CSCS Practice Questions
CSCS Practice Questions
CSCS Practice Questions
1. An 8 year old boy dramatically increased D. Improved 7. An athlete is performing a concentric C. I and III
his upper body strength after following a neuromuscular isokineticelboflexion and extension only
six-month resistance training program. functioning exercise. Which of the following type(s) of
Which of the following is MOST likely levers occur(s) at the elbow during the
responsible for this gain? exercise?
A. Increased number of muscle fibers I. First class
B. Enhanced cross sectional area II. Second class
C. Greater muscle density III. Third class
D. Improved neuromuscular functioning
A. I only
2. A 17 year old high school cross country D.
B. II only
runner has been training aerobic lily for six Hypertrophy
C. I and III only
months in preparation for the upcoming of type 1 fibers
D. II and III only
season. Which of he following adaptations
will occur in the muscles during that time 8. An athletes desire to perform to his or her D.
A.increased concentration of glycolytic potential is an example of Achievement
enzymes A. Motive to avoid failure motivation
B. hyperplasia of type 2 fibers B. Autogenic training
C. Transformation from type 1 to type 2 C. Selective attention
fibers D. Achievement motivtion
D. Hypertrophy of type 1 fibers
9. The bench press, vertical jump, and 10 m (11 D. Defensive
3. After a bout of resistance training, acute D. Energy yard) sprint are the MOST valid tests for Lineman
hormonal secretions provide all the expended which of the following American football
following information to the body EXCEPT: positions?
A. Amount of physiological stress A. Quarterback
B. Metabolic demands of exercise B. Defensive Back
C. Type of physiological stress C. Wide receiver
D. Energy expended D. Defensive Lineman
4. All of the following procedures should be B. Using salt 10. A college basketball coach would like to A. Vertical
followed when testing an athletes tablets to kno which one of her players has more jump
cardiovascular fitness in the heat EXCEPT retain water muscular power. Which of the following is
A. Performing the test in an indoor facility the MOST valid test for measuring muscular
B. using salt tablets to retain water power?
C. Scheduling the test in the morning A. Vertical jump
D. Drinking fluids during the test B. 1 RM bench press
C. 5RM Squat
5. The amount of blood ejected from the left D. Stroke
D. 100 m sprint
ventricle during each beat is the Volume
A. Cardiac output 11. The condition characterized by bone C.
B. A-vO2 difference mineral density more than 2.5 SD below the Osteoporosis
C. Heart Rate young adult mean is called
D. Stroke Volume A. Sarcophagus
B. Osteopenia
6. Anaerobic capacity is quantified as the B. 30 to 90
C. Osteoporosis
maximal power output achieved during seconds
D. Scoliosis
activity lasting
A. Less than 10 seconds 12. Deconditioned female college athletes who B. Knee
B. 30 to 90 seconds participate in sports such as basketball and
c. 2 to 3 minutes soccer appear to be at an increased risk for
D. Longer than 5 minutes developing injuries to the
A. Back
B. Knee
C. Wrist
D. Neck
13. During a free weight exercise, muscle force A. I and III 17. Following prolonged periods of retraining B. Fast twitch
varies with which of the following? only in elite strength/power athletes,which of fiber cross
I. Perpendicular distance from the weight to the following physical characteristics will sectional
the body joint likely sho the largest reduction as a area
II. Joint Angle consequence of the removal of anaerobic
III. Movement acceleration training stimulus?
IV. Movement velocity squared
A. Total fat mass
A. I and III only B. Fast twitch fiber cross sectional area
B. II and IV only C, slow twitch fiber cross sectional area
C. I, II and III only D. Total type I muscle fiber content
D. II, III, IV only
18. Following resistance training,augmented D. I, II and IV
14. Flexibility of which of these muscle groups or A. I and III neural drive to the working musculature is a only
body areas is assessed during the sit-and- only result of
reach test? I. Increased agonist muscle recruitment
II. Muscle hypertrophy
I. Hamstrings III. Improved firing rate
II. Erector spinae IV. Greater synchronization
III. Lumbar Spine
IV. Hip flexors A. All of the above
B. I and IV only
A. I and III only C. I, II and III only
B, II and IV only D. I, II and IV only
C. I, II and III only
19. For a high school American football team, if B. Positive
D, II, III and IV only
any player squats to times his body weight, reinforcement
15. Following a period of chronic high intensity C. Reduce his name is placed on the wall. This is an
resistance training, a variety of physiological SR an T- example of
adaptation take place in a number of systems Tubule A. Negative reinforcement
within the body that promote improved athletic density B. Positive reinforcement
performance in strength/power activities. If an C. Negative punishment
elite athlete were to undergo 12 weeks of D. Positive punishment
heavy strength training, which of the following
20. Growth cartilage in children is locate at all A. Diaphysis
adaptations would NOT be expected
of the following EXCEPT the
consequent to this type of anaerobic exercise?
A. Diaphysis
A. A transition from type IIx to type IIa muscle
B. Epiphyseal plate
C. Joint Surface
B. Increased Pennation angle in certain muscle
D. Apophyseal insertion
C. Reduce SR and t tubule density 21. How does an athletes optimal level of B. It
D. Elevate sodium-potassium ATPaseactivity arousal change with limited skill and ability decreases
to perform an activity?
16. The following is the most likely contributor to B. Iron
A. It increases
fatigue and poor performance Deficiency
B. It decreases
A. Low Protein intake
C. It has no effect
B. Iron deficiency
D. It is no related to the activity
C. low calcium intake
D. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency
22. In teaching the push press, which of the c. Practice the dip, 26. An Olympic weightlifter attempting a A. Selective
following is an example of the drive and the personal record is able to ignore the attention
segmentation with pure part training catch audience to concentrate solely on her
integration? independently performance. Which of the following
A. Practice the push without any before practicing abilities is thistle tempest likely using to
equipment, progress to practice with the entire push perform the exercise?
the PVC pipe, and end with an press A. Selective attention
unloaded bar B. Somatic anxiety
B. Practice the dip, followed by the do C. Guided discovery
with the drive, and end with the entire D. Self Efficacy
push press
27. The primary macronutrients that is B.
C. Practice the dip, the drive, and the
addressed in the pre competition meal is Carbohydrate
catch independently before practicing
A. Fat
the entire push press
B. Carbohydrate
D. Practice the dip and the drive
C. Protein
independently, followed by the
D. Vitamin
practice of the dip with the drive, then
practice the catch independently and 28. Primary training adaptations of elite C. I, II and III
end wit the practice of the entire push aerobically trained athletes include which only
press of the following?
I. Increased maximal oxygen uptake
23. In which of the following athletes D. A 19 Year old
II. Average of the systolic and diastolic
might you expect limited BMD levels as 800 m freestyle
blood pressures
a consequence of force vectors and swimmer with one
III. Increased running economy
the physica demands associated with year of dry land
IV. Decreased capillary density
the given sport? training
A. A 16 year old gymnast with a seven
A. I and III only
year training history in her sport
B. II and IV only
B. a 23 year old offensive lineman who
C. I, II and III only
has lifted weights for 8 years
D. II, III and IV only
C. A 33 year old track cyclist who has a
1 RM squat of 352 pounds 29. to compare performances of Olympic D. Body
D, A 19 year old 800 m freestyle weightlifters of different body weights, the weight to the
swimmer with one year of dry land classic formula divides the load lifted by two thirds
training the athletes: power
A. Body Weight
24. Maintaining adequate glycogen stores A. Spares the use
B. Body Weight Squared
A. Spares the use of protein for of protein for
C. Lean Body Weight
energy energy
D. Body weight to the two thirds power
B. Improves maximum power
C. Decreases endurance performance 30. To maintain hydration during competition A. 15 minutes
D. Helps athletes gain weight lasting less than 1 hour, it is recommended
that athletes consume 3 to 8 ounces of
25. The mean arterial pressure is defined A. Average blood
water or a sports drink about every
as the pressure
A. 15 minutes
A. Average blood pressure throughout throughout the
B. 30 minutes
the cardiac cycle cardiac cycle
C. 60 minutes
B. Average of the systolic and diastolic
D. 2 hours
blood pressures
C. Average systolic blood pressure 31. A vertical jimp involves knee, hip and Saggital
during exercise shoulder movement primarily in which of
D. Average of blood pressure and the following anatomical planes?
heart rate A. Saggital
B. Perpendicular
C. Frontal
D. Transverse
32. What type of resistance training workout a. 30 sec 37. When throwing a baseball, an athletes arm i B.. Muscle
promotes the highest GH increases following rest/ high rapidly stretched ust before throwing the Spindle
the exercise session? volume/ 3 ball. Which of the following structures
A. 30 sec rest/high volume/3 sets sets detects and responds to that stretch by
B. 30 sec rest/low volume/1 set reflexively increasing muscle activity?
C. 3 minute rest/ high volume/ 1 set A. Golgi Tendon Organ
D. 3 minute rest/ low volume/ 3 sets B. Muscle Spindle
C. Extrafusal muscle
33. When an eating disorder is suspected C.
D. Pacinian Corpuscle
militants the strength and conditioning Encourage
professional should further 38. Which of the following BEST explains the B. Increased
A. Monitor the athletes daily food intake assessment need for increased protein intake by need for
B. Require frequent weigh-ins by an athletes? tissue repair
C. Encourage further assessment by an eating eating A. Decreased protein oxidation during
disorder specialist disorder aerobic exercise
D. Provide nutritional information specialist B. Increased need for tissue repair
C. Restriction of calories to lose weight
34. When compiling results from the volleyball B. Median
D. The quality of protein consumed
teams vertical jump testing, the strength and
conditioning professional notices that most 39. Which of the following energy substrate a D. ATP
scores are similar, but there are three scores not be depleted during extreme exercise
that are much higher than the rest, Which of intensities or durations?
the following measures of central tendency is A. Creatine phosphate
the most appropriate for this group? B. Glycogen
A. Mean C. Water
B. Median D. ATP
40. Which of the following energy systems A.
D. Variance
produces ATP at the quickest rate? Phosphagen
35. When measuring maximal strength of a soccer C. I, II and A. Phosphagen
player, which of the following could potential III only B. Aerobic glycolysis
adversely affect the test-retest reliability of C. Fat oxidation
results D. Fast glycolysis
41. Which of the following hormones enhance(s) A. I and III
I. Using multiple testers
muscle tissue growth? only
II. Retesting at a different time of day
I. Growth Hormone
III. An athletes inexperience with the tested
II. Cortisol
IV. using an established testing protocol
IV. Progesterone