Syllabus: Rehabilitation Council of India
Syllabus: Rehabilitation Council of India
Syllabus: Rehabilitation Council of India
Persons with ASD are entitled to equal rights and opportunities as all other citizens of the
The number of persons receiving a diagnosis of ASD is increasing rapidly. The
prevalence in Western countries is now believed to be higher than 1 in 500 births
(National Research Council 2002). Hence, the understanding of diagnostic & intervention
issues increase. Meeting the unique needs of person with ASD is a logical conclusion to
There is a growing demand for rehabilitation personnel trained especially in this field.
The DSE (ASD) Course designed in 2003 was the first of its kind to provide human
resource development in the field of ASD in India. After a running this course for three
years in 4 centres in the country, the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) felt the need
to revise and upgrade the course so that it enjoys parity and equivalence with other DSE
courses recognized by the RCI. The Council constituted a core committee to go through
the structure, content and duration of the course. The present document is the outcome of
the sincere efforts by the members of the core committee.
Each training center will evolve admission criteria and publish the same in the Course
Prospectus. Public notification about the commencement of the course should be done in
advance. The admission procedure will incorporate instructions received from RCI from
time to time.
The course duration will be two academic years comprising of 220 working days for each
year. At the rate of 6 hours per day, the total hours for theory and practical teaching will
be 1320 hours in a year and 2640 hours in two years.
1 Assessment & Individualized 360 200 100 300
Education Program
1. In the first year examinations the trainees must appear for following papers
A) Common Paper 1 and 2
B) Disability Specific Paper 4, 5, and 8
C) Methodology for Practicum Paper 10
The remaining papers will be examined at the end of second year.
Internal assessment records must be maintained for both years.
2. The ratio of theory and practicum marks is 40:60 approximately
3. The division of marks for internal and external examinations in theory and
practicum is 40:60 and 60:40 respectively.
Persons with ASD need the services of different professionals. Hence an inter-
disciplinary team of professionals is required to train the special teacher to understand the
needs of a person with ASD, and provide effective intervention to him/her. The Centre
conducting the Course will have the prescribed set of core & visiting faculty (to handle
specific topics)and non teaching staff.
Visiting Faculty
The following professionals will be required to give lectures/demonstrations or conduct
practicals. The Centre will request the concerned professionals working in
hospitals/institutes to function as visiting faculty.
• Pediatrician
• Speech & language therapist
• Occupational therapist
• Social worker & counselor
• Dietician
• Music therapist
• Yoga therapist
• Drama & movement therapist
• T-L Aids & creative arts teacher
Non-teaching staff
The course will be conducted at a Centre which has a multidisciplinary team of experts,
and an attached/available special school for children with ASD where practicals can be
Office room: 1
Classrooms: 2
Library: 1
Staff room: 1
Toilets: 2
Hostel: 1
Core faculty
• Tables: 4
• Chairs: 4
• Cupboards: 3
Office staff
• Tables: 1
• Chairs: 2
• Cupboards: 1
• Filing cabinet: 1
• Stools: 2
• Tables: 20
• Chairs: 20
• Fans: 2
• Over Head Projector: 1
• Slide Projector: 1
• Screen: 1
• Black Board 1
• Audio cassette recorder: 1
• Cupboards: 6
• Tables (large): 2
• Table: 1
• Chairs: 15
• Books: 200 (initial requirement)
• Journals: 5 (initial requirement)
• Periodicals: 5 (initial requirement)
• LCD projector
• TV-DVD player
• Video & audio CDs
• Mini bus or Van for field visits, placements, home visits etc.
Total marks:100
Total hours: 100
On completion of this paper the trainee shall:
Reference Books:
1. Kauffman & Hallahan (1991): Exceptional Children - Prentice Hall, New Jersey
7. Hegarty, S. (2002): Education and Children with Special Needs in India – Sage
Publications, New Delhi
1. Physical
2. Language
3. Cognitive
4. Emotional & Psycho social (with reference to each stage of development)
5. Developmental deviancies in ASD
1. Scope of Psychology
2. Psychological Process:
a. Sensation
b. Attention
c. Perception
d. Memory
3. Dysfunction in process with reference to ASD
1. Theories of Learning
a. Thorndike
b. Skinner
c. Bruner
d. Piaget
2. Intelligence
a. Concept, definition and measurement of intelligence
b. Triarchic Theory
Reference Books
On completion of this paper, trainees will be able to:-
1. Kumar,A. (1991) Current Trends in Indian Education – Ashish Publication
House, New Delhi
1. Selective attention
2. Diminished motivation
3. Rigidity & Preservation
1. Genetic factors
2. CNS
3. Other Etiological factors
Reference Books
1. Siegel, B. (1996): The World of Autistic Child – Oxford University Press, New
4. Accardo, P.J., Magnusen,C., Capute, A.J. (2000): Autism. Clinical & Research
Issues - York Press, Baltimore
100 marks
100 hours
On completion of this paper, trainees will be able to
1. Describe the techniques for screening and assessment of children with ASD
2. Explain the need and areas of assessment in ASD
3. Describe the teaching approaches and methods suitable for children with ASD
4. Use the appropriate strategies for teaching children with ASD
Reference Books
1. Jordan,R..& Powell, S.(2000): Understanding & Teaching Children with Autism –
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
8. Perepa, P. (2007): Autism: A Practical Guide for Parents & Teachers – Prachee
Publications, Hyderabad
1. Diet therapy
2. Megavitamin therapy
3. Auditory Integration Therapy
4. Music & Movement Therapy
5. Ayurveda, Yoga & Adaptive Physical Education
6. Animal Therapy
Reference Books
1. Shaw, W.(2002): Biological Treatments for Autism & PDD – The Great Plains
Laboratory, Inc. Lenexa
3 Lal, R., & Ghate, R.A. ( 2003): Line Drawings for Signs from Makaton
Vocabulary (Indian Version) – Makaton India, Mumbai
4 Lal, R., & Ghate, R.A. ( 2003): Symbols for Makaton Vocabulary (Indian
Version) – Makaton India, Mumbai
5 Frost, L.A. & Bondy A.S. (1994): Picture Exchange Communication System.
Training Manual – Pyramid Educational Consultants Inc. NJ
UNIT III: ASD & Visual Impairment (VI) & Hearing Impairment (HI) 20 hrs
Reference Books
5. Phyllis & Newcomer (1980): Understading & Teaching the Disturbed Child –
Allyn & Bacon, Boston
1. Motor skills
2. Cognitive skills
3. Pre-learning skills
4. Language & communication skills
5. Social skills & Activities of Daily Living
1. Motor skills
2. Language & communication skills
3. Social & self help skills
4. Academic skills
5. Pre-vocational skills
1. Academic skills
2. Social and self care skills
3. Domestic skills
4. Vocational skills
5. Recreational skills
1. Need for Individual Education Program (IEP), Individual Family Service Plan
(IFSP)& Individual Transition Plan (ITP)
2. IEP development team
3. Components of IEP
4. Process of IEP development
5. Group educational program
6. Collaborative teaching
Reference Books
1. Pratt, D. (1980): Curriculum Design & Development – Harcott Brace, New York
3. Bos, C.S. & Vaugh, S. (1994): Strategies for Teaching Students with Learning &
Behavioral Problems – Allyn & Bacon, Boston
4. Polloway, E.A. & Patton, J.R. (1993): Strategies for Teaching Learners with
Special Needs – Macmillan Publishing Co., New York
100 marks
100 hours
On completion of this paper, trainees will be able to
1. Explain the process of rehabilitation of persons with ASD
2. Evaluate the adult living modes availble for person with ASD
3. Describe the needs of parents and family members
4. Explain the role of community and Government agencies in rehabilitation of
persons with ASD
Reference Books
1. Dillon, K.M. (1995): Living with Autism. The Parents’ Stories – Parkway
Publishers Inc. NC
2. Hamilton, L.M. (2000): Facing Autism. Giving Parents Reasons for Hope and
Guidance for Help - Waterbrook, Colorado
3. Desai, A.N. (1990): Helping the Handicapped. Problems & Prospects – Ashish
Publishing House, New Delhi
5. Webster, E.J. (1993): Working with Parents of Young Children with Disabilities –
Singular Publishing Group, California
1. Wheeler, M. (1998): Toilet Training for Indivisuals with Autism and Related
Disorders – Future Horizons, Texas
6. Michael, B., Vallettuti, P. & Bender,R. (1993): Teaching the Moderately &
Severely Handicapped Volume II – University Park Press, USA
7. Peshwaria, R. (1991): Play Activities for Young Children with Social Needs –
NIMH, Secunderabad
8. Keirnen.W.E. & Stark, J.A. (1986): Pathways to Employment for Adults with
Developmental Disabilities – Little Brown & Co. Boston
9. McClannen, L.E. & Krantz, P.J. (1999): Activity Schedule for Children with
Autism. Teaching Independent Behavior – Woodbine House, USA
10. Grandin, T. (1996): Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from my Life with
Autism – Vintage Books, New York
12. Miles,B.R. & Simpson,R.L. (2003): Asperger Syndrome, A Guide for Educators
and Parents – Pro ed, Texas
13. Kaul, S. (2002): My Stamp Book – Indian Institute for Cerebral Palsy, Kolkata
14. Gray, C. (1995): Social Stories Unlimited. Social Stories & Comic Strip
Conversations – Jenison, MI
During the first year, the trainee is expected to develop under supervision I.E.P. for 3
cases of varying gender and types of ASD, implement and report. Out of 3 cases at least
one should be a child in inclusive education classroom.
In the second year, the trainee will develop under supervision IEP for 3 cases, one each
on mental retardation, CP, multiple disability, implement and report.
The trainee is expected
1. The master trainer is expected to seek permission for doing I.E.P. from the parents of
the cases and only on consent from the parents should cases be introduced to the trainee
3. A total of 50 hours of work must be devoted to each of the IEPs. Cases may be taken
Reference Books
1. Plan and implement lessons to meet the educational needs of students with ASD and
associated conditions in one to one or group settings
2. Evaluate the teaching learning outcomes and identify need for improvement in self and
1. The 20 lessons should be evenly distributed over two years. At least 12 lessons
should be given to students with ASD, and the rest to students with associated
2. The master trainer should provide opportunities so that a trainee may plan and
implement more than 20 lessons for practice and improvement of skills. While all
practice lessons should be guided and approved, only 20 lessons will be assessed
and marked.
Allotment of marks
1. Plan and implement lessons in co-curricular area meet the educational needs of
students with ASD and associated conditions in one to one or group settings
2. Evaluate the teaching learning outcomes and identify need for improvement in self and
1. The trainee is expected to plan under supervision a total of 10 lessons in the areas
of physical education, yoga, music, dance & movement, art & craft and games
2. The 10 lessons must cover each of the co-curricular areas mentioned above.
3. The trainee must observe at least 5 lessons given by a senior special educator
teaching the co-curricular activities
4. The trainee is expected to consult the concerned class teacher about the
appropriateness of a co-curricular activity for the selected group of children
5. Each lesson plan must be approved by the master trainer prior to commencement
of the lesson
6. Implement the lesson with suitable T-L aids, evaluate self and learner’s
performance, and suggest measures for improvement
7. File all lesson plans with observer’s comments and marks for final submission
8. The trainee is expected to observe at least 5 lessons in co-curricular areas given
by a peer
9. Peer observation reports must be submitted on a prepared format and submitted
1. The 10 lessons may be given in the second year. The lessons can be distributed so
that at least 6 lessons are given to students with ASD and the rest to those with
associated conditions
2. The master trainer should ensure that trainee receives skill training in co-
curricular activities wherever required, e.g. yoga, dance & movement etc.
3. The trainee may give more than 10 lessons for enhancing competence
4. Peer observation of a lesson must be done along with master trainer
Allotment of marks
1. Plan and implement suitable classroom activities relating to speech & language
therapy, sensory integration and occupational therapy
2. Select and apply appropriate strategies to manage the behavioral deficits Commonly
seen in children with ASD and associated conditions
Management of Behavior
1. The trainee may select students taken for IEP if they have behavioral deficits.
Whereas in the 1st year a minimum of 3 cases with ASD must be selected, in the
2nd year 3 cases with associated conditions should be selected for management of
problem behavior.
1. Plan a career education program suitable for transition from school to work
2. Implement the career education and transition program with students with ASD
Selecting 2 students with ASD above the age of 15 years the trainee is expected to
The career education and transition programs may be spread over two years. The trainee
may be given one case per year. The work must be done under supervision of the master
1. Design and prepare teaching learning aids to suit the needs of students with ASD
2. Develop culturally appropriate and low cost adaptive devices for communication
and independent living
1. Develop teaching learning aids for IEP, Group Teaching (curricular and co-
curricular activities) and career education and transition program.
2. Design age appropriate communication boards, picture cards, low cost sensory
integration devices and adaptive devices for self-help skills
3. Submit all teaching aids and devices for evaluation
The trainee may be allowed to seek guidance from concerned therapists and the master
trainer to design adaptive aids and devices