Automated Optimized Classification Techniques For Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
Automated Optimized Classification Techniques For Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
Automated Optimized Classification Techniques For Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
ISSN 1380-7501
Volume 79
Combined 37-38
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Multimedia Tools and Applications (2020) 79:27791–27814
This paper presents automatic tumor detection and classification approaches for brain
magnetic resonance images (MRI). These approaches are based on hybrid-optimized
classification techniques and classify brain MRI to healthy, benign or malignant. The
proposed system implements three-optimization techniques combined with Artificial
Neural Network (ANN). Multi-Verse Optimizer (MVO), Moth-Flame Optimizer
(MFO) and Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) are used and compared to examine how these
techniques could be successfully employed to enhance the classification accuracy via
selecting the optimal parameters of ANN. The proposed techniques are applied to the
Harvard database and BRATS challenge dataset to evaluate the performance via Receiver
Operation Characteristics (ROC) analysis. The approaches are tested against geometric
transformations such as scaling, rotation and warping to show how much the proposed
system resists these transformations. Experimentally, the proposed algorithms achieve the
highest classification accuracy as compared to the other published ones. Also, the MVO-
ANN algorithm outperforms the other proposed algorithms.
* Zeinab F. Elsharkawy
[email protected]
Department of Electronics and Electrical Comm. Engineering, Faculty of Electronic Engineering,
Menoufia University, Menouf 32952, Egypt
High Institute of Electronic Engineering, Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research,
Belbeis, Elsharkia, Egypt
Engineering Department, Nuclear Research Center, Atomic Energy Authority, Cairo, Egypt
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1 Introduction
Brain diseases like brain tumors raised very fast. It is one of the major causes of cancer-related
death among adults and children in the world. In the brain tumor, the abnormal cells grow
inside or around the brain. Several imaging techniques are used for brain tumor detection such
as X-Ray, Portion Emission Tomography (PET), Computed Tomography (CT) and MRI [1].
MRI is widely used among all imaging techniques to visualize brain soft tissues. Compared
with other techniques, MRI results in high contrast and high-quality images with detailed
information that is needed for brain tumor detection, plus it is a nondestructive imaging
technique [2]. The early detection of brain tumors allows the prompt treatment that increases
the possibility of healing.
Recent work shows that the brain tumor detection can be done via supervised classification
techniques like k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) [3], Support Vector Machine (SVM) [4] and ANN
[3], Probabilistic Neural Network (PNN) [5], Convolution Neural Network (CNN)[6], Deep
Neural Network [7]. Also, the unsupervised techniques like Fuzzy Clustering Means (FCM)
[8] and self-organization map (SOM) [9] are used. While the obtained classification accuracy
(CA) of the unsupervised classifier is good, the CA and the performance of the supervised
classifier is higher. The classifier worked successfully by the proper selection of the its
parameters. This can be done by combining the classifier with the optimization techniques.
Recently, three new population-based stochastic optimization algorithms namely, the MVO
[10–12], MFO [13, 14], and SSA [15, 16] are introduced. MVO is used for global optimization
problem solutions. It is inspired by the multiverse theory in physics and big bang theory. The
main motivation of the MVO is a white hole, black hole, and wormhole that used to estimate
exploration, exploitation and local search [11]. The MVO has been used in many applications
[10–12]. In these studies, the MVO algorithm gives a better CA compared to other state-of-the-
art algorithms i.e., Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA), Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO) [17,
18], Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) [19, 20], and Genetic Algorithm (GA) [21]. It has the
ability to get the global optimal solution by avoiding the local optima that makes it suitable for
real applications.
On the other hand, MFO is a metaheuristic algorithm based on the special behavior of the
moths at night [13, 14]. Moths in nature, are flying using the moonlight around the moon with
a fixed angle and hence, they are flying in straight lines. The power of the MFO algorithm is
appeared by increasing the exploration of the search space and decreasing the possibility of
being trapped in local optima. The results of the MFO algorithm proved high exploitation
capability, applicability to solve real problems when compared with other swarm algorithms
such as GA, GSA, BAT optimization algorithm (BAT) [22], and PSO. It also has the ability of
search spaces optimization with infeasible regions.
Moreover, SSA is a meta-heuristic algorithm used for solving the optimization problems
[15, 16]. It is inspired by the swarming behavior of salps in oceans when navigating and
foraging. SSA algorithm exhibits better result and it outperforms other optimization algorithms
like BAT, PSO, GA, and GSA. Its benefits are high exploitation and convergence speed.
In addition, the main advantages of these algorithms are simple frameworks, flexibility, and
local optima avoidance. There is no need for structural adjustments for solving different global
optimization problems because they have a small number of parameters to be adapted. They
are used for several real applications. Based on the success of the proposed MVO, MFO and
SSA algorithms. They are examined in this work with ANN.
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In this paper, hybrid optimized classification techniques for brain MRI are proposed to
classify brain images into healthy, benign or malignant. The presented technique implements
the MVO, MFO, or SSA combined with ANN to increase the CA and decrease the Error Rate
(ER) by selecting the ideal ANN parameters, i.e., to prevent ANN to be stuck in native optima.
The features of brain MRI datasets (Harvard and BRATS 2015) are extracted from whole
images after and before segmentation and their results are compared. Rescaled, rotated and
warped brain MRI are examined to evaluate the resistance of our approaches against these
geometric transformations.
In compared to well-known brain MRI optimized classifiers, i.e., GWO-ANN, PSO-
ANN,PSO-SVM, Whale Optimization Algorithm (WOA) WOA-ANN [14, 18], GA-SVM,
FKNN-BAT [22] and Sine Cosine optimization Algorithm (SCA)SCA-ANN [20], the pro-
posed algorithms provide very good outcomes in terms of improved native optima avoidance,
CA and ER.
The paper has been organized as follows: section 1 is the introduction. The second section
reviews the research work on brain MRI classification. The proposed hybrid method is
presented in the third section. The case study and results are discussed in the fourth section.
Finally, the conclusion is found in section 5.
2 Related works
Several brain MRI classification approaches are developed to differentiate the healthy from
tumorous ones [3, 4, 17, 19, 22–29], distinguish between benign and malignant ones [6, 18,
35–42], or classify the three types [5, 21, 43, 44, and].
A hybrid technique of Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and Discrete Wavelet Trans-
form (DWT) are used for features extraction and reduction [3]. The DWT is used to extract the
features and PCA is used to reduce the feature space. These features are fed to k-NN and
forward back-propagation ANN (FP-ANN) to classify the brain MRI to healthy or tumorous.
The resultant CAs are 98% and 97% for k-NN and FP-ANN, respectively. An automatic
method for tumor detection in brain MRI is presented in [4]. The SVM with different cross-
validation is applied on texture, shape, and intensity features and average CA of 97.1% was
achieved. In [23], the authors used fused textural and semantic features with hybrid kernel-
based SVM (HKSVM) for the segmentation and classification of brain MRI with CA of
94.12%. Intensity, textural and fractal descriptors are proposed in [24] for brain tumor
detection. The extracted features are first optimized and fed to SVM classifier for the detection
task. The obtained CA is 96.04%. Pseudo Zernike moment and kernel SVM (KSVM) are used
in [25] for brain MRI classification resulting in 99.75% CA. The computer-assisted system is
utilized in [26] for brain tumor recognition based on gray-level co-occurrence matrix (GLMC)
and completed local binary pattern (CLBP). The features selection approach is performed
using a Fisher score-based filter and SVM classifier is used for classification. The overall CA
is 99%. A fully automatic tumor detection system of brain MRI is presented in [27]. This
system performs orientation analysis on images for enhancement of the forging regions in the
brain. After that, the extracted GLCM features from these regions are used for classification by
the adaptive neuro-fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS). In [28], co-active adaptive neuro-fuzzy
inference system (CANFIS) is proposed for brain tumor detection. The k-means clustering is
used for segmentation. The achieved CA is 99.58%. Some optimization techniques are used in
classification methods to obtain the classifier’s optimal parameters hence, enhancing the CA.
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One of them proposed a hybrid approach of genetic algorithm (GA) and SVM [21] for
automatic brain MRI classification. The spatial gray-level dependence (SGLDM) method
and DWT were used for feature extraction that fed to the SVM classifier. The achieved
accuracy range is 94.44% to 96.29%. Modified PSO and discrete ripplet-II transform based
on Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) are used for brain MRI classification [29]. A hybrid
system of SVM with particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to classify brain MRI [15]. In
this system, DWT, curvelet transform and shearlet transform are used to detect brain abnor-
malities. Then, extracted features are selected using PSO for the optimal solution. The system
achieved 97.38% CA percentage. Our group proposed a hybrid optimized algorithm based on
GWO combined with ANN classifier [17]. The GWO-ANN classification technique achieved
98.91% average CA and higher performance than the traditional NN classifier. In [22], the
authors presented a combined method of Fisher+ Parameter-Free BAT (PFreeBAT) to obtain
the best features set with a fuzzy K-nearest neighbor (FKNN) to classify MRI of the brain to
normal and abnormal images. This method resulting in 98% CA.
Computer-aided detection (CAD) of brain MRI is presented in [30] to detect the type of tumor
(benign/malignant). It is performed in three stages; image pre-processing, image segmentation
and (texture and statistical) features extraction. After that, the SVM classifier is utilized for
detection and CA of 92% is obtained. Fuzzy c-means clustering is used in [31] for brain tumor
detection and classification based on SVM. The hybridized approach of the cuckoo search
algorithm (CSA) and Markov random field technique is used in [32] to segment and classify
brain MRI to benign or malignant. Authors in [33] are also used CSA to extract the tumor from an
MRI of the brain based on histogram thresholding. Harmony Search Optimization (HSO)
technique is presented in [34] for brain tumor segmentation. After that, (statistical and GLCM)
extracted features classified with Naive Bayes (NB) and Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN)
classifiers. The obtained CAs are 83.33% and 98.75%, respectively. Automated tumor detection
and classification of brain MRI based on the integration of modified adaptive sine cosine
optimization algorithm (MASCA) with PSO presented in [20]. This integrated model based on
a local linear radial basis function neural network (LLRBFNN) achieved CA of 98.75%. All the
above researches are applied to Harvard dataset [3, 4, 17, 19–34]..
Non-Sub sampled Contourlet Transform (NSCT) is presented in [35] for brain image
enhancement. Texture features are extracted to train and test the ANFIS classifier to classify
Glioma brain image into low-grade tumor (LGT) that called benign or high-grade tumors
(HGT) that called malignant. This method achieved 96.15% accuracy, 94.25 sensitivity and
95.65% specificity for the BRATS dataset. In [18], Gabor, moment invariant and GLCM
features are extracted and fed to an optimized Whale Optimization Algorithm-ANN (WOA-
ANN) to enhance the CA of MRI brain images. The obtained CA is 98%. Brain MRI
segmentation and classification approach of the BRATS dataset is proposed in [36]. It is
performed in three stages; K-means clustering, ANN to choose the correct object and texture
features extraction. Then, ANN and SVM are used for the classification task. The CA of
94.07% is recorded for ANN. In [6], Maxpool methodology is used in convolutional NN
(CNN) architecture to enhance the accuracy of the brain tumor detection system. In this
system, DWT is used for image fusion and GLCM are extracted features that fed to CNN
classifier for Glioma image classifications. The accuracy of 92.7%, the sensitivity of 89.85%
and the specificity of 92.5% are obtained. An automated segmentation method based on CNN
is applied to the brain MRI BRATS dataset in [37]. The CA of 93.7%, the sensitivity of
90.65% and the specificity of 91.75% are obtained. Dong et al. [38] presented U-Net based
deep CNN for brain lesion detection and the Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC)of 86% is
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obtained on BRATS 2015 dataset. Amin et al. proposed deep NN (DNN) based architecture
for brain tumor detection and segmentation [39]. The DSC of 95% is achieved. An optimiza-
tion model for the automatic tumor detection of brain MRI is presented in [40]. This model
integrates the small kernels two-path CNN (SK-TPCNN) and random forests (RF). The
learned features from SK-TPCNN are classified using RF classifier. The wide residual network
and pyramid pool net-work (WRN-PPNet) is introduced in [41] for glioma segmentation and
classification of BRATS dataset images. The features are extracted from WRN and fed to the
PPNet for the detection task. The average DSC and sensitivity of the presented method are
91% and 94% respectively. In [42], residual cyclic unpaired encoder-decoder network
(RescueNet) is used for automatic brain tumor detection. The measured DSC of 94% and
the sensitivity of 88% are achieved.
Abd-Ellah et al., [43] developed a two-stage CAD system to classify normal or abnormal
images in the first stage, then, classify the abnormal images into benign or malignant. In [5] an
efficient classification method was presented to classify the brain MRI to normal, benign or
malignant based on PNN with a radial basis function. Abdullah et al. introduced a brain MRI
classification approach based on soft computing techniques [44]. In this approach, global
threshold and watershed segmentation techniques with ANN classifiers are utilized to detect
the type of tumor.
According to the related work, it can be concluded that, the GLCM is one of the main texture
analysis methods utilized with statistical features to obtain statistical properties for further
classification [5, 6, 17, 18, 20, 23, 24, 26, 27, 34], and they are employed in the presented
research work. Also, the classifier performance is good on training images but is poor on new
testing images. Hence, in this study, the statistical and texture (GLCM) features have been used
and two different combinations of testing and training image sets are used. The presented work
aims to classify brain MRI to healthy or tumorous images and recognize the type of tumor
(benign or malignant) using the hybridized classification approaches, i.e., MVO-ANN, MFO-
ANN, and SSA-ANN to enhance the CA (the lowest ER) in an automated manner.
3 Proposed approach
The proposed approach consists of three steps; namely: preprocessing, features extraction and
optimized ANN classification (MVO-ANN, MFO-ANN or SSA-ANN). First, for tissue
enhancement in brain MRI, Contrast Limited Adaptive Histogram Equalization (CLAHE)
[45] is employed and thresholding is used for tumor segmentation. Second, statistical and
texture features are extracted and used as inputs to ANN. Finally, the ANN’s parameters are
optimized using MVO, MFO or SSA. The proposed approach flow diagram is shown in Fig. 1.
In this phase, all images are converted from RGB to grayscale first. Then, the intensity of the
brain MRI is normalized to obtain the same range of grey levels for all images. The most
common and simplest normalization technique is used, which normalizes the intensity of
pixels between 0 and 1 using Eq. 1.
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I a ðx; yÞ−minðI a Þ
I N ðx; yÞ ¼ ð1Þ
maxðI a Þ−minðI a Þ
Where (x, y)is the pixel position, IN(x, y) is the normalized pixel intensity, Ia(x, y) is the actual
pixel intensity, max(Ia) and min(Ia) are the maximum and minimum intensities over all pixels.
Next, the tissue enhancement step is performed to illustrate (isolate) the tumor area from the
image remained. Different image processing techniques are used in this step like histogram
equalization (HE), adaptive HE (AHE), Two-Stage AHE (TSAHE) and CLAHE [45]. The
CLAHE is an image processing technique that is used for improving contrast image. While HE
works on the entire image, CLAHE operates on small regions in the image called tiles and the
enhancement process are applied over each tile and adjust its contrast according to their
neighbor pixels. CLAHE combines neighboring tiles using bilinear interpolation to eliminate
artificially induced boundaries. It is different from AHE because of its contrast limitation that
prevent noise amplification in different image regions especially, homogeneous ones. When an
image has closed contrast regions (i.e., both the background and foreground are dark (or
bright) at the same time), CLAHE is useful method that changing the intensity of each pixel
according to all neighboring pixels and transformation function is derived [52].
In the tumor edge detection process, the edge appears extremely dark, which is very
disturbing. This problem is overcame using CLAHE that is more suitable for this task because
of its adaptive contrast enhancement over all neighboring pixels.
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The image is partitioned into its constituent parts using Segmentation. Thresholding is used for
image segmentation so as to get a binarized image with gray level 1 (white color) representing
the tumor and gray level 0 (black color) representing the background. The main purpose of the
binarization step is to discriminate the contrast value of tumor from normal regions in the
images by thresholding. The parameter which controls the segmentation is known as intensity
threshold (T) which is calculated using the following equation [46].
∑M−1 N−1
i¼0 ∑ j¼0 ei; j *M i; j
T¼ ð2Þ
∑M−1 N−1
i¼0 ∑ j¼0 M i; j
Where M is the number of MRI images. Mi, j, and ei, j represent the gray level image’s pixels in
vertical and horizontal directions. N is the number of pixels in vertical or horizontal direction.
After computing this threshold value, every pixel intensity is compared with. If the pixel
intensity is less than the threshold, it is established to be black in the output and vice versa.
Figure 2 shows the pre-processing step applied on three MRI of the brain (healthy, benign and
malignant). Image segmentation is an important process in early brain tumors diagnosis and it
is preferred to be done before feature extraction process.
The feature extraction is the procedure to represent a raw image in order to facilitate decision
making such as pattern classification. Features will be extracted from the whole brain MRI before
and after segmentation. Features extraction includes decreasing the amount of data required to
describe a large set of data correctly. The statistical and texture (GLCM) features are the most
generally applied method because of its high accuracy, simplicity and less computational time. In
this work, only ten features are extracted from each brain MRI by applying statistical and texture
(GLCM) models, hence, no need for features reduction. These features are the inputs to the
optimized ANN classifier which assigns them to the class which they represent.
1) Statistical features: Statistical features that are extracted are the mean, variance, skew-
ness, standard deviation, and kurtosis.
1 m−1 n−1
Mean ¼ ∑ ∑ f ðx; yÞ ð3Þ
m*n x¼o y¼0
1 m−1 n−1
Variance ¼ ∑ ∑ ð f ðx; yÞ−μÞ2 ð4Þ
m*n x¼0 y¼0
m−1 n−1
∑ ∑ ð f ðx; yÞ−μÞ
1 x¼0 y¼0
Skewness ¼ ð5Þ
m*n SD3
1 m−1 n−1
Standard Deviation ¼ ∑ ∑ ð f ðx; yÞ−μÞ2 ð6Þ
m*n x¼0 y¼0
m−1 n−1
1 ∑x¼0 ∑y¼0 ð f ðx; yÞ−μÞ4
kurtosis ¼ ð7Þ
m*n SD4
2) Texture features: The textures which describe the spatial relationship between pixels of
different gray levels are found using GLCM. This method follows two stages for the features
extraction from the medical images. In the first stage, the GLCM is calculated, and in the next
stage, the texture features based on the GLCM are calculated. Contrast, entropy, Homogeneity,
Energy, and Correlation are some of the texture features and they are shown below.
m−1 n−1
Contrast ¼ ∑ ∑ ðx−yÞ2 f ðx; yÞ ð8Þ
x¼0 y¼0
m−1 n−1
Entropy ¼ − ∑ ∑ f ðx; yÞ log2 f ðx; yÞ ð9Þ
x¼0 y¼0
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m−1 n−1
Energy ¼ ∑ ∑ ð f ðx; yÞÞ2 ð11Þ
x¼0 ∑y¼0 ðx; yÞ f ðx; yÞ−μx μy
Correlation ¼ ð12Þ
σx σy
Three optimization techniques are combined with ANN to obtain the optimal parameters of
ANN and achieve the best CA. The optimization algorithms (MVO, MFO, and SSA) and the
optimized ANN are indicated as follows.
The MVO is a new nature-inspired algorithm presented in [10–12]. The three main concepts of
MVO are white hole, wormhole, and blackhole. These concepts are formulated in a mathe-
matical model to estimate exploration, exploitation, and local search, respectively. The
algorithm procedures are given in Fig. 3 as a pseudocode. Traveling distance rate (TDR)
and Wormhole existence probability (WEP) are the main coefficients that are used in the MVO
and they have updated the position of the universe. The WEP is required to increase the
optimization process linearly to emphasize its exploitation. The TDR is defined as the distance
rate that an object can travel to reach the best universe. It is decreased during the optimization
process for increasing the local search accuracy of the best universe. Each universe (search
agent) contains the inflation rate and the fitness value that is calculated by the inflation rates.
Eqs. 13 and 14, gives the formula of WEP and TDR coefficient.
WEP ¼ min þ l ð13Þ
TDR ¼ 1− ð14Þ
Where l is the current run, L is the maximum run. P is the accuracy of exploitation in each
run. The best universe contains more WEP values and fewer TDR values it.
Mirjalili is the first one that presents the MFO in 2015 [13, 14]. The MFO is a nature-inspired
optimization algorithm that simulates the special navigation methods of moths in nature at
night. Moths fly around the moon with a fixed angle, which is a very effective mechanism for
traveling long distance in straight line. The algorithm consist of three-parts that approximates
the global and optimal solution of the optimization problems. It defined as follows:
MFO ¼ ½I; P; T ð15Þ
The random population of moths is generated by I function that corresponding fitness values,
the main function is P that moves the moths around the search space. It received the matrix of
M (set of moths in a matrix) and returns its updated one. The T function returns true or false if
the termination criterion is satisfied or not, respectively.
The position of each moth was updated with respect to flame as follows:
M i ¼ P M i; F j ð16Þ
Where b is a constant that defines the shape of P, t is a random value between[r, 1], r is the
convergence constant, e is exponentials and Di is the distance of ith moth and the jth flame
which calculated by:
Di ¼ F j −M i ð18Þ
In the search space, the position updating of moths with respect to different locations may
degrades the exploitation of the best promising solutions. To resolve this problem, an adaptive
mechanism is proposed for flames number.
The number of flames is adaptively decreased over the course of an iteration. It calculated
as follows:
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F n −1
flame number ¼ round F n −h* ð19Þ
Where h is the iterations current number, Fn indicate the maximum number of flames and Tn is
the maximum number of iterations. Figure 4 indicates the pseudocode of the MFO algorithm.
The SSA is a novel meta-heuristic algorithm [15, 16] used to solve the optimization problems.
The swarming behavior of salps when navigating and foraging in oceans is the main
inspiration of SSA. The pseudocode of the SSA is illustrated in Fig. 5. The population is
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firstly divided into a leaders’ group and followers’ group. The leader position at the front of the
chain, whereas the remainder of salps, are the followers. The location of the leader is updated
according to Eq. 20.
F i þ si ððU bi −Lbi Þs2 þ Lbi Þ s3 ≥0
Xh1i ¼ : ð20Þ
F i −si ððU bi −Lbi Þs2 þ Lbi Þ s3 ≥0
Where Xh1i shows the leader’s location and Fi is the food location in the ith dimension, Ubi and
Lbi are the upper and lower bands respectively and the random numbers are s1, s2 and s3. The
most important parameter is s1 which responsible for balancing exploration and exploitation. It
defined as
s1 ¼ 2e−ð R Þ
r 2
Where r is the current iteration and R is the maximum number of iterations. Equation 22 is
used for updating the follower’s location.
1 2
Xhij ¼ e c þ v0 c ð22Þ
Where, Xhij indicate the position of ith follower Salp in jthdimension, the initial speed is
v0 ¼ v0 and c is the time. At v0 = 0, the follower’s location is calculated as follows:
1 i
Xhij ¼ Xh j þ Xhi−1
j ð23Þ
The above optimization algorithms are combined with ANN to obtain the best parameters of
ANN and achieve the optimal CA. The weights and biases are the most important parameter
variables for training ANN. So, the optimal values of weights and biases should be obtained to
provide the best classification rate (lowest ER). The common metric to evaluate the training
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Parameter value
ANN system is the average of Mean Square Error (MSE) over all the training samples, as
1 s 1 k n n 2
MSE ¼ ∑ ∑ A −D ð24Þ
T s i¼1 T s i¼1 i i
Where k is the number of outputs. Ts is the number of training samples, the error between the
actual output is Ani and the desired output is Dni of ith input unit and nth training sample. The
fitness function is to obtain the highest CA by minimizing the average MSE. Hence, MVO,
MFO, or SAA are used to optimize the ANN by obtaining its optimal biases and weights so
that the MSE is minimum. Table 1, shows the initial parameters of MVO, MFO, and SSA. At
the beginning of the optimization process, it is assumed that a random biases and weights are
generated in range between the lower and upper bands.
The architecture of the optimized ANN is illustrated in Fig. 6(a). It is clear that, the ANN
consists of three layers; input, output and one hidden layer. The input {x1, x2, ……, x10} are
ten features data assigned to each node of the ANN’s input layer and Z1, Z2, …, ZN denotes
the sigmoid activation function in hidden nodes. In this network, the biases and weights are
initialized and optimized using MVO, MFO or SSA techniques.
The procedures of the proposed optimized- ANN model is shown in Fig. 6(b) and outlines
as follows:
1-Initialize the optimizer (MVO, MFO or SSA) parameters.
2-Train ANN classifier and the fitness of each search agent (universe of MVO, moth of
MFO or Salp of SSA) is evaluated. The fitness here is CA.
3-If the fitness of each search agent reaches the best CA, the position vector is saved and
goes to step5, else go to the next step.
4-The search agent’s position is updated until it reaches the optimal CA.
5-Get the optimal parameters (the biases and weights) of ANN and the optimal CA.
6-Training dataset to obtain learning model and use this model to predict test data and get
the CA.
In total, the pseudocode shown in Fig. 7. describes the proposed MVO-ANN system to
obtain the ideal parameters of ANN which result in a superior CA and ER.
4.1 Database
To evaluate the performance of the proposed approach, two datasets are used. 110
images are obtained from the Harvard dataset [47], in which 30 images are healthy,
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Fig. 6 (a) The architecture of optimized ANN, (b) The flowchart of the optimized ANN model
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20 images are benign tumors experiencing a meningioma, LGT and 60 images are
malignant tumors experiencing a Sarcoma, Bronchogenic, Glioblastoma Multiform and
Carcinoma. Harvard brain images are directly downloaded as two-dimension (2D)
images in *.jpg format. BRATS 2015 dataset [48] consists of 80 images: 60 are
HGT (malignant) and 20 are LGT (benign). Its images are three-dimension (3D)
Table 2 Partition of training and testing set of the Harvard and the BRATS database
Database Training-testing Total No. of image No. of images in the training No. of images in the testing
Table 3 The proposed approach results when features are extracted from original images
images in *.mha format and converted to 2D images in *.jpg format using DIACOM
software [53]. However, the two processed images datasets are in *.jpg format.
Harvard images dataset have higher resolution, higher contrast and large size [47].
Hence, better segmented images are obtained.
Classification rate (CA), Area Under the ROC Curve (AUC), Specificity, Sensitivity,
and DSC parameters are used for evaluating and visualizing the classifier perfor-
mance, which are given as follows.
Classification rateðCAÞ ¼ ð25Þ
T P þ T N þ FP þ FN
AUC ¼ ∫ T PR ðxÞ F PR ðxÞ dx ð26Þ
Table 4 The proposed approach results when features are extracted from segmented images
Fig. 8 ROC curves of proposed approaches when features are extracted from original images
Specificity ¼ ð27Þ
T N þ FP
Sensitivity ¼ ð28Þ
T P þ FN
2T P
DSC ¼ ð29Þ
2T P þ F P þ F N
Where TP, TN, FP and FNare true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative
respectively. TPR and FPR are true and false positive rate respectively.
The brain MRI dataset is partitioned by one of two ways. First way, a standard partition
(50–50) training-testing is used, 50% of images are used for training the ANN classifier
and the rest are used for testing. The other way, 5-fold-cross validation (5-CV) is used to
determine the robustness of the proposed approach. The partitioning process is applied to
the databases (Harvard and BRATS 2015) as illustrated in the Table. 2.
Fig. 9 ROC curves of proposed approaches when features are extracted from segmented images
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In the beginning, the features are extracted from the whole (original) and segment-
ed images of Harvard and BRATS datasets and examined using the proposed ap-
proaches. These features are used to train and test the proposed classifiers (MVO-
ANN, MFO-ANN, and SSA-ANN) and their results are depicted in Tables 3 and 4.
The ROC curves are shown in Figs. 8 and 9. As shown in these results, the
performance of the classifiers with the extracted features from segmented images is
better than that of the original image as expected. As the main aim of the segmen-
tation step is to isolate tumor regions from the normal ones. Figure 2c shows the
example of segmented healthy, benign and malignant images. It is clear from the
figure that, the efficient discrimination between these images can be done easily.
Hence the extracted features from segmented images are the best way for exact
diagnosis of brain tumor.
After that, the performance of the presented approaches is evaluated against the
geometric transformations. Different types of geometric transformations have been
considered to transform test images including scaling by 70% of original image size,
rotation by angle of 30o and warping. The extracted features from the transformed
images are used to test the proposed classifiers. Figure 10 shows the geometric
transformation performed on brain MRI. The resultant CA and ER for the proposed
three classifiers are listed in Table 5. The results indicate that the Harvard dataset
does not affected by these transformations when classifying the dataset to healthy and
tumorous(H/T) images. The CAs are decreased (higher ERs) but it is still acceptable
when recognizing the type of tumor (benign or malignant (B/M)). This is because of
its segmented images are better as explained above, and its training sets are
Table 5 The CA and ER values of the proposed approaches performed on transformed images
containing different tumor sizes and with different angles. So, Harvard images dataset
are slightly affected by the transformation. Concerning BRATS dataset, the classifi-
cation does not achieve the required high CA (low ER) because of its lower
resolution, lower contrast and smaller size compared to Harvard images dataset. So,
Its more affected by the geometric transformation.
The performance of the ANN with MVO, MFO, and SSA of each partition way
(standard and 5-CV) for the two databases are presented in Table 6. The ROC curves of
the proposed approaches of standard and 5-CV partitioning ways are illustrated in Figs. 9
and 11, respectively. The computational results listed in Table 6 denote that the optimal
CA and ER are obtained when using ANN with each optimizer i.e. MVO, MFO or SSA.
The highest CA of 100% and the lowest ER of 0% are achieved for the Harvard database
for each optimizer. The optimal CA of 98.75% is also achieved for the BRATS database
using MVO. All the listed results indicate that the proposed hybrid approaches outper-
form the traditional ANN approach.
This means that a successful combination between ANN and each optimizer (MVO,
MFO, or SSA) has occurred and it is considered an effective hybrid approach. The
proposed optimizers are effectively successful in selecting the optimal weights and
biases of the ANN. The performance of the presented approaches is compared with the
recently published results in the state of art methods for the same MRI datasets, which
are shown in Tables 7 and 8 for the Harvard database and in Table 9 for the BRATS
dataset. In addition, the proposed optimizers are compared to the most popular
optimizers, i.e., GA, BAT, SCA, WOA, GWO and PSO as illustrated in Tables 7, 8
and 9. It is clear that the performance of the proposed optimizers outperforms these
Table 7 Comparison of classification rate on healthy and tumorous of the Harvard dataset
popular ones. The methods that classify H/T images of the Harvard dataset are
compared in Table 7. In which our approaches achieved the optimal CA of 100%
and optimal ER of 0%. Then the methods that classify tumor images into B/M for
Harvard and BRATS datasets are compared in Table 8 and 9respectively. It is obvious
that the proposed classification approaches outperform the other published methods in
CA, ER, sensitivity, specificity, DSC, and AUC. The proposed MVO-ANN algorithm
Table 8 Comparison of performance analysis value on benign and malignant of the Harvard dataset
Table 9 Comparison of performance analysis value on benign and malignant of the BRATS dataset
achieves the best results compared to other proposed algorithms as obvious in Tables 4,
6, 7, 8 and 9 and ROC curves in Figs. 8, 9 and 11. The CAs of 99.23%, 98.75% and
ERs of 0.68, 1.25 are obtained using the MVO-ANN approach for Harvard and
BRATS 2015, respectively.
5 Conclusion
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