Which of the following is the big data service in Huawei EI?




D. ModelArts
Answer: B

Q126. Which of the following conditions must be met to run a Python program?

A. Windows system

B. Compliance with PEP8

C. Comply with grammatical format

D. Python interpreter

Answer: DC

Q127. Is the Python IO operation correct?

A. After the file operation is completed, use the close method to close it.

B. You can use the context manager to open the file for operation.

C. In r mode, you can use the write method to write data to the file.

D. Use the flush method to write data into memory

Answer: B

Q128. Which of the following is correct?

A. The two object usage judgment results generated by shallow copy and deep copy are both True

B. The two objects of shallow copy use is to judge the result as True

C. The result of using the two objects of deep copy is False

D. The two objects of deep copy use is to judge the result as Irue
Answer: AB



while i>0:

i -= 1

if i == 6:


print (i)

if i == 2:


What is the output?





Answer: C

Q130. A vector is just a number.



Answer: B
Q131. What methods are not included in the built-in metrics of tf. keras. metrics?

A. Accuracy

B. Recall



Answer: D

Q132. What are the main functions of the matplotlib library?

A. Drawing images

B. Build a network model

C. Used to process matrix operations

D. Data analysis

Answer: A

Q133. When creating a network, another convolutional layer cannot be directly connected after the
convolutional layer.



Answer: B

Q134. Which of the following options belong to the estimator package method under keras?
A. Training

B. Export

C. Evaluation

D. Forecast

Answer: ABCD

Q135. K-fold cross-validation refers to dividing the test data set into K sub-data sets.



Answer: A

Q136. Which statement about gradient descent is correct?

A. When using gradient descent, the learning rate should be consistent.

B. Global gradient descent is faster than stochastic gradient descent.

C. Stochastic gradient descent is sensitive to noise points.

D. Adam is not a gradient descent algorithm.

Answer: C

Q137. Which statement about the standard RNN model is correct?

A. There is no many-to-many model structure

B. There will be a problem of attenuation of long-term transmission and memory information

C. There is no one-to-one model structure

D. Do not consider the time direction when backpropagating

Answer: B

Q138. What are the commonly used loss functions in deep learning?

A. Mean square error loss function

B. L1 loss function

C. Self-declining loss function

D. Cross entropy error loss function

Answer: ABD

Q139. Artificial intelligence is the research and development of theories, methods and applications for
simulating, extending and expanding human intelligence.

A new technological science using the system.



Answer: A

Q140. Which of the following statements about HiAI Foundation is incorrect?

A. Provides an acceleration API that has nothing to do with processor hardware. Application vendors and
developers can

Accelerate model calculation and operator calculation on the acceleration system.

B. Provide commonly used artificial intelligence business function API, which can run efficiently on
mobile devices.
C. Supports basic operator calculation interfaces, but does not include interfaces such as convolution,
pooling, and full connection.

D. Support AI model management interfaces such as model compilation, model loading, model running,
and model destruction.

Answer: A

Q141. What is the operation that will not change the data after the following transformation?

A.list (set(list))

B.int (float)



Answer: DC

Q142. Which statement about the matrix is incorrect?

A. Any matrix multiplied by the identity matrix equals itself

B. The transpose of the orthogonal matrix A is equal to the inverse of A

C. Non-square matrices also have inverse matrices

D. The transpose of symmetric matrix A is still A itself

Answer: C

Q143. Singular value decomposition can be performed on non-square matrices.


Answer: A

Q144. Which of the following evaluation indicators belong to the regression algorithm?

A. Recall rate

B. Accuracy

C. Confusion matrix

D. Mean square error

Answer: D

Q145. Which of the following options are the basis for the decision tree to divide nodes?


B. Information Entropy


D. Gini coefficient

Answer: ABCD

Q146. Is the following statement about neural networks wrong?

A. There is no connection between neurons in the same layer of the feedforward neural network

B. As the number of hidden layers of the neural network increases, the classification ability of the model
gradually weakens

C. The feedforward neural network can be represented by a directed acyclic graph

D. The limitation of a single-layer perceptron is that it cannot solve the XOR problem

Q147. The data annotation function in ModelArts only supports the modification of a single image tag,
and does not support batch modification.

Change the picture label.



Answer: B

Q148. Which of the following is the big data service in Huawei EI?


B. ModelArts



Answer: AC

Q149. What will the following code output?

If -1:








C.2 1

D.1 1

Answer: C

Q150. Which of the following options does not support TensorFlow2.0 for dimension transformation is
the attribute.





Answer: ABD

Q151. The methods that can be used to check whether it is a tensor in TensorFlow 2.0 are:


B.is_ tensor

C.isinst ance


Q152. What data type does TensorFlow use?





Answer: ABCD

Q153. Which of the following descriptions of machine learning is correct?

A. Deep learning is a branch of machine learning

B. Deep learning and machine learning are mutually inclusive

C. Deep learning and machine learning are both artificial intelligence but have no relationship with each

D. None of the above

Answer: A

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