The Effectiveness of Task
The Effectiveness of Task
The Effectiveness of Task
they will learn how to express their own views and opinions, and
they develop their oral fluency and accuracy on speaking skill which
real-world and using the task as the vehicle and core unit in learning.
TBLT. Prabhu (in Richard and Rodgers, 2001: 233) defines a task as
learners to focus not only on language but also on the learning process
effective task-based teaching TBLT has been at the Junior High School
works with 12-14 year old students who have disengaged from formal
any learning.
produce and supply different tasks which will give the learner the
provide the learner with new experience with the foreign language and
at this point the teacher has a very important part to play. The term
work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward.
speak, learners must muster their thought and encode those ideas in
which he reads loudly a dialogue that has been written on the students‟
After reading it, he instructs the students to repeat after him untill the
overall dialogue is read. Then the teacher asks the students to practice
the dialogue in pairs by using the textbook. The teacher seldom ask
the students whether they are really understand the use of those
classroom only read a dialogue, write its meaning based on what the
teacher‟s say and then practice it in front of the class with their friend
become and ongoing problem for the students when they come into
the higher level. This strategy also causes other problems such as;
about students feeling better to use their first language that is Bahasa
keeping silent. Secondly, the students feel bored because the teacher
always uses the same strategy. Finally, the students unable to speak
speaking ability.
B. Problem Statement
of 2019/2020?”.
C. Objective of the Study
The objective of this research is to find out whether the Task Based
research finding, the researcher would like to explain and define the
Richards and Rodgers (2001: 228) suggest that because the reason
2. Speaking Skills
(TBLT), and the last is review about the application about TBLT This
A. Theoritical Description
1. Review on Speaking
a. Definition of Speaking
1991: 39). Speaking is active or productive. It means that
b. Speaking Skill
(sociolinguistic competence)
1) Pronunciation
2) Vocabulary
4) Fluency
These criteria are also based upon in the assessment of the oral
1) Interviews
2) Live monologues
selected topic.
3) Recorded monologues
after the event, and the result can be triangulated – that is, other
4) Role plays
is hard to control.
of their CVs.
f. Speaking Difficulties in Foreign Language Learning
2. Review on Task
a. Definition of Task
Breen (in Willis and Willis, 2007: 12) stated that task is
world tasks.
1) Meaning is primary
world activities
4) Task completion has some priority
b. Conceptualization of Task
the teacher role and learner role, and settings. Cited from
diagrammatically below.
Procedures Settings
task. They provide a link between the task and the broader
Input refers to the spoke, written and visual data that learners
input that forms the point of departure for the learning task.
Teacher role
Learner role
the fact that human beings have been acquiring language through
speaking and listening long before they began reading and
through sound and speech. The basic theory of these topics will be
a. Definition of TBLT
2004: 2).
b. Approach of TBLT
language and its issues that they need. Thus, learners spend a
any way they like. The tasks provide learners‟ outcomes that
1) Scaffolding
3) Recycling
4) Active learning
5) Integration
6) Reproduction to creation
7) Reflection
and giving feedback. These are the point that must be concerned in
teaching TBLT.
(Willis, 1996:123).
listener, with little control over the content of the learning; and
induction ability.
analyzing abilities.
c. TBLT Methodology
task. The second phase, the 'during task' phase, centers on the
1) Pre-task
b) Asking students to observe a model of how to perform
a task;
to the students about how they dress and how this affects
their personalities.
complete the task, the teacher informed the class that each
than accuracy. When students are carrying out the task, the
3) Post – Task
the task;
6) The psychology dynamics of the group which works
the success.
known as the Direct Method (Patel and Jain, 2008: 77). In this
78) notes:
Cited from (Patel and Jane, 2008: 80) there are some
1) Reading aloud
4) Conversation practice
Later, the students were able to ask each other their own
B. Previous Study
and support the present study. Therefore there three literature review
The first study that has done by Tareq Mitib Murad (2009) from
Secondary EFL
succes that more that 75% of the students feel enjoy while they
what researcher had done so far in this field. Fan-Jiang‟s (2005) from
Yuan Ze University of Taiwan. This study aimed to investigate the
and her finding revealed that TBLT could enhance the students‟
based teaching was challenging for both the teacher and students
different level. Her results revealed that there were longer turns in
language they know and are learning, rather than just the „target
C. Rationale
Nothing to say. The learner has not idea to speak. Some learners get
time if henor she is to be heard. In a large group, this means that each
one will have only very little time talk. This problem is compounded
the learners share the same mother tongue. They may tend to use it
especially TBLT gives the interesting manner, so that they will have
method can give better impact for the quality in the ability in
D. Hypothesis
A. Research Design
(Creswell, 2014: 4). Aliaga and Gunderson in Muijs (2004: 1) stated that
data that are analyzed using mathematically based methods (in particular
experiment, the natural experiment (Cohen, 2007: 274). This research
Experimental O1 X1
O2 Control
O3 X2
The dashed line separating the parallel rows in the diagram of the non-
equivalent control group indicates that the experimental and control groups
(Cohen, 2007: 283). Both the class will be given pre-test and post-
test, but they will get different treatment. The experimental group will
will be taught by Direct Method. Both the groups will be given pre-test
and post-test. The treatments design for both the groups could be showed
as follow:
Proposal Consultation
Proposal Seminar
collecting data
1. Population
sample from lists and people available. A target population (or the
which have four classes. The total of the population was 127 students.
2. Sample
consisted of 30 students.
3. Sampling
technique. The object are regarded that each of group has the equal
chance to be choosen as the sample. In getting sample of the research,
small piece of paper was placed in a box and well mixed, and a sample
D. Research Instrument
The researcher must use instrument in order to get the better data.
researcher for collecting data in order to get better result or in other words,
the data; pre- test and post-test. First, pre-test was administered to identify
know the students ability after given treatment. Post-test was held in the
end of the research and after 4 times treatments in experimental group.
group and control group. The data analysis of pre-test and post-test was
employed exactly the same steps as in the pilot data analysis. In addition,
scores are normally distributed in each group. Third, the variances of two
1. Data description
a. Mean
( )
L = the lower limit of the interval within which the mode lies
c. Median
( )
L = the lower limit of the interval within which the median lies
d. Standard deviation
S = standard deviation
X1 = students score
n = sum of students
X = student‟s score
n = sum of students
Comparing the maximum result of L for each item of questions
with Ltable and the normality test could be found. If L max > Ltable the
distribution of the test does not run normally but if L max ≤ Ltable the
3. Homogeneity of Variance
b. Seeking S2
𝑠 𝑛 𝑠/ 𝑛
c. Determining Log S2
d. Seeking B value
𝐵 log 𝑆 𝑛𝑖
Sx1-x2 = variant
year of 2019/2020.
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Cohen, Louis 2007. Research Method in Education sixth edition. Taylor &
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Patel, M.F and Jain, Praveen M. 2008. English Language Teaching (Methods,
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Tareq Mitib Murad. 2009. The effectiveness of Task Based Language Teaching
(TBLT) in Improving Students’ Speaking Skills Among The Palestinian
Secondary EFL Students in Israel And Their Attitudes Towards English.
Jordan : Yormouk University University Press.
Willis, D. and J. Willis. 2007. Doing Task-based Teaching. New York: Oxford
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