Chapter 11

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Notes Discrete

In this unit, students explore var- Discrete mathematics
ious topics of discrete mathe- is the branch of
matics, including arithmetic and mathematics that
geometric sequences and series, involves finite or
as well as recursion and fractals. discontinuous
They also apply the Binomial quantities. In this
Theorem, and prove statements unit, you will learn
using mathematical induction. about sequences,
The unit concludes with an series, probability,
investigation of probability and and statistics.
statistics, including permutations,
combinations, and the normal
distribution. Finally, students
apply their mathematical skills
in a simulation, as well as to
sampling situations and to
testing hypotheses.

Assessment Options
Unit 4 Test Pages 773–774
of the Chapter 12 Resource Masters
may be used as a test or review
for Unit 4. This assessment con-
tains both multiple-choice and
short answer items.

TestCheck and
Richard Kaye
Worksheet Builder Professor of Mathematics
This CD-ROM can be used to University of Birmingham
Chapter 11
create additional unit tests and
Sequences and Series
review worksheets.
Chapter 12
Probability and Statistics

574 Unit 4 Discrete Mathematics

574 Unit 4 Discrete Mathematics


Have students study the

USA TODAY Snapshot®.
• Ask students to name some
historical mathematicians
(such as Pythagoras,
Fibonacci, and Descartes).
• Have students compare their
own use of a PC at home to
the percents shown in the
• Point out to students that use
of the Internet is quickly
becoming the main tool for
doing research on a given
‘Minesweeper’: Secret Additional USA TODAY
to Age-Old Puzzle? Snapshots® appearing in Unit 4:
Source: USA TODAY, November 3, 2000 Chapter 11 Yosemite visitors
“Minesweeper, a seemingly simple game included USA TODAY Snapshots® peak in ’96
on most personal computers, could help mathematicians (p. 604)
crack one of the field’s most intriguing problems. Why teens use PCs at home Chapter 12 Getting ready for
The buzz began after Richard Kaye, a mathematics The leading purposes teens age 12 to 17 gave for using
a PC at home: bed (p. 658)
professor at the University of Birmingham in England,
started playing Minesweeper. After playing the Educational
program 93%
game steadily for a few weeks, Kaye realized that School 80%
Minesweeper, if played on a much larger grid, has the assignments
Games 70%
same mathematical characteristics as other problems
Word processing 63%
deemed insolvable.” In this project, you will research
Internet 32%
a mathematician of the past and his or her role in the 25%
development of discrete mathematics.
Log on to
Begin your WebQuest by reading the Task. Source: U.S. Census Bureau Current Population Report (Sept. ’99)

By Mark Pearson and Jerry Mosemak, USA TODAY

Then continue working Lesson 11-7 12-1

on your WebQuest as Page 616 635
you study Unit 4.
Unit 4 Discrete Mathematics 575

Internet Project
A WebQuest is an online project in which students do research on the Internet,
gather data, and make presentations using word processing, graphing,
page-making, or presentation software. In each chapter, students advance to
the next step in their WebQuest. At the end of Chapter 12, the project
culminates with a presentation of their findings.
Teaching suggestions and sample answers are available in the WebQuest and
Project Resources.

Unit 4 Discrete Mathematics 575

Sequences and Series
Chapter Overview and Pacing

PACING (days)
Regular Block
Average Advanced Average Advanced
Arithmetic Sequences (pp. 578–582) 1 1 0.5 0.5
• Use arithmetic sequences.
• Find arithmetic means.
Arithmetic Series (pp. 583–587) 1 1 0.5 0.5
• Find sums of arithmetic series.
• Use sigma notation.
Geometric Sequences (pp. 588–592) 1 1 0.5 0.5
• Use geometric sequences.
• Find geometric means.
Geometric Series (pp. 593–598) 2 1 0.5 0.5
Preview: Limits (with 11-4
• Find sums of geometric series. Preview)
• Find specific terms of geometric series.
Infinite Geometric Series (pp. 599–604) 1 2 0.5 1
• Find the sum of an infinite geometric series. (with 11-6
• Write repeating decimals as fractions. Preview)
Recursion and Special Sequences (pp. 605–611) 2 3 1 1
Preview: Amortizing Loans (with 11-6
• Recognize and use special sequences. Follow-Up
• Iterate functions.
Follow-Up: Fractals
The Binomial Theorem (pp. 612–617) 1 1 0.5 0.5
• Use Pascal’s triangle to expand powers of binomials.
• Use the Binomial Theorem to expand powers of binomials.
Proof and Mathematical Induction (pp. 618–621) 2 1 1 0.5
• Prove statements by using mathematical induction.
• Disprove statements by finding a counterexample.
Study Guide and Practice Test (pp. 622–627) 1 1 0.5 0.5
Standardized Test Practice (pp. 628–629)
Chapter Assessment 1 1 0.5 0.5
TOTAL 13 13 6 6

Pacing suggestions for the entire year can be found on pages T20–T21.

576A Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Timesaving Tools

All-In-One Planner
and Resource Center
Chapter Resource Manager See pages T12–T13.


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631–632 633–634 635 636 11-1 11-1 20 isometric dot paper, wooden or
plastic cubes

637–638 639–640 641 642 693 GCS 48, 11-2 11-2 graphing calculator
SM 133–138

643–644 645–646 647 648 SC 21 11-3 11-3

649–650 651–652 653 654 693, 695 SC 22 11-4 11-4 21 (Preview: graphing calculator)

655–656 657–658 659 660 11-5 11-5

661–662 663–664 665 666 694 GCS 47 11-6 11-6 (Preview: spreadsheet software)
penny, nickel, dime, cardboard
(Follow-Up: isometric dot paper)

667–668 669–670 671 672 11-7 11-7 colored pens or pencils

673–674 675–676 677 678 694 11-8 11-8


*Key to Abbreviations: GCS  Graphing Calculator and Speadsheet Masters,

SC  School-to-Career Masters,
SM  Science and Mathematics Lab Manual

Chapter 11 Sequences and Series 576B

Mathematical Connections
and Background
Continuity of Instruction Arithmetic Sequences
Throughout this chapter students study notation
and formulas. They see how notation allows a formula
to be written in a concise form, and they investigate
how one formula can be related to or contain another
Prior Knowledge formula. The first lesson uses arithmetic sequences to
Students have used formulas for area, vol- explore notation and formulas. In an arithmetic sequence,
ume, and other attributes, and they have each term after the first is found by adding a constant,
called the common difference, to the previous term.
used notation such as subscripts, superscripts,
(Students may need to be told that when “arithmetic”
and factorials. They have used the output of is used as an adjective, the accent is on the next-to-last
one function as input for another function, syllable.) Subscripts indicate a particular order for
and they have explored proof by deriving terms, and the formula an  a1  (n  1)d is seen as a
particular properties from other concise way to represent the nth term.
Arithmetic Series
This lesson begins with two ideas, that the aver-
age of the first n terms in an arithmetic sequence is the
mean of the first and nth terms, and that the sum of the
This Chapter first n terms is the number n times the average of these
Students study and apply formulas for arith- terms. This leads to two formulas for the sum Sn of the
terms of an arithmetic series. For one formula, a1 and
metic sequences and series, for finite geo-
a1  (n  1)d are used as the first and nth terms; a dif-
metric sequences and series, and for infinite ferent formula uses a1 and an as the first and nth terms.
geometric series. They use sigma notation As in the previous lesson, students investigate the for-
and factorial notation to write concise forms mulas by solving problems that ask them to find the
of formulas, especially the formula for the value Sn , n, a1, an , or d from given information. The
Binomial Theorem. Students continue to use lesson also introduces sigma notation. For example,
formulas and notation as they explore two-  (x2  2) represents a sum of terms where x is replaced
part recursive formulas and the three-step n0
by each of the seven values 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6. So
process of mathematical induction. 6

 (x2  2)  (02  2)  (12  2)  (22  2)  (32  2) 

(42  2)  (52  2)  (62  2). The value of this series is

Geometric Sequences
Future Connections This lesson introduces sequences whose terms
Students will continue to use subscripts, have a constant ratio r; that is, each successive term is the
factorials and sigma notation in later math product of r and the previous term. Using r to represent
topics, and they will continue to see that common ratio, the formula an  a1  r n1, which
includes both subscripts and superscripts, is a concise
sequences and series. They will translate be-
way to represent the nth term. After geometric means
tween recursive formulas and non-recursive are described as numbers that form a geometric
formulas (“explicit formulas”), and they sequence, students use the formula for the nth term of a
frequently will revisit the powerful idea of geometric sequence to find a given number of geometric
mathematical induction. means between two given numbers. A geometric mean is
a number or numbers that are missing terms between
two nonsuccessive terms of a geometric sequence.

576C Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Geometric Series The Binomial Theorem
The formula for the sum of the first n terms of a Previously learned formulas are used to
geometric series is derived by using several ideas, each develop the Binomial Theorem. The expansion of the
expressed concisely with subscripts and exponents. expression (a  b)n for nonnegative values of n
involves finding the coefficient and the exponents for
(1) The (n  1)st term of a geometric sequence
a and b for each term. The expansions show many
is a1r n.
patterns: the sum of the exponents for a and b is n;
(2) If you multiply the 1st through nth terms of a the coefficients are the entries in Pascal’s triangle; and
geometric series by the common ratio, the result the coefficients are functions of the exponents.
is the 2nd through (n  1)st terms. One way to write the Binomial Theorem is to
(3) The difference Sn  rSn can be written as the describe each coefficient as a fraction. Another way is
equation Sn  rSn  a1  a1r n. to use factorial notation for the coefficients. And
another way, using sigma notation as well as factorial
Dividing each side of that equation by 1  r results in
notation, illustrates how notation can provide a con-
a formula for Sn, the sum of an geometric series.
cise way to write a complex formula. Students should
Another formula for Sn can be derived by substituting
be familiar with factorials, finding powers of mono-
an r for a1r n.
mials, and using sigma notation.

Infinite Geometric Series Proof and Mathematical

A formula for an infinite series can be simpler
than a formula for a finite series. If the common ratio Induction
r is such that | r |  1, then as n get larger the value of Mathematical induction is a powerful idea in
r n approaches 0. As a result, the sum of an infinite mathematics. Much of higher mathematics uses this
geometric series can be written as a formula that has principle for verification of conjectures. This lesson
no exponents, and the sum is completely determined examines series, divisibility, and finding a counter-
by the first term and the common ratio. Repeating example to show that a formula is not true. Students
decimals can be expressed by an infinite geometric can relate mathematical induction to the two-part
series as well as by a fraction. recursive formulas of a previous lesson. One part of
mathematical induction is to show that a particular
property is true for a particular number (often for the
Recursion and number 1). The second part is to prove that if the
Special Sequences property holds for some positive integer, then the
This lesson introduces a different kind of for- property holds for the “next” integer. Completing
mula for the terms of a sequence. The formulas have both parts is a proof that the property holds for all
two parts. One part gives specific values for the first positive integers.
one or more terms of the sequence. The second part Another way to look at mathematical induc-
describes the “next” term as a function of previous tion is to consider the set S of positive integers for
terms. (The formulas from the earlier lessons are which some property is true. If you can show that 1 is
often called explicit formulas.) The lesson also intro- in S and, for any integer k in S, that the integer follow-
duces a situation in which a function rule and the ing k is in S, then S contains all positive integers.
first term of a sequence are given. Each term of the Since S is the set of integers for which the property is
sequence, as an input value, yields the next term in true, then the property is true for all positive integers.
the sequence. This situation is called iterating a func-
tion or generating a sequence using iteration.

Chapter 11 Sequences and Series 576D

and Assessment

Type Student Edition Teacher Resources Technology/Internet

Ongoing Prerequisite Skills, pp. 577, 582, 5-Minute Check Transparencies Alge2PASS: Tutorial Plus

587, 592, 598, 604, 610, 617 Quizzes, CRM pp. 693–694
Practice Quiz 1, p. 592 Mid-Chapter Test, CRM p. 695
Practice Quiz 2, p. 617 Study Guide and Intervention, CRM pp. 631–632,
637–638, 643–644, 649–650, 655–656, 661–662,
667–668, 673–674
Mixed pp. 582, 587, 592, 598, 604, Cumulative Review, CRM p. 696
Review 610, 617, 621
Error Find the Error, pp. 590, 602 Find the Error, TWE pp. 590, 602
Analysis Unlocking Misconceptions, TWE pp. 579, 600
Tips for New Teachers, TWE pp. 582, 587, 592, 598,
604, 610, 617, 620
Standardized pp. 582, 587, 588, 591, 592, TWE p. 589 Standardized Test Practice
Test Practice 598, 603, 610, 616, 621, 627, Standardized Test Practice, CRM pp. 697–698 CD-ROM
Open-Ended Writing in Math, pp. 582, 587, Modeling: TWE p. 592
Assessment 592, 598, 603, 610, 616, 621 Speaking: TWE pp. 582, 587, 610
Open Ended, pp. 580, 586, 590, Writing: TWE pp. 598, 604, 617

596, 602, 608, 615, 619 Open-Ended Assessment, CRM p. 691

Chapter Study Guide, pp. 622–626 Multiple-Choice Tests (Forms 1, 2A, 2B), TestCheck and Worksheet Builder
Assessment Practice Test, p. 627 CRM pp. 679–684 (see below)
Free-Response Tests (Forms 2C, 2D, 3), MindJogger Videoquizzes
CRM pp. 685–690
Vocabulary Test/Review, CRM p. 692 vocabulary_review

Key to Abbreviations: TWE = Teacher Wraparound Edition; CRM = Chapter Resource Masters

Additional Intervention Resources TestCheck and Worksheet Builder

The Princeton Review’s Cracking the SAT & PSAT This networkable software has three modules for intervention
The Princeton Review’s Cracking the ACT and assessment flexibility:
• Worksheet Builder to make worksheet and tests
ALEKS • Student Module to take tests on screen (optional)
• Management System to keep student records (optional)
Special banks are included for SAT, ACT, TIMSS, NAEP, and
End-of-Course tests.

576E Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Reading and Writing
in Mathematics
Intervention Technology Glencoe Algebra 2 provides numerous opportunities to
Alge2PASS: Tutorial Plus CD-ROM offers a incorporate reading and writing into the mathematics
complete, self-paced algebra curriculum. classroom.

Algebra 2 Alge2PASS Lesson Student Edition

• Foldables Study Organizer, p. 577
11-1 20 Finding the Missing Number in a Sequence • Concept Check questions require students to verbalize
11-4 21 Sequences and Series and write about what they have learned in the lesson.
(pp. 580, 586, 590, 596, 602, 608, 615, 619, 622)
ALEKS is an online mathematics learning system that • Writing in Math questions in every lesson, pp. 582, 587,
adapts assessment and tutoring to the student’s needs. 592, 598, 603, 610, 616, 621
Subscribe at • Reading Study Tip, pp. 606, 619
• WebQuest, p. 616

Intervention at Home Teacher Wraparound Edition

• Foldables Study Organizer, pp. 577, 622
Log on for student study help. • Study Notebook suggestions, pp. 580, 585, 590, 596,
• For each lesson in the Student Edition, there are Extra 602, 605, 608, 611, 615, 619
Examples and Self-Check Quizzes. • Modeling activities, p. 592 • Speaking activities, pp. 582, 587, 610 • Writing activities, pp. 598, 604, 617
• For chapter review, there is vocabulary review, test • Differentiated Instruction, (Verbal/Linguistic), p. 615
practice, and standardized test practice. • ELL Resources, pp. 576, 581, 586, 591, 597, 603, 609, 615, 616, 621, 622 Additional Resources
• Vocabulary Builder worksheets require students to
define and give examples for key vocabulary terms as
For more information on Intervention and they progress through the chapter. (Chapter 11 Resource
Assessment, see pp. T8–T11. Masters, pp. vii-viii)
• Reading to Learn Mathematics master for each lesson
(Chapter 11 Resource Masters, pp. 635, 641, 647, 653,
659, 665, 671, 677)
• Vocabulary PuzzleMaker software creates crossword,
jumble, and word search puzzles using vocabulary lists
that you can customize.
• Teaching Mathematics with Foldables provides
suggestions for promoting cognition and language.
• Reading and Writing in the Mathematics Classroom
• WebQuest and Project Resources

For more information on Reading and Writing in

Mathematics, see pp. T6–T7.
Chapter 11 Sequences and Series 576F
Notes Sequences and
Have students read over the list
of objectives and make a list of
any words with which they are
not familiar. • Lessons 11-1 through 11-5 Use arithmetic and
Key Vocabulary
geometric sequences and series. • arithmetic sequence (p. 578)
• Lesson 11-6 Use special sequences and iterate • arithmetic series (p. 583)
functions. • sigma notation (p. 585)
• Lesson 11-7 Expand powers by using the • geometric sequence (p. 588)
Binomial Theorem.
• geometric series (p. 594)
Point out to students that this is • Lesson 11-8 Prove statements by using
only one of many reasons why mathematical induction.
each objective is important.
Others are provided in the
introduction to each lesson.
Many number patterns found in nature and used in business can be
modeled by sequences, which are lists of numbers. Some sequences
are classified by the method used to predict the next term from the
previous term(s). When the terms of a sequence are added, a series is
formed. In Lesson 11-2, you will learn how the number of seats in the rows of an
amphitheater can be modeled using a series.

NCTM Local
Lesson Standards Objectives
11-1 1, 6, 7, 8, 9
11-2 1, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
11-3 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11-4 1, 6
11-4 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11-5 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9,
11-6 1, 6, 8, 9, 10
11-6 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9,
576 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
11-6 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8
11-7 1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10
11-8 2, 6, 7, 8
Vocabulary Builder ELL

The Key Vocabulary list introduces students to some of the main vocabulary terms
Key to NCTM Standards: included in this chapter. For a more thorough vocabulary list with pronunciations of
1=Number & Operations, 2=Algebra, new words, give students the Vocabulary Builder worksheets found on pages vii and
3=Geometry, 4=Measurement, viii of the Chapter 11 Resource Masters. Encourage them to complete the definition
5=Data Analysis & Probability, 6=Problem of each term as they progress through the chapter. You may suggest that they add
Solving, 7=Reasoning & Proof, these sheets to their study notebooks for future reference when studying for the
8=Communication, 9=Connections, Chapter 11 test.
576 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
Prerequisite Skills To be successful in this chapter, you’ll need to master This section provides a review of
these skills and be able to apply them in problem-solving situations. Review the basic concepts needed before
these skills before beginning Chapter 11.
beginning Chapter 11. Page
For Lessons 11-1 and 11-3 Solve Equations
references are included for
additional student help.
Solve each equation. (For review, see Lessons 1-3 and 5-5.)
1. 36  12  4x 6 2. 40  10  5x 10 Prerequisite Skills in the Getting
3. 12  3x  27 5 4. 162  2x4 3 Ready for the Next Lesson section
1 1
5.   4x5  6. 3x3  4  20 2 at the end of each exercise set
8 2 review a skill needed in the next
For Lessons 11-1 and 11-5 Graph Functions
Graph each function. (For review, see Lesson 2-1.) 7–10. See pp. 629A–629F. For Prerequisite
7. {(1, 1), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7), (5, 9)} 8. {(1, 20), (2, 16), (3, 12), (4, 8), (5, 4)} Lesson Skill
9. (1, 64), (2, 16), (3, 4), (4, 1), 5,  10. (1, 2), (2, 3), 3, , 4, , 5,  11-2 Evaluating Expressions (p. 582)
1 7 15 31
4 2 4 8
11-3 Evaluating Expressions (p. 587)
11-4 Evaluating Expressions (p. 592)
For Lessons 11-1 through 11-5, 11-8 Evaluate Expressions
11-5 Evaluating Expressions (p. 598)
Evaluate each expression for the given value(s) of the variable(s). (For review, see Lesson 1-1.)
x 11-6 Evaluating Functions (p. 604)
11. x  (y  1)z if x  3, y  8, and z  2 17 12.  (y  z) if x  10, y  3, and z  25 140
2 11-8 Evaluating Expressions (p. 617)
1 1 a(1  bc)2
13. a  if a  2, b = , and c  7 
bc1 14.  if a  2, b  3, and c  5 196
2 32 1b
a 1 1 3 n(n  1)
15.  if a  , and b    16.  if n  10 55
1b 2 6 5 2

Make this Foldable to record information about sequences

and series. Begin with one sheet of 11" by 17" paper and
four sheets of notebook paper.

Fold and Cut Staple and Label


Fold the notebook


Fold the short sides paper in half lengthwise.


of the 11'' by 17'' paper


Insert two sheets of notebook

to meet in the middle. paper in each tab and staple
edges. Label with lesson

Reading and Writing As you read and study the chapter, fill the journal with
examples for each lesson.

Chapter 11 Sequences and Series 577


Questioning and Organizing Data Before beginning each

lesson, ask students to preview each lesson and write several
questions about what they see on each of the lesson tabs of their
For more information Foldable. Encourage students to write different types of questions
about Foldables, see including factual, open-ended, analytical, and test-like questions. As
Teaching Mathematics students read and work through the lesson, ask them to record
with Foldables. the answers to their questions in their journal. Students can add
questions to their Foldable that arise during reading, taking notes,
or doing homework.

Chapter 11 Sequences and Series 577

Lesson Arithmetic Sequences

• Use arithmetic sequences.

1 Focus • Find arithmetic means.

Vocabulary are arithmetic sequences related to roofing?

5-Minute Check • sequence A roofer is nailing shingles to the roof of a house
Transparency 11-1 Use as • term in overlapping rows. There are three shingles in
a quiz or review of Chapter 10. • arithmetic sequence the top row. Since the roof widens from top
• common difference to bottom, one additional shingle is
Mathematical Background notes • arithmetic means needed in each successive row.
are available for this lesson on Row 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
p. 576C. 1Shingles 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

are arithmetic
sequences related to
ARITHMETIC SEQUENCES The numbers 3, 4, 5, y
roofing? 6, …, representing the number of shingles in each row, 22
Study Tip 20
Ask students: are an example of a sequence of numbers. A sequence is
Sequences a list of numbers in a particular order. Each number in a
• What other sequences have The numbers in a 16
sequence is called a term . The first term is symbolized

you seen before? Answers will sequence may not be
by a1, the second term is symbolized by a2, and so on. 12
ordered. For example, the
vary, but some may recall the 10
numbers 33, 25, 36, 40, The graph represents the information from the table 8
Fibonacci sequence: 36, 66, 63, 50, ... are a above. A sequence is a function whose domain is the set 6
sequence that represents of positive integers. You can see from the graph that a 4
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …. the number of home runs sequence is a discrete function. 2
• How can you find the next Sammy Sosa hit in each
Many sequences have patterns. For example, in the 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 x
year beginning with 1993.
5 numbers in the shingles sequence above for the number of shingles, each term Row
sequence? Add 1 to each can be found by adding 1 to the previous term. A
sequence of this type is called an arithmetic sequence. An arithmetic sequence is a
successive row. sequence in which each term after the first is found by adding a constant, called the
common difference d, to the previous term.

Example 1 Find the Next Terms

Find the next four terms of the arithmetic sequence 55, 49, 43, … .
Find the common difference d by subtracting two consecutive terms.
49  55  6 and 43  49  6 So, d  6.
Now add 6 to the third term of the sequence, and then continue adding 6 until
the next four terms are found.
43 37 31 25 19
 (6)  (6)  (6)  (6)
The next four terms of the sequence are 37, 31, 25, and 19.

There is a pattern in the way the terms of an arithmetic sequence are formed. It is
possible to develop a formula for each term of an arithmetic sequence in terms of
the first term a1 and the common difference d. Look at the sequence in Example 1.
578 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters Teaching Algebra With Manipulatives 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-1
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 631–632 Masters, pp. 282, 283 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 633
• Practice, p. 634 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 635 Alge2PASS: Tutorial Plus, Lesson 20
• Enrichment, p. 636 Interactive Chalkboard
numbers 55 49 43 37 …

Expressed in
55  0(6)
55  1(6)
55  2(6) 55  3(6)
a4 …

55  (n  1)(6)
2 Teach
Terms of d and
the First Term symbols a 0.d
1 a 1.d
1 a 2.d
1 a 3.d
In-Class Examples Power
The following formula generalizes this pattern for any arithmetic sequence.
1 Find the next four terms of
nth Term of an Arithmetic Sequence the arithmetic sequence
8, 6, 4, …. 2, 0, 2, 4
The nth term an of an arithmetic sequence with first term a1 and common
difference d is given by 2 CONSTRUCTION Use the
an  a1  (n  1)d, information in Example 2 to
where n is any positive integer. find the cost to rent the crane
for 24 months. $420,000
Teaching Tip Ask students to
use the formula for the nth
Example 2 Find a Particular Term Term of an Arithmetic Sequence
CONSTRUCTION Refer to the information at the left. Assuming that the to show why doubling n does
arithmetic sequence continues, how much would it cost to rent the crane for not result in doubling an.
twelve months?
3 Write an equation for the nth
Explore Since the difference between any two successive costs is $15,000, the term of the arithmetic
costs form an arithmetic sequence with common difference 15,000.
Construction sequence 8, 6, 4, ….
The table below shows Plan You can use the formula for the nth term of an arithmetic sequence an  2n  10
typical costs for a with a1  75,000 and d  15,000 to find a12, the cost for twelve months.
construction company to Teaching Tip Ask students to
rent a crane for one, two, Solve an  a1  (n  1)d
three, or four months.
Formula for nth term read the Study Tip and explain
a12  75,000  (12  1)15,000 n  12, a1  75,000, d  15,000
why the equation is always
Months Cost ($) linear. There is no power greater
a12  240,000 Simplify. than 1, and two variables are not
1 75,000
2 90,000 It would cost $240,000 to rent the crane for twelve months. multiplied together.
3 105,000
Examine You can find terms of the sequence by adding 15,000. a5 through a12
4 120,000
are 135,000, 150,000, 165,000, 180,000, 195,000, 210,000, 225,000, and
Source: 240,000. Therefore, $240,000 is correct.

Example 3 Write an Equation for the nth Term

Write an equation for the nth term of the arithmetic sequence 8, 17, 26, 35, … .
In this sequence, a1  8 and d  9. Use the nth term formula to write an equation.
Study Tip an  a1  (n  1)d Formula for nth term
Arithmetic an  8  (n  1)9 a1 = 8, d = 9
An equation for an an  8  9n  9 Distributive Property
arithmetic sequence is
an  9n  1 Simplify.
always linear. Chalkboard
An equation is an  9n  1. PowerPoint®
Presentations Lesson 11-1 Arithmetic Sequences 579
This CD-ROM is a customizable
Microsoft® PowerPoint®
presentation that includes:
Unlocking Misconceptions • Step-by-step, dynamic solutions of
each In-Class Example from the
Subscripts Make sure that all students understand that the subscript in
Teacher Wraparound Edition
an names a term and that it is not an exponent.
• Additional, Your Turn exercises for
each example
• The 5-Minute Check Transparencies
• Hot links to Glencoe Online
Study Tools

Lesson 11-1 Arithmetic Sequences 579

Arithmetic Sequences
In-Class Example Power
Point® Study the figures below. The length of an edge of each cube is 1 centimeter.
4 Find the three arithmetic
means between 21 and 45.
27, 33, 39
Teaching Tip Ask students to Model and Analyze 1. See margin.
create their own questions 1. Based on the pattern, draw the fourth figure on a piece of isometric dot paper.
similar to Example 4. Lead them 2. Find the volumes of the four figures. 1 cm3, 3 cm3, 5 cm3, 7 cm3
to see that, for the value of d to 3. Suppose the number of cubes in the pattern continues. Write an equation
be an integer, the number of that gives the volume of Figure n. Vn  2n  1
arithmetic means must evenly 4. What would the volume of the twelfth figure be? 23 cm3
divide the difference between
the first and last terms given.
ARITHMETIC MEANS Sometimes you are given two terms of a sequence,
but they are not successive terms of that sequence. The terms between any two
nonsuccessive terms of an arithmetic sequence are called arithmetic means . In the

3 Practice/Apply sequence below, 41, 52, and 63 are the three arithmetic means between 30 and 74.

19, 30, 41, 52, 63, 74, 85, 96, …

3 arithmetic means between 30 and 74

Example 4 Find Arithmetic Means

Study Notebook Find the four arithmetic means between 16 and 91.
Have students— Study Tip You can use the nth term formula to find the common difference. In the sequence
• add the definitions/examples of 16, ? , ? , ? , ? , 91, …, a1 is 16 and a6 is 91.
Alternate Method
the vocabulary terms to their You may prefer this an  a1  (n  1)d Formula for the nth term
method. The four means a6  16  (6  1)d n  6, a1  16
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for will be 16  d, 16  2d,
Chapter 11. 16  3d, and 16  4d. 91  16  5d a6  91
The common difference
• include any other item(s) that they is d  91  (16  4d) 75  5d Subtract 16 from each side.

find helpful in mastering the skills or d  15. 15  d Divide each side by 5.

in this lesson. Now use the value of d to find the four arithmetic means.
16 31 46 61 76
 15  15  15  15

The arithmetic means are 31, 46, 61, and 76. CHECK 76  15  91 ⻫

About the Exercises…

Organization by Objective
• Arithmetic Sequences: Concept Check 1. Explain why the sequence 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, … is not arithmetic. See margin.
15–51 3. Sample answer: 1, 2. Find the 15th term in the arithmetic sequence 3, 4, 11, 18, … . 95
• Arithmetic Means: 52–55 4, 9, 14, … 3. OPEN ENDED Write an arithmetic sequence with common difference 5.
Odd/Even Assignments Guided Practice Find the next four terms of each arithmetic sequence.
Exercises 15–40, 43–48, and 4. 12, 16, 20, … 24, 28, 32, 36 5. 3, 1, 1, … 3, 5, 7, 9
52–55 are structured so that
students practice the same Find the first five terms of each arithmetic sequence described.
concepts whether they are 6. a1  5, d  3 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 7. a1  14, d  2 14, 12, 10, 8, 6
assigned odd or even 580 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Assignment Guide Answer

Basic: 15, 17, 23, 25, 29, 31, 33, Algebra Activity Algebra Activity
37–43 odd, 47, 49–51, 53, 55–67 Materials: isometric dot paper 1.
Average: 15–47 odd, 49–51, • Point out that this activity does not stack
53, 55–67 cubes but keeps them on a plane.
Advanced: 16–48 even, 49–51, • Suggest that students explore by repeating
52, 54, 56–64 (optional: 65–67) this activity using a different initial
arrangement of three cubes.

580 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

8. Find a13 for the arithmetic sequence 17, 12, 7, … . 43
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
11-1 Guide andIntervention
Study Guide and
Exercises Examples p. 631 (shown)
Arithmetic Sequencesand p. 632
Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence. Arithmetic Sequences An arithmetic sequence is a sequence of numbers in which each
4–7 1 term after the first term is found by adding the common difference to the preceding term.

8–11, 14 2 9. a1  3, d  5, n  24 112 10. a1  5, d  7, n  13 79 nth Term of an an  a1  (n  1)d, where a1 is the first term, d is the common difference,
Arithmetic Sequence and n is any positive integer

12 3
13 4 11. Complete: 68 is the ? th term of the arithmetic sequence 2, 3, 8, … . 15 Example 1 Find the next four
terms of the arithmetic sequence
Example 2 Find the thirteenth term
of the arithmetic sequence with a1  21
and d  6.

Lesson 11-1
7, 11, 15, … .

12. an  11n  37 12. Write an equation for the nth term of the arithmetic sequence 26, 15, 4, 7, … .
Find the common difference by subtracting Use the formula for the nth term of an
two consecutive terms. arithmetic sequence with a1  21, n  13,
11  7  4 and 15  11  4, so d  4. and d  6.

Now add 4 to the third term of the sequence, an  a1  (n  1)d Formula for nth term

13. Find the three arithmetic means between 44 and 92. 56, 68, 80 and then continue adding 4 until the four
terms are found. The next four terms of the
a13  21  (13  1)(6)
a13  51
n  13, a1  21, d  6
sequence are 19, 23, 27, and 31.
The thirteenth term is 51.

Application 14. ENTERTAINMENT A basketball team has a halftime promotion where a fan Example 3 Write an equation for the nth term of the arithmetic sequence
14, 5, 4, 13, … .
gets to shoot a 3-pointer to try to win a jackpot. The jackpot starts at $5000 for In this sequence a1  14 and d  9. Use the formula for an to write an equation.
an  a1  (n  1)d
the first game and increases $500 each time there is no winner. Ken has tickets to  14  (n  1)9
Formula for the nth term
a1  14, d  9
 14  9n  9 Distributive Property
the fifteenth game of the season. How much will the jackpot be for that game if  9n  23 Simplify.

no one wins by then? $12,000 Exercises

Find the next four terms of each arithmetic sequence.
1. 106, 111, 116, … 2. 28, 31, 34, … 3. 207, 194, 181, …

★ indicates increased difficulty 121, 126, 131, 136 37, 40, 43, 46 168, 155, 142, 129

Find the first five terms of each arithmetic sequence described.

Practice and Apply 4. a1  101, d  9

101, 110, 119, 128, 137
5. a1  60, d  4
60, 56, 52, 48, 44
6. a1  210, d  40
210, 170, 130, 90, 50

Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence.

Homework Help Find the next four terms of each arithmetic sequence. 7. a1  4, d  6, n  14 82
9. a1  80, d  8, n  21 80
8. a1  4, d  2, n  12 26
10. a10 for 0, 3, 6, 9, … 27
For See 15. 9, 16, 23, … 30, 37, 44, 51 16. 31, 24, 17, … 10, 3, 4, 11
Exercises Examples Write an equation for the nth term of each arithmetic sequence.

17. 6, 2, 2, … 6, 10, 14, 18 18. 8, 5, 2, … 1, 4, 7, 10

11. 18, 25, 32, 39, … 12. 110, 85, 60, 35, … 13. 6.2, 8.1, 10.0, 11.9, …
15–28, 49 1 7n  11 25n  135 1.9n  4.3
29–45, 51 2
★ 19. 13, 1, 53, … 7, 3, 11, 13 ★ 20. 18, 16, 14 , … 12, 2, 8, 6 Gl NAME
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 631 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2

46–48, 50 3 3 3 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 Skills
11-1 Practice,
Practice (Average)
p. 633 and
Arithmetic p. 634 (shown)
52–55 4
★ 21. 6.7, 6.3, 5.9, … 5.5, 5.1, 4.7, 4.3 ★ 22. 1.3, 3.8, 6.3, … 8.8, 11.3, 13.8, 16.3 Sequences
Find the next four terms of each arithmetic sequence.
2. 4, 6, 8, … 10, 12, 14, 16
Extra Practice Find the first five terms of each arithmetic sequence described.
1. 5, 8, 11, … 14, 17, 20, 23

3. 100, 93, 86, … 79, 72, 65, 58 4. 24, 19, 14, … 9, 4, 1, 6
See page 851. 7 17 27
5.  , 6,  , 11, …  ,
16,  , 21 6. 4.8, 4.1, 3.4, … 2.7, 2, 1.3, 0.6
23. a1  2, d  13 2, 15, 28, 41, 54 24. a1  41, d  5 41, 46, 51, 56, 61 2 2 2 2

Find the first five terms of each arithmetic sequence described.

25. a1  6, d  4 6, 2, 2, 6, 10 26. a1  12, d  3 12, 9, 6, 3, 0 7. a1  7, d  7 8. a1  8, d  2

7, 14, 21, 28, 35 8, 6, 4, 2, 0

1 4 2 1
★ 27. a1  3, d  3 , 1, , , 0 ★ 28. a1  5, d  3 5, 1,11, 7, 1
9. a1  12, d  4
10. a1   , d  

3 3 3 8 8 8 8 4 8 12, 16, 20, 24, 28

3 5
 , 1,  , 2, 

2 2 2

29. Find a8 if an  4  3n. 28 5

11. a1    , d   
7 3
11 13
12. a1  10.2, d  5.8

, , , ,  10.2, 4.4, 1.4, 7.2, 13

6 6 2 6 6

30. If an = 1  5n, what is a10? 49 Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence.
13. a1  5, d  3, n  10 32 14. a1  9, d  3, n  29 93

15. a18 for 6, 7, 8, … . 23 16. a37 for 124, 119, 114, … . 56
Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence. 9 3
17. a1   , d    , n  10
 18. a1  14.25, d  0.15, n  31 18.75
5 5 5
31. a1  3, d  7, n  14 94 32. a1  4, d  9, n  20 175 Complete the statement for each arithmetic sequence.
3 4
19. 166 is the ? th term of 30, 34, 38, … 35 20. 2 is the ? th term of  ,  , 1, … 8
33. a1  35, d  3, n  101 335 34. a1  20, d  4, n  81 340 5 5

Write an equation for the nth term of each arithmetic sequence.

★ 35. a1  5, d  13, n  12 3 ★ 36. a1  5, d  3, n  11 2
5 21. 5, 3, 1, 1, … an  2n  7 22. 8, 11, 14, 17, … an  3n  5

2 2 2 23. 1, 1, 3, 5, … an  2n  3 24. 5, 3, 11, 19, … an  8n  13

37. a12 for 17, 13, 9, … 27 38. a12 for 8, 3, 2, … 47 Find the arithmetic means in each sequence.
25. 5, ? , ? , ? , 11 1, 3, 7 26. 82, ? , ? , ? , 18 66, 50, 34

39. a21 for 121, 118, 115, … 61 40. a43 for 5, 9, 13, 17, … 173 27. EDUCATION Trevor Koba has opened an English Language School in Isehara, Japan.
He began with 26 students. If he enrolls 3 new students each week, in how many weeks
will he have 101 students? 26 wk

28. SALARIES Yolanda interviewed for a job that promised her a starting salary of $32,000
41. GEOLOGY Geologists estimate that the continents of Europe and North with a $1250 raise at the end of each year. What will her salary be during her sixth year
Tower of Pisa America are drifting apart at a rate of an average of 12 miles every 1 million
if she accepts the job? $38,250

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________

Gl /M G Hill 634 Gl PERIOD
Al _____
b 2
Upon its completion in years, or about 0.75 inch per year. If the continents continue to drift apart at that Reading
11-1 Readingto
to Learn
Learn Mathematics
1370, the Leaning Tower rate, how many inches will they drift in 50 years? (Hint: a1  0.75) 37.5 in. Mathematics, p. 635 ELL
Arithmetic Sequences
of Pisa leaned about Pre-Activity How are arithmetic sequences related to roofing?
1.7 meters from vertical. Read the introduction to Lesson 11-1 at the top of page 578 in your textbook.
42. TOWER OF PISA To prove that objects of different weights fall at the same
Today, it leans about Describe how you would find the number of shingles needed for the fifteenth

5.2 meters from vertical.

rate, Galileo dropped two objects with different weights from the Leaning row. (Do not actually calculate this number.) Explain why your method will
give the correct answer. Sample answer: Add 3 times 14 to 2. This
works because the first row has 2 shingles and 3 more are
Source: Associated Press
Tower of Pisa in Italy. The objects hit the ground at the same time. When an added 14 times to go from the first row to the fifteenth row.

object is dropped from a tall building, it falls about 16 feet in the first second,

Lesson 11-1
Reading the Lesson
48 feet in the second second, and 80 feet in the third second, regardless of its 1. Consider the formula an  a1  (n  1)d.

weight. How many feet would an object fall in the tenth second? 304 ft a. What is this formula used to find?
a particular term of an arithmetic sequence
b. What do each of the following represent? Lesson 11-1 Arithmetic Sequences 581 an: the nth term

a1: the first term

n: a positive integer that indicates which term you are finding
d: the common difference
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

Answer Enrichment,
11-1 Enrichment p. 636
2. Consider the equation an  3n  5.
a. What does this equation represent? Sample answer: It gives the nth term of
an arithmetic sequence with first term 2 and common difference 3.

1. The differences between the terms Fibonacci Sequence

b. Is the graph of this equation a straight line? Explain your answer. Sample
answer: No; the graph is a set of points that fall on a line, but the
points do not fill the line.
are not constant. Leonardo Fibonacci first discovered the sequence of numbers named for him
while studying rabbits. He wanted to know how many pairs of rabbits would
c. The functions represented by the equations an  3n  5 and f(x)  3x  5 are
alike in that they have the same formula. How are they different? Sample
be produced in n months, starting with a single pair of newborn rabbits. He
made the following assumptions.
answer: They have different domains. The domain of the first function
is the set of positive integers. The domain of the second function is
1. Newborn rabbits become adults in one month. the set of all real numbers.
2. Each pair of rabbits produces one pair each month.
Helping You Remember
3. No rabbits die.
3. A good way to remember something is to explain it to someone else. Suppose that your
Let Fn represent the number of pairs of rabbits at the end of n months. If you classmate Shala has trouble remembering the formula an  a1  (n  1)d correctly. She
begin with one pair of newborn rabbits, F0  F1  1. This pair of rabbits thinks that the formula should be an  a1  nd. How would you explain to her that she
would produce one pair at the end of the second month, so F2  1  1, or 2. should use (n  1)d rather than nd in the formula? Sample answer: Each term
At the end of the third month, the first pair of rabbits would produce another after the first in an arithmetic sequence is found by adding d to the
pair. Thus, F3  2  1, or 3. previous term. You would add d once to get to the second term, twice to
get to the third term, and so on. So d is added n  1 times, not n times,
The chart below shows the number of rabbits each month for several months. to get the nth term.

Month Adult Pairs Newborn Pairs Total 635

Lesson 11-1 Arithmetic Sequences 581

Complete the statement for each arithmetic sequence.

4 Assess 43. 170 is the ?

44. 124 is the ?
term of 4, 2, 8, … . 30th
term of 2, 5, 12, … . 19th
1 4
Open-Ended Assessment ★ 45. 14 is the ? term of 2, 2, 1, … . 82nd
5 5
Speaking Have students explain Write an equation for the nth term of each arithmetic sequence.
what an arithmetic sequence is 46. 7, 16, 25, 34, … 47. 18, 11, 4, 3, … 48. 3, 5, 7, 9, …
and how to find a specified term an  9n  2 an  7n  25 an  2n  1
without repeatedly adding the GEOMETRY For Exercises 49–51, refer to the first three arrays of numbers below.
common difference. 49. 13, 17, 21; See pp. 49. Make drawings to find the next
629A–629F for drawings. three numbers in this pattern.
50. pn  4n  3 50. Write an equation representing the
nth number in this pattern.
Intervention 51. Yes; it 51. Is 397 a number in this pattern?
New Make sure stu- corresponds to Explain.
dents under- n  100. 1 5 9
Find the arithmetic means in each sequence.
stand that an
52. 55, ? , ? , ? , 115 70, 85, 100 53. 10, ? , ? , 8 4, 2
sequence is a list of numbers 54. 5, 2, 1, 4 54. 8, ? , ? , ? , ? ,7 55. 3, ? , ? , ? , ? , ? , 27
that share a certain character- 55. 7, 11, 15, 19, 23
56. CRITICAL THINKING The numbers x, y, and z are the first three terms of an
istic, but not all lists of numbers arithmetic sequence. Express z in terms of x and y. z  2y  x
are arithmetic sequences. This
will prepare them for Lesson 57. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
the lesson. See margin.
11-3 on geometric sequences.
How are arithmetic sequences related to roofing?
Include the following in your answer:
• the words that indicate that the numbers of shingles in the rows form an
Getting Ready for arithmetic sequence, and
Lesson 11-2 • explanations of at least two ways to find the number of shingles in the
fifteenth row.
use sigma notation in Lesson 11-2. Standardized 58. What number follows 20 in this arithmetic sequence? B
This will involve their evaluating Test Practice 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, …
A 5 B 23 C 26 D 29
variable expressions for different
values as they find values in a 59. Find the first term in the arithmetic sequence. B
1 2 1
series. Use Exercises 65–67 to _____, 8, 7, 5, 4, …
3 3 3
determine your students’ famili- A 3 B
9  C 10
1 D 11
arity with evaluating variable 3 3
expressions for given values.
Maintain Your Skills

Answer Mixed Review 60. COMPUTERS Suppose a computer that costs $3000 new is only worth $600
after 3 years. What is the average annual rate of depreciation? (Lesson 10-6)
57. Arithmetic sequences can be used about 26.7%
Solve each equation. (Lesson 10-5)
to model the numbers of shingles
61. 3ex  2  0 0.4055 62. e3x  4 0.4621 63. ln (x  2)  5 146.4132
in the rows on a section of roof.
Answers should include the 64. If y varies directly as x and y  5 when x  2, find y when x  6. (Lesson 9-4) 15
• One additional shingle is Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Evaluate each expression for the given values of the
the Next Lesson variable. (To review evaluating expressions, see Lesson 1-1.)
needed in each successive row.
65. 3n  1; n  1, 2, 3, 4 66. 6  j; j  1, 2, 3, 4 67. 4m  7; m  1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• One method is to successively 2, 5, 8, 11 5, 4, 3, 2 11, 15, 19, 23, 27
582 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
add 1 to the terms of the
sequence: a8  9  1 or 10,
a9  10  1 or 11, a10  11  1
or 12, a11  12  1 or 13, Differentiated Instruction
a12  13  1 or 14, a13  14  1
or 15, a14  15  1 or 16, Kinesthetic Have students use wooden or plastic cubes (or ones they
a15  16  1 or 17. Another make themselves out of paper with a net for a cube drawn on it) to
model the Algebra Activity in this lesson.
method is to use the formula for
the nth term:
a15  3  (15  1)1 or 17.

582 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Arithmetic Series Lesson

• Find sums of arithmetic series.

• Use sigma notation.
1 Focus
Vocabulary do arithmetic series apply to amphitheaters?
• series The first amphitheaters were built for contests
5-Minute Check
• arithmetic series between gladiators. Modern amphitheaters are Transparency 11-2 Use as
• sigma notation usually used for the performing arts. a quiz or review of Lesson 11-1.
• index of summation Amphitheaters generally get wider as the
distance from the stage increases. Suppose a Mathematical Background notes
small amphitheater can seat 18 people in the
first row and each row can seat 4 more people
are available for this lesson on
than the previous row. p. 576C.

do arithmetic series
ARITHMETIC SERIES The numbers of seats in the rows of the amphitheater apply to amphi-
Study Tip form an arithmetic sequence. To find the number of people who could sit in the first theaters?
Indicated Sum four rows, add the first four terms of the sequence. That sum is 18  22  26  30 or
96. A series is an indicated sum of the terms of a sequence. Since 18, 22, 26, 30 is an
Ask students:
The sum of a series is the
result when the terms of arithmetic sequence, 18  22  26  30 is an arithmetic series . Below are some • What is the value of a1 in the
the series are added. An more arithmetic sequences and the corresponding arithmetic series. sequence of seats? 18
indicated sum is the
expression that illustrates Arithmetic Sequence Arithmetic Series • What is the value of d? 4
the series, which includes 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 5  8  11  14  17
the terms  or . • How would you determine the
9, 3, 3 9  (3)  3
3 8 13 18 3 8 13 18
number of people who could
, , ,         be seated in 15 rows?
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
Sn represents the sum of the first n terms of a series. For example, S4 is the sum of Answers will vary.
the first four terms. For the series 5  8  11  14  17, S4 is 5  8  11  14 or 38.
To develop a formula for the sum of any arithmetic series, consider the series below.
S9  4  11  18  25 32  39  46  53  60
Suppose we write S9 in two different orders and add the two equations.
S9  4  11  18  25  32  39  46  53  60
(+) S9  60  53  46  39  32  25  18  11  4
2S9  64  64  64  64  64  64  64  64  64
2S9  9(64)
Note that the sum had 9 terms.
S9  (64)
2 The first and last terms of the sum are 64.

An arithmetic sequence Sn has n terms, and the sum of the first and last terms is
a1  an. Thus, the formula Sn  (a1  an) represents the sum of any arithmetic series.

Sum of an Arithmetic Series

The sum Sn of the first n terms of an arithmetic series is given by
n n
Sn  [2a1  (n  1)d] or Sn  (a1  an).
2 2

Lesson 11-2 Arithmetic Series 583

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters Graphing Calculator and 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-2
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 637–638 Spreadsheet Masters, p. 48 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 639 Science and Mathematics Lab Manual,
• Practice, p. 640 pp. 133–138 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 641 Interactive Chalkboard
• Enrichment, p. 642
• Assessment, p. 693

Lesson x-x Lesson Title 583

Example 1 Find the Sum of an Arithmetic Series
2 Teach Find the sum of the first 100 positive integers.
The series is 1  2  3  …  100. Since you can see that a1  1, a100  100, and
ARITHMETIC SERIES d = 1, you can use either sum formula for this series.
Method 1 Method 2
In-Class Examples Power
Sn  (a1  an) Sum formula
Sn  [2a1  (n  1)d]
2 2
n  100, a1  1,
1 Find the sum of the first 100
S100  (1  100)
2 a100 = 100, d = 1
S100  [2(1)  (100  1)1]
20 even numbers, beginning
S100  50(101) Simplify. S100  50(101)
with 2. 420
S100  5050 Multiply. S100  5050
Teaching Tip Discuss the
The sum of the first 100 positive integers is 5050.
difference between a sequence
and a series, and ask students
to suggest ways to remember
Example 2 Find the First Term
which is which.
RADIO A radio station considered giving away $4000 every day in the month
2 RADIO Refer to Example 2 in of August for a total of $124,000. Instead, they decided to increase the amount
the Student Edition. Suppose given away every day while still giving away the same total amount. If they
want to increase the amount by $100 each day, how much should they give
the radio station decided to away the first day?
give away another $124,000 You know the values of n, Sn, and d. Use the sum formula that contains d.
during the next month, using n
Sn  [2a1  (n  1)d]Sum formula
the same plan. How much 2
should they give away on the 31
S31  [2a1  (31  1)100] n  31, d  100
first day of September, 31
rounded to the nearest cent? 124,000  (2a1  3000) S31  124,000
$2683.33 8000  2a1  3000 Multiply each side by .
5000  2a1 Subtract 3000 from each side.
Teaching Tip Remind students
that September is one day Radio 2500  a1 Divide each side by 2.
99.0% of teens ages 12–17
shorter than August. listen to the radio at least The radio station should give away $2500 the first day.
once a week. 79.1% listen
3 Find the first four terms of an at least once a day.
arithmetic series in which Source: Radio Advertising Bureau
Sometimes it is necessary to use both a sum formula and the formula for the nth
term to solve a problem.
a1  14, an  29, and
Sn  129. 14, 17, 20, 23 Example 3 Find the First Three Terms
Find the first three terms of an arithmetic series in which a1  9, an  105,
and Sn  741.
Answer Step 1 Since you know a1, an, and Sn, Step 2 Find d.
use Sn  (a1  an) to find n. an  a1  (n  1)d
Graphing Calculator Investigation 2
Sn  (a1  an) 105  9  (13  1)d
1. The index of summation is always 2
replaced by specific values, so n
741  (9  105) 96  12d
the letter that is used does not 8 d
741  57n
affect the value of the sum.
13  n
Step 3 Use d to determine a2 and a3.
a2  9  8 or 17 a3  17  8 or 25
The first three terms are 9, 17, and 25.

584 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

584 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Study Tip SIGMA NOTATION Writing out a series can be time-consuming and lengthy. SIGMA NOTATION
For convenience, there is a more concise notation called sigma notation . The series
Sigma Notation 10
There are many ways to 3  6  9  12  •••  30 can be expressed as  3n. This expression is read the sum In-Class Example Power
represent a given series. of 3n as n goes from 1 to 10. n1

 (r  3)
r4 last value of n 10
4 Evaluate  (2k  1). 112
 3n k3
  (s  1)

Teaching Tip Help students
  ( j  1) formula for the terms of the series become comfortable with sigma
first value of n notation by having them read
aloud several expressions
The variable, in this case n, is called the index of summation . written in this notation. Explain
To generate the terms of a series given in sigma notation, successively replace the that sigma is simply the upper
index of summation with consecutive integers between the first and last values of case letter S in the Greek
the index, inclusive. For the series above, the values of n are 1, 2, 3, and so on, alphabet. Ask them what other
through 10. mathematical notation uses
Greek letters. Sample answer: 
Example 4 Evaluate a Sum in Sigma Notation
Evaluate  (3j  4).
Method 1
Find the terms by replacing j with 5,
Method 2
Since the sum is an arithmetic series,
3 Practice/Apply
6, 7, and 8. Then add. n
use the formula Sn = (a1 + an).
8 2
 (3j – 4)  [3(5)  4]  [3(6)  4]  There are 4 terms, a1  3(5)  4 or 11,
and a4  3(8)  4 or 20.
Study Notebook
[3(7)  4]  [3(8)  4]
 11  14  17  20 4 Have students—
S4  (11  20)
2 • add the definitions/examples of
S4  62 the vocabulary terms to their
The sum of the series is 62.
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for
You can use the sum and sequence features on a graphing calculator to find the Chapter 11.
sum of a series. • keep a list of study tips for the
graphing calculator, including the
Study Tip one in this lesson.
Graphing Sums of Series
• include any other item(s) that they
Calculators The calculator screen shows the evaluation of
On the TI-83 Plus, sum( is 10 find helpful in mastering the skills
located on the LIST MATH
menu. The function seq( is
 (5N  2). The first four entries for seq( are
in this lesson.
located on the LIST OPS • the formula for the general term of the series,
• the index of summation,
• the first value of the index, and
• the last value of the index, respectively.
1. See margin. The last entry is always 1 for the types of series that we are considering.
About the Exercises…
2. 64; They represent Organization by Objective
Think and Discuss
the same series. Any • Arithmetic Series: 15–32,
series can be written 1. Explain why you can use any letter for the index of summation. 39–45
8 12
in many ways using
sigma notation.
2. Evaluate  (2n  1) and j5
 (2j  9). Make a conjecture as to their • Sigma Notation: 33–38
relationship and explain why you think it is true.
Odd/Even Assignments
Exercises 15–26, 29–38, and
41–44 are structured so that Lesson 11-2 Arithmetic Series 585
students practice the same
concepts whether they are
assigned odd or even problems.
Assignment Guide
When the calculator is in Seq mode, the variable will automatically be n rather Basic: 15–23 odd, 27–35 odd,
than x. To select Seq mode, press MODE , move the cursor down to FUNC and 39–45 odd, 46–50, 54–65
over to Seq and press ENTER . Average: 15–45 odd, 46–50,
54–65 (optional: 51–53)
Advanced: 16–46 even, 47–62
(optional: 63–65)

Lesson 11-2 Arithmetic Series 585

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

11-2 Guide
Study andIntervention
Guide and Intervention,
p. 637 (shown)
Arithmetic Series and p. 638
Arithmetic Series
arithmetic sequence.
An arithmetic series is the sum of consecutive terms of an
Concept Check 1. Explain the difference between a sequence and a series.
2. OPEN ENDED Write an arithmetic series for which S5  10.
Sum of an The sum Sn of the first n terms of an arithmetic series is given by the formula
Arithmetic Series
n n
Sn  [2a1  (n  1)d ] or Sn  (a1  an)
2 2 1–3. See margin.
Example 1 Find Sn for the
arithmetic series with a1  14,
Example 2 Find the sum of all
positive odd integers less than 180.
3. OPEN ENDED Write the series 7  10  13  16 using sigma notation.
an  101, and n  30. The series is 1  3  5  …  179.
Use the sum formula for an arithmetic Find n using the formula for the nth term of
Sn   (a1  an)
Sum formula
an arithmetic sequence.

a1  (n  1)d
1  (n  1)2
Formula for nth term
an  179, a1  1, d  2
Guided Practice Find Sn for each arithmetic series described.
S30   (14  101)
n  30, a1  14, an  101 179

2n  1
Add 1 to each side.
4. a1  4, an  100, n  25 1300 5. a1  40, n  20, d  3 230
 15(115) Simplify. n  90 Divide each side by 2.

6. a1  132, d  4, an  52 1932 7. d  5, n  16, an  72 552

Lesson 11-2
 1725 Multiply.
Then use the sum formula for an arithmetic
The sum of the series is 1725. series.
Sn   (a1  an) Sum formula
S90   (1  179) n  90, a1  1, an  179
Exercises Examples Find the sum of each arithmetic series.
Multiply. 4–9 1, 2 8. 5  11  17  •••  95 800 9. 38  35  32  •••  2 260
The sum of all positive odd integers less 7 7
10, 11 4
 (2n  1)  (3k  4)
than 180 is 8100.
Exercises 12, 13 3 10. 63 11. 95
Find Sn for each arithmetic series described. n1 k3
1. a1  12, an  100, 2. a1  50, an  50, 3. a1  60, an  136,
14 1
n  12 672 n  15 0 n  50 1900
Find the first three terms of each arithmetic series described.
4. a1  20, d  4, 5. a1  180, d  8, 6. a1  8, d  7,
an  112 1584

7. a1  42, n  8, d  6
an  68 1860

8. a1  4, n  20, d  2 
an  71 395

9. a1  32, n  27, d  3
12. a1  11, an  110, Sn  726 11, 20, 29 13. n  8, an  36, Sn  120 6, 0, 6
504 555 1917
Find the sum of each arithmetic series.
10. 8  6  4  …  10 10 11. 16  22  28  …  112 1088
Application 14. WORLD CULTURES The African-American festival of Kwanzaa includes a ritual
12. 45  (41)  (37)  …  35 105
involving candles. The first night, a candle is lit and then blown out. The second
Find the first three terms of each arithmetic series described. night, a new candle and the candle from the previous night are lit and blown
13. a1  12, an  174,
Sn  1767 12, 21, 30
14. a1  80, an  115,
Sn  245 80, 65, 50
15. a1  6.2, an  12.6,
Sn  84.6 6.2, 7.0, 7.8
out. This pattern of lighting a new candle and relighting all the candles from the
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 637 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2
previous nights is continued for seven nights. Use a formula from this lesson to
11-2 Practice,
Practice (Average)
p. 639 and find the total number of candle lightings during the festival. 28
Arithmetic p. 640 (shown)
Series ★ indicates increased difficulty
Find Sn for each arithmetic series described.

1. a1  16, an  98, n  13 741 2. a1  3, an  36, n  12 234 Practice and Apply

3. a1  5, an  26, n  8 124 4. a1  5, n  10, an  13 40

5. a1  6, n  15, an  22 120 6. a1  20, n  25, an  148 1600 Homework Help Find Sn for each arithmetic series described.
7. a1  13, d  6, n  21 987 8. a1  5, d  4, n  11 275 For See 15. a1  7, an  79, n  8 344 16. a1  58, an  7, n  26 663
9. a1  5, d  2, an  33 285 10. a1  121, d  3, an  5 2494
Exercises Examples
11. d  0.4, n  10, an  3.8 20
12. d    , n  16, an  44 784
15–32, 39, 1, 2 17. a1  43, n  19, an  115 1501 18. a1  76, n  21, an  176 2646
40, 45
Find the sum of each arithmetic series. 33–38 4
19. a1  7, d  2, n  9 9 20. a1  3, d  4, n  8 88
13. 5  7  9  11  …  27 192 14. 4  1  6  11  …  91 870 1 1
41–44 3 21. a1  5, d  , n  13 104 22. a1  12, d  , n  13 182
15. 13  20  27  …  272 5415 16. 89  86  83  80  …  20 1308 2 3
17.  (1  2n) 16
18.  (5  3n) 93
19.  (9  4n) 15
Extra Practice 23. d  3, n  21, an  64 714 24. d  7, n  18, an  72 225
10 8 101
See page 851. 1 23 1 53 245
20.  (2k  1) 105
21.  (5n  10) 105
22.  (4  4n) 20,200
n1 ★ 25. d  5, n  10, an  10 14 ★ 26. d  4, n  20, an  12 6
Find the first three terms of each arithmetic series described.

23. a1  14, an  85, Sn  1207 24. a1  1, an  19, Sn  100

27. TOYS Jamila is making a triangular wall with
14, 11, 8 1, 3, 5
building blocks. The top row has one block, the second
25. n  16, an  15, Sn  120 26. n  15, an  5  , Sn  45

30, 27, 24

1 3
, , 1
row has three, the third has five, and so on. How many
5 5
27. STACKING A health club rolls its towels and stacks them in layers on a shelf. Each
rows can she make with a set of 100 blocks? 10 rows
layer of towels has one less towel than the layer below it. If there are 20 towels on the
bottom layer and one towel on the top layer, how many towels are stacked on the shelf?
210 towels 28. CONSTRUCTION A construction company will be fined for each day it is late
28. BUSINESS A merchant places $1 in a jackpot on August 1, then draws the name of a
regular customer. If the customer is present, he or she wins the $1 in the jackpot. If the
completing its current project. The daily fine will be $4000 for the first day and
customer is not present, the merchant adds $2 to the jackpot on August 2 and draws
another name. Each day the merchant adds an amount equal to the day of the month. If will increase by $1000 each day. Based on its budget, the company can only afford
the first person to win the jackpot wins $496, on what day of the month was her or his
name drawn? August 31 $60,000 in total fines. What is the maximum number of days it can be late? 8 days
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 640 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2
11-2 Readingto
to Learn
Learn Mathematics Find the sum of each arithmetic series.
Mathematics, p. 641 ELL
Arithmetic Series
29. 6  13  20  27  •••  97 721 30. 7  14  21  28  •••  98 735
Pre-Activity How do arithmetic series apply to amphitheaters?
Read the introduction to Lesson 11-2 at the top of page 583 in your textbook.
31. 34  30  26  •••  2 162 32. 16  10  4  •••  (50) 204
Suppose that an amphitheater can seat 50 people in the first row and that
each row thereafter can seat 9 more people than the previous row. Using 6 5 11

 (2n  11)  (2 3n) 35  (42  9k) 195

the vocabulary of arithmetic sequences, describe how you would find the
number of people who could be seated in the first 10 rows. (Do not actually
calculate the sum.) Sample answer: Find the first 10 terms of an
33. 108 34. 35.
arithmetic sequence with first term 50 and common difference n1 n1 k7
9. Then add these 10 terms.
23 300 150
Reading the Lesson
1. What is the relationship between an arithmetic sequence and the corresponding
36.  (5t  3)
510 ★ 37.  (7i 3)
315,150 ★ 38.  (11  2k)
arithmetic series? Sample answer: An arithmetic sequence is a list of terms
with a common difference between successive terms. The corresponding
arithmetic series is the sum of the terms of the sequence.
586 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
2. Consider the formula Sn   (a1  an). Explain the meaning of this formula in words.
Sample answer: To find the sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic
sequence, find half the number of terms you are adding. Multiply this
number by the sum of the first term and the nth term.

3. a. What is the purpose of sigma notation? NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
Sample answer: to write a series in a concise form
b. Consider the expression

 (4i  2). Enrichment,

11-2 Enrichment p. 642
This form of writing a sum is called sigma notation .

The variable i is called the index of summation . Geometric Puzzlers 1. In a series, the terms are added. In a
The first value of i is

The last value of i is 12

2 .

For the problems on this page, you will need to use the Pythagorean
Theorem and the formulas for the area of a triangle and a trapezoid.
sequence, they are not.
2. Sample answer: 0  1  2  3  4
1. A rectangle measures 5 by 12 units. The 2. A triangle with sides of lengths a, a, and
How would you read this expression? The sum of 4i 2 as i goes from 2 to 12.
upper left corner is cut off as shown in b is isosceles. Two triangles are cut off so
the diagram. that the remaining pentagon has five
Helping You Remember 2x equal sides of length x. The value of x 4
3. Sample answer:  (3n  4)
can be found using this equation.
4. A good way to remember something is to relate it to something you already know. How
5 (2b  a)x2  (4a2  b2)(2x  a)  0
can your knowledge of how to find the average of two numbers help you remember the
formula Sn   (a1  an)? Sample answer: Rewrite the formula as x

a a
2 12 x x
a n1
Sn  n  
1 n
. The average of the first and last terms is given by the a. Find the area A(x) of the shaded x x
2 pentagon. x
a1  an b
expression  . The sum of the first n terms is the average of the first A(x)  60  (5  x)(6  x)
b. Find x and 2x so that A(x) is a a. Find x when a  10 and b  12.
and last terms multiplied by the number of terms.
maximum. What happens to the x  4.46
cut-off triangle? b. Can a be equal to 2b?
5 d2 10 th t i l

586 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

39. Find the sum of the first 1000 positive even integers. 1,001,000
★ 40. What is the sum of the multiples of 3 between 3 and 999, inclusive? 166,833 4 Assess
Find the first three terms of each arithmetic series described.
41. 17, 26, 35 41. a1  17, an  197, Sn  2247 42. a1  13, an  427, Sn  18,423 Open-Ended Assessment
42. 13, 8, 3 43. n  31, an  78, Sn  1023 44. n  19, an  103, Sn  1102 Speaking Have students explain
43. 12, 9, 6 what sigma notation means, and
45. AEROSPACE On the Moon, a falling object falls just 2.65 feet in the first second why it is a useful way to write a
44. 13, 18, 23 after being dropped. Each second it falls 5.3 feet farther than in the previous
second. How far would an object fall in the first ten seconds after being dropped? series.
265 ft
CRITICAL THINKING State whether each statement is true or false. Explain.
46. True; for any 46. Doubling each term in an arithmetic series will double the sum.
series, 2a1  2a2  Intervention
47. Doubling the number of terms in an arithmetic series, but keeping the first term
2a3  •••  2an  and common difference the same, will double the sum.
New Make sure that
2(a1  a2  a3  ••• all students can
 an). 48. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of demonstrate
47. False; for the lesson. See pp. 629A–629F. understanding
example, 7  10  13 How do arithmetic series apply to amphitheaters? of sigma notation by asking
 16  46, but 7 
10  13  16  19 
Include the following in your answer: them to write out the terms of
22  25  28  140. • explanations of what the sequence and the series that can be formed from the a series described in sigma
given numbers represent, and notation.
• two ways to find the amphitheater capacity if it has ten rows of seats.

Standardized 49. 18  22  26  30  •••  50  ? C

Test Practice A 146 B 272 C 306 D 340 Getting Ready for
50. The angles of a triangle form an arithmetic sequence. If the smallest Lesson 11-3
angle measures 36°, what is the measure of the largest angle? C
A 60° B 72°
find terms in geometric sequences
C 84° D 144°
in Lesson 11-3. This will involve
Graphing Use a graphing calculator to find the sum of each arithmetic series. their evaluating variable expres-
Calculator 75 50 60 sions for different values as they
51.  (2n  5)
5555 52.  (3n  1)
3649 53.  (4n  3)
6683 find values in a sequence. Use
Exercises 63–65 to determine
your students’ familiarity with
Maintain Your Skills
evaluating variable expressions
Mixed Review Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence. (Lesson 11-1) for given values.
54. a1  46, d  5, n  14 111 55. a1  12, d  7, n  22 135

56. RADIOACTIVITY The decay of Radon-222 can be modeled by the equation

Assessment Options
y  ae0.1813t, where t is measured in days. What is the half-life of Radon-222? Quiz (Lessons 11-1 and 11-2) is
9 about 3.82 days
57.  (Lesson 10-6) available on p. 693 of the
16 Solve each equation by completing the square. (Lesson 6-4) Chapter 11 Resource Masters.
3 57. x2  9x  20.25  0 58. 9x2  96x  256  0 59. x2  3x  20  0

2 Simplify. (Lesson 5-6)
60. 53  43 3 61. 
14 62. 
10  65  3

Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Evaluate the expression a • bn  1 for the given values of
the Next Lesson a, b, and n. (To review evaluating expressions, see Lesson 1-1.)
1 2
63. a  1, b  2, n  5 16 64. a  2, b  3, n  4 65. a  18, b  , n  6 
54 3 27 Lesson 11-2 Arithmetic Series 587

Differentiated Instruction
Auditory/Musical Have musical students explore and explain how the
keys from octave to octave on a piano might relate to a sequence such
as A1, A2, A3.

Lesson 11-2 Arithmetic Series 587

Lesson Geometric Sequences

• Use geometric sequences.

1 Focus • Find geometric means.

Vocabulary do geometric sequences apply

5-Minute Check • geometric sequence to a bouncing ball?
Transparency 11-3 Use as • common ratio If you have ever bounced a ball,
a quiz or review of Lesson 11-2. • geometric means you know that when you drop 3
it, it never rebounds to the

Rebounds (ft)
Height of
Mathematical Background notes height from which you dropped 2
are available for this lesson on it. Suppose a ball is dropped
p. 576C. from a height of three feet, and 1
each time it falls, it rebounds to
60% of the height from which it
do geometric sequences fell. The heights of the ball’s 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
apply to a bouncing rebounds form a sequence. Number of Rebounds
Ask students: GEOMETRIC SEQUENCES The height of the first rebound of the ball is 3(0.6)
• Why is this sequence not an or 1.8 feet. The height of the second rebound is 1.8(0.6) or 1.08 feet. The height of the
arithmetic sequence? There is no third rebound is 1.08(0.6) or 0.648 feet. The sequence of heights, 1.8, 1.08, 0.648, …, is
an example of a geometric sequence . A geometric sequence is a sequence in which
common difference between terms. each term after the first is found by multiplying the previous term by a constant r
• Compare a common difference called the common ratio .
and a common ratio. The first As with an arithmetic sequence, you can label the terms of a geometric sequence
as a1, a2, a3, and so on. The nth term is an and the previous term is an  1. So,
involves addition; the second, an
an  r(an  1). Thus, r   . That is, the common ratio can be found by dividing
multiplication. an – 1
any term by its previous term.

Standardized Example 1 Find the Next Term

Test Practice Multiple-Choice Test Item

Find the missing term in the geometric sequence: 8, 20, 50, 125, ___.
A 75 B 200 C 250 D 312.5

Read the Test Item

20 50 125
Since  = 2.5,  = 2.5, and  = 2.5, the sequence has a common ratio of 2.5.
Test-Taking Tip 8 20 50
Since the terms of this Solve the Test Item
sequence are increasing, To find the missing term, multiply the last given term by 2.5: 125(2.5) = 312.5.
the missing term must be
greater than 125. You can The answer is D.
immediately eliminate 75
as a possible answer.
You have seen that each term of a geometric sequence can be expressed in terms
of r and its previous term. It is also possible to develop a formula that expresses
each term of a geometric sequence in terms of r and the first term a1. Study the
patterns shown in the table on the next page for the sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, … .
588 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters School-to-Career Masters, p. 21 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-3
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 643–644 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 645
• Practice, p. 646 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 647 Interactive Chalkboard
• Enrichment, p. 648
numbers 2 6 18 54 …

Expressed in numbers
symbols a1

an 2 Teach
Terms of r and
the Previous Term symbols a1 a1  r a2  r a3  r … an  1  r GEOMETRIC SEQUENCES
2 2(3) 2(9) 2(27) …
Expressed in
Terms of r and
2(30) 2(31) 2(32) 2(33) … In-Class Examples Power
the First Term a1  r0 a1  r1 a1  r2 a1  r3 … a1  rn  1
1 Find the missing term in the
The three entries in the last column of the table all describe the nth term of a geometric sequence: 324, 108,
geometric sequence. This leads us to the following formula for finding the nth term 36, 12, ____. B
of a geometric sequence.
A 972 B4
C0 D 12
nth Term of a Geometric Sequence
The nth term an of a geometric sequence with first term a1 and common ratio r is Teaching Tip Discuss the fact
given by that when a sequence has three
an  a1  r n  1,
where n is any positive integer.
consecutive terms that are
decreasing (or increasing), it will
continue to do so.
Example 2 Find a Particular Term 2 Find the sixth term of a
Find the eighth term of a geometric sequence for which a1  3 and r  2. geometric sequence for
an  a1  rn  1 Formula for nth term which a1  3 and r  2.
a8  (3)  (2)8  1 n  8, a1  3, r  2 a6  96
a8  (3)  (128) (2)7  128 3 Write an equation for the nth
a8  384 Multiply. term of the geometric
The eighth term is 384. sequence 5, 10, 20, 40, … .
an  5  2n  1

Example 3 Write an Equation for the nth Term Teaching Tip Encourage
students to begin a geometric
Write an equation for the nth term of the geometric sequence 3, 12, 48, 192, … .
sequence problem by writing
In this sequence, a1  3 and r  4. Use the nth term formula to write an equation. the known values for each of
an  a1  rn  1 Formula for nth term the variables n, a, and r.
an  3  4n  1 a1  3, r  4
4 Find the seventh term of a
An equation is an  3 • 4n  1. geometric sequence for which
a3  96 and r  2. 1536
You can also use the formula for the nth term if you know the common ratio and
one term of a geometric sequence, but not the first term. Teaching Tip Emphasize the
importance of writing every step
Example 4 Find a Term Given the Fourth Term and the Ratio of the calculations as an
equation, so that each numeric
Find the tenth term of a geometric sequence for which a4  108 and r  3.
value found during the process
First, find the value of a1. Now find a10. is clearly identified.
an  a1  rn  1 Formula for nth term an  a1  rn  1 Formula for nth term

a4  a1  34 1 n  4, r  3 a10  4  310  1 n  10, a1  4, r  3

108  27a1 a4  108 a10  78,732 Use a calculator.

4  a1 Divide each side by 27. The tenth term is 78,732. Lesson 11-3 Geometric Sequences 589

Teacher to Teacher Standardized

Test Practice
Holly K. Plunkett University H.S., Morgantown, WV
"I have my students investigate the problem presented at the beginning of this Example 1 In discussing the Test-
lesson using a CBL." Taking Tip for Example 1, point out
that a geometric sequence with a
negative common ratio is neither
increasing nor decreasing.

Lesson 11-3 Geometric Sequences 589

GEOMETRIC MEANS GEOMETRIC MEANS In Lesson 11-1, you learned that missing terms between
two nonsuccessive terms in an arithmetic sequence are called arithmetic means.
In-Class Example Power Similarly, the missing terms(s) between two nonsuccessive terms of a geometric
Point® sequence are called geometric means . For example, 6, 18, and 54 are three geometric
means between 2 and 162 in the sequence 2, 6, 18, 54, 162, … . You can use the
5 Find three geometric means common ratio to find the geometric means in a given sequence.
between 3.12 and 49.92.
6.24, 12.48, 24.96 or
6.24, 12.48, 24.96 Example 5 Find Geometric Means
Find three geometric means between 2.25 and 576.
Study Tip Use the nth term formula to find the value of r. In the sequence 2.25, ? , ? ,
? , 576, a1 is 2.25 and a5 is 576.
3 Practice/Apply Alternate Method
You may prefer this
method. The three means
an  a1 • rn  1 Formula for nth term

will be 2.25r, 2.25r2, and a5  2.25 • r5  1 n  5, a1  2.25

2.25r3. Then the common
576  2.25r4 a5  576
ratio is r  3 or
Study Notebook 576
r4  . Thus, r  4.
256  r4 Divide each side by 2.25.
Have students— 4  r Take the fourth root of each side.

• add the definitions/examples of There are two possible common ratios, so there are two possible sets of geometric
means. Use each value of r to find three geometric means.
the vocabulary terms to their
r4 r  4
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for
a2  2.25(4) or 9 a2  2.25(4) or 9
Chapter 11.
a3  9(4) or 36 a3  9(4) or 36
• include any other item(s) that they
a4  36(4) or 144 a4  36(4) or 144
find helpful in mastering the skills
The geometric means are 9, 36, and 144, or 9, 36, and 144.
in this lesson.


Help students Concept Check 1. Decide whether each sequence is arithmetic or geometric. Explain.

see that if the first term 1a. Geometric; the a. 1, 2, 4, 8, … b. 1, 2, 5, 8, …
is greater than 1, then a decreasing terms have a common 2. OPEN ENDED Write a geometric sequence with a common ratio of .
ratio of 2. 3
sequence must have a common
1b. Arithmetic; the 3. FIND THE ERROR Marika and Lori are finding the seventh term of the
ratio less than 1. terms have a common geometric sequence 9, 3, 1, … .
difference of 3.
2. Sample answer: 1, Marika Lori
2 4 8
About the Exercises… , , , …
3 9 27
3 1
r   or 
9 3
r   or 3
Organization by Objective 1 7–1
• Geometric Sequences: 13–42  
a7  9 
a7  9  37  1

• Geometric Means: 43–46 1

Odd/Even Assignments
Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.
Exercises 13–24, 27–36, and Marika; Lori divided in the wrong order when finding r.
39–46 are structured so that Guided Practice Find the next two terms of each geometric sequence.
students practice the same 1 1
4. 20, 30, 45, … 67.5, 101.25 5. , , 1, … 2, 4
4 2
concepts whether they are
assigned odd or even problems. 6. Find the first five terms of the geometric sequence for which a1  2 and r  3.
590 Chapter 11
2, 6, 18, 54, 162
Sequences and Series
Alert! Exercise 47 requires the
Internet or other reference
Assignment Guide Differentiated Instruction
Basic: 13, 15, 21–29 odd, Interpersonal Have students in small groups discuss any confusions
33–47 odd, 48–61 they may have about the language, formulas, and definitions for
Average: 13–47 odd, 48–61 arithmetic and geometric sequences and series. Suggest that they help
each other organize their notes and thinking to make these topics clear.
Advanced: 14–46 even, 47–58
(optional: 59–61)
All: Practice Quiz 1 (1–5)

590 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 7. Find a9 for the geometric sequence 60, 30, 15, … .  Study
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE

Guide andIntervention
____________ PERIOD _____

64 11-3 Study Guide and

Exercises Examples p. 643 (shown)
Geometric Sequencesand p. 644
Find the indicated term of each geometric sequence. Geometric Sequences A geometric sequence is a sequence in which each term after
4–6, 12 1 the first is the product of the previous term and a constant called the constant ratio.

7, 8 2 8. a1  7, r  2, n  4 56 9. a3  32, r  0.5, n  6 4 nth Term of a an  a1  r n  1, where a1 is the first term, r is the common ratio,
Geometric Sequence and n is any positive integer

9 3
10 4 10. Write an equation for the nth term of the geometric sequence 4, 8, 16, … . Example 1 Find the next two
terms of the geometric sequence
Example 2 Write an equation for the
nth term of the geometric sequence
11 5 10. an  4  2n  1
1200, 480, 192, … . 3.6, 10.8, 32.4, … .
In this sequence a1  3.6 and r  3. Use the
11. Find two geometric means between 1 and 27. 3, 9 480
Since   0.4 and   0.4, the
480 nth term formula to write an equation.
sequence has a common ratio of 0.4. The an  a1  r n  1 Formula for nth term
next two terms in the sequence are
192(0.4)  76.8 and 76.8(0.4)  30.72.  3.6  3n  1 a1  3.6, r  3
9 3 1 1
Standardized 12. Find the missing term in the geometric sequence: , , , , ____.
4 4 4 12
A An equation for the nth term is an  3.6  3n  1.

Test Practice A
1 C 
1 D 
1 Exercises
Find the next two terms of each geometric sequence.
36 20 6 3 1. 6, 12, 24, … 2. 180, 60, 20, … 3. 2000, 1000, 500, …
20 20
48, 96 ,  250, 125
★ indicates increased difficulty
3 9
4. 0.8, 2.4, 7.2, … 5. 80, 60, 45, … 6. 3, 16.5, 90.75, …

Lesson 11-3
21.6, 64.8 33.75, 25.3125 499.125, 2745.1875
Practice and Apply Find the first five terms of each geometric sequence described.
1 3 5
7. a1   , r  3 8. a1  240, r    9. a1  10, r  
9 4 2
1 1 1 1
 ,  , 1, 3, 9 240, 180, 135, 10, 25, 62  , 156  ,
Homework Help Find the next two terms of each geometric sequence. 9 3
101  , 75 
2 4

4 16 8
For See 13. 405, 135, 45, … 15, 5 14. 81, 108, 144, … 192, 256 Find the indicated term of each geometric sequence.
Exercises Examples 10. a1  10, r  4, n  2
11. a1  6, r    , n  8 12. a3  9, r  3, n  7
13–24 1 15. 16, 24, 36, … 54, 81 16. 162, 108, 72, … 48, 32 40

25–30, 33– 2
★ 17. 52, 53, 190 , … 20, 40 125 625
★ 18. 1, 5, 25, … 
13. a4  16, r  2, n  10 14. a4  54, r  3, n  6 15. a1  8, r   , n  5
38, 47, 48 128

31, 32 4 27 81 3 6 12 24 48 1024 486 


39–42 3 ★ 19. 1.25, 1.5, 1.8, … 2.16, 2.592 ★ 20. 1.4, 3.5, 8.75, … 21.875, 54.6875 Write an equation for the nth term of each geometric sequence.
16. 500, 350, 245, … 17. 8, 32, 128, … 18. 11, 24.2, 53.24, …
43–46 5 500  0.7n1 8  4n 1 11  (2.2)n  1
NAME ______________________________________________
643 DATE ____________
Al _____
Find the first five terms of each geometric sequence described. Gl

/M G


p. 645 and
b 2

Extra Practice 21. a1  2, r  3 2, 6, 18, 54, 162 22. a1  1, r  4 1, 4, 16, 64, 256
11-3 Practice

See page 852. Geometric p. 646 (shown)

1 1 Find the next two terms of each geometric sequence.
23. a1  243, r   243, 81, 27, 9, 3 24. a1  576, r   1. 15, 30, 60, … 120, 240 2. 80, 40, 20, … 10, 5
3 2
576, 288, 144, 72, 36
10 10
3. 90, 30, 10, …  ,  4. 1458, 486, 162, … 54, 18
1 n1 3
3 9
25. Find a7 if an  12  .  1 3 9 27 81
5.  ,  ,  , …  ,  6. 216, 144, 96, … 64, 
2 16 4 8 16 32 64 3

Find the first five terms of each geometric sequence described.

26. If an   • 6 , what is a6? 2592
n1 7. a1  1, r  3 8. a1  7, r  4
3 1, 3, 9, 27, 81 7, 28, 112, 448, 1792
1 2
9. a1    , r  2 10. a1  12, r  
3 3
Find the indicated term of each geometric sequence. 1 2
, , , , 
3 3
12, 8,  ,  , 
16 32 64
3 9 27
1 1
27. a1  , r  3, n  8 729 28. a1  , r  4, n  9 1024 Find the indicated term of each geometric sequence.
3 64 11. a1  5, r  3, n  6 1215 12. a1  20, r  3, n  6 4860
3 1 1
29. a1  16,807, r  , n  6 243 30. a1  4096, r  , n  8  13. a1  4, r  2, n  10 2048
14. a8 for   ,   ,   , …  
1 1 625
7 4 4 3
250 50 10

★ 32. a6  3, r  2, n  12 192

★ 31. a4  16, r  0.5, n  8 1

15. a12 for 96, 48, 24, …  16. a1  8, r   , n  9 
64 2 32
1 1 1 3
17. a1  3125, r    , n  9   18. a1  3, r   , n  8 
5 125 10 10,000,000
1 1 1 1
33. a9 for , 1, 5, … 78,125 34. a7 for , , , … 2 Write an equation for the nth term of each geometric sequence.
5 32 16 8 19. 1, 4, 16, … an  (4)n  1 20. 1, 5, 25, … an  1(5)n  1
35. a8 for 4, 12, 36, … 8748 36. a6 for 540, 90, 15, … 
1 1
21. 1,  ,  , … an    12  22. 3, 6, 12, … an  3(2)n  1
72 2 4
23. 7, 14, 28, … an  7(2)n  1 24. 5, 30, 180, … an  5(6)n  1

37. ART A one-ton ice sculpture is melting so that it loses one-fifth of its weight Find the geometric means in each sequence.
25. 3, ? , ? , ? , 768 12, 48, 192 26. 5, ? , ? , ? , 1280 20, 80, 320
per hour. How much of the sculpture will be left after five hours? Write the 27. 144, ? , ? , ? , 9 28. 37,500, ? , ? , ? , ? , 12

Art answer in pounds. 655.36 lb 72, 36, 18 7500, 1500, 300, 60
29. BIOLOGY A culture initially contains 200 bacteria. If the number of bacteria doubles
The largest ever ice every 2 hours, how many bacteria will be in the culture at the end of 12 hours? 12,800

construction was an ice 38. SALARIES Geraldo’s current salary is $40,000 per year. His annual pay raise is 30. LIGHT If each foot of water in a lake screens out 60% of the light above, what percent of
the light passes through 5 feet of water? 1.024%

palace built for a carnival always a percent of his salary at the time. What would his salary be if he got 31. INVESTING Raul invests $1000 in a savings account that earns 5% interest compounded
annually. How much money will he have in the account at the end of 5 years? $1276.28
in St. Paul, Minnesota, in four consecutive 4% increases? $46,794.34 NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________
Gl /M G Hill 646 Gl PERIOD
Al _____
b 2
1992. It contained 10.8 Reading
11-3 Readingto
to Learn
Learn Mathematics
million pounds of ice. Write an equation for the nth term of each geometric sequence. Mathematics, p. 647 ELL
1 n1
Geometric Sequences
Source: The Guinness Book of
39. 36, 12, 4, … a  36 1
n 3
  40. 64, 16, 4, … an  64 
  Pre-Activity How do geometric sequences apply to a bouncing ball?
Read the introduction to Lesson 11-3 at the top of page 588 in your textbook.

41. 2, 10, 50, … an  2(5)n1 42. 4, 12, 36, … an  4(3)n1 Suppose that you drop a ball from a height of 4 feet, and that each time it
falls, it bounces back to 74% of the height from which it fell. Describe how

43. 18, 36, 72 would you find the height of the third bounce. (Do not actually calculate the
height of the bounce.)

Find the geometric means in each sequence. 46. 6, 12, 24, 48 Sample answer: Multiply 4 by 0.74 three times.
44. 12, 36, 108
45. 16, 8, 4, 2 43. 9, ? , ? , ? , 144 44. 4, ? , ? , ? , 324 Reading the Lesson
1. Explain the difference between an arithmetic sequence and a geometric sequence.
45. 32, ? , ? , ? , ? ,1 46. 3, ? , ? , ? , ? , 96 Sample answer: In an arithmetic sequence, each term after the first is
found by adding the common difference to the previous term. In a
geometric sequence, each term after the first is found by multiplying the Lesson 11-3 Geometric Sequences 591 previous term by the common ratio.
2. Consider the formula an  a1  rn  1.

a. What is this formula used to find? a particular term of a geometric sequence

b. What do each of the following represent?
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ an: the nth term

Enrichment, p. 648 Lesson 11-3

11-3 Enrichment a1: the first term

r: the common ratio

n: a positive integer that indicates which term you are finding
Half the Distance
3. a. In the sequence 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, the numbers 8, 11, 14, and 17 are
Suppose you are 200 feet from a fixed point, P. Suppose that you are able to
move to the halfway point in one minute, to the next halfway point one arithmetic means between 5 and 20.
minute after that, and so on. 4 4 4 4 4
b. In the sequence 12, 4,  ,  ,  , the numbers 4,  , and  are
3 9 27 3 9
200 feet 4
geometric means between 12 and  .

100 150 175 P

1st minute 2nd minute 3rd minute

Helping You Remember
4. Suppose that your classmate Ricardo has trouble remembering the formula an  a1  r n  1
An interesting sequence results because according to the problem, you never correctly. He thinks that the formula should be an  a1  r n. How would you explain to
actually reach the point P, although you do get arbitrarily close to it. him that he should use rn  1 rather than rn in the formula?
You can compute how long it will take to get within some specified small Sample answer: Each term after the first in a geometric sequence is
distance of the point. On a calculator, you enter the distance to be covered found by multiplying the previous term by r. There are n  1 terms before
and then count the number of successive divisions by 2 necessary to get the nth term, so you would need to multiply by r a total of n  1 times,
within the desired distance. not n times, to get the nth term.
Example How many minutes are needed to get within 0.1 foot 647

Lesson 11-3 Geometric Sequences 591

4 Assess MEDICINE For Exercises 47 and 48, use the following information.
Iodine-131 is a radioactive element used to study the thyroid gland.
47. RESEARCH Use the Internet or other resource to find the half-life of Iodine-131,
Open-Ended Assessment rounded to the nearest day. This is the amount of time it takes for half of a
Modeling With manipulatives sample of Iodine-131 to decay into another element. 8 days
or sketches, have students use 48. How much of an 80-milligram sample of Iodine-131 would be left after 32 days?
5 mg
various geometric elements (for CRITICAL THINKING Determine whether each statement is true or false. If true,
example, numbers of sides and explain. If false, provide a counterexample.
diagonals) to model problems 49. False; the 49. Every sequence is either arithmetic or geometric.
involving arithmetic and sequence 1, 4, 9, 16, 50. There is no sequence that is both arithmetic and geometric.
geometric sequences. …, for example, is
neither arithmetic nor 51. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
geometric. the lesson. See margin.
50. False, the How do geometric sequences apply to a bouncing ball?
Intervention sequence 1, 1, 1, 1, Include the following in your answer:
New Make sure that …, for example, is
• the first five terms of the sequence of heights from which the ball falls, and
arithmetic (d  0) and
students under- geometric (r  1). • any similarities or differences in the sequences for the heights the ball
stand the differ- rebounds and the heights from which the ball falls.
ence between
arithmetic and geometric
Standardized 52. Find the missing term in the geometric sequence: 5, 10, 20, 40, ___. A
Test Practice A 80 B 35 C 80 D 100
sequences by asking them to
create a simple example of 53. What is the tenth term in the geometric sequence: 144, 72, 36, 18, …? C
9 9 9
each one. A 0 B  C  D 
64 32 16

Maintain Your Skills

Getting Ready for
Lesson 11-4 Mixed Review Find Sn for each arithmetic series described. (Lesson 11-2)
54. a1  11, an  44, n  23 632.5 55. a1  5, d  3, n  14 203
will find the sum of the first n Find the arithmetic means in each sequence. (Lesson 11-1)
terms of geometric series in 57. 12, 16, 20 56. 15, ? , ? , 27 19, 23 57. 8, ? , ? , ? , 24
Lesson 11-4. This will involve
58. GEOMETRY Find the perimeter of a triangle with vertices at (2, 4), (1, 3)
evaluating rational expressions and (1, 3). (Lesson 8-1) 52
for different values. Use Exercises
59–61 to determine your students’ Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Evaluate each expression. (To review expressions, see Lesson 1-1.)
familiarity with evaluating the Next Lesson 6 5
1  27 21
1   63 3 1
rational expressions. 59. 
127 60.   61.  
1  1 32  3
1  1 81

Assessment Options
Practice Quiz 1 The quiz P ractice Quiz 1 Lessons 11-1 through 11-3
provides students with a brief
Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence. (Lesson 11-1)
review of the concepts and skills 1 11
in Lessons 11-1 through 11-3. 1. a1  7, d  3, n  14 46 2. a1  2, d  , n  8 
2 2
Lesson numbers are given to the Find the sum of each arithmetic series described. (Lesson 11-2)
right of exercises or instruction 3. a1  5, an  29, n  11 187 4. 6  12  18  •••  96 816
lines so students can review
5. Find a7 for the geometric sequence 729, 243, 81, … . (Lesson 11-3) 1
concepts not yet mastered.
592 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

51. The heights of the bounces of a ball and the heights from which a bouncing ball falls each
form geometric sequences. Answers should include the following.
• 3, 1.8, 1.08, 0.648, 0.3888
• The common ratios are the same, but the first terms are different. The sequence of
heights from which the ball falls is the sequence of heights of the bounces with the term
3 inserted at the beginning.

592 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

A Preview of Lesson 11-4
A Preview of Lesson 11-4
Limits Getting Started
You may have noticed that in some geometric sequences, the later the term in the
sequence, the closer the value is to 0. Another way to describe this is that as n Entering Sequences To enter
increases, an approaches 0. The value that the terms of a sequence approach, in this
the formula seq (N,N,1,10,1) in
case 0, is called the limit of the sequence. Other types of infinite sequences may
also have limits. If the terms of a sequence do not approach a unique value, we say Step 1, use the keystrokes 2nd
that the limit of the sequence does not exist. [LIST] 5 ALPHA [N] , ALPHA
1 1 [N] , 1 , 10 , 1 ) . Follow
Find the limit of the geometric sequence 1, , , … . a similar procedure to enter the
3 9
formula for L2.
Enter the sequence. Graph the sequence.
1 n1 Graphing Sequences Stat plots
• The formula for this sequence is an  
. • Use a STAT PLOT to graph the sequence. Use L1
as the Xlist and L2 as the Ylist. for sequences are graphed in the
• Position the cursor on L1 in the STAT EDIT KEYSTROKES: Review STAT PLOTs on page 87. same way as any other stat plot.
Edit … screen and enter the formula
seq(N,N,1,10,1). This generates the values 1,
It is essential that lists L1 and L2
2, …, 10 of the index N. contain the same number of
• Position the cursor on L2 and enter the formula elements.
seq((1/3)^(N-1),N,1,10,1). This generates the
first ten terms of the sequence.
Graphing Window The x-axis
KEYSTROKES: Review sequences in the Graphing
settings are determined by the
Calculator Investigation on page 585. values in L1. The y-axis settings
[0, 10] scl: 1 by [0, 1] scl: 0.1 are determined by the values
The graph also shows that, as n increases, the
in L2.
terms approach 0. In fact, for n  6, the marks
appear to lie on the horizontal axis. This
strongly suggests that the limit of the
sequence is 0. Teach
Ask: Does the sequence 3, 9, 27,
Notice that as n increases, the terms of the 81, … have a limit? no Does 0.1,
given sequence get closer and closer to 0. If 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, …? yes
you scroll down, you can see that for n  8 the
terms are so close to 0 that the calculator
expresses them in scientific notation. This
suggests that the limit of the sequence is 0.
Exercises Ask the students:
Use a graphing calculator to find the limit, if it exists, of each sequence. • Describe the graph in the exam-
n n
1. an   0  12 
2. an   0 3. an  4n does not exist ple in terms of asymptotes.
2n n2
The graph has the x-axis as an
4. an  1 0 5. an  
n  1 6. an   does not exist asymptote.
n2 2 1 n1
• Does every decreasing geo-
metric sequence have a limit?
Investigating Slope-Intercept Form 593 Explain. No; A sequence such as
Graphing Calculator Investigation Limits 593 2, 4, 8, 16, … is
decreasing and has no limit.

Graphing Calculator Investigation Limits 593

Lesson Geometric Series

• Find sums of geometric series.

1 Focus • Find specific terms of geometric series.

Vocabulary is e-mailing a joke like a geometric series?

5-Minute Check • geometric series Suppose you e-mail a joke to three friends on Monday. Each of those friends
Transparency 11-4 Use as sends the joke on to three of their friends on Tuesday. Each person who receives
a quiz or review of Lesson 11-3. the joke on Tuesday sends it to three more people on Wednesday, and so on.

Mathematical Background notes E-Mail Jokes

are available for this lesson on Monday

p. 576D. Tuesday

is e-mailing a joke like Wednesday

3 Items 2:10 PM
a geometric series?
Ask students:
• How many people have read
your joke at the end of Monday? GEOMETRIC SERIES Notice that every day, the number of people who read
3 at the end of Tuesday? 12 your joke is three times the number that read it the day before. By Sunday, the
number of people, including yourself, who have read the joke is 1  3  9  27 
at the end of Wednesday? 39 81  243  729  2187 or 3280!
at the end of Thursday? 120 The numbers 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, and 2187 form a geometric sequence in which
a1  1 and r  3. Since 1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243, 729, 2187 is a geometric sequence, 1  3 
9  27  81  243  729  2187 is called a geometric series . Below are some more
examples of geometric sequences and their corresponding geometric series.

Geometric Sequences Geometric Series

1, 2, 4, 8, 16 1  2  4  8  16
4, 12, 36 4  (12)  36
5, 1, 1, 1 5  1  1  1
5 25 5 25

To develop a formula for the sum of a geometric series, consider the series given
in the e-mail situation above.
S8  1  3  9  27  81  243  729  2187
() 3S8  3  9  27  81  243  729  2187  6561
(1  3)S8  1  0  0  00  00  000  000  0000  6561

first term in series

last term in series multiplied by

1  6561
S8   or 3280 common ratio; in this case, a9
Study Tip 13

Terms of common ratio

Sequences a  a r8
The expression for S8 can be written as S8  
1 1
 . A rational expression
Remember that a9 can 1r
also be written as a1r 8. like this can be used to find the sum of any geometric series.
594 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters School-to-Career Masters, p. 22 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-4
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 649–650 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 651
• Practice, p. 652 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 653 Alge2PASS: Tutorial Plus, Lesson 21
• Enrichment, p. 654 Interactive Chalkboard
• Assessment, pp. 693, 695
Sum of a Geometric Series
The sum Sn of the first n terms of a geometric series is given by
a1  a1rn a1(1  rn)
2 Teach
Sn    or Sn   , where r 1.

You cannot use the formula for the sum with a geometric series for which r  1
In-Class Examples Power
because division by 0 would result. In a geometric series with r  1, the terms are
constant. For example, 4  4  4  •••  4 is such a series. In general, the sum of n Teaching Tip Ask students to
terms of a geometric series with r  1 is n  a1. explain the difference between
Example 1 Find the Sum of the First n Terms counting direct ancestors, as in
Example 1, and counting living
GENEALOGY In the book Roots, author Alex Haley traced his family history descendants. Point out that this
back many generations to the time one of his ancestors was brought to America
example counts only direct bio-
from Africa. If you could trace your family back for 15 generations, starting with
your parents, how many ancestors would there be? logical parents, not taking into
consideration step-parents,
Counting your two parents, four grandparents, eight great-grandparents, and so
on gives you a geometric series with a1  2, r  2, and n  15. adoptive parents, aunts, uncles,
a (1  rn)
and so on. Discuss how the
 Sum formula counting process might change if
2(1  215) this assumption were not made.
S15   n  15, a1  2, r  2
S15  65,534 Use a calculator.
information in Example 2.
Going back 15 generations, you have 65,534 ancestors. How many direct ancestors
would a person have after 8
As with arithmetic series, you can use sigma notation to represent geometric series. generations? 510
Genealogy Example 2 Evaluate a Sum Written in Sigma Notation Teaching Tip Review the basic
When he died in 1992, 6
ideas by asking students to
Samuel Must of Fryburg,
Evaluate  5  2n  1. explain the difference between
Pennsylvania, had a record n=1 a sequence and a series. Ask
824 living descendants.
Source: The Guinness Book of Method 1 Method 2 them to read Example 2 aloud
Records to be sure they can interpret the
Find the terms by replacing n with 1, 2, Since the sum is a geometric series,
3, 4, 5, and 6. Then add. you can use the formula
sigma notation correctly.
a (1  rn) 12
 5  2n – 1  5(21 31) 1 5(22 41) 1 1
Sn   .
1r 2 Evaluate  3  2n  1. 12,285
n=1  5(2 )  5(2 )
 5(25  1)  5(26  1) 5(1  26)
S6   n  6, a1  5, r  2
 5(1)  5(2)  5(4)  5(8) 12
 5(16)  5(32) 5( 63)
 5  10  20  40  80 S6   26  64
S6  315 Simplify.
The sum of the series is 315.

How can you find the sum of a geometric series if you know the first and last
terms and the common ratio, but not the number of terms? Remember the formula
for the nth term of a geometric sequence or series, an  a1 • rn  1. You can use this
formula to find an expression involving rn.
an  a1  rn  1 Formula for nth term
an • r  a1  rn  1 • r Multiply each side by r.
an • r  a1  rn r n  1  r1  r n  1  1 or r n Lesson 11-4 Geometric Series 595

Lesson 11-4 Geometric Series 595

Now substitute an  r for a1  rn in the formula for the sum of a geometric series.
In-Class Example Power
Point® a a r
The result is Sn  
1 n
3 Find the sum of a geometric
series for which a1  7776, Example 3 Use the Alternate Formula for a Sum
1 1
an  6, and r  6. 6666 Find the sum of a geometric series for which a1  15,625, an  5, and r  .
Since you do not know the value of n, use the formula derived above.
a a r
1 n
 Alternate sum formula

SPECIFIC TERMS 15,625  (5) 5 1 1

  a1  15,625, an  5, r  
1 5
In-Class Example Power
Point® 15,624
6 or 13,020 Simplify.

4 Find a1 in a geometric series 5

for which S8  765 and

r  2. 3 SPECIFIC TERMS You can use the formula for the sum of a geometric series to
help find a particular term of the series.

Example 4 Find the First Term of a Series

3 Practice/Apply Find a1 in a geometric series for which S8  39,360 and r  3.
a (1  rn)
 Sum formula
a1(1  38)
39,360   S8 =39,360; r = 3; n = 8
Study Notebook 13
Have students— 39,360   Subtract.
• add the definitions/examples of 39,360  3280a1 Divide.

the vocabulary terms to their 12  a1 Divide each side by 3280.

Vocabulary Builder worksheets for The first term of the series is 12.
Chapter 11.
• include any other item(s) that they
find helpful in mastering the skills
in this lesson. 1
Concept Check 1. OPEN ENDED Write a geometric series for which r   and n  4.
1. Sample answer: 2. Explain, using geometric series, why the polynomial 1  x  x2  x3 can be
1 x4  1
4  2  1   written as , assuming x 1. See margin.
2 x1
3. Explain how to write the series 2  12  72  432  2592 using sigma notation.
About the Exercises… See pp. 629A–629F.
Organization by Objective Guided Practice Find Sn for each geometric series described.
• Geometric Series: 15–40, 47 4. a1  12, a5  972, r  3 732 5. a1  3, an  46,875, r = 5 39,063
• Specific Terms: 41–46 2
Exercises Examples 6. a1  5, r  2, n  14 81,915 7. a1  243, r  , n  5 165
Odd/Even Assignments 4, 5 3
6–9, 14 1 Find the sum of each geometric series.
Exercises 15–46 are structured
10, 11 2 8. 54  36  24  16  ••• to 6 terms 9. 3  6  12  ••• to 7 terms 129
so that students practice the 12, 13 4
5 7
same concepts whether they 31 1 n – 1 1093
are assigned odd or even 8. 
1330 10.  4 • 2n – 1 
9 n=1 n=1

problems. 596 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Alert! A graphing calculator is
needed for Exercises 52–54.
Assignment Guide Differentiated Instruction
Basic: 15–25 odd, 29–37 odd, Naturalist Have students research how biologists and ecologists use
41, 43, 47–51, 55–67 geometric series in their work to count and predict the population
Average: 15–47 odd, 48–51, changes for various organisms.
55–67 (optional: 52–54)
Advanced: 16–48 even, 49–61
(optional: 62–67)

596 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Find the indicated term for each geometric series described. Study Guide
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE

____________ PERIOD _____

381 1 11-4 Study Guide and

12. Sn  , r  , n  7; a1 3 13. Sn  33, an  48, r  2; a1 3 p. 649 (shown)
Geometric Series and p. 650
64 2
Geometric Series A geometric series is the indicated sum of consecutive terms of a

Application 14. WEATHER Heavy rain caused a river to rise. The river rose three inches the geometric sequence.

Sum of a The sum Sn of the first n terms of a geometric series is given by

first day, and each additional day it rose twice as much as the previous day. Geometric
Series Sn  
1 a (1  r n )
or Sn  
1 1 a  a rn
, where r 1.

How much did the river rise in five days? 93 in. or 7 ft 9 in. Example 1 Find the sum of the first Example 2 Find the sum of the
four terms of the geometric sequence
for which a1  120 and r   .
1 geometric series  4  3 j  2.
★ indicates increased difficulty
a1(1  r n)
Since the sum is a geometric series, you can
Sn   Sum formula use the sum formula.
a (1  r n)

Practice and Apply   13   Sn  

4 1
120 1   1r
Sum formula
1 n  4, a1  120, r  
3 4
1   (1  37)
3 3
177.78 S7   4
n  7, a1  , r  3
Use a calculator. 13 3

1457.33 Use a calculator.

Homework Help Find Sn for each geometric series described.

The sum of the series is 177.78.
The sum of the series is 1457.33.

For See 15. a1  2, a6  486, r  3 728 16. a1  3, a8  384, r  2 765 Exercises

Exercises Examples Find Sn for each geometric series described.
15–34, 47 1, 3 1 1
17. a1  1296, an  1, r   18. a1  343, an  1, r  
1 1

1111 7
300 1. a1  2, an  486, r  3 2. a1  1200, an  75, r  
3. a1   , an  125, r  5
35–40 2 728 2325 156.24

41–46 4
19. a1  4, r  3, n  5 244 20. a1  5, r  3, n  12 1,328,600
4. a1  3, r   , n  4 5. a1  2, r  6, n  4 6. a1  2, r  4, n  6
4.44 518 2730
Extra Practice 1
21. a1  2401, r  , n  5 2101 22. a1  625, r  , n  5 1441

Lesson 11-4
7. a1  100, r    , n  5 8. a3  20, a6  160, n 8 9. a4  16, a7  1024, n  10
See page 852. 7 5 68.75
1275 87,381.25

1 728 1 215
23. a1  162, r  , n  6  24. a1  80, r  , n  7 
3 3 2 4 Find the sum of each geometric series.
10. 6  18  54  … to 6 terms
1 1
11.     1  … to 10 terms
4 2

25. a1  625, r  0.4, n  8 1040.984 26. a1  4, r  0.5, n  8 7.96875 2184 255.75

★ 27. a2  36, a5  972, n  7 6564 ★ 28. a3  36, a6  972, n  10

8 7
12.  2 j 13.  3  2k  1
j4 k1

118,096 496 381

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________

Al _____
29. HEALTH Contagious diseases can spread very quickly. Suppose five people are Gl


G Hill

p. 651 and
649 b 2

11-4 Practice (Average)

ill during the first week of an epidemic and that each person who is ill spreads Practice,
Geometric p. 652 (shown)
the disease to four people by the end of the next week. By the end of the tenth Find Sn for each geometric series described.

week of the epidemic, how many people have been affected by the illness? 1. a1  2, a6  64, r  2 126 2. a1  160, a6  5, r   315

1,747,625 3. a1  3, an  192, r  2 129 4. a1  81, an  16, r    55

30. LEGENDS There is a legend of a king who wanted to reward a boy for a good 5. a1  3, an  3072, r  4 2457
2 1 728
6. a1  54, a6   , r   
9 3 9
deed. The king gave the boy a choice. He could have $1,000,000 at once, or he
7. a1  5, r  3, n  9 49,205 8. a1  6, r  1, n  21 6
could be rewarded daily for a 30-day month, with one penny on the first day,
2 65
9. a1  6, r  3, n  7 3282 10. a1  9, r   , n  4  
two pennies on the second day, and so on, receiving twice as many pennies each 3 3
day as the previous day. How much would the second option be worth? 1
11. a1   , r  3, n  10 
3 3
12. a1  16, r  1.5, n  6 66.5

$10,737,418.23 Find the sum of each geometric series.

Find the sum of each geometric series. 13. 162  54  18  … to 6 terms 

14. 2  4  8  … to 8 terms 510

31. 4096  512  64  ••• to 5 terms 3641 32. 7  21  63  ••• to 10 terms 206,668 15. 64  96  144  … to 7 terms 463
1 1
16.     1  … to 6 terms  
9 3
8 9 5

1 1 5461 1 1 182 17.  (3) n  1 1640 18.  5(2) n  1 855 19.  1(4) n  1 341
33.     1  ••• to 7 terms  34.     1  ••• to 6 terms  n1 n1 n1

16 4 16 9 3 9 6
1 n  1 63
1 n1
4 n1 65

21.  2560 
5115 22.  9 
9 6 7
1 n – 1 387
Legends 35.  5  2n – 1
2555 36.  2(–3)n – 1
364 37.


4   Find the indicated term for each geometric series described.

23. Sn  1023, an  768, r  4; a1 3 24. Sn  10,160, an  5120, r  2; a1 80

Some of the best-known
legends involving a king are 8 n–1 20 16 25. Sn  1365, n  12, r  2; a1 1 26. Sn  665, n  6, r  1.5; a1 32

the Arthurian legends. 38.

★ 39.  3  2n – 1 3,145,725 ★ 40. n=1
 4  3n – 1 86,093,440 27. CONSTRUCTION A pile driver drives a post 27 inches into the ground on its first hit.
According to legend, King Each additional hit drives the post  the distance of the prior hit. Find the total distance
the post has been driven after 5 hits. 1
Arthur reigned over Britain 70  in.

before the Saxon conquest. Find the indicated term for each geometric series described. 28. COMMUNICATIONS Hugh Moore e-mails a joke to 5 friends on Sunday morning. Each
2 1 of these friends e-mails the joke to 5 of her or his friends on Monday morning, and so on.
Camelot was the most 41. Sn  165, an  48, r  ; a1 243 42. Sn  688, an  16, r  ; a1 1024 Assuming no duplication, how many people will have heard the joke by the end of
Saturday, not including Hugh? 97,655 people
famous castle in the 3 2
43. Sn  364, r  3, n  6; a1 2 44. Sn  1530, r  2, n  8; a1 6
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 652 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2
medieval legends of Reading
11-4 Readingto
to Learn
Learn Mathematics
King Arthur. Mathematics, p. 653 ELL
★ 45. Sn  315, r  0.5, n  6; a2 80 ★ 46. Sn  249.92, r  0.2, n  5, a3 8 Geometric Series
Pre-Activity How is e-mailing a joke like a geometric series?
Read the introduction to Lesson 11-4 at the top of page 594 in your textbook.
47. LANDSCAPING Rob is helping his dad install a fence. He is using a • Suppose that you e-mail the joke on Monday to five friends, rather than
three, and that each of those friends e-mails it to five friends on Tuesday,
sledgehammer to drive the pointed fence posts into the ground. On his first and so on. Write a sum that shows that total number of people, including
yourself, who will have read the joke by Thursday. (Write out the sum
swing, he drives a post five inches into the ground. Since the soil is denser the using plus signs rather than sigma notation. Do not actually find the sum.)
1  5  25  125
deeper he drives, on each swing after the first, he can only drive the post 30% as • Use exponents to rewrite the sum you found above. (Use an exponent in
each term, and use the same base for all terms.)
far into the ground as he did on the previous swing. How far has he driven the 50  51  52  53

post into the ground after five swings? about 7.13 in. Reading the Lesson
a (1  r n)
1. Consider the formula Sn  
. Lesson 11-4 Geometric Series 597
a. What is this formula used to find? the sum of the first n terms of a
geometric series
b. What do each of the following represent?

Sn: the sum of the first n terms

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ a1: the first term
Answer Enrichment,
11-4 Enrichment p. 654
r: the common ratio
1 1 1
c. Suppose that you want to use the formula to evaluate 3  1       . Indicate
3 9 27

2. The polynomial is a geometric series with Annuities

the values you would substitute into the formula in order to find Sn. (Do not actually
calculate the sum.)
1 5 1
n 5 a1  3 r
first term 1, common ratio x, and 4 terms. An annuity is a fixed amount of money payable at given intervals. For example,
suppose you wanted to set up a trust fund so that $30,000 could be withdrawn

 8(2)n  1. Indicate
1(1  x 4)
d. Suppose that you want to use the formula to evaluate the sum
Lesson 11-4

each year for 14 years before the money ran out. Assume the money can be
x4  1 invested at 9%. n1

The sum is   .

the values you would substitute into the formula in order to find Sn. (Do not actually
You must find the amount of money that needs to be invested. Call this calculate the sum.)
1x x1 amount A. After the third payment, the amount left is
n 6 a1  8 r 2 rn  (2)6 or 64
1.09[1.09A  30,000(1  1.09)]  30,000  1.092A  30,000(1  1.09  1.092).
The results are summarized in the table below.
Helping You Remember
Payment Number Number of Dollars Left After Payment
2. This lesson includes three formulas for the sum of the first n terms of a geometric series.
1 A  30,000
All of these formulas have the same denominator and have the restriction r 1. How can
2 1.09A  30,000(1  1.09)
3 1.092A  30,000(1  1.09  1.092) this restriction help you to remember the denominator in the formulas?
Sample answer: If r  1, then r  1  0. Because division by 0 is
undefined, a formula with r  1 in the denominator will not apply
1. Use the pattern shown in the table to find the number of dollars left after when r  1.
the fourth payment. 1.093A  30,000(1  1.09  1.092  1.093)

2. Find the amount left after the tenth payment. 653

Lesson 11-4 Geometric Series 597

48. If the first term 48. CRITICAL THINKING If a1 and r are integers, explain why the value of

4 Assess and common ratio of a

geometric series are
a1  a1rn
  must also be an integer.
integers, then all the 49. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
Open-Ended Assessment terms of the series are the lesson. See margin.
integers. Therefore,
Writing Have students make a the sum of the series How is e-mailing a joke like a geometric series?
chart that compares and contrasts is an integer. Include the following in your answer:
arithmetic and geometric • how the related geometric series would change if each person e-mailed the
sequences and series, explaining joke on to four people instead of three, and
what the variables represent in • how the situation could be changed to make it better to use a formula than to
each formula. add terms.

Standardized 50. The first term of a geometric series is 1, and the common ratio is 3. How
Test Practice many terms are in the series if its sum is 182? A
A 6 B 7 C 8 D 9
New Make sure that 51. What is the first term in a geometric series with ten terms, a common ratio of
0.5, and a sum of 511.5? C
students can
A 64 B 128 C 256 D 512
read the nota-
tion used in the Graphing Use a graphing calculator to find the sum of each geometric series.
various formulas and that Calculator 20 15
1 n–1 10

they understand what each

52.  3(2)n – 1 53.  22 3.99987793 54.  5(0.2)n – 1 6.24999936
n=1 1,048,575 n=1 n=1

variable and subscript means.

Maintain Your Skills
Getting Ready for Mixed Review Find the geometric means in each sequence. (Lesson 11-3)
1 3 1 243
Lesson 11-5 55. , , 9
4 4
55. ,
? , ? , ? , 54 56. 2, ? , ? , ? , ? , 
9 27
PREREQUISITE SKILL Students 56. 3, , , Find the sum of each arithmetic series. (Lesson 11-2)
2 4 12
will find the sum of infinite 81
 57. 50  44  38  •••  8 232 58.  (2n  3) 192
geometric series in Lesson 11-5. n1

This will involve their evaluating ENTERTAINMENT For Exercises 59–61, use the table that shows the number of
rational expressions for different drive-in movie screens in the United States for 1995–2000. (Lesson 2-5)
values. Use Exercises 62–67 to
determine your students’ famili- 1 995 1 996
Y ear 1 997
arity with evaluating rational 1 998 1 999 2 000
s 84 8 82 6
S c re e n 81 5
expressions for given values. 7 50 7 37 63 7

Source: National Association of Theatre Owners

Assessment Options
Quiz (Lessons 11-3 and 11-4) is 59. See margin. 59. Draw a scatter plot, in which x is the number of years since 1995.
available on p. 693 of the 60. Sample answer 60. Find a prediction equation.
Chapter 11 Resource Masters. using (1, 826) and 61. Predict the number of screens in 2010. Sample answer: 274
(3, 750): y  38x 
Mid-Chapter Test (Lessons 11-1 864 Online Research Data Update For the latest statistics on the movie
through 11-4) is available on industry, visit:
p. 695 of the Chapter 11 Resource a
Masters. Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Evaluate  for the given values of a and b.
the Next Lesson (To review evaluating expressions, see Lesson 1-1.)
1 1 1 1 1
62. a  1, b   2 63. a  3, b   2 64. a  , b   
Answers 2 2 3 3 4
1 1 2
49. If the number of people that each 65. a  , b    66. a  1, b  0.5 2 67. a  0.9, b  0.5 0.6
2 4 3
person sends the joke to is 598 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
constant, then the total number of
people who have seen the joke is
the sum of a geometric series. 59. Drive-In Movie Screens
Answers should include the 1000
following. 900

• The common ratio would 800

change from 3 to 4.
• Increase the number of days 600
that the joke circulates so that it
is inconvenient to find and add 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
all the terms of the series. Years Since 1995
598 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
Infinite Geometric Series Lesson

• Find the sum of an infinite geometric series.

• Write repeating decimals as fractions.
1 Focus
Vocabulary does an infinite geometric series
• infinite geometric series apply to a bouncing ball? 5-Minute Check
• partial sum
Refer to the beginning of Lesson 11-3. In the Bleachers By Steve Moore
Transparency 11-5 Use as
Suppose you wrote a geometric series a quiz or review of Lesson 11-4.
to find the sum of the heights of the
rebounds of the ball. The series Mathematical Background notes
would have no last term because are available for this lesson on
theoretically there is no last bounce
of the ball. For every rebound of the
p. 576D.
ball, there is another rebound, 60%
as high. Such a geometric series is Building on Prior
called an infinite geometric series .
In Lesson 11-4, students worked
with geometric series that had a
specific number of terms. In this
lesson, students extend these
“And that, ladies and gentlemen, skills to finding the sum of an
is the way the ball bounces.” infinite geometric series.

INFINITE GEOMETRIC SERIES Consider the infinite geometric series does an infinite
1 1 1 1
        ••• . You have already learned how to find the sum Sn of the first geometric series apply
2 4 8 16 to a bouncing ball?
n terms of a geometric series. For an infinite series, Sn is called a partial sum of the
series. The table and graph show some values of Sn. Ask students:
n Sn Sn • Why might someone find this
1 0.9
cartoon amusing? Answers will
1  or 0.5 vary.
2 0.8
Sum of Terms

2 3
 or 0.75 • What is the difference between
4 0.6
0.5 what is happening theoreti-
3  or 0.875
8 0.4 cally and what really happens
0.3 with the ball? Answers will vary.
4  or 0.9375 0.2
5  or 0.96875
32 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 n
63 Term
6  or 0.984375

Study Tip 7  or 0.9921875
Absolute Value
Recall that r
1 Notice that as n increases, the partial sums level off and approach a limit of 1. This
means 1
1. leveling-off behavior is characteristic of infinite geometric series for which r
Lesson 11-5 Infinite Geometric Series 599

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-5
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 655–656 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 657
• Practice, p. 658 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 659 Interactive Chalkboard
• Enrichment, p. 660

Lesson x-x Lesson Title 599

Let’s look at the formula for the sum of a finite geometric series and use it to find

2 Teach a formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series.

1 a  a rn

Sum of first n terms

a1 a rn
 1 Write the fraction as a difference of fractions.
1r 1r
If 1
1, the value of rn will approach 0 as n increases. Therefore, the partial
In-Class Example Power
Point® a a (0) a
sums of an infinite geometric series will approach   1  or 
. This
1r 1r 1r
1 Find the sum of each infinite expression gives the sum of an infinite geometric series.
geometric series, if it exists.
a. 3  4  12  36  108 
… no sum
Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series
3 3 3 The sum S of an infinite geometric series with 1
1 is given by
b. 3        … 2 Study Tip a
2 4 8 S  
Formula for Sum
Teaching Tip To help students if 1 r 1
understand when an infinite geo- To convince yourself of
metric series has a sum, lead this formula, make a table An infinite geometric series for which r  1 n Sn
of the first ten partial
students to make a generaliza- does not have a sum. Consider the series 1  3 
sums of the geometric
tion about the size of a product 1 9  27  81  ••• . In this series, a1  1 and r  3. 5 121
series with r   and
of a number and a fraction be- 2 The table shows some of the partial sums of this 10 29,524
a1  100. series. As n increases, Sn rapidly increases and
tween 1 and 1. The absolute has no limit. That is, the partial sums do not
15 7,174,453
value of such a product will Term Partial 20 1,743,392,200
approach a particular value.
always be less than the absolute
value of the original number. 1 100 100
2 50 150 Example 1 Sum of an Infinite Geometric Series
3 25 175
Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.



10 1 3 9
a.       •••
2 8 32
Complete the table and
compare the sum that the First, find the value of r to determine if the sum exists.
series is approaching to
that obtained by using the 3
or . Since 
1, the sum exists.
1 3 8 3 3
formula. a1   and a2  , so r  
2 8  4 4

Now use the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series.

1 a
S =  Sum formula

2 1 3
  a1 = , r + 
2 4
1 – 

=  or 2 Simplify.

The sum of the series is 2.

b. 1  2  4  8  •••
a1  1 and a2  2, so r   or 2. Since 2  1, the sum does not exist.

600 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Unlocking Misconceptions
Absolute Value Make sure students can explain why | r |
1 can also
be written as 1
1. Graphing this inequality on a number line
may help students understand what is meant by these two different
mathematical notations.

600 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

In Lessons 11-2 and 11-4, we used sigma notation to represent finite series. You
can also use sigma notation to represent infinite series. An infinity symbol is placed In-Class Example Power
above the  to indicate that a series is infinite. ∞
2 Evaluate  5 2 1 . 10
Example 2 Infinite Series in Sigma Notation n1

Teaching Tip Ask students to

1 n1
Evaluate  24 . write a few terms of the series
n=1 in Example 2 to make sure they
In this infinite geometric series, a1  24 and r  . know how to read the notation.
Sum formula

a1  24, r  
In-Class Example Power
  or 20 Simplify.
3 Write 0.25 as a fraction. 99

1 n1
Thus,  24  20.

REPEATING DECIMALS The formula for the sum of an infinite geometric series
can be used to write a repeating decimal as a fraction. Remember that decimals
with bar notation such as 0.2 and 0.4
7 represent 0.222222… and 0.474747…,
respectively. Each of these expressions can be written as an infinite geometric series.

Example 3 Write a Repeating Decimal as a Fraction

9 as a fraction.
Write 0.3
Method 1 Method 2
Write the repeating decimal as a sum. S  0.3
9 Label the given
9  0.393939…
S  0.393939… Repeating decimal
 0.39  0.0039  0.000039  …
100S  39.393939… Multiply each side by
39 39 39
       … 100.
100 10,000 1,000,000
39 1 99S  39 Subtract the second
In this series, a1   and r  . equation from the
100 100
a third.
Sum formula 39 13
1–r S   or  Divide each side by 99.
99 33

1 00 39 1
  a1  , r  
100 100


39 13
  or  Simplify.
99 33
9  .
Thus, 0.3
33 Lesson 11-5 Infinite Geometric Series 601

Differentiated Instruction
Logical Have students research and read about the famous
mathematical puzzle called Zeno’s paradox. Have them discuss this story
of the tortoise’s race in terms of the content of this lesson.

Lesson 11-5 Infinite Geometric Series 601

3 Practice/Apply Concept Check 1 1 1 1
1. OPEN ENDED Write the series         … using sigma notation.
2 4 8 16
1. Sample answer: 2. Explain why 0.999999…  1. See margin.

1 n
Study Notebook  

2 3. FIND THE ERROR Miguel and Beth are discussing Miguel
1 16 4 1
the series       … . Miguel says that the –3
Have students— 3 27 9
1 S   4
sum of the series is . Beth says that the series
• add the definitions/examples of 7 1 – –  3
the vocabulary terms to their does not have a sum. Who is correct? Explain your
reasoning. Beth; see margin for explanation.  –
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for 7

Chapter 11.
• include any other item(s) that they Guided Practice Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.
find helpful in mastering the skills GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. a1  36, r   108 5. a1  18, r  1.5 does not exist
Exercises Examples 1 1 2 3
in this lesson. 6. 16  24  36  … does not exist 7.       … 
4–8, 13 1 4 6 18 4
9 2 30
8. 6  2.4  0.96  …  9. 100
10–12 3 7 n=1

Write each repeating decimal as a fraction.

5 73 175
10. 0.5 11. 0.73  12. 0.17
9 99 999
Help students
realize that, although Application 13. CLOCKS Jasmine’s old grandfather clock is broken. When she tries to set the
a1 pendulum in motion by holding it against the side of the clock and letting it go,
 may have a value, it first swings 24 centimeters to the other side, then 18 centimeters back, then
1r 13.5 centimeters, and so on. What is the total distance that the pendulum
that value represents the sum of swings? 96 cm
an infinite geometric series only
when | r |
★ indicates increased difficulty
Practice and Apply
About the Exercises… Homework Help Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.
Organization by Objective For See 5 7
Exercises Examples 14. a1  4, r   14 15. a1  14, r   16. a1  12, r  0.6 7.5
7 3
• Infinite Geometric Series: 14–27, 1
14–39 32–39 17. a1  18, r  0.6 45 18. 16  12  9  ... 64 19. 8  4  2  ... 16
28–31 2 54 2 4
• Repeating Decimals: 40–47 40–47 3 20. 12  18  24  ... 21. 18  12  8  ...  22. 1      ... 3
5 3 9
Odd/Even Assignments Extra Practice 5 25 125
23.       ...
5 10 20
24.       ... 1
3 3 3
25.       ... 1
Exercises 14–31 and 36–47 are See page 852. 3 3 3 3 9 27 2 4 8

structured so that students n–1
26. 3  1.8  1.08  ... 7.5 27. 1  0.5  0.25  ...  28. 144
practice the same concepts 3 n=1

whether they are assigned n–1
odd or even problems.
15. does not exist
20. does not exist

30.  3(0.5)n – 1
6 31.  (1.5)(0.25)n – 1
23. does not exist
Assignment Guide 32. CHILD’S PLAY Kimimela’s little sister likes to swing at the playground.
Yesterday, Kimimela pulled the swing back and let it go. The swing traveled
Basic: 15–33 odd, 34, 35, 41–45 a distance of 9 feet before heading back the other way. Each swing afterward
odd, 48–75 was only 70% as long as the previous one. Find the total distance the swing
traveled. 30 ft
Average: 15–33 odd, 34, 35–47
602 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
odd, 48–75
Advanced: 14–32 even, 33,
34–48 even, 49–69 (optional: Answers
70–75) 9 9 9
2. 0.999999… can be written as the infinite geometric series       …. The
10 100 1000

9 1 10
first term of this series is  and the common ratio is , so the sum is  or 1.
10 10 1
1  10

a1 3 3
3. The common ratio for the infinite geometric series is . Since  1, the series does  4
not have a sum and the formula S   does not apply.

602 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

GEOMETRY For Exercises 33 and 34, refer A B Study Guide
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE

____________ PERIOD _____

11-5 Study Guide and

to square ABCD, which has a perimeter of p. 655
Infinite (shown) and p. 656
Geometric Series
40 centimeters. Infinite Geometric Series A geometric series that does not end is called an infinite
If the midpoints of the sides are connected, a smaller geometric series. Some infinite geometric series have sums, but others do not because the
partial sums increase without approaching a limiting value.

square results. Suppose the process of connecting Sum of an Infinite

S   for  1

midpoints of sides and drawing new squares is Geometric Series If | r |  1, the infinite geometric series does not have a sum.

continued indefinitely. D C Example Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.

1 n1
a. 75  15  3  … b.  48  3 
33. Write an infinite geometric series to represent the sum of the perimeters of all of First, find the value of r to determine if

the squares. 40  202   20  …

In this infinite geometric series, a1  48
the sum exists. a1  75 and a2  15, so
and r    .
15 1
r   or  . Since 
1, the sum
75 5 15 3
34. Find the sum of the perimeters of all of the squares. exists. Now use the formula for the sum
of an infinite geometric series.
Sum formula

80  402 or about 136.6 cm

a1   a1  48, r   
S 1
Sum formula 1  
75 48
 a1  75, r  

or 36 Simplify.

35. AVIATION A hot-air balloon rises 90 feet in its first minute of flight. In each 1 5
5 3
75 n1

succeeding minute, it rises only 90% as far as it did during the preceding 4
or 93.75

Thus  48  13   36.
5 n1

minute. What is the final height of the balloon? 900 ft The sum of the series is 93.75.


★ 36. The sum of an infinite geometric series is 81, and its common ratio is 23. Find the
Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.

Aviation 1. a1  7, r  
2. 1      …
3. a1  4, r  

The largest hot-air balloon first three terms of the series. 27, 18, 12 18 
does not exist 8
2 5 25 2 1 1
ever flown had a capacity 4.       …
9 27 162
5. 15  10  6   …
6. 18  9  4   2   …
2 4

of 2.6 million cubic feet. ★ 37. The sum of an infinite geometric series is 125, and the value of r is 0.4. Find the 1
45 12

Source: The Guinness Book of first three terms of the series. 75, 30, 12 1
7.       …
8. 1000  800  640  … 9. 6  12  24  48  …

Lesson 11-5
5000 does not exist

★ 38. The common ratio of an infinite geometric series is 1161, and its sum is
n1 k1 s1
10.  50 
 54  11.  22  
 21  12.  24 
4 1 11 409 14 
76. Find the first four terms of the series. 24, 16, 11, 7
3 5
5 2 32 512 Gl NAME
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 655 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2

Skills Practice, p. 657 and

★ 39. The first term of an infinite geometric series is 8, and its sum is 13 13. 11-5 Practice
p. 658 (shown)
1 7 64 Infinite Geometric Series
Find the first four terms of the series. 8, 3, 1,  Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.
5 25 125 1. a1  35, r   49
2. a1  26, r   52
3 6
3. a1  98, r    56 4. a1  42, r   does not exist
4 5
Write each repeating decimal as a fraction. 4 82 5. a1  112, r    70
6. a1  500, r   625

7 1   5 5

40. 0.7 41. 0.1  42. 0.36 11 43. 0.82 99 7. a1  135, r    90
8. 18  6  2  … 

9 82 9 427 5 22
2 2

★ 46. 0.45 1 ★ 47. 0.231 

44. 0.2 45. 0.427  9. 2  6  18  … does not exist 10. 6  4    … 18

333 999 1 990 4

11.     1  … does not exist
12. 10  1  0.1  … 
13. 100  20  4  … 125 14. 270  135  67.5  … 180

48. CRITICAL THINKING Derive the formula for the sum of an infinite geometric 15. 0.5  0.25  0.125  … 1
7 7
16.       … 
10 100
series by using the technique in Lessons 11-2 and 11-4. That is, write an equation 17. 0.8  0.08  0.008  … 
1 1 1
18.       … does not exist
12 6 3
for the sum S of a general infinite geometric series, multiply each side of the 19. 3      … 
20. 0.3  0.003  0.00003  … 
equation by r, and subtract equations. See pp. 629A–629F. 21. 0.06  0.006  0.0006  … 
22.   2  6  … does not exist
n1 n1 8
23.  3 
 14  4 24.    
3  34  

2 n1
49. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of 25.   
54 26. 
5(0.1)n  1


the lesson. See pp. 629A–629F. Write each repeating decimal as a fraction.
2 1 43 3
How does an infinite geometric series apply to a bouncing ball?  
27. 0.6
28. 0.0  
29. 0.4  
30. 0.2  
9 28 110 50
31. 0.2  
3 4
32. 0.8   9
33. 0.9  
0 5
34. 0.1  
37 33 111 333
Include the following in your answer:
35. PENDULUMS On its first swing, a pendulum travels 8 feet. On each successive swing,

• some formulas you might expect to see on the chalkboard if the character in 4
the pendulum travels  the distance of its previous swing. What is the total distance
traveled by the pendulum when it stops swinging? 40 ft
the comic strip really was discussing a bouncing ball, and 36. ELASTICITY A ball dropped from a height of 10 feet bounces back  of that distance.
• an explanation of how to find the total distance traveled, both up and down, With each successive bounce, the ball continues to reach  of its previous height. What is
the total vertical distance (both up and down) traveled by the ball when it stops bouncing?

by the bouncing ball described at the beginning of Lesson 11-3. (Hint: Add the total distance the ball falls to the total distance it rises.) 190 ft

/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 658 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2
11-5 Readingto
to Learn
Learn Mathematics
Standardized 50. What is the sum of an infinite geometric series with a first term of 6 and a Mathematics, p. 659 ELL
Infinite Geometric Series
Test Practice 1
common ratio of ? D Pre-Activity How does an infinite geometric series apply to a bouncing ball?

2 Read the introduction to Lesson 11-5 at the top of page 599 in your textbook.
Note the following powers of 0.6: 0.61  0.6; 0.62  0.36; 0.63  0.216;
A 3 B 4 C 9 D 12 0.64  0.1296; 0.65  0.07776; 0.66  0.046656; 0.67  0.0279936. If a ball
is dropped from a height of 10 feet and bounces back to 60% of its previous
height on each bounce, after how many bounces will it bounce back to a
2 2 2 height of less than 1 foot? 5 bounces
51. 2        ...  C
3 9 27 Reading the Lesson
1. Consider the formula S   .
3 80
A  B  C 3 D does not exist a. What is the formula used to find? the sum of an infinite geometric series
2 27 b. What do each of the following represent?
S: the sum Lesson 11-5 Infinite Geometric Series 603 a1: the first term
r: the common ratio
c. For what values of r does an infinite geometric sequence have a sum? 1 r 1
d. Rewrite your answer for part d as an absolute value inequality. | r | 1
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____
2. For each of the following geometric series, give the values of a1 and r. Then state
whether the sum of the series exists. (Do not actually find the sum.)
11-5 Enrichment p. 660 2
a.       …
2 2

3 r

3 9 27
Does the sum exist? yes
Convergence and Divergence 1
b. 2  1      …
1 1
a1  2 r

2 4
Convergence and divergence are terms that relate to the existence of a sum of
an infinite series. If a sum exists, the series is convergent. If not, the series is Does the sum exist? yes
3 3
divergent. Consider the series 12  3      … . This is a geometric
4 16
series with r  . The sum is given by the formula S  
. Thus, the sum
c.  3i a1  3 r 3
4 1r i1
3 Does the sum exist? no
is 12  or 16. This series is convergent since a sum exists. Notice that the
first two terms have a sum of 15. As more terms are added, the sum comes
Helping You Remember
closer (or converges) to 16.
3. One good way to remember something is to relate it to something you already know. How
Recall that a geometric series has a sum if and only if 1
1. Thus, a a (1  rn)
geometric series is convergent if r is between 1 and 1, and divergent if r has can you use the formula Sn  
1 that you learned in Lesson 11-4 for finding the
Lesson 11-5

another value. An infinite arithmetic series cannot have a sum unless all of sum of a geometric series to help you remember the formula for finding the sum of an
the terms are equal to zero. infinite geometric series? Sample answer: If 1 r 1, then as n gets large,
r n approaches 0, so 1  r n approaches 1. Therefore, Sn approaches
Example Determine whether each series is convergent or divergent. a1  1 a1
 , or  .
a. 2  5  8  11  … divergent
1r 1r

b. 2  4  (8)  16  … divergent 659

Lesson 11-5 Infinite Geometric Series 603

Maintain Your Skills
4 Assess Mixed Review Find Sn for each geometric series described. (Lesson 11-4)
1 8744
52. a1  1, a6  243, r  3 182 53. a1  72, r  , n  7 
Open-Ended Assessment 3 81
Writing Have students write 54. PHYSICS A vacuum pump removes 20% of the air from a container with each
their own examples of an infinite stroke of its piston. What percent of the original air remains after five strokes of
geometric series—one that has a the piston? (Lesson 11-3) 32.768%
sum and one that does not. Have
them also write an example of a Solve each equation or inequality. Check your solution. (Lesson 10-1)
1 3
repeating decimal and then 55. 6x  216 3 56. 22x    57. 3x  2  27 x 5
8 2
express it as a fraction.
Simplify each expression. (Lesson 9-2)
x  7 2 5 2a  5b 1 2 1 3
59.  58.   2 2 59.    60.    
(x  3)(x  1) ab a ab x3 x1 2 x  6x  8 x4

Intervention 3x  7
60.  Write an equation for the circle that satisfies each set of conditions. (Lesson 8-3)
New Make sure that (x  4)(x  2)
61. center (2, 4), radius 6 (x  2)2  (y  4)2  36
students can 62. endpoints of a diameter at (7, 3) and (1, 5) (x  3)2  (y  1)2  32
read the nota-
tion used in the Find all the zeros of each function. (Lesson 7-5)
various formulas and that 1 3 7
63. , ,  63. f(x)  8x3  36x2  22x  21 64. g(x)  12x4  4x3  3x2  x
they understand what each 2 2 2
variable and subscript means. 1 1 1
64. , , 0,  Write a quadratic equation with the given roots. Write the equation in the form
2 3 2
ax2  bx  c  0, where a, b, and c are integers. (Lesson 6-3)
65. 6, 6 x 2  36  0 66. 2, 7 67. 6, 4 x 2  10x  24  0
Getting Ready for x2  9x  14  0
RECREATION For Exercises 68
Lesson 11-6 and 69, refer to the graph at the USA TODAY Snapshots®
PREREQUISITE SKILL Students right. (Lesson 2-3)
will use recursive formulas in 68. about 180,724 68. Find the average rate of change Yosemite visitors peak in ’96
Lesson 11-6. This will involve visitors per year of the number of visitors to Visitors at Yosemite National Park:
Yosemite National Park from
their evaluating functions for 1996 to 1999. 1993 3,983,749
given values. Use Exercises 70–75 69. Was the number of visitors 1994 4,105,755
to determine your students’ increasing or decreasing from
familiarity with evaluating 1996 to 1999? The number of 1995 4,101,928

functions for given values. visitors was decreasing. 1996 4,190,557

1997 3,801,397

1998 3,792,754

1999 3,648,384

Source: Yosemite National Park By Hilary Wasson and Quin Tian, USA TODAY

Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL Find each function value.

the Next Lesson (To review evaluating functions, see Lesson 2-1.)
70. ƒ(x)  2x, ƒ(1) 2 71. g(x)  3x  3, g(2) 3

73. ƒ(x)  3x  1, ƒ 

1 1
72. h(x)  2x  2, h(0) 2
2 2
74. g(x)  x2, g(2) 4 75. h(x)  2x2  4, h(0) 4
604 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Online Lesson Plans

USA TODAY Education’s Online site offers resources and
interactive features connected to each day’s newspaper.
Experience TODAY, USA TODAY’s daily lesson plan, is
available on the site and delivered daily to subscribers.
This plan provides instruction for integrating USA TODAY
graphics and key editorial features into your mathematics
classroom. Log on to

604 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

A Preview of Lesson 11-6 Investigation
A Preview of Lesson 11-6
Amortizing Loans Getting Started
When a payment is made on a loan, part of the payment is used to cover the interest
that has accumulated since the last payment. The rest is used to reduce the principal, Objective To discover how a
or original amount of the loan. This process is called amortization. You can use a spreadsheet can express a rela-
spreadsheet to analyze the payments, interest, and balance on a loan. A table that
shows this kind of information is called an amortization schedule. tionship in which the calculation
of the value of the next term
Example involves using the value of the
Marisela just bought a new sofa for $495. The store is letting her make
previous term.
monthly payments of $43.29 at an interest rate of 9% for one year. How
much will she still owe after six months?
Every month, the interest on the remaining balance will be  or 0.75%. You can
12 Teach
find the balance after a payment by multiplying the balance after the previous
payment by 1  0.0075 or 1.0075 and then subtracting 43.29. Ask students why the balance is
In a spreadsheet, use the column of
multiplied by 1.0075 rather than
numbers for the number of payments 0.75%. to find the balance plus the
and use column B for the balance. Enter interest
the interest rate and monthly payment
in cells in column A so that they can
be easily updated if the information
changes. Assess
The spreadsheet at the right shows the
formulas for the balances after each of In Exercises 1–5, students should
the first six payments. After six months, • be able to relate the list of
Marisela still owes $253.04. payments to the series and
sequences they have been
Exercises • be able to use a spreadsheet to
1. Let bn be the balance left on Marisela’s loan after n months. Write an equation make a flexible table of
relating bn and bn + 1. bn  1  1.0075bn  43.29 payments.
2. Payments at the beginning of a loan go more toward interest than payments at
the end. What percent of Marisela’s loan remains to be paid after half a year? about 51%
3. Extend the spreadsheet to the whole year. What is the balance after 12 payments?
Why is it not 0? About $0.02; the balance is not exactly 0 due to rounding. Study Notebook
4. Suppose Marisela decides to pay $50 every month. How long would it take her to
pay off the loan? 11 months You may wish to have students
5. Suppose that, based on how much she can afford, Marisela will pay a variable summarize this activity and what
amount each month in addition to the $43.29. Explain how the flexibility of a they learned from it.
spreadsheet can be used to adapt to this situation. See margin.
6. Jamie has a three-year, $12,000 car loan. The annual interest rate is 6%, and his
monthly payment is $365.06. After twelve months, he receives an inheritance
which he wants to use to pay off the loan. How much does he owe at that point? $8236.91

Spreadsheet Investigation Amortizing Loans 605 Answer

5. Changing the monthly payment
only requires editing the amount
subtracted in the formula in each

Spreadsheet Investigation Amortizing Loans 605

Lesson Recursion and
Notes Special Sequences
• Recognize and use special sequences.

1 Focus • Iterate functions.

Vocabulary is the Fibonacci sequence 7 months

5-Minute Check • Fibonacci sequence illustrated in nature?
6 months
Transparency 11-6 Use as • recursive formula
A shoot on a sneezewort plant must
a quiz or review of Lesson 11-5. • iteration 5 months
grow for two months before it is
strong enough to put out another 4 months
Mathematical Background notes shoot. After that, it puts out at least
are available for this lesson on one shoot every month. 3 months
p. 576D. Month 1 2 3 4 5 2 months
1Shoots 1 1 2 3 5
is the Fibonacci Start
sequence illustrated in
nature? SPECIAL SEQUENCES Notice that the sequence 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, … has a
pattern. Each term in the sequence is the sum of the two previous terms. For
Ask students:
example, 8  3  5 and 13  5  8. This sequence is called the Fibonacci sequence ,
• What number follows 5 in the and it is found in many places in nature.
Fibonacci sequence? 8 first term a1 1
• Is the Fibonacci sequence an second term a2 1
arithmetic sequence? no Is it a third term a3 a1  a2 112
geometric sequence? no Explain. fourth term a4 a2  a3 123
There is no common difference and fifth term a5 a3  a4 235
no common ratio.


Study Tip nth term an an  2  an  1

Reading Math The formula an  an  2  an  1 is an example of a recursive formula . This means

A recursive formula is that each term is formulated from one or more previous terms. To be able to use a
often called a recursive
recursive formula, you must be given the value(s) of the first term(s) so that you can
relation or a recurrence
start the sequence and then use the formula to generate the rest of the terms.

Example 1 Use a Recursive Formula

Find the first five terms of the sequence in which a1  4 and an  1  3an  2,
n 1.
TEACHING TIP an  1  3an  2 Recursive formula
an  a1  (n  1)d and
a1  1  3a1  2 n1 a3  1  3a3  2 n3
an  a1r n  1 are not
recursive. These a2  3(4)  2 or 10 a1  4 a4  3(28)  2 or 82 a3  28
sequences are deter-
mined by the number of a2  1  3a2  2 n2 a4  1  3a4  2 n4
the term n rather than by
the preceding term. a3  3(10)  2 or 28 a2  10 a5  3(82)  2 or 244 a4  82

The first five terms of the sequence are 4, 10, 28, 82, and 244.

606 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters Graphing Calculator and 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-6
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 661–662 Spreadsheet Masters, p. 47 Real-World Transparency 11
• Skills Practice, p. 663 Teaching Algebra With Manipulatives Answer Key Transparencies
• Practice, p. 664 Masters, pp. 285, 286–287
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 665 Technology
• Enrichment, p. 666 Interactive Chalkboard
• Assessment, p. 694
Example 2 Find and Use a Recursive Formula
GARDENING Mr. Yazaki discovered that there were 225 dandelions in his
garden on the first Saturday of spring. He had time to pull out 100, but by the
2 Teach
next Saturday, there were twice as many as he had left. Each Saturday in spring,
he removed 100 dandelions, only to find that the number of remaining
dandelions had doubled by the following Saturday.
a. Write a recursive formula for the number of dandelions Mr. Yazaki finds in
In-Class Examples Power
his garden each Saturday.
1 Find the first five terms of
Let dn represent the number of dandelions at the beginning of the nth Saturday.
Mr. Yazaki will pull 100 of these out of his garden, leaving dn  100. The the sequence in which a1  5
number dn  1 of dandelions the next Saturday will be twice this number. So, and an  1  2an  7, n  1.
dn  1  2( dn  100) or 2dn  200. 5, 17, 41, 89, 185
b. Find the number of dandelions Mr. Yazaki would find on the fifth Saturday. Teaching Tip Make sure
On the first Saturday, there were 225 dandelions, so d1  225. students understand that you
dn  1  2dn  200 Recursive formula
use the value of one term to
find the value of the next term.
d1  1  2d1  200 n1 d3  1  2d3  200 n3
d2  2(225)  200 or 250 d4  2(300)  200 or 400 2 BIOLOGY Dr. Elliot is growing
d2  1  2d2  200 n2 d4  1  2 d4  200 n4 cells in lab dishes. She starts
d3  2(250)  200 or 300 d5  2(400)  200 or 600 with 108 cells Monday morn-
On the fifth Saturday, there would be 600 dandelions in Mr. Yazaki’s garden.
ing and then removes 20 of
these for her experiment. By
You can use sequences to analyze some games.
Tuesday the remaining cells
have multiplied by 1.5. She
again removes 20. This pattern
repeats each day in the week.
Special Sequences
The object of the Towers of Hanoi game is to move a stack of n coins from
a. Write a recursive formula for
one position to another in the fewest number an of moves with these rules. the number of cells Dr. Elliot
• You may only move one coin at a finds each day before she re-
time. moves any. cn  1  1.5(cn  20)
• A coin must be placed on top of or cn  1  1.5cn  30
another coin, not underneath.
b. Find the number of cells she
• A smaller coin may be placed on
top of a larger coin, but not vice will find on Friday morning.
versa. For example, a penny may not be placed on top of a dime. 303
Model and Analyze
1. Draw three circles on a sheet of paper, as shown above. Place a penny on
the first circle. What is the least number of moves required to get the penny
to the second circle? 1
2. Place a nickel and a penny on the first circle, with the penny on top. What is
the least number of moves that you can make to get the stack to another
circle? (Remember, a nickel cannot be placed on top of a penny.) 3
3. Place a nickel, penny, and dime on the first circle. What is the least number
of moves that you can take to get the stack to another circle? 7
Make a Conjecture
4. Place a quarter, nickel, penny, and dime on the first circle. Experiment to find
the least number of moves needed to get the stack to another circle. Make a
conjecture about a formula for the minimum number an of moves required
to move a stack of n coins. 15; an  2n  1 Lesson 11-6 Recursion and Special Sequences 607

Algebra Activity
Materials: compass, penny, nickel, dime, quarter
• Tell students that according to Martin Gardner, in The Scientific American Book
of Mathematical Puzzles & Diversions, the “Tower of Hanoi was invented by
the French mathematician Edouard Lucas and sold as a toy in 1883.”
• The toy usually has 3 pegs, with a tower of 8 disks on one peg. The task is to
transfer all 8 disks to one of the vacant pegs, using the rules in the activity, in
the fewest possible moves.
Lesson 11-6 Recursion and Special Sequences 607
ITERATION Study Tip ITERATION Iteration is the process of composing a function with itself
repeatedly. For example, if you compose a function with itself once, the result is f ⴰ
In-Class Example Power Look Back f(x) or f(f(x)). If you compose a function with itself two times, the result is f ⴰ f ⴰ f (x)
Point® To review composition of or f(f(f(x))), and so on.
functions, see Lesson 7-7.
You can use iteration to recursively generate a sequence. Start with an initial value
3 Find the first three iterates x0. Let x1  f(x0), x2  f(x1) or f(f(x0)), x3  f( x2) or f(f(f(x0))), and so on.
x1, x2, x3 of the function
f(x)  3x  1 for an initial Example 3 Iterate a Function
value of x0  5. 14, 41, 122 Find the first three iterates x1, x2, x3 of the function f(x)  2x  3 for an initial
value of x0  1.
To find the first iterate x1, find the value of the function for x0  1.

3 Practice/Apply x1  f(x0)
Iterate the function.

x0  1

 2(1)  3 or 5 Simplify.

To find the second iterate x2, substitute x1 for x.

Study Notebook x2  f(x1) Iterate the function.

 f(5) x1  5

Have students—  2(5)  3 or 13 Simplify.

• add the definitions/examples of Substitute x2 for x to find the third iterate.

the vocabulary terms to their x3  f(x2) Iterate the function.
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for  f(13) x2  13
Chapter 11.  2(13)  3 or 29 Simplify.
• include any other item(s) that they Therefore, 1, 5, 13, 29 is an example of a sequence generated using iteration.
find helpful in mastering the skills
in this lesson.

Concept Check 1. Write recursive formulas for the nth terms of arithmetic and geometric
sequences. an  an  1  d; an  r  an  1
2. OPEN ENDED Write a recursive formula for a sequence whose first three terms
About the Exercises… are 1, 1, and 3. Sample answer: an = 2an  1  an  2
Organization by Objective 3. State whether the statement xn xn  1 is sometimes, always, or never true if
xn  f(xn  1). Explain. Sometimes; see margin for explanation.
• Special Sequences: 13–30
• Iteration: 31–39 Guided Practice Find the first five terms of each sequence. 5. 3, 2, 0, 3, 7
Odd/Even Assignments GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. a1  12, an  1  an  3 12, 9, 6, 3, 0 5. a1  3, an  1  an  n
Exercises 13–24 and 31–38 are Exercises Examples 6. a1  0, an  1  2an  4 7. a1  1, a2  2, an  2  4an  1  3an
structured so that students 4–7 1, 2 0,  4, 4, 12, 20 1, 2, 5, 14, 41
8–10 3 Find the first three iterates of each function for the given initial value.
practice the same concepts 11, 12 2 8. f(x)  3x  4, x0  3 9. f(x)   2x  5, x0  2 10. f(x)  x2  2, x0  1
whether they are assigned 5, 11, 29 1, 3, 1 3, 11, 123
odd or even problems. Application BANKING For Exercises 11 and 12, use the following information.
Rita has deposited $1000 in a bank account. At the end of each year, the bank posts
interest to her account in the amount of 5% of the balance, but then takes out a $10
Assignment Guide annual fee.
Basic: 13–19 odd, 23, 25–30, 11. Let b0 be the amount Rita deposited. Write a recursive equation for the balance
31–35 odd, 39–55 bn in her account at the end of n years. bn  1.05bn  1  10
Average: 13–25 odd, 26–30, 12. Find the balance in the account after four years. $1172.41
31–37 odd, 39–55 608 Chapter 11 Sequenses and Series

Advanced: 14–24 even, 25–30,

32–40 even, 41–49 (optional:
Differentiated Instruction
Kinesthetic Have students make and play a Tower of Hanoi game as
described in the notes for the Algebra Activity. Students can cut 8
cardboard squares of graduated sizes and move them between three
circles to represent the pegs. Students can also do additional research
about this classic puzzle.

608 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

★ indicates increased difficulty Study
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE

Guide andIntervention
____________ PERIOD _____

11-6 Study Guide and

Practice and Apply p. 661 (shown)
Recursion and Specialand p. 662
Special Sequences In a recursive formula, each succeeding term is formulated from

Lesson 11-6
one or more previous terms. A recursive formula for a sequence has two parts:

Homework Help Find the first five terms of each sequence. 1. the value(s) of the first term(s), and
2. an equation that shows how to find each term from the term(s) before it.
For See 13. a1  6, an  1  an  3 14. a1  13, an  1  an  5 Example
Exercises Examples Find the first five terms of the sequence in which a1  6, a2  10,
and an  2an  2 for n 3.

13–30 1–2 15. a1  2, an  1  an  n 16. a1  6, an  1  an  n  3 a1  6

a2  10
31–39 3 17. a1  9, an  1  2 an  4 18. a1  4, an  1  3an  6 a3  2a1 2(6)  12
a4  2a2  2(10)  20
a5  2a3  2(12)  24

Extra Practice 19. a1  1, a2  5, an  1  an  an  1 The first five terms of the sequence are 6, 10, 12, 20, 24.

See page 853. 20. a1  4, a2  3, an  2  an  1  2an Exercises

13. 6, 3, 0, 3, 6 Find the first five terms of each sequence.

★ 21. a1  72, an  1   n
  an 1. a1  1, a2  1, an  2(an  1  an  2), n  3 1, 1, 4, 10, 28

14. 13, 18, 23, 28, 33 1 1 2 3 5

2. a1  1, an   , n  2 1,  ,  ,  , 

15. 2, 1, 1, 4, 8

1a n1 2 3 5 8
n2  1
★ 22. a1  34, an  1     an
3. a1  3, an  an  1  2(n  2), n  2 3, 3, 5, 9, 15
16. 6, 10, 15, 21, 28
4. a1  5, an  an  1  2, n  2 5, 7, 9, 11, 13
17. 9, 14, 24, 44, 84 23. If a0  7 and an  1  an  12 for n  0, find the value of a5. 67
5. a1  1, an  (n  1)an  1, n  2 1, 1, 2, 6, 24
18. 4, 6, 12, 30, 84
19. 1, 5, 4, 9, 13 24. If a0  1 and an  1  2.1 for n  0, then what is the value of a4? 2.1
6. a1  7, an  4an  1  1, n  2 7, 27, 107, 427, 1707

20. 4, 3, 5, 1, 9 7. a1  3, a2  4, an  2an  2  3an  1, n  3 3, 4, 18, 62, 222

7 7 7 7 7 GEOMETRY For Exercises 25 and 26, use the following information. 8. a1  0.5, an  an  1  2n, n  2 0.5, 4.5, 10.5, 18.5, 28.5
21. , , , , 
2 4 6 8 10 Join two 1-unit by 1-unit squares to form a rectangle. Next, draw a larger square 9. a1  8, a2  10, an  
an  1
an  2
, n  3 8, 10, 0.8, 12.5, 0.064

3 3 15 25 425 along a long side of the rectangle. Continue this process of drawing a square along
22. , , , ,  an  1
10. a1  100, an   , n  2
50 50 50
100, 50,  ,  , 
4 2 4 2 8 a long side of the rectangle formed at the previous step. n 3 12 60

/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 661 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2

11-6 Practice,
Practice (Average)
p. 663 and
Recursion p.
and 664
Find the first five terms of each sequence.
1. a1  3, an  1  an  5 2. a1  7, an  1  an  8
3, 8, 13, 18, 23 7, 1, 9, 17, 25
3. a1  3, an  1  3an  2 4. a1  8, an  1  10  an
3, 7, 19, 55, 163 8, 18, 8, 18, 8
5. a1  4, an  1  n  an 6. a1  3, an  1  3an
4, 3, 5, 2, 6 3, 9, 27,81, 243
7. a1  4, an  1  3an  4 8. a1  2, an  1  4an  5
4, 8, 28, 80, 244 2, 13, 47, 193, 767
Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 9. a1  3, a2  1, an  1  an  an  1 10. a1  1, a2  5, an  1  4an  1  an
3, 1, 2, 3, 1 1, 5, 9, 29, 65
11. a1  2, a2  3, an  1  5an  8an  1 12. a1  2, a2  1, an  1  2an  6an  1
25. Write the sequence of the lengths of the sides of the squares you added 2, 3, 31, 131, 407 2, 1, 14, 34, 152
at each step. Begin the sequence with the lengths of the sides of the two Find the first three iterates of each function for the given initial value.

original squares. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, … 13. f(x)  3x  4, x0  1 1, 7, 25 14. f(x)  10x  2, x0  1 8, 78, 778

15. f(x)  8  3x, x0  1 11, 41, 131 16. f(x)  8  x, x0  3 11, 3, 11

26. Identify the sequence in Exercise 25. the Fibonacci sequence 17. f(x)  4x  5, x0  1 1, 9, 41 18. f(x)  5(x  3), x0  2 5, 40, 215

19. f(x)  8x  9, x0  1 1, 1, 1 20. f(x)  4x2, x0  1 4; 64; 16,384

21. f(x)  x2  1, x0  3 8, 63, 3968 22. f(x)  2x2; x0  5 50; 5000; 50,000,000
27. LOANS The Cruz family is taking out a mortgage loan for $100,000 to 23. INFLATION Iterating the function c(x)  1.05x gives the future cost of an item at a

Real Estate Agent buy a house. Their monthly payment is $678.79. The recursive formula constant 5% inflation rate. Find the cost of a $2000 ring in five years at 5% inflation.

Most real estate agents are bn  1.006 bn  1  678.79 describes the balance left on the loan after n FRACTALS For Exercises 24–27, use the
following information.
3 in.

independent business- payments. Find the balances of the loan after each of the first eight payments. Replacing each side of the square shown with the
combination of segments below it gives the figure
people who earn their to its right.
24. What is the perimeter of the original square?
income from commission. 12 in.
1 in.

GEOMETRY For Exercises 28–30, study the triangular numbers shown below. 25. What is the perimeter of the new shape? 20 in.
1 in.

1 in.
1 in.

1 in.

Online Research 26. If you repeat the process by replacing each side of the new shape by a proportional
combination of 5 segments, what will the perimeter of the third shape be? 1
33  in.
To learn more about a 27. What function f(x) can you iterate to find the perimeter of each successive shape if you
continue this process? f(x)  5
career in real estate, visit: x
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 664 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2

11-6 Readingto to Learn
Learn Mathematics
Mathematics, p. 665 ELL
Recursion and Special Sequences
Pre-Activity How is the Fibonacci sequence illustrated in nature?

Lesson 11-6
Read the introduction to Lesson 11-6 at the top of page 606 in your textbook.
Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5
27. $99,921.21, What are the next three numbers in the sequence that gives the number of
shoots corresponding to each month? 8, 13, 21

$99,841.95, $99,762.21, 28. Write a sequence of the first five triangular numbers. 1, 3, 6, 10, 15 Reading the Lesson
$99,681.99, $99,601.29, 1. Consider the sequence in which a1  4 and an  2an  1  5.
$99,520.11, $99,438.44, 29. Write a recursive formula for the nth triangular number tn. tn  tn  1  n a. Explain why this is a recursive formula. Sample answer: Each term is found
from the value of the previous term.
30. What is the 200th triangular number? 20,100 b. Explain in your own words how to find the first four terms of this sequence. (Do not
actually find any terms after the first.) Sample answer: The first term is 4. To
find the second term, double the first term and add 5. To find the third
term, double the second term and add 5. To find the fourth term, Lesson 11-6 Recursion and Special Sequences 609 double the third term and add 5.
c. What happens to the terms of this sequence as n increases? Sample answer:
They keep getting larger and larger.

2. Consider the function f(x)  3x  1 with an initial value of x0  2.

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ a. What does it mean to iterate this function?

Answers Enrichment,
11-6 Enrichment p. 666
to compose the function with itself repeatedly
b. Fill in the blanks to find the first three iterates. The blanks that follow the letter x
are for subscripts.

3. If f(x)  x 2 and x1  2, then x2  22 Continued Fractions

x1  f(x 0 )  f( 2 )  3( 2 )  1 

x2  f(x 1 )  f( 5 )  3( 5 )  1  14
6 1 5

or 4, so x2 x1. But, if x1  1, then The fraction below is an example of a continued fraction. Note that each
fraction in the continued fraction has a numerator of 1. x3  f(x 2 )  f( 14 )  3( 14 )  1  41

x2  1, so x2  x1.
2   c. As this process continues, what happens to the values of the iterates?
3  1 Sample answer: They keep getting larger and larger.

Example 1 Evaluate the continued Example 2 Change  into a 25 Helping You Remember
fraction above. Start at the bottom and continued fraction.
work your way up. 3. Use a dictionary to find the meanings of the words recurrent and iterate. How can the
Follow the steps. meanings of these words help you to remember the meaning of the mathematical terms
1 20 1 21
Step 1: 4         25 22 3
Step 1:       2  
3 recursive and iteration? How are these ideas related? Sample answer: Recurrent
5 5 5 5 11 11 11 11
1 5 means happening repeatedly, while iterate means to repeat a process or
Step 2: 
Step 2:   
operation. A recursive formula is used repeatedly to find the value of one
 21 11 11
5  term of a sequence based on the previous term. Iteration means to
5 63
Step 3: 3        
5 68 11 9 2 2 compose a function with it self repeatedly. Both ideas have to do with
21 21 21 21 Step 3:       3  
3 3 3 3 repetition—doing the same thing over and over again.
1 21 2 1
Step 4: 
  Step 4:   
 68 3 3

21 2 665
21 21

Lesson 11-6 Recursion and Special Sequences 609

Find the first three iterates of each function for the given initial value.

4 Assess 31. f(x)  9x  2, x0  2 16, 142, 1276 32. f(x)  4x  3, x0  2 5, 17, 65

33. f(x)  3x  5, x0  4 7, 16, 43 34. f(x)  5x  1, x0  1 4, 19, 94
Open-Ended Assessment 35. f(x)  2x2  5, x0  1 3, 13, 333 36. f(x)  3x2  4, x0  1 1, 1, 1
5 37 1445
Speaking Have students 37. , ,  ★ 37. f(x)  2x2  2x  1, x0  12 ★ 38. f(x)  3x2  3x  2, x0  1
2 2 2 3
explain, with examples, what it 4
38. ,

means to say that a formula or a 3 3 3 39. ECONOMICS If the rate of inflation is 2%, the cost of an item in future years
can be found by iterating the function c(x)  1.02x. Find the cost of a $70
function is recursive. portable stereo in four years if the rate of inflation remains constant. $75.77

40. No; according to 40. CRITICAL THINKING Are there a function f(x) and an initial value x0 such that
the first two iterates, the first three iterates, in order, are 4, 4, and 7? If so, state such a function and
Intervention f(4)  4. According to initial value. If not, explain.
New Make sure that the second and third
students iterates, f(4)  7. 41. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
understand the Since f(x) is a the lesson. See margin.
language used function, it cannot How is the Fibonacci sequence illustrated in nature?
have two values when
in this lesson, particularly x  4. Include the following in your answer:
iteration, iterative, and iterate. • the 13th term in the Fibonacci sequence, with an explanation of what it tells
you about the plant described, and
• an explanation of why the Fibonacci sequence is neither arithmetic nor
Getting Ready for
Lesson 11-7 Standardized 42. If a is positive, what percent of 4a is 8? D
Test Practice a a 8 200
BASIC SKILL Students will use the A % B  % C  % D %
100 2 a a
Binomial Theorem in Lesson 11-7.
43. The figure at the right is made of three concentric y
This will involve their simplify- semicircles. What is the total area of the shaded
ing factorial expressions. Use regions? C
Exercises 50–55 to determine your A 4 units2 B 10 units2
students’ familiarity with evalu- C 12 units2 D 20 units2 O 2 4 6 x
ating the kinds of expressions
they will encounter when
simplifying factorials. Maintain Your Skills
Mixed Review Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists. (Lesson 11-5)
Assessment Options 1 1 1 1 8 16 12
44. 9  6  4  … 27 45.       …  46. 4 –     … 
Quiz (Lessons 11-5 and 11-6) is 8 32 128 6 3 9 5
available on p. 694 of the Find the sum of each geometric series. (Lesson 11-4)
Chapter 11 Resource Masters. 1 1093
47. 2  10  50  … to 6 terms 5208 48. 3  1    … to 7 terms 
3 243

49. GEOMETRY The area of rectangle ABCD A B

Answer is 6x2  38x  56 square units. Its width is
2x  8 units. What is the length of the rectangle?
41. Under certain conditions, the (Lesson 5-3) 3x  7 units
2x  8
Fibonacci sequence can be used
to model the number of shoots on D C
a plant. Answers should include Getting Ready for BASIC SKILL Evaluate each expression. 51. 5040
the following. 43
the Next Lesson 50. 5  4  3  2  1 120 51. 7  6  5  4  3  2  1 52.  6
• The 13th term of the sequence 654 9876 10  9  8  7  6  5
53.  20 54.  126 55.  210
is 233, so there are 233 shoots 321 4321 654321
on the plant during the 13th 610 Chapter 11 Sequenses and Series
• The Fibonacci sequence is not
arithmetic because the differ-
ences (0, 1, 1, 2, …) of the terms
are not constant. The Fibonacci
sequence is not geometric
because the ratios 1, 2, , …
of the terms are not constant.

610 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

A Follow-Up of Lesson 11-6

A Follow-Up of Lesson 11-6

Fractals Getting Started

Fractals are sets of points that often involve intricate geometric shapes. Many Objective To apply iterations to
fractals have the property that when small parts are magnified, the detail of the
fractal is not lost. In other words, the magnified part is made up of smaller copies of
various aspects of the Koch
itself. Such fractals can be constructed recursively. snowflake fractal.
You can use isometric dot paper to draw stages of the construction of a fractal called Materials
the von Koch snowflake. isometric dot paper
Stage 1 Draw an equilateral triangle with sides Stage 2 Now remove the middle third of each
of length 9 units on the dot paper. side of the triangle from Stage 1 and
draw the other two sides of an
equilateral triangle pointing outward. Teach
• Have students explore the
difference between using dot
paper and graph paper in
terms of counting the units in
the perimeter.
• Tell students that one of the
characteristics of the Koch
Stage 1 Stage 2 snowflake is that the area of the
interior is finite but its perime-
Imagine continuing this process indefinitely. The von Koch snowflake is the shape ter is infinite. Invite them to
that these stages approach. explore fractals using the many
related sites on the Internet.
n1 n1
Model and Analyze 3. sn  3  4n  1, ᐉn  9 3  34 
, Pn  27 
1. Copy and complete the table. Draw Stage 3, if necessary.
Stage 1 2 3 4
Number of Segments 3 12 48 192
In Exercises 1–3, students should
Length of each Segment 9 3 1 
• be able to see the iterative
Perimeter 27 36 48 64 1 4 nature of these data.
2. sn  4sn  1, ᐉn  ᐉn  1, Pn  Pn  1
3 3 • make the generalizations that
2. Write recursive formulas for the number sn of segments in Stage n, the length ᐉn will form the parts of the
of each segment in Stage n, and the perimeter Pn of Stage n.
3. Write nonrecursive formulas for sn, ᐉn, and Pn.
4. What is the perimeter of the von Koch snowflake? Explain. See pp. 629A–629F. In Exercises 4–7, students should
5. Explain why the area of the von Koch snowflake can be represented by the infinite • apply the formulas of the
813 273 43 previous lessons.
series     33    ... . See pp. 629A–629F.
4 4 3
6. Find the sum of the series in Exercise 5. Explain your steps. See pp. 629A–629F. • understand that fractals have
7. Do you think the results of Exercises 4 and 6 are contradictory? Explain. See pp. 629A–629F. mathematical characteristics
that distinguish them from
Investigating Slope-Intercept Form 611 ordinary polygons.
Algebra Activity Fractals 611

Resource Manager
Teaching Algebra with Glencoe Mathematics Classroom
Manipulatives Manipulative Kit Study Notebook
• p. 19 (isometric dot paper) • isometric dot grid stamp
You may wish to have students
• p. 284 (student recording sheet)
summarize this activity and what
they learned from it.

Algebra Activity Fractals 611

Lesson The Binomial Theorem

• Use Pascal’s triangle to expand powers of binomials.

1 Focus • Use the Binomial Theorem to expand powers of binomials.

Vocabulary does a power of a binomial describe the

5-Minute Check • Pascal’s triangle numbers of boys and girls in a family?
Transparency 11-7 Use as • Binomial Theorem According to the U.S. Census Bureau, ten percent of families have three or more
a quiz or review of Lesson 11-6. • factorial children. If a family has four children, there are six sequences of births of boys
and girls that result in two boys and two girls. These sequences are listed below.
Mathematical Background notes
are available for this lesson on BBGG BGBG BGGB GBBG GBGB GGBB
p. 576D.

does a power of a bino- PASCAL’S TRIANGLE You can use the coefficients in powers of binomials
mial describe the num- to count the number of possible sequences in situations such as the one above.
bers of boys and girls in a family? Remember that a binomial is a polynomial with two terms. Expand a few powers
of the binomial b  g.
Ask students:
(b  g)0  1b0g0
• In this problem, does the order (b  g)1  1b1g0  1b0g1
make a difference, or is any (b  g)2  1b2g0  2b1g1  1b0g1
family with 2 girls and 2 boys (b  g)3  1b3g0  3b2g1  3b1g2  1b0g3
the same as any other? Order
(b  g)4  1b4g0  4b3g1  6b2g2  4b1g3  1b0g4
does make a difference.
The coefficient 6 of the b2g2 term in the expansion of (b  g)4 gives the number
• What does b2g2 represent in the of sequences of births that result in two boys and two girls. As another example,
triangle shown? Any sequence the coefficient 4 of the b1g3 term gives the number of sequences with one boy
with 2 boys and 2 girls. and 3 girls.
Here are some patterns that can be seen in any binomial expansion of the form (a + b)n.
Pascal’s Triangle
Although he did not
1. There are n  1 terms.
discover it, Pascal’s triangle 2. The exponent n of (a  b)n is the exponent of a in the first term and the exponent
is named for the French of b in the last term.
mathematician Blaise 3. In successive terms, the exponent of a decreases by one, and the exponent of b
Pascal (1623–1662).
increases by one.
4. The sum of the exponents in each term is n.
5. The coefficients are symmetric. They increase at the beginning of the expansion
and decrease at the end.
The coefficients form a pattern that is often displayed in a triangular formation.
This is known as Pascal’s triangle . Notice that each row begins and ends with 1.
Each coefficient is the sum of the two coefficients above it in the previous row.
(a  b)0 1
(a  b)1 1 1
(a  b)2 1 2 1
(a  b)3 1 3 3 1
(a  b)4 1 4 6 4 1
← ← ← ← ← ← ← ←
(a  b)5 1 5 10 10 5 1
612 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-7
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 667–668 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 669
• Practice, p. 670 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 671 Interactive Chalkboard
• Enrichment, p. 672
Example 1 Use Pascal’s Triangle
Expand (x + y)7. 2 Teach
Write two more rows of Pascal’s triangle.
1 6 15 20 15 6 1 PASCAL’S TRIANGLE
1 7 21 35 35 21 7 1 In-Class Example Power
Use the patterns of a binomial expansion and the coefficients to write the
expansion of (x + y)7. 1 Expand (p  q)5. p 5  5p 4q 
(x  y)7 1x7y0  7x6y1  21x5y2  35x4y3  35x3y4  21x2y5  7x1y6  1x0y7 10p 3q 2  10p 2q 3  5pq 4  q 5
 x7  7x6y  21x5y2  35x4y3  35x3y4  21x2y5  7xy6  y7

THE BINOMIAL THEOREM Another way to show the coefficients in a THE BINOMIAL THEOREM
binomial expansion is to write them in terms of the previous coefficients.
(a  b)0 1 Eliminate common
In-Class Example Power
factors that are
(a  b)1 1  shown in color. 2 Expand (t  s)8. t 8  8t 7s 
(a  b)2 1


28t 6s 2  56t 5s 3  70t 4s 4 
1 12 56t 3s 5  28t 2s 6  8ts7  s 8
3 32 321
(a  b)3 1   
1 12 123 Teaching Tip Have students
4 43 432 4321 discuss each of the various pat-
(a  b)4 1    
1 12 123 1234 terns in these examples to make
sure they see what happens with
This pattern provides the coefficients of (a  b)n for any nonnegative integer n. The
pattern is summarized in the Binomial Theorem . coefficients, exponents, and signs.

Binomial Theorem
If n is a nonnegative integer, then
n n(n  1) n(n  1)(n  2)
(a  b)n  1anb0  an  1b1  an  2b2  an  3b3  ...  1a0bn.
1 12 123

Example 2 Use the Binomial Theorem

Expand (a  b)6.
6 65 654
The expansion will have seven terms. Use the sequence 1, , ,  to find
1 12 123
the coefficients for the first four terms. Then use symmetry to find the remaining
6 65 654
(a  b)6  1a6 (b)0  a5 (b)1  a4 (b)2  a3 (b)3  ...  1a0 (b)6
1 12 123
 a6  6a5b  15a4b2  20a3b3  15a2b4  6ab5  b6
Notice that in terms having the same coefficients, the exponents are reversed,
Study Tip as in 15a4b2 and 15a2b4.
On a TI-83 Plus, the
factorial symbol, !, is The factors in the coefficients of binomial expansions involve special products
located on the called factorials . For example, the product 4  3  2  1 is written 4! and is read 4
PRB menu. factorial. In general, if n is a positive integer, then n!  n(n  1)(n  2)(n  3) ... 2 • 1.
By definition, 0!  1. Lesson 11-7 The Binomial Theorem 613

Lesson 11-7 The Binomial Theorem 613

In-Class Examples Power Example 3 Factorials
6! Evaluate .
3 Evaluate  . 15
8! 87654321 8! 8  7  6  5! 876
   Note that 8! = 8  7  6  5!, so    or 
3!5! 32154321 3!5! 3!5! 321
Teaching Tip Encourage
students to write the factors and   or 56
simplify before they calculate.

4 Expand (3x  y)4. 81x 4 

108x 3y  54x 2y 2  12xy 3  y 4 An expression such as  in Example 2 can be written as a quotient of
Study Tip 654 6!
Teaching Tip Make sure stu- factorials. In this case,   . Using this idea, you can rewrite the
123 3!3!
dents understand that 0!  1 by Missing Steps expansion of (a  b)6 using factorials.
definition, and also that 1!  1. If you don’t understand a
654 6! 6! 6! 6! 6! 6! 6!
step like   ,
(a  b)6  a6b0  a5b1  a4b2  a3b3  a2b4  a1b5  a0b6
3!3! 6!0! 5!1! 4!2! 3!3! 2!4! 1!5! 0!6!
work it out on a piece of
scrap paper. You can also write this series using sigma notation.
654 6  5  4  3!
(a  b)6   a6  kbk
123 1  2  3  3! 6!
(6  k)!k!
In general, the Binomial Theorem can be written both in factorial notation and in
sigma notation.

Binomial Theorem, Factorial Form

n! n! n! n!
(a  b)n  anb0  an  1b1  an  2b2  ...  a0bn
n!0! (n  1)!1! (n  2)!2! 0!n!

an  kbk
(n  k)!k!

Example 4 Use a Factorial Form of the Binomial Theorem

Expand (2x  y)5.
(2x  y)5   (2x)5kyk
Binomial Theorem, factorial form
(5  k)!k!
5! 5! 5! 5! 5!
A common mistake  (2x)5y0  (2x)4y1  (2x)3y2  (2x)2y3  (2x)1y4 
5!0! 4!1! 3!2! 2!3! 1!4!
students make is forget-
ting to evaluate (2x)5 as 5!
(2x)0y5 Let k  0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
25x5. Inserting the line 0!5!
1(32x5)  5(16x4)y  54321
54321 54321
10(8x3)y2  10(4x2)y3   (2x)5  (2x)4 y  (2x)3 y2 
543211 43211 32121
5(2x)y4  y5 might help.
54321 54321 54321
(2x)2 y3  (2x)y4  y5
21321 14321 154321

 32x5  80x4y  80x3y2  40x2y3  10xy4  y5 Simplify.

Sometimes you need to know only a particular term of a binomial expansion.

Note that when the Binomial Theorem is written in sigma notation, k  0 for the
first term, k  1 for the second term, and so on. In general, the value of k is always
one less than the number of the term you are finding.
614 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
7. p 5  5p 4q  10p 3q 2  10p 2q 3 
5pq 4  q 5
8. t 6  12t 5  60t 4  160t 3  240t 2  192t  64 24. a 4  8a 3  24a 2  32a  16
9. x 4  12x 3y  54x 2y 2  108xy 3  81y 4 25. 16b 4  32b 3x  24b 2x 2  8bx 3  x 4
19. a 3  3a 2b  3ab 2  b 3 26. 64a 6  192a 5b  240a 4b 2  160a 3b 3  60a 2b 4  12ab 5  b 6
20. m 4  4m 3n  6m 2n 2  4mn 3  n 4 27. 243x 5  810x 4y  1080x 3y 2  720x 2y 3  240xy 4  32y 5
21. r 8  8r 7s  28r 6s 2  56r 5s 3  70r 4s 4  56r 3s 5  28r 2s 6  28. 81x 4  216x 3y  216x 2y 2  96xy 3  16y 4
8rs7  s 8 a5 5a 4
29.     5a 3  20a 2  40a  32
22. m 5  5m 4a  10m 3a 2  10m 2a 3  5ma 4  a 5 32 8
10m 3 5m 4 m5
23. x 5  15x 4  90x 3  270x 2  405x  243 30. 243  135m  30m 2      
3 27 243

614 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Example 5 Find a Particular Term In-Class Example Power
Find the fifth term in the expansion of (p + q)10.
First, use the Binomial Theorem to write the expansion in sigma notation. 5 Find the fourth term in the
(p  q)10   p10  kqk
10! expansion of (a  3b)4. 108ab3
(10  k)!k!
In the fifth term, k  4.
10! 10!
p10  kqk   p10  4q4
(10k)!k! (104)!4!
10  9  8  7

10! 10  9  8  7  6!
10  9  8  7
3 Practice/Apply
4321 6! 4! 6!4! 4321

 210p6q4 Simplify.

Study Notebook
Have students—
• add the definitions/examples of
Concept Check 1. List the coefficients in the row of Pascal’s triangle corresponding to n  8.
the vocabulary terms to their
1. 1, 8, 28, 56, 70, 2. Identify the coefficient of an - 1b in the expansion of (a  b)n. n
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for
56, 28, 8, 1 3. OPEN ENDED Write a power of a binomial for which the first term of the
expansion is 625x4. Sample answer: (5x + y)4 Chapter 11.
• add the Study Tip on p. 613 to
Guided Practice Evaluate each expression. their list of tips about the
13! 12!
GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. 8! 40,320 5.  17,160 6.  66
9! 2!10! graphing calculator.
Exercises Examples
Expand each power. 7–9. See margin. • include any other item(s) that they
4–6 3 7. (p  q)5 8. (t  2)6 9. (x  3y)4
7–9, 12 1, 2, 4 find helpful in mastering the skills
10, 11 5 Find the indicated term of each expansion. in this lesson.
10. fourth term of (a  b)8 56a 5b 3 11. fifth term of (2a  3b)10
1,088,640a 6b 4
Application 12. SCHOOL Mr. Hopkins is giving a five-question true-false quiz. How many
ways could a student answer the questions with three trues and two falses? 10

★ indicates increased difficulty

Practice and Apply
About the Exercises…
Organization by Objective
Homework Help Evaluate each expression. • Pascal’s Triangle: 19–22,
For See 9! 34–41
Exercises Examples 13. 9! 362,880 14. 13! 6,227,020,800 15.  72
13–18 3 7! 12! 14! • The Binomial Theorem:
16.  210 17.  495 18. 
19–33 1, 2, 4 4! 8!4! 5!9! 13–18, 23–33
34–41 5
Expand each power. 19-30. See margin.
Odd/Even Assignments
Extra Practice 19. (a  b)3 20. (m  n)4 21. (r  s)8
Exercises 13–30 and 34–41 are
See page 853. 22. (m  a)5 23. (x  3)5 24. (a  2)4
structured so that students
25. (2b  x)4 26. (2a  b)6 27. (3x  2y)5 practice the same concepts
5 5
28. (3x  2y)4 ★ 29. 
2  ★ 30. 3  m
whether they are assigned
odd or even problems.
31. GEOMETRY Write an expanded expression
for the volume of the cube at the right.
27x 3  54x 2  36x  8 cm3 Assignment Guide
Basic: 13–27 odd, 31–39 odd,
3x  2 cm 42–62 Lesson 11-7 The Binomial Theorem 615 Average: 13–39 odd, 41–62
Advanced: 14–40 even, 42–58
(optional: 59–62)
Differentiated Instruction ELL All: Practice Quiz 2 (1–10)

Verbal/Linguistic Have pairs of students work together to make up a

jingle or a poem that describes the patterns in the Binomial Theorem.
The poem should describe at least three of the five patterns in the
Binomial Theorem described on p. 612 of the Student Edition.

Lesson 11-7 The Binomial Theorem 615

NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

11-7 Guide
Study andIntervention
Guide and Intervention, 32. GAMES The diagram shows the board for a game
p. 667 (shown)
The Binomial Theoremand p. 668 in which ball bearings are dropped down a chute. A
Pascal’s Triangle Pascal’s triangle is the pattern of coefficients of powers of binomials
displayed in triangular form. Each row begins and ends with 1 and each coefficient is the
pattern of nails and dividers causes the bearings to
sum of the two coefficients above it in the previous row.
take various paths to the sections at the bottom. For
(a  b)0 1

b)2 1
Pascal’s triangle displays each section, how many paths through the board lead
to that section? 1, 4, 6, 4, 1
Pascal’s Triangle

b)4 1
many patterns. Visit
(a 1 5 10 10 5 1

Lesson 11-7
Example Use Pascal’s triangle to find the number of possible sequences webquest to continue
consisting of 3 as and 2 bs.
The coefficient 10 of the a3b2-term in the expansion of (a  b)5 gives the number of work on your WebQuest
sequences that result in three as and two bs.
Expand each power using Pascal’s triangle.

1. (a  5)4 a4  20a 3  150a 2  500a  625

2. (x  2y)6 x 6  12x 5y  60x 4y 2  160x 3y 3  240x 2y 4  192xy 5  64y 6

33. INTRAMURALS Ofelia is taking ten shots in the intramural free-throw
3. ( j  3k)5 j 5  15j 4k  90j 3k 2  270j 2k 3  405jk 4  243k 5
shooting competition. How many sequences of makes and misses are there
that result in her making eight shots and missing two? 45
4. (2s  t)7 128s7  448s 6t  672s 5t 2  560s 4t 3  280s 3t 4  84s 2t 5  14st 6  t 7

5. (2p  3q)6 64p 6  576p 5q  2160p4q 2  4320p 3q 3  4860p 2q 4  2916pq 5  729q 6

Find the indicated term of each expansion.

6. a   
b 4
a4  2a3b   a2b2   ab3   b4
16 34. sixth term of (x  y)9 126x 4y 5 35. seventh term of (x  y)12 924x 6y 6
7. Ray tosses a coin 15 times. How many different sequences of tosses could result in 4 36. fourth term of (x  2)7 280x 4 37. fifth term of (a  3)8 5670a 4
heads and 11 tails? 1365
38. fifth term of (2a  3b)10 39. fourth term of (2x  3y)9
8. There are 9 true/false questions on a quiz. If twice as many of the statements are true as
1,088,640a 6b 4 7 145,152x 6y 3 10
★ 40. fourth term of x  13 35x4 ★ 41. sixth term of x  1 63x 5
false, how many different sequences of true/false answers are possible? 84

/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 667 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2
27 2 8
11-7 Practice,
Practice (Average)
p. 669 and 12! 12! 13!
Practice, p.Theorem
670 (shown) 42. CRITICAL THINKING Explain why      without finding the value
The Binomial 7!5! 6!6! 7!6!
Evaluate each expression. of any of the expressions. See pp. 629A–629F.
9! 20!
1. 7! 5040 2. 11! 39,916,800 3.  3024 4.  380
5! 18!
8! 8! 12! 41!
5.  28 6.  56 7.  924 8.  10,660
6!2! 5!3! 6!6! 3!38!
43. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of
Expand each power.
9. (n  v)5 n 5  5n 4v  10n 3v 2  10n 2v 3  5nv 4  v 5 the lesson. See pp. 629A–629F.
10. (x  y)4 x 4  4x 3y  6x 2y 2 4xy 3  y 4

11. (x  y)6 x 6  6x 5y  15x 4y 2  20x 3y 3  15x 2y 4  6xy 5  y 6

How does a power of a binomial describe the numbers of boys and girls in a
12. (r  3)5 r 5  15r 4  90r 3  270r 2  405r  243 family?
13. (m  5)5 m 5  25m4  250m 3  1250m 2  3125m  3125

14. (x  4)4 x 4  16x 3  96x 2  256x  256

Include the following in your answer:
15. (3x  y)4 81x 4  108x 3y  54x 2y 2  12xy 3  y 4
• the expansion of (b  g)5 and what it tells you about sequences of births of
16. (2m  y)4 16m 4  32m 3y  24m 2y 2  8my 3  y 4
17. (w  3z)3 w 3  9w 2z  27wz 2  27z 3
boys and girls in families with five children, and
18. (2d  3)6 64d 6  576d 5  2160d 4  4320d 3  4860d 2  2916d  729 • an explanation of how to find a formula for the number of sequences of births
19. (x  2y)5 x 5  10x 4y  40x 3y 2  80x 2y 3  80xy 4  32y 5

20. (2x  y)5 32x 5  80x 4y  80x 3y 2  40x 2y 3  10xy 4  y 5

that have exactly k girls in a family of n children.
21. (a  3b)4 a 4  12a 3b  54a 2b 2  108ab 3  81b4
22. (3  2z)4 16z 4  96z 3  216z 2  216z  81

23. (3m  4n)3 27m 3  108m 2n  144mn 2  64n 3

24. (5x  2y)4 625x 4  1000x 3y  600x 2y 2  160xy 3  16y 4

Standardized 44. Which of the following represents the values of x that are solutions of the
Find the indicated term of each expansion.
Test Practice inequality x2
x  20? D
25. seventh term of (a  b)10 210a 4b 6 26. sixth term of (m  n)10 252m 5n 5 A x  4
27. ninth term of (r  s)14 3003r 6s 8 28. tenth term of (2x  y)12 1760x 3y 9

29. fourth term of (x  3y)6 540x 3y 3 30. fifth term of (2x  1)9 4032x 5 B x
31. GEOMETRY How many line segments can be drawn between ten points, no three of
which are collinear, if you use exactly two of the ten points to draw each segment? 45
C 5
32. PROBABILITY If you toss a coin 4 times, how many different sequences of tosses will
give exactly 3 heads and 1 tail or exactly 1 head and 3 tails? 8
D 4
NAME ______________________________________________
670 DATE ____________
Al _____
/M G Hill b 2
45. If four lines intersect as shown in the ᐉ3
11-7 Readingto
to Learn
Learn Mathematics ELL
Mathematics, p. 671
The Binomial Theorem
figure at the right, x  y  C
Pre-Activity How does a power of a binomial describe the numbers of boys and
girls in a family?
A 70.
Read the introduction to Lesson 11-7 at the top of page 612 in your textbook.
B 115.
• If a family has four children, list the sequences of births of girls and boys
that result in three girls and one boy. BGGG GBGG GGBG GGGB

• Describe a way to figure out how many such sequences there are without
C 140. ᐉ4
listing them. Sample answer: The boy could be the first,
second, third, or fourth child, so there are four sequences
with three girls and one boy.
D It cannot be determined y˚ 145˚
from the information given.
Reading the Lesson ᐉ1
1. Consider the expansion of (w  z)5.
a. How many terms does this expansion have? 6
b. In the second term of the expansion, what is the exponent of w? 4
What is the exponent of z? 1
616 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
What is the coefficient of the second term? 5
c. In the fourth term of the expansion, what is the exponent of w? 2

What is the exponent of z? 3 NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____

What is the coefficient of the fourth term? 10

d. What is the last term of this expansion? z 5

11-7 Enrichment p. 672
2. a. State the definition of a factorial in your own words. (Do not use mathematical Patterns in Pascal’s Triangle
symbols in your definition.) Sample answer: The factorial of any positive
integer is the product of that integer and all the smaller integers down You have learned that the coefficients in the expansion of (x  y)n yield a
to one. The factorial of zero is one. number pyramid called Pascal’s triangle.
b. Write out the product that you would use to calculate 10!. (Do not actually calculate Row 1 1
the product.) 10  9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1 Row 2 1 1
Row 3 1 2 1
c. Write an expression involving factorials that could be used to find the coefficient of the Row 4 1 3 4 1
third term of the expansion of (m  n)6. (Do not actually calculate the coefficient.)  Row 5 1 4 6 4 1
4!2! Row 6 1 5 10 10 5 1
Row 7 1 6 15 20 15 6 1
Helping You Remember
As many rows can be added to the bottom of the pyramid as you please.
3. Without using Pascal’s triangle or factorials, what is an easy way to remember the first
two and last two coefficients for the terms of the binomial expansion of (a  b)n? This activity explores some of the interesting properties of this famous
Sample answer: The first and last coefficients are always 1. The second number pyramid.
and next-to-last coefficients are always n, the power to which the
binomial is being raised. 1. Pick a row of Pascal’s triangle.
a. What is the sum of all the numbers in all the rows above the row
you picked? See students’ work.

616 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Maintain Your Skills
Mixed Review Find the first five terms of each sequence. (Lesson 11-6)
4 Assess
46. a1  7, an  1  an  2 7, 5, 3, 1, 1 47. a1  3, an  1  2an  1 3, 5, 9, 17, 33 Open-Ended Assessment
48. CLOCKS The spring in Juanita’s old grandfather clock is broken. When you Writing Have students write
try to set the pendulum in motion by holding it against the wall of the clock their own example of a binomial
and letting go, it follows a swing pattern of 25 centimeters, 20 centimeters,
expansion, using colored pens or
16 centimeters, and so on until it comes to rest. What is the total distance the
pendulum swings before coming to rest? (Lesson 11-5) 125 cm pencils to emphasize the patterns.

Express each logarithm in terms of common logarithms. Then approximate its

value to four decimal places. (Lesson 10-4)
log 5
49. log2 5 ; 2.3219
1 log 8
50. log3 10 ; 2.0959 51. log5 8 ; 1.2920 Intervention
log 2 log 3 log 5
New Invite students
Determine any vertical asymptotes and holes in the graph of each rational to share their
function. (Lesson 9-3) 54. hole: x  3
1 x2 x2  4x  3
52. asymptotes: 52. f(x)    53. f(x)    54. f(x)   about this
x  5x  6
2 2 x  3x  4 x3
x  2, x  3 material in small groups or
53. asymptotes: Without writing the equation in standard form, state whether the graph of each with a partner in order to clear
x  4, x  1 equation is a parabola, circle, ellipse, or hyperbola. (Lesson 8-6)
up any problems.
55. x2  6x  y2  3  0 hyperbola 56. 4y  x  y2  1 parabola

Determine whether each pair of functions are inverse functions. (Lesson 7-8)
57. f(x)  x  3 yes 58. f(x)  2x  1 no Getting Ready for
g(x)  x  3 x1 Lesson 11-8
Getting Ready for PREREQUISITE SKILL State whether each statement is true or false when n  1. prove statements using mathe-
the Next Lesson Explain. (To review evaluating expressions, see Lesson 1-1.)
matical induction in Lesson 11-8.
n(n  1) (n  1)(2n  1)
59–62. See margin for 59. 1   true 60. 1   false This will include their showing
2 2
n2(n  1)2
that a statement is true for n  1
61. 1   true 62. 3n  1 is even. true by evaluating an equation for
that value. Use Exercises 59–62
to determine your students’
P ractice Quiz 2 Lessons 11-4 through 11-7 familiarity with evaluating
Find the sum of each geometric series. (Lessons 11-4 and 11-5) equations for a given value.
1. a1  5, r  3, n  12 1,328,600 2.  2(3)n1
Assessment Options
 823 1 25
3. 24 4. 5  1      Practice Quiz 2 The quiz
5 4
provides students with a brief
Find the first five terms of each sequence. (Lesson 11-6) review of the concepts and skills
5. a1  1, an  1  2an  3 1, 5, 13, 29, 61 6. a1  2, an  1  an  2n 2, 4, 8, 14, 22 in Lessons 11-4 through 11-7.
Lesson numbers are given to the
7. Find the first three iterates of the function f(x)  3x  2 for an initial value right of the exercises or instruc-
of x0  1. (Lesson 11-6) 5, 13, 41
tion lines so students can review
Expand each power. (Lesson 11-7) 8. 243x 5  405x 4y  270x 3y 2  90x 2y 3  15xy 4  y 5 concepts not yet mastered.
9. (a  2)6 a  12a  60a  160a 
6 5 4 3
8. (3x  y)5
240a2  192a  64
10. Find the fifth term of the expansion of (2a  b)9. (Lesson 11-7) 4032a 5b 4 Answers
1(1  1) 1(2)
Lesson 11-7 The Binomial Theorem 617 59.    or 1
2 2
(1  1)(2  1  1) 2(3)
60.    or 3
2 2
12(1  1)2 1(4)
61.    or 1
4 4
62. 31  1  2, which is even

Lesson 11-7 The Binomial Theorem 617

Lesson Proof and
Notes Mathematical Induction
• Prove statements by using mathematical induction. 5

1 Focus • Disprove statements by finding a counterexample.


Vocabulary does the concept of a ladder help you

5-Minute Check • mathematical induction prove statements about numbers?
Transparency 11-8 Use as • inductive hypothesis 2
Imagine the positive integers as a ladder that goes
a quiz or review of Lesson 11-7. upward forever. You know that you cannot leap to the top
of the ladder, but you can stand on the first step, and no
Mathematical Background notes matter which step you are on, you can always climb one
are available for this lesson on step higher. Is there any step you cannot reach?
p. 576D.

does the concept of a MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION Mathematical induction is used to prove

statements about positive integers. An induction proof consists of three steps.
ladder help you prove
statements about numbers? Study Tip Mathematical Induction
Ask students: Step 1 Show that the statement is true for some integer n.
Step 1
Why is it not enough to prove In many cases, it will be Step 2 Assume that the statement is true for some positive integer k, where k  n.
helpful to let n  1.
only Step 2 and Step 3? Steps 2 This assumption is called the inductive hypothesis .
and 3 prove the statement for the next Step 3 Show that the statement is true for the next integer k  1.
integer, given that it is true for some
integer. You must prove the statement
for some specific value of n in order Example 1 Summation Formula
to prove that the statement is true for Prove that the sum of the squares of the first n positive integers is
any value of k that is greater than or n(n  1)(2n  1) n(n  1)(2n  1)
. That is, prove that 12  22  32  •••  n2  .
equal to n. 6 6
Step 1 When n  1, the left side of the given equation is 12 or 1. The right
1(1  1)[2(1)  1]
side is 
or 1. Thus, the equation is true for n  1.
Step 2 Assume 12  22  32  •••  k2   for a positive integer k.

Step 3 Show that the given equation is true for n  k  1.

k(k  1)(2k  1) Add (k + 1)2
12  22  32  •••  k2  (k  1)2    (k  1)2 to each side.
k(k  1)(2k  1)  6(k  1) 2

(k  1)[k(2k  1)  6(k  1)]

(k  1)[2k  7k  6]
(k  1)(k  2)(2k  3)
(k  1)[(k  1)  1][2(k  1)  1]

618 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Resource Manager
Workbook and Reproducible Masters Transparencies
Chapter 11 Resource Masters 5-Minute Check Transparency 11-8
• Study Guide and Intervention, pp. 673–674 Answer Key Transparencies
• Skills Practice, p. 675
• Practice, p. 676 Technology
• Reading to Learn Mathematics, p. 677 Interactive Chalkboard
• Enrichment, p. 678
• Assessment, p. 694
The last expression on page 618 is the right side of the equation to be
proved, where n has been replaced by k  1. Thus, the equation is true for
n  k  1.
n(n  1)(2n  1)
2 Teach
This proves that 12  22  32  •••  n2   for all positive integers n.
Example 2 Divisibility
Prove that 7n  1 is divisible by 6 for all positive integers n.
In-Class Examples Power

Step 1 When n  1, 7n  1  71  1 or 6. Since 6 is divisible by 6, the statement 1 Prove that 1  3  5  … 

is true for n  1. (2n  1)  n2. Step 1: When
Step 2 Assume that  1 is divisible by 6 for some positive integer k. This
7k n  1, the left side of the given
means that there is a whole number r such that 7k  1  6r. equation is 1. The right side is 12.
Step 3 Show that the statement is true for n  k  1. Since 1  12, the equation is
TEACHING TIP true for n  1. Step 2: Assume
7k  1  6r Inductive hypothesis
Point out that, since k is 1  3  5  …  (2k  1)  k 2
a positive integer, 7k  1 7k  6r  1 Add 1 to each side.
is a positive integer.
for a positive integer k. Step 3:
7(7k)  7(6r  1) Multiply each side by 7.
Therefore, r must also be Does 1  3  5  … 
7k  1  42r  7 Simplify.
a positive integer. This [2(k  1)  1]  (k  1)2? Yes,
type of reasoning will 7k  1  1  42r  6 Subtract 1 from each side.
the left side simplifies to
help students analyze the 7k  1  1  6(7r  1) Factor.
factorizations that they k2  2k  1 or (k  1)2 which is
obtain in Exercises 7, 19, Since r is a whole number, 7r  1 is a whole number. Therefore, 7k  1  1 equal to the right side.
and 20. is divisible by 6. Thus, the statement is true for n  k  1.
2 Prove that 6n  1 is divisible
This proves that 7n  1 is divisible by 6 for all positive integers n.
by 5 for all positive integers n.
Proof uses steps similar to those
Study Tip COUNTEREXAMPLES Of course, not every formula that you can write is true. in Example 2 in the Student
A formula that works for a few positive integers may not work for every positive Edition.
Reading Math integer. You can show that a formula is not true by finding a counterexample. This
One of the meanings of
often involves trial and error.
counter is to oppose, so
a counterexample is an
example that opposes a Example 3 Counterexample COUNTEREXAMPLES
Find a counterexample for the formula 14  24  34  •••  n4 = 1  (4n  4)2. In-Class Example Power
Check the first few positive integers.

n Left Side of Formula Right Side of Formula 3 Find a counterexample for

1 14 or 1 1  [4(1)  4]2 1 02 or 1 true the formula that n2  n  5 is
2 14  24  1  16 or 17 1  [4(2)  4]2 1 42 or 17 true always a prime number for
3 14  24  34  1  16  81 or 98 1  [4(3)  4]2  1  64 or 65 false any positive integer n. n  4

The value n  3 is a counterexample for the formula.

3 Practice/Apply
Concept Check 1. Describe some of the types of statements that can be proved by using
mathematical induction.
1–2. See pp.
Study Notebook
2. Explain the difference between mathematical induction and a counterexample.
Have students—
3. OPEN ENDED Write an expression of the form bn  1 that is divisible by 2 for all
positive integers n. Sample answer: 3n  1 • complete the definitions/examples Lesson 11-8 Proof and Mathematical Induction 619
for the remaining terms on their
Vocabulary Builder worksheets for
Chapter 11.
• include any other item(s) that they
Differentiated Instruction
find helpful in mastering the skills
Visual/Spatial Have students demonstrate proof by induction by in this lesson.
laying out a “train” of dominoes. Have them relate the steps in an
inductive proof to the requirements that (1) the first domino must fall
and (2) if any one domino falls, the next one must fall.

Lesson 11-8 Proof and Mathematical Induction 619

Guided Practice Prove that each statement is true for all positive integers. 4–7. See pp. 629A–629F.
n(n  1)
About the Exercises… GUIDED PRACTICE KEY 4. 1  2  3  •••  n  
1 1 1 1 1
5.   2  3  •••  n  1  n
2 2 2 2 2
Organization by Objective Exercises Examples 6. 4n  1 is divisible by 3. 7. 5n  3 is divisible by 4.
• Mathematical Induction: 4, 5, 10 1
6, 7 2 Find a counterexample for each statement.
8, 9 3 8. 1  2  3  •••  n  n2 9. 2n  2n is divisible by 4.
• Counterexamples: 25–30
Sample answer: n  2 Sample answer: n  3
Odd/Even Assignments Application 10. PARTIES Suppose that each time a new guest arrives at a party, he or she
Exercises 11–20 and 25–30 are shakes hands with each person already at the party. Prove that after n guests
n(n  1)
structured so that students have arrived, a total of  handshakes have taken place. See pp. 629A–629F.
practice the same concepts
whether they are assigned ★ indicates increased difficulty
odd or even problems.
Practice and Apply
Assignment Guide Homework Help Prove that each statement is true for all positive integers.
For See 11. 1  5  9  •••  (4n  3)  n(2n  1) 11–20. See pp. 629A–629F.
Basic: 11–27 odd, 31–42 Exercises Examples
n(3n  1)
Average: 11–29 odd, 31–42 11–23, 31
1, 2
12. 2  5  8  •••  (3n  1)  
Advanced: 12–30 even, 31–42 25–30 3 n2(n  1)2
13. 13  23  33  •••  n3  
Extra Practice
See page 853. n(2n  1)(2n  1)
14. 12  32  52  •••  (2n  1)2  

4 Assess 15.   2  3  •••  n  1  n 

3 3
1 1
2 3

Open-Ended Assessment
1 1 1 1 1

16.   2  3  •••  n   1  n
4 4 4 4 3 4 
Speaking Have students explain 17. 8n  1 is divisible by 7.
how you can prove or disprove 18. 9n  1 is divisible by 8.
statements by using induction
19. 12n  10 is divisible by 11.
and counterexamples.
20. 13n  11 is divisible by 12.

21. ARCHITECTURE A memorial being

Intervention constructed in a city park will be a brick
wall, with a top row of six gold-plated
New Use simple bricks engraved with the names of six
examples to local war veterans. Each row has two
help students more bricks than the row above it.
understand the Prove that the number of bricks in the
Architecture top n rows is n2  5n. See pp. 629A–629F.
principles of an inductive The Vietnam Veterans
proof before they get involved Memorial lists the names 22. GEOMETRIC SERIES Use mathematical induction to prove the formula
in elaborate calculations. of 58,220 deceased or a (1  rn)
missing soldiers. a1  a1r  a1r2  •••  a1rn1  
 for the sum of a finite geometric series.
1 r
Source: National Parks Service
23. ARITHMETIC SERIES Use mathematical induction to prove the formula
Assessment Options n
a1  (a1  d)  (a1  2d)  •••  [a1  (n  1)d]  [2 a1  (n  1)d] for
Quiz (Lessons 11-7 and 11-8) is 22–23. See pp. the sum of an arithmetic series.
available on p. 694 of the 629A–629F.
Chapter 11 Resource Masters. 24. PUZZLES Show that a 2n by 2n checkerboard with the top right
square missing can always be covered by nonoverlapping
L-shaped tiles like the one at the right. See pp. 629A–629F.
620 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

31. Write 7n as (6  1)n. Then use the Binomial Theorem.
7n  1  (6  1)n  1
n(n  1)
 6n  n  6n  1   6n  2  …  n  6  1  1
n(n  1) n  2
 n 6n 6n  1   6 …n6
Since each term in the last expression is divisible by 6, the whole expression is divisible
by 6. Thus, 7n  1 is divisible by 6.

620 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Find a counterexample for each statement. Study
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE

Guide andIntervention
____________ PERIOD _____

11-8 Study Guide and

n(3n  1) p. 673 (shown) and p. 674
25. 12  22  32  •••  n2  
Sample answer: n  3 Proof and Mathematical Induction
Mathematical Induction Mathematical induction is a method of proof used to prove
26.    •••  (2n 
13 33 53 
1)3 12n3  12n Sample answer: n  4
23n2 statements about positive integers.

Step 1 Show that the statement is true for some integer n.

27. 3n  1 is divisible by 4. Sample answer: n  2

Mathematical Step 2 Assume that the statement is true for some positive integer k where k  n.
Induction Proof This assumption is called the inductive hypothesis.
Step 3 Show that the statement is true for the next integer k  1.

28. 2n  2n2 is divisible by 4. Sample answer: n  3 Example Prove that 5  11  17  …  (6n  1)  3n2  2n.

★ 29. n2  n  11 is prime. Sample answer: n  11

Step 1 When n  1, the left side of the given equation is 6(1)  1  5. The right side is
3(1)2  2(1)  5. Thus the equation is true for n  1.
Step 2 Assume that 5  11  17  …  (6k  1)  3k2  2k for some positive integer k.

★ 30. n2  n  41 is prime. Sample answer: n  41 Step 3 Show that the equation is true for n  k  1. First, add [6(k  1)  1] to each side.
5  11  17  …  (6k  1)  [6(k  1)  1]  3k2  2k  [6(k  1)  1]
 3k2  2k  6k  5 Add.

31. See margin. 31. CRITICAL THINKING Refer to Example 2. Explain how to use the Binomial  3k2  6k  3  2k  2 Rewrite.

Lesson 11-8
 3(k2  2k  1)  2(k  1) Factor.
Theorem to show that 7n  1 is divisible by 6 for all positive integers n.  3(k  1)2  2(k  1) Factor.

The last expression above is the right side of the equation to be proved, where n has been
replaced by k  1. Thus the equation is true for n  k  1.

32. WRITING IN MATH Answer the question that was posed at the beginning of This proves that 5  11  17  …  (6n  1)  3n  2n for all positive integers n.

the lesson. See pp. 629A–629F. Exercises

Prove that each statement is true for all positive integers.

How does the concept of a ladder help you prove statements about numbers? 1. 3  7  11  …  (4n  1)  2n2  n.
Step 1 The statement is true for n  1 since 4(1)  1  3 and 2(1)2  1  3.
Step 2 Assume that 3  7  11  …  (4k  1)  2k 2  k for some
Include the following in your answer: positive integer k.
Step 3 Adding the (k  1)st term to each side from step 2, we get
3  7  11  …  (4k  1)  [4(k  1)  1]  2k 2  k  [4(k  1)  1].
• an explanation of which part of an inductive proof corresponds to stepping Simplifying the right side of the equation gives 2(k  1)2  (k  1), which is
the statement to be proved.
onto the bottom step of the ladder, and 2. 500  100  20  …  4  54  n  625 1  n .  1

Step 1 The statement is true for n  1, since 4  54  1  4  53  500 and
• an explanation of which part of an inductive proof corresponds to climbing 1

625 1  1   (625)  500.
5 5
from one step on the ladder to the next. Step 2 Assume that 500  100  20  …  4  54  k  625 1  k for  1

some positive integer k. 5
x   Step 3 Adding the (k  1)st term to each side from step 2 and simplifying
gives 500  100  20  …  4  54  k  4  53  k 
Standardized 33. 
4 4
 C 1
625 1  k  4  53  k  625 1  

k  1 , which is the statement
Test Practice 1    2 to be proved.
x x Gl NAME
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 673 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2

x2  2
x2  2x
x2  2x

11-8 Practice,
Practice (Average)
p. 675 and
x2 x2 x2 (x  2)2 Practice, p. 676 (shown)
Proof and Mathematical Induction
Prove that each statement is true for all positive integers.
34. Quantitative Comparison 1. 1  2  4  8  …  2n  1  2n  1
Step 1: When n  1, then 2n  1  21  1  20  1  21  1.
Compare the quantity in Column A and the quantity in Column B. Then So, the equation is true for n  1.
Step 2: Assume that 1  2  4  8  …  2k  1  2k  1 for some positive
determine whether: integer k.
Step 3: Show that the given equation is true for n  k  1.
1  2  4  8  …  2k  1  2(k  1)  1  (2k  1)  2(k  1)  1
A the quantity in Column A is greater,  2k  1  2k  2  2k  1  2k  1  1
So, 1  2  4  8  …  2n  1  2n  1 for all positive integers n.

B the quantity in Column B is greater, 2. 1  4  9  …  n2  

n(n  1)(2n  1)
1(1  1)(2  1  1)
Step 1: When n  1, n 2  12  1   ; true for n  1.
C the two quantities are equal, or 6
k(k  1)(2k  1)
Step 2: Assume that 1  4  9  …  k 2   for some positive
D the relationship cannot be determined from the information given. integer k.
Step 3: Show that the given equation is true for n  k  1.
k(k  1)(2k  1)
1  4  9  …  k 2  (k  1)2    (k  1)2
PQRS is a square. A k(k  1)(2k  1) 6(k  1)2
(k  1)[k(2k  1)  6(k  1)]
Q R 6 6 6
(k  1)(2k2  7k  6) (k  1)[(k  2)(2k  3)]
Column A Column B 6
(k  1)[(k  1)  1][2(k  1)  1]

n(n  1)(2n  1)
So, 1  4  9  …  n2   for all positive integers n.
length of Q  6
2  3. 18n  1 is a multiple of 17.
length of R Step 1: When n  1, 18n  1  18  1 or 17; true for n  1.
P S Step 2: Assume that 18k  1 is divisible by 17 for some positive integer k. This
means that there is a whole number r such that 18k  1  17r.
Step 3: Show that the statement is true for n  k  1.
18k  1  17r, so 18k  17r  1, and 18(18k )  18(17r  1). This is
equivalent to 18k  1  306r  18, so 18k  1  1  306r  17, and
Maintain Your Skills 18k  1  1  17(18r  1).
Since r is a whole number, 18r  1 is a whole number, and 18k  1  1 is
divisible by 17. The statement is true for n  k  1. So, 18n  1 is divisible by
17 for all positive integers n.

Mixed Review Expand each power. (Lesson 11-7) 35–37. See margin. Find a counterexample for each statement.
4. 1  4  7  …  (3n  2)  n3  n2  1 5. 5n  2n  3 is divisible by 3.

35. (x  y)6 36. (a  b)7 37. (2x  y)8 Sample answer: n  3

n2  3n  2
Sample answer: n  3

6. 1  3  5  …  (2n  1)   7. 13  23  33  …  n3  n4  n3  1
Sample answer: n  3 Sample answer: n  3
Find the first three iterates of each function for the given initial value. Gl NAME
/M G ______________________________________________
Hill 676 DATE ____________
Al _____
b 2
(Lesson 11-6) Reading
11-8 Readingto to Learn
Learn Mathematics
Mathematics, p. 677 ELL
38. f(x)  3x  2, x0  2 4, 10, 28 39. f(x)  4x2  2, x0  1 2, 14, 782 Proof and Mathematical Induction
Pre-Activity How does the concept of a ladder help you prove statements about
40. BIOLOGY Suppose an amoeba divides into two amoebas once every Read the introduction to Lesson 11-8 at the top of page 618 in your textbook.
hour. How long would it take for a single amoeba to become a colony of What are two ways in which a ladder could be constructed so that you could
not reach every step of the ladder?
4096 amoebas? (Lesson 10-2) 12 h Sample answer: 1. The first step could be too far off the
ground for you to climb on it. 2. The steps could be too far
apart for you to go up from one step to the next.
Solve each equation. Check your solutions. (Lesson 9-6)
1 3 6 a  49 1 Reading the Lesson
41.     2 0, 1
y1 y3
42.   2    14
a7 a  7a a
1. Fill in the blanks to describe the three steps in a proof by mathematical induction.

Step 1 Show that the statement is true for the number 1 .

Step 2 Assume that the statement is true for some positive integer k. Lesson 11-8 Proof and Mathematical Induction 621

Lesson 11-8
This assumption is called the inductive hypothesis .

Step 3 Show that the statement is true for the next integer k1 .

2. Suppose that you wanted to prove that the following statement is true for all positive
3n(n  1)
NAME ______________________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD _____ 3  6  9  …  3n  
Answers Enrichment,
11-8 Enrichment p. 678

a. Which of the following statements shows that the statement is true for n  1? ii
321 312 312
i. 3   ii. 3   iii. 3  

35. x 6  6x 5y  15x 4y 2  20x 3y 3 

2 2 2

Proof by Induction b. Which of the following is the statement for n  k  1? iv

15x 2y 4  6xy 5  y 6
3k(k  1)
Mathematical induction is a useful tool when you want to prove that a i. 3  6  9  …  3k  
statement is true for all natural numbers. 3k(k  1)
ii. 3  6  9  …  3k  1  

36. a7  7a 6b  21a 5b 2  35a 4b 3 

The three steps in using induction are:
1. Prove that the statement is true for n  1. iii. 3  6  9  …  3k  1  3(k  1)(k  2)
2. Prove that if the statement is true for the natural number n, it must also 3(k  1)(k  2)

35a 3b 4  21a 2b 5  7ab 6  b7 be true for n  1.

3. Conclude that the statement is true for all natural numbers.
iv. 3  6  9  …  3(k  1)  

Helping You Remember

37. 256x 8  1024x 7y  1792x 6y 2  Follow the steps to complete each proof.
Theorem A: The sum of the first n odd natural numbers is equal to n2.
3. Many students confuse the roles of n and k in a proof by mathematical induction. What is a
good way to remember the difference in the ways these variables are used in such a proof?
1792x 5y 3  1120x 4y 4  1. Show that the theorem is true for n  1.
1 (1)2
Sample answer: The letter n stands for “number” and is used as a variable
to represent any natural number. The letter k is used to represent a

448x 3y 5  112x 2y 6  16xy7  y 8

particular value of n.

2. Suppose 1  3  5  …  (2n  1)  n2. Show that

1  3  5  …  (2n  1)  (2n  1)  (n  1)2. 677
Add 2  1 t h id f th ti h t th d

Lesson 11-8 Proof and Mathematical Induction 621

Study Guide
and Review
Vocabulary and Concept Check
Vocabulary and
Concept Check arithmetic means (p. 580) geometric means (p. 590) partial sum (p. 599)
arithmetic sequence (p. 578) geometric sequence (p. 588) Pascal’s triangle (p. 612)
• This alphabetical list of arithmetic series (p. 583) geometric series (p. 594) recursive formula (p. 606)
vocabulary terms in Chapter 11 Binomial Theorem (p. 613) index of summation (p. 585) sequence (p. 578)
includes a page reference common difference (p. 578) inductive hypothesis (p. 618) series (p. 583)
where each term was common ratio (p. 588) infinite geometric series (p. 599) sigma notation (p. 585)
introduced. factorial (p. 613) iteration (p. 608) term (p. 578)
Fibonacci sequence (p. 606) mathematical induction (p. 618)
• Assessment A vocabulary
test/review for Chapter 11 is Choose the term from the list above that best completes each statement.
available on p. 692 of the 1. A(n) ______________ of an infinite series is the sum of a certain number of terms. partial sum
Chapter 11 Resource Masters. 2. If a sequence has a common ratio, then it is a(n) _______________. geometric sequence
3. Using __________, the series 2  5  8  11  14 can be written as  (3n  1).
sigma notation n1
Lesson-by-Lesson 4. Eleven and 17 are the two ____ between 5 and 23 in the sequence 5, 11, 17, 23. arithmetic means
Review 5. Using the __________, (a  2)4 can be expanded to a4  8a3  24a2  32a  16. Binomial Theorem
4 8 16 2
6. The __________ of the sequence 3, 2, , ,  is . common ratio
For each lesson, 3 9 27 3
7. The ________ 11  16.5  22  27.5  33 has a sum of 110. arithmetic series
• the main ideas are
summarized, 8. A(n) ____ is expressed as n!  n(n  1)(n  2) … 2  1. factorial

• additional examples review

concepts, and
• practice exercises are provided.
11-1 Arithmetic Sequences
See pages Concept Summary
Vocabulary 578–582.
PuzzleMaker • An arithmetic sequence is formed by adding a constant to each term to get
the next term.
ELL The Vocabulary PuzzleMaker • The nth term an of an arithmetic sequence with first term a1 and common
software improves students’ mathematics difference d is given by an  a1  (n  1)d, where n is any positive integer.
vocabulary using four puzzle formats—
crossword, scramble, word search using a
Examples 1 Find the 12th term of an arithmetic sequence if a1  17 and d  4.
word list, and word search using clues. an  a1  (n  1)d Formula for the nth term

Students can work on a computer screen a12  17  (12  1)4 n  12, a1  17, d  4
or from a printed handout. a12  27 Simplify.

2 Find the two arithmetic means between 4 and 25.

MindJogger an  a1  (n  1)d Formula for the nth term
Videoquizzes a4  4 + (4  1)d n = 4, a1 = 4

25  4  3d a4 = 25
ELL MindJogger Videoquizzes
provide an alternative review of concepts 7d The arithmetic means are 4  7 or 11 and 11  7 or 18.
presented in this chapter. Students work
in teams in a game show format to gain 622 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series
points for correct answers. The questions
are presented in three rounds.
Round 1 Concepts (5 questions)
Students are usually interested in doing well on various kinds of tests.
Round 2 Skills (4 questions)
One way to achieve this goal is by writing their own questions about
Round 3 Problem Solving (4 questions)
the material. Have student volunteers read some of their questions.
For more information Have other student volunteers answer, and have the writer of the
about Foldables, see question comment on the answer. Ask students to use what they
Teaching Mathematics have learned in this discussion to revise their own Foldables.
with Foldables. Encourage students to refer to their Foldables while completing the
Study Guide and Review and to use them in preparing for the
Chapter Test.

622 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review Study Guide and Review

Exercises Find the indicated term of each arithmetic sequence. See Example 2 on p. 579.
9. a1  6, d  8, n  5 38 10. a1  5, d  7, n  22 142
11. a1  5, d  2, n  9 11 12. a1  2, d  3, n  15 44
Find the arithmetic means in each sequence. See Example 4 on page 580. 15. 6, 3, 0, 3
28 20
13. 7, ? , ? , ? , 9 3, 1, 5 14. 12, ? , ? , 4 , 
3 3
15. 9, ? , ? , ? , ? , 6 16. 56, ? , ? , ? , 28 49, 42, 35

11-2 Arithmetic Series

See pages Concept Summary
• The sum Sn of the first n terms of an arithmetic series is given by
n n
Sn  [2a1  (n  1)d] or Sn  (a1  an).
2 2

Example Find Sn for the arithmetic series with a1  34, an  2, and n  9.

Sn  ( a1  an) Sum formula
S9  (34  2) n  9, a1  34, an  2
S9  162 Simplify.

Exercises Find Sn for each arithmetic series. See Examples on pages 584 and 585.
17. a1  12, an  117, n  36 2322 18. 4  10  16  •••  106 990
19. 10  4  (2)  •••  (50) 220 20.  (3n  1)

11-3 Geometric Sequences

See pages Concept Summary
• A geometric sequence is one in which each term after the first is found by
multiplying the previous term by a common ratio.
• The nth term an of a geometric sequence with first term a1 and common
ratio r is given by an  a1  rn1, where n is any positive integer.

Examples 1 Find the fifth term of a geometric sequence for which a1  7 and r  3.
an  a1 • rn  1 Formula for nth term
a5  7 • 35  1 n  5, a1  7, r  3

a5  567 The fifth term is 567.

2 Find two geometric means between 1 and 8.

an  a1  rn  1 Formula for nth term
a4  1  r4  1 n  4 and a1  1

8 r3 a4  8

2r The geometric means are 1(2) or 2 and 2(2) or 4.

Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review 623

Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review 623

Study Guide and Review Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review

Exercises Find the indicated term of each geometric sequence.

See Example 2 on page 589.
21. a1  2, r  2, n  5 32 22. a1  7, r  2, n  4 56
1 2 4 8 64
23. a1  243, r  , n  5 3 24. a6 for , , , ... 
3 3 3 3 3

Find the geometric means in each sequence. See Example 5 on page 590.
15, 30, 60
25. 3, ? , ? , 24 6, 12 26. 7.5, ? , ? , ? , 120
1 1
27. 8, ? , ? , ? , ? ,  4, 2, 1,  28. 5, ? , ? , ? , 80
4 2 10, 20, 40

11-4 Geometric Series

See pages Concept Summary
• The sum Sn of the first n terms of a geometric series is given by
a (1  rn) a  a rn
 or Sn  
1 1
 , where r 1.
1r 1r
Example Find the sum of a geometric series for which a1  7, r  3, and n  14.
a  a rn
1 1
 Sum formula
7  7  314
S14   n  14, a1 7, r  3
S14  16,740,388 Use a calculator.

Exercises Find Sn for each geometric series. See Examples 1 and 3 on pages 595 and 596.
29. a1  12, r  3, n  5 1452 30. 4  2  1   to 6 terms 
1 n  1 11
31. 256  192  144   to 7 terms  32.  

16 n1
2 16

11-5 Infinite Geometric Series

See pages Concept Summary
599–604. a1
• The sum S of an infinite geometric series with 1
1 is given by S   .
Example Find the sum of the infinite geometric series for which a1  18 and r  .
S   Sum formula

18 2
  a1  18, r  
2 7

18 or 14

624 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

624 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review Study Guide and Review

Exercises Find the sum of each infinite geometric series, if it exists.

See Example 1 on page 600. 34. does not exist
11 1 3 9 27 16
33. a1  6, r   72 34.         … 35. 
12 8 16 32 64 n1 13

11-6 Recursion and Special Sequences

See pages Concept Summary
• In a recursive formula, each term is formulated from one or more
previous terms.
• Iteration is the process of composing a function with itself repeatedly.
Examples 1 Find the first five terms of the sequence in which a1  2 and an  1  2an  1.
an  1  2an  1 Recursive formula
a1  1  2a1  1 n1 a3  1  2a3  1 n3
a2  2(2)  1 or 3 a1  2 a4  2(5)  1 or 9 a3  5
a2  1  2a2  1 n2 a4  1  2a4  1 n4
a3  2(3)  1 or 5 a2  3 a5  2(9)  1 or 17 a4  9
The first five terms of the sequence are 2, 3, 5, 9, and 17.

2 Find the first three iterates of f(x)  5x  1 for an initial value of x0  1.
x1  f(x0) x2  f(x1) x3  f(x2)
 f(1)  f(4)  f(21)
 5(1)  1 or 4  5(4)  1 or 21  5(21)  1 or 104

The first three iterates are 4, 21, and 104.

Exercises Find the first five terms of each sequence. See Example 1 on page 606.
36. a1  2, an  1  an  5 37. a1  3, an  1  4 an  10
38. a1  2, an  1  an  3n 2, 5, 11, 20, 32 39. a1  1, a2  3, an  2  an  1  an
36. 2, 3, 8, 13, 18 37. 3, 2, 2, 18, 82 39. 1, 3, 4, 7, 11
Find the first three iterates of each function for the given initial value.
See Example 3 on page 608. 43. 1, 4, 31
40. f(x)  2x  3, x0  1 1, 1, 1 41. f(x)  7x  4, x0  2 10, 66, 458
42. f(x)  x2  6, x0  1 5, 19, 355 43. f(x)  2x2  x  5, x0  2

11-7 The Binomial Theorem

See pages Concept Summary
• Pascal’s triangle can be used to find the coefficients in a binomial expansion.
• The Binomial Theorem: (a  b)n   
an  kbk

Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review 625

Chapter 11 Study Guide and Review 625

• Extra Practice, see pages 851–855.
Study Guide and Review • Mixed Problem Solving, see page 872.

Example Expand (a 2b)4.

Answers 4
(a  2b)4   a4k(2b)k
Binomial Theorem
44. x 3  3x 2y 
3xy 2 y3 k=0

45. x  8x  24x  32x  16

4 3 2 4! 4! 4! 4!
 a4(2b)0  a3(2b)1  a2(2b)2  a1(2b)3  a0(2b)4
4!0! 3!1! 2!2! 1!3! 0!4!
46. 243r 5  405r 4s  270r 3s 2 
90r 2s 3  15rs 4  s 5  a4  8a3b  24a2b2  32ab3  16b4 Simplify.
49. Step 1: When n  1, the left side
Exercises Expand each power. See Examples 1, 2, and 4 on pages 613 and 614.
of the given equation is 1. The
44. (x  y)3 45. (x  2)4 46. (3r  s)5
right side is 21  1 or 1, so the 44–46. See margin. 48. 13,107,200x 9
equation is true for n  1. Find the indicated term of each expansion. See Example 5 on page 615.
Step 2: Assume 47. fourth term of (x  2y)6 160x 3y 3 48. second term of (4x  5)10
1  2  4  …  2k  1  2k  1
for some positive integer k.
Step 3: 1  2  4  …  2k  1  11-8 Proof and Mathematical Induction
2(k  1)  1 See pages Concept Summary
 2k  1  2(k  1)  1 618–621.
• Mathematical induction is a method of proof used to prove statements
 2k  1  2k about the positive integers.
 2  2k  1
 2k  1  1 Example Prove 1  5  25    5n1  (5n  1) for all positive integers n.
The last expression is the right Step 1 When n  1, the left side of the given equation is 1. The right side is
side of the equation to be proved, 1
(51  1) or 1. Thus, the equation is true for n  1.
where n  k  1. Thus, the
equation is true for n  k  1. Step 2 Assume that 1  5  25    5k  1  (5k 1) for some positive integer k.
Therefore, Step 3 Show that the given equation is true for n  k  1.
1  2  4  …  2n  1  2n  1 1
1  5  25    5k  1  5(k  1)  1  (5k  1)  5(k  1) 1 Add 5(k  1)  1 to each side.
for all positive integers n. 4
50. Step 1: 61  1  5, which is  (5k  1)  5k Simplify the exponent.
divisible by 5. The statement is 5k  1  4  5 k
  Common denominator
true for n  1. 4
5  5k 1
Step 2: Assume that 6k  1 is   Distributive Property
divisible by 5 for some positive 1 k+1
 (5  1) 5  5k  5k  1
integer k. This means that 4

6k  1  5r for some whole The last expression above is the right side of the equation to be proved, where n
number r. has been replaced by k  1. Thus, the equation is true for n  k  1.

Step 3: 6k  1  5r 1
This proves that 1  5  25    5n  1  (5n  1) for all positive integers n.
6k  5r  1
6(6k)  6(5r  1) Exercises Prove that each statement is true for all positive integers.
6k  1  30r  6 See Examples 1 and 2 on pages 618 and 619. 49–50. See margin.
6 k  1  1  30r  5 49. 1  2  4    2n  1  2n  1 50. 6n  1 is divisible by 5.
6k  1  1  5(6r  1)
Since r is a whole number, 6r  1 626 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

is a whole number. Thus,

6k  1  1 is divisible by 5, so the
statement is true for n  k  1.
Therefore, 6n  1 is divisible by 5
for all positive integers n.

626 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Practice Test

Vocabulary and Concepts

Assessment Options
Choose the correct term to complete each sentence.
Vocabulary Test A vocabulary
1. A sequence in which each term after the first is found by adding a constant to
the previous term is called a(n) ( arithmetic , geometric) sequence.
test/review for Chapter 11 can
2. A (Fibonacci sequence, series ) is a sum of terms of a sequence.
be found on p. 692 of the Chapter
3. ( Pascal’s triangle , Recursive formulas) and the Binomial Theorem can be used to
11 Resource Masters.
expand powers of binomials.
Chapter Tests There are six
Chapter 11 Tests and an Open-
Skills and Applications Ended Assessment task available
in the Chapter 11 Resource
4. Find the next four terms of the arithmetic sequence 42, 37, 32, … . 27, 22, 17, 12
5. Find the 27th term of an arithmetic sequence for which a1  2 and d  6. 158
6. Find the three arithmetic means between 4 and 16. 1, 6, 11 Chapter 11 Tests
7. Find the sum of the arithmetic series for which a1  7, n  31, and an  127. 2077 Form Type Level Pages
1 1 1 1 1 MC basic 679–680
8. Find the next two terms of the geometric sequence , , , … . , 1
81 27 9 3 2A MC average 681–682
9. Find the sixth term of the geometric sequence for which a1  5 and r  2. 160
2B MC average 683–684
10. Find the two geometric means between 7 and 189. 21, 63 2C FR average 685–686
2 2D FR average 687–688
11. Find the sum of the geometric series for which a1  125, r  , and n  4. 203
Find the sum of each series, if it exists. 13. does not exist 3 FR advanced 689–690
MC = multiple-choice questions
12.  (14  2k) 52 13.  13(2)n  1 14. 91  85  79  •••  (29) 651 15. 12 + ( 6)  3   + •••
2 FR = free-response questions
k3 n=1 8
Find the first five terms of each sequence.
Open-Ended Assessment
16. a1  1, an  1  an  3 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 17. a1  3, an  1  an  n2 3, 2, 2, 11, 27
Performance tasks for Chapter 11
18. Find the first three iterates of f(x)  x2  3x for an initial value of x0  1. 2, 10, 70 can be found on p. 691 of the
19. Expand (2s  3t)5. 32s 5  240s 4t  720s 3t 2  1080s 2t 3  810st 4  243t 5 Chapter 11 Resource Masters. A
sample scoring rubric for these
20. Find the third term of the expansion of (x  y)10. 45x 8y 2
tasks appears on p. A31.
Prove that each statement is true for all positive integers. 2122. See pp. 629A–629F.
21. 1  3  5  •••  (2n  1)  n2 22. 14n  1 is divisible by 13.
TestCheck and
23. DESIGN A landscaper is designing a wall of white brick and red brick. The Worksheet Builder
pattern starts with 20 red bricks on the bottom row. Each row above it contains
3 fewer red bricks than the preceding row. If the top row contains no red bricks, This networkable software has
how many rows are there and how many red bricks were used? 8 rows, 77 bricks three modules for assessment.
24. RECREATION One minute after it is released, a gas-filled balloon has risen 100 feet. • Worksheet Builder to make
In each succeeding minute, the balloon rises only 50% as far as it rose in the worksheets and tests.
previous minute. How far will the balloon rise in 5 minutes? 193.75 ft
9 27 • Student Module to take tests
25. STANDARDIZED TEST PRACTICE Find the next term in the geometric sequence 8, 6, , , … . D
2 8 on-screen.
11 27 9 81
A  B  C  D 
8 16 4 32 • Management System to keep Chapter 11 Practice Test 627 student records.

Portfolio Suggestion
Introduction Throughout this course, you have been working in groups to solve
Ask Students What roles do you play in the group?
• Do you help to keep your group on task? ask questions? just listen and copy
down answers?
• List some ways you are a good group member and some ways you could do
Place your responses in your portfolio.
Chapter 11 Practice Test 627
Test Practice
6. For all n ≠ 0, what is the slope of the line
These two pages contain practice Part 1 Multiple Choice passing through (3n, k) and (n, k)? A
questions in the various formats
Record your answers on the answer sheet k
that can be found on the most A 0 B 
provided by your teacher or on a sheet of 2n
frequently given standardized paper. C
k undefined
1. For all positive integers, let n  n  g,
A practice answer sheet for these where g is the greatest factor of n, and g
n. 7. Which is the graph of the equation
two pages can be found on p. A1 If 18  x, then x  C x2  (y  4)2  20? C
of the Chapter 11 Resource A 9. B 8. A line B parabola
Masters. C circle D ellipse
C 27. D 36.

11 Standardized Test Practice
Test Practice 9
Student Recording
Student Record Sheet,
Sheet (Use with pages 628–629 of p. A1Edition.) 2. If p is positive, what percent of 6p is 12? D x 
the Student
8.   C
Part 1 Multiple Choice
p p 6
1    2
Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval. A % B % x x
1 A B C D 4 A B C D 7 A B C D 9 A B C D
100 2
x x2  3
2 A B C D 5 A B C D 8 A B C D 10 A B C D

% D
% A  B 
3 A B C D 6 A B C D p p x3 x3
Part 2 Short Response/Grid In x2  3x x2  3x
C  D 
Solve the problem and write your answer in the blank.
3. A box is 12 units tall, 6 units long, and 8 units x3 (x  3)2
Also enter your answer by writing each number or symbol in a box. Then fill in
the corresponding oval for that number or symbol.
wide. A designer is creating a new box that
11 13 15 17
must have the same volume as the first box. If 9. What is the sum of the positive even factors
. . .
. . .
. . .
. . the length and width of the new box are each of 30? C
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
2 50% greater than the length and width of the
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
A 18 B 30
first box, about how many units tall will the
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6

new box be? A

7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
9 C 48 D 72
12 14 16
A 5.3 B 6.8
. . .
. . .
. . 10. If ᐉ1 is parallel to ᐉ2
C 7.1 D 8.5
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

in the figure, what

1 1 1 1

2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
is the value of x? D
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

4. Which of the following statements must be A 30

Part 3 Quantitative Comparison
Select the best answer from the choices given and fill in the corresponding oval.
true when 0
1? A 150˚
B 40 x˚ ᐉ1 ᐉ2
I   1
18 A B C D 20 A B C D 22 A B C D

II 4m
1 III m2  m3
19 A B C D 21 A B C D
m C 70

A I only D 80

B III only
Additional Practice
C I and II only
See pp. 697–698 in the Chapter 11
D I, II, and III
Resource Masters for additional Test-Taking Tip
standardized test practice. 4s
Question 5 Some questions ask you to find the
5. If 3kx    3ky, then x  y  ? D value of an expression. It is often not necessary to
find the value of each variable in the expression. For
4s 4s 1 example, to answer Question 5, it is not necessary
A  B   
3kt t 3k to find the values of x and y. Isolate the expression
4s 4s x  y on one side of the equation.
C   k D 
3t 3kt

628 Chapter 11 Standardized Test Practice

TestCheck and
Log On for Test Practice
Worksheet Builder
The Princeton Review offers
additional test-taking tips and Special banks of standardized test
practice problems at their web site. Visit questions similar to those on the SAT, or ACT, TIMSS 8, NAEP 8, and Algebra 1 End-of-Course tests can be found on
this CD-ROM.

628 Chapter 11 Sequences and Series

Aligned and
verified by

Part 2 Short Response/Grid In Part 3 Quantitative Comparison

Record your answers on the answer sheet Compare the quantity in Column A and the
provided by your teacher or on a sheet of quantity in Column B. Then determine
paper. whether:

11. AA A the quantity in Column A is greater,

CC B the quantity in Column B is greater,
If A, B, and C are each digits and A  3B, C the two quantities are equal, or
then what is one possible value of C? 4 or 8
D the relationship cannot be determined
from the information given.
12. In the figure, each arc is a semicircle. If B is
the midpoint of AD and C is the midpoint Column A Column B
of B, what is the ratio of the area of the

semicircle CD to the area of the semicircle 18. the arithmetic mean the arithmetic mean

AD ? 1/16 of three consecutive of five consecutive
integers where x is integers where x is
the median the median
19. The area of Square B is equal to nine times
the area of Square A. C

three times the the perimeter of

perimeter of Square A Square B
13. Two people are 17.5 miles apart. They begin
to walk toward each other along a straight
line at the same time. One walks at the rate
of 4 miles per hour, and the other walks at 20. n  n(n  1) if n is even
the rate of 3 miles per hour. In how many
hours will they meet? 2.5 or 5/2
n  n(n  1) if n is odd C
xy 5 y
14. If   , then   1/4 or .25
x 4 x
8 9
15. A car’s gasoline tank is  full. After adding
7 gallons of gas, the gauge shows that the
tank is  full. How many gallons does the 21. 1  3
 1  3  1  3 1  3 
tank hold? 28 A

22. B
16. If a  15  b, what is the value of 3a  3b? x
45 1
17. If x9   and x7  , and x  0, what is
y 5y
xy xz
the value of x? 15  
2 2 Chapters 11 Standardized Test Practice 629

Chapter 11 Standardized Test Practice 629

Page 577, Chapter 11 Getting Started Page 596, Lesson 11-4
7. y 8. y 3. Sample answer: The first term is a1  2. Divide the
O 2 4 6 x second term by the first to find that the common ratio
4 is r  6. Therefore, the nth term of the series is given
by 2  6n  1. There are five terms, so the series can be
8 5
written as  2  6n  1.
12 n1

16 Page 603, Lesson 11-5

O x 48. S  a1  a1r  a1r 2  a1r 3  …
() rS  a1r  a1r 2  a1r 3  a1r 4  …
9. y 10. y S  rS  a1  0  0  0  0  …
48 6 S(1  r)  a1
40 a1
32 4 1r
16 49. The total distance that a ball bounces, both up and
8 down, can be found by adding the sums of two infinite
geometric series. Answers should include the following.
2 4 6 1 2 4 6 x
a1(1  r n) a1
• an  a1  r n  1, Sn  , or S  
1r 1r
• The total distance the ball falls is given by the infinite
Additional Answers for Chapter 11

Page 582, Lesson 11-1 geometric series 3  3(0.6)  3(0.6)2  …. The sum
49. 3
of this series is  or 7.5. The total distance the
1  0.6
ball bounces up is given by the infinite geometric
series 1.8(0.6)  1.8(0.6)2  1.8(0.6)3  …. The
sum of this series is  
1  0.6
or 2.7. Thus, the total
distance the ball travels is 7.5  2.7 or 10.2 feet.

Page 611, Follow-Up of Lesson 11-6

Algebra Activity
4. The von Koch snowflake has infinite perimeter. As n
increases, the perimeter Pn of Stage n increases
4 n1
without bound. That is, the limit of 27  is .
5. Stage 1 is an equilateral triangle with sides of length
9 units, so its area is  units2. Each subsequent
stage encloses 3  4n  2 additional equilateral
81 3
Page 587, Lesson 11-2 triangular regions of area 2n
  2 units . Thus, the

48. Arithmetic series can be used to find the seating additional area at each stage is 3  4n  2  2n
  2 or
capacity of an amphitheater. Answers should include 4n  33 
the following.   units2. This is the general term of the series
32n  7
• The sequence represents the numbers of seats in for n  2.
the rows. The sum of the first n terms of the series is 6. Beginning with the second term, the terms of the series
the seating capacity of the first n rows. in Exercise 5 form an infinite geometric series with
• One method is to write out the terms and add them: 4
common ratio . Therefore, the sum of the whole series
18  22  26  30  34  38  42  46  50  27
54  360. Another method is to use the formula 813
in Exercise 5 is   
4 1623

n 4 4 or 5. The area of
Sn   [2a1  (n  1)d ]: 1  9
10 1623

S10   [2(18)  (10  1)4] or 360. the von Koch snowflake is  units2.
2 5
7. Sample answer: No, they show that it is possible for a
figure with infinite perimeter to enclose only a finite
amount of area.

629A Chapter 11 Additional Answers

Page 616, Lesson 11-7 Step 3:
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
12! 12!
42.  and  represent the sixth and seventh entries   2  3  …  k   
k 1  1  k  
k 1
7!5! 6!6! 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
13! 2 1
in the row for n  12 in Pascal’s triangle.  repre- 1  
7!6! 2k  1 2k  1
sents the seventh entry in the row for n  13. 1

13! 12! 12! 2k  1
Since  is below  and  in Pascal’s triangle,
7!6! 7!5! 6!6! The last expression is the right side of the equation to
12! 12! 13!
    . be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true
7!5! 6!6! 7!6! for n  k  1.
43. The coefficients in a binomial expansion give the num- 1 1 1 1 1
Therefore,   2  3  …  n  1  n for all
bers of sequences of births resulting in given numbers of 2 2 2 2 2
boys and girls. Answers should include the following. positive integers n.
• (b  g)5  b5  5b4g  10b3g2  10b2g 3  5bg 4  g5; 6. Step 1: 41  1  3, which is divisible by 3. The
There is one sequence of births with all five boys, statement is true for n  1.
five sequences with four boys and one girl, ten Step 2: Assume that 4k  1 is divisible by 3 for some
sequences with three boys and two girls, ten positive integer k. This means that 4k  1  3r for
sequences with two boys and three girls, five some whole number r.
sequences with one boy and four girls, and one Step 3: 4k  1  3r
sequence with all five girls. 4k  3r  1

4 1  12r  4
• The number of sequences of births that have exactly

4 1  1  12r  3
k girls in a family of n children is the coefficient of
b n  kg k in the expansion of (b  g)n. According to 4k  1  1  3(4r  1)

Additional Answers for Chapter 11

the Binomial Theorem, this coefficient is . Since r is a whole number, 4r  1 is a whole number.
(n  k )!k!
Thus, 4k  1  1 is divisible by 3, so the statement is
Pages 619–621, Lesson 11-8 true for n  k  1. Therefore, 4n  1 is divisible by 3
1. Sample answers: formulas for the sums of powers of for all positive integers n.
the first n positive integers and statements that expres- 7. Step 1: 51  3  8, which is divisible by 4. The
sions involving exponents of n are divisible by certain statement is true for n  1.
numbers Step 2: Assume that 5k  3 is divisible by 4 for some
2. Mathematical induction is used to show that a statement positive integer k. This means that 5k  3  4r for
is true. A counterexample is used to show that a some positive integer r.
statement is false. Step 3: 5k  3  4r
4. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation 5k  4r  3

5 1  20r  15
1(1  1)
is 1. The right side is  or 1, so the equation is 
2 5 1  3  20r  12
true for n  1.
k(k  1) 5k  1  3  4(5r  3)
Step 2: Assume 1  2  3  …  k   for
2 Since r is a positive integer, 5r  3 is a positive
some positive integer k.
integer. Thus, 5k  1  3 is divisible by 4, so the
Step 3:1  2  3  …  k  (k  1) statement is true for n  k  1.
k(k  1)
   (k  1) Therefore, 5n  3 is divisible by 4 for all positive
k(k  1)  2(k  1) integers n.
  2 10. Step 1: After the first guest has arrived, no handshakes
(k  1)(k  2) 1(1  1)
  have taken place.   0, so the formula is
2 2
The last expression is the right side of the equation to correct for n  1.
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true Step 2: Assume that after k guests have arrived, a
for n  k  1. k(k  1)
total of  handshakes have take place, for some
n(n  1) 2
Therefore, 1  2  3  …  n   for all positive integer k.
positive integers n. Step 3: When the (k  1)st guest arrives, he or she
5. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation shakes hands with the k guests already there, so the
1 1 1
is . The right side is 1   or , so the equation is total number of handshakes that have then taken
2 2 2 k(k  1)
true for n  1. place is   k.
1 1 1 1 1
Step 2: Assume   2  3  …  k  1  k for k(k  1)
k(k  1)  2k
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
some positive integer k. k[(k  1)  2]
k(k  1) (k  1)k
2 2

Chapter 11 Additional Answers 629B

The last expression is the formula to be proved, where Step 3: 13  23  33  …  k 3  (k  1)3
n  k  1. Thus, the formula is true for n  k  1. k 2(k  1)2
n(n  1)    (k  1)3
Therefore, the total number of handshakes is  4
for all positive integers n. k 2(k  1)2  4(k  1)3
11. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation
(k  1)2[k 2  4(k  1)]
is 1. The right side is 1[2(1)  1] or 1, so the equation  
is true for n  1.
(k  1)2(k 2  4k  4)
Step 2: Assume 1  5  9  …  (4k  3)  k(2k  1)  
for some positive integer k. (k  1)2(k  2)2
Step 3: 1  5  9  …  (4k  3)  [4(k  1)  3] 4
(k  1)2[(k  1)  1]2
 k(2k  1)  [4(k  1)  3]  
 2k 2  k  4k  4  3 The last expression is the right side of the equation to
 2k 2  3k  1 be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true
 (k  1)(2k  1) for n  k  1.
n 2(n  1)2
 (k  1)[2(k  1)  1] Therefore, 13  23  33  …  n3   for all
The last expression is the right side of the equation to positive integers n.
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true 14. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation
for n  k  1. 1[2(1)  1][2(1)  1]
is 12 or 1. The right side is  or 1, so
Therefore, 1  5  9  …  (4n  3)  n(2n  1) for the equation is true for n  1.
Additional Answers for Chapter 11

all positive integers n.

Step 2: Assume 12  32  52  …  (2k  1)2 
12. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation k(2k  1)(2k  1)
1[3(1)  1]  for some positive integer k.
is 2. The right side is  or 2, so the equation 3
is true for n  1. Step 3: 12  32  52  …  (2k  1)2  [2(k  1)  1]2
k(3k  1) k(2k  1)(2k  1)
Step 2: Assume 2  5  8  …  (3k  1)      [2(k  1)  1]2
2 3
for some positive integer k.
k(2k  1)(2k  1)  3(2k  1)2
Step 3: 2  5  8  …  (3k  1)  [3(k  1)  1]  
k(3k  1) (2k  1)[k(2k  1)  3(2k  1)]
   [3(k  1)  1]  
2 3
k(3k  1)  2[3(k  1)  1] (2k  1)(2k 2  k  6k  3)
3k  k  6k  6  2
(2k  1)(2k 2  5k  3)
 7k  4
3k 2 (2k  1)(k  1)(2k  3)
2 3
(k  1)(3k  4) (k  1)[2(k  1)  1][2(k  1)  1]
2 3
(k  1)[(3(k  1)  1]
The last expression is the right side of the equation to
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true
The last expression is the right side of the equation to for n  k  1.
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true
Therefore, 12  32  52  …  (2n  1)2 
for n  k  1. n(2n  1)(2n  1)
n(3n  1)  for all positive integers n.
Therefore, 2  5  8  …  (3n  1)   for 3
all positive integers n. 15. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation
13. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation
12(1  1)2
1 1
is . The right side is  1   or , so the equation
3 2 3 3
is 13 or 1. The right side is  or 1, so the
is true for n  1.
equation is true for n  1.
k 2(k  1)2
1 1 1 1 1
Step 2: Assume   2  3  …  k   1  k
3 3 3 3 2  1
Step 2: Assume 13  23  33  …  k 3   for some positive integer k.
for some positive integer k.

629C Chapter 11 Additional Answers

1 1 1
Step 3:   2  3  …  k  

1 18. Step 1: 91  1  8, which is divisible by 8. The
3 3 3 k
3 1 3 statement is true for n  1.

 1  k  
2 3

3k  1 Step 2: Assume that 9k  1 is divisible by 8 for some
1 1 1 positive integer k. This means that 9k  1  8r for
2 23 3k  1 some whole number r.


k 1
Step 3: 9k  1  8r
2  3k  1 9k  8r  1
3k  1  1 
9 1  72r  9
2  3k  1 
9 1  1  72r  8
1 3k  1  1

3k  1  9k  1  1  8(9r  1)
Since r is a whole number, 9r  1 is a whole number.



3k  1  Thus, 9k  1  1 is divisible by 8, so the statement is
The last expression is the right side of the equation to true for n  k  1.
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true Therefore, 9n  1 is divisible by 8 for all positive
for n  k  1. integers n.
1 1 1 1 1 1

Therefore,   2  3  …  n   1  n for all
3 3 3 3 2 3  19. Step 1: 121  10  22, which is divisible by 11. The
positive integers n. statement is true for n  1.
16. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation Step 2: Assume that 12k  10 is divisible by 11 for
some positive integer k. This means that 12k  10  11r
1 1
 1 1

is . The right side is  1   or , so the equation
4 3 4 4 for some positive integer r.
is true for n  1. Step 3: 12k  10  11r

Additional Answers for Chapter 11

1 1 1 1 1
Step 2: Assume   2  3  …  k   1  k
4 4 4 4 3 
4  12k  11r  10
for some positive integer k. 12  1  132r  120

1 1 1 1 1 k 
12 1 10  132r  110
Step 3:   2  3  …  k   
4 4 4 4 1 4 12k  1  10  11(12r  10)


 1  k  
3 4

4k  1
Since r is a positive integer, 12r  10 is a positive
integer. Thus, 12k  1  10 is divisible by 11, so the
1 1 1
   k    statement is true for n  k  1.
3 34 4k  1
4k  1  4  3 Therefore, 12n  10 is divisible by 11 for all positive
  integers n.
3  4k  1
4k  1  1 20. Step 1: 131  11  24, which is divisible by 12. The
3  4k  1 statement is true for n  1.
1 4k  1  1

4k  1  Step 2: Assume that 13k  11 is divisible by 12 for
some positive integer k. This means that 13k  11 



4k  1  12r for some positive integer r.
Step 3: 13k  11  12r
The last expression is the right side of the equation to
13k  12r  11
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true
13k  1  156r  143
for n  k  1. 
13 1 11  156r  132
1 1 1 1 1 1

Therefore,   2  3  …  n   1  n for all
4 4 4 4 3 4  13k  1  11  12(13r  11)
positive integers n.
Since r is a positive integer, 13r  11 is a positive
17. Step 1: 81  1  7, which is divisible by 7. The integer. Thus, 13k  1  11 is divisible by 12, so the
statement is true for n  1. statement is true for n  k  1.
Step 2: Assume that 8k  1 is divisible by 7 for some Therefore, 13n  11 is divisible by 12 for all positive
positive integer k. This means that 8k  1  7r for integers n.
some whole number r.
21. Step 1: There are 6 bricks in the top row, and
Step 3: 8k  1  7r 12  5(1)  6, so the formula is true for n  1.
8k  7r  1

8 1  56r  8
k Step 2: Assume that there are k 2  5k bricks in the

8 1  1  56r  7
k top k rows for some positive integer k.
8k  1  1  7(8r  1) Step 3: Since each row has 2 more bricks than the
Since r is a whole number, 8r  1 is a whole number. one above, the numbers of bricks in the rows form an
Thus, 8k  1  1 is divisible by 7, so the statement is arithmetic sequence. The number of bricks in the
true for n  k  1. (k  1)st row is 6  [(k  1)  1](2) or 2k  6. Then
the number of bricks in the top k  1 rows is
Therefore, 8n  1 is divisible by 7 for all positive
k2  5k  (2k  6) or k2  7k  6.
integers n.

Chapter 11 Additional Answers 629D

k2  7k  6  (k  1)2  5(k  1), which is the 24. Step 1: The figure below shows how to cover a 21 by
formula to be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the 21 board, so the statement is true for n  1.
formula is true for n  k  1.
Therefore, the number of bricks in the top n rows is
n2  5n for all positive integers n.
22. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation
1 a (1  r 1)
is a1. The right side is   or a1, so the equation
is true for n  1.
Step 2: Assume that a 2k by 2k board can be covered
Step 2: Assume a1  a1r  a1r 2  …  a1r k  1  for some positive integer k.
a1(1  r k)
  for some positive integer k.
Step 3: a1  a1r  a1r 2  …  a1r k  1  a1r k
a (1  r k )

  a1r k
a (1  r k )  (1  r)a r k

a  a rk  a rk  a rk  1
1 1 1 1
a1(1  r k  1)
The last expression is the right side of the equation to
Additional Answers for Chapter 11

be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true Step 3: Divide a 2k  1 by 2k  1 board into four quad-
for n  k  1. rants. By the inductive hypothesis, the first quadrant can
Therefore, a1  a1r  a1r 2  …  a1r n  1  be covered. Rotate the design that covers Quadrant I
a1(1  r n) 90 clockwise and use it to cover Quadrant II. Use the
  for all positive integers n.
1r design that covers Quadrant I to cover Quadrant III.
23. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation Rotate the design that covers Quadrant I 90 counter-
is a1. The right side is [2a1  (1  1)d ] or a1, so the clockwise and use it to cover Quadrant IV. This leaves
three empty squares near the center of the board, as
equation is true for n  1.
shown. Use one more L-shaped tile to cover these
Step 2: Assume a1  (a1  d)  (a1  2d)  …  3 squares. Thus, a 2k  1 by 2k  1 board can be
[a1  (k  1)d ]  [2a1  (k  1)d ] for some positive covered. The statement is true for n  k  1.
integer k. Therefore, a 2n by 2n checkerboard with the top right
Step 3: a1  (a1  d)  (a1  2d)  …  square missing can be covered for all positive integers n.
[a1  (k  1)d ]  [a1  (k  1  1)d ] 32. An analogy can be made between mathematical
k induction and a ladder with the positive integers on the
  [2a1  (k  1)d ]  [a1  (k  1  1)d ]
2 steps. Answers should include the following.
  [2a1  (k  1)d]  a1  kd • Showing that the statement is true for n  1 (Step 1).
k[2a1  (k  1)d ]  2(a1  kd) • Assuming that the statement is true for some positive
2 integer k and showing that it is true for k  1 (Steps 2
k  2a1  (k 2  k)d  2a1  2kd and 3).
(k  1)2a1  (k 2  k  2k)d
  Page 627, Chapter 11 Practice Test
(k  1)2a1  k(k  1)d 21. Step 1: When n  1, the left side of the given equation
  is 1. The right side is 12 or 1, so the equation is true for
k1 n  1.
  (2a1  kd)
2 Step 2: Assume 1  3  5  …  (2k  1)  k 2 for
k1 some positive integer k.
  [2a1  (k  1  1)d ]
Step 3: 1  3  5  …  (2k  1)  [2(k  1)  1]
The last expression is the right side of the formula to  k 2  [2(k  1)  1]
be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the formula is true  k 2  2k  2  1
for n  k  1.  k 2  2k  1
Therefore, a1  (a1  d)  (a1  2d)  …   (k  1)2
[a1  (n  1)d ]   [2a1  (n  1)d ] for all positive The last expression is the right side of the equation to
integers n. be proved, where n  k  1. Thus, the equation is true
for n  k  1.

629E Chapter 11 Additional Answers

Therefore, 1  3  5  …  (2n  1)  n 2 for all Step 3: 14k  1  13r
positive integers n. 14k  13r  1
22. Step 1: 141  1  13, which is divisible by 13. The 14k  1  182r  14
statement is true for n  1.
14k  1  1  182r  13
Step 2: Assume that 14k  1 is divisible by 13 for some
14k  1  1  13(14r  1)
positive integer k. This means that 14k  1  13r for
some whole number r. Since r is a whole number, 14r  1 is a whole number.
Thus, 14k  1  1 is divisible by 13, so the statement is
true for n  k  1.
Therefore, 14n  1 is divisible by 13 for all positive
integers n.

Additional Answers for Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Additional Answers 629F

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