Sonoma: Sculpture Square
Sonoma: Sculpture Square
Sonoma: Sculpture Square
Candidates for the future sculpture for Old Courthouse Square are, clockwise from top left, “Unum” by Blessing Hancock of Tucson, Arizona; “Valley of the Moon” by Laura Haddad and
Sculpture Square
Tom Drugan of Seattle; “The Dome” by Gordon Huether of Napa; “Air Arbor” by Ned Kahn of Sebastopol; and, below,“The Tie That Binds” by Benjamin Ball of Los Angeles.
winning sculpture will
blank can- be installed in early
vas” — that’s 2022.
one way to All five finalist pro-
view the open space at posals meet the aims of
the north end of Old the project and would
Courthouse Square in deliver refreshing
downtown Santa Rosa. creativity to this part
To anchor that area, of downtown, said
the city has solicited Tara Thompson, Santa
ideas for a new large- Rosa’s arts and culture
scale sculpture to manager.
express Santa Rosa’s “The space is a blank
“values of innovation canvas ripe for new
and cultural inclusivity.” art,” Thompson said. “Whatever we choose
Already, a field of more than 140 proposals will be great.”
from across the country has been narrowed to We spoke with the five finalists to learn
five, chosen by a panel of arts professionals, more about their proposed pieces and their
downtown business owners and others. work.
The panel is set to make their final decision
jarana, a guitar-like instrument Las Cafeteras’ songs range from
ast L.A. band Las Cafeteras with eight strings that originated in the political (“If I Was President”)
wants you to do more than Veracruz, Mexico. to the personal (“Luna Lovers”).
sit and listen to their music. “We were folks working with Their sound is varied, but it’s rooted
They want you to sing, to dance, immigrant rights and youth orga- in son jarocho, music that evolved
to think about the stories they’re nizations, so for us having genuine in the state of Veracruz and dates
telling. conversations is as natural as back centuries to the gruesome days
The daughters and sons of immi- anything else.” of the slave trade, Flores said.
grants, they want to engage you in And although they can’t play in It combines “African, indige- VALERIE P. HERNANDEZ
conversation. And then they want person for their dedicated fans, nous, mestizo, Spanish and beats, The popular Chicano band Las Cafeteras from East Los
you to act. Las Cafeteras will Angeles will perform a live-streamed show hosted by
“Before we were musicians, perform a live- TURN TO CAFETERAS » PAGE D10 Sonoma State’s Green Music Center on Oct. 15.
The roughly 20 pieces in the exhibit including “With Malice Towards None”
ublic discussion on the near-at- from local artists focus on issues and by Susan Bercu and a video featuring
hand November election tends to be ideas, not candidates. an original song titled “Love Around
partisan and thoroughly polarized, Factor’s own contributions include the World 2020” by Santa Rosa composer
but the Santa Rosa Arts Center’s current “We the People” and “A Portrait of Jason Farnham.
online exhibit “VOTE 2020!” has a broad- George Floyd,” an acrylic and paper “This is the first time my work has
er theme. collage depicting the Black man killed ever been included in an art exhibit,”
“I think people have made up their during an arrest in May in Minneapolis Farnham said.
minds,” said center director Simmon whose death sparked nationwide protests The song has more than 19,000 views
Factor, the show’s curator and one against police use of force and racial on Facebook and was mixed by Gram-
of its roughly dozen participating inequalities. my-award winner and Sonoma County
artists. “We don’t need to attack any- Demonstrations protesting racial in- resident Isha Erskine, he said.
one.” justice and police tactics are the subject “I like how the theme of the exhibit
Rather than try and convince viewers of Dawn Thomas’ painting “Portland focuses on just getting people to vote,
to join a side, this exhibit simply urges Protests,” based on a photo taken of a which seems more like a theme of unity,”
people to vote, as its title says. The show struggle between a demonstrator and a Farnham added.
continues through Nov. 3 at police officer. “This piece was painted with permis- You can reach Staff Writer Dan Taylor The Santa Rosa Arts Center’s current online
“This exhibit is about the importance sion from the photographer and features at [email protected] or 707- exhibit “VOTE 2020!“ includes “Portland
of voting,” Factor wrote in his online a moment in the Portland, Oregon, 521-5243. On Twitter @danarts. Protests” by Dawn Thomas.
the Green Music Center’s “Green Room” series.
ake the most of your autumn
7 p.m. streamed online, available for 48 hours
with live music, online art
after. $10 tickets. For more information, visit
and more virtual fun in Sono-
ma County.
Friday, Oct. 9 Friday, Oct. 16
OutWatch Film Fest: Wine Country’s LGBTQ+
The Musers: The Luther Burbank Center pres-
film festival is virtual this year, featuring
ents Sonoma County folk group The Musers,
films about pioneers for civil rights for the
streaming live. 8 p.m. on Facebook Live. Free.
LGBTQ+ community. Through Oct. 25 on the
For more information, visit
film festival’s website. $12 tickets. Information:
Milo Baker Fall Online Plant Sale: The Milo
Baker Chapter Native Plant Society presents a
fall plant sale. Through Oct. 11 on its website. Text in Music: What About the Words?: Men-
For more information, visit docino Music Festival presents a Zoom webinar
OBI KAUFMANN on how composers choose their texts. Noon
Saturday, Oct. 10 Copperfield’s Books presents naturalist and illustrator Obi Kaufmann, author of “The on Zoom. Free. For more information, visit
Fall Music Series at Hotel Healdsburg: The
Forests of California,” in an online discussion Oct. 15.
Rob Sudduth Trio will play bebop ballads and
blues on Hotel Healdsburg’s outdoor green. 25 Saturday, Oct. 17
Matheson St., Healdsburg. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Free, Tuesday, Oct. 13 mation, visit
Spooky Stories for Adults: The Sonoma
food purchase required. For more information, Sonoma County Virtual Jewish Film County Library is uploading a new scary
visit Festival: The Jewish Community Center of Wednesday, Oct. 14
Women in Conversation at Home: Part 2: The story every Wednesday and Saturday in
Sonoma County presents its 25th annual film October to its YouTube channel. For more
Sunday, Oct. 11 festival, online this year, with 10 films avail- Press Democrat presents the second installation
of “Women in Conversation at Home,” a virtual information, visit
SRS@Home: Santa Rosa Symphony will present able for viewing on demand, director talks ma-scares
Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1, to celebrate and more. Through Nov. 16 on the center’s lifestyle series featuring Sonoma County wom-
en. 6 p.m. Free. Information:
Beethoven’s 250th birthday. Streaming live from website. $80 individual pass, $100 household Sunday, Oct. 18
Weill Hall at the Green Music Center. pass and single films priced at $14-24. For Thursday, Oct. 15 Current Exhibit: Chris Beards & Patrick
3 p.m. on the symphony’s YouTube channel. more information, visit socojff2020.eventive. Obi Kaufmann — Online: Copperfield’s Books Duegaw: Visit the Paul Mahder Gallery to see
Free. More information: org/films presents Obi Kaufmann, author of “The Forests sculptures by Chris Beards and a lithograph
Jiji: Guitarist Jiji performs for the Green Music Wall2Wall — An Online Art Auction: Last day of California.” Kaufmann will discuss the bio- series by Patrick Duegaw. Face coverings
Center’s “Green Room” series. 3 p.m. streamed to participate in the Sonoma Valley Museum of diversity that defines California as well as his required when visiting. Ends Oct. 18. 222
online and available for 48 hours after the perfor- Art’s online art auction, “Wall2Wall,” to benefit signature watercolor maps and trail paintings. Healdsburg Ave., Healdsburg. Information:t
mance. $10 tickets. the museum. Register online. For more infor- 7 p.m. online. Free. For more information, visit
Benjamin Ball,
Los Angeles
Proposal: “The Tie
That Binds”
Describe the type of
art you make.
about making places Benjamin Ball Laura Haddad, Tom Drugan Blessing Hancock Gordon Huether Ned Kahn
where people can gath-
er and sit. I also have a Find more of Ball’s work How does the piece timeless dome of the old
I let nature sculpt the field,
background in design, so at his website, Ball-nogues. artwork will change its reflect Sonoma County courthouse. It invites the
rather than me imposing
structure is interesting to com appearance during the day and/or Santa Rosa? community to come andmy artistic ideas on it. My
me. I often like to think depending on whether it The golden hills of Sono- gather in fellowship. The
piece on the AT&T build-
about fun and interesting Laura Haddad is front-lit or back-lit by ma County and Santa Rosa top represents flower pet-
ing downtown, “Digitized
ways of making structure and Tom Drugan, sunlight, and then again at were the initial form-giv- als that create something
Field,” is a good example
apart from the metaphori- Seattle night with the addition of ers and are referenced in of a rose window, like
of this, and it’s something
cal or symbolic meaning. LED lighting that is inter- undulating curves and in cathedrals or a kalei-
everyone here knows.
What story does “The Proposal: “Valley of nal to the sculpture. golden lighting of the doscope. Of course, the What story does “Air
Tie That Binds” tell? the Moon” What do you hope sculpture. Arbor” tell?
flowers reference Luther
The spheres are ar- Describe the type of people take away from How does your idea Burbank. I wanted to create an
ranged in a knot shape. art you make. interacting with the for the project reflect How does the pieceenvironment, a place in
For the design, I studied Our artwork is site-spe- piece? your point of view? reflect Sonoma Countywhich people could be im-
the kinds of knots that are cific, so the materials We hope the artwork My aim is to have the and/or Santa Rosa? mersed, rather than an ob-
used in viticulture to attach change from piece to piece. will create a landmark artwork speak for the local I have a lot of personal
ject. That dovetailed with
vines to wire and trellises. One through-line is our for the square but also, community, and I look history in Santa Rosa. My
idea of dappled light. I was
How does the piece interest in light. We work through its use and incor- forward to the opportunity father used to go (there)
trying to create an oasis,
reflect Sonoma County with sunlight and LED poration of redwood, feel to reach out to residents for work, and I took class-
a restorative environment
and/or Santa Rosa? light to activate our art inviting and engaging. for inclusion of text in es there in my 20s. For me,
rather than a sculpture.
The piece is inspired by a with magical effects and To learn more about this piece. Giving people a How does the piece
the piece tells the story of
particular kind of knotting use materials that are the couple’s artwork, visit chance to have their voice reflect Sonoma County
that history as well as the
we see in Sonoma County. luminous, iridescent and heard is more import now and/or Santa Rosa?
history of a growing city
Beyond that, the knot is reflective. than ever. that has changed a lot over
I was inspired by trees,
meant to symbolize the What story does “Val- Blessing Hancock, What do you hope peo- the years. and one of the things that
connection between people ley of the Moon” tell? Tucson, Arizona ple take away from inter- How does your ideapeople don’t realize about
in this place. I’m also inter- We wanted to create Proposal: “Unum” acting with the piece? for the project reflect
Santa Rosa is that it is a
ested in the way Califor- a piece that acted as a Describe the type of My hope is to involve your point of view? city of trees. I think the
nians live between a rural beacon in the same way art you make. as many residents in the It’s big. It’s interactive.
dappling effect also evokes
existence and a semi-urban that the old courthouse’s My sculptures are typ- text collection as possible. And it’s reflective of the
redwoods, which grow
existence. Santa Rosa is in cupola did. The other ically a mixture of metal, The surface of the artwork unique history of this city.
the middle of that. inspiration was the name polycarbonate, glass and/ will tell the local story and What do you hope peo-How does your idea
How does your idea Sonoma, which is an indig- or LED lighting. I am most reflect the values inherent ple take away from inter-
for the project reflect
for the project reflect enous (word) translating interested in the opportu- to the community of Santa acting with the piece?
your point of view?
your point of view? to mean “Valley of the nity to involve the public Rosa. I want people to be (It) reflects field in how
(This piece) is loose- Moon.” The image of a val- in the creative process To see more of Han- inspired and drawn tothe fabric moves. The fab-
ly based on Newton’s ley characterizes the base (through) workshops, writ- cock’s art, go to blessing- that place and sit in it. It’s
ric is translucent. It has
Cradle. It’s made of crescent, while the sphere ten stories and phone in- supposed to be its own
a luminosity almost like
mirror-polished stainless is a symbol of the moon. terviews, finding that this immersive experience. I
paper. As the sun and the
steel spheres suspended How does the piece enhances both the process Gordon Huether, want the square to be a
wind pass through each
individually from two reflect Sonoma County and the end product. Napa destination where people
of the 36 pieces of fabric,
points. It’s designed to and/or Santa Rosa? What story does Proposal: “The Dome” want to hang out. I want to
each projects shadow and
look like clacker balls you Through its coupling “Unum” tell? Describe the type of help create a gateway.
light onto the next layer.
might see on an execu- of geometric forms and The artwork is titled art you make. Go to gordonhuether.
It changes all the time.
tive’s desk. But it means natural materials, the “Unum,” Latin for “one- I do large-scale installa- com to see more of What do you hope
something more. artwork, like Santa Rosa, ness or together.” It is tions. I’m about trying to Huether’s work. people take away from
What do you hope peo- melds urban and natural inspired by the reunified understand who the people interacting with the
ple take away from inter- qualities. It is both hard Old Courthouse Square. are in a community and Ned Kahn, piece?
acting with the piece? and soft. This is represent- The story it will tell on its what’s special about that Sebastopol For me, being in a forest
I’m not in the business ed at the square already by surface is not yet written community. That process Proposal: “Air Arbor” is restorative, so I hope
of telling people how to the gigantic redwood trees. (and) will come about is never about me. I’m just Describe the type of this gives people the same
think, but I hope they rec- How does your idea through a community a creative vehicle, here to art you make. feeling. Also, that we are
ognize, however vaguely for the project reflect engagement process. The tell someone else’s story. I’m intrigued with idea all connected to the air.
or specifically, that the your point of view? sculpture explores how What story does “The of field. Normal paintings To learn more about
piece is about connections We were trying to language and form can be Dome” tell? and sculptures have a focal Kahn’s art, go to nedkahn.
between people. create a civic beacon. The combined into art. It’s a reference to the point. Instead, in my work com
plus four live talks by film- abandoned community and trauma is told through
he Sonoma County makers, with times and on a fateful mission in the the eyes of a young girl in
Jewish Film Festi- dates still to be announced United States (English, post-World War II Hunga-
val has long been a for three of the four. Amharic). The festival in- ry (Hungarian).
popular event at the Rialto Viewers can watch cludes a talk with director Short Film Program:
Cinemas in Sebastopol, the films on demand for Ryan S. Porush at 7 p.m. This group of four short
but with movie theaters five weeks. Films are in Oct. 27. films from around the
still closed due to the English or other languages “Mossad”: In this world includes a comedy
coronavirus pandemic, it’s with English subtitles. zany Israeli comedy, a set in the West Bank and
time for a different format. The interactive film globe-trotting Mossad a rare Jewish-Japanese
The festival will cele- guide and all of the LENKE SZILÁGYI / SONOMA COUNTY JEWISH FILM FESTIVAL agent is hot on the trail documentary about Jews
brate its 25th anniversary trailers can be seen here: “Those Who Remained” is a drama about the healing power of a mysterious terrorist who fled Europe for Japan
season with its first virtual of love in the midst of loss and trauma, told through the organization when an during World War II
festival, running Oct. 13 films eyes of a girl in post-World War II Hungary. It will be shown American tech billionaire (Hebrew, Arabic, German,
through Nov. 16. Highlights include: at this year’s online Sonoma County Jewish Film Festival. is kidnapped in Jerusalem Japanese and English).
“The film festival is “Sublet”: A New York (Hebrew). Complete information is in
an exciting opportunity Times travel writer goes Award-winner John Benja- Manasseh, a Black rabbin- “My Name is Sara”: the online film guide.
for the community to see to Tel Aviv after suffering min Hickey and is directed ical student and mother This film tells the true Single tickets for the fes-
some of the best, newest a tragedy and is revived by Eytan Fox (English, who fights against sense- story of Sara Goralnik, tival are $14 to $24 and can
international cinema that by the energy of the city Hebrew). less killings on the south a Polish Jew who, at 13, be purchased at jccsoco.
will not be shown else- and his relationship with “They Ain’t Ready for side of Chicago (English). escaped to Ukraine and as- org. Single season passes
where,” said Irène Hodes, a younger man. This Me”: This documentary “The Passengers”: In sumed a Christian identity cost $80 and family passes
director of film festivals LGBQT drama stars Tony tells the story of Tamar Ethiopia there is a com- after her family was killed cost $100.
work by Sonoma painter
lthough many art and educator Chester Ar- dining authority.
museums are still nold, painter and former
closed because of Sonoma State art faculty
the coronavirus pandemic, member Bob Nugent,
You can find it at
they continue to present Mexico City-born paint- or subscribe to The Press Democrat on your favorite
exhibits and art classes er and Stanford faculty
online. That means they member Enrique Chagoya podcast app.
still need to raise funds, and ceramic sculptor and
which they’ve done in the UC Berkeley professor
past with big public events Richard Shaw.
and galas. Those are not “We’ve had a ground-
happening this year. swell of support by many
For the Sonoma Val- major artists throughout
ley Museum of Art in the Bay Area,” said Connie
downtown Sonoma, this Schlelein, organizer of the
year’s fundraising event auction. “We’ve been over-
will happen online. The whelmed by the quality of
museum is staging its the art. It’s breathtaking.”
first-ever virtual version To register as a bidder in
of its annual Wall2Wall art the auction, visit the muse-
auction, from Oct. 8-13. um’s website at
Previous Wall2Wall event/wall2wall/. Pieces
fundraisers featured a are valued at $100 and up,
party inside the museum, Keaton said.
with attendees enjoying “This is a chance to get
live music and dancing a piece that you couldn’t
amid artworks donated normally afford,” Schle-
from the collections of lein said. “Or if nothing
local patrons. else, you could register
“This year is a lot differ- just to leaf through the
ent, but we’re hoping there collection.”
will be some of the same Although this isn’t a live BiteClub host Heather Irwin
fun factor,” said Linda auction, it retains some of
Keaton, executive director the same excitement as a
of the museum. live event, Keaton said. Each podcast in the series will feature fresh and engaging
The most exciting part “We’re using a platform
of the current Wall2Wall that keeps you notified stories, including:
event is the art itself, if someone bids against
including a picture by you,” she said.
famed landscape photog- Museum leaders are so
Sonoma chef storytellers
rapher and environmen- pleased with the online
talist Ansel Adams and a auction format that they Best dish eaten this week
portrait by Jim Marshall may continue it even after
of rock singer Janis Joplin this year, once coronavi- New openings/closings and what they mean to the area
in a sequined dress with a rus-related restrictions
bottle of Jim Beam. on public gatherings are Outdoor adventures in eating
“We invited a group lifted.
of artists who have a “It could be an event we
relationship with the would continue online in Heather’s Hacks – Kitchen Tips
museum,” Keaton said. the future,” Schlelein said.
“They either have shown Food Truck of the week
their work there or have You can reach Staff Writer
upcoming shows. And a lot Dan Taylor at dan.tay-
of other artists came for- [email protected] or
ward. We got 182 submis- 707-521-5243. On Twitter @
sions, and we’re auction- danarts.
In partnership with
Seated at opposite ends of the Director: Sofia Coppola
t isn’t surprising how ef- frame, they are bewitching. Yet Rating: R for some sexual refer-
fortlessly Bill Murray takes if they were any farther apart, ences and language
possession of Sofia Coppola’s they wouldn’t be in the same
gently comic “On the Rocks” — shot. Within seconds, they have Length: 96 minutes
though this hijacking may be APPLE/A24 filled the space between them Where: Apple TV +
more of a sly directorial surren- Rashida Jones, left, as Laura and Bill Murray as Felix, Laura’s impulsive with shy looks and frisky smiles,
der. Casting Murray is a surefire father, star in “On the Rocks.” and then they’re off, running
way to win over an audience. It down one of those vertiginous, Jones’ face, with its sharp
also means yielding at least part lon Wayans), always seems to The domestic cacophony may be slightly ominous spiral stair- angles and pensive eyes, was
of the movie to him, which is be perfunctorily kissing Laura reassuring, but the coarsening cases that filmmakers like to made to get lost in, and she’s
what happens here. He plays a hello or goodbye on his way out of intimacy is palpable. brandish as a warning. You’re appealingly down to earth, the
bigger-than-life sybarite whose the door. She may be the heroine Coppola’s aesthetic reserve left to wonder if they have ever actor as best friend. When she
daughter enlists him to help of this story, but she isn’t the suits this story and the diffi- truly closed that divide. looks pained, you want to help,
with her marital woes. If that center of her universe. dence of her heroine. Jones as By the time the movie kicks too. Again and again, Coppola
sounds like a dubious idea for a The plot hinges on Laura’s Laura is appealing and you’re in, the fairy tale is over, and visually isolates Laura, often in
grown child, it’s also a playful fear that Dean is no longer drawn to her just by virtue of Laura is tapping Felix for advice, dark rooms, inviting us to look
conceptual gambit for a director interested in her and may be her being the lead. Even so it’s though asking a serially unfaith- at her, yes, but also to wonder:
whose father, Francis Ford Cop- having an affair. All the familiar instructive that the first voice ful father for marital counsel What does she see? What does
pola, casts his own long shadow. signs seem to be there, includ- you hear in the movie is Felix’s. constitutes a kind of magical she think? For much of the mov-
Murray plays Felix, a retired ing his business trips and long “And remember, don’t give your thinking. Murray’s character- ie, she seems like a spectator in
gallerist and full-time bon vivant work hours that often find Laura heart to any boys,” he says in istically easygoing delivery and her own life. She rides along,
who’s done ostentatiously well home with the children. Coppola voice-over, right after the Amer- shambolic presence radiate she goes along. In the past,
for himself, with a vintage Alfa sketches in Laura’s world and ican Zoetrope credit appears and enough goodwill that you go Coppola’s embrace of ambiguity
Romeo in the garage and an its loneliness early and starkly before the first image material- along with it. Murray wears his could feel like a dodge, a way of
Ellsworth Kelly on the mantel. when Dean abruptly pulls away izes. “You’re mine until you get roles lightly, so you always feel evading meaning. But in “On
His daughter Laura (Rashida from her embrace one night. married,” Felix continues, “then that you’re getting some version the Rocks,” a wistful and lovely
Jones, yet another child of a leg- The next morning, as Laura you’re still mine.” A girlish voice of the actor himself, the comic story about finally coming of
endary father) is a writer who’s tends to the kids, and Dean laughs and adds an incredulous legend (funny, dry, unknowable), age, there’s nothing ambiguous
struggling to put words on paper hurries to leave for work, they “OK, Dad.” And then Chet Baker which usefully softens Felix’s about how she makes us see
while caring for her two young move around their kitchen with starts singing. edges. Laura may remember his a woman too long lost in life’s
girls. Her husband, Dean (Mar- well-rehearsed choreography. The first image in the movie sins, but they no longer cut. shadow.
relationship with the United tarian regime “one step below journalist Jamal Khashoggi
he shocking subject of States, which the film posits a theocracy,” as one interview Director: Rick Rowley
journalist Jamal Khashog- began with Chevron’s entry into subject puts it, over all else, in- Rating: TVMA
gi’s grisly fate — his 2018 the country to drill, after the cluding grotesque human rights
murder and dismemberment discovery of oil there in 1938. violations. Length: 98 minutes
at the hands of thugs apparent- From that point, filmmaker Rick That’s made explicit by Where: Showtime
ly directed by Saudi Arabian Rowley lays out the chronology President Donald Trump: When
authorities, perhaps as highly carefully — if not always in tidy asked by a reporter why he
placed as Crown Prince Moham- chapters, considering its many SHOWTIME appeared to side with the Sau- experience runs from the Carter
med bin Salman — opens and twists and turns. During the So- “Kingdom of Silence” examines the di’s denials of involvement in administration to Obama’s, puts
closes the disturbing documen- viet Union’s war in Afghanistan, 2018 murder of Jamal Khashoggi, Khashoggi’s death, the president it even more bluntly, saying
tary “Kingdom of Silence.” for instance, the United States a Washington Post columnist and replied, in effect, that he was not that preserving our strategic
There is a suggestion that and the Saudis together backed critic of Saudi government. about to jeopardize billions of partnership with Saudi Arabia
Khashoggi may have been killed the Afghan mujahideen rebels, dollars worth of deals by contra- - one that involves oil imports
because he had been approached and all seemed cozy. But then tions to the Saudi royal family dicting the Saudis. and arms sales - “outweighs the
by investigators looking for 15 of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 to something of a dissident who Like much else in the film, it’s death of any one man.”
information about connections turned out to be Saudi. And bin often sharply disagreed with its shocking to hear this character- You can almost hear the sound
between the Saudi government Laden — a supplier of arms and rulers, despite always identify- ized by Trump as an “America of the cash register.
and 9/11. Khashoggi himself 2018funds to the mujahideen, ing as a patriot. He was living First” policy, and not just be- Another of the film’s subjects
was once a close admirer of like us — was identified as being in what he called self-exile in cause Khashoggi was a perma- lays out the thesis of “Kingdom
Osama bin Laden, in his youth, behind that attack. suburban Washington, D.C., at nent U.S. resident. of Silence”— or, really, its moral
before bin Laden established Things got messy. the time of his death. But Trump is not alone in - quite clearly and chillingly,
al-Qaida. Throughout this shifting “Kingdom of Silence” — the seemingly distorted priorities. asking simply, “Which side are
But the reasons behind the narrative, Khashoggi’s place in title refers to the insularity and Later in the film, a longtime you on?” It’s a question that
death of Khashoggi, who was a the story is also evolving, from secrecy of rule by the Saudi Foreign Service officer in Saudi hangs in the air, like an accusa-
Washington Post contributing an insider with close connec- royal family — is most alarming Arabia, David Rundell, whose tion, as the closing credits roll.
Montgomery Village • 2321 Magowan Drive, Santa Rosa
Jack laments that he doesn’t Jo Firestone, Gary Richardson,
hen co-writers/co-di- feel like a real man because he Johanna Day
rectors Alex Huston can’t dehook a fish or do basic Director: Alex Huston Fischer,
Fischer and Eleanor plumbing. Eleanor Wilson
Wilson premiered their feature But he doesn’t really need Rating: R for language
debut “Save Yourselves!” at the those skills while partnered up
Sundance Film Festival early with Su, who proves to be the Length: 99 minutes
this year, they could not have strong, capable, brave alpha to Where: Fandango Now
known just how eerily and Jack’s nurturing, emotional
specifically prescient their film beta. That’s the gender flip that
about hipsters at the end of the BLEECKER STREET Huston Fischer and Wilson offer After all, many of us willingly
world would be. Sunita Mani and John Reynolds play a young couple who try to unplug the tale. get on the bird app every day for
While extraterrestrials hav- from tech and miss an attack on Earth by aliens in ‘Save Yourselves!’ The alien conceit is a bit a dose of fresh terror.
en’t shown up to kill us all (yet), goofy and tortured, but like all How does it all end?
the film does predict apocalyptic reconnect. an abusive boss. Jack, an appeal- good apocalypse movies, it’s not Don’t go looking to “Save
details that have all come to It’s a classic millennial lament ingly puppyish and hapless fella, about what the big bad is, just Yourselves!” for answers. It
pass, like a sudden fixation on that has only recently grown yearns for more meaning and that it happens and forces the lands in an ambiguous middle
baking sourdough bread and louder: the internet – can’t live connection in a world of shallow characters into strange situa- that’s not too bleak or too hope-
a crippling addiction to doom with it, can’t live without it (pair hipster hypocrisy. tions where they have to make ful and just falls flat; an exagger-
scrolling. this with “The Social Dilemma” They decide to head to a challenging choices. ated shrug.
In fact, it’s the scrolling that on Netflix for the ultimate digi- friend’s cabin in upstate New In the best zombie movies, the But all the things that come
serves as the impetus for the tal detox double feature). York and turn off their phones. undead serve as a metaphor for before resonate, not just the
action of “Save Yourselves!” as Su and Jack are trying to save But just as their search for some evil of modern life, and sourdough and the scrolling,
Su (Sunita Mani) and Jack (John themselves, but initially, it’s authenticity is about to turn into these soft, colorful, yet invasive but the idea that things can and
Reynolds), a comfortable yet un- not from the imminent threat a Reddit relationships post, a little buggers are the perfect will change quickly, and that
satisfied Brooklyn couple, peel of danger, but rather the slow bunch of murderous pouffe-ball representation for the seem- even in the worst of times, it’s
themselves off the couch and creep of dread. aliens descend on Earth and ingly innocuous, cutesy-named worth it to find and savor small
away from their smartphones Su, an achievement-oriented Jack and Su unexpectedly find social media sites that suck us joys whenever and as often as
in an attempt to disconnect to type, is burned out working for the meaning and connection dry. possible.
(Lorraine Toussaint), who Wilson, Ryan Kiera Armstrong,
he Glorias” is an offbeat proposes the magazine; Dolores Janelle Monáe, Timothy Hutton,
biographical tribute Huerta (Monica Sanchez), who Leo Steinem, Lorraine Toussaint
that feels like it wants to forces Steinem to realize that Director: Julie Taymor
be offbeater. not all feminists want the same Rating: R for brief lewd images,
It’s about Gloria Steinem and, things; and an unnamed woman some language
as the title hints, we get multiple at the March on Washington who
versions of her. One appears to reminds Steinem – and us – that Length: 147 minutes
be about 9. One is closer to 14. the Women’s Movement owes its Where: Fandango Now, Vudu,
One is around 30 and played by beginnings to Black trailblazers Amazon Prime Video
Alicia Vikander, with a wobbly such as Fannie Lou Hamer.
accent and aviator glasses that “The Glorias” isn’t the most
overwhelm her performance. And nuanced portrait of Steinem. If already a famous journalist and
another, the most interesting one, DAN MCFADDEN/ LD ENTERTAINMENT AND ROADSIDE ATTRACTIONS she ever told a mean joke or dis- activist, grabs a notepad to re-
takes Steinem from about 40 to Lorraine Toussaint as Flo Kennedy, left, and Julianne Moore as Gloria respected her mother, we don’t cord minutes at a minor caucus
the present. She’s played by Juli- Steinem, share a scene in “The Glorias.” find out in this admiring film. meeting, or when she takes a
anne Moore, and the movie could What we do get, though, is the back seat to more gifted orators.
use a lot more of her. movie helps us do the same. kind of wish Moore had played context for Steinem’s achieve- (Margo Moorer, who starred in
The script by director Julie It’s initially off-putting but Steinem at all ages. That sur- ments: how her precarious “Trouble in Mind” at the Guth-
Taymor and co-writer Sarah it’s as good a way as any for a real touch might fit better with childhood gave her resolve, how rie Theater, only has one scene
Ruhl skips around in time, movie to acknowledge that it’s the bus scenes and make the experiencing sexism hands-on as Rep. Barbara Jordan, but she
peeking in on vignettes from impossible to cram a big life into biographical bits feel less stodgy. (literally) made her a fighter is titanic.)
throughout the icon’s life. Those a couple of hours and, at the Moore’s Steinem is direct, fun- and how working with dozens of As the movie ends, Taymor
color scenes are united by a conclusion, it pays off in a very ny, compassionate and collabo- other women (many of them also floods the screen with images of
black-and-white framing device: satisfying way. rative and the movie is at its best depicted in Hulu’s recent “Mrs. real women throughout history,
On a bus trip, the four Glorias Still, and maybe this is just when she and other women are, America” series) helped her see which could mean that anyone
meet and discuss her life, as if because I’ve been watching two for instance, brainstorming a herself as part of something who fights for a better, fairer
trying to help each other figure 30-something women brilliantly magazine that will become Ms., bigger. world is a Gloria. Maybe we all
out who Steinem is while the play adolescents in “PEN15,” I or figuring out how to get the That hits home when Steinem, are Glorias.
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Crowley’s campy wise- posedly straight college ary Quinto, Matt Bomer,
hen Mart Crow- cracks resounded in gay friend, Alan (played with Andrew Rannells, Charlie
ley’s “The Boys bars across America for sorrowful gruffness by Carver, Robin De JesÚs,
in the Band,” the years, but an ambivalence Brian Hutchison). Agitated Brian Hutchinson, Michael
granddaddy of gay plays, prevailed. Between the and embarrassed, Michael Benjamin Washington, Tuc
first appeared off-Broad- indulgence of flamboy- unleashes his rancor on Watkins
way, it offered an inside ant stereotypes and the his guests in a manner Director: Joe Mantello
peek into what had been internalized homophobia SCOTT EVERETT WHITE/NETFLIX that could give Martha
Rating: R for sexual con-
consigned to the shadows: of Michael, the alcoholic From left, Robin de Jesús, Jim Parsons and Andrew Rannells a run for her money in
tent, drug use, language,
gay male life as it is experi- protagonist and psycho- are shown in a scene from “The Boys in the Band,” which Edward Albee’s “Who’s
graphic nudity
enced outside the closet. logical arsonist, the drama was previously made into a film in 1970. Afraid of Virginia Woolf ?”
The characters in this only seemed to compound – a palpable influence on Length: 121 minutea
1968 drama, New York unflattering caricatures. Mantello’s Tony-winning directed by Mantello at an Crowley’s drama. Where: Netflix
friends gathered for a But Crowley was actu- 2018 Broadway revival, I entertaining clip. The hostility in “The
birthday celebration, slurp ally condemning society realized Crowley’s land- Jim Parsons stars as Boys in the Band” is not
cocktails, trade bitchy for making love between mark work is both dated Michael, the host of the only ugly but also dramat- Friedkin (who would go
repartee, assemble into a men the dirtiest secret and eternal, a period piece all-male soiree who tries to ically confining. Michael’s on to direct a slightly less
chorus line, flirt, flame out of all. Vito Russo went so that still has something ur- conceal his self-hatred un- viciousness loses some of scary movie called “The
and throw fits. The psycho- far as to declare in “The gent to say. The conditions der Hermes cashmere that its psychological nuance Exorcist”), is that the
drama is relentless, but Celluloid Closet,” his have improved for LGBTQ still isn’t paid off. Zachary when it kicks into high actors were not widely
no one commits suicide, irreplaceable 1981 book on people in the last half-cen- Quinto plays Harold, the gear. The character begins known, making it easy to
the traditional end for homosexuality in the mov- tury, but discrimination birthday boy who forth- to resemble a plot device mistake the originators of
homosexuals in plays and ies, that “The Boys in the and homophobia persist. rightly describes himself as he works feverishly to the roles for their charac-
movies, so it was consid- Band” made the “best and Crowley’s work maps out as a “32-year-old, ugly, intensify the static situ- ters. Mantello’s starry cast
ered progress. most potent argument for the internalization of this pock-marked Jew fairy,” ation of a birthday party doesn’t allow for the same
A year after “The Boys gay liberation ever offered toxic brew of intolerance, making clear that no one, gone awry. confusion.
in the Band” debuted on in a popular art form.” the way it seeps into the not even sharp-tongued Parsons doesn’t always Beyond the marquee
stage, the Stonewall riots As I texted my gay BFF fabric of gay identity and Michael, is going to be seem perfectly cast, but names of Parsons and
would usher in the gay after watching the new corrodes from within. able to wound him with a he gives us a powerful Quinto, this deluxe Ryan
liberation movement. As Netflix version of “The With a screenplay by cutting remark. glimpse of Michael’s Murphy-produced offer-
groundbreaking as Crow- Boys in the Band,” which Crowley and Ned Martel, Lighting up a joint as he horror of aging, when, ing features the recog-
ley’s play was in bringing reunites the cast of Joe this handsome remake is settles into the festive tur- catching sight of himself nizable faces of Andrew
in the mirror, he turns his Rannells, who plays
head as though he were sexually prolific Larry,
a vampire sensing glim- and Matt Bomer, who
mers of dawn. He subtly brings a chiseled beauty
connects Michael’s accom- and hushed grace (along
modating friendship with with a flash of naked-
Alan, who makes no bones ness) to Donald’s neurotic
about his distaste for male dithering. Although he
effeminacy, to Michael’s sometimes looks as though
own self-loathing. Yet the he’s wearing “Boys in
behavior of this divided, the Band” drag, Rannells
semi-lapsed Catholic gay breathes bickering life
man grows contrived into Larry’s relationship
when he’s awash in gin. with Hank (an impeccably
Crowley’s somewhat natural Tuc Watkins), the
monotonous writing needs math teacher who left his
more subtle delineation in wife for Larry and doesn’t
performance. understand his partner’s
In the 1996 off-Broadway compulsive cruising.
revival of “The Boys in Michael Benjamin
the Band,” the inimitable Washington lends bookish
Obie-winning theater artist Bernard a poignant digni-
David Greenspan played ty as the character shrugs
Harold as though he were off a battery of racist put-
an extraterrestrial draped downs.
in an exaggerated 1960s Any revival of “The
zeitgeist. The portrayal Boys in the Band” is forced
offered a bracing jolt of to recognize the lingering
weirdness that awakened traces of the past in the
the play for a new era. present. The film, dedicat-
Quinto’s performance ed to Crowley, who died
brought to mind Green- this year, beautifully sum-
span’s bizarre daring, mons a vintage gay New
except the camera isn’t as York that was building
welcoming of this Harold’s inexorably to Stonewall.
drawn-out speech pattern, Perhaps the most
hyena laugh and grav- remembered line from the
ity-slowed movements. play is Michael’s desperate
The character, a cynic crack at the end: “Who
with a knowing heart, is was it that used to always
an outsider. But Quinto’s say, ‘You show me a happy
portrayal, while fasci- homosexual, and I’ll show
nating in its eccentricity, you a gay corpse.’ ” But the
disconnects Harold from most moving is Harold’s
the one group to which parting remark to Michael,
he’ll always belong. spoken after pointing out
One advantage of the the self-hatred at the root
original “Boys in the Band” of his friend’s animosity:
film, directed by William “Call you tomorrow.”
in the intimate narration involving stunts, special Johnson
n her exquisite 2016 that gives this thoughtful, effects, dream sequenc- Director: Kirsten Johnson
documentary “Cam- wistfully funny film its es and clever on-screen Rating: PG-13
eraperson,” director structure. And to pre- graphics: Kirsten decides
Kirsten Johnson explored pare for the inevitable, to stage her father’s idea Length: 90 minutes
footage she had amassed she involves her father of heaven, which involves Where: Netflix
during her years as a in an alternately bizarre a chocolate fountain, din-
sought-after cinematogra- and touching exercise of ner with Frederick Dou-
pher, assembling a power- rehearsing that loss. glass and a small gesture “Dick Johnson is Dead”
ful collage of images from What ensues is a mix- of physical healing that ends on a shockingly
around the globe as well ture of therapy and per- carries surprising psychic maudlin note, one that
as a touching memoir of formance art: Kirsten de- weight. initially seems like it has
her mother, who suffered cides to visualize Dick’s There are moments in crossed a line of good
with dementia. demise in all manner of NETFLIX “Dick Johnson is Dead” taste that Kirsten has been
In “Dick Johnson is ways, “killing him off” in Filmmaker Kirsten Johnson’s father is the subject of her film when viewers might ques- tiptoeing throughout the
Dead,” Johnson turns the a series of imaginary ac- “Dick Johnson is Dead,” in which Kirsten decides to visualize tion the ethics of Kirsten curious enterprise, but
camera on her father, cidents, and at one point Dick’s demise in all manner of ways. pushing her father into set that results in an emo-
Seattle psychiatrist Rich- putting him into a narrow pieces that look increas- tional catharsis that is
ard C. Johnson, who is coffin in the Seventh Day ingly exhausting and powerful and enormously
beginning to show signs of Adventist Church where at the beginning of the similar to the one Presi- upsetting to stage. gratifying.
memory loss himself. his funeral will one day film. dent Donald Trump was But it becomes clear that Plenty of movies are
Filming her dad as he be held. There are nuts-and- so proud of acing; and they also offer Dick crucial wish-fulfillment fantasies,
clears out his light-filled Jolly and accommodat- bolts scenes that will be he moves into Kirsten’s opportunities for the kind but Kirsten Johnson has
aerie of an office, sitting ing, Dick goes along familiar to anyone who one-bedroom New York of mental engagement, created a first: a dread-ful-
with him in the woodsy with the idea, evidence has cared for an elderly apartment, with all the physical activity and social fillment fantasy that brims
mid-century house she of the “open, accepting parent: Dick undergoes challenges and unexpect- connection he needs more with love, humor and, of
grew up in, Johnson is person” Kirsten describes a memory test strikingly ed gifts such physical than ever. all things, life.
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Retention Walls
throat cancer, and while The brothers did not being in a band. the Billboard charts and
othing about Eddie fans will trade odes to his like Roth all that much, “I’ve always been the remains a sporting arena
Van Halen made mind-boggling riffs, they’ll but they liked the sound quiet one in the band — favorite to this day. When
sense. also swap tales of his re- system he owned — so the rest of the guys make Eddie presented it to Roth,
A heavy metal guitarist lationship with Roth. Like they invited him to join the up for me,” the guitarist though, the singer was
whose main influence was Paul McCartney and John band. And, as it turns out, told People in 1981. The appalled.
the far more sedate Eric Lennon, Noel and Liam they were a perfect match. gregarious Roth did more Years later, Roth still
Clapton. A chart-topping Gallagher, Joey and John- A ying and yang. Roth than his share to “make seemed to be in Eddie’s
virtuoso who didn’t enjoy ny Ramone, the tension had personality; Eddie up for” Eddie. He became corner, despite their
listening to music, even in between the two stars led had genius.For a while, it the face of Van Halen and differences. When Howard
his car (“I prefer the sound to both personal disputes worked, even if it didn’t. enjoyed the hedonistic Stern called the guitarist’s
of the motor,” he once and iconic music. “There were always options available to the personality “dull” in 1996,
said). They met when Eddie creative differences,” Roth lead singer of one of the Roth quickly jumped in:
Classically trained but and his brother Alex, both told Maron. “We never world’s most famous rock “No, no, no. This is a world
couldn’t read music. Made born in the Netherlands got along. It was a beau- groups. Eddie, meanwhile, of specialization, and what
two albums that were but raised in Pasadena, tiful, beautiful pairing of said he would retire to he specializes in, he’s the
RIAA diamond-certified were auditioning singers . . . you’ve seen cowboy his room to spend the best at, period.” Eddie Van Halen poses with
after selling more than 10 for their band in 1972. movies where the guys are night consuming copious At the time, they were his “Frankenstein guitar” at
million copies, with nei- “We were crosstown always sabotaging each amounts of alcohol and co- flirting with a reunion. the Smithsonian’s National
ther topping the charts. adversaries, and we hated other, but they’re working caine while writing songs It wasn’t until 2007 that Museum of American History
And when you think each other with a ven- to somehow accomplish until morning. (He became Roth rejoined the band, in Washington, D.C., in 2015.
of his band Van Halen, geance,” Roth said in 2019. something, and I think sober in 2008). but his relationship with
the person who comes to “My material was simpler you’ll see that in a lot of Eventually, Van Ha- Eddie didn’t seem to have “He does not want to
mind might not be one of like ‘Johnny B Goode’ or popular bands.” len wasn’t big enough improved. be my friend,” Eddie told
the Van Halen brothers simpler Stones songs but Much of the difference for both of them. Their Eddie rarely gave Billboard in 2015.
who founded it. It might be really colorful. . . . The Van came down to personality. relationship was fray- interviews, but when he When Maron asked
David Lee Roth. Halens had craft. Man, did By all accounts, Eddie ing by 1983, when Eddie did, he didn’t hold back. In Roth if they could have
2012, when Esquire asked dinner together at the end
about Roth, he said, “I’m of a long day, he replied,
not saying the lead vocal “Nope. Not even close. Not
detracts, but in general even close. This is not a
vocals aside, there’s a lot There is a fury and an
SEASON of s--- going on that you’re antagonism, and what
missing. You know what comes out of that is, when
2021 MOMENT I mean? [He hummed the it’s good, oh man.”
opening notes to “Beetho- But what seemed to mat-
ven’s Fifth.”] You can’t be ter most to Eddie — what
singing to that - you’d ruin always seemed to matter
Francesco Lecce-Chong | Music Director • Resident Orchestra | Green Music Center it, right?” most — was the music.
Classical Concert Series underwritten in Memory of Laura Tietz
voice. who come to this country,
“If you learn son jaro- Carlos said.
cho, you don’t really learn “Yes I wear flowers and
one thing. You learn how big puffy dresses,” she
to sing, how to dance. You said. “But I am also the
gotta play; you gotta do outcry for liberation and
ONLY AT 3 PM percussion.”
Las Cafeteras employs
the demand for better
treatment of people like
unusual instruments such my family. I am all of it.”
as the quijada, a donkey’s
jawbone. Cumbia, plus hip-hop
“You can scrape the Growing up in Los An-
teeth, rattled the teeth, geles, Carlos said she felt
bang the sides and make it “very ashamed to not be
shake,” Flores said. “Son Mexican enough. I learned
FREE, dynamic, jarocho gave us a window
to a time when people did
to love myself and appre-
ciate my Chicana culture,
enhanced concert more with less, when you
could create an instru-
my Chicana language.
And the way that I present
Watch live on YouTube ment out of anything.”
When the band mem-
myself on stage is to be
reflective of what I never
bers came together in the saw growing up.”
Recorded live on the mid-2000s, they weren’t She said Las Cafeteras
Weill Hall stage “virtuosos,” Flores said.
But they had drive, and
honors its roots but brings
contemporary sounds into
they rehearsed and played the mix.
“everywhere, anywhere, “We take this very
all the time. traditional, cultural sound
“You got a baptism? and then we’re like, ‘Wait a
Francesco Lecce-Chong conducts the orchestra Hey, we’ll play it. You got
a first communion? We’ll
minute, I grew up listening
to the Smiths, to hip-hop,’”
for Beethoven’s Symphony No. 1 and works play it. You got a birthday?
We’ll definitely play it. You
Carlos said. “I grew up
dancing to my parents’
by R. Strauss, George Walker and more. have funeral, we have sad cumbia and ranchera and
songs, too.” norteños, so we are mixing
Las Cafeteras took it all in the pot.”
their music to marches, to For Flores, that mix
Get up close and personal with Francesco protests and to community includes the music he
and Symphony musicians from the comfort of your home. gatherings, too. But they
don’t want to come across
discovered growing up:
Motown, reggae, African
as angry or combative. legends such as Fela Kuti,
“We found that if you even Rage Against the
want someone to listen Machine.
to you, don’t talk to them “We’re singing stories
about politics,” Flores from the past, from Mexi-
said. “Share a song.” co, but 400 years from now,
how are people going to
Multifaceted group know that we existed? We
All performances at Weill Hall, Green Music Center The music of Las have a story, too,” he said.
Cafeteras “isn’t just about “What was it like
pain and resistance,” said growing up in Los Angeles
vocalist and jarana player as native and immigrant
Denise Carlos, who earned children? That was the
SPECIAL FEATURES! Celebrate Beethoven’s a master’s degree in turning point for writing
• Virtual peek backstage 250th birthday! clinical social work from our own music and songs.”
Loyola University Chicago. One last thing about the
• Pre-concert talk at 2 PM SRS @ Home Fall Concerts “It’s also about freedom band: they’re called Las
• Post-concert Q & A each feature one of Beethoven’s and liberty and inspiration Cafeteras (cafe workers,
and joy. or coffee growers) because
with Francesco first three symphonies! “During our shows, several members met at
everyone is laughing and the Eastside Cafe, a com-
dancing and playing, and munity center. But why
we are able to do that the feminine form?
while talking about the “We are movement kids
Donations received during this FREE event help the Symphony things that suck in this who want to challenge the
world.” norm, challenge mascu-
to continue to bring vital, inspiring music to the community. The band is a collective line language in Spanish,”
and make decisions by Flores said.
consensus, Carlos said. Though the group has
And its members have six men and two women,
Classical Concert Series underwritten by Sara and Edward Kozel, Concert Sponsor: Marcia Wagner, in memory of Hap Wagner myriad interests outside of “We wanted to acknowl-
in memory of Laura Tietz Francesco Lecce-Chong underwritten by making music together. edge ourselves as a power-
SRS @ Home Lead Sponsor: Anderman Family Foundation The Alan and Susan Seidenfeld Charitable Trust “Everyone gets a say; ev- ful group made of women,
SRS @ Home Supporting Sponsor: The Stare Foundation Pre-concert Talks Sponsor: Jamei Haswell and Richard Grundy eryone’s sound is invited,” created by women and
and David Stare of Dry Creek Vineyard Media Sponsor: The Press Democrat she said. “It’s why we take acknowledge the feminine
so long to put albums out.” strength within us.”
Leah Rose Gallegos, a Then he added with a
Cafeteras vocalist, just laugh, “And the women in
had her second child with the band didn’t want to be
bandmate David Flores called Los Cafeteros.”
(Hector’s brother) and is Las Cafeteras performs
for more information and many ways to watch. on a hiatus to take care
of her kids. She’s also the
Thursday, Oct. 15 at 7
p.m. Tickets are $10 and
co-founder of People’s available online through
Yoga, an East L.A. stu- Sonoma State’s Green Mu-
Photos by Susan and Neil Silveman Photography; percussionist by Colin Talcroft
dio dedicated to offering sic Center at gmc.sonoma.
affordable classes. edu