Shear Wall Design-ACI-318-14
Shear Wall Design-ACI-318-14
Shear Wall Design-ACI-318-14
Ic if H t d H J
° § 0.005 H t ·
Ic ®It It Ic ¨ ¸ if H J H t d 0.005, (ACI 21.2.2)
° © 0.005 H y ¹
°I if H t t 0.005
¯ t
It = I for tension controlled sections,
which is 0.90 by default (ACI 21.2.1, Table 21.2.2)
The theoretical maximum nominal compressive force that the wall pier can
carry, assuming the Ic factor is equal to 1, is designated Poc and is given by.
The theoretical maximum nominal tension force that the wall pier can carry,
assuming the It factor is equal to 1, is designated Pot and is given by.
Pot = fyAs
If the wall pier geometry and reinforcing is symmetrical in plan, the moments
associated with both Poc and Pot are zero. Otherwise, a moment associated will
be with both Poc and Pot.
The code limits the maximum compressive design strength, IcPn, to the value
given by Pmax
Note that the equation defining Pmax reduces Poc not only by a strength
reduction factor, Ic, but also by an additional factor of 0.80. In the preferences,
this factor is called the Pmax Factor, and different values for it can be specified, as
Note: The number of points to be used in creating interaction diagrams can be speci-
fied in the shear wall preferences.
As previously mentioned, by default, 11 points are used to define a single
interaction curve. When creating a single interaction curve, the program
includes the points at Pb, Poc and Pot on the interaction curve. Half of the
remaining number of specified points on the interaction curve occur between
Pb and Poc at approximately equal spacing along the IPn axis. The other half of
the remaining number of specified points on the interaction curve occur
between Pb and Pot at approximately equal spacing along the IPn axis. Here Pb
is the nominal axial capacity at the balanced condition.
Figure 2-5 shows a plan view of an example two-dimensional wall pier. Notice
that the concrete is symmetrical but the reinforcing is not symmetrical in this
example. Figure 2-6 shows several interaction surfaces for the wall pier
illustrated in Figure 2-5.
# 5@12” o.c.,
each face, except
3" 12 spaces at 1'-0" = 12'-0" 3" as noted
f’c = 4 ksi
fy = 60 ksi
The 0q and 180q interaction curves are not symmetric because the wall pier
reinforcing is not symmetric.
The smaller interaction surface (drawn with a heavier line) has both the
strength reduction factors and the Pmax Factor, applied as specified by the
The dashed line shows the effect of setting the Pmax Factor to 1.0.
The larger interaction surface has both the strength reduction factor and the
Pmax,Factor set to 1.0.
The interaction surfaces shown are created using the default value of 11
points for each interaction curve.
Figure 2-6 : Interaction Curves for Example Wall Pier Shown in Figure 2-5
Figure 2-7 shows the 0q interaction curves for the wall pier illustrated in Figure
2-5. Additional interaction curves are also added to Figure 2-7.
The smaller, heavier curve in Figure 2-7 has the strength reduction factor and
the Pmax,Factor as specified in ACI 318-14. The other three curves, which are
plotted for I = 0.65, 0.9 and 1.0, all have Pmax,Factor of 1.0. The purpose of
showing these interaction curves is to explain how the program creates the
interaction curve. Recall that the strength reduction factors 0.65 and 0.9 are
actually Ic and It, and that their values can be revised in the preferences as
Figure 2-7: Interaction Curves for Example Wall Pier Shown in Figure 2-5
Figure 2-8 illustrates varying planes of linear strain such as those that the
program considers on a wall pier section for a neutral axis orientation angle of
0 degrees.
In these planes, the maximum concrete strain is always taken as í0.003 and the
maximum steel strain is varied from í0.003 to plus infinity. (Recall that in this
program compression is negative and tension is positive.) When the steel strain
is í0.003, the maximum compressive force in the wall pier, Poc, is obtained
from the strain compatibility analysis. When the steel strain is plus infinity, the
maximum tensile force in the wall pier, Pot, is obtained. When the maximum
steel strain is equal to the yield strain for the reinforcing (e.g., 0.00207 for fy =
60 ksi), Pb is obtained.
neutral axis
Varying Linear Strain Diagram -H
Figure 2-9 illustrates the concrete wall pier strain, stress, and force that is
obtained from a strain compatibility analysis of a typical plane of linear strain
shown in Figure 2-8. In Figure 2-9 the compressive stress in the concrete, Cc, is
calculated (ACI
In Figure 2-8, the value for maximum strain in the reinforcing steel is assumed.
Then the strain in all other reinforcing steel is determined based on the
assumed plane of linear strain. Next the stress in the reinforcing steel is
13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Ts Ts Ts Ts Ts Ts Ts Ts Ts Cs Cs Cs Cs
a = E1c
Stress Diagram
H11s H10
H9s H8 c
H7s H6 5
s H
H = 0.003
H4s H3
H2s H1
Linear Strain Diagram
The force in the reinforcing steel (Ts for tension or Cs for compression) is
calculated by:
Ts or Cs = VsAs
For the given distribution of strain, the value of IPn is calculated by.
In the preceding equation, the tensile force Ts and the compressive forces Cc
and Cs are all positive. If IPn is positive, it is tension, and if it is negative, it is
The value of IM2n is calculated by summing the moments due to all of the
forces about the pier local 2 axis. Similarly, the value of IM3n is calculated by
summing the moments due to all of the forces about the pier local 3 axis. The
forces whose moments are summed to determine IM2n and IM3n are ICc, all of
the ITs forces and all of the ICs forces.
The IPn, IM2n and IM3n values calculated as described in the preceding
paragraph make up one point on the wall pier interaction diagram. Additional
points on the diagram are obtained by making different assumptions for the
maximum steel strain; that is, considering a different plane of linear strain, and
repeating the process.
When one interaction curve is complete, the next orientation of the neutral axis
is assumed and the points for the associated new interaction curve are
calculated. This process continues until the points for all of the specified curves
have been calculated.
As a measure of the stress condition in the wall pier, the program calculates a
stress ratio. The ratio is achieved by plotting the point L and determining the
location of point C. The point C is defined as the point where the line OL
(extended outward if needed) intersects the interaction curve. The
demand/capacity ratio, D/C, is given by D/C = OL / OC where OL is the
"distance" from point O (the origin) to point L and OC is the "distance" from
point O to point C. Note the following about the demand/capacity ratio:
If OL = OC (or D/C = 1), the point (Pu, M3u) lies on the interaction curve
and the wall pier is stressed to capacity.
If OL < OC (or D/C < 1), the point (Pu, M3u) lies within the interaction
curve and the wall pier capacity is adequate.
If OL > OC (or D/C > 1), the point (Pu, M3u) lies outside of the interaction
curve and the wall pier is overstressed.
The wall pier demand/capacity ratio is a factor that gives an indication of the
stress condition of the wall with respect to the capacity of the wall.
The size of each reinforcing bar specified in Section Designer relative to the
size of the other bars.
The interaction surfaces are developed for eight different ratios of reinforcing-
steel-area-to-pier-area. The pier area is held constant and the rebar area is
modified to obtain these different ratios; however, the relative size (area) of
each rebar compared to the other bars is always kept constant.
The smallest of the eight reinforcing ratios used is that specified in the shear
wall design preferences as Section Design IP-Min. Similarly, the largest of the
eight reinforcing ratios used is that specified in the shear wall design
preferences as Section Design IP-Max.
The eight reinforcing ratios used are the maximum and the minimum ratios
plus six more ratios. The spacing between the reinforcing ratios is calculated as
an increasing arithmetic series in which the space between the first two ratios is
equal to one-third of the space between the last two ratios. Table 1 illustrates
the spacing, both in general terms and for a specific example, when the
minimum reinforcing ratio, IPmin, is 0.0025 and the maximum, IPmax, is 0.02.
After the eight reinforcing ratios have been determined, the program develops
interaction surfaces for all eight of the ratios using the process described earlier
in the section entitled "Checking a General or Uniform Reinforcing Pier
Determine the factored forces Pu, Mu and Vu that are acting on a leg of the
wall pier section. Note that Pu and Mu are required for the calculation of Vc.
Determine the shear force, Vc, that can be carried by the concrete of the leg
Determine the required shear reinforcing to carry the balance of the shear
Nu d
Vc 3.3O f cc t p d (ACI, Table
4 Lp
ª § N ·º
« L p ¨¨1.25O f cc 0.2 u ¸¸ »
Vc d «0.6O f cc ©
L pt p ¹ » t d (ACI, Table
§M · L » p
« Abs ¨ u ¸ p »
«¬ © Vu ¹ 2 »¼
§ M · Lp
The last of the two above equations does not apply if Abs ¨ u ¸ is negative
© Vu ¹ 2
or zero, or if Vu is zero.
f cc
A limit of 100 psi on is imposed,
f cc
d 100 psi (ACI
If the tension is large enough that any of the above two equations for Vc results
in a negative number, Vc is set to zero.
Note that the term O that is used as a multiplier on all c
terms in this
chapter is a shear strength reduction factor that applies to light-weight concrete.
The factor O shall normally be 0.75 for lightweight concrete and 1.0 for normal
weight concrete (ACI Table However, the program allows the user to
define the value while defining concrete material property. The program uses
the user input value for O.
Vmax 10
f cc tcp d , where (ACI
The required horizontal shear reinforcement per unit spacing, Av /s, is calcu-
lated as follows:
If Vu d I Vc 2 ,
Ut ,min tcp , (ACI 11.6.1, Table 11.6.1)
t Ut ,min t p (ACI 11.6.2)
else if Vu ! IVmax ,
In the preceding equations, the strength reduction factor I is taken as 0.75 for
non-seismic cases Ivs (ACI 21.2.1), and as 0.6 for seismic cases Ivs (ACI
21.2.1, 21.2.4). However, those values may be overwritten by the user if so
If Vu exceeds the maximum permitted value of IVmax, the shear wall section
should be increased in size (ACI
The minimum horizontal volumetric shear rebar ratio, Ut ,min , and the minimum
vertical volumetric shear rebar ratio, Ul ,min , are calculated as follows:
If Vu d I Vc 2 ,
else if Vu > I Vc 2 ,
Ul ,min
0.0025 0.5 2.5 hw L p Ut 0.0025 t 0.0025 (ACI 11.6.2(a))
Ut (ACI R11.6.1)
st p
Ul (ACI R11.6.1)
Lp t p
hw = Story height,
For shear design of special seismic wall pier legs for seismic load, the
procedure given in this section is modified with the following exceptions.
The maximum shear that can be carried by the wall segment irrespective of
the amount of reinforcing bar provided is taken as follows (ACI
Vu D c O f ccL p t p Ivs
s f ys L p
The maximum of all of the calculated Av /s values, obtained from each design
load combination, is reported along with the controlling shear force and
associated design load combination name.
requirement when the depth of the compression zone exceeds a limit (ACI The depth of compression zone when stress is below 0.2 f cc but
higher than 0.15 f cc is reported so user can determine the zone where boundary
zone need to be continued in accordance with ACI section Boundary
zone is permitted to be discontinued when stress in boundary zone is less than
0.15 f cc .
Note that the boundary element requirements are considered separately for
each design load combination that includes seismic load.
The design forces Pu, Vu, and Mu for the pier section.
The story height, hw, length of the wall pier panel, Lp, the gross area of the
pier, Ag, and the net area of the pier, Acv. The net area of the pier is the area
bounded by the web thickness, tp, and the length of the pier. (Refer to Figure
2-3 earlier in this chapter for an illustration of the dimensions Lp and tp.)
The area of reinforcement in the pier, As. This area of steel is calculated by
the program or it is provided by the user.
The material properties of the pier, f cc and fy.
The symmetry of the wall pier (i.e., the left side of the pier is the same as the
right side of the pier). Only the geometry of the pier is considered, not the
reinforcing, when determining if the pier is symmetrical. Figure 2-11 shows
some examples of symmetrical and unsymmetrical wall piers. Note that a
pier defined using Section Designer is assumed to be unsymmetrical, unless
it is made up of a single rectangular shape.
Figure 2-11 Example Plan Views of Symmetrical and Unsymmetrical Wall Piers
After the compressive stress at the extreme fiber of the concrete pier is known,
the program calculates the following quantities that are used to determine the
boundary zone requirements. These quantities are: bc, 0.2 f cc , Gu / hw, c.
When the extreme fiber compressive stress, bc, exceeds 0.2 f cc, boundary
elements are required (ACI, or when the neutral axial depth
calculated from the factored axial force and nominal moment strength are
consistent with design displacement, Gu, and exceed the following limit:
ct (ACI
600 1.5 G u / hw
§C ·
Gu G u ,elastic analysis ¨ d ¸ (ASCE 7-10, 12.8-15)
© I ¹
The program also reports the largest neutral axis depth for each leg and the
boundary zone length computed using ACI when the boundary
zone is Not Needed. This information is provided so the user can satisfy the
requirement of ACI Section 18.10..6.4(a) and 18.10..6.5 when the longitudinal
reinforcement ratio at the wall boundary is greater than 400/f y .
Where special boundary elements are not required by ACI Sections
or, and the longitudinal reinforcement ratio at the wall boundary is
greater than 400/f y , the user should independently satisfy the requirements of
ACI Sections,, and
However, the program does not calculate and report these values. The user
should independently satisfy the requirements of the sections.
This chapter describes how the program designs concrete shear wall spandrels
for flexure and shear when ACI 318-14 is the selected design code. The
program allows consideration of rectangular sections and T-beam sections for
shear wall spandrels. Note that the program designs spandrels at stations
located at the ends of the spandrel. No design is performed at the center (mid-
length) of the spandrel. The program does not allow shear reinforcing to be
specified and then checked. The program only designs the spandrel for shear
and reports how much shear reinforcing is required.
The following steps are involved in designing the flexural reinforcing for a par-
ticular wall spandrel section for a particular design loading combination at a
particular station.
Shear Wall Design Manual ACI 318-14
The beam section is then designed for the maximum positive and the maximum
negative factored moments obtained from all of the design load combinations.
In this program, positive beam moments produce bottom steel. In such cases,
the beam may be designed as a rectangular section, or as a T-beam section. To
design a spandrel as a T-beam, specify the appropriate slab width and depth
dimensions in the spandrel design overwrites (Appendix B).
Hc ,max
cmax d (ACI 21.2.2)
Hc ,max H s ,min
§ f c 4000 ·
E1 0.85 0.05 ¨ c ¸ , 0.65 d E1 d 0.85 (ACI
© 1000 ¹
It is assumed that the compression depth carried by the concrete is less than or
equal to amax. When the applied moment exceeds the moment capacity at amax,
the program calculates an area of compression reinforcement assuming that the
additional moment is carried by compression reinforcing and additional tension
The procedure used by the program for both rectangular and T-beam sections
is given in the subsections that follow.
§ a·
Mu Cc ¨ dspandrel ¸
© 2¹
Where Cc = 0.85Ib f cc ats and dspandrel is equal to hs í dr-bot for positive bending
and hs í dr-top for negative bending.
2 2M u
a dspandrel dspandrel (ACI 22.2)
0.85 f cc Ib ts
The program uses the preceding equation to determine the depth of the com-
pression block, a. The depth of the compression block, a, is compared with
The steel is placed at the bottom for positive moment and at the top for nega-
tive moment.
Note: The program reports the ratio of top and bottom steel required in the web area.
When compression steel is required, those ratios may be large because there is no limit
on them. However, the program reports an overstress when the ratio exceeds 4%.
§ a ·
M uc Ib Cc ¨ dspandrel max ¸ .
© 2 ¹
Mus Mu Muc
Cs .
dspandrel dr
Referring to Figure 3-1, the strain in the compression steel, H's, is given by
Hc ,max c d r
H sc .
Hc ,max Es c d r
f sc Es H sc . (ACI,, 20.2.2,
The term dr in the preceding equations is equal to dr-top for positive bending
and equal to dr-bot for negative bending. The term c is equal to amax E1.
The total required area of compression steel, A's, is calculated using the follow-
ing equation.
Asc .
Ib ( f sc 0.85 f cc )
The required area of tension steel for balancing the compression in the concrete
web, Asw, is:
M uc
Asw .
§ a ·
Ib f y ¨ dspandrel max ¸
© 2 ¹
The required area of tension steel for balancing the compression steel, Asc, is:
M us
Asc .
Ib f y dspandrel d r
As Asw Asc
For positive moment, the depth of the compression block, a, and the method
for calculating the required reinforcing steel relates the compression block
depth, a, as previously described in Section 3.1.2, to the depth of the T-beam
flange, ds. See Figure 3-2.
If a d ds, the subsequent calculations for the reinforcing steel are exactly
the same as previously defined for rectangular section design. However, in
that case, the width of the compression block is taken to be equal to the
If a > ds, the subsequent calculations for the required area of reinforcing
steel are performed in two parts. First, the tension steel required to balance
the compressive force in the flange is determined, and second, the tension
steel required to balance the compressive force in the web is determined. If
necessary, compression steel is added to help resist the design moment.
The remainder of this section describes in detail the design process used by the
program for T-beam spandrels when a > ds.
Refer to Figure 3-2. The protruding portion of the flange is shown cross-
hatched. The compression force in the protruding portion of the flange, Cf, is
given by.
The portion of the total moment, Mu, that is resisted by the flange, Muf, is given
§ d ·
M uf Ib C f ¨ dspandrel s ¸
© 2 ¹
Therefore, the balance of the moment to be carried by the web, Muw, is given
Muw Mu Muf
Figure 3-2: Design of a Wall Spandrel with a T-Beam Section, Positive Moment
The web is a rectangular section of width ts and depth hs for which the design
depth of the compression block, a1, is recalculated as:
2 2 M uw
a1 dspandrel dspandrel .
0.85 f cc Ib ts
M uw
Asw .
§ a ·
Ib f y ¨ dspandrel 1 ¸
© 2¹
As Asf Asw .
The total tension reinforcement, As, is to be placed at the bottom of the beam
for positive bending.
Cw 0.85 fccat s .
The moment resisted by the couple between the concrete web in compres-
sion and the tension steel, Muc, is given by
§ a·
M uc Ib Cw ¨ dspandrel ¸ .
© 2¹
Referring to Figure 3-2, the force carried by the compression steel, Cs, is
given by:
M us
dspandrel d r-top
Hc ,max c d r-top
H sc .
H c ,max Es c d r-top
f sc Es H sc .
Ib f sc
The required area of tension steel for balancing the compression in the concrete
web, Asw, is:
M uc
Asw .
§ a·
Ib f y ¨ dspandrel ¸
© 2¹
The required area of tension steel for balancing the compression steel, Asc, is:
M us
Asc .
Ib f y dspandrel d r-top
The wall spandrel shear reinforcing is designed for each of the design load
combinations. The required area of reinforcing for vertical shear is calculated
only at the ends of the spandrel beam.
In this program, wall spandrels are designed for major direction flexure and
shear forces only. Effects caused by any axial forces, minor direction bending,
torsion or minor direction shear that may exist in the spandrels must be investi-
gated by the user independent of the program.
The following steps are involved in designing the shear reinforcing for a par-
ticular wall spandrel section for a particular design loading combination at a
particular station.
2. Determine the shear force, Vc, that can be carried by the concrete.
3. Determine the required shear reinforcing to carry the balance of the shear
Note: In the overwrites, Vc can be specified to be ignored (set to zero) for spandrel
shear calculations.
Step 1 needs no further explanation. The following two sections describe in de-
tail the algorithms associated with Steps 2 and 3.
The shear force carried by the concrete, Vc, is calculated using the following
equation when the spandrel is subjected to axial compression.
§ Nu ·
Vc 2O ¨ 1 ¸ f cc ts dspandrel (ACI, Table
¨ 2000 Ag ¸
© ¹
The shear force carried by the concrete, Vc, is calculated using the following
equation when the spandrel is subjected to axial tension. Nu is negative for ten-
§ Nu ·
Vc 2O ¨1 ¸ f cc ts dspandrel t 0 (ACI
¨ 500 Ag ¸
© ¹
Note that an overwrite is available that can be used to ignore the concrete con-
tribution to the shear strength of the spandrel. If this overwrite is activated, the
program sets Vc to zero for the spandrel.
The factor O shall normally be 0.75 for lightweight concrete and 1.0 for normal
weight concrete (ACI Table However, the program allows the user to
define the value while defining concrete material property. The program uses
the user input value for O.
Given Vu and Vc, the required force to be carried by the shear reinforcing, Vs, is
given by (ACI,
Vs Vn Vc Vc (ACI,
Given Vs, initially calculate the required vertical shear reinforcing in area per
unit length (e.g., in2/in) for both seismic and nonseismic wall spandrels (as in-
dicated in the preferences). Note that additional requirements that are checked
for both seismic and nonseismic wall spandrels are given by the following
equation (ACI
Av Vs Vu I Vc
s f ys dspandrel f ys dspandrel