Dry Cell Installation Manual
Dry Cell Installation Manual
Dry Cell Installation Manual
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Installation manual.
HHO on demand dual fuel systems
Safety Precautions
Important Information
Read and follow these safety precautions to avoid hazards. If you do not understand these instructions or
do not like to work on vehicles, please have a qualified mechanic do the installation for you. Incorrectly
installing or using the HHO System may result in serious damage to you and/or your vehicle.
It should take approximately 3 hours to install this unit, so ensure that you have enough time to complete
the installation. Be sure to work outside, no smoking or sparks or fire at any time during the installation;
make sure the engine is off and very importantly, not hot.
Your HHO System does not store hydrogen, subsequently there is no fire hazard when installed properly.
However water electrolysis generates Hydrogen, an explosive gas, which means that you should never light
a match or smoke near or in front of the generators output - the water tank could blow up!
Be careful with the generator working when the car is not moving. A small amount of hydrogen can
accumulate in the air intake of the motor and could explode if you smoke or use an open flame near it.
Safety Equipment
Be sure to wear goggles and rubber gloves and only use professional tools; use common sense and general
safety procedures used for any work carried out on automotive installations and maintenance.
Be safe and enjoy your new Hydrogen on Demand Dual Fuel Generator System, read and understand these
instructions before and during the installation and you will benefit from your new system for years to
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Installation of the hydraulic components
General configuration
Please refer to the illustration below for typical configuration of the mechanical and hydraulic parts of the
HHO system. In the end pages of this manual you will be able to check each one of the individual
connections to be made regarding components. We will now only focus on the main aspects of the
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You will need to find a good place in your engine compartment to mount your new HHO system. Please
remember that the water tank should preferably be placed at least 20 cm above the generator Dry-Cells in
order to guarantee a sufficient water head for the water/hydrogen to flow. But in some cases with not too
much space available to make the installation we just need to make sure that the bottom of the water tank
is a little bit higher than the top of the dry-cell.
Install your new HHO Dry-Cell as far away from the heat of your engine as possible. Normally the best place
to install the dry-cell is in the space between the front grill and the radiator as it is closest to the air
entering the engine compartment and often the largest space available.
Make sure to install the Dry-Cell in a place that can easily be accessed and cleaned or inspected from time
to time. It should be mounted and secured in such a manner as to ensure it does not move or bounce
around while the vehicle is in motion, even over rough terrain. Securing it with a permanent metal bracket
(see photos above – metal bracket not included in the kit) should be sufficient to secure it to the engine
chassis and to operate perfectly.
When making the installation never make any type of changes in the dry-cell. Never
open it, loosen/tighten the nuts or cut the screws. You will damage the dry- cell and it
will not work properly after. Changes made in the cell are not covered by the warranty.
In the event of a flashback, the bubbler also acts as a safety barrier. If a flame reaches the bubbler and
ignites the HHO that has accumulated at the top, the water column will prevent the HHO from going on to
the dry cell because the flame cannot skip from bubble to bubble.
Make sure that bubbler is installed above the water tank to accomplish the gravity head needed for a
correct “filtering” of the HHO gas. Please take a look at the pictures below:
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Positioning the water and HHO hoses
The hose connections on vertical position of the dry-cell do not require any special remarks. The water
intake is connected in the bottom and HHO output will be in the top of the cell. You just need to make sure
that the HHO output hose is always above the top of the cell. If not the HHO gas will have difficulties
moving outside the cell and the production will be reduced. If this happens, the HHO gas will have
problems moving into the water tank and will also be released gulps reducing the efficiency of the system.
You may verify this problem if fluctuation of the amperage on your system is very high. Please refer to the
illustration below for typical installation of the hoses coming and going from the water tank:
You will need to remove the air duct, to ensure that you do not leave any residue from the drilling you are
about to do. Drill an 8 mm hole close to the intake manifold. Clean out any drill shavings, insert the high
pressure fitting using goop glue or teflon tape and tighten. Connect the high pressure hose.
The HHO hose can be routed through the PCV hose with
a “tee” connector. This is for “Positive Crankcase
Ventilation” and will draw the hydrogen directly inside
the carburetor and engine, where it cannot escape.
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HHO injection point must be done in air manifold point with vacuum suction!
An electrical power source is connected to two electrodes, or two plates which are placed in the water. In a
properly designed cell, hydrogen will appear at the cathode (the negatively charged electrode, where
electrons enter the water), and oxygen will appear at the anode (the positively charged electrode). The
amount of hydrogen generated is twice the number of moles of oxygen, and both are proportional to the
total electrical charge.
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Electrolysis of pure water requires excess energy in the form of potential to overcome various activation
barriers. Without the excess energy the electrolysis of pure water occurs very slowly or not at all. This is in
part due to the limited self- ionization of water. The efficacy of electrolysis is increased through
the addition of an electrolyte.
Electrolyte concentration
The electrolyte should be added to the water the first time that you use the system, and also when
refilling, but in lower quantities. Amperage should be measured to ensure the right operative conditions
according to the table below.
The electrolyte concentration to use in the HHO system depends on the type of electrolyte and the purity
of the product. The best electrolytes are KOH (Potassium hydroxide). We should start using a
concentration of 1% in the water solution (10g/liter). You should measure the current intensity going into
the generator and increase slowly the concentration until you reach the first standard operation amperage.
The HHO generator will start producing HHO gas and temperature will increase with time making higher
the electric conductivity of the solution and amperage until we reach the final standard operation. You will
be meeting right regulation standard running your generator with:
Engine volume HHO (L/Min) for HHO (L/Min) for Work current (A) Electrolyte
diesel cars gasoline or gas concentration
(LPG) cars
0.8L 0.20 0.30 5 50%
1.0L 0.25 0.35 5
1.2L 0.30 0.40 5.5
1.4L 0.35 0.45 5.5
1.6L 0.40 0.50 6
The values presented in the table may have a variation of ±15% according to the different driving and
mechanical conditions of each car.
Remember that we are not changing cars fuel for another type of fuel. We just want to
put enough HHO gas inside the engine to allow the fuel to burn better thus increasing
fuel economy. If we put too much hydrogen we may not have any positive results
because we will be forcing the alternator and engine without increase in fuel
Warning: Do not fall in the temptation of not measuring the current or increase the electrolyte
concentration more than is advised in this manual, because in long term, the generator will not work
properly and you may also not save any fuel.
The more electrolyte you add to the water, the more amperage you will have in the system and also more
HHO gas will be produced. But, it is false to assume that a higher HHO gas production will mean a higher
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fuel savings. There is an optimum point for all internal combustions engines. In cars the system should
provide around 0.30 liter/min of HHO gas per each 1000 cm3 of engine displacement.
Another thing that should consider is steam. Some of the early cell developers run their units with so much
amperage that the unit was producing more steam than HHO. If your unit runs hot to the touch, you must
suspect that at least part of your output is steam. One way to test for steam is to run your gas outlet over
some ice. If you get significant amounts of fog forming (water droplets), you know that at least part of your
output is steam.
Electrolyte should be added only first time of system using. After that only pure
distilled water must be used for filling water tank. You must watch on electrolyte
concentration indicator on HHO PWM. Electrolyte must be added only when
electrolyte concentration drops closer to MINIMAL.
The standard water tank is a 1,2 liters unit which will provide you with approximately 800 kilometers of
driving. Be sure to make your maintenance plan with that in mind and refill the tank when it is required.
Try to refill as often as it is possible for you in order to keep the generator running cool.
If you put too much electrolyte, there are a combination of heating factors at work and can cause a
situation called Thermal Runaway, where an increase in ambient temperature combined with excess
electrolyte mix leads to overheating in the generator shortening the “life” of system.
This causes a signal to be fed back to the ECU, that after will give orders to inject more fuel increasing the
air/fuel mixture (Richer), which will counter act the fuel gains you may be expecting.
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All cars need some corrections for higher fuel savings. Cars built after 1992, modern
diesels with EURO IV and V need essential corrections.
ECUs determine the quantity of fuel, ignition timing, and other parameters by monitoring the engine
through sensors. In cars the most important sensors are: MAP/MAP sensor and Lambda.
For an engine with electronic fuel injection, the ECU will set the quantity of fuel to inject based on a
number of parameters. For example: If the accelerator pedal is pressed further down, this will open the
throttle body and allow more air to be pulled into the engine. The ECU will inject more fuel according to
how much air is passing into the engine.
The Manifold Absolute Pressure (MAP) or the Mass Air Flow (MAF) are the two sensors normally found in
cars responsible for giving information to the computer (ECU - Environmental Control Unit) regarding the
quantity of air being aspirated by the engine and, in this way, be able to calculate the quantity of fuel
needed to be injected in order to maintain the predetermined air/fuel ratio. If more air is going into the
engine then more fuel will be injected in the engine and vice-versa.
The MAF/MAP sensor pick a 5 volt signal from the ECU, and returns a lower voltage signal in accordance
with the aspiration in the engine and the quantity of air going inside. A higher output voltage means more
air passing, which is then calculated as "more fuel is needed". Lower output signal indicates higher engine
vacuum, which requires less fuel.
It's not just fuel control. The MAF/MAP sensor signal gives the computer a dynamic indication of engine
load. The computer then uses this data to control not only fuel injection, but also gear shift and cylinder
ignition timing.
There are several solutions to correct engine work with HHO gas:
1. Change mapping of cars ECU;
2. Install lambda extender – included in kit.
3. Install HEC chip – HHO EFIE chip.
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We recommend to install Lamda Extender or HEC chip.
We recommend to all of our clients to install HEC chip and lambda extender to
increase fuel savings in modern cars.
Start by checking all your connections. Make sure your inline fuse has been installed and everything is in
the right position. Now start your engine. While it's running, watch for bubbling action inside the hose
coming from the dry-cell and back to the water tank. Please check the amperage in your system. The
generator was made to run maximum at 25A without overheating. If you have a higher amperage values
(than indicated in regulation table) you must remove some water + electrolyte from the water tank and
add only water, in order to reduce the concentration and, consequently, the amperage.
Please verify the starting amperage settings presented previously according to your engine size. If there is a
high variation of the amperage readings then there is some problem causing hydrogen to have difficulties
getting out of the cell. Please verify the cell and hoses good positioning. Please verify if there is not too
much foam being produced. In the beginning you may need to change the water after sometime having the
generator working. If you have done everything right, within a short time, you will notice that the engine
starts to sound different. It will sound smoother and quieter. Your RPM's may be unstable for a couple of
seconds. This is normal, the HHO is starting to change the combustion cycle and the engine is now
adjusting to the addition of the mixture. Your RPM's should now normalize after a couple of minutes.
REGULAR MAINTENANCE: Depending on your driving, every week you should check the water level
inside the water tank and also the amperage. Refill with distilled water. Refill with water and add a little
more electrolyte (if HHO PWM electrolyte concentration indicator is low – showing MIN) to allow
amperage to be at normal operational values. Verify that all parts are of the system are perfectly placed
and in good working conditions.
ANNUAL MAINTENANCE: Every year you should clean the water tank and dry cell and remove all
deposits. Add 50% isopropyl alcohol to the water solution and leave it in the system without working for 24
hours. Flush the system and add some fresh water to remove all deposits.
When introduced into the engine along with the petroleum based fuel, it causes the flame speed to
increase. This allows more of the fuel to burn during the power stroke. This will just happen. And it will be
a dramatic increase over the combustion without the HHO. After the combustion efficiency is improved,
the ECU is often fooled by the reduced quantity of unburned hydrocarbons and increased oxygen content,
and often will add fuel to compensate. This can ruin your mileage gains.
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The simplicity of what we have to do to have a successful HHO installation is get some
HHO into the engine and adjust the sensor inputs as necessary so the ECU is not blocking
the gains. That's all.
If we can do those 2 things, we will always get vastly improved fuel economy and vastly improved
(decreased) emissions. While this checklist was written with HHO users in mind, it will work for any other
technology that improves combustion efficiency. You will find that you can adapt many of these steps to
apply to whatever technology you are using to debug your project. Other combustion technologies include
(but are not limited to): water vapor injection, fuel preheating, fuel vaporizers/atomizers, fuel cracking
technologies (using additives to break down the fuel), etc. You should check out these items working from
the top down. They have been ordered this way on purpose so that the most likely problems are higher on
the list. Also, the problems that are the easiest to test appear higher on the list than those that are difficult
and/or expensive to test for. The thing you have to realize is that the technology works. And because it
does, all vehicles can be solved. If you are having a hard time getting the results you should, you just need
to go through these items and find the reasons your gains are being blocked. If you keep at it, you will find
the problem and you will get the gains you are seeking.
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1. Is your device making HHO?
The most common bug we encounter trying to debug systems is that HHO is not being produced, or is not
getting into the engine for some reason. Check your system. Measure the output of your HHO cell by doing
a water displacement test. Remember that the system should provide HHO in accordance to regulation
table showed at beginning. See if you are meeting that standard.
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explored and handled. If you're not sure, reset your computer, turn off all of your HHO, extender and any
other added modifications, and see if you still get a fault code. If so, get it fixed first, before adding your
All vehicles can be solved. Some of them are a little tougher than others due to the way
the ECU was programmed. But they can all be solved. The technology works. If you
have gotten to this point and your vehicle is still not been solved, one of the above
steps is still out. You need to find it and get it corrected. And then your results will
shine through.
Hydrogen generators are sold in accordance that the client understands and assumes full responsibility for
the safety and understands the warnings associated with the installation of a hydrogen HHO generator and
using it in the car. Customer agrees to comply with all safety regulations to avoid potential risks. Seller shall
not be liable for any loss or damage caused by improper installation and/or operation of the generator.
It is forbidden to use open flame near the HHO generator - hydrogen is a flammable gas!
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