Blaquera V Civil Service Commission Case Digest
Blaquera V Civil Service Commission Case Digest
Blaquera V Civil Service Commission Case Digest
The petitioners and intervenors who are permanent 7. On August 6, 1991, DENR Secretary
employees in the Department of Environment and Factoran submitted a memorandum to
Natural Resources (DENR) filed this petition for President Aquino, through Executive
prohibition and mandamus with a prayer for the Secretary Franklin Drilon, requesting that the
issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction and/or 597 coterminous positions of the DENR be
restraining order, to stop the respondents from extended up to December 31, 1991, without
removing them from their positions in the DENR prejudice to DBM's action on his (Secretary
pursuant to the 1987 reorganization of that Factoran's) motion for reconsideration. The
department under Executive Order No. 192 dated Office of the President granted the request.
June 10, 1987.
8. But as Secretary Factoran's request for
FACTS: reconsideration of Secretary Carague's order
1. Pursuant to Executive Order No. 165 of May remained unacted upon, the petitioners filed
5, 1987 which abolished the Commission of in this Court on December 19, 1991, the
Government Reorganization and transferred present petition for prohibition
its remaining functions to the Department of and mandamus with a prayer for the
Budget and Management (DBM). DENR issuance of a restraining order/preliminary
Secretary Fulgencio S. Factoran, Jr. injunction.
submitted to the DBM a staffing pattern
consisting of 28,106 positions. The DBM ISSUE/S:
approved only 22,956 positions and the 1. Whether the impending mass dismissal of
petitioners' positions were among those petitioners from employment would violate
trimmed off the new plantilla. their right to security of tenure and the
provisions of Republic Act. No. 6656
2. On July 4, 1988, the DBM released a revised
staffing pattern containing 23,612 positions 2. Whether the appointment of the petitioners to
only which was 1,002 positions less than the so-called coterminous positions deprived
what the DENR Secretary requested and them of the right to due process
which still did not include the positions of the
petitioners. 3. The creation of positions “coterminous with
the incumbent but not exceeding three
3. On July 29, 1988, the DENR requested the years” is not in accordance with civil service
DBM to restore 839 positions which DBM laws, rules, and regulations
had disapproved earlier. After long
negotiations between the DENR and DBM, 4. Respondent DBM Secretary has no
subject to the condition that these positions discretion but to grant respondent DENR
shall be coterminous with the appointees but Secretary's request for regularization of the
not to exceed three (3) years. coterminous positions.
ensure that only those found corrupt, inefficient and In fact, DENR Secretary Fulgencio Factoran
undeserving are separated from the government (who is presumed to know better than anyone else the
service." needs of his department) had urged the DBM to
restore the positions of the petitioners because they
are "vital to the functions, mandates and objectives of
Although the security of tenure of government the DENR." Since the abolition of their positions will
employees is protected by Section 2, subpar. (3), Title not conduce to either "efficiency" or "economy" in the
B, Article IX of the 1987 Constitution, thus: Service, which are the principal justifications for any
government overhaul, then, obviously, the
reorganization of the DENR is not justified.
Sec. 2. (3) No officer or employee of the civil service __________________________________________
shall be removed or suspended except for cause
provided by law. In the case of Dario vs Mison is a basic
ingredient for the validity of any government
Section 16 of Article XVIII (Transitory Provisions) of reorganization Without it, the cloth would disintegrate.
the Constitution still allows the separation of “Reorganization is a recognized valid ground for
employees "not for cause but as a result of the separation of civil service employees, subject only to
reorganization pursuant to Proclamation No. the condition that it be done in good faith. No less
3 . . . and the reorganization following the ratification than the Constitution itself in Sec. 16 of the Transitory
of this Constitution." Provisions, together with Section 33 and 34 of EO No.
81 and Sec. 9 of RA No. 6656, support this conclusion
Yes, the creation of positions “coterminous with the with the declaration that all those not so appointed in
incumbent but not exceeding three years” is not in the implementation of said reorganization shall be
accordance with civil service laws, rules, and deemed separated from the service with the
regulations concomitant recognition of their entitlement to
appropriate separation benefits and/or retirement
plans of the reorganized government agency.