Handbook For Industrial Noise: Control
Handbook For Industrial Noise: Control
Handbook For Industrial Noise: Control
Submitted to
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Langley Research Center
Hampton, Virginia
V/ashtngton, D. C.
For sale by the National Technical Information Service
Springfield, Virginia 22161
Price -- $7.50
This handbook gives basic and comprehensive information on the understanding, measurement, and
control of noise in industrial environments. It is intended for engineers with or without acoustical experi-
ence; to this end, it presents sections on noise problem analysis, instrumentation, fundamental methods of
noise control, and properties of acoustical materials.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration has been one of the chief instigators of many
important research and development studies within the field of aeroacoustics. These have been conducted
in-house, by major aerospace contractors to NASA, and by academic institutions under the aegis of the
extensive NASA research grant program. The material included in this book is limited to that which is
clearly applicable to nonaerospace industrial noise control problems. The later chapters, in particular,
include more advanced and source-specific noise control technology. Emphasis has been placed on fan
noise reduction, noise transmission control techniques, and jet noise suppression.
An extensive bibliography and reference list of books and articles has been assembled. Many of these
resulted from NASA sponsorship, and, to a lesser extent, that of other federal agencies.
The author makes no claim to originality regarding the basic factual content of this work. In blending
some of the more esoteric NASA-sponsored research with fundamental, well-established tenets of noise
control, a careful selectivity must be exercised. In preparing this work, many NASA formal publications
and journal articles were reviewed. The author is solely responsible for the material included here, and he
apologizes to those who may feel that their work has been overlooked.
W. Graham Orr
Hampton, Virginia
This document was prepared by The Bionetics Corporation for NASA under contract No.
NAS1-15721. The author thanks Kevin P. Shepherd, Ph.D., Project Manager, for his patient assistance in
proofreading the text and for his technical counsel. He also extends his sincere appreciation to l_ester J.
Rose of NASA Langley Research Center, Technical Representative of the Contracting Officer, for advice
and coordination of review.
Too numerous to mention are the many individuals and companies who responded to requests for
information by providing updates of research work in progress, published reports, and technical specifica-
tions of equipment and materials. Source credits are given next to all photographs that appear in the text.
Finally, the support of the staff at Bionetics is acknowledged: Alan J. Rosing for his judicious tech-
nical editing; Sandy Barnes for her splendid artwork; and Frankie Freeze, Michael Platt, and Nancy
Walton for the exceptional care taken in typing the manuscript.
Acknowledgment .......................................................................... iv
Appendix. OSHA Noise Regulations and Assessment of Hearing Impairment ..................... 127
-2 Pn
=_ ---- =
Pa P2(t) = 3p a sin 2r • ft
Time, t (s)
P3 It) = Pa sin 2_r • 9 ft
Time, t(s)
" I I I i
Frequency, f(Hz)
Frequency, f(Hz)
Figure 2.4 - Complex periodic waves. (a) Formation from simple pure tone components of a complex
wave. (b) Corresponding frequency spectra. Pa/s the ordinate scale division of sound pressure amplitude,
of pure tones spaced apart only infinitesimally and r is the constant dependent on gas involved
with differing amplitudes. The spectrum in this and equal to the ratio of the gas constant
case is usually considered to be broadband. and molecular weight of the gas, J/kg.K
Examples of periodic sources and broadband T is the absolute temperature, K.
sources are, respectively, rotating machinery such
as turbines, fans, etc., and aerodynamic noise The velocity is directly proportional to the
associated with jets or flow past a solid surface. In square root of the absolute temperature, the other
fact, the two types often occur together with a terms being constant. Pressure changes and non-
series of pure tone peaks above a broadband spec- uniformity of gas composition are of much less
trum. An example is where a large machine with significance in affecting the velocity. 1 For air at
several random sources has a strong periodic mode atmospheric pressure, the relationship simplifies to
of operation. For more specific detail on the fre-
quency spectra and appropriate analysis required c = 20.05x/T m/s
for different kinds of sources see section 3.3.3.
More complex relationships exist for liquids and
2.1.3 Wavelength solids 1:
section) c
Bb + _Bs
figure 2.3a, above). Wavelength is denoted by the
symbol X and is numerically equal to the ratio of Solids: c = B/Bv
the speed of sound in a medium to the frequency: (small cross section) xte0
_. = elf m where
Bbt is the isothermal bulk modulus, N/m 2
0o is the density, kg/m 3
c is the speed of sound, m/s B b is the bulk modulus, N/m 2
f is the frequency, Hz.
B s is the shear modulus, N/m 2
By is the stiffness (Young's) modulus, N/m 2.
2.1.4 Speed
W = fl s dS W where
S d p is the space-averaged rms acoustic pressure,
where N/m 2.
S is the area of enclosing surface, m2
I s is the intensity through each elemental area
dS, W/m 2.
2.2.5 Acoustic Impedances
N- s/m 3
Qc =_- N.s/m 3
e is the density of air, kg/m 3 _ Diffraction
c is the speed of sound propagation in air,
m/s. around barrier
due to effective
radiation from
The term Qc is sometimes known as the line source on
characteristic impedance; it occurs frequently in Source
top of barrier
acoustic equations. Under normal atmospheric Acoustic barrier
Time, t
or distance, x
(a) (b)
Figure 2.6 -Addition of two identical sine waves, with (a) 0 ° and (b) 180 ° phase differences.
which are identical in all respects except that their (antinodes). At intermediate points, the amplitude
phase differences are respectively 0 ° and 180 °. varies sinusoidally with a fluctuating range
This result flows from the addition of n linear described by the envelope in figure 2.7 at a rate
equations: equal to the frequency of the contributing waves.
Because of the fixed pattern of amplitudes in
p(x,t) = pl(x,t) + p2(x,t) + • .. + pn(x,t) space, the resultant waveform is called a standing
wave (figure 2.7).
2.3.3 Standing Waves or Resonances Standing waves most commonly occur in any
regular enclosure which possesses at least one set
When a free progressive wave encounters a of parallel walls. The criterion for the frequencies
sharp change in impedance such as at an air-hard- at which they may become established is related to
wall boundary, and if the angle of incidence is the separation distance between parallel surfaces
normal, then the reflected wave travels back along by
the original path of propagation with a 360 °
change in phase. If there is another boundary Hz
parallel to the first one, then the reflection process 2d
occurs again, and so on ad infinitum, until all the
acoustic energy has dissipated by absorption at the where
boundaries and by propagation losses in the inter- n is the 1,2,3...
vening medium. Standing waves or resonances c is the velocity of sound propagation, m/s
occur when the distance between the boundaries d is the separation distance, m
coincides with an integer multiple of the half- fn is the nth harmonic frequency, Hz.
wavelength; they are more likely to appear when
the original complex waveform has strong discrete Note that the term n is included because
components. harmonics of standing waves may occur at integer
By superposition, two waves 360 ° out of multiples of the fundamental.
phase add constructively to produce a waveform This phenomenon is of particular importance
greater in amplitude than the original constituents. in the transmission of vibrational energy through
In this unique case, however, because a complete plates and bars, as well as in airborne sound trans-
reversal of direction has also taken place, fixed mission through limited spaces of regular geome-
positions are created of zero net pressure ampli- try. In both situations, reflection relatively free of
tude (nodes) and of maximum pressure amplitude energy loss at the metal or room boundaries may
Oscillation within waveform An acoustical source having a sound power of
envelope at rate equal to W watts is therefore said to have a sound power
fundamental frequency
level PWL given by
., ' ul
Wre f is the reference power value normally
taken as 10- 12 W, according to interna-
X tional convention.
and, Sound power level PWL re 10-12 W (dB)
Pref = 2 × 10 -5 N/m 2 80
Measurement Techniques
Sound has temporal, spectral, amplitude, and 8-10 dB, across the frequency range of most inter-
spatial characteristics; because the process by which est in noise control, 300 Hz to 4 kHz. This allows
it interacts with human physiology and behavior is the generalization that a reduction of approxi-
by no means well specified, different indices and mately 10 dB is needed to reduce loudness by one-
scales exist. This chapter initially treats in some half, since a change of 10 phons represents a doub-
detail the most important parameters and measure- ling or halving of loudness. In typical working
ment approaches used for general-purpose indus- conditions, however, an observer is rarely able to
trial noise control. Section 3.4 contains a full dis- detect a change of less than 3 dB in levels. Espe-
cussion of alternative means of identifying noise cially prominent is the decrease in sensitivity at all
sources, and section 3.5 presents the overall ap- levels for sound at the lower frequencies. This
proach for a noise survey. These sections are pre- means, for example, that a sound of 80 dB at 30 Hz
cursors to chapter 6, which examines general noise produces the same sensation of loudness as a tone
control procedures that are applied after the prob- of 42 dB at 4 kHz.
lem is defined. A more analytical approach has been taken
by both Zwicker and Stevens, 2 whose models are
predicted on the observation that the ear appears
3.1 ACOUSTIC PARAMETERS OF SPECIAL to act as a set of filters normally around one-third
RELEVANCE octave in bandwidth (see section 3.3.1 for defini-
tion). Their basic contention is that subjective
3.1.1 Loudness Evaluation loudness should be obtainable by summing the
sound pressure in these bands after correcting for
It has been indicated in section 2.0 that loud- the sensitivity of the ear. This varies with frequency
ness is an important subjective perceptual charac- and level. The Zwicker and Stevens MK. VI tech-
teristic of interest. There are several approaches to
quantifying loudness; usually the results are aver-
aged over a number of people, since individual Loudness level (phons)
responses can vary considerably.
Figure 3.1 shows equal loudness contours, 120
which represent the variation in actual sound pres- _,_ ._ _ 110 ="'_//1 "_
sure level with frequency necessary to produce an
equivalent sensation of judged loudness by the lis- _ 80
tener. These curves are based on pure tone stimuli
x 60
and are characterized by assigning them a phon =SOi
....... "--.._/'%,
number, which corresponds to their sound pressure = 40
niqueshavefoundwidespread useandhavebeen 2O
latingtheloudness of soundsthatarereasonably
steadyovera periodof at leasta secondor so. ._ 0
Thismodelusespowersummation overthecritical o lo
bandsin the earand the conceptof frequency ×
modeof listening. - 50
20 50 100 200 500 lk 2k 5k 1Ok 20k
Apart from the common-sense assumption
thata loudsoundtendsto bemoredamaging in Frequency (Hz)
regardto hearing loss,it isalsoreasonable to sup- Figure 3.2 - Frequency response of weighting
posethat,otherthingsbeing equal, a louder sound scales. The straight line through 0 dB represents
tends to be more disturbing. Various researchers the unweighted response normally used when as-
have tried to characterize sound in terms of annoy- sessing linear overall sound pressure level,
ance or noisiness ratings, which presumably repre- OASPL.
sent a more comprehensive subjective evaluation
than loudness per se. Reference 6 contains an early Table 3.1 - A- and C-weighting corrections for
description of such a procedure as well as a com- octave band data.
parison with loudness calculation techniques.
Octave Relative Relative
3.1.2 Weighting Scales band center A-weighted C-weighted
frequency (Hz) response (dB) response (dB)
Not the least of the reasons for this is the belief
that the amount of sound energy received at the
eardrum is the most critical cause of noise-induced
hearing loss. Leq takes the value of the constant
sound pressure level which contains the same sound
energy as the actual time-varying level of interest.
It is always calculated with respect to a particular
,_ 50 time interval, generally an hour or an 8-hour
period; normally, the sound level is A-weighted.
With digital and microprocessor technology, a
variety of portable instruments can accurately
compute Leq (see section 4.4.1).
The mathematical expression for the compu-
tation of Leq over a specified time interval T is
20 i l fT_
Leq(T) = 10 log T Jo pr2ef dt dB(A)
Thre h
for continuousnoise where £ T
0 6J3 I
125 I
250 500 lk 2k 4k 8k dt represents the integration
tion of squared instantaneousor summa-
Octaveband centerfrequencies(Hz) pressure values over the time interval
Figure 3.3 - Noise criteria curves (NC).
p is the A-weighted instantaneous
sound pressure
developed after considerable practical experience. Pref is the reference sound pressure.
They have essentially been optimized to provide
an assessment of the effects of noise at particular Community noise can often be a problem
frequencies on speech communications, with some when external noise levels are high. Consideration
regard to the loudness of the sound as well. should be given to this especially when planning a
A Noise Criteria (NC) rating is found by plot- new industrial development or implementing noise
ting the actual octave band sound pressure levels control technology in a situation where community
and identifying the highest NC curve which pene- aggrievance has already been established. A very
trates the sound spectrum from figure 3.3. Certain concise introduction to the subject may be found
criteria, shown in table 3.2, have been recom- in reference 8.
mended for particular environments. 7 One of the indices most frequently used in
The equivalent continuous sound level, Leq, is this connection 9 includes the day-night level, Ldn,
increasingly used in a wide variety of situations. which represents a long-term average 24-hour Leq,
with sound energy received between 10:00 p.m.
and 7:00 a.m. being weighted by a factor of
Table 3.2 - Recommended noise criteria values + 10 dB. The community noise equivalent level,
for several work environments. CNEL, performs a similar function except that a
three-way subdivision between day, evening, and
Work environment acceptable night is used. Statistical measures such as Lg0, L50,
NC levels and L1, illustrated in figure 4.10, are also widely
used. Lg0, or the level exceeded for 90°70 of the
Factories and workshops (no hear- 60-75 sampling time is often used as a measure of am-
ing damage risk) bient noise.
Factories and workshops (communi- 50-60
cation required)
Kitchens and light workshops 45-55
Mechanized offices 40-50 3.2 LOGARITHMIC ADDITION OF DECIBELS
General offices 35-45
Private offices 30-40 It is frequently necessary to combine several
Cafeterias and canteens 35-45
sound levels in noise control problems; this is done
bytakingantilogarithms andsumming withrespect where
to meansquaresoundpressure. Themostimpor- SPL T is the total sound pressure level at the
tantinitialstepistodeterminewhether thesources measuring point.
concerned radiatesoundintensitycoherently, be-
Two levels may be most simply combined by
cause puretonesof thesamefrequency caninter-
use of figure 3.4. The numerical difference between
fereconstructively, asdescribedin section2.3.2,
the levels concerned is first found, and then the
andit is necessary to accountfor thephaserela-
corresponding position on the curve identified.
tionshipbetween the sources,
whichis fixedfor
From this, after alignment with the relevant value
coherent radiation.Theappropriate equationfor
on either the abscissa or ordinate, the total level is
calculating theRMSsoundpressure in thiscaseis
computed by straightforward addition.
Two propositions should be noted regarding
p = xfplpl2 -+ 1_ 2 + 2pip2 COS (01-02) N/m 2
figure 3.4:
where 1. For two levels with the same value, the
Pl, P2 is the RMS sound pressure associated numerical increase between the total and the origi-
with the two sources nal values is 3 dB.
(01-02) is the relative phase difference between 2. For levels more than 10 dB apart, the con-
sources at measuring point. tribution of the lower level is negligible.
Figure 3.4 is plotted according to the relation-
Note that for completely in-phase signals of ship
equal amplitude this has the effect of doubling the
resultant pressure. The total sound pressure level SPL r = SPL l + 10 log (10(SPL2 - SPL_)/10 + 1)
in this case would be raised 6 dB with respect to the
original pressure: where
SPL T is the total level
p -- +12 + pl 2 + 2/912 N/m2 SPLI, SPL 2 indicates that two levels are being
= 2Pl
especially when only weak pure tones are present.
Under these conditions, phase relationships be-
SPL T = 64.7 dB
come unimportant and the squares of the RMS
pressures of the n contributing sources at the point
of interest may be added linearly:
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
SPL T = l0 log [10SPLJ l0 + 10SPL2/10 +
Numericaldifference between total and smaller levels(dB)
• '' + 10SPLn/10] dB Figure 3.4 - Combination of two decibel levels.
A chart for the addition of equal levels is pre- Octave band center frequency (Hz)
63 125 250 500 1000 2000
sented in figure 3.5. This is an exercise frequently
SPL, dB 65 75 77 80 83 81 79
required, especially when assessing the contribu- -26 -16 -8.5 -3 0 +1 +1
A-weighting, dB
tions of several identical machines to a reverberant 39 59 68.5 77 83 82 80
SPL (dB(A))
69 84 84
10 = I I I
Increase in sound pressure /
(dB or dB(A)) ##
I I / Therefore total sound pressure level is given
A 8
/ SPLT(63-4000 Hz) = 87 dB(A)
"o 6
"10 / Reference 10 provides mathematical tech-
niques for combining decibel levels of either octave
.c_ bands or constant bandwidths (see section 3.3) into
an overall spectrum level.
_c 2
/ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8910
Description of Octave,
One-Third Octave,
Number of independent sources and Narrow Bands
• .. + 10SPL./10] dB
The octave bands of most interest for general-
purpose use extend from 63 to 8000 Hz; any over-
where all sound pressure level computed from measure-
nth sound pressure level to be ments made in a series of contiguous bands should
SPL n is the
added. properly have the range of bands quoted alongside.
One-third octave band filters are the second
Another computation frequently required is most common variety in widespread use; they in-
the addition of sound pressure levels in contiguous crease the degree of resolution obtainable in the
frequency bands to produce an overall sound pres- field without making the process of data collection
sure level. In the example below, the A-weighted too cumbersome (see section 3.3.2 for discussion
overall level is calculated from linear octave band of appropriate filter selection). Because the energy
data using the numerical weightings taken from contained in each one-third octave band is propor-
table 3.1. tionally less than that in the octave band which
Table 3.3 - Octave and one-third octave center frequencies and band limits (reference 11).
18 20 22
22 25 28
23 31.5 45 28 31.5 35
35 4O 45
45 50 56
45 63 90 56 63 71
71 80 90
90 100 1t2
90 125 180 112 125 141
141 160 178
178 200 225
180 250 355 225 250 282
282 315 355
355 400 450
355 500 710 450 500 560
560 630 710
710 800 890
710 1000 1400 890 1000 1120
1120 1250 1400
1400 1600 1780
1400 200O 2800 1780 2000 2240
2240 2500 2800
2800 3150 3550
2800 4000 5600 3550 4000 4470
4470 5000 5600
5600 63O0 7080
5600 8000 11 200 7080 8000 8900
8900 10000 11 200
11 200 t2 500 14 130
11 200 16 000 22 400 14 130 16000 17 780
17 780 20000 22400
covers that particular range, one-third octave lyzers suitable for deployment in the field, narrow
band spectra always have values below the corre- band analysis is more practical. Nevertheless, the
sponding octave band spectra when plotted on the total spectrum bandwidth may have to be limited
same graph (see figure 3.6). Reference 10 provides to provide the degree of resolution required at low
information on converting acoustical information frequencies particularly, since typically these
from one octave set into another, and computing instruments only have 400 bands over their fre-
one-third octave band levels knowing the octave quency range (see section 4.6.2).
level and the decibel-per-octave slope of the Sometimes it is convenient to measure a
spectrum. parameter known as the power spectral density,
In contrast to octave and fractional octave PSD, which is plotted as a function of signal
bands, which increase in bandwidth by a fixed per- power in a frequency bandwidth divided by that
centage as the center frequency increases, narrow bandwidth, against frequency. When the PSD is
band filters have a constant bandwidth through- computed using a sufficiently high resolution fre-
out the entire spectrum. They may be tuned to quency analysis, then the difference in PSD func-
measure several different bands, typically 10, 5, 2, tions between broadband and discrete spectra
or 1 Hz in width. With the advent of real time ana- becomes sharply evident, as the former have a
X 60-
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Figure 3.6 - Comparison of octave, one-third octave, and narrow band spectra for the same sound field
characteristically smooth and monotonic nature tion. More detail on the instrumentation available
whereas the latter are very discontinuous. is given in section 4.6.
There are several quick procedures for obtain- The traditional mode used in the field is the
ing approximate spectral content. It is clear from serial filter, where the signal is processed by each
figure 3.2 that the C-weighting curve is effectively bandwidth filter, one at a time, usually over a con-
linear over much of the frequency range of interest tiguous frequency range. In the laboratory, a simi-
in general noise control. Consequently, by taking lar process may be carried out using a sweep filter,
both A- and C-weighted readings and comparing where the bandwidth of the filter expands auto-
them, a rough assessment can be made according matically as the center frequency moves continu-
to the following rules: ously up through the spectrum. The latter technique
involves no discrete filter bands. Either of these
dB(C) > dB(A)- indicates low frequency serial approaches is only strictly applicable when
mainly the input signal is relatively constant in level and
dB(A) > dB(C) -- indicates high frequency frequency content over the period of time taken to
mainly complete the measurement.
dB(A) = dB(C) -- indicates that it is located Less frequently used is the process of feeding
around the 1-2 kHz re- a signal to a set of contiguous and parallel analog
gion, i.e. mid-frequency. filters and then, either separately or in combina-
tion, recording the output of each. This approach
Many frequency filters can now be used in does not usually have the same constraints on sig-
conjunction with weighting networks to provide a nal uniformity as the serial process.
direct readout, in dB(A) for example, in specific Finally, in digital filtering the analog signal is
frequency bands. quantized into discrete portions and subjected to a
computation process which very efficiently per-
3.3.2 Description of Filtering Techniques forms effective frequency filtering. This can be
accomplished quickly and accurately. Reference
Various modes of filtering may be employed 12 provides a brief introduction to the problems in
for either the fixed percentage bandwidth or fixed digital analysis of one-third octave bands with
bandwidth filters described in the previous sec- similar accuracy across the spectrum of interest.
In this paper,two differentsamplingratesare frequencies, fn, most likely to dominate according
usedto achieve a higherresolutionin thelower to the relation
frequencybandswithout wastingcomputation
timein higherfrequencybands,therebyachieving fn = nNK Hz
a moreuniformconfidence level.
3.3.3 Spectral Character of Typical Industrial N is the shaft rotational speed measured in
Sounds and Analysis Procedure revolutions per second
K is the number of blades, teeth, etc., attached
Only rarely do sounds consist of pure tones in to the rotating component
isolation. Generally, it is necessary to conduct a n is the integer corresponding to the harmonic
spectral analysis of the acoustic or vibration frequencies, i.e., 1, 2 ....
parameter of interest over a series of adjoining
frequency bands using a bandwidth and mode of Because the frequencies of interest are very
analysis appropriate to the problem at hand. The distinct, it is usual to conduct initially at least one-
bandwidth should be chosen to be only as narrow third octave band analysis followed by further
as necessary for the sound spectrum concerned. refinement of the frequency resolution as
This section outlines the general nature of com- required.
mon industrial sounds and the practical methodol- Broadband frequency sources
ogy for conducting routine analyses.
Broadband frequency sources are usually Discrete frequency sources
associated with high velocity gases or fluids vent-
Fans, compressors, gear and mechanical trans- ing to atmosphere. They induce a shearing action
misson elements, and transformers, give rise to in the structure of the ambient air, and the result-
spectra with very prominent discrete frequency ant turbulence generates random pressure fluctua-
tones, as illustrated in figure 3.7a. These usually tions. The spectrum is continuous, lacking any
present a number of harmonic components which particular discrete quality, and with no fixed rela-
may even be larger in magnitude than the funda- tionship between either amplitude or phase com-
mental frequency. This may occur because the ponents. This is not to say, however, that the
sound spectrum reaching the measuring position sound may not be characterized easily with refer-
can depend on intervening structures (such as ence to its frequency distribution. For example, in
pressed metal panels around the machine) which heating ducts the nature of sound at some distance
radiate noise differentially according to the from the air handling equipment is mainly low
inherent sound transmission and damping charac- frequency; it is audible as a rumble. By contrast,
teristics of the complete system. This kind of high speed exhaust vents generate a spectrum
spectrum often emanates from rotating equipment which is predominantly high frequency in charac-
and it is possible to predict the harmonic ter and is best described as a kind of hiss. An
I I I | I I I I I | I I
101 10 2 10 3 10 4 10 _ 10 2 10 3 10 4 101 10 2 10 3 10 4
Figure 3.7 - Illustrations of various kinds of frequency spectra. (a) Discrete. (b) Broadband. (c) Impact.
exampleof this is shownin figure3.7b.Octave particularly in the case of large industrial plants,
bandanalysiswill normallysufficewhenconduct- where several ancillary units such as hydraulic
inganalysesof thistypeof noise. pumps and generators may be switched in con-
currently. Impact sources A second procedure, which is rather lengthy
Impact sources include sources such as punch but nonetheless of considerable value because of
presses, hammering operations, and very short the amount of information which may be extracted,
duration venting operations to atmosphere. The is to conduct a survey of sound pressure levels
character of these may be regarded as aperiodic; around the affected area. This is especially rele-
consequently they have a continuous spectrum vant in the case of shop floors where many sources
(see section 2.1.2). The distinguishing features are operate simultaneously and where, perhaps for
determined primarily by the duration of impact reasons of assembly-line production or constraints
and the elasticity and damping properties of the on the time during which machines may be shut
materials. Basically, the shorter the duration and down, it is necessary to conduct an in situ assess-
the harder the surfaces involve.d, the more likely it ment. Figure 3.8 is an example of such a survey in
is that the resultant sound will have a sharp ring a poultry processing plant. If the contour lines of
because of the high frequency content. This is equal sound pressure level are sufficiently well
illustrated in figure 3.7c. Because of the very short defined, it is possible to estimate at least relative
durations involved in impact noise, which can be sound power levels of contributing sources by
of the order of milliseconds, the meter RMS char- calculating the area around each machine which is
acteristic may not respond fully to the maximum above a particular noise level. The sound power
instantaneous amplitude. For this reason a peak level is proportional to this area (see section 3.4.4).
hold characteristic with a very short integration The survey is of importance, too, in making a quick
time has been built into some modern sound level assessment of the degree of compliance with
meters to gauge the peak levels involved (see sec- OSHA noise exposure regulations (see the
tion 4.4.1). Differences between this meter reading Appendix).
and the normal meter response can be up to 30 dB; In addition, the directivity of the source may
the differences tend to increase as the distance to be estimated if the measurements are made in a
the source is shortened, especially for high fre- direct field (see section 3.4.3). Occasionally, this
quency components. can be done by making measurements very close
to the radiating surfaces or duct openings, 13
although there are often theoretical objections to
3.4 GENERAL ANALYSIS this; however, it is always wise to make follow-up
accelerometer measurements of vibration on the
3.4.1 Source Identification radiating surfaces themselves. These may then be
matched with the sound pressure level measure-
Noise control problems are usually examined ments to verify their value in measuring sound
by separate consideration of the source, propaga- power and directivity.
tion path, and receiver; an optimal solution based NASA programs on jet noise sources and
on an overall assessment of the results of this tri- aerodynamic noise generation in wind tunnels
partite analysis is then designed (see section 6.0). have yielded several devices designed to determine
Of these three considerations, correct identifica- source position, especially in turbulent flow condi-
tion of the source and its acoustical nature is the tions. One of these 14 uses a linear array of micro-
most important; otherwise, unnecessary expendi- phones with a digital time delay applied to each
ture may be incurred because of misdirected con- one in the series according to the acoustic fre-
trol procedures. quency of interest. Unwanted noise containing
One of the simplest and quickest ways of reverberation, background, and wind noise com-
accurately defining a source is to run all the noisy ponents of the order of 3-10 dB is rejected in the
machines connected with a location of interest range 63 Hz to 10 kHz. Another instrument, 15
independently, i.e., one at a time. Individual noise which permits easy analysis in two dimensions
contributions can then be compared in order to without the need for large numbers of micro-
assess the most dominant or troublesome noise phones in two separate array configurations, has a
sources. Several sources may interact, however, directional acuity such that high frequency sources
Gizzard Lung
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) ,--4(....
' _ _ | ', ] _92 '94-- :" , }
,z _"_3_,-"--L_lf
,__d :::::
_ Pre-chiller
IL '
Figure 3.8 - Example of sound pressure level contour survey. All data are A-weighted. (Taken from
Cassanova, R.E., et al., Study of Poultry Plant Noise Characteristics and Potential Noise Control Tech-
niques, Progress Report, Oct. 1978-Mar. 1979, NASA Res. Grant NSG 3228.)
can be specified within 1 cm. This is achieved interest. An excellent account of the development
using an ellipsoidal acoustic mirror with a micro- of these and other techniques, as well as their
phone placed at one focus; the intervening space application to industrial noise, is given in refer-
may be filled with a gas heavier than air, to de- ence 13. Coherence and cross-correlation tech-
crease the speed and hence wavelength of sound niques are of particular value in situations where
waves, so that the resolution power of the device is only in situ measurements can be made with all
enhanced. 16 By mounting the mirror and micro- equipment running, and for pinpointing particu-
phone on an automated drive assembly, complete larly troublesome areas on very large sources.
two-dimensional plots may be made of an area, Basically, microphones or vibration transducers
and the frequency-analyzed output highlights sig- are placed at the receiving point of interest and at
nificant noise sources, iv the various suspected contributing sources, and
Another technique for determining important the signals from each compared.
sources is to examine frequency plots made for Cross-correlation is essentially a complete
measurements close to the suspected noise con- comparison of the amplitude of two signals at
tributors, and to compare them with the composite every frequency, as well as a measure of the time
level received at the position of interest. This ap- or phase difference between them. The common
proach is of particular value when prominent dis- parts of the signals combine and the unrelated
crete frquencies are present, although narrow band parts cancel out. By finding the delay time be-
analysis may be necessary to discriminate and tween the signals where the cross-correlation is a
match exact values. maximum, it is possible to specify noise sources
More recently, many data processing tech- and their relative contributions to the sound field
niques have been developed to extract maximum by tracing possible transmission paths. Although
information from signals and to discard extra- reverberant conditions tend to militate against the
neous components. These can be broadly classi- effective use of cross-correlation, Ahtye and co-
fied into either coherence or cross-correlation workers 18,19 have successfully used the technique
techniques, and their value is increasing with the to identify sources as low as 18 dB below the over-
increasing availability of sophisticated instrumen- all level. Furthermore, a measurement device
tation for direct print-out of the parameters of known as a sound separation probe, 2° using simi-
lar principles, hasbeendeveloped to separateout This is the same as taking the ratio of the
soundwaves fromturbulentflowpressure fluctua- associated sound pressure levels; in fact, the loga-
tionsin a duct. rithmic equivalent of the directivity factor, known
Coherence measures theextentto whichre- as the directivity index, DI, is defined as
ceivedpoweris dependent on a particulartrans-
mittedor inputpower.It canbeusedto assess the DI = 10 log Qo dB
noisesource characteristics inreverberant
as well as in situationswherecross-correlation = SPL o - SPL s
Spherical Hemispherical
radiation radiation
Q=I O =2 Q =4 O =8
DI : 0 dB DI = 3dB DI = 6dB DI = 9 dB
standardizing andextrapolatingthedataaswellas \ \
computingthe soundpowerspectrumleveland \ \ \
ticularlyimportantat higherfrequencies because
at low frequenciesdiffractioneffectsreduceany
directivecomponents. Point I I
source /// __
3.4.3 Sound Field Characteristics / / I' t_
i /
It is important when making sound pressure 0 r 2r
level measurements to consider the portion of the Relative distance, r
sound field likely to be measured. The direct or
free field is that part where the sound level decays Figure 3. IO - Increase in area through which unit
in a constant manner depending on the geometry sound intensity passes because of spherical
of the source and its surroundings. For example, divergence. S, unit area; I, constant intensity
for a relatively small source radiating freely, i.e., through section considered.
3.4.4 Sound Power Level Estimation assumed. For the former case, all the above rela-
tionships apply, and it is usual to use a regular
Sound power is important because it repre- array of microphones equidistant from the source
sents a unique characteristic of a particular source and at least k/4 from any wall of the room, where
which, when properly specified, is independent of X is the wavelength of the lowest frequency of
the particular environment concerned. This meas- interest. Figure 3.12 shows a six-point array over a
urement is useful in comparing the relative acous- hypothetical hemisphere surrounding a source.
tic properties of various machines and the effects The sound power level, PWL, of the source,
of changing the acoustic conditions on the sound assuming omnidirectional radiation through equal
pressure. Knowing the sound power level of a areas associated with each measuring point, is
source in appropriate frequency bands, and by given by
making intelligent assumptions about the nature
of the sound field generated at points of interest . l%6/p, \2
(see section 3.4.3), it is possible to predict accu- PWL = 101ogz-z._l_-I + 201ogr + 8 dB
v i \Yref/
rately the sound pressure level at these points.
The general relationship between the sound
power level of a spherically radiating source and
the sound pressure level at distance r is derived
PWL =-SPL + 20 logr + 8 dB
from the following equation (see section 2.2.3):
W = I(47rr 2) W
For a directional source the general equation
is given by
whereSPLis the logarithmicaverageof sound where
pressure levels(space-averaged).
Note SPL is the space-averaged sound pressure
that the directivityindexof hemi- level, dB
spherical radiationabovethereflect- Vis the room volume minus source vol-
ingplaneis +3 dB(fromfigure3.9), ume, m 3
so that PWL = SPL + 20logr + TR is the Sabine reverberation time defined
11-3. in section 6.2.2, s
S is the area of all room boundaries, m2
Typicallyanevennumberof microphones is X is the wavelength at frequency of inter-
usedforthis,forexample, 4,6, 10,or 12,depend- est, m.
ingon thesourcesizeandspaceavailable.With
this method,directivityeffectsare easilyesti- A comparative technique may be employed to
mated,althoughif thesourceis highlydirective determine the sound power level of a test source
thena largernumber,up to 24or so,shouldbe where the acoustic and geometric characteristics
If a sufficientnumberof measurements are similar to those of a standard reference source. 33
of thesoundpressure levelaretakenon thesur- In this case, the procedure is first to find average
faceof ahypothetical sphere or otherregulargeo- sound pressure levels in the appropriate frequency
metricshapesurroundingthe source,then the bands for both the reference and test sources. The
errorimplicitin failuretosample thelevelatevery next stage is to calculate the sound power level of
point can be minimized. 2s Normally,measure- the test source according to
mentsaremadein octavebandsandthe sound
powerlevelfor eachof thesemaybesummed to PWL t = SPL t + PWLre f - SPLre f
In a reverberation room, the numberof where
microphones needed in anarray,AIM,isgenerally PWLre f, PWL t are the sound power levels of
lessthanfor a free field andis givenapproxi- reference and test sources,
matelyby respectively
SPLre f, SPL t are the space-averaged sound
pressure levels of reference
and test sources.
madeatlocationscorresponding to specificloca- machine is being run, since conditions may change
tionson the surfaceof a hypothetical
parallele- considerably during the course of operation. Also,
pipedenclosingthe machine,with total surface in some situations, it may not be easy to make far
field measurements and the microphones must be
areaS1.A second seriesof measurements is then
madeona largerparallelepiped
surfaceS 2, where placed close to the source. In this case, the meas-
urement surface should conform closely to the
the major dimensions have the same proportional
source shape, and microphones should be equally
relationship as for S 1. The average sound pressure
sensitive to all incident sound over the front 180 °
levels for each surface, SPL I and SPL 2, respec-
arc. 28
tively, are then calculated.
It can be shown that the actual sound power
is given by
PWL = SPL t + 10logS 1 - C dB
3.5.1 Initial Preparation
where the correction factor C is
The proper definition of a noise problem is of
primary importance; this definition is best achieved
c= 101ogkl - 1 by first determining the need for noise control at
all. There may be a variety of factors which, either
where E = 10 (SPL_ - SPL2)/10 and S 1, S 2 are sur- singly or in combination, are responsible for the
face areas, in square meters. need for a noise analysis. The most common ones
include 33 potential hearing damage to employees
C is readily found from the family of curves because of adverse noise working conditions;
shown in figure 3.13. determination of whether equipment or vehicles
Sound power levels must always be quoted are in compliance with test codes or specifications;
for the particular conditions under which the community annoyance resulting from external
9 _
.015 .02 .025 .03 .04 .05 ,06 .08 .15 .2 .25 .3 .4 .5 .6 .8 1.0
0.01 0.1
Figure 3.13 - Correction factors for two-surface method of sound power level determination (refer-
ence 26). (From George M. DieM, Machinery Acoustics, 1973. Used with the permission of John Wiley &
Sons, Inc.)
noiselevels;andnoiselevelcontoursurveysfor changes in excess of 5 dB should be sampled every
generalplanningpurposes. Theappropriatecri- 15 seconds or so and the arithmetic average taken
teriafor controlmaythenbeselected, for exam- after a few minutes. In this case it is also necessary
ple,OSHAnoiseexposure limits(seetheAppen- to specify the maximum range of excursions from
dix),community noiseordinances, orsoundpower the mean. Special meter characteristics are re-
levelmeasurement standards. Wherepossible,a quired to give an accurate representation of
groundplanandevaluation of thebuildingor area impulsive-type sounds.
concerned shouldbe obtained,as this becomes Initial measurements should be relatively few
invaluablein planningsurveysand identifying in number, provided the level does not vary greatly
areas. over large areas. It is usual to obtain representa-
Informationis alsorequiredon thetypeof tive measurements of a sound field by avoiding any
noisesources involved,theirdimensions, operat- reflecting surfaces by at least 1 m. When assessing
ingcharacteristics,directionality,andlong-term personal exposure conditions for individuals, the
influences suchas patternof usethroughouta microphone should be located at the normal posi-
workweek.Particularlyimportantis theneedto tion of the head (or 1 m away for in situ measure-
gainsomeideaof thelevelandspectral contentof ment). This is taken to be 1.5 m in height for
thenoise.In thisrespect,it isemphasized thatan standing positions and i. 1 m for seated workers. 34
empiricalon-siteinvestigation evenwithnothing When making measurements in a reverberant
more than aural inspectionby a well-trained field, it is normal to take a space-average level,
acoustician,andcarefulexamination of theabove especially for low frequencies.
factors,isof considerablevalueinhelpingtoselect In general, the measurements are made in
thetypeof equipment requiredandthemeasure- dB(A) before further specific analysis into octave,
mentsnecessary. Forexample, rotatingmachinery one-third octave bands, etc., is performed. It is
components suchaslathesandsawsgiveriseto always valuable to record a background or ambient
periodicwaveforms, whichtendto possess strong level of the sound field when the source of interest
discretefrequencycomponents requiringrelatively is not generating. This permits the effective source
detailedfrequency analysis. contribution to the total noise environment to be
estimated and is especially important in dealing
3.5.2 Measurement of Acoustic Quantities with community noise problems. Vibration meas-
urements may also be necessary, particularly when
Accuracy of measurements is essential. It is source modifications are being examined or when
imperative to ensure that equipment is functioning the relative importance of several structure-borne
correctly and to calibrate it using one of the transmission paths are being considered. This is
devices described in section 4.9. Internal reference discussed further in chapter 6. All operating
calibration signals should always be cross checked modes of the machines concerned should be ac-
with external calibrators. Other considerations counted for in the survey and analysis.
include the correct selection and deployment of a
microphone for the sound field involved, i.e., 3.5.3 Data Presentation
random incidence, perpendicular incidence, or
grazing incidence; and whether avoidance of inter- Generally, four major areas should be cov-
ference effects when performing precision meas- ered: sound field and source description; acoustic
urements at high frequencies requires the separate and physical description of the environment in
mounting of the microphone or instrument at least which propagation occurs; classification of instru-
1 m from the observer. mentation; and operator/receiver positions and
The possibility of instrument overload is exposure conditions.
reduced by ensuring the utilization of the lowest Sound field and source description
available measuring range for which the complete
range of fluctuations in level still registers on the Sound field and source description may in-
instrument scale. For sound level meters the clude the specification of sound power levels as
"slow" response setting (see section 4.4.1) is used well as full identification of the location using
frequently unless the sound has a sharply changing diagrams, sketches, or photographs. Operating
nonperiodic amplitude, in which case the "fast" conditions should also be noted, including length
response setting is used. Cyclical noises which have of running time, cyclical or steady mode, work-
loadrequired,andsoon. Recorded levelsshould 5. Howes, W. L., Overall Loudness Calculation
accordingto measuringposi- Procedure for Steady Sounds, Cosmic Pro-
tion, microphoneorientation,weightingsused, gram Abstract, LEW-12914, 1979.
andtime. 6. Kryter, K. K., Review of Research and Meth-
ods for Measuring the Loudness and Noisi- Environment description
ness of Complex Sounds, NASA CR-422,
A full description of the physical dimensions 1966.
of the surrounding walls, surfaces, and neighbor- 7. Beranek, Leo L., Noise and Vibration Con-
ing equipment is necessary, together with an anno- trol, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971.
tation of their probable acoustic qualities, e.g., 8. Fidell, S., Community Response to Noise in
absorptive or reflective, massive or lightweight. Handbook of Noise and Control, Cyril M. lnstrumentalion description Harris, ed., Second ed., Chapter 36, McGraw-
Hill Book Co., 1979.
Instrumentation description should include a
9. Beranek, Leo k., Noise Measurements, Noise
complete logging of all equipment in terms of
Con. Eng., vol. 9, no. 3, 1977, p. 100.
manufacturer's type identifications and serial
10. Hayes, C. D., and M. D. Lamers, Octave and
numbers. Frequency bandwidths and signal-to-
One-Third Octave Acoustic Noise Spectrum
noise ratios may be specified where relevant. Cali-
Analysis (JPL TR 32-1052), NASA CR-81251,
bration results before and after the survey should
also be included, as well as the instrument settings
used for the measurements. 11. ANSI, American National Standard Specifi-
cation for Octave, Half-Octave, and Third- Receiver positions and conditions Octave Band Filter Sets, SI.11-1966 (R1976).
Description of receiver positions and condi- 12. Shipley, J. W., and R. A. Slusser, A Digital
tions should include a complete description of Technique for Determining Third-Octave
levels received at the positions of critical exposure, Sound Pressure Levels with a More Uniform
as well as some account of both temporal and Confidence Level. JPL TM 33-422, 1969.
frequency characteristics. Background levels may 13. Ebbing, C. E., and T. H. Hodgson, Diag-
be included for comparison. Also, a record of nostic Tests for Locating Noise Sources:
machine operator movements throughout a work- Classical Techniques (Part I), Signal Process-
ing period should be provided. Where a workman ing Techniques (Part I1), Noise Con. Eng.,
is performing a variety of tasks throughout the vol. 3, no. 1, July-August 1974, p. 30.
day during which his noise environment changes 14. Soderman, P. T., and S. C. Noble, Direc-
substantially, then it is more relevant to use
tional M.icrophone Array for Acoustic Studies
dosimeters in assessing his personal exposure and of Wind Tunnel Models, J. Air., vol. 12,
to monitor closely his daily routine. no. 3, 1975, p. 168.
15. Kendall, J. M., Airframe Noise Measure-
ments by Acoustic Imaging, AIAA Paper
77-55, 1977.
16. Kendall, J. M., Resolution Enhanced Sound
1. International Organization for Standardiza-
Detecting Apparatus, U.S. Patent 4 149 034,
tion, Normal Equal Loudness Contours for
April 1979.
Pure Tones and Normal Threshold of Hear-
ing under Free-Field Listening Conditions, 17. Kendall, J. M., Acoustic Imaging System,
ISO Recommendation R226, 1961. NASA Tech Brief, Spring 1977, p. 56.
2. International Organization for Standardiza- 18. Ahtye, W. F., W. R. Miller, and W. C. Mee-
tion, Method for Calculating Loudness Level, cham, Wing and Flap Noise Measured by
ISO Recommendation R532, 1966. Near- and Far-Field Cross-Correlation Tech-
3. Howes, W. L., Overall Loudness of Steady niques, AIAA Paper 79-0667, 1979.
Sounds According to Theory and Experiment, 19. Ahtye, W. F., and G. K. Kojima, Correlation
NASA Reference Publication 1001, 1979. Microphone for Measuring Airframe Noise in
4. Pearsons, K. S., and R. Bennett, Handbook Large-Scale Wind Tunnels, AIAA Paper
of Noise Ratings, NASA CR-2376, 1974. 76-553, 1976.
20. Moore,M. T., andE. B.Smith,SoundSepa- Pressure (prepared by National Bureau of
rationProbe,NASATech Brief B75-10286, Standards for EPA), EPA-550/8-76-001,
1975. 1975. (Available from NTIS as COM-75-
21. Wilby, J. F., ed., Coherence and Phase Tech- 11399.)
niques Applied to Noise Source Diagnosis in
29. Doak, P.E., Fluctuations of the Sound Pres-
NASA Ames 7 x 10 Foot Wind Tunnel
sure Level in Rooms when the Receiver Posi-
No. 1, NASA CR-152039, 1977.
tion is Varied, Acoustica, vol. 9, 1959, p. 1.
22. Brown, D. L., and W. G. Halvorsen, Appli-
cation of the Coherence Function to Acoustic 30. Smith, W. F., and J. R. Bailey, Investigation
Noise Measurements, lnternoise 72 Proceed- of the Statistics of Sound-Power Injection
ings, 1972, p. 417. from Low-Frequency Finite-Size Sources in a
23. Piersol, A. G., Use of Coherence and Phase Reverberant Room, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer.,
Data Between Two Receivers in Evaluation of vol. 54, no. 4, 1973, p. 950.
Noise Environments, J. Sound Vib., vol. 56, 31. Beranek, Leo L., The Measurement of Power
no. 2, 1978, p. 215. Levels and Directivity Patterns of Noise
24. Montegani, F. J., Some Propulsion System Sources in Noise and Vibration Control, Leo
Noise Data Handling Conventions and Com- L. Beranek, ed., Chapter 6, McGraw-Hill
puter Programs used at the Lewis Research Book Co., 1971.
Center, NASA TM X-3013, 1974.
32. ANSI, American National Standard Methods
25. Montegani, F. J., Some Propulsion System
for the Determination of Sound Power Levels
Noise Data Handling Conventions and Com-
of Small Sources in Reverberation Rooms,
puter Programs used at the Lewis Research
Center, Cosmic Program Abstract, LEW-
12285, 1975. 33. International Organization for Standardiza-
26. Diehi, G. M., Machinery Acoustics, John tion, Determination of Sound Power Levels
Wiley & Sons, 1973. of Noise Sources-Methods Using a Reference
27. ANSI, American National Standard Method Sound Source, International Standard 3747,
for the Physical Measurement of Sound, 1975.
S1.2-1962 (1971) (partially revised by S1.13- 34. Wells, Richard J., Noise Measurements:
1971 and by S1.21-1972). Methods in Handbook of Noise Control,
28. Holmer, C. I., Procedures for Estimating Cyril M. Harris, ed., Second ed., Chapter 6,
Sound Power from Measurements of Sound McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1979.
To transform the variations in sound pressure tion of the relatively weak transducer signal; proc-
associated with audio frequencies (20 Hz to 20 essing according to predetermined parameters of
kHz), or the mechanical excitation caused by interest; and eventual display on some form of
vibrations in a structure, into an electrical analog recorder, meter, or oscilloscope for measurement
signal suitable for processing and subsequent and assessment by the observer. The schematic
measurement of the original stimulus, a device diagram in figure 4.1 illustrates typical stages in
known as a transducer is required. Those used for the measuring chain. Frequently, vibration and
measuring sound pressure are known as micro- sound pressure analyses may be made using the
phones, of which there are several commonly same equipment.
available types. When making vibration measure-
ments, a transducer known as an accelerometer is 4.1 MICROPHONES
most often used.
In both instances, the general processing and There are currently three types of micro-
analysis system is similar, involving preamplifica- phones used for acoustic measurements; table 4.1
recorder "1
Data storage
E r-t Real time
___ analyzer
Pre amp
I Accelerometer
Microphone meter
._ Vibration ?
Transducers Signal conditioning and analysis Display
Figure 4.1 - Schematic diagram of typical measuring combinations of sound and vibratton equipment.
Diaphrag m ___'_ sound waves
sound.n tu.ato
V _
-- --
film electrode
Polarized -_
I Diaphragm
Metal_plate j I
Hole for static -_
pressure equalization
(a) (b)
Figure 4.2 - Schematic diagrams of condenser microphones. (a) Air-condenser. (t5) Electret-condenser.
Table 4.1 - Characteristic features of microphone rigid backplate, with an air gap between them (see
types used for acoustic measurements. figure 4.2a). A polarizing voltage is applied across
these, thus forming a capacitor which is highly
Piezo- Air- Electret-
sensitive to changes in the air gap caused by rela-
electric condenser condenser
tive movement of the diaphragm resulting from
Sensitivity Reasonable Good Good fluctuating air pressure. The change in capaci-
Frequency response Reasonable Good Good tance of the device generates an alternating voltage
External polarization
proportional to the sound pressure fluctuations
voltage None Yes None
Long-term stability Reasonable Excellent Good over a large frequency range. There is a small vent
Influence of humidity Reasonable Poor Good which connects the air gap to the ambient atmos-
Ruggedness Good Poor Good
phere, so that the diaphragm remains unaffected
Relative cost Low High Medium
by changes in the ambient pressure.
Although renowned for their excellent stabil-
highlights some of the principal features of each. ity and low internal noise, conditions of high
Figure 4.2 illustrates the basic construction details humidity adversely affect the output of air-con-
for the more sophisticated condenser types. denser microphones.
4.1.4 Directionality and Sensitivity strated by plotting frequency versus relative re-
sponse in decibels for varying angles of incidence
The sensitivity of a microphone is measured in a free field (see section 3.4.3). This character-
by the size of its output voltage for a given strength istic may be optimized such that linearity through
of acoustic signal at the diaphragm. Microphones high frequencies is obtained for specified angles of
are extremely sensitive pressure sensors, since for incidence.
typical industrial situations they need to be able to Three classes of microphone are normally
detect sound pressure in the range 6.3 × 10 -4 available: free field or perpendicular-incidence
N/m 2 to 6.3 × 102 N/m 2 (30-150dB). In order to microphones, which have the best response when
measure low sound pressure levels they need to the diaphragm is perpendicularly oriented with
have a reasonably large diaphragm. Unfortu- respect to the sound source; random-incidence or
nately, this conflicts with another prerequisite, pressure microphones, which have the flattest fre-
which is that the body of the microphone itself quency response when the sound field is diffuse
should not interfere with the sound field through and sound waves randomly impinge on the dia-
diffraction or reflection effects, such that the phragm at all angles (this roughly corresponds to
reading obtained is different from one obtained if an average angle of incidence of 70 ° with respect
the microphone were infinitely small. This inter- to the microphone longitudinal axis); and grazing-
ference phenomenon predominates at high fre- incidence microphones, which are optimized for
quencies, where the wavelength is of the same best response at 90 ° angles of incidence. Figure
order or less than the microphone diameter. The 4.3 illustrates the frequency response character-
net result is to make the output dependent on the istics of two classes of microphones and figure 4.4
angle of incidence of the sound waves. It follows shows the effect of size on frequency response.
that the smaller the microphone, the more omni- Random incidence correctors are available for
directional its behavior will be; however, this is attaching to free field microphones to change their
accompanied by a reduction in sensitivity. As a free field characteristic such that they give good
guide, i-inch microphones are directional above linear response in diffuse sound fields. The Amer-
about 3 kHz, 1/2-inch above 6 kHz, and 1/4-inch ican National Standard 2 sets design criteria for
above 12 kHz. z random-incidence microphones only.
The directionality characteristic, otherwise
termed the free field characteristic, is demon-
90 o
M ic rophone"_ -- 0°
2 J 6 / ,/
"-- -2
rr _ -6
\ -6
20 50 100 500 lk 5k 10k 15k 20k 20 50 100 500 lk 5k 10k 15k 20k
(a) (b)
Figure 4.3- Frequency response characteristics of typical 1-inch microphones. (a) Grazing-incidence
microphone. (b) Perpendicular-incidence microphone.
0° 0o
I i
Relative Relative
microphone microphone
response response
_[_ 90 °
(a) (b)
Figure 4.4 - Directivity plots at different frequencies for two sizes of microphones. (a) l. 2 7-cm (0.5 -inch)
microphone. (b) 2.54-cm (1-inch) microphone.
accelerometers.In addition,because of itsmass,a Voltage and charge amplifiers are two types
largerunit will tend to interactmorewith the of preamplifiers in common use. Condenser
response of a system. microphones or piezoelectric transducers may be
Research conducted by NASAandUSAFon regarded as having a constant charge sensitivity.
propellersandfan bladeshasplacedsevere con- This means that a long length of cable between
straintsonthesizeandweightof accelerometers. microphone and preamplifier, which increases the
Asa majorconsequence of thiswork,a series of capacitance of the system, reduces the output
miniaturepiezoelectric accelerometers with good voltage. Hence voltage preamps must always be
response characteristics
has beendeveloped by used close to the transducer. Some preamplifiers
Bolt, Beranek, andNewman,Inc. Thesepossess provide a polarization voltage for use with air-
relativelyhighsensitivity,built-in preamplifiers, condenser microphones.
andhavea typicalsensing diameter of only0.2cm. On the other hand, charge amplifiers, which
Because of their smallsizetheyhavealsobeen are sensitive only to charge, may be located at any
usedto makemeasurements withinthinboundary distance from the transducer. Charge amplifiers
layerswith minimumdisturbance to the flow are, however, more expensive than voltage pre-
structure.Suchminiatureaccelerometers areof amplifiers.
considerable valuein anysituationwherethereare
severespatialor massconstraints.
4.2.2 Integrators
Sound level meters represent a complete port-
Electronic integrators, inserted in series be- able measuring system in one unit. They are espe-
tween a transducer and the preamplifier (see sec- cially convenient for field use and can be adapted
tion 4.3), make the output of an accelerometer to take input from an accelerometer so that vibra-
frequency sensitive. By switching in the appropri- tion measurements may be made directly. There is
ate frequency slope characteristic, an output pro- a great variety of instruments available on the
portional to displacement, velocity, or acceleration market and a wide variety of applications to which
can be produced. These quantities can therefore they may be put, from making sound power meas-
be measured directly, extending the versatility of urement surveys to monitoring of factory ambient
piezoelectric devices. noise levels.
networks I--1
(A,B,C,D)I _
L power
I t Stabilized
Figure 4.5 - Schematic diagram showing component parts of a sound level meter. Response characteristics
of meter needle with time constants in parentheses may be either I, impulse (35 ms); F, fast (125 ms); or S,
slow (1000 ms).
magnitude, the amplifier inputs are controlled by Readings may be taken by eye-averaging
fixed attenuators, usually in steps of 10 dB. More where the total range of fluctuation is within _+3
recently, with the advent of digital processing dB or so, and the total range of variation is also
techniques, it has become possible to extend the recorded. For steady sounds, the "slow" response
scale over which a meter can measure without mode may be used, but for short-term variations,
changing the attenuation. such as the cycle of a cutting machine, the "fast"
Electronic weighting scales, discussed in the response is more appropriate. In order to take even
previous chapter, are incorporated to assess the longer-term averages, Leq readings may be made
effect of noise on people. Usually the A-weighted (see section 3.1.3), since these can be integrated
scale is employed (see section 3.1.2). Many instru- over any time period. AC and DC outputs are
ments also have facilities for switching in a fre- often provided so that tape recordings of the
quency filter which may be either octave or one- measured sound may be made or amplitude anal-
third octave band. ysis in either the frequency or time domains
The meter needle response is determined by performed.
preselection of a fast, slow, impulse, or peak hold
characteristic. These characteristics determine the 4.4.2 Standards and Specifications
time over which the RMS signal from the rectifier
is integrated to provide an averaged reading. The The principal discriminating feature in terms
fast and slow modes incorporate 1/8-s and l-s of quality and accuracy of different sound level
time constants, respectively. The peak mode has a meters is the type of microphone used and its char-
very short time constant, less than 50 _, to assess acteristics. There are now three international
short duration sounds such as punch press or standards, 4-6 which are soon to be replaced and
impact noise. It has a rapid response to increasing updated by a single document, and a single na-
sound levels and a slower response to decreasing tional one, 2 which is also scheduled to undergo
levels. The proposed new OSHA regulations (see revision. The amended standards will recategorize
the Appendix) specify the requirements for this. instruments in terms of four classifications. Even
The impulse mode with a 35-ms time constant is though the design goals for all the standards are
more commonly used outside of the United States. identical in regard to frequency response, the tol-
Recently, the detection-averaging characteristic of erances allowed vary considerably at low and high
sound level meters has been significantly im- frequencies. The American standard specifies
proved, especially with the recognition of danger greatest accuracy for random incidence, while IEC
to hearing from impulsive sounds, which have a requirements are for optimum performance at
high instantaneous peak level relative to the RMS either 0 ° or 90 ° incidence.
level. The crest factor, which is the ratio of the The three major classes of sound level meters
pressure associated with these two measurements, in current use are discussed in more detail below
has been extended in many impulse precision with an indication of their use.
meters to a factor of 20 dB or even more, so that The Type 3-Survey Meter is rarely used ex-
when taking measurements of impulsive sounds cept as a quick check on noise levels. Accuracy 2
there is less danger of the meter's failing to give a may only be + 3 dB at 1 kHz, when A-weighted,
true indication of the sound level. Additionally, but it does offer the advantages of economy and
some meters have an overload indication to give a compactness.
warning when the signal reading may be in error. Type 2-General Purpose Meters often use
Differential sound level meters can provide a condenser microphones and have an accuracy of
direct indication of small differences in sound at least + 2 dB at 1 kHz. The A, B, and C weight-
pressure between two sites. This may be of advan- ing networks (see section 3.1.2) are usually incor-
tage when estimating insertion loss characteristics porated and measurements may be made over a
across partitions or spatial variations in level wider range of sound levels than with Type 3
within a sound field. One instrument whose devel- meters. Special meters known as Type S2A offer
opment was sponsored by NASA 3 is especially only A-weighted measurement capability and are
suitable for measuring high intensity sounds; it relatively inexpensive. Occasionally, octave-band
features automatic gain control in order to ensure analyzers are also incorporated as well as detach-
the continuous matching of gains on both chan- able microphones. Examples of Type 2 are illus-
nels as the signals change. trated in figure 4.6a.
(a) {b)
Figure 4.6 - Sound level meters. (a) General-purpose sound level meters (Type 2) (by courtesy of Bruel &
Kjaer and Quest Electronics). (b) Impulse and precision sound level meters (Type 1) (by courtesy of
GenRad and Bruel & Kjaer).
Type 1-Precision Meters are used only in trial situations. They integrate noise exposure over
carefully controlled field environments or in labo- time periods of several hours or more, so as to
ratory work. They have accurate microphones of make a comparison with OSHA specified limits
either the air- or electret-condenser type, which (see the Appendix). Generally, they read out re-
may be mounted remotely in order to minimize the suits as a fraction or percentage of total allowable
effect of the observer and instrument case on the dosage; sometimes a separate readout unit is re-
incident sound field. Type 1 meters measure over a quired, to prevent manipulation of the received
larger range than the other two types and have an dose by the wearer. Typically, dosimeters have a
accuracy of at least +1 dB at ! kHz when A- restricted range over which they register, often
weighted. 90-115 riB(A), although a detector may store any
Impulse precision meters are governed by IEC signals in excess of this range. OSHA limits are
179A. 6 These normally have all the facilities of a exceeded if the noise exposure index obtained
Type 1, with an additional impulse and sometimes from summation of levels over an 8-hour day is
peak hold characteristic. They can measure signals greater than 1.0.
with a high crest factor in any mode and possess Noise dosimeters provide a more reasonable
an overload signal indicator, which may be impor- estimate of an individual's complete noise expo-
tant when dealing with complex signals. sure than representative measurements taken with
a sound level meter. This is particularly true when
the operator's position may change during the day
Noise dosimeters are commonly used to deter- or when the operator is exposed to varying noise
mine an individual's exposure to noise in indus- levels. Dosimeters have been designed as compact
Figure 4.7 - Noise dosimeters (by courtesy of Bruel & Kjaer and Quest Electronics).
and lightweight units so that they can be comfort- criteria (see section 3.3.1). A full discussion of fre-
ably worn during a working day. Figure 4.7 shows quency analysis techniques is given in section 3.3.
some typical units.
A limited measuring range 7 is not the only 4.6.1 Serial Analysis Instruments
shortcoming in dosimeters. In addition, their
operating crest factor may not be very high, limit- Portable serial analysis instruments (see sec-
ing sensitivity to impulsive-type sounds. In addi- tion 3.3.2) in the form of fixed percentage band-
tion, their accuracy in measuring any particular width frequency analyzers complementary to
level may be less than that of a sound level meter. sound level meters are now commonly available.
Also, the microphone must be positioned correctly These are usually octave band or one-third octave
on either the shoulder lapel or breast pocket, ac- band units, they enable analyses to be made con-
cording to the type of sound field involved, 8 and veniently on site. Fixed bandwidth instruments,
the wearer must be instructed appropriately. Ac- such as 20 Hz, 10 Hz, and 5 Hz, have until recently
curate calibration is essential, because of the been too bulky to use in the field because they
lengthy measurement periods usually involved (see employ many electronic filters; and it has often
section 4.9.1), and the complete instrument must been necessary to tape record the signal for future
be protected from adverse environments such as laboratory analysis. Real time analyzers (see sec-
dust and heat. tion 4.6.2) have largely supplanted such fixed
bandwidth analog instruments.
4.6 FREQUENCY ANALYZERS A complete analysis with a serial frequency
analyzer is a lengthy process, and the results are
Frequency analysis is an important feature of invalid if the signal spectrum or level changes
noise control engineering, especially when design- during the analysis. Figure 4.8 shows a typical
ing enclosures, optimizing absorption linings, frequency analyzer of this type.
calculating sound power levels of machinery, or
identifying noise sources within a complex sound 4.6.2 Real Time Analyzers
field. All of these procedures, as well as noise
control materials, exhibit a strong frequency Within the last decade or so, the development
dependence. A single number assessment of the of high-speed analog-to-digital converters, inte-
frequency spectrum, such as comparing A, C, and grated circuitry, and increased digital memory
linear-weighted readings to give an approximate capacity has enabled frequency analyses to be
assessment of low or high frequency content, is completed in a matter of seconds. This technique
not sufficient for establishing design and control is called real time analysis, and it is clearly an
In On 08 Figure 4.8 - Serial frequency analyzer (by courtesy of Bruel & Kjaer).
1000 2O0O
(a) (b)
Figure 4.9 - Portable real time spectrum analyzers. (a) By courtesy of GenRad. (b) By courtesy of Nicolet
Scientific Corporation.
advantage over the serial process of manually instrument is determined by the number of lines
switching from one filter to another, since essen- on the display screen, representing the number of
tially all frequency bands are examined at the constant bandwidths available. Fixed percentage
same time. The rate at which digital sampling of bandwidth capabilities may also be provided, and
the analog signal occurs predetermines the real the analyzers are especially useful for examining
time frequency range, although it may be consid- transient sounds.
erably below the highest useful frequency range of Clearly, then, these instruments represent a
the instrument. For example, an instrument capa- very useful and versatile tool to the noise control
ble of analyzing from 0 to 20 kHz may only have engineer. Although they are becoming lighter,
true real time capability from 0 to 2 kHz. cheaper, and easier to use, the serial type filter will
Real time analyzers can perform various probably remain in popular usage in the field for a
functions, 9 and the popular fast Fourier trans- considerable time for reasons of economy and
form (FFT) type computes power spectral densi- simplicity. Figure 4.9 shows some typical real time
ties, correlation functions, and the like (see sec- analyzers.
tions 3.3.1 and 3.4.1). The resolution of the
I00 1 ' __
z an
^1 o 1o
X ,,i ¥V - "'--._
L 9o
6O 0 I I i
g 60 80 100 dg(,4)
Figure 4.10 - Typical traces and parameters obtainable from amplitude distribution analyzers.
4.7 AMPLITUDE AND STATISTICAl, a recording pen which marks on the paper the
ANALYZERS signal parameter of interest. This measure is
usually either amplitude against time or frequency
Many signals analyzed in noise control have a analysis in percentage bandwidths. Specific appli-
fluctuating level which may be described in a cations of these instruments include measurement
number of different ways. An energy average of sound level with time, reverberation times,
taken over a specified period of time constitutes sound transmission loss values for insulating par-
an Leq measure, and the fast or slow responses on titions, and frequency calibration of instruments.
sound level meters constitute short-term RMS By varying both pen and chart speed, the equiva-
averaging. The time-varying facet of a noise envi- lent response of a sound level meter needle may be
ronment may also be more precisely described by modeled. Graphic recorders are usually laboratory
recording the proportion of time during which the based, although portable recorders which may be
sound occurs at each of a series of contiguous
used in conjunction with sound level meters have
sound level intervals within the range of interest. become available. These recorders allow the
With recent developments in analysis instrumenta-
analyst to obtain a quick and clear subjective
tion, portable digital units have become available. impression of the parameter changes of interest.
These can quickly give a wide range of statistical
parameters, from probability distributions to the 4.8.2 Magnetic Tape Recorders
sound level that is exceeded X% of the total sam-
pled time (usually designated Lx). Magnetic tape recorders store a magnetic
A typical selection of statistical parameters analog of sound pressure or mechanical vibration
and their relationships is illustrated in figure 4.10. response so that subsequent analysis may be per-
Although the total number of samples which may formed at a more convenient time and often with
be taken is limited, the integrating period of the
greater sophistication than at the recording site.
analyzer may be reduced to permit finer categori- Moreover, the capability of recording several sig-
zation of a highly fluctuating signal, or lengthened nals simultaneously can help in making sound
to allow a larger total measuring time. power level and survey-type measurements. Also,
by changing the tape speed, signals with wide
bandwidths may be brought within the scope of
Recorders retain a convenient record of the the analysis equipment. Digital signal processing
analysis signal which can be conveniently trans- increasingly obviates the need for tape recorders in
posed, reexamined, or referenced at a later date. many of these roles.
Figure 4.11 shows examples of both graphic and Frequently, a recorder is the weak link in a
magnetic tape recorders. measurement chain; direct on-line measurement is
generally preferred if possible. When selecting
4.8.1 Graphic Recorders recorders, consideration must be given to input
Graphic recorders are generally of the strip monitoring, distortions imparted to the original
chart variety: a continuous roll of paper is fed past signal such as phase-shift, adequate signal-to-
[a) Ib)
Figure 4./1 - Recorders used in noise and vibration analysis. (a) Graphic/eve/recorder (by courtesy of
Bruel & Kjaer). (b) Magnetic tape recorder (by courtesy of Nagra Kudelski).
noise ratio, calibration of the taped signal, and 4.9.1 Sound Pressure Calibrators
compatibility of the tape with the recorder. Pistonphones, electrically generated sources,
Magnetic tape recorders are either direct or
and falling ball calibrators are all used for cali-
frequency-modulated. Within the former, profes-
brating sound pressure readings in measurement
sional hi-fi standard is normally satisfactory using
equipment. The first two are more accurate be-
one-quarter inch tape, but instrumentation class cause the calibrator is fitted securely around the
equipment with a larger channel capacity may also
microphone neck with a known void in between.
be used. These are adequate within the audio fre- Examples of both are shown in figure 4.12. There
quency range of 40 Hz to 14 kHz. FM recorders are also electronic calibrators that produce known
are usually used for vibration studies, or for situa- sound pressure levels at several different frequen-
tions where low frequencies from 50 Hz down to cies, thus allowing the frequency and weighting
DC must be recorded, or where good phase repre- network responses to be checked. Pistonphones
sentation is required, as with impulse waveforms. have a cam-driven diaphragm which produces a
known sound level at a single low frequency. Fall-
ing ball calibrators rely on a collection of ball
4.9 CALIBRATION bearings which pass through an orifice and strike a
taut skin diaphragm. The constriction prevents all
the balls from falling at once. These units only
In order to get maximum accuracy from a give an approximate calibration; over a period of
measuring system the measurement must be com- time they degrade because the diaphragm stretches.
pared against a calibrated signal. This ensures the Dosimeters are calibrated with a stop watch
reproducibility of the measurement and, if prop- in conjunction with a standard sound level meter
erly carried out, gives correct absolute values. A calibrator suitably coupled to the dosimeter. The
system can be accurately calibrated by applying a level used must be higher than 90 dB to register on
reference source, which produces a known level at the dosimeter, since these are specifically designed
a specified frequency, to the sound or vibration to assess compliance with OSHA limits, which
transducer and adjusting the sensitivity until the currently apply only to levels in excess of this
RMS value indicated by the meter agrees with the value.
reference. This calibration should be performed
immediately before and after measurement on 4.9.2 Vibration Calibrators
It is also possible to calibrate by feeding an Vibration calibrators subject the transducer
internal reference signal to the preamplifier; how- to a known vibration level and the measuring
ever, the accuracy of this method depends on the equipment sensitivity is then suitably adjusted.
absolute calibration of the internal reference The value used most commonly is a peak accelera-
signal. tion of 1 g at a single frequency, usually 80 or
Figure 4.12 - Field sound level calibrators and adaptor rings for various microphone sizes (by courtesy of
GenRad and Bruel & Kjaer).
100 Hz (g is unit acceleration from gravity, or 3. Zuckerwar, A. J., and R. E. Jones, A Differ-
9.81 N/m2). ential Sound Pressure Level Meter, Third
lnteragency Symposium on University Re-
4.10 MISCELLANEOUS ANCILLARY search in Transportation Noise, November
EQUIPMENT 1975, p. 105.
4. International Electro-technical Commission,
The most important items of ancillary equip- Recommendations for Sound Level Meters,
ment are those which improve the performance of Publication 123, 1961.
microphones, which are very sensitive to adverse 5. International Electro-technical Commission,
environments, l° For example, dehumidifiers are Precision Sound Level Meters, Publication
available as a screw-on connection to air-condenser 179, 1973.
microphone cartridges for high humidity environ- 6. International Electro-technical Commission,
ments. Push-on windscreens can be used for out- Additional Characteristics for the Measure-
door noise measurements and are effective for ment of Impulsive Sounds, Publication 179A
wind speeds of up to around 4 m/s. Nose cones (First Supplement to Publication 179), 1973.
are used for reducing turbulence noise in high 7. Leasure, William A., Performance Evalua-
speed, relatively uniform flow air streams, such as tion of Personal Noise Exposure Meters,
in ventilation or exhaust ducts. Because the acous- Sound and Vibration, March 1974, p. 36.
tic signal must be separated from within the highly 8. Seiler, John P., Noise Dosimeters, Sound and
turbulent air flow in wind tunnels and ducts, Vibration, March 1977, p. 18.
NASA and other organizations have developed a 9. Kamperman, George W., and Mary Moore,
variety of microphone attachments, the best of Real Time Frequency Analyzers for Noise
which suppress turbulent noise by 12-15 dB rela- Control, Noise Control Engineering, vol. 9,
tive to nose cone performance. I1,12 These may no. 3, Nov.-Dec. 1977, p. 131.
take the form of porous surface airfoils and 10. Magrab, E. B., Environmental Effects on
porous or slit tubes, with a well-defined direc- Microphones and Type II Sound Level Meters,
tionality characteristic. Tripods and extension National Bureau of Standards, Technical Note
cables also reduce the interaction between the 931, 1976.
acoustic field and the instrument case and observer. 11. Noiseux, D. E., Porous Surface Microphone
for Measuring Acoustic Signals in Turbulent
REFERENCES Windstreams, NASA Tech. Brief B73-10490,
1. Schneider, Anthony, Instrumentation Micro- 12. Crocker, M. J., R. Cohen, and J. S. Wang,
phones, Sound and Vibration, March 1977, Recent Developments in the Design of Tubu-
p. 6. lar Microphone Windscreens for In-Duct Fan
2. ANSI, American National Specification for Sound Power Measurements, Inter-Noise 73
Sound Level Meters, ANSI SI.4-1971. Proceedings, 1973, p. 594.
This chapter describes classes of noise and tion (total intensity 11). The remainder is re-
vibration control materials, tabulates their radiated at the air-structure boundary of the
specifications, and outlines their general partition with intensity 14. The degree of re-
application. In theory, any material has some radiated energy on the receiver side of the
effect on the propagation of acoustic energy, but structure is characterized by the transmission
we only review here those commonly used for coefficient, 7".r is numerically equal to the ratio of
modifying the acoustic environment to improve transmitted intensity, 14, to the incident intensity,
the exposure conditions of people at their place of 11. Because energy is always conserved, these
work. intensities are related thus:
Such materials work by redirecting acoustical
and vibrational energy or converting such energy 4
to another form, typically thermal energy. The
various modes of operation involved and the rela- The coefficients ¢x and z, numerically defined
tionship of air- or fluid-borne acoustic energy to in figure 5.1, describe the ability of a material to
absorb and transmit, respectively, air- or fluid-
structure-borne energy are shown in figure 5.1.
The difference between the incident and re- borne acoustical energy, and each has a maximum
value of unity. The loss factor, rl, is used to quan-
flected acoustical energy (11 -Iz), divided by the
tify a material's ability to attenuate structural
incident intensity, I l, is a measure of the total de-
vibration by internal damping. Certain materials
gree of absorption, c_, which takes place at that
are frequently applied to vibrating surfaces in
boundary. The residual energy intensity (I l -12),
which is not reflected, may either be dissipated order to reduce the radiated sound energy. This is
distinct from vibration isolation, which is the
within the structure itself by friction, viscous, and
process by which a material is used to inhibit the
hysteretic losses (total intensity I3), or transmitted
transmission of vibrational energy from one struc-
away from the partition by structure-borne vibra-
ture to another.
The four major categories of acoustic mate-
_b"sor b e_d"_
Incident _/ _intensity _J/I rials are absorbers, insulators, damping materials,
and vibration isolators. Absorption materials are
(r) =. Transmitted
intensity /1 -_. normally lightweight, and fibrous or highly porous,
14 w intensity
Reflected (_)__ whereas effective barrier or insulating materials
tensity t _._,_//_
are of high density and often quite limp. Hence, in
intensity /2 _._
O_ _ • - many noise control applications, absorption and
Absorber and /1
Source insulation materials often are used together, since
solid structure
r =- Receiver their distinctly different functions and modes of
operation make it difficult to attenuate effectively
Figure5.1- Relationship of acoustic energy the sound at a receiver by the use of either material
intensities for propagation across a solid struc- on its own. Damping materials usually consist of
ture. The acoustic coefficients with most influence viscoelastic materials such as epoxy-polymer
on relevant intensities are shown in parentheses. mixes or rubbers, which are inserted or adhered
Strictly speaking, this conceptual illustration is onto machine parts, panels, and so on, in a num-
only relevant for normal propagation to the parti- ber of possible configurations. There is a wide
tion. variety of vibration isolators in use; they typically
consistoflightlydamped steel springs, elastomeric composition such as Kevlar and Scottfoam. 2,3 A
rubber compounds, or even pneumatic devices, reasonable prediction of the normal surface im-
which must all possess sufficient resilience to sup- pedances (see section 2.2.5) and normal absorp-
port the loads required. tion coefficients was achieved by identifying the
The following sections outline the means of relevant structure factor and introducing a new
optimizing the specification for each of these four parameter called the quality factor. The particular
categories of materials and the basic quantities effect of all these parameters on the absorption
which affect their performance. properties of a material are not discussed further
here since the relationships are often complex and
do not always match empirical data well. The user
5.1 ABSORPTION MATERIALS is directed to chapter 10 of reference 4 for further
information on the subject.
5.1.1 Physical Theory The absorption coefficient, c_, is the single
most important macroscopic quantity of interest;
The mechanism of absorption involves con- it is defined variously according to the mode of
version of the kinetic and potential energy of inci- measurement used. It is nearly always highly
dent acoustic waves to thermal energy. This may dependent on the frequency of the incident sound
occur either via viscous losses due to oscillatory wave. A standing wave tube is used to measure the
motion of air molecules in absorption materials normal incidence absorption coefficient, %. This
such as porous foams, or via vibration of the entire measurement is made with a single frequency sinu-
material fabric, which may be the solid skeleton of soidal wave input by a loudspeaker, with a disc of
closed-cell foams, or impermeable panels at reso- the material under test placed at right angles to the
nance, as in wall panel absorbers. Fibrous mate- direction of sound propagation at the other end of
rials mainly absorb energy through the effect of the tube. Although this technique is suitable for
bending and friction between the fibers themselves. comparing the properties of absorbers quickly, it
For effective absorption, the pores and voids does not provide values which adequately match
in cellular materials must be highly interconnected. the typical performance in practical installations.
This is commonly referred to as the degree of To give a practical measure, a panel is inserted
reticulation. The specific parameter normally into a reverberation chamber and the absorption
measured in connection with this quality is known coefficient calculated as a function of the change
as the flow resistance, of which a crude assessment in the reverberation time (see section 6.2.2). This
may be made by judging the ease with which one case deals with a diffuse sound field where the
can blow air through the material. If the resistance sound waves are incident from approximately all
is too low, little energy conversion can take place angles at the material surface. This approach
within the material; too high a resistance limits air enables a statistical absorption coefficient, C_stat,
motion and hence reduces oscillatory and friction to be calculated. The noise field is usually gener-
losses. An interrelated quantity also of interest is ated by a random broad-spectrum source; quoted
the degree of porosity in the material, usually sim- specifications must correspond to measurement by
ply related to the density. A third quantity, also of this technique as specified in the standard testing
importance in describing the behavior of absorbers, procedure. 5 Unless otherwise indicated, all future
is the structure factor, which accounts for detailed references to absorption coefficients will implicitly
inner conformation and describes the effective denote use of Otstat. Table 5.1 gives some typical
change in fluid density which occurs within the absorption coefficients for a selection of noise
absorber voids. control materials.
Characteristically, it has been rather difficult Since the absorption coefficient is a measure
to predict the performance of the so-called bulk of the fraction of acoustical energy which enters
absorber materials without relying heavily on em- the material and is not reflected, a perfect absorber
pirical techniques. The recent interest of the air- would have _ = 1. Any practical absorber should
craft industry and NASA in the deployment of have a coefficient of at least 0.60, corresponding
bulk absorbers in jet engine nacelles has led to a to 60°70 absorption. This represents a reduction in
refinement in the analytical prediction of absorber acoustic intensity at the boundary of only 4 dB
behavior, l especially as a result of experiments (10 log (0.6/1) = 4 dB). Normally, absorption
with highly porous materials with a very uniform coefficients are quoted for octave bands between
Table 5.1 - Sound absorption coefficients c_ for some typical noise control materials.
125 and 4000 Hz. A single-number rating, known Theoretically, maximum absorption occurs
as the noise reduction coefficient (NRC), is often when the absorber thickness is about one-fourth
taken; the NRC is the arithmetic average of the co- the wavelength of the lowest frequency of interest.
efficient values in the octave bands 250, 500, 1000, Then, throughout a complete cycle, the maximum
and 2000 Hz. This is not useful at extreme ends of air particle velocity always occurs within the mate-
the frequency range or for situations where a high rial. In practice, however, a gap may be left be-
degree of optimization at a particular frequency is tween the backing surface and the absorption
called for. material, as illustrated in figure 5.2a. Also, if the
Acoustic particle 1.0
placed against t-
wall (Cab
s = c) J
_E _-_6mm
(ii) Absorber spaced
f_ _"_ (i) Thick absorber
X/4 from wall L18m 'j / J
placedagainst o
J Ji
-_ _- XI4 wall (Cab s < C) 125 250 500 1ooo 2000 4000
(a) (b)
Figure 5.2 - (a) Choice of nominal positions of bulk absorber materials from a hard surf ace for optimum
absorption, where Cabs is the velocity of sound propagation in the absorbent material and c is the ambient
velocity of sound propagation. (b) Typical effect of material thickness on sound absorption (reference 6)
(used with permission of Acoustical Publications).
speed of propagation through the absorber is sub- vibration. Figure 5.3 shows some typical foams
stantially less than in free air, the effective wave- used for noise reduction.
length is contracted and so the thickness of mate- Fibrous materials
rial needed is reduced. The influence of increased
thickness on absorption, especially at low frequen- Fibrous materials are usually constructed of
cies, is shown clearly in figure 5.2b. 6 glass fiber or mineral wool; their acoustical prop-
erties are varied by modifying the diameter of the
5.1.2 Description of Common Absorbers fibers, packing density, and thickness of the
finished product. Usually the fibers are cemented
The values of absorption coefficients depend together at contact points with a suitable resin,
on the physical mounting of the absorber, surface although unbonded glass fiber blankets are also
finish, and the immediate surroundings, as well as available. A major advantage of fiber blankets is
on their own innate characteristics such as thick- that they have good inherent fire-resistant proper-
ness and porosity. Consequently, the values culled ties. However, they have to be used with great care
from tables should be regarded as approximate and in situations with high aerodynamic flows or vibra-
may need to be changed depending on the situ- tion levels, since their delicate nature, especially at
ation and configuration used. exposed edges, can lead to a great deal of fiber
shedding. Foam
To alleviate shedding, and to improve their
Foam is a very versatile material, especially attenuation characteristics, particularly in the
because its acoustic properties are easily controlled lower part of the frequency range, a perforated
and reproduced by appropriate modification of impermeable outer cover is sometimes placed on
the manufacturing process. Polyester or polyether top of the blanket. Figure 5.4 shows the typical
formulations are common, although the former acoustic effect of using such a protective covering
permits a more close specification of cell size and on top of any porous layer. This essentially makes
reticulation. Cell sizes of between 5 and 50 pores the material behave like a series of Helmholtz
per centimeter are readily achievable. Foam may resonators (see section The effect of the
be compressed under heat and pressure to a per- perforations is especially noticeable at low fre-
manent set; moreover, it is easy to change the quencies, when the total open area is less than
thickness and density. Furthermore, because foam around 25 percent. By varying the porosity, hole
represents a completely integrated material, no size, and hole spacing, a higher and increasingly
fiber shedding or material decomposition is likely sharper absorption peak may be obtained in con-
to occur from the effects of sustained air flow or trast to the broadband absorption characteristics
= .
Figure 5.3 - Acoustical foams. Top, by courtesy of Specialty Composites Corp. Bottom left, Eckousta-
Foam being applied (Eckel Industries, Inc.). Bottom right, Eckoustic-Klip fastener for installing sound
control materials (Eekel Industries, Inc.).
,7"2"/-/"/Z7 layer
common to most acoustical foams and fibrous '='¢==_ Porous
0.5 /
layer +
materials. This must be traded off against the
deterioration in high frequency performance be-
cause these components cannot diffract through .a 100 1000 10000
the holes. Frequency (Hz)
47 Helmholtz resonators where
with Helmholtz resonators, and they can be tuned low frequencies below around 400 Hz. However,
for maximum absorption at a particular frequency by filling the neck or cavity with a porous or
fibrous absorber, it is possible to broaden the
by use of the following relationship4:
effective absorption range of these, albeit with
some penalty in terms of the peak absorption, as
shown in figure 5.5. The absorption range may
also be broadened by a series of resonators
fres = _ L + 0.8 "4'S) V Hz
coupled together laterally; a parallel configuration
Orifice area, S
Cavity neck
length, L
tgL_ /
/ /
/ 100 1000 10000
(a) 1.0
/ 0.5
/ , I 1 I
/ i
jjjjjj jjj(c)
100 1000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5.5- Typical spectra for several Helmholtz resonator configurations. (a) Simple resonator.
(b) Absorbent lined resonator. (c) Parallel-coupled resonator pair.
is particularly effective for sound entering at a
tangent. 7 Reference 7 also gives details of
optimum geometries for designing coupled reso-
nators. An increase in energy attenuated of up to
50 percent as well as a significant increase in effec-
tive bandwidth may be gained. Figure 5.6 shows
some examples of single resonator units used in
Helmholtz resonators, mounted either as
single units or as part of a series with complete
access between cavities, such as perforated plate
coverings (see section, are sometimes
referred to as single degree of freedom systems be-
cause acoustic intensity at the resonator orifice
can only propagate normally to the surface. It is
also possible to stack several layers of coupled
resonators, with different controlling parameters,
on top of each other.
Extensive analytical work on the use of perfo-
rated plate liners in aircraft jet and fan noise
reduction programs has highlighted several inter-
esting phenomena of particular interest for duct
noise control problems, where grazing incidence at
the absorption liner boundary predominates. One
study 8 showed that for the same porosity, flow
resistance decreases as the number of holes in the
plate is increased, with a concomitant decrease in
hole size to retain the same total open area. It has
also been shown that the nonlinear acoustic im-
pedance effects at the absorber-air boundary,
which is critical to the value of the absorption co-
efficient, may be treated as a high amplitude
acoustic spectrum without grazing flow. 9
The extreme environment of jet aircraft
engines has resulted in considerable develop-
ment of the broadband resistive resonator
concept, l°,JI where some kind of metal fibrous
layer is placed over a resonating absorber, often a
metal honeycomb structure cut to vary cell depth
across the panel. Such structures usually have a
significantly broader attenuation bandwidth than
the best perforate
plate-faced systems;
the merits of the two systems. Figure 5.8
figure 5.7
shows some honeycomb absorbers developed by
Devices for more general application based
on similar principles have been developedl2;
although these are often more expensive than
traditional absorbers, they are of use in rigorous
industrial environments where, for example, high
temperatures and contamination would detract Figure 5.6 - Illustrations of Helmholtz resonator
considerably from the performance and suitability configurations (by courtesy of The Proudfoot
of foams and fibrous materials. Another design Company, Inc.).
Felt, fiberglass,
etc. .o
!!!jiiiiiiii!! !!!!!ii!i!
Broad-band Honeycomb --_ /_ Porous
cells ..._---.-; ............ ..//,layer
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 5.7 - Comparison of absorption spectra for perforated plate and broadband resistive resonators,
and a homogeneous blanket absorber (reference 10).
Figure 5.8 - Examples of honeycomb and perforate plate-faced absorber linings (by courtesy of NASA
Lewis Research Center).
rocket motors utilizes longitudinal slots cut into "Functional absorbers'" is a generic term
mild steel liners with a backing cavity depth of used for highly efficient sound absorbing panels
around 2.3 cm; these slots essentially act as suspended from a ceiling. They offer greater
coupled Helmholtz resonators. 13 Combinations of absorption than that possible with absorption on
slot widths were used to achieve the broadband wails and are often used because of limitations on
performance needed in long and narrow com- affixing panels directly to the room surfaces
bustion chambers of this type. because of lighting, maintenance access
requirements,andsoon(seesection 6.2.2).Their Functional absorbers are used to control the
performanceis determinednot only by the reverberant sound field. Appreciable absorption
intrinsicabsorptionpropertiesof the material can often be added to an industrial shop space
fromwhichtheyareconstructed, butalsobytheir only in the ceiling area, and the use of functional
and,to alesser
extent,theirshape. absorbers often conveniently avoids interfering
with permanent fixtures. They are usually
5.1.3 Applications of Sound Absorbers suspended vertically, and their individual
performance improves substantially as the sep-
Sound absorbers are especially useful in aration distance between them is increased. 14
helping to control the reverberant sound field, Figure 5.10 shows some typical configurations and
although the degree of additional absorption their associated sound absorption values. Stag-
needed to effect a reduction follows a logarithmic gering the panels horizontally and vertically can
law of sharply diminishing returns (see section also enhance the total absorption.
6.2.2). Frequently, absorbers are used to line
enclosures or partial barriers to prevent the
Absorption on ceiling
particle build-up of reverberant sound caused by
and walls
components reflected from the inner surfaces. _-", ,'_l_. _ ....... 1
This is illustrated in figure 5.9.
Resonators can be used successfully where N
prominent low frequency tones are present, such \ I '_\ J. "ll
\ j Reverberant ">--/" "_
as electrical hum from main transformers or
acoustic radiation from a machine with a low \ / field .-'_" \\ ," ]
,/// //_/Z/ /_ ...... "/ ,_////;'//. ;/////)
shaft rotational speed. They may be built into the
- Local noise
structure of the building at the design stage, fitted control barrier
as side-branch elements to ducts (see section
7.3.4), or added retroactively as independent units Figure 5.9 - Illustration of absorber use in help-
suspended in space (see figure 5.6). ing to control direct and reverberant fields.
Plan configuration
1 2 3
1_ 4.6 rn
Figure 5.10 - Typical functional absorber arrays and associated sound absorption values (reference 14).
Measurements made in reverberation room; panel dimensions are 1.2 x 0.6 x 0.04 m. (Used with the
permission of the Noise Control Foundation and J. D. Moreland.)
5.2 INSULATING MATERIALS only a relative quantity, a partition providing a net
30 dB of noise reduction reduces incident sound
5.2.1 Physical Theory levels of 90 and 75 dB to 60 and 45 dB, respec-
tively, at the other side.
Insulating materials reduce the amount of
sound transmitted from one space to another by Mass control
maximizing the impedance mismatch. This Figure 5.11 shows an idealized plot of trans-
mismatch reduces the amount of acoustic energy mission loss changes with frequency, illustrating
entering and leaving the wall or partition con- the dominant features and controlling parameters.
cerned. At the same time it is often useful to have
The most uniform portion of the curve is con-
a high internal damping factor (see section trolled solely by the mass of the partition; for a, which attenuates the acoustic energy single panel the curve rises at the rate of 6 dB per
traveling through the partition by converting it doubling of mass and 6 dB per octave increase and
into heat. Consequently, many noise insulators
hence is linear. In practice a number of expres-
are as massive as possible and quite limp, where sions relate transmission loss to the frequency and
stiffness is not a structural prerequisite. to the density of the material. The normal-
The acoustical performance of any insulating
incidence mass law is an analytical expression
material is described by a parameter known as the
derived by assuming a sound field only incident at
transmission loss, R, which is highly dependent on angles normal to the surface, i.e., at 0°:
frequency. This is measured in decibels and is re-
lated to r, the transmission coefficient defined in R n = 20 Iog fM- 48 dB
section 5.0, by
R = 10 log (l/r) dB R n is the normal incidence transmission loss,
To compute the transmission loss it is
f is the frequency, Hz
necessary to make measurements in a specially
designed facility. 15 This is performed by mounting M is the superficial density of insulator,
kg/m 2.
a sample of the material under examination in an
aperture between two reverberation rooms. The
completely sealed aperture, and the massive Note: When dealing with insulating materials
construction of both rooms, ensures that the only it is usual to speak of mass in terms of superficial
density, which accounts for the total mass
significant path of transmission is through the test
panel. Measurements are taken of the sound throughout a unit surface cross-sectional area of
the material.
pressure level in both rooms, in sixteen one-third
octave bands, after activation of a broadband By making a further assumption that the
noise source in one of them. The transmission loss sound field is diffuse and incident at all angles
is computed as from 0 ° to 90 °, then the random-incidence mass
law is defined as
R = NR + 10log(S/A) dB
Rrandom = Rn - 10 log 0.23R n dB
NR is the SPL source minus SPL received in where Rrandom is the random incidence trans-
mission loss, dB.
each one-third octave frequency band,
dB The field-incidence mass law is a variant of
S is the total area of exposed test panel, m2 this, again assuming a diffuse field, but only
accounting for incident angles between 0 ° and
A is the total absorption in receiving room,
metric sabins. 78 ° . In practice it has been found to be the most
accurate and maintains a 6 dB increase with
In practical situations, possible discrepancies doubling of either mass or frequency, as con-
from this idealized measurement procedure may trasted to the 5 dB increase of the random-
occur as a result of alternative paths of trans- incidence law. It is given by
mission and inhomogeneities in the separating
Rfiel d = R n - 5 dB
partition; these are dealt with in section 5.2.3. A
full range of typical sound insulation values is where Rfiel d is the field incidence transmission
shown in table 5.2. Because sound insulation is loss, dB.
Table 5.2 - Transmission loss values R for some typical noise control materials.
Description density 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
1.5 mm thick 17 28 31 27 32 32 33 36
3 mm thick 34 30 32 33 38 44 33 38
Lead vinyl 2.5 11 12 15 20 26 32 37
5 15 17 21 28 33 37 43
20 gauge, stiffened 2.5 11 10 10 18 23 25 30
22 gauge 6 8 14 20 23 26 27 35
20 gauge 7 8 14 20 26 32 38 40
18 gauge 10 13 20 24 29 33 39 44
16 gauge 13 14 21 27 32 37 43 42
7 mm thick 3 17 15 20 24 28 27 25
20 mm thick 10 24 22 27 28 25 27 35
Sheet metal
Viscoelastic core 10 15 25 28 32 39 42 47
6 mm thick 7 16 17 22 28 33 35 35
13 mm thick 14 21 23 26 32 32 37 37
25 mm thick 28 25 28 32 32 34 46 46
6 mm thick 15 11 24 28 32 27 35 39
9 mm thick 22.5 22 26 31 30 32 39 43
25 mm thick 62.5 27 31 30 33 43 48 53
Double glazing
2 x 6-ram panels,
12-mm gap 30 23 24 24 27 28 30 36
2 x 6-mm panels,
188-mm gap 30 30 35 41 48 50 56 56
2 x 6-ram panels,
188-mm gap with
absorbent in reveals 30 33 39 42 48 50 57 60
Double walls
2 x 280-mm brick,
56-mm gap
2 x 12-mm plaster 380 30 38 47 61 75 80 81
2 × 12-mm insulating board
50 × lO0-mm studs 19 16 22 28 38 50 52 55
Sandwich partitions
2 x 5-mm plywood,
1.5-mm lead 25 25 30 34 38 42 44 47
2 x 18-gauge steel,
9-mm asbestos board 27 22 27 31 27 37 44 48
Masonry, brick, 125 mm thick
Plastered both sides 240 36 37 40 46 54 57 59
Brick, 255 mm thick
plastered both sides 480 41 45 48 56 65 69 72
Concrete block, 152 mm thick 176 33 34J 35 38 46 52 55
Concrete, 103 mm thick 234 29 35 37 43 44 50 55
z00'° : , ///
t- 0 I o 0,_- ." Rn, Normal incidence (0°), //i/
o . I o I oo L-< ." /
Rfie_d, Field i
_ _, _ :_ -. x 40 -- -----_ .... "
.c S
I .J_/ _ Coinodence ¢: 30 //,//¢]- Rrandom, Random incidence
20 /._'/ I ,0to_, i
_ o
Table 5.3 - Critical frequencies and surface excellent stiffness properties, 21 and the ultimate
densities of some common materials. choice is determined by the necessity for other
structural properties. Honeycomb materials are
Critical frequency Surface density particularly valuable in that they possess a high
× surface per unit stiffness/mass ratio; figure 5.14 shows the effect
density thickness of applying a paper honeycomb onto an alumi-
(Hz.kgm-Z) (kg m 2mm-l)
num panel with a constraining layer on top. Stiff-
ening with ribs, stringers, and so on increases the
Lead 600 000 11.2 number of radiating areas operating indepen-
Partition board 124 000 1.6
dently. Such stiffening increases the acoustic radi-
Steel 97 700 8.1
Reinforced concrete 44 000 2.3 ation efficiency of the panel in the mass-controlled
Brick 42 000 1.9 region, thereby reducing available insulation,
Glass 39 000 2.5 while at the same time raising the fundamental re-
Plexiglass 35 500 1.15 sonance frequencies and improving the low fre-
Asbestos cement 33 600 1.9
quency insulation performance. Figure 5.15 illu-
Aluminum 32 200 2.7
Hardboard 30 600 0.81 strates this result.
Plasterboard 32 000 0.75
Flaxboard 13 200 0.39 5O
Plywood 13 000 0.58
From lan Sharland, Woods Practical Guide to Noise z
Control, 1972. Used with the permission of Woods
Acoustics. O 30
\. Stiffness control 20
and essentially shifts the transmission loss curve to
the right on figure 5.11, making it difficult for any
major low frequency exciting frequencies to 20 2 V with single
induce resonance conditions. However, increasing 0[- _,] aluminum stiffeners
/ _1 I I I I
the density or net mass of the insulating panel i 102 103 10 4 1_- 103 104
conversely reduces the fundamental resonance ._ One-third octave
frequencies. Thus achieving extra stiffness by
i I- fl = 227 Hz / frequency (Hz)
increasing the panel thickness is not the most
effective way to improve panel behavior in this z 20}_ " with double
area. 2° Ideally, stiffening or damping (discussed
0 I- , stiffeners
in section 5.3.1) should be incorporated in the 102 103 104
One-third octave
areas where the largest panel deflections occur;
frequency (Hzl
these are normally the result of the first funda-
mental resonance mode of the panel. Figure 5.15- Effect of rib stiffeners on an alu-
Honeycomb lattices, fiberglass, and so-called minum panel (reference 16). f] is the fundamental
"noiseless" or highly damped steel, all have panel resonance.
The aircraft noiseprogramsalsoestablish
thataclosedcavitybehindtheinsulating panelcan
be disadvantageous, because strongacousticre-
sonances maycouplewiththepanelresonances to
produce a verylowtransmission loss.17,22In fact, Z
the availableinsulationwithoutaddingto the air-mass resonance occurs when the air between
overallmass.Sincemosttransmissionlossis ob- the leaves acts as a spring and the whole system
tainedby impedance mismatching,
subdividing behaves as a single highly resonant unit. The fre-
thetotalweightinto twoseparate
partitions,thus quency at which this occurs, fm a m, is given by
increasingthe numberof air-insulatorboun-
daries, gives considerable advantage, particularly
in the mass-controlled region. To ensure max- fm-a-m = Hz
imum benefits, the gap between the two leaves _/ mlln2d
should be as large as possible with at least one of m i +"_
the partitions resiliently mounted to prevent any where
structure-borne vibration from prejudicing the in- ml, m 2 are the superficial densities of two
dependent action of each panel. A comparison of leaves respectively, kg/m 2
double and single panels with the same total d is the separation distance, cm.
equivalent weight is shown in figure 5.17. 27
Ideally, the slope of the double leaf transmis- This effect reduces the overall performance
sion loss curve should be 12 dB/octave and the ab- of the double panel to below that for an equivalent
solute value equal to the arithmetic sum of the two single one unless the separation distance d is large
elements. However, in practice this does not occur enough. The adverse effects of standing waves in
for several reasons. At low frequencies a mass- the air gap may be reduced by introducing absorp-
tion into the cavity; for double-glazing only the re-
veals may be treated. In addition, mechanical con-
nections, if not resiliently isolated, can bridge the
cavity and permit direct transfer of high frequency
vibration across the structure. Staggering the studs
e° E f "_ to which the leaves are fastened is of value in pre-
Serious coincidence problems are avoided by
O making the two leaves of different materials or
X thicknesses. In one of the most comprehensive ex-
perimental and analytical studies of sound insula-
,o - / tion elements to date, 28 a series of expressions for
t-- f 2/ '-..-''\ ./ predicting transmission losses were derived. Most
.! _,,./.........-;.i-- ,._,. of these
are for multiple-leaf
the most cost-effective
means of gaining
One-thirdoctavefrequency(Hz) spring
Figure 5.17 - Comparison of single and double (neoprene
leaf partitions of same equivalent weight
(reference 27). A, curve for single-leaf 12-mm gyp-
sum board; B, curve for two 12-mm leaves rigidly
bonded; C, curve for two 12-mm leaves on either
side of 90-mm steel channel studs; D, curve for Staggeredstud Resilientl Resiliently
configuration as in C, but with 50-mm fiber glass partitions mountedstud sealeddouble-
partition glazedpartition
in stud space. (From Cyril M. Harris, Handbook with absorption
of Noise Control, Second ed., Copyright © 1979
by McGraw-Hill, Inc. Used with the permission of Figure 5.18 - Illustrative designs for double parti-
the McGraw-Hill Book Company.) tions.
walls,andwood-or expanded metal-lathceiling the coincidence frequency, often into an area of
andwallsystems. critical importance. In consequence, it would be
Fornoisetransmission througha pipeor duct desirable to have a material exhibiting high stiff-
wallit isoftenbesttoaddasecond skintotheout- ness at low frequencies to provide insulation at
sideof thewallratherthanto increaseitsmassor frequencies below the panel fundamental, and a
to adddamping.Normallytheouterskinis con- lower stiffness at high frequencies. One way of
structed of leador cement
of around10 to achieving this is by the use of laminated sandwich
20 kg/m 2 superficial density; a sufficiently thick panels. One study 29 has considered several op-
resilient layer between the screed and the inner timization procedures in terms of types of core
wall prevents undue coupling and allows the struc- and panel materials, or changes in the thicknesses
ture to act as a double-walled construction. This of these, and concluded that two approaches may
treatment must be applied over the entire length of improve the overall insulation performance. One
a duct or pipe where high surface vibration exists, approach, which is sometimes impractical, uses
including side-branch turns, valves, and so on. less stiff and more massive panels effective over a
The most important characteristic in deter- greater frequency range; the other increases the
mining the overall transmission loss of a panel is core stiffness. At high frequencies, the shearing
its mass, which may be increased by increasing effect in the core reduces the total stiffness of the
either the density or the thickness. However, high combination to something approaching that of the
thickness, and hence stiffness inevitably reduces constituent materials.
1 : 125000
\ \ N "\ _ $1 "--
TL 2 TL_
\\,\ \ x
1:1000 _, __ _?\_.6O DifferenceTL, - TL2
• --),.
,\\ \ \
\\ \10 \\ \ _ \ \ _ \ \ \
1 \ \\\\\\\\\
\ \ % \ \ \i \ _
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 6O
Loss of insulation (subtract from higher insulation, TL 1) (dB)
Figure 5.19 - Nomogram for computing the sound reduction index of composite partitions.
5.2.3 Installation of Sound Insulating Elements Note that if the air gap under the door
threshold is ignored, an overall net transmission
It is imperative to make at least two calcula- loss of 45 dB would be indicated, which shows the
tions before actually installing sound insulation. deleterious effect of small air leaks and other poor
The first calculation gives the effective transmis- insulating elements on the overall performance.
sion loss resulting from inhomogeneities within The calculation is performed across the entire fre-
and around the installed panel such as air leaks, quency range, usually in octave bands.
glazing, service conduits, and the like. The The second calculation of importance in-
average transmission loss R is readily found accor- volves an estimation of the actual change in sound
ding to the relations pressure level at a point after the harrier or in-
sulating element has been installed. This is known
r|S 1 + T2S 2 + • • • + 7nS n as the insertion loss; it should take account of the
transmission loss, absorption of the reverberant
sound field within enclosures, etc., and any flank-
where ing paths which may dominate the overall noise
S T is the total area of partition, m2 reduction after the insulation of the installed par-
Sn,T n are the area and transmission coeffi- tition reaches a certain level. The use of absorp-
cient of the nth insulating element, tion when constructing barriers or enclosures
respectively prevents the buildup of reverberant sound fields
_-is the average transmission coefficient which would demand a higher insulation than in-
for the entire partition; itially planned. Examples of flanking transmission
and the means of assessing and coping with it are
= 10 log (I/Y) dB discussed in section 6.2.3. Because the building
and construction techniques used in the field may
For convenience, a nomogram can be used be quite different from those utilized when mak-
for quickly calculating the overall transmission ing laboratory measurements, it is often wise to
loss (figure 5.19). Two elements are taken at a make conservative performance predictions by
time and their net transmission loss computed subtracting 3-5 dB from the quoted transmission
before incorporating a third and so on. losses. Common causes of this degradation in per-
Example: For a wall with specifications shown formance are structural bridging caused by incor-
as rect placement or construction of ties between
walls, rubble in-filling, etc., or poor sealing of
cracks around doors, windows, and conduit
Wall: 18 m 2 [
50 dB penetrations.
Door: 1.8 m 2
37 dB
applied,through friction, or less frequently, the following ratio, _', is often used as a
viscouseffects, as well as the well-known comparative measure between alternative
hysteresis effect. Hysteresis losses occur because, materials:
after deformation caused by an applied force,
many elastic materials do not regenerate the same Damping ratio, _" =
amount of applied vibrational energy when Cc
returning to their original equilibrium position.
Damping is typically most effective when
C is the damping coefficient of material
conditions of large displacement amplitudes are
under consideration
found, and this is most common when resonance
conditions prevail. For this reason they are usually Cc is the critical damping coefficient.
used to complement insulator performance in the
critical frequency and fundamental panel A variant on this is the loss factor, rt, which is
related to the damping ratio by
resonance ranges.
Damping materials may be used to control 1
the radiation of sound from panels at the surface -q_
of a machine, where the resonant frequencies of 2r Wo
the panels may be excited by either a broadband
spectrum or discrete frequencies close to a 2C
r_ - or 2_"
resonant frequency. Damping also reduces impact Cc
noise. The addition of surface damping has a
twofold effect in this regard: it considerably where
modifies the time history in which the largest D O is the total energy dissipated by damping
frequency-transposed elements are well away from during one cycle
the lowest natural frequencies of the structure. W 0 is the total vibrational energy of system.
Figure 5.20 shows how this may be achieved to
produce a small force acting over a long time
Decay rates may range from 5 dB/s to over 80
period as opposed to a large force acting for a
dB/s and damping ratios from 0.5 to 20 percent of
short time.
critical damping. Quite often, extra damping of
Damping is measured in several different
significance can only be added when the damping
ways. The decay rate in decibels per second ratio is less than 10070.
expresses the reduction in radiation from vibrating Until very recently there have been no really
surfaces, once the exciting force is removed, with
well-defined approaches to choosing damping
respect to a standard plate and shaking rig.
materials for a particular situation. Successful ap-
Critical damping measures the damping necessary
plication of damping control depends on a high
to just prevent oscillation and when expressed in
degree of optimization after careful consideration
of the following factors: temperature, frequency,
static or dynamic loading, uncertainties in the
precise nature of the incident spectrum,
knowledge of the inherent damping of structures,
hard surface _>
and structural behavior under impulsive loading,
== i.e., linear or non-linear. However, owing in large
part to pioneering work on acoustic fatigue and
2 _
other vibration related problems in the U.S.
Same impact 1o aerospace industry, pioneered particularly by
on resilient
researchers at the Wright-Patterson Air Force
Base, a number of important advances have been
Time, t Frequency (Hz) made.30,31
Figure 5.20 - Change in frequency spectrum for A temperature-frequency equivalence princi-
an impact due to damping. The area under the ple has been elucidated to permit the reduction of
force-time curve in each case is the same and must several highly specific parametric variations to a
always remain so when the total momentum in- standardized and simple nomographic representa-
volved in the interaction is constant. tion. 31 The performance specifications of several
dissimilarmaterials,from siliconeelastomersto surface or about 15-20 percent of its weight are
vitreousenamels,areadequately representedby often recommended. The operating principle of
thismeans. Figure5.21provides atypicalexample constrained-layer damping is that shearing action,
of thisconcept.
Thepointof intersection between as opposed to fiexural or extensional motion, is
frequency andtemperature islocated,X, and the considerably more efficient at damping vibra-
appropriate value of the reduced frequency, fay, tions. The constraining layer needs to be firmly at-
read on the lower abscissa scale at D. Knowing tached to the viscoelastic core and important
this value then allows the loss factor T/ and the parameters to consider are as follows32:
modulus of elasticity E to be found from the (a) Base structure: thickness, inherent
curves plotted for the particular material con- damping, frequency, density, and
cerned at B and ,4, respectively. Other design cri- modulus of elasticity.
teria for damping control are extant, 32,33 incorpo- (b) Viscoelastic material: thickness, densi-
rating configurational changes for viscoelastic ty, modulus of elasticity, and damp-
sandwich panels, and taking account of loss fac- ing loss factor.
tors and structural resonant frequencies. (c) Constraining layer: thickness, density,
and modulus of elasticity.
The improvement in performance for a free
Temperature (K)
layer of damping is demonstrated in figure 5.22,
7"2 11 TO r_l 1-2
104 10 3 which shows that approximately five times the ef-
o (10.0) fectiveness is gained by doubling the thickness of
the viscoelastic layer.
10 2
Analytical work 34 has shown that low fre-
.. (1.o) quency performance can be enhanced in
&-- u
E viscoelastic sandwich panels by using a relatively
z 102 10 o-
hard core; this may provide up to 50 dB more
Io.1) =1
reduction below 200 Hz. The operating range of
10-210 -11 10 102 103 104 106 106
Reducedfrequency fa T(Hz)
2t /i i
10 2[ , . . _ =
C- 10-'_
"-_ St- /
, /
/. 10-2/ //
J 2
/ /
6 6 ' I/:10 -a' / /
T_ 2 To T2
D.I.G. Jones.)
tact with the vibrating surface is obtained. To this Relative thickness of damping layer (h 2 = H2/H 1)
end, secure bonding with an adhesive is essential.
The two most popular types of damping are free Figure 5.22 - Loss factor dependence on thick-
layer and constrained layer. In general, effective ness for a free-layer damper (reference 4). n, loss
free-layer materials are quite stiff and should be factor of viscoelastic material," n 2, total loss factor
applied in thick layers, while constrained-layer of panel; E l , E 2, elastic moduli of basic panel and
materials are relatively pliable and often used in viscoelastic layer, respectively. (From Leo L.
very thin layers. Free-layer materials normally can Beranek, Noise and Vibration Control. Copyright
be trowelled, sprayed, or glued on to a surface, © 1971 by McGraw-Hill, Inc. Used with the per-
and coatings at least as thick as the vibrating metal mission of McGraw-Hill Book Company.)
dampingmaterials, in bothtemperature andfre- Viscoelastic
quencydomains,may be improvedby using lJ material
multilayertreatments or by a judiciousblendof
dampingcompounds. It hasrecentlybeenshown
thatsomeenamels haveusefuldamping properties
in thehightemperature range800° to 2000 ° F.35 Free layer
Multiple constrained layer
Tuneddampers operatewithina relatively narrow F
range,beingdesigned primarilytocopewithjusta
few vibrationmodeswell separated from any
others.Figure5.23 illustratesa few of these Sandwich panel
Single constrained layer
typicaltreatment configurations.Reference 36in- Mass of
cludesa detaileddiscussion of optimizationfor optimized weight
eachof these,includingtheeffectsof stiffness and
geometrical characteristics.
Table5.4 showsthe
typical loss factorsfor a rangeof structural
materials. Tuned damper
transmission of vibrationat thisfrequency. Con-
versely, toomuchdamping limitstheeffectiveper-
formance of theisolators,especially athigherfre-
quencies. Thisis illustratedin figure5.24,which where
showsa setof generalcurvesfor thetransmissi- k is the spring stiffness, N/m
bilityof a vibratingsystem. Transmissibility refers m is the mass loading, kg.
totheease withwhichphysical parameters suchas
force,velocity,or acceleration canbetransferred For many materials, however, stiffness
acrossa system. changes nonlinearly with dynamic loading and it is
Isolatorsoperateeffectivelyas suchonly therefore usually necessary to use the manufac-
above2fl sincebelowthis valuethe isolatorac- turer's data to obtain the correct deflections and
tuallyactsasanamplifierespecially at thereso- corresponding resonance frequencies. 37,38 The
nantfrequency, fl" The resonant frequency can be specifications on inherent damping provided in
calculated by assessing the static deflection of the the material should also be closely examined.
system involved when the isolator is under load, As a general rule, 10 percent (0.1) trans-
according to missibility is a useful design criterion to meet. It is
5 first necessary to determine the lowest forcing fre-
fl- quency likely to be encountered, which may be a
shaft rotational frequency, for example. The
amount of damping used rarely exceeds 10 per-
where/_ is the static deflection, cm. cent, and after selection of this and an appropriate
Static deflection usually changes linearly with system resonant frequency, normally set at one-
loading for steel springs because the stiffness con- third or less of the value of the major lowest forc-
stant k in the following relationship remains ing frequency, it is possible to calculate the deflec-
constant: tion which the chosen isolators must provide.
_t!- __ isolator. With regard to mounting, elastomers
e_ always perform better under shear loads, whereas
.... L _ _l _ _ - cork, felt, plastics, and coils are best used in com-
springs needed to perform the same task. The air
! pressure may be adjusted to support a higher load
or to provide a constant level and height regardless
of load changes. Typically they are rubber-bellows
type units reinforced with nylon, with an internal
pressure of around 7 x 10 5 N/m 2.
As a guide to the suitable selection of isolator
mounts, generic types are grouped in table 5.5
with their appropriate ranges of normal static
throughfromthemachine andmayexcitethefun- theisolatorsequallyaboutthecenterof gravity.
damental frequency of theflooritself.Asa rough Thelatterapproach is oftenaccomplished using
guide,the staticdeflectionof theisolatorshould aninertiablockwithamasslargerthanthatofthe
beatleastthreetofourtimesthatofthefloor,and machine.Thisinvariablyresultsin a loweringof
approximately 90 percentisolationis produced thecomplete unitcenterof gravitywithrespect Io
whenthis is ten timesthe floor deflection.An theisolators,
estimate of thelatterquantityis usuallyhardto 5.27showstwoexamples of inertiablockmount-
make,but 1/300thof the total floor spanis ing.Pneumatic isolatorsareveryflexiblein this
sometimes assumed. Figure5.26illustratesthe respect,in that they may be designedto ac-
correctiveeffectswith the proper choiceof complishmaximum isolationandtomaintaincon-
isolator. stantheightregardless of theloadconditions. 39
Another important considerationwhen Figure5.27bhighlightsanimportantfeature
choosing isolatorsis to ensure
equalstaticdeflec- whenisolatingunits, namely,the avoidance of
tion for eachmountunderthe machine;other- bridgingbya rigidmechanical connection between
wise,unduepitchingandexcitationof vibration the machineandfoundation.Oftensuchshort-
modeshigherthanthe simpleverticalor axial circuitsareoverlooked in theprocess of designing
modesmayoccur.Thisis achieved eitherby op- isolators;commonly, serviceconduits,ducts,and
timizingthe stiffnessfor eachseparatemount, hosesshouldbeflexiblyconnected to surrounding
knowingtheproportionate load,or by disposing structuralsurfaces.
Amplified I Isolated Amplified I Isolated
vibration I vibration v brat on vibration
forces I forces forces forces
mass Major machine Major machine
forcing frequency forcing frequency
curve of
"_ 1.0
\ \
Components Components I
transmitted transmitted to
to floor floor II
mass _----t I
Effective _- Vibrationof 23 1.0 1.0 _
curve '_ I
floor _ floor "_:=
resilience _-
Figure 5.26 - Comparison of isolator performance for flexible and stiff floor mounts. (From lan
Sharland, Woods Practical Guide to Noise Control, 1972. Used with the permission of Woods Acoustics.)
Flexible ---7
_ J _ octco,,ar
o, :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Fan __ Inertia
grav ty of _ i:::_iii:i
inertia block U_,t/A'_::::' ............::-_:::j
motor _ __'_1___j,_,_i::iii
............. block
Vibration isolators
(a) (b)
Finally, it is important to ensure that lateral bulk absorbers into engine duct linings has
stiffness is no greater than vertical stiffness, in resulted in research examining the net effect of us-
order to preclude serious sideways resonances. ing water repellants. One such study 41 has shown
One way of trading off these two stiffness com- that for a 1 percent decrease in flow resistance and
ponents is to orient the isolators so that their main a density increase of 3 percent after treatment
axis is in direct alignment with the center of with a repellant, some small changes in acoustic
gravity of the machine, which may be some properties took place over the range 0.5-3.5 kHz.
distance away. An excellent systematic approach The attenuation constant, reflecting the absorp-
to vibration isolation is presented in reference 40, tion coefficient c_, displayed no significant
which also contains formulas for calculating rock- diminution in value except at the higher frequen-
ing mode resonances. cies, where it dropped about 10 percent.
Machine enclosures often have absorption
placed on the inside which brings the material into
proximity with running equipment such as pumps,
generators, saw blades, chucks, and the like.
The class of materials most sensitive to en- There is therefore a potential problem due to
vironmental constraints are traditionally the wicking of the fibers, etc., as a result of over-
acoustic absorbers, especially those with a highly lubrication procedures, or to inadequately con-
porous nature and consequent fine structure. Ex- trolled air blow-off or cooling lubricant flows.
posure to humidity, water spray, oil, grease, dirt, The provision of good lubrication seals and
vibration, temperature extremes, and high fluid deflecting shields may be of help; otherwise the
flow rates may all have a deleterious effect on absorbent may be modified by using imperforate
acoustic performance and can influence the en- thin sheeting as before. Normally it is only the
vironmental suitability of the absorption material. high frequency end of the absorption spectrum
Protection against water and high humidity which is slightly affected by these techniques, but
conditions can be achieved by placing a thin im- to prevent further degradation in this, as well as to
pervious plastic polyester sheet loosely over the comply with sanitary and fire requirements, it is
face of the absorber or by incorporating a water- necessary to clean these surfaces regularly. This
repellant treatment to stop waterlogging of the requires a strong surface, capable of withstanding
pores with concomitant loss of performance and repeated rubbing and cleaning with warm
increase in weight. Porous ceramics, open-cell detergent solutions. 42,43
polyurethane foams, and glass wool fibers all For high temperature conditions, stainless
withstand humidity well. steel or copper "metal wools" may be used as ab-
The renewed interest of the aeronautics in- sorbers, and both are also of benefit where cor-
dustry in evaluating the utility of incorporating rosive fumes exist.
In high fluid flow conditions,a retaining Finally, the manufacturer's recommenda-
screen of perforatedmetalprevents fibershedding tions regarding noise control material specifica-
fromfragilematerials, althoughit is importantto tions and installation must be considered in im-
securethe correctopen-to-total-area ratio for plementing practical engineering measures to
suitableacoustical performance, as discussed in alleviate noise. Other factors to be considered in-
section5.1.2.2.Evendense foamsmusthavetheir clude ease of maintenance after installation of
rawedges sealed
by thinplasticor a suitablepaint noise control materials, and the effect on produc-
surface. tion rates both during and following installation
Theextensive useof honeycomb perforates
in of the designed measures.
theextreme temperatureandflowenvironment of
jet engineshasresultedin severaloptimization
procedures for the acoustical performance of per-
forates, as discussed in the section dealing with REFERENCES
ducts in chapter 7 (see section 7.3.2). One broad-
band sound absorber based on the honeycomb 1. Kraft, R. E., R. E. Motsinger, W. H. Gau-
perforate principlO 2 can be supplied with a special den, and J. F. Link, Analysis, Design, and Test
aluminum corrosion-resistant treatment. In addi- of Acoustic Treatment in a Laboratory Inlet
tion to lending itself to ease of cleaning, it can be Duct, NASA CR 3161, 1979.
made self-draining, and possesses good thermal 2. Hersh, A. S., and B. Walker, Acoustic Behav-
conductivity, which is of value where heat build- ior of a Fibrous Bulk Material, AIAA Paper
up near machinery housings can occur. 79-0599, March 1979.
Barriers are usually constructed according to 3. Lambert, R. F., Acoustical Properties of Highly
structural and acoustical requirements, but Porous Fibrous Materials, NASA TM 80135,
sometimes, when dealing with localized noise 1979.
sources, it is necessary to retain some visibility of 4. Beranek, Leo L., ed., Noise and Vibration
the work site. This can be accomplished by the use Control, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971.
of shot-loaded transparent plastic barriers, for ex- 5. ASTM, Standard Method of Test for Sound
ample, to shield conveyor systems. Although their Absorption of Acoustical Materials in Rever-
performance may be diminished because of essen- beration Rooms, ASTM C423-66, 1966.
tial maintenance and access apertures, reductions 6. Purcell, W. E., Materials for Noise and Vi-
of up to 10 dB(A) are achievable for a well- bration Control, Sound and Vib., July 1976,
installed system. Flexible barriers made of loaded p. 6.
rubber or vinyl are useful where regular access 7. Dean, L. W., Coupling of Helmholtz Reso-
between different parts of a shop floor is required, nators to Improve Acoustic Liners for Turbo-
or for screening of small noise sources on a tem- fan Engines at Low Frequency, NASA CR-
porary basis. 134912, 1976.
Regulatory restrictions 44 have most impact 8. Budoff, M., and W. E. Zorumski, Flow Re-
within the food industry, where only glass, monel, sistance of Perforated Plates in Tangential
or stainless steel are permitted direct contact with Flow, NASA TM X-2361, 1971.
foods. Lead-bearing materials are forbidden, but 9. Rice, E. J., A Model for the Pressure Excita-
barium can be used as a suitable alternative. There tion Spectrum and Acoustic Impedance of
are also stringent cleaning requirements, which Sound Absorbers in the Presence of Grazing
usually require that surfaces be resistant not only Flow, AIAA Paper 73-995, October 1973.
to high pressure steam and a certain amount of 10. Marsh, A. H., 1. Elias, J. C. Hoehne, and R.
abrasion, but also to bacterial or fungal growth. L. Frasca, A Study of Turbofan-Engine
Firebreak requirements demand a detailed con- Compressor-Noise-Suppression Techniques,
sideration of ducting routes and the nonflam- NASA CR 1056, 1968.
mability of partitions and associated absorbing 11. Mangiarotty, R. A., Acoustic-Lining Concepts
surfaces. Fiber dissipation may be a problem, not and Materials for Engine Ducts, J. Acoust.
just from the point of view of acoustical degrada- Soc. Amer., vol. 48, no. 3, 1969, p. 783.
tion, but also because of the possible damaging ef- 12. Warnaka, G. E., N. D. Wonch, and J. M. Za-
fect of fibers on machine performance and their las, A New Broadband Sound Absorber, Inter-
threat as a health hazard. noise 76 Proceedings, 1976, p. 283.
13. Vincent,D. W., B. Phillips,andJ. P. Wan- 28. Wyle Laboratories, A Study of Techniques
hainen,Experimental Investigationof Acous- to Increase the Sound Insulation of Building
ticLinersto SuppressScreech in StorablePro- Elements (prepared for HUD), available from
pellantRocketMotors,NASATN D-4442, NTIS as PB-222 829, 1973.
1968. 29. Lang, M. A., and C. L. Dym, Optimal Acous-
14. Moreland,J. D., ControllingIndustrialNoise tic Design of Sandwich Panels, J. Acoust. Soc.
by RoomBoundaryAbsorption,NoiseCon. Amer., vol. 57, no. 6, 1975, p. 1481.
Eng.,vol.7,no.3,November-December 1976. 30. Jones, D. 1. G., Two Decades of Progress in
15.ASTM,StandardRecommended Practicefor Damping Technology, Air. Eng., Jan. 1979,
LaboratoryMeasurement of AirborneSound p. 9.
Transmission of Building Partitions, ASTM 31. Jones, D. 1. G., Temperature-Frequency
E90-70, 1970. Dependence of Dynamic Properties of Damp-
16. Barton, C. K., Experimental Investigation on ing Materials, J. Sound Vib., vol. 33, no. 4,
Sound Transmission Through Cavity-Backed 1974, p. 451.
Panels, NASA TM X-73939, 1977. 32. Nashif, A. D., and W. G. Halvorsen, Design
17. McDonald, W. B., R. Vaicaitis, and M. K. Evaluation of Layered Viscoelastic Damping
Myers, Noise Transmission through Plates into Treatments, Sound and Vib., July 1978, p.
an Enclosure, NASA TP 1173, 1978. 12.
18. Getline, G. L., Airframe Design for Reducing 33. Derby, T. F., and J. E. Ruzicka, Loss Factor
Cabin Noise, NASA Tech Brief, Summer 1978, and Resonant Frequency of Viscoelastic
p. 265. Shear-Damped Structural Composites, NASA
19. Sengupta, G., Low Frequency Cabin Noise CR-1269, 1969.
Reduction Based on the Intrinsic Structural 34. Vaicaitis, R., Noise Transmission by Visco-
Tuning Concept, NASA CR-145262, 1977. elastic Sandwich Panels, NASA TN D-8516,
20. Roskam, J., C. vanDam, D. Durenberger, and t977.
F. Grosveld, Some Sound Transmission Loss 35. Graves, G., et. al., On Tailoring a Family
Characteristics of Typical General Aviation of Enamels for High Temperatures Vibra-
Structural Materials, AIAA Paper 78-1480, tion Control, Proc. 15th Annual Meeting,
August 1978. Society of Engineering Science (SES),
21. Roskam, J., F. Grosveld, and J. vanAken, Gainesville, FL, Dec. 1978.
Summary of Noise Reduction Characteristics 36. Jones, D. 1. G., Damping Treatments for
of Typical General Aviation Materials, SAE Noise and Vibration Control, Sound and
Tech. Paper 790627, 1979. Vib., July 1972, p. 25.
22. Barton, C. K., and E. F. Daniels, Noise 37. Hochheiser, R. M., How to Select Vibration
Transmission through Flat Rectangular Pan- Isolators for OEM Machinery and Equip-
els into a Closed Cavity, NASA Tech. Paper ment, Sound and Vib., August 1974, p. 14.
1321, 1978. 38. V_r, I. L., Measurement of Dynamic Stiffness
23. Mulholland, K. A., and R. H. Lyon, Sound and Loss Factor of Plastic Mounts as a Func-
Insulation at Low Frequencies, J. Acoust. Soc. tion of Frequency and Static Load, Noise
Amer., vol. 54, no. 4, 1973, p. 867. Con. Eng., vol. 3, no. 3, November-
24. Lyon, R. H., C. W. Dietrich, E. E. Ungar, R. December 1974, p. 37.
W. Pyle, Jr., and R. E. Apfei, Low Frequency 39. Adair, R., The Design and Application of
Noise Reduction of Spacecraft Structures, Pneumatic Vibration-Isolators, Sound and
NASA CR 589, 1966. Vib., August 1974, p. 24.
25. Bailey, J. R., and F. D. Hart, Noise Reduc- 40. Rivin, R. E., Vibration Isolation of Industrial
tion Shape Factors in the Low Frequency Range, Machinery--Basic Considerations, Sound
NASA CR 1155, 1968. and Vib., November 1978, p. 14.
26. ASTM, Tentative Classification for Determi- 41. Smith, C. D., and T. L. Parrott, An Ex-
nation of Sound Transmission Class, ASTM perimental Study of the Effects of Water
413-70T, 1970. Repellant Treatment on the Acoustics Proper-
27. Harris, Cyril M., ed., Handbook of Noise ties of Kevlar, NASA TM 78654, 1978.
Control, Second ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 42. Waggoner, S. A., J. F. Shackelford, F. F.
1979. Robbins, Jr., and T. H. Burkhardt, Materials
for NoiseReduction in FoodProcessing En- 44. IndustrialNoise Services,Inc., Industrial
vironments,App. Ac., vol. 11,1978,p. 1. Noise Control Manual (prepared for
43. Miller,R.K., AcousticMaterialsfortheFood NIOSH),availablefrom NTIS as DHEW
Process Industry,Noise-Con 73Proceedings, Pub.No. (NIOSH)75-183,1975.
1973,p. 519.
provedproductivityin alessstressful
environment impulsive forces. Vibration may be caused by ec-
and better personnelrelations and morale. centric rotation, rapid changes in translational or
However,asaroughguide,onestudy5definedthe rotational velocity, or impact on other machine
impactincrementonproduction costs,A, as parts. The most fundamental solution is to reduce
the amplitude of vibration and hence the energy
Cnc available for acoustical radiation. Reducing the
A- vibrating area altenuates the total sound power
radiated, and changing the dominant frequency of
vibration can alleviate the forcing conditions on
the structure or move the spectrum to a region that
Cnc is the cost of noise control is less sensitive with respect to the human ear.
Y is the life of machines, years
Amplitude reduction can be accomplished by
B is the annual productivity.
keeping all contact surfaces smooth and well
lubricated, which requires a thorough and regular
This study essentially examined retrofitting of maintenance schedule. Where possible, all
quieter components to a specific type of machine,
rotating parts should be dynamically balanced,
but a more general discussion of the economics of
and their mass reduced as much as possible. This
engineering design for noise control may be found
is particularly important for fans. Radiation from
in reference 6. Net costs may be reduced
machine panels may be controlled by vibration
somewhat by eliminating any hearing conserva-
isolation of the particular component. It is nor-
tion program if the control measures reduce ex-
mally possible to detect the crucial radiating com-
posure conditions to below the relevant standard.
ponents by making accelerometer measurements
This chapter discusses each part of the total
and considering the panel area involved. Vibration
noise problem in some detail, and a detailed
isolation may be achieved as described in section
discussion of some common noise sources is given
5.3.2. The acoustic power PWL radiated from a
in chapter 7.
panel surface may be calculated as 7
Table6.1- Noiselevelsat theoperatorpositionfor a rangeof industrialmachinery
Molding machines
(I.S., blow molding, etc.)
(forced, induced, fan, etc.)
Air compressor
(reciprocating, centrifugal)
Metal forming
(punch, shearing, etc.)
(furnaces, flare stacks)
6.1 m (20 ft)
(steam 1.8 m (6 ft))
(water, hydraulic, etc.)
Industrial trucks
(LP gas)
State University 8-1° and for which partial support _- Straight knife cutterhead
came from NASA, is the redesign of wood
planers. The most interesting innovation in this
case was the successful deployment of a helical l.
blade cutterhead,8 which introduces point impact
and reduces force fluctuations on the work piece
(see figure 6.1).
when a large number
are particularly
of resonances are
ap- t,o
5001000 2000 3000 4000 5000
excited. An example of damping control is fur- Frequency (Hz)
nished in figure 6.2, where a vibratory parts feeder
used to orientate work pieces was quieted. The Figure 6.1 - Comparison of sound spectra for
noise sources were chiefly the impact of the parts helical and straight knife cutterheads (reference
with each other and with the bowl itself. An 8). Board width, 30.5 cm; thickness, 2.54 cm; cut
acoustical hood was also placed over the bowl to depth, 0.32 cm. (Used with the permission of the
inhibit airborne radiation. Noise Control Foundation and J. S. Stewart.)
Metal Sprayed urethane
_ 7o
_ 6o
_ 50
40 _
I 3C
63 125 250 500 lk 2k 4k 8k 16k
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 6.2 - Acoustical treatment of vibratory parts feeder and attendant reduction in noise spectrum
(reference 11).
particular point resulting from contributions from Room to room transmission:
both the direct and reverberant field.
From section 3.4.4, the direct field intensity is SPL 2 = SPL l - R + 10logS T- 101ogA dB
governed by
p2 WQ SPL l, SPL 2 are the incident and received
SPL 2 = SPL 1 - R - 6 dB
P2 _W Q + (Close to wall)
In logarithmic form, using the intensity level- SPL 1, SPL 2 are the incident level and level at
sound pressure level equivalence principle, external wall surface, respec-
The leveling off in the decay rate from 6 dB
per doubling of distance when traversing from the r is the distance from wall, m
direct field into the reverberant field is governed S is the area of transmitting surface, m2
by the relative magnitude of r and Re, and the DI is the directivity index as defined in sec-
tion 3.4.2.
transition point r c, between the two fields is shown
in figure 3.11 (see also section 6.2.2). The above
relationship applies only where a spherical radia-
tion pattern may be assumed as from a point (1) Free-field conditions external to the
source (see section 3.4.3). boundary are assumed.
For transmission across a solid boundary, the (2) Shape and proportions of wall deter-
following relationships apply: mine its directivity characteristics.
75 Barriers The major limitation on barrier attenuation
results from the finite size of the barrier. This may
Barriers generally offer little noise reduction
be overcome to some extent by making use of any
potential except in the acoustic shadow behind the
local features such as storage bins or control units,
barrier, where mid to high frequency sound can-
which effectively extend the dimensions of the
not easily diffract over the top or around the bar-
barrier, or by curving the ends to increase the path
rier edges. The placement of the barrier close to
length difference. An example of the prediction of
the source or receiver is important, as this in-
creases the path length difference defined in figure
Example: Find the noise reduction due to a
6.3, which is the most critical parameter in deter-
barrier of effective height 2 m, placed 2 m from a
mining its performance. Normally, a broadband
source when the receiver location is at 100 m from
sound spectrum is assumed in making barrier
calculations, but if prominent pure tones are
present and the source or receiver are some A//"_" "_......... B Receiver
distance from the ground, up to three additional , IEI2 ..........
Source _'-_ _-]j • ..... :o
propagation routes may be created; these routes
can exhibit significant destructive or constructive
interference. ÷2 m_,* 98 m
] ! Total enclosures
30 I
I Complete enclosure is often the simplest and
most effective procedure for solving a noise con-
25: 1
trol problem when adequate source control is not
"7 i attenuation possible, in particular, enclosures can serve a
20 I
x I multipurpose role by providing a safety barrier,
I controlling lubricant and heat emission from a
I machine, and controlling the noise. It is usually
-I easy to meet acoustic requirements this way,
I0 --- --T---
especially if the enclosure is vibration isolated
from the machine and not too closely positioned
to it. This minimizes the possibility of strong
0,/ L I i l I J 1 i | 1
-0.3 -.01 .01 0.3 2 4 6 20 40 60 coupling effects caused by air resonances in the in-
-0.1 0 0.1 1 10 100 tervening space.
Fresnel number, N Typically, enclosure panels are specially
Bright = I_ _1 Shadow
I - I - I designed for the situation; they often consist of a
zone i zone
Transi- carefully balanced combination of absorbing,
tion damping, and insulating materials incorporated
zone into modular units which can be bolted to an
Figure 6.4 - Attenuation values for a barrier angle-iron frame. The provision of absorption is
against Fresnel number (reference 7). Strictly for important because it prevents high reverberant
point sources. (From Leo L. Beranek, Noise and sound levels within the enclosure walls from
Vibration Control. Copyright © 1971 by degrading the overall insulating properties. In
McGraw-Hill, Inc. Used with the permission of order to preclude flanking transmission caused by
McGraw-Hill Book Company.) direct vibration of the enclosure walls, the
machine source should be mounted on vibration
isolators. Other factors affecting the acoustic per-
a barrier's performance calculated for each octave
formance include the potential weakening effect
band is presented below. The attenuation values
are taken from figure 6.4, which displays barrier of apertures made to carry through essential ser-
attenuation as a function of Fresnel number, N. vices or for general access purposes. Where possi-
ble, service conduits should be grouped together
Other nomograms are available 13 which
and appropriate seals, such as lead-loaded vinyl,
enable the effect of 3, the subtended angle of the
used to minimize the chance of serious leaks.
barrier width at the source, to be taken into ac-
Several examples of sealing techniques are shown
count. In addition, the angle of the barrier apex
can be important, and double diffraction may in figures 6.5 and 6.6.
even occur for particularly thick barriers. 14 One Double-glazed windows may be necessary
where more than 20 dB(A) of attenuation is re-
particularly detailed study involving considerable
experimental work 15 considered the diffracted quired; the general principles governing their per-
sound intensity around the top and around each formance are given in sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3.
edge and summed them to find the net barrier in- Doors should be as massive as possible, with tight-
sertion loss, lnL, according to: fitting positive pressure seals around all edges.
Adequate ventilation may be ensured by using
"_ Peel back
Fit snugly
around pipe
steel clamp
Acoustic -_
_J,A_ sheet
(1) (2)
Figure 6.5 - Use of lead-vinyl sheet to seal acoustic leaks. (a) Changes of seal installation for a single large-
bore pipe. (b) Installation of multi-seal for a series of small-bore pipes. (Derived from NASA Langley
Research Center architectural drawings.)
/_ Acoustic lining
Internal _ External
I 4k
Fan unit I _.
Totalinternalsurfacearea,S= 48 m 2
Total radiating surface area, SE= 39 m 2
¢.'OllS1_lllt, R( I (11121
_ t)1./, in_,ide 11)6.1 11)4.2 I(ii.9 89.9 79.2 71.2 64.6 Figure 6.8 - Example of enclosure fitted around
enclosure (dB)
an air handling unit. (a) Unit without enclosure.
A,,erage I rall <,lllis_,it)ll 8 13 18 23 28 33 35 (b) Similar unit after enclosure. (By courtesy of
1o_ ol enclosure NASA Langley Research Center.)
_all_, Rt-(Bill
tion of the panelboundaryconditions.Thepro- methods. The convenience of avoiding a deter-
gramthenfurnishesthe fundamental resonance mination of each separate natural mode when us-
frequencies andassociated modeshapes; it maybe ing SEA is pointed out, as well as the need for less
easilyadaptedto handleothertypesof acoustic detailed modelling of acoustic modes when there is
fieldsaswell. appreciable absorption present.
Whenenclosures arebuilt verycloseto the Partial enclosures
sourceof noise,suchthattheseparation distance
is lessthanhalfthewavelength of thelowestfre- Partial enclosures may simply be treated as
quencyof interest,thentheeffectof theinterven- enclosures with holes or missing panels. The in-
ingair spacebecomes important.Resonances in terior absorption coefficient u and transmission
thecavityspace mayexhibita strongcouplingef- coefficient r should both be set equal to unity
fect with panel resonances; furthermore,the where there are open sides. Because the assump-
assumptionof a reverberantfield insidethe tion of a reverberant field may often still be made,
enclosure is questionable whenthe machineoc- normal enclosure prediction formulas as given in
cupiesa largefractionof theenclosure volume. section remain valid with the above coeffi-
Thisleadsto substantial deviations from simple cient substitutions. Partial enclosure perfor-
masslaw predictions,whichare not easilyac- mance, however, is obviously limited and can be
countedfor.18,19 difficult to predict because of serious directivity
Recentlythe problemof predictingthe effects at the open sides. If major noise sources
acousticenvironmentwithin the spaceshuttle are kept well within the enclosure and their spec-
payloadbayhasresultedin thedevelopment of an trum is mainly high frequency, then a reduction of
analyticalmodel2° to predict space-averaged levels as much as 10 dB in level may be gained outside
within the empty or partly filled bay. This incor- the open end. This is more readily achieved by the
use of internal absorption, especially with
porates the use of statistical energy analysis, SEA,
to be used when the excitation field is diffuse and judicious positioning of this near the open areas.
there are large numbers of acoustic and structural Figure 6.9 presents some partial barrier configura-
modes present. 21 At low frequencies, account tions and their anticipated performance.
must be taken of each individual mode, whereas Partial enclosures can be particularly useful
where there are severe access constraints to a
SEA utilizes the concept of an average modal den-
sity in frequencies (see section 6.2.4). The model machine because of supply/product feed or ven-
computes net power flow from the exterior to the tilation requirements. Partial enclosures may also
interior and between subvolumes surrounding the be helpful in reducing localized noise sources
payload. The potential value of this model with which are integral parts of a larger machine sur-
respect to other applications is in accounting for
variations in sound pressure level produced when
6.2.2 Use of Acoustic Absorption in
large-scale structures are introduced into a cavity:
Reverberation Control
these are particularly evident at low frequencies.
Some of these theoretical results have been
validated using physical scale models. 2°,22 The Absorption has limited value within the direct
field of a source unless used in conjunction with
most difficult task in this approach is to define
insulating materials in enclosures. Figure 5.9
adequately a series of subvolumes, each of which
shows the appropriate placement of material for
must be considered homogeneous in terms of the
different propagation paths. As a general rule, at
acoustic field. A finite element approach can also
be used. 23 less than 3 m from machine surfaces, no signifi-
A comprehensive review 24 of all the recent ac- cant reduction may be achieved with absorption
alone. The transition from a direct to a
complishments in the prediction of interior noise
reverberant field occurs at an approximate
for transportation vehicles and cavities of various
sorts helps to summarize the work of NASA in distance r c (see figure 3.11), which may be com-
this field. It is considered therein that the increas- puted according to
-13 dB with or without
_with no absorptive
-4 dB with no lining on
screen and enclosure
- 6 dB with lining on
enclosure but not
-4 dB with no lining on on screen
screen or enclosure -10 dB lining on screen
-10 dB with lining on enclosure and enclosure
but not on screen
-10 dB with lining on screen
and enclosure
Figure 6.9 - Partial enclosure approximate attenuation performances. Values specify average change in
SPL in the frequency range 500-4000 Hz. (a) Enclosure with one side open. (b) Tunnel. (c) Open-sided
enclosure and moveable screen. (From lan Sharland, Woods Practical Guide to Noise Control, 1972. Used
with the permission of Woods Acoustics.)
the ears and finding the position for which any formance of insulating materials. It is commonly
detectable source directionality is seriously accepted that the improvement from small reduc-
diminished. Normally the noise exposure of a tions in the reverberant level are subjectively
machine's operator is dominated by the direct rather greater than would be anticipated merely
sound field. However, in some instances, noisy from consideration of the changes in the overall
machines may produce reverberant sound levels sound pressure level. It should be cautioned,
which exceed the direct field levels received by however, that only rarely are sound fields truly
operators of quieter machines. Some examples of diffuse; consequently there is often considerable
this situation and the effects of possible uncertainty as to the exact reduction which is
treatments illustrating the balance between achievable at a particular point by means of extra
reverberant and direct fields are shown in figure absorption. This is especially so where the room
6.10. When sources or machines are scattered over shape deviates from regular geometry as, for ex-
the whole floor area, it is unusual for very few ample, in very long, low-ceilinged buildings.
positions to be outside the dominant influence of As noted in section 6.2.1, the reverberation
direct fields. level is related to room characteristics by
The usual objectives of reverberant field con-
trol are to reduce the noise exposure of personnel SPL = PWL + 101og4/R c dB
below the statutory or desired limits, to improve
speech communications and the detection of aural where R c is the room constant (= S6dl -_), m 2.
warning signals, and to reduce net incident sound The quantity S_, which is a measure of the
pressure level, thereby alleviating the required per- total absorption in the room, is found by assessing
Before Required After
+10 -- 3dB
Reduction in total
SPL of 3 dB
0 ' --4--m-- _.- _--
OdB Reduction in
-10 --- reverberant SPL
by 20 dB
-10 t
-20 -- -20
+10 -
+10 1
o 0 | | "
SPL of 10 dB
0 dB Reduction in I Reduction in total
direct SPL -10 ....
rt -10
t.,O by 20 dB
- 20 -- -20
+10 -- +10 -
0---- 7 Reduction in
reverberant SPL I Reduction
SPL of 7 dB
in total
of 10 dB
-10 -10
Direct-field SPL
Figure 6.10 - Contributions of direct and reverberant fields to the total sound pressure level.
high ambient noise levels tend to make suitable where
measurements of the decay curve difficult and the Rci is the room constant before absorption
inherent assumption of a diffuse field is often in- treatment
valid. Figure 6.11a shows a typical change in Rc2 is the room constant after absorption
reverberation time for varying amounts of absorp- treatment.
tion added to the main doors, ceilings, and upper
half of the walls of a large machine shop. In this A ready account of the attenuation may be
case, the precaution was taken of averaging the made with reference to figure 6.12, from which it
results at three separate locations to account for may be seen that there is a decreasing benefit in in-
spatial variations. The accompanying inset table creasing the absorption without limit. As a rough
shows the actual performance against the design guide, a factor of 5 change in the average absorp-
goal. A photograph of the absorption treatment, tion coefficient _ produces a change of 10 dB or so
which was spray-installed using a cellulose base of in the sound pressure level.
average depth 3.0 in. (7.6 cm), is shown in figure It is often possible to add appreciable absorp-
6.1lb. tion only in the ceiling area. This may conven-
The reduction in sound level ASPL which can iently be achieved by the use of functional ab-
be expected from the addition of absorption sorbers (see section 5.1.3 and figures 5.9 and
material is related to the room constant by 5.10). Other useful techniques include standard
modular absorbing panels, using a spray-on
ASPL = 10 log Rc2/Rcl dB fibrous absorbent which can often be applied
Predicted Achieved
RT 500 Hz
2.0 1.9
Total RT
reduction 75 49
0 I 1 I 1 I t I
Pink 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k
easilyandeconomically,andresonatorunitsfor 6.2.3 Flanking Path Analysis and Identification
5.6). Energy not transmitted from the source to the
receiver along the most direct path is termed
flanking or indirect energy. This may occur as a
result of mechanical excitation of the structure
0 and subsequent re-radiation at points distant from
the original source; break-out of energy from
v --5
ducts or ceiling voids into neighboring spaces; and
airborne sound transmission through weak points
z -10
in existing insulating barriers. Several of these
_ -15 routes are illustrated in figure 6.13.
f ceiling
: .... . .: . :.....
Re-entry of acoustic
energy into structure
lossR, of the order of 5 dB or more, often in- SPL N = PWL - 10logS s + 10log
dicates the amount of sound propagation via
unaccounted paths. In this case the slope of the [(Co + 4/R 0) (C 1 + 4/R l) ... (C_, + 4/Rx) ]
octave band plot for the partition insulation is
often less than predicted. Directional microphones + 10 tog [(r0)(rl)(r2) ... (rN_l) ] dB
are sometimes useful for locating areas radiating
into a room when the acoustic space concerned is where
relatively small and anechoic. Even more effective PWL is the source power level, dB
is the direct assessment of sound power radiated s, is the source area, m 2
from neighboring walls relative to the insulating R N is the room constant of the Nth cavity,
partition of interest, using accelerometers. The ap- m2
propriate equation for estimating this is is the correction factor of the Nth
cavity, dependent on source shape and
distance and orientation of source with
W = cr<_2>ocS W
respect to receiver.
_N-I is the transmission coefficient associ-
where ated with the partition between the
is the radiation
(3" efficiency of the N- l th and Nth cavities.
panel, usually approximately 1
<_2> is the space averaged mean square Comparing the relative magnitude of CN with
velocity of panel surface, m/s 4/R N indicates whether the direct or reverberant
oc is the specific acoustic impedance field dominates. As the cavity walls become less
of air, N. s/m effective as barriers, then the product of r's tends
S is the radiating area of panel, m 2. to unity, and consequently zero net barrier attenu-
ation results, since log (1) = 0.
Note: This equation is strictly applicable only For the case of structural radiation by N sur-
above the panel critical frequency fc' faces into a single cavity, the resultant sound pres-
Other techniques employed for this purpose sure level is given by
include correlation analysis (see section 3.4.1),
and the use of a vibration isolated noise source SPL = PWL l - 10 log S 1 + 10 log
(e.g., a loudspeaker) in place of a nonisolated
source. The latter procedure enables a comparison r2(C 2 + 4/R)
+ 4/R) +
to be made between the attenuation obtained with rl(Cl fl2/_2
Someof theprocedures to reduceweakened 6.2.4 Statistical Energ} Analysis (SEA)
transmissionpathshavealreadybeendealtwithin In the early 1960s statistical energy analysis
thesectionon enclosures (section6.2.1.2).Good evolved mainly as a result of NASA and USAF
caulkingat paneledgeandapertures with bitu- funding of studies regarding complex noise and
mastic-type compounds,positivepressureseals vibration problems in high speed aircraft and
arounddoors,doublepanelsresilientlyisolated, spacecraft. The three main areas of application
resilientmountingof ductsandserviceconnec- have been structural vibration excited by airborne
tions, andvibrationisolationof machinesand noise, generation of a sound field within an elastic
enclosurescanallhelpachieve therequisite insula- container caused by external excitation by noise,
tionperformance withoutdegradation fromunac- and the flux of vibratory energy through intercon-
countedpropagation routes. nected elastic structures. 29 Many of the original
Forthehelicopter problema widevarietyof principles were developed from room acoustics
remedialprocedures wereusedto reducethe modal analysis.
interiorlevelby some29riB(A).28Theseincluded Reference 30 summarizes the early work on
applyingdampingtape to structuralmembers, acoustic excitation of structures and provides a
mountingtheinteriortrim onantivibrationisola- useful introduction to the techniques invoh, ed.
tors to precludestrongradiationfromthe sides Basically, SEA relies on estimating the average
and ceiling,acoustically sealingthe doorsand number of resonances in a moderately broad band
ducts,installinga raisedplywoodfloor2cmthick, of frequencies and the spatial distribution of
andfilling thevolumebetween trim andfuselage response amplitude for a "typical" mode of reso-
wallswith16-kg/m 3densityfiberglass or twolead nance. By computing the average response of this
layersseparated with absorbentfoam of total typical mode to sound waves from many angles, it
thickness5 cmandtotalsurface density7.3kg/m2. is possible to estimate the average space-time
Thesearesummarized in figure6.14,whichshows response in that frequency band, after multiplica-
the acoustictreatmentconfigurations aswell as tion with the appropriate modal density. The
majornoisesources. benefit of such an approach is that, even if all the
individual modes could be exactly characterized,
the computation of the separate effects of each
mode would be impossibly cumbersome.
IVl ...... Main gear box 57 Normally at least two of three distinct phases
aln cr ve .¢n_ Tail rotor _ are involved in conducting SEA analysis,
Engine___'X /drive_/ namely, 31 the development of a power-flow model
O' -- -
erence 28). (a) Side view. (b) Internal cross section. r/i = wEstored
where Although SEA has been used mainly as a
Hi,dissis thepowerdissipated
in theith ele- research tool, these techniques are used increas-
ment, W ingly in building acoustics, marine engineering
o: is the angular frequency (= 27rf), Hz and shipbuilding, and nuclear reactor design, as
Estored is the stored energy, J; well as in industrial noise problems. An example
of the predictive accuracy with SEA appears in
figure 6.16, which is taken from a study on
acoustic excitation of a spacecraft shroud and the
subsequent effect on the interior space. 34 The
where calculated noise reduction is consistently lower at
Flij is the power flow between systems i low frequencies, probably as a result of the
and j, W reduction in internal acoustic modal density.
El, Ej is the total energy of systems i and j, Fortunately, some relevant parameters, such
respectively, J. as acoustical radiation impedance, which provides
a measure of the coupling between sound fields,
The total modal count in the ith system, Ni, is and modal densities, can be calculated using basic
related to the modal density n i by acoustical theory. 35
N i = niA f
where Af is the frequency bandwidth of interest. d_
co _ 30
o o o_
_ x I Theoretical
]-Ii,in = I-ll,diss + l-Ii2 + 1-[13
l]2,in = 1-I2,diss - 1-I12 + H23
1-13,in = I-I3,diss - 1-I13 - I-I23 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
I theoretical prediction
or alternatively, 0 experimental values
1] 2, in 113, in I
ll , in
After suitable assessment of noise exposure
parameters, the risk of hearing hazard should be
evaluated. In critical work positions, it is usually
best to use noise dosimeters to check on the total
exposure received by each employee. To comply
1113 t Nonresonant path
1-I1, diss 112, diss 133, diss with OSHA regulations, the allowed exposure
dose for each 8-hour period may not exceed unity,
Figure 6.15 - Single-panel sea model. which is equivalent to a 90 dB(A) continuous level
(seetheAppendix).If possible, theexposure dose termediate varieties as well. The former are often
shouldnotexceed 0.5,to obviatetheneedforany prefabricated in several sizes, although some may
formof hearingprotection.As shownin figure be custom-shaped in situ for the wearer. Ear plugs
A. 1in theAppendix,levelsover85dB(A)carrya made of glass down or waxed cotton wool,
seriousrisk of eventualpermanent hearingdam- designed to be used only once, are also available.
age. It is importantthereforeto developand The attenuation afforded by these types varies
implement sourceandpathengineering solutions widely, depending on the manufacturer, wearer,
to noisecontrol.Controlat thereceiver position and quality of fit. Consequently, both the average
shouldnot beconsidered unlesssourceandpath attenuation and the standard deviation over a
engineering solutionsrequirea substantiallead range of people are usua!ly quoted to provide a
time for completeinstallationor unlesstheycan better estimate of their potential value. Earmuffs
provideonlya limitedattenuation. Thefollowing consist of circumaural cups, usually built of
sectionsset forth the long-termlimitationsof plastic shells with fluid- or foam-filled seals, fit-
administrativeor personalhearingprotection ting completely around each ear and connected by
programs, fromthestandpoint of economicsand a properly tensioned headband. Photographs of
of satisfactoryacousticattenuation. the various types of hearing protectors are shown
in figure 6.17.
6.3.1 Personal Hearing Protection The performance of ear plugs is more variable
than that of muffs because plugs require an indi-
There are two common types of protectors, vidual optimization for each wearer moreover,
namely, ear plugs and ear muffs, with several in- workers often insert plugs incompletely because
Figure 6.17- Examples of common types of hearing protectors. (By courtesy of Flents Products Co.,
Bilsom International, Inc., Adco Hearing Conservation, Inc., and E.A.R. Corp.)
theymaybeuncomfortable. Theperformance of A hearing conservation strategy should also
earmuffsdepends oncorrecttensionin thehead- include a continual education program with such
band,propermaintenance of thesealsaroundthe features as labelling of hazardous areas with warn-
cups,andtheabsence of longhairor spectacles, ing signs, personal instruction for fitting hearing
whichwill detractfromtheircorrectfitting.Two protectors, informative films and pamphlets, and
standardprocedures for testingthe performance personal example by management and union offi-
of eithertype are now available, 36,37and the cials. All new employees should be given instruc-
Environmental Protection Agencyhasproposed a tion on hearing conservation as part of their
singlenumberrating,basedin parton thetesting formal induction schedule.
proceduresetforth in reference 37, calledthe Administrative noise control procedures are
noisereductionrating(NRR).38TheNRRis sub- based on the principle that exposure is a function
tractedfromadB(C)estimate of thenoiseclimate both of time and level. According to the OSHA
togivethenetlevelreceived attheearin dB(A).It standard (see the Appendix), the trade-off be-
is intended to introducethisprocedure for rating tween these is a 5 dB increase in permissible level
andlabellingall futurehearingprotectors.The for each halving of the exposure time. For exam-
NationalInstitutefor Occupational Safetyand ple, employees who steadily experience 90 dB(A)
Health(NIOSH)haspublisheda comprehensive should never be exposed to higher levels, while
list of attenuationdataandstandarddeviations those who do have exposure above 90 dB(A)
for proprietaryhearingprotectormodels. 39A should be removed from the noise source after
recentreport4°hasalsoestablished thatthenoise expiration of the relevant OSHA time limit and
attenuation providedby earplugsin actualuseis should spend the balance of the day in areas at
muchlessthanthatpredicted by laboratorytest- under 90 dB(A). This approach obviously requires
ing.Thisappears to betheresultof improperfit- careful allocation and scheduling of work duties;
ting in the workplace,underscoring the impor- in practice it has met with little success. 41 It works
tanceof carefulselection andskilledsupervision best where it is feasible to split shifts, so that an
when ear plugs are initially introducedto individual's work time is divided between
employees. operations at various noise levels, or by using a
particularly noisy machine on several different
days rather than on one occasional full day.
6.3.2 Monitoring Audiometry and Administrative
Control Procedures
6. Miller,T. D., Industrial Noise Control: Put- Con. Eng., voi. 10, no. 2, March-April 1978,
ting it all Together, Noise Con. Eng., vol. 9, p. 74.
no. 1, July-August 1977, p. 24. 20. Wilby, J. F., and L. D. Pope, Prediction of
7. Beranek, Leo L., ed., Noise and Vibration the Acoustic Environment in the Space
Control, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1971. Shuttle Payload Bay, AIAA Paper 79-0643,
8. Stewart, J. S., and F. D. Hart, Control of In- March 1979.
dustrial Wood Planer Noise through Improved 21. Pope, L. D., and J. F. Wilby, Band-Limited
Cutterhead Design, Noise Con. Eng., vol. 7, Power-Flow into Enclosures, J. Acoust. Soc.
no. 1, July-August 1976, p. 4. Amer., vol. 62, no. 4, 1977, p. 906.
9. Stewart, J. S., A Theoretical and Experimental 22. Piersol, A. G., and P. E. Rentz, Experimental
Study of Wood Planer Noise and its Control, Studies of the Space Shuttle Payload Acoustic
PhD. Thesis, North Carolina State Univ., Environment, SAE Paper 770973, November
1972, NASA CR-I12314, 1972. 1977.
10. Brooks, T. F., and J. R. Bailey, Mechanisms 23. Unruh, J. F., A Finite Element Subvolume
of Aerodynamic Noise Generation in Idling Technique for Structural-Borne Interior Noise
Woodworking Machinery, ASME 75-DET-47, Prediction, AIAA Paper 79-0585, March
September 1975.
11. Hart, F. D., D. L. Neal, and F. O. Smetana, 24. Dowell, E. H., Master Plan for Prediction of
Industrial Noise Control: Some Case His- Vehicle Interior Noise, AIAA Paper 79-0582,
March 1979.
tories, Volume 1, NASA CR-142314, 1974.
(Primary source--Warnaka, (3. E., H. T. 25. Moreland, J. D., Controlling Industrial Noise
Miller, and J. M. Zalos, Structural Damping by Means of Room Boundary Absorption,
as a Technique for Industrial Noise Control, Noise Con. Eng., vol. 7, no. 3, Novem-
AIHA J., January 1972, p. 1.) ber-December 1976, p. 148.
26. Lang, J., Differences Between Acoustical
12. Davies, H. (3., and R. H. Lyon, Noise Propa-
Insulation Properties Measured in the Labor-
gation in Cellular Urban and Industrial Spaces,
atory and the Results of Measurements in
J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 54, no. 6, 1973, p.
situ, App. Ac., vol. 5, no. 1, 1972, p. 21.
27. Levine, L. S., and J. J. DeFelice, Civil Heli-
13. Simpson, Myles A., Noise Barrier Design
copter Research Aircraft Internal Noise Pre-
Handbook (prepared for FHA by Bolt
diction, NASA CR-145146, 1977.
Beranek and Newman), available from NTIS
28. Howlett, J. T., S. A. Clevenson, J. A. Rupf,
as PB-266 378, 1976.
and W. J. Snyder, Interior Noise Reduction in
14. Kurze, U. J., Noise Reduction by Barriers, J.
a Large Civil Helicopter, NASA TN D-8477,
Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 55, no. 3, 1974, p. 1977.
29. Smith, P. W., Concepts and Applications of
15. Moreland, J. B., and R. S. Musa, The Per- SEA, J. Acoust. Soc. Amer., vol. 65, supp. 1,
formance of Acoustic Barriers, Noise Con. 1979, p. $97.
Eng., vol. 1, no. 2, Autumn 1973, p. 98. 30. Smith, P. W. and R. H. Lyon, Sound and
16. Nordby, K. S., Measurement and Evaluation Structural Vibration, NASA CR 160, 1965.
of the Insertion Loss of Panels, Noise Con. 31. Lyon, R. H., What Good is SEA Anyway?
Eng., vol. 10, no. 1, January-February 1978, Shock and Vibration Digest, vol. 2, no. 6,
p. 22. 1970, p. 2.
17. Lockheed Missiles and Space Co., Response 32. Ghering, W. L., Reference Data for Acoustic
of a Panel to Reverberant Acoustic Excita- Noise Control, Ann Arbor Science Publishers,
tion, Cosmic Program Abstract, MFS-21774, 1978.
1972. 33. Lyon, R. H., Statistical Energy Analysis of
18. Dowell, E. H., Acoustoelasticity (Princeton Dynamical Systems: Theory and Applications,
Univ. Report AMS 1280, May 1976; NASA MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1975.
Grant NSG-1253), NASA CR-145110, 1977. 34. Manning, J. E., and N. Koronaios, Experi-
19. Tweed, L. W., and D. R. Tree, Three mental Study of Sound and Vibration Trans-
Methods for Predicting the Insertion Loss of mission to a Shroud-Enclosed Spacecraft,
Close-Fitting Acoustical Enclosures, Noise NASA CR-96144, 1968.
35. Lyon,R. H., andG. Maidanik,Reviewof 39. Kroes, P., R. Fleming, and B. Lempert, List
SomeRecentResearch on NoiseandStruc- of Personal Hearing Protectors and Attenua-
turalVibration,NASATN D-2266, 1964. tion Data, available from NTIS as HEW Pub.
No. (NIOSH) 76-120, 1975.
36. ANSI, American National Standard Method
for the Measurement of the Real-Ear Attenu- 40. Edwards, R. G., et. al., A Field Investigation
ation of Ear Protectors at Threshold, ANSI of Noise Reduction Afforded by Insert-Type
Z24.22-1957. Hearing Protectors (prepared for NIOSH by
Watkins and Associates, Inc.), available from
37. ANSI, American National Standard Method NTIS as DHEW (NIOSH) Pub. No. 79-115,
for the Measurement of Real-Ear Protection 1979.
of Hearing Protectors and Physical Attenua- 41. Schmidek, M. E., M. A. Layne, B. L.
tion of Earmuffs, ANSI $3.19-1974.
Lempert, and R. M. Fleming, Survey of
38. Anon. Noise Labeling Requirements, Hearing Hearing Conservation Programs in Industry,
Protectors, Federal Register, vol. 42, p. 120, available from NTIS as HEW Pub. No.
June 22, 1977. (NIOSH) 75-178, 1975.
This chapter examines in detail several major "/.1.1 Jet Noise Theory
categories of industrial noise sources and tech-
niques for the alleviation of the noise problems Jet exhausts create noise in fundamentally the
they present. The selection and proportional cov- same manner regardless of whether they are hot or
erage of material used here was governed primarily cold, located in aircraft engines, or form part of
by the amount of NASA and related aerospace an industrial process. The high velocity gas inter-
research in areas important to nonaerospace noise acts with the ambient air at rest, producing severe
control engineers, namely, turbulence and rotor- shearing stresses. These in turn generate a mixing
stator interactions within flow ducts, blade config- region of high turbulence where individual eddies
urations of fans and compressors, combustion act as separate sources of noise. The resultant
noise, and jet exhaust noise. There is much theo- spectrum is typically broadband with high fre-
retical and experimental analysis of these topics; quency contributions from the shearing region
where prior work is innovative and relevant to and low frequency components from the region of
general purpose noise control, references are larger scale turbulence downstream of the jet (see
given. There are, however, several outstanding figure 7.1).
examples of NASA-sponsored technology that The total sound power generated by the mix-
have begun to show immediate practical value; for ing of the jet alone, W, is normally taken as
others, prototype testing has indicated a strong dependent on the eighth power of the exit velocity
potential noise reduction benefit. The most salient after Lighthill's theory.l The full expression is
features of these are discussed in sufficient detail
to provide a reasonable idea of their mode of k sjv
W- W
operation and construction, as well as their appro- c5
priateness for certain physical and acoustical
k is the constant of proportionality (depend-
ent on nozzle geometry concerned)
7.1 JET AND TURBULENCE NOISE 0 is the jet air density, kg/m 3
Sj is the fully expanded jet area, m2
This section discusses the theory of jet noise
and some of the more practical examples of
Mi_;g region of, \ f-- Boundary with free air
suppression devices from the many techniques
proposed. Valve noise is essentially caused by the
-scale lurDulence_ _ /_
generation of turbulence inside pipes after
formation of a jet at a restricted orifice, and thus
has many properties similar to free jets. Finally,
the characterization of flame-burning profiles and
Nozzle orifice J _/_ _ _ _ _ _ _ \
their concomitant turbulent effect on the ambient
atmosphere, whether in a lined combustor or in L_ Laminar core flow _ _'/
free air, remains imprecise, although aerospace • Fully mixed region ofl
investigators and commercial manufacturers of large-scale turbulence
burners have made increasing efforts to improve
prediction and suppression techniques. Figure 7.1 - Diagram of free jet.
vj is the jet velocity, m/s
c is the speed of sound in ambient air, m/s. _.-r-&'_
-- tj
Jet exhaust
t- o 0=o o _ h_-18o o
+ -10
9' =17_0° < 0' <- 110 °
where "_ o 1
_ -30
vj is the jet core velocity, m/s + °0, 1
D is the jet nozzle diameter, m g o -40
"_ _j
fp is the peak frequency, Hz. --50b
O --60 L • L - L _ L
As the ratio between the jet exit pressure and I --1.6 --1.2--0.8--0.4 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 1.6
the ambient air pressure is increased, then there is _-
Nondimensional frequency parameter, log F
SPL is the level in one third octave
F =--fOe band frequency at 0
(Tj_ ) °'4(l +c°s °')
_,j 1"0 OASPL9oo is the overall level at 0 = 90 °.
Note: The convection Mach number M c is Velocit) _ reduction
kind of solid boundary, then a new source of noise Vent pipe _ ':_::::::::::_ i :: ::::::_ :::::_:
is generated, the intensity of which is dependent
on the location of this boundary, the geometry of
the surface involved, and the acoustic nature of
the surface. Subsonic jets impinging on a hard
reflector may produce an increase of about 7
dB(A), and if the surface is slotted in some way p re,jure
then the increase may be an extra 10 dB(A) over
Suppressor -J L Jet streamlines
this. 4
gavemaximum noisesuppressionupto21dB.The also shifts the spectrum to high frequencies and
mostcriticalfeatureof thedesign
isto ensure
that may be accompanied by some net velocity reduc-
the overexpanded flow reachesthe suppressor tion. Shrouds should usually be sufficiently long
wallsbeforethe exit. Approximatepipedimen- to prevent direct radiation at angles greater than
sionsarederivedfrom 10 ° from the jet axis, and reductions of up to 20
dB are achievable. The principal defect of these
devices is their propensity to generate back pres-
L /Rsp ) sure; also, severe size constraints often apply in
RZ = 11.4 _Rvv-1
practical working situations.
R v is the vent pipe radius
Rsn is the suppressor radius
L is the length of suppressor.
Figure 7.4 - Examples of several kinds of jet noise silencers (by courtesy of G. IV. Norris Co. and Vlier
Manyhighpressure jet exhausts fromcom- settling chambers with pressures nearly equal to
pressed air machineactuatorsandtoolshavea the ambient level, cancelling abrupt positive and
smallsize;because of their sizeandfunctional negative pressure gradients within the jet stream.
design,they may be unsuitedto absorptive In addition, because of the geometrical configura-
shrouds.In consequence, it is oftenmostconven- tion of the plug, some noise reduction of the
ientsimplytopipetheexhaust awayfromtheim- shearing action of the jet stream with the ambient
mediate workingareausinga thick-walled flexible air is observed at all subsonic and supersonic flow
tube. conditions.
Onedevice recently
developed in experimental The most important parameters are plug
formby NASA8,9usesa centerbodyporousplug length and porosity; apparently, the ratio of the
insertedalongthelongitudinal axisof thejet atthe plug to nozzle diameters is less significant. Super-
orificeas illustratedin figure7.5.This is most sonic flow may be present at the end of the shorter
effectivefor noisesuppression ofsupersonic flows plugs tested, so that a longer configuration might
andprovides a shock-free flowovera widerange be more effective at high pressure ratios. Figure
of pressure ratiosfrom 1.14to 3.72.Shocksand 7.6 shows the extent of attenuation possible with
the resultantnoiseare eliminatedby pressure these devices at lengths of 25 cm and 69 cm.
equalization aroundthejet axis.The poresbe- Porous plug suppressors concentrate noise
tweenthejet flowandinteriorplugcavityactlike sources in the flow, leading to a more uniform
directivity pattern, and reduce the size of the
large-scale structure of the flow. These results
tend to enhance the performance of any acoustic
baffle at the jet, further reducing noise.
Porosity = 1.2%
_ 110
(69 cm)
o 90
I i
o'.3 Ito 3to 3o
Freouencv (kHz)
/-- Secondary or outer air flow or to provide emergency pressure relief systems
designed to operate either fully open or fully
_-'_---- =-2 -_-................. closed. The flow velocity of fluids and gases in
pipes is usually low, but where valves are used to
regulate high pressure or high velocity flows, then
the "choking" of flow increases the velocity to the
--_r_-" - " - "- II III
eair flow ----'-- -_-----____ speed of ambient sound, i.e., Mach 1 (see section
7.1.1). Although there are generally no increases
Figure 7. 7 - Jet noise suppression by entrainment in velocity beyond the critical pressure ratio, the
of ambient air flow. Noise producing regions: L density does increase, and a mismatch in flow con-
core-outer flow mixing; H, outer flow - ambient ditions at the vena contracta can produce down-
mixing; HI, merged jets - ambient/nixing. stream shockwaves (see figure 7.9).
Area ratio: Valve stem seals
Valve body
0:r 0.5
/ I " J L,--r_
' r i
LT_-rJ r
of shock
plane and
order waves
< -12
-14 1 t I 1 J
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 The turbulence produced by any effective
valve as a by-product of the required pressure
upstream or downstream of thevalvewithin-line to use a series of staged pressure reductions or to
units,or increasing thetransmission lossof pipe utilize a cage with diametrically opposed holes in
wallsasdiscussed in section5.2.2. the valve trim. The flow through opposite pairs of
Quiet valvesare producedwhich operate these holes meets in the center of the cage and
according to eitheror bothof twoprinciples: (a) creates a continuous fluid cushion which prevents
thedivisionof thetotalpressure dropintoa series cavitating fluid from reaching the valve plug and
of smallersuccessive pressure drop stages,each seat line. Reductions of up to 6 dB are possible
belowthecriticalpressure ratio,and(b)theuseof using this approach.
multipleflow restrictions in parallel,with a high For path control of valve noise, in-line
length-to-diameter ratio, whichcausehigh fric- silencers are most effective when situated about
tionalandviscouslosses. Examples of bothkinds two to three pipe diameters from the valve. The
aregivenin figure7.10;reductions of upto 15-20 length of pipe between the valve and silencer
dBarepossible. Diffusersmaybeplacedsomedis- should be heavily wrapped in order to reduce
tancedownstream of thevalveorificetoattenuate sound transmission through the pipe wall. Note
thenoisefurther.Reasonable predictions ofsound that the outlet velocity of the silencer is controlled
powerlevelcan be madefor valveconfigura- by the configuration of downstream pipework.
tions,12,13althoughspectralcontentdepends For vent attenuators where gas is exhausted to
heavilyonindividualcharacteristics. open air, the diameter should be large enough to
For hydrodynamicflow with fluids, the keep the merging gas velocity low (less than 50
majorproblemisto prevent cavitationatthevena m/s); otherwise a secondary jet noise source could
contracta.Cavitation occurs because, as the fluid be generated at the outlet.
passes through the control valve orifice, its in-
creased velocity causes the pressure to drop below 7.1.4 Fluid Flow Problems
that of the fluid vapor pressure, and hence bub-
bles are formed. As the flow moves downstream, Hydraulic systems may present noise prob-
the velocity decreases again with resultant pressure lems, especially where motor-pump attachments
recovery. Implosion of the bubbles occurs when are located. The general rank order for the level of
the static pressure becomes greater than the liquid noise generated by such pumps is screw-drive,
vapor pressure and consequently extremely high piston-drive, and gear-drive, the latter being the
pressure shock waves are produced. These have worst case. ]4 Noise generated in the fluid line itself
serious consequences, not only regarding noise, occurs because of sharp bends, restrictions, and
but also because of the erosion of valve parts. The internal pipe fittings, which cause cavitation and
most effective way of combating erosion is either turbulence. A series of early NASA studies 15-18
examining acoustic propagation in a liquid flow
line looked at the separate effects of 90 ° bends,
closed-end side branches, dynamic response of the
line, and pure tones superimposed on laminar
ve plug
flows of liquids with varying viscosity. It was
found that the amount of energy imparted by a
massive fluid to a pipe wall because of turbulent
flow at internal asymmetries could be satisfacto-
rily predicted. Some of the results showed that
there was no substantial evidence for acoustic
reflection effects at elbows or pipe terminations
per se.
I'L I'V_ SectionA-A The interrelationship of the parameters influ-
encing fluid turbulence in pipes is conveniently
(b) (c) (d)
shown using the Reynolds number, NR:
v is the fluid velocity, m/s of the sound power in burners is difficult because
Q is the fluid density, kg/m 3 of the wide range of variables involved, not the
# is the coefficient of viscosity, N.s/m 2. least of which is the flame geometry.
An examination of the characteristics of a
When the fluid particles move parallel to each can-type combustor with a large by-pass ratio of
other and to the general direction of flow, laminar draft to consumed air produced the following pro-
flow is considered to prevail. This normally occurs portional relationship for sound power level,
at Reynolds numbers of less than 1200. At higher PWL20:
Reynolds numbers turbulent flow becomes estab-
lished, but the level of sound generated is not PWL ¢x mfm 2
necessarily proportional to the value of the Rey-
nolds number concerned. where
Dissipative mufflers or tuned reactive units m f is the fuel flow rate
(see section 7.3.4) may be employed where appro- m a is the air flow rate through the can.
priate. When a pipe size for nonturbulent flow
conditions is not feasible, then acoustic energy Oscillations and combustion roar are often
may be attenuated using flexible hoses, surge both produced; typical frequency spectra for these
chambers, or vibration-isolated supporting struts; are shown in figure 7.11. 21 The former is
in addition, the transmission loss of the pipe walls characterized by a discrete frequency spectrum
may be enhanced by wrapping or increasing the and high levels and is not always present, whereas
wall thickness. the latter has a relatively broadband spectrum of
moderate levels and is associated with any turbu-
7.1.5 Furnace and Combustion Noise lent combustion process. Oscillations in particular
need to be suppressed, since they represent large-
The noise from natural and forced draft fur- scale turbulence which can cause severe vibration
naces is predominantly low to mid frequency, and and even fatigue problems in the surrounding
one analytical study 19 confirms that combustion structure.
noise is inherently broadband with peak frequen- A general discussion of combustion noise in
cies typically in the 400-1000 Hz range. There are reference 20 indicates that the generation of a
also indications that the amount of heat released roar, often exacerbated by amplification at
per unit mass of fuel is the parameter that controls natural frequencies of the furnace, depends on the
the sound level at the peak frequency. Prediction square of the turbulence intensity. It is therefore
120 80
o 110 70
1 O0 60
90 50
1 I 1 I 40 I I 1 I I I
5 10 20 30 40 100 200 400 600 1000 2000 5000
(a) (b)
Figure 7.11 - Noise spectra for combustion phenomenon (reference 21). (a) Combustion-driven oscillation.
(b) Combustion roar. (Used by permission of the Noise Control Foundation and A. A. Putnam.)
importantto reduceturbulenceintensitywhile configuration.
22Otherpossible techniques include
maintainingsatisfactorycombustionperform- ductedcombustors whichadjustthefuel/airmix-
ance.This canbe achieved by reducingburner ture to giveshorterflameswith inherentlyless
flowrates,reducing excessiveswirl,andmatching large-scaleoscillations,and the use of rods
flowdirections to thegeometry of thecombustion insertedinto the flame region. 23 Combustion
vessel.Flame-holder geometriesare especially oscillations
areoftenbesteliminated orattenuated
importantin influencingtheefficiency andrough- by tunedresonator cavities.
nessof combustion. Figure7.12shows thebenefi- It is sometimesexpedientto construct
cial effectof usinga plane-slotted flameholder externalacoustically
treatedplenums orenclosures
with two counter-swirling streamsovera simple andleaveasidethemoreunpredictable approach
perforatedcanholder.Apart from reducingthe of controllingthesourcenoise.Thesecanbebuilt
total powerspectraldensityby some15dB, the arounda completegroupof furnaces,andit is
moststablecombustion is alsoachieved withthis sometimes necessaryto incorporatefansto pro-
videsufficientsupplemental airto feedthem.
tional heating, ventilation, and cooling systems
for human comfort. Fortunately, relatively simple
acoustic solutions may be applied to alleviate
- 100 I i i I
200 400 600 800 1000 noise problems. Conventional industrial fans have
Frequency (Hz) lower blade loadings and lower speeds than air-
craft engine fans and compressors and so they
- 2O
- 20
"2 - 40
-60 _-60
a_ --80
o -80
-100 ,
200 ,
400 ,
600 ,
800 ,
1000 _lOO
o 200 400 -- ±
Frequency (Hz) Frequency (Hz)
(b) (c)
Figure 7.12 - Power spectral densities of various flame holder configurations (reference 22). (a) Plane,
slotted flame holder with swirl vanes. (b) Plane, slotted flame holder. (c) Perforated can flame holder.
eliminate many of the more complex sound-gener-
ating mechanisms associated with the latter.
type,in particular,hasthebestefficiency of allthe measure of fan performance. At the appropriate
centrifugalfansandcorrespondingly the lowest flow coefficient, Fan A operates at peak effi-
soundpowerlevels. ciency, whereas for the same value of the flow'
Twoparameters areof particularimportance coefficient Fan B is not operating at optimum effi-
in influencingthenoisecharacteristics of circum- ciency and may well be noisier in consequence.
ferentialfans.Thescrollarounda centrifugalfan
is sometimes curvedsothatastheangletraversed 3.18 x 105 • Q
Flow coefficient,
by thebladesincreases, sodoesthedistancebe-
tweenthe bladetips andthe scrollcasing.This
helpsto ensurea constantmeanvelocityof flow
aroundthefan circumference, whichis desirable 1000. AP
Pressure coefficient, ¢ -
for minimumnoiseproduction.Additionally,the
clearance distancebetween the outletscrolledge
or cut-offandthebladetipsshouldbearound5to
10percentof the fan wheeldiameter.Smaller Q00 AP
clearances thanthisincrease theamountof noise Efficiency,
60w; Q
produced. Fan noise prediclion where
Q is the air flow rate, mS/rain
After the fan type is selected there are several
N is the fan speed, rpm
procedures for optimizing the fan parameters to
D t is the tip-tip diameter, cm
achieve maximum operating efficiency. 26, 27 How-
is the pressure change, kPa
ever, this does not necessarily ensure the quietest
is the air density, kg/m 3
running profile since blade pitch, blade curvature,
vt is the fan blade tip speed, m/s
number of blades, and tip solidity all act as miti-
_0 is the 1.2015 kg/m 3
gating factors, in which changes resulting in im-
W z is the fan input power, kW.
proved efficiency do not unambiguously decrease
noise levels. 28 For geometrically similar fans, a
Moreover, for a given type of fan and at the
flow coefficient, as defined below, exists at which
same value of the flow coefficient, effects on the
a given air pumping task can be performed more
sound power generated resulting from diameter
quietly. There is evidence to suggest that the flow
and velocity changes are given by
coefficient at which minimum noise occurs is
unique for a particular type of fan, and it is logical
W 2 = {DT2_2 and W._" [/vt2/x\
therefore to compare sound power levels at these
points to gain some appraisal of the value of dif- w, : \v,,/
ferent fan designs. Figure 7.14 illustrates this ap-
proach using the pressure coefficient as a direct
WI, W2 is the initial and final sound powers
respectively, W
Efficiency, x - - - X is the fan velocity exponent.
Pressure coefficient, q/----
Peak efficiency Peak efficiency Note: The velocity exponent may only be
_L Fan B determined experimentally by measuring sound
___. . FanA
i I \ power at a large variety of velocities. It normally
lies in the range 5.5-6.5 and is a function of both
perating the flow coefficient and fan design.
I _ point oint Several empirical equations give a rough esti-
Flow coefficient d_ mate of fan noise in regard to such parameters as
Flow coefficient _b
static pressure developed by the unit, volume flow
Figure 7.14- Comparison of optimum fan system rate, and horsepower capacity (see, for example,
operating points (reference 26). (Used with the reference 29). However, a more precise prediction
permission of the Noise Control Foundation and scheme has recently taken into account in more
R. C. Mellin.) detail the fan type and fundamental blade pass
frequency. 3° The basic empirical data have been The blade pass frequency component of fan
reduced to specific sound power levels expressed noise is included by adding the appropriate blade
in octave bands, as shown in table 7.1; these are frequency increment, BFI (see table 7.1) to the
the sound power levels generated by a fan type specific sound power level of the octave band
when the flow rate is 1 m3/sec and the static pres- which includes the blade pass frequency, as calcu-
sure 1 kilopascal. lated from
To obtain the actual sound power level,
PWL, the specific sound power levels for the rele- KN
f- Hz
vant type of fan are chosen, PWksp, and adjust- 60
ments made as necessary according to the follow-
ing relations: where
K is the number of blades
APWL = 101ogQ + 101ogP dB N is the revolutions per minute, rpm.
PWL = PWLsp + A
Finally, for estimating the values of propa-
where gating sound pressure levels, this procedure gives
Q is the air flow rate, m3/s the total sound power generated and it is normal
P is the total pressure, kPa. to subtract 3 dB in each octave band to obtain the
Table 7.1 - Specific sound power levels for various fan types (reference 30).
Vaneaxial > 1 87 84 86 87 85 82 80 70 6
< 1 85 87 91 91 91 89 86 80 6
Tubeaxial > 1 89 87 91 89 87 85 82 75 7
< 1 88 89 95 94 92 91 85 83 7
Propeller All 96 93 94 92 90 90 88 86 5
BRI refers to blade frequency increment, which measures the relative magnitude of the discrete tone at the blade pass
soundpowerradiatedfrom eitherthe inlet or on the low pressure side of the blades, which re-
alone. suits in a very narrow frequency band of noise.
This may be reduced considerably by changing the
Example: Calculate the sound power levels boundary layer from laminar to turbulent flow
propagating upstream in octave bands for a six- before reaching the blade trailing edge using serra-
bladed axial fan of tip-tip diameter !.5 m, and tions which create small-scale vortices. 33,34 The
turning at 1000 rpm, capable of producing an air serrations break up the blade tip vortices and
flow rate of 4 m3/s and a total pressure of 2 kPa. change the character of the fan wake vortex noise
from periodic to broadband. With tip speeds less
Octave Band Center Frequency (Hz) than 135 m/s, attaching serrated brass strips to the
leading edge of a rotor gave an overall sound pres-
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
sure level reduction of 4-8 dB on a 1.5-m-diameter
from table 7.1 rotor. 33 With proper design of the serrations, one
study showed that potential reductions of up to
PWLsp for 85 87 91 91 91 89 86 80 37 dB in generated sound power were possible. 34
from A = 10log Q + 20 IogP
fan < 1.0 m Figure 7.15 shows some typical reductions in noise
and substituting, Q = 4 m3/s
level with the use of various lengths of serration
and P = 2 kPa
'_ - lOIog4 + 20 log2 12dB strips.
from fn = KN/60 '
i ' i i i !
and substituting K - 6 and N = 1000 rpm
70 -- Unmodified propeller
fl = 100 Hz
Serration strip 1116th span i
Serration strip 1/8th span
Blade pass 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
component, r"
Total corrected ..........
_, Serration!
] strip] 1/4thl spanli "_: i._l[i_
Several researchers working on comprehen- Figure 7.15- Vortex noise reduction using ser-
sive fan noise prediction techniques 31,32 have indi- rated strip on propeller (reference 35). (Used with
cated that where the inflow is isotropic and the permission of the Noise Control Foundation
homogeneous, adequate procedures already exist, and R. E. Hayden.)
but in the more general case of disturbed or turbu-
lent nonisotropic flow there is a serious dearth of
Serrations on the trailing or leading edges of
low speed rotors can reduce the noise of small-
scale ventilation fans, as is illustrated in figure
7.2.2 Fan Noise Reduction 7.16. This design gives a reduction of 9 dB at a
characteristic 2-kHz pure tone using serrated
After choosing the most suitable fan for a trailing edges without sacrificing fan pressure
particular application from both utility and acous- performance.
tic points of view, little can be done further to An advanced blade design concept has recently
reduce source-generated noise. However, blade been tested by NASA in conjunction with several
modification techniques may reduce vortex shed- commercial contractors. 36 By sweeping the blade
ding and subsequent noise generation. leading or trailing edges, fluctuating forces caused
Vortex shedding from fan blades occurs as a by a distorted inflow may to some extent be can-
result of instabilities in the laminar boundary layer celled and shock formation resulting from super-
/ \ / \ / \
I \ I \ / \_
la) (b) (c)
= 11."---I F_--_------_--'--_
[a) Before
/ /I
(b) After
_//i_._ _..: ----
-//,,,;r -r
Figure 7.18 - Methods for reducing turbulent flow conditions at fans. (From lan Sharland, Woods Prac-
tical Guide to Noise Control, 1971. Used by permission of Woods Acoustic.)
sectional area of 1.25 to 1.5 times that of the fan generally their dominant frequencies are much
duct, and by using turning vanes at bends. Plenums higher. Sliding vane rotary pumps are noisier than
are frequently used to good effect in low pressure screw types.
air heating and ventilation systems, and their Compressor noise is best treated at or near
attenuation properties are considerably enhanced the source, although, as in many other situations,
by sound absorptive lining and baffles openings. it is often more straightforward and economical to
All of these techniques are discussed in more detail use an appropriately designed acoustic enclosure.
in section 7.3.4. For reciprocating machines, which produce domi-
nant low frequency sound, reactive silencers are
7.2.3 Compressors and Rotor-Stator Interactions best because dissipative silencers would need to be
inordinately large to achieve the same results; con-
There are a multitude of compressor configu- versely, for rotary machines absorptive units are
rations and power ratings. Most machines driven usually satisfactory (further details of silencer
by reciprocating units have rotational speeds rang- design are given in section 7.3.4). Noise radiated
ing from around one hundred revolutions per from the machine casing may be reduced by
minute up to thousands of revolutions per minute. damping, by adding mass, or by stiffening, de-
In industry, where compressors usually feed com- pending on panel characteristics; wrapping the
pressed air to power tools and blow-off jets, fairly inlet and outlet ducts also reduces noise (see sec-
slow speed compressors are used; these produce tion 5.2.2). Vibration isolation of the pump, pos-
predominantly low frequency spectra with major sibly using an inertia block, may be necessary if
contributions at harmonics of the compressor there is substantial structure-borne propagation
rotational speed. Larger units produce a faster rise through the mountings (see figure 5.27, above).
in the work capacity than in acoustic output, and Mechanical noise is usually caused by worn
the use of larger but slower machines can provide bearings, and in this kind of application it may be
quieter running. The noise radiated from the best to replace ball or roller bearings with sleeve-
machine casing becomes important only when the type fittings. Suitable bearing lubrication is for
inlet and outlet ducts are effectively silenced, but maximum benefit; the general order of increasing
the level is governed chiefly by the piston speed noise level is oil-flooded rotary pumps, oil-lubri-
and not the mechanical power produced by the cated bearings, and carbon composite bearings
machine. 39 Rotary positive displacement type (oil-free).
blowers suffer from acoustic problems similar to The major source of aerodynamic noise in
those of their reciprocating cousins, although compressor units is from rotor-stator interaction.
Compressors usually function by drawing air past influence of the obstacle. This interaction does not
inlet guide vanes which act to steady the flow, and produce any new tones, but simply enhances the
then compressing the flow drawn past the driven noise level output already present at the funda-
rotor against a series of static vanes or stators, mental blade pass frequency and associated har-
which have a fixed and regular geometric relation- monics. This is illustrated in figure 7.20, which
ship with respect to the rotor configuration. A shows the generation of a one-lobed spinning pres-
schematic of a single stage unit is shown in figure sure pattern because of the interaction of a four-
7.19; multistage units have additional rows of bladed rotor with three flow guides a, b, and c.
rotors and stators and can thereby achieve greater For each one-quarter turn of the rotor, a complete
power efficiency and generate high pressures. cycle of the interaction pressure pattern occurs;
As a free rotor rotates there is no change in therefore, for a complete rotor cycle four interac-
the blade pressure loading, but with the presence tion cycles occur, thereby enhancing the funda-
of a nearby regular obstruction such as stator mental blade pass frequency (at n = 1) and har-
vanes, pressure fluctuations are experienced be- monics thereof. Multilobed spinning pressure pat-
cause of the distorted flow. These are not abrupt terns excite higher harmonics of the blade pass
as in a "slap"; rather, they arise from velocity frequency.
gradients, which change the angle of attack at the The parameters of interest are the number of
blades and cause a corresponding flux in the lift lobes, m, and phase rotational speed of the inter-
forces. The magnitude of such fluctuations de- action patterns, Nm, calculated as 41
pends on the size, proximity, and aerodynamic
m = nF + kH
Drive motor Stator --_ F Rotor
n is the integer number
F is the number of fan blades
H is the number of stator vanes
k is the positive or negative integer values,
i.e. +_1, _+2....
_ _4,1 Iolet
-- 71g / nFN
Figure 7.19 - Schematic diagram of single stage where N is the rotor rotational speed, rpm.
The particular blade pass frequency harmonic
excited by a particular lobe pattern m is given by
Pressure lobe due to
interaction pattern
Rotor_ _P" \
Figure 7.20 - Generation of an interaction pressure pattern (reference 40). (From Lewis H. Bell, Funda-
mentals of Industrial Noise Control, 1973. Used by permission of Harmony Publications.)
nFN several rotor chord lengths. Figure 7.21 shows the
fn- 60 Hz effect of increasing rotor-to-stator spacings for
several experimental blade configurations. Gen-
where n is the integer number 1, 2, 3 .... erally, this axial separation should be of the order
of at least 1.5 rotor chord widths, 41 to make a
Example." In figure 7.20, the number of fan worthwhile reduction in the strength of the inter-
blades is 4, and the number of stator vanes is 3, action. Another study 43 indicates that for com-
thus m is calculated as parable geometries and spacings, inlet guide
vane-rotor interactions were much higher in level
m = n4 + k3 than rotor-downstream-stator interactions for
single stage axial flow compressors.
Therefore, for the fundamental (n = 1),
when k = -1 m = 4 - 3 = 1
k = +1 m = 4 + 3 = 7
4N experimental data
_, -4
for m = 1 Nm - ! (n = 1) -5 - \
i.e., 4 times shaft speed as illustrated in figure 7.21; 6 \
o -7 - \
4N "o
g -8- \
form = 7 Nm = 7 (n = 1) 8 \
i.e., 4/7 times shaft speed or 1/7 phase speed of
-I0 -- \
one-lobed pattern because seven times as many t-
lobes generate the same frequency. --II--
7.3.1 General Propagation This relationship indicates that maximizing
the ratio of perimeter length to cross-sectional
Unlike most other enclosures in acoustics, area gives the best attenuation performance. 44
ducts do not generally contain diffuse sound fields Circular and square cross sections give the same
since most of the acoustic energy typically propa- order of attenuation except at low frequencies,
gates parallel to the duct axis. The most prominent where the extra stiffness of the circular duct
sound waves are plane waves, which corkscrew reduces the degree of acoustic energy absorption
around the duct cross section with a general direc- and hence attenuation from resonance of the duct
tion of propagation along the duct axis. For the walls, compared to the square duct. By using rec-
most part, spinning modes are only important tangular ducts and making one of the lateral
when a driving fan or compressor, located within dimensions much larger than the other, for exam-
the duct cross section, is operated at very high ple, height greater than width, the potential
speeds such that the blade tips exceed the speed of attenuation is greatly increased. The advantages
sound, and when the duct section under considera- of this configuration, however, must be balanced
tion is located fairly close to the generating source. against the disadvantages of the higher pressure
In an acoustically lined duct, energy is con- drop involved with rectangular sections. Figure
tinually being extracted from the edges of plane 7.23 shows the typical benefit from varying the
waves, especially at the mid to lower frequencies. relative duct wall separation in this way.
Because the effective speed of sound in porous
materials is less at lower frequencies (see figure
5.2a, above), the effect is rather to bend the waves __L ..... II11
as shown in figure 7.22. The limitation on the ex-
tent of this attenuation at low frequencies is deter-
mined by the available thickness of material. At
high frequencies, where the wavelength is of the "= 30
same order or less than the duct width, most of the e- 50
energy propagates down the center of the duct and 2o
so the lining has a diminished attenuation per-
Figure 7.22 - Acoustic energy propagation in a As has already been suggested in section
lined duct., much attention has been given to lining
configurationsfor therelativelyextremeenviron- Figure 7.24 illustrates the effect of filling
mentof aircraftjet engines.Mostof thisresearch 2.54-cm (l.0-in.) cavities with compressed poly-
hasfocusedon broadbandresonatorabsorbers, urethane foam with varying overall flow resist-
andparameters suchasacoustic treatmentlength ance. The relative increase in attenuation with the
anddepth,core-celldimensions, acoustic
imped- number of duct wall surfaces treated is shown in
ance,channelwidth, numberof wallslined,air figure 7.25. It is clear that this attenuation de-
flowvelocity,andnumberof layersin thelinings, pends not only on the additional area covered, but
haveallbeenexamined, n5Amongthemostimpor- also on the separation between these surfaces, as
tantfindingsarethatboththemaximumattenua- indicated by the poor improvement in perform-
tion andthe frequencyat whichthis occursare ance obtained by treating walls C and D, which
stronglydependent ontheductwallseparation46; are spaced further apart than walls A and B.
aremosteffectivewithanimper- Another study examining the behavior of single
viouscentralcore46;and low flow resistance orifice Helmholtz resonators in a grazing flow
absorbentmaterialplacedin cavitiesbehinda environment 48 showed that at high flow speeds,
porousfibermetalsurfacegivesthe bestoverall such as in many ducts, acoustic resistance is nearly
absorption.47 linearly proportional to grazing flow speed and
(a) E
E} 25-rayls
0.4 /_ 40-rayts
1ooo 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8O0O
._o 0.6
E3 25-rayls
.= 0.4 40-rayls
(_ 60-rayls
1000 1250 1600 2000 2500 3150 4000 5000 6300 8000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7.24 - Normal incidence absorption coefficients of fibermetal surfaces with air- and foam-filled
cavities for various resistances (reference 4 7). (a) 2.54-cm cavity, foam filled. (b) 2.54-cm cavity, air filled.
optimum resistance, so that the peak attenuation
"0 c D may be calculated by
/,.._._..._(A + B + C + D)
for R < Rmp
o 30 M = 0.2 /f_ _......._(A + B + C, AdBpa = Rm p × AdBmp a
¢- AdBpa _- _ × AdBmp a for R > Rmp
0 i I I
500 1000 2000 5000 10000 R is the specific acoustic resistance
1 + 4.21@ 7.3.3 Effect of Lined Bends, Duct Terminations,
f 2/ f p)Opt = 2 and Splitter Elements
1 + 3.05Vp
x 10
- o00
15 cm d = Open internal
width of bend
P,l _d = 120cm
d 60-120 cm Lined bend
g d 30-60 cm
_.,_.m,.,, Unlined bend
_ 7 d 15-30 cm
,."/,'" I, -.2":,.=-.......
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Frequency (Hz)
I I i I
Low frequenc es --
High f r-eCluenc-ie-s--
.... ._%_
- -_t'"'_'_ /
76-m m foam 24,,
22 ._I_.." L --
I *-- 508mm
T__ 406-mm spacing between _ 8
cavity baffles
High frequency I
sound reflected
past downstream
0 .02 .04 .08 _ 2 , 6"8 '-_" 2 _ 6. -
Figure 7.27- Installation of corner vanes at an .1 1 10
the duct opening compared to the more directional the requirements for a minimum pressure loss
high frequencies (see also figure 7.23). The effect achieved by increasing the height and total width
of grilles, diffusers, louvres, and so on at the ter- of the complete splitter unit. In addition, the lead-
mination must be separately computed. ing and trailing edges of the splitter modules
A much more sophisticated and exact predic- should be aerodynamically designed to reduce flow
tion technique has been developed for the radia- resistance. The manufacturer's data should specify
tion of sound from a rotating blade source within the acoustic performance for various rates of air
circular hard-wall ducts. 61 This may be of value in flow: in general, attenuation decreases as the flow
appraising the validity of other more approximate rate in the direction of sound propagation in-
approaches. creases. Annular modules in cylindrical ducts
Attenuation predictions at acoustic branches operate on the same principles. Illustrations of
which occur at angles relatively oblique to the both cylindrical and annular silencers are shown in
main flow direction are based on the approxima- figure 7.29, with attenuation graphs showing the
tion that the acoustic energy is divided according effect of different lining configurations. An exam-
to the relative cross-sectional areas: ple of a large scale annular silencer for use in
attenuating a 126 dB(A) level at a wind tunnel
Branch attenuation = ejector by some 26 dB(A) is shown in figure 7.30.
Rather than using a fibrous backing for the
10 log main duct acoustic baffles in the splitter units, it may be
[ branch duct area
area ; dB
more expedient to use a resonator-type design with
relatively large air spaces filled with absorber
7.3.4 Mufflers and Duct Silencers
behind a perforated plate. In a comprehensive
series of tests, 62 there were indications that a saw-
Mufflers and duct silencers use absorption or
tooth type design with a 0.3 percent perforate
the reflection and expansion of sound waves due
partition is particularly useful at improving low
to sharp impedance changes at cross-sectional area
frequency performance. Figure 7.31 shows the
changes and turns. The former technique relies on
configurations and performance data obtained for
dissipative mechanisms and the latter on reactive
several configurations. The use of a central parti-
mechanisms; in many silencer units both princi- tion inclined at an angle to the longitudinal axis of
ples operate to some extent. Mufflers or silencers the baffle is intended to reduce cavity whistling
are used to reduce noise transmission along ducts
caused by high speed air flows at grazing inci-
or pipework, and the noise may be flow-generated dence, by detuning the cavity because of its vary-
or may emanate from a machine source. In choos-
ing depth. Transverse partitions across the baffles
ing an appropriate device, particular regard should enhance absorption at the frequencies whose half-
be given to the allowable pressure drop, maximum
wavelength corresponds to the distance between
length needed, gas or fluid flow rate, and whether them. Reference 62 also includes a discussion of
acoustic propagation is downstream or upstream various techniques for reducing the self-generating
with respect to the general flow. noise of mufflers. Some of these are illustrated in Resistive units figure 7.32. Resonant tones produced by single
orifice Helmholtz resonators because of the shear-
By splitting the duct width into smaller sec-
ing action of the grazing flow layer have been
tions with reduced width, low frequency perform-
shown to occur at a grazing flow speed, voo, given
ance may be significantly improved. The partitions
by 47
for this are usually of perforated plate backed by
an absorbent material such as fiber glass or foam. vo_ = fres D/0.26 m/s
It is usually most convenient to use proprietary
splitting units with subsection widths down to as where
low as 50 mm. These units can often be most satis- fres is the classical Helmholtz resonant fre-
factorily deployed at bends, where the total at- quency (see section, Hz
tenuation is given by the total equivalent straight D is the orifice diameter, m.
length of splitter plus a bend attenuation factor.
Attenuation may generally be increased by Other techniques for improving the perform-
reducing the airway width and increasing the total ance of lined baffles in splitter units include block-
splitter length, but these must be balanced against ing the direct line of sight through the unit and the
_ 200 mm
63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
Frequency (Hz)
760 mm-
12 Omm
480 mm, ,,-" 300 mm
_P 300mm
l /-- 480 mm
?= _y"_ ___ -_:
I / 760ram -''_
12_0 mm
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7.29 - Typical attenuation characteristics of rectangular and circular splitter modules. (a) Rec-
tangular module. (b) Circular modules. (Adapted by Ian Sharland, Woods Practical Guide to Noise Con-
trol, 1971. Used by permission of Woods Acoustics.)
tion; their performance is enhanced by incorporat-
ing an absorbent-lined partial barrier which serves
to block the direct line of sight across the cham-
ber. The most important design characteristics are
the absorption of the lining and the distance be-
tween the inlet and outlet ducts. The sound fields
associated with plenums may be regarded as simi-
lar to those inside large acoustical enclosures.
Figure 7.33 shows a single chamber plenum instal-
lation, and the insertion loss of this after taking
account of reflection at the inlet duct is given by 29
F COS 0 R_pl
InL = 10 log Spk_ +
Figure 7.30 - Photograph of large annular duct
silencer (by courtesy of NASA Langley Research
Rcp is the room constant of the plenum,
use of different liners in each separate airway. 63 equal to Sp_p m2
The latter technique can introduce a relative phase (i - _p) '
lag between propagating components in each air- d is the directdistancebetwcen inletand
way with resultant reflection and interference outletopenings, m
effects at low frequencies. 0 is the slant angle between longitudinal
Acoustically lined plenum chambers repre- axes of inletand outletducts
sent a very efficient way of achieving noise reduc- Sp is the outlet cross-sectional area, m 2.
25 1
Saw tooth
: -"
J 4
.o /,,.
Saw tooth with 0.3% 20 / l/] -
perforated partition °
o 15
z II
125 250 500 1000 2000 4000
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 7.31 - Attenuation performance of various staggered central partitions in acoustic baffles (reference
27rL nTr
Flow [_I
Flow X 2
_mll_Absorbing layer
where n = 1, 3, 5 ....
No perforations near or
Flow _ on tail to trip flow so that peak attenuation occurs at L = nk/4.
These silencers are therefore often referred to
_ Slanted partition
as quarter-wave mufflers, and several of them can
be placed in series to provide a broader range of
Flow attenuation. Typically their performance is best at
-_d _-
Recessed holes low frequencies; a variation on this principle, the
Helmholtz resonator, may be used when it is more
Diamond shaped holes
convenient to have the muffler element as a side-
FlowJll_ ---_'
branch to prevent flow obstruction (see section
. d ,4-- Elongated holes to minimize
Elevated hole leading edges edge length normal to flow There are many prediction techniques for
muffler design, several of which have been com-
Figure 7.32 - Candidate perforated plate designs puterized. One in particular 64 improves on stand-
for minimizing the generation of self-noise ard transmission line theory by accounting for the
(reference 60). effect of mean gas exhaust flow on the overall
attenuation properties of a three-chamber muffler.
This NASA program has been used to design a
lined baffle unit capable of providing up to 11 dB of extra
Inlet -- J 1 attenuation over standard mufflers in an opera-
tional helicopter, without any deterioration in
-_ _ __- Internal acoustica/_
AllYea, S engine performance from back pressure. The pro-
gram is based on empirical data for exhaust flows
d. -_ ._=t__Outle.t in the Mach number range of 0.05 to 0.15 and
t r-- expansion ratios less than 0.6.
'_ Internal surface: area, Sp Another example of the relevance of aero-
average absorption acoustics technology to general noise control
coefficient, c_
problems is the recent development to prototype
F@ure 7.33 - Acoustically lined plenum chamber. stage by a commercial organization of a multiple-
segmented acoustic liner in a standard truck
muffler geometry (see figure 7.34). The device has Reactive unils a uniform inner diameter such that the direct
exhaust air flow is not blocked, and it utilizes a
The most simple kind of reactive silencer is unique combination of absorbing elements work-
designed by changing the cross-sectional area of a ing in conjunction with reflecting elements in order
short length of duct. The insertion loss is given by to provide maximum attenuation. 56 It achieves this
by forming an acoustic trap where the reflective
elements on the ends direct sound energy into the
lnL = 10log 1 + -_ sin -X dB
central sound dissipating units. This particular
where application uses three cylindrically stacked seg-
M is the $2/S 1, cross-sectional area ratio ments in the center, each of different porosity and
L is the muffler length, m of varying depth. It provides a noise attenuation
k is the wavelength of frequency of interest, of peak levels of twice that possible with more
m. conventional designs. 65
An example of a serious aerodynamic noise
Since the attenuation is obviously greatest problem is included here and the various ap-
when sin (2rL/k) equals 1, and this occurs at r/2, proaches taken toward its solution highlighted. 66
3rr/2, 5r/2 .... the length of silencer L corre- Figure 7.35 shows a wind tunnel configura-
sponding to maximum attenuation is given by tion complete with installed acoustical treatment.
Figure 7.34 - Truck muffler utilizing multisegmented liner (by courtesy of Donaldson Company).
The total air pump handling rate is 500 m3/min, 7.4 TRANSMISSION AND GEAR NOISE
and the inlet and discharge lines are of 35-mm
steel, up to 1 m in diameter and bolted directly to
Gear noise requires careful analysis to identify
the pumps. The generated spectrum contained
major sources and to rank-order their levels. This
many harmonics with a fundamental frequency of
analysis generally requires narrow-band frequency
12 Hz. The noise and vibration generated were so
analysis and a detailed knowledge of the mecha-
great that the facility could only be run for a few
nism of the gear-train involved. The systematic
minutes. Measured exhaust levels were in excess of
approach adopted should include an appraisal of
120 dB with a maximum peak at around 12 Hz.
basic gear types, major noise generating mecha-
The following procedures were implemented in
nisms, and their spectral character, and a detailed
order to attenuate the noise:
comparison of noise reduction measures. Unfor-
1. Incorporation of two reactive Helmholtz tunately, it is rare for only single gear trains to be
resonators with internal lining, tuned to involved, access may be limited, and several of the
12 Hz. major noise mechanisms may exist simultaneously,
makingit difficult to discovereachindividual width, along the mutual traverse of adjacent tooth
contribution. pitch circles.
Therearea numberof techniques for reduc- The computation of gear clash frequencies is
inggearnoisewithoutsource modification.
These simply made as
are discussedlater in section7.4.4andinclude
usingcompletely differentmeansof transferring nKN
andcontrollingmechanical power,aswellastra- fn- 60 Hz
7.4.1Gear Train Parameters of Importance n is the integer representing the various har-
monics possible
Several basic components and gear wheel K is the number of gear teeth
parameters are shown in figure 7.36. The core of
the wheel is known as the hub and is an integral
part of the drive shaft. The web is the flange con-
pitch ,
centric with the shaft, and the rim is the section of
the flange which incorporates the entire gear tooth
profile. The pitch circle is one of the most funda-
mental gear characteristics, and this normally runs
through points midway between the top and bot-
tom of each tooth; pitch circles of meshing gears
are always tangential to each other. The circular Ir "l _
pitch is measured along the pitch circle and is the HR_im__ ( Hub I _ ;" - Pitch circle
distance between congruent points on adjacent
teeth, and the backlash is the difference between Figure 7.36 - Schematic diagram of major gear
engaging tooth width and receiving tooth space parts and important parameters.
• " gears
Figure 7.37- Common gear configurations. (a) Parallel gears. (b) Nonparallel gears. (Adapted and used by
permission of Machine Design.)
N is the shaft rotational speed, rpm on the relationship of excitation frequen-
fn is the nth harmonic frequency, Hz. cies to gear wheel natural frequencies.
f2 Amplification of higher
7.4.2 Gear Noise Mechanisms
sFhanf_:ot:tntoa_ i/] /_ gear mesh harmonic, f5'
frequency,NA2-'N | _1 due to structural resonance
There are three aspects of gear quality that Q.
because the impulse loading on each tooth is ing of the belt, lack of sufficient contact resist-
lower. For the same drive speed, however, this ance, and so on. This type of installation is there-
raises the frequency spectrum, which may offset fore generally unsuited to systems which require a
any potential benefit. Ideally, profiles should be high loading or exact speed transformation.
designed so that maximum tooth contact occurs Another well-known technique is to use trac-
during the phase when the point of contact is tion element drives, although this technique has
inside the pitch circle, and always so that a rolling serious constraints. Traction element drives offer
as opposed to a sliding action is favored. Backlash quiet and smooth power transmission, whereas
must be balanced between excess noise produced even with perfectly machined gear teeth there are
with a loose mesh and the mechanical drag and always torsional fluctuations caused by load
wear of a tight mesh. transfers between teeth. Recently, however, with
Other than careful redesign of gear param- the active participation of the inventor of a new
eters, a number of secondary techniques may be traction drive geometry, the NASA Lewis
used. Lubrication of all running parts and mesh- Research Center has developed and demonstrated
ing surfaces is essential and can provide as much considerable advantages in using this technology
noise reduction as the approaches already dis- in a much wider range of situations than was
cussed. By separating surfaces and providing a hitherto possible. 69
mechanical impedance mismatch, the oil reduces The new approach uses a number of planetary
impact forces directly. A high damping factor may rows of stepped rollers, normally two or three, to
be obtained with synthetic gear wheel materials achieve power transfer between concentric sun
such as nylon, subject to load and temperature and ring rollers on the inner and outer surfaces
constraints. These can provide as much as 10-20 respectively (see figure 7.39). By applying input to
dB attenuation and have found widespread appli- either the sun or ring roller, the unit may act as a
cation in machines ranging from spinning looms speed decreaser or increaser, respectively. Previous
to household washing machines. External damp- traction devices had used only one row of plane-
ing can be useful where the rim and web flange is tary rollers, which severely handicapped their
very narrow and therefore susceptible to induced speed and horsepower capacity. Reaction torque is
resonance because of its low stiffness. transferred to or from the ring by a pair of rolling-
Finally, but perhaps most importantly, the element bearings installed in the outer planetary
advantages of total gearbox enclosure should be rollers. This considerably reduces the total number
mentioned. This is a particularly good expedient of drive bearings needed, and, together with the
since it involves no costly analysis and lengthy self-correcting positioning of the rollers because
redesign programs. Adherence to the general prin- of their three symmetric contact points with adja-
ciples of enclosure construction outlined in section cent elements, ensures a quiet and almost vibra- can yield excellent results. It is sufficient to tionless power transmission with no need for espe-
reiterate here that accessibility or visibility must be cially fine tolerances. This characteristic is further
maintained, removable panels should be well enhanced by the presence of a thin elastohydro-
sealed and should have transmission loss values of dynamic lubricant film between all contacting sur-
the same order as the main body of the enclosure, faces, which, along with the elastic compliance of
and resonance should be avoided by stiffening and the rollers, provides effective vibration damping.
damping techniques. An automatic loading mechanism is incorporated
as part of the latest design to ensure that the
7.4.4 Alternative Means of Transmission correct ratio of traction forces to normal contract
forces is maintained under all conditions. This
First row of
Sun roller
planet rollers
Second row of
planet r oilers
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69. Loewenthal, S. H., N. E. Anderson, and A.
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noisecontrolproblems it maynot bepossible to -- Range of probability
a totalcostestimateduntilseveralstep- of hearing impairment
implemented. Costestimatesshouldbecompared
with the generallevelof total expenditure per 50
employeeto meetOSHA compliancefor that
In October1974,proposedchanges
in the
5 Although
...... ___/4
ao..... 17
there was to be no alteration of the basic noise
limits, it was proposed
be worn in exposure
that hearing
conditions of
,o / /
above 85 dB(A) and that monitoring audiometric
testing programs be established. At present there
are no standard procedures for using audiometry 3---]
as part of a hearing conservation program.
21Ip'I /
80 90 100 110 120
A Total room absorption, equal to the sum of the products of the area of
each ith surface element, Si, and the corresponding absorption coeffi-
cients, % defined mathematically as
A = ESia i metric
Stiffness (Young's) modulus, the ratio of stress to strain in a solid bar N/m 2
D Diameter m
/ref Reference sound intensity taken as 10- 12 watts per square meter W/m 2
lnL Insertion loss, the difference in sound pressure level at a particular loca-
tion before and after acoustic treatment is applied dB
Ldn Day-night average sound level, the 24-hour equivalent continuous sound
level with a 10-riB weighting applied to sound levels between 10:00 p.m.
and 7:00 a.m. dB(A)
Leq Equivalent continuous sound level, the level of a steady sound which,
over the same time period, contains the same sound energy as the time-
varying sound dB(A)
M Mach number, the ratio of the flow velocity to the ambient speed of
N= +
6 = path length difference around barrier
X = wavelength of interest
NR Noise reduction, the difference between two sound pressure levels across
a partition dB
OASPL Overall sound pressure level, i.e., the sound pressure level over all fre-
quency bands in the audio frequency range (usually 31-16 000 Hz) dB
PSD lim Wi
Bi_O Bi
PWL Sound power level expressed in decibel notation as 10 times the logarithm
(base 10) of the ratio of a sound power to the reference sound power,
10- 12 watts dB
where metric
S = total room internal area, m 2 sabins,
o_ = average absorption coefficient of room surfaces m2
T Absolute temperature K
T Period, equal to the time taken for a regular waveform to complete one
cycle of oscillation min, s
TR - A
V = room volume, m3
A = room absorption, metric sabins s
W Acoustic power, the total sound energy produced by a source in unit time W
dB 10 times the logarithm (base 10) of the ratio of two physical quantities dB
dB(A) A-Weighted decibels, normally summed across the entire audio fre-
quency range dB(A)
dB(C) C-Weighted decibels, normally summed across the entire audio fre-
quency range dB(C)
P Acoustic sound pressure, the difference between the actual total pressure
and the mean ambient pressure N/m 2
Pref Reference sound pressure taken as 2 x 10 -5 newtons per square meter N/m 2
Prms Root mean square of instantaneous sound pressure over a specified time
interval N/m 2
x Distance coordinate m
Path length difference, the difference between direct path from source to
receiver and the shortest path around a barrier m
Damping ratio, the ratio of the damping coefficient of the material under
consideration to the critical damping coefficient
Damping loss factor, equal to twice the ratio of the material damping
coefficient to the critical damping coefficient of that material
0 Density kg/m 3
Oc Characteristic acoustic impedance, the real part of the specific acoustic Ns/m
impedance Z, and equal to this only for free progressive plane waves (mks rayls)
E Enclosure variable
T Total value
J Jet variable
Noise Control Foundation, P.O. Box 3469, Arl- NIOSH: Criteria for a Recommended Standard
ington Branch, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12603, ... Occupational Exposure to Noise. HSM
1972. 73-11001. National Institute for Occupational
Noise and Vibration Control Engineering: Pro- Safety and Health, U.S. Dept. of Health,
ceedings of the Purdue Noise Control Con- Education, and Welfare, 1972.
ference. Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana, Schemidek, M. E., et al., Survey of Hearing Con-
July 14-16, 1971. servation Programs in Industry. HEW Pub.
Noise-Con: Proceedings of the National Con- No. (NIOSH) 75-178. National Institute for Oc-
ference on Noise Control Engineering. Noise cupational Safety and Health, U.S. Dept. of
Control Foundation, P.O. Box 3469, Arlington Health, Education, and Welfare, 1975.
Branch, Poughkeepsie, N.Y. 12603. Wyle Laboratories: Community Noise. NTID
Noisexpo: Proceedings of the Technical Program: 300.3. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
National Noise and Vibration Control Con- Washington, D.C. 1971.
ference, Sound and Vibration, 27101 E. Oviatt
Road, Bay Village, Ohio, 44140. MANUALS
The Fourth National Conference on Acoustics
(Rumania): VoL L A. Noise and Vibration Emerson, P. D., J. R. Bailey, and F. D. Hart,
Control 1973. NASA TT F-15,375, 1974. Manual of Textile Industry Noise Control,
The Shock and Vibration Bulletin: Proceedings of North Carolina State University, 1978.
the Annual Shock and Vibration Symposium. Hart, F. D., C. L. Neal, and F. O. Smetana,
The Shock and Vibration Information Center, Industrial Noise Control." Some Case Histories,
Code 8404 Naval Research Laboratory, Wash- Vol. 1, NASA CR 142314, North Carolina
ington, D.C. 20375. Science and Technology Research Center, 1974.
University Noise Research: Proceedings of the Pearsons, K. S., and R. Bennett, Handbook of
EPA-University Noise Seminar. EPA 550/9-77 Noise Ratings, NASA CR-2376, 1974.
Office of Noise Abatement and Control, EPA, Purcell, W. E., and B. L. Lempert, Compendium
Washington, D.C. 20460, October 18-20, 1976. of Materials for Noise Control HEW Pub. No.
(NIOSH) 75-165, NIOSH, U.S. Dept. Health,
Education, and Welfare, 1975.
GENERAL POLICY AND INFORMATION Salmon, V., et al., Industrial Noise Control
DOCUMENTS Manual (revised), HEW Pub. No. (NIOSH)
79-117, prepared by Industrial Noise Services,
Center for Policy Alternatives, MIT: Some Con- Inc. for NIOSH, U.S. Dept. Health, Education,
siderations in Choosing an Occupational Noise and Welfare, 1979.
Exposure Regulation. EPA 550/9-76-007. Of- Simpson, M. A., Noise Barrier Design Handbook,
fice of Noise Abatement and Control, U.S. FHWA-RD-76-58, prepared by Bolt Beranek
Environmental Protection Agency, Washing- and Newman, Inc., for Federal Highway Ad-
ton, D.C., 1976. ministration, U.S. Dept. of Commerce, 1976.
EPA: Toward a National Strategy for Noise Con- Wyle Laboratories, Aerodynamically Quiet Cir-
trol. Office of Noise Abatement and Control, cular Saw Blades... A Design and Application
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Wash- Manual prepared by Wyle Labs., for Wood-
ington, D.C., 1977. working Machinery Manufacturers of America,
Kroes, P., R. Fleming, and B. Lempert, List of Philadelphia, Pa., 1978.
Personal Hearing Protectors and Attenuation
tional Institute for Occupational Safety and REVIEWS
Health, U.S. Dept. of Health, Education, and
Welfare, 1975. EPA: Noise Technology Research Needs and The
L. S. Goodfriend Associates: Noise from In- Relative Roles of the Federal Government and
dustrial Plants. NTID 300.2. Office of Noise The Private Sector, EPA 550-/9-79-311, Office
Abatement and Control, U.S. Environmental of Noise Abatement and Control, U.S. Environ-
Protection Agency, Washington, D.C., 1971. mental Protection Agency, 1978.
Pusey,H. C., andR. H. Bolin,An International Hersh, A. S., and R. E. Hayden, Aerodynamic
Surveyof Shockand VibrationTechnology, Sound Radiation from Lifting Surfaces with
ShockandVibrationInformation Center,Naval and without Leading-Edge Serrations, NASA
Research Laboratory,Washington,D.C.,1979. CR-114370, 1971.
Machinery andConstruc- Howes, W. L., Overall Loudness of Steady Sounds
tion Noise Research Panel: Federal Research, According to Theory and Experiment, NASA
Development and Demonstration Programs in RP 1001, 1979.
Machinery and Construction Noise, EPA 550/9- Howlett, J. T., S. A. Cievenson, J. A. Rupf, and
78-306, Office of Noise Abatement and Control, W. J. Snyder, Interior Noise Reduction in a
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, 1978. Large Civil Helicopter, NASA TN D-8477,
The Federal lnteragency Surface Transportation 1977.
Noise Research Panel: Federal Research, Devel- Lambert, R. F., Acoustical Properties of Highly
opment and Demonstration Programs in Sur- Porous Fibrous Materials, NASA TM 80135,
face Transportation Noise, EPA 550/9-78-305, 1979.
Office of Noise Abatement and Control, U.S. Levine, L. S., and J. J. DeFelice, Civil Helicopter
Environmental Protection Agency, 1978. Research Aircraft Internal Noise Prediction,
The Technology Application Center, Institute for NASA CR-145146, 1977.
Social Research and Development: Noise Pollu- Manning, J. E., and P. J. Remington, Statistical
tion Resources Compendium, TAC Bibliographic Energy Methods, NASA CR-118987, 1971.
Series No. 2, The University of New Mexico, McDonald, W. B., R. Vaicaitis, and M. K. Myers,
1972. Noise Transmission Through Plates into an En-
Shock and Vibration Information Center: An closure, NASA TP 1173, 1978.
International Survey of Shock and Vibration Montegani, F. J., Some Propulsion System Noise
Technology, Naval Research Laboratory, Wash- Data Handling Conventions and Computer
ington, D.C., 1979. Programs used at the Lewis Research Center,
NASA TM X-3013, 1974.
Piumblee, H. E., Jr., P. D. Dean, G. A. Wynne,
NASA TECHNICAL PAPERS and R. H. Burrin, Sound Propagation in and
Radiation from Acoustically Lined Flow Ducts:
Clemons, A., Quiet Clean Short-Haul Experi- A Comparison of Experiment and Theory,
mental Engine (QCSEE) Acoustic Treatment NASA CR-2306, 1973.
Development and Design, NASA CR-135266, Parrott, R. L., An Improved Method for the
1979. Design of Expansion-Chamber Mufflers with
Copeland, W. Latham, Inlet Noise Studies for an Application to an Operational Helicopter,
Axial-Flow Single-Stage Compressor, NASA NASA TN D-7309, 1973.
TN D-2615, 1965. Smith, P. W., and R. H. Lyon, Sound and Struc-
Getline, G. L., Low-Frequency Noise Reduction tural Vibration, NASA CR-160, 1965.
of Lightweight Airframe Structures, NASA Stone, J. R., Interim Prediction Method for Jet
CR-145104, 1976. Noise, NASA TM X-71618, 1975.
Goldstein, M. E., Aeroacoustics, NASA SP-346, Vaicaitis, R., Noise Transmission by Viscoelastic
1974. Sandwich Panels, NASA TN D-8516, 1977.
Goldstein, M. E., and W. L. Howes, New Aspects Zorumski, W. E., Acoustic Theory of Axisym-
of Subsonic Aerodynamic Noise Theory, NASA metric Multisectioned Ducts, NASA TR R-419,
TN D-7158, 1973. 1974.
NASA Technology Utilization Information