90 Essential Nutrients-Cellular Level
90 Essential Nutrients-Cellular Level
90 Essential Nutrients-Cellular Level
Medical Questions—Ask Dr. Joel Wallach; live on the radio (Monday – Friday)
3:05 pm est 2:05 pm cst 1:05 pm mst 12:05 pm pst 1-888-379-2552 “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”
4:05 pm est 3:05 pm cst 2:05 pm mst 1:05 pm pst 1-877-912-7529 “Let’s Play Doctor”
Email: Dr. Edmond DeVory - log onto www.youngevity.com bottom left hand column, click on “Nutrition Question?”
Consult Your Healthcare Professional Before Using Youngevity Products
Symptoms may include all or some of the following: Sore joints, 20688 Killer Biotic Fx (60 capsules) $34.50
headaches, outbreak of acne (pimples), foul breath, body odor, 82505 Immu-911 (60 capsules) $29.50
constipation and etc. May last up to three weeks or longer— 21831 Daily (180 tablets) $39.50
depending on individual’s health challenges. Reduce your daily 20683 Cardio Fx (60 capsules) $35.00
Youngevity product intake by half or until symptoms are
PJ415 Hepol (60 capsules) $26.75
tolerable; after 4 to 5 days slowly increase daily intake to full
20693 Cleanse Fx, 4-day prg. (60 capsules) $22.00
10235 5-day Cleansing prg. $78.00
Majestic Earth Multiples: (½ oz. am – ½ oz. lunch)
23221 Beyond Tangy Tangerine (NutraCrystalsTM) $48.50 Add—Plant Derived Minerals:
One of the Multiples and One of the EFA’s has all the 90 Essential Nutrients with two exceptions.
-Same nutrients as the Tangy, plus 115 Fruits and Vegetables 13203 Plant Derived Minerals (32 oz. bottle) $19.00
-[No added flavor]
13201 Ultimate Classic (32 oz. bottle) $40.50
90 Essential Nutrients
-600 mg Of 77 Plant Derived Minerals per oz. 13204 Cheri-Mins (32 oz. bottle) $20.50
-[Cherry flavor]
13221 Tangy Tangerine (32 oz. bottle) $41.00
-300 mg Of 77 Plant Derived Minerals per oz. 13205 Herbal Rainforest (32 oz. bottle) $29.00
-[Plus 16 herbs]—Not for expecting Moms
13206 Tropical Plus (32 oz. bottle – No Vitamin K) $34.50
-300 mg Of 77 Plant Derived Minerals per oz. 20691 Mineral Caps (64 capsules) $40.00
-300 mg of calcium per oz. -600 mg of Anhydrous Plant Derived Minerals per capsule
*All Liquids-Infant to 12 yrs (1 tsp to 20 lbs. of body weight) Liquids = 600 mg of 77 Plant Derived Minerals per serving
For infants add to breast milk or baby formula
**Liquids can be added to your daily water or energy drink **
Essential Fatty Acids (EFA): (Omega 3, 6 & 9)
(Minimum RDA: 0-12 yrs = 1, 12-35 yrs = 2 and 35 + yrs = 3 per day) Add—Calcium: (1 oz. pm – before bedtime)
***Nursing or Expecting Moms: 6 EFA per day*** (1 oz. = 1200 mg of Calcium as Tri-Calcium Phosphate & Citrate)
{Supports healthy bones & joints}
20641 EFA $18.00
-60 soft-gel capsules ($.28 per capsule) 81200 Cal Toddy (32 oz. bottle) $36.50
-100 IU Vitamin D3, 600 mg Magnesium, 15 mg Zinc
21832 EFA $41.50
-180 soft-gel capsules ($.23) per capsule) 13209 Osteo-Fx (32 oz. bottle) $39.00
-100 IU Vitamin D3, 200 mg Magnesium, 5 mg Zinc, 250 mg MSM
20989 EFA Plus $29.50
-90 soft-gel capsules 13210 Osteo-Fx Plus (32 oz. bottle) $41.00
-400 IU Vitamin D3, 300 mg Magnesium, 5 mg Zinc, 250 mg MSM,
500 mcg Strontium
Infant or Child: Take scissor—cut top off of capsule and let
infant or child suck liquid from EFA capsule or squeeze liquid on Men:……………………………. 1200 to 1800 mg per day
toast and spread butter over toast to hide taste. Women:………………………… 1500 to 2000 mg per day
Nursing or Expecting Moms:…. 2000 to 3000 mg per day
Gluco-Gel: (Arthritis: 8 capsules per day & 1 oz. of the liquid)
13216 Liquid Gluco-Gel (32 oz. bottle) $40.00 Women’s Products: (Improve Hormone Imbalance)
21252 Gluco-Gel (240 capsules) $35.00 13215 Women’s-Fx (32 oz. bottle) $31.50
21251 Gluco-Gel (120 capsules) $20.50 20686 Balance-Fx (60 capsules) [day 1 - 12] $34.50
****Helps rebuild connective tissues, bones and joints**** 20687 Bust-Fx (60 capsules) [day 14 - 27] $31.50
67507 Ocean’s Gold (60 capsules) $27.00
Additional Products:
21211 Enzymes (120 capsules) $23.50 40204 Balance Cream (2 oz.) $25.75
67502 Digest Plus (90 capsules) $31.25 50223 H.G.H. Youth Complex (180 capsule) $31.00
21201 Sweet Eze (120 capsules) $22.50 67508 Super KB (90 capsules) $25.00
20682 Prost Fx (60 capsules) $33.50 82123 D Stress (120 capsules) $25.00
20971 Selenium (90 capsules) $24.00 21210 Osteo-Mag (60 capsules) $25.50
67068 Lemongrass – 10 ML $23.75 21261 Resolution (90 capsules) $32.00
13211 Oxybody Cherry Berry (32 oz. bottle) $28.50 20970 S.M.A.R.T. Fx (60 capsules) $29.50
13220 Cocogevity (32 oz. bottle) $40.50 13208 Sport’s Tech (32 oz. bottle) $34.50
20681 OPC-T (60 capsules) $26.00 13217 Rebound Fx (Tropical Tirade-32 oz.) $34.50
13214 Noni Goose Juice (32 oz. bottle) $34.50 13219 Rebound Fx (Berri Boost-32 oz.) $34.50
Alternate the 5-day & 4-day cleanse every 90 days—follow each cleanse with a 10 day Flora Fx Prg.
Best if Products are taken twice a day—Refrigerate liquids after opening.
These are all natural products and may oxidize. Mix liquids with 5 oz. of filtered water or calcium-enriched juice {orange,
pineapple, mango, or papaya, etc…}. Take capsules according to the label directions or health challenge.
90 Essential Nutrients
67042 To Be Well – 10 ML [Infants to 9 yrs.] $26.00
67011 1st Defense – 10 ML [10 yrs. and older] $27.50
67032 Ravensara – 10 ML [Cough or Influenza] $29.75
67037 Tea Tree – 10 ML [Fights Infections] $19.75
43210 Hydro Wash (Liquid Laundry Detergent) $11.50
64001 Bloomin Minerals (40 lb. bag) $67.00
64002 Liquid Bloomin Minerals (1 qt.) $21.00
20692 Flora Fx (60 capsules) $29.50
Medical Questions—Ask Dr. Joel Wallach; live on the radio (Monday – Friday)
3:05 pm est 2:05 pm cst 1:05 pm mst 12:05 pm pst 1-888-379-2552 “Dead Doctors Don’t Lie”
4:05 pm est 3:05 pm cst 2:05 pm mst 1:05 pm pst 1-877-912-7529 “Let’s Play Doctor”
Email: Dr. Edmond DeVory - log onto www.youngevity.com bottom left hand column, click on “Nutrition Question?”