Manual 37615B SPM-D2-10 - Synchronizing Unit: Parameter 5729

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Manual 37615B SPM-D2-10 - Synchronizing Unit

Parameter 5729 Phase matching control ON / OFF

Phase matching
ON ON ................The synchronization is performed with phase matching control and the
power circuit breaker closure is dependent upon the phase angle (refer
to "Phase Matching Synchronization" on page 25). Only the parame-
ters relating to phase matching are displayed.
OFF ..............Synchronization is performed when the frequency and voltage differ-
ential are within the specified ranges. The circuit breaker is closed at
the synchronous point (refer to "Slip Frequency Synchronization" on
page 25). Only the parameters relating to slip synchronization are dis-

Parameter 6667 Max. perm. differential angle in case of phase-angle-zero-control 0 to 60°

Slip synchroniz.
Max phase < 00°
This configuration screen is displayed only if the phase matching control is disabled!
A connect command is only issued when the phase angle differential is less than the
Phase matching control = OFF value configured in this screen.

Synchronization with slip - When operating in the "slip synchronization" mode this
phase angle may be set as the maximum value that a close breaker command may be
issued. This is determined by the formula:

Δφ = TClose * 360° * Δf

Example: If the frequency difference is 0.5Hz and the delay of the circuit breaker
delay is 80ms the delta phi is determined as follows:

TClose = 80ms, Δf= 0.5Hz => Δφ = 0.08s*360*0.5 = 14.4°

As an example if the desired synchronization window is to be limited to a maximum

of 10°, then the limit value of 10° would be entered here. If this parameter is not re-
quired, then the angle must be configured as 60°

Synch-check - In the operation mode "Synch-check" the phase angle differential

must be less than the value configured here for the relay "Command: close CB" to be

Parameter 5705 Inherent delay of circuit breaker 40 to 300 ms

Slip synchroniz.
TClose GCB=000ms
This configuration screen is displayed only if the phase matching control is disabled!
All circuit breakers have an inherent delay from the time the close command is is-
Phase matching control = OFF sued until the circuit breaker contacts are closed. That time is configured in this
screen. This permits the controller to issue the breaker closure command with
enough lead-time so that the breaker contacts close at the synchronous point.

Parameter 6666 Max. perm. differential angle 0 to 60°

Phase matching
Max phase < 00°
This configuration screen is displayed only if the phase matching control is enabled!
A connect command is only issued when the phase angle differential is less than the
Phase matching control = ON value configured in this screen.

Parameter 5707 Dwell time for switching in case of phase-angle-zero-control 0.2 to 10.0 s
Phase matching
Dwell time 00.0s
This configuration screen is displayed only if the phase matching control is enabled!
Once the controller detects that the phase angle matching has been achieved, a timer
Phase matching control = ON is started. Only after the expiration of this dwell time is the connect command is-
sued. If the controller detects that one of the synchronization parameters has left the
required range, the dwell timer is reset.

Page 52/68 © Woodward

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