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Some Aspects of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Sawdust Concrete

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International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2016, Vol. 10, Issue 21, pp.

Geotec., Const. Mat. & Env., ISSN: 2186-2982(Print), 2186-2990(Online), Japan



A.S.M. Abdul Awal1, A.A.K. Mariyana1 and M.Z. Hossain2

Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia
Faculty of Bioresources, Mie University, Japan

ABSTRACT: This paper presents experimental results on some physical and mechanical properties of
concrete containing sawdust. Concrete specimens having various cement to sawdust ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3
by volume were made and tested for workability, density, water absorption, strength and modulus of elasticity
at different curing periods of 7, 14 and 28 days. It has been found that with the increase in the amount of
sawdust, the workability and density of concrete decreased; the water absorption capacity of concrete, however,
increased with the increase in volume. Although the strength of sawdust concrete increased with curing period,
the strength and the corresponding modulus of elasticity decreased with the increasing amount of sawdust in
the mix. The results obtained and the observation made in the short-term investigation suggests that sawdust
concrete can suitably be used as a building material in construction.

Keywords: Timber waste, Sawdust concrete, Physical properties, Strength, Deformation.


Vast quantities of waste materials and by-

products from various sources are generated from
the manufacturing process, service industries and
municipal solid waste. As a result, solid waste
management has become one of the major
environmental concerns in the world. With the
increasing awareness of the environment protection,
significant research has been going on globally on
the utilization of waste materials and by-products as
construction materials [1]. Recycling of such wastes
into new building materials could be a viable
solution not only to the pollution problem, but also
to the challenge of high cost of building materials
currently facing by both the developed and Fig. 1 Sample of sawdust used in the study.
developing nations [2-3]. One of such potential
waste material is sawdust which is relatively
abundant and inexpensive.
Sawdust or wood dust is an industrial waste
obtained as by-products from cutting, sawing or
grinding of timber in the form of fine particle (Fig.
1). Sawdust bonded with cement is also known as
‘sawdust cement’ [4]. Although sawdust consists
largely of cellulose (Fig.2), it also contains soluble
sugar, acids, resins, oils and waxes, and other
organic substances which have an inhibiting effect
on the setting and hardening of the cement. Despite
setting and hardening problems, most of the
softwood sawdust is rendered compatible with the
cement if a mixture of lime or cement is used as the
binder [6]. The use of cement, sawdust and sand for Fig.2 Scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of
making floor and wall panels has been fairly sawdust particles [5].
common in many parts of the world. Being versatile,
this material can be used as eaves, cladding, ceiling, Depending on type, sawdust has been identified
and even roofing with some adaptation and to be an ideal filler material to produce hollow
modifications. concrete blocks [7-9]. The strength of concrete,

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2016, Vol. 10, Issue 21, pp. 1918-1923

however, reduces with the increase in sawdust the study. Throughout the study, supplied tap water
volume. Paramasivam and Loke [10] found that was used for mixing of concrete.
sawdust concrete with a cement to sawdust ratio of
1:1 has good bond strength and comparable to the 2.2 Casting and Testing of Concrete Specimens
normal concrete. The drying shrinkage, however, is
very high; almost 10 times as great as in most other Concrete specimen comprising of cube (100mm),
lightweight concretes, and thus greatly limits the cylinder (100x200 mm) and prism (100x100x500
usefulness of this material. In spite of the limitations, mm) were cast for determining compressive, tensile
sawdust concrete has a good insulation value, and flexural strength respectively. The specimens
resiliency, low thermal conductivity and can be were cast in metal moulds and were demoulded after
sawed and nailed [11]. 24 hours, and cured by polythene sheeting until
With the advancement in concrete technology, testing time. Casting and testing of concrete
the utilization of sawdust in the manufacture of specimens were done in the Structure and Materials
building materials has received some attention over laboratory of the Faculty of Civil Engineering,
the past years. Along with the application in making Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. The ambient
bricks and blocks, the utilization of sawdust in temperature and relative humidity in the laboratory
producing structural lightweight concretes appears to was 27 ± 3˚C and 85 ± 5% respectively.
be a unique answer not only to the environmental The strength tests for compression, tension and
problem but also to the economic design of flexure were conducted according to BS 1881: Part
sustainable building construction [12]. Considering 116 [13], ASTMC496-05 [14] and BS1881: Part118
the availability and the inherent quality of the [15] standards respectively. While the tests on
material, this study aims at exploring further the modulus of elasticity of concrete were conducted in
suitability of sawdust as building material through accordance with the standard stipulated in ASTM
investigation of physical and mechanical properties 469-05 [16]. Along with strength measurement,
of concrete. ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) was also measured
on the test specimens.


2.1 Sawdust and Concrete Mix Proportions 3.1 Physical Properties

Sawdust used in this study was collected from a The physical properties of sawdust concrete are
local plank and furniture market of Johor Bahru, presented in Table 1. The consistency of the fresh
Malaysia. The sawdust consisted mostly of fine mix, tested in terms of slump has been found to vary
chippings from rubber tree (Fig. 1). In the case of depending on the amount of sawdust in the mix. In
light weight aggregate, it is generally recommended general, higher the amount of sawdust lower was the
that the proportions are specified in terms of volume slump. Slump values of 40, 15 and 5 mm were
rather than by weight because the bulk specific obtained for mix ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3
gravities are not in the same order due to different respectively, and were found to fall within the
sizes of grain particles [10]. In this study three mix medium, low and no-slump ranges according to
proportions of cement to sawdust in the mixing ratio Euro code Standard classifications (BS EN 206-1)
of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 by volume were utilized and the [17]. Similar observation has been made by
cement used was an ordinary Portland cement Oyedepo et al. [18]
(ASTM Type I). The density of sawdust concrete measured at 28
By nature, sawdust particles are porous and days for the mix ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 are 1450,
absorb most of the water leaving insufficient water 1280 and 1065 kg/m3 respectively. The test results
for the setting of cement. It is also presumed that if show that the density values are inversely
sawdust particles take up enough water during proportional to the volume of sawdust content. By
hydration, they could aid the hydration process assuming the average density of OPC concrete to be
particularly in the inner parts of concrete that is not 2400 kg/m3, the mix proportion of 1:1 provides
possible to cure with water thus eliminating the need about 40% reduction in density. This reduction
for curing since water deposited in sawdust particles highlights the potentials of sawdust concrete to be
are being harvested by cement particles. The water used as lightweight building material in construction.
cement ratio of sawdust concrete usually varies from The water absorption, expressed as percentage,
0.4-1.2 depending on the mix proportions. In this was obtained by measuring the amount absorbed
investigation the sawdust particles were treated to against the dry mass. Unlike slump and density, the
saturated surface dry state to reduce the effect of water absorption of sawdust concrete was found to
water absorption by the particles. Following several increase with the increasing amount of sawdust in
trials, the water-cement ratio of 0.6 was adopted for the mix. This is obvious, because sawdust is

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2016, Vol. 10, Issue 21, pp. 1918-1923

relatively porous than the aggregates like sand, stone

etc. used in normal concrete mixes [19].

Table 1 Physical properties of sawdust concrete

Mix Slump Density Water
ratio (mm) (kg/m3) absorption
1:1 40 1450 13
1:2 15 1280 15
Fig. 4 Development of compressive strength of
1:3 5 1065 19 concrete.

3.2 Compressive Strength Figure 5 illustrates a liner relationship between

the compressive strength and ultrasonic pulse
The compressive strength test was conducted on velocity (UPV) of sawdust concrete at the age of 28
concrete cube specimens (Fig. 3) and the results days. Even though the UPV values increased with
obtained for the three mixes are illustrated in Fig. 4. the increase in compressive strength, the highest
The results presented in the figure showed an value of 2620 m/s obtained for 1:1 ratio falls within
average strength development of 14.45, 13.60 and the low quality range [11].
8.40 MPa obtained at the age of 7 days for the mix
ratios of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 respectively. A slight
increase in the strength was found to occur after 14

Fig. 5 Relationship between compressive strength

and ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) of concrete.

3.3 Tensile Strength

The splitting tensile strength of sawdust concrete

was also determined (Fig. 6) at the age of 7, 14 and
28 days, and the results are presented in Fig. 7. The
development of splitting tensile strength was almost
similar to that observed in the case of compressive
strength i.e. splitting tensile strength decreased with
the increase in the amount of sawdust. For example,
at 28 days the strength values of 2.05, 1.95 and 1.30
Fig. 3 Testing of concrete cube specimen for
MPa were obtained for mixes of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3
compressive strength.
The relationship between the compressive and
At the age of 28 days there was a significant
tensile strength of sawdust concrete is shown in Fig.
increase in compressive strength in all the mixes.
8. It can be observed that the relationship is
Strength values of 18.65, 17.20 and 12.80 MPa, for
somewhat liner i.e. compressive strength is
instance, were obtained for the mix ratios of 1:1, 1:2
proportional to the tensile strength; however, the
and 1:3 respectively. From the results obtained it is
value of the relationship diminishes with the
clear that the strength of sawdust concrete decreases
increase in sawdust mix ratio.
with an increase in the volume of sawdust in the mix
proportions. A somewhat similar observation in the
3.4 Flexural Strength
development of strength of sawdust concrete has
been made by Akinwonmi [20]. In an investigation
The flexural strength test was conducted on concrete
on fracture behavior of concrete, a compressive
prism specimen (Fig. 9) at the age of 28 days and
strength value of 15.9 MPa was obtained for 20%
the results are presented in Fig. 10.
replacement of sand by sawdust at the age of 28

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2016, Vol. 10, Issue 21, pp. 1918-1923

Fig. 6 Determination of tensile strength. Fig. 9 Determination of flexural strength of concrete

Fig. 7 Development of tensile strength of concrete. Fig. 10 28-day flexural strength of sawdust concrete.

The relationship between compressive strength

and flexural strength of sawdust concrete is
demonstrated in Fig. 11. Although there was a
progressive increase in the two parameters, as can be
seen in the figure, the relationship is not liner as
observed in case of compressive and tensile strength.

Fig. 8 Relationship between compressive and tensile

strength of concrete.

It has been found that like that of compressive and

tensile strength, the flexural strength of sawdust
concrete also followed the same trend. For example,
when the mix proportions changed from 1:1 to 1:2,
Fig. 11 Relationship between compressive strength
the flexural strength decreased from 2.75 to 2.20
and flexural strength.
N/mm2, which represents a decrease of about 35%.
While, a loss of about 30% occurred with the lean
mixes from a ratio of 1:2 to 1:3.

International Journal of GEOMATE, May, 2016, Vol. 10, Issue 21, pp. 1918-1923

3.5 Modulus of Elasticity mechanical properties. The results obtained and the
observations made in this study conclude that
The modulus of elasticity of sawdust concrete sawdust concrete can be used as light weight
was experimentally determined (Fig. 12) at the age concrete with a satisfactory strength performance.
of 28 days. Along with the experimental data, values Long-term strength development including
obtained using theoretical model are shown in Fig. durability aspects has been put forward as
13. Elastic modulus of 17.10, 16.40 and 11.95 GPa recommendation for future study in order to explore
were obtained for the mixes of 1:1, 1:2 and 1:3 better understanding of sawdust as a sustainable
respectively while 20.30, 19.50 and 16.0 GPa were building material in construction.
calculated using theoretical model for the same mix
ratios. Although, moduli of elasticity of theoretical 5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
models were somewhat higher, data obtained from
the experimental work are quite satisfactory. The financial support received from the
Universiti Teknologi through Research Management
Centre (Cost Center No. Q.J130000.2522.10H06) is
gratefully acknowledged.


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