Nid Bdes 2019
Nid Bdes 2019
Nid Bdes 2019
Questioons 1 to 22 are multiple choice quuestions. P
Please read the questio
on carefullyy and selectt
your reesponse fromm the optioons provideed. The corrrect answeer must be marked in the OMR
answer sheet provvided separrately. Do not
n write yoour name anywhere
a in
n the bookllet. This wiill
lead to disqualification.
on Nos. 1 too 14 carry 1.0
1 mark ea
Q1. Th
he icon below
w is associateed with:
A) Women (B) Gay
C) Labour (D) Transgeender
A) Pen, Flat bbrush, Calligrraphy pen, Round
R brush
B) Calligraphhy pen, Rounnd brush, Pen n, Flat brush
C) Pen, Round brush, Callligraphy pen n, Flat brush
D) Calligraphhy pen, Flat brush,
b Pen, Round
R brush
Q3. Which
W textile ccraft does thee image belo
ow represent??
A) Kalamkarri d dye (Bandh
(B) Tie and hani)
C) Ikkat (D) Block print
Q4. Which
W of the ffollowing DO
OES NOT beelong with thhe rest?
A) Wool (B) Cotton
C) Jute (D) Coir
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Q5. Which of these dance forms is NOT a classical dance form?
(A) Bharatnatyam (B) Manipuri
(C) Odissi (D) Bihu
Q7. What is the inspiration for the design of the front portion of the Japanese bullet train?
(A) Cheetah (B) Eagle
(C) Kingfisher (D) Dolphin
Q8. During ancient times, people used to navigate with the help of ………………..
(A) The planet Venus (B) The Phases of the moon
(C) The Pole star (D) Birds
Q11. Which diagram shown below can best depict the relationship between the following 4 words –
Boys/Girls/Sister/Sibling, where each of the categories are represented by circles/eclipses.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
Q12. The weight of a mother and her child together is 70 kg. The weight of the father and the child together is
90 kg. The weight of the father and the mother together is 120 kg. What is the combined weight of the
(A) 100 kg (B) 150 kg
(C) 140 kg (D) 200 kg
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Q13. Based on the graphical representation (Figure X) of the physical characteristics of the 4 rectangles – P,
Q, R & S based on the four characteristics of tall, thin, short and fat, which of the following depiction
of rectangles is correct?
Figure X
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
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Q14. If the following profile is rotated along the given axis by 360 degrees,
Q15. In the object given below, four different orientations are shown. Identify the pattern on the face with
the “question mark(?)”.
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Q16. Four figures “R”, “S”, “T” and “U” are given below.
If figure “R” represents “ASC12”, figure “S” represents “DES23”, figure “T” represents “ASC34” and
figure “U” represents “DES45”, then which of the following figures will represent “DES12”?
Q17. Observe the images below and indicate which two images are equal in surface area?
1 2 3 4
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Q18. How many rectangles are there in the image given below?
(A) 15 (B) 21
(C) 17 (D) 19
Q19. Identify the set of shapes which can lead to the following pattern using repetition and combination as a
(A) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (B) (i) (iii) (v) (vi)
(C) (i) (ii) (iii) (v) (D) (ii) (iv) (v) (vi)
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Q20. Which of the papers sets when folded along the intermediate borders can form the cube as given in the
image below?
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Q22. Which of the following figures can be drawn, if you have to draw it without lifting your pencil and
without drawing over the line(s) you have already drawn.
(A) (B)
(C) (D)
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