Hrafnagaldr Odins
Hrafnagaldr Odins
Hrafnagaldr Odins
Hrafnagaldr Odins
Odin's Ravens' Song.
1 of 4 6/26/2004 12:55 AM
9. Vidrir selected
Bifröst's guardian,
of the Giöll-sun's
keeper to inquire
all that she knew
of every world;
Bragi and Lopt
should witness bear.
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3 of 4 6/26/2004 12:55 AM
1. through all nature
2. impending evil.
3. that evil is at hand.
4. evil.
5. her monstrous offspring. See Index.
6. calamity.
7. their day of freedom.
8. for conflict.
9. Hugin, Odin's raven?
10. Here Idun is apparently so called.
11. Odin.
12. Rögnir ok regin, Odin and the powers?
13. Heimdall.
14. Night.
15. This and the preceding strophe appear to be out of their place,
and have by Simrock, not without reason, been inserted after the 21st.
16. Bragi.
17. Minni's horns, Stockh. edit. See Grimm, D.M. p.52, 53. Petersen,
N.M. p.179. Minnis is probably a later gloss.
18. earth
19. All conjectures. Fenri seems confounded with Hati. See N.M. I. p.5-7
20. That the poem lacks an end as well as a beginning appears
probable from the circumstance that no further mention is made of
Bragi and Idun. Simrock is inclined to think that in the Vegtamskviða
we are to look for the ending; but this does not fill up the chasm.
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