SPE-95575 A Semianalytical Method To Calculate Relative Permeability From Resistivity Well Logs
SPE-95575 A Semianalytical Method To Calculate Relative Permeability From Resistivity Well Logs
SPE-95575 A Semianalytical Method To Calculate Relative Permeability From Resistivity Well Logs
where Rt is the resistivity and Gw is the conductance at a Relative permeability of the wetting phase can be calculated
specific water saturation of Sw. using Eq. 6 from resistivity index data once the residual
According to the similarity theory between fluid flow and saturation of the wetting phase is available. Note that the
electrical flow, the relative permeability of the wetting phase residual saturation of the wetting phase can be obtained from
can be calculated using the following equation: the experimental measurement of resistivity.
Oil/water capillary pressure data were measured The resistivity index and capillary pressure data at a
simultaneously with resistivity in the same core sample. The temperature of 300oF are shown in Figs. 13 and 14
results are plotted in Fig. 2. respectively.
Oil/water relative permeability data were calculated from The results of relative permeability calculated from the
resistivity index (using Eqs. 6 and 9) and capillary pressure resistivity index and the capillary pressure data are seen in Fig.
data (see Li and Horne1) respectively. The results are 15. One can see in Fig. 15 that the oil relative permeabilities
compared and shown in Fig. 3. inferred from the resistivity index data are almost equal to
Fig. 3 demonstrates that the relative permeability data those calculated from the capillary pressure data in the
inferred from the resistivity index data are close to those limestone core sample. The difference between the relative
calculated using capillary pressure data. The oil relative permeability inferred from the resistivity index and those
permeabilities inferred from resistivity index data are almost calculated from capillary pressure is acceptable in terms of
equal to those calculated from capillary pressure data. reservoir engineering applications.
Sanyal6 also conducted experimental measurements of
resistivity index and capillary pressure at different Conclusion
temperatures in the same core sample. The resistivity index Based on the present study, the following conclusions may be
data at a temperature of 300oF are plotted in Fig. 4. One can drawn in the cases studied:
see from Fig. 4 that the resistivity index data also follow 1. A semianalytical model was developed to infer relative
Archie’s law (Eq. 4). permeability from resistivity index data.
Fig. 5 shows the oil/water capillary pressure data measured 2. The values of the nonwetting phase relative permeability
simultaneously with resistivity in the same Berea sandstone inferred from the resistivity index data are almost equal to
core sample at a temperature of 300oF. those calculated from capillary pressure data.
Fig. 6 demonstrates the relative permeability data 3. For the wetting-phase relative permeability, the values
calculated from both the resistivity index data shown in Fig. 4 inferred from the resistivity index are close to those
(using Eqs. 6 and 9) and the capillary pressure data in Fig. 5 calculated from capillary pressure in most of the cases
(see Li and Horne1). studied.
One can see in Fig. 6 that both the oil and water relative
permeabilities inferred from the resistivity index data are Acknowledgments
almost equal to those calculated from the capillary pressure This research was conducted with financial support to the
data. Stanford Geothermal Program from the US Department of
Energy under grant DE-FG07-02ID14418, the contribution of
Boise Sandstone which is gratefully acknowledged.
The Boise sandstone core sample had a porosity of 32% and a
permeability of 960 md. The values of porosity and References
permeability are greater than those of the Berea sandstone 1. Li, K. and Horne, R.N.: “Experimental Verification of
used by Sanyal6. Figs. 7 and 8 show the resistivity index data Methods to Calculate Relative Permeability Using
and capillary pressure vs. water saturation in Boise sandstone Capillary Pressure Data,” SPE 76757, Proceedings of the
at a temperature of 175oF. 2002 SPE Western Region Meeting/AAPG Pacific
The relative permeability data calculated from both the Section Joint Meeting held in Anchorage, Alaska, May
resistivity index data shown in Fig. 7 (using Eqs. 6 and 9) and 20-22, 2002.
the capillary pressure data in Fig. 8 are plotted in Fig. 9. Fig. 2. Li, K.: “Generalized Capillary Pressure and Relative
9 shows that the oil and water relative permeabilities Permeability Model Inferred from Fractal
calculated from the resistivity index data are close to those Characterization of Porous Media,” SPE 89874, presented
calculated from the capillary pressure data. at the 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
The results at a temperature of 300oF are demonstrated in Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 27 – 29 September
Figs. 10-12. Fig. 10 shows the resistivity data and Fig. 11 2004.
shows the capillary pressure data. Fig. 12 plots the relative 3. Archie, G.E.: “The electrical resistivity log as an aid in
permeability calculated from the resistivity index shown in determining some reservoir characteristics,” AIME
Fig. 10 (using Eqs. 6 and 9) and the capillary pressure in Fig. Petroleum Tech. (1942), 1-8.
11 respectively. Fig. 12 shows that the oil relative 4. Purcell, W.R.: "Capillary Pressures-Their Measurement
permeability values calculated from resistivity index are close Using Mercury and the Calculation of Permeability",
to those inferred from capillary pressure. However the water Trans. AIME, (1949), 186, 39.
relative permeability calculated from resistivity index data is 5. Brooks, R.H. and Corey, A.T.: “Hydraulic Properties of
smaller than those inferred from capillary pressure. Porous Media,” Colorado State University, Hydro paper
No.5 (1964).
Limestone 6. Sanyal, S.K.: The Effect of Temperature on Electrical
Resistivity and Capillary Pressure Behavior of Porous
The limestone core sample had a porosity of 19% and a Media, Ph.D. report, Stanford University, Stanford, Calif.,
permeability of 410 md. 1972.
4 SPE 95575
1000 12
Resistivity Index
10 4
1 0
0.01 0.10 1.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Water Saturation, fraction Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 1: Relationship between resistivity index and water Figure 5: Capillary pressure data measured in Berea sandstone at
o 6 o 6
saturation in Berea sandstone at a temperature of 175 F (Sanyal ). a temperature of 300 F (Sanyal ).
20 krw from Resistivity
Relative Permeability
kro from Resistivity
krw from Pc
Capillary Pressure, psi
15 kro from Pc
10 0.4
0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Normalized Water Saturation, fraction
Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 6: Relative permeability calculated from resistivity and
Figure 2: Capillary pressure data measured in Berea sandstone at capillary pressure data in Berea sandstone at a temperature of
o 6 o
a temperature of 175 F (Sanyal ). 300 F.
1.0 1000
0.0 1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.01 0.10 1.00
Normalized Water Saturation, fraction Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 3: Relative permeability calculated from resistivity and Figure 7: Relationship between resistivity index and water
o 6
capillary pressure data in Berea sandstone at a temperature of saturation in Boise sandstone at a temperature of 175 F (Sanyal ).
175 F.
Capillary Pressure, psi
Resistivity Index
10 5
1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
0.01 0.10 1.00 Water Saturation, fraction
Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 4: Relationship between resistivity index and water Figure 8: Capillary pressure data measured in Boise sandstone at
o 6 o 6
saturation in Berea sandstone at a temperature of 300 F (Sanyal ). a temperature of 175 F (Sanyal ).
SPE 95575 5
1.0 1000
krw from Resistivity
Relative Permeability
Resistivity Index
krw from Pc 100
0.6 kro from Pc
0.0 1
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.01 0.10 1.00
Normalized Water Saturation, fraction Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 9: Relative permeability calculated in Boise sandstone at a Figure 13: Resistivity index vs. water saturation in limestone at a
o o 6
temperature of 175 F. temperature of 300 F(Sanyal ).
1000 15
1 0
0.01 0.10 1.00 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Water Saturation, fraction Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 10: Resistivity index in Boise sandstone at a temperature Figure 14: Capillary pressure data measured in limestone at a
o 6 o 6
of 300 F (Sanyal ). temperature of 300 F (Sanyal ).
15 1.0
krw from Resistivity
12 0.8 kro from Resistivity
Relative Permeability
Capillary Pressure, psi
krw from Pc
kro from Pc
9 0.6
6 0.4
3 0.2
0 0.0
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Water Saturation, fraction Normalized Water Saturation, fraction
Figure 11: Capillary pressure data measured in Boise sandstone Figure 15: Relative permeability calculated from resistivity and
o 6 o
at a temperature of 300 F (Sanyal ). capillary pressure data in limestone at a temperature of 300 F.
krw from Resistivity
0.8 kro from Resistivity
Relative Permeability
krw from Pc
kro from Pc
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Normalized Water Saturation, fraction