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Exercise in The Prevention of Falls in Older People: A Systematic Literature Review Examining The Rationale and The Evidence

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Exercise in the Prevention of Falls in Older People: A Systematic Literature

Review Examining the Rationale and the Evidence

Article  in  Sports Medicine · February 2001

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REVIEW ARTICLE Sports Med 2001; 31 (6): 427-438

© Adis International Limited. All rights reserved.

Exercise in the Prevention of Falls in

Older People
A Systematic Literature Review Examining the Rationale
and the Evidence
Nick D. Carter,1,2,3 Pekka Kannus4,5,6 and Karim M. Khan1,3,7
1 Department of Family Practice, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada
2 Defence Services Medical Rehabilitation Centre, Headley Court, Epsom, Surrey, England
3 School of Human Kinetics, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
4 The Bone Research Group, Accident and Trauma Research Center,
The President Urho Kaleva Kekkonen Institute for Health Promotion Research, Tampere, Finland
5 Department of Surgery, Medical School, University of Tampere, Finland
6 Department of Surgery, Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland
7 Osteoporosis Program, BC Women’s Hospital and Health Centre, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada

Abstract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
1. The Age-Related Physiological Changes that Increase Risk for Falling Among
Older People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428
2. Integrated Rehabilitation-Based Model of Fall Risk Factors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 429
3. Can Exercise Modify the Risk Factors for Falling? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
4. Can Exercise Decrease Fall Rate? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 431
5. Which Dimensions of Exercise are Key to Reducing Fall Risk? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
6. Limitations in Present Research and Suggested Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 432
7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 435

Abstract Falls are a major source of death and injury in elderly people. For example,
they cause 90% of hip fractures and the current cost of hip fractures in the US is
estimated to be about 10 billion dollars. Age-related changes in the physiological
systems (somatosensory, vestibular and visual) which contribute to the mainte-
nance of balance are well documented in older adults. These changes coupled
with age-related changes in muscle and bone are likely to contribute to an in-
creased risk of falls in this population. The integrated rehabilitation-based model
of fall risk factors reveals multiple sites for interventions that may reverse fall
risk factors. Regular exercise may be one way of preventing falls and fall-related
fractures. The evidence for this contention comes from a variety of sources. On
the basis of 9 randomised controlled studies conducted since 1996, exercise ap-
pears to be a useful tool in fall prevention in older adults, significantly reducing
428 Carter et al.

the incidence of falls compared with control groups. However, current limitations
such as inconsistencies in the measurement of key dependent and independent
variables do not, at present, permit a meta-analysis of intervention trials. Further
investigation, using trials designed with the current limitations in mind, is nec-
essary to establish the optimum exercise programme to maximise fall prevention
in older adults.

Fall-related injuries and deaths in older adults • improve understanding of the inter-relationships
are a major health problem worldwide,[1-4] with num- between various fall risk factors by proposing
bers of these injuries continuing to increase.[4] Ap- an integrated, rehabilitation-based risk factor
proximately 30% of individuals over 65 years of model
age fall at least once per year,[5,6] and about half of • summarise the mechanisms whereby exercise
these do so recurrently.[7] In nonfatal falls almost may plausibly reduce fall risk
half of fallers are unable to get up without help[8] • systematically review the evidence as to whether
and a fall may result in individuals considerably exercise can modify risk factors for falling and
reducing their activities for fear of future falls.[9] In influence fall rates
addition, there is an alarming trend towards an in- • examine which dimensions of exercise are key
creasing aging population, suggesting that these to reducing fall risk
problems are likely to become even more prevalent • propose directions for future research to address
in the future.[10] the question: ‘Can regular exercise prevent falls
A proportion of falls result in fractures. Over and fall-related injuries in older individuals?’
90% of hip fractures result from falls,[11,12] and in
individuals who sustain a hip fracture, the outcome 1. The Age-Related Physiological
is fatal in 12 to 20% of cases.[13,14] In nonfatal cases, Changes that Increase Risk for Falling
long-standing pain, disability and functional impair- Among Older People
ment often ensue with tremendous socio-economic
The incidence of falls increases with age.[2,4,7,20]
consequences. In the UK alone, the estimated total
This is likely to be caused, in part, by age-related
direct hospital costs arising from hip fractures are
deterioration of the 3 sensory systems that control
£1.3 billion (year of costing 2000),[15] and in the US
posture: vestibular, visual and somatosensory (fig.
the annual costs associated with fall-related frac-
1). The vestibular system provides input as to the
tures were estimated at $US10 billion.[1] Further- head position in relation to gravity and it also senses
more, the incidence of hip fractures continues to how fast, and in which direction, the head is ac-
rise steadily, even with age-adjusted figures.[16,17] celerating. The visual system provides information
Regular exercise has been proposed as one method about the body’s location relative to its environ-
of preventing falls and therefore fall-related frac- ment. The somatosensory system, in turn, is respon-
tures in older adults.[18] However, a great deal of sible for discrimination of position and movements
controversy surrounds both this premise[19] and the of body parts. In the otolith of the ear, individuals
specifics of the exercise prescription (i.e. type, fre- over 70 years of age have 40% fewer sensory cells
quency, intensity and duration of the exercise) nec- than do young adults.[21] Cutaneous vibratory sen-
essary to prevent falls. Therefore, the aim of this sation and joint position sense are also significantly
systematic literature review is to: diminished in the older person.[20,22] Peripheral vi-
• summarise the age-related physiological mech- sion is important in sway stabilisation,[23] and low
anisms that increase the risk for falling in older frequency spatial information, mediated by the pe-
adults ripheral visual field, deteriorates with age.[24]

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Exercise and Fall Prevention in Older People 429

As well as involution of the sensory systems,

predisposition to both falls and fractures is also
likely to be increased by age-related changes in
muscle and bone. Studies have repeatedly found a Vestibular system
decline in lean muscle mass and strength in elderly
adults.[25-29] Overall muscle strength and mass de-
cline 30 to 50% between the ages of 30 and 80.[30]
As a result of the changes in muscle and sensory
function, 46% of adults 85 years and older and 36%
of adults over 75 years, complain of postural dis-
turbances compared with 13% of those aged 65 to
69 years.[31,32] Muscle mass and function are im-
portant for stability and correct balance, and are also Somatosensory
thought to give some protection to the proximal system

femur by attenuating the hip-impact forces that oc-

cur in sideways falls in older adults.[33]
Fig. 1. The 3 sensory systems that control posture: vestibular,
Although not a risk factor for falling, involu- visual and somatosensory. (Artwork by Vicky Earle.)
tional bone loss contributes to fracture risk, and
thus, warrants mention here. Cross-sectional stud-
ies indicate that bone loss commences in both sexes The act of falling comprises 3 stages; fall initi-
from the middle of the third decade of life.[34-36] Of ation, fall descent and fall impact.[42] As different
many factors that may affect bone loss, menopause- factors can act at each stage of the fall process, this
related sex-hormone deficiency is by far the most categorisation provides several areas of focus for
important. In addition to the accelerated phase of medical intervention. This approach has, for exam-
post-menopausal bone loss, a continuous, more grad- ple, led to some researchers focusing on hip pro-
ual process of age-related bone loss affects the hip tectors to reduce fall impact, and thus, fracture
in both sexes and this may be caused by the effects risk.[33]
of reduced physical activity or the relative immo- In view of the complexity of interaction between
bility of the older adult.[37] risk factors, we draw the reader’s attention to the
model of ‘impairment’ and ‘disability’. The World
2. Integrated Rehabilitation-Based Health Organisation (WHO) definition of impair-
Model of Fall Risk Factors ment is any loss or abnormality of psychological,
physiological or anatomical structure or function.
In excess of 130 different risk factors for falling Disability, according to the International Classifi-
have been tabulated.[38] Because many of these risk cation of Impairments, Disabilities or Handicaps
factors may be either directly correlated, or interact (ICIDH), and is defined as any restriction or lack
in a complex manner, clinicians and scientists have (resulting from impairment) of ability to perform
tried to group them in useful conceptual categories. an activity in the manner or within the range con-
The simple dichotomy of risk factors for falling is sidered normal for a human being.[43,44] Stroke, for
intrinsic, host factors (increased personal liability example, increases risk of falling, but it is muscle
to fall) and extrinsic, environmental factors (in- weakness or sensory loss (impairment) and poor
creased opportunity to fall).[39,40] Extrinsic factors balance (disability) resulting from the stroke that
have undoubted importance,[41] but have received produces the increased risk, not the stroke itself.
relatively little attention in medical strategies to The terms ‘impairment’ and ‘disability’ are widely
prevent falls. used in rehabilitation medicine and they are partic-

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430 Carter et al.

Aging, disuse and

medical conditions
such as:
· Parkinson's disease
· stroke
· hypotension Medication use,
· depression such as:
· epilepsy · sedatives
· dementia · hypnotics
· eye diseases · antidepressants
· osteoarthrosis · antihypertensives
· rheumatoid arthritis · multiple drugs
· dizzyness and vertigo · alcohol
· peripheral neuropathy

Impairments: Fall initiation

· muscle function
· joint function
· vestibular system
· vision
· proprioception Fall descent
· cognition

Fall impact

· static balance
· dynamic balance Impact force attenuation
· gait · soft tissues
· landing surface

Reduced bone mass

Altered bone geometry Structural capacity of bone
Altered bone architecture less than the applied load
Altered bone quality

Bone fracture

Fig. 2. Intrinsic impairments and disabilities can interplay with environmental hazards and predispose individuals to falls and fractures.

ularly useful for understanding the mechanisms that and proprioception) and the resultant disabilities
underpin falling. (therapy to improve gait). Thus, risk of falling may
A strength of the rehabilitation model is that it be modifiable, even though the underlying medical
reveals multiple sites for interventions that may re- condition may not be. We believe that the integrated
verse fall risk factors (fig. 2). Clearly reversible model clarifies a field that can seem confusing when
risk factors (e.g. multiple drug therapy) can be at- risk factors are viewed in isolation.
tended to directly. The rehabilitation model indi- Using this model, table I summarises some of
cates that irreversible risk factors (e.g., stroke, osteo- the many studies reporting specific impairments
arthrosis) can theoretically be tackled by targeting the and disabilities that predispose to falls and the rel-
specific impairments (therapy to improve strength ative risk for falling that each risk factor imparts.

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Exercise and Fall Prevention in Older People 431

In each impairment or disability, the relative risk edge of this topic. A total of 13 studies were iden-
for falls was determined according to dichotomous tified that had:
division (normal, abnormal) of continuous variables, • randomised controlled trial design
although the cut-off point varied between studies. • participants 60 years or older
Figure 2 then summarises how intrinsic impairments • falls as an outcome
and disabilities, associated with aging and disease, • exercise as intervention.
can mesh with extrinsic factors in predisposing to If exercise was included as part of a multifacto-
falls and fractures. rial intervention, it was analysed only when the ex-
ercise component could clearly be separated from the
3. Can Exercise Modify the Risk Factors other interventions.
for Falling?
From figure 2, it can be seen that intervention 4.1 Results
strategies to modify risk factors for falls can be im-
Table III describes 13 randomised controlled trials
plemented in a number of areas. Multifactorial hazard
using exercise as the intervention for fall prevention
reduction interventions have reduced falls,[41,71,72]
in community (n = 12) or institution dwelling (n =
as have reductions in the number of medications
1) older adults. The table reveals that the studies prior
that elderly people use.[73] Multifactorial interven-
to 1996 did not find that exercise reduced the risk
tions do not allow investigators to distinguish the
of falling in older adults while the 9 more recent
independent role of each modified risk factor, and
studies (since Wolf et. al.[117]) confirmed the value of
thus, it is not known which part of the intervention
exercise in fall prevention. Five studies demonstrated
is effective and which is not. Also, these multifac-
a significant reduction in falls[104,117,118,120,123] whilst
eted approaches are labour intensive and their cost-
in the remaining 4,[73,119,121,122] some reduction in
effectiveness must be evaluated further.[41,74]
falls was evident but not statistically significant. In
Exercise intervention can reduce many intrinsic
the Wolf et al.[117] study, a programme of Tai Chi
risk factors for falling (table II). Myers et al.[38] sug-
resulted in a 48% reduction of falls in participants
gested that strength, flexibility, balance and reaction
(mean age 76 years) compared with controls. Such
time were the factors most amenable to modification,
a reduction was not seen in the individuals who
and thus, provide a rationale for exercise interven-
followed a computerised balance-training pro-
tion trials measuring the efficacy of exercise in the
prevention of falls in the elderly.
Table I. Impairments and disabilities as risk factors for falls
4. Can Exercise Decrease Fall Rate? Risk factor for falling Relative risk References
for falls (range
To address the question ‘Does exercise interven- between studies)
tion reduce fall rate?’ we performed a computerised Impairment
literature search of the entire MEDLINE database, Lower limb strength 0.5-10.3 6,45-49
covering the years 1966 to the present, using the Upper limb strength 1.5-4.3 3,6,9,50,51
keywords: randomised controlled trials, exercise, Lower limb range of 1.9 3
falls and elderly. All relevant articles were retrieved,
Sensation 0.6-5.0 45,47,52,53
either locally, or by inter-library loan. The search
Vestibular function 4.0 54
was not limited to the English literature, and articles Vision 1.3-1.6 3,6,51,53,55-60
in all journals were considered, as were the refer- Cognition 1.2-5.0 5,6,58,61-65
ence lists of the published papers. Any relevant per-
sonal correspondence was also included. The refer- Static balance 1.5-4.1 5,6,46,48,51,66-68
ences selected were reviewed by the authors, and Dynamic balance/gait 1.6-3.3 3,5,6,9,48,50-52,65,
judged on their contribution to the body of knowl- 68-70

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432 Carter et al.

Table II. Intervention studies which have used exercise to modify analysis excluding interventions with a nonexerc-
intrinsic risk factors for falls
ise component, revealed that although the effects
Risk factor Average improvement (%) References
of balance training remained (IR = 0.75), the pooled
for falling [range between studies]
Muscle strength 6-174 41,75-100
estimate for overall exercise became nonsignificant
Range of motion 0.5-18 84,93,96,101-103 at IR = 0.87. There was no significant effect of the
Balance –7-53 41,77,83,86,90-94, other exercise domains (resistance, endurance and
96,101,104-113 flexibility) on the IR for falls.[125]
Gait 12-48 41,76,87,94,96,98, In 5 additional studies, to the 13 studies described
Reaction time 0-4 77,91,115
in table III, the exercise intervention arm combined
exercise with the correction of intrinsic (smoking/
alcohol/nutrition,[126] drug treatment[41]) risk fac-
gramme. It is of interest that whilst the computer- tors or extrinsic (environmental hazards[126-129]) risk
ised balance-training group developed greater sta- factors. As the effect of exercise cannot be sepa-
rated from the other components of the multifacto-
bility on balance platform measures there was little
rial intervention, these studies cannot be analysed
change in this parameter in the Tai Chi group.[124]
further in terms of exercise and fall prevention.
In the study by Campbell et al.[104] a physiotherapist-
led, but individualised programme of predominant-
5. Which Dimensions of Exercise are
ly lower limb strength and balance exercises for 30
Key to Reducing Fall Risk?
minutes, 3 times per week plus additional walking,
resulted in a significantly reduced annual rate of Exercise and physical activity can be defined by
falls among women aged 80 years and older, com- 4 dimensions: type, frequency, intensity and dura-
pared with control women. After 1 year, the relative tion.[130] Thus, we examined the 13 randomised con-
hazard for the first 4 falls in the exercise group trolled trials outlined in table III to see whether the
compared with controls was 0.68. The benefit of interventions that reduced fall risk had certain ex-
exercise for the reduction of falls continued in the ercise dimensions in common (table IV). Clearly,
2-year follow-up.[120] Buchner et al.,[118] in turn, the paucity of exercise dimension data and the lim-
reported that in 75 community-dwelling elderly in- ited power of studies undertaken to date, preclude
dividuals who underwent strength, endurance and definite conclusions from being drawn and precise
flexibility training, fewer persons fell in the first exercise programmes from being prescribed. Al-
year (42%) compared with controls (60%) [p < 0.05]. though, it is most encouraging that all of the more
These data were originally presented comparing 3 recent studies found exercise to be a useful tool in
exercise groups (each with 25 participants; strength fall prevention in older persons (table III).
and flexibility, endurance and flexibility, and also Exercise interventions in the meta-analysis of
strength and endurance) with controls as part of the the 7 FICSIT trials pooled effect estimates of the
Frailties and Injuries: Co-operative Studies of In- individual training types across the studies. Pool-
tervention Techniques (FICSIT) meta-analysis (in ing indicated a lower fall IR for balance, resistance
which 7 independent, randomised, controlled trials and flexibility training than for endurance training.
assessed intervention efficacy in reducing falls).[125] However, it must be noted that the confidence in-
Analysis by these individual groups did not dem- tervals overlapped.[125]
onstrate a significant reduction in the incidence of
6. Limitations in Present Research and
Suggested Solutions
In the meta-analysis of the 7 FICSIT trials, there
was a reduction in the fall incidence ratio (IR) for One of the major limitations in fall research is
treatment arms including exercise (IR = 0.90) and inconsistency in the approach to measuring key de-
balance (IR = 0.83).[125] However, repeat meta- pendent and independent variables such as cogni-

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Exercise and Fall Prevention in Older People 433

Table III. Summary of the randomised controlled trials that included exercise as an independently analyzed part of the trial in reducing or
delaying falls in older people
Author, date Participants: n, Intervention Falls outcome
dwelling type
[mean age (y)]
Reinsch et al., 230, C [74] (In) 3 groups: exercise (n = 57), (In) exercise (reported falling) = 24.7%;
1992[116] exercise/cognition (n = 72), cognition = 19.1%; exercise/cognition= 37.1%
cognition/behavioural (n = 51).
Exercise: 60 min, 3× per wk, 12mo. Stand-up,
step-up, stretching and movement to music.
Cognition/behavioural: health and safety
curriculum to prevent falls, relaxation, video
games. Exercise/cognition: 2× per wk exercise,
once per wk cognition
(Ct) n = 50 (Ct) = 19.1% (NS)
MacRae et al., 80, C [>69] (In) n = 42, stand-up/step-up routine progressing Fallers in 12mo period: (In) = 36%, (Ct) = 45%
1994[92] to 4 sets of 10 repetitions. (NS)
60 min 3× per wk
(Ct) n = 38, hourly meeting each wk focusing on
health promotion and safety education
Mulrow et al., 194, I [>81] (In) n = 97, individually tailored one-one Total number of falls: (In) = 79, (Ct) = 60 (NS).
1994[93] physiotherapy sessions 3× per wk for 4mo, Individuals with falls (%): (In) = 43, (Ct) = 37
including range of motion, strength, balance, (NS)
transfer and mobility. Each session 30-40 min
(Ct) n = 97, same frequency friendly visits
Lord et al., 1995[77] 197, C [72] (In) n = 100, 60-min exercise sessions, twice 1 or more falls: (In) = 34.7%, (Ct) = 35.1%
weekly in 4 terms of 10-12wk. 4 sections per (NS). 2 or more falls: (In) = 10.7%, (Ct) =
session: warm-up, conditioning (aerobic, 12.8% (NS)
strength, balance and flexibility), stretching
and relaxation
(Ct) n = 97
Wolf et al., 1996[117] 200, C [80] (In) 2 groups: Tai Chi (TC) [n = 72] 15 min twice Risk ratio of time to 1 or more falls as
daily at home for 4mo; computerised balance compared with controls: (TC) = 0.525 (47.5%
training (BT) [n = 64] reduction in fall incidence) p<0.01). (BT) =
(Ct) n = 64, education sessions once per wk 1.136 (NS)
Campbell et al., 232, C [84] (In) n = 116, individually tailored programme of Total falls: (In) = 88, (Ct) = 152. Rate of falls per
1997[104] exercise. Physiotherapist visited 4× in first 2mo. year: (In) = 0.87 [SD 1.29] (Ct) = 1.34 [SD
Exercises 3× per wk, 30 min each, lower limb 1.93], difference 0.47 (p < 0.05)
strength and balance plus encouraged walking
outside 3× per wk
(Ct) n = 116, equal care and frequent social visits
Buchner et al., 100, C [78] All individuals had at least mild deficits in 3 intervention groups analyzed as 1 group.
1997[118] strength or balance. (In) 3 groups: (S) strength Falls in the first year: (In) = 42%, (Ct) = 60%.
and flexibility [n = 25], (E) endurance and Relative risk in the intervention group 0.53 (p <
flexibility [n = 25], (SE) strength and endurance 0.05)
(n = 25). Strength training: upper and lower limb.
3 sessions per wk for 60 min. Endurance
training: stationary cycle 75% max. heart rate
(Ct) n = 25
McMurdo et al., 118, C [65] (In) 45 min weight-bearing exercise to music, Falls: (In) = 15, (Ct) = 31 (NS at 2y). Difference
1997[119] 3× per wk for 3× 10wk terms for 2y between groups from 12 to 18mo (p = 0.011)
(Ct) calcium supplementation (1000mg daily)
Campbell et al., 93, C [>75] (In) 3 groups: gradual psychotropic withdrawal Individuals with falls: (In) drug withdrawal =
1999[73] over 14wk plus home-based programme of 30% (p < 0.05), exercise = 39% [NS], (Ct) =51%
exercises (see[104]) [n = 24], drug withdrawal
only (n = 24), exercise only (n = 21).
(Ct) n = 24 Continued over page

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434 Carter et al.

Table III. Contd

Author, date Participants: n, Intervention Falls outcome
dwelling type [age
Campbell et al., 152, C [84] 2y follow-up of the above 12mo study.[104] Total falls over 2y: (In) = 138, (Ct) = 220. Rate
1999[120] (In) n = 71, individually tailored programme of of falls per person year: (In) = 0.83 [SD 1.29],
exercise. Physiotherapist visited 4× in first 2mo (Ct) = 1.19 [SD 1.93]. Relative hazard for falls
of the original study. Exercises 3× per wk, 30 min for the exercise group at 2y = 0.69 [95% CI for
each, lower limb strength and balance plus (In) group compared with (Ct) 0.49, 0.97].
encouraged walking outside 3× per wk Relative hazard for a fall resulting in moderate
(Ct) n = 81, equal care and frequent social visits or severe injury = 0.63 (95% CI, 0.42, 0.95)
Steinberg et al., 252, C [75% 12 month follow up. (In) 3 groups: exercise to Fall events per 100 person months:
2000[121] aged 50-74, 25% improve balance and strength, frequency and (In) exercise = 6.37, (Ct) = 7.05. Time to first
aged >75] duration of exercises not defined (n = 69); home fall, adjusted hazard ratio: 0.67 (95% CI 0.42,
safety advice to modify environmental hazards 1.07)
(n = 61); medical assessment to optimise health
(n = 59)
(Ct) n = 63, education and awareness of fall risk
Rubenstein et al., 59, C [75] 12wk follow-up. (In) n = 31; strength, endurance, (In) 38.7% reported falling, (Ct) 32.1% reported
2000[122] mobility and balance training for 90 min, 3× per falling (NS). Falls adjusted for activity:
wk for 12wk (In) 6/1000hr activity; (Ct) 16.2 (p < 0.05)
(Ct) n = 28, usual activities for the follow-up
Lehtola et al., 131 C [70-75] Additional 4mo follow-up after 6 month Relative hazard for falls for the exercise group
2000[123] intervention. (In) n = 92, an exercise class in 10mo = 0.60 [95% CI for (In) compared with
including Tai Chi once weekly plus walking with (Ct) 0.43, 0.84]
sticks, and home exercises each at least
3× weekly for 6mo
(Ct) n = 39, usual activities for the follow-up
C = community-dwelling; CI = confidence interval; Ct = control group; I = institution-dwelling; In = intervention group; n = number of participants;
NS = not significant; p = significance level; SD = standard deviation.

tion, vision, balance and strength. Furthermore, re- therefore, fall prevention studies in this population
porting falls data is sometimes prospective, some- are urgently required.
times short term retrospective, and sometimes long Given the broad range of extrinsic and intrinsic
term retrospective.[2] The definition of falls is gen- risk factors implicated in falls, it is extremely dif-
erally agreed upon but it would advance the field ficult to consciously control for all potentially con-
greatly if there was a collaboration on methodol- founding variables when assessing a single inter-
ogy. If this were the case, it would permit a meta- vention, such as exercise.[2] Therefore, randomised
analysis of intervention trials. A meta-analysis would controlled trials are essential. Nevertheless, future
be most beneficial given that absolute fall rates are studies should also attempt to guarantee equal group
low and studies must be very large to have suffi- distribution by cognition, vision, other medical con-
cient power to detect differences between groups ditions, drug use, previous activity levels and en-
in fall rates after intervention. vironmental hazards. Stratified randomisation might
The preceding discussion of exercise interven- be used for this purpose.
tion studies undertaken to date reveals significant As no definitive exercise prescription can be made
deficiencies in the literature with respect to fall pre- on the basis of studies published to date, further
vention in older adults. The oldest individuals are work is required to establish the optimum exercise
particularly at risk of fall-related fractures,[41] and programmes to prevent falls both in healthy older

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Exercise and Fall Prevention in Older People 435

adults and in those with impairments and disabili- Table IV. Exercise dimensions in the positive and negative outcome
studies using exercise in the prevention of falls
ties.[2] For example, a once-weekly resistance train-
ing program has been shown to improve strength Exercise Studies in which falls Studies in which falls
dimension were reduced were not reduced
and neuromuscular performance in older adults.[75]
Type of activity
This programme is very attractive, as the frequency
Endurance 118,122 77,119
may promote programme adherence, though no stud- Strength 104,118,120,122 73,77,92,93,116,119,121
ies have yet been performed using this programme Balance 104,117,120,122,123 73,77,92,93,116,121
and measuring falls as an outcome. Furthermore, Flexibility 104,118,120 77,92,93,116,119
such exercise programmes need to be accessible Duration per session (min)
(e.g. home or community centres) to target popu- 15 117
lations so that the results from these projects can 30 104 73
be easily translated into clinical practice. 40 123 93
Future research that attempts to answer the ques- 45 119
60 118,123 77,92,116
tion: ‘Can exercise prevent falls among older adults?’
90 122
must clearly include an accurate assessment of both
falls[131] and fall-related injuries[41] as primary out- Frequency of exercise (times/wk)
2 77
come measures. Evidence exists that whilst fall risk
3 104,118,122 73,92,93,116,119
factors such as balance and strength may improve 4-7 123
with exercise,[76,77] falls themselves need not be 14 117
reduced and likewise, a reduction in falls may not
always be accompanied by a reduction in fall risk
factors.[117] In addition, fracture data have rarely ulation, better control for confounding vari-
been collected in relation to fall studies,[41,127,132] ables, identify an optimal exercise programme
and therefore future studies should ideally be of for specific groups of at-risk populations, and
sufficient power to detect a difference in fracture use falls and fractures as fall-related injury pri-
rates in the study populations, if any exists.[133] mary outcomes. To achieve these goals will re-
quire the collaboration of researchers from
7. Conclusion multiple centres.
• Falls and related fractures are a major health
problem for older individuals and for modern Acknowledgements
society. Dr Carter was supported as an Royal Air Force Fellow
• Involutional changes in sensory and musculo- while undertaking this research at the University of British
skeletal structure and function among older peo- Columbia (Allan McGavin Sports Medicine Centre and School
of Human Kinetics. The ‘Fall-Free BC’ Research Program is
ple render them at increased risk of falls and supported by the Vancouver Foundation (BCMSF), the BC
injuries. Sports Medicine Research Foundation, and the Canada Foun-
• Many intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors for falls dation for Innovation.
have been identified.
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