Nichifor Tănase
During the Transfiguration, the
apostles on Tabor, “indeed saw the
same grace of the Spirit which would
later dwell in them”.1 The light of
grace “illuminates from outside
(ἔξωθεν) on those who worthily
approached it and sent the Rev. Lecturer Dr. Nichifor
illumination to the soul through the Tanase, Department of
sensitive eyes; but today, because it is Theology and Social
confounded with us (ἀνακραθὲν ἡμῖν) Sciences, Eftimie Murgu
and exists in us, it illuminates the soul University Reșita, Romania
Gregory Palamas, The Triads (edited with an introduction by John
Meyendorff, translation by Nicholas Gendle, preface by Jaroslav Pelikan,
Paulist Press: New Jersey, 1983); cf. Tr., III.iii.9, p. 106.
70 Nichifor Tănase
Grégoire Palamas, Défense des saints hésychastes (introduction and notes
by John Meyendorff, 2 volumes, Spicilegium Sacrum Lovaniense, 30,
Louvain: Peeters 1959, Tome I) cf. Tr. I, 3, 38, p. 124 and in Gendle ed., p.
John Meyendorff, Introduction à l’Étude de Grégoire Palamas (Patristica
Sobornensia, 3, Paris: Les Éditions du Seuil, 1959) pp. 216-217. See, also:
Panayiotis Christou, “Double Knowledge According to Gregory Palamas”,
Studia Patristica, vol. 9 (Leuven: Peeters, 1966), pp. 20-29.
The Ecclesiastical Hierarchy I, 4, in Pseudo-Dionysius, The Complete
Works (translation by Colm Luibheid, foreword, notes, and translation by
Paul Rorem, preface by Rene Roques, introductions by Jaroslav Pelikan,
Jean Leclercq and Karlfried Froehlich) New York: Paulist Press, 1987), p.
John Meyendorff, Introduction, p. 186.
Grégoire Palamas, Défense (ed. Meyendorff, t. I), p. 88; idem, Triads I.ii.8:
“Thus, the man who seeks to make his mind return to itself needs to propel
it not only in a straight line but also in the circular motion that is infallible.
How should such a one not gain great profit if, instead of letting his eye
roam hither and thither, he should fix it on his breast or on his navel, as a
point of concentration? For in this way, he will not only gather himself
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 71
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Robert Beulay, L’enseignement spirituel de Jean de Dalyatha, mystique
syro-oriental du VIIIe siècle, (coll. Théologie historique no 83, Paris:
Beauchesne 1990), p. 240.
Marcus Plested, Orthodox Readings of Aquinas (Oxford: University Press,
2012), p. 51-52. Stressing the importance of Aristotle in Byzantium,
Plested says: “In speaking of the dominance of Aristotle in the Byzantine
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 73
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Gregory of Nyssa, Adversus Macedonianus, De spiritu sancto (translation
Volker Henning Drecoll in Gregory of Nyssa: The Minor Treatises on
Trinitarian Theology and Apollinarism. Proceedings of the 11th
International Colloquium on Gregory of Nyssa, edited by Volker Henning
Drecoll and Margitta Berghaus, Leiden: Brill, Supplements to Vigiliae
Christianae 106, 2008), pp. 45-70, apud Pelikan, Christianity, p. 220; see
also: Giulio Maspero, “The Fire, the Kingdom and the Glory: the Creator
Spirit and the Intra-Trinitarian Processions in The ‘Adversus
Macedonianos’ of Gregory of Nyssa” Gregory of Nyssa: The Minor
Treatises, pp. 229-250.
Gregory of Nyssa, Contra Eunomium II, 89 (edited by Lenka Karfíková et
al., Leiden: Brill, 2007), pp. 79-80.
Gregory of Nazianzus, On God and Christ. The Five Theological Orations
and Two Letters to Cledonius (translated into English by Frederick
Williams and Lionel Wickham, New York: St Vladimir’s Seminary Press,
2002), Oration 29, 21, apud Pelikan, Christianity, p. 229. In their
celebration of the uniqueness of faith, therefore, the Cappadocians could
emphasize that no amount of philological learning was sufficient for the
correct understanding of Scripture, which was accessible only “through
spiritual contemplation [dia tes pneumatikes theorias]” and true faith. Yet
that did not keep them from exploiting a natural knowledge of philology to
the fullest;
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 75
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Paul L. Gavrilyuk and Sarah Coakley, The Spiritual Senses. Perceiving
God in Western Christianity (Cambridge: University Press, 2011), pp. 7-8.
Eric David Perl, Methexis: Creation, incarnation, deification in Saint
Maximus Confessor (Ph.D. dissertation, Yale: University Press, 1991), p.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being with God. Trinity, Apophaticism, and
Divine-Human Communion (Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press,
2008), pp. 13.30. Dionysius and Gregory Palamas are the two great
synthesizers of theological apophaticism and the essence/energies
76 Nichifor Tănase
Katerina Ierodiakonou, „The Anti-Logical Movement in the Fourteenth
Century”, in Idem, Byzantine Philosophy and its Ancient Sources (Oxford:
Clarendon Press, 2004), p. 219. Nevertheless, Byzantine authors are not all
unanimous as to the importance of the study of Aristotle’s logic, and more
generally, as to the importance of any kind of logical training: „There is
plenty of evidence that, in diferent periods of Byzantine history, some
Byzantine philosophers and theologians stress that, when it comes to
theology, we should not rely on logical arguments, whereas others insist
that we should avail ourselves of logic either in the exposition of Christian
dogmas or even in the attempt to prove their truth” (Ibid, p. 220). See also:
Basil Tatakis, Byzantine Philosophy (translation by Nicholas J.
78 Nichifor Tănase
Hildegard Schäder, Die Christianisierung der aristotelik Logik in der
byzantinischen Theologie repräsentiert durch Johannes Damaskus und
Gregor Palamas”, Theologia 33 (1962), pp. 1-21. In Aristotle’s
Metaphysics Platonic-Aristotelian concept of movement is energeticaly
explained: all categories can be viewed under the aspect of “becoming”,
namely the transition (“motion”) from potency to actuality, from dynamis
to energeia. Aristotle says that Divinity itself is an actual pure energeia
with no pontentiality and no relation: pure self-activating, moving
unmoving/still, pure thought of itself or thinking of thinking (noeseos
Ibidem. It also takes place the Christianization of another notional couple
from classical antiquity: the polarity physis - Thesis / nomos (nature -
establishing / law). According to him, Jesus Christ is called the Son of God
by nature (physei) , but people are getting God's sons through
establishment (thesei) or more precisely through adoption (hyo-thesia), and
thus they become “partakers of the divine nature” ( 2 Ptr I , 4). St. John of
Damascus uses, based on Cappadocians, the notion of “proper” element
(idion, idioma) of Divinity; for Porphyry, in his famous Isagog, at the
Categories of Aristotle the proper is what it is, particular from the
variable accidents, it is inseparably united from being / substance that of
thing. For St. John Damascene, “properties” divinity - from staying in first
divine will and energy - are “irradiation”, “exits/outputs” of God in
creation and revelation, without that through this the impenetrable being of
God can be reached or that He appears as something compound. Energy
80 Nichifor Tănase
and other properties of God “accompany the nature, but does not reveals”
(Dogmatic I, 9, 837b).
Ioan I. Ica jr., “’Dialectic’ of St. John of Damascus - logical-philosophical
prolegomena of ‘Dogmatic’,” Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Orthodox
Theology 40:1-2 (1995), pp. 85-140, p. 116.
J. S. Romanides, “Notes on the Palamite Controversy”, Greek Orthodox
Theological Rewiew 6 (1960-1961), pp. 186-205 and 9 (1963-1964), pp.
Jean Meyendorff, Introduction à l’étude de Grégoire Palamas, (Patristica
Sorbonensia 3, Paris: Les Éditions du Seuil, 1959); G. Schiro, J.
Meyendorff, “Humanismus und Palamismus”, in Actes du XIIe Congrès
international des études byzantines (3 volumes, Belgrade, 1963, tome 1),
pp. 323-327, 329-330.
G. Podskalsky, Theologie und Philosophie in Byzanz, p. 47.
Ibid., p. 155, pp. 170-172.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 81
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Duncan Reid, “Hesychasm and Theological Method in Fourteenth Century
Byzantium” Ostkirchliche Studien 46 (1997), pp. 15-24, here p. 19.
Grégoire Palamas, Défense, I, 1, 1 (Meyendorff ed. 1959), p. 34.
Pierre Miquel, “Grégoire Palamas, Docteur de l’Expérience”, Irénikon 37
(1964), p. 227-237; Arthur Macdonald Allchin, “The Appeal to Experience
in the Triads of St. Gregory Palamas”, Studia Patristica 93 (1966), pp.
Duncan Reid, “Hesychasm and Theological Method”, p. 23.
82 Nichifor Tănase
Paweł Rojek, „The Logic of Palamism”, in: Andrew Schumann (ed.), in:
Andrew Schumann (ed.), Logic in Orthodox Christian Thinking (Berlin:
De Gruyter, 2012), pp. 74-75.
Georgios I. Mantzaridis, The Deification of Man: St. Gregory Palamas and
the Orthodox Tradition (New York: St Vladimir's Seminary Press, 1984),
p. 106.
P. B. Schultze, “Die Taten des einfachen Gottes”, Orientalia Christiana
Periodica (OCP) 36 (1970), pp. 135-142.
Idem, “Die Bedeutung des Palamismus in der russischen Theologie der
Gegenwart”, Scholastik 26 (1951) pp. 390-412, here p. 411.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 83
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Endre von Ivanka, Plato Christianus. La réception critique du platonisme
chez les Pères de Eglise (Paris:PUF, 1990), p. 373.
Kallistos Ware, “The Debate about Palamism”, Eastern Churches Review
9/ 1-2 (1977), p. 45-63, here pp. 46-47.
84 Nichifor Tănase
Rowan Douglas Williams, The theology of Vladimir Nikolaievich Lossky:
an exposition and critique (DPhil. University of Oxford), 1975.
Kalistos Ware, “Dieu cache et révélé”, pp. 55-56.
Rowan Douglas Williams, “The Philosophical Structures of Palamism,”
Eastern Churches Review 9 (1977), pp. 27-44, here p. 35. The
unparticipated is in general the level of ousia, whereas the participated is
that of procession (πρόοδος). In the case of the One the processions are the
divine henads.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 85
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
emphasize the fact that these energies are a real plurality, thus
making clear that they are really distinct from the ousia.45
Williams has two objections to what he sees as the attempt by
Palamas (and Dionysius) to impose a Neoplatonic ontology
upon Christianity. The first objection is that of conceiving the
divine ousia along the lines of the One qua unparticipated, as
“the perfectly simple, indivisible, imparticipable interiority of
God,” Palamas effectively privileges the ousia above the persons
of the Trinity.
As a proof, Williams quotes Palamas’ assertion, the one that the
divine energeia is distinct from the ousia “in the same way as
the hypostasis is doing.”46 He also says that, since the energies
are intrinsically relational, and, at the same time, they are truly
God, they implicate Palamas in pantheism. He replies: “The
unity of God is far more gravely imperilled by this than any
Palamite or neo-Palamite seems to have grasped; it is the
purest Neoplatonism, an affirmation of two wholly distinct
orders of reality in God”.47
Rowan Williams characterises the palamite distinction as a
piece of „dubious scholasticism”48, based on a confusion of
Aristotelian and neo-Platonic philosophical terms. This
criticism is suppemented by a positive appreciation of the
personalist and existentialist elements in Orthodox theology,
elements which in the end render the Palamite distinction
Kallistos Ware attempts to defend the palamite position by
reducing the gap between ontology and epitemology. Se, where
Williams argues that the essence-energies distinction is merely
a rational distinction, a reflection on the human thought that is,
Ibidem, pp. 36-37.
Grégoire Palamas, Theophanes 12; cited by R. Williams, “Philosophical
Structures,” p. 5.
Rowan Douglas Williams, “The Philosophical Structures of Palamism”, p.
Ibid., p. 44.
86 Nichifor Tănase
Kallistos Ware, “The Debate about Palamism”, Eastern Churches Review
9 (1977), p. 60. Cf. David Coffey, „The Palamite Doctrine of God: a New
Perspective,” StVladTHQ 32 (1988), pp. 329-358, p. 329: „Palamas
nowhere goes so far as to characterize his distinction as ‚real’”.
See Nichifor Tănase, “Nous (energeia) and kardia (dynamis) in the Holistic
Anthropology of St. Gregory Palamas”, in: Eric Austin Lee and Samuel
Kimbriel (eds.), The Resounding Soul: Reflections on the Metaphysics and
Vivacity of the Human Person (Eugene, Oregon, Wipf & Stock, 2015), pp.
David Bradshaw, Aristotle East and West. Metaphysics and the Division of
Christendom (Cambridge: University Press, 2004), pp. 179-186 and p. 270.
Idem, Aristotle East and West, p. 270.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 87
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen, Activity and Participation in Late Antique and
Early Christian Thought (Oxford: University Press, 2012), p. 189.
88 Nichifor Tănase
Ibid, p. 190.
Ibid, p. 193.
Gregory Akindynos, Letters of Gregory Akindynos (ed. and trans. Angela
Hero, Corpus Historiae Byzantinae, 21, Washington: Dumbarton Oaks
Research, 1983), pp. xv-xvi, note 44.
Torstein Theodor Tollefsen, Activity and Participation, p. 194.
Eric Perl, “St. Gregory Palamas and the Metaphysics of Creation,”
Dionysius 14 (1990), p. 105-130, here p. 122.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 89
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Triads iii.2.8 (Gendle ed. 1983), p. 96: “There are, however, energies of
God which have a beginning and an end”; also in Chap. 130: “For in
creating, God initiates and ceases, as Moses says, ‘God ceased from all
the works which he had begun to create’. However, this act of creation,
wherein God makes a beginning and an end, is a natural and uncreated
energy of God [ώς καί ό Μωϋσής φησιν, ότι κατέπαυσεν ό θεός άπό
πάντων τών έργων ών ήρξατο ποιήσαι. τό μέντοι δημιουργεΐν τοΰτο, καθ '
ο άρχεται ό θεός καϊ παύεται, φυσική καϊ άκτιστός έστιν ενέργεια θεοΰ]”,
in Saint Gregory Palamas, The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters (edition.
and translation by Robert E. Sinkewicz, C.S.B.,Studies and Texts, 83,
Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1988), pp. 234-235.
Duncan Reid, Energies of the Spirit. Trinitarian Models in Eastern
Orthodox and Western Theology (Oxford University Press, 1997), p. 87;
see also, Bradshaw, Aristotle East and West, pp. 270-271.
Catherine Mowry LaCugna, God for Us: The Trinity and Christian Life
(San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1993), p. 186-197.
90 Nichifor Tănase
Duncan Reid, Energies of the Spirit, p. 88.
Ibid, p. 90.
In relation to this methodological question, see Gerhard Podskalsky SJ,
“Zur Bedeutung des Methodenproblems für die byzantinische Theologie”,
in Zeitschrift für Katholische Theologie 98 (1976), p. 385-399; Idem, “Die
griechisch-byzantinische Theologie und ihre Methode. Aspekte und
Perspektiven eines ökumenischen Problems”, in: Theologie und
Philosophie 58 (1983), pp. 71-87.
Abraham Joshua Heschel, The prophets (New York: Harper & Row, 1975,
vol. 2), p. 42-44; cf. Duncan Reid, Energies of the Spirit, pp. 97-98.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 91
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being With God, pp. 24-25.
Ibid, p. 25.
Vladimir Lossky, The Mystical Theology of the Eastern Church
(Crestwood, NY: St. Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1976), p. 71.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being With God, p. 26.
92 Nichifor Tănase
Ibidem, p. 27.
Charles Journet, “Palamisme et thomisme. À propos d’un livre récent”,
Revue Thomiste 60 (1960), pp. 430-452.
Georges Florovsky, “Grégoire Palamas et la patristique”, Istina 8/1 (1961-
1962), p. 125.
Endre von Ivánka, Plato Christianus. Übernahme und Umgestaltung des
Platonismus durch die Väter (Einsiedeln: Johannes Verlag, 1964), p. 393.
H. Schäder, “Die Christianisierung der Aristotelischen Logik”, pp. 1-21.
Jürgen Kuhlmann, Die Taten des einfachen Gottes. Eine römisch-
katholische Stellungnahme zum Palamismus, (Würzburg: Augustinus-
Verlag, 1968), pp. 108-125.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 93
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Dorothea Wendebourg, Geist oder Energie. Zur Frage der innergöttlichen
Verankerung des christlichen Lebens in der byzantinischen Theologie
(Münchener Monographien zur historischen und systematischen Theologie
4, Munich: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1980).
Radovic, Le Mystère de la Sainte Trinité, p. 244.
Ibid, p. 250.
94 Nichifor Tănase
Ibid, pp. 292-293.
Ibid, pp. 285-286.
Jacques Lison, L’esprit répandu. La pneumatologie de Grégoire Palamas
(Paris: Cerf, 1994); Anna NgaireWilliams, The Ground of Union:
Deification in Aquinas and Palamas (Oxford: University Press, 1999);
Constantinos Athanasopoulos, Christoph Schneider (ed.), Divine Essence
and Divine Energies: Ecumenical Reflections on the Presence of God in
Eastern Orthodoxy (Cambridge: James Clarke & Co, 2013).
Antoine Lévy, Le créé et l’incréé: Maxime le confesseur et Thomas
d'Aquin: aux sources de la querelle palamienne (Paris: Vrin, 2006), p. 16.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 95
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Ibid, p. 10
Ibid, p. 15.
André de Halleux, “Palamisme et Scolastique. Exclusivisme dogmatique
ou pluriformité théologique?”, Revue theologique de Louvain 4 (1973), pp.
409-442, here p. 421.
André de Halleux, “Palamisme et Scolastique”, p. 414.
96 Nichifor Tănase
Sébastien Guichardan, Le problème de la simplicité divine en Orient et en
Occident aux XIV et XV siècle: Grégoire Palamas, Duns Scot, Georges
Scholarios (Lyon: Anciens établissements Legendre éd., 1933).
Duncan Reid, Energies of the Spirit, p. 89.
André de Halleux, “Palamisme et Tradition”, Irenikon 48 (1975), pp. 479-
493, here p. 481.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 97
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
André de Halleux, “Palamisme et Tradition”, p. 489.
Élisabeth Behr-Sigel, Le lieu du Coeur. Initiation à la spiritualité de
l’Église orthodoxe (Paris: Cerf, 1989), p. 66.
Ibidem, pp. 64-65.
98 Nichifor Tănase
Christos Yannaras, Person and Eros (Brookline: Holy Cross Orthodox
Press, 2008), p. 65.
Idem, On the Absence and Unknowability of God: Heidegger and the
Areopagite (New York/London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2007), p. 87.
Jordan Cooper, Christification. A Lutheran Approach to Theosis (Eugene,
Oregon: Wiph&Stock), 2014, p. 5.
Dumitru Staniloae, Orthodox Dogmatic Theology: The Experience of God,
Vol. 1: Revelation and Knowledge of the Triune God (Brookline: Holy
Cross Orthodox Press, 1998), p. 95.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 99
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Nicholas Bamford, Deified Person. A study of deification in relation to
Person and Christian Becoming (Lanham, Maryland: University Press of
America, 20), pp. 14 and p. 29. Also, see Andrew Louth, “The Place of
Theosis in Orthodox Theology,” in M. J. Christensen, Partakers of Divine
the Nature (Michigan: Grand Rapids, Eerdmans, 2007), p. 34; Norman
Russell, The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition,
(Oxford: University Press, 2004), pp. 115- 205; N. Russell, “Theosis and
Gregory Palamas: Continuity or Doctrinal Change,” St. Vladimir’s
Theological Quarterly 50/4 (2006), pp. 357-379; Paul Collins, “Event: The
How of Revelation,” in Trinitarian Theology West and East: Karl Barth,
the Cappadocian Fathers, and John Zizioulas,(Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 2001), pp. 7-33; Stephen Finlan and Vladimir Kharlamov, Theosis:
Deification in Christian Theology (Eugene: Wiph & Stock, 2006).
Nicholas Bamford, Deified Person, p. 37.
100 Nichifor Tănase
Dionysius the Areopagite, On the Divine Names and the Mystical Theology
(english translationby Clarence Edwin Rolt, Lake Worth: Ibis Press, 2004),
see Chapter V. “Concerning ‘Existence’ and also concerning ‘Exemplars’”:
“1. Now must we proceed to the Name of ‘Being’ which is truly applied by
the Divine Science to Him that truly Is. But this much we must say, that it is
not the purpose of our discourse to reveal the Super-Essential Being in its
Super-Essential Nature” (On the Divine Names, p. 68).
Grégoire Palamas, Défense des Saints hésychastes, ( Meyendorff ed. 1959,
Tr. III, 2, 11), p. 663; Dionysius the Areopagite, (On the Divine Names (II,
7), p. 40-41).
J. Romanides, “Notes on the Palamite Controversy and Related Topics II,”
The Greek Orthodox Theological Review 9:2 (1963-64), pp. 225-270 at p.
270. See also: Saint Gregory Palamas, The one hundred and fifty Chapters
(edited and translated by Robert E. Sinkewicz, C.S.B., Studies and Texts
83; Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1988), Chap. 106, p.
203: “Thus, it must be called both substance and nature, but properly the
substance-bestowing procession and energy of God, for the great
Dionysius says that this is "the proper way for theology to name the
substance of the One Who Truly Is.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being with God, p. 106.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 101
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Ibid, p. 26.
Ibid, p. 27.
Gregory Palamas, The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, 39, pp. 126-127:
„Ή νοερά καί λογική φύσις τής ψυχής, μόνη νουν έχουσα καϊ λόγον καί
πνεΰμα ζωοποιόν, μόνη καί τών ασωμάτων αγγέλων μάλλον κατ' εικόνα
τοΰ θεοΰ παρ' αύτοΰ δεδημιούργηται.”.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being with God, p. 44f: „The type of knowledge
that results from union with God is manifested for Lossky in one person
immediately after Christ’s resurrection – the Theotokos”.
102 Nichifor Tănase
Gregory Palamas, The One Hundred and Fifty Chapters, 78, pp. 172-173:
“Πάσα φύσις ώς πορρωτάτω έστι καί παντάπασι ξένη τής θείας φύσεως, εί
γάρ ό θεός φύσις, τάλλα ούκ έστι φύσις· εί δέ τών άλλων εκαστον φύσις,
εκείνος ούκ έστι φύσις· ώς ούδ' όν έστιν, εί τάλλα όντα εστίν· εί δ ' έστιν
εκείνος ών, τάλλα ούκ έστιν όντα.”
Kallistos Ware, “Dieu cache et révélé, la voie apophatique et la distinction
essence-energie”, Messager de l’Exarchat du patriarche russe en Europe
occidentale 89-90 (1975), p. 45-59, here p. 49.
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 103
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Kallistos Ware, “Dieu cache et révélé”, p. 53.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being with God, p. 108.
Vladimir Lossky, Orthodox Theology: An Introduction (New York: St.
Vladimir’s Seminary Press, 1978), p. 97; cf. Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being
with God, p. 107.
104 Nichifor Tănase
Ch. Journet, “Palamisme et thomisme. À propos d’un livre récent”, Revue
thomiste 60 (1960), p. 430-452. See also: Grégoire Palamas, Traités
apodictiques sur la procession du Saint-Esprit (translation by Emmanuel
Ponsoye, Paris: Les Éditions du Cerf, 1995), II, & 6-7; 10-11; 18, pp. 82-
84, 86-88, 95.
Gregory Palamas, Apodictic Treatise on The Procession of The Holy Spirit,
II, 6, pp. 11-12, 48, 69 (ed. P. Chrestou, Γρηγορίου τοῡ Παλαμᾶ
Συγγράμματα, t. I, Thessalonique, 1988), pp. 82-83, 87-89, 121-122, 140-
142. See also, Ralph Del Colle, Christ and the Spirit: Spirit-christology in
trinitarian perspective (Oxford: University Press 1994), p. 8-33; According
to George C. Papademetriou, the essence-energies distinction “is contrary
to the Western confusion of the uncreated essence with the uncreated
energies and this is by the claim that God is Actus Purus”, cf. George C.
Papademetriou, Introduction to St. Gregory Palamas (Brookline: Holy
Cross Orthodox Press, 2004), p. 61; John Meyendorff, „The Holy Trinity
in Palamite Theology”, in M.A. Fahey and J. Meyendorff, Trinitarian
Theology East and West: St Thomas Aquinas – St Gregory Palamas
(Brookline: Holy Cross Press, 1977), p. 26; C.N. Tsirpanlis,
“Epistemology, Theognosis, the Trinity and Grace in St Gregory Palamas”,
in: Patristic and Byzantine Review 13 (1994), p. 5-27, here p. 15;
Gregory Palamas, Apodictic Treatise, II, 9 (ed. P. Chrestou, t. I), pp. 122-
123; Grégoire de Chypre, Discours antirrhétique, (Ἀντιρρητικὸς τῶν τοῦ
Βέκκου βλασφήμων δογμάτων, ἐκδοθεὶς πρὸ τοῦ ψήφῳ θεοῦ εἰς τὸν
πατριαρχικὸν ἀνελθεῖν αὐτὸν θρόνον) & 54, 55, 63, 65, PG 142, 250D-
251A. See also: A. J. Sopko, Gregory of Cyprus: A Study of Church and
Culture in Late Thirteenth Century Byzantium (London: King’s Colledge,
1979), p. 146-149; Idem, “Palamism before Palamas and the Theology of
Gregory of Cyprus”, St. Vladimir’s Theological Quarterly 23 (1979), p.
141; Joost van Rossum, “Gregory of Cyprus and Palamism”, Studia
“Crucifixion” of the Logic. Palamite Theology of the Uncreaded 105
Divine Energies as Fundament of an Ontological Epistemology
Ibid., p. 13.
Aristotle Papanikolaou, Being with God, p. 102: „The core of theological
discourse is an ontology of divine-human communion. Lossky and
Zizioulas, both also reject the traditional metaphysial link between being
and thought. An ontology of divine-human communion demands... an
apophatic approach to theology. For Lossky, however, an ontology of
divine-human communion translates into an apophatic ontology”.