DBM Budget Circular No 2007-1 Guidelines On The Grant of Honoraria To Lecturers, Resource Persons, Coordinators and Facilitators

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fGen REM ALICO Mae anes Bi ceicine | Department of Budget and Management Zrevease J Building |. Gere:al Solano Street, San Miguel, Manila SB cram mcs ow No. 2007 - 1 APRIL 23,2007 10. : Heads of National Government Agenci Universities and Colleges (SUCs), Government-Owned andor ~ Controlled Corporations (GOCCs), Government Financial Institutions (GFIs), and Local Government Units; and All Others Concerned (NGAs) Including State SUBJECT —: Guidelines on the Grant of Honoi Coordinators and Facilitators ia to Lecturers, Resource Persons, 1.0 Purpose This Circular is issued to prescribe the guidelines on the grant of honoraria to lecturers. yeynuree persons, coordinators and taci itators in seminars, training programs. and other similar activites pursuant to Section 4¢(b). General Provisiors of RA No. 9401, the FY 2007 General Appropriations Act (GAA) 2.0 Definitions 2.1 An honorarium is a form of compensation given as a token of appreciation or reward for gratuitous services on account of one’s broad and superior knowledge or expertise in a specific field for which, going by custom, tradition or propriety no fixed price is set. 2.2 A lecturer is any person who uses lecture as an instructional method in seminars, workshops, conferences. symposia, training programs end other similar activities 3A resource person is any persor who, by virtue of his/her expertise in a specific subject area, serves as speaker in seminars, conferences. symposia, training programs and similar activities 24 A coordinator is any person why acts as lead person in the conduct pf seminars. training programs. and other similar activities He/She directs, supervises and/or participetes in the organization, coordi develops training designs, modules and cur to training needs; may serve ¢s lecturer, rescurce person, oF facilitator and conduct of such activites, 1a of identified courses in response A facilitator 1s any person who is a subject expert processes and dynamics sessions such that he/she standing. thus enabli tutrally managing group tervenes for greater group the participants to full participation. to mutual under 40 understanding. and to shared responsibilities in the achievement of group objectives and/or in making quality decisions. Coverage This Circular shall apply’ to lecturers, resource persons, coordinators and ilitators who fall under the afore-stated definitions, and who hail from national government agencies (NGAs) including SUCs, GOCCs, GFls and LGUs, or from the private sector, Guideline 4.1 Government personnel who act as lecturers, resource persons, coordinators or facilitators in other government agencies which are outside of their mother agencies, may be paid honoraria at such rates as may’ be determined by the agency authorities concerned in accordance with the succeeding guidelines, 4.2 In view of the expertise of lecturers, resource persons, coordinators or facilitators, the minimum honoraria rates shall be two (2) times their hourly rates based on their monthly salaries at 22 work days per month, and 8 work hours per day, Such honoraria rates may be raised further but not exceeding the maximum honoraria rates of two (2) times the hourly rate for a position of Professor VI, step 1 of SG 29, depending on the difficulty and complexity of the subject matter, the professional qualifications of the lecturers, resource persons, coordinators and facilitators, and the position levels of the participants, Furthermore, the honoraria to be paid shall correspond to the number of actual lecture training hours plus equal number of hours for preparation. The following formula shall serve as guide in the computation of the minimum and maximum honoraria to. be paid given a group of fifty (50) seminar/workshop/training participants: a -rastoman romans ft (0.023) (MSR nnd 1 EE) ame ee ener, ‘) ern + Tota Maximum Honora = (2) FS a (0.023) (MSR max) 1 Where’ MSR, = monthly salary rate of the lecturer/resource person/coordinator: facilitator MSRea = monthly salary rate of a position of Professor VI. step 1 of SG-29 r = number of actual lecture/training hours 6.0 0 The total honoraria may be proportionately increased depending on the numher of seminae/workshop training parcicipants n excess of fifty (30) participants. 45 Lecturers, resource persons, coo dinators and facilitators from the private sector may be paid honorana at suci rates as may be determined by the agency authorities concemed and by usir g the above formula as guides. 44 In addition to the honoraria, lecturers, resource persons, coordinators and facilitators in out-of-town seminars, training programs and similar activities may bbe entitled to traveling and other expenses incidental hereto, subject to existing rules ane regulations 45 Honororia shall not be granted to the designated lecturers, resource persons and facilitators within their respective sponsoring agencies as such services are deemed part of the duties acd responsivilities of their appoimive positions to disseminate mformation, to c'ari¥ issues and concems and to interact with clients andor implementers of agency 1 andates 46 Agency personnel who are in charge of the conduct of training and similar programs and activities by virtue of their positions in the sponsoring agency, are not entitied to honoraria when: they act as lecturers, resource persons, coordinators or facilitators in in-house training and similar programs and activities. Applicability to Government Agencies Exempted from the Coverage of RA No. 6758, ay Amended Government agencies which are exempted trom the coverage of RA No. 6758, as amended, may adop: the provisions of this Circular as far as practicable, Fund Sources The honoraria shall be sourced from “he following: 6.1 For NGAs, the amounts shall be charged against he appropriations for the purpose in the annual GAA of from agency savings. No additional funds shall be providee by the government. For GOCCs and GFls, the amounts shall be charged against their respective corporate funds 6.3 For LGUs, the amounts shall be charged against their respective local govemment funds, Responsibilities of Agency Heads Agency heads shall be held responsible and personally liable for honoraria payments not tm accordance with the provisions of this Circular, without prejudice, however, to the refund by the personnel concemed of any excess payinents male to them 8.0 Saving Clause Cases not covered by the provisions of this Circular shall be -eferred to the Department udget and Management for resolution 9.0 Repealing Clause All provisions of existing circulars, guidelines, rules and reguiations relative to the grant of honoraria to lecturers, resource persons, coordinators aid facilitators are hereby repealed. 10.0 Effectivity ‘This Circular shal) take effect immediately. f DO G. ANDAYA, JR. Secretary

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