Simulated Design of Water Level Control System: January 2015

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Simulated Design of Water Level Control System

Article · January 2015


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3 authors:

Bourdillon Odianonsen Omijeh Matthew Ehikhamenle

University of Port Harcourt University of Port Harcourt


Promise Elechi
Rivers State University


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Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Simulated Design of Water Level Control System

Bourdillon. O. Omijeh1 M. Ehikhamenle1 Elechi Promise2
1.Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Port Harcourt
2.Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Rivers State University of Science & Technology, Port
Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

In this paper, the modelling and simulation of a water tank level controller using fuzzy logic approach has been
achieved. This project is aimed at the design and simulation of a fuzzy logic based controller that will provide a
stabilized output response. In order to successfully achieve this project, emphasis was made on two areas; the
foundational knowledge of fuzzy logic and the fuzzy inference system, and the definition of the tank system
model and its parameters. The design was implemented using Fuzzy Logic Toolbox package and SIMULINK
environment which can be found in MATLAB software. For the purpose of analysis, the controller was
simulated using a variety of rules in order to test the effect of the rules on the fuzzy logic controller. Results will
show that fuzzy logic can realize faster results, superior features, and better end product performance with
respect to overshoots, oscillations and response time.
Keywords: Fuzzy logic, Control System Design, Matlab, Simulink

Water level control systems are used to control the level and flow of water circulation systems for a variety of
processes (Dhiman and Kumar, 2011). These processes may include; water dam, petrochemical process plants,
water treatment plants, pharmaceutical and food processing plants, overhead tanks etc (Srinivas and Durga
2012). The device that performs the controlling action is a valve which is attached to a controller whose main
objective is to maintain a desired set point level as well as accept a new one desired by the control engineer.
Fuzzy logic is widely used in the control of many processes, including that of the control of the water level in a
tank. the fuzzy logic controller applies human reasoning and experience in defining the behaviour of the
Due to the complexity (nonlinearities and uncertainties) inherent in liquid (water) tank systems, level
control using conventional control schemes (i.e PI, PD, PID) will not give efficient results. This is due to two
• Difficulty in designing a precise mathematical model of the control system
• Poor control performance due to the fact that parameters of conventional controllers are required to be
tuned over a period of time to get a stabilized output.
This paper is aimed at the modelling and simulation of a water tank system based on the control of a
fuzzy logic expert system to stabilize the water level.


In the work published by Abdullah (2008) on "Water Level in Tank using Level Sensor and PID Controller", the
writer proposed the control of the water level of a tank using a level sensor and a PID controller. He was able to
tune the response of the controller by adjusting three multipliers; kp, ki and kd, where kp is the main drive in the
control loop which reduces a large part of the overall error, ki reduces the final error in a system and kd helps
remove the overshoot but has no effect on the final error. This form of control produced small overshoots in the
response of the controller.
Chin (2008) modelled the control of a multiple tank system using a fuzzy logic controller. He used the
lamella filtration system of Bukit Sebukar water treatment plant as a case study. Results showed a smooth and
low error water level control system.
This work was achieved by studying the control system theory, fuzzy logic and the fuzzy inference
system and the SIMULINK environment, a simulation workbench of MATLAB. These areas are discussed in
detail in the preceding sections.


The system consists of a tank, a valve, a fuzzy logic controller, the inputs (level, rate) and the outputs (scopes).
The tank system is modelled using SIMULINK and consists of two pipes; one flowing in and the other flowing
out denoted by inflow and outflow respectively. The fuzzy controller controls the valve that changes the diameter
of the inflow pipe but the outflow rate depends on the diameter of the outflow pipe (which is constant) and the
pressure ( which depends on the level ) of the water. Thus, by keeping the water level at the desired set-point, we
ensure that the tank works properly. Fig 1.1 shows the design approach of the work

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Designing the fuzzy logic controller to work with only the level as its input will produce an output
(water level) that oscillates about the desired level, hence there's a need to add an additional input. This input
will be the rate which is derived by differentiating the current level of the tank. Both the rate and level (which is
the difference between the current level and the desired set-point) will serve as inputs to the fuzzy logic
The rules used by the fuzzy logic controller will be written using the fuzzy logic toolbox. One of the
great advantages of the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox is the ability to take fuzzy systems directly into SIMULINK and
test them out in a simulation environment. These rules will be integrated into the SIMULINK model and
adjusted to acquire the best results.

3.1 The Water Tank Level Control System

The system shown in Fig 3.1 consists of 16 blocks out of which 3 are subsystems; fuzzy logic controller with
ruleviewer, valve and water tank.
The input of the system consists of a square wave that is generated using the signal generator block.
This block is gotten from the 'sources' folder found in the simulink library browser. The signal is added to
another signal coming from the constant block carrying a value of 1 by the use of a sum block. This makes the
signal cycle about the 1 position. This signal acts as the desired level input and the error signal (desired level
minus actual level) is fed to the multiplexer block having two inputs and one output.
The second input to the multiplexer is the rate of outflow derived by differentiating the output level and
passing it through a saturation block which limits the input signal to the lower and upper saturation values which
are -0.1 and 0.1 respectively. The multiplexer doesn't perform any mathematical operation on the two signals
passing through it. It only overlaps the two signals and conveys them to the next block.
The output of the multiplexer is fed to the fuzzy logic controller with ruleviewer block. The fuzzy rules
written with the FIS editor are loaded into the fuzzy logic controller with ruleviewer by double-clicking on the
block and writing the name of the .fis file which the rules were saved with. This file must be saved in the
workspace in order for the block to make use of it. Saving the file to the workspace is done by opening the FIS
editor containing the rules, pressing 'ctrl+T' and saving the work to the workspace. Another interesting feature of
the fuzzy logic controller with ruleviewer block is that it displays the whole fuzzy inference process when the
simulation starts running.
The signal leaves the fuzzy controller block and enters the valve subsystem. The second input of the
valve subsystem consists of a constant block with a value of 0.5, serving as the maximum inflow of the tank. The
valve multiplies the control signal by the maximum inflow of the tank thus performing the control action.
The manipulated variable (inflow of the tank) enters the tank block and leaves as the controlled level,
the outflow and the overflow signal. The controlled level signal is split into two, one signal goes to the
comparison scope while the other is fed back to the level input of multiplexer. The signal that is fed back is also
differentiated and set as the second input (rate) of the multiplexer. The outflow signal goes to the scope which
measures the flow rate while the overflow signal goes to an alarm (scope) which indicates when the level has
been exceeded.
The S-Function block provides access to S-functions from a block diagram. This block serves as a
visual display of the tank's fluctuation in level as the simulation is running. The S-function named as the S-
function name parameter can be a Level-1 M-file or a Level-1 or Level-2 C MEX-file S-function. The S-
Function block allows additional parameters to be passed directly to the named S-function. The function
parameters can be specified as MATLAB expressions or as variables separated by commas.


The design of this project was based on an open tank system that has a cross-sectional area of area. Water is
pumped into the tank at the top at rate of flow of q in cubic metres per second ( ). Water is flowing out of
the tank through a hole in the bottom of the tank of area outletArea as seen in Fig 3.2. The rate of flow of water
through the hole is according to the Bernoulli equation given by:
where h is level of tank and g is the acceleration of gravity. Conservation of mass yields the equation:
Therefore resolving the differential equation in the function of h(t) we have:

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015


Where , and . Converting the

following mathematical model to a control block model and making a few adjustments to the system will result
to the system depicted in Fig 3.3
This subsystem was created by selecting the 'Subsystem' block from the commonly used blocks folder
found in the simulink library browser. The mask parameters were first assigned by right-clicking on the block
and selecting 'mask subsystem' option. The following window popped-up.
The five parameters inputted include:
1. Height of the tank in m with variable name ht
2. Bottom area in with variable name area
3. Outpipe cross-section in with variable name outletArea
4. Overflow distance from the top in m with variable name overflowLimit
5. Initial Level height in m with variable name initialHt
The actual values of the mask parameters were then entered by double-clicking on the subsystem block.
These values are:
After all the parameters were set as seen in Fig 3.4, the subsystem was created .
The block labelled 'tank volume 1' is another subsystem that performs the function of a limited integrator. These
parameters are:
1. Lower boundary = 0
2. Upper boundary = Ht*area
3. Initial condition = initialHt*area
The subsystem of the tank volume block is shown in Fig 3.5 below.
The Mux block is a multiplexer that combines the input and the feedback signal without performing any
mathematical operations on the two signals. The two signals pass through the Fcn block gotten from the user-
defined blocks found in the simulink library browser with the following equation inputted in the expression
dialog box.
u[2]*((((u[1]>lb)+(u[2]>=0))>0) * (((u[1]<ub)+(u[2]<=0))>0))
The signal then passes through the integrator whose initial condition is set from the mask parameters of
the tank volume 1 subsystem. After the signal is being integrated, it passes through the saturation block whose
upper and lower limits are also set from the mask parameters.
When the water passes through the tank volume 1 block, it goes through the gain block. This block
multiples the signal by a factor of . At this point, what we have is the level of the water in the tank. This
can be checked by dimensional analysis. This level is tapped out and sent to out port 1 labelled 'water level'. The
level is tapped out again and goes to relay whose switch-on and switch-off points are set as
and respectively. The relay serves as a switch that triggers
an alarm when the level exceeds the overflow limit. For the purpose of this project, the overflow signal is sent to
a scope and can be viewed while the simulation is running.
The signal moves to the sqrt(2gh) block which consists of a function block that is gotten from the user-
defined functions folder found in the simulink library browser. This block together with the 'outletArea' block
converts the level to the outflow volume in . This signal is split into two parts. one part is taken as feedback

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

to the water tank system while the other goes to out port 3 labelled 'outflow'.


Developing the Fuzzy logic Controller involves several stages. The first stage involves defining all the inputs
and outputs of the fuzzy logic controller. This is done using the FIS editor. The second stage involves setting the
membership function for each of the inputs and outputs. This is achieved by the use of the Membership Function
editor. The final stage involves defining the rules that govern the fuzzy logic controller. These rules are set using
the Rule editor. The aforementioned stages are discussed in detail in the preceding sections.

The FIS Editor

The fuzzy logic controller makes use of two inputs and one output. The first input is the level of the tank denoted
as level while the second is the rate of change of the level denoted as rate. According to the Rules written in the
Rule Editor the controller takes the action and governs the opening of the Valve which is the Output of the
controller and is denoted by valve.
In order to start the FIS editor, 'fuzzy' is typed in the MATLAB command window and the enter button
is pressed. The FIS editor pops up with the mamdani style of fuzzyfication set as default. The FIS editor opens
with only one input and one output therefore in order to add a second input variable, the 'add variable' option is
selected from the edit option in the toolbar. The input and output blocks are selected and their names are written
starting from the inputs as shown in Fig 3.7.

The Membership Function Editor

The Membership Function Editor is the tool that lets you display and edit all of the membership functions
associated with all of the input and output variables for the entire fuzzy inference system. The second stage
involves setting the membership functions of the two inputs and the output. The input and output sets are created
as shown below.
(a) Level
Double-clicking on level block found on the FIS editor opens the Membership function window. The name of
the input is assigned by typing the name in the name box as seen in Fig 3.8. The range along with the other
parameters are set with accordance to table 3.1.
(b) Rate
The membership function window for the rate input parameter is gotten by double-clicking on the rate block
found in the FIS editor. The parameters seen in table 3.2 are set accordingly as seen in Fig 3.9 below.
(c) Valve
The parameters are set using the same method described in the previous section. Using triangular membership
function types for the output, the Range (and the Display Range) is set to (-1 1), to cover the output range. The
close fast membership function will have the parameters (-1.0,-0.9,-0.8), the close low membership function will
be (-0.6,-0.5,-0.4), the no change membership function will be (-0.1,0,0.1), the open slow membership function
will be (0.2 ,0.3,0.4), the open fast membership function will be (0.8 0.9 1.0). The system should look like Fig
3.4.3 The Rule Editor
Constructing rules using the graphical Rule Editor interface is fairly self-evident. Based on the descriptions of
the input and output variables defined with the FIS Editor, the Rule Editor allows you to construct the rule
statements automatically, by clicking and selecting one item in each input variable box, one item in each output
box, and one connection item. Choosing none as one of the variable qualities will exclude that variable from a
given rule. Doing so will give rise to the following rules.
1. if (level is ok) then ( valve is no change) (1)
2. if (level is low) then ( valve is open_fast) (1)
3. if (level is high) then ( valve is closed_fast) (1)
4. if (level is ok) and (rate is positive) then (valve is close_slow) (1)
5. if (level is ok) and (rate is negative) then (valve is open_slow) (1)


4.1 Comparative Analysis
For the purpose of analysis, the results obtained from the fuzzy logic controller were compared with those
obtained using three, four, five and six rules.
4.1.1 Results Obtained Using Three
The three rules that were chosen initially are:
if(level is low) then (valve is open_fast)
if(level is ok) then (valve is no_change)

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

if(level is high) then (valve is close_fast)

Fig 4.1 shows the plot of two overlapped signals; the desired level and the actual level of the water tank. The
step function represents the desired level while the second waveform represents the control response of the
controller. From the plot it can be observed that the use of only three rules pertaining to the level will not give
desired results since the water level tends to oscillate about the desired position. Two oscillations were observed;
the first had an overshoot of 0.4354 meters while the second had an overshoot of 0.2689 meters. The rise time
was 6 seconds and settling 25.3 seconds.
4.1.2 Results Obtained Using Four Rules
Addition of a fourth rule:
if(level is ok) and (rate is negative) then (valve is open_slow)
changed the control response to that shown in Fig 4.2 above. The introduction of a fourth rule relating the level
and rate to the valve percentage opening, produced an overshoot of 0.4354 meters, a rise time of 6 seconds and a
settling time of 25.3 seconds. This result showed a reduced number of oscillations but was still not desirable due
to the overshoot, hence a fifth rule was introduced.
4.1.3 Results Obtained Using Five Rules
Addition of a fifth rule:
if (level is ok) and (rate is positive) then (valve is close_slow)
changed the control response to that shown in Fig 4.3 above. The introduction of a fifth rule relating the level
and rate to the valve percentage opening, produced no overshoot, a rise time of 2.6 seconds and a settling time of
11.9 seconds.
4.1.4 Results Obtained Using Six Rules
A sixth rule was added in order to check if the response of the fuzzy logic controller could be further optimized.
Addition of:
if (level is ok) and (rate is zero) the (valve is no_change)
showed no change in the response of the controller as shown in Fig 4.4, hence the number of rules that gave the
best response is five.
Table 4.1 shows the performance characteristics of the different rules used. It can be observed that using three (3)
and four (4) rules for the fuzzy controller, gave unwanted overshoots and an increased response time depicted by
the rise time. These results may not be tolerated for sensitive processes requiring fast response. However, the use
of five (5) rules produced no overshoots with a reduced rise time which represents an improved performance.

4.2 The Ruleviewer and Tank Demo

During simulation, the ruleviewer shows the process of the fuzzy inference system in real-time. It shows one
calculation at a time in great detail and can be used to manually deduce the output of the fuzzy controller for
every input value assigned to it. Fig 4.5 shows the percentage open of valve when the level is 0.0734 m and rate
is -0.032 m/s.
The tank demo is an animation of the physical tank showing the desired and actual level of the tank.
The rectangle to the left of the tank's exterior represents the desired level whereas the rectangle in the tank's
interior shows the actual level of the water tank. This is depicted in the Fig 4.6 below.
Comparison of the data collected when using different number of rules shows that the best response of
the fuzzy logic controller was achieved by using five rules. It can be observed that the use of five rules gave the
best performance response with respect to overshoots, oscillations, rise and settling time. The results show that
fuzzy logic adapts quickly to time delays and provides a stable

V. Conclusion
In this project, a unique fuzzy logic controller using five rules and a straight forward implementation was used to
solve the problem of overshoots in level control, commonly encountered by conventional controllers. The result
shows significant improvement in maintaining performance in terms of oscillations and overshoots produced.

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Circulation System Using Fuzzy Controller", Melaka: Technical University of Malaysia.
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Controller", IJAET, Vol. 4, Issue 1, pp. 537-549.
Dhiman and R. Kumar, B. (2011): " Optimization of PID Controller for Liquid Level Tank System Using
Intelligent Techniques", Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Vol. 2, p. 531.

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Distefano, J.J., Stubberud, A.R. and Williams J.(1995), Theory and Problems of Feedback and Control
Systems, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Publishers, USA, p. 156.
Jang, J.S. and Gulley N. (1997): Matlab: Fuzzy Logic Toolbox, 1st edition, The Mathworks Inc, USA, pp.
Grundberg, S. (2007): "A Report on Tank Level Control", Umea University.
Srinivas, P. and Durga, R (2012): "Comparative Analysis of Conventional PID Controller and Fuzzy Controller
with Various Defuzzification Methods in a Three Tank Level Control System", International Journal of
Information Technology, Control and Automation, Vol. 2, pp. 75-76.
Wu, D. , Karray, F. and Sond, I. (2005): " Water Level Control by Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks", IEEE
Conference on Control Applications, pp. 1- 6.
Mathworks 2007, MATLAB 7.5.0. (R2007b),

Bourdillon .O. Omijeh holds a B.Eng degree in Electrical/Electronic Engineering,
M.Eng and Ph.D in Electronics/Telecommunications Engineering from the
University of Port Harcourt & Ambrose Alli University (A.A.U) Ekpoma,
respectively. His research areas include: Artificial Intelligence, Robotics,
Embedded Systems Design, Modeling and Simulation of Dynamic systems,
Intelligent Metering Systems, Automated Controls, Telecommunications and ICT.
He has over thirty (30) technical papers & publications in reputable National &
International peer reviewed Journals. He has authored some Electrical/Electronic
Engineering Text books; and also, has developed over ten(10) engineering
application Software. He is a member, Institute of Electronics and Electrical
Engineers (MIEEE), Corporate Member, Nigeria Society of Engineers; and also, a
registered practicing Engineer with COREN. He is currently a Senior Lecturer &
pioneer HOD, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of
Port Harcourt, Nigeria; and also, a consultant to companies & Institutions. He is
happily married with Children. E-mail: [email protected]

Ehikhamenle M. graduated with BEng (Second class upper honors)

Electrical/Electronics Engineering from Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma in
2007.He obtained his Master degree in Electrical/Electronics Engineering from
University of Benin (UNIBEN), specializing in Electronics and
Telecommunications in 2010. He was Head of Department Essential services,
Works and Services Directorate Ambrose Alli University Ekpoma in 2012. He
is presently a lecturer in Electronic and Computer Engineering Department
University of Port-Harcourt (UNIPORT).He has taught courses in electronics
and telecommunications Engineering. His research interest include:
Electronic, telecommunication, power electronic CAD, ICT and Control

Elechi Promise received his B.Eng and M.Eng degrees in Electrical/Electronic

Engineering from University of Port Harcourt, Choba, Rivers State, Nigeria in
2006 and 2011 respectively. He is a member of the Nigerian Society of
Engineers (NSE) and Nigerian Institution of Electrical/Electronic Engineers
(NIEEE). His current research interest is on radio propagation for Mobile
communications, GSM technology, Microwave propagation, Signal analysis
and ICT. He is currently a Lecturer in the department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering, Rivers State University of Science and Technology,
Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Fig 1.1: Block Diagram Showing Design Approach

Fig 3.1: The Complete Water Tank Level Control System Fig 3.2: The Water Tank System (source: Grundberg (2007))

Fig 3.3: The Water Tank Subsystem ( source: MATLAB 7.5.0)

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Fig 3.4: The Mask Editor ( source: MATLAB 7.5.0)

Fig 3.5 The tank Volume subsystem ( source: MATLAB 7.5.0)

Fig 3.8 Level MF

Fig 3.7: The Projectfuzzy FIS Editor

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Fig 3.9 Rate MF Fig 3.10 Valve MF

Table 3.1 Level Input Parameters

Fuzzy Variable MF used Crisp Input Used
Range (-1,1)
high Gaussian (0.3,-1)
ok Gaussian (0.3,0)
low Gaussian (0.3,1)

Table 3.2 Rate Input Parameters

Fuzzy Variable MF used Crisp Input Used
Range (-1,1)
negative Gaussian (0.03,-0.1)
zero Gaussian (0.03,0)
positive Gaussian (0.03,0.1)

Table 3.3 Valve Output Parameters

Fuzzy Variable MF used Crisp Input Used
(Range: -1 to 1)
close_fast triangular (-1.0,-0.9,-0.8)
close_slow triangular (-0.6,-0.5,-0.4)
no_change triangular (-0.1,0,0.1)
open_slow triangular (0.2,0.3,0.4)
open_fast triangular (0.8,0.9,1)

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Fig 4.1: Control Response of Fuzzy Logic Fig 4.2: Control Response of Fuzzy Logic
Controller Using 3 Rules Controller Using 4 Rules


Fig 4.3: Control Response of a Fuzzy Logic Fig 4.4: Control Response of a Fuzzy Logic
Controller Using Five Rules Controller Using Six Rules

Table 4.1: Simulation Results

No. of rules used Rise Time (s) Settling Time (s) Overshoot (m)
3 6 25.3 0.4354
4 6 25.3 0.4354
5 2.6 11.9 Not present
6 2.6 11.9 Not present

Computer Engineering and Intelligent Systems
ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN 2222-2863 (Online)
Vol.6, No.1, 2015

Fig 4.5: Response of Fuzzy Logic Controller Fig 4.5: Tank Demo
Using Ruleviewer

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