Gate Level Design of A Digital Clock
Gate Level Design of A Digital Clock
Gate Level Design of A Digital Clock
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Gate Level Design of a Digital Clock with
Asynchronous-Synchronous Logic
Sheikh Md. Rabiul Islam Į & Md. Jobayer Hossain Į
Abstract - A digital clock has been designed at gate level and synchronous circuit [13] is a digital circuit in which the
is being presented in this paper. The clock architecture parts are synchronized by a single clock signal. In an
March 2012
consists of three major blocks SECOND,MINUTE and HOUR. ideal synchronous circuit, every change in the logical
The architecture is the amalgam both of synchronous and levels of its storage components is simultaneous. These
asynchronous logic. All the flip-flops at each block run
transitions follow the level change of a special clock
synchronously. The triggering operation of a block is
asynchronous in nature. It serves the design requiring lower signal. Ideally, the input to each storage element has
power consumption, provides lesser noise and reached its final value before the next clock occurs, so
electromagnetic interference, lower delay and greater the behavior of the whole circuit can be predicted 17
throughput. The clock is designed at Xilinx System Generator, exactly. Practically, some delay is required for each
synthesized with Xilinx Synthesis Tool (XST) and Simulated by logical operation, resulting in a maximum speed at
IV Version I
Vegilogger Pro 6.5. which each synchronous system can run [13]. Thus in a
Keywords : Counter, asynchronous counter, synchronous counter [7] all the flip-flops are clocked
synchronous counter, system level design, gate level simultaneously. The decision whether a flip-flop is to be
design, GALS. complemented or not is determined from the values of
digital clock is a type of clock that displays the Thus the states of the counters get changed.
time digitally. Instead of the rotary mechanism of Synchronous logic suffers from some disadvantages: As
electromechanical clock, it uses digital counters the clock is usually a high-frequency signal, this
that count second, minute and hours. Each sixty distribution consumes a relatively large amount of power
seconds make a minute and each sixty minutes an hour. and dissipates much heat. Even the flip-flops that are
After twenty four hours the clock resets and starts from doing nothing consume a small amount of power,
diagrams. In this stage the whole system is transferred III. MODEL DEVELOPMENT
into aggregation of registers [9]. Here each item
represents a particular logic function. If that particular There are three asynchronously operating
logic functions are represented by logic gates such as blocks at the architectural design of the digital clock. But
AND, OR or XOR, then it is called Gate level design [6]. flip-flops at each block are energised synchronously.
Gate level design realizes intensive aggregation of The SECOND and MINUTE block have six T flip-flops
elements at much lower area. To solve the problems each. When they operate synchronously they are
associated both with synchronous and asynchronous projected to have 64 distinct states. But we want them
logic the author adopted a recently emerged logic to go to their primary state after counting 60 states. So
structure GALS [1], [2]. Globally Asynchronous Locally we need to modify the input and output relationships of
Synchronous logic is the amalgam of the two logics. It flip-flops. Representing the input as Ta, Tb, Tc etc and
not only removes the drawbacks but also provides more A, B, C etc for flip-flops a, b, c respectively as shown in
March 2012
advantages [16]. The advantages include lower power Fig.2, the relations for SECOND and MINUTE blocks
consumption and electromagnetic interferences. are:
18 The digital clock designed as shown in Fig.1 Tc =ABEFCD’+ DEF (A’+B’+C’)
assumes three functional blocks: second, minute and
Td=EF (A’+C’+B’)
hour. The second and minute block count from 0 to 59.
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( FD ) Volume XII Issue vIV Version I
March 2012
Fig. 6(a) : RTL Design hierarchy
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Fig.3 : Flowchart explaining the operation of digital Fig. 6(b) : Gate level logic diagram showing net _n0068
The model is designed at Xilinx System
Generator. Then it is synthesized with Xilinx Synthesis
Tool (XST) as shown in Fig.4&5.
The outcomes include a IC package with two
input ports:: RESET and CLOCK PULSE and seventeen
output ports. The RTL(Register Transfer Level)
schematic of the design is provided as in
Fig.6(a),(b),(c)&(d).It assembles logic gates which meet
the systems requirements [6]. The details description of Fig.6(c) : Gate level representation of block FDRE.
Pin numbers for the design of clock is given in Table.1.
Output as,bs,cs,d 5,8,11,14, Single bit Pins that jointly show time in
(Second block s,es,fs 17,19 binary second
The digital clock that is designed can count
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( FD ) Volume XII Issue vIV Version I
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Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( D
Fig.5 : RTL schematic diagrams found from XST (showing block level)
Global Journal of Researches in Engineering ( FD ) Volume XII Issue vIV Version I