The Good Life Handouts

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The Good Life

Queenie C. Carale



 The need to understand the world and reality has bound with the need to understand the self and
the good life.
 To understand reality and the external world, man must seek to understand himself .
 For Plato, the task of understanding the things in the world runs parallel with the job of truly
getting into what will make the soul flourish.

Aristotle's theoretical and practical sciences

Theoretical disciplines

 Logic
 Biology
 Physics
 Metaphysics

Practical disciplines

 Ethic
 Politics

What does it really mean to live a good life?



 ARISTOTLE: A Little Background

Aristotle is one of the greatest thinkers in the history of Western science and Philosophy.
According to Aristotle, this view of education is necessarily if we are to Produce a society of Happy as
well as productive individual.

Some of his notable works

 Nichomachean
 Ethics
 Politics, Metaphysics
 poetics
 And Prior Analytics
 The one who dabbled into the complex problematization of the end goal of life: happiness

 Aristotle VS Plato
 Aristotle embarked that this world is the only reality we can all access.Plato thought that the
things in this world are not real and are only copies of the real in the world forms.
 Aristotle believed that only by observation of the external world that one can truly understand
what reality is all about.

 Plato’s two aspect of reality

 World of forms
 World of matters

 Aristotle’s viewpoints
Along with other entities in the world, start as potentialities and move toward actualities.
Every human being moves according to some end.
Every human person according to Aristotle, aspire for an end.
No one can resist happiness. We all want to be happy.
Aristotle claim that happiness is the be all and end all of everything that we do is happiness.
Every human person aspire for an end
Human flourishing is a kind of contentment in knowing that one is getting the best out of life
A kind of feeling that one has maxed out his potentials in the world.

 Happiness as the Goal of a Good Life

Everyone is in pursuit of the good life.
We do certain things because we want to achieve a life which will make us happy and content.
People's definition of good life may vary and differ in the particulars
In general, we recognize universal truths that cuts our differences

 John Stuart Mill's Greatest happiness Principle

An action is right as far as it maximizes the attainment of happiness for the greatest number of
Individual happiness of each individual should be prioritized and collectively dictates the kind of
action that should be endorsed.
The ethical is meant to lead us to the good and happy life.
Man has constantly struggled with the external world in order to reach human flourishing.

 The Good life

- The concepts of the public good: A view from the philosopher and other essays
Rolando M. Gripaldo2
De La Salle University, Manila
Easy Contented LifeLife
 Generally, the Filipinos are a happy people.
 Surveys ( Shead 2001-2005 and Pascual Jr. 2003) have shown how they can easily manage to
smile in the midst of suffering and difficulties or in spite of their poverty.

In a manner of speaking, “Mababaw angkaligayahan ng pinoy” (“Filipino happiness is shallow”)

Filipino is generally easily contented to be able to eat three times a day because in the world there
are many people who can hardly eat, or had eaten only once or twice
a day.

 There meaning of the good life

By: Christopher Ryan Maboloc -

There are only two paths to choose in life.

A person of principle
empowers you to act and become a person of virtue, and hence realize the good life,

A person of doubt.
this person is guided by whims, fancies and impulses instead of the light of a moral life

is about our ability to answer not only what can make a person happy but also how one is able to
realize the meaning of this happiness.
doing things the proper way is a matter of practice, and sooner or later it becomes a matter of

Stanford encyclopedia of philosophy

the moral person will look for no excuses and admit one’s mistakes as one does things in order to
accomplish some purpose
Two paths, but here we are talking of what it means to be a good person.
Filipinos remain the happiest people in the world.
For the Filipino, happiness is incomplete unless shared. "The Common Good"
the “common good” refers to those facilities—whether material, cultural or institutional—that
the members of a community provide to all members in order to fulfill a relational obligation
they all have to care for certain interests that they have in common.

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