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Gymnastics Syllabus

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Time Content Standard/Course Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning Assessment Tasks Materials and Learning

Frame Topics (ILO)/ Course Outcomes (CO) Activities (TLAs) Resources

At the end of the term, the

Week Gymnastics students should have:

1-2  Physical Fitness  Dicussed the definition and  Lecture  Performance Task darschoolpe/Home/movement-
importance of physical fitness.  Discussion groups  Quiz framework/dance/gymnastics
and group projects  Group Activity
3-4  Physical Education  Discussed the history of Physical  Laboratory/Practical  Final Examination https://www.curioushistory.co
and Its History Education applications m/the-history-of-gymnastics-
 Technology assisted where-and-how-it-started/
5-6  Brief history of  Discussed the history of learning
gymnastics gymnastics.  Problem-based https://www.scholastic.com/tea
learning chers/articles/teaching-
7  Objectives of  Explained the objectives of  Film-showing content/history-gymnastics-
gymnastics gymnastics. ancient-greece-modern-times/
8-9  Greatest contributors  Enumerated the greatest https://www.scribd.com/doc/2
of gymnastics contributors in gymnastics and 3193732/History-of-Gymnastics
the significance of their
contribution. https://livehealthy.chron.com/
10-12  Types of gymnastics  Described the different types of 3558.html
 Educational  Identified the phases of ctionary.com/Competitive+Gym
13-15 Gymnastics Program educational gymnastics and nastics
competitive gymnastics.
 Competitive  Identified the different ports/Gymnastics/How-To-
Gymnastics gymnastics positions Play/Gymnastics-for-
 Identified the different Beginners/Introduction-to-
fundamental movement skills gymnastics-Types-of-gymnastics
 Equipment used in  Executed the different
gymnastics gymnastics position properly.

 Fundamental  Combined the different

movement skills gymnastics position to create an
aerobic-gymnastics routine.

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