How To Make An Inference: Main Idea Author's Purpose Vocabulary in Context Author's Tone
How To Make An Inference: Main Idea Author's Purpose Vocabulary in Context Author's Tone
How To Make An Inference: Main Idea Author's Purpose Vocabulary in Context Author's Tone
We all have to take those standardized tests where you're presented with a large
passage of text and must work your way through the multiple-choice problems that
follow. Most of the time, you'll get questions asking you to find the main idea,
determine the author's purpose, understand vocabulary in context, figure out
the author's tone, and, the topic at hand, make inferences. For many people,
understanding how to make an inference is the toughest part of the reading passage,
because an inference in real life requires a bit of guessing.
First, you'll need to determine whether or not you're actually being asked to make an
inference on a reading test. The most obvious questions will have the words
"suggest," "imply" or "infer" right in the tag like these:
"With which of the following statements would the author most likely agree?"
"Which of the following sentences would the author most likely use to add
additional support to paragraph three?"
Now that you're certain you have an inference question on your hands, and you know
exactly what an inference is, you'll need to let go of your prejudices and prior
knowledge and use the passage to prove that the inference you select is the correct
one. Inferences on a multiple-choice exam are different from those in real life. Out in
the real world, if you make an educated guess, your inference could still be incorrect.
But on a multiple-choice exam, your inference will be correct because you'll use the
details in the passage to prove it. You have to trust that the passage offers you the
truth in the setting of the test, and that one of the answer choices provided is correct
without stepping too far outside the realm of the passage.
Reading Passage:
The widow Elsa was as complete a contrast to her third bridegroom, in everything
but age, as can be conceived. Compelled to relinquish her first marriage after her
husband died in the war, she married a man twice her years to whom she became an
exemplary wife despite their having nothing in common, and by whose death she was
left in possession of a splendid fortune, though she gave it away to the church. Next, a
southern gentleman, considerably younger than herself, succeeded to her hand, and
carried her to Charleston, where, after many uncomfortable years, she found herself
again a widow. It would have been remarkable if any feeling had survived through
such a life as Elsa's; it could not but be crushed and killed by the early
disappointment of her first groom's demise, the icy duty of her second marriage, and
the unkindness of her third husband, which had inevitably driven her to connect the
idea of his death with that of her comfort.
Based on the information in the passage, it could be suggested that the narrator
believes Elsa's prior marriages to be:
To find clues that point to the correct answer, look for descriptions that would support
those first adjectives in the answer choices. Here are some of the descriptions of her
marriages in the passage:
So, we have to believe that Choice C is the best – the marriages were cold and
damaging. The passage states explicitly that her marriage was an "icy duty" and her
third husband was "unkind." We also know that they were damaging because her
feelings had been "crushed and killed" by her marriages.
Step 5: Practice
To get really good at making inferences, you'll need to practice making your own
inferences first.