Application Guide - Tilt Sensors: 1.0 General Description
Application Guide - Tilt Sensors: 1.0 General Description
Application Guide - Tilt Sensors: 1.0 General Description
of the several types of tilt sensors including where and why they
are used, how they are typically installed and how data is obtained
from them. Please note it is not a definitive guide.
Tilt Meters measure TILT (the measurand) and is used in several calculations (computations) to quantify rotation and
settlement of buildings and structures.
Designed to measure tilt by placing in-situ tilt plates which are bolted or
bonded to the structure. The measuring sensor is then accurately, and
repeatedly, located into the tilt plates during the reading.
The beam can vary in length e.g. 1,2,3M and can be coupled together to
form a continuous string and the signal cables BUSSED together.
MEMS Tilt Meters employ ‘State of the Art’ MEMS sensor technology. MEMS (Micro‐Electro ‐ Mechanical Systems) are an
integra on of mechanical elements, sensors, actuators and electronics on a common silicon substrate through micro fabrica on
The mechanical structure of a typical MEMS sensor is shown in Figures 1 & 2 below.
Figure 1 Figure 2
Polysilicon springs suspend the MEMS structure above the substrate such that the body of the sensor (also known as the
‘proof mass’) can move in the X and Y axes.
Accelera on causes deflec on of the proof mass from its centre posi on. Around the four sides of the square proof mass are
32 sets of radial fingers. These fingers are posi oned between plates that are fixed to the substrate. Each finger and pair of
fixed plates make up a differen al capacitor, and the deflec on of the proof mass is determined by measuring the differen al
capacitance. This sensing method has the ability of sensing both dynamic accelera on (i.e. shock or vibra on) and sta c
accelera on (i.e. inclina on or rota on).
Signal condi oning is carried out within Tilt Meters so that a simple output signal is obtained. This output can be used in
conjunc on with a calibra on sheet to easily calculate the amount of lt that has occurred.
The MEMS sensors within Tilt Meters are configured to measure inclina on from ver cal. As movement occurs, the Tilt Meter
will move with its moun ng, thus changing the inclina on of the internal sensors.
The MEMS sensors within Tilt Meters measure lt over a range of +/‐ 15º. In the bi‐axial model, a second MEMS sensor is
mounted at 90º to the other sensor and measures lt in the orthogonal direc on, on the horizontal plane. Once mounted on a
structure they are normally adjusted to read close to zero, their mid‐point. An ‘iniƟal reading’ is then recorded and any
changes in the inclina on of the structure are iden fied by comparing the current readings with the ini al readings.
Tilt meters are available with the following outputs:‐
Analogue version ‐ volts or 4‐20mA
Digital version ‐ digital BUS (RS485)
3.0 Typical applications
The following table lists the typical applications, the elements that are monitored, the measurand the sensor is
measuring and the result that can be computed from the sensor information.
Tilt meters and Tilt beams can be used to monitor changes of tilt of structures and infrastructures. These changes can
be as a result of construction activities such as tunnelling, excavation, dewatering and loading. In addition tilt changes
can occur due to natural phenomena such as landslides, wind loading and flooding.
The choice of Tilt sensor will depend on the individual application but the key issues to be considered for each type
are outlined below.
Key notes:
Whilst temperature has little or no effect on the tilt sensor itself, the effect of temperature changes on its mountings
and the structure to which it is fixed may be significant. Consequently temperature data should be recorded as part of
routine tilt monitoring.
Careful consideration should be given to the positioning of tilt sensors so that the effects of temperature changes are
The repeatability of readings for a portable tilt meter system is operator and environment dependent.
3.0 Typical applications contd...
• Single beam - measures Tilt over its length which is referred to as rotation
• Linked beams can be used to calculate a profile of movement
• Available in a range of gauge lengths e.g. 1,2,3m
• With one or both ends fixed a measurement of absolute displacement can be calculated
• Can be mounted with bracket on vertical, inclined or horizontal surfaces
• Can be mounted on a wide range of surfaces e.g. concrete, steel
• Mounting can be done by bolting, bonding or welding
• Digital sensors can have a BUS connection where only one cable is required to connect all sensors together
• Can be connected to a wireless node as part of a wireless sensor system
• Can be read with a manual readout or linked into an automatic data acquisition system
• Linked bi-axial tilt sensors mounted longitudinally measures the rotation of each beam between fixing points in
the A axis.
• Rotations are combined to generate a settlement profile along the track.
• Twist in the B axis at each fixing is also monitored and therefore the change in cant at these points
can be calculated.
• Available with a range of gauge lengths e.g. 1,2,3m
• With one or both ends fixed a measurement of absolute displacement can be calculated
• Can be mounted with bracket on vertical, inclined or horizontal surfaces
• Can be mounted on a wide range of surfaces e.g. concrete, steel
• Mounting can be done by bolting, bonding or welding
• Digital sensors can have a BUS connection where only one cable is required to connect all sensors together
• Can be connected to a wireless node as part of a wireless sensor system
• Can be read with a manual readout or linked into an automatic data acquisition system
3.0 Typical applications contd...
Retaining walls
Tilt Meters and Tilt beams can be used to measure movements and stability before, during and after
construction of a retaining wall, and to measure the movements occurring on any nearby structures.
Tilt meters
Tilt beams
Nearby structure
Dewatering Systems
Nearby structures
Tilt profile (tilt beams) To monitor the effects of groundwater lowering and the
effects of subsequent differential settlement
Tilt (rotation)
3.0 Typical applications contd...
Tunnelling activities especially in urban areas can lead to significant settlement of the ground surface which can affect
the integrity of nearby structures.
In order to minimise the effects of settlement on these structures, compensation grouting is often utilised. Tilt sensors
are used to monitoring for settlement and/or heave during tunnelling and grouting.
Tilt meters provide a point rotation and are generally used to identify structural rotation. Tilt beams which can be
joined together in a chain provide a profile of settlement which can be used to control compensation grouting.
Tilt meter
Tilt beams
Tilt meters
The construction of new tunnels particularly in urban areas are often adjacent to existing tunnels and therefore the
effect of tunnelling needs to be monitored.
Tunnel wall - horizontal tilt beam Tilt profile to calculate settlement or heave
Tilt (Rotation)
3.0 Typical applications contd...
Tilt beams can be used to monitor bending (deflection) as a result of load on structures such as bridges, pylons, wind
turbines, towers, silos and masts.
Tilt beams
Bridge deck
To calculate bending (deflection) of the bridge deck
Bridge tower, wind turbine, towers, silos Monitor the structural integrity and stability under loading
& masts
3.0 Typical applications contd...
Tilt beams can be used to monitor tilt on structures in areas where slope stability problems may be anticipated or
monitor the effects of stabilisation measures such as soil nails.
Soil nails
Tilt meter
Adjacent structure
To detect (calculate and monitor) rotational movement of
Tilt nearby structures to provide warning of slope instability
3.0 Typical applications contd...
Track monitoring
Biaxial tilt sensors can be linked together with rods and fixings which are free to move relative to each other so that a
settlement profile can be calculated.
Tilt sensors
Rail track
The integrity and geometry of rail tracks is paramount to
Tilt operating a safe railway.
The readings generated by Analogue Tilt Sensors are in one of two formats:
The tilt meter is supplied with 8 - 15 volts and a return voltage is read by the readout unit. As the sensor is
tilted the output changes from 0 to - 5 Volts at 15 degrees in the negative direction of its axis and from 0 to +5
Volts at 15 degrees in the positive direction. This voltage can then converted into an angle by a simple linear
calculation using the supplied calibration details.
The tilt meter is powered with a 8 - 15 volt current loop ( two wires ) from which it draws the current to power
itself. As it is tilted the output changes from 4 mA at 15 degrees in negative direction of its axis, to 20 mA at
15 degrees in the positive direction. The current is then converted into an angle by a simple linear calculation
using the supplied calibration details.
The readings generated by Digital Tilt Sensors are in ‘Sine of the Angle’.
The tilt meter is supplied with 8 - 15 volts to power the internal processor and sensors via the RS485 ‘bus’
cable. Each sensor has a unique identification or ‘address’. The interrogating logger or readout ‘requests’ a
reading from a particular ‘address’. The value returned from the processor is a value in sin-1 ( the sine of the
angle with respect to vertical ) which can then be easily converted into a reading in degrees or other
engineering units.
H Sine θ = O
4.0 Reading tilt sensors contd...
Each tilt meter or beam has a unique calibration sheet and the simple calculation converts the sensor output to
engineering units, commonly degrees or mm/metre. The output from the sensor must be compared with its
calibration sheet to calculate the amount of tilt.
Calibration factors - below are typical calibration factors found on an Analogue tilt meter calibration sheet.
Calibration Factors 0.05217 mV to Sin θ
2.99781 mV to Degrees θ
53.5898 mV to mm/m
Calibration Factors 0.03234 mA to Sin θ
1.87418 mA to Degrees θ
33.4937 mA to mm/m
The calibration sheet for a bi-axial tilt meter will include the calibration details for both of the sensors ( A & B ).
Typically, the calibration factors would be presented as above but the units will vary depending upon the sensors
Some examples of conversion from tilt meter output to engineering units are shown below.
The conversion of a voltage output into Sin of the Angle, with respect to vertical, is based on the linear
Y = ( X - C ) *M relationship, where ….
If for example:
M = 0.05217
X = +0.3134 Volts
C = -0.00763 at Vertical
Y = (+0.3134 - ( - 0.007630 )) *0.05217
Y = +0.1675 (Sine of the angle)
If for example:
M = 2.99781 degrees/volt
X = +0.3134 Volts
C = -0.00763 at Vertical
Y = (+0.3134 - ( - 0.007630 )) *2.99781
Y = +0.9624 degrees
The conversion of a voltage output into degrees is based on the linear Y = ( X - C ) *M relationship, where ….
If for example:
M = 53.5898 mm/m
X = +0.3134 Volts
C = -0.00763 at Vertical
Y = (+0.3134 - ( - 0.007630 )) *53.5898
Y = +17.20 mm/m
The conversion of a milliamp output into the Sine of the angle is based on the linear Y = ( M * X ) +C
relationship, where ….
If for example:
The conversion of a milliamp output into an angle in degrees is based on the linear Y = ( M * X ) +C
relationship, where ….
If for example:
The conversion of a milliamp output into a mm / m value is, again, based on the linear Y = ( M * X ) +C
relationship, where ….
Y = Theoretical offset from vertical over a distance of 1m, with respect to vertical.
M = Calibration Factor ( for mm/m, from the calibration sheet )
X = Milliamp reading
C = Zero reading ( from the calibration sheet )
If for example:
The readings from digital tilt sensors are already converted to engineering units within the board and are provided in
the form of Sine of the angle of tilt. Consequently no additional calibration factors need be applied.
To convert from one engineering unit to another (degrees or mm/m) only a simple calculation is required as shown
To convert from the Sine of an angle to an angle it is necessary to use the ArcSin or Sin-1
mathematical function:-
Y = Value from tilt meter (Sine of the angle) - for example 0.08716
Y = Value from tilt meter (Sine of the angle) - for example 0.08716
= 87.16mm/m
H Sine θ = O
4.0 Reading tilt sensors contd...
There are several types of handheld readouts available most of which, are able to read MEMS tilt sensors and
options include:-
A system designed to regularly record data from instruments independent of operator input, often used in remote
environments. A data logger controls and logs the sensor readings and can respond to pre-set alarm trigger levels
through on-board software.
• Central processing unit (CPU) – to which all the components are linked
• Multiplexers: A relay mechanism controlled by the CPU to switch between multiple sensors so that they can
be monitored by a single CPU
• Power Supplies: A power supply provides regulated power to the logger and sensors. Power is drawn from a
battery that is charged either from an AC supply or a solar panel
• Communication: Remote or local connection to the CPU to program or download data including GSM, GPRS,
radio and cable
• Software: Which allows the user to configure code to control the CPU, interrogate and download stored
readings either as raw data or engineering units.
Geosense Ltd
Nova House . Rougham Industrial Estate . Rougham . Bury St Edmunds . Suffolk . IP30 9ND . England .
Tel: +44 (0) 1359 270457 . Fax: +44 (0) 1359 272860 . email: [email protected] .