The Basis Facts of Cleaning Validation
The Basis Facts of Cleaning Validation
The Basis Facts of Cleaning Validation
All these events brought the current regulatory requirements for cleaning validation.
The basic mechanisms involved in removing the residues and contaminants from
the equipment are mechanical action, dissolution, detergency and chemical reaction.
It is documented evidence with a high degree of assurance that one can consistently
clean a system or a piece of equipment to predetermined and acceptable limits.
His answer was - Because if it comes out right once it is an accident, twice
coincident, three times validation.
Regulatory requirements:
" FDA has required that the equipment to be cleaned prior to use (GMP
regulation-Part 133.4) This is one of the basic GMP requirement and it is indicated
in more than one section of 21CFR 211 (FDA, April 1998)
" Section 211.63 relates to the equipment design, size, location, and
requires that equipment used in the manufacture, processing, packaging, holding
of a drug product shall be of appropriate design, adequate size, and suitably
located to facilitate operations for its intended use and for its cleaning and Powered by Joomla! Generated: 30 January, 2006, 16:05
" Section 211.65 states that a) the construction of equipment which contact
the in-process materials, or drug products shall not be reactive, additive or
absorptive so as to alter the safety, identity, strength, quality or purity
of the drug product beyond official or other establishment requirements.
" Section 211.67 further requires that the equipment and the utensils
shall be cleaned, maintained and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent
malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength,
quality or purity of the drug product in form of written procedure including
all the parameters during cleaning.
" Section 211.180 and 211.182 relates to the record that should be kept
for the maintenance, cleaning, sanitation and inspection of equipment.
· Manual cleaning
FDA recommends (CIP) should be used to clean process equipment and storage
vessels in order to reproduce exactly the same procedure each time (FDA, March
With manual procedure one must rely on the operator skills and thorough training
of the operator is necessary to avoid variability in performance. However in
some instances, it may be more practical to use only manual procedures.
3.Placebo method.
·Swab material and design may inhibit recovery and specificity of the
· Easy to sample
· Non-intrusive
· Takes longer and adds expense since equipment must be cleaned after
the placebo run
The preferred sampling method and the one considered as the most acceptable
be regulatory authorities is the swabbing method.
Specific and non-specific are the two analytical methods used widely to detect
any compound. The choice of using a specific or non specific method can be difficult.
If a drug active is highly toxic, a specific method is always recommended.
Specific method:
Non-specific method:
Some examples of non specific methods are Total Organic Carbon (TOC), pH, Titration,
and conductivity. Powered by Joomla! Generated: 30 January, 2006, 16:05
It is always wise to choose the simplest technique that can be used to reach
the desired goal.
The method shall be practical and rapid, and, as much as possible use instrumentation
existing in the company.