Discipline of Information Systems and Technology

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Majoring in Computing

Information Systems
& Technology
The University of KwaZulu-Natal (Westville) offers two
main routes to degrees with majors in computing.
These are: Computer Science and Information Systems
College: Law and Management Studies
Discipline of
& Technology (IS&T).
Students may choose to major in either IS&T (core
Course Content: Includes…

Information Systems
major) or may elect to pursue the double major in IS &T
(core and 2nd major). Level 1: End User Computing, IS &T for Business (includes,
Personal Productivity Tools, Controls, Web Design),

and Technology
The IT programme allows a student to major in both
Computer Science and Information Systems & Development and Applications fundamentals
Technology, or a double major in IS & T, or a single (includes, problem solving and logic, systems
(core) major in IS & T with any other specialization. analysis, auditing and Bus applications).

The Computer Science and IT programmes are Level 2: Introduction to programming, Systems Analysis
available from the College of Agriculture, Engineering and Design, Database and Programing.
and Science. Level 3:
Below we give more detail on the programmes Major 1: Advanced Systems Analysis and Design,
involving IS&T; the Computer Science and IT Applied System Implementation 1, Applied
programmes are available from the College of Systems Implementation 2, and Networking
Agriculture, Engineering and Science. and Database Management.
Major 2: E-Commerce and E-Deployment, Mobile
Technology & Cloud Computing, Information
Systems & Technology Security, and Info
Systems and Technology Professional Skills.

Tel: +27 31 260 7722/7051
+27 33 2605704
Fax: +27 31 260 7251

Information Brochure
E-mail: [email protected]
Online: https://www.ukzn.ac.za

What is IS&T? Some of the key indicators that  Understand the business value that information and
information systems can facilitate for an organisation
IS&T focuses on the design, specification, and implemen- IS&T might be the degree  Build small information systems
tation of information systems, and on the human, organi-
zational and environmental considerations needed in
for you are:  Participate in designing, implementing, and managing
order to use such systems to achieve business goals and  You are interested in the use of computer systems as a larger information systems
maintain competitive advantage. In short, IS&T is the study tool in business and the business value that informa-  Be familiar with a range of techniques, standards, and
of how to use information systems effectively in managing tion and information systems can facilitate for an or- tool for building and implementing larger information
a business. ganisation systems
IS&T is a vibrant and exciting field. There are constantly new  You have an interest in understanding how and why
advancements, most recently in the areas of electronic, people use information and information systems What are the Career
mobile and Internet commerce where businesses are  You wish to understand the organizational and en- Opportunities?
competing in the “new” economy, a global environment in vironmental settings and implementing solutions to
which the use of information systems is vital in order to A specialisation in IS&T is an excellent starting point for
problems a long-term career in the opportunity-rich world of
manage the information flows which connect the business
to all environmental What are the Benefits of a Information Systems. There are literally thousands of dif-
ferent avenues you could follow, most with attractive
IS&T Degree? salaries. IS&T graduates will find employment in a variety of
Is IS&T for ME? roles, from the very technical to the very business oriented,
Our IS&T degree aims to provide a solid grounding in both
IS&T is aimed at students who have an interest, not only in both in South Africa and overseas. The world is at your feet
technology and organizational theory, as well as providing
computer systems, but in the use of computer systems as a with the depth of a IS&T degree behind you!
the pathway to being able to apply the theory in practice.
tool in business. It requires that you experience information Just some of the benefits of completing the degree are
systems and learn how to analyse, design and build them. that you will be able to:
This degree will ensure that you are exposed to a wide vari-
 Understand how and why people use information and
ety of information systems and are taught methodologies
information systems
for developing new systems.
 Understand the theory underlying the effective use of
information systems

When to Apply
Applications close on 30 September
University Road, Westville
Private Bag X 54001, Durban, 4000

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