Fernandez, 2019 La Importancia de Un Biomarcador para Mci
Fernandez, 2019 La Importancia de Un Biomarcador para Mci
Fernandez, 2019 La Importancia de Un Biomarcador para Mci
Biological Psychology
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/biopsycho
Laboratorio de Neurociencia Cognitiva, Departamento de Psicoloxía Clínica e Psicobioloxía, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Galicia, Spain
Keywords: Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) has become a major health issue in recent decades, and there is now growing interest in
Amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI) amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), an intermediate stage between healthy aging and dementia, usually
Aging AD. Event-related brain potential (ERP) studies have sometimes failed to detect differences between aMCI and
N2 control participants in the Go-P3 (or P3b, related to target classification processes in a variety of tasks) and
NoGo-P3 (related to response inhibition processes, mainly in Go/NoGo tasks) ERP components. The aim of the
Event-related potentials (ERPs)
present study was to evaluate whether the age factor, which is not usually taken into account in ERP studies,
modulates group differences in these components. With this aim, we divided two groups of volunteer partici-
pants, 34 subjects with aMCI (51–87 years) and 31 controls (52–86 years), into two age subgroups: 69 years or
less and 70 years or more. We recorded brain activity while the participants performed a distraction-attention
auditory-visual (AV) task. Task performance was poorer in the older than in the younger group, and aMCI
participants produced fewer correct responses than the matched controls; but no interactions of the age and
group factors on performance were found. On the other hand, Go-P3 and NoGo-N2 latencies were longer in aMCI
participants than in controls only in the younger subgroup. Thus, the younger aMCI participants categorized the
Go stimuli in working memory and processed the NoGo stimuli (which required response inhibition) slower than
the corresponding controls. Finally, the combination of the number of hits, Go-P3 latency and NoGo-N2 latency
yielded acceptable sensitivity and specificity scores (0.70 and 0.92, respectively) as regards distinguishing aMCI
participants aged 69 years or less from the age-matched controls. The findings indicate age should be taken into
account in the search for aMCI biomarkers.
1. Introduction (aMCI; Petersen et al., 2001, 2009). Individuals with aMCI show an
increased risk of developing AD relative to healthy aging: longitudinal
The world’s population is aging, owing to decreased birth rates and studies have revealed that aMCI patients have an 80% chance of de-
increased life expectancy (Park & Reuter-Lorenz, 2009). The ac- veloping AD within 6 years of diagnosis (Petersen et al., 2001, 2009,
celerated increase in aging is accompanied by an increase in the pre- 1999). The prevalence of MCI at present is difficult to calculate, as it
valence of neurodegenerative diseases. depends on the precise diagnostic criteria (Ward, Arrighi, Michels, &
Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common form of dementia and Cedarbaum, 2012). Despite this, as AD increases doubles every 5 years
is becoming increasingly more prevalent (Andreasen & Blennow, 2005; after age 65 (Jones, Bruns, & Petersen, 2017), it is worthy to evaluate
Bennys, Rondouin, Benattar, Gabelle, & Touchon, 2011), at great cost to adults with aMCI from several years before that age.
affected individuals and their families and to society as a whole (Park & Characterization of aMCI is important to enable correct diagnosis
Reuter-Lorenz, 2009). The prevalence and incidence rates of AD in- and prognosis, thus increasing the probability of clinical intervention
creases exponentially with age, with the most notable rise from 70 years before brain damage becomes irreversible (Bredesen, 2014). The search
on, as the late-onset form of AD accounts for more of the 95% of af- for aMCI markers has therefore received a great deal of attention in the
fected (Reitz, Brayne, & Mayeux, 2011). last two decades. Useful biomarkers should be able to detect the neu-
However, most AD patients experience some memory decline before ropathology and must be validated in neuropathologically confirmed
reaching the clinical threshold for the diagnosis of AD (Petersen et al., cases. In addition, biomarkers should also be precise, reliable, non-in-
2001). The state in which there is greater memory loss than expected vasive, simple to obtain and inexpensive (Thies, Truschke, Morrison-
for normal aging, but which does not affect daily living and does not Bogorad, & Hodes, 1998). Although several aMCI biomarkers have been
meet the criteria for AD, is termed amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment proposed (Albert et al., 2011), they are expensive (e.g. functional
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Cid-Fernández).
Received 14 November 2018; Received in revised form 24 January 2019; Accepted 25 January 2019
Available online 02 February 2019
0301-0511/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Cid-Fernández et al. Biological Psychology 142 (2019) 108–115
magnetic resonance imaging) and/or invasive (e.g. positron emission but only when the sample was split into different age groups. Lindín
tomography, cerebrospinal fluid measures) and have either not been et al. (2013) used the AV task and analyzed the mismatch negativity
validated (Jack et al., 2011) or show limited sensitivity and specificity (MMN), a component related to automatic and pre-attentive processing
(DeKosky & Marek, 2003; Reitz & Mayeux, 2014; Reitz et al., 2011). of stimuli (Näätänen, Paavilainen, Rinne, & Alho, 2007). The MMN
The event-related brain potentials (ERP) technique is a suitable tool amplitude was smaller in the aMCI than in the control participants, but
for use in the search for biomarkers, as it is non-invasive and relatively only in the group aged 50–64 years and not in older participants (Lindín
inexpensive, and has already shown to be useful in the search for bio- et al., 2013). In addition, in a Stroop task study, Ramos-Goicoa, Galdo-
markers of aMCI and AD (e.g. Cespón, Galdo-Álvarez, & Díaz, 2013; Álvarez, Díaz, and Zurrón, (2016) observed longer P3b latency in aMCI
Cespón, Galdo-Álvarez, & Díaz, 2015; Cespón, Galdo-Álvarez, Pereiro, than in healthy participants, but only in the younger subgroup (64 years
& Díaz, 2015; Correa-Jaraba, Lindín, & Díaz, 2018; Lindín, Correa, old or less). Altogether these results show that some important effects
Zurrón, & Díaz, 2013; for reviews, see Jackson & Snyder, 2008; Vecchio (and potential aMCI biomarkers) may be masked when the age factor is
& Määttä, 2011). not taken into account in the analyses. Indeed, Ramos-Goicoa et al.
In previous studies involving the search for biomarkers of aMCI, we (2016) suggested that the age factor may have some influence in the
used the ERP technique to record the brain activity of participants while mixed results found in the literature regarding P3b latency.
they performed a distraction-attention auditory-visual (AV) task (Cid- In line with this observation, the age ranges of the mentioned stu-
Fernández, Lindín, & Díaz, 2017; Cid-Fernández, Lindín, & Díaz, 2017; dies differ considerably: while the participants of the study that ob-
Cid-Fernández, Lindín, & Díaz, 2014; Lindín et al., 2013). In this task, served group differences in P3b latency are the youngest (younger
participants are presented with pairs of auditory-visual stimuli, and subgroups age range = 51–64 years old; Ramos-Goicoa et al., 2016)
they are asked to attend to the visual stimuli (making a Go/NoGo task) those of studies that did not find such differences were quite (Mudar
and to ignore the auditory stimuli (consisting of a passive oddball task et al., 2016; age range = 54–86 years old; aMCI mean age = 68.5 years
with three stimuli: standard, deviant and novel). The following ERP old; control mean age = 65.4 years old) or much (López Zunini et al.,
components associated with the processing of visual stimuli (preceded 2016; aMCI mean age = 75.6 years old; control mean age = 72.4 years
by standard auditory stimuli) were identified and evaluated: (1) N2b old) older. On the other hand, only the study that used the eldest
(Go-N2) and P3b (Go-P3), in response to Go visual stimuli, and (2) sample was able to observe differences regarding P3b amplitude, as this
NoGo-N2 and NoGo-P3, in response to NoGo visual stimuli. The Go-N2 parameter was larger in the control than in the aMCI group (López
and NoGo-N2 amplitudes were smaller in aMCI than in control parti- Zunini et al., 2016).
cipants, indicating deficits in the evaluation of target stimuli in working In the present study, we used the AV task to evaluate (1) possible
memory (WM) and in response inhibition processes, respectively, in differences between control (healthy) participants and aMCI partici-
participants with aMCI. No differences were observed between the pants in task performance (reaction time -RT- and number of correct
groups in relation to the Go- and NoGo-P3 components, or in Go- and responses), in the Go-N2 and -P3 ERP components (in response to visual
NoGo-N2 latencies (Cid-Fernández et al., 2014b, 2017a; Mudar et al., stimuli that required a response), and in the NoGo-N2 and -P3 ERP
2016). components (in response to visual stimuli that required to withhold a
Go-P3 (or P3b) is a widely studied ERP component, typically max- prepotent response); and (2) whether these differences are modulated
imal at parietal electrodes in young adults, with latencies of by age. For this purpose, two age subgroups were established for sta-
300–700 ms after stimulus presentation. The stimuli that elicit this ERP tistical comparison: participants aged 69 years or less and participants
component are attended stimuli that require a response, e.g. the target 70 years or more. We tested whether the Age factor interacts with the
stimuli of an oddball task, or the Go stimuli of a Go/NoGo task. Go-P3 is Group factor (aMCI vs controls), to clarify whether important group
typically interpreted as a correlate of context updating (when a target effects on the parameters of the aforementioned ERP components may
stimulus is presented) or of stimulus classification in working memory be overlooked.
(Coles & Rugg, 1996; Donchin & Coles, 1988; Kutas, Iragui, & Hillyard, According to previous reports, we expected to find differences be-
1994). Most studies using an oddball task have reported longer P3b tween groups in the behavioural measures, with poorer performance in
latencies in aMCI patients than in healthy controls (e. g. Bennys, Portet, the aMCI than in the control participants (longer RT and fewer correct
Touchon, & Rondouin, 2007; Lai, Lin, Liou, & Liu, 2010; Li et al., 2010; responses). By contrast, we did not expect to find any general group
Papadaniil et al., 2016; Papaliagkas, Kimiskidis, Tsolaki, & differences in the Go- and NoGo-P3 latencies, and only expected to find
Anogianakis, 2008; Parra, Ascencio, Urquina, Manes, & Ibáñez, 2012), longer Go-P3 latencies in the aMCI than in the control participants in
although other studies did not observe any differences (Papaliagkas, the younger subgroups, in accordance with Ramos-Goicoa et al. (2016).
Kimiskidis, Tsolaki, & Anogianakis, 2011). Regarding the P3b ampli- In addition, we did not expect to find group differences for the Go-P3
tude, most studies did not reveal differences between groups (e. g. amplitude, in the global sample or in either of the age subgroups. Fi-
Bennys et al., 2007; Golob, Irimajiri, & Starr, 2007; Lai et al., 2010; nally, we were also expecting to find some age-dependent differences
Papadaniil et al., 2016; Papaliagkas et al., 2008, 2011), although in between groups for the Go-N2 (or N2b) and NoGo-N2 latencies, as (1)
some studies this parameter was significantly smaller in aMCI patients in previous studies using the A-V task we failed to observe any group
than in healthy controls (Li et al., 2010; Parra et al., 2012). differences regarding these parameters, and (2) it seems that there are
On the other hand, the NoGo-P3 component peaks around the significant changes in the N200 subcomponents in MCI adults com-
300–500 latency window at central electrodes after presentation of a pared to healthy adults across studies, despite some contradictions
NoGo stimulus that requires a prepotent response to be withheld. This between results (for a review see Howe, 2014).
has been interpreted as an index of response inhibition processes
(Bokura, Yamaguchi, & Kobayashi, 2001; Jackson, Jackson, & Roberts, 2. Materials and methods
1999; Nakata, Sakamoto, Inui, Hoshiyama, & Kakigi, 2009). Studies
evaluating the NoGo-P3 parameters have generally not found any dif- 2.1. Participants
ferences between MCI participants and controls (2017a, Cid-Fernández,
Lindín, & Díaz, 2014; Mudar et al., 2016). However, López Zunini et al. Sixty-five volunteers were recruited from Primary Care Health
(2016) observed smaller NoGo-P3 amplitudes in aMCI than in control Centers in Santiago de Compostela, Galicia (Spain), after being referred
participants, interpreting this result as an indicator of impaired motor to our research group by their general practitioners (GPs). The parti-
response inhibition processes in aMCI. cipants had no history of clinical stroke, traumatic brain injury, motor-
In two previous ERP studies carried out in our laboratory, differ- sensory deficits or alcohol or drug abuse/dependence, and they were
ences between aMCI participants and healthy controls were observed, not diagnosed with any significant medical or psychiatric illnesses.
S. Cid-Fernández et al. Biological Psychology 142 (2019) 108–115
Table 1
Mean values and standard deviations (in parentheses) of the demographical and neuropsychological measures considered.
* * *
C aMCI p≤ C ≤ 69 y.o. aMCI ≤ 69 y.o. p≤ C ≥ 70 y.o. aMCI ≥ 70 y.o. p≤
N = 31 N = 34 N = 13 N = 17 N = 18 N = 17
Age 69.6 (9.5) 69.9 (9.1) .896 60.1 (5.8) 62.7 (5.6) .228 76.4 (4.0) 77.1 (5.4) .675
Years of education 9.1 (5.0) 9.1 (4.5) .984 9.8 (5.5) 9.7 (4.5) .947 8.6 (4.6) 8.5 (4.5) .987
Sex (Women/Men) 22/9 19/15 9/4 8/9 13/5 11/6
MMSE 28.0 (1.8) 25.7 (2.5) .001 28.6 (1.2) 26.3 (2.0) .001 27.6 (2.1) 25.0 (2.8) .004
CVLT (short-delay free recall) 8.9 (3.1) 3.7 (1.9) .001 11.2 (2.5) 4.7 (1.4) .001 7.2 (2.3) 2.6 (1.7) .001
CVLT (short-delay cued recall) 10.4 (3.2) 5.5 (2.2) .001 12.6 (1.9) 6.4 (1.7) .001 8.9 (3.1) 4.5 (2.4) .001
CVLT (long-delay free recall) 9.8 (3.5) 4.1 (3.1) .001 12.5 (2.9) 5.3 (2.7) .001 8.2 (3.0) 2.9 (3.0) .001
CVLT (long-delay cued recall) 10.6 (3.3) 5.7 (2.7) .001 12.5 (2.1) 6.5 (1.9) .001 9.2 (3.4) 5.0 (3.2) .001
CAMCOG-R (Orientation) 9.4 (0.9) 9.1 (1.0) .146 9.9 (0.4) 9.4 (0.7) .056 9.1 (1.1) 8.7 (1.2) .303
CAMCOG-R (Language) 24.9 (2.1) 24.3 (2.9) .293 25.8 (2.1) 24.7 (2.4) .219 24.3 (1.9) 23.8 (3.3) .579
CAMCOG-R (Attention and Calculation) 7.4 (1.5) 6.4 (2.3) .036 7.6 (1.6) 6.6 (2.3) .177 7.2 (1.4) 6.1 (2.3) .097
CAMCOG-R (Praxis) 10.9 (1.3) 9.9 (2.6) .058 11.1 (1.3) 9.8 (2.7) .136 10.7 (1.3) 9.9 (2.5) .250
CAMCOG-R (Perception) 6.3 (1.5) 6.2 (1.5) .888 6.5 (1.7) 6.5 (1.4) .987 6.1 (1.4) 5.9 (1.6) .737
CAMCOG-R (Executive function) 15.9 (5.2) 14.6 (4.1) .249 18.6 (6.0) 15.5 (3.9) .092 13.9 (3.6) 13.7 (4.2) .823
C: control group; aMCI: amnestic MCI group; y.o.: years old; MMSE: Mini-Mental State Examination; CVLT: California Verbal Learning Test; CAMCOG-R: Cambridge
Cognitive Examination.
* ANOVA (Group), signification level < 0.05.
S. Cid-Fernández et al. Biological Psychology 142 (2019) 108–115
Fig. 1. Grand-average event-related brain potential waveforms for the age subgroups in the control (blue/light grey line) and aMCI (orange/dark grey line) groups,
for each condition (Go: upper panel; NoGo: lower panel) (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version
of this article).
Reaction times (RTs, between the onset of the visual stimulus and Two-factor analysis of variance (ANOVA), with the between-subject
pressing the key) for correct responses and the number of correct re- factors Group (two levels: Control, aMCI) and Age (two levels: 69 or less
sponses (Hits) were evaluated in the Go condition. years old and 70 or more years old), was applied to the RTs, Hits and
The Go-N2 (in the 250–430 ms interval) and the Go-P3 (in the amplitudes and latencies of the Go-N2 and -P3 and the NoGo-N2 and
450–750 ms interval) components (after the Go visual stimulus), and -P3 components. Whenever the ANOVAs revealed significant effects due
the NoGo-N2 (in the 200–360 ms interval) and the NoGo-P3 (in the to the factors or their interactions, post hoc comparisons of the mean
400–650 ms interval) components (after the NoGo visual stimulus) values (adjusted to Bonferroni correction) were conducted. Differences
were also evaluated. The peak amplitudes (in microvolts) and latencies were considered significant at p ≤ 0.05.
(in milliseconds) of the Go- and NoGo-N2 and -P3 components were Finally, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were con-
evaluated at the midline electrode where the amplitude was maximal structed for those ERP and behavioral parameters in which the Group
(Pz for Go-P3, Cz for Go-N2, NoGo-N2 and NoGo-P3). factor exerted a significant main effect or interaction. These parameters
S. Cid-Fernández et al. Biological Psychology 142 (2019) 108–115
S. Cid-Fernández et al. Biological Psychology 142 (2019) 108–115
responses than the aMCI participants, although the difference was only amplitude might differ between groups (aMCI and controls) only in the
marginally significant (0.07). This is consistent with the findings of a younger subgroup, and therefore might account for the apparently
previous study using the AV task (Cid-Fernández et al., 2014a), where contradictory results regarding these parameters in previous literature.
this result was significant. This hypothesis should be tested in future studies using larger samples,
Regarding the ERP parameters, the aMCI participants showed where probably would reach significance.
longer Go-P3 and NoGo-N2 latencies than control participants, but only Regarding the ROC curves, the Go-P3 latency, the NoGo-N2 latency
those in the younger subgroup. This may indicate that the aMCI par- and the number of correct responses alone did not yield sensitivity and
ticipants aged 69 years or less old categorized the Go stimuli in the specificity scores (equal or over 0.70) that would enable groups to be
working memory more slowly and were slower regarding early re- distinguished. The same was true for the combination of the NoGo-N2
sponse inhibition processing than their control counterparts. However, and Go-P3 latencies. However, the combination of the Go-P3 latency
this difference was not observed in the participants aged 70 years or and the number of hits may be useful for distinguishing aMCI from
more. The latency values show that the evident (and significant) dif- control participants of age 69 years or less (sensitivity = 0.82 and
ference between the younger aMCI and control participants disappears specificity = 0.75). Similar results were found for the combination of
in the older subgroups (see Table 2 and Fig. 1). the NoGo-N2 latency and the number of hits (sensitivity = 0.80 and
These results may be able to explain at least in part the contra- specificity = 0.75), and for the combination of the three parameters
dictory results reported in other studies regarding Go/NoGo tasks per- (sensitivity = 0.70, specificity = 0.92).
formed by aMCI participants. On one hand, López Zunini et al. (2016) Finally, it is worth noting that the results of the present study might
did not find any group differences between aMCI and control partici- be restricted to cognitive control tasks. More ERP studies evaluating
pants in the latencies of the NoGo-N2 and Go and NoGo-P3 ERP com- these components, with other tasks and larger samples, would be ne-
ponents. The mean ages of their participants (control, mean age = 72.4 cessary to draw more general conclusions about the modulations of age
y-o; aMCI, mean age = 75.6 y-o) resemble the mean ages of our elderly in the search of aMCI biomarkers.
subgroup, so it is reasonable that they were not able to capture dif-
ferences in latencies between control and aMCI participants as those 5. Conclusions
observed in the present study in the younger age subgroup.
On the other hand, Mudar et al. (2016) found group differences in Task performance was worse in the older old participants ( > 70
N2 latency (globally, including both Go- and NoGo-N2), as this para- years old) (longer RTs and less correct responses) than in the younger
meter was longer in the aMCI than in the control group. The mean ages old participants (50–69 years old). In addition, the aMCI participants
of their groups (control, mean age = 65.4 y-o; aMCI, mean age = 68.5 processed both the Go and the NoGo stimuli more slowly than the
y-o) are much more alike our younger subgroup, so it is possible that control participants (longer NoGo-N2 and Go-P3 latencies in the
they were able to capture this global effect due to the age of their former), although only in the younger old subgroup.
sample (younger than in López Zunini et al., 2016). However, they did In conclusion, aMCI was found to affect NoGo-N2 and Go-P3 la-
not find differences in Go-P3 latency as those reported in this study, but tencies in this study because modulation by the age factor on the group
this might be explained by the different age range of the aMCI adults, as effects was taken into account. Hence, it seems important to consider
in Mudar et al. (2016) it was slightly higher than in our study (our this factor in future studies aiming to search for ERP biomarkers of
study = 51 years-old onwards, their study = 57 years-old onwards). aMCI.
The present results may reflect a decline in aMCI that becomes
evident early in aging (slower Go-P3 latency and slower NoGo-N2 la- Acknowledgements
tency in younger aMCI relative to younger healthy adults), and in-
triguingly disappears in later aging stages (absence of differences in Go- This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Government,
P3 and NoGo-N2 latencies between older aMCI relative to older healthy Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (PSI2014-55316-C3-3-R;
adults). Although we are not able to infer the cause of this pattern from PSI2017-89389-C2-2-R), with FEDER Funds; the Galician Government,
this study, it might reflect a hypothetical compensatory mechanism that Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria, Axudas
would allow the aMCI patients to preserve their speed of stimulus ca- para a Consolidación e Estruturación de Unidades de Investigación
tegorization after an early decline. Alternatively, this result might in- Competitivas do Sistema Universitario de Galicia: GRC (GI-1807-USC);
dicate that those adults diagnosed with aMCI at an earlier age may Ref: ED431-2017/27, with FEDER funds.
show larger impairments than those diagnosed later in aging. Any of
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