Specification Bulletin 822-31
Specification Bulletin 822-31
Specification Bulletin 822-31
Conditions of Sale Mounting Arrangements
STANDARD: The seller’s standard conditions of sale set S&C three-pole Convertible Disconnects are available
forth in Price Sheet 150 apply, except as modified under in the “Standard Mounting Arrangements” section of
“WARRANTY QUALIFICATIONS” on page 3. S&C Data Bulletin 761-80. Departures from standard
mounting arrangements are also available and fall into
SPECIAL TO THIS PRODUCT: three categories:
INCLUSIONS: S&C Convertible Disconnects are available 1. Standard minor modifications of standard mounting
in a wide variety of styles and mounting configurations. arrangements are those so frequently encountered they
Three-pole integer-style disconnects are pre-engi- are included on S&C’s basic EDs. Standard minor
neered, preassembled, and preadjusted—all three poles modifications are listed in Table 10 on page 13. The
are mounted on a one-piece base with necessary electrical applicable standard minor modifications may be
clearances built in. The complete three-pole disconnect specified by adding the appropriate “-S” suffix to the ED
assembly and its operating mechanism are provided as a number.
single package that includes a removable lifting means, 2. Special minor modifications of standard mounting
shipped in place, for convenient rigging and hoisting dur- arrangements are those that include such departures
ing installation. as special base drillings or special mounting brackets
Convertible disconnects are also available in three-pole for operating-mechanism components. For this
group-operated designs that feature pole-units mounted category of “special,” S&C will prepare a custom ED
on individual bases. Disconnects in these styles are espe- based on the standard mounting arrangement ED.
cially designed for installation on substation structures Disconnects will be supplied with an operating
or on overhead lines not suited to integer-style disconnect mechanism for the special minor modification of a
configurations. standard mounting arrangement, as required.
All disconnects are provided with an operating mecha- 3. Special mounting arrangements are those that involve
nism that includes: complete departures from the standard mounting
arrangements brought about by customizing an S&C
• Three disconnect poles (Integer-style disconnects are
Convertible Disconnect to fit the user’s structure.
shipped complete with an interphase drive, factory
Custom EDs will be provided, as required.
assembled on a single base.)
• A detailed erection drawing (ED) of the applicable
mounting arrangement
• All required interphase and vertical operating pipe,
as specified on the ED (Refer to Tables 1 through 8
on pages 4 through 11 for the vertical operating pipe
included with each standard mounting arrangement.)
• The appropriate set of operating-mechanism compo-
nents; e.g., handle, rod guides or guide bearings, cou-
plings, and bell crank assembly
• Complete installation instructions
Conditions of Sale—Continued have operating times not exceeding .75 second and 1.2
EXCLUSIONS: S&C Convertible Disconnects do not seconds maximum, respectively. The operators’ high
include connectors. Various connector arrangements operating speed provides adequate closing velocity for
are available as indicated in Table 12 on page 15. Specify 25/34.5-kV and 34.5-kV three-pole side-break integer style
quantity and catalog number of the connector arrangement and three-pole vertical-break integer style disconnects to
desired. permit the assignment of fault-closing ratings. Specifically,
the side-break integer style disconnects have a one-time
duty-cycle fault-closing rating of 15,000 amperes, RMS,
Disconnects are offered with a choice of Cypoxy™
asymmetrical. The vertical-break integer style disconnects
Insulator or porcelain station post insulators. The
have one-time duty-cycle fault-closing ratings of 20,000 or
standard insulator color is gray. When disconnects are to
30,000 amperes, RMS, asymmetrical for disconnects rated
be provided with special insulators or special connectors,
600 amperes or 1200 amperes respectively.
contact the nearest S&C Sales Office for availability.
S&C 6801M Automatic Switch Operators are available in
Disconnects of a given voltage rating (except 25/34.5-kV
two versions—rotating, for rotating-type operating mecha-
or 34.5-kV vertical-break style, side-break integer style,
nisms; and reciprocating, for reciprocating-type operating
vertical-break integer style, and 69-kV double-break style)
mechanisms. Both versions operate in 0.5 seconds. S&C
can be furnished with insulators of the next-higher voltage
Type LS-2 Switch Operators are for power operation of
rating—add suffix “-Z3” to the catalog number.
three-pole double-break style convertible disconnects
Single- and two-pole group-operated disconnects are rated 69 kV. Operating time for the 69-kV disconnect when
available: applied with an LS-2 operator does not exceed 2.2 seconds.
• Single-pole (catalog number suffix “-P1”) Power operation is available for certain mounting
• Two-pole (catalog number suffix “-P2”) arrangements only. For integer-style disconnects, side-
break standard-duty disconnects and 69-kV double-break
Disconnects can be supplied with tin-plated terminal
style disconnects, mounting arrangements suitable for
pads. To specify, add suffix “-Z5” to the catalog number.
power operation are indicated in Table 1 and Table 2 on
POWER OPERATION: Power operation or, if desired, pages 4 through 7, Table 4 and Table 5 on pages 8 and 9, and
remote supervisory control may be provided for S&C Table 7 on page 11. For all other disconnect styles, consult
Convertible Disconnects by the addition of the appropriate the nearest S&C Sales Office for availability.
S&C Type AS-1A, Type AS-10, Type LS-2, or 6801M
For additional details concerning Type AS-1A or Type
Automatic Switch Operator.
AS-10 Switch Operators, refer to Specification Bulletin
S&C Types AS-1A and Type AS-10 Switch Operators 769-31. For additional details on Type LS-2 Switch Opera-
provide power operation of S&C Convertible Disconnects tors, refer to Specification Bulletin 753-31. For additional
with rotating-type and reciprocating-type operating details concerning 6801M Automatic Switch Operators,
mechanisms respectively. These high-speed operators refer to Specification Bulletin 1045M-31.
WA R R A N T Y QUA LI FICAT IONS: The sta nda rd 6. If a mounting pedestal is desired for a vertical-break
warranty contained in S&C’s standard conditions of integer-style disconnect, obtain the catalog number of
sale, as set forth in Price Sheet 150, does not apply when the desired mounting pedestal from Table 9 on page 12.
S&C Convertible Disconnects are power operated using a From this same table, obtain the catalog number of the
switch operator not of S&C manufacture. required anchor bolts. Order four anchor bolts per
mounting pedestal.
How to Order
7. If accessories are desired, obtain the suffix of the
1. Obtain the catalog number of the desired disconnect desired accessory from Table 11 on page 14. Add the
from Tables 1 through 8 on pages 4 through 11. suffix to the disconnect catalog number.
2. For three-pole integer-style disconnects, obtain the 8. If connectors are desired, obtain the catalog number of
applicable ED number for the desired disconnect from the desired connector Table 12 on page 15.
the “Mounting Arrangements” column in Tables 1, 2,
and 5 on pages 4 through 9. Otherwise, refer to S&C Note: If power operation or remote supervisory control
Data Bulletin 761-80 for ED selection. is desired, an S&C Type AS-1A, Type AS-10, Type LS-2,
or 6801M Automatic Switch Operator may be added to
3. If a standard minor modification for a three-pole switch disconnects in certain mounting arrangements. For
is desired, obtain the suffix of the desired modification integer-style disconnects, side-break standard-duty
from Table 10 on page 13. Add the suffix to the ED disconnects, and 69-kV double-break style disconnects,
number of the disconnect. mounting arrangements suitable for power operation
4. If special minor modifications of standard mounting are indicated in Tables 1 and 2 on pages 4 through
arrangements or special mounting arrangements are 7, Table 4 on page 8, and Table 7 on page 11. For
desired, refer to the “Mounting Arrangements” section ordering information on Type AS-1A and Type AS-10
on page 1. Switch Operators, refer to Specification Bulletin
5. If specification deviations are desired, such as 769-31. For ordering information on S&C Type LS-2 Switch
disconnects furnished with special connectors, Operators, refer to Specification Bulletin 753-31. For
disconnects furnished with special insulators, or ordering information on S&C 6801M Automatic Switch
disconnects furnished with insulators of the next- Operators, see Specification Bulletin 1045M-31.
higher voltage rating, refer to the “Specification Note: Spare or replacement parts are ordered using the
Deviations” section on page 2. same method outlined above.
Upright, clockwise
opening ⑤⑥⑦
ED-136R20 14.4 17.0 110 1200 40 000 137412R8-L-E● 137412R8-L●
25 27 150 1200 40 000 137413R9-L-E● 137413R9-L●
Upright, clockwise
(extra mounting-pole
opening ⑤⑥⑦
ED-135R20 14.4 17.0 110 1200 40 000 137512R8-L-E● 137512R8-L●
25 27 150 1200 40 000 137513R9-L-E● 137513R9-L●
opening ⑥⑦ 14.4 17.0 110 1200 40 000 137812R7-L-E● 137812R7-L●
25 27 150 1200 40 000 137813R9-L-E● 137813R9-L●
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- ● This disconnect includes two-hole terminal pads as standard. If four-
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. bolt connectors are required, specify the two- to four-bolt adapter cata-
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). log number MDA-1162-1 and the four-bolt connector catalog number
② For disconnect dimensions, refer to pages 23 through 30 in Specifi- 4569R1-B. Refer to Table 12 on page 15 for more information.
cation Bulletin 761-31.
■ This disconnect has a one-time duty-cycle fault-closing rating of
③ The applicable standard mounting arrangement, designated by the 15,000 amperes, RMS, asymmetrical when operated by the applicable
ED number shown, should be specified when ordering. Available “-S” S&C switch operator—or a one-time duty-cycle fault-closing capabil-
suffixes for standard minor modifications to the basic ED are included ity of 15,000 amperes, RMS, asymmetrical as a manually-operated
by adding the appropriate suffix to the ED number. Refer to Table 10 on disconnect (without quick-make mechanism and when operated vigor-
page 13 for description. Special minor modifications and special mount- ously through its full travel without hesitation at any point). These values
ing arrangements are not available for these disconnects. represent the level of available fault current into which the disconnect
④ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights. can be closed once, with the disconnect remaining operable and able
⑤ Optional crossarm braces SDA-10367-1 are recommended for dis- to carry continuous current.
connects in the vertical mounting configuration and SDA-10367 for dis- ▲ Applicable at 34.5 kV where leakage distance to ground meets user’s
connects in the upright mounting configuration. requirements. For 25/34.5-kV Cypoxy™ station-post insulators the
⑥ Bracket assemblies for mounting either three or six surge arresters leakage distance is 26¼ inches (667 mm).
can be provided by adding suffix “-A1” or “-A2,” respectively, to the cata-
log number of the disconnect.
⑦ These disconnects include dead-ending brackets as standard.
Extension-link assemblies can be provided by adding suffix “-D” to the
catalog number of the disconnect. Maximum dead-end loading: 2000
pounds (907 kg) per conductor where pull-off forces are applied to only
one side of the disconnect; 8000 pounds (3629 kg) per conductor where
equal pull-off forces are applied to both sides of the disconnect.
Upright, clockwise
14.4 17.0 110 1200 40 000 25 000 137392R2-L-E● 137392R2-L●
25 27 150 1200 40 000 25 000 137393R9-L-E● 137393R9-L●
Upright, clockwise
(extra mounting-
pole clearance)
14.4 17.0 110 1200 40 000 25 000 138392R2-L-E● 138392R2-L●
25 27 150 1200 40 000 25 000 138393R2-L-E● 138393R2-L●
opening⑦⑧⑨ 14.4 17.0 110 1200 40 000 25 000 137492R2-L-E● 137492R2-L●
25 27 150 1200 40 000 25 000 137493R9-L-E● 137493R9-L●
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- ● This disconnect includes two-hole terminal pads as standard. If four-
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. bolt connectors are required, specify the two- to four-bolt adapter cata-
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). log number MDA-1162-1 and the four-bolt connector catalog number
② Base is a fiberglass-reinforced pultruded structural tube especially 4569R1-B. Refer to Table 12 on page 15 for more information.
constructed for high strength and is finished with a coat of gray polyure-
■ This disconnect has a one-time duty-cycle fault-closing rating of
thane enamel.
15,000 amperes, RMS, asymmetrical when operated by the applicable
③ Fiberglass interphase shaft is standard with this style. S&C switch operator—or a one-time duty-cycle fault-closing capabil-
④ For disconnect dimensions, refer to pages 23 through 30 in Specifi- ity of 15,000 amperes, RMS, asymmetrical as a manually-operated
cation Bulletin 761-31. disconnect (without quick-make mechanism and when operated vigor-
⑤ The applicable standard mounting arrangement, designated by the ously through its full travel without hesitation at any point). These values
ED number shown, should be specified when ordering. Available “-S” represent the level of available fault current into which the disconnect
suffixes for standard minor modifications to the basic ED are included can be closed once, with the disconnect remaining operable and able
by adding the appropriate suffix to the ED number. Refer to Table 10 on to carry continuous current.
page 13 for description. Special minor modifications and special mount-
ing arrangements are not available for these disconnects.
⑥ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights.
⑦ Optional crossarm braces SDA-10367-1 are recommended for dis-
connects in the vertical mounting configuration and SDA-10367 for dis-
connects in the upright mounting configuration. Crossarm provisions
5053 are available when crossarms are supplied by the customer.
⑧ Bracket assemblies for mounting either three or six surge arresters
can be provided by adding suffix “-A1” or “-A2,” respectively, to the cata-
log number of the disconnect.
⑨ For provisions only for dead-ending, add suffix “-C” to the catalog
number of the disconnect. Maximum dead-end loading: 700 pounds
(318 kg) per conductor where pull-off forces are applied to only one
side of the disconnect; 8000 pounds (3629 kg) per conductor where
equal pull-off forces are applied to both sides of the disconnect. Also
specify, if required, one set of six extension-link assemblies by adding
suffix “-D” to the catalog number of the disconnect; i.e. catalog number
Vertical or upright, 14.4 17.0 110 600 40 000 25 000 137012R3-L-E 137012R3-L
clockwise opening 25 27 150 600 40 000 25 000 137013R7-L-E 137013R7-L
Vertical or
34.5 38 200 600 40 000 25 000 138114R1-L-E 138114R1-L-E
34.5 38 200 1200 40 000 25 000 158114-L-E 158114-L-E
clockwise opening
Vertical or upright,
14.4 17.0 110 600 40 000 25 000 137212R3-L-E 137212R3-L
25 27 150 600 40 000 25 000 137213R7-L-E 137213R7-L
Vertical or
upright,⑥ 34.5 38 200 600 40 000 25 000 138114R1-L-E 138114R1-L-E
counterclockwise 34.5 38 200 1200 40 000 25 000 158114-L-E 158114-L-E
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- ⑤ Standard minor modifications of the standard mounting arrange-
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. ments for these disconnects are listed in Table 10 on page 13. The
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). applicable standard minor modifications listed may be specified by
② For disconnect dimensions, refer to pages 31 and 32 in Specification adding the appropriate “-S” suffix to the ED number. Refer to page 1
Bulletin 761-31. for special minor modifications and special mounting arrangements for
these disconnects.
③ Disconnects are available in a variety of standard mounting arrange-
ments, designated by ED number, as described in Data Bulletin 761-80. ⑥ Three-pole side-break heavy-duty style disconnects rated 34.5 kV,
Specify the applicable ED number when ordering. while provided with design features for fault closing, are not assigned
fault-closing ratings or capabilities because special mounting arrange-
④ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights.
ments may deny the requisite high-speed closing behavior.
counterclockwise 14.4 17.0 110 600 40 000 25 000 137232R1-L-E 137232R1-L
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- ③ Disconnects are available in a variety of standard mounting arrange-
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. ments, designated by ED number, as described in Data Bulletin 761-80.
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). Specify the applicable ED number when ordering.
② For disconnect dimensions, refer to page 33 in Specification ④ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights.
Bulletin 761-31.
25/34.5 38 150 600 40 000 25 000 135634R2-L-E● 135634R2-L
25/34.5 38 150 1200 40 000 25 000 135834R2-L-E● 135834R2-L
34.5 38 200 600 40 000 25 000 135734R2-L-E 135734R2-L
34.5 38 200 1200 40 000 25 000 135934R2-L-E 135934R2-L
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- which the disconnect can be closed once, with the disconnect remain-
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. ing operable and able to carry rated continuous current.
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). ⑥ No provisions for dead-ending are offered since the mounting pedes-
② For disconnect dimensions, refer to pages 34 through 39 in Specifi- tals are not intended for such duty.
cation Bulletin 761-31. ⑦ Select mounting pedestal from Table 9 on page 12.
③ The applicable standard mounting arrangement, designated by the ⑧ These disconnects include dead-ending brackets as standard. Maxi-
ED number shown, should be specified when ordering. Available “-S” mum dead-end loading: 2000 pounds (907 kg) per conductor where
suffixes for standard minor modifications to the basic ED are included pull-off forces are applied to only one side of the disconnect; 8000
by adding the appropriate suffix to the ED number. Refer to Table 10 on pounds (3629 kg) per conductor where equal pull-off forces are applied
page 13 for description. Special minor modifications and special mount- to both sides of the disconnect. If required, order one set of six exten-
ing arrangements are not available for these disconnects. sion-link assemblies by adding suffix “-D” to the catalog number of the
④ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights. disconnect.
⑤ The one-time duty-cycle fault-closing capability for a manually ⑨ Bracket assemblies for mounting either three or six surge arresters
operated three-pole vertical-break integer style disconnect (without can be provided by adding suffix “-A1” or “-A2” respectively to the cata-
quick-make mechanism, and when operated vigorously through its full log number of the disconnect.
travel without hesitation at any point) for 600-ampere and 1200-ampere ⑩ Optional croassarm braces SDA-10367-1 are recommended for dis-
disconnects is 20,000 amperes and 30,000 amperes, RMS, asym- connects in the vertical mounting configuration and SDA-10367 for dis-
metrical, respectively. The one-time duty-cycle fault-closing rating for connects in the upright mounting configuration.
600-ampere and 1200-ampere disconnects is 20,000 amperes and
30,000 amperes, RMS, asymmetrical, respectively, when disconnects ● Applicable at 34.5 kV where leakage distance to ground meets user’s
are operated by applicable S&C switch operator. The one-time duty- requirements. For 25/34.5-kV Cypoxy™ station-post insulators the
cycle fault-closing rating defines the level of available fault current into leakage distance is 26¼ inches (667 mm).
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- ⑤ Three-pole vertical-break style disconnects rated 25/34.5 kV and
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. 34.5 kV, while provided with design features for fault closing, are not
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). assigned fault-closing ratings or capabilities because special mount-
② Disconnects are available in a variety of standard mounting arrange- ing arrangements may deny the requisite high-speed closing behavior.
ments, designated by ED number, as described in Data Bulletin 761-80. ● These disconnects can be applied at system voltages above 17.0 kV
Specify the applicable ED number when ordering. where a 2400-ampere continuous current rating is required.
③ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights.
■ Tin-plated terminal pads (suffix option “-Z5”) are not available with
④ Standard minor modifications of the standard mounting arrange- disconnects rated 2400 amperes continuous. Terminal pads on these
ments for these disconnects are listed in Table 10 on page 13. The disconnect models are silver-plated as standard.
applicable standard minor modifications listed may be specified by
adding the appropriate “-S” suffix to the ED number. Refer to page 1 ▲ Applicable at 34.5 kV where leakage distance to ground meets user’s
for special minor modifications and special mounting arrangements for requirements. For 25/34.5-kV Cypoxy™ station-post insulators the
these disconnects. leakage distance is 26¼ inches (667 mm).
Vertical, upright,
69 72.5 350 1200 40 000 25 000 N/A 320306-L
or tiered⑥
① The disconnects shown include the appropriate set of operating- ⑤ Standard minor modifications of the standard mounting arrange-
mechanism components as specified on the ED for the disconnect. ments for these disconnects are listed in Table 10 on page 13. The
Disconnects do not include connectors (refer to Table 12 on page 15). applicable standard minor modifications listed may be specified by
② Disconnects are available in a variety of standard mounting arrange- adding the appropriate “-S” suffix to the ED number. Refer to page 1
ments, designated by ED number, as described in Data Bulletin 761-80. for special minor modifications and special mounting arrangements for
Specify the applicable ED number when ordering. these disconnects.
③ Refer to the erection drawings for mounting dimensions and heights. ⑥ Disconnects rated 69 kV may be power operated using S&C Type
LS-2 Switch Operator.
④ Three-pole double-break style disconnects, while provided with
design features for fault closing, are not assigned fault-closing ratings
or capabilities because special mounting arrangements may deny the
requisite high-speed closing behavior.
① Intermediate heights [less than 12 feet (3658 mm)] are available in ③ Nominal size of anchor bolts is 1¼ inch x 3 feet 8 inches (32 mm x
3-inch (76 mm) increments. Specify by adding one of the following suf- 1118 mm).
fixes to the catalog number of the mounting pedestal of nearest lower ④ For vertical-break integer style disconnects mounted on pedestals
height. with an 8-inch by 8-inch (203 mm x 203 mm) column section, appropri-
-S3 Three inches (76 mm) additional height ate motor operator mounting brackets need to be ordered separately
-S6 Six inches (152 mm) additional height as follows:
-S9 Nine inches (229 mm) additional height -For an AS-10 reciprocating-type operator, use operator mounting
bracket SA-39154 (quantity 2).
Note: Maximum available column height is 12 feet 0 inches (3658 mm).
-For a 6801M reciprocating-type operator, use operator mounting
② Each anchor bolt is of galvanized steel and is furnished with two hex
bracket SDA-10696 (quantity 1).
nuts and two flat washers to facilitate leveling the mounting pedestals.
Suffix to be Added to
Item Applicable to Disconnect Style
Erection Drawing Number
2 5/8-inch (67 mm) diameter tubular fiberglass insulating section in All except double-break rated 69 kV
vertical operating shaft and ED-5B -S1●■
2-inch (51 mm) NPS pipe with one extra pipe section All rotating ED mechanisms -S5A
2-inch (51 mm) NPS pipe with two extra pipe sections All rotating ED mechanisms -S5B
2-inch (51 mm) NPS pipe with three extra pipe sections Refer to erection drawing -S5C
Auxiliary contact switch with 4 N/O and 4 N/C contacts (600 Vac,
All -S7
20 A)
One extra pipe section—1¼-inch (31.8 mm) NPS pipe All reciprocating ED mechanisms -V1◆
Two extra pipe sections—1¼-inch (31.8 mm) NPS pipe All reciprocating ED mechanisms -V2◆
① Certain standard minor modifications are available for certain mount- ● -S1 option suffix (tubular fiberglass insulating section in vertical oper-
ing arrangements only. Refer to Data Bulletin 761-80 for more details. ating shaft) is not compatible with any of the following option suffixes:
② Refer to erection drawing for standard minor modifications availabil- -S3, -S5, -S5A, -S5B, -S5C, -S8, -S9, and -S16.
ity; refer to the reference drawing (called up on the erection drawing) for
■ Not available for power-operated disconnects.
standard minor modifications compatibility.
③ -S3 option suffix (insulated interphase sections and one fiberglass ▲ Not all mounting arrangements are suitable for power operation, con-
insulating section in vertical operating shaft) is not compatible with tact your nearest S&C Sales Office for availability.
option suffix -S5. ◆ The necessary nonadjustable rod guide assembly (catalog number
④ Operating mechanism for double-break style disconnects rated 69 VU-998) is included when ordering these catalog number suffixes.
kV are equipped with 2-inch (51 mm) NPS pipe as standard.
Bronze Body, Tin Plated. Includes one No. 2 solid (33.6 mm2) through 500 kc mil
4740R1 —
1/2–13×21/2-inch galvanized steel bolt (335 mm2) stranded copper or aluminum
① Side-break integer-style disconnects rated 14.4 kV, 1200 amperes ● Mechanical interference with blade prevents use on single-pole
and 25 kV, 1200 amperes include two-hole terminal pads as standard. heavy-duty style disconnects.
If four-bolt connectors are required, specify the two-to-four bolt adapter
catalog number MDA-1162-1 and four-bolt connector catalog number ■ When used with aluminum compression connectors, disconnect
4569R1-B. terminal pads should be tin plated. See the “Specification Deviations”
section on page 2.