2021 Olympian Electric Power Prime Advantage Esc Customer List
2021 Olympian Electric Power Prime Advantage Esc Customer List
2021 Olympian Electric Power Prime Advantage Esc Customer List
Prime Gensets ‐ ADVANTAGE ESC 2021 Customer List Prices
All prices shown are $0 deductible. Caterpillar Confidential: Green
Prices Subject to change without notice. Effective for registrations between January 1 and December 31, 2021.
SALES MODELS ‐ Both Diesel and Gas (as ESC Terms Olympian Genset Advantage ESC
displayed in SIMSi) Months Hours Silver Gold Platinum
D13‐4, D13‐4S, D20‐6, D20‐6S, D25‐6, D25‐ 12 1,000 $330 $440 $580
6S, D25‐8, D25‐8S, D30‐10, D30‐8, D30‐8S, 12 1,500 $450 $610 $790
GEK10SP1, GEK12.5‐1, GEK6SP3, GEK7.5‐1, 12 2,000 $550 $750 $980
GEK7.5SP1, GEK9.5‐1, GEP11SP‐2, 12 2,500 $650 $880 $1,140
GEP11SP4, GEP11SP‐4, GEP11SP6, 12 3,000 $730 $990 $1,280
GEP13.5, GEP13.5‐2, GEP13.5‐4, GEP13.5‐ 12 3,500 $800 $1,080 $1,400
6, GEP14SP‐2, GEP14SP‐4, GEP14SP6, 12 4,000 $860 $1,160 $1,510
GEP16SP‐2, GEP16SP‐4, GEP16SP6, GEP18‐ 12 4,500 $930 $1,250 $1,610
2, GEP18‐4, GEP18‐6, GEP22, GEP22‐4, 12 5,000 $980 $1,310 $1,700
GEP22‐6, GEP26SP1, GEP26SP2, 12 5,500 $1,030 $1,380 $1,790
GEP26SP3, GEP26SP4, GEP26SP6, 12 6,000 $1,060 $1,440 $1,860
GEP30‐1, GEP30‐2,
GEP30SP‐3, GEP7.5SP2, GEP7.5SP4, 24 1,500 $500 $680 $880
GEP9.5‐2, GEP9.5‐4, GEPH17SP, GEPH22‐2, 24 2,000 $630 $840 $1,090
GEPH24SP, GEPH28SP, GEPH30‐2, GEPX30‐ 24 2,500 $730 $980 $1,260
1, GEPX30S3, XQE20, XQE20‐2, XQE27, 24 3,000 $810 $1,100 $1,430
XQE30‐2, XQE30‐4 24 3,500 $890 $1,200 $1,560
24 4,000 $960 $1,300 $1,690
24 4,500 $1,030 $1,390 $1,800
24 5,000 $1,090 $1,460 $1,900
24 5,500 $1,140 $1,540 $1,990
24 6,000 $1,190 $1,600 $2,080