Our Town July 9, 1942
Our Town July 9, 1942
Our Town July 9, 1942
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First "Narberth Day" Proves' Smiling Proof b Doesn't Hurt Fire Company Directors 12300 Boy Scouts
Highly Successful Venture" Hold Monthly Meeting
Fire Chief Albert H. Nulty had emont
S-Ign For DI
Borough Residents of All Ages Enjoyed only five fires to report for June at List of Improvements
Community Celebration of the Fourth; lhe monthly meeting of the board Are Explained by
lJf directors Of the Narberth Fire R
Winners of Numerous Contests Listed Company on Monday night. ex Gary
Willlam Durbin. Vice-president of More tha·n 2.300 Boy Scouts of . :~1,
The people nf I".uherth nbserved the Fourth of July with the Valley Forge Council, compris-
I'l celebration whir:h should go down in the Borough's history as the Company, pres,Wcd at the meet- lug the area of Delaware and
a " outstanding eva""'ple of community cooperation. Even the H which was held In the Fire Montgomery Counties hIVe already
ouse ,.
weatherman heloe.1 with a perfed day. . . reRistered for Summer camp a·t
From the Flag raisil'g ceremony in the morning till the last The cilrectors Ilpproved bills fall Delmont. located at Sumneytown,
dance on Win d sor avo late in t h e evening. me;" women an d p..1 yment.
b and transacted other rou- nllnounced Rex I. Gar Jc', Scout Ex-
line u'>ll1ess. ecutivc.
Peter Slam 3d
children h.,,..l il thoroughly goo.1 time.
Well over il thousand people thronged the Community play- Trall5portallon will br no prub-
ground '" participate i., the sports events, enter or w<ltch the lem for the S~outs of the subur-
r '1lnedSun ay I
baby show, pct show a"d hobby show, enjoy -the puppet show'\ ' , ,bun district.<;. since all the Scouts
presented by Mrs. John E. Flvnn in the Community Build ing, O d - d 1\'111 use alrea<!y
(JJ)erntlng existing
in De.laware and carriers
cheer for the home team in the Nclrberth-Brookline baseball \
game and buy lunches and soft drinks at the attractive booths
where they were sold by the women of the Borough, under the
rmer Narberth Man IbeNorthtakell
~()rnery. Count:es. unloading at
Wales. where all Scouts will
cha.rtered buses
111 to .,~
direction of Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller. Plans Work in African C3mp Delmont, from yesterday to
Mrs. Mueller stayed at the field all day, assisted by Mrs. Mission Field August 23.
John Wetzel, who acted as treasurer. Walter G. Case, president The registration is far ahead of
of the Narberth Business Council, who was in charge of the day's Peter Starn. :ld. formerly of Rock- any previous year announced sev-
plans, was also on duty all day, managing the sports events, land av.. Narberth. was ordainrd at! eral Councll officials The Summer
keeping everyone up to date on the scores and announcements ·.he Sunday morning service of the camp h.ls been enlarged to accom-
over the public address system and in general keeping things ~. Wheaton Bible Church. Wheaton modate 500 campers a week. One
in good running order. -.: Illinois. The Rev. -r: c. Macaul,ly hundred and seventy acres has
A feature of the day which attracted much favorable aHen- ., :lastor of the church. preached the been added to the main re.>erva·
tion was the tent set up on the grounds by t,he Narbert h Volun- • ·•
. )rdinatlon sermon. t!on. Scores of new tents and
• Mr. Starn expert., !·wntlI.11Iy 1.1 ~o rquipment. has bern secured t1
teer Medical Service Corps, which in the early evening gave a . I to the mission fjeld. probably Alrica.· make this ye,H a most successful
masterful demonstration of their work.
Noteworthy, with all the activities of the day, was the fact,
I . but for the comin~ year ila.s bpl'n: ('I1e for tile' Scouts.
~Iected gcneral :;('rretary of the I 'y I.' . _
that there were "0 rasualties of any kind - not even a bumped I ~ Foreign Missions Fello\\'ship, a slU-1 Dur.ng t.he ast )Cd.r 1nlprove
knee to be bandaged. : l· 1ent miSSionary movrl11rnt with'1 mOHs have been made to a new
Tired from their busy day, many of the children went home ~ -,;. headquartl'rs in ·Philadelphla. H'is 50-foot Na-tionll Rifle NisoclatlOn
d I engaged this summer in an itinl'rar}': range. enlargement made to the
after the ball game, but the young people an adu ts spent a i :lf meetings at various cllurclH'5 and. (amp klu:hen. camp hospital com-
Pleasant evening watching the outdoor moving pictures, listen-.I confrrences with tlll' F. M. F. quar- I p',e t e l y t d
renova e, S~\'eral enw
ing to the band concert and dancing on Windsor avo The eve- I t e t . ; camp sill'S for lone troop camp-
ning portion of the program was arranged by the Harold D.. ,.. graduate of Nal-berth Public' Illg and othl'r features to make
Speakman Post of the American Legion, Burns F. Best, Com- I School and Lowrr Merion High: cvery boy's stay a real life exper-
mand ·er. : Whrn this picture waS t~ken the blood was passing from the donor's arm into the d:mtainer. She S~hool. Stam trans erre
f d to WI1('a- I' Ie'nce.
Everywhere about the field during the day were the Girll IS Mrs. Henry T. MacNeill. 1l~ Elmwood av., Narberth. mother 0 f a fam il y of five all of w h om donate d
a pint of blood on the same day ... and that day was Mr. MacNeill's birthday. Taking Mrs. MacNclll's
Scouts of Narberth, assisting wherever they were needed. Be- II pul'e to Mr5. R)bcrt A. Gold. sergeant in Narberth's Volunteer Medical Corps and chairman of the blood
ton In 1934. when his father. Peter
Stam. Jr., former orr:;anist at the
1 Nurse Shorlage AI
fore the program started, the Scouts, under their leader, Mrs. <Ionation committee. -TI,"I.' I" 1;'1"~.d II'. 1;. hi Narberth Presbytrrian Church. bc-
Samuel H. P. Read, responded to a rush call for assistance in 1, ·-.------.·------------ .-------- rame Ex('cutive Director of tl1e
finishing the sandwiches and made 75 in short order. : Tawn Meeting IN'early
100 Donate Blood When g~~;~I~vat~~ O~·a~u:;:d~~t~l1e~~o~ l Siale Hospilal :..;
Field Day Winners Willlwr' it' Shows that Colkge in 1939. contlnued there'
Wlnner~ in the ,porI., ('vent.-, were
Thi~ friday Night
as follOWS:
In t'll D.d), CO;ll,·-:. t l' ('llIltlrt'll
. I\\'o to lhe v('ar., oltl. 1!\1'('1' "hild!I'!:
Girl." 10 to 12 yrars: Sark racp·- tlt'd lor lirq p!;u·\·. Thl'v Wl'it; The community spirit vI'
for a year as craduate student in McConnell Says Many
transfprring t1lC'n to Faith
Scmmary. Wllmm~ton. Dpla"'arl'
Nurses and Men Are
Red C'ross U'nl-t V-ISI·tS Narbe'rth Theolo~y.
Kathryn Sw('("ney, first; nut)' White.\, Barbara Sl1tplh·rcl. earnl Ann KU:-l- i Narbt'rth, as well as its abilit)7 i HlII, 603 Naylors Run rd .. Llanerch; from which Institution he received I n the Service
second; Janice Manion third. Dash leI a 11(1 BrO\\,I1:11(l N .'1\ man. Judgl·.,. along the lines of patriotic I 8 f VMS C S 'I Miss Margie H. Taylor. 503 Merwyn his Bachelor af Divinity Degrec a The Norristown St1 te Hospital
-Patty Ridge. first; Jean McAdoo. I were Dr. J. W. Welty and Dr. MUll- I endea"or is challenged by tbe 0 . . • ., pon- d N b th M Ra W S· few weeks ago. is opera.ting 200 short of its regular , :'
sec:md: Ruth White, third. Low 1'0 Purse. The eVl'nt wa~ managed Navy Relief Fund benefit baSf- sors, Contribute; ! :o~. 2~~ ~vo~ r;~' Nar~rll~; ~~ i pnsonnel. according to fgures re-
Blow Balloon race-Patty Ridge. by Mrs. Herbert Egmore. chairman.,
first; Barbara Frank, second; Mar- as.,ist.cci by Mrs. Franklin Hutchin-I
ball game to be held on Jul)1
17 at the Borough dlamonllono. rs
D L. d
IS. e
i HUfTelfinger. 5106 Ogden ;;t .. Phila.
l'deIPhia; Mrs. Winifred Shallcross,
leG Sed this week by Art.hur P.
I Nyes, the superintendent.
+ W.oll.oamS Howard's
. 3aret Robb. third. SPoon and son. Mrs. MU.nro Purse and thl R.e<ll .' bt:-'ween the U. S. Marines an.il.
Marbla·;race ....,.-~I.Jr¥,n.- ..l~Weeney. Cr~.&s.Fi,rst. ~!p",.t1ni~.,. ~".\ __tm ..~ .• ~.nc ~._A1I-
B M C t B
.Th\l~V.1si~<Il...1lr.d .Qrqlis .ll1pbije .r::s~.El~th ;~~ebO.r;~ N. t:;~
0 er
Died..'S_unday I e:;
fil'st; Barbara Frank. second; Re- Bonn!J? Boardman won first prize stars. . unit to Narberth on' 'MorKlay was I berth av .. · Nartx>rth. : Mrs. sarah R. Howard filed sun-I nurses and attendants. 'llolhy we
gina Deal, third. Shoe race-Jullal for the best patrl:otlc costumr,' with I The choice of Narberth as ::m unqualified success. With nearly Mrs. 'Beatrice Swel'ney. 102 Merion day morning at her home in New need more than 200 nurses and at-
Marcozzi. first; Patty. Lacy. second; Flora Susanne Dibe.lka taking. SI'C- i the site of thelt'ame is COil- 100 men and women donating blood av.. Narberth; Theodore J. Finn. Kingstown. Cumberland County, pa"lte.1dllnts to bring our personnel t()
Rosemary GOrman thIrd. HandIcap I ond. Barbara Yowell s old-fasluoncd . sidered an honor. and it is up for the organization's wartime blood 208 Iona av .. Narberth: Miss Made- after an Illnoss of about a month l~orma1. ..:~
(C~nli"u~d On Page TlJrec) (C~~I.'~~~'!...9.'!-_t_aJ:_<:_!../'T"~)
: :. f
in another surprise When it man- cllmstancl'., which ca~l for thotlsal:ds Miss Jennie G. Hunter. Righters .>he slipped and fell from the front
€: I ed St . Th oma,s 12-1 a t M an01. as..
M d
I of addltlonal men \\ ho can be I e-
i ht The fact that cruite S!1ee I y and sen .. ;) camp
d'l ttl
. Mlll rd.. Gladwyne; A. Donald
A b
mes ury.
311 C
onway av.,
AS Assessor porch of her home on Sunday
on on ay n g . . for processing. The RecrUltll1g S~r- berth; T. C. L1nd.,ay. Avon Apts..
Sacred Heart won was no surprise viCe is prepared to do such a job." Reappointment of E. C. Gris';;\·old. Narberth: Carlton S. Harkness. 208
but the beating was the worst suf- Colonel Schoenfeld reported a I Chesmut av .. Narberth. as real Sabine av .. Narberth; Mrs. Ruth E New omeers were installed Monday night when members of the Narberth Home Sold
fered by the Tommies this year. .;teady dally increase in enll.~tments .'state asses.>Or of the Borougl1 was Carson. 1192 Steele rd" Bon Air: Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary Club held a dinner meeting and ladies' Nash Realty Co. reports tile sale
St. Colman, of Ardmore, cud since June 15. He add{'d that more announcc'd this week. Mrs. Helen Whiling, 29 Narbrook night at the Overbrook Golf Club. of 222 Wayne av.. Narberth. for Mr.
Good Counsel clashed Sunday at than siX mcnll1.s after Pearl Har- The appointmellt was annou llced Park. Narberth; Mrs. EmUie L.
Ardmore. in the first double-header bor. the Philadelphia. Recruiting by the Montgomery· County ~oard Cedarstrom, 114 Elmwood av.. Nar-
ot the league season. with Good ·Station In Custom Home in that for the Revision of Tax AssesslOcnts berth; Miss Al1ce Mason. 224 Mont-
Dr. Richard C. Mears. on the left. wlw is outgoing president. is
shaking hands with the Club's .new president, Dr.. Munro Purse, just
after he took over the gavel.
and Mrs. Arthur G. Follette to a
client of William T. Sheppard. The
I>roperty was held for sale at $5.500.
Counsel sweeping bot h glmes. cliy was handling more than 75 ';onsistlng of Norman ~endt. Sa:JllUe) gomery Court. Narberth. ' • ------rd----------------------
Mickey GaVin's club won the firsi voluntary enllstments a day. Sub- M. Wilson and W. Ivan Simpson,
4-0, captured the second by a· 4-2 stallons of the district Were just as \ Merion commissioner. who wns re- Narberth: Mrs. Evelyn Humphrey.
Mrs. Mary Ferguson, Baird Apts. Frederick
To Wed No Morha
Yo' Woman C. Donald Woodwards Move In
count. The game between Annun- busy, he said. I cently appointed to the post. Baird Apts.• Narberth; Raymond To Remodelled Methodist Church
elation and st. Laurence, scheduled Plans of Frederick M. Morhard
far Thursday. was postponed
rain. as was the a·fIair between SI Need Volunteers For Control Center "Dog W·atch".
due to .' . . "'. '.' ,. .' . , N. Narberth
'Jf Y.. woman to wed
werea Staten
The old Methodist Church, at playroom. bath. kitchen, laundry,
this the corner of Price and Es3ex avs.. furnace room and room for the oU
. ~;
Margarets and st. Denis. . . \\'cck when a marriage license was Narberth. haoS become a horne-and tank. They in.stalled oU heat.
onTh~i~:~o~~ g~:~e~:~, P~~~ld ~~ Where's Your Chivalry,' Men? Tile Ladies are Willing ISS;~: :o=~~ris~O~~~mentine a charming one-af.ter. standing
Sch- idle for 12 years.
In planning the renovlzlng of the
old church, Mr. Woodward. who 11
Margarels gaining a 2-0 Win. For the want of a few more vol- providing it proves impossibl;E to countered the same difficulties." neider, who gave her age a.> 49 A few months ago, Mr. and Mrs landscape engineer with the Mont-
One of the most exciting games unteers, Narb~rth may have to obtain the volunteers. This sy~tem, said Sparks. "we expected a di1Jer~ years. Morhard is 71 and Ilves at C. Donald Woodward. then of the gomery COWlty Park Board, was I
of the season was that between St abandon its plan for a 24-tltlur most defense omcials sa·Y. wlll c:auseent response from our . Narberth p30 Brookhurst avo Montgomery"Court Apts., Narllerth, assisted by S. Kendrick Lichty.
Marga·rets and St. Laurence Sun· watch at the contrel center in the cOllsiderable delay in transmitting neighbors." wife died purcha6ed the property and started Ardmore a·rchitect.
Q'ay at N·arberth. For five innings Mr. Morhard's first
Narberth CommWlily BUilding. emergency calls and may seriously In a canvass of the Borough to A·l d M
Bob Ta"'~r ·uv
che'eked' the L a u "Werare e n to
going ·' hold the volUl1- jeopardize the safety .of the t-eople . I
obtain volWlteers Sparks said there May 19, 19... ,an rs. Schneider's to remodel the basement-what The building was built in 1895,
tians W·ithout a hit. His mates put teer list open another week and if a rea! air raid occurs: first husband died June 19, 1941. was formerly the Sunday 8chool- the flrst Methodist Church In the
was an "appalling apathy" about
together a W1l1k, a bit, an error then If we are still short of the If defense officials' considet"lld It the realities of war. .Within· the
into a mOdern apal'tment. This is Borough. It was the second at-
and a wild pitch for d. pair of runs requirea list 'other arrangemen~ advisable the "dog watch" lr.2 the last week or so Sparks said he had the floor which opens on Price av.; tempt, the buUding which wa.s
the upper floor, formerly the started in October, 1892, having
Fourth .' of July
to hold a 2-0 lead and seemed on will have to be made," explalned control center at the ComrJl,un1ty unsuccessfully called from 350 to 400
their WIly to a' win. Henry Sparks. vice-chairman of the Building on Windsor avo could be. people.
•HOWever st. La·urence came rip- Defense Council. manned by women. It is u:nder- "You wouldn't believe it," said Chairmen of the women's com-
they plan to modernize been completely destroyed by fire
when It was nearly fln1shed in De-
Committees to Meet
ping back' with a rally that wns Sparks said that 115 persons had stood that several have volunt;cered Sparks. "but one man asked me mitteell of the Narberth Day cele- The Wood'wards, with' their son. cember, 1893.
climaxed by pitcher Jim McCabe's volunteered to date but more men for duty during the eatly mlJorning how I dared to call him up and bration held last saturda~ will meet Don Peirce Woodwa·rd, four years Th Methodist congrega.tion of
single to right behind hits by ll'rank volunteers were needed for the "dog hours but local defense officinls are suggest something . like that." this Friday at 10.30 a. 'm. at the old, and their daughter, Bonnie, Narberth used the church for 35
. Coz:nely and CharUe Gilligan to watch'; from 12 midnight to 6 a. m In hopes that a sumcient l\umber of He said that a number at air raid home of Mrs. Eberhardt Mueller, six months, moved in a few days YEars until the present church
\alot the count. Narberth slashed It is understood that a relay men wlll respond to the cali. wardens attempting the same thi.ng 208. Essex aV., to turn in their re- agu. The new apartment cOl15ists building on the opposite corner
_...._ ...:,_(.C?~t!Jl:~e~_ on.. Page Pour) . telephone system wUl' be set up "Although. other cities have en-' had recl!ived "plenty of retiuffs." ports, of three bedrooms, a Uving' room, WaD bunt in 1930.
'.:. ;"
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Phone---:Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740
NARHIi:HTH T'HESBYTIi:RIA~ C:HIJRCH forth, hundreds of them. engaging Scouts collected coat-hangers WhiCh: scaler of the Bureau and his de~- which nine were condemnl'd and 14
Wlnd.or and OrayHnor av.
In contests no-end. a smart pro- they had a way of converting into, utles. Of this number 24. or 5 pel- adjusted, One prescriptlcn scalf'
I, John R.v. Bryant M. Kirkland, paotor db' W It G C eash for the b~nefit of th~ general c~nt, were found to be Incorrect and
Van Neaa, D.O .. Paalor Emerttul ~ram arraJ1ge ~
:.. .
, I
\1 .\1,""
";1':0. i '.\ Y
\1 --,,"01', ,.;, 1>",,1
\ 1 . \1 .. , ", 'c'
".'01,' ,","
\ \ " " , ". (:",."
~ rewar
a er
. ase
amps. t h e
Fourth of July Committee provid- chest for succeeding y('ars.' I
' •
pr~sident of the Business Councll fund. said fund (proceed.~ from all· were condemned untlI repairs or ad-
the tables) to be used as the war- justments were made whereupon
was testt'd and found eOIlfl'('t.
. 1.
In addition to Chief Sealer Jones,
: the Bureau re-checke-cl the pumps. oth~r r~presentatiVl's of the Bureau
INFORMATION ,"." I" "I,:'.~ III. ~,I,
, I, ";1 ,1" ",,, •. ,
Ing the funds whleh enabled many ,'.:',":,:!
The American Legion Auxiliary, I In additlon, 499 011 pumps were are Norman John. First Deputy;
r,cores of th~m to be distributed. II under th~ leadership of Mrs. James: checked, 20 or 4 perc~nt, bein{Z B. H'lrrlson Sprlnl{pr. Beeond Dfop-
LET THE NAVY BORROW YOUR ~:'~'. "'" ,T:';~.'"·:·!':,,,,I,::;' dollar stamp for thr vietor, 75 c~nts A. McCaffr~y. eontinuing their I 3420 found incorrect, Also checke-cl were uty; Lloyd Johnson. Frank:in P
, , I' \1 \ .. ",," I·... ".. "". '''," for srcond place and 50 c~nts for praetlce of Ia.s\ year, sold nearly a oil boottleS afnd 415 AD llqUld Kromer and Edwin Winnl'r. assbt-
Even ifJou can't go to sea and send Idepth charges booming' : ' I' \1 ::,'
aroun a _ oa _ you can h e I p.
I', ..
,.10 \\',1'·"
, ,', """I'"
a· ".,. ,!-,,,
,;\''';(': ":"'1'.";'"
I' 11.' and the
"'~','.'. those who excelled
in n thc Pet
disPlaY. both
~ Show of th~ir supplies were donat~d. It '
exhi- was said the net profit was more'
3 percen t 0 f t I11' Ia tte I' were
I or
found incorrt>et and condemned.
ay se evon Cottage
U b t
bits having their unique ft'atur~s. than $80. a eomfortable cushion for
Your binoculars, with keen Navy eyes behind them, can spy i'.. ,.,." I Because of the ga.sollne shortages. • I
a submarine and see to it that there is one less marauder to '" 1 ' " I:~·:~I':I:~I'.;.\:,"
'" ,I,,". and both suggesllng how much more the. Auxiliary's general community I representatlvt's 0{ Bureau have th~ For Police Dependents
murder helpless seamen and sink vital s u p p l i e s . ' ,'". \I . I". I can be done along tlw same lines ser\'lc~. . bepn obhged to make many tnps to I . .,."
Your binoculars can play an important part in averting de-, '-NAItH~JR1~1'I-);~~TlI~~-;:;-l"T L'HllItCH In every way. thr observance was' the gas stations, both early m th~
\I' ."
in sueceeding yrars. OffiCials of tile Lul\f'r Millon Po,- I.
feat and bringing victory nearer if they happen to be the makes: ENd"," an,1 I'rl'" an The eountry-fair a,c;prd was also a mt'morable occa,~ion
and the' morning and late at night. in ordl'r we ppnsloll Fund As,'OClatlon al"
and sizes the Navy needs: Either 6 x 30 or 7 x 50, made by i:··' ,',; '.'. l',.;t"~:~'.~'~; ~L",'''·'
to be dlscel11l'd. with roosters and: thousands of residenLs and visitors, to make the necessary te,c;ts. ,till trymg to dpcldf' wllat tl11'\' Wid
Bausch & Lomb or Zeiss. The 6 x 30 means six-power magnifica- "H A N--<"burcb School. rabbits making their bid for priority who milled over the field from I' During the past month, a total do with t!lr 1)(>\,on Hjrse Show
tion and a front lens 30 millimeters (about an inch and a fifth I ' ;",' .. '~ I~ ;~I_~':,::.';,n~ ;;::~::',',I;'I"
In competition with dogs of every morning to night seemed to be of i of 177,063 weighing and mt'O-suring cottage.
across, The 7 x 50 means seven-power and 50 millimeters (about ",,' I' \\ i·:I"Ci:";(>.\Y good breed (and none at all) and one aecord in acclaiming the BJr-1 devices were tested, according to That the Association !lad won tIl£'
two inches) across. ~I .. ~I;" \\'",,1, ";"n ,,'P cats whieh seemed to be utterly in- pugh's foresight In providing al Chief Scaler Jones' re-port. Of thi;; cottal{l' wa.' announcpu la.., t Sundu':
1:.11'''1''[' "1111"'11 "I' "III~ i:l\",:I-:1. diffrrent to the propinquity of their beautiful fi~ld of excellent dimf'n-. number, 365 were found Incorrl'CI: S"\'eral officiaL; are in favor 01
Persons whose binoculars meet require.ments and who wish· I:,.' 1t",,,'1 I·: h. ,"I,'"n. 1'1"'" eaninf' ad\'ersaries. slons for public use of thts kind I and condemned until placed in: kl'l'ping the cottagp a., a IIOn1l' for
to lend them to the Navy are requested tQ tag them with the, :o.~','.'~'I',Io\/a The Hobby Show was c:lnductt'd and also for the large eontributlon proper shape. One hundred and: pollee d~pendl'nt.s ",ho are rlltitlt'rl
owner's name and address, pack them carefully and ship to: i ~ r. ,\ ~1 -Th·,· "1";"'11 ~,II".. 1. indoors and comprL~ed attractive it made w youth welfare the whole nin~ty devices were adjustl'd on the' tJ assistaner from the A.ssoeiatiol1.
The Naval Observatory, Washington, D. C. If your binoculars III '''' \ )1 l~r;',;loi:':tt~y'··· prrsonal collections of various things veal' round. spot by the Bureau repr~sentativ~s.1 Others want to placl' it on the r{'<l1
are not in good working order, or if they are approximately but 7:1>1 }'. -It"d ,',,,-, ,):0... ~}
whJch had bl'en gathered far and I Also Jt was universally agrl'ed Packages, baskets, boxes, bags and I estate market.
not exactly up to Navy specifications, do not ship them, Instead, wide. as well as individual handi- that the logical scheme of things cans in retal! stores accounted for I=====================~
write a letter to the Naval Observatory, giving manufacture, HOLT Woodhlne
type, power and objective opening (front lens measurement I of i
R.v. CI'IU~t:~'p~~_nrt. Pulor
Narb.rth an. CHURCH 1V0rk.'; W.1e h' h h a d many po I ntst o will not be complete untn a swim- 161,928 items Inspected. of whlc h
I commend them. N.ext y~ar th~re ming pool i.s provided, particularly 365 w~re foune! incorreet and con-
~1.-IlH,',· n~n'. w~re
binoculars and stating what repairs, if any, are needed to put 9 ,-. A
them ill good condition. Such binoculars will be called for if II '''\ \1 \I",
";,'11,,"1 roo, .11
:'., , ""~
as the borough is full of peoJ)le to
art' bound to be m11e sueh exhiblLs. in view of Narbl'rth's unique a,billty demned. A total of 190 items
OVl'rcome the usual objec- adjusted on the spot. ~asily
Thurs., FrI,. Sat., july 16, 17.18
Who c!lase hobbil's, :Ind this yearl~' lions to a public swimming place, Reprt'sentatlves of th~ Countv
I' •.
t:-' .
tingham. Overbrook.
., ' ~ ,
,2.>. the d :It(' l11 oa\\·Il-llJ-llU.,~ v._, .. ~
out. Hl'ndrr;;on's rxpl:lllatlon was t11l'ir ('.levrr on'" .,u".,. . . ,.. ,
-·-·-SAF,-.oE-GU·-AR"-D-YO-UR'-V'-AL'-UAB-L"-ES-.-•• '-"-"-"-"-·:"1 adjusted pn;perly. Our
skil1('d mechanics will
the soldiers from Fort Dlx. N. J .. , Manoa; Fox. R. Hl'l'rmunn. Nar, · tha t lIP \\'11~ :I ddeml' \\'01'1:1'1' and hand as ~el,l-di"posed. pollee. and;
RENT A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX I , eheck and repair for you.
belieVl'd himsr]f elltil1rd to a llttl~ that sureb \\as Rn aplOpos aid to 1----.. . . - -----------------------,
at Manoa on Tuesday, July 28.
Six Manoa 'Players were voted
plact's on the squad. Gladwyne and
, bl'rth; Crompton, Glr.{iwYllr.
a month ago. Home FrOnt , . E:::::== PAINTING
lnd $6 costs.
Others who polled hea vy VOt~5
were Joey Burns. N&rberth third 'Not all Red Cross heroines n~d Charges were dismissed against - DECORATING
beseman, and OlIle Boyle, Mano~ a battlefront to show their met- the Ardmore Hand Laundry, 53 104 FORRESTA\'F..
ol'tfielder, Mllt yliet, of Glad- tle. Orleket llV., Ardmore; K. R. Dor-
. .' NARn"~RTII, PA.
I'ui S o Mad
rieI', Harrington and Pennstone rds.. I Ph\>ne Narbprlh 2HO-ll
wyne and AlIle Gwynn, of Manoa, Mrs. E. R. Uldrich, 319 Wood-
Bryn Mawr; C. E. Walsh, 723 S
v,ere about a·n even choice for ley rd., MerIon, was on the
Latches lane. M~rlon; and th~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . +'
eatchet with Vl!rt poIllng just one Canadian Steamship Line travel-
more vote than his Manoll rival. ing' from Montreal to Quebec on
Montgomery CJunty Day School. ~.
Penn Valley.
Frank O'NellI, youthfUl BrookIlne "une 20, when a man named
It I Could
retelver, also had lots of backt'rs Rene St. Jean, from ~t. Jean, Hearings against Christ Tashous,
lind won a spot on the squad with- Que~c, fell and cut -.be artery who rented a restaurant at 112 W.
out difficulty, Lancaster av., Ardmore, and Mrs.
of ~is lett wrist. lWrs, Uldrich,
Most diVided opinion was over a~ advlUlced First Aid Graduate Rl'becca Felton, 462 W. Montgomery
av., HaVerford, were postponed,
second base and shortstop, exactly applied pressure points. and tour-
12 different players drawing votes I'llquet from midnlg'ht to four a.m.
Cor these poslUon/l. George Myers. No doctors or nurses were on
GladwYne; Pooch serra, Narberth; board. T~e man was taken to the Detective to Resign
and Jack Rosenfeld, Collegians, Quebec 1I0spital and is recover-
were almost on even terms In th,e in~ nicely. from Police Force
I:econd base poll, Dick Baker, Charles "Hank" O'Donnell t'X-
Mrs. John Knox of Haverford pects to resign this week as detrc-
Manoa, was first cholee for short-
and Mrs. Sarah Shore, both of tive of the Lower Merion Township
stop by a few votes over Fred
Brittlngh9m, Overbrook, and Joe the Motor Corps of the Main Line Police D~partment. He liv~s at 209
Blong, CoIlegJa,ns, . Red Cross, were on duty as driv- Park Terrace, Ardmore.
Boyle, Harry Fox,' of Narberth. ers of ambula~ees last Monday
who, Incidentally, is awaiting a can when the ear in front of them the U. S. Army Air Corps,
wl\-s hit by' a car belonging to a
O'Donnell is planning to enter
to report for duty with the U, S Prior to being appointed detectlvl'
convoy. The car turned over he served for many years as a
Marines, and Yltz Crompton, GI.ad-\'
wyne, topped the vote for outfield- three times, throwing out a patrolman,
ers. • couple and child who were the
Almost everyone voted for O'- occupants. Mrs, Knox and Mrs,
Donnell and Cantwell Cor pitchers. Shore immedIately administered
Bob AlIlson, Manoa. and Ray Per- First AieL LITTI.E BEIIDA'CB£S
suttt, Gladwyne, were the erliY
other hurlers to poll more than one
Two Tear.h~rs to Be
The knotty problems of lumber or the things manu-
factured from it should be handled by doctors of
Walter HanleY, president or the
1E'&.gue, announced yestercla,y that
I~dilcted. I~to Service
wood. In this class will be
Managers Eddie Hare, Broelt1m~; Two 'more 1n/itructOrs at the Low-
Jimmy Keyes, GladwYne; Joe Irvm, er Merion' f?C~bOI Dlstrlct i'~elved
Collegilffis; and AI MqeIler, Over- their final examination for induc·
tlon !Pto military service this week. SCREENS INSULATION STORM SASH
~rook, '\\'111 serve as ooaches for the
t\\'~ g~'ines, gene: Pavl/!, Narberth. 'rheyare· ~rank Bemard Coffman, Let us 'scribe a job that \tfillmake you well
~d Frli.n¥ Matthews. Manoa, were Cormer Lower ~erlon High School
named managers of the all-star a~hrete who has been teachLr1g Ger-
tea,m a week ago. man and h~tory at the Bala-
Cynwyd Junior High SchOOl and
Rubbe-r~d~e-e-j.-·'-·"-"e-~-e-Pr--I-vuere also coaching wrestling, footbalI and Sbull " ....be.. ~o.pany
At the Naval academy rubber baseball, and Thomas Edward Ry- , THE LINK BETWEEN FOREST AND HOME
heels . ana low lihoes .were .a l1rst der, art instructor. 29 Bala Avenue 8ALA-CVNWYD Cyl'lwyd 662
elass privilege three years ago, but They are Qeing Inducted from
today they are Worn by aU niid. Montgomery County Draft Board 3 CLOSED SATUROA YS 12 O'CLOCK
lh1pmei1. with 'headquarters in Narberth.
.: .
TOW N ====~========================?AGE THREE
JULY 9, 1'142
etS t Rula,s 'fO'f 'Narberth Day' Proves Highly Successful Collect 4826 Books
Mary E. B(liley,: L etra teIon ~ (Continued '.om Pdge One)
or rme Forees '
Donald A. Brown I L._F_I_R_ES_I_D_E_ _ Gas Regis Eicyrle race-Jean Sargent. first; costume was judged the bpst. with
Pe,gg} Frasl'r. second; Amelia Kane, Betty Jean Gowland spcond. Judgps
third. I
were Miss Edith Hewitt. Miss Flor- twpnty-slx vclumes have bpen cul-
Four thousand, eight hundred nnd
Vacationers Outside Mr. and Mrs. C. Alfred PeeneY.1 Mar!ha Watt. Miss Simpson has B:y.' 12 years old and under: ence Mlller. Mrs. E:lward Haws., lected In Lower Merion Township
Wed Saturday 309 S. Narbl>rth nv., Narberth. spent just completed her sophomore year I' Dash-Dic~ Holmes, first; Allan' Mrs. Wl1lialU Henderson and Mrs. I up to and including June 30 in th('
the Fourth of July week-<>nd in tit Emerson College. Boston. Rationed Area May
Kirk, sl'cond; Dick S:juipr. third. Ward W Pierson: Victory Book Campaign. I
Sister Was Matron Of WIlmington. Del.
* * * * * * Register on Return
Sack mcC'-Bob Gentles. first; Allan Prize for the fatwst child wpnt Those wLshing to make furthl'T
Honor For Narberth On June 27 Miss Simpson C'n- P"rson,; who are on vacation at Kirk second: Tom LeWis. third. to David Allen: for the thinnest to contributions may take their' books
Mrs Lloyd B. Ed ger t on. 107 tertained three of her sorority . sls-
. thc tim(' of rpgi-tratiDll for gasolln0 SPOOf> , and Marble race-I first sec- M' ary J anI.' ~-~ r~ue fl er an d r Jr tl1C'1 to any public library .. In the Town-
Mrs. W. John Mnnsfteld. Jr.. of Chestnut a\'.. Narberth. who
lers at luncheon. They were MIS>
RI I of V t N J M;o, eoupon books
this Thursday Frldav
, tlOn) George Wyckoff, first: Tom
t fr kl
ec es
t P lin K
0 au e enne
d .
~ 1-- - .' --' - ...--. ----
D I' Janet gg n. en nor, . .. ~, , . . . , Lewis. second; Donald Shaver. F'r t 1'7 I th t I' I
Merion. was ma tron of honor at spt'ndlng the Summer at a\' s Jo-Ann Cox, of Malvern. and Miss and Saturdav may register for basic' I I S pr ..e n e pe s 10\\ wen I (
the marriage of hl'r sister, M1ss Whnrf. Va .. was in Narberth for a Keora "'ono, of HOll0lulu. MLss rations at ;ny r'ej(istration dl silp 'In Ii first, thlr~: Jac. (se~ond sectllon)secJnd.Lyn~ MilleI'. to Marion
her do o 'Beckel'. 212Barbara
ForrestH1\'-' av .. ;
'Inr' Ella ,en Bal'lao
'." dlU"lllar
", 01 few dn's'. last week. S'
Impson was recen y e tl lect e d vl'ce t
I.' rat one arpa.
b accor ng to an
Cannel. N cky tor
'Paxson. third. Balloon race-t filst wood 217 Wayne av for her rabbit , I
. . .
second to
of Ro 'er's
* * .
' ,
to regIster at Ihp npar(''! local War
'. ' t hiI'd
~ 'Ben O. Shooe. Jr .. 41 Shnwnep rd .. PrlCl', and Ratlonlllg Boare! upon'lalltonl and Bill Buchanan. first: I Hobhy show WIl1l1Cr, III till' cIa"
Tllf('('-lpggen racr·~Jlm Fra- I
I ')f foreign countr\('s
, thoughtful coopera-
whltf' waU'r hl1rs and Il'y wltll a Palk. ClllC.,lgO. ! Ardmorf'. has bppn prOll1otl'd to the ~ntC'nng tl1f' ratlont'd nrpa. B"adJ"v Mi~cll and Flelcher Mac-I for those o,'l'r 16. Wf'f(' J,lrdan Gaul. tion of all users.
while orcilld in thl' center.
Mrs Mansfirld and thp maid o f "
Mr and Mrs WaitPI' Steck~ek
* * :
grade of tpchnlclan 5th at Fort B~n-: Those who Will rpqulrr i1ll()tll1('n:~ ~, 11 <
. "
. , nlng. Ga .. where he. IS attached to, of gasollllP 111 exre<s of Ihc amount co
. . "f'1
d' EI
Ihl' 'd
, I S al
ld I fir>,!. hr hand wood carvlIlg: Mr.'
I Id" 1
Art lUI Go .,mlt 1. seron. 01 hCI
d f' . Good neighbors
hOlwr, MIs,. ' Mav MacNair
Martlla • 221 Wayne av .. .spent the holldn", the Dl'tachment Flnancf' Deparl- ' to be allowed tllPm by thf' b ~SIC . 'B 'Jam' " IlClUnan. . and Jundpr'.
Thre£,- ~ol Iect Ion 0 f grotesque do II s. an d ,
eire considerate of
o[ M;'rion.· wore gowns' of 3qua, w('('k~end r.t tllf'ir cotla.ge at Wer· ment. COrDS Area Service Command.' ration ar(' advisC'd by Mr. Df'IWilpl If'gg~~l'·rn~::wntt'· ano Pip'rcv first:: Mrs. E1;)prhardt Muellpr. Ihird .. for, the other party. They
mal'lne taffeta with tiaras of flow 1 1'l'rslllle npar Reading. Pa. * * * ,to rpquesl .an appllra.tlon foro SIlP- Marian; ann MncCalla !>econd: Gold 111.'1 collection of early Amcl'lran, don't monopolize the
l'r~ In their hair and short I't'ils ot i * *
* Mr. and Mrs. Nplson Carman plPnwI1tal l~tl()n IFOIm R-S3.,) at and Burr:f"s. third. Polato rac£'- bluc glass
Ir~trllln!<' tulle, Thev carried plllk I Mrs. HorneI.' Snwdlc~·. of Bryn, Huber. of Ardmore. have announcl'd the tlmp of rrghtratlOn. Th~" ap- Thaw fint: Mariani se~ond:'T The hobby show w~~ judgrd b~" than nec~ssary. They
line by talking longer
'1 t' d 'tl k Ibb Mawr. formerly of NaruC'rth. pn-: the engagement of thplr daughtpr. p::catlon sh~uln \)" compll'lt'n and f'll' tl·..1 R kl' lpl'no B ' Bllrgess Richard Millf'l'. Ralph
\l'a t er 1I IPS Ie WI 1 pm r on . ' ,I IS. llr.. , opr S' J UI-
tertalllC'd at a dessert luncheon and MLss Arabella HUber. to Mr. Reubcn mailed to thc 10 'a~ B'la I'd which ha~,
... -
. . fi ·ot· H t tt 0 d' Dunne. W. J. Drenncn. Gcorel' answer their calls
. . R1chard bVenne. of Mllw.lukN' bridge at her hOlrle Wl'dnesday Ba con Clark.3d ' son of Mr. and ' l'uri~diclion o\'Pr thp arra wlwrr tlw Pwrc\, 2"'.'. 11..
third Sack ar ne C'.
raC'e-Ahvprdel' s('c n '8chroeder . the Rpv. R.'bcrt E
promptly and don't
WIS .. acted as est man. afternoon.
* * * Mr s. Clark . Jr . , of Ardmore .
* 'car is normallY g a
* * ~ raof'd I . r.~.,l.
. ' HartnPlte. second; G e n Keighton l r y . · the Rev. Carl Hammel*'
and the Rev. Jamf's F. TOllPr. It
interrupt the calls of
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Cooke, Mr. and Mrs. N. Myers Fltlpr. of, Delmont Opens As Girl' 1? t(' 15: ThrC'e-Ipf1;gC'd racp was managed by Mrs, W, H. B:lx- others.
Letters To The 207 Lnntwyn Lane. Narbl'n.h. hol V( "Straightlanc." Wynnewood. arp oc-
1, their guesl their niece. Mis, rupying their cottage at Beach: Scnut~
I .Jean Ridg(' and Jcan Sargpnt. man and Mrs. Arthur Goldsmit h,
Arrive For
'i!.'t: 81C'lIa Ridgc and Jane Au<tin. I Are you a good
Editor Anitra Mackey, of Daytona Beach. Havpn. N. J .. for thp spa..' on. They
Fin. havp as their gupst., their son-in-,
. ,
First Camp Period Plonn: J~an Whltinc an(1 Dorothy I
I DIll1l'f'. third. Potato rac£,-Stplla I
telephone neighbor?
De.l!' Sir:
* * * law and daught~r. Mr, and Mrs I
Mr. and Mrs, R. M Guttsl1'1..ll, RobC'rt Morris, o[ "Wl'dv;wood,": Thr('c hundrl'd and ~ix!y no~' :VI:<'r'f' Albrecht. Ihird. Ropr skIP-!
: Rldgf'. first: Pegg\' Frnzpr, s('C"lnd: ~
Thurs.• Fri.• Sai.• July 16. 17. 18 THE BEll TELEPHONE COMPANY
As a rpsld{'nt 0
. f N b I
ar I'rt 1.
I 0
.11 Lantwyn Lane. Nar ~rt 1. eft
would likC' to exprps, m~' apprecla· ~n S::turdav to sppnd thplr vaca-
. b l ' I' , Wvnnl'wood
I" *. * *
I Scouts onencd the fir't o[ ~r\·t'n
! wpek r,lmp~lgn neriod, 1.1't I\'rf'k- Hng -·:\1erle
ht fl
Prn7°r ~f'conci:'Mar\' Ml1rph~·. third.,
rst: Pcggv I
EI nor Po ell Red Skelton
ea w·
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ir\'in S. Shoffstall. l'n~, at Ct~r ~'1~70~JtF~.C[)U cR. s~\- "arl- racf'-Jpan Sargf'nt first: Jane "III• • • • • • • • • • • • • •.,
,\'I11Ch I hope Will be continul'd each 0 y enne. son 0 r. an J 23 I OCean Citv N J bprt :\1rCartpr; Ardlllorf' No 3," . d
,ear l1\trs. Ha.rry E. Benn('tt, 526 Dudley une ,n .. . ' Camp leadC'r; Ardmore No. 4 Mr. i 1\1I"n. ,pcond: Mary R~rtlett an CALL
. .
It was a plp;lsurp to work for and a"'k' al
, . N 'b . I I
e~tl, .11asl~p
t C'd f
urn d rom a
* * *
Mrs. A Atwater Kent. of "Wpst Herbprt :\1cCaltf'r. Bartl'n H'
., . 111 ]'.; I c:1w'lr Kanf' third. Potato race- I
0 1\",11'\'
Blrtlptl ftrs\' K Frank sf'c-i Ar more
d 2 reenwoo57 0 G I top
d 7740 H·II 3600
I Mr. John M Bill. Jr.: B;','n M
12 opd: Shpila KanC'. third Sack racc' ~ ~
. . . wpe s \'ISlt Wit 1 liS gran parents. . .' . .' h ,awl' . .....,
,nth Mr. Case and hiS able nsslst- M d M PAW I i H HIlls.' Ardmore. IS Occup}mg e rNO ' p.... I' CI t . N
ents. lind ma\' I add a thank vou,I "iTb' an rs... a es, n ar-, house at Kennebunkport, Me .. for M . pI. IroD,lsIOna 'M les PNr M 2'
-Sharlenc Alahverd£'. first· Pettv'l - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - - - - 1------, - . - - - ' - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - - -
<'1nl'''~~ ,,[T~\'l:~ thP,.~om, ;~,;t ~.o~l;~·' r'lll~:~~tPr r,~ F~~ SAL~ "__ ROOM~~O~
. • Irs urg. M r au Unlon: anon 0.'
lor th" h\' '*':'1' *
,.. !.,: o! H"r . .
'rklp. spcond: Jane Lacy. third.
i _.REN_T__
c- . ').. .
;" u;r<
* * I
.'" !..If'!OOD
• •
... _
U Fill: :-:.\I.E--:\t:lh"l.:all\"
11111' Il.l
,·:",·1\.'111 . ''II'IIQ''1\
;.t1l.II'\! 11:\1'\1\1
~:':;'~01 ·:I"::;.'~"lo;'~::::' ~':I;~ "'~ll\",I~:' I~', ..
\\1 '1 II' --
1:," \1-
'.1 ,( t' ,t" ·.t :; - , 1 . " . " ,,- ; ' ,. "~;, '" :',\, ~ OUR T~;," 1;~,III·;;~::~i·)~',I:;~I.t:::,I,',. ~i,d,_~ .. ;I:'~II.' ~ "''''~~~_-- . - -
, \, \ "llt' ~"".l( K rillU~~tl"" (' :,:: .lt~ \i' -,J ,.\' .of 1'1,1)1)1 n!\,' 1~,/:1~. r"'lll~ .;1;' rLI:\1!::, .. J ,\, "1'''' .. ,U ... I 1,1 ,tl <0.1
b- D.e bthat
SAU suggestIOn sAdv \ \ , 11
~,\ I, " ,'111' f ' .111
~e of 107 N. Narberth Haverford, will take plaoCe Ju Iy 18 McVaue:h·." WiIlow Grove No.1. M" ---------------- \\ IiI ',I ('jt"
I' \ d·
i B\ .. Narb£'rth, are leaving this . S . E Is 1 --1"'1 r:. It",,,·, ... \.J },,,t -1,'1 In " .... ,I
many of the I Friday morning to spend three al 4 p.m. in 1. Peter 5 p copa McVaugh: Bywood No. 1. 1\1r, F. H ' ,,,O! ,11 .. n I',·" '.·.l' .. ,,,"d, 1'1, "0.'
,; .' 1'101·
I' IlP.']
chit-chats and devote their coke
hours" to war work came from the I
mother, Mrs. Anne Morgan Pa.r.
~ons In Towanda and Lake Wesau,
Mrs. Thomas P. Hurley, of Ard·
* Carbley: ppnn Wynne No. 1. Mr.
Stanley Camarills; Wyndmoor No
1 " . I "
Cross group. Tea{:hers or older Bli,ker, of Waterworks, near Indian-
women who are interested can town Gap, Pa .• and their Inf3l1t
Arctic Trees graduate of Mater Miserlcord:ae BERRIES SITUATIONS WANTED
Academy. Merion.
Trccs more thun 100 feet hil(h ure . :-":I'~l·:PEI} hr tIll' AlHt'rkan 1~I'd 4't"s;-.
gather together a congenial crowd. son, Bobby. spent a few days this Mr. and Mrs. H. G3teS Lloyd,
found well north of the Arctic TOMATOES Wn!,dllll~ Ill~\C'hil1l'. ~ltl:.rJ"
tn's!" ('nIl It. d ('I"!-lS
lol'ol Ind
\\ '11;h 1,' '1' l! 11 "II" C'lf~
The coke hour (or couple of hours) week with Mrs. Baker's parents circle. Jr.. of "Linden," Haverford. n,re .\nlmul"f' :1100. I" 11·11 ,.! I;· "',,. J'll',l" .\IIIII"'l'
ca.n be turned into important work Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. White, 113
rather than mere sub-deb chit· Essex av., Narberth.
spending the SUp1mer at Cotuit POTATOES MIRRORS & GLASS
chat. Mrs. Walter Franklin. for
example, has started a· Flrst Aid Miss S hi r1 eyE. Whiteside. * * *
Mr. and Mrs, James S. Rogers, * * * SQUASH
.11)(1:-': ~, 1':\1:),1-:,
1'11«', t·PPl'r II,lllt\. 1'\1".
Ill,ttll)'" 01'
I', flllj,
111· 1·,ol\Vl"
-1'\'111. ld"k,
class. meeting a t her house twice deughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph of Haverford. announce the en· tU1l1 tHad,· 11111'1'11:-1. ll'fHI\'llll:':, 11'1110,1·
J lou .... , 1'1 01" ."1 1 ~. i I :\1
'11'11, olJ.lf· I
f'IIIH~, lJit'tUI'~'M f"llIll·d, Illrtlll~il" t,':';
a week. There's plenty of oppor- J. Whiteside, 237 Haverford av., gagement . of their daughter, MrS. APPLES H,'.!u\t·llatt· youl
30 10, ~,
IidTtIl." XII\\·. 1'.111 HI\ol
( Ii ttl";' . ~I ,
\. '-I \
I " \ _" II II, 1 '~I'" '. Ill" I I h
tunity for more groups to do stl11 Narberth. is atendlng the Summer E Rogers Maitland. to Mr. Perry
MOre work under competent senior session a.t Urslnus College. A Jun- A. ·Hunter. of Ha·verford, son of
gUidance." Ior. Miss .Whlteslde will be a·ble to' MrS. :Ashley P. Hunter. of Norris-
For the first time In the history graduate a full year earlier as II town, and the late MT. Hunter. FOR FINE MEATS
Grnn.1Fi & l·prll-:.ht ..
of the Junior Red Cross, the Janu- I esult of the completion of the 12- The marriage will take place short- CALL NARBERTH 3668 FARM MARKETS
I) \' 'II .... 11 I ',1\ I I 1'1 1 I: ~ I"" II· 111 '" t·" I,
ary to June report closed with the week Summer course. Pianos BougM tpou" :-'11'0 )11I" ~ :!' 1 I. II' I',· ,,1" , "lIllo!' I"
ly after which Mr. Hunter and his ('OUI
I .. " I...
I! I 1 ;.....
I .,d:1
... I, 101-
:\1, ,1"'1
,] .. ~
c1er the direction of teachers. SllIblne av.. Narberth, spent the Villanova ::. Malvern FOOD MARKET Piano Moving nit l'.\ 1,1, ------_._-------
* * * All. 7150 W~.t 11llU WANTED TO BUY
motherS and other women. all holiday week-end in Ocean Grove, Mr, and Mrs. J. Helsley W. Ev~nlllgtl Hro. 4:i2tt
members are playing vital roles in N. J. * * *
Macklin. of Wynnewood, announce ' \V \'\'1"1':11 - 1:1-:1'"'1:11:1:1: \'TI If:":
,.:1:....:. \
.\1"'1'\1 ,'1.1,; \ "·:1:....:
,\1'\' t'"n·
volunteer war work. Mr. and Mrs. George B. Suplee, the birth of a daughter on July 6 It's Your Patriotic Duty . . HOME IMPROVEMENTS dlll'lli "Ill II" f,," II .. ' t,\~", ~t pner'''',
girls of school a·ge who have made of July week~·enci.., REAL ESTATE FOR RENT
contributions. * * *
of Haverford. are at "Witchcllff,"
their cotta.ge at Ba·r Harbor, Me.,
give you Better servic:e
It wlll repay you many times our
.1 Hi,
up, nln"'(ollt
$:I :,1 1. ,\'Illd",,"
I'I':~~ \','LI,I':\' -.\ II' \\'
('tllillt, ~
!l,lll'". -, 111'11·
n (1III1:-1I,hl'l l·.
They collected $1.373.26 during Dr. and Mrs., W. A. Pearson, fur several weeks. 11111111"', :1 lqlh'"
the Red Cross Roll Call and War Lakeview Apts.• Narberth. have ~
Drive Which followed brought in Lheir guest Dr. Pearsori's sister, Dr.
Mr. and MrS. J, Randall WIl,
of better appearance. fresher *
I~w cost cleaning bills-In terms ~hnrl(,R.
;,!I(' up,
Il'um ane! floor
1I11nl-:' fn't' . •\1"0
HI'l \(et', Full
I'U\ t'lln~,
11l'.11lt Ir~11
... \111 flUII"ln:.:.'"
porc'he", Int('rior and (.'K(pr!or \VOl k 111'1 "'1'1 IllL: 'IILIII I' I"1OI1·". • X' , ,,1,0111,111\'
ments. When the drive for com- Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Simpson. 201 engagement has been announced. t~)pln" ll·{'nlls. anytllln~ In ll:H:!o{\IIIlI'- 1'1";1 II I ~\ \\ I"~ \\, 11\<'" 111 'II' ,1""'11
.... 0 hn\'(~ tt, EHtlm:lll'A ghttlly 1.:1\ I'll ,\ 101111"" I I ' ; "r .\ 1 111'''1'' In,.:\1 1 'illl
fort ldts for men who were going Woodside av,. Narberth, has re-I;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Atronllo III Map'f), 21:~t 1';, ,"Hlnt)' FI1, ..... 11 111"111111:':' "1' .111\ t Inll' all"1"
over seas. was In progress, they turned after spending two weeks, L1no Hel.. A rd, 111 0 l'l', ,,\ r'1. 4 II~. ~uI~d,l \
filled, 80 and collected $80 for as In Presque Isle. Me" where ste vis-
ma·ny more. Ued her college room-mate; Miss .
WALLI' ..\PF:ll. ~nl1ltaN
"'11I"n thl'~(O mat"llnl!'! nIl'
1·'1 lit 1:1':''1"
,\I; F'nllfll 0.:;'
\\11:1:: 1,.·1\1""111"
tI"';Ut I'll\'
rll,h~I",li!l·. gal-
102 hrrest Avenue - Narberth 2602 pl'ly. It tlt)l'N t11.II<e n ,1Ill'('rt'Tl"f' ~1'..r'1:t1 :t~,. :tl',u IIH>l111I ,t"':·,n !'l'_I~1I1l 1111'
Seventeen Home Nursing courses
*~"';griij;;¢i3ct~ *
AUmltWr prll'f\:i lin\\'. .1. .J. ('ull"I\' Ill' dj 11+' p"l.I"" ", ... i',n \\'111,' Ih'nlllf'"
were completed. 18 Standard First 228· Bata Avenue - Cynwyd 0928 HlIllup 2:!9H-B, It .... ,1 ,.,',Ip
Aid COUrses were finished. and 17 Consumer Committee Custom
L If '1-:,\ ~
1 '1l.lrlp~ Illnt'p.
Junior First Aid.
Since schools have closed. 1\0 new To 'CanvlssRetallers Made
'\"'lndow 8}u)(lp8 - VenC'tlnn DllnuB
und nl1r,Id!\I'
llJl:lltltl'~lIt"'. nt'll'"
In ~lf1I'I'!'I, f;nl'n:r"
l\\'l nnd
program has been set up at Bryn Members' of the Consumers In- J.inoll'um
Mawr Hospital.· Six da·ys a week terest oOmn1ittee' the Lower of • 1I0BRON III: OWF.:>;R
1015-1019 r.ANCARTEn AVK. nryn )lawr
(lll(.'IWd or e'lIll
two girls ate on duty every morn- Merlon Defense .councU, assisted ~ Phone Br)'n !Itawr 1120 or 1"1 \
ing and two other girls every other volUnteer groupS, are d~vot
~ AftfiOUN~'~A~ftRIE. BlaMn C~R~tfT'L ~
Materials #I K I :<;OF:ROA ltTI~N TF:ArH F:lt-MornlnJ:
aCU,rnQOn to act as messengers and Ing particular attention this week - Also· SWAP h(HI1'~ ot1I~'. :-':0 ollJpctlon tn mnrrlf>ll
wnltwn. \\'I'ltt' to nox 141. l~nwl·r
"Junior Nurses' Aides" under the to theall-TOWnship canVaS of re- ICIIIICEI .. JOURHAL1SM PRE·LEoAL PRE·tUDIOlL OIRI.R or "'OMI~:"<-'Wlll .'';''\1 b~n\JI) 1\lertnn :-,:pwHpnlwl'H, .,\rc,m(ll'~, tln.
direction of the directress of tailers to ,prov~de tbemWlth Infor-. By ~eYard' IDVA~CED J,JCOro;OMICH AUDlTl:-lG coUTRC for (1Il<}I"1'NM1nl:; pn\,ple,p(\M fr.\\,
l11atlPD and OPA ,bulletinS on the ANAL\'TICAT, MECilA:"ICS ,\\'IA1"I0:-: ltourM doth', plthpr by h1.f111 or t)-·III"",.
nurses. CORPORATION FI:'o:A:>:('fi) nta.CHEMTSTRY MOllt"rnf"!1tn rollrJ:p or nC'nllt~· rultll1'p,
Maximum Price control Law and , DU'FIDI1ENTIAL EQUATIONR ISDl1flTI1IAI, ETHICS an ~o Market st.. t: (111Cr Dat·")'. 111 \'11.
MOl' Remoie In AmerIca to assist them in posting their ceil- \l:lll1CA:rIO:'o:AI,I'Sn·UOI.oOV LO(Jrc 9170.
The most remote and least ex· Ing prices as required by
The next' meeting of the Com-
lSl'IDnNA'I'IONAL nml,A'rIO:'o:S ~IAnl{ET1SG
plored section in Amerlca is a road·
leIS ,rea covering 1,600,000 acl'eS iD mittee will be July 16. when the 1 . . AVE.
, F O r 'Oatalogue and information ,address .
S'An'BERTlf - Oar'nA''' fof' rf'flt .. f*lnJ:'l{"
r4i.lt. "·I~It(' "1)\\'I,,'r," nox 41 :"'. l\.'nr-
*t:Utheastem Utah, proposed oft!· Township canvas will be reviewed
dally III Escalante Nat10nai monll· and e.nyaddltional inquiries will be
Narberth'-. 2340 ............ . ..!H~ ~EC!~5!R,A~ .7. 5~.S!R~ a~~ n~~!,Y!~I~ t!E~~~..... ""Ith. 1)1' RN" 'lhll'II'11 ~(, lIu\\ard H.I';lI~
lors, N'ltrlJ~l·th,
ment. ' ' reeeived, '
• - ~ _4 : ~ . _ ._ _ T ._. _.
OUR TOW N===========-===============-
News From The 0 0 0 Baseball Race Tighte11s \I CALLIHe THE TURN About Coaching B,id From YalL'
Narberth Playground As MatlOa Ties For Lead c - . 1
If Manoa should happ~n to re- claimed It was do to lack of an were supposed to have been laid at time will work In a defense r'
Of all the mythical offers that tlnue coaching but In the I •
B~ ketball-1 r.e S('nlOr baskc[ bJll
I[ 'cille \\ III gct under way tlll'
Alld Collegiarls Wi,l Two I
[1m Its M(:ln Line Baseball Leagu2 attraction. That no matter how the feet of Lawer Merlon's famous
pC'nnant. It will be compuatively "orthy the cause baseball fans just basketball roach. William "Bill" I up one of the greatest coachln.
:;Imple to look back and determ1l1c wouldn't turn out unle-<s theY were And~rson. It was admitted at his ords In the country. Since 19~~
At Lower Merion, Anderson
Wl'dncsd..... el ell Il1q , wlth double It's now anybody's fa. e III the
I lW,t when the team was 'made.' I promised a red hot ball game'. home ye~'rday that he had his bid t::'ams won 12 league titles. te: [)." I
t~(aol'r ,'am s pllllC:! ~oncl:l~ ~r. III L.lle BflSCO til Lc I!.(ue Standing of the Teams I Ever ~il1c~ Bl b AlIls:Jn alld hl~'I Local fans surely won·t be II) for t 1le h ca d coac . I1Ing po;; It lOn t rlCt l camp h Ionshi ps an d l.: "C
[orou>;h Tliul"day Tllere a:'(' el'llll 111(' race tlf.;htcned 11110 a knot
W L P C , teammates got logetl,er and dc I able to kick about lack of at- 'It Yale Unlvctslly. State crowns. On three other, C,I
Ie ,nls III tne I(',q.;u' lIlt, veal' rep, \I'r [Ill' wl"k-end wllh Gladw)nc
Gljd~yne 10 4 .714 clded to play for fun ;lls:ead 011 tractions for the local Army- Anderson has'- left f:;r Camp sions. Lower Merion finished 111-
I ~: 11l1l1!4 dllOl1 b o~1.(!r~. N .. !·bcLJ) ,:I'expeC"ledl\ hllllll~ the skids for
doubl,' clcfc.1t ani tlle scra,ppJ
Manoa 10 4 .714 th~le
,}Icckles has becn a notice I Navy relief games. Both serv- Wabun, h.s Summer boy,' camp In I ner-up for the State honors.
W,l)IH'. S.\ar,lunore and C)no\)d
The bas~elb.JlI ~e:lcLlul" for tlll' ~1 ,noa n.ne and surpns.noi Irvill, Col'egl:.ns
NarbcrLll 9 5 .643 able change In the team. I ice t!'ams are considered tops O:ltarlo. Canada. buL be[o,c he dId:
8 6 571 ~plrlL
A surprising tea'm has been I in the East. ! 11e wcnt to Ncw Havell. Conn .. for I Five Team Battle
wcek of Jull 13 1., a.s fol1o,,~.
;II1o11day !\1ac ~ :'I1us("j('s I'
21 l1l'glc.ns s~ CCP:llg t!lclr g.lmes to
pull III t lIe slack Brooklllle
:~~~ ;2ner Ited. the old college tr: be
.Ilg \cry much 111 c\ldp:,ce 111 l~.sl I
* *I [In 1I1tcrvlCW With Eh sports om-
I clals. I (Coflt;nutod from PtIJl, On~)
So t day Ill' lind Gl.,dl')nc.
Balit.'~, Vl~U I~ \::; W'u\IH Week-end Schedule: I>eck's games ':'l1e players an I The U. 5 Mannes have d'fe:J:cd At hIS home hi'; son, Willbm. Jr ! that knot w,th a palr of runs In
p.II"""; II I' [I [Jill [m' In·-t gamc
I ul'sd \ MI" k(' \, 'llld"lll'll) ,II I} n~ fi:sl p1.IC(' Will) I
Slluld ): Olerbrcok at Na:. 110\\111" 10:" uf dash, 'lusLl1l1g fm abaut elery lead1l1g s'ml pro: alII said hIS f.lthcr w,'nt La Yale on Fn-, their half, only to ha\e the Lau- I
COIlllt'r \ .. NoiSOlI be::h: Ccl'eglans at M Ill(Jl; .1'1 ~:Ielr wo:th. UllCjuestIOl1'lbl\' 111 lhc Philad"lpllla all'l. Tlwv\( day an,i a!ljwarcd 1l1tcrcsted. Thc I rpntJr.ns come back with 1 three-
:'.,,1 no '. ,1IIe! N,: I)',: th Ill,l a ;'am
Melk(' \, V.~'lil-. III tllc' plCr- 1:1 llil:d p',ICl' an:] Blo(Jklll1e at Gladwvne. lJ'c~' lIaH the:r lwalt 111 tlle le,lIn' won somethlllg Ilkc 33 gamcs ancl LO\l'er M,'noll coach. n:J:('d. for his n:n outburst In the se\enth to win
'" d N rb tl t G' I gloom and LIck of optImism. ]Pft, -5-4,
('I'nl' ~ eI I,. 1l.'I:l', Ill" Col: ~ all' JU [ a ~,llllP b:'lu:l:l ~Ull r.~" a er 1 a .1( w)'ne: ,ll:r! ,,~enJo) 1:lg them~e:\ cs 1m, Il'<t but eight I
Toul sd~~ M,J(' , :\1ll'.1 , - O\{'rbr~ck at ;l,ial1oa; Dr:'ok- lllensel:', T f I ' no lllkJmg th:Jt lhr deal was closccl.' Pitcher JIm McCaughn won r Is
\ '111' IJ,Jr,JU'l11Itc, I 1.nc \.s Co:1 'glans T . . I I wo 0 t le MaLne,--Bob B.lke: '1'1 fact hc told hiS SOil that It 0\\ n bnll game whcn he ~Iammed
BOllnt'l. W,lllll' IS NolS"I' (;,. Ill, S I)J" b PIll nm" 111111'11 IllS a~t.ltu: l' las produ(ej and S,lln Blobtem pltl hns are '1Idll't look "lOO promlsll1"" becau-,'
Vollllltel'l' Icl,ICC" .. II Ill' ,!I 1 , I I.ll!.( heads up baseball. ha" ",h'en ,I 0 I' nl c r " '0 ' «1 homer With the bascs bare In
!lJ',':ldg more IIk[ I " Mal11 LIne' Le "1)[" S Ih' W' e "lw other ~ood men In
E:r Mr Ep.',.Ilcr
a.....Eearly 100 Donate Manoa three strai"'ht vil'tonl's CI Ies Zlobcr, . b~.s
~.. PIC cr J, lhc third to glvc AnnuncIation thlt
, ~ I verdict O\er St. OCI11S Monday.
. ,lllpl"II' l'"II' .,t ,1111 IllllC pIC I"" " l a r tlllrcl 'nlan. I1I1e"
and has lifted It Into a tie for 11, d tl N k 'I' .
.. * * \. II h
n,lscbalJ-l 11 e 1l11r.~, t b 1·1 b.d' lh' 'I'c,t I~,hl bl tli, neat Il1lnll(':
l\1.lIloa' 111~1 11111SlS >tol I
Colltillued from po.,e OIlC)
.. first Illa('c. A tcam With such
• 1,.I)e WI 1
c\\ar 111 t.c ntel-I II I' unc!er·I:I_e! lile nun who Ila-'
I na I L 2a~;ue: P I l ~ h er C onra" I fir,. clllm to ' P coaclul1~ pO'IIIOll MON
II I~U' ,Lifts t;1.' ',11:11'1,.'1 .dll':- "1 l\lilC'll :t po,hl'{';1 ojJ IJllth GI.I(I : 1':'lh, A R Y OavlPs. 1~1 C.llIlI":l\ spilit is I{oilll:" til 1)(' t.(.ul:"l~ to 1'115 froll1 the PaCIfic Co'st I 's n. " ct Rolf2 Ilurel , b'Iseman
.- fOl lh,' How They Stand
• . , ' " I' P.C
r 01 11 \\Itll BllC'ha:I,lll' :1' III p,a" \\In and Nllrl;I":h In III II Ill£:( 1I1tO 1\' ";11 b 'Ilh: MIS, M Irjo1'lc C[)h~ll' stop. L e h g U e; Outlte.der Superl10WICZ ,,'W York Y Inkc(><; RoJf0 IS nol'
III ~ KIrk s 11',11)1 :\1111, 1(' tn' I <iI' dloi', tor 1111' k "I ::')ckllnd av. :>Lnoll. ~Is, Allen'. * * * tram tl:e Cotton SLIV's Leagu~.
,S'IS: \ilt l'1,:H'h fit thp UIUVf'r,I:I' SL Margarets
6 22
IPt"I,11I nlht K.I :'!l' 2~G H"l\'''~'forcl a\·. ~r.'no:l
I I" dc I III I II.' 1 ,I II' Cnll!'" IO·:I·T CI,l'U IN LEAGUE 01c Tile Je,1 tl lCrnec k S 1lal P a;I' .1nd wOllle! b,' IlI'ael man for bDt!l Alll,Unclf,tlOn 7 3 .700
M .. )oa slartpd thc sca·OII ~\'lth,' 1111111bor
\V ,<I t CIlltlll'l!
!I,'r ),d SPI JI:1'l' 1'1'1': l'IUlll 'Ill' I \11" Ed,tI' C.lldw,'11 11' Ionol a\. , of g 00 d m1l10r Iea!.(ucr3 111 ba'kf'lb,'11 :lw! h:Jsf'ball If Ill' I.' Good Counsrl 4 4 .500
1',llld"r (rem Clip,: 'I \\ 111) 11:15 mort':
1.,01' 0: :'111. H' I kll o « :O;,llo'r(ll. M F 0'1'11)(' 7:'1 Claren- "11(' 0: Ih~ hCIIIPst pa~roll;; 111 th' their cast. 3t I)ellls
* • • ":111 1111"c! t')(' s 'lJ s of Mill II rci
f,"!)I:I'1 II uutp.tcll"d BIll 0'0,111
I..n "d P 'nn V Jllp\' H F HpIHh'r- I( ,~e ~ "U I)u e t0a l I cn d mcc no t b c Fort D.x has an e" :'n 1110"C f'lpctp:l If Andersol1 ,Iwu:d g:J to Y lie 51 La \lrencp 5 5
:\1< II alld "'(,!llCJI- III' 1I ' 1)11 .. 1 a'. 30' F.-spx av. '111 b rtll. R ,bf'l' ll1g 1I,P to par, the club soon fell: t llentpd c;:st. he!ld:'d b\' Jflek Sacrf'e! Heart 2 4
.11' II G 1 1(1\\ \ Ill' ~. 11. r S 1\ -- Ii, j " .333
I tel laesa, of the A's 1he s"lj:er nin.'. a b"y whom hc coacllnd at L'Ifa~'-
l':t'~u(, \.. b'lJl! U"':lld/d. Ill·llt LJ l{nal)j' 4!E ;lddll'v:\\ 1'\11'- ,1 1 j d f h Wal- G('ndall Reevl". 111.s as.'1slant and 5t TI 3 6
.,. \ 1.1 III to tie rc' an lomas .000
'1' '11 I" IH'I'c!I'd Thn II ,~u.' III.I'C:l
IlO.'" do:: '11f' K"I III'S. 4-0 on S.lt-
l'd,,1 IllH'~
: ': I il .J \'" H,ll1l)Jh:'''\, n,lIl d pl.l) PI:' lJadll t made tl1l'll' unselfish (oached by Art Bl.lkcr. formcl rttc is bclIf'\"ed m 1:110 f.,r held Sl. Colman 0 8
~II il(' p ..'I,<1 "'" 'I'd' c!1I Til,1I Bllb A::: 11:1 C III (' '1110l,~') rtll. P 1111:p M'1I10~
I,d 1 IIII I' d.1I ,\I'l!11I ' ,,' Ii 4', Pill ~,ll"~ Nllb
\p\.< ~)2 (;,1\"1'11<; .'1 BN Irbrllh'
C,lppa- deCIsIon !".I.!UC l(J'd :\. louldnl be 111 th . I f'rlends Cf'ntr,J1 athlcte and Cam ~oal h ~Ilil E! \Vn,[p a<; a~S1.,Ll:;1
IIII!, "IIO:!."I 11,t' ulIIIIII" pc:- A" I' lorll High cOilch, hid wcn 16,'oaeh
:11 (~': .lei 1'1'11
Wl'lllCll ,if :' . lk
, ,,,., "111'11' .! . ,
\11IC)1 , J('?tlITill1'",
_ :. ;.' HI:t\· ~li) 5,'1:1W a\ (COHIll""O ~ , ~1111'1"r
•. , -' .
F'allk' ~:r'lgilt bcforr encuull11.'r1l1g t .. e Aha all Ilbl( roach \\iln 1111~ht
\ '\Llg" of 11.1 }\ .\ dr' k ".un:.
,11I!.11 011'1 N.trb"llll 011 Sundl)' N,r!>"rl" ;,,~, EI'anur; P,'l('rs !\llltthew, nOlle of lh,' p1..)['rs l' fI:hlptlcs la't WCdl1".da'· I com n, IlltO l!)l' )l1CIll:1' I, ,j,Il'k H:I1-'
bo,nd ((llll' .... \l. lllf 11 ~l'\t' llll/),ll\('f
EIII h ~ 'IllC' l\l'r<' )J ~,d .It :\I.lllO I "0'; ! 'n·.1 a'. Nl·brr:h. :\1'-< Eri a; ,. Iar.lll!PC d all) cash exc< pt the " \" ' C J
i, ch:'\' who 11a, bpcl1 C().l:·hll1~ at
~U! f~('t,;-, .. () tl..lt ':It d.... "lld' 'A !Oll' lllgc C'!'owds Is Haillll,\11 31; i: Iln]llkl1 al·. N 11'- )Jltlher alld he Oll'y "ets hlb whcl1
'1 ,. R • T R b t ?OG '" . , " "', "
BA.l senlC, leal1lS can bc d)lIl1t
cd upon to furl1lsh formIdable op·; Gkll N:Jr H:gh S:ll[):Jl and was on 'I
(>.l ... ll~ M'Il l!l\l'fd !l») uf ('(1UrS'
;>I,lIblt!1 cld'.I','d B:',l,'KlIIlJ' 1U :';',1 . . . I~' .Id
) .'rs. -' tnCl< Is ,) pIO.lt Oil a g,lIne All . 1'1'1" of Ane!nrso'l' elllmpIOn',hl!'
Girl- E\I'Jlh -
* \1, *
l{ '!l.llJII ~ Idl S:I[llrda~
:11 lie \\"' I'kl'nd h,lll);".
lor Ull ('\L'll bre:Jk, N,-III
. , ,ona J\' N,llbprth; Mr, /\lI11C:' Mle-
• C, n~
II".f "',lln"".o(! ',1\', N'II'l1"I.t.. ll
l ' 01 "1I1 I p,a\rrs
,. _'
. "
1\ II IICII I t lCle IS ~ pro 1 .
e\en) >1\a1
pG°.ltlOn to the strongcst lIneup'
. Ia bI e 111 tle I Mr.1I1 Lll1c. Lna~ue I'["arns .,
1\lprlon High
' . . .
whpn Il(' altl'ndl'cl L:J\\rl'I
HI:~chcv', n'si"l1a-,
C.,ill'l I r; ,1.1 /111..:. '1' k I W Jllam T M,~N"lll 119 F.'mwlJo.l 1'1 Ib S ' tup has cost Manoa a .1'.\ " In flct. the local bm'S . w:ll ha\e"IllOIl I:om tlle Glpn 1'111' 11 .'.<.Itlonl ~
,I'lll~ ,:I.lI1II,C 0: Sp\('Il' .\.~-,1l"bpl'[ll:Johlln'\·lnp 3100,-,
b:~ ~uc allholl~l1
l' I' . to be at theIr bcst If thc\" hopf'
sc()~ed ~I be,'I~
'11' IIlI"I< -H'] ,11<I',1! ",. t1.' I '1I,Ilc:hl 'S Oil I),ll:s. tll... Cdl!.' , 'o"d 1d H: 1l0klllll'; H,I:J"rt ,; E!- .,Iars 1 <IS the lC,I\\ hllt.ng . . was announc"d \'eql'nl:1\"
I'allll'- t:> :\11" C,' 1'1 t:" "I Ill'; I',!ll rUIl< III t1H 'Iwr :'0, D Idlp) Narb'l'll1. Barr)' MorrIS. who h IS able t J "111. III 1'l'1 scason< nh,jo 111 WhiCh,
1,1 ( 1.1 II 'I '11' 'i "1111 I lilt II tu d"te,l[ Gl,ld.\""It' I Will 1m G H'lrt\' 5('0 -=- ;';lIb'r'll t" command ,. tle!y sum wah Lime, Ever)" p('nny from the two L')II!'r MI'nrn \\Oll I s third S:.l\C'
[,ort 111 ll,e East Pen:1 Lpa ·UI'. but gan]('s will be t.urned ov('r to ~,:>WI1. H.nC'I1P\.· brou~llt hiS t('am,
11l.1\ 1)(' In,1 ( I,ll -:-~ Oil SIIl1r1a~ 1,1' Ill. II' 10111'['1 I 1\ ,\~, I' ":1 A LH\T"n",' A1IPm'lc 'Ulll )()U~I,'st('l"~ a J,ICK M:l
, er th('
. ,er\'IC(' r('licf funds. so if [) tIll' to:l III 'h' - Suburban 4,
1.,[')1)' .Il fIl' ~ 1111' Till'\' rOI!l,:! '~J.I \VJOt'!J"'I' a\ i3Ullll\ H,'nder, Il ,(11] 1),111' Mc- you can •t attend thc I{aml' thc ,LI'a~ue play"ff H,' hopc, to e~n-,
'" ""
J),IjlV :O;clH':Jul<- ;j,llbll'Ol-; 12-1 Oil Sltlll,j,,\ VII"I'llil M Kllil\in 4i1 Oudl'\' ,-]1
Nll·"r·]l. '.
K,)~' hall' 1111"0 111 'dll1l'ab1\" lind ICctst )'OU ('an do is to buy a " - - - - - , - - ,,---.---- I '
:'.1 I d 'I :'>1 III JI" ~ Ill' [III Tll,' Col'l',:all ,III:! :\1.IIlO,1 UI,- " " j , ' L l l ' ;1111,S "llllll C I 11""11 .:"\t' gIlC'l1 M,1110,1 much Il"l'dcd ' . til' k e t and uphold th~ :\lall1 .
I Illl.):p: I:) JP A:t: 11 1111 S'II \ ':: "li'l\. b:1 ,Il".' ;hl' holtl's: t 'am' ~" T .1' 'W\I' },l11P ;';lJh .. tll· :\11"
Ill}!lr ~ jO. !-'\('11.l,g ~'Ill r l~ I:--l.t t- , :Il tl1l' 110P at thc n:0:101'1l: so 1'le.1 :\ 'Ill ::" l' \Vardl'll 4'4 Cll'I: v a\
ill(' ,11lrJ d .. ~h.
OfIIC('IS of 111~ le.l~uc l"n'l ha\
LitH"s ~ports pr('stil{e. "'c'vc
olwa)'s believed th(' Philadel-
,111l'tlll" S'tu:d \' at M.Illoa li~UI("', :>Ilrb Illl C!larl<-,; F C,I'IH'r 114 1'1 ;nC'll uIgll)g m,.I1.I>;er" to usC' mor,' phia fans let down t.he Army
1J,1I1 Le '~U" 6 JO
\C.UIl~stC'l'S su~gcsted
I I: I - \ I II I.' 111 I I
T,H'.!.I Mllllll!!.: (~,ll1lle fnl Id be OIL of thc fe,HuH', of tll Es" ,I' N1Ibc:·tll: :\11-' Rila C
'\1('1. ,'lll1 Na"bc'rlll lll'..ldt' ... Gll:i I G 111'-p", 511 GO"dOll a\ N,IIb.ltll .,nct ha\l' and Navy in tbe Phils' game. "WE WERE D:\!'lCiNG"
'1IIi:i1 II ](130; H,Il1<1l< ',d: 10 J .. 1m .. t('ur ball as CUI cs for some 0' Surely the Main Line sports "llr"'il ... !It ,1ft r - \Irh.\ 11 UIIII;.(II"
."'!'lrJl'C':l Etl}\ ~1')~11 ~ JO . •\11 .. \. Ill" 1':1 SUlld, \ III Lll' O'!J{'I, 'II" C,lrnlll1c C G'n"\ 3~3 HamlJ- :lll' ]ea£:(uc's lIb follower won't do like\\ise! " \1"~ II I~ I ' , I.'
",: D,,, 1),1,1 Lt'.lgur 1 :lU. I· I( 111I~!! J.f.l(!lll;c: N a r LJ r It!l cnt('rt.dtl I rll.1 a\ N I:b '1;.11: :VI 1'--- Man.!,lf(': "KISGS ROW"
, 01 I' blllok II!I(I Hlookl1l1e I"lSlts' C; nlle[ 313 Hall1Jlc!cll av Narb'r;il. ;\Ianoa's experil'n('(' and the
:-'''11101' 1l1l'Kctball L,· ~'l<' {) 30
r:.. I\' It:.. (11 S, llll ! 11 01 eroroo;; \~ 1-5 Fl1Z,l bel h NIl'- If'B W~'l1l1f'(lll,' pl,I)' of the -urprisinl{ Irvin Lesson- Sermon I - "j 1 II r.' I : I I
:\1el1 .... ~l1nlt L"a'u G~') ' " '"' II H E ] ' l H ('oll('/:,ian-. \\ho ar(' dcfinit<'ly "S,1clament" 1.< t,l(' ~u,)ject (,f lh"' I I' ,I, \\ \!: I,,', I' ' [ ' .11 r
WC'dlli '(1.\ \ MOIII I.~ (; 1111' ; ': 0(" to :vI.lno,1 ,!l'd BrooKllw' all! I 1'" ",lId,'r l' .nl' (I.I l\\lt' "DR. KILDARE'S \'J("TORY"
clllldr'll 10 :l0. Aft"IIlOllll St"~·,
'Ill' Cnl:'!.;I,III- III till' otll'r Sundll ;J1G N"rb'Jtll ~v ;-",ub'rth: SI,'phell 'n tl1l' 1C3;:ue for til(' fun of it. Ll'sso:l-S:'rlno!' III all C'1l1rchc.' ot
It'\\ \ \ rt·... - I 10lH 1 B,I rf\ ..IlIr"
.,m,'s ,. I' N" 'I 1'9 EIIJ1I\'')I1(! a\ 1",1'-- C'('\lld b(' takl'n as an indkation I Chnsl Sell 1111.,t 01' Sunday Jill) I \nn \\ar"
I (lUI' ~ :~O. E\rn IH~.".S 'nl,lr B,I"-1-:£':
'I.,p \1.:11".01 ;!II " Ill' !<luc;~lc 01: w .. t!, \11" H"1<'n:\1 M'GI'dl :;1:; that the olTicials, for once. art> l~ TIlt' G'Jldcll T~xt IS' "L't a mall _ I l! 1 11-- II \ I'
1).,]1 I('a',lle 6 30
TJ'lI"d,l\ Mu: 11111_' ("lIl1' Id' II'df'uelldl'll (' I) y p:odurl'd
,1JlldICI1. 1030. H oIld n,dt 10 Jil I \l'al ... b'st hUIIlllg dUl'l C,ll1lwel' 'aIllI:' S :):'ll1 110 A\OIl rj. NlI'-
t:1 ~IH'I 0
rY 1,111 \V'IlIIC\\ oel: :\~rs
* *
Xal1llnf' 11:I11~l'll. and so lct hlln cat
f lhnt bl ..ad. and drink ef that
1'.1,"""" 1',,,,f'11 - H ',1 l'k"llull
I.uhr ."·rt
'I'I di,\\n Glael\\\I\(' \\:tl1 il1. t tw ul'llh: ;\11'>' Anna G Df'I)l11.1n 119 PIIILLY DISGRACED 'up' II Corinthians 11'28). • • • •••••••••••••
Afterl1l'on. St'll\ 1'0111 2 30: MI:1 . nr' --,'in<lsor a\'. "(alb'rlh: Mrs 0.'r-
" lld:nc F Na,h 4 Iana a\·. N,lr- LI:l11Cd out lor :;n Arm) 1'1]\)' rr I
When on:y a handlul of f.1I1f
) ~'::1~11;d:~':V ~"~~:'(~~rtl~ S\\"lf'. 10, ~~,ll1s ba:I~~allplt~~~l;I~.ghbe~~~:~st~l~ I FOR QUALITY CLEANING SE~VICE
III ~!rs. Marian H Cooke. 2~7 Lant-' the Quaker City reccntly the gen
.' ., I ' ~.,
'I{' wyn lan° Narberth; Mrs V.~lfgal:'t nJ <11 reaction was that Phll1delphi'; I The lmproved process of Dry' Cleaning for garments and
"vi: B )Ih\\'cll 646 Bryn :or''''r av. had been dis~raced In the eyes 01 Household furnishings by Scientific M~thods
e :>I.lrh2rth: M~nuel L'rh 10!) N N,r- tl:P llal1Ol1
l... '
11,I1. !I clou!Jll" ,\lul hUIll(' run, tl Jerth flY NlI'bnrth: M'-< 0:'rtrudt' It Is to be hoped that M,.ln Line
pate in-tab:e tl'lInl, ...hulfl' bo,rd I . 11es'. 534 O;lfl]Pv ~\'. N'lrb"rth' ]\11''' I f J!1S won't be as apathetic toward
badmmtr-n {JUOI\~. IClilll' b'lskpI 1(;1':\(' 111 t\l'O rUlls and tutel:<TOS
'11<' ctl~rI t 1\ 0 markcl's 111 pers'J11 H,'le:' 0"\ Il'C. 731 C:arPlldon 1c! . ,th, NIH Y Rehel game betwc'en the
'~Jl. lJ'seb,tlI. C'!w( kcr~, c'}'oqUf'l p('ni' . -v'alll'v: MI ..." LOUl'e D~\'lI1(' I Ma1l1 Lll1(' Lea,-:ue Ali-Stars lind I
padd Ie tCIllJl;;. H:JlCI' bill Eo) k :I'SO clJntnbu't'd a doubl --'I Clan'ndon rcl Pf'nn Vall{":: I the U. S :V1annrs of the Ph1l3-
Pla)'gl (,und hOUl' :'I1nnd,l~ til:, ' .:: I lhlld 1l111l1lL: I!Pl'lSlll~ wlllr1 'T" ;\lallon M J. Dathard 417, :ll'lpillll Ntl\') Yald ,Il Narbelt:)
Fnday- 9 30 a I1l to H 30 pm I ',ill' Malloa a 3-U It'ld IJ\cr Nl:r- Ha\cr f nrcI II i '.,11'.' K.l:h-,I ll('xt Fndl1) , July 17. l,nd Ih'.· Army
Saturct.1\.s-!l 30 a III to :i UO pm JI'I.h I'll SUllelal TIJe~e rUll, wen lime ,.. B;)[lman. 6 16 M allor rei I Relief gan:e b:'tw('c'n If.~ all-star'
el:ou',1l to \\ III a, A I's 'n a1l0\\ed 0Pl1l' V l'l"\,' M'" Jospphinc H' and Fort Oix at Mano 1 0:1 Tues-
\:11) s.x hits and dldnt d\"(' N.lr","orc. .'"'1 N N 1.1 b <>rtll av. N ar- I (:,,:>. July 28 219 HAVERFORD AVE. 54th and CITY LINE 0
! ,
B a l a CyllWy
R ed rCo ss dl 'll~
('rtll " run unl,l t:1<' l':gIJtIJ JOhll ~pr tl1 ".nrs R I! tl I D C 0(' 26 C 0 If ax
aorl'!' 100mcr Ardllwre hurlJ'r ll1uk rl
hI.. . debut :n N,lrbellIJ te,c;s wa, -,:3 H'\\'c ri 0\1' P,lr T 'I_I
111' 10suIg ft n:.:cr bc'lllL: ta,ged fur lord R"b,! II 11 Cnn,j](jh'ckl'll F.:i- ,":
These who defcndcd the poor at I
c; 1kmonl: Charlcs .J CI'ukC'. t( nda~1ee ; t the PhI Is' gam e
I\~'r I
Main Plant - 206 EAST LANCASTER AVENUE, Ardmore
L~;~;;,;;;;;~;;;;;~~~~;;,;;;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~_~~~_~_~'§_~_~_~~~~_~"_~~~~~~~~~~-~--~~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~~-;;;..; •••• ~~~~~~~;~~~;~;..
'~-'''')'J1./'f'r-o'''n'l./'tI-l-l,''-\-',.''''a-r/'o.D-(''''p'-a'''r'tm.../e'nt'' \' 11 ct Baill'\. 5~1 ('art~Dn a\
: j hIts N r-
1he War I)r-paltmcnt must ha\( UOlII~ 1I1l0 Ihe l'I:llh wlh a:;O 'J'l"1h
2:.> ml~ncn surgl:al dl'c,sln~, b~ "d an:! h"\Ill"; .1110\\rd un \ Ihrcf . '15 .11·<1n Pcdf'l 1'15 [0"'1'1""1 av.
I~ugust 31Th s demand has bl'ci .Il.'; up to th,lt t'IIlC. Rr.y P('rsuLtl "\r;yrl" H ' rn,ol1 Rer'v 27 Na"-
I('ccn'ed b) the NatlOnal Red Cros1 r.ladw)nc hurc". sn!d'lliv lo·t 11IS\',"rok Plr!·; ""'b'}'lh: M"s P.'''h"l
onj p~s.,ed .. lon;; to eacll chapa'! luff and Al S gnore:h s,lfIl':'ln~ I "'hlVS n. 41" Pp'11b"nk" rd :el'a-
IJ! the United Statl's It IS a call -rom a sorc arm w.. s Il'.equ 11 t ~"nwvd' Mrs l\1l.I!l'~ Wardcll 414 A WEEKLY GUIDE to Lectures. Exhibi-
tllat must te ans\\e.ed. Tu du s },c 1'('~~l!n Jub, w.Jlklll'< t\\"o ball rs J lelll"',1V Nllb'l'tl1, M"- Help:,
1l'(anS Unt e.lch br lleh IllU't ,l'lc're DuOTy fin 11 y took 0\('1' ,n:l l' Jgh 1 n 4'0 nudk\' av N.llberth: tions. Theatres. Sports. Music. Motion
<ouble cr tnple lls output dunll~ ·.I't l]le sId' out By th,lt timc tIe '1r' Hl'l, n H nnn1l'r 311 M '~"n 1
till' next few weck~ WOlllen ~h' 'I \,.,Jnll'n had e.g:ll rUll-S and til' ·{SI!·' 1 "'(' N"b'rtll' M.... 0 '11. Pictures. Restaurants. and Cafes.
ha\'~ gi\en one day each WlC:~ t 'J ,II game ~'1"!'e' !13 \V nrlO(1f n\, Nlrhcrt'1:
Frank C,1l t r. Orex'l pitc;1cr '1'<. Fa',n\' StcpJp 3~!l A. N~r"'rtll \ ,,1'lIUTS
mak1l1g suq:p(al drc.' lIl~S mus' MUSIC 1'111 1 \11, 1. \1, -1
,111Il:d his second \"l~tory 111 tn: 'Iall. Narh"rt :. ChHlc- V 'W~st-
1111', II!>. Ull I"" I ,11111111
hive two 01' three. -ltlld'II"1 \,1'+111111·1 III .... , II til' Ua"'IIIo.II: \tlll, [1" \!" I I, \, \.11101 ,'ul'\
Womcn who ha\'e not ~ct en [agile 1.5 t:le Co:'e I ns ma sacred "'n 5'" B"n~J, lU"St nv .. Narberth' BROOKLINE nohln limn'
1'1111.1.1\ J 1<111 I
nC'll o .Jul\
I'tl, ..... 11
1 0 1111" 1111"11
I' !Il
!I<1k· dil'l
1:11'1 :--lll.." l." ,J \I"
I_ \' III
~l I'
t lllldlll III I. I""
I" t,pl 1\
)\ erbrook on Satur:ia' He w J1 "r, F.1.z,bcth C Boxman. 200 III t
rC' 11 cd fo: this wo: karl' ur.;('ntl) ',c\cr :n d 1l1~pr as lu,J 11l1tes ('0. 'lel'Jon '1V. ~arb"rlh: MIss H Jr- COUNTRY CLUB I .... 1.111 1;"0:-'''' 11"
-':)1,11,1111"': , 11111111"1
1'1' r I '
1: ..... 11 - - -
or 1·1111.1.lIIplll,I" ':\111111111' Ill-tll'" ,I • ,1\ I 1.111,\\\11111.
Cur womcn must Ilot I~,ll them'
\ .'1 .... 11\ \'"
:urlers for 16 hits. Cotton awl Orchestra Itc'c'ord t.ur..•..., ... With ("oTtltlltlll:1q by nllrl_ "I~allld~g I~ l'llll,lCh Iplllll" Hall) ~. r ,'..:
WIlliam E. Gibbs. East Orange, 111\ I" II' 1" I t .... 1... 11 1"1 11,
Tll{' Bala-Cynwyd Red Crcs'. "Ott5 f;l'tt1l1~ three e:Jl'h. In Ito N. J .• lllvented the tire valve nuw Allmission, S2 Couple. Plus tax ('Il,lrh'~ "9t"r-tl'.
13111,111 nnd I'lnl'
:\1, lind Y\\'IIA,
TUt'suaYB ant1
til '. ~UII. - t .1
1'~nn")haDII1 ,\('a"t'm) of tilt' l'lnl' .\rt .....
'11 Ill'
headquarters. at Montgon ,'ry .1\ :i,urth -of JU'y tr'ump:l. Al Hl'rr- used all e\ l'ry at'\. :nobile lind hi· iWIMMING Thllr~ut"~f'- 'I 1'l\1. nlH.ld ~t 11IH\, .\" \1 :--0. j, . ( , , , " ... 1111"1
ond Ccnshohccken State' rds, wlr l.1ann d.d the t\\'lrlin~~. blankll1" 'vrle 01 H IlK\ I 'I'll \ .. II{ TlIlI()U
" ••. \
Tu,~dl~ "':0
1'111 II
I"JIIt .,,1]0'11,>11
\\ .. h<l •• ' ... III
11,1,'11--:11 "\llll
"\1 to
bc op~n from 10 a.m. to 5 p III ,I.e Bro.1ks after glv:ng IlP t'1rCe l·tlO!. Is :'\0\\ 111'1':-; 11,111, H",ld lind Jtlll.. ~ :--1" . .: .... 1 ~ •• , \ I \ . Ii ~1 and nil til .J J' ;\1 -'ulld.'t, , )
~10nday to Fnday inclusl\ e. and. 1. runs In the fi~'st nD1I1:;. Nr.rbert'1 rENNIS rn' TI fr, \ I' .. t' I
"1'.\ ~:.tnl.hnll> OrdH'",trll, ~Iltololll .\"1l41t·m~ uf ~lItttrlll ~t'i"IU't''', 11111 .tlld I
lhe d:'mand Is ~ufTiclcnt. WIll bl ~(\v,'d up the g'me with ,1 five-run I~ \\ 1'1.1. lil,PT 1'\ 1lI.1(' (·Olln,. '1111,rt ( \ ' 1 , \\"t." .... I.l\
.. :11 1'111. II' "1" J',tll{\\I\ - 1-"1'( ,'h,I'II. 1\ ,,1 Ill'
11.111"•• 1lI1111 rlllid I"Ul1 lie thl \.t :\llJ ..... 1l111 _~I f1 .. 1 l ' t ( " r t l " "<llI,t 1IIIllldlih tllltlll_ll"
('pen 1150 on Sflturday ftnL illnl1lg banage.
'> : .. lilt! 1'.llk\\d'
1''1'(' Un",1
(UlU"'r(, ,It l'l:"t"IIIl!'i I'.tll,
,jut tilt.' :--Ultll1lol
IIt"'tnrh'ul Sudc·t.\ nf
I',·nll""hnnhl. I 'tli
~~oewilnessTo Describe I~ ..
,~_I" ' , .... I.J1I1"lfl Illhl' ,llld
till I 11111. ,JIII\
\11111,...1"11 1(.1 t llitd- ,Ind I.o,uo;t ~ll'l-l":xhdll( til hn p,tIJlllnt.:: ..
Ii., .sud\'. !·.. .·,tll ~IU,lll \\'!-It ,111'11'11\11,'
lincoln - The fire Mrs. Marie Hamllton. an eye > Main Line Service 1:!:IR ~IOSTCl()l\IEICY .'\ n·:.
Organ Music for Dinner & Supper
Jlt'llgeruw Tlu'tltrt-, Moyla.n. Pa -Rq)
:-:'\11 ill' hill
Kt anti
n. p' n
..\\t·-IIII!'( 11\
In;.:~ II, '1'11"1111"11
~;~;'~.~In ~~·';hl'.;·s~~~,;rn 1~',~;;~,7::(,- ~:~":;~:.'~ :1'r':,I:,I:.,'; I"I":':~~::,':~':'. '~:,n"llI\'::.I',:',' '~,11 ~'I':::"
\Vas at Her House
witnNs of U1e bombing of Pearl
Harber on December 7. WlJl tell o·
> Plus 9uality - New Marine Bar -
N,\Rber..th 9282 for Reservations ll.
ElIll" 1"1
"r I~I
tllll(llhlJtlf\l1~ til
It'l dill:.:; I ..
"Ill •
S\\, 011 .... 11
\ Ill' r I-
Sitting on h'r front porl'h,
M s. G,orge L ncoln wa, feeling
her experiences at a meeting on ')
Frldny. July la, pt 8 p.m .. In the
Ha\erford HI 'h S::hoJI Auditorium.' > BROOKMEAD
1 & dill t,
llll\ I",
In IIlIlll'
,llIh II,
Pc, d l!l
1,111' 1 I).lll\,
I' tl"'l~
"'ull'rt"1ll n r
lil .," "'"1111,
1'111111' It l.., II,
I til
\ .......,
II· ... I: ,.1,1
vcry safe and contented when
she heard the fire tlren bh:w. The Ob~e:'\"crs of the Aircrua > I Arcadia Chios • l'lll{\,t"", 1'1 . . 1 $1 &. 'Ie ~1 .",111.1111" at ;'\\I~IlI'~;I/llrl'::J""~lllJ\:;III;tl~:II;:111 1"/~I,I"lIl and Cocktail Lounge
tho ,it I" ." II t (illll1l+" 1~11l~
It Is loo b3d. 5he thoull'ht, but. Warning S~rvlce are sponS'Jring the '> GUERNSEY DAIRIES Restaurant . UI1,·I" ... (nunt~ Plu,huu""-l" \\ 1,,( 1- Main COn~QUT8'.
'1'llllll,I'I\' "
'If \1 1'111,.1 '1'1 aU,;I'llll,tll"11
pored from the flne.t recipe 0
'·hutl'f.:rlu,hit- !"'uluu: 1111' ·.\1.111 :-:hnw~
from the Bala-Cynwyd fire c(",m- InVIted to att:nd. : \ .,-~~..---"""""",~~~'\ Complete 'Full Course Dinner. 6lJe IIlltlll U' .. tllr"u,.:11 JIJh II Pf1JlI~ 11\ \ur. IllJ~ H 11l~<t11. 1111:'1 rtwl II) ..uneh from 55e 0 D!nner (nm '5c
p:tny c,me to a stop in front of
It till' S('!lt'lIl tiC Intlll'oll1l,d \rt coc~·. II T1mo-3 10 6 P. M.
~LlI' lIut ·.'IWlltrt'.
1'1:1." \\'11111\\
t:-l It! 1",,\'1
"y.~, 1',llk
~h ('nmnufluKt' fur ('1,111ulI Ut·rt·n"'t'-t·X!lt·
her home at. I'B D-:rwcn rd.
1\Iany val 'able antiques were
saved when fire"tl1'1l carrlr J nut
...,'. Jut a Ull.{J(! Qf' h\lo 0 f" ~JOll DINE & DANCE
1),t1;111~ IJ~tu~htl'I,' ,llIl\' 110 .
hit lit prlut"l"lpto! .lnd llllllikatlllil uf 1'10
tccll\'c t.:ololattllll alii 'I)U11l1 In natule lultl
aN u,... 11 to hilt, \ IInl l)hjt'C·tt\,(>H (rum ,.. Vl·e
IIr en"m\' all'plan,'s, Hall or Graphic Arb It ..;;\IJ+;)I1Jt;U
her furnIture. ~"bber sheetlnlt
IIpre'ld about In.-de prevented ....---,-Howard Johnson's-- rrln~st
Club ltd ..
Unn,.lnJr-Brnoklll1(, Countr\' totuh.
nlookllnl"', ('\l'lV ~,'tUI11it\' "I:.;ht
S·'[.~~;1In~lurl~f,'n"~ In Ih~ JI"mp, ~<hlhlt THE TOP RESTAURANT
Halld In tho ~38t Inde....ndenc.. lIall. Ith "lid Cheatnut nf (ull)' f'f}Ulppt'd rptu,ltc ,'oom. ell', ·A~f(H;8 J.... ... Ott
water and f'moke damage to Haverlord Avenue and City Line !!u -<.lp~n "ally and Sunday. B:t5 A. M- (]rlluntl noor nl'nr PlnnplHI'hlln lnhh\' SPAGHETTI 0 STEAKS
I'-R,uni CUNEO
10 4 :~O P. M. 1"r~e. I"'r~. lind ""'I'mllllr,' lIumb I<';"w.
~olllrdA'" """,1.,,., .~
linN 000
otller fomlshln"'!/. A'd 111M Orll'lIl1 Th" Aqlla,llIm, north or Arl Mllapum 1'. M. CHICKEN PLAnERS
During thr flr(' Mrs. Llncol" PLATTER LUNCHEONS FROM 45c f';IIK.. U1h'p nn Ell"1 bank of the Schu)'lklll-Open tu nil
l1lUHl'UIll ,1111t1l1'f1
I U"UC'lnnM Rnnd",h'(aPH
was burned on t.he arm and ~he DINNERS
FROM bOc dnlly 0 A.M. lo 4 ·~O p, M.; Sunday ~IIIMfinm 1I0nr,,: TUfO!lday,
'VcdnrlldB)' ':..-I'uuntnln P-'.. ,\·lt·...
W1\!I Il"lvcn first aId treatment at
t.h.. home of a nelghl)or, Mrs. J.
9 0\ M to 6 P M
URn"ln,; -
t 'l~lr"l
F •••
11 ,1111111111, \\'11111\\
"'1'1" F"rldi..l\' 1t11l1 H-J.IUl'dl\·
Th"rRday, !"rhiBY nl1d
p, M,: ~nt"r"nv. 10 A, M,
('JH~~tl 1\1111111 l\·H. AllmlHslnn.
1 to ~
lo " 1', M
:!·l CI'IIt1.il
II ...:============:::=:::~~
I t l;j (' I T \. I. I N E
(.'u~t Slluth ur Ilu\llftlld .\\·o.l
Try our JUMBO MarUnl or Ma.nhattan, 35e 8pr\'lcp mrn t" unlfnrm, III rent.. -
Daley. .
CLUB DEL RIO lu'" Ill, IIl'I'''v 'V"HoIM' ()rl'h, ~trll. ,Ju1\
u••· ..~f·hi .'lurwtRrlum -
In "'I'll ...
The Finest Food. Attractively Served 11" c'I',r,'nel' }<"uhlman's (lI'('hl'Hll,1,
Fnr the "re~ent Mrs. V .... .,·n I'H~rholoK" l.t·.'lnrf"-JIl!\, 1I nt ~I w ...; lJ II ":,11 t h'l" I 'II W .. r hn 11,.. (' " III 'Ill' In·
in An Atmosphere of Good Taste. & MANOA INN .: and ~
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