Cartooning For Peace Report Situation Cartoonists 2016 - 2017
Cartooning For Peace Report Situation Cartoonists 2016 - 2017
Cartooning For Peace Report Situation Cartoonists 2016 - 2017
This report was drafted with the support of the European Union.
The contents of this publication are the sole responsibility of Cartooning for Peace
and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.
12 Ecuador
14 Portrait: Bonil
15 Portrait: Vilma
16 Venezuela
18 Portrait: Rayma
19 Turkey
21 Portrait: Musa Kart
23 Russia
25 And one day, we had to leave…
29 Portrait: Aseem Trivedi
30 Malaysia
32 Portrait: Zunar
33 Portrait: Eaten Fish
36 Burkina Faso
38 Portrait: Glez
39 Portrait: Gado
40 The “Arab League”
of cartoonists
43 Portrait: Ali Ferzat
44 Jordan
46 Portrait: Osama Hajjaj
47 Cartoons in the age
of the Internet:
the Nahed Hattar story
49 Egypt
51 Portrait: Islam Gawish
lways in a rush, often overwhelmed, we, the privileged French, informed
and used to living in a democracy (it, too, succumbs to its moments of
doubt, but remains solid enough), we must not cowardly close our eyes
to what is going on in the rest of the world!
Thanks to its work for the past ten years in support of the freedom of
cartooning, the association Cartooning for Peace, located in Paris, partici-
pates in the very mobilization that this report advocates. For the danger is
there: that in the name of everyday life dominated by economic difficulties and
terrorist threats, we forget the essential: freedom, ours, yours. Perhaps this is
the true meaning of this document that you are about to browse: it will be like
a reminder for all of us, who have undoubtedly had over these past years a
tendency to forget our fundamental values, or rather, to consider them as a
given. Yet, the events over these recent months, from the attack at the Charlie
Hebdo offices to an electoral turning in on ourselves expressed in many coun-
tries, these events show us that nothing is ever a given. Brexit, Trump or Putin,
Orbán in Hungary, the PiS party in Poland, Maduro in Venezuela, Marine Le
Pen or the AfD party in Germany, all these names and movements (I’m certainly
forgetting some), seem to bother us less and less. As if we were getting used
to them…
So, isn’t it time to return to the fundamentals, the root of our commitments,
such as the one we are trying to express to our editorial cartoonists?
“Of above all, never give up,” a magical phrase that we hear all too often,
I’m suggesting that we appropriate it for ourselves. Never abandon the prin-
ciples of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: the freedom of expression
“The cartoonist is is one of its pillars, the freedom of the press, one of its representations. Can
a tight rope-walker
trying to stand still”, this report make us aware of the reality of this battle that we must never stop
Regis Debray fighting? We are not safe from a reversal of history. If certain cartoonists choose
Plantu (France) France to live in exile, it is because our country, in their eyes, still embodies this
message of hope. It is up to all of us to thank them for their confidence in our
country, it is up to all of us to help them so as to not let them down. For if they
fail in their work towards freedom, it will also be our own. So, “above all, never
give up.”
Ten years after its creation, Cartooning for Peace’s network includes 162
cartoonists from 58 different countries around the globe.
✏ the use of the cartoons’ educational value to denounce all forms of intoler-
ance and to raise young and vulnerable people’s awareness about major social
issues through humour;
✏ providing support and visibility to press cartoonist who are prevented from
working freely or under threat.
Whether their cartoons concern politics, the economy, sports or religion, (NL)
cartoonists are confronted with the same threats as newspaper, radio and
EGYPT p.44
p.12 p.49
KENYA p.30
Bonil, alias Xavier Bonilla, an Ecuadorian Ecuadorians the possibility of choosing
newspaper cartoonist for El Mundo and their own gender on their identity docu-
El Universo, has had a complicated rela- ments. This time, it was the Ecuadorian
tionship with Rafael Correa’s government. LGBT federation, close to the government,
His case is emblematic of the progression who complained to SUPERCOM about the
in restrictions on the freedom of the press cartoonist and the newspaper El Mundo.
in Ecuador. If, at the beginning of his pres- The association affirmed the discriminatory
idency, the President voluntarily recog- nature of the cartoon, which would incite
nized the cartoonist’s talent, he has since hatred and transphobia by depicting a
openly criticized him and attacked him on pregnant woman who, while someone asks
various occasions. her the gender of her future baby, responds
that it would depend on the choice of her
As of 2014, Bonil thus bore the conse- child. Bonil, who refuted these criticisms,
quences for a drawing that criticized the moreover received support from many
government seizure of compromising infor- other LGBT committees.
mation, and related to the corruption scan-
dals. After a complaint by the government, Six months later, following the cartoon of the
SUPERCOM, the official agency of informa- Turkish President Erdogan, the cartoonist
tion control in Ecuador, obligated Bonil to was directly called out in the pages of El
change his cartoon. Universo by the Turkish ambassador. In an
opinion column, the latter denounced the
In January 2016, Bonil illustrated the cartoonist’s hasty conclusions, and ensured
government’s new law proposal giving that the freedoms of expression and opinion
were still respected in Turkey, the veracity of
which Bonil continues to doubt…
While the president’s popularity eroded, as the EU, OAS and MERCOSUR. Under Several journalists have been thrown out The government has a grip on paper
in 2016 the opposition vainly attempted to international pressure, the Supreme Court of the country or forbidden to enter it. The
8.6% (WORLD BANK, 2014)
incite a referendum in anticipation of the backed down two days later. Too late for the country’s TV stations, subject to very strict supplies and applies a form of censorship
DEMOCRACY INDEX presidential elections. However, the govern- Venezuelan people though: the accumula- legislation imposed by the Ley Resorte in by controlling the availability of paper.
4.68 “hybrid regime” – ment did not back down and increased tion of economic and political crises started 2004, do not broadcast national news. The
ranked 107th out of 167 the use of force in a repressive context. waves of protests across the country. After only way for Venezuelans to access informa-
Defenders of human rights, as well as polit- three weeks of mobilization, governmental tion is to turn towards international media:
CORRUPTION PERCEPTION ical activists are victims of arbitrary deten- repression has already killed 20 people despite encrypted access to the latter, the From top to bottom
INDEX tions while political leaders are imprisoned and injured nearly 100 people as of April government forbids the broadcasting of 1. President
17 – ranked 166th or exiled. 23, 2017, while more than 600 have been international stations in the country, such as Maduro - Antonio
out of 176 (TRANSPARENCY arrested. NTN24 and CNN.
2. “Feeling
A real separation of powers does not exist: freedom” - Weil
HUMAN DEVELOPMENT INDEX the government controls the judiciary Journalists publishing critical content on
0.767 – ranked 71 st branch by way of the Supreme Court while FREEDOM OF THE PRESS social media are also regularly sentenced
out of 187 (UNDP, 2016) blocking the National Assembly’s sphere of to very heavy punishments, like Braulio
activity, even though the opposition holds Journalists are also the targets of deni- Jatar who was imprisoned in September
an absolute majority. The Supreme Court, grating and aggressive intimidation 2016, after having published the video of an
Ranked 139th out of 180 under the orders of the executive office, campaigns. Reporters without Borders anti-Maduro protest. He risks up to twen-
in 2016 – and ranked thus published decisions 155 and 156 on alerted that, since the beginning of 2016, ty-five years in prison, while his loved ones
137th in 2015 March 28, 2017, giving itself Parliament’s the situation of the freedom of the press has denounce a trial lacking transparency and
(WORLD PRESS FREEDOM INDEX) legislative powers while simultaneously been getting worse. For the organization arbitrary imprisonment conditions – even
removing parliamentary immunity from Freedom House, this fundamental liberty torture.
opposition deputies. Furthermore, these no longer exists in Venezuela.
decisions give exceptional powers to the Cartoonists are not to be outdone either,
president. These events were immediately The government has a grip on paper like Rayma Suprani, one of the most
considered an institutional coup d’état and supplies and applies a form of censorship important editorial cartoonists in Venezuela
strongly condemned by institutions such by controlling the availability of paper. along with Edo, Bozzone and Weil, who was
Rayma Suprani, a Venezuelan cartoonist,
denounced the poverty, lack of social
justice and openly criticized the abuse of
power in the Chavez government in the
daily newspaper El Universal. She had
already been subjected to coercion and
multiple threats, for example when she FIGURES
published a cartoon of the Venezuelan
flag riddled with bullets, but it was in
92.25 millions
September 2014 that she published the inhabitants (2017)
cartoon “that crossed the line”: she sati-
rized the public health crisis in Venezuela, POLITICAL SYSTEM/
linked to petrodollars, by representing a PRESIDENT
flat-lined EEG, containing the signature me to tone down my cartoons. This was no
Unitary parliamentary
constitutional republic
of the former President Hugo Chavez – in longer the normal process of discussion and 3Recep Tayyip Erdogan
power from 1999 to 2013. negotiation within an editorial board: they
criticized the content and demanded that it RELIGIONS
Even though the latter had been dead be toned down. I remained firm in my critical Islam (99%) ; Christians
for more than a year and a half when the stance. Faced with the cartoon on healthcare,
& Jewish (minorities)
cartoon was published, he enjoyed a management threatened that I would lose my OFFICIAL LANGUAGE
particularly effective and official marketing job. I decided not to sacrifice my credibility Turkish
campaign, which resulted in elevating him as a journalist and cartoonist. The cartoon
to the status of “Eternal Commander.” If was finally published, and I was immediately LITERACY RATE
satirizing Hugo Chavez when he was alive fired. To cap off this pettiness, my lawyer had
94.1% (UNICEF, 2011)
was difficult, doing it after his death seemed to intervene so that they would recognize my GROWTH RATE
From left to right
almost like blasphemy. work contract and my seniority…” 4.1 % (WB, 2013)
1. Self-portrait
- Rayma (Venezuela)
2. Venezuelan flag The cartoonist, moreover, touched upon a Deprived of her living, Rayma was forced UNEMPLOYMENT RATE
- Rayma (Venezuela)
sensitive subject: indeed, Venezuela sends to take refuge in the United States, where
10.5% (WB, 2015)
3. “Health / Health in
Venezuela” with Hugo much-needed oil to Cuba, in exchange for she continues to take up her pencils in DEMOCRACY INDEX
Chávez’ signature friendly services, since Cuba sends doctors the fight for the freedom of expression.
- Rayma (Venezuela)
5.04 “hybrid regime”-
en masse to Venezuela. And yet, Venezuelan She publishes on Daryl Cagle’s website, ranked 97th out of 167
hospitals and health services continue to is preparing a album of drawings and (2016)
sink into dilapidation. A phenomenon that continues to illustrate her country’s current POLITICAL SITUATION and spillover effects of the neighboring civil
is compounded with the lack of medication affairs on several websites. war in Syria have plagued Istanbul and Ankara. INDEX
and underlines the problems of govern- Spanning the continents of Europe and Asia, 41 – ranked 75th
ment corruption, which Rayma criticized in The Republic of Turkey, boasts one of the On July 15, 2016, rogue group within the mili- out of 176 (TRANSPARENCY
her cartoon. most developed scenes of cartooning and tary launched a failed coup against President INTERNATIONAL, 2016)
comics in the world. At nearly every news- Recep Tayyip Erdogan. That night, nearly 300
She was immediately fired by the news- stand in Istanbul and across the country, a people were killed across the country. What 0.767 – ranked 71th
paper for which she had worked for twenty dozen or so alt-comic weeklies are available has followed is a witch-hunt in all professional out of 187 (UN, 2015)
years, shortly after an owner acquired it with as well as other cultural publications chockfull fields, including academia, government,
close ties to the government. of illustrations. Their expressions of dissent are and the media. This widespread crackdown RWB RANKING
sometimes bolder than even the most radical following the coup attempt has exacerbated
Ranked 151th out of 180
in 2016 – 149th in 2015
“The Chavists had started to attack me opposition newspapers. About three-quarters the risks for Turkish humorists. (WORLD PRESS FREEDOM INDEX)
on social media for several years,” Rayma of the country identify as Turkish and about
explained to a journalist from Le Monde 19 percent as Kurdish with the remainder Weakened in his ability to exercise power,
(France). “The newspaper’s leadership asked consisting of other minorities groups. Indeed Recep Tayyip Erdogan submitted a consti-
one of Turkey’s longstanding conflicts is the tutional reform to the Turkish people in
Kurdish campaign for independence and April 2017. This was supposed to reinforce
sovereignty in the country’s east, as well as the president’s power while allowing him to
basic rights. The current government has govern by decree. After an intense campaign,
demonized this Kurdish movement, especially which sometimes encouraged violence in
as terror attacks from militant Kurdish groups European countries, Turkey appears divided
Sunday, April 16, 2017 with 51.3% of the votes. office, “stealthily taking our photos.” In Turkey,
Thus, Erdogan came out of the referendum being a cartoonist is increasingly difficult if
strengthened, and will be able to conduct his not dangerous. “In fear, one cannot make
reforms, with the risk of escalating his author- cartoons,” says one prominent illustrator. The
itarian image in Turkey as well as abroad. cartoonists of Turkey then are fearless. On October 31, 2016, during the wave of on the board. Soon thereafter, authorities
Prospects for freedom of the press are evidently arrests following the failed coup d’état in detained Kart along with at least twelve of
negative after this referendum, with the fear that Turkey, the police arrested approximately his colleagues. His home was searched.
censorship will be intensified, threatening the *CFP’s note: since this ten associates of the principal Turkish
article was written the
plurality of opinion and the important culture of satirical newspaper
opposition newspaper, Cumhüriyet. Now Kart, 63, has already served a half-
political cartoons in Turkey. Penguen announced Among them was the cartoonist Musa year in prison, along with colleagues from
at the end of April that Kart. This was not the first time that the the newspaper Cumhuriyet. Following
it would shortly be cartoonist was subjected to the regime’s President Erdoğan’ victory at the refer-
PRESS FREEDOM shutting down. wrath, like in 2014 when he had risked nine endum on presidential powers, Turkish
years in prison after criticizing the connec- authorities informed the lawyers of impris-
Yet even before the clumsy military uprising tions between Erdogan and a money-laun- oned cartoonist that prosecutors stipulated
and ensuing government crusade against dering scheme. His colleagues mobilized a maximum sentence of twenty-nine years
dissent, the state of affairs was dire. In 2016, around the world in order to support him and his trial date along with his colleagues
being a cartoonist in Turkey has been more diffi- through cartoons. has been set for July 24th 2017.
cult than ever. State prosecutors and Erdogan
loyalists have used the crime of “insulting Their charge: “committing a crime in
the president” to muzzle critics. Over 1,500 From top to bottom
“MUZZLING MUSA KART” support of a terrorist organization without
1. (previous page)
people—including cartoonists, celebrities, President Erdogan -
— by Jonathan Guyer, member of the being a member.” It seems that in Turkey, all
journalists, private citizens, and even a German Joep Bertrams (NL) Institute of Current World Affairs journalists run the risk of being falsely and
comedian (in a case launched in Germany) 2. President Erdogan maliciously accused of terrorism.
- Khalid Gueddar
— are under investigation or prosecution. In (Morocco) From top to bottom “How will they explain this to the world? I
spite of the pressures, a cohort of cartoonists 3. Turkey’s referendum 1. 90 days in prison am being taken into custody for drawing I visited the offices of Cumhuriyet for a
- Izel (Turkey) for Musa Kart and
continues to boldly caricature Erdogan and his 4. “Erdogan devouring his colleagues from cartoons,” said Musa Kart on Oct. 31, wide-ranging discussion with the cartoonist
ilk. In Turkey, the long tradition of dissenting his children”, based on Cumhuriyet - Semih 2016. The Turkish cartoonist was speaking Kart on July 8, 2016, but a week before
Goya, Saturn devouring Poroy (Turkey)
cartoonists seems to be matched by an equally his son – Rodriguez 2. Portrait of Musa Kart
to reporters amid a raid on the Kemalist the mucked up coup that has led to an
long tradition of clampdowns. (Mexique) - Aseem Trivedi (India) newspaper Cumhuriyet, where he serves even broader clampdown on freedoms in
Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental cartoons denouncing the “Putin System.” nd one day, we had to leave. For illustrating was getting ready to participate in a press fair in France.
Freedoms from 1950 (article 10 concerns the Twitter also lets many Russians produce and in a newspaper for Iranian children, like Mana At the moment of departure, paramilitaries attempted to
freedom of expression), or the International circulate photomontages criticizing Russian Neyestani. Because of the arrival of ISIS in Iraq remove him from his neighborhood. He, who continued to
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights from power. The most famous Russian cartoonists for Daban*, a Kurdish cartoonist. For Adjim draw loud and clear no matter the cost, had to suddenly
1966. like Sergueï Elkin and Alexeï Merinov thus Danngar, it was because of satirical cartoons shut up. And understand that he needed to leave Chad
publish their drawings on the Internet. published in Chad, then governed by Idriss Déby. Or because without drawing attention. “My airplane landed in France
However, recent developments in Russia Aymen* could no longer stand seeing people die, at home, on November 24, 2004,” he remembers precisely. A date
strongly limit the freedom of the press and, in Syria. that symbolized the beginning of his new life.
more generally, the freedom of information.
Among the legislative measures adopted These cartoonists had to hastily pack up their freedom In 2015, it was Gunduz Agayev’s turn to be thrown out
over recent years, the FIDH has noted the of expression and their political critiques and leave every- onto the street. Trained to be an artist in Azerbaijan, he
federal law “On the defense of children thing behind. They had to succeed in escaping so as not started unveiling his satirical cartoons on his Facebook
against information that could harm their to die. account in 2012. “A citizen’s act considering the prevailing
health and development” (2012), the law political situation,” he assumes. Then in 2013 a collabora-
against the use of bad language in the media tion with Meydan TV began, an independent information
(2013), against Internet pirating (2013), as well LEAVE AND NEVER RETURN channel created by a former political prisoner. The author-
From top to bottom as different legislative acts attempting to limit ities did not appreciate that the man had become a whis-
1. (previous page) “access to illegal information on the Internet.” Adjim had only one day to up root his life as a cartoonist tleblower and started intimidating him by telephone. When
President Putin - Gunduz
Aghayev (Azerbaijan) Furthermore, a federal service in charge of in Chad. He was only 22 years old. Death threats, intimida- we met him in Paris, he recounted with laughing eyes how
2. Zlatkovsky (Russia) the “supervision of communication, informa- tions, physical assaults had already been going on for some they tempted to corrupt him: “Make cartoons, but for the
3. President Putin
- Sergueï Elkin (Russia)
tion technologies and mass media,” called time. The day before his escape, he was still drawing for government or about the opposition,” they suggested to
4. Joep Bertrams (NL) Roskomnadzor, was set up between 2008 and Le Miroir, the Chadian equivalent of Charlie Hebdo, and him. Gunduz refused, still smiling. “The government didn’t
while working for the Syrian opposition media online since It took Adjim a year and a half to obtain papers, following
the taste for transgression never leaves these cartoonists. a refusal from the OFPRA (French Office for the Protection of
It accompanies them in their luggage, transcends borders. Refugees and Stateless People) and an obligation to leave
Despite it all, Mana chose to leave again. “Having an the territory. “Reporters Without Borders was able to support
Iranian passport was not easy everywhere; I preferred going my dossier, thanks to their correspondents who confirmed
to a Western country,” he recalls. After many unsuccessful that I was in danger in my country,” he emphasized, while
attempts to advance his case with embassies and the UN, confessing to have been undocumented for a few days.
Reporters Without Borders, via the organization Icorn “When I think about other cases, it was not that long.”
(International Cities of Refuge Network), allowed him to when they are only here for a few years. Without forgetting
enter an artist residency in Paris in 2010. It was there, in 2012, If their work has taken them far from their loved ones, the language barrier for those who don’t speak French. After
that he published Une metamorphose iranienne [An Iranian none of them can imagine giving up drawing. They need, for his documentation problems, Adjim was able to study digital
Metamorphosis], since his absurd situation reminded him of a good number of them, to rebuild professionally, especially technology, remotely from the other side of the Atlantic at a
Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis, a novel on the social exclu- university in San Francisco, get a multimedia assistant job,
sion of a man who could not control what happened to him publish drawings and works like the recent Mamie Denis
and ended up turning into a cockroach. évadée de la maison de retraite [Grandma Denis Escapes
from the Retirement Home]. However, contacts in the news-
For Daban*, who left Iraqi Kurdistan, it was the begin- paper world are lacking for some. Recently, the newspaper
ning of a “terrible voyage” to Germany, after first passing Libération handed the editorship of one of its issues over to
through Turkey. “I had to fight to survive. It was every person refugees: Adjim Danngar even drew the cover illustration.
for themselves,” he recounted to us, his tears welling up. “The more time passes, the more confidence I have in what
“Once in Germany, messages over loud- I do; my style asserts itself,” he told us. Before our eyes were
scare me,” he underlined. That was up speakers advised us that we could leave elegant notebooks made with his own hands that he fills with
until November 17, 2014, when he was for France,” the cartoonist confided. He sketches for future work. In particular, we discovered the new
notoriously interrogated for six hours in arrived in a migrant camp just west of Paris face of Popito, a character that he created as an adolescent.
an office at the Ministry of the Interior and If their work has before being taken under the responsi- “It was an African superhero that was going to destroy the
forced to sign a document certifying that bility of local organizations. dictators.” For Adjim, the time has come to bring Popito back
he was taking drugs, which was false, in
taken them far to life. For Aymen, from Syria, there is a thirst for “self-moti-
exchange for freedom. And he needed to from their loved vation”: he participates in collective works and is looking to
leave too. But go where? Nothing predes- STARTING FROM exhibit his works. Our interview took some time away from his
tined him to settle down in the Greater ones, none SCRATCH preparations for an exhibit opening.
Paris. Before arriving here, he stopped in of them can
Georgia before spending nearly a year in For Sylav, France was at first an acci-
the Ukraine, where he continued to draw. imagine giving dent. An article on religion was found THE WEIGHT OF SOLITUDE
displeasing and the entire editorial board
up drawing. ended up in the government’s sights. Daban, the Kurdish cartoonist, also regularly exposes in
FRANCE AT LAST “Anything could happen to you, your his home of adoption. “He draws a lot about pain, war. His
family. You would never have peace again,” drawings are colorful, full of hope,” his interpreter whispered
And he was not the only one to have he told us. He left Iran on foot. His smug- to us. But like his Iranian colleague, Sylav, who feverishly
made a long detour before arriving in France. After Turkey gler indicated that he could go to Norway, then England, awaits his wife to come and join him, he feels isolated. Difficult
and the United Arab Emirates, Mana Neyestani, a renowned but it was in France that they ended up dumping him with a to imagine the pain they both feel, the pain of not being able
cartoonist in Iran, spent four years in Malaysia, following the fake passport, but not before relieving him of a lot of money. to be near their loved ones. “My brothers, my sisters, I miss
misinterpretation of his cartoon that he reproduced in our “It is the country of Van Gogh and professional opportuni- everyone,” Aymen sighed at the end of the interview. “But I
notebook to underline his innocence. These pencil strokes ties,” he believed. But if the latter existed, they were well cannot say that publicly. It would be considered weak.”
in a government newspaper fanned the flames of a latent hidden by administrative difficulties that accumulated one
ethnic conflict with the Azeri minority of the country; they after another. “For two years, I struggled to understand the Mana fills the void in his own way: “I must rebuild my
participated in protests that were then bloodily put down. bureaucracy. For three months I lived on the street like a cocoon with what I need to draw. I don’t need anything else.”
Mana was arrested and spent several months in prison. He dog. My only concerns: finding a place to sleep, eating and As political refugees, certain cartoonists cannot return to
took advantage of being temporarily released before his staying clean,” he confided to us modestly, now living in a their homeland. However, the current events in their respec-
trial in order to immediately take flight. In Asia, he studied, small room somewhere in the Parisian region. tive countries are never very far away. The body is here,
The Indian cartoonist Aseem Trivedi uses Cartoonists Rights Network International
cartooning as an activism tool in support of – an award that he shares with the Syrian
human rights. Each of his drawings is a way cartoonist Ali Ferzat – Aseem Trivedi was
to test, criticize and stretch the limits of the arrested in Mumbai on September 9, 2012.
freedom of expression and information in Accused of sedition and for having broken
India, where self-censorship and an insecure the law on national symbols as well as the
climate for journalists remain concerns. law on information technologies, he thus
ran the risk of a life sentence in jail. While
but the head is there as it were. It is the double penalty of From top to bottom After having worked for several years for certain cartoonists denounced his radical-
exile: leaving behind loved ones in countries that scorned 5. Gunduz Aghayev (Azerbaijan) the Indian press, in 2011 Aseem Trivedi ness, the cartoonist’s indictment provoked
6. Ares (Cuba)
their rights. Gunduz finally feels at peace in the center for launched the national campaign “Cartoons a passionate debate on the freedom of
asylum seekers which houses him, surrounded by his wife Against Corruption” through which he expression in India, so much so that a
and son. For only the past several months, the Azeri police mocked, with pencil strokes, the general- month after his arrest, the sedition charges
From top to bottom
had stopped sending him messages to which he responded ized corruption of the Indian political elite. were dropped. Nevertheless, Aseem Trivedi
1. Aseem Trivedi (India)
with emoticons to “pacify the reports” and protect his loved 2. Self-portrait - Aseem
The website hosting his cartoons was rapidly is still on the authorities’ radar for “insulting
ones, who remain in Azerbaijan. Gunduz does not have the Trivedi (India) shut down by the authorities. Aseem Trivedi a national symbol.”
Internet, a handicap for this man who only wants to work, 3. Aseem Trivedi (India) then launched, along with other journalists
“preferably at night when everyone is sleeping.” He tries to and activists, a campaign to battle against After a two-year break, Aseem Trivedi went
energetically sketch international current affairs, but forbids online censorship, “Save Your Voice”. back to his cartooning work following the
himself from drawing religious cartoons. “Certain residents of Charlie Hebdo attacks, convinced that this
the center do not understand,” he explained. He, who grew The 2012 winner of the Courage in Editorial attack strengthened the ninth art even
up in the Muslim faith before becoming agnostic. Like other Cartooning Award from the organization more. In 2015, he created the online plat-
colleagues, he sees political cartoons as the very heart of the form Black & White dedicated to the art
freedom of expression and wants to continue to give himself of “resistance” through cartooning, on
the right to break the rules. Clearly, there is no question of which he regularly publishes his cartoons,
putting down the pencil. “I am here to continue my work.” in ten-image series, criticizing the violation
of freedom of expression in India, but also
*first names have been changed in Turkey, Egypt and even Bahrain. The first
edition of the online magazine was dedi-
cated to a collection of cartoons called “A
Cartoon Against Every Lash” in support
of Raïf Badawi, a Saudi Arabian blogger
sentenced in September 2014 to 1,000
lashes and 10 years in prison. Through Black
& White, Aseem Trivedi wields his pencil
in the battle for justice, equality and the
respect of human rights.
Malaysia has
the strictest
KEY POLITICAL SITUATION and Malaysians are demanding more and
more for electoral reforms. Called on to
In the absence of an independent justice
system, the government does not hesitate
censorship laws
FIGURES The Federation of Malaysia is made up of resign many times, Najib Razak responded in harassing certain media organizations by in the world.
thirteen States and three federal territo- by toughening repression on civil society dragging them to court. Certain websites
ries. Once a former British colony, Malaysia political nature. The leader of the opposi- and locking down public debate. The presi- like Sarawak, The Edge or Medium were
31.7 million inhabitants
(2016) has been, since its independence in 1957, tion, Anwar Ibrahim, already imprisoned dent from the Bersih movement, Maria Chin blocked or targeted by cyber attacks for
run by the same National Front coali- from 1998 to 2004 for unproven events, was Abdullah, very active in the struggle for the having reported the corruption allegations
POLITICAL SYSTEM/KING tion government (Barisan Nasional, BN), sentenced in February 2015 to five years in protection of civil liberties, is being inves- targeting officials. Najib Razak’s govern-
Constitutional monarchy governed by the principal Malaysian party, prison under the pretext of “sodomy” – a tigated for having participated in activities ment regularly brandishes the Sedition Act
with parliamentary the United Malays National Organization crime in this country governed by a legal “which harm parliamentary democracy.” in order to arrest and charge independent
3Prime Minister Najib (UMNO). In order to explain such longevity, system that mixes common law with Islamic journalists. While threats against the media
Razak (King with one needs to study the existing divisions law – leaving the Malaysian opposition Malaysia is also equipped with an arsenal of intensify, it is becoming harder for investi-
symbolic power) between the different ethnic and religious weakened and divided. draconian laws – such as the Sedition Act, gative journalists to work and publish on
communities in Malaysia. Malaysian society the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act subjects of public interest.
has approximately 55% Muslim Malays, Najib Abdul Razak has been prime minister or the Prevention of Terrorism Act – regu-
Islam (official religion
– 62%), Buddhism 10% “indigenous” populations, which, since the resignation of his predecessor larly invoked as a pretext for smothering Additionally, Malaysia has the strictest
(20%), Christianity along with the Malays, form the Bumiputra Abdullah Ahmad Badawi in 2009, and dissent, silencing government detractors, censorship laws in the world. Authorities
(9.2%), Hinduism (6.3%) community (“children of the land”), bene- was reelected for a second term in 2013 and stopping the population from partic- exercise almost absolute control over
(ESTIMATION BY THE FRENCH ficiaries of a positive discrimination policy during controversial elections. His rise to ipating in peaceful protests. Najib Razak, the media and can impose restrictions in
since the 1970s; 26% are Chinese (for the power was marked by increased repression who had promised to repeal the anti-sedi- the name of national security. The media
most part Buddhist and Christians) and on dissident civil society, and stained by tion act inherited from the British, has, on authority, despite Najib Razak’s promise in
OFFICIAL LANGUAGE almost 8% Indians (in large part Hindu). serious corruption allegations. Since 2015, the contrary, strengthened it. Henceforth, 2011 to never censor the Internet, regularly
Malay Confronted with a fragile balance between the prime minister has been embroiled in any person prosecuted for “an uprising blocks information blogs that upset the
these different communities, Kuala Lumpur a scandal with international ramifications against authority” risks up to twenty years in ruling party.
has for decades played upon the fear of an linked to the embezzlement of almost 700 prison, compared to only three before.
93.1% (UNICEF 2008-2012)
inter-ethnic conflict in order to remain in million dollars of public investment funds Since the Malaysian authorities are quick
GROWTH RATE power. The Malaysian authorities also profit from 1Malaysia Development Berhad to consider any form of political satire or
4.7% (WB, 2013) from the division of the opposition parties (1MDB). The citizen movements calling for FREEDOM OF THE PRESS parody as seditious or defamatory, it is rare
and do not hesitate to lash out at their repre- more exemplary character and transparency that anyone dares use art to criticize power.
sentatives through legal proceedings of a on behalf of the government have increased, The Barisan Nasional coalition in power Since Barisan Nasional has been at the head
3.3% (WB, 2016)
enjoys almost absolute control over the of the country, the authorities have taken
DEMOCRACY INDEX media. Private television channels as well as severe measures against political cartoons,
6.54 “imperfect most of the private press belong to parties musicians, comedians and even Youtubers
democracy” – ranked or groups close to the BN. The State media, who have produced satirical works consid-
65th out of 167 (2016) on the other hand, is simply the mouthpiece ered as “offensive” and “disrespectful.”
CORRUPTION PERCEPTION for the government. The only independent If it is permitted to mock members of the
INDEX media is online, with servers hosted abroad. opposition parties, challenging represen-
49/100 – ranked 55th The Internet has become a privileged space tatives of the governing elite can result
out of 176 (TRANSPARENCY for expression, which welcomes dissident in arrests and legal proceedings. Artists,
voices from Malaysia. The real political and in particular, cartoonists, who have
HDI debate now plays out online, which leaves fallen on Najib Razak’s bad side have been
0.779 – ranked 62nd bloggers, for example, particularly exposed. subjected to his wrath. For a cartoon of the
out of 187 (UN, 2014) prime minister drawn with the features of
Najib Razak is waging a personal war a clown and published on social media,
against any media organization considered Fahmi Reza was arrested, interrogated,
ranked 146th out of 180
in 2016 – 147th in 2015 too independent and does not hesitate to banned from travel and currently faces two
(WORLD PRESS FREEDOM INDEX) send in the police. These strong-arm oper- counts of sedition. As for the cartoonist From top to bottom
ations result in many arbitrary arrests. Some Zunar, he risks 43 years in prison for nine 1. Prime Minister Najib
Razak - Fahmi Reza
journalists have even received threats or drawings posted on Twitter that are judged (Malaysia)
have been physically attacked. to be seditious. 2. Zunar (Malaysia)
Zunar is a symbol of the struggle for 43 years in prison for having posted critical
freedom of expression in Malaysia, and tweets about the government. His trial has
the regime’s pet peeve. In his drawings, he been pushed back several times over the
denounces the rampant corruption at all past two years.
institutional levels of his country.
Supported by many international organiza-
Imprisoned on several different occasions, tions, his cartoonist colleagues and person-
he has faced a real governmental lynching alities such as the co-founder of Wikipedia,
for over a decade: forbidden to travel, the cartoonist has not stopped fighting in
closure of his website, seizure of his draw- order to exercise his rights. Since the begin-
ings, arrests of his assistants and supporters, ning of 2017, he has succeeded in obtaining
forbidden to circulate his publications. $4,000 in compensation from the Malaysian
government for the destruction of his
In November 2016, opponents disrupted cartoons during a police raid at his house
the opening of Zunar’s exhibit. The police in 2010, and is working to remove his travel
came, confiscated his drawings and finally ban by asserting its unconstitutionality.
placed the cartoonist in custody. A month
later, Zunar was arrested again when he Zunar received the “City
organized a book sale in order to compen- of Geneva – Cartooning for
sate the financial loss due to the cancel- Peace Swiss Foundation
lation of his exhibit. An investigation was Award” last year, honoring his courage
opened for wrongdoing against parliamen- and determination.
tary democracy.
Born in France in 1967, Damien Glez has
been a professional newspaper cartoonist
since 1992 and a member of Cartooning
for Peace since 2006. For over 25 years,
he has lived in Burkina Faso where he ran
the Journal du Jeudi, a satirical Burkinabe
newspaper. He regularly collaborates
with the international media, like Jeune
Afrique, This is Africa, the website for
Radio Nederland and World Policy Journal.
hen Arab leaders convened in the within and without exemplify the audacity of cartoonists in
Jordanian capital of Amman in late March the Middle East. In fact, in this tenuous environment, autono-
to deliberate over the pressing matters mous cartoonists thrive.
of a war-torn region, Arab cartoonists
responded in kind. The Saudi illustrator Most governments in the region, from the Maghreb
Abdullah Jaber’s “The Arab Summit” consisted of six over- and Levant to the Persian Gulf, retain archaic laws that limit
turned ambulances with a heaping pile of bloodied bodies in speech, prohibiting “insults” to monarchs or presidents,
the center. The Egyptian cartoonist Makhouf public institutions or symbols of the state.
drew the protruding bellies of sheikhs laying However the rules are defined and whatever
atop rolling hills, creating their own moun- the precedents, authorities tend to haphaz-
tain range of “Arab Summits.” The Jordanian That leaders ardly enforce them against dissidents.
cartoonist Amjad Rasmi illustrated two jani- Independent cartoonists are well versed in
tors cleaning up a jumbled conference room, shield the regulations’ vague meanings, and they
sweeping up empty words. fearlessly work around them. Of course
themselves many have gotten caught in the regime’s
The daring cartoonists of the diverse from satire is web of repression. Algerian cartoonists have
region have maintained their hard-won inde- fled the country after caricatures of long-
pendence at a time when the preponder-
an indication time President Abdelaziz Bouteflika caused
ance of journalists and columnists are part of humor’s a stir. Meanwhile Egyptian cartoonists,
of the popular chorus, singing the praises of especially in the past decade, have flouted
the undemocratic governments. Cartoonists unifying power. such regulations. In the Emirates, Kuwait,
are often critics in countries where free Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, most cartoonists
expression is not always tolerated, where stick to social criticism or foreign policy,
rulers rule with impunity and debating reli- knowing that the dynastic rulers are touchy.
gion is taboo. The cartoonists working within these confines, It is no coincidence that academics, activists, bloggers, and
where governments gripe and religious extremists growl, poets who censured Gulf leaders have found themselves in
continue to lampoon just about everyone. These threats from prison, creating a chilling effect across the board. Authorities
use whatever powers they have to limit criticism, like the
detention of Palestinian cartoonists at Israeli checkpoints.
That leaders shield themselves from satire is an indication of
humor’s unifying power: after all, the many protesters partic-
ipating in the 2011 revolutions gleefully carried placards with
Religion delineates another red line, one just as ambig-
uous and dangerous. When terrorists gunned down the
cartoonists of Charlie Hebdo in Paris under the pretext of the
deciding to
exercise their
KEY POLITICAL SITUATION According to the democracy index by The
Economist Group, the country is consid-
media sector is controlled by the regime
and censorship is common. Ironically,
freedom are In addition to the subjects mentioned
above, the amendments to anti-terrorist
FIGURES Several international observers consider ered an authoritarian regime. The refugee a tougher stance was taken, particu- much too often and anti-corruption laws have extended
Jordan, in many respects, a model of situation is troubling, as well as that for larly through legislative amendments the scope of motives for incriminating jour-
moderation and modernity in the Middle migrant workers, political opponents that cropped up after the Arab Spring. victims of threats nalists, particularly in regards to how the
9.53 million inhabitants
(2015) East. One of the reasons used to arrive at and women. Several NGOs have blamed Legislative power has progressively to their physical media treats national security questions.
such a conclusion is the relatively peaceful a constitutional reform that was only a prohibited the freedom of expression on The most worrisome amendment remains
POLITICAL SYSTEM/KING attitude that the official authorities have hollow shell, with many abuses continuing many subjects so much so that journalists integrity. the law against cybercrime. Indeed, since
Constitutional monarchy showed in their reactions to popular upris- to be perpetrated. are seen as de facto silenced. it has come into effect in June 2015, jour-
3King Abdullah II
ings from the Jordanian Arab Spring. nalists can face a prison sentence of up to
RELIGIONS three years. According to Jordan’s Center
Sunni Islam (92%), The anti-establishment’s demands essen- for Defending Freedom of Journalists,
Christianity (6%), Druze, tially touched upon two points: more at least seven journalists or activists have
Shiite and other (2%) social justice for the modest social classes been detained since the law went into
and an institutional reform of the legis- effect.
Arab lative process. The authorities reacted
by launching, as of September 2011, a Such measures forbid cartoonists from
LITERACY RATE constitutional reform proposal before producing and circulating any editorial
95.9% (UNICEF, 2008-2012) responding to these different demands. cartoons of a political or religious nature.
The electoral law has since been changed Faced with this oppressive climate, censor-
2.8% (WB, 2013) twice and the legislative elections held in ship is, alas, a sadly common phenomenon.
September 2016 were considered by the When this is not due to direct intimidation
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE international community as organized, from the Jordanian Press Association, it is
13.2% (WB, 2016) inclusive and credible. the journalists themselves who censor their
work for fear of retaliation. In addition to
3.96 “authoritarian Although Jordan, particularly in regards to government pressure to which they are
regime” – ranked 117th its geopolitical situation, can be consid- subject, cartoonists deciding to exercise
out of 167 (2016) ered as an example to follow, certain their freedom are much too often victims
aspects of its regime remain incompat- of threats to their physical integrity by
ible with numerous democratic founding members of civil society. The most polem-
48 – ranked 57th out principles. ical cartoons are often those on religious
of 176 (TRANSPARENCY topics.
INTERNATIONAL, 2016) Indeed, the essential part of the executive
and legislative powers remains concen-
trated in the hands of King Abdullah II.
0.79 – ranked 80th
out of 187 (UN, 2014) The latter names judges, the government From top to bottom
as well as all the members of the upper 1. Emad Hajjaj (Jordan)
2. Emad Hajjaj (Jordan)
REPORTERS WITHOUT chamber of Parliament. He also has abso-
BORDERS RANKING lute royal veto that he can exercise at any
Ranked 135th out of 180 time in order to block any law proposal. Alas, political cartoons are not exempt from
in 2016 – 143rd in 2015
(WORLD PRESS FREEDOM INDEX) Even though a two-thirds majority in this phenomenon. Cartoonists, like their
Parliament can bypass this veto, it does FREEDOM OF THE PRESS other journalist colleagues, are subject to
not represent a sufficient counterbalance. government or civil censorship. First, the
Furthermore, any individual found criti- Although freedom of the press is law specifically indicates that all journalists
cizing the king, his government and even established in the constitution, Jordan expressing an opinion “inconsistent” with
religion, is subject to a three-year prison continues to be considered as a State Arab-Muslim values, the government or
sentence. that continually denies it. According to the royal family could be sentenced to pay
the NGO Freedom House, in 2016, the a fine of up to 40,000 US dollars. This ban
Generally, the situation of human rights Jordanian press was considered as “not is in effect in both the print media as well
in Jordan can be qualified as worrisome. free.” Generally, the large majority of the as on websites.
THE NAHED The death threats continued to rain down. The Jordanian
authorities arrested the journalist for what it called “inciting
tears of his son, the distressed
people all around. That is why
lives in danger. When activists need
a pretext for justifying their violence;
HATTAR STORY religious discord” and “insulting Islam.” This was a violation
of Jordanian law subject to a firm prison sentence. Let out
on bail, Hattar was assassinated on September 25th on the
I drew afterwards. I knew that
my cartoon was going to bother
certain people; Nahed Hattar was
they always find it.”
n August 13, 2016, the writer and journalist The Jordanian government, while imposing a media their ideas.” After the publication of his police in the face of the latter: “I’m not
Nahed Hattar, a controversial figure in Jordan, blackout on the story, expressed its firmness and intransi- drawing on social media, Emad received asking for private protection or a body-
born Christian but committedly secular and a gence regarding this type of violence via an official memo. a multitude of hateful and threatening guard; I am only asking that the authorities
fervent supporter of Bashar Al-Assad, shared As for Nahed Hattar’s loved ones, they criticized the author- comments, accusing him of supporting react and take these threats seriously before
a cartoon on his Facebook page. The author ities’ attitude in the management of this case, going so far Hattar and his ideas, as well as those in someone takes action.” The cartoonist,
unknown and entitled “Lord of ISIS,” it represented a soldier as to argue that the government encouraged the violence support of the blasphemous cartoon shared This case who was convicted to a suspended four
from the Islamic State in paradise. Surrounded by two against him by choosing to prosecute him. by the journalist. years prison term for a cartoon of King
women, he drinks wine and talks to God, shown as his server. highlights Mohammed VI’s cousin, criticizes the prolif-
Immediately, social media lit up. At the same time, two Jordanian cartoonists, Osama Nahed Hattar’s case calls for a wide eration of violent speech against those who
Hajjaj and Emad Hajjaj, published cartoons criticizing the range look at the stakes linked to circulating
the contrast dare take up the pencil.
Faced with a surge of attacks that this publication caused, journalist’s murder. Emad Hajjaj explained that the scale of political cartoons on the web. New technol- between
Nahed Hattar withdrew the cartoon, indicating that he had this case had shocked him. From Hattar’s arrest up until his ogies have effectively come to revolutionize Without a doubt, the Internet allows
not intended to be disrespectful of the Muslim community, death, by way of his imprisonment and the charges brought the former circulation methods for political the simple for the circulation of political cartoons on a
and that he had only wanted to poke fun at the jihadists’ against him, Emad explains: “All this was rather trau- cartoons. They have particularly contributed circulation of vast scale, and helps reach new audiences.
vision of paradise. matizing, I remember when he was killed, the blood, the to freeing speech that was often silenced in In this, it is an essential tool for cartoonists.
the so-called “traditional” media, such as a cartoon and However, it is also taking the risk of coming
we see in many countries like Malaysia and face to face with a multitude of interpre-
Russia, where “free” cartoonists tend to
its disastrous tations, which can sometimes surpass, to
prefer publishing online. consequences. a great extent, the author’s wishes. The
cartoon ends up, given the nature itself of
Social media facilitates the circulation social media, much more easily extracted
and sharing of content, but also its de-con- from its publication context, however
textualization, misappropriation and even instrumentalisa- indispensable the latter is to its interpretation. This risk of
tion: ideas defended or faults denounced are no longer misunderstanding is even more likely since the sense of
received solely by sensitive audiences as was traditionally immediacy that characterizes the Internet also changes the
the case in the written press. reader’s behavior: they can forget to take the time to under-
stand and reflect when looking at the cartoon, whose objec-
This is a case that highlights the contrast between the tive is simply to create and provoke thought and debate.
simple circulation of a cartoon and the disastrous conse-
quences that it can cause: despite the withdrawal of the
cartoon a few hours after its publication, the opponents’
verve did not decrease. Worse still, the authorities decided
to prosecute him even though he had already apologized
From left to right and clarified his position. Conversely, the Internet users who
1. Bonil (Ecuador) had threatened him, on the very same platform, were not
2. Hani Abbas bothered.
(Syria / Palestine)
3. “United Jordan
to denounce the The day after Nahed Hattar’s assassination, the
assasination of
Nahed Hattar / Moroccan cartoonist Khalid Gueddar chose to pay homage
No to murder, no to the Jordanian journalist by publishing the same cartoon
to violence, no to
extremism” - Emad
as him, accompanied by a citation from Charb: “I don’t feel
Hajjaj (Jordan) like I’m cutting someone’s throat with a pen. I don’t put
0,691 - ranked 111th
out of 187 (UN, 2015)
Ranked 159th out of 180
in 2016 - 158th in 2015
A cohort of young
activists, artists, Islam Gawish, a young, 26-year-old of expression in Egypt is undoubted. From
and journalists Egyptian cartoonist, publishes his work on the government’s perspective, this event did
the Facebook page “elwarka” (“a sheet of not produce the expected results: Gawish’s
who cut their paper”), which is followed by more than arrest started a campaign of support led
1.5 million people. His satirical cartoons by Egyptian cartoonists, who quickly inun-
teeth during the are generally dedicated to societal issues, dated social media with cartoons. The
Islam Gawish Twitter
2011 uprising have account but sometimes touch on the government opposition to the government also mobi-
and Egyptian politicians. lized, demanding the immediate release of
persevered in the the cartoonist, his arrest being representa-
face of repression. Abdel Fattah al-Sissi’s government, in tive of a climate “that restricts the freedom
place since 2014, has hardened its tone of opinion and expression.” The entire story
regarding opponents and independent was relayed in the national and international
media channels that criticize his policies. press.
Given the success of Islam Gawish and the
media organization for which he works, on The world of culture and media has now
January 31, 2016 he was arbitrarily arrested become the latest victim of an Egyptian
at his place of work for the supposed illegal government with authoritarian inclinations,
status of his Facebook page. This arrest was as this arrest symbolized, coming only
accompanied by the seizure of his personal six days after the fifth anniversary of the
computer. The cartoonist only spent one Egyptian revolution.
day in prison, not having responsibility over
the management of the website.
On the day before the second anniversary of the
Award Charlie Hebdo massacre, Reporters Without Borders
On the occasion of World Press Freedom Day, on (RWF) and the cartoonists associations Cartoonists
This report could not have been made without the precious help of the The Economist Intelligence Unit d’expression », 17 février 2017 sala-de-prensa/noticias/174-supercom-
Democracy Index sanciona-a-caricaturista-xavier-bonilla-y-
members of Cartooning for Peace’s watchdog and alert unit, as well as external presidentielle-en-equateur-quel-avenir- diario-el-universo
volunteer contributors. Cartooning for Peace would like to thank, in particular: com/2017/DemocracyIndex/ pour-la-liberte-dexpression •
• « Adoption de la loi organique de prensa/noticias/164-en-cumplimiento-de-la-
communication : de bons principes et ley-supercom-remite-caso-bonil-a-la-fiscalia
VLADIMIR VASAK, board member of Cartooning for Peace and THE AMERICAS - ECUADOR des clauses problématiques », 14 juin
2013, mis à jour le 16 janvier 2016 Non Governmental Organizations
investigative reporter for Arte International organizations Federacion ecuatoriana de federaciones
de-la-loi-organique-de-communication- LGBTI
A journalist for Arte since the channel started in 1992, Vladimir Vasak gradu- World Bank de-bons-principes-et-des-clauses-
ated from the Centre de Formation des Journalistes in Paris and has an M.Phil. problematiques caricatura-de-bonil-es-denunciada-por-
OHCHR Human Rights Committee- Final parte-de-fede-lgbt/
in Business Law from the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He works observations, August 2016 Press
for different Arte programs, and specializes in Russia, the Balkans, the United Reporters without borders
States and European questions. treatybodyexternal/Download. censuree-une-rectification-pleine-
aspx?symbolno=CCPR/C/ECU/ elections-equateur-fin-cycle-gauches- dhumour
CO/6&Lang=En amerique-latine
PNUD Country Information Ecuador Other sources
JONATHAN GUYER, member of the Institute of Current World Affairs
The Economist
Bonil’s testimony
Jonathan Guyer is a contributing editor of the Cairo Review of Global Affairs ecuador/es/home/countryinfo.html americas/21717119-under-rafael-correa-
Governmental organizations living-standards-rose-he-governed-heavy-
and a 2017-2018 fellow at the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study at Harvard
France Diplomatie Ecuador, update
hand-and-leaves-lot?zid=305&ah=417bd THE AMERICAS – VILMA
University. He has written for Guernica, Harper’s, Los Angeles Review of Books, 5664dc76da5d98af4f7a640fd8a
September 2016 Non Governmental Organizations
Le Monde Diplomatique, The New Yorker, New York Times, The Paris Review, Le Monde
Cartoonists rights
and Rolling Stone. His research on comics, cartoons, and satire in the Middle fr/fr/dossiers-pays/equateur/ •
presentation-de-l-equateur/ article/2015/07/18/en-equateur-
East has been supported by fellowships from Fulbright (2012-2013) and the agency-censors-cartoonistpainter-vilma-
Institute of Current World Affairs (2015-2017). US Department of State Country Reports medias_4688346_3222.html
on Human Rights Practices for 2016 • Other sources
On Twitter: @mideastXmidwest – Ecuador J.M Mora’s blog
article/2017/04/04/equateur-le-socialiste- moreno-officiellement-proclame-
humanrightsreport/#wrapper president_5105967_3222.html ecuador/
Vilma Vargas’s testimony
Non Governmental Organizations Le Monde diplomatique Edicion
TERRY ANDERSON, board member of Cartoonists Rights Network Amnesty International Annual report Colombia
International (CNRI) and editorial cartoonist 2016-2017 – Ecuador
php/component/k2/item/755-ley- THE AMERICAS – VENEZUELA
Terry Anderson sits on Cartoonists Rights Network International’s board of decomunicaci%C3%B3n-en-ecuador-
americas/ecuador/report-ecuador/ International organizations
directors and is their regional representative in Northern Europe. For more avances-y-desaf%C3%ADos
Economist Intelligence Unit PNUD Venezuela
than fifteen years he produced comics and feature illustrations for The Glasgow El Comercio venezuela/es/home/countryinfo.html
Herald. He is a co-ordinator at the Scottish Cartoon Art Studio, established in Freedom House crudo-ecuador-amenazas-fundamedios-
1999 and a specialist in character design, illustration, cartoon strips and scribing • Freedom in the world 2016 – Ecuador redes.html Governmental organizations
for private and public sector bodies. freedom-world/2016/ecuador Other sources Ministère des Affaires Étrangères français
In 2014 Terry organized an international cartoon exhibition on the Scottish inde- • Freedom of the press 2016 – Ecuador Bonil’s testimony
pendence referendum – The Auld Acquaintance – that was shown in six venues fr/fr/dossiers-pays/venezuela/
around Europe. The Scottish Cartoon Art Studio’s Fizzers® caricatures were the presentation-du-venezuela/
• Freedom on the net 2016 – Ecuador
subject of a ten year retrospective exhibition at The People’s Palace & Winter Non Governmental Organizations
freedom-net/2016/ecuador Press Amnesty International Report on
Gardens, Glasgow in 2016/17.
Fundamedios “2016: un clima negativo El Comercio Venezuela
A former student of The Kubert School of cartooning, Terry is a member of para la libertad de expresión en Ecuador”
the Professional Cartoonists’ Organisation and The Cartoon Movement. For latinoamerica/ecuador-gobierno- americas/venezuela/report-venezuela/
a decade he served on the executive committee and ultimately as President org/2016-la-aplicacion-de-la-ley-de- sanciona-caricaturista-noticia-1706548 Freedom House « Collateral damage:
comunicacion-y-la-censura-en-internet- Venezuelan Cartoonist Rayma on Limits
of the Scottish Artists Union, the trade union for all visual artists working in France info Interview of Bonil 22nd of
marcan-el-clima-negativo-para-la- to Artistic Freedom »
January 2014
Scotland. He is frequently asked to broadcast, speak publicly and lead work- libertad-de-expresion-en-ecuador/
El Universo
shops on the subject of cartooning.” Human Rights Watch World Report 2017 collateral-damage-venezuelan-cartoonist-
– Ecuador opinion/2016/07/24/nota/5705763/ rayma-limits-artistic-freedom embajada-turquia Observatorio Venezolano de Violencia
country-chapters/ecuador 2016 Report
Reporters without borders Governmental organizations
Cartooning for Peace would also like to warmly thank the cartoonists for their • « Election présidentielle en Supercom ve/2016-ovv-estima-28-479-muertes-
testimonies and works that appear in this report. Equateur : quel avenir pour la liberté • violentas-en-venezuela/