1st 5
1st 5
1st 5
Background / Introduction
Quiz (16 Letter Word)
ENT___ ‐ RE__ ‐ PRE___ ‐
NEUR____ ‐____SHIP
Words & Meanings
Cambridge English Dictionary:
“Entrepreneurship: Skill in starting new businesses, especially
when this involves seeing new opportunities”
“Entrepreneurship is the process of designing, launching and
running a new business, which is often initially a small
Harvard Business School:
“Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity beyond resources
– “Pursuit” implies a singular, relentless focus.
– “Opportunity” implies an offering that is novel in one or more of
four ways. The opportunity may entail:
1) pioneering a truly innovative product;
2) devising a new business model;
3) creating a better or cheaper version of an existing product; or 4)
targeting an existing product to new sets of customers.
• Wikipedia
Entrepreneurship at MIT
Why is MIT so successful at turning out entrepreneurs?
The first response people often have is that the students at MIT are extremely
Entrepreneurship at MIT
Why is MIT so successful at turning out entrepreneurs?
The second response is that this success comes about because MIT students
have access to leading‐edge technologies in the laboratories, and thus it is
easy for them to start companies.
• The Technology Licensing Office (TLO) at MIT have the numbers on how
many companies are started each year with technology out of the labs
because they have to be licensed through this office.
Entrepreneurship at MIT
The real reason why MIT is so successful at creating
new companies is:
Small Medium Enterprise of business that is likely started by
one person to serve a local market
Small and medium enterprise and grows to be a small or
entrepreneurship (SME) is the type
mediumsize business that serves local market. They are looking to
this local market. sell their offering at a global or at
Innovation‐Driven Enterprise least at a regional level.
Our Focus
Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
ENT___ ‐ RE__ ‐
PRE___ ‐NEUR____
• The invention (an idea, a technology, or some sort of
intellectual property) is important, but the entrepreneur
does not need to create the invention.
Have spirit (of a pirate / hacker) ‐ is willing to be
different / uncommon.
• Head (Knowledge)
You need to get the wisdom (failure + learning)
• Hands (Capability)
• Home (Community)
Have other people who are doing it and working together
Lecture Summary
• Entrepreneurship
• Small Medium Enterprise
• Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
• Innovation
• Common Myths
• Successful Entrepreneur
Which Entrepreneurship?
• Cambridge English Dictionary
Skill in starting new businesses, especially when this involves seeing new opportunities
• Wikipedia
Process of designing, launching and running a new business, which is often
initially a small business
Entrepreneurship at MIT
A Tale of Two Entrepreneurs:
Understanding Differences in the Types of
Entrepreneurship in the Economy
Bill Aulet and Fiona Murray
Martin Trust Center for MIT Entrepreneurship
May 2013
DOWNLOAD: https://www.kauffman.org/what‐we‐do/research/2013/05/a‐tale‐of‐two‐entrepreneurs‐understanding‐differences‐in‐the‐types‐of‐entrepreneurship‐in‐the‐economy
Small Medium Enterprise of business that is likely started by
one person to serve a local market
Small and medium enterprise and grows to be a small or
entrepreneurship (SME) is the type
mediumsize business that serves and more ambitious. IDE
this local market. entrepreneurs are aspiring to serve
Innovation‐Driven Enterprise markets that go well beyond the
local market. They are looking to
Innovation‐driven enterprise (IDE) sell their offering at a global or at
entrepreneurship is the more risky least at a regional level.
SME – vs – IDE
• A healthy economy consists of both types of
entrepreneurship and both have their strengths and
• Neither is better than the other.
Our Focus
Small Medium Enterprise • Focus on addressing local and regional
markets only.
• Innovation is not necessary to SME Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
establishment and growth, nor is
competitive advantage. • Focus on global/regional markets.
• “Non‐tradable jobs”—jobs generally • The company is based on some sort of
performed locally (e.g., restaurants, dry innovation (tech, business process,
cleaners, and service industry). model) and potential competitive
• Most often family businesses or
• “Tradable jobs”—jobs that do not have
businesses with very little external to be performed locally.
• More diverse ownership base including a
• The company typically grows at a linear wide array of external capital providers.
rate. When you put money into the
company, the system (revenue, cash • The company starts by losing money, but
flow, jobs, etc.) will respond quickly in a if successful will have exponential
positive manner. growth. Requires investment. When you
put money into the company, the
revenue/cash flow/jobs numbers do not
respond quickly.
Small Medium Enterprise Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
What could be the process that can
• help you succeed (i.e., you will find paying customer(s)), or
• it can help you fail faster if failure was inevitable for the path
you were on.
Disciplined Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneurship
– Small Medium Enterprise
– Innovation‐Driven Enterprise
• Innovation
– Innovation = Invention * Commercialization
• Entrepreneur
– Successful Entrepreneurs = Spirit + Skill
– Serves primarily as the commercialization agent
You simply might know that you want to work for yourself and
control your own destiny, but you don’t have an idea or
technology yet.
Worksheets: Passion Checklist & Idea/Technology Brainstorming Notes
User Entrepreneurship
Often, you will find an idea or technology that improves
something for you personally, then realize that idea or
technology has the potential to help many others.
• Also remember, founding team may not remain intact from “Idea” to
“Business” stage. This is often necessary to create a stronger, more
unified team that is better suited to capture an opportunity on a
longerterm basis. This is an important evolutionary process.
Worksheet: Founding Team
Founding Team
Find a Founding Team:
• Name
• Knowledge
• Skills
• Passions/Interests
Market Pull
An excellent starting point for a new venture is a “market pull” where you
identify an unfilled yet meaningful need to fix some “customer pain,”
something for which there exists some group of people who are willing to pay
money for a solution.
We call it “market pull” because you are being pulled by the customer to
satisfy an already‐defined general market demand. Coming up with a good
market pull is hard—otherwise, everyone would start a company. The most
important thing for now is to be open to the ideation process and come up
with ideas that your team thinks are worth pursuing.
Market Pull
• WHAT: What is the general problem we are trying to solve or the
opportunity we are looking to capitalize on?
• URGENCY: Vitamin pill (i.e., nice to have), Pain killer (i.e., solves a critical
problem), Game changer (i.e., opens new market opportunities)
• WHY US: Our team has or would have the following assets that would
make us uniquely qualified to implement this idea.
• PASSION: Summarize why our team cares so much about this idea that
we are willing to embark on this arduous & humbling journey.
Market Pull Mini‐Canvas
Technology Push
Another starting point can be a “technology push” based on some new‐tothe‐
world concept that has the potential to create new market opportunities.
Often people refer to this approach as “a solution looking for a problem” or
the metaphor “a hammer looking for a nail,” which is an apt description.
Technology Push
• WHAT: Description of the invention/technology
• WHY US: Why we have a significant advantage over anyone else with
regard to this invention
• PASSION: Summarize why our team cares so much about this idea that
we are willing to embark on this arduous & humbling journey.
Technology Push Mini‐Canvas
Hybrid (Technology Push + Market Pull)
The reality is that most often teams start with market pull, but there is some
technology push, especially from universities and research and development
In some cases, however, teams start somewhere in between the two models
of market pull or technology push.
Hybrid (Technology Push + Market Pull)
• MARKET PULL: This idea is relevant to the _________________ market
because it will produce significant value by _______________________
This step is just the starting point of a long journey.
Six Themes of the 24 Steps
• Who is your customer?
4. Calculate the Total Addressable Market (TAM) Size for the Beachhead
23. Show That “The Dogs Will Eat the Dog Food”
• Founding Team
• Ideation
– Market Pull Mini‐Canvas
Market Segmentation
(Disciplined Entrepreneurship: STEP 01)
Recap (Step 0)
• Getting Started ((Idea OR Invention) AND Passion)
– Passion Checklist
– Idea/Technology Brainstorming Notes
• User Entrepreneurship
– Find a Founding Team
• Ideation:
– Market Pull
– Technology Push
– Hybrid (Technology Push + Market Pull)
• Disciplined Entrepreneurship
– Six Themes of the 24 Steps
Getting Started
• The process can help you succeed, or it can help you fail
faster if failure was inevitable for the path you were on.
• Product‐Market Fit: a product that matches, what customers in a specific market are
interested in buying).
4. Calculate the Total Addressable Market (TAM) Size for the Beachhead
5. Profile the Persona for the Beachhead Market
Who is your customer?
Market Segmentation
What is the single necessary and sufficient Condition for a
• The single necessary and sufficient condition for a business is a
paying customer.
• Now, just because you have a paying customer does not mean you
have a good business.
Market Segmentation
Need to Create a New Market
• Market Segmentation
– Brainstorm
Market Segmentation
(Disciplined Entrepreneurship: STEP 01)
Recap (Step 01 – Part 01)
• Market Segmentation
Market Segmentation
If you have an idea, you may think you already have a specific
market and a specific application in mind.
• However, you need to determine whether your perceptions are
– Likely, your defined market is not specific enough;
– you may also find that the market you have in mind is not a good match
for your idea; or
– that other markets are better for starting a business. – Be open‐minded
and creative.
2. Be clear on the dual purpose of the brainstorming: You want to get the right
people in the conversation because you’re not just making a comprehensive
list of potential markets. You’re also selecting and refining your initial team
and then creating alignment for that foundational team.
3. Get in the right place with the right tools: Find a place where everyone feels
comfortable because it is important that constraining hierarchical
relationships and distractions are eliminated or at least kept to a minimum.
Brainstorming Tips:
4. Get the right rules to brainstorm by: The renowned design firm IDEO
have seven little rules that unlock the creative power of a brainstorming
– Defer judgement.
– Encourage wild ideas. – Build on the ideas of others. – Stay focused on the
– Be visual.
– Go for quantity.
Brainstorming Tips:
5. Identify, empower, and develop a facilitator: Find or appoint a facilitator to
enforce the rules you agree to in #4 above, and empower that person to
guide the process. That person should take this responsibility seriously and
prepare for the session.
6. Get everyone in the right mood: The facilitator should help getting people in
the right/positive mindset about brainstorming is incredibly important.
8. First pass to get the ideas out: Don’t critique, combine, reject, or otherwise
discourage ideas. Just get them out and write them down in a
nonjudgmental fashion.
Tool: What industries and end users could my idea or technology apply to?
4. Can you today, with the help of partners, deliver a whole product?
For example: no one wants to buy a new alternator and install it in
their car, even if the alternator is much better than what they
currently have. They want to buy a car. That is, they want to buy a
whole functional solution, not assemble one themselves. You will likely
need to work with other vendors to deliver a solution that
incorporates your product, which means that you will need to
convince other manufacturers and distributors that your product is
worth integrating into their workflows.
There are a few key factors that are integral to collecting accurate
• You must have a high level of intellectual curiosity.
• You must be fearless about getting on the phone, in the car, or on a plane to
pursue this information.
• You must have the ability to explain what the essence of your proposed
offering might look like while also being flexible.
• You must have time and patience to devote to this important step.
Primary Market Research
2. End User: This is the person who is actually using the product, not the
economic buyer or the champion (more on this in Step 12)—even if you
are selling to a company or a general organization, you want to list here
the people in that company who will be using your product.
3. Task: What exactly is it that the end users do that you will significantly
affect or allow them to do that they could not do before?
Primary Market Research
7. Lead Customers: Who are the influential customers where, if they buy
the product, others will take note and likely follow?
10. Concentration of Buyers: How many different buyers are there in this
market segment? Is it a monopoly? Oligopoly (a small number of buyers)? Or
many competitive buyers?
11. Other Relevant Market Considerations: This allows for customization of
your segment for relevant considerations such as “high employee turnover,”
“very low margins/commodity,” “high‐growth industry,” “high virality effect”
(i.e., word of mouth), etc.
12. Size of Market (# of End Users): Estimation of the number of end users to a
relevant range (10s, 100s, 1Ks, 10Ks, 100Ks, 1Ms, etc.).
Primary Market Research
• Market Segmentation
– Brainstorm
• Brainstorming Tips (Tool: What industries and end users could my idea or technology apply to?) – Narrow your list down to your
top 6–12 markets.
1. Market Segmentation
4. Calculate the Total Addressable Market (TAM) Size for the Beachhead