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2. A typically structured glass multimode step

index fiber shows as variation of attenuation
EC8751 OPTICAL in range of ___________
a) 1.2 to 90 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.69μm
COMMUNICATION b) 3.2 to 30 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.59μm

c) 2.6 to 50 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.85μm

ECE - 7th Semester - d) 1.6 to 60 dB km-1 at wavelength 0.90μm

Answer: c
Reg.2017 Explanation: A multimode step index fibers
show an attenuation variation in range of 2.6

to 50dBkm-1. The wide variation in
attenuation is due to the large differences both
within and between the two overall
UNIT I INTRODUCTION preparation methods i.e. melting and

3. Multimode step index fiber has a large core
diameter of range is ___________
pa a) 100 to 300 μm
b) 100 to 300 nm
d) 200 to 500 nm
Answer: a
LAWS AND DEFINITIONS, Explanation: A multimode step index fiber
OPTICAL MODES AND has a core diameter range of 100 to 300μm.
This is to facilitate efficient coupling to
CONFIGURATIONS inherent light sources.

1. Multimode step index fiber has 4. Multimode step index fibers have a
___________ bandwidth of ___________
a) Large core diameter & large numerical a) 2 to 30 MHz km
aperture b) 6 to 50 MHz km
b) Large core diameter and small numerical c) 10 to 40 MHz km

aperture d) 8 to 40 MHz km
c) Small core diameter and large numerical
aperture Answer: b

d) Small core diameter & small numerical Explanation: Multimode step index fibers
aperture have a bandwidth of 6 to 50 MHz km. These
fibers with this bandwidth are best suited for
Answer: a short -haul, limited bandwidth and relatively

Explanation: Multimode step-index fiber has low-cost application.

large core diameter and large numerical
aperture. These parameters provides efficient 5. Multimode graded index fibers are
coupling to inherent light sources such as manufactured from materials with
LED’s. ___________

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a) Lower purity aperture of 0.29 have core/cladding diameter

b) Higher purity than multimode step index of ___________
fibers. a) 62.5 μm/125 μm
c) No impurity b) 100 μm/140 μm
d) Impurity as same as multimode step index c) 85 μm/125 μm
fibers. d) 50 μm/125μm

Answer: b Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers
have higher purity than multimode step index with numerical aperture 0.29 having a
fiber. To reduce fiber losses, these fibers have core/cladding diameter of 100μm/140μm.
more impurity. They provide high coupling frequency LED’s
at a wavelength of 0.85 μm and have low

6. The performance characteristics of cost. They are also used for short distance
multimode graded index fibers are application.
a) Better than multimode step index fibers 9. Multimode graded index fibers use

b) Same as multimode step index fibers incoherent source only.
c) Lesser than multimode step index fibers a) True
d) Negligible pa b) False

Answer: a Answer: b
Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers
use a constant grading factor. Performance are used for short haul and medium to high
characteristics of multimode graded index bandwidth applications. Small haul
fibers are better than those of multimode step applications require LEDs and low accuracy
index fibers due to index graded and lower lasers. Thus either incoherent or incoherent
attenuation. sources like LED’s or injection laser diode
are used.
7. Multimode graded index fibers have
overall buffer jackets same as multimode step 10. In single mode fibers, which is the most

index fibers but have core diameters beneficial index profile?

___________ a) Step index
a) Larger than multimode step index fibers b) Graded index
b) Smaller than multimode step index fibers c) Step and graded index
c) Same as that of multimode step index d) Coaxial cable

d) Smaller than single mode step index fibers Answer: b
Explanation: In single mode fibers, graded
Answer: b index profile is more beneficial as compared

Explanation: Multimode graded index fibers to step index. This is because graded index
have smaller core diameter than multimode profile provides dispersion-modified-single
step index fibers. A small core diameter helps mode fibers.

the fiber gain greater rigidity to resist

bending. 11. The fibers mostly not used nowadays for
optical fiber communication system are
8. Multimode graded index fibers with ___________
wavelength of 0.85μm have numerical a) Single mode fibers

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b) Multimode step fibers c) O-band

c) Coaxial cables d) C-band and L-band
d) Multimode graded index fibers
Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: SSMFs are utilized for
Explanation: Single mode fibers are used to operation in O-band only. It shows high

produce polarization maintaining fibers which dispersion in the range of 16 to 20ps/nm/km
make them expensive. Also the alternative to in C-band and L-band. So SSMFs are used in
them are multimode fibers which are complex O-band.
but accurate. So, single-mode fibers are not
generally utilized in optical fiber 15. Fiber mostly suited in single-wavelength
communication. transmission in O-band is?
a) Low-water-peak non dispersion-shifted

12. Single mode fibers allow single mode fibers
propagation; the cladding diameter must be at b) Standard single mode fibers
least ___________ c) Low minimized fibers
a) Twice the core diameter d) Non-zero-dispersion-shifted fibers

b) Thrice the core diameter
c) Five times the core diameter Answer: b
d) Ten times the core diameter Explanation: Standard single mode fibers
with a step index profile are called non
Answer: d
Explanation: The cladding diameter in single
dispersion shifted fiber and it is particularly
used for single wavelength transmission in O-
mode fiber must be ten times the core band and as if has a zero-dispersion
diameter. Larger ratios contribute to accurate wavelength at 1.31μm.
propagation of light. These dimension ratios
must be there so as to avoid losses from the
vanishing fields.
13. A fiber which is referred as non- THROUGH FIBERSMODES IN
dispersive shifted fiber is? PLANAR WAVE GUIDE

a) Coaxial cables
b) Standard single mode fibers
c) Standard multimode fibers 1. Optical fibre communications uses
d) Non zero dispersion shifted fibers _______ dielectric waveguide structures for
confining light.
a) Rectangular

Answer: b
Explanation: A standard single mode fiber b) Circular
having step index profile is known as non- c) Triangular
dispersion shifted fiber. As these fibers have a d) Planar

zero dispersion wavelength of 1.31μm and so

are preferred for single-wavelength Answer: b
transmission in O-band. Explanation: The use of circular dielectric
waveguide structures is universally

14. Standard single mode fibers (SSMF) are acceptable. This has been a boon for optical
utilized mainly for operation in ___________ fibre communications.
a) C-band
b) L-band 2. __________ waveguide is formed when
the film is sandwiched by layers of different

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refractive index. Answer: d

a) Planar Explanation: All suitable waveguide
b) Circular materials are subject to limitations in the
c) Asymmetric confinement. However, metal-clad
d) Symmetric waveguides are not so limited. Hence, they
are plagued by high losses.

Answer: c
Explanation: When the film is sandwiched 6. The planar waveguides may be fabricated
between layers of same refractive index, from glasses and other isotropic materials
symmetric waveguide is formed. Owing to such as ___________ and ______________
the different refractive index, asymmetry is a) Octane and polymers
observed and hence asymmetric waveguide is b) Carbon monoxide and diode
formed. c) Fluorides and carbonates

d) Sulphur dioxide and polymers
3. When the dimensions of the guide are
reduced, the number of ___________ also Answer: d
decreases. Explanation: These materials are isotropic.

a) Propagating nodes However, their properties do not affect the
b) Electrons fabrication of planar waveguides. Their
c) Holes pa properties cannot be controlled by external
d) Volume of photons energy sources.

Answer: a 7. Which of the following devices are less

Explanation: The dimensions of the guide widely used in the field of optical fibre
are directly proportional to the number of communications?
propagating nodes. As the dimensions are a) Acousto-optic devices
reduced, the number of propagating nodes b) Regenerators
also decreases. c) Reflectors
d) Optical translators
4. What does hff stands for in the equation hff
Answer: a

= h+x+x2?
a) Frequency of layer Explanation: Acousto-optic devices are less
b) Diameter of curve widely used, mainly in the area of field
c) Effective guide layer thickness deflection. Regenerators, reflectors form a
d) Space propagation base for the optical fibre communications.

Answer: c 8. Which of the following materials have

Explanation: In the above equation, h is the refractive index near two?
height, x and x2 are the evanescent field a) GA As
penetration depths. hff Denotes the effective b) Zinc

c) InP
guided layer thickness.
d) AlSb
5. ___________ waveguides are plagued by

high losses. Answer: b

Explanation: Two basic groups are
a) Circular
distinguished on the basis of the respective
b) Planar
refractive indices near two and near three.
c) Depleted
d) Metal-clad

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GaAs, InP, AlSb have refractive indices near c) AlbS

3. d) LiNbO3

9. Passive devices are fabricated by Answer: d

__________ technique. Explanation: A passive Y-junction splitter is
a) Fassbinder used to combine signals from separate

b) High density integration sources or to divide a signal into two or more
c) Radio-frequency sputtering channels. It is fabricated from the waveguide
d) Lithium implantation materials such as LiNbO3.
Answer: c
13. A passive Y-junction beam splitter is also
Explanation: Passive devices’ fabrication
used as a switch.
comes mainly from microelectronics industry.
a) True

Radio frequency sputtering is used to deposit
b) False
thin films of glass onto glass substrates.
Answer: a
10. Strip pattern in waveguide structures is

Explanation: A passive junction beam
obtained through ____________
splitter finds application where equal power
a) Lithography
division of the incident beam is required. It
b) Cryptography
can be used as a switch if it is fabricated from
c) Depletion of holes
d) Implantation
pa an electro-optic material.

14. The linear variation of refractive index

Answer: a
with the electric field is known as the
Explanation: Field strength is an important
aspect when it comes to strip patterns in
a) Linear implantation
waveguide structures. The electron and laser
b) Ionization
beam lithography is used to obtain stripe
c) Koppel effect
pattern in waveguide structures. d) Pockels effect
11. Propagation losses in slab and strip

Answer: d
waveguides are smaller than the single mode
Explanation: The change in refractive index
fibre losses.
is related by the applied field via the linear
a) True
and quadratic electro-optic coefficients. The
b) False
variation of R.I with the electric field is
known as Pockels effect.

Answer: b
Explanation: The losses are in the range of
15. Planar waveguides are used to produce
0.1 to 0.3 dB/cm. In case of slab and stripe
_______ coupler.
waveguides, the losses are much higher

a) MMI
whereas in case of single-mode fibres, they b) CMI
are much less.
c) Frequency
d) Differential

12. A passive Y-junction beam splitter is

fabricated from __________ Answer: a
a) GaAs
Explanation: MMI couplers are abbreviated
b) ZnS
as Multimode interference couplers. These

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are similar to fused fibre couplers. These are 4. TEM wave can propagate in rectangular
easily produced by using planar waveguides. waveguides. State true/false.
a) True
b) False

FIBER-TRANSVERSE Explanation: The rectangular waveguide
ELECTRIC AND TRANSVERSE does not allow the TEM wave. TEM mode
can exist only in two conductor system and
MAGNETIC MODES not in hollow waveguide in which the centre
conductor does not exist.
1. In a transverse electric magnetic wave,
which of the following will be true? 5. The cut off wavelength in the TEM wave

a) E is transverse to H will be
b) E is transverse to wave direction a) 0
c) H is transverse to wave direction b) Negative
d) E and H are transverse to wave direction c) Infinity

d) 1/6 GHz
Answer: d
Explanation: In the transverse electric Answer: c
magnetic wave (TEM wave), both the electric Explanation: The cut off frequency in a TEM

the wave propagation.

and magnetic field strengths are transverse to wave is zero. Thus the cut off wavelength
will be infinity.

2. The cut off frequency of the TEM wave is 6. The guided wavelength of a TEM wave in
a) 0 a waveguide having a wavelength of 5 units is
b) 1 GHz a) 0
c) 6 GHz b) Infinity
d) infinity c) 5
d) 1/5
Answer: a

Explanation: The TEM waves have both E Answer: c

and H perpendicular to the guide axis. Thus Explanation: The guided wavelength is same
its cut off frequency is zero. as the wavelength of the waveguide with a
TEM wave. Thus the guided wavelength is 5
3. Which component is non zero in a TEM units.

a) Ex 7. The guided phase constant of a TEM wave

b) Hz in a waveguide with a phase constant of 2.8
c) Ez units is

d) Attenuation constant a) 2.8

b) 1.4
Answer: a c) 0
Explanation: In a TEM wave, the wave

d) Infinity
propagates along the guided axis. Thus the
components Ez and Hz are zero. The Answer: a
attenuation is also zero. The non-zero Explanation: The guided phase constant is
component will be Ex. same as the phase constant of the waveguide.

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For the given data, the guided phase constant TOPIC 1.6 FIBER OPTIC
is 2.8 units.
8. Which type of transmission line accepts the OPTICAL FIBE
TEM wave?
a) Copper cables

b) Coaxial cable
c) Rectangular waveguides FIBER-GRADED INDEX FIBER.
d) Circular waveguides

Answer: b
Explanation: Hollow transmission lines
support TE and TM waves only. The TEM

wave is possible only in the coaxial cable
transmission line, which is not hollow.
9. For a TEM wave to propagate in a

medium, the medium has to be
a) Air
b) Insulator data-communication-
c) Dispersive
d) Non dispersive
pa networking/
Answer: d
Explanation: The medium in which the TEM
waves propagate has to be non- dispersive.
This implies the phase velocity and the
characteristic impedance has to be constant
over a wide band. CHARACTERISTIC OF
10. Stripline and parallel plate waveguides OPTICAL FIBER

support the TEM wave. State true/false.


Explanation: The stripline and parallel plate

waveguides are not hollow and the dielectric
is lossless. The medium is non dispersive. 1. Which of the following statements best
Thus the statement is true. explain the concept of material absorption?

a) A loss mechanism related to the material

TOPIC 1.5 FIBER MATERIALS- composition and fabrication of fiber
FIBER FABRICATION b) A transmission loss for optical fibers

c) Results in attenuation of transmitted light

TECHNIQUES d) Causes of transfer of optical power

Answer: a
Explanation: Material absorption is a loss

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mechanism that results in dissipation of 5. Which of the following is not a metallic

transmitted optical power as heat in a impurity found in glass in extrinsic
waveguide. It can be caused by impurities or absorption?
interaction with other components of the core. a) Fe2+
b) Fe3+
2. How many mechanisms are there which
c) Cu

causes absorption?
d) Si
a) One
b) Three
Answer: d
c) Two
Explanation: In the optical fibers, prepared
d) Four
by melting techniques, extrinsic absorption
Answer: b can be observed. It is caused from transition

Explanation: Absorption is a loss metal element impurities. In all these options,
mechanism. It may be intrinsic, extrinsic and Si is a constituent of glass and it cannot be
considered as an impurity to glass itself.
also caused by atomic defects.

6. Optical fibers suffer radiation losses at
3. Absorption losses due to atomic defects
bends or curves on their paths.
mainly include ___________
a) True
a) Radiation
b) False
b) Missing molecules, oxygen defects in glass
c) Impurities in fiber material
d) Interaction with other components of core
Answer: a
Explanation: Optical fibers suffer radiation
losses due to the energy in the bend or curves
Answer: b
exceeding the velocity of light in the
Explanation: Atomic defects are
cladding. Hence, guiding mechanism is
imperfections in the atomic structure of fiber
inhibited, which in turn causes light energy to
material. Atomic structure includes nucleus,
be radiated from the fiber.
molecules, protons etc. Atomic defects thus
contribute towards loss of molecules, oxygen,
7. In the given equation, state what αr

a) Radius of curvature
4. The effects of intrinsic absorption can be
b) Refractive index difference
minimized by ___________
c) Radiation attenuation coefficients
a) Ionization
d) Constant of proportionality
b) Radiation

c) Suitable choice of core and cladding

Answer: c
Explanation: Above equation represents the
d) Melting
fiber loss. This loss is seen at bends and

curves as the fibers suffer radiation losses at

Answer: c
curves. These radiation losses are represented
Explanation: Intrinsic absorption is caused
by a radiation attenuation coefficient (αr).
by interaction of light with one or more

components of the glass i.e. core. Thus, if the

compositions of core and cladding are chosen 8. A multimode fiber has refractive indices n1
suitably, this effect can be minimized. = 1.15, n2 = 1.11 and an operating
wavelength of 0.7μm. Find the radius of

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a) 8.60μm relative refractive index difference. Losses

b) 9.30μm are inversely proportional to refractive index
c) 9.1μm differences.
d) 10.2μm 11. Sharp bends or micro bends causes
significant losses in fiber.

Answer: b a) True
Explanation: The radius of curvature of the b) False
fiber bend of a multimode fiber is given by
Answer: a
Where, Rc = radius of curvature Explanation: Sharp bends usually have a
n1, n2 = refractive indices radius of curvature almost near to the critical
λ = wavelength. radius. The fibers with the radius near to the

critical radius cause significant losses and
9. A single mode fiber has refractive indices hence they are avoided.
n1=1.50, n2 = 2.23, core diameter of 8μm,

wavelength = 1.5μm cutoff wavelength = TOPIC 2.2 SIGNAL DISPERSION
1.214μm. Find the radius of curvature? INTER SYMBOL
b) 20 mm
c) 34 mm
d) 36 mm


Answer: c
Explanation: The radius of curvature of the
fiber bend of a single mode fiber is given by- DISPERSION

Where R = radius of curvature, 1. ___________ measurements give an

n1, n2 = refractive indices, indication of the distortion to the optical
λc = cutoff wavelength, signals as they propagate down optical fibers.

λ = operating wavelength. a) Attenuation

b) Dispersion
10. How the potential macro bending losses c) Encapsulation
can be reduced in case of multimode fiber? d) Frequency
a) By designing fibers with large relative

refractive index differences Answer: b

b) By maintaining direction of propagation Explanation: Dispersion measurements
c) By reducing the bend provide the exact parameters to truly
determine the quality and degradation to the

d) By operating at larger wavelengths

optical signals. It gives an indication of the
Answer: a distortion to the optical signals as they
Explanation: In the case of multimode fibers, propagate down the optical fibers.

radius of curvature is directly proportional to

core refractive index and operating 2. The measurement of dispersion allows the
wavelength. In order to reduce the macro _________ of the fiber to be determined.
bending losses, the operative wavelength a) Capacity
must be small and fibers must have large b) Frequency

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c) Bandwidth Answer: d
d) Power Explanation: In single mode case, the
dominant dispersion mechanism is chromatic.
Answer: c Chromatic dispersion is called as intra-modal
Explanation: Dispersion measurements give dispersion.
an indication of distortion, which in turn

determines the information carrying capacity 6. Devices such as ___________ are used to
of the fiber. This information carrying simulate the steady-state mode distribution.
capacity of the fiber is purely dependent on a) Gyrators
the bandwidth of the fiber. b) Circulators
c) Mode scramblers
3. How many types of mechanisms are d) Attenuators
present which produce dispersion in optical

fibers? Answer: c
a) Three Explanation: The dispersion measurements
b) Two on the fiber are performed only when the
c) One equilibrium mode distribution is set up within

d) Four the fiber. Hence, filters or scramblers are used
to simulate the steady state mode distribution.
Answer: a
Explanation: There are three major 7. How many domains support the
mechanisms which produce dispersion in
optical fibers. These are: Material dispersion,
measurements of fiber dispersion?
a) One
waveguide dispersion and intermodal b) Three
dispersion. c) Four
d) Two
4. Intermodal dispersion is nonexistent in
________ fibers. Answer: d
a) Multimode Explanation: Fiber dispersion measurements
b) Single mode can be made in two domains. These are time
c) Step index- multimode domain and frequency domain.

d) Al-GU
8. The time domain dispersion measurement
Answer: b setup involves _____________ as the photo
Explanation: Intra-modal as the name detector.
suggests need multimode fibers to propagate. a) Avalanche photodiode

In single mode fibers, only one mode is there b) Oscilloscope

to propagate. Hence, Intermodal dispersion is c) Circulator
nonexistent in single mode fibers. d) Gyrator

5. In the single mode fibers, the dominant Answer: a

dispersion mechanism is ____________ Explanation: The time domain fiber
a) Intermodal dispersion dispersion measurement involves the pulses

b) Frequency distribution to be received by the photo detector in order

c) Material dispersion to determine the distortion in the optical
d) Intra-modal dispersion signals. These pulses are received by
avalanche photodiode.

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9. In pulse dispersion measurements, the 3dB along the channel

pulse broadening for the fiber is 10.5 ns/km c) Overlapping of light pulses on compression
and the length of the fiber is 1.2 km. d) Absorption of light pulses
Calculate the optical bandwidth for the fiber.
a) 32 MHz km Answer: b
b) 45 MHz km Explanation: Dispersion of transmitted

c) 41.9 MHz km optical signal causes distortion of analog as
d) 10 MHz km well as digital transmission. When the optical
signal travels along the channel, the
Answer: c dispersion mechanism causes broadening of
Explanation: The optical bandwidth for the light pulses and thus in turn overlaps with
fiber is given by – their neighboring pulses.
Bopt = 0.44/3dB pulse broadening

Where, 0.44 = constant. 2. What does ISI stand for in optical fiber
10. Frequency domain measurement is the a) Invisible size interference
b) Infrared size interference

preferred method for acquiring the bandwidth
of multimode optical fibers. c) Inter-symbol interference
a) True d) Inter-shape interference
b) False
Answer: c
Answer: a
Explanation: Bandwidth is usually the
Explanation: Dispersion causes the light
pulses to broaden and overlap with other light
difference in the frequency. Frequency pulses. This overlapping creates an
domain measurement is usually the best interference which is termed as inter-symbol
method in order to find the bandwidth of the interference.
multimode optical fibers.
3. For no overlapping of light pulses down on
11. Intra-modal dispersion tends to be an optical fiber link, the digital bit rate BT
dominant in multimode fibers. must be ___________
a) Less than the reciprocal of broadened pulse

a) True
b) False duration
b) More than the reciprocal of broadened
Answer: b pulse duration
Explanation: Intra-modal dispersion is c) Same as that of than the reciprocal of
dominant in case of single mode fibers. In broadened pulse duration

case of multimode fibers, intermodal d) Negligible

dispersion comes handy and is dominant.
Answer: a
Explanation: The digital bit rate and pulse

TOPIC 2.4 WAVEGUIDE duration are always inversely proportional to


Where BT = bit rate

1. What is dispersion in optical fiber 2Γ = duration of pulse.
a) Compression of light pulses 4. The maximum bit rate that may be
b) Broadening of transmitted light pulses obtained on an optical fiber link is 1/3Γ.

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a) True broadening is seen over a distance of 13 km?

b) False a) 6.12ns/km
b) 7.69ns/km
Answer: b c) 10.29ns/km
Explanation: The digital bit rate is function d) 8.23ns/km
of signal attenuation on a link and signal to

noise ratio. For the restriction of interference, Answer: b
the bit rate should be always equal to or less Explanation: The dispersion mechanism
than 1/2Γ. causes broadening of light pulses. The pulse
dispersion per unit length is obtained by
5. 3dB optical bandwidth is always dividing total dispersion of total length of
___________ the 3dB electrical bandwidth. fiber.
a) Smaller than Dispersion = 0.1*10-6/13 = 7.69 ns/km.

b) Larger than
c) Negligible than 8. Chromatic dispersion is also called as
d) Equal to intermodal dispersion.

a) True
Answer: b b) False
Explanation: Optical bandwidth is half of the
maximum data rate. For non-return:0 (NRZ), Answer: b
bandwidth is same as bit rate. The bandwidth
B for metallic conductors is defined by
electrical 3dB points. Optical communication
Explanation: Intermodal delay is a result of
each mode having a different group velocity
at a single frequency. The intermodal delay
uses electrical circuitry where signal power helps us to know about the information
has dropped to half its value due to modulated carrying capacity of the fiber.
portion of modulated signal.
9. Chromatic dispersion is also called as
6. A multimode graded index fiber exhibits a intermodal dispersion.
total pulse broadening of 0.15μsover a a) True
distance of 16 km. Estimate the maximum b) False
possible bandwidth, assuming no intersymbol

interference. Answer: b
a) 4.6 MHz Explanation: Intermodal delay, the name
b) 3.9 MHz only suggests, includes many modes. On the
c) 3.3 MHz other hand chromatic dispersion is pulse
d) 4.2 MHz spreading that takes place within a single

mode. Chromatic dispersion is also called as

Answer: c intermodal dispersion.
Explanation: The maximum possible
bandwidth is equivalent to the maximum 10. The optical source used in a fiber is an

possible bitrate. The maximum bit rate injection laser with a relative spectral width
assuming no inter-symbol interference is σλ/λ of 0.0011 at a wavelength of 0.70μm.
given by Estimate the RMS spectral width.

BT = Γ1

2 a) 1.2 nm
Where BT = bandwidth. b) 1.3 nm
c) 0.77 nm
7. What is pulse dispersion per unit length if d) 0.98 nm
for a graded index fiber, 0.1μs pulse

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Answer: c Answer: d
Explanation: The relative spectral width σλ/ Explanation: Normalized frequency
λ= 0.01 is given. The rms spectral width can V<=2.405 is the value at which the lowest
be calculated as follows: order Bessel function J=0. Core size(radius)
σλ/λ = 0.0011
σλ = 0.0011λ .

= 0.0011*0.70*10-6 2. An optical fiber has a core radius 2μm and
= 0.77 nm. a numerical aperture of 0.1. Will this fiber
operate at single mode at 600 nm?
11. In waveguide dispersion, refractive index a) Yes
is independent of ______________ b) No
a) Bit rate

b) Index difference Answer: a
c) Velocity of medium Explanation: V= 2πa.NA/λ. Calculating this
d) Wavelength equation, we get the value of V. V is the
normalised frequency and should be below

Answer: d 2.405 in order to operate the fiber at single
Explanation: In material dispersion, mode. Here, V=2.094, is less than 2.405.
refractive index is a function of optical Thus, this optical fiber exhibit single mode
wavelength. It varies as a function of
wavelength. In wavelength dispersion, group
delay is expressed in terms of normalized

3. What is needed to predict the performance

propagation constant instead of wavelength. characteristics of single mode fibers?
a) The intermodal delay effect
b) Geometric distribution of light in a
TOPIC 2.5 INTERMODAL propagating mode
DISPERSIONDISPERSION c) Fractional power flow in the cladding of
MODE FIBER- d) Normalized frequency

SINGLE MODE FIBER-R-I Explanation: A mode field diameter (MFD)
PROFILECUTOFF WAVE is a fundamental parameter of single mode
LENGTH-DISPERSION fibers. It tells us about the geometric
CALCULATION-MODE FIELD distribution of light. MFD is analogous to

core diameter in multimode fibers, except in

DIAMETER. single mode fibers not all the light that
propagates is carried in the core.
1. An optical fiber has core-index of 1.480

and a cladding index of 1.478. What should 4. Which equation is used to calculate MFD?
be the core size for single mode operation at a) Maxwell’s equations
1310nm? b) Peterman equations

a) 7.31μm c) Allen Cahn equations

b) 8.71μm d) Boltzmann’s equations
c) 5.26μm
d) 6.50μm Answer: b
Explanation: Mode field diameter is an

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important parameter for single mode fibers c) 3*10-5

because it is used to predict fiber properties d) 2
such as splice loss, bending loss. The
standard technique is to first measure the far- Answer: c
field intensity distribution and then Explanation: Bf=ny– nx = λ/Lp. Here,
calculating mode field diameter using λ=wavelength and Lp = beat length. Solving

Peterman equations.
this equation, we will get the answer.
5. A single mode fiber has mode field
diameter 10.2μm and V=2.20. What is the 8. How many propagation modes are present
core diameter of this fiber? in single mode fibers?
a) 11.1μm a) One
b) 13.2μm b) Two

c) 7.6μm c) Three
d) 10.1μm d) Five

Answer: b
Answer: d

Explanation: For a given optical fiber, the
Explanation: For a single mode fiber,
number of modes depends on the dimensions
MFD=2w0. Here, core radius
of the cable and the variations of the indices
Solving of refraction of both core and cladding across
this equation, we get a=5.05μm. Core-
the cross section. Thus, for a single mode
fiber, there are two independent, degenerate
propagation modes with their polarization
6. The difference between the modes’ planes orthogonal.
refractive indices is called as ___________
a) Polarization 9. Numerical aperture is constant in case of
b) Cutoff step index fiber.
c) Fiber birefringence a) True
d) Fiber splicing b) False

Answer: c Answer: a
Explanation: There are two propagation Explanation: Numerical aperture is a
modes in single mode fibers. These two measure of acceptance angle of a fiber. It also
modes are similar but their polarization gives the light gathering capacity of the fiber.
planes are orthogonal. In actual fibers, there For a single mode fiber, core is of constant
are imperfections such as variations in refractive index. There is no variation with

refractive index profiles. These modes respect to core. Thus, Numerical aperture is
propagate with different phase velocities and constant for single mode fibers.
their difference is given by Bf =ny – nx. Here,

10. Plastic fibers are less widely used than

ny and nx are refractive indices of two modes.
glass fibers.
a) True
7. A single mode fiber has a beat length of b) False

4cm at 1200nm. What is birefringence?

a) 2*10-5 Answer: a
b) 1.2*10-5 Explanation: The majority of the fibers are
made up of glass consisting of silica. Plastic
fibers are used for short distance

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transmissions unlike glass fibers which can particular energy level E, is given by the
also be used for long haul applications. Also, Fermi-Dirac distribution. It is given by-
plastic fibers have higher attenuation than P(E) = 1/(1+exp(E-EF/KT))
glass fibers. Where K = Boltzmann constant, T = absolute
temperature, EF = Fermi energy level.

3. What is done to create an extrinsic
UNIT III OPTICAL a) Refractive index is decreased
SOURCES AND b) Doping the material with impurities
c) Increase the band-gap of the material
DETECTORS d) Stimulated emission

TOPIC 3.1 SOURCES: Answer: b
Explanation: An intrinsic semiconductor is a
INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC pure semiconductor. An extrinsic

semiconductor is obtained by doping the
INDIRECT BAND GAPS material with impurity atoms. These impurity
atoms create either free electrons or holes.
1. A perfect semiconductor crystal containing
pa Thus, extrinsic semiconductor is a doped
no impurities or lattice defects is called as semiconductor.
4. The majority of the carriers in a p-type
a) Intrinsic semiconductor
semiconductor are __________
b) Extrinsic semiconductor
a) Holes
c) Excitation
b) Electrons
d) Valence electron
c) Photons
Answer: a d) Neutrons
Explanation: An intrinsic semiconductor is
Answer: a
usually un-doped. It is a pure semiconductor.

Explanation: The impurities can be either

The number of charge carriers is determined donor impurities or acceptor impurities.
by the semiconductor material properties and
When acceptor impurities are added, the
not by the impurities.
excited electrons are raised from the valence
2. The energy-level occupation for a band to the acceptor impurity levels leaving
positive charge carriers in the valence band.

semiconductor in thermal equilibrium is

described by the __________ Thus, p-type semiconductor is formed in
a) Boltzmann distribution function which majority of the carriers are positive i.e.
b) Probability distribution function holes.

c) Fermi-Dirac distribution function

5. _________________ is used when the
d) Cumulative distribution function
optical emission results from the application
of electric field.

Answer: c
Explanation: For a semiconductor in thermal a) Radiation
equilibrium, the probability P(E) that an b) Efficiency
electron gains sufficient thermal energy at an c) Electro-luminescence
absolute temperature so as to occupy a d) Magnetron oscillator

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Answer: c recombination coefficient for gallium

Explanation: Electro-luminescence is arsenide is 7.21*10-10cm3s-1.
encouraged by selecting an appropriate a) 2ns
semiconductor material. Direct band-gap b) 1.39ns
semiconductors are used for this purpose. In c) 1.56ns
band-to-band recombination, the energy is d) 2.12ms

released with the creation of photon. This
emission of light is known as Answer: b
electroluminescence. Explanation: The radioactive minority carrier
lifetime ςrconsidering the p-type region is
6. In the given equation, what does p stands given by-
ςr = [BrN]-1 where Br = Recombination

p = 2πhk coefficient in cm3s-1 and N = carrier
concentration in n-region.
a) Permittivity
b) Probability 9. Which impurity is added to gallium

c) Holes phosphide to make it an efficient light
d) Crystal momentum emitter?
a) Silicon
Answer: d b) Hydrogen
Explanation: The given equation is a relation
of crystal momentum and wave vector. In the
c) Nitrogen
d) Phosphorus
given equation, h is the Planck’s constant, k is
the wave vector and p is the crystal Answer: c
momentum. Explanation: An indirect band-gap
semiconductor may be made into an electro-
7. The recombination in indirect band-gap luminescent material by the addition of
semiconductors is slow. impurity centers which will convert it into a
a) True direct band-gap material. The introduction of
b) False nitrogen as an impurity into gallium

phosphide makes it an effective emitter of

Answer: a light. Such conversion is only achieved in
Explanation: In an indirect band-gap materials where the direct and indirect band-
semiconductor, the maximum and minimum gaps have a small energy difference.
energies occur at different values of crystal
momentum. However, three-particle

10. Population inversion is obtained at a p-n

recombination process is far less probable junction by __________
than the two-particle process exhibited by a) Heavy doping of p-type material
direct band-gap semiconductors. Hence, the b) Heavy doping of n-type material

recombination in an indirect band-gap c) Light doping of p-type material

semiconductor is relatively slow. d) Heavy doping of both p-type and n-type
8. Calculate the radioactive minority carrier

lifetime in gallium arsenide when the Answer: d

minority carriers are electrons injected into a Explanation: Population inversion at p-n
p-type semiconductor region which has a hole junction is obtained by heavy doping of both
concentration of 1018cm-3. The p-type and n-type material. Heavy p-type

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doping with acceptor impurities causes a of a single p-n junction fabricated from a
lowering of the Fermi-level between the filled single-crystal semiconductor material are
and empty states into the valence band. called as homo-junction. A hetero-junction is
Similarly n-type doping causes Fermi-level to an interface between two single-crystal
enter the conduction band of the material. semiconductors with different band-gap
energies. The devices which are fabricated

11. A GaAs injection laser has a threshold with hetero-junctions are said to have hetero-
current density of 2.5*103Acm-2 and length structure.
and width of the cavity is 240μm and 110μm
respectively. Find the threshold current for 14. How many types of hetero-junctions are
the device. available?
a) 663 mA a) Two
b) 660 mA b) One

c) 664 mA c) Three
d) 712 mA d) Four

Answer: a

Answer: b
Explanation: The threshold current is Explanation: Hetero-junctions are classified
denoted by Ith. It is given by- into an isotype and an-isotype. The isotype
hetero-junctions are also called as n-n or p-p
Ith = Jth * area of the optical cavity
pa junction. The an-isotype hetero-junctions are
Where Jth = threshold current density called as p-n junction with large band-gap
Area of the cavity = length and width. energies.

12. A GaAs injection laser with an optical 15. The ______________ system is best
cavity has refractive index of 3.6. Calculate developed and is used for fabricating both
the reflectivity for normal incidence of the lasers and LEDs for the shorter wavelength
plane wave on the GaAs-air interface. region.
a) 0.61 a) InP
b) 0.12 b) GaSb
c) 0.32 c) GaAs/GaSb

d) 0.48 d) GaAs/Alga AS DH

Answer: c Answer: d
Explanation: The reflectivity for normal Explanation: For DH device fabrication,
incidence of the plane wave on the GaAs-air materials such as GaAs, Alga AS are used.

interface is given by- The band-gap in this material may be tailored

r = ((n-1)/(n+1))2 where r=reflectivity and to span the entire wavelength band by
n=refractive index. changing the AlGa composition. Thus, GaAs/
Alga As DH system is used for fabrication of

13. A homo-junction is an interface between lasers and LEDs for shorter wavelength
two adjoining single-crystal semiconductors region (0.8μm-0.9μm).
with different band-gap energies.

a) True
b) False
Explanation: The photo-emissive properties EMITTING LED-QUANTUM

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POWER-LIGHT SOURCE Explanation: In Dome LEDs, the diameter of
dome is selected so as to maximum the
internal emission reaching surface within
1. The amount of radiance in planer type of critical angle of GaAs. Thus, dome LEDs
LED structures is ____________ have high external power efficiency. The

a) Low geometry of Dome LEDs is such that dome is
b) High much larger than active recombination area,
c) Zero so it has greater emission era and reduced of
d) Negligible radiance.
Answer: a 4. The techniques by Burros and Dawson in
Explanation: Planer LEDs are fabricated reference to homo structure device is to use

using liquid or vapor phase epitaxial an etched well in GaAs structure.
processes. Here p-type is diffused into n-type a) True
substrate which creates junction. Forward b) False
current flow through junction provides

Lambertian spontaneous emission. Thus, Answer: a
device emits light from all surfaces. However Explanation: Burros and Dawson provided a
a limited amount of light escapes the structure technique to restrict emission to small active
due to total internal reflection thus providing
low radiance.
pa region within device thus providing high
radiance. Etched well in a GaAs substrate is
used to prevent heavy absorption of emitted
2. In optical fiber communication region and physically accommodating the
_____________ major types of LED fiber. These structures provide low thermal
structures are used. impedance allowing high current densities of
a) 2 high radiance.
b) 4
c) 6 5. In surface emitter LEDs, more advantage
d) 3 can be obtained by using ____________
a) BH structures

Answer: c b) QC structures
Explanation: Optical fiber communication c) DH structures
involves the use of 6 different major LED d) Gain-guided structure
structure. These are the surface emitter, edge
emitter, the super luminescent, the resonant Answer: c

cavity LED, planar LEDs and Dome LEDs. Explanation: DH structures provide high
efficiency from electrical and optical
3. As compared to planar LED structure, confinement. Along with efficiency, they
Dome LEDs have ______________ External provide less absorption of emitted radiation.

power efficiency ___________ effective

emission area and _____________ radiance. 6. Internal absorption in DH surface emitter
a) Greater, lesser, reduced Burros type LEDs is ____________

b) Higher, greater, reduced a) Cannot be determined

c) Higher, lesser, increased b) Negligible
d) Greater, greater, increased c) High
d) Very low

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Answer: d b) 1.784*10-3
Explanation: The larger band gap confining c) 3.478*102
layers and the reflection coefficient at the
back crystal space is high in DH surface d) 9.551*10-5
emitter Burros type LEDs. This provides
Answer: d
good forward radiance. Thus these structure
Explanation: The optical power coupler in

LEDs have very less internal absorption.
the step index fiber of SLED is given by
7. DH surface emitter generally give Pc = π(1-r) A RD(NA) 2
____________ = 3.14 (1-0.03)*1.96*10-5*40*(0.2) 2
a) More coupled optical power
b) Less coupled optical power = 9.551*10-5W.
c) Low current densities

10. In a multimode fiber, much of light
d) Low radiance emission into-fiber
coupled in the fiber from an LED is
Answer: a
a) Increased
Explanation: The optical power coupled into

b) Reduced
a fiber depends on distance, alignment
c) Lost
between emission area and fiber, SLED
d) Unaffected
emission pattern and medium between
emitting area and fiber. All these parameters
Answer: c
if considered, reduces refractive index
Explanation: Optical power from an
mismatch and increases external power
incoherent source is initially coupled into
efficiency thus providing more coupled
large angle rays falling within acceptance
optical power.
angle of fiber but have more energy than
Meridional rays. Energy from these rays goes
8. A DH surface emitter LED has an emission
into the cladding and thus may be lost.
area diameter of 60μm. Determine emission
area of source.
11. Determine the overall power conversion
a) 1.534*10-6 efficiency of lens coupled SLED having

b) 5.423*10-3 forward current of 20 mA and forward

c) 3.564*10-2 voltage of 2 V with 170 μWof optical power
d) 2.826*10-9 launched into multimode step index fiber.
a) 1.256*10-5
Answer: d b) 4.417*102

Explanation: The emission area A of source c) 4.25*10-3

is given by
d) 2.14*10-3
A = π(30*10-6) 2= 2.826*10-9cm2.

Answer: c
9. Estimate optical power coupled into fiber Explanation: The overall power conversion
of DH SLED having emission area of efficiency is determined by
1.96*10-5, radiance of 40 W/rcm2, numerical η pc = Pc/P = 170*10-6/20*10-3*2

aperture of 0.2 and Fresnel reflection

coefficient of 0.03 at index matched fiber = 4.25*10-3.
12. The overall power conversion efficiency
a) 5.459*10-5 of electrical lens coupled LED is 0.8% and

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power applied 0.0375 V. Determine optical 15. The active layer of E-LED is heavily
power launched into fiber. doped with ____________
a) 0.03 a) Zn
b) 0.05 b) Eu
c) 0.3 c) Cu
d) 0.01 d) Sn

Answer: a Answer: a
Explanation: Optical power launched can be Explanation: Zn doping reduces the minority
computed by carrier lifetime. Thus this improves the device
η pc = Pc/P modulation bandwidth hence active layer is
Pc = η pc* P doped in Zn in E-LEDs.

= 0.8 * 0.0375
= 0.03. TOPIC 3.3 MATERIALS-
13. Mesa structured SLEDs are used

a) To reduce radiance THRESHOLD CONDITIONS-
b) To increase radiance RATE EQUATIONS
c) To reduce current spreading
d) To increase current spreading

Answer: c
pa 1. A device which converts electrical energy
in the form of a current into optical energy is
called as ___________
Explanation: The planar structures of
a) Optical source
Burros-type LED allow lateral current
b) Optical coupler
spreading specially for contact diameters less
c) Optical isolator
than 25 μm.This results in reduced current
d) Circulator
density and effective emission area greater
than contact area. This technique to reduce Answer: a
current spreading in very small devices is Explanation: An Optical source is an active

Mesa structured SLEDs. component in an optical fiber communication

system. It converts electrical energy into
14. The InGaAsP is emitting LEDs are
optical energy and allows the light output to
realized in terms of restricted are
be efficiently coupled into the Optical fiber.
a) Length strip geometry

2. How many types of sources of optical light

b) Radiance are available?
c) Current spreading a) One
d) Coupled optical power b) Two

c) Three
Answer: a
d) Four
Explanation: The short striped structure of
these LEDs around 100 μmimproves the

Answer: c
external efficiency of LEDs by reducing Explanation: Three main types of optical
internal absorption of carriers. These are also light sources are available. These are
called truncated strip E-LEDs. wideband sources, monochromatic incoherent

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sources. Ideally the optical source should be c) Spontaneous emission

linear. d) Stimulated emission

3. The frequency of the absorbed or emitted Answer: d

radiation is related to difference in energy E Explanation: In Stimulated emission, the
between the higher energy state E2 and the photon produced is of the same energy to the

lower energy state E1. State what h stands for one which cause it. Hence, the light
in the given equation? associated with stimulated photon is in phase
and has same polarization. Therefore, in
E = E2 - E1 = hf contrast to spontaneous emission, coherent
radiation is obtained. The coherent radiation
a) Gravitation constant phenomenon in laser provides amplification
b) Planck’s constant thereby making laser a better optical source

c) Permittivity than LED.
d) Attenuation constant
6. An incandescent lamp is operating at a
temperature of 1000K at an operating

Answer: b
Explanation: In the given equation, frequency of 5.2×1014 Hz. Calculate the ratio
difference in the energy E is directly of stimulated emission rate to spontaneous
proportional to the absorbed frequency (f)
pa emission rate.
where h is used as a constant and is called as a) 3×10-13
Planck’s constant. The value of h is measured
b) 1.47×10-11
in Joules/sec & is given by-
c) 2×10-12
h = 6.626×10-34Js.
d) 1.5×10-13
4. The radiation emission process (emission
of a proton at frequency) can occur in Answer: b
__________ ways. Explanation: The ratio of the stimulated
a) Two emission rate to the spontaneous emission
b) Three rate is given by-

c) Four Stimulated emission rate/ Spontaneous

d) One emission rate = 1/exp (hf/KT)-1.

Answer: a 7. The lower energy level contains more

Explanation: The emission process can occur atoms than upper level under the conditions
in two ways. First is by spontaneous emission of ________________

in which the atom returns to the lower energy a) Isothermal packaging

state in a random manner. Second is by b) Population inversion
stimulated emission where the energy of a c) Thermal equilibrium
d) Pumping

photon is equal to the energy difference and it

interacts with the atom in the upper state
causing it to return to the lower state along Answer: c
Explanation: Under the conditions of thermal
with the creation of a new photon.

equilibrium, the lower energy level contains

5. Which process gives the laser its special more atoms than the upper level. To achieve
properties as an optical source? optical amplification, it is required to create a
a) Dispersion non-equilibrium distribution such that the
b) Stimulated absorption population of upper energy level is more than

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the lower energy level. This process of b) 1.2 GHz

excitation of atoms into the upper level is c) 1.6 GHz
achieved by using an external energy source d) 2 GHz
and is called as pumping.
Answer: c
8. __________________ in the laser occurs Explanation: The modes of laser are

when photon colliding with an excited atom separated by a frequency internal δf and this
causes the stimulated emission of a second separation is given by-
photon. δf = c/2nL
a) Light amplification Where
b) Attenuation c = velocity of light
c) Dispersion n = Refractive index
d) Population inversion L = Length of the crystal.

Answer: a 11. Doppler broadening is a homogeneous
Explanation: Laser emits coherent radiation broadening mechanism.
of one or more discrete wavelength. Lasers a) True

produce coherent light through a process b) False
called stimulated emission. Light
amplification is obtained through stimulated Answer: b
Explanation: Doppler broadening is a
avalanche multiplication.
emission. Continuation of this process creates
inhomogeneous broadening mechanism. In
this broadening, the individual groups of
9. A ruby laser has a crystal of length 3 cm atoms have different apparent resonance
with a refractive index of 1.60, wavelength frequencies. Atomic collisions usually
0.43 μm. Determine the number of provide homogeneous broadening as each
longitudinal modes. atom in collection has same resonant
a) 1×102 frequency and spectral spread.
b) 3×106 12. An injection laser has active cavity losses
c) 2.9×105
of 25 cm-1 and the reflectivity of each laser

d) 2.2×105 facet is 30%. Determine the laser gain

coefficient for the cavity it has a length of
Answer: d 500μm.
Explanation: The number of longitudinal
modes is given by- a) 46 cm-1
b) 51 cm-1

q = 2nL/λ
Where c) 50 cm-1
q = Number of longitudinal modes d) 49.07 cm-1
n = Refractive index

L = Length of the crystal Answer: d

λ = Peak emission wavelength. Explanation: The laser gain coefficient is
equivalent to the threshold gain per unit

10. A semiconductor laser crystal of length 5 length and is given by –

cm, refractive index 1.8 is used as an optical gth = α + 1/L ln (1/r)
source. Determine the frequency separation of
the modes.
α = active cavity loss
a) 2.8 GHz

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L = Length of the cavity a) Analog modulation

r = reflectivity. b) Digital intensity modulation
c) Photodetector
13. Longitudinal modes contribute only a d) Receiver structure
single spot of light to the laser output.
a) True Answer: b

b) False Explanation: Many techniques have been
developed to amplitude modulate an optical
Answer: a signal. Digital intensity modulation used in
Explanation: Laser emission includes the direct detection systems is essentially a crude
longitudinal modes and transverse modes. form of ASK in which the received signal is
Transverse modes give rise to a pattern of detected using square law detector.
spots at the output. Longitudinal modes give

only a spot of light to the output. 2. Almost _________ of the transmitter
power is wasted in the use of external
14. Considering the values given below, modulators.
calculate the mode separation in terms of free a) Half

space wavelength for a laser. (Frequency b) Quarter
separation = 2GHz, Wavelength = 0.5 μm) c) One-third
a) 1.4×10-11 pa d) Twice
b) 1.6×10-12
Answer: a
c) 1×10-12 Explanation: All external modulators suffer
d) 6×10-11 the drawback that around half of the
transmitted power is wasted. To avoid this,
Answer: b non-synchronous detection can be employed.
Explanation: The mode separation in terms
of free space wavelength is given by- 3. The line width in the range ________ of bit
δλ = λ2/c δf rate is specified for ASK heterodyne
Where detection.
δf = frequency separation a) 8%

λ = wavelength b) 2 to 8%
c = velocity of light. c) 10 t0 50%
d) 70%
TOPIC 3.4 EXTERNAL Answer: c

Explanation: The ASK modulation scheme

RESONANT FREQUENCIES- can be used with laser sources exhibiting the
STRUCTURES AND RADIATION line widths comparable with the bit
transmission rate. For ASK heterodyne

PATTERNS SINGLE MODE detection, line width range of 10 to 50% is

LASER-EXTERNAL usually specified.

EFFORT 4. ______________ is also referred to as on-

off keying (OOK).
a) FSK
1. _____________ is essentially a crude form b) DSK
of Amplitude shift keying.

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c) PSK Answer: a
d) ASK Explanation: Multilevel FSK includes 4-
level or 8-level FSK. It improves the receiver
Answer: d sensitivity by reducing the deviation and
Explanation: Amplitude shift keying (ASK) increasing the usage of signalling frequencies.
involves the locking and assembling of the

amplitude of the wave. It involves the carrier 8. Eight level FSK and binary PSK yields an
wave along with the amplitude wave or equivalent sensitivity.
transmitted wave and hence referred to as on- a) False
off keying. b) True

5. ________ does not require an external Answer: b

modulator. Explanation: Binary PSK and 8-level FSK

a) FSK provides an equivalent sensitivity. The main
b) DSK drawback of 8-level FSK is that it yields an
c) PSK equivalent sensitivity to binary PSK at the
d) ASK expense of a greater receiver bandwidth

Answer: a
Explanation: FSK involves the frequency 9. External modulation for ________
deviation property of the directly modulated modulation format allows the most sensitive
semiconductor laser used in wideband
systems. Unlike ASK, it does not require an
coherent detection mechanism.
a) FSK
external modulator, which in turn, avoids the b) DSK
wastage of transmitted power. c) PSK
d) ASK
6. The frequency deviation at frequencies
above 1 MHz is typically ____________ Answer: c
a) 10 to 20 mA-1 Explanation: External modulation for PSK is
usually straightforward. It is therefore utilized
b) 100 to 500 mA-1
to provide the modulation format which

c) 1000 to 2000 mA-1 allows the most sensitive coherent detection

d) 30 to 40 mA-1 mechanism.

Answer: b 10. _________ can potentially provide

Explanation: The carrier modulation effect spectral conservation through the use of

occurs at the frequencies above 1 MHz. At multilevel signalling.

the phase of carrier modulation, the frequency a) M-ary PSK
deviation is about 100 to 500 mA-1. b) MFSK
c) ASK

7. ___________ offers the potential for d) DFSK

improving the coherent optical receiver
sensitivity by increasing the choice of Answer: a

signalling frequencies. Explanation: In M-ary schemes, the spectral

a) MFSK efficiency is increased by the factor log2
b) MDSK M.this is purely for M-level schemes which
c) MPSK can provide multilevel signalling patterns.

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11. The digital transmission on a) Auger recombination

implementation of polarization modulation b) Mode hopping
which involves polarization characteristics of c) Impact ionization
the transmitted optical signal is known as d) Extract ionization
a) Frequency shift keying Answer: c

b) Amplitude shift keying Explanation: In depletion region, almost all
c) Phase shift keying photons are absorbed and carrier pairs are
d) Polarization shift keying generated. So there comes a high field region
where carriers acquire energy to excite new
Answer: d carrier pairs. This is impact ionization.
Explanation: Polarization shift keying is
abbreviated as PolSK. PolSK requires 3. _______ is fully depleted by employing

additional receiver complexity than other electric fields.
modulation formats. a) Avalanche photodiode
b) P-I-N diode
c) Varactor diode

TOPIC 3.5 DETECTORS: PIN d) P-n diode
Explanation: APD is fully depleted by
pa electric fields more than 104V/m. This causes
all the drifting of carriers at saturated limited
MULTIPLICATION NOISE- 4. At low gain, the transit time and RC effects
a) Are negligible

d) Reduce gradually
1. ___________ has more sophisticated
structure than p-i-n photodiode. Answer: c
a) Avalanche photodiode Explanation: Low gain causes the dominance
b) p-n junction diode of transit time and RC effects. This gives a
c) Zener diode definitive response time and thus device

d) Varactor diode obtains constant bandwidth.

Answer: a 5. At high gain, avalanche buildup time


Explanation: Avalanche photodiode is

second major type of detector in optical a) Is negligible
communications. This diode is more b) Very less
sophisticated so as to create a much higher c) Increases gradually

electric field region. d) Dominates

2. The phenomenon leading to avalanche Answer: d

breakdown in reverse-biased diodes is known Explanation: High gain causes avalanche
as _______ buildup time to dominate. Thus the

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bandwidth of device decreases as increase in Answer: c

gain. Explanation: The wavelength can be found
from the Responsivity formula given by-
6. Often __________ pulse shape is obtained R = ηeλ/hc. The unit of wavelength isμm.
from APD.
a) Negligible 10. Compute photocurrent of RAPD having

b) Distorted optical power of 0.7 μw and responsivity of
c) Asymmetric 0.689 A/W.
d) Symmetric a) 0.23 μA
b) 0.489 μA
Answer: c c) 0.123 μA
Explanation: Asymmetric pulse shape is d) 9 μA
acquired from APD. This is due to relatively

fast rise time as electrons are collected and Answer: b
fall time dictated by transit time of holes. Explanation: The photocurrent is given
byIP=P0R. Here IP = photocurrent, P0=Power,
7. Fall times of 1 ns or more are common.

R = responsivity.
a) False
b) True 11. Determine optical power of RAPD with
photocurrent of 0.396 μAand responsivity of
Answer: b
Explanation: The use of suitable materials
and structures give rise times between 150
0.49 A/w.
a) 0.91 μW
b) 0.32 μW
and 200 ps. Thus fall times of 1 ns or more c) 0.312 μW
are common which in turn limits the overall d) 0.80 μW
response of device.
Answer: d
8. Determine Responsivity of a silicon RAPD Explanation: The photocurrent is given by IP
with 80% efficiency, 0.7μm wavelength.
= P0R. Here IP = photocurrent, P0 = Power, R
a) 0.459
b) 0.7 = responsivity.

c) 0.312 P0 = IP/R gives the optical power.

d) 0.42
12. Determine the Responsivity of optical
Answer: a power of 0.4μW and photocurrent of 0.294
Explanation: The Responsivity of a RAPD is μA.

given by- a) 0.735

R = ηeλ/hc A/w where, η=efficiency, λ = b) 0.54
wavelength, h = Planck’s constant. c) 0.56
d) 0.21

9. Compute wavelength of RAPD with 70%

efficiency and Responsivity of 0.689 A/w. Answer: a
a) 6μm Explanation: The photocurrent is given by IP

b) 7.21μm = P0R. Here IP = photocurrent, P0 = Power, R

c) 0.112μm = responsivity.
d) 3μm R = IP/P0 gives the responsivity.

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13. Compute multiplication factor of RAPD

with output current of 10 μAand photocurrent
of 0.369μA. RECEIVER,
a) 25.32
b) 27.100

d) 22.2


Explanation: The multiplication factor of RECEIVER OPERATION-
photodiode is given by- PREAMPLIFIERS-DIGITAL
M = I/IP where I = output current, IP = SIGNAL TRANSMISSION-

14. Determine the output current of RAPD
having multiplication factor of 39 and 1. How many circuits are present in an
equivalent circuit for the digital optical fiber

photocurrent of 0.469μA.
a) 17.21 receiver?
b) 10.32 a) Four
c) 12.21 pa b) One
d) 18.29 c) Three
d) Two
Answer: d
Explanation: The multiplication factor of Answer: a
photodiode is given by- Explanation: A full equivalent circuit for the
M = I/IP where I = output current, IP = digital optical fiber receiver includes four
photocurrent. I = M*IP gives the output circuits. These are the detector circuit, noise
sources, and amplifier and equalizer circuit.
current inμA.
2. __________ compensates for distortion of
15. Compute the photocurrent of RAPD the signal due to the combined transmitter,

having multiplication factor of 36.7 and medium and receiver characteristics.

output current of 7μA. a) Amplification
a) 0.01 μA b) Distortion
b) 0.07 μA c) Equalization
c) 0.54 μA d) Dispersion
d) 0.9 μA

Answer: c
Answer: a Explanation: Equalization adjusts the
Explanation: The multiplication factor of balance between frequency components

photodiode is given by- within an electronic signal. It compensates for

M = I/IP where I = output current, IP = distortion of the signal. The distortion may be
photocurrent. IP = I/M Gives the output due to the transmitter, receiver etc.

current inμA.
3. ____________ is also known as frequency-
shaping filter.
a) Resonator
b) Amplifiers

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c) Attenuator c) Three
d) Equalizer d) Four

Answer: d Answer: c
Explanation: Equalizer, often called as Explanation: Three amplifier configurations
frequency-shaping filter has a frequency are used in optical fiber communication

response inverse to that of the overall system receivers. These are voltage amplifiers,
frequency response. In wideband systems, it semiconductor optical amplifier and current
boosts the high frequency components to amplifier. Voltage amplifier is the simplest
correct the overall amplitude of the frequency and most common amplifier configuration.
7. How many receiver structures are used to
4. The phase frequency response of the obtain better receiver characteristics?

system should be ____________ in order to a) Two
minimize inter-symbol interference. b) One
a) Non-Linear c) Four
b) Linear d) Three

c) More
d) Less Answer: d
Explanation: The various receiver structures
Answer: b are low-impedance front end, high-impedance
Explanation: An equalizer is used as
frequency shaping filter. The phase frequency
front end and trans-impedance front-end. The
noise in the trans-impedance amplifier will
response of the system should be linear to always exceed than the front end structure.
acquire the desired spectral shape for digital
systems. This, in turn, minimizes the inter- 8. The high-impedance front-end amplifier
symbol interference. provides a far greater bandwidth than the
trans-impedance front-end.
5. Noise contributions from the sources a) True
should be minimized to maximize the b) False
receiver sensitivity.

a) True Answer: a
b) False Explanation: The noise in the trans-
impedance amplifier exceeds that incurred by
Answer: a the high-impedance amplifier. Hence, the
Explanation: Noise sources include trans-impedance front-end provides a greater

transmitter section, medium and the receiver bandwidth without equalization than the high-
section. As the noise increases, the sensitivity impedance front end.
at the receiver section decreases. Thus, noise
contributions should be minimized to 9. A high-impedance amplifier has an

maximize the receiver sensitivity. effective input resistance of 4MΩ. Find the
maximum bandwidth that may be obtained
6. How many amplifier configurations are without equalization if the total capacitance is

frequently used in optional fiber 6 pF and total effective load resistance is

communication receivers? 2MΩ.
a) One a) 13.3 kHz
b) Two b) 14.2 kHz

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c) 15.8 kHz impedance amplifiers can be optimized for

d) 13.9 kHz noise performance.

Answer: a 12. The major advantage of the trans-

Explanation: The maximum bandwidth impedance configuration over the high-
obtained without equalization is given by – impedance front end is ______________

B = 1/2ΠRTLCT a) Greater bandwidth
Where, b) Less bandwidth
RTL = Total load resistance c) Greater dynamic range
CT = Total capacitance. d) Less dynamic range

Answer: c
10. A high-input-impedance amplifier has Explanation: Greater dynamic range is a

following parameters (Total effective load result of the different attenuation mechanism
resistance = 2MΩ, Temperature = 300 K). for the low-frequency components of the
Find the mean square thermal noise current signal. This attenuation is obtained in the
per unit bandwidth for the high-impedance trans-impedance amplifier through the

configuration. negative feedback and therefore the low
a) 8.9×10-27A2/Hz frequency components are amplified by the
b) 8.12×10-27A2/Hz pa closed loop. This increases the dynamic
c) 8.29×10-27A2/Hz range.
d) 8.4×10-27A2/Hz 13. The trans-impedance front end
configuration operates as a __________ with
Answer: c negative feedback.
Explanation: the mean square thermal noise
a) Current mode amplifier
current per unit bandwidth for the high-
b) Voltage amplifier
impedance configuration is given by –
c) Attenuator
iT2= 4KT/RTL d) Resonator
Where, K = constant
T = Temperature (Kelvin) Answer: a

RTL = total effective load resistance. Explanation: The trans-impedance

configuration overcomes the drawbacks of
11. The mean square thermal noise current in the high-impedance front end. It utilizes a
the trans-impedance configuration is low-noise, high-input-impedance amplifier
_________ greater than that obtained with the with negative feedback. It operates as a

high-input-impedance configuration. current mode amplifier where high

a) 30 impedance is reduced by negative feedback.
b) 20


d) 10

Explanation: 13 dB noise penalties are PROBABILITY OF ERROR-

incurred with the trans-impedance amplifier RECEIVER SENSITIVITY-
over that of the high-input-impedance
configuration. It is the logarithmic function of
the noise current value. However, the trans-

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1. How many circuits are present in an a) Non-Linear

equivalent circuit for the digital optical fiber b) Linear
receiver? c) More
a) Four d) Less
b) One
c) Three Answer: b

d) Two Explanation: An equalizer is used as
frequency shaping filter. The phase frequency
Answer: a response of the system should be linear to
Explanation: A full equivalent circuit for the acquire the desired spectral shape for digital
digital optical fiber receiver includes four systems. This, in turn, minimizes the inter-
circuits. These are the detector circuit, noise symbol interference.
sources, and amplifier and equalizer circuit.

5. Noise contributions from the sources
2. __________ compensates for distortion of should be minimized to maximize the
the signal due to the combined transmitter, receiver sensitivity.
medium and receiver characteristics. a) True

a) Amplification b) False
b) Distortion
c) Equalization Answer: a
Explanation: Noise sources include
d) Dispersion

Answer: c
pa transmitter section, medium and the receiver
section. As the noise increases, the sensitivity
Explanation: Equalization adjusts the at the receiver section decreases. Thus, noise
balance between frequency components contributions should be minimized to
within an electronic signal. It compensates for maximize the receiver sensitivity.
distortion of the signal. The distortion may be
due to the transmitter, receiver etc. 6. How many amplifier configurations are
frequently used in optional fiber
3. ____________ is also known as frequency- communication receivers?
shaping filter. a) One

a) Resonator b) Two
b) Amplifiers c) Three
c) Attenuator d) Four
d) Equalizer
Answer: c

Answer: d Explanation: Three amplifier configurations

Explanation: Equalizer, often called as are used in optical fiber communication
frequency-shaping filter has a frequency receivers. These are voltage amplifiers,
response inverse to that of the overall system semiconductor optical amplifier and current

frequency response. In wideband systems, it amplifier. Voltage amplifier is the simplest

boosts the high frequency components to and most common amplifier configuration.
correct the overall amplitude of the frequency

response. 7. How many receiver structures are used to

obtain better receiver characteristics?
4. The phase frequency response of the a) Two
system should be ____________ in order to b) One
minimize inter-symbol interference.

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c) Four configuration.
d) Three a) 8.9×10-27A2/Hz
Answer: d b) 8.12×10-27A2/Hz
Explanation: The various receiver structures c) 8.29×10-27A2/Hz
are low-impedance front end, high-impedance d) 8.4×10-27A2/Hz

front end and trans-impedance front-end. The
noise in the trans-impedance amplifier will Answer: c
always exceed than the front end structure. Explanation: the mean square thermal noise
current per unit bandwidth for the high-
8. The high-impedance front-end amplifier impedance configuration is given by –
provides a far greater bandwidth than the iT2= 4KT/RTL
trans-impedance front-end. Where, K = constant

a) True
T = Temperature (Kelvin)
b) False
RTL = total effective load resistance.
Answer: a

Explanation: The noise in the trans- 11. The mean square thermal noise current in
impedance amplifier exceeds that incurred by the trans-impedance configuration is
the high-impedance amplifier. Hence, the _________ greater than that obtained with the
trans-impedance front-end provides a greater high-input-impedance configuration.
bandwidth without equalization than the high-
impedance front end.
a) 30
b) 20
c) 15
9. A high-impedance amplifier has an d) 10
effective input resistance of 4MΩ. Find the
maximum bandwidth that may be obtained Answer: b
without equalization if the total capacitance is Explanation: 13 dB noise penalties are
6 pF and total effective load resistance is incurred with the trans-impedance amplifier
2MΩ. over that of the high-input-impedance
a) 13.3 kHz configuration. It is the logarithmic function of

b) 14.2 kHz the noise current value. However, the trans-

c) 15.8 kHz impedance amplifiers can be optimized for
d) 13.9 kHz noise performance.

Answer: a 12. The major advantage of the trans-

impedance configuration over the high-

Explanation: The maximum bandwidth

obtained without equalization is given by – impedance front end is ______________
B = 1/2ΠRTLCT a) Greater bandwidth
b) Less bandwidth

c) Greater dynamic range

RTL = Total load resistance
d) Less dynamic range
CT = Total capacitance.
Answer: c

10. A high-input-impedance amplifier has Explanation: Greater dynamic range is a

following parameters (Total effective load result of the different attenuation mechanism
resistance = 2MΩ, Temperature = 300 K). for the low-frequency components of the
Find the mean square thermal noise current signal. This attenuation is obtained in the
per unit bandwidth for the high-impedance trans-impedance amplifier through the

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negative feedback and therefore the low c) Splice loss measurement

frequency components are amplified by the d) Receiver sensitivity
closed loop. This increases the dynamic
range. Answer: d
Explanation: It is necessary to perform some
13. The trans-impedance front end tests on the optical fiber link to enhance

configuration operates as a __________ with productivity. Apart from receiver sensitivity,
negative feedback. other measurement methods are required to
a) Current mode amplifier test the fiber link.
b) Voltage amplifier
c) Attenuator 3. In case of field measurements, the
d) Resonator equipment must have ___________ power
consumption keeping in mind the battery

Answer: a operation.
Explanation: The trans-impedance a) Low
configuration overcomes the drawbacks of b) High
the high-impedance front end. It utilizes a c) Negligible

low-noise, high-input-impedance amplifier d) Maximum
with negative feedback. It operates as a
current mode amplifier where high Answer: a
Explanation: The design criteria allows you
impedance is reduced by negative feedback.
to distinguish in parameters required for
adaptation of battery operation and equipment
TOPIC 4.3 OPTICAL POWER handling. The power consumption must be
MEASUREMENT- low for an equipment to handle.
MEASUREMENT-DISPERSION 4. Which of the following are not considered
as environmental conditions required for field
MEASUREMENT- FIBER measurements?
a) Temperature
1. ____________ affects both the fiber b) Humidity

attenuation and dispersion. c) Mechanical load

a) Refractive index d) Power
b) Micro-bending
c) Connectors Answer: d
d) Splices Explanation: The equipment must be reliable

and provide accurate measurements under

Answer: b extreme environmental conditions such as
Explanation: Effects such as micro-bending humidity, temperature and mechanical load.
with a resultant mode coupling affect both the Power is an internal factor.

fiber attenuation and dispersion. It does not

provide the overall characteristics of the 5. Complicated and involved fiber connection
transmission link. arrangements should be _________ in case of

field measurements.
2. Which of the following is not included in a) Provided
the optical fiber link measurement test? b) Avoided
a) Attenuation measurement c) Maximized
b) Dispersion measurement d) Minimized

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Answer: b 9. _____________ may be used for

Explanation: The equipment must be measurement of the absolute optical
connected to the fiber in a simple manner. It attenuation on a fiber link.
should be connected without the need for fine a) Silicon photodiodes
or critical adjustment. b) InGaAsP photodiodes
c) Optical power meters

6. Which of the following cannot be used in d) Gyrators
equipment for field measurements?
a) Fiber Answer: c
b) Connector Explanation: Optical power meter employs
c) External triggering cut-back technique. It is used for the
d) Environmental factor measurement of the optical attenuation.

Answer: c 10. A large-area photodiode is utilized in the
Explanation: The equipment cannot usually receiver to eliminate any effects from
make use of external triggering and regulating differing fiber and faces.
circuits between the transmitter and receiver. a) True

This is because of their wide spacing on the b) False
majority of the optical links.
Answer: a
7. Which sensors are used for alteration of Explanation: The modulating voltage
spectral range in equipment?
a) Wide-area photodiodes
pa maintains the equilibrium between the
transmitter and the receiver side. A large area
b) Circulators photodiode is required to eliminate differing
c) Gyrators fiber and faces to maintain the equilibrium.
d) Photogenic sensors
11. Optical time domain reflectometry is also
Answer: a called a backscatter measurement method.
Explanation: Wide area photodiodes such as a) False
silicon, germanium diodes are used for b) True
alteration of spectral range. It is generally

preferred to have a measurement range from Answer: b

-100 dBm. Explanation: OTDR technique is used in
both on-field and laboratory applications. It is
8. The handheld optical power meter has a also called a backscatter measurement
measurement accuracy of ________ method as it provides the measurement of

a) 0.01 dB attenuation on an optical link down its entire

b) 0.25 dB length.
c) 0.8 dB
d) 1 dB


Explanation: The optical power meter FIBER CUT- OFF WAVE

detects the fiber type and switches to optical LENGTH MEASUREMENTS-

power measurements. It provides an accuracy
of about +(or -) 25 dB.

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passive devices. The power transfer in

couplers takes place either through the fiber
MEASUREMENTS-SOURCE TO core cross-section by butt jointing the fibers
FIBER POWER LAUNCHING- or by using some form of imaging optics
LENSING SCHEMES FOR between the fibers. It distributes light from
COUPLING one fiber to many fibers and hence it is also

called as a directional coupler.
1. When considering source-to-fiber coupling 4. How many types of multiport optical fiber
efficiencies, the ________ is an important couplers are available at present?
parameter than total output power. a) Two
a) Numerical aperture b) One
b) Radiance of an optical source c) Four

c) Coupling efficiency d) Three
d) Angular power distribution
Answer: d
Answer: b Explanation: Multiport optical fiber couplers

Explanation: Radiance is the optical power are subdivided into three types. These are
radiated into a unit solid angle per unit three and four port couplers, star couplers and
emitting surface area. Since this optical wavelength division multiplexing (WDM)
power is dependent on radiance, radiance is
much important factor than optical power.
couplers. These couplers distribute light
among the branch fibers with no scattering
2. It is a device that distributes light from a
main fiber into one or more branch fibers. 5. The optical power coupled from one fiber
a) Optical fiber coupler to another is limited by ____________
b) Optical fiber splice a) Numerical apertures of fibers
c) Optical fiber connector b) Varying refractive index of fibers
d) Optical isolator c) Angular power distribution at source
d) Number of modes propagating in each
Answer: a fiber

Explanation: Nowadays, requirements to

divide combined optical signals for Answer: d
applications are increasing. Optical fiber Explanation: When two fibers are coupled to
coupler is one such device that is used for each other, the optical power is limited by
dividing and combining optical signals. It is number of modes propagating in each fiber.

generally used in LANs, computer networks For example, when a fiber propagating with
etc. 500 modes is connected to a fiber that
propagates only 400 modes, then at
3. Optical fiber couplers are also called as maximum, only 80% of power is coupled into

________________ the other fiber.

a) Isolators
b) Circulators 6. ________ couplers combine the different

c) Directional couplers wavelength optical signal onto the fiber or

d) Attenuators separate the different wavelength optical
signal output from the fiber.
Answer: c a) 3-port
Explanation: Optical fiber couplers are b) 2*2-star

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c) WDM Answer: b
d) Directional Explanation: Excess loss is defined as the
ratio of input power to output power. The
Answer: c insertion loss is defined as the loss obtained
Explanation: WDM coupler is abbreviated as for a particular port-to-port optical path.
wavelength division multiplexing coupler. It Thus, the insertion loss and excess loss are

is a category of multiport optical fiber different in nature.
couplers. It is designed to permit a number of
different peak wavelength optical signals to 10. A four-port multimode fiber FBT coupler
be transmitted in parallel on a single fiber. has 50 μW optical power launched into port
1. The measured output power at ports 2,3
7. How many fabrication techniques are used and 4 are 0.003, 23.0 and 24.5 μW
for 3 port fiber couplers? respectively. Determine the excess loss.

a) One a) 0.22 dB
b) Two b) 0.33 dB
c) Three c) 0.45 dB
d) Four d) 0.12 dB

Answer: b Answer: a
Explanation: There are two fabrication Explanation: Excess loss is a ratio of power
techniques available for three port couplers.
First is a lateral offset method which relies on
the overlapping of the fiber end faces and the
input to power output of the fiber and it is
given by Excess loss = 10log10 P1/(P3+P4)
WhereP1, P3, P4 = output power at ports 1,3
other is the semi-transparent mirror method.
and 4 resp.
Using these techniques, three port couplers
with both multimode and single-mode fibers
11. A four-port FBT coupler has 60μW
can be fabricated.
optical power launched into port one. The
output powers at ports 2, 3, 4 are 0.0025, 18,
8. Which is the most common method for
and 22 μW respectively. Find the split ratio?
manufacturing couplers?
a) 42%
a) Wavelength division multiplexing

b) 46%
b) Lateral offset method
c) 52%
c) Semitransparent mirror method
d) Fused bi-conical taper (FBT) technique d) 45%

Answer: d
Answer: d
Explanation: Split ratio indicates the

Explanation: The FBT technique is basic and

percentage division of optical power between
simple. In this technique, the fibers are
generally twisted together and then spot fused the outputs ports. It is given by
Split ratio = [P3/(P3+P4)]*100%
under tension such that the fused section is

elongated to form a bi-conical taper structure. Where P3 and P4 are output powers at ports 3
A three port coupler can be obtained by and 4 respectively.
removing one of the input fibers.

12. How many manufacturing methods are

9. Couplers insertion loss is same as that of used for producing multimode fiber star
excess loss. couplers?
a) True a) Two
b) False b) One

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c) Three of 0.2 dB along with a splice loss of 0.1 dB at

d) Five the interconnection of each stage. Determine
the excess loss.
Answer: a a) 1.9 dB
Explanation: The manufacturing methods of b) 1.4 dB
star couplers are mixer-rod technique and c) 0.9 dB

FBT technique. In the mixer-rod method, a d) 1.1 dB
thin platelet of glass is employed, which
mixes light from one fiber, dividing it among Answer: d
the outgoing fibers. FBT method involves Explanation: The number of stages M within
twisting, heating and pulling of fiber. the ladder design is given by 2M=16. Hence
13. Calculate the splitting loss if a 30×30 port Thus, excess loss is given by-

multimode fiber star coupler has 1 mW of Excess loss = (M×loss in each 3-port coupler)
optical power launched into an input port. + (Number of splices×Loss in each stage)
a) 13 dB Where number of splices = 3 (as the value of
b) 15 dB

M is equal to 4).
c) 14.77 dB
d) 16.02 dB
Answer: c
Explanation: The splitting loss is related to
the number of output ports N of a coupler. It

is given by- TOPIC 4.7 LED COUPLING TO

Splitting loss (Star coupler) = 10log10N (dB). SINGLE MODE FIBERS-FIBER
14. A _____________ coupler comprises a
number of cascaded stages, each
incorporating three or four-port FBT couplers
to obtain a multiport output. 1. A permanent joint formed between two
different optical fibers in the field is known as

a) Star
b) Ladder a ____________
c) WDM a) Fiber splice
d) Three-port b) Fiber connector
c) Fiber attenuator
Answer: a d) Fiber dispersion

Explanation: A star coupler can be realized

by constructing a ladder coupler. It consists of Answer: a
many cascaded stages. If a three-port coupler Explanation: The jointing of two individual
is used, then a ladder coupler does not form fibers is called as fiber splicing. It is used to

symmetrical star coupler. It is a useful device establish long-haul optical fiber links by
to achieve a multiport output with low joining two small length fibers.
insertion loss.

2. How many types of fiber splices are

15. A number of three-port single-mode fiber available?
couplers are used in the fabrication of a a) One
ladder coupler with 16 output ports. The b) Two
three-port couplers each have an excess loss

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c) Three scribing of the fiber surface under tension

d) Four with a cutting tool. Copper is not used as a
cutting tool.
Answer: b
Explanation: Splices are divided into two 6. The heating of the two prepared fiber ends
types depending upon the splicing technique to their fusing point with the application of

used. These are fusion splicing (welding) and required axial pressure between the two
mechanical splicing. optical fibers is called as ____________
a) Mechanical splicing
3. The insertion losses of the fiber splices are b) Fusion splicing
much less than the Fresnel reflection loss at a c) Melting
butted fiber joint. d) Diffusion
a) True

b) False Answer: b
Explanation: Fusion splicing is also called as
Answer: a welding. It refers to the welding of two fiber
Explanation: The Fresnel reflection loss is ends. It is essential for fusion splicing that the

usually more because there is no large step fiber ends are adequately positioned and
change in refractive index with the fusion aligned in order to achieve good continuity of
splice as it forms a continuous fiber the transmission medium at the junction
connection. Also, some method of index
matching tends to be utilized with mechanical

7. Which of the following is not used as a

flame heating source in fusion splicing?
4. What is the main requirement with the a) Microprocessor torches
fibers that are intended for splicing? b) Ox hydric burners
a) Smooth and oval end faces c) Electric arc
b) Smooth and square end faces d) Gas burner
c) Rough edge faces
d) Large core diameter Answer: d
Explanation: Micro-plasma torches uses

Answer: b argon and hydrogen and alcohol vapor. The

Explanation: A curved mandrel is used most widely used heating source is an electric
which cleaves the fiber to achieve end arc. Thus, gas burner is not used in fusion
preparation. The edges must be smooth and splicing.
have square face at the end for splicing

purpose. 8. The rounding of the fiber ends with a low

energy discharge before pressing the fibers
5. In score and break process, which of the together and fusing with a stronger arc is
following is not used as a cutting tool? called as ____________

a) Diamond a) Pre-fusion
b) Sapphire b) Diffusion
c) Tungsten carbide c) Crystallization

d) Copper d) Alignment

Answer: d Answer: a
Explanation: The score and break process is Explanation: Pre-fusion involves rounding of
also called as scribe and break. It involves the fiber ends. It removes the requirement for

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fiber end preparation which has a distinct c) Elastic splices

advantage in the field environment. It is d) Fusion splices
utilized with multimode fibers giving average
splice losses of 0.09dB. Answer: b
Explanation: In V-groove splices, a V-groove
9. _____________ is caused by surface glass substrate is used with a flat glass plate.

tension effects between the two fiber ends The name V-groove suggests that the fiber
during fusing. ends are spliced in a V-shape.
a) Pre-fusion These splices provide losses as low as
b) Diffusion 0.01dB.
c) Self-alignment
d) Splicing 12. Mean splice insertion losses of 0.05 dB
are obtained using multimode graded index

Answer: c fibers with the Springroove splice.
Explanation: The two fiber ends are close a) True
but not aligned before fusion. During fusion, b) False
the surface tension affects the fiber ends to

get aligned. After fusion, they are aligned in Answer: a
such a way that a transmission medium can Explanation: Springroove utilizes a bracket
get a good continuity. containing two cylindrical pins which act as
alignment guide for two fiber ends. An elastic

_________ have been obtained with

10. Average insertion losses as low as element is used to press the fibers into a
groove. The assembly is secured with a drop
multimode graded index and single-mode of epoxy resin. It provides a loss of 0.05 dB
fibers using ceramic capillaries. and has found a practical use in Italy.
a) 0.1 dB
b) 0.5 dB 13. Alignment accuracy of the order
c) 0.02 dB ___________ is obtained using the three glass
d) 0.3 dB rod alignment sleeve.
a) 0.23 μm
Answer: a b) 0.15 μm

Explanation: Mechanical techniques for c) 0.05 μm

splicing involve the use of an accurately d) 0.01 μm
produced rigid tube in which fiber ends are
permanently bonded. It utilizes a ceramic Answer: c
capillary in which an epoxy resin is injected Explanation: Alignment accuracies as high

through a transverse bore to provide as 0.05 μmare necessary to obtain low losses.
mechanical sealing and index matching. This The mode-field diameter for single-mode
technique which uses ceramic capillaries fiber is in the range 8 to 10μm. The three
provides insertion losses as low as 0.1dB. glass rod alignment provides higher

accuracies than rotary splice sleeve.

11. _____________ are formed by
sandwiching the butted fiber ends between a 14. In case of multiple fusion, splice losses

V-groove glass substrate and a flat glass using an electric arc fusion device with
retainer plate. multimode graded index fiber range from
a) Springroove splices ____________
b) V-groove splices a) 0.01 to 0.04 dB
b) 0.19 to 0.25 dB

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c) 0.12 to 0.15 dB Answer: a

d) 0.04 to 0.12 dB Explanation: Attenuation along with
dispersion and the conductor size are some of
Answer: d the factors that limit the maximum distance
Explanation: In multiple fusions, an electric between the optical transmitter and the
arc fusing device allows splicing of 12 fibers receiver. The associated constraints within the

simultaneously. It takes a tool time of 6 equipment also affect the distance.
minutes, which requires only 30 seconds per
splice. The splice losses for single mode fiber 3. The ___________ incorporates a line
are of 0.04 dB as maximum whereas for receiver in order to convert the optical signal
graded index fibers, losses are up to 0.12dB. into the electrical regime.
a) Attenuator
b) Transmitter

c) Repeater
d) Designator
Answer: c

Explanation: Repeaters are a mediator
SYSTEMS AND between transmitter and receiver. The weak
signal is strengthened back by the repeaters
NETWORKS pa on its path to the receiver.

TOPIC 5.1 SYSTEM DESIGN 4. A regenerative repeater is called as

CONSIDERATION POINT TO a) Repetitive repeater
POINT LINK DESIGN b) Regenerator
c) Attenuator
1. __________ is the unique property of the d) Gyrator
glass fiber.
a) Transmission Answer: b
Explanation: When digital transmission

b) Opaque property
c) Ductile techniques are used, the repeater also
d) Malleable regenerates the original digital signal in the
electrical signal before it is retransmitted as
Answer: a an optical signal via a line transmitter.
Explanation: Glass fibres have a unique

property as a transmission medium which 5. The wavelength range of __________ will

enables their use in the communication. The be fruitful for the operating wavelength of the
major transmission characteristics are system referring to the system performance.
dispersion and attenuation. a) 0.8 – 0.9 μm

b) 1.1 – 2 μm
2. __________ limits the maximum distance c) 5.2 – 5.7 μm
between the optical fiber transmitter and d) 3.1 – 3.2 μm

a) Attenuation Answer: a
b) Transmission Explanation: It is useful if the operating
c) Equipment wavelength of the system is established to
d) Fiber length range of 0.8-0.9 μm. This will be dictated by

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the overall requirements for the system 9. Which of the following is not an optical
performance, cost, etc. fiber component?
a) Fiber
6. How many encoding schemes are used in b) Connector
optical fiber communication system design c) Circulator
requirements? d) Detector

a) Three
b) One Answer: c
c) Two Explanation: Circulator is a device used in
d) Four electromagnetic theory. All others are optical
Answer: c
Explanation: Encoding schemes are used for 10. ________technique involves an increase

digital transmission of data. These are bi- in the number of components required.
phase and delay modulation codes. They are a) Time division multiplexing
also called as Manchester and Miller codes b) Space division multiplexing
respectively. c) Code division multiplexing

d) Frequency division multiplexing
7. In ________ the optical channel bandwidth
is divided into non-overlapping frequency Answer: b
bands. Explanation: SDM involves good optical
a) Time division multiplexing
b) Frequency division multiplexing
pa isolation due to the negligible cross coupling
between channels. It uses separate fiber and
c) Code division multiplexing thus requires more number of components.
d) De-multiplexing
11. Time division multiplexing is inverse to
Answer: b that of frequency division multiplexing.
Explanation: In FDM, the non-overlapping a) True
frequency bands are divided to the individual b) False
frequencies. These individual signals can be
extracted from the combined FDM signal by Answer: a

electrical filtering at the receiver terminal. Explanation: TDM involves distribution of

channels in time slots whereas FDM involves
8. A multiplexing technique which does not bands that are run on different frequencies.
involve the application of several message Both of these techniques improve accuracy
signals onto a single fiber is called as and reduce complexity.

a) Time division multiplexing
b) Frequency division multiplexing
c) Code division multiplexing BUDGET RISE TIME BUDGET,

d) Space division multiplexing WDM

Answer: d

Explanation: In SDM, each signal channel is

carried on a separate fiber within a fiber COMPONENTS-ELEMENTS OF
bundle or multi-fiber cable form. The cross OPTICAL NETWORKS
coupling between channels is negligible.

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TOPIC 5.4 SONET/SDHOPTICAL 4. The photonic layer of the SONET is

similar to the __________ of OSI model.
INTERFACES-SONET/SDH a) network layer
RINGS AND NETWORKS b) data link layer
c) physical layer
1. SONET stands for ___________ d) transport layer

a) synchronous optical network
b) synchronous operational network Answer: c
c) stream optical network Explanation: The photonic layer in SONET
d) shell operational network is like the physical layer of the OSI model. It
is the lowest layer among the four layers of
Answer: a SONET namely the photonic, the section, the
Explanation: SONET stands for synchronous line, and the path layers.

optical network. Frame relay uses SONET to
physically transmit data frames over a Frame 5. In SONET, each synchronous transfer
Relay network as SONET is cheaper and signal STS-n is composed of __________
a) 2000 frames

provides better network reliability than other
carriers. b) 4000 frames
c) 8000 frames
2. In SONET, STS-1 level of electrical
pa d) 16000 frames
signalling has the data rate of _________
a) 51.84 Mbps Answer: c
b) 155.52 Mbps Explanation: SONET defines the electrical
c) 2488.320 Mbps signal as STS-N (Synchronous Transport
d) 622.080 Mbps Signal Level-N) and the optical signal as OC-
N (Optical Carrier Level-N). The building
Answer: a block of SONET is the STS-1/OC-1 signal,
Explanation: STS-1 level provides the data which is based on an 8-kHz frame rate and
rate of 51.84 Mbps, STS-3 provides a data operates at 51.84 Mbps.
rate of 155.52 Mbps, STS-12 provides a data
6. Which one of the following is not true

rate of 622.080 Mbps and STS-48 provides a

data rate of 2488.320 Mbps. about SONET?
a) frames of lower rate can be synchronously
3. The path layer of SONET is responsible for time-division multiplexed into a higher-rate
the movement of a signal _________ frame
a) from its optical source to its optical b) multiplexing is synchronous TDM

destination c) all clocks in the network are locked to a

b) across a physical line master clock
c) across a physical section d) STS-1 provides the data rate of

d) back to its optical source

Answer: b Answer: d
Explanation: The path layer in SONET is Explanation: In SONET, STS-N stands for

responsible for finding the path of the signal Synchronous Transport Signal Level-N. STS-
across the physical line to reach the optical 1 level provides the data rate of 51.84 Mbps,
destination. It is ideally expected to find the and STS-12 provides a data rate of 622.080
shortest and the most reliable path to the Mbps.

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7. A linear SONET network can be ________ c) sdh stands for synchronous digital
a) point-to-point hierarchy and is a similar standard to SONET
b) multi-point developed by ITU-T
c) both point-to-point and multi-point d) none of the mentioned
d) single point
Answer: c

Answer: c Explanation: SDH is a standard that allows
Explanation: Synchronous Optical Network low bit rates to be combined into high-rate
(SONET) is basically an optical fiber point- data streams and as it is synchronous, each
to-point or ring network backbone that individual bit stream can be embedded into
provides a way to accommodate additional and extracted from high-rate data streams
capacity as the needs of the organization easily.
increase to multipoint networks.

8. Automatic protection switching in linear TOPIC 5.5 HIGH SPEED LIGHT
network is defined at the _______ WAVE LINKS - OADM
a) line layer CONFIGURATION

b) section layer
c) photonic layer
d) path layer pa TOPIC 5.6 OPTICAL
Answer: a
Explanation: The Line layer in SONET
1. Each stage of information transfer is
operates like the data link layer in the OSI
model and it is responsible for the movement required to follow the fundamentals of
of signal across a physical line. The
a) Optical interconnection
Synchronous Transport Signal Mux/Demux
b) Optical hibernation
and Add/Drop Mux provide the Line layer
c) Optical networking
d) Optical regeneration
9. A unidirectional path switching ring is a

Answer: c
network with __________
Explanation: Optical networking uses optical
a) one ring
b) two rings fiber as a transmission medium. It provides a
c) three rings connection between users to enable them to
d) four rings communicate with each other by transporting
information from a source to a destination.

Answer: b
2. ____________ is a multi-functional
Explanation: One ring is used as the working
ring and other as the protection ring in which element of optical network.

each node is connected to its respective a) Hop

adjacent nodes by two fibers, one to transmit, b) Optical node
and one to receive. c) Wavelength
d) Optical attenuation

10. What is SDH?

a) sdh is similar standard to SONET Answer: b
Explanation: An optical node is a multi-
developed by ITU-T
functional element which acts as a transceiver
b) synchronous digital hierarchy
unit capable of receiving, transmitting and

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processing the optical signal. The optical 6. The network structure formed due to the
nodes are interconnected with optical fiber interconnectivity patterns is known as a
links. ____________
a) Network
3. A signal carried on a dedicated wavelength b) Struck
from source to destination node is known as a c) Topology

___________ d) D-pattern
a) Light path
b) Light wave Answer: c
c) Light node Explanation: A topology is a combination of
d) Light source patterns interconnected to each other. It
provides connection patterns to users at
Answer: a different places. It embarks on the principle

Explanation: A light path is a dedicated path of multi-usability.
from a source to a destination. The data can
be sent over the light paths as soon as 7. In the __________ topology, the data
connections are set up. A controlling generally circulates bi-directionally.

mechanism is present to control the data flow. a) Mesh
b) Bus
4. The fundamentals of optical networking c) Star
are divided into _______ areas.
a) Two
b) One
pa d) Ring

Answer: b
c) Four Explanation: In a bus topology, data is input
d) Three via four port couplers. The couplers couples
and stations the data bi-directionally and are
Answer: d removed from the same ports.
Explanation: The fundamentals divided into
three areas contain mainly optical network 8. The ring and star topologies are combined
terminology. The other two areas include in a ________ configuration.
functions and types of optical network node a) Mesh

and switching elements and the wavelength b) Fringe

division multiplexed optical networks. c) Data
d) Singular
5. The optical networking fundamentals are
_____________ of the transmission Answer: a

techniques. Explanation: The mesh configuration is a

a) Dependent combination of ring and star topologies. It is
b) Independent referred to as full-mesh when each network
c) Similar node is interconnected with all nodes in the

d) Dissimilar network.

Answer: b 9. The full-mesh configuration is complex.


Explanation: The optical networking a) False

fundamentals include transfer of data. b) True
Irrespective of the difference in the
transmission techniques, the fiber networking Answer: b
fundamentals remain the same. Explanation: The full-mesh topology is a

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combination of two or more topologies. It is real time. Once the transmission is complete,
often preferred for the provision of either a the connection is ended.
logical or virtual topology due to its high
flexibility and interconnectivity features. 13. A _______________ is a series of logical
connections between the source and
10. How many networking modes are destination nodes.

available to establish a transmission path? a) Cell circuit
a) Three b) Attenuation circuit
b) One c) Virtual circuit
c) Two d) Switched network
d) Four
Answer: c
Answer: c Explanation: A virtual circuit consists of

Explanation: There are two networking different routes which provide connections
modes often referred to the networking. between sending and receiving devices. These
These are connection-oriented and routes can change at any time and the
connectionless networking modes. These incoming return route does not have to mirror

include an end-to-end and bidirectional the outgoing route.
communication environment between source
and destination. 14. ____________ refers to the process
whereby a node finds one or more paths to

11. Packet switching is also called as possible destinations in a network.
a) Routing
a) Frame switching b) Framing
b) Cell switching c) Lightning
c) Trans-switching d) Cloning
d) Buffer switching
Answer: a
Answer: b Explanation: Routing refers to the path
Explanation: In packet or cell switching, finding process in a network. In this, the
messages are sent in small packets called control and data functions are performed to

cells. Cells from different sources are identify the route and to handle the data
statistically multiplexed and are sent to the during the journey from source to destination.
15. How many stages are possessed by the
12. ___________ mode is temporary, control plane?

selective and continuous. a) Two

a) Cell switching b) Three
b) Buffer switching c) Four
c) Cache d) Five

d) Circuit switching
Answer: b
Answer: d Explanation: The routing process called as

Explanation: An end-to-end connection is control plane has three stages. These are
required for a circuit switching to take place. neighbor discovery, topology discovery and
The transmissions are continuous and are in path selection. These stages enable the
network in routing mechanisms efficiently.

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