I 2.51 E RT Procedure
I 2.51 E RT Procedure
I 2.51 E RT Procedure
1. AIM 3
2. SCOPE 3
14. REPAIR 15
1. AIM
1.1. The aim of this procedure is to define the requirements of performing radiography in
safe and controlled manner by highly qualified personnel using X-Ray or Gamma-
Ray equipment.
This procedure defines the technique, equipment and consumable of radiographic
examination of welds in ASME Code Works.
3.1. ASME Section V Article 2 (2007 Edition 2008 Addenda) Radiographic Examination
ASME Section I (2007 Edition 2008 Addenda) Power Boilers
ASME Section VIII Div. 1 (2007 Edition 2008 Addenda) Pressure Vessel
ASME B31.1 (2007 Edition, 2008 Addenda) Power Piping
4.1. All personnel to carry out radiographic examination shall be qualified and certified
according to S&Q MART Written Practice for NDT Personnel Certification based on
SNT-TC-1A (Code accepted Edition). For acceptance evaluation, Level II shall have
the minimum requirement. If PED 97/23/EC is applicable than supplemental
qualifications shall required to comply with PED.
with an A endorsement.
5.8 Certification: Written testimony of qualification
5.9 Certifying Authority: The person or persons properly designated in the written
practice to sign certification on behalf of the employer
5.10. Code Work: All activities necessary to construct Code products, including
design, procurement, material control, fabrication, site construction,
examination, test, inspection, certification and Code stamping.
S&Q MART: S&Q MART Kalite Güvenlik A.Ş.
5.12. Documented: The condition of being in written form.
5.13. Evaluation: The determination of the significance of relevant indications.
5.14. Interpretation: The determination of whether indications are relevant or non-
5.15. Method: One of the disciplines of Nondestructive Inspection or testing (e.g.
radiography) within which different techniques exist.
5.16. Procedure: A detailed, written instruction for conducting NDI or NDT or certifying
personnel. All procedures shall be approved by a Level III.
AI : Authorized Inspector
AIA : Authorized Inspector Agency
AIS : Authorized Inspector Supervisor
QC : Quality Control
TIM : Testing and Inspection Department Manager
6.1. Level III shall be responsible for preparing, revising this procedure whenever code
or addenda revision requires.
6.2. Level III shall be responsible for reviewing and approving the procedure and
ensuring the safety of radiographic operations.
6.3. RT Level II shall be responsible for supervising the radiographers and interpreting
the radiographs and submit the reports to TIM.
6.4. Radiographers are responsible for:
Producing quality radiographs described in this procedure,
Follow local safety regulations,
Constantly monitor the radiographic operations during exposure,
Report all incidents or accidents to TIM.
7.1.1. In general, radiography may be performed in the as welded condition.
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Inspection and Testing
Department Belge : NDT-PR-01
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S&Q MART Radiographic Examination Tarih : 09.08.10
Procedure Revizyon :0
7.1.4 Source-to-object distance range for this procedure shall be 100 - 2500 mm.
7.1.5 From the source side of the object to film distance shall be between 2,5 - 89 mm.
7.2.1. X-Ray and Gamma-Ray (Ir-192) equipment may be used provided that the required
radiographic sensitivity has been obtained.
7.2.2 Whenever Ir-192 utilized for radiography, maximum source size shall not exceed
3x3 mm. Sources less than this size may be used without prior approval.
7.3 FİLM
7.3.1. ASTM Class I (or Class II films may be used for heavy wall application like WT≥40
mm) as recorded in 7.3.2 conforming ASME Sec. V SE-1815 (E-1815) shall be used.
7.3.2. One of the following films may be used for radiography:
7.5.4. The thickness, on which the penetrameter is based, for welds, is the nominal single
wall thickness plus the reinforcement permitted by the referencing Code Section.
Backing rings or strips are not to be considered as part of the weld reinforcement
thickness in penetrameter selection.
When one or more film holders are used for an exposure, at least one penetrameter
image shall appear on each radiograph except as outlined in (b) below.
b) For cylindrical components where the source is placed on the axis of the
component for a single exposure, at least three penetrameters, spaced
approximately 120 deg. Apart, are required under the following conditions:
a) Source side IQIs: The penetrameter(s) shall be placed on the source side of
the part being examined, except for the condition described in (b).
c) The penetrameter(s) shall be placed on the weld so that the length of the
wires is perpendicular to the length of the weld. The identification numbers
and, when used, the lead letter “F,” shall not be in the area of interest,
except when geometric configuration makes it impractical. Remote from the
junction with the circumferential weld being radiographed.
Geometric unsharpness of the radiographs shall be figured out in accordance with
the following formula:
Ug = Fd/D where:
Ug = geometric unsharpness
F = source size,mm: the maximum projected dimension of the radiating source (or focal spot) in the
plane perpendicular to the distance D from the weld or object being radiographed
D = distance, mm: from source of radiation to weld or object being radiographed
d = distance, mm: from the source side of weld or object being radiographed to the film
NOTE: D and d must be in the same units of measure; the units of Ug will be in the same units as F*.
A darker image of the "B" on a lighter background is not cause for rejection unless
the dark image could mask or be confused with rejectable defects.
7.11.1 Single Wall Viewing/Source Side Markers - Location markers shall be placed on the
source side when radiographing the following:
7.11.2 Single Wall Viewing/Film Side Markers - Location markers shall be placed on the
film side when radiographing either curved or spherical components/castings whose
concave side is toward the source and when the "source-to-material" distance is
greater than the inside radius.
7.11.3 Single Wall Viewing/Either Side Markers - Location markers may be placed on either
source side or film side when radiographing either curved or spherical components
whose concave side is toward the source and the "source-to-material" distance
equals the inside radius of the component.
7.11.4. Double-Wall Viewing - For double-wall viewing of welds, at least one location
marker shall be placed on the outside surface adjacent to the weld (or on the
material in the area of interests) for each radiograph.
7.11.5. For other cases not stated in this procedure for location markers shall be as
described in ASME-V Article-2 T275.
7.12.1. All radiographs shall be clearly identified by number, letters, and/or markers so that
the part can be quickly and accurately located. Actual identification shall be
produced through the use of lead letters and numbers or by a light flashing
technique. The radiograph shall be traceable to the component, contract, etc. All
identification system does not necessarily require that the information appear as
radiographic images. As a minimum each film shall have the following information as
shown below and in Figure 3:
7.13.1. The radiographic technique shall be such that sufficient sensitivity is achieved to
show the identification, location markers, penetrameter designated wire or a set of
wire as essential indicators of radiographic image quality. All radiographs shall be
free from mechanical, chemical, or other artifacts to the extent that they cannot
mask or be confused with the image of any discontinuity in the area of interest of
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Inspection and Testing
Department Belge : NDT-PR-01
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Procedure Revizyon :0
the object being radiographed. Such artifacts include, but are not limited to:
- Fogging
- Processing Defects (such as streaks, water marks, or chemical stains)
- Scratches, Finger Marks, Crimps, Dirtiness, Static Marks, Smudges, or Tears
- Loss of Detail Due to Poor Screen-to-Film Contact
- False Indications Due to Defective Screens or Internal Faults
7.13.2. The procedure for processing film shall be performed in manual tanks or in an
automatic film processor.
8.1. Densitometer is photoelectric equipment, which measures the radiographic film
density, should be capable of measuring the light emitted through a radiographic
film within a density range of 0 to 4 H & D with an accuracy of 0.05.
8.2.5. Select and position for reading the neutral density steps closest to 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and
4.0 on the calibrated step tablet, or the step wedge. Measure and record the
8.2.6. The densitometer shall be accepted if the density readings do not vary more than ±
0.05 density units from the actual density stated on the calibrated step tablet or
step wedge calibration film.
8.2.7. The readings shall be recorded on the densitometer calibration log book shown in
Exibit-2 and a calibration sticker shall be attached as shown in Exibit-3. A Calibration
Sticker, which indicates calibration date and calibration due date, shall be attached
to the densitometer.
8.2.8. The step wedge calibration film shall have been verified within the last year or within
the time shown in product certificate by comparison with a national standard step
tablet. Step wedge calibration films may be used without verification for one year
upon opening, provided it is within the manufacturer’s stated shelf life.
8.2.9. Periodic verification readings performed beginning each shift and every 8 hours of
continuous use do not have to be recorded.
9.1. Regardless of the configuration of the material, a single wall technique shall be used
whenever practical.
When it is not practical to use a single wall technique, a double wall technique shall
be used. An adequate number of exposures shall be made to demonstrate that the
required coverage has been obtained.
9.2. Single-Wall Technique (SWE/SWV) - In the single wall technique radiation passes
through only one wall of the material that is viewed for acceptance on the
9.3. Double-Wall Technique - When it is not practical to use a single wall technique, one
of the following double-wall techniques shall be used:
d) For welds, the radiation beam may be offset from the plane of the weld at an
angle sufficient to separate the images of the source side and film side
portions of the weld so that there is no overlap of the areas to be interpreted.
When complete coverage is required, a minimum of two exposures taken 90
degrees to each other shall be made for each joint.
10.1. The extent of radiographic coverage shall be 100% of the volume of the weld unless
otherwise stated by the client.
11.1. Federal, state and local Radiation Protection rules and regulations shall be satisfied
before, during and after a radiographic operation.
11.2. If no regulation available, a 7.5 µSv/h for radiographic inspection personnel and a
1.0 µSv/h for ordinary people not working in radiography distances shall be
barricaded and monitored throughout the radiographic process.
11.3. Radiation survey meters, audible warning devices, Film Dosimeters and/or TLDs
together with Direct Reading Dosimeters shall be used by all radiographic inspection
11.4. The control of any waste associated with the use of this procedure or any hazards to
the environment shall be monitored according to legal requirements by TIM.
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Inspection and Testing
Department Belge : NDT-PR-01
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Procedure Revizyon :0
Safety and Operating procedures used shall conform to the latest local regulations.
12.1. The interpretation and evaluation of each film shall be recorded on a radiographic
inspection report form (Exibit-1) that is completed and signed by the certified Level
II or Level III personnel.
The radiographic technique details shall be prepared and documented. As a
minimum, the following information shall be provided:
(2) For full examination, any other elongated indication on the radiograph
which has length greater than:
¼ inch (6 mm) for “t” up to ¾ inch (19 mm)
1/3 t for “t” from ¾ inch (19 mm) to 2 ¼ inch (57 mm) inclusive
¾ inch (19 mm) for “t” over 2 ¼ inch (57 mm)
t: The thickness of the weld excluding any allowable reinforcement. For a butt
weld joining two members having different thicknesses at weld, “t” is the
thinner of these two thicknesses. If a full penetration weld includes a fillet
weld, the thickness of the throat of the fillet shall be included in “t”.
(3) For full examination, any group of aligned indications that have an
aggregate length greater than “t” in a length of 12 “t”, except when the
distance between the successive imperfections exceed 6L where “L” is the
length of the longest imperfection in the group.
(6) For spot examination rounded indications are not a factor in the
acceptability of the welds.
13.2. ASME Section-1 (PW-51)
Radiographic examination shall be performed in accordance with article 2 of ASME
Section V, except that the requirements of T-285 are to be used as a guide but not
for the rejection of radiographs unless the geometrical unsharpness exceeds 0.07 in.
(1.78 mm)
(2) Any other elongated indication on the radiograph, which has length
greater than:
¼ inch (6 mm) for “t” up to ¾ inch (19 mm)
1/3 t for “t” from ¾ inch (19 mm) to 2 ¼ inch (57 mm) inclusive.
¾ inch (19 mm) for “t” over 2 ¼ inch (57 mm) where “t” is the thickness of
the weld.
(3) Any group of aligned indications that have an aggregate length greater
than “t” in a length of 12t, except when the distance between the successive
imperfections exceed 6L where “L” is the length of the longest imperfection in
the group.
(2) Any other elongated indication, which has a length greater than:
¼ inch (6.0 mm) for “t” up to ¾ inch (19 mm)
1/3 t for “t” from ¾ inch (19 mm) to 2 ¼ inch (57 mm) inclusive.
¾ inch (19 mm) for “t” over 2 ¼ inch (57 mm)
where “t” is the thickness of the thinner portion of the weld.
(3) Any group of indications in line that have an aggregate length greater
than “t” in a length of 12t, except where the distance between the successive
indications exceed 6L where “L” is the longest indications in the group.
14.1. Radiography of repairs shall be performed by same technique used during the
original exposure.
Exposure Arrangement - B Side
Single- T-276 and Film Side
Any Wall Single-Wall Table T-275.1 (b)
T-271.1 T-276 (1)
Exposure Arrangement - C Side
Single- T-276 and
Any Wall Single-Wall Table
T-275.1 (a)
T-271.1 T-276
End View Side View Selection Position
Exposure Arrangement – D
T-271.2 (a) Source Side
At least T-277.1 (a)
three T-276 and Film Side
Her exposures T-275.3
120 to
Single Wall Table T-275.1
each T-276 (b)(1)
other for
te Film Side
coverage T-277.1 (b)
Exposure Arrangement –E
T-271.2 (a) Source Side
At least T-277.1 (a)
three T-276 and
Her exposures Film Side
120 to
Singel Wall Table T-275.1 (b)(1)
each T-276
other for
te Film Side
coverage T-277.1 (b)
1B 11 *F
Drawing No or Equip ID OR Item No WELD NO / WELDER
S&Q MART 1B LP-04 W 5 / RK
0 5 10 15 20 25
Hereby we certify that this procedure has been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the AI, and
it is capable of detecting discontinuities under the conditions defined in the procedure.
_________________________ ___________________________
TIM Date