Capstone - Final Reflection 1

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Agnes Lee

January 22, 2021

CLE 12

Capstone - Final Reflection

What did I learn about my subject? Your skillset? Yourself?

I discovered that launching your own clothing line or enterprise is something that takes
a lot of expertise and patience during this exploration of my capstone thesis. I had
mainly done the preparation aspect of all this, but after doing thorough research, I found
that if you wanted to physically start one, there are so many sections that are important
to bring the effort in. Never give up halfway because you’re having second thoughts
about your designs or you don’t think it’s good enough. It’s your own unique creation
and it’s something you should be proud of. The ability to draw model figures is one skill
I've developed over time. It was something that I had always wanted to understand, but
I always doubted it because it seemed too hard and daunting for me. My great love for
fashion is something I discovered about myself. Coming up with your own creations and
and planting that onto the clothes is just so pleasing, much better if it has been created

How is my project relevant to me, the school or the community-at-large?

This project is relevant to me because I am taking fashion design under arts as one of
my options for my major in University. I can use this as an option to gain experience and
teach myself skills relevant to this subject.

How did I demonstrate the six Core Competencies throughout this project?

Personal Awareness & Responsibility


I was determined to motivate myself to finish my three designs and colour them as well
before leaving it to the last week of the semester. But when I was struggling through this
process, I’d always ask for extra help and tips for sketches from my mentor which was
also one of my best friends, so it was really easy to reach out to her.
​ ritical Thinking
Develop and Design:

I was able to understand the purpose of my work and consider my audience. Using the
designs of my artwork, it all connects to my target market.

Creative Thinking
Novelty and Value:

I demonstrated this skill by creating ironic designs that could change people’s
perspectives of social media and personal issues.

Generating Ideas:

Using a few of the many problems society is facing at the moment as a tool to help with
my designs, helped me generate new ideas I could input into our clothing.

What impact if any did your Capstone project have?

As for the designs I’ve created, I was hoping we were able to influence teenagers and
young adults with the meaning we project through our clothes. The style “cyber y2k” is
quite trending within the fashion community so as we persuade them with our designs
and ironic meanings behind them, we are also trying to spread awareness to people
who could probably relate to the same personal struggles.

Thinking about the whole process and your finished product, what are you most proud

I’m most proud of my sketches. It wasn’t as easy as I thought it would be and I struggled
to get the designs onto the hoodie since the space I had on my sketching paper was
quite limited. I tried my best to fit all my elements onto the hoodie. The final product with
it was how I imagined it would look in my head! It would be even better if I had the
physical hoodie with my designs on it.
What was a difficulty you encountered and how did you solve the problem?

I encountered several limitations but it all worked out smoothly in the end. The original
plan of my capstone was to sketch the designs and use a website to order a customized
hoodie with my designs embroidered onto it. Unfortunately, with the several hoodies, I
may need to order, the cost of it was quite surprisingly high and was above my budget
at the time. Also, the time we had to work on our capstone was limited, so I use my
sketches as a way to present my work.

What is one thing about the finished project you wish you could change? Why?

If we were given the whole year, I would have definitely ordered a hoodie to show as an
artifact of how it would physically look like if I were to start my business. Showing the
sketches as the process of my work, then the hoodie as my final product, but I had to
cut down a step.

What advice would you give to a student who will be completing their Capstone Project
next year?

Always start planning what you want to do with your capstone as soon you into CLE
within a few weeks of class. It is good to know what exactly you want to do and what
strand it’s under so as soon as the teacher starts introducing the Capstone to the class,
you’re all set. Another thing, when the teacher starts assigning CLE required
assignments, you’re going to have to use your class time well because you want to be
working on your Capstone and assignments at the same time so you’re not falling
behind on both sides. Time management plays a key role!

What source from your research helped you the most?

This source was found last minute while I was working and researching on my
Capstone so it was not included in the annotated bibliography. I found this source really
helpful because it did include the four important Ps in the marketing mix that was useful
for me to help with my target market and marketing stage of my business.
What is one thing about your approach to your project that you wish you could change?

I wished I could have included a website along with my sketches because I did mention
that my busniness would be online based, so if I had created my own website with my
clothing, I think that would have been another artifact I could bring in for my Capstone
interview. I would show an example of how the website would be published as if we
were selling the clothes and the business was up and ready to go!

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