Weekly Home Learning Plan: English For Academic and Professional Purposes Week 3

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English for Academic and Professional Purposes

Week 3

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 defends a stand on an Stand on Issues Supported by Factual Evidences account provided by the teacher or any
issue by presenting other online platform recommended by the
The learners will do the following: school (online learners).
reasonable arguments 1. Read and understand What I Need to Know.
supported by Parents will hand in student’s output to the
properlycited factual 2. Answer Activity 1 in What I Know school/barangay hall as instructed by the
evidencesCS_EN11/12A- : Complete the table by categorizing which of the arguments are teacher (modular learners).
supported with properly cited factual evidences and which are not.
3. Answer Activity 2 in What’s In
: Each of the following question consists of one statement
followed by two arguments. You have to decide which one of
them is stronger and which one of them is weak.
English for Academic
and Professional 4. Read and understand the lesson under What is It.
Purposes  Opinion vs Argument
 Supported Facts and Unsupported Facts
 Using supporting and Opposing ideas
 How to detect a propaganda
1. The name-calling device
2. The glittering-generalities device.
3. The transfer device
4. The testimonial device.
5. The plain-folks device
6. The card-stacking device.
7. The band-wagon device.
 Citing your sources
5. Answer Activity 3. In What I learned
Week 4

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defends a stand on an account provided by the teacher or any
Stand on Issues Supported by Factual Evidences
issue by presenting other online platform recommended by the
1. Answer Activity 4 in What I can do
school (online learners).
reasonable arguments Read the given manifesto and answer the questions that follow.
supported by  The Great Global Warming Swindle - S. Fred Singer Parents will hand in student’s output to the
properlycited factual Questions: school/barangay hall as instructed by the
evidencesCS_EN11/12A- 1. Is S. Fred Singer’s position on the great global warming teacher (modular learners).
EAPP-IIa-d-4 swindle positive (yes- it-is-swindle) or negative (no-it-is-
2. How you ascertain (make known, learn, find out with
certainty) his stand?
Consider the following:
a. Title
b. The introductory first paragraph, which mentions
English for Academic Singer’s inclusion, as a climate scientist, in interviews for
and Professional documentary film The Great Global Warming Swindle vs.
“an emotion presentation” from a single politician of an
earlier documentary film, An Inconvenient Truth
c. The concluding last paragraph with his prediction about
the attitude of future generations?
3. According to the writer, is global warming beneficial or
harmful? Has sea level risen due to human-caused global
warming or to natural cause?
4. Are the rhetorical questions in paragraph 8 effective?
2. Answer Activity 5 in Assessment. Write your stand on this issue:
Philippines’ claim on the South China Sea
3. Answer Activity 6 in Additional Activities
: Arrange the jumbled letters to come up with the correct word

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