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Obs I, 27 Desember 2007 Multiple Choice

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OBS I , 27 DESEMBER 2007

Multiple choice:
1. Inner cell mass is correct :
a. forms the embrio
b. cytotrophoblast
c. decidual reaction
d. give rise to extra embryonic mesoderm

2. The correct sequence o layers starting from the surface of desidual vera :
a. Compacta – spongiosus – basalis
b. Compacta – basalis - spongiosus
c. Spongiosus – compacta –basalis
d. basalis – compacta – spongiosus
e. basalis – spongiosus

3. After delivery which of the following portion of the decidual remains to give
rise to the new endometrium?
a. Spongiosus zone
b. Compacta zone
c. Basalis zone
d. functional zone
4.Which o fetal vessel carries blood with he highest O2 content?
a. Umbilical artery
b. Umbilical Vein
c. Aorta
d. Pulmonary artery
e. Pulmonary Vein

5. The following statement are true about placenta….

6. The vessels are normally foud in maternal arterial system except:

a. Right Umbilical artery
b. Left Umbilical artery
c. Right Umbilical Vein
d. Left Umbilical Vein

7. Substance passes from maternal blood in the interchillous space to fetal

blood must cross this tissues except :
a. Maternal capillary wall
b. Trophoblast
c. stroma
d. Fetal capillary wall

8. Possible action of HPL :

a. Rise of free fatty acid
b. Inhibit both uptake glucose and gluconeogenesis
c. Decrease of maternal insulin

9. Function of amniotic fluid except:
a. maintain temperature
b. fetal movement
c. avoid of trauma
d. cervix dilatation
e. infection barrier

10. Correct for fetal sex differentiation:

a. Sex gene is determined at the time of implantation
b. The Y choromosom direct testis differentiation
c. Mullerian Duct regression factor synthesize by fetal testis
d. Virilization by 5  Dehidrotestosteron

11. These following statement below are correct about fetal differentiation ,
a. genetic sex is determined at the time of implantation
b. The Y choromosom direct testis differentiation
c. Mullerian Duct regression factor synthesize by fetal testis
d. Virilization by 5  Dehidrotestosteron
(kok sama ama no 10 ya….)

G1 P0 A0 in her 6 week gestation age was diagnosed with right ovarian cyst.
The ovarian cyst should be removed due to the its size reach 15x12x8
cm.Unfortunately this woman had already have her left ovary removed 3
years before.

12.When is the best time to do the laparatomy?

a. 1st trimester
b. 2nd trimester
c. 3rd trimester
d. During caesarian surgery at term

13. What will happen to her pregnancy if during laparatomy we perform

a. The pregnancy will continue to term
b. Preterm labor
c. abortion
d. the baby will be small for date

14. Which of the following statement about ovarian function during pregnancy
is correct :
a. maturation of new follicles continue during pregnancy
b. The corpus luteum of pregnancy function maximally for about 1
week after last menstrual period.
c. Usually there are more than 1 corpus lutea of pregnancy is found in
the ovaries of pregnant woman.
d. Ovulation continues throughout pregnancy.

15. These statement are true about luteous of pregnancy except :
a. It’s a true neoplasma
b. Generally regresses after delivery
c. May give rise to maternal virilization
d. May give rise to fetal virilization

16. These following changes in the vagina ocuurs during pregnancy except:
a. There is increased vascularity presenting as chadwick’s sign, a violet
color of the mucose.
b. The vaginal mucose thins
c. There is smoth muscle hypertrophy
d. The length of the vaginal wall increases

17. Which of the following changes in the vagina occurs during pregnancy:
a. The pH ranges from 5.0 to 8.0
b. The pH predisposes to bacterial infection of the vagina
c. Lactic acid is produced from glycogen by the action of lactobacillus
d. There is a decrease in both cervical and vaginal secretion

18. Which of the following statements about iron requirement in pregnancy is

a. In a normal pregnancy exogenous iron is ot usually required
b. Iron absorption from the intestines increased in pregnancy
c Haemoglobin production in the fetus is impaired if the mother is iron
d. In the absence of added exogenous iron the maternal Hb
concentration remains stable throughout pregnancy.

19. Retarded blood flow & increased venous pressure contribute to the
following conditions except:
a. Striae
b. Dependent edema
c. varicose vein
d. hemorrhoids

20. Which of the following statements about musculoskeletal system in

pregnancy is correct?
a. There is a decrease maternal lordosis
b. Traction on the ulnar & median nerves decreases
c. There is increased mobility of the sacroiliac & sacrococcygeal joints
d. There is a decreases mobility of the pubic joint

21. In the outpatient PID, should be reviewed:

a. 24 hours
b. 36 hours
c. 42 hours
d. 72 hours

22. Gold standart PID:
a. laparatomy
b laparascopi
c. transvaginal USG
d. Abdominal USG

23. Risk factor PID :

a. avoid of barrier contraception
b. use of oral contraception
c. use of implant
d. use of IUD

24. Investigation of menhorragia, except:

å. Full blood count
b. Clotting screening
c. Cervical smear
d. Serum progestin level

25. Ga ada Bozz..

26. Abnormal genital bleedig 13 years old:

a. uterine cancer
b. ectopic pregnancy
c. An ovulation
d. Systema bleeding
e. threatened abortion

27. Abormal genital bleeding of 22 years :

a. uterine cancer
b. ectopic pregnancy
c. An ovulation
d. Systema bleeding
e. threatened abortion

28. Oops…kok ga ada ya kk...

29. Diagnosa BV, except

a. fishy odor
b. pH decrease to 4.5
c. Wiff test (+)
d. Clue Cell (+)

30. Drug of choice for BV:

a. Metonidazole 2x500 mg 7 days
b. Metonidazole 1x500 mg 7 days
c. Metonidazole 2x500 mg 14 days
d. Metonidazole 1x500 mg 14 days

31.GnRH stimulate of :
a. …… c. LH
b. ….. d. ……

32. The most significant diameter in the mid pelvis is represented b a plane..
å. Passing from ischial spine to coccyx
b. Passing from spine to prommontorium
c. Passing from ischial to ischial spine
d. Passing from posterior part of pubic symphisis to promontorium

33. The normal sequence of pubertal changes in the female is:

a. purarche, menarche, telarche (P M T)
b. P T M
c. T P M
d. T M P
e.M P T

34. Menarche usually occurs between ages of :

a. 0 & 10 years c. 14 &16 years
b. 11 & 13 years d. 17 & 18 years

35. Which of the following pubertal events is not mediated by gonadal

estrogen production and therefore would occur even in the absence of
estrogen production:
a. breast development d.skeletal growth
b. menstruation e. vaginal cornification
c. pubic hair growth

36. Parity 0:
a. state of having giving birth to an infant or infant weighing 500gr/< ,
dead or alive
b. state of having giving birth to an infant with estimated duration of
gestation of 28 completed weeks or more.
c. state of having giving birth to an infant weighing 2500 gr /<, dead
or alive
d. state of having giving birth to an infant with estimated duration of
gestation 24 completed weeks or more.

37. Birth rate is commonly expressed in terms of:

a. The number of fetal birth per 100,000 population
b. The number of live fetal birth per 1000 population
c. The number of live fetal birth per 100,000 population
d. The number of fetal birth per 1000 population

38. Probable manifestation of pregnancy:

a. palpation of fetus d. spider teleangiektasis
b. mastodinia e. Chadwick‘s sign
c. linea nigra

39. Hegar sign is:
a. Cngestion of pelvic vasculatory causes bluish of purpluish
discolorization of the vaginal servix.
b. An increase in vaginal discharge
c. Relaxations of the Joints
d. widening of the softened area of the isthmus , inqcompressibility of
the isthmus or bimanual examination.

40. The daily dose required by pregnant woman with previous

pregnancy affected by neural tube defect baby :
å. 40 mg
b. 4 mg
c. 0.4 mg
d. 400g

41. An increase in procoagulant activity during pregnancy helps reduce

blood loss at delivery, but in the other hand it is associated with:
a. incidens of die
b. Increased risk of clinical trombosis
c. increased risk of infection
d. incidence of PE
e. incidence of HELLP syndrome

42. The homeostatic mechanism most important in combating pos

partum hemorrhagic is:
a. Increased blood clotting factors in pregnancy
b. Intramometrial vascular coagulation due to vasoconstriction
c. Contraction of interlacing uterine muscle bundles
d. markedly decreased blood pressure in the uterine venules
e. fibrinolysis inhibition

43. These are commo complaints during pregnancy that need not
require further investigation , except :
a. phyalism
b. pica
c. skin rashed
d. nose bleeding
e. palpitation at test

44. Insulin secretion doubles in normal pregnancy. This is associated

with :
a. Increase in glucose demand
b. Increase register to insulin due to the antagonist effect or placental
c. Increase in glucose blood level
d. Decreased in glucose demand by the mother
e. Decreased in insulin receptor during pregnancy

45. Change in the urinary tract during normal pregnancy include :
a. Increase in GFR
b. Decrease renal plasma flow
c. Markedly increased in both GF and RFF when patient in supine
d. Increase In the amount of dead space in the urinary tract
e. Increase in blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and creatinin

46. What kind of vaccine are considered safe in pregnancy?

a. Varicella vaccine
b. Hepatitis B vaccine
c. Rubella vaccine
d. Measles vaccine

47. The progress of the 2nd stage of labor is measured by, except:
a. The descend of the presenting part
b. The flexion of the presenting part
c. The rotation of the presenting part
d. The frequency & duration of uterine contraction

48. The Placenta:

a. Maintains absolute separation between the maternal and fetal
b. allows total mixing of maternal and fetal blood
c. allows maternal blood to enter the fetal circulation but not vice versa
d. allows only large molecules to pass
e. allows mainly small molecules and a few blood cell to pass

49. Which of the following statement regarding the placenta is true :

a. In the placenta, fetal blood is in lacunae that bathe maternal capillary
b. The placenta fulfills some of the function of lung, kidney, and
intestine, for the fetus…
c. Infectious organism cannot cross the placenta, from mother to fetus
d. The placenta produce only hCG

50. The organogenesis begins from

a. 4 – 8 weeks after conception
b. 2 - 8 weeks after conception
c. 4 – 8 weeks after LMP
d. 2- 8 weeks after LMP
e. 2- 8 weeks after implantation


1. Sebutkan 3 tindakan dalam asuhan persalinan normal sudah sesuai
dengan evidence based medicine.
2. Please explain about the active management in 3 rd stage of labor.


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